Teratic Tome - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Post on 04-Sep-2015




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  • This product uses the OSRIC System (Old School System ReferenceandIndex Compilation). TheOSRIC system text may be found athttp://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric. The OSRIC text is copy-rightof Stuart Marshall. OSRIC and Old School Reference and IndexCompilation, are trademarksof Matthew Finch and Stuart Marshall andmay be used only in accordance with the OSRIC license. Thisproductis not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.


  • Gennifer Bonerazielart.deviantart.com

    Claudia Canginiwww.claudiacangini.com

    Adam Chowleswww.artshole.co.uk/adamchowles.htm

    Earl Geierwww.baldegografix.com

    Jason McLellanwww.headstatic.com



    Stan Morrisonwww.stanleymorrison.com

    Pavel Popovpr0m3r.deviantart.com

    Tariq Raheemwww.tariqart.net

    Stina Inzekkt Zschaeckinzekkt.deviantart.com

    CreatorRafael Chandler


    EditorJack Shear


    Seamstress ((page 999)Heather Chandler


    Cover AArtistJericho Benavente


    Interior AArtists:

    All non-OSRIC/non-OGL text in this book is open content. Use ithowever you please.All illustrations copyright 2013 originalartists.

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    DDeeddiiccaattiioonnIn memory of my father, Ronald LeeChandler.

    I ran a game for him, back in 1987.He fought some kobolds andkilled Bargle.

    He told me to follow my dreams.




    TAZ ((Target AArmor ZZero): This is the number the monster mustroll in order to hit someone with armor class 0.

    MOVE: If two numbers are provided, the first refers to groundmovement, and the second refers to flying or swimming.


    For copper, silver, electrum, gold, and platinum:assortment d10cp, d10 sp, d10 epcache 3d20 cp, 3d20 sp, 2d10 ep, d10 gpcoinaged100 cp, d100 sp, 2d20 ep, d20 gpfortune d100 ep, d100 gp, d20 pphoard d10,000 cp, d1,000 sp, d100 gploot d100 sp, d100 gp, 5d10pplucre d1000 cp, d1000 sp, d1,000 ep, d1,000 gppurse d100 gp, d100ppriches d10,000 cp, d10,000 sp, d1,000 ep, d10,000 gp, d100pptrove d10,000 cp, d100,000 sp, d10,000 ep, d10,000 gp, d1,000pp

    For jewels, gems, scrolls, potions, and magic items:few d4-1manyd8-1numerous d12-1several 2d10-2

    d100 = roll 2 ten-sided dice in orderd1,000 = roll 3 ten-sideddice in orderd10,000 = roll 4 ten-sided dice in orderd100,000 =roll 5 ten-sided dice in order

    Any d10 that rolls a 0 is counted as zero, unless they're allzeros (in which case the result is the maximum).

    Example (for d1,000):

    If you roll 9/0/0, that equals 900.

    If you roll 0/0/9, that equals 9.

    If you roll 0/0/0, that equals 1,000.


    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-8SIZE: L (10' tall)MOVE: 150ftARMOR CLASS: 2HIT DICE: 5ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 2d4+2TAZ: 15SPECIALATTACKS: Attribute drainSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE:StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: 10%INTELLIGENCE: VeryALIGNMENT:NeutralTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, coinage, a few gems,manyobjects, a few magic items.LEVEL: 5XP: 230+6/hp

    The acronical is a large insectile predator that strides onsixarmored legs. Eight feet tall at the shoulder, it has adark maroonexoskeleton and serrated black hooks atthe end of both arms. Itreeks of vomit.

    Created by anhedonic priests many centuries ago, thisnocturnalcreature stalks and kills adulterers. It huntsmarried people whostray from the beds of their spous-es, and it hunts those whofornicate with married peo-ple.

    Acronicals are drawn to the scent of such persons, andcan detectit from miles away. Hunting in small packs,the beasts crawl acrosswalls and ceilings, silent andcareful, closing in on their victims.They stalk everyonewho was peripherally involved in the duplicity-- neigh-bors who turn a blind eye, innkeepers who knew exact-lywhat was going on, and so forth. Those involved aretracked down,attacked while alone, hamstrung, anddevoured by the acronicalswhile still alive.

    Then the creatures will hunt the adulterers themselves.They willbe captured, brought together, and given achance to survive: afight to the death, with the victor setfree.

    However, the creatures have no intention of living up totheirend of the deal. After one has killed the other, themonster willamputate the victor's arms and legs, thensing songs of love whilethe fornicator bleeds to death.

    Adventurers may encounter the acronical in the wild. Ittends tofavor caves or dungeons, where it can stage thefatal battle betweenlovers.

    The creature leaves behind a watery orange stool, andwhen it isagitated, its chitin flakes off in small amounts.Heroes trackingthe beast will find this evidence in itswake.

    In combat, the acronical attacks with its scythe-likeclaws,which inflict 4-10 points of damage. Each timethe monster hits, thetarget must make a saving throwagainst poison or lose a point froma random attribute(roll 1d6 to determine which attribute isaffected). Thisloss can only be remedied when the acronical inques-tion has been slain, at which point the attribute(s) willberestored.





    FREQUENCY: Very rareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE: 60ft / 150 ftARMOR CLASS: 0HIT DICE: 7ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 1d8+4TAZ:13SPECIAL ATTACKS: SpellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: SpellsMAGIC RESISTANCE:20%LAIR PROBABILITY: NoneINTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: Neutral EvilTREASURE: Personal, purse; in lair, coinage, manygems, numerousobjects, a few magic items.LEVEL: 7XP: 1450+10/hp

    A demonic female, she sports cloven hooves and ram'shorns. Wherenot covered in black armor, her body iscovered in runic tattoos inpink and violet ink. Behindher, black wings tipped with shards ofwide bone arespread over a reptilian tail ending in a thick whitespike.In each hand she clutches a brutal-looking knife, edgedwithjagged spikes. Her eyes glow bright red and she issurrounded bywaves of black fire. Her flesh reeks ofburning hair.

    She has a single purpose: those who are worshiped andadored mustbe taught to kneel. To that end, she takesaway that which theycrave most: adulation. She findsways to ruin them, taking awaywealth, prestige, beau-ty, and success, leaving behind nothing butfailure andmediocrity; she loves nothing more than to destroyahaughty noblewoman or much-fted knight of the realm.

    This can be accomplished in a number of ways.Sometimes theagonist kills a trusted friend or associate,then assumes thatperson's form, and uses her newaccess to destroy the victim'swealth. In other cases, sheentices the victim into illegal orimmoral behavior, whichwill destroy the victim's reputation whenrevealed. Shecan also use its access to influence the victim intomak-ing careless decisions, which can have horrific repercus-sions(a tavern brawl which results in the death of achild, goading asubordinate into taking unnecessaryrisk).

    The agonist then urges her victim to take desperateandill-advised actions in an effort to regain thespotlight.Sometimes, these actions are merely foolish orrepulsive.Other times, they're dangerous or illegal: a magewhosepowers dwindle turns to demon-summoning in order toregain hisauthority; a disgraced knight leads hisuntrained squires against anogre chieftain; a toppledhierophant undertakes a pilgrimage to aforgotten tem-ple in the heart of enemy territory.

    The victim inevitably makes one wrong decision toomany,resulting in tragedy. Or else the tormentor getstired of waitingand crucifies the victim, then moves on.

    If interrupted or challenged, the agonist will attack with-outhesitation, inflicting 1d8 with her fists, or using abladed weaponof some kind (in either case, with adamage bonus of +4). She canuse any of the followingspells, once per day, as a 7th levelcleric: cause seriouswounds, cause disease, darkness, and animatedead.

    Created in a rare moment of collaboration betweenHigh DevilAhriman and the Demon Queen Abyzou, theagonists hunt the proud andthe overconfident.

    Working alone, each agonist is drawn to the arrogantandstiff-necked, and is compelled to humiliate them.



  • Then it will command its victim to find and punish thewicked. Atfirst, the victim may resist, but the akestic ispatient, and willwear him down. It knows his weakness,and it will persist until hedoes as commanded.

    The creature will also speak to the victim, from milesaway,whispering in his ear, telling him that he is spe-cial, that he isloved, that he is important. It will insist thatthose who belittleor ignore him, those who think thattheyre better, will all perishin due time.

    Then, the visions begin. The victim sees acts ofviolenceperpetrated on beautiful, successful, or wealthypeople,such as guild leaders, nobles, or even royalty.

    Eventually, the victim gives in, and these visionsbecomereality. Using magic, and any enchanted items at hisdisposal,the victim embarks on a series of grisly mur-ders.

    The victim is then guided to the place where the starvingakesticwaits, coiling its tentacles in anticipation.Devouring the foodthat its victim has brought, theakestic will thank its victim andsend him back out intothe world to procure more food.


    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (12-15' long)MOVE: 150ftARMOR CLASS: 5HIT DICE: 4+1ATTACKS: 1DAMAGE: 2d4TAZ: 15SPECIALATTACKS: SingingSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE:StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: 75%INTELLIGENCE: AnimalALIGNMENT:NeutralTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, hoard, many gems,a fewobjects, a few magic items.LEVEL: 5XP: 155+4/hp

    A pale worm, a foot thick and over ten feet in length,theakestic has a circular maw ringed with six-inch spikes.Itsgrey-and-black segments are hard and rough; thismakes it easyfor the creature to hide in rocky terrain.

    The akestic haunts lonely places and lonely people. Itcasts itsthoughts far away, until it has found a victimlonely and desperateenough to feed it.

    Then, it slowly drives him mad, planting thoughts of mur-der inhis mind.

    It typically hides underground, in a dungeon, basem*nt,or sewer.From its hiding place, the akestic will cast outit* mind, siftingthrough nearby towns and villages, hop-ing to find a lonely person,someone with neither friendsnor family. Its ideal victim is arecluse who pursues pow-erful magics; necromancers, evil paladins,and priests ofdark gods are typical targets.

    Upon finding a potential victim, the akestic will begin tosingto him, in a voice like that of a small child. If the vic-timssaves vs. spells, the music is inaudible, and themagic has noeffect.

    If the victim fails the saving throw, then only the victimwillbe able to hear this music, which will take its tollover the nextfew days. The spell will function like charmperson cast by a4th-level magic user.

    The akestic will finally appear to the victim, in the formof anuminous person with feathered wings, and it willidentify itself asan emissary of the gods.



  • Using the host body as its instrument, the monstersys-tematically seeks out and destroys everyone who permitsorencourages this sin.

    After each kill, the altar beast emerges in liquid formfrom itsvictim's orifices. It then coalesces into its actualshape, andfeeds on the corpse of the murder victimwhile the host watches,horrified. If the host tries to flee,the beast will capture him orher, but without causingpermanent harm (since it needs the body tofulfill its pur-pose).

    Eventually, the monster will have killed everyone on itslist. Itwill then leave the hosts body, turn around, andswallow the victimwhole, digesting the body over aperiod of hours. Afterward, itslowly returns to its lair,where it rests for several days beforerepeating the cycle.

    If it's confronted, the host will involuntarily vomit upthebeast, which immediately resumes its shape and attacks.Incombat, it lashes out with its numerous tentacles,inflicting 2-7points of damage, and it spits a caustic bilethat blinds itsopponents (take 2-7 points of damage andsave vs. poison or sufferblindness for 1-3 rounds).

    Adventurers may encounter this creature in the wild; itwillsometimes be accompanied by the victim that it hasbewitched, whowill attack any interlopers immediately.

    In combat, the creature bites or whips with its tail;eitherattack inflicts 2-8 points of damage. Once per day, itcaninstead opt to sing to an enemy, effectively castingcharmperson.


    FREQUENCY: Very rareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (12' tall)MOVE:100 ftARMOR CLASS: 3HIT DICE: 8+1ATTACKS: 4DAMAGE: 1d6+1TAZ:11ASPECIAL ATTACKS: BileSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE:15%LAIR PROBABILITY: NoneINTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: ChaoticevilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, assortment, severalgems,numerous objects.LEVEL: 7XP: 900+12/hp

    Created by a long-forgotten god of matrimony, the altarbeast isa towering, wormlike entity with rubbery mauveskin that scrapes offas it undulates across the ground.Its numerous scarlet and pinkmouths drool a grey mucusthat smells of strawberries. It has adozen tentacles,ranging in color from yellow to sepia, along itsbody.The altar beast has a large maw, capable of swallowinga manwhole.

    The creature preys upon those who dissolve sacredbonds ofmarriage. This can include spouses, clerics,priests, nobles, andanyone who participates in theannulment of marriage. First, ittakes control of one ofthe two people who are trying to getdivorced. It attacksthe victim when he or she is alone. Afterincapacitatingthe victim (without causing serious injury), thebeasttransforms itself into liquid and enters the target's body.Thevictim is now possessed (a condition which can beremedied by use ofthe exorcise spell).

    The altar beast accesses the victim's memories andknowledge, andmakes a list of everyone involved in thedivorce proceedings.





    If confronted, the lone ambulator will attack, and willfight tothe death. Its body has an armor class of 3, andits eye, which has15 hit points, has an armor class of 9.If the eye is destroyed, thecreature is blind, and can nolonger cast invisibility.

    Any other ambulators in the area (between 2 and 12)will swarm tothe site of the conflict, lending their coun-terpart a hand. In acity with a large population ofambulators, this can lead to averitable swarm of attack-ers.

    If a charm monster spell is cast on an ambulator, it willnot beable to perform any kind of saving throw, andwill becomepermanently attached to the spellcaster.Obedient until death (oruntil someone else casts charmmonster on it), the ambulator willfollow, or even scoutahead, returning to scrawl crude diagrams witha claw,depicting ambushes or enemy positions.

    Ambulators carry no treasure, but an audience will paydearly foran ambulator eye.


    Created by the Tenebrous Halflings of the InfiniteCrypt,audiences were once among the most dreaded of mon-sters.

    When several of the Tenebrous Halflings neared death,they wouldperform a necromantic ritual that transferredtheir souls into amonstrous body that had been stitchedtogether by their chirurgeons.Within this new body, afloating sack of flesh adorned withtentacles, each audi-ence was a collection of diversepersonalities.

    The audience then continued to stalk the silent corridorsof theInfinite Crypt, gathering information, tormentinglesser beings, andassembling troves of forbiddenknowledge.

    Then Shauva Tiridan, the mad mage, took their eyes.

    A wizard of unimaginable power, she hunted downevery audienceand carved out its eyes to create herlegion of ambulators(q.v.).

    Now blind and insane, the audiences still glide throughdarktunnels, but their mutilator died years ago, so theyhave no one tovent their rage on save for the occasion-al adventurer who blundersinto their path. Though eye-less, an audience is nonethelessacutely aware of its sur-roundings, and is not penalized forblindness -- nor is itaffected by illusions, or spells such asdarkness.

    Built by the lunatic sorceress Shauva Tiridan, ambulatorswerefashioned from the eyes of Audiences (q.v.), whichshe harvested byhand, and the bodies of giant spiders.Combining these parts bymeans of a heinous ritual,Tiridan created her legion of spies,which she used tokeep tabs on her enemies throughout the realm.

    After her death, the ambulators continued to crawlthroughtunnels and over rooftops, observing the habitsof all theyencounter. At any time, the ambulator cancast invisibility onitself, remaining hidden from view fora period of 24 hours, atwhich point the spells wears offand the creature blinks into view;eventually, its primitivebrain reminds it to cast the spell onceagain, but by thistime, it may have been spotted.



  • Each hand can cast cone of cold twice per day (6d4+6,save vs.spells for half damage); one can cast wall of fire(inflicts 2d6+6,no save) once per day, and one can castwall of ice (can be droppedon foes for 3d10) once perday. In addition, each tentacle can castfireball once perday (6d6, save for half damage).

    Discerners are immune to fire and cold-based attacks,magical orotherwise.

    The body has 10+5 hit dice, each arm has 12 hit points,and eachtentacle has 10 hit points.

    In its lair, which is typically strewn with the bones andvisceraof its victims, each discerner will keep gems ofvarying quality andvarious rods or wands.

    Each audience has the power (and the intellect, and thesouls) ofseveral ancient halfling mages, but much of thatstrength wasblunted when the eyes were taken; still, anaudience is a formidablefoe.


    FREQUENCY: UncommonNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-3SIZE: L (7' tall)MOVE: 40ftARMOR CLASS: 2/3/8HIT DICE: 10+5 (special)ATTACKS: 10DAMAGE: 1d6/ 2d4TAZ: 9SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells SPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGICRESISTANCE: StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: 60%INTELLIGENCE:HighALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTREASURE: Personal, a few rods and/orwands; in lair,several gems.LEVEL: 10XP: 15,000+20/hp

    From a discerner's lumpy brown body hang 8 glitteringpurple andcrimson tentacles, which make it visible froma great distance at itglides towards its prey. Each tenta-cle ends in a serrated whitetalon. It sometimes wieldsenchanted items (typically wands or rods)in its twoscrawny arms. Typically found prowling silentcorridorsand mines in search of precious gemstones, the discern-erloves nothing more than to find fresh playthings toboil andflay.

    Ten halfling elementalists, bound together, abandonedtheirdecrepit bodies to become a single entity known asthe discerner.Masters of fire and ice, discerners wereonce nigh-unstoppable; now,they have been weakenedby the loss of their eyes.

    Though much of its power has been lost, the entity is stilladangerous foe. Two souls control its hands, whichstrike for 1d6, oruse a weapon; eight souls control theflailing tentacles, each armedwith a hook that inflicts 2-8 points of damage.



  • Often found near crypts, ossuaries, or graveyards, theonlooker'seleven souls bicker and argue incessantly,debating the necromanticlore that once was their baili-wick. Now, eyeless and stripped ofmany powers, theyfloat through dust-blanketed necropoleis in searchof theinteresting-tasting cadavers that sustain them (andocca-sionally serve as raw material for an experiment ofsomekind).

    If approached, the onlooker will stop chattering longenough tobite with its tentacled mouths (3-10 points ofdamage) or itscentral maw (2-12 points); if it feels thatthe enemy is a dangerousenough foe to warrant it, thecentral maw can spit forth magicmissiles (6d4+6, 180'range, once per day), and the ten other mouthscan utterthe following spells (once per day each):

    1. Dispel magic2. Fear3. Fumble4. Hold person 5. Interposinghand6. Polymorph other 7. Power word: stun8. Shield9. Sleep10.Web


    FREQUENCY: Very rareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (4' diameter)MOVE:50 ftARMOR CLASS: -1/3HIT DICE: 14/5ATTACKS: 6DAMAGE: 2d8+4 /6d4+4TAZ: 5SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells SPECIAL DEFENSES: See belowMAGICRESISTANCE: SpecialLAIR PROBABILITY: 80%INTELLIGENCE:ExceptionalALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair,many potions, manyscrolls, numerous random magical items, and 1talis-man.LEVEL: 10XP: 18,500+20/hp

    Swollen and covered in suppurating buboes, the violet-skinnedwitness has a vast maw ringed by 5 stubby ten-tacles, bright orangeand leathery. The snapping jaws atthe end of each tentacle hissinsults as they bite and spit.


    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-2SIZE: L (4' diameter)MOVE: 40ftARMOR CLASS: 1/5HIT DICE: 12/3ATTACKS: 11DAMAGE: 1d8+2 / 2d6TAZ:8SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells SPECIAL DEFENSES: See belowMAGICRESISTANCE: SpecialLAIR PROBABILITY: 80%INTELLIGENCE:ExceptionalALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair,fortune, severalgems, several objects, a few magic items.LEVEL:10XP: 16,500+20/hp

    The onlooker appears as a large sphere of greenish-blue tissue,from which dangle 10 tentacles of differentlengths. An enormousmouth protrudes from the four-foot-wide central sphere, and each ofthe tentacles endsin a chattering mouth. The monster sweats a milkysub-stances that reeks of fresh fruit.





    Unlike their lesser counterparts, witnesses spend a greatdealtraveling through the various planes of existence,scouring distantrealms for forbidden knowledge.Though sightless, they are stilladept learners, and arealways hungry for new information.

    The central mouth can bite (10-28 points of damage)and spit acid(treat as a breath weapon for 3d12, sav-ing throw halves damage).The five tentacled mouthscan bite (6-20 points) and curse (treat asthe reversedversion of the first-level cleric spell bless, exceptthat thisis cumulative, so each additional cursing lowers avic-tim's to hit rolls by 1).

    The six summoners who had their souls cast into eachfleshyconstruct were all expert at calling forth entitiesfrom distantrealms.

    Thus, each of the five tentacled mouths can perform anadditionalspell, once per day, as a 14th-level magicuser or cleric:

    1. Cacodemon 2. Conjure elemental3. Gate4. Monster summoning 65.Conjure animals (typically prehistoric)



  • BThe Avernal maiden appears as a nude human femalewith palegreen skin. She has two black horns that curlfrom her brow, abright red forked tongue, and a widemouth crammed full of sharpteeth. In lieu of a left hand,she has a long spike of whitebone.

    In Avernus, their native realm, Avernal maidens hunt insmallpacks, running down their prey and gorging them-selves on theflesh. Though not true devils, they arenonetheless typically alliedwith devils, and occasionallyserve an arch-devil or lord ofHell.

    When found outside of Avernus, maidens often usepolymorph selfto appear as damsels in distress; theylure adventurers into trapswith tales of abduction, orchain themselves to walls and cry forhelp.

    In combat, the maiden attacks with her spike, inflicting4-14points of damage; each time she hits, the victimmust save vs.poison or take an additional 2d6 from hercaustic venom.

    At will, the maiden can cast the aforementioned poly-morph self,plus darkness, gate (as the 9th level magicuser spell), andprotection from good, 10' radius (as thefourth-level clericspell).



    The ivory banshee is the ghost of an elven woman whoworshipedthe Demon Queen Abyzou. From the waistup, she resembles the womanit once was, but her fea-tures are deformed; yellowish wings growfrom hershoulder blades, and a cluster of cream-colored tenta-clesdangles from her waist.




  • Filled with a hatred for all life, the ivory banshee hauntstheplaces that she knew: her home, her place of work,her place ofworship. There, the ghost kills all whom itencounters. Over time,an ivory banshee will destroy anentire village (sometimes, aspunishment for her trial andexecution, if she was put to death forblasphemous rites).

    The sight of an ivory banshee causes fear (save vs.spellsnegates). A touch from its freezing claws inflicts 1-12pointsof damage. A slash from its clawed tentaclesinflicts 4-7 points ofdamage, and the victim must savevs. poison or temporarily lose apoint of strength (whichwill be restored when the banshee isslain).

    Once per day, after the sun has gone down, it can wail,whichforces all creatures within 30 feet to save vs. spellsor die. Twiceper day, the spirit can gate in a lesserdemon.


    FREQUENCY: Very rare (unique)NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (9'tall)MOVE: 120 ftARMOR CLASS: -3 HIT DICE: 108 hit points (24 hitdice)ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 2d8+4 or 3d6TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hitMAGIC RESISTANCE:75%LAIR PROBABILITY: NoneINTELLIGENCE: ExceptionalALIGNMENT: LawfulEvilTREASURE: Personal, purse; in lair, riches, 1-4 gems, 1-20potions, 1-4 magic items.LEVEL: 10XP: 30,000

    Unlike chirurgeons and other practitioners of medicine,whoemploy clysters, leeches, cautery, and venesection,the entity knownas Baskra practices a horrid magic ofhis own devising.

    He resembles a grotesquely deformed fetus, standingroughly ninefeet tall, with a large cranium and saggingpink skin. His teeth,talons, and umbilical cord are allfish-belly white; his eyes areblack, and glitter with a ter-rible humor.

    Baskra preys upon the elderly, tormenting them in theirdreamswith visions of youth and agility, and with night-mares of deathand decay. Feeding on their regrets andmemories of missedopportunities, the fiend weakensand debilitates them until theyexpire. He cares nothingfor commoners, and focuses his attentionson the pow-erful: aging regents, infirm high priests, andliver-spot-ted archmages.



  • Baskra stands next to his sleeping victim and places amangledhand on his brow. Entering his mind, the fiendforces two dreams onhim. In the first, the victim relivesthe joys and accomplishmentsof youth. Running, danc-ing, kissing, he recalls all theexhilaration of a function-ing body again. Nights of passion andrevelry are revis-ited, accolades are garnered, and victories arewon.

    In the second dream, the victim sees his own body, as iffromabove, and it is young and supple. Then he seesBaskra standingnearby, a bonesaw in its rotting claws.The victim's body begins todecay. Ligaments and ten-dons strain and snap, muscles witherbeneath the skin,and hair loses all color, then falls out inclumps.

    His veins darken, cheeks hollow, and eyes cave in.Slowly, hisbody disintegrates, splitting open to reveal awrithing mass ofworms and vermin, squirming out fromthe desiccated torso. Afterthree or four such nightmares,the victim's body gives out, and hesuffers a fatal coro-nary or other such affliction.

    However, sometimes the entity cannot stand the wait,and he takesa more direct approach. On such occa-sions, he guts his victim withmedical implements, just asthe nightmare has reached its horrificclimax.

    Baskra is also something of a voyeur, and will return toa sceneof a crime after one of his victims has perished.

    If he perceives that someone is hunting him, he willbegin toplay tricks on his enemies. For instance, Baskrawill torment theelderly king with dreams in which theadventurers are revealed asthe source of the night-mares, ensuring that the victim remainsfearful anduncooperative when the adventurers are around.

    He typically attacks with his bonesaw, inflicting 6-20points ofdamage, and if he hits, the victim must save vs.poison to avoidcontracting the plague (60%) or becom-ing afflicted with a form ofinsanity (40%). He sometimesuses a scalpel, which inflicts 3d6points of damage; if hehits, the victim must save vs. spells orlose a point ofstrength (a condition which usually lasts 1-4 days,unlesscured through magical means; the effect is cumulative,soBaskra may strike the same victim again and againduringcombat).

    Once per day, Baskra can cast the following spells asa20th-level druid: cause critical wounds, cause disease,confusion,contaminate water, feeblemind, finger ofdeath, insect plague.

    In his lair (an ossuary), he is attended by 1d20 ghouls,1d8zombies, and 1d4 ghasts.


    FREQUENCY: CommonNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6SIZE: L (9' tall)MOVE: 60ftARMOR CLASS: 7HIT DICE: 2+2ATTACKS: 1DAMAGE: 1d6+2TAZ: 17SPECIALATTACKS SpellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 55%INTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: Chaotic evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, coinage, 1-4 gems,1-4 objects, 1-4potions.LEVEL: 3XP: 95+2/hp



  • Created by a long-forgotten spirit naga during a warwithdemihumans, the benasim is a misshapen mass oflimbs and purpleflesh. Its skin ripples as new limbs andorgans emerge and sink intoits leathery folds. Its eyesare pure white, as are its teeth, andthe creature's faceis always the same: tight skin drawn over askull, grin-ning with hatred. It reeks of sweat.

    A relentless predator, the benasim stalks demihumans,preferringhalflings and elves, but settling for gnomesand dwarves if needbe.

    Strangely, the fiend tends to exhibit a contemplativestreak,penning short verse in the blood of its victimsafter a kill.Sometimes, these poems include clues aboutthe location of themonster's lair.


    FREQUENCY: UncommonNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-4SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE:120 ftARMOR CLASS: 6HIT DICE: 7+5ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 1d4+poison or byweaponTAZ: 12SPECIAL ATTACKS: SpellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGICRESISTANCE: 90%LAIR PROBABILITY: 55%INTELLIGENCE: GeniusALIGNMENT:Lawful evilTREASURE: Personal, cache; in lair, purse, a few gems,afew objects, a few potions.LEVEL: 8XP: 2450+10/hp

    Elegant and formal, the bothrians are a mild-manneredrace ofbeings that seek only to enjoy the good things inlife -- tocarefully slice flavorful meat and sip chilled winewhile listeningto music and watching their victimsscream as the skin is carefullypeeled away from themuscle.

    Slender humanoids with octopoid features, their smooth,moistskin ranges in hue from violet to bright green, andchanges slightlywith mood. Most bothrians favor dampclimates, and are typicallyfound near pools where theycan soak when the mood arises. Theirtentacles undulatewhile they speak, and many of them have pierced,tat-tooed, or otherwise decorated their appendages to indi-catestatus.16


    Usually found in squalid settings, such as alleys or slums,thebenasim ventures out at night to hunt its prey. It toyswith them,entertaining itself by chasing them, and thenfinally settles on avictim to feed on. If there's a smallgroup of benasim, they'll allfeed on the same victim, butwill hunt more than once on thatnight.

    When the victim is cornered, the benasim sinks its teethinto itsvictim's throat, drinking the sweet blood. At thispoint, it doesn'teven care if anyone's watching -- nowthat the moment has arrived,the fiend will have its way,regardless of whether or not it'sexposed.

    The creature can cast three spells per day (either one ofeach,or the same spell three times): sleep, charm per-son, and darkness,15' radius. In combat, it strikes withits malformed limbs,inflicting 3-8 points of damage.

  • If provoked, a bothrian typically tries to cause as muchharm aspossible, while amusing itself by using its abil-ities tomanipulate and bewilder its intellectually-inferiorfoes. Bothrianshave spent centuries honing their mentalpowers, and can use thefollowing spell-like abilities atwill: ESP, levitate, phantasmalforce, and wizard eye. Inaddition, it can use these abilities onceper day: charmperson, confusion, fear, and suggestion.

    Three times per day, the bothrian can employ mind-blade, amagical attack which functions like a breathweapon with a 60 ftcone (5 ft at base and 20 ft at end);victims must save vs. breathweapon or suffer the effectsof a feeblemind spell for 1d6 roundsand a confusionspell (for the standard duration). All abilities areper-formed at 7th-level mastery.

    They can also attack with their tentacles; a successfulhitinflicts 1-4 damage, and the victim must save vs. poisonor lose1 point of intelligence. The following round, thevictim must makean additional saving throw or loseanother point. Thus, a hit meansthat the target will lose0-2 points of intelligence per hit. Theeffect is usuallytemporary (intelligence is restored in 1d6rounds); how-ever, in 10% of cases, the intelligence loss ispermanent,and must be remedied somehow.


    FREQUENCY: Very rareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (14' long)MOVE:100 ftARMOR CLASS: -3/2HIT DICE: 10ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 5d10 /3d8+2TAZ: 10SPECIAL ATTACKS: NoneSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGICRESISTANCE: StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: NoneINTELLIGENCE:AnimalALIGNMENT: NeutralTREASURE: Personal, assortment (instomach), a fewgems; in lair, cache, a few gems, a few magicitems.LEVEL: 7XP: 2600+14/hp

    Once hatched, the desert bulette is a massive creature,roughlytwenty feet at the shoulder. Its scaled bodyranges in hue fromaquamarine to dark green, and endsin a long tail tipped with athree-pronged pincer. Itsbright blue head is featureless, save fora vast toothlessmaw, surrounded by six-foot barbed tentacles.Hugeragged spines, beginning at its neck, follow the curve ofitsspine all the way down to the tail. Its massive feet endin six-inchtalons.

    Initially, the desert bulette begins as an invertebrate:Size M(5' long); move 30 ft; AC 8; HD 1; Att 1; Dam1d4; TAZ 19; L 1; XP15.

    A mass of pale blue tissue, roughly the size of a man,itundulates along the ground, rolling its slimy bulk andleaving atrail of moisture behind.

    The monster stalks its prey in lonely places, and killsthem bysuffocating them. Generally, it attacks lonegnomes or dwarves, butmay make an exception in thecase of a pair, particularly when ithasn't been success-ful locating solitary targets.

    Once it has killed, it hauls the body back to its lair,where itdumps the corpse on the ground and heads outin pursuit of new meat.When the monster has collectedbetween 15 and 20 bodies, it willgather them all into apile and begin to consume them.



  • In combat, its bite inflicts a devastating 5-50 points ofdamage;fortunately, it can only bite once per round. Itsmonstrous clawsdeal 5-26 points of damage.

    If injured, it will employ its breath weapon (which canonly beused once per day): a blast of fire that inflictsdamage equal tohalf the creature's current hit points(saving throw halves theamount). Its thick body armorprovides it with an armor class of -3,but the soft under-belly has an AC of 2. This is only exposed ifthe desertbullet rears up to use its breath weapon.

    When it is slain, the bulette's body will split open and anewinvertebrate will emerge. If not captured or killed, itwill try toenter a sewer or body of water so that it canescape and begin thecycle again.

    After it's absorbed all organic tissue (leaving behinditems likecoins, gems, belt buckles, and weapons),expanding dramatically inthe process, the blob's exte-rior will begin to harden into amassive chrysalis. Overthe next few hours, movement will be visiblewithin.Finally, the shell will split open and the creaturewillemerge.

    A monstrous carnivore with a ferocious appetite, thedesertbulette will immediately head for the largest high-population areathat it can find. Drawn to crowds, themonster will begin to attackanything that moves, flip-ping over carts, demolishing homes, andswallowingpeople whole.

    It favors gnomes, but its hunger is monstrous uponawakening, andit will feed on anything it can catch.After the slaughter, themonstrosity will return to thedesert, where it will hunt among thedunes.


    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (10' tall)MOVE: 150ftARMOR CLASS: -3HIT DICE: 99 hp (15 hit dice)ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE:3d4+4TAZ: 5SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: SeebelowMAGIC RESISTANCE: 50%LAIR PROBABILITY: 85%INTELLIGENCE:GeniusALIGNMENT: Chaotic evilTREASURE: Personal, purse; in lair,trove, a few gems,numerous objects, a few potions, a few scrolls, afewmagic weapons, numerous magic items.LEVEL: 10XP: 28,000

    The Chimra Queen has the torso of a humanoidfemale. From betweenher shoulders juts a cluster ofgreen tentacles ending in threeblack claws. Her armsare long, and her body is covered with palegreenthorns. Between her legs, there's a thick pale blue tenta-clefrom which grow several smaller tentacles. This maintentacle endsin her head, which is topped by thin whitetentacles that writhearound her face. The Queen'stongue is long and grey and dry, endingin a wad of tis-sue tipped with spikes. Her legs are pale blue withdarkbrown spots, each ending in three spikes.

    The brutal Chimra Queen, revered by her fire-breath-ingoffspring, rules from a misshapen throne ofalabaster in her citadelatop the Evolution Aerie. Hiddenfar from civilized beings,surrounded by the chimraeand manticores that she created, shesurveys a range ofsnow-capped mountains where her experimentalport-manteaus (as she calls them) can roam free, preyingupon theoccasional explorer, pilgrim, or lost traveler.

    She doesnt kill her prey outright. Rather, she captures agroupof victims and then imprisons them in a dungeonpopulated withchimra, sphinxes, and co*ckatrices.Then she hunts her quarry.



  • 19


  • First, however, she provides them with weapons. Shealso allowsthem a chance to escape or to defend them-selves. Due to herstrength and speed, she invariablywins the game, and winds uptearing the victims apart.Then she feasts on the corpses.

    Usually, she captures her prey by force, but other timessheemploys magical trickery. Many adventurers haveawakened with brutalhangovers on desolate islands,stripped of all their possessionssave a single magicalitem or weapon.

    The queen can use the following abilities at will, one ata timeper round: wall of stone, lightning bolt, haste,invisibility,monster summoning 4, polymorph other.Once per day, she can cast thefollowing: meteorswarm, maze, temporal stasis, monster summoning7,power word: blind, and vanish.

    She is typically attended by 2-8 chimrae, 2-8 manti-cores, andat least one dracolisk and/or hippogriff.They serve their queenwithout question, and will fight tothe death to protect her.

    Any small magical items in her treasury will be carriedon herperson, though she rarely dons enchanted armoror carries magicalweapons unless she anticipates con-flict.


    FREQUENCY: CommonNO. ENCOUNTERED: 2d4 or 5d20SIZE: L (9'tall)MOVE: 90 ftARMOR CLASS: 8HIT DICE: 1+1ATTACKS: 1DAMAGE:1d4TAZ: 18SPECIAL ATTACKS: NoneSPECIAL DEFENSES: Half damage fromedgedweaponsMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIR PROBABILITY:100%INTELLIGENCE: LowALIGNMENT: NeutralTREASURE: Personal,assortment, a few gems; in lair,hoard, many objects, a few magicitemsLEVEL: 2XP: 45+1/hp

    Believed to be the first wave of soldiers from anotherrealm,colonists tend to establish their nests in inhos-pitable placeslike deserts and volcanic plains. Nightand day, they constructmonstrous spires in specific pat-terns, but no one has everdetermined why -- or howclose they are to completing their task.They have noleadership, nor do they ever ally themselves withothers.Colonists reject all attempts at parlay or truce, andattackother life forms on sight.

    A nest consists of up to 100 colonists, and they fre-quentlysend out raiding parties of 2-8 in search of freshmeat.

    In combat, their exoskeletons shield them from edgedweapons(half damage), but they are quite susceptibleto all forms ofmagical attack (double damage).

    The colonist is a six-legged predator with a humanoidtorso; itssegmented arms end in curved hooks. Two longcurved horns curl fromits brow, and its mouth is a roundmaw, like that of a lamprey.




    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE: 60'ARMORCLASS: 5HIT DICE: 4+4ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 1d8TAZ: 15SPECIAL ATTACKS:Critical hit on 17SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to certain spellsMAGICRESISTANCE: StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: 100%INTELLIGENCE:LowALIGNMENT: NeutralTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, loot, a fewgems, afew objects, a few magic itemsLEVEL: 5XP: 270+4/hp

    Built from spare parts by infernal gnomes, contrivancesaremechanical golems that guard the passages to thelong-forgottensubterranean clockwork kingdom ofMecha Zel. Waiting in silence forcenturies, the con-trivance will activate if approached by anyliving being.Without hesitation, it will move to attack, stoppingonlywhen destroyed.

    A contrivance is immune to any charm or illusion spells,and isunaffected by any spell that impedes vision (suchas darkness orpower word: blind). In addition, it dealsdouble damage on a natural17 or higher.

    A contrivance can fetch hundreds of gold pieces (oreventhousands, depending on the condition) from certaingnomishrulers, who seek to gather information on theirunderground kin.

    The post where a contrivance waits usually leads toalong-abandoned passageway to the ruins of Mecha Zel,and isdoubtless littered with the remains of others whosought toenter.


    FREQUENCY: UncommonNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-4SIZE: L (6'diameter)MOVE: 120 ftARMOR CLASS: 4HIT DICE: 5+5ATTACKS: 1DAMAGE:1d8+1TAZ: 14SPECIAL ATTACKS: SpellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: SpellsMAGICRESISTANCE: StandardLAIR PROBABILITY: 50%INTELLIGENCE:LowALIGNMENT: Chaotic evilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair,assortment, severalgems, a few objects, many magic itemsLEVEL: 5XP:370+6/hp

    The craanoi appears like a vaguely spherical sea crea-ture.Though hard as iron, its glistening aquamarine skinis translucent,displaying the monster's internal organs.Six feet wide, it hoversin the air, trailing tentacles andspindly limbs. The craanoi haslarge blue eyes, whitelips, and pale green bristles around itsmouth.



  • This eerily silent monster is typically found in coastalclimes,floating over the water, where it feeds on sailors,fishermen, andstray merfolk. It sometimes flies fartherinland, entering towns atnight to pick off drunkards orbeggars. If a group of craanoi gathertogether for araid, they may snatch a few unwary townsfolk totakehome with them (to eat later). The craanoi lair is typi-cally aseaside cave that affords them access to thewater, and also anabove ground place to stash theirvictims, whom they typically eatwhile still alive. Theirlair is usually guarded by sea creaturessuch as sharksor giant crabs.

    In combat, the craanoi inflicts 2-9 points of damage withitstentacles, and can cast the following spells once perday:protection from good (good creatures receive -2 tohit, craanoisaves against their magic with +2 bonus),magic missile (a wad ofacid that inflicts 3d4+3), andcause light wounds.

    There may be sightings of monstrous fish-like creatures,whichcould lead to a local ruler hiring adventurers tokill the creatures(or rescue captured victims).

    Eight feet high at the shoulder, curhadacs look likebizarrehybrids of man and insect; they are rumored tobe a creation ofAhriman (q.v.). Their gold-and-crimsoncoloration is offset bybright blue multifaceted eyes andbright green limbs.


    FREQUENCY: Very rareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (9' tall)MOVE: 240ftARMOR CLASS: 0HIT DICE: 9+3ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 2d4+4TAZ: 10SPECIALATTACKS: ScreamSPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to charm, sleepMAGICRESISTANCE: 30%LAIR PROBABILITY: 75%INTELLIGENCE: VeryALIGNMENT:Lawful evilTREASURE: Personal, a few magic items; in lair,lucre,several objects.LEVEL: 7XP: 2500+13/hp



  • The curhadac is an artist. It begins by selecting avictim,typically an isolated person who won't be missed forsometime. After studying the movements of its prey, themonster willattack and incapacitate the victim, thencarry him to a remotelocation. It will then repeat thisprocess six more times,assembling an audience ofseven captives.

    The curhadac will select one of its prisoners at randomanddisassemble him before the others, slowly andpainfully. It willthen create its instruments. Using the vic-tim's bones and hair, itwill create paintbrushes. Afterflaying the victim, it will stretchthe skin over a framemade of bones, creating a canvas. Squeezingvariousbodily fluids from the victim's glands and organs, itwillcreate paint.

    After assembling all of the necessary components, it willpaint aportrait of one of its other victims. When fin-ished, it will dragthe portrait's subject from captivityand create new paints,brushes, and canvas. It will con-tinue in this fashion until sixportraits have been paint-ed. The last victim is set free and giventhe paintings asa gift.

    In combat, the creature attacks with its claws andblades,inflicting 6-12 points of damage. It is immune tocharm spells, aswell as sleep. If it carries any magicitems, it will use theseduring combat.

    Once per round, the curhadac may scream. The firsttime it uttersthat strange ululating cry, one of its oppo-nents will take 1d8points of damage (save vs. breathweapon will halve the damage). Thesecond time, if ittargets the same victim, the scream will inflict2d8 dam-age (and again, a successful save halves damage).Thiseffect is cumulative until the creature is inflicting 5d8witheach successive scream.

    If it switches targets, and screams at another opponent,then itmust start at 1d8 again, and even if it returns itsattentions toits original target, it will need to start at 1d8again. Thus, acurhadac typically selects a single foeand screams until thatopponent is dead. To anyone elsewho hears the sound, it is merelyan animalistic roar ofanger, but to the victim, it brings uphideous memoriesof past suffering, and inflicts physical damage tothebody.

    Its lair is littered with coins that it has stripped fromitsvictims, and it also has several works of art (2d10-2objects)that it has created, which are worth a great dealin certainmarkets.



  • D DAMSEL STONE DEMIMONDAINE DEMON DEVIL DRAGON DRAGONIACDREG-STALKERThe damsel stone is actually an arthropod withanenlarged tail, which appears to be a translucent gem-stone thatglows with an faint blue, red, or green light.The creature digsinto the earth and waits for an animal(or person) to approach,lured by the light.

    It is not alone: large predators usually wait near a clus-ter ofdamsel stones, and when the prey gets near, thesemonsters burstfrom their hiding places and attack.Afterward, the damsel stonepicks its way over on sixspindly legs and nips bits of flesh fromthe carcass withits three mandibles.

    If encountered without another predator, the damselstone canstill be a dangerous opponent to the unpre-pared, though veteranswill find these creatures nothreat.

    It is often clustered near actual gems for camouflage.





    in lair, several gems.LEVEL: 2XP: 30+1/hp



  • A murderous undead entity, the demimondaine appearsas therotting corpse of a woman. Its eyes have beengouged out, and foulblack liquid seeps from its mouthand nostrils. The legs have beentransformed into hugegrey claws. It reeks of sewage.

    The demimondaine, in the form of a pale green light,descendsupon the body of an unavenged female mur-der victim, typically aprostitute or courtesan. Theundead spirit animates the corpse andsends it lurchingafter the murderer.

    After taking control of the deceased, and investing itwithsupernatural strength and speed, the demi-mondaine typically setsoff in search of the killer.Homing in on him unerringly, the entityfinds him andtears him apart, literally. Usually, the monster willstartwith the murderer's feet.

    It then begins to hunt any others who might have slight-ed,injured, or offended the deceased. Silent and relent-less, thedemimondaine sends the shambling corpseagainst those who aggrievedit in life. Without words,hesitation, or pity, the demimondainerends theseoffenders limb from limb and walks away.

    The demimondaine does not discriminate. Anyone wholied to,insulted, mocked, stole from, ignored, or rejectedthe deceased isfair game. The corpse will stalk thestreets, a blood-drenchedcorpse in dirt-caked rags,flinging town guards aside as it stridestowards its preywith single-minded purpose. It will not bedissuadedfrom its mission until it has completely exhaustedwhat-ever remains of its host's memories.

    Sometimes, the entity will start with those leastimportanttargets, and work its way towards the murderer.

    Whatever the case, when the demimondaine perceivesthat themission is complete, or if the body is killed, it willopen itsmouth and vomit forth a pale green light, leav-ing behind a rottingcarcass that collapses to theground, inanimate once more. The lightthen seeks anew corpse to inhabit.

    The adventurers may become involved when the headguardsman hiresthem to find and kill a creature thatslaughtered three pikemen lastnight. Or they may hearthat someone who's supposed to be dead wasseenwalking down the street in broad daylight.

    If the murderer is still alive, the adventurers may windupcrossing paths with him. He may be remorseful, or hemay be indenial. If pressed, he may even attack them,or have others attackthem, in order to keep the murdera secret.

    If the murdered woman was a courtesan in the employof a powerfulruler, a group of adventurers may beoffered a considerable amountof money to resolve thisissue quietly. The question of who will beattacked nextwill require the adventurers to investigate the lifeof thedeceased.

    During this time, they will also meet a number of peoplewho knewthe deceased, any one of which could be thenext target.

    Given the sheer number of otherwise-innocent peoplewho may haveoffended or slighted the dead personduring his or her lifetime, theadventurers will need todetermine the demimondaine's pattern.

    In combat, it strikes with its claws for for 5-15 pointsofdamage. If the to-hit roll is 5 or more greater than thescoreneeded to hit, the creature drains a point ofstrength from itsvictim, and it is able to cast cure seri-ous wounds upon itself(2d8+1). It can only cast thisspell upon itself each time that ithas drained someone'sstrength, and it requires an action to doso.

    The demimondaine can only be struck by silver orenchantedweapons, and is unaffected by mind-alteringspells such asillusions, charms, and holds. It is, howev-er, affected by sleepspells.



  • Seductive and murderous, Abyzou rules from a palaceof obsidianin northern Ghorom. There, she plotsrevenge against Beleth (q.v.),who slighted her someaeons ago.

    She appears as a dark-haired giantess with extremelylong armsand fingers. Her forearms are patterned withwine-colored splotchesand marks, and her fingers aretipped with eight-inch talons of darkmetal. Thick furcovers her lower legs, which end in cloven hooves.Shesmells of jasmine, and her voice is husky.

    In her palace, she is attended by 1d4 mariliths, 1d6 suc-cubi,2d8 blood faeries, and 1d10 assorted lamiae.There, she meditates onthe nature of passion, authoringpaeans to carnal satisfaction,which her attendants thensing for her as her undying victims (thelustful damned)are subjected to acts of depravity and sadism.


    The demons of Ghorom (216th layer of the Abyss) arechaotic evilmonstrosities who feed on weakness anddecency. Aggressive andhateful, they throw themselvesat their opponents until cut down.Lacking any sense ofhonor or loyalty, they only serve thosepowerful enoughto kill them, which is why their lord Phenexmaintainspower by sporadically crucifying random underlings.

    Demons take full damage from acid, magic missileattacks, andpoison; they take half damage from cold,electricity, fire, andpoisonous gases. They take no dam-age from silver or iron weaponsunless they are affectedby unenchanted weapons, in which case theytake nor-mal damage.

    Forever trapped in the obsidian wastes of Ghorom, mostdemons areunable to travel to other planes; however,they are able to enterthe Prime Material plane if sum-moned with a spell (conjuration,gate, wish, et cetera) orcertain magical items.

    These demons all possess the following magicalabilities:infravision, teleport (with no chance of error), anddark-ness.

    Abyzou (Queen of the Succubi)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: L (12' tall)MOVE:150ARMOR CLASS: -4HIT DICE: 189 hit points (41 hit dice)ATTACKS:3DAMAGE: 2d6+6TAZ: 4SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: +2or better weapon to hitMAGIC RESISTANCE: 65%LAIR PROBABILITY:65%INTELLIGENCE: GeniusALIGNMENT: Chaotic evilTREASURE: Personal,purse; in lair, trove, numerousgems, a few objects, many scrolls,many potions, numer-ous magic items.LEVEL: 10XP: 58,000 (formaterial form)



  • She normally employs a great barbed whip, which deals8-18 pointsof damage (because of her +6 strengthbonus); if there are any magicweapons in her lair, shewill employ them if able.

    In addition, with each successful strike (from anyweapon), hertarget must save against spells or elsehis/her maximum hit pointswill permanently be loweredby 1d4; only a significant magic, suchas a wish, willrestore them.

    In addition to her other attacks, she can use the follow-ingspell-like powers at will (one per round), at 20thlevel: continualdarkness, disintegrate, dispel magic,fear, feeblemind, freezingsphere, magic missile, poly-morph self, polymorph other, trap thesoul, unholyword.

    She can cast the following once per day: meteor swarm,powerword: kill, and wish.

    It is said that those who would seek a boon from her may seekher out in her palace, and instead of attacking her, respond to herattendants' fury with poetry in praise of Abyzou's beauty; shouldthe verse satisfy her vanity, she may well grant a wish to herpetitioners -- but only after they perform the vile deed sheassigns them.

    Beleth (Locust Prefect)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: L (12' tall)MOVE:150ARMOR CLASS: -4HIT DICE: 189 hit points (41 hit dice)ATTACKS:3DAMAGE: 2d6+6 or 2d4+poisonTAZ: 4SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIALDEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hitMAGIC RESISTANCE: 65%LAIRPROBABILITY: 65%INTELLIGENCE: GeniusALIGNMENT: ChaoticevilTREASURE: Personal, loot; in lair, trove, many gems,severalobjects, a few scrolls, a few potions, a few magicweapons, numerousmagic items.LEVEL: 10XP: 58,000 (for material form)

    Massive and insectile, Beleth is a sad*stic and imperiousfiendwith a love of games (and a tendency to cheat).His skull-likerictus is dark green, as are his hooked fore-limbs and his thorax.From his gleaming goldenabdomen depends a thick stinger that dripsa sizzlingvenom. A mercurial and impulsive entity, he movesfast,talks fast, and thinks fast. There are typically 5-50ekivudemons in attendance upon him, and 1-20 giant wasps.

    He typically travels without armor or weaponry, thoughhe may(50%) carry a rod or wand in one of his small-er arms. Hisrazor-sharp claws inflict 8-18 damage, andhis stinger inflicts 2-8-- anyone struck must make a sav-ing throw vs. poison or suffer apenalty of -2 to hit(cumulative).

    Beleth is able to use any of the following magical pow-ers, oneper round: charm person, detect invisibleobjects, detect magic,dispel magic (as 20th-level magicuser), fear (as fear wand), gatein 1-20 random lesserdemons, hold person, invisibility, magicmissile (3/day,7d4+7), polymorph self, read languages, andreadmagic.

    If challenged to a game, Beleth usually accedes. Hefavors dicegames such as passage, tali, and hazard,and he tends to wager vastsums when he gets excited.If his opponent loses, Beleth may havethe loser cruci-fied, or task him with some blasphemous deed, ordosomething rather unpleasant to him.



  • She can, at will, use any of the following powers as a20th-levelcleric: animate dead, cause blindness, causecritical wounds, causedisease, curse, degenerate(reversed version of regenerate), detectgood, dispelgood, fear, gate in 1-10 greater demons, holdperson,and protection from good. She can also use the follow-ingpowers once per day, as a 20th-level cleric: harm,symbol of pain,and unholy word.

    While she is likely to incapacitate and disfigure any whointrudeupon her Hall, she may deign to provide anaudience with any whobring unto her new and cruelmethods of torture which she has notyet implemented.

    Gusion (Countess of Misery)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE: 120ftARMOR CLASS: -3HIT DICE: 135 hit points (30 hit dice)ATTACKS:3DAMAGE: by weapon +5TAZ: 4SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIALDEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hitMAGIC RESISTANCE: 45%LAIRPROBABILITY: 65%INTELLIGENCE: Supra-geniusALIGNMENT: ChaoticevilTREASURE: Personal, purse; in lair, trove, many gems,manyobjects, numerous scrolls, many potions, numer-ous magicitems.LEVEL: 10XP: 49,000 (for material form)

    Gusion appears as an emaciated woman with dark blueskin andcloven hooves. Short black horns jut from hertemples, and a pair oflong tentacles emerges from hershoulder blades, each tipped with acircular orificewhich drips a clear fluid that smells of pine.

    Calm and patient, Gusion hates nothing more than tokill a foebefore the will has been broken, the body'sorgans ruptured, and themind erased by countlesshours of unrelenting agony. In the Hall ofParoxysm, avast dungeon consisting of room after room full ofinstru-ments of torture, Gusion directs a legion of lesserdemonswho torment the wailing damned in a thoroughand efficient manner.Her goal is to keep each subjectalive as long as possible, so thather Anguish Enginemight draw on the emanations of pain and despairandcontinue to manufacture the lesser demons that shedeploysagainst her hated foe, the devil Verrine (q.v.).

    Fond of charts and lists, Gusion rotates her victims frombrazenbull to guided cradle, from choke pear to strap-pado, from physicalviolation to mental, always ensuringthat the tormented are unableto acclimate to theiragony.

    In combat, she attacks with any enchanted weapons inher treasuretrove, inflicting an additional +5 due to herstrength. A successfulhit means that the victim must savevs. spells or temporarily lose2d6 points of dexterity (theeffect is not cumulative, and lasts for2d4 rounds), andthe victim has been infected with a random diseaseormental illness.



  • He wields Fustuarium, a monstrous +4 cudgel thatinflicts 3d8damage, plus his strength bonus of +5 (for atotal of 12-33 damage).Three times per day, the cudg-el can inflict symbol of pain. Thecudgel is intelligent,prejudiced against dwarves, and must besoaked in theblood of a lawful good monster once a week or itwilldie.

    Phenex can, at will, use any one of the following powersat the15th level of mastery: animate dead, charm per-son, conjureelemental (fire), continual darkness, curse,detect good, detectinvisibility, detect magic, dispelmagic, gate in 1-8 lesser demons,lightning bolt, massinvisibility, polymorph other, polymorph self,projectimage, shape change, and wall of fire. He can usethefollowing once per day: feeblemind, incendiary cloud,and powerword: stun.

    Phenex (Prince of Odium)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: L (13' tall)MOVE: 120ftARMOR CLASS: -6HIT DICE: 153 hit points (34 hit dice)ATTACKS:3DAMAGE: by weapon +5TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIALDEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hitMAGIC RESISTANCE: 65%LAIRPROBABILITY: 95%INTELLIGENCE: Supra-geniusALIGNMENT: ChaoticevilTREASURE: Personal, purse; in lair, trove, many gems,severalobjects, many scrolls, many potions, severalmagic items.LEVEL:10XP: 58,000 (for material form)

    Phenex is a lean humanoid with long curled horns, amouth crammedfull of sharp teeth, long black nails, andchalk-white skin. Thedemon prince is surrounded bydark blue flames, which burn cold. Heis typically sur-rounded by 3-18 ghouls (all horribly-scarredchildrenwho died from ghoul attacks), 2-12 ghosts (allunbornfetuses aborted while in the womb), and 3-18greaterdemons.

    Phenex is perpetually ravenous, and sends his minionsto thePrime Material plane in search of food. He favorstwo dishes: ayoung cleric, soaked in pressed dretch flu-ids for several days,impaled on a spike and served withroast dryad or braised shedu; ora virginal human ordemihuman, cut open, stuffed full of quasits andtreantseeds, sewn shut, and baked alive.

    Irritable and short-sighted, Phenex is oblivious to thewarraging between Gusion and Verrine, and wouldn't careif someoneexplained the situation to him; he concernshimself with "churn"(the constant influx of new damned,and the ever-diminishing spacein which to torment,hunt, flay, quarter, and violate them) and hisendlesshunger.

    If approached with a gift of food (a live pegasus orgynosphinx,for example), Phenex will listen, albeitimpatiently. His manner isbrusque, but a full belly canimprove his mood for severalminutes.



  • Should the adventurers refuse, or fail to fulfill theirorderscompletely, the demon will reveal its true form -- amal-formed humanoid with a large, irregularly-shapedmouth full ofteeth and four fish-like eyes -- and attemptto take them to Ghoromto face Phenex, or it will killthem if necessary.

    A procurer demon is able to perform any one of the fol-lowing atwill: charm person, clairaudience, ESP, fire-ball (at 8th level),gate in a lesser demon, polymorphself, or suggestion.

    Procurer Demon

    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: L (9' tall)MOVE: 100ftARMOR CLASS: -1HIT DICE: 8+1ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 3d4TAZ: 11SPECIALATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hitMAGICRESISTANCE: 25%LAIR PROBABILITY: NoneINTELLIGENCE: VeryALIGNMENT:Chaotic evilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, riches, manymagicitems.LEVEL: 8XP: 3400+12/hp

    These demons work alone, scouring the Prime Materialplane forambitious adventurers who have just beguntheir quests. Unlike otherdemons, they can travel backand forth between planes at will.

    Appearing in a more pleasing form, the demon willattempt tostrike a bargain with them, offering thempower (in the form ofgold, potions, scrolls, and/or othermagical items) in exchange forservice at a later time.

    The bargain is sealed with a blood ritual, which meansthat theprocurer demon can find the adventurers wher-ever they go, and thatit has the power to gate them toGhorom at any time. If the bargainis rejected and thedemon is attacked, it will simply leave,returning toGhorom.

    If the bargain is accepted, then the demon willreturnperiodically, presenting additional gifts, remindingtheheroes that they will need to perform a service in yearsto come.Again, if the demon is attacked, it will return toGhorom, but itwill come back later, at the appointedtime, to collect what isdue.

    Eventually, it will return and demand payment fromtheadventurers, in the form of a heinous act which willadvance thecause of demonkind -- releasing a vilenecromancer from captivity,escorting a caravan deliv-ering human sacrifices to a temple ofevil, slaughteringpregnant women who may be carrying futuresaviors,butchering sprites and unicorns to make way for agob-linoid army.




    The devils of Mictlan are powerful entities who obey arigidchain of command. Bound by honor and tradition,devils are typicallyarrogant and narrow-minded. Led bythe soul-drinking arch-devilAhriman, the devils arelocked in a perpetual war with thedeath-godMictlantecuhtli. The diabolical territoriescurrentlyaccount for a half of the domain, with the otherhalfbelonging to Mictlantecuhtli.

    Devils take full damage from acid, magic missile attacks,poison,electricity, and silver; they take half damagefrom cold andpoisonous gas. Iron weapons inflict noadditional damage, and firedoes no damage at all.

    Forever trapped in the gloomy plains of Mictlan, devilsareunable to travel to other planes; however, they areable to enterthe Prime Material plane if summoned witha spell (conjuration,gate, wish, et cetera) or certainmagical items. Atrabilious devilsare the only ones whocan travel between planes at will.

    The following devils all possess the following magicalabilities:animate dead, charm person, fear, knowalignment, phantasmal force,suggestion, teleport, sum-moning (as monster summoning 1, but forother devils).

    Ahriman (Arch-devil)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: L (11' tall)MOVE: 120ftARMOR CLASS: -3HIT DICE: 126 hit points (28 hit dice)ATTACKS:2DAMAGE: 4d4+6 + agonyTAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIALDEFENSES: See belowMAGIC RESISTANCE: 75%LAIR PROBABILITY:85%INTELLIGENCE: GeniusALIGNMENT: Lawful EvilTREASURE: Personal,purse, a few magic weapons; inlair, trove, several gems, severalobjects, several magicweapons, several magic itemsLEVEL: 10XP:52,000

    A tall humanoid with burgundy skin and chalk-whitewings, Ahrimanrules the diabolic territories of Mictlanfrom a floating palace ofcrystal known as Cardiodynia;at its highest floors, he supervisesthe ceaseless work ofvenesection, occasionally descending to otherlevels tocheck on the progress in the rupturelaboratories,impregnation chambers, diaphoresis vaults, andclysterwards.

    Blood from the highest floors of Cardiodynia is funneledinto avein-like network of drains which crisscross asthey descend to thebase of the towers, tinting the entirepalace pink. The structure,devised by the legendaryarchitect Mulciber, is particularlystriking at dawn, whenan enslaved phoenix is lashed to a great discof copperand hauled into the sky. Agony fuels Cardiodynia,whichsprays blood on the imps and lemures below as itfloats above thefeces-caked steppes of Mictlan.

    An arch-devil of great power, Ahriman is organizedandmeticulous; he insisted that Cardiodynia should betransparentbecause true leadership is transparent. Hetakes a methodicalapproach to violence, insisting on themaximization of painquotients and the optimization ofbrutality. Clumsy and inefficienttorturers are given pri-vate tutelage, and those who survive returnto their workwith more deliberation.



  • Ahriman detests any and all unscheduled circ*mstances,and fliesinto a horrific rage at any interruption.However, those would-bepetitioners who first consultwith Xolotl (q.v.) are far more likelyto gain an audiencewith Ahriman.

    In combat, the arch-devil wields a lawful good tridentnamedThalan Zur, which contains the soul of a heroicTemplar who stoodagainst Ahriman and was cut down.The weapon is bound to Ahriman,and nothing short ofhis death will release the spirit of ThalanZur, whospends every day in agony as he is forced to participateinthe torment and slaughter of innocents. The weaponinflicts 10-22points of damage per hit, and the victimmust save vs. spells or beafflicted with Thalan Zur'sagony, losing 1d4 points ofconstitution.

    He can use the following powers at will, one per round:animatedead, charm monster, charm person, confu-sion, detect invisible,detect magic, dispel illusion, dis-pel magic, feign death, gate in1-3 greater devils, geas,globe of invulnerability, illusion,invisibility, know align-ment, polymorph self, read languages, readlanguages,read magic, suggestion, teleportation, and wall offire.Once per day, he can cast the following: clone,(fulfillanother's) wish, and shape change.

    Atrabilious (Lesser Devil)


    Malevolent tricksters, atrabilious devils tend to spendmost oftheir time on the Prime Material plane, wherethey can do the mostdamage. Typically, they hunt thecovetous and avaricious, treatingthem like game (to behunted for sport).

    An atrabilious devil will set traps in a remote area, andtry topersuade its victims (often an adventuring compa-ny) that atreasure is hidden there. It speaks of greatamounts of gold, gems,enchanted weapons, whateverthe victims want to hear.

    Surreptitiously following its prey to the site, the devilwatchesgleefully as its targets inadvertently spring thetraps, and ittakes great satisfaction in the cries ofdespair and anguish.

    The atrabilious devil appears in different guises to dif-ferentpeople. It sometimes appears as a wise old man,dapper andwell-spoken; or an elegant older woman,perhaps with the suggestionof some magical ability; orthe ghost of a wealthy person from dayslong gone.

    Its true form is that of a huge skeleton covered inbuzzinginsects. In combat, it attacks with claws, whichinflict 2-7 pointsof damage. It can also use the follow-ing spell-like powers, onceper round: burning hands,jump, and shocking grasp. Anyone whostrikes an atra-bilious devil must save vs. spells or take a pointof dam-age from the huge insects swarming around it.



  • Sanguine (Greater Devil)

    FREQUENCY: RareNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-2SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE: 60 ft/ 150 ft ARMOR CLASS: -2HIT DICE: 11+1ATTACKS: 2DAMAGE: 2d8TAZ:8SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon tohitMAGIC RESISTANCE: 55%LAIR PROBABILITY: 45%INTELLIGENCE:HighALIGNMENT: Lawful evilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair,riches, numerousgems, many magic weapons, many magic itemsLEVEL:10XP: 11,000+16/hp

    A scaled horror that feeds on the teeth of children, thesanguinedevil is cheerfully violent. Its first reaction is tokill, each andevery time. Without hesitation, the crea-ture will slash and stabanything and everything that itruns across, taking pleasure only inscreams of agony.

    After the slaughter, the demon will extract the teeth ofany deadchildren, placing them in a small receptacle.Gingerly, it will chewthe teeth like candies, one at atime.

    Sanguine devils patrol the flatlands of Mictlan, butareoccasionally summoned to the Prime Material plane bycultists ormages. Under such conditions, they are obe-dient servants as longas they are supplied with thecrunchy foodstuffs that theycrave.

    If engaged in combat, a sanguine devil will strike withserratedchakrams, inflicting 2-16 points of damage. Ahit means that thevictim must save vs. poison or vomitblood uncontrollably, sufferingan additional 1-4 pointsof damage and losing a point ofconstitution in theprocess.

    A sanguine devil can perform any of the following atwill: coneof cold, detect invisible, detect magic, gate in1-3 lesser demons,hold person, polymorph self, andwall of ice.

    It can use the following once per day: power wordblind, symbolof insanity, and trap the soul.

    Sanguine devils hate the forces of Mictlantecuhtli, andwill doanything to strike a blow against their foe.

    Verrine (Margrave of Hell)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: M (6' tall)MOVE: 120ftARMOR CLASS: -1HIT DICE: 90 hit points (20 hit dice)ATTACKS:2DAMAGE: 2d6+3TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES: SeebelowMAGIC RESISTANCE: 45%LAIR PROBABILITY: 70%INTELLIGENCE:GeniusALIGNMENT: Lawful evilTREASURE: trove, numerous gems,numerous objects,many scrolls, many potions, many magic itemsLEVEL:10XP: 28,000



  • Verrine is trapped, desperate, and looking for a wayout. He'seager for any assistance, and will listen to anyideas, but if hisparanoia wins out, he may perceive hisnew allies as double agentsand respond accordingly.

    At will, he can use the following powers once per round:animatedead, bestow curse, cause blindness, causecritical wounds, causedisease, fumble, haste, protec-tion from good, and speak with dead.Once per day, hecan cast feeblemind, symbol of pain, and unholyword.

    Xolotl (Infernal Advisor)

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (30' wide)MOVE: 60ftARMOR CLASS: -4HIT DICE: 99 hit points (22 hit dice)ATTACKS:2DAMAGE: 1d10+7TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: See belowSPECIAL DEFENSES:See belowMAGIC RESISTANCE: 70%LAIR PROBABILITY: 95%INTELLIGENCE:Supra-geniusALIGNMENT: Lawful evil TREASURE: Personal, purse; inlair, trove, numerousgems, many objects, many scrolls, severalpotions, a fewmagic weapons, many magic itemsLEVEL: 10XP:29,000

    Xolotl is a ten-foot humanoid monstrosity with emeraldskin. Amuscular nightmare with claws of jade, his neckends in a glisteningorifice ringed with razor-sharp teethand four pale blue tentacles.Droplets of lavender-scent-ed saliva cling to his neck and dripdown his chest.

    Verrine is a monstrous spider-creature with four bristlyarms,bright red eyes, and brown mandibles that dripmucus. He stinks ofurine.

    Driven by a boundless hatred for Demon CountessGusion (q.v.) andhis own rival Xolotl, Verrine spendsmost of his time schemingimpotently against foes realand imagined. He secretly covetsAhriman's throne, butmust first obliterate his enemies. Only afterthey are bothdead can he move against his master; still, he isloath tomove against either, for fear that the other willstrikewhen he is occupied with the prosecution of war. Thus,he isimmobilized.

    Because of his position -- a leader of armies at the edgeof thediabolical territories -- he is closest to the front lineof thehordes led by Mictlantecuhtli, who seeks nothingmore than theextermination of all devils.



  • After betraying his master, Mictlantecuhtli, Xolotl joinedthediabolical legions of Ahriman, whom he now servesas a trustedadvisor. Under Mictlantecuhtli, Xolotl wasresponsible for a greatmany tasks, which fatigued himimmensely; now, he merely furnisheshis lord withadvice, then spends the rest of his time eating,writingverse, napping, and impaling his wailing victims onbluntwooden poles.

    A gluttonous beast, Xolotl feeds constantly; by dint ofseveralmouths, he is also able to converse, issue com-mands, and recitevillanelles while gorging himself onpoached nixie intestine stuffedwith blink dog pups.

    Cheerful, sardonic, and self-indulgent, Xolotl thinks ofhimselfas someone who knows all the angles and hasalready imagined allcontingencies. He's quite fond ofsaying, "I thought you mightrespond that way." He alsotakes a perverse pleasure inforeshadowing his plans,giving his enemies an opportunity to escapehis machi-nations, then reveling in their failures later on.

    Loathed by Verrine, whom he has supplanted, he isnonethelessvalued by Ahriman, whom he has helped inthe endless war against thenative inhabitants ofMictlan.

    In combat, he strikes with his claws, which inflict 8-17pointsof damage. He can cast the following (as a 22nd-level druid) atwill: detect magic, dispel magic, entan-gle, feign death, firetrap, insect plague, summoninsects, and wall of fire.

    Once per day, he can cast cause critical wounds, con-jure fireelemental, creeping doom, finger of death, firestorm, and wall ofthorns.


    The Venerable Dragons are ten in number. Ancient andvitriolic,the regard themselves as a weary decadarchywho bear the burden ofgoverning the lesser beings.These ten dragons cannot be subdued,nor will theyshow mercy to their opponents. Found inlong-forgottenplaces, sleeping under thick layers of dust or mud,thesehorrid creatures cause nothing but misery when awak-ened.

    Venerable Dragons can bite once or twice, alternating.They canutilize their breath weapon four times per day(each round, there'sa 50% chance that the dragon willbreathe as one of itsattacks).

    Athonak-Amet, Vermilion Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (69' long)MOVE: 90 ft/ 270 ftARMOR CLASS: -2HIT DICE: 152 hit points (19 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 2d8 or 8d6TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapons, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95% INTELLIGENCE: ExceptionalALIGNMENT: ChaoticevilTREASURE: Personal, none; in lair, trove, several gems,severalobjects, many scrolls, many potions, numerousmagic items LEVEL:10XP: 34,300

    A spiteful red dragon, Athonak-Amet's crimson skin iscovered inbright pink sores that ooze a foul-smellingwhite discharge. Hishead is salmon and orange in hue,and his vast maw is crammed fullof broken and rottingteeth. The dragon's wings are ragged and torn,but hisflight is still swift, and his muscles areunimaginablypowerful.



  • Brutal and merciless, Athonak-Amet was responsible forthedecimation of many empires and kingdoms in aeonspast. Should thisvast scarlet dragon decide that anoth-er realm has become tooproud, and needs to bebrought low, he will leave his mountain lairand com-mence destruction anew.

    First, he rains down fire, and poisons the air withsulfur,immolating and asphyxiating all that it can. In theimmediateaftermath, the toxins exhaled by the dragonwill induce sickness inthe city's surviving population:nausea and bowel-churning agonywill ensue. Thisbreath weapon inflicts the dragon's current hitpoints(save vs. breath weapon means the target takeshalfdamage).

    Panic follows as the dragon soars through the city, top-plingstructures and flinging its victims into the air. He isespeciallyviolent towards the wealthy and prosperous,squeezing them intojelly with his claws. Those whoattempt to flee are chased down,picked up, andrammed into his suppurating maw.

    In combat, he bites for 8-48 or he claws for 2-16.

    He can use the following once per day, as a 20th-levelmagicuser: burning hands, conjure fire elemental, firetrap, fireball,flame arrow, hold monster, invisibility,magic missile, stinkingcloud, and wall of fire.

    Dar-khatep Nah, Azuline Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (44' long)MOVE: 90feet / 240 feetARMOR CLASS: 0HIT DICE: 144 hit points (18 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 3d6 or 3d12TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapon, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95%INTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: Lawful evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, trove, many gems,many objects, manyscrolls, many potions, many magicitems LEVEL: 10XP: 23,400

    This oleaginous monstrosity is usually only visible as avastshape under the water. The dripping turquoisescales on her torsodarken as they reach her jet-blacktail, and sapphire tentaclesundulate below her in lieu ofwings.

    Dar-khatep Nah dwells in an ocean trench, five thou-sand fathomsdown. On occasion, she rises to wreakhavoc on the surface-dwellerswhom she despises. Thedragon is preceded by peculiar phenomena atsea. Inthe days before her ascension, the waters blacken, andthesky overhead is lit by a sickly orange glow. Duringthis time,Dar-khatep Nah will occasionally rise from thedepths to attackships at sea, be they merchant vesselsor military.

    When the time has come, the dragon will summon amonstrous storm,then thunder through the city, smitingall those she encounters. Anywho stand against her willbe picked up and hurled far out to sea.Should they sur-vive the impact, they will be consumed by theaquaticbeasts which follow the dragon, including giant squidordragon turtles.

    Dar-khatep Nah's breath weapon is a blast of blue light-ning ina straight line, 200 feet long. She can also biteenemies in meleerange for 3-36 points of damage (oneor two times per round), orlash enemies up to 12 awaywith her tentacles for 3-18.

    She can cast the following once per day, as a 20th-leveldruid:call lightning, cause critical wounds, charm per-son, controlweather, control winds, dispel magic, andentangle.



  • Ke-Sectat Hatath, Porphyrous Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (56' long)MOVE: 120ft / 300 ftARMOR CLASS: -4HIT DICE: 160 hit points (20 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 2d8 or 7d6TAZ: 1SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapon, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95%INTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: Lawful evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, trove, several gems,several objects, manyscrolls, many potions, numerousmagic items LEVEL: 10XP: 28,900

    Ke-Sectat Hatath is a vast purple dragon with mauvewings andthick violet legs. His bright blue eyes are fish-like andunblinking, and its scarred snout is tufted withcoarse whitebristles. From his grey-gummed mouth, thedragon exhales a rancidmusk that induces cripplingnausea in any animal under 3 hit dice.This monstrosityis preceded by swarms of locusts, which devourfoodand flesh, obliterating crops and harassing livestock.

    On the day of the dragon's ascension from the reekingwaste-pitswhere it dwells, the sun burns red. Ke-SectatHatath soars into thecity, accompanied by giant insectsand flying vermin. Without mercy,he lays waste to allliving things. After toppling the talleststructures, anddropping rubble on any escape routes, he beginstoseize and devour (or flay, if it is not hungry) anythingthatmoves.

    Some are hurled into the swarm of giant insects (thedragon's50'-radius breath weapon), and they areborne aloft as the flesh isstripped from their bones (takethe dragon's current hit points orsave vs. breathweapon for half damage).

    Once per day, he can use the following spell-like pow-ers as a20th-level druid: cause serious wounds, creep-ing doom, insectplague, obscurement, repel insects,and summon insects.

    Makkas-Nephata, Chlorochrous Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (58' long)MOVE: 90 ft/ 240 ftARMOR CLASS: 0HIT DICE: 136 hit points (17 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 2d6 or 3d10TAZ: 3SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapon, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95% INTELLIGENCE: VeryALIGNMENT: Lawful evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, trove, many gems,many objects, manyscrolls, many potions, many magicitems LEVEL: 10XP: 19,600



  • Makkas-Nephata is a pitiless and utterly silent greendragon withshiny emerald-and-jade scales. Hisimmense mouth can swallow a dozenscreaming victims,and his talons can slice plate armor opencarefullyenough to extract the wailing knight within.

    This dragon is preceded by unnatural rains. On oneday, bloodwill drip down from the sky; on another,frogs will plummet toground, splattering all over the city;on a third, snake venom willblind those caught outsideduring the deluge; on a fourth, bile willsicken and nau-seate all those drenched in the downpour.

    Makkas-Nephata will thunder into the city on theappointed day,slamming through buildings and otherobstacles as he careens towardshis prey.

    The fortunate will be sliced and chopped into pieces byhismassive teeth; the luckless will be swallowed whole,partiallydigested, and excreted alive, all within aninstant. Though notimmediately fatal, their injuries willbe particularly horrific (anywho are killed by bite dam-age suffer the former fate; those whoare not killed suf-fer the latter).

    His breath weapon is an enchanted mist that causes alltrappedwithin the 60'-radius cloud to save vs. breathweapon or take thedragon's current hit points in dam-age (save halves, as usual); thedamage is accompaniedby nightmarish hallucinatory visions duringwhich everyperson in the cloud suffers through someone else'sworstexperience.

    Makkas-Nephata bites for 3-30 points of damage, andevery otherround, he can bite twice; the rest of the time,he claws for 2-12points of damage, or uses the follow-ing spell-like abilities(which he can employ once perday): cloudkill, fear, gust of wind,haste, slow, and wallof iron.

    Mhego Rui-Sa, Nacreous Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (49' long)MOVE: 90 ft/ 240 ftARMOR CLASS: -3HIT DICE: 128 hit points (16 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 1d10 or 6d6TAZ: 3SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapon, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95%INTELLIGENCE: HighALIGNMENT: Neutral evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, trove, many gems,many objects, manyscrolls, many potions, many magicitems LEVEL: 10XP: 23,300

    A shimmering horror, Mhego Rui-Sa is covered with iri-descentmother-of-pearl scales that catch the light. Histail undulates andtwitches constantly.



  • Nahui Ankeru-Zem, Flavescent Dragon

    FREQUENCY: UniqueNO. ENCOUNTERED: 1SIZE: L (37' long)MOVE: 90 ft/ 240 ftARMOR CLASS: 0HIT DICE: 120 hit points (15 hitdice)ATTACKS: 3DAMAGE: 2d8 or 6d4TAZ: 6SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breathweapon, spellsSPECIAL DEFENSES: NoneMAGIC RESISTANCE: StandardLAIRPROBABILITY: 95% INTELLIGENCE: VeryALIGNMENT: Neutral evilTREASURE:Personal, none; in lair, trove, many gems,many objects, manyscrolls, many potions, many magicitems LEVEL: 10XP: 15,200

    Nahui Ankeru-Zem, a venerable

Tome 8 : focus

Descendants of Tome Dominguez and Leonor Gonzalez· Descendants of Tome Dominguez and Leonor Gonzalez 1. Tome 1 Dominguez, born 1560; died 1656 in Tome, NM. He married Leonor Gonzalez

BANDES DESSINEES ENFANTS - ceadp.com BD...· Obélix et compagnie tome 23 Astérix chez les Belges tome 24 Le grand fossé tome 25 L'odyssée d'Astérix tome 26 Le fils d'Astérix

Tome 4 : Éducation

Neuroanatomie Tome II

ORNICAR? Tome 02

TOME 3· Un tome 1 présentant le résumé non technique Un tome 2 comprenant l’étude d’impact et une synthèse du dossier loi sur l’eau Un tome 3 regroupant l’ensemble

Tome 8 : éducation

Tome 6 : Éducation

· Tara Duncan par : Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian ... Les sortceliers tome 2: Le livre interdit 'tome 3: Le sceptre maudit tome 4: Le dragon renégat tome 5: Le continent interdit La

Armement Tome 1

Tome mate chimarrão

Tables du tome 64, année 2008 Techniques entomologiques· L’Entomologiste, tome 64, n° 6 363 Tables du tome 64, année 2008 Tables du tome 64, année 2008 Table alphabétique

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.