Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Palamon - 原神 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Slinking Through the Court of Fontaine: Energy Heist Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: The Ice Rock Incident: Extraterrestrials in Liyue Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Energy In The Oceans: Merusea Village Catastrophe Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Poisson's Energies, Conches, Shipwreck; Pearl Metallica. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: One Trick Hyena: Oratrice Breathing Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Elton Trench Energy Horrors: Demonic Plants Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Court Case 1: Wrong Mekas Decimated Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Fleuve Cendre Chronicles: Gears and Scales Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Annapausis Adventure: It All Loops And Repeats Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Court Case 2: Doppelgangers on the Loose Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Meropide Investigation: Rogue Bots Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Meka Parts in Fontaine: Something's Robotically Fishy. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Two Trick Hyena: Make all the Fonta Disappear. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Poisson's Portal, Sick Willow Tree, Black Crystals, Fantasy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Research Institute Phantom Thief 1: Experiments Sieged Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Sudden Floods in Mondstadt and Liyue, Vacation Ruined Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Three Trick Hyena: There's Fake Melusine Among Us Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Desert Haste, Island Chase, Odd Jobs Race Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Meka Parts in Fontaine 2: Dangerous Ocean Growths Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Research Institute Phantom Thief 2: Fleeting Towers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Liyue's Rocky Tournaments. The Ladles Rumble Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Poisson's Treasure, Rock Hydras, Hunting Fairies, Conspiracy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Shrooms in Sumeru: Stoned Spores. Poison Roulette. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Seirai's Maple Pile of Chaos! A Leafy Youkai Adventure Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Fontaine Flower Scavenger Hunt: Health Intervention Mission Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 1: Forced Recovery Excursion. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Meropide Odd Jobs: Leviathans and Sea Beasts Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Ludi Harpastum's Foreign Visitors Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 2: Miasma Aplenty Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Research Institute Phantom Thief 3: Harpoons, Sea Gazelles Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 3: Lion Beasts and Partings. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Liyue's Labyrinths of Danger: Corridors of Chaos Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Undersea Fontaine Legends: Frogs, Gators, Fawns; Blue Fog Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Fashion Week! Congele Versus: Trends, Corruption and Rivals Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Poisson's Deepest Seeds, Pirate Aigre, Treasure Bleeding Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Northern Fontaine Mysteries: Creepy Crawlies Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Fleuve Cendre Chronicles: Reverse Reaper Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Meropide is Drowning: The Otters Are Waking Up Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Court Case Finale: A Whale Of A Case Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Fontaine Finale: The Floods Seceded Summary: Notes: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Slinking Through the Court of Fontaine: Energy Heist


Siorc's mission in Fontaine begins.


Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Robin, Raven, Meluzines, Furina, Chlorinde and Neuvilette.


It begins. I have nothing to say.

Chapter Text

"It makes no sense to me, Your Majesty.

Why don't you want me to get
Any stronger? Sending me on these mundane
Nothing missions.
This will only stagnate my progress!

The gift you gave me, and this Dendro
Orb I received, don't you want me to

Become stronger, faster?
Everything is mundane in this
Cold breeze.
Oh, I hunger for strength, Your
Majesty. Diplomacy is useless!
Each and every day, is

Such a drag.
Though, I see how it is,
Really, didn't you take me away to make me into a powerful soldier? You
Ought to remember that!
No, what am I saying? All my orders are decided from the
Get go.
Each and every day is predetermined.
Repeating all the absolute nothing.

Maybe at some point,
One day my training will
Resume. Patience is key.
Every day, there is a chance.

Perhaps it will be here soon,
Or never.
Who knows?
Every day is unpredictable here. But, I
For now, I need to focus on the workday at hand.
Ultimately, that is key.
Look, I can't ask her to let me train with a Harbinger again.

After all, she'll kill me.
No more requests for my
Desires. I know that's

Forbidden of me.
All and all, this vision, I
Suppose I'll get used
To it slowly.
Each and every day, it is mine now,
Really, patience is key."

Four days had passed since the hyena had a practice battle with the Eleventh Harbinger. Nothing of especial happenstance had occurred. Diplomacy of nothing overtaking the ninety-six hours, mundaneness kicked into overdrive. Thirst for strength taking a backseat, the soldier remained loyal.

Today, diplomacy would die a dishonorable death.

The sound of morning alarm bells shouted out with a squeal to the skies and ceilings above. As the alarm bells continued blaring their grating noises for minutes on end, countless Fatui Soldiers groaned in a discordant harmony. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal within the military barracks.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the early adult pumped his currently human fists together. Another day of absolutely nothing awaited him, for sure. Hourglasses' sand beginning to fall faster, the hyena rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As his uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the soldier's confidence shot through the roof like a bullet on the battlefield. Today, for sure, diplomatic affairs would continue, like always. Snapping the buttons on his winter jacket shut, the early adult removed the cover of his jewelry and accessory box.

Windwheel Aster set staring back at him, the soldier turned his nose up. Nature and he were not yet on speaking terms. Returning his attention forward, the early adult clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning his favorite matching yellow moon ones, the chimera could not help but wonder. Was turning his prized possessions into weapons what he truly wanted? He could not help but already feet a wave of regret.

But, a spark soon popped off in the hyena's brain. Stronger, he needed to get stronger. Faster, more powerful. Turning his hairpins and earrings into weapons, it was the only way. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he thinking? He needed to focus.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the chimera gazed at the yellow-green orb down below him. Why was he Dendro? Surely, there had to have been another element he could have received. But, the hyena shook his head. The decision had already been made by the deities above. There was nothing he could do to change such; his fate had been sealed, and he supposed, anything was better than the terrifying element of Pyro.

Buttons in the correct holes, the early adult walked towards the edge of the room. Heelless shoes soon slipped over his currently human feet, the young soldier stared at the steel walls. He supposed, he should be grateful he was amongst the very limited numbers to receive a Vision. Closing the book on such thoughts, the chimera devoured his rations like a wolf in Mondstadt.

Glasses adjusted, and everything done, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body. Knowing that, at any minute, his orders would arrive, the soldier pumped his currently human fists together for the second time. Today, for sure, another day of absolutely nothing awaited him.

Hearing the Fatui Agent's boots march onward with a fervor, the soldier tilted his head. Was it just his imagination, or had the sound of his steps gotten louder? Realizing such, the hyena blinked. His hearing, it had gotten sharper. Slapping his cheeks, the chimera regained focus. There was no time to think about such things. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. The time had come his workday of nothing to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going to Fontaine to study, observe, and collect energy sources." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. All the energy in the world belonged to Her Majesty.

The hyena jumped six steps back. He's going to Fontaine today? There was no way he would ever be welcome there, guaranteed. Fontaine's wine industry, hadn't the Fatui been banished from such establishment? Surely, the rest of the nation would have been exactly the same.

Fontaine echoing in his mind, the chimera stared off into space. Wasn't Fontaine the Nation of Justice? Fatui were considered injustice throughout the continent. There was absolutely no way, without any question, that he would be able to research energy sources without getting caught and sent into a steel barred room.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Are you with me? You're going to Fontaine to study and collect energy sources!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. What could possibly be on his mind besides work? "Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The chimera flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. Any wrong move, and Her Majesty would kill him, guaranteed. There was no time to waste. Pushing every single thought aside, the work mode switch flipped upward inside him. Justice or not, he had to work, no matter what.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the early adult waited for the gripping prison to take him away.

"Excellent. Let's go, soldier," the agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the agent grabbed the wrist into a tight lock. Gripping prison as tight as it usually was, the soldier closed his eyes as the escort to Fontaine began. But, as the nation was nearing, one thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Will he be kicked out of the nation?


"Fontaine is different than I recall.
Over my head in the corner, is a huge waterfall.
Not only that, this nation feels elevated.
This makes no sense. Was it
Always like this? Perhaps the time
I had come here years ago, things have since changed.
No, I suppose, I must be remembering this place wrong.
Everything is different, except the waterfalls.

Is this the nation of justice in its true capacity?
So high off of the ground, is

This Celestia? No, that can't be it.
However, I have this feeling,
Everyone here is still justice seeking. This

Nation of Justice. I
Am a villain to them, guaranteed.
That much is likely the case, for that
I am certain. So, as I
Observe these energy sources, I
Need to proceed with caution.

Of course, one wrong move, and I'll be arrested,
For sure. I cannot allow that to happen.

Justice never sleeps, that is the
Ultimate key. So, I need to be careful.
Stealthy. Go unnoticed by all.
The less I am noticed, the better.
In this nation full of water, I
Cannot be lax, I need to keep my guard up.
Even if there is no one around me."

Upon reaching a sandy desert hill through the Teleport Waypoint, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. The Agent, why had he taken him to the edges of Sumeru? But, such inquiry had an immediate answer. Hearing the sound of roaring falls, the hyena turned his head towards the cacophony.

Spotting a large, high elevated waterfall off in the distance, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. The Hydro Nation of Justice, was it much higher off the ground than other nations? He had to have to have been remembering the nation wrong since the last time he had been here three years or so prior.

Gripping prison clamping down harder, the soldier could feel his feet be dragged downward through the mountain. Boat summoned almost out of nowhere as the lake soon neared, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was getting into Fontaine from here even possible?

Placed into the wooden vessel, the early adult had been removed from the gripping prison. Boat soon cruising forward, the hyena observed the area around him. Hearing seagulls calling out from the distance, the hyena wondered. Had Fontaine always been beside a desert? His parents had never taught him an array of knowledge about the Hydro Nation.

Boat getting further out to sea, the early adult gazed at the waterfall from afar. Was the entire nation above the falls? How was such even possible? The Electro Nation of Eternity, it had been a collection of islands far isolated off the coast of the rest of the world. Was Fontaine the same? He supposed he was about to find out if such were indeed the case.

Agent soon passing by a boat sitting motionless upon the water with no one sitting inside it, the hyena blinked. How could someone leave a large vessel in the middle of the sea like that? But, something of particular note caught the soldier's attention. The vehicle, had it not been powered by humanity? He could not help but feel something had been different about it.

Vehicle passed by a sea of questions flowed through the soldier as multiple boats got further away in his heterochromatic field of damaged vision. Fontaine, was it a more advanced region technologically from other nations? He recalled hearing whisperings of the Research Institute many years prior. Could such institution have created advancements in life?

But, as the nation of justice grew closer, a memory had come flowing back into the soldier's fading human brain. His practice partner had once told him Snezhnaya had been the nation more advanced than the rest. Realizing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. The rest of Teyvat, was it behind on the times? But, he supposed the rest of the continent had their own forms of technology fit to the standards of everyone.

Destination a mere seventy-five meters away, the soldier remained motionless within the wooden vessel. If he were to move around too much, he would become one with the ocean at any given moment. Docking area about to be upon him any second now, the hyena prepared himself. What world was about to await him on the other side?

Wooden vessel soon docked, the Agent stepped forward. Wrist gripped into a tight lock once more, the soldier gazed at the world around him. Large, glass sea side building separated by a large bed of water and staircases aplenty, the early adult scratched his head. Where had he been taken to? Guided across the waterway, the next part of his journey soon awaited him.

Agent informing him to take the Aquabus to the Court of Fontaine, the early adult titled his head. What, in all of Teyvat, was an Aquabus? He had never heard of such contraption before. Subordinate soon exiting the area, the early adult let out a gulp. He was to traverse Fontaine alone, by himself, solo.

Stepping onto the staircase beside a man dressed to the nines and his hat wearing dog, the soldier could feel a chill crawl down his spine. Was everyone in the nation required to dress as fancy as possible? If such were the case, he was about to stick out like a Slime in a tribe of Hilichurls.

Reaching the end of staircase, a green blue glass room awaited the hyena. Seeing such, the soldier flinched. What in the world was he looking at? Seeing someone press a button beside him, doors opened automatically. Person stepping inside the strange corridor, the soldier followed behind in tandem.

Circular object underneath thrusting the soldier upward, the hyena's mouth dropped open. The circular glass room was a moving vehicle, as well? Absolutely fascinating. Technology was incredible. Perhaps, just maybe, two people could even trade books from far and wide without even moving.

Glass room soon halting, the person in front of him soon moved towards the exit. Quietly following behind, the upper levels of the area had soon been reached. Person moving towards a sign in the corner with a button, the early adult opened up his proxy orb into map form. Spotting the blue triangle in the corner of the map, the soldier studied it, for a moment.

Pointer indicating he had been in Romaritime Harbor, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was the nation of Fontaine a harbor based nation? Spotting multiple harbors throughout various parts of the Hydro world in front of him, he supposed such had to have been the case. He supposed, in the future, he would be tasked to ride through the other ports, as well.

Person in front of him pressing the button moments later, the early adult stepped behind the stranger. No one else stepping behind him, silence overtook the harbor. Fancy people all around going about their business, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Silence was deafening.

Silence looping on repeat as the soldier waited for the mysterious aquatic bus to arrive, the young soldier observed the world around him. Pirate ship far off in the distance and presumable captain being the only person not dressed in formal attire, the early adult blinked. The citizens of the nation were friends of the sea, indeed.

But, such world of quiet soon boomed into a commotion. Well dressed citizens everywhere chanting one after another that Lady ------ had returned, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. Lady ------? Was she some sort of important person in Fontaine? Hearing the sound of boots high up above, the hyena turned his head towards the noise.

Spotting a short young woman standing on the edge of a glass area above the ground as the crowd cheered, the hyena stood on the tips of his toes. Why did this person have to stand so high, was she above everyone else? He could not help but feel a sense of superiority radiating through her. Young lady adorning light blue hair with aquatic highlights all the way down to her backside, with aqua eyes to match adorning teardrop pupils with one eye a darker shade than the other, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. This person, just who was she? Fancy indigo outfit that looked liked the ocean and hat to match barely covering her loose hair in the corner, an overwhelming aura shot down like ultra violet rays as the lady had begun to speak.

"My dear people, rich, poor, Fatui and all," the lady announced with bravado. "I, Focalors, have defeated that vile blonde once and for all. You may all rejoice in this!"

Multiple generic citizens cheering as if a battle competition had just been won, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the hyena. Did the Hydro Archon just announce herself to everyone? How incredibly odd. Weren't the seven supposed to keep themselves at a distance from their own citizens or keep their identities secret from the common folk? But, he supposed such depended on the nation.

Some generic nobodies announcing justice had been served, fear swallowed the hyena up like a plate of garlic baguette. If he were to make even a singular slip up while in Fontaine, he would be the next one defeated by the hammer of the nation's justice in fell swoop, for certain.

Young woman proclaiming herself the nation's archon soon exiting the area, the hyena took a long deep breath. He needed to be careful for the rest of the mission going forward, guaranteed. The Hydro God, an extra set of eyes would be on him, without a shadow of doubt. Caution was mandatory.

World growing quiet once more, a vehicle soon docked itself in the corner. Person in front of him soon hopping on, the early adult observed the object in front of him. Large, elevated boat adorning the colors grey, gold and blue with a two staircases and no human powering it, the soldier froze in place.

Vehicle floating above the water with grace, the early adult's knees had become hard as rocks. This large boat in front of him was able to take him across the entire nation without the need for paddles? How incredibly fascinating. Technology was incredible. His proxy map was but a speck of dust on the wind in comparison. But, his food cart of thought was soon halted as the stranger who boarded first called out to him.

"Aren't you getting on?" the stranger asked. "You've been standing there for quite awhile!"

Flinching, the early adult seated himself on the opposite side of the stranger. Right, it was time to go. Short young animalistic woman with light brown hair going down to her shoulders with colorful pointy ears, a blue hat with foreign writing on it, cyan coat barely hiding her white and blue paws, the soldier wondered. Were humanity and the wildlife intertwined into civilization here far more than other nations?

Brown haired person asking if everyone had boarded, a loud yes had come from the stranger's mouth. Unknown person soon looking right towards him, the early adult studied them, for a moment. Seated on the opposite end of the vehicle had been a young man who looked barely any taller than him. The young man had short blond hair that went down to about his shoulders with a small braid going through his bangs. Orange eyes, and ridiculously long golden eyebrows with freckles everywhere the eye could see, the early adult let out a groan. Fancy grey suit with brown pants and a penguin tail sticking out from behind him, the young soldier let out another grunt.

Gazing at the penguin tail once more, the hyena placed his hands on his scalp. The pesky penguin family resided in Fontaine, as well? He wanted to rip out entire locks of his hair and remove himself from this boat right now. But, he knew he could not do such. Riding the aquabus forward was the only option. Perhaps, just maybe, if he focused on the scenery, the new thorn in his side would give him peace.

Absent minded looking purple haired young man with a hyena tail sitting on the other side of the boat adorning a Dendro Vision on his belt, the blond swore he could feel an arrow shot through his heart. Archons, was this man such a cutie. He wanted to take him home, then take him out to dinner and become his wife. Having both a tail, and a Dendro Vision just like him? This man was a keeper. It was time to break the ice.

"Hi, there! You seem new here!" the stranger exclaimed. "I couldn't help but notice your tail was sticking out!" His face grew hot. Archons, was this man a keeper. "My name is Earl! What's your name?"

Strange aquatic creature up in the front of the vehicle soon interrupting the aggravating stranger with an announcement that the Aquabus Tour was starting, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Had a miracle ascended from Celestia? The tour guide had cut the annoying stranger off at the perfect time.

Tour ready to begin, the information presented to him soon registered to the hyena. Did the pesky penguin just say his tail was sticking out? How incredibly embarrassing. Closing his eyes, for a moment, his tail soon vanished from his backside. Stranger referring to themselves as Earl soon clapping, the hyena let out a groan.

Person introducing himself faster than a speeding bullet, the chimera let out a barely audible sigh. Why was this person being so friendly to him immediately? Didn't he see the Fatui Insignias on his uniform? He was being far too nice with someone he had only met less than five minutes ago. A less savory person would take advantage of him, if he were anyone else, without question.

Disgusting orange eyes looking at him with heavy anticipation, the early adult was beside himself with bewilderment. Why did he look as if he was expecting him to give out his name like it was some wedding gift? He was a member of the Fatui; he was not supposed to give out his name so easily anymore. Such was forbidden.

But, the pesky penguin's eyes would not leave his own. Letting out a sigh, the early adult prepared himself to unleash the forbidden knowledge of the name his parents gave him when he was brought into this world two decades prior. Would giving this man the information he wanted keep him quiet? The hyena hoped so.

"My name is Siorc, sir," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. He then turned his head towards the opposite direction. Absolutely disgusting, a pest had learned his name.

Stranger mumbling out that his name was Siorc, Earl could feel himself transported to Wonderland. Siorc, that name was of Fontaine descent. This man was definitely a keeper. His surname, if it were of Fontaine descent his well, the entire family would approve. Yes, the wedding bells were ringing. This man, without question, he would become his future wife. He needed to introduce him to his family right away.

"Oh, don't be so formal, pal! Just call me Earl!" Earl exclaimed, slapping his hand on the air. "You're one of those Fatui people, huh? What brings you to Fontaine?" A forbidden romance? Steamy goodness.

Aquabus moving through a tunnel as the tour had begun, the early adult turned his attention towards the aquatic lady's information. Girl saying he had been on the Clementine Line and they were headed for the Court of Fontaine, the soldier's eyes practically had stars in them. He was about to get a full tour of the southern part of the nation? He was ready.

Tour guide introducing herself as Aeval, the hyena's eyes were glued. What secrets awaited him beyond the tunnel? Boat moving by itself as she spoke about voicing concerns to her, the hyena remained still as everything moved forward. Water splashing underneath the vehicle, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera.

Not seeing anyone steering the ship and no ladder down below, the hyena could not help but wonder. What could have possibly been powering the Aquabus? Did it move independently without someone steering? How fascinating. The horse powered carts with no steeds to pull them were ancient in comparison.

Boat moving north through the water, the early adult peered over his shoulder. Beaches everywhere and much darker blue water for kilometers, the soldier blinked. Was the water in Fontaine of different caliber than the oceans in other nations? He could not help but feel it looked different from the lakes of Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru before it.

Tour Guide soon talking about the Steambird, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. The famous newspaper hailed from Fontaine? How interesting. He supposed such name did not fit any other region within the continent. But, he knew, if a member of the paper were to attempt to interview him, he would have to decline. Letting reporters hear his voice was never going to happen.

Tour continuing as the vessel kept heading north in an automatic notion, the early adult let out a sigh as the pesky penguin's voice played in his head once more. Why was this new thorn in his side twice over asking about this objective? Would telling him why he was sent here keep him quiet? Knocking on invisible wood, he motioned his lips to speak.

"I must observe Fontaine's energy sources, sir," the hyena responded, tacking on the word sir anyway.

Aquarails continuing upon the northern path, the soldier turned his head towards the opposite direction. Will giving this penguin the information he wanted out of him get him to hop off his back? Hopefully, with the slither of information he provided, the rest of the trip to the Court of Fontaine would be quiet.

Fatui Siorc saying he has to observe Fontaine's energy sources, another arrow had been shot through the center of his chest. Was he staying here in the area for awhile? Then he most certainly needed shelter. He wanted to take him home more than ever. Fate was upon him, the stars were aligned.

"Then you'll need shelter!" Earl shouted, star eyed. "Come with me, I'll take you to my home! This line stops in Court of Fontaine, I live there!"

Earl not asking and acting like he was not being given an option, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Who did this person think he was, being so friendly and forward? The Fatui, didn't they have negative reputation throughout the entire world? While he did not align himself with the rest of the organization's ideals whatsoever, he knew people looked upon him with the same disgust as the other soldiers. This person had no sense of danger, for sure.

Knowing if he did not respond, the pesky penguin's gums would keep flapping, the early adult nodded. He supposed having somewhere to stay if his mission was more than one day wouldn't be so bad. Fancily dressed man letting out a cheer, the soldier slapped his palm across his forehead. What unnecessary fanfare.

Ride soon falling silent, the early adult kept his attention on the tour. Aquabus trudging on along the waterways with scenic routes to the east and west alike, the soldier gazed at the world around him. Landmasses to both sides looking incredibly different from one another, the young soldier pondered. Was Fontaine split into multiple areas? He supposed he would find out at a later point.

Tour Guide soon saying they were passing by the Merusea Village and proclaiming that's where she's from, the hyena gazed downward. Where was this village she was speaking of? Wherever it had been, it was not visible whatsoever. Aeval saying she was born from Elynas, the hyena blinked. Wasn't she saying too much? Surely, she was going off her tour guide script.

Supposed invisible village passed by, the tour had kept going. Spotting a cluster of pink from afar, the early adult had come to wonder. Those pink trees, were those the ones he had seen the last time he had been here years prior? Perhaps, just maybe, at a later date, he could take a look at such just to be sure, even if nature and he were seeing other people.

More layers of ocean soon catching the chimera's attention, the soldier could not help but wonder. Did Fontaine have a rising sea level problem? But, the early adult put a pin in such thought. If such were a catastrophic issue, the citizens would be on edge all the time.

Earl sewing up a storm in the corner, another question swept the wet rug from underneath him. Man looking as though he were sewing an extremely fancy scarf, the inquiry poked him with a needle. Was the penguin into fashion? But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What did he care? He was a pest. Whatever he was doing was not interesting, in the slightest.

Vehicle soon moving towards the next tunnel, the early adult could feel a wave of unease flow through him. Was it just his imagination, or did he just whiff a strong scent of rotting pipes down below? But, the young soldier shook his head. He had to have been imagining it. Pipes had no scent, for sure.

Tour guide stating they were passing through Poisson, the chimera could feel a chill travel down his spine. Poisson, was that a fancy word for poison? Was there a city laden with toxins everywhere? Guide stating no one takes the Poisson line, conspiracies had begun to churn in his partially human brain. Poisson, the city of poison. The toxic civilization.

Soon hearing most people come to Fontaine through a place known as Chenyu Vale in Liyue, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. Did Fontaine border Liyue? He supposed he would find out such in the future. Possible city of toxins cruised through, the journey to the capital soon continued.

Earl finishing up whatever he was sewing, the hyena paid the man no more mind. The pesky penguin chimera deserved no attention from him whatsoever. Aquatic bus continuing upon the northern path, the early adult kept his eyes forward. Spotting a port far off from the other side, the destination was soon nearing.

Young lady stating they will soon be arriving at the capital city, the early adult wondered. Did all seven nations name their capital city after the nation itself? Such pattern had become impossible to ignore as the years had continued to creep on by in his forced upon him Fatui life.

Aquabus meters away from its destination, a very late reminder had come the soldier's way. Tour guide stating to keep hands, feet and swords in the boat at all times, the early adult could feel sweat pour down his back. Shouldn't she have mentioned such from the very beginning of the trip? But, perhaps, just maybe, she was new to her profession.

Arriving at the station after twenty minutes had passed, the early adult took a long, deep breath. What was about to await him in the capital city? If unwelcomed glares of the citizens soon awaited him, he needed to prepare himself for any justice that would come for him at any given moment. But, as his thoughts soared through him, the pesky penguin's voice cut him with a scissor.

"We're finally here! The Court of Fontaine!" Earl exclaimed with excitement. "Now, let me take you home!"

Earl leading the way as the station was soon behind them, the early adult observed the large city in front of him. Gigantic established civilization with multiple floors separated by waterways and expensive looking stores on every single corner and alleyway, the hyena's heart skipped two beats. Was he in rich people county? The hyena did not know, but he felt like such had to have been the case.

Fancily dressed penguin veering off towards the left of the city, the soldier followed behind in silence. While he would prefer to vanish without a trace he knew, that if he did such, the thorn in his side would announce his name to the world to look for him. Such embarrassment should never come into fruition, no matter what.

Continuing upon the southward path for awhile, restaurants had been passed by. Generic citizens passing by in the highest, most pristine clothing, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why was everyone in this nation so well dressed? Perhaps, just maybe, the nation was the fashion capital of the world. Was he underdressed? Surely, Her Majesty knew he would stand out in his plain Snezhnayan winter jacket.

Soon passing by a hotel that was advertising an upcoming magic show, the early adult could feel himself become a fish out of water. Fontaine had magicians? Spotting a generic man in the corner of the hotel doing tricks galore, the chimera held back a shrug. Every nation had their own share of entertainment.

Guided down a stairwell, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Just how far away was he being taken? He could not help but feel wherever the penguin thorn in his side lived it was quite a far ways away from the rest of the city. Continuing onward, the nonexistent clock soon struck seven.

Tracks soon stopped beside a fancy looking clothing store with dresses on display outside, and suits on display on the inside windows, the early adult took another deep breath as the beautiful clothing glared back at him. The dresses, he wanted to try one on. But, the chimera popped such thought away with a pin. He had a mission to attend to. There was no time to be thinking about fashion.

Golden doorknob soon twisted open, the hyena followed behind the penguin in tandem. Guided towards a stairwell, the duo barreled down the stairs almost as if heading through a sewer. Small looking apartment underneath with no more than eight rooms forming a large space with only a few doors evident throughout, an unfortunate sight soon caught the early adult's eyes.

Eyes soon darted towards the couch, a sight the soldier did not wish to witness burned into the hyena's pupils faster than fire. Kaiser laying on his side all bandaged up from shoulders to wrist rolled up into a ball, warning bells rung in Siorc's mind. Had he hurt himself? While the pest was the biggest thorn in his side, wishing injury upon him was not in the cards at all. But, an announcement soon cut his thoughts short.

"I'm home!" Earl shouted at the top of his lungs. But, he soon noticed his future husband's eyes were elsewhere. "Oh, don't mind my cousin over there. He's having some sort of crisis. We're keeping him safe while he's staying here." He then stepped forward. "Now, let's get to the kitchen!"

Earl leading the way, the hyena's eyes wandered back towards Kaiser. Had something happened to him? He could not help but feel concern even if he was the last person he ever wished to cross paths with. But, the early adult turned around. Whatever happened was not his business. He knew, if Kaiser caught him looking his way he would shout to not look at him right now, he's ugly.

Whiffing a tasty smell of meat on the air, the early adult held back the urge to drool. Had he arrived during mealtime? If such were the case, perhaps it was best to leave until their dinner was finished. Intruding upon another family's quality time eating together was rude of him, for sure. Strangers hard at work putting ingredients together, Earl soon ran onto the scene.

"What?! You two started making dinner without me?!" Earl whined. But, a voice soon cut him off.

"Earl, you brought another boy home?" the stranger asked. "How many does this make now?" Their voice was slightly tenor and accented.

Finger pointed his way, the hyena studied the stranger from afar. Standing in the kitchen prepping seasonings had been a short, androgynous looking person who was no more than seven centimeters taller than him. The person had curly blond hair that went down to about their chest, with a slight ponytail where all the rest of the curls designated themselves to towards the upper left side of their head. Adorning a golden monocle over their right eye with a sun on string below them, star and moon low hanging earrings, orange eyes with obnoxious golden penguin crests and a feminine purple suit, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. More pesky penguins. His hair would be grey by the end of this mission.

"Five!" Earl responded with excitement. "But, he's a keeper, Baron! He's Dendro, just like me!"

Brother going on about yet another boy he just met, Baron shook their head. Earl was going to be heartbroken yet again like the past four times he had been dumped and rejected almost immediately. Why couldn't he have a more realistic outlook on love and stop falling for people right off the bat? They needed to remind him of reality.

"He's going to dump you like the rest of them when he sees your feet," Baron responded in a matter of fact tone.

Hearing Earl and Baron's conversation, fury sunk its teeth into the hyena's shoulders. These penguins think he's this man's next date? Absolutely horrific. He would never date a penguin, no way. Not even if he and the penguin chimeras were the last on the entire planet. Never, in a million lifetimes.

Last person in the room studying him from afar, the hyena let out a tired sigh. Was the final penguin pest about to add themselves to the annoying chaos brewing about? If such were about to be the case, he would leave immediately. He had no time for these ridiculous false romantic advances from a group of annoying strangers.

Dearest younger brother bringing home another boy, the oldest sibling observed Earl's new boy toy. But, their eyes soon wandered to the man's uniform in a matter of seconds. Spotting a Fatui Insignia on the corner of his winter jacket, a switch clicked. The oldest sibling sees the truth now. Earl had brought him here for shelter.

"Dearest Earl, you brought this boy here to hide him from the bigwig meka cops while on a mission," the stranger surmised. Their voice was slightly tenor, but had feminine charm nonetheless. She then turned towards the Fatui. "My kindness is all yours, darling. My name is Malika, owner of the Congelé Boutique. Let me know if you need anything to wear, you can use our clothes for free!"

Words of kindness coming his way, the early adult observed the owner of the voice. Standing in the kitchen looking like she had just taken a break from prepping a fancy dinner had been a very tall woman slightly taller than Kaiser. The young woman had bright blonde moisturized hair that went down to about right below her chest with a right swept ponytail and backside braided. Orange eyes and golden penguin crests like the rest of her family, the hyena gazed at her outfit. Adorning a fancy white dress with a long orange skirt, the soldier could not believe what he was thinking, but Malika was absolutely gorgeous.

Seeing such a fancy outfit on her, Siorc could not help but wonder. Did Kaiser get his fashion sense from Malika? He could not help but feel her femininity had been very contagious. The dresses on the top floor, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try one on later. But, his thoughts were soon interrupted by another voice.

"Just so you know, if you call my sister a man at any point while you're here," Baron said, arms crossed around their chest. "You're out of here and won't be allowed back." There was a heavy sense of seriousness in their voice.

The hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Why would he ever refer to Malika as a man? Did Baron think because her voice had a deeper cadence he would refer to her in such a way? There was no way he would ever do such a thing. Misgendering anyone for any given reason, especially on purpose, should a crime punishable by prison. But, as he kept thinking about such, a voice cut through his thoughts with gardening sheers.

"Supper probably won't be ready for an hour or two," Malika said, going back to mixing ingredients into mystery meat. "Darling, why not go explore the city for now? Earl will come and get you when it's time to eat."

Trio deep into their meal preparations, the soldier nodded. It was best to get onto the mission at hand right away. Intruding upon a family's mealtime was not on the agenda. He would return after hours, for the time being. Such was the only option. Climbing up the stairwell, the hyena exited into the world outside.

Opening the proxy orb into map form for a moment, the early adult observed the triangle in the northwestern area of the map. Spotting a teleport waypoint close to the area he had been in, the soldier walked off towards the left. But, as he continued to step forward, nothing but a glass room awaited him.

Glass box plastered with floor numbers, static swum through the early adult's head. The Navia line? Floor two? Head for outside of the Court of Fontaine? Which one could have possibly been the correct answer? Figuring the last one had to have been the case, the hyena pressed the button. Crossing his index fingers over his middle fingers, the early adult prayed to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship he had selected correctly.

Nothing but an empty exit area filled with towering walls throughout, the hyena gazed at the teleport waypoint in the corner. What could be powering such landmarks all across the nations? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. There was no answer to such question, guaranteed. Barely anyone knew what they were. Everyone in Teyvat sans those with proxy maps traversed on foot or boat. Returning to the glass room, the chimera went back to the floor he came.

Walking upon the eastward path he stepped through earlier, the soldier turned his attention towards the hotel. Multiple, well dressed individuals standing around everywhere outdoors with more semi aquatic people dressed to impress, the early adult could not help but wonder further. The magic show that was announced earlier, was it amongst one of the popular events? If such were the case, studying the city's energy flow would prove to be a challenge.

Spotting tall robots around the city streets looking as though they were employees of the city's police force, the hyena let out a gulp. The Court of Fontaine had mechanical beings employed upon their staff? He was in serious trouble if one were about to catch him. They had to have been programmed to remove people like him from the premises, guaranteed.

Soon entering the hotel, for a moment, the area almost swallowed the hyena whole. Was it just him, or did the hotel feel far fancier on the inside than it did on the outside? Wave of intimidation nibbling on his neck, the chimera kept walking. Guests bustling about magicians with various layers of excitement, the soldier turned his attention towards the shops on the bottom floor.

Tiny restaurant and store a booth over completely run by people, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Was a majority of Fontaine still human ran? Perhaps, just maybe, the only things run automatically were the transportation methods. Ascending to the second floor, rich people indulging in high tea and crumpets plagued the area like an illness.

Finding nothing about energy within the inn walls, the soldier excused himself. But, as he returned to the world outside, a hypothesis with more holes than swiss cheese took the stage. The magic show, could it have been powered by Fontaine's energy source? He supposed, at a later point, he would have to check one out for himself if a time ever arose where he could do so.

Spotting another restaurant in the corner with generic citizens eating their fill, the soldier could not help but wonder once more. Did the employees of the eating establishments make use of the city's energy to have food cooked for them? But, the early adult threw such thought away into the aquarails across the line. Why was he assuming everything here was automated? There was no way that could have even been close to the truth.

Eventually reaching a newspaper and book stall, a young woman in the corner clamored on and on about detective novels and multiple court cases. Hearing such hustle and bustle, the hyena let out a gulp. The culture of Fontaine was the courtroom. If he were to make one wrong move, he would be the next court case.

Continuing onward, the hyena found himself beside the city's god statue. Robed woman holding something upward, the early adult could not help but ponder. All of the statues he had seen throughout Teyvat, did they contain some sort of powers? But, the early adult shook his head. There was no way that could have been the case. They were merely a commemoration of the region's archon.

Walking upon the northeastern path, a familiar building he had come across in Mondstadt and Sumeru caught the hyena's attention. Adventurer's Guild booth standing out in the open with the usual black haired receptionist, the soldier did a triple take. Why did all the receptionists look exactly the same? Woman turned towards the side, he swore he could see a wind up key behind her.

Adventurers gathering around requesting work for the evening, the soldier blinked. The Adventurer's Guild, was it an organization everywhere throughout Teyvat? But, the chimera pushed such thoughts away. Why was he letting himself get distracted? He needed to focus on studying energy sources.

Toy and strange store calling itself a clockwork shop, the soldier could feel his knees twitch. What in the world was clockwork? Such was a foreign concept to him. Moving along the way, robots walked beside him in tandem. Mechanical person stopping to look at him for a moment, the early adult let out a yelp.

Mechanical citizen soon moving on its own way, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Whatever was powering the robots, he should be thankful their programming did not regard him as a suspicious person. Observing more shops for awhile to come, the soldier walked towards the city's aquabus station.

Vehicle out in the open with people looking ready to board, the soldier gazed at the machine of many marvels. What could possibly be powering such a thing? Could the creature serving as a tour guide have been the source of such? Taking note the employee had been standing on top of a circular button, such possibility retained water.

Returning to another glass room, the object thrusted him upward for the third time of the day after the press of a button. Entire chamber going up with no problem, fascination took the hyena for a ride. What in the world was powering this contraption? Was it being pulled up by a wooden pulley down below? Trying to look down, no gaps between the corridors showed anything of note.

Eyes practically growing six sizes as he returned, the early adult rapidly shook his head back and forth. If people saw his face right now, he would be called a shark out of water, for sure. He needed to look serious, or he would stand out amongst the crowd. Observing the rest of the city for hours on end, the next stop was soon upon him.

But, as the early adult reached the blacksmith, fancy feet had come running his way. Earl completely out of breath as he approached him, the hyena let out a deep groan. Why had he come for him? Wasn't it far past dinnertime already? Surely, he had no reason to come gather him like some lost puppy.

"Found you!" Earl exclaimed, panting. "It's time for supper now!" As he said such, he grabbed Siorc's hand.

Earl dragging him along as if he was waiting to take his hand, the early adult stared at the nighttime sky. Wasn't it far too late for a meal? The pesky penguin was wasting his time bringing him back to his home fashion base. But, he supposed that not as much time had passed as he anticipated.

Thorn in his side's cheeks as red as a tomato, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. Why was Earl blushing looking ready to burst out into a million giggles at any given moment? If even grabbing a hold of his hand to escort him back to the boutique was a gesture of romanticism with him, he wanted no part of such. But, it had been too late to break free. The boutique was soon reached.

Guided back towards the apartment beneath the boutique, a strong scent of meat filled the air. Earl guiding him to his seat, the soldier stared at the meal in front of him. Circular dish with an egg yolk on top smelling as juicy as ever, the hyena could feel himself salivate.

Kaiser setting the table, the early adult could not help but take note of the look of confusion upon his face. Seeing such, the hyena wondered. Was something rather unusual to him? But, he supposed it as not his business whatsoever. Table set with only napkins and forks, a question soon arose from the ashes.

"Malika, where are the knives?" Kaiser asked, voice devoid of all emotion.

"We hid them all!" Malika exclaimed. But, such was met with immediate shock.

"How am I supposed to cut my steak without a knife?" Kaiser retorted, deadpan.

Commotion kicking into overdrive as the minutes dragged onward, the hyena turned his attention towards Kaiser's bandages for the second time of the day. As he kept his attention forward, an immediate realization had washed over him. The injuries, he had done such a thing to himself. The time Regina cut herself off to say he might do something, was that what she meant? If such were the case, he needed to curb his disdain for the time being.

Dull, white plastic knives that could barely cut through anything except butter, the family of penguins had begun chowing down on their dinner in a polite manner. Group eating slowly, the soldier blinked. Proper table etiquette was mandatory. Carving through the circular lump of meat in front of him at the pace of a slug, the hyena attempted to chew like a rich person.

Juicy pieces of meat dropping down his partially human throat, the early adult blinked. What was he tasting, exactly? Was this how rich people ate? He could not help but feel he had eaten something far more fancy than he should be allowed the privilege of. Meal finished after dozens of small bites, the chimera excused himself.

Guided towards a guestroom, a large fluffy bed awaited the soldier. Pulling himself under the covers, the hyena attempted to close his eyes. But, sleep never came. Hours on end passing with toss and turns, the early adult rose from the rich people bed. Sleep was impossible. Standing upright, the chimera excused himself.

Midnight hour striking, the early adult could feel himself remain wide awake. Walking around in a circle upon the guestroom floor, the hyena blinked. The blacksmith. Perhaps he should go outside and take a second look while he remained awake. Lowering his walk into a tiptoe, the soldier ascended the staircase of darkness.

Removing himself from the boutique, the hyena walked towards the blacksmith area. Reaching the service center after twenty minutes of walking, the hyena attempted to gaze at the area in the corner. Such, however, was cut short as a person soon walked by with booted footsteps.

Tall, dark blue haired woman with a large pointy hat, over shoulder jacket corset and gun in her left hand, the early adult let out a gulp. Had someone on guard noticed him and been ordered to shoot him down? He needed to run now, or he would be put on trial at the shake of the ram chimera's tail.

"What do you want?" the gun wielding lady asked. "Are you here to--." But, such words were after were never heard.

Gun looking ready to zero in on his short body, the soldier made a run for it. Dashing as fast as his legs would carry him, the boutique had been getting closer as the seconds sped themselves up. Sprinting back down the stairs, the soldier returned to the fluffy bed. Instant wave of tiredness coming over him, a question devoured the soldier alive as sleep took him away. Was the city heavily guarded? If such were the case, he knew one thing for certain.

He could not step out of line. Fontaine was the Nation of Justice.


"This guy is the one!
He's Dendro, just like me!
I'm certain this time, he's the one for me.
Siorc, that's even a name native to Fontaine!

Oh, I'm tingling with romantic feelings!
Now the he's gone out for
Exploring, I accidently blurt out as

I am helping prepare dinner. 'This one is a keeper! He's cute, and he's Dendro!' I
Shouted aloud, no filter

As usual. But, Baron cuts in. 'You

Know as well as I do that once he sees your penguin feet he's going to leave you.'
Eeew, this conversation again?
Every failed relationship was just a test!
Penguin feet, shmenguin feet. 'This time, it'll work out!' I
Exclaimed. 'And then, I'll ask to be his wife!'
Regarding me with a glare, they whip out the usual question. 'Don't you mean husband?'

I fire back, 'No. Wife!' A

Wife, someone's wife, how incredibly dreamy!
And as usual, Baron is a stick in the mud. 'Even I can see he has absolutely
No interest in you.'
There he goes again! 'He'll warm up

To me!' Surely, he's just playing hard to get! Yes, that's it!
'Oh, brother, here you go again with your unrealistic outlook on romance.'

Bite into a bit of fantasy pie, Baron! Isn't
Everything so boring looking at things through a lens of realism?

Ho hum. What a load of hooey! Love is the world of fantasy! 'What can
I say, I'm a hopeless romantic!'
So, there you have it! But, Baron isn't fresh out of lines to try to.

Wring me back around to the cushions of what's expected.
'I'm guessing you mean that literally.' As literal as
Foie Gras overcooked! I am a hopeless romantic indeed!
Even so, this guy's the one, I guarantee!"

Waking up the next morning, thumping feet from up above disturbed the soldier from his deep slumber. What in the world was all that noise? Had business hours already begun? Removing himself from the fluffy bed, the early adult barreled up the stairs. It was time to go back to work. But, as he prepared to leave, the leader amongst the penguin chimeras called out to him.

"Good morning, darling," Malika greeted, voice full of energy. "You are studying energy sources, correct?" Extremely fancy suit in her hands, her sibling was soon next to her. "Earl will be taking you to the Opera House. But, first Baron needs to deliver a suit to a very important person." Folding the corners of the sleeves, she returned her attention to the young man. "Maybe you will come across some of the energy sources you're searching for. Why not join them until the Aquabus arrives at the port?"

"Palais Mermonia again?" Baron asked Malika. Sister nodding, he turned towards the Fatui. "I do not believe there will be anything of particular note there. But, wait for me outside, and we shall depart together."

Baron stepping outside, the soldier blinked. Was heading to a palace really going to provide him with any answers? Baron had to have been right. But, he supposed it wouldn't hurt to check such a place out, for the time being. Preparing himself for his departure, the boutique dresses soon spotlight themselves as a distraction.

The fancy, Fontaine attire, he wished to wear it. The dresses, they had to have been made out of the most expensive silk imaginable. The silky, smooth clothing, he needed it. The lace, the frills, they had to grace his body. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, getting distracted? He needed to remain focused.

Readying himself to leave, the soldier's eyes wandered towards the dresses once more. But as the exit door was almost upon him, his body crashed into someone with a loud thud. Flinching for a moment, the early adult backed three steps away. Looking up at the person he bumped into, an apology was on the back of his throat.

Kaiser in front of him with absolutely no makeup, plain, normal clothes, unmoisterized face, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. The penguin chimera was almost so average looking today, it was almost terrifying. Bowing an apology for bumping into him, sorries were soon returned in kind.

"Sorry. I'll move out of your way," Kaiser said, voice emotionless. "I must look really ugly right now, don't I?" Stepping out of the way, he turned his attention towards the Fatui. "That shirt you bought off me. Does you?" There was an uncomfortable pause between his words.

The early adult let out a sigh. Why was Kaiser bringing up the shirt now? Surely, it could have waited until later. But, he knew he could not ignore him. Now was not the time for such sort of cold shoulder treatment. Giving the penguin a nod, barely any reaction graced his face.

"Good, I'm glad," Kaiser responded, words emotionless. "I'll get out of your way."

Path to the door soon clear, the soldier staged his exit. The pesky penguin chimera, maybe he would be back to his aggravating self at some point. Closing the boutique door behind him, the sound of stomping boots overtook the outside world. Baron waiting outside, the escort to Palais Mermonia had begun.

Baron leading the way, the hyena swore he could hear them say this was all rather unrealistic. Hearing such, the early adult rose an eyebrow. What were they talking about? But, he supposed they were just mumbling to themself. Tuning them out, the northeastern walk continued.

Reaching a building with a creature on guard by the entrance, the early adult could not help but wonder. The short lady with sea creature like features, were there many of such people around the entirety of Fontaine with the same job opportunities as humans? Question rolling a pebble around in his mind, the early adult wondered further. Chimeras in Fontaine society, were they considered equals? Humans, chimeras, beasts, robots and in between, surely every species had to have the same opportunities as one another in the Nation of Justice.

Guided through the door, a spacious office room with gadgets bleeding through the tables caught the hyena's attention immediately. Spotting a weird device with multiple lettered and numbered buttons with paper sticking out the top side, the early adult blinked. What could have been powering such a machine? Absolutely fascinating.

Baron telling him to move along, a door soon opened. Told he will be stepping into the Iudex's office and to behave himself, the soldier took a deep breath. Was this the important person they were handing the suit over to? If such were the case, he needed to keep himself quiet, guaranteed.

Tall, white haired man with blue streaks, sharp dark violet eyes, and fancy suit as dark as night seated in a desk doing mountain of paperwork, the chimera could feel a wave of unease flow through him. He could not help but feel a wave of inferiority flow through him staring at this man.

"Monsieur -----------," Baron said, placing a suit on the man's desk. A long name had been said, but the chimera could not hear it. "Your new suit has been tailored."

Iudex's sharp eyes soon gazing at him, unease swung and hit a home run. Was he just imagining it, or was he cross examining him as if he were standing on trial? Realizing such, the soldier recalled something he had heard from Fontaine citizens visiting Liyue. The Hydro Nation, they had a high authority person known as the Chief Justice. The Iudex, he was such person in high power, for sure.

"Monsieur Baron, you have brought an unfamiliar face with you," the Iudex said.

"He is some foreign exchange student from Sumeru who came here to study energy sources, Monsieur -----------," Baron lied. "If I were to come alone as per instruction, you have my utmost apologies."

Suit delivered in full, the early adult held back the urge to gasp as the Palais Mermonia was soon exited. Did Baron just lie? Surely, telling the Iudex he was a member of the Fatui would not cause too much suspicions. But, such thoughts were short lived. Realist penguin leading the way, the next glass lift was soon upon him.

Reaching the next aquabus station, Baron returned themselves to the glass box. Earl waiting for him patiently as if he were expecting some sort of date, the hyena let out a deep exasperated sigh. Why did he look like he was about to blush? This was work, not some romantic get together to behold.

Ride soon arriving with a pink skinned tour guide with spiky brown hair and rosy uniform to match, a red cheeked Earl pulled the soldier up onto the vehicle. Seeing such, the early adult rolled his eyes to the sky. He could lift himself up onto the boat. Sitting on the opposite end of the pesky penguin, the tour soon began.

Tour guide explaining the Aquabus would be heading for the Marcotte Station, the early adult remained still. Would another long aquarail ride await him? Patience was a virtue. Creature in the front speaking about the nation of justice once more, the soldier gazed at the boat underneath him. The Merusea Village native, surely she had to have been the one giving the boat energy to move.

Hearing roaring falls off in the distance, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just how many waterfalls did Fontaine contain? Could the nation's waters have been powering something? Such had to have been possible. The Hydro Archon, her nations waters were doing something, for sure.

Spotting a station around the corner, the chimera blinked. Was the Aquabus tour almost over already? What an incredibly short water line, if such were the case. Vehicle soon parked into place, people looking ready to leave the area were lined up almost around the entire station.

Exiting the vessel of many mysteries, the pesky lovestruck penguin soon stepped beside him. Informed the opera house was a slight walk ahead, the hyena steeled himself. What energy source would await him upon entering the house of entertainment? Whatever was about to await him, he needed to be ready for anything.

Descending a short staircase, a roaring fountain awaited the chimera. People and fancy dogs bustling about the walkway, the early adult blinked at the sight before him. Did even the nation's pets have to be adorn fancy hats and clothing? The dress code was terrifying. Long path towards the south about to be upon him, the early adult braced himself.

Reaching an area with a small sprinkler in a pond of water, the early adult blinked. Just how many fountains were on the way to the opera house? Ducks cruising through the water side to side, the group of two kept on walking. Long straight pathway towards the next area standing in front of him, the destination was nearing slowly, but surely.

Yet another fountain passed by, the party of two curved upon the pathway a smidgeon, Earl stating there was something cool along the way, the soldier followed his lead. Walking off the trail and towards a grassy hill, the soldier held back the urge to shake his head. What could be so out of this world they had to walk off course for?

Taken to an area with a man standing beside a kamera held on top of a strange stand, the pesky penguin chimera pointed towards the object in question he deemed to be cool. Dancing robots that looked to be like some sort of couple utilizing the powers of ice and wind, the early adult rose an eyebrow. The robots exercising in an arena, what could possibly be powering them? He would need to investigate further later.

Returned back towards the pathway, the opera house was nearing. Multiple couples gathered around the largest fountain of them all on the premises, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Where was he, fountain land? Just how many pools of pouring water did one area need? But, the soldier taped such thoughts shut. He was overreacting, for certain.

Guided through the opera house entranceway, a spacious room with empty couches and bookshelves awaited the chimera. But, such room was moved away from, in an instant. Doors opening to a large theater with at least three hundred seats, the early adult could not help but feel he had been standing in a courtroom, and not a performance area. Guided through the audience, something of particular note called out to the soldier.

Standing upon the stage on a podium had been a large red scale with four dots growing bigger in size as it reached towards the bottom. Water droplets serving as the objects that tipped, the chimera could feel buckets of sweat pour down his backside. What was that mysterious mechanism? He could sense a deep amount of power coursing through it. Earl looking as though he had something to say, he soon announced himself.

"That's the oratrice!" Earl announced, pointing. "It's the main source of all of Fontaine's energy!" Face turning pink, he put on a smile. Could the Oratrice judge him on his current and past feelings of men? But, he soon continued his explanation. "It apparently has the final say in court cases here, go figure!" But, his cheeks were soon flushed. "I wonder if it can judge us on whether we'd be a good couple or not?"

The early adult rolled his eyes to the ceiling. No way would he want to see such a form of judgement on his compatibility with the pesky penguin chimera. There was no way he would ever let himself be compatible with such annoyance. Gazing at the scale on stage once again, the hyena blinked. How could such a device be all of Fontaine's source of energy? Surely, that wasn't all there was to see. But, as if luck were on his side, the next bit of information was revealed to him.

"But, I think there's more sources of energy north of the Court of Fontaine!" Earl announced. "Not many, but still!"

Earl encouraging him to explore once they returned to the capital city, the Aquabus ride back was soon upon the thorn in his side and he. Reaching the Navia Line station after about an hour long ride, the penguin chimera pressed a button within the glass room to reach the highest floor possible within the city walls.

Reaching an area with multiple dirt roads and grassy paths, and small decaying areas beside an ocean off in the distance, the early adult blinked. Would there really be any sort of energy sources to take note of and study out here? Heading north, multiple peculiarities caught the chimera's attention, in an instant.

Large field with purple flowers and water everywhere the eyes could see, the early adult turned up his nose. Nature and he were on a break. Attention removed from that plants, a strange machine stood in the way of the area. Large device looking as though it needed to be hit with something, the soldier kept a mental log of such phenomenon.

Continuing alongside towards the mountains, another peculiarity stuck out to the soldier. Dark purple hexagram sitting upon a circle in the middle of the road, the hyena tilted his head. Was the area north of the Court of Fontaine the territory of some sort of Electro witch? If such were the case, he needed to be careful.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

Hexagram protruding a dark and sinister aura, a group of bony wolf monsters released themselves from the six sided star. Enemies looking ready to pounce on him at any given moment, the hyena headed for the hills. Had some sort of magic wielding mage been attempting to lay a curse on him with a canine enemy? He needed to run, get away, be outside the creature's gaze before it was too late.

Such escape was futile. Bony wolves blasting a beam of energy his way, the soldier had been caught in the crossfire from afar. Energy depleting faster with every given second, the early adult grit his teeth. What incredibly rude monsters. Creatures soon turning back towards the direction they came, the hyena attempted to shake off the blow gifted to him.

Continuing upon the pathway, the early adult studied the pathway. Multiple robot monsters of various different functionalities rolling around the area, the hyena could not help but wonder. The oratrice, could it have been powering all of Fontaine's machinery, as well? But, the chimera pushed such thought off a cliff. Surely, their energy and the scales were two different things.

Strolling through the northern path, another oddity screamed out to the soldier. Cube like water walkways floating above the walkway, the hyena could not help but wonder. How could someone walk on top of such? There was no way such was designed with anyone but the birds in mind. But, he supposed avian creatures were entitled to a safe and soft landing higher above the ground.

Noting a beach had been off towards the distance in the east, the soldier placed his finger on his chin. Could there have been more energy sources by the ocean in the corner? The hyena supposed taking a look would provide answers. Heading towards the eroding sands, the chimera would not falter.

But, as the soldier prepared to set foot on the land of sand, large monsters made only out of pure water burst into action. Creatures launching fast punches almost as swift as a jet stream, the hyena jumped towards the right and left. Why were the monsters so filled with rage? Even the creatures of the open wilderness were filled with feelings of justice.

Monsters avoided one after another, a sight for sore eyes awaited the soldier. Peculiar looking aircraft standing dormant on the grass, the hyena blinked. Was this some sort of fancy Slime Balloon with monsters inside the deep pits of the device? Odd machines beside a boating wheel, the chimera kept note of such balloon object for later.

Spotting a small tower off in the distance, the early adult prepared himself for takeoff. The building across the area, could it have contained some energy sources? He knew he needed to take a look at such as soon as possible. But, as he headed closer towards the target of interest, the next obstacle stepped up to the plate.

Racket of bows and arrows from the skies above him, the hyena tilted his head upward. But, the sight before him made the soldier's pupils grow smaller than the size of a pea on a dinner plate. The hawk and falcon chimera, they were riding the wind. If the hawk were to see him as he approached the tower, it was game over.

Tiptoeing to the small tower in the corner, the early adult prayed to the seven above that the hawk chimera would not spot him, for any reason. But, such was an immediate failure to be had, for sure. Seeing a glint glow red inn the sky, the soldier gulped. It was over, he was spotted. The towels had to be thrown.

Meka next to him defeated from afar, the soldier's heart sunk towards the bottom of his stomach. He was next. Any second now, an arrow would take him out of the picture and kiss him goodnight. Glint from the sky shining once more, an electrified weapon circled upon the air.

Arrow nailing itself into him with the force of a tiger running at high speeds, the soldier let out a scream as a barrage of weapons had begun to come for his limbs and joints. Extremely precise shots locking him down one after another, his body had been thrusted towards the tower in the corner. Nailed down as if in a certain position religions in another world would yell about, willpower was ready to die. Robin flying downward towards him, shouts decorated the building.

"You Fatui Fiend! What are you doing in my territory?!" Robin shouted, pointing in an accusatory manner. "If you don't stay away from my bounties, or I'll have you tried in court so you can be locked up!" But, another voice soon joined the conversation.

"Hon, pinning the Fatui against the wall like that isn't very nice," Raven retorted. Landing on the ground he removed the arrows lodged into the man's wrist. "He is barely a threat, methinks."

Freed from arrow prison, the hyena waved the invisible white flag. Right, this was Robin's territory, he could not be in such area while he was patrolling, or he would be the prime candidate as his next bounty. He would need to proceed with caution going forward. Knowing it would be impossible to investigate energy sources with the hawk on duty, the soldier turned his heelless shoes off towards the opposite direction. Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to return after the midnight hour, for the time being.

Returning to the apartment beneath the boutique, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed, he at least learned a little something about the energy sources located around Fontaine. The scale, the blocks, the strange balloon, all of them had their share of power throughout the nation, for sure.

Fancy dinner ready and waiting, the soldier seated himself. Plate of Foie Gras in front of him, the hyena could not help but ponder. Were penguins carnivores? Two expensive meat dishes in a row, surely, that was not healthy if they were chimeras who were omnivorous. But, he supposed it was rude of him to judge other's diets.

Knifeless meal of many juiced meats out of the way, the hyena retired towards the guest bedroom. But, as the hours of sleeplessness droned about, the soldier knew. The perfect time to return to observe the energy was now. Dashing out of the boutique, the chimera headed north.

Dashing through the mountains, a wave of confidence flowed through the hyena. The tower in the corner, surely, it had to have some energy he was unable to catch a glimpse of earlier. But, as he had reached the halfway point, hands soon grabbed a hold of his wrists.

"Why did you try to sneak out again, pal?" Earl asked, gripping his wrist even tighter. "Haven't you ever heard of the dissolving girls cold case?"

Wrist gripped into a tight lock, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the midnight sky. The dissolving girls case, why was that something that mattered to him? He was neither male nor female. If such former court case were unsolved, it held no water. Breaking free from the gripping prison, the soldier attempted to bolt, but freedom was taken away, in an instant.

"I know what you're thinking! You're a dude, you won't be dissolved!" Earl exclaimed as if he knew what he was thinking. "But, you look like a girl, and you could easily be mistaken for one and become the next victim!" Pushing him towards the opposite direction, he kept going. "I don't want your cute body to become a puddle of water! We're going back to the boutique!"

Not given a choice in the matter, the early adult admitted defeat in silence. Dragged back towards the boutique, the hyena waved the white flag. The dissolving girls case, was that something that could have really happened? Surely, such a thing was not possible in modern times.

Guided back to the guestroom, a wave of tiredness overtook the chimera. Crawling back into the fluffy bed, the world of sleep was ready to invite him back in for the evening. Objective looping on repeat in his brain, the land of tormented dreams was ready to pull him into its clutches. But, as the land of the subconscious was ready to claim him, one final thought repeated for the last time.

He had to gather energy sources tomorrow.

"Perhaps, I am missing understanding something.
No, those energy blocks I am seeing, those
Energies I am witnessing. Are they some sort of elements I have never seen before? They seem to be
Unleashing powers all their own. I don't quite understand.
Maybe I am overthinking.
Ah, yes, that's it, I am overthinking. I

Am jumping to conclusions. But,
Now I am confused. Are there elements beyond the seven? I
Do not know if I comprehend this.

Ousia? Pneuma? I am
Unable to understand. For
So many years, all I have ever known were the seven. All
I have ever known were
Anemo, Cryo, Dendro, Electro, Geo, Hydro, Pyro.

Even my parents teachings in my stolen childhood
Never mentioned Ousia and Pneuma.
Everything is making little sense.
Really, I do not get this.
Guess I need to gather the energy sources.
Yes. That is what I must do.

But, I will remain skeptical.
Looks like these new elements are
Opposing forces.
Could this be some sort of secret in Fontaine?
Knowing Her Majesty, though, she is aware.
She already knows everything, I am certain."

Agent storming into the apartment below the boutique the next morning, the hyena could feel his heart skip three beats. How did he know where he was located? But, he supposed the walls had eyes alongside its ears. Ordered to gather the energy sources north of the court, a bag had been thrown his way with gusto.

Satchel scratching up his palms a new one, the hyena flinched. What was the bag made out of, steel? Knowing he had to proceed with utmost caution, the early adult prepared himself to head towards the glass room once again. But, as he prepared to exit the boutique, information had come his way.

"Darling, we're going with you," Malika said. "Customers have told us something dangerous has been going on up north. We want to get to the bottom of it." She then turned towards Kaiser. "Kaiser, man the fort for us while we're gone? Remember, kick out any customers who are disrespectful!"

Trio exiting the boutique, the hyena blinked. Malika was a very thorough businesswoman, for sure. Removing himself from the esteemed clothing store, as well, the glass room had been returned to after what felt like the seventh time over the past three days. Group heading northwest, a peculiar sound overtook the area.

Malika, Earl and Baron slipping high technology fighting gloves over their hands, the early adult could feel questions begin to crash at bay. Were the penguin siblings all wearing gauntlets? Had such weapon been Fontaine's signature style of fighting? If such were the case, he stood no chance. He had been none the wiser to direct elemental punches.

Reaching an area with strange blocks of energy, the hyena could not help but wonder. How was he supposed to gather sources of energy? Surely, they were not something he could just take like they were an object. But, as baron punched with their rocky gloved fists, an object fell to the ground.

"It's a Pneuma energy block," Baron said. They then motioned their free finger back and forth. "Put it in the bag."

Dropping the block of energy into the bag, the early adult tilted his head. What in the world was Pneuma energy? Whatever it was, he knew he would have to find out later, or he was a pile of burned toast to Her Majesty. Party of three moving forward, the northern path was the only one.

Guided towards a purple block of energy next, the soldier swore he heard the word Ousia soon stated, as well. Pneuma, Ousia, were those part of Fontaine's main energy sources? If such were the case, a deep study was a mandatory course of action to take as the beaches grew closer.

But, as the northern walk continued, a repeated phenomenon overtook the area. Hexagram on the ground looking ready to summon a mystery monster, the chimera let out a gulp. Why was this magical circle from the other day still here? Surely, it had to have been removed from the area after he bolted.

"It's rather unusual for Beast Circles to appear around here," Baron said, hand on their chin. "Did someone try to recreate one from the depths of Elynas?" They then clicked their tongue. "Tch, lame. People who do these sorts of thing should keep themselves grounded in reality and not try and change unnecessary things."

Hearing Baron just click their tongue, the hyena's ears perked. Did they just say this entire situation was lame? How peculiar, such sounded unnatural, coming from the shortest penguin chimera. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What did he care? It mattered not to the soldier.

Bony beasts from the world beyond stepping out of the portal, punches of ice, nature and rock kept exchanging blows one after another. Multiple close range blows firing one after another, the early adult backed ten steps away. Was this how people battled in Fontaine? How mesmerizing. The Hydro Nation of Justice had to have had their own form of fighting techniques, for sure.

Group of monsters destroyed after thirty punches between the trio had been exchanged, multiple blocks of energy threw themselves down onto the ground. Everything placed into the satchel, the group had begun to head towards the eastern area towards the beaches of Fontaine.

But, as the group had begun to head north and energy sources galore scooped up, the dormant aircraft awaited the hyena. Curiosity soon pushing a kitten into the river, the early adult could not help but wonder. The air based vehicle, should be test out where it were to head if one placed themselves in it? He supposed it was worth a shot.

Malika informing him the aircraft would only work if powered by Fontaine energy, her gauntlets punched a box off in the corner of the machine. Aircraft soon ascending towards the sky, the soldier closed his eyes, or a moment. He was about to ride through the wind? If a castle awaited him in the sky, Mondstadt would be brought to shame.

Balloon vehicle circling around the area for minutes on end, the hyena gazed at the aircraft's steering wheel. Was it truly only possible to power the engine with Fontaine energy sources? Perhaps, just maybe, such had been the reason no such forms of transportation existed beyond the Nation of Justice.

Ride soon stopping midair, an aquatic walkway opened up to the hyena. Aircraft no longer receiving power, shouts overtook the skies. Malika explaining from afar to keep going he needed to insert a power block into the engine, the early adult hopped onto the blocks of water. Path oddly solid, the chimera's legs erupted into a sprint.

Block of energy gathered, the hyena sped off towards the aircraft. Vehicle soon powered up once more, it continued to float upon the predetermined pathway. But, as the end of the path were soon reached, the soldier blinked. He had already reached the end? He supposed it was time to head back.

Aircraft returning to its original position, the trio headed towards the northeastern most path. Told there had been some other energy sources always found on the beach, the hyena followed behind in silence. But, as the sands of Fontaine were closing in on him, the sound of arrows filled the sky once more.

Hawk and falcon chimeras going about their bounty hunting duties once more, the early adult held back a gulp. There was still monsters to be destroyed out here? It was almost as if, a god from beyond his scope of sight had been controlling the outcome all along, but the early adult snapped such thoughts away. He was overthinking such. This was the bird chimera's territory. They would be in the same spot twice in a row.

Spotting a red tint in the sky again, the early adult prepared himself for the weapon barrage about to rain down upon him from the world above him. Bracing himself for impact, the hyena sighed. Was the violence about to rain down on him truly necessary? This had to have been a reach too far to vanquish perceived evil, for sure.

Arrows raining down on him one after another like a torrential downpour, the young soldier let out a pained scream. The hawk, why couldn't he just focus on his own bounties? He had to have been getting tired of going after him with his sea of weapons. Wasn't arrowing him to the knee the last encounter more than enough already?

"Hey! Watch where you're throwing those things!" Earl shouted, pointing at the sky. "You just hit a cutie!" But, shouts were soon returned in kind.

"Are you kidding me? Cute? That Fatui is the least cute person here!" Robin shouted back. "This Fatui is in my territory! Justice will be served for trespassers like him!" He then pointed at the penguin. "I bet he's trying to recruit you into his villain army, too!"

The hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Not this ridiculous, annoying conversation again. There was no way he would ever recruit other chimeras into Her Majesty's army. Even if he had such authority, such would not happen. The pesky penguin chimeras, even they did not need to be subjected to such world of torment. No way, not in a million years.

"So, be it, then! I'll let him recruit me!" Earl responded with confidence. "And then, I'll be his villain wife!"

The early adult let out a groan. What, in all of Teyvat was going on in Earl's head? There was absolutely no way he would ever marry a penguin chimera. Absolutely disgusting. The entire family was a group full of aggravating people. Becoming a part of such family would bring shame to his own bloodline for sure. No way, never, he wouldn't even marry into the pesky penguin family even if he was forced to give up his own life if rejection resulted in death.

"Do you know how much of an inconvenience you are being right now?" Baron complained, adjusting their monocle. "It would be in your best interest to let us onto the beach. We have business here too."

"Hon, please let them pass," Raven said. "We'll move towards the southwest. Our territory is everywhere, no?"

Robin oddly agreeing, the bird chimeras flew off the scene. Beach soon growing quiet, the quartet placed themselves on the world of sand. But, a disturbance had soon interrupted the forces of nature as the ocean breeze grew colder with every given second passing. Turning towards the disturbance, everything changed, in an instant.

Peculiar orb like life forms swirling with chaotic energy, the soldier could feel his heart skip a beat. What in the world were those orbs on he beach? Were they a large conglomerate of energy sources? If such were the case, he needed to collect them right away. But, as he stepped forward. a barrage was ready and waiting for him.

Monsters looking ready to get on the offensive, the hyena grit his teeth. Was he about to get turned into a bowl of energy soup? He needed to defend himself at all costs. Group of orbs soon coming together, right now, over him fear had begun to nibble on the soldier's fingers. Any second now, he was energy soup, ingredients: him. But, Malika had soon come to the rescue.

"Darling, you might have to fight this one with us," Malika said, pointing at the orbs. "What is your battle style?"

Inquiry coming his way, the hyena placed his hands in front of him. Pretending he had a claymore in his palms, the soldier swung on the air as if he were fighting with a greatsword. Turning his attention towards Malika, he mouthed the world claymore. Would his wordless language get through, the hyena sure hoped so.

"Claymore? Sorry, darling, that's not something I can give you," Malika responded to his wordless language. "Do you mind borrowing gauntlets?"

Elemental gloves handed to him, the early adult shrugged. He supposed, for the time being making use of gauntlets would have to do. Slipping the garments on, the soldier could feel elemental energy move towards his fists. Was this what it felt like to only be able to fight at close range? He supposed he was about to find out.

Leather ripping his skin, the world around him burned. These gloves, were they made out of the worst material of all time? But, the early adult knew he had no choice but to bear it. Malika telling him in order to use the gauntlets properly, he would have to channel all his energy into his fists, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Right, channel his energy into his fists. Surely, that would be simple enough.

Malika unleashing her icy punching fists of pain, the early adult attempted to shadow her movement. Orb creature frozen for twenty seconds, the hyena tried to land his first punch of Dendro. But, such had been a failure. Fist missing by multiple kilometers, the soldier wound up a second fist.

Earl soon landing a grassy punch of doom, the hyena attempted with all his might to land his fiery fist of nature, as well. But, such had become the second whammy, in an instant. Gauntlets hitting the ground instead of the enemy, the chimera let out a grunt. He needed to stop missing so easily.

Baron laying down the law with a rocky fist of fury, the soldier wound up another punch. Third attempt failing as well, the early adult let out another grunt. Just what was he doing wrong? Group of three siblings keeping their elemental boxing show going, the soldier closed his eyes. Right, channel his elemental energy into fist. That was the only way.

Feeling the power of Dendro at his fingertips, the early adult soon joined the punching party. Orb creatures looking ready to break at any given moment, a celebration had been on the hyena's mind. Any second now, and the monsters would drop into pieces. But, such had soon proven to be far from the truth.

Orb of purple energy shielding itself up, the early adult's eyes grew wide. The monster still had some tricks up its circular sleeves? If such were the case, he needed to find a way to turn the tables, immediately. Closing his eyes for a moment, the hyena heaved a sigh. He supposed he had no choice but to rely on his Vision's other capabilities.

Shield looking rather thick, the early adult threw down a flower fiend. Silk Flower he wanted no part of acting as a decoy while the penguin siblings punched with a fervor, the plant brought to life by his Dendro Vision danced on the sandy beaches. Providing silent commands to the unwanted familiar, their vines soon hit the orb creatures of various breaking defenses.

Shields cracking one after another, the final round of punches overtook the area. As the fists had gained speed, the early adult swore he could hear the words muda, muda, muda, muda said over and over again. Whatever those words meant, the soldier was none the wiser to the possible definition. He supposed it was a common Fontainain phrase during the heat of a battle.

Foreign orb monsters expanding as they blew up into hundreds of scattered pieces, part of the strange creatures condensed themselves into small energy orbs. Group of seven alien balls dropped into the satchel, the hyena blinked. Were these truly the energy sources he was ordered to retrieve? If they were not, he was in trouble, guaranteed.

Everyone coming to an agreement enough energy sources had been gathered, the boutique was soon returned to. Malika announcing a victory feast, the hyena could not help but wonder as he bit into the fancy meat dish in front of him. Why did Fontaine have so many energy sources? He could not help but feel malicious ones were beginning to leak out and hide themselves in plain sight.

Victory feast soon coming to an end, the boutique door up above slapped the wall against it. Hearing such, the early adult could feel his meal flip upside down in his stomach. The Agent, how did he know where he was again? He could not help but feel a wave of unease once more.

Agent demanding he hand over the bag, the soldier did as instructed. Subordinate counting every energy source collected, the hyena let out a gulp. If he were even one energy source short, his life was over, guaranteed. But, as the counting stopped, the atmosphere grew softer.

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent said, pride leaking through his voice. "Return to Snezhnaya at once." As he said such, he teleported out of the area.

"You're leaving now?" Earl asked, look of sorrow deeply painted on his face. "Are you ever coming back?"

The hyena rolled his eyes to the ceiling. What was with this overdramatic theatrics of sadness? Had this man been so smitten he had become attached? Absolutely ridiculous. But, the soldier knew, there was no way his missions within Fontaine would be a one time trip. Nodding, the soldier prayed to the Hydro Archon the annoying conversation would end here.

"Come back soon!" Earl exclaimed, bidding his farewells.

Removing the proxy orb from his back pocket, the hyena highlighted the waypoint to the military barracks. Fast travel soon confirmed, the chimera closed his eyes. Walking through the icy cold hallways, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. The penguin chimeras were the bane of existence. Steel walled room reached after twenty minutes of walking, the soldier paced around in a circle upon the frozen floor.

Fontaine's oratrice, did it truly contain all of the nation's energy? The soldier could not help but feel that soon, an energy crisis would plague the nation. The beast circles, the penguin pests had stated they usually only appeared in Elynas. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. There was no way he would get answers to such questions.

Wave of tiredness overtaking him, the hyena removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, as well, the early adult closed his eyes as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep calling him back in, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

His journey in Fontaine is just beginning.

Chapter 2: The Ice Rock Incident: Extraterrestrials in Liyue


In this chapter, Siorc must fight "aliens."

Feat: Loba, Aega, Krysi, Rys, Feng, Linggu, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Xiao, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Yun Jin, Zhongli and Yinlong.


The villains are here.

Chapter Text

"I am starting to think,
Something is changing.

Fontaine, am going to be sent here more
Often now?
Now I am starting
To think this might be
A brand new routine.
If that is truly the case, I am
Not ready. The nation of Justice,
Everything is unknown to

Me here.
Yes, I should start preparing. Another

Routine is forming.
Obviously, Her Majesty wants to take over
Ultimately, a storm is brewing.
Though, I suppose this
Is a given, she wants the world.
No matter how many years it's been since she took me away,
Everything remains the same.

Now, I suppose I cannot complain,
Over these past seven years or so, I have seen the
World. Almost everywhere into Teyvat.

I was whisked away here, yes. Stolen
From my family, but I

Suppose, getting to see the world is the
Only plus to my forced upon me career.

I don't know if Fontaine will be

All where I am headed to lately.
Maybe it will be.

No complaining, if so.
Obstruct those sorts of feelings,
Take a look at is ahead of me.

Riptides are coming.
Even if the days
All going forward are boring diplomacy,
Diligence is key.
Yes, that's the successful key to living as a member of the Fatui."

The sound of morning alarm bells screamed out for the entire Fatui population within the military barracks to hear, sans one. As the alarm bells continued their cacophonous rampage, hundreds of Fatui soldiers complained in a discordant chorus. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The grumbling complaints were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never being alerted to any sort of alarm bells, the early adult reached for his glasses. Lenses over his heterochromatic eyes, the hyena rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the chimera placed the winter jacket over his layered shirts, a sea of questions flowed through the soldier's partially human mind. Will he be heading to Fontaine more often now? He knows, if such is indeed the case, he would have to be on his toes at all times. But, the inquires swimming about did not end there.

Staring at the barricaded window, the questions continued. Gazing at the snow outside, the hyena could not help but wonder. Her Majesty, why did she want him to go to Fontaine after all this time? But, the chimera stopped himself from thinking further. Her Majesty, she wanted to conquer the world. Surely, this was just one step closer to such.

Attention returned to the workday at hand, the early adult removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box. Spotting the sunflower set staring back at him, the young soldier turned up his nose at them. Nature and he have broken up. Clicking the weaponized strawberry set into his hair and ears instead, the early adult closed the lid. The flowers were out of sight, out of mind.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena stared at the yellow-green orb of many annoyances. The Gods, why did they decide he was Dendro? They could have blessed him with any other element except Pryo, and acceptance would have come the divine's way. But, he knew nothing could be done. He was Dendro; nothing can be done about it.

As the hyena put his heelless shoes over his currently human feet, the chimera shook his head. What's done is done. He knew, for as long as he were to continue living, his Vision will continue to exist. He knew, no matter what, destroying the orb was impossible. Living with such elemental powers attuned to nature was the only option.

Biting into his flavorless rations of sand, the soldier stared at the steel walls. What could possibly be in store for him today? He knew, no matter what, he had to be ready for anything. Only meal of the day devoured, and buttons in the correct holes, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the Fatui Agent's boots march onward inexorably, the soldier slapped his inhuman eardrums. Was it just him, or had his subordinate's steps gotten louder recently? Realizing such once more, the early adult had come to a conclusion he previous had come to three days prior. His hearing, it had gotten sharper. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. There was no time to think about such things. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You are heading to Liyue to deal with an extraterrestrial problem." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Another day, another separate affair.

The chimera jumped six steps back. Teyvat has aliens? How could something like that happen? Weren't the extraterrestrial just stories in fantasy novels? If they were truly real, there was no way he would be able to beat the unknown, guaranteed. They had to have powers beyond the seven elements to turn the tides.

The early adult stared off into space. The aliens, could they have just been monsters foreign to the Nation of Contracts? He supposed such could have been a possibility at his constantly transforming hands. If such were an option, he needed to prepare himself for such outcome, as well.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "We don't have time for this dawdling!" What could possibly be on the soldier's mind besides work? The Agent could not ever fathom what he could possibly be thinking. "There are other allies on the case, as well. So, quit standing around, and get a move on!" There was an irritated tone in his voice.

The hyena could feel a chill run down his spine. More soldiers had been roped into this? But, the early adult knew he had to stop thinking and prepare himself for the workday at hand. Work mode switch flipping upward inside him, the chimera took a long deep breath. Right, time had run out. He needed to focus.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, he waited for the escort to begin.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. "There are ice rocks everywhere, so tread carefully." Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight lock. Escort to Liyue Harbor about to begin, one final thought pushed the early adult out to sea.

Where could the aliens have possibly come from?


"Today, in our home, Loba informed me of something.
Her Majesty, Loba's big boss, has a mission for both she and me.
Eerie. As, I am not apart of the organization,
Yet sometimes, I seem to be seen as an honorary member.

Cannot really see why.
As, I only do
Most of this for Loba. Not to
Expand another nation's god's idealized

Fantasies of taking over the world.
Right, so she and I were summoned to the palace.
Over here, at the worst possible time.
Many other tribes seem to

Fighting. But, I guess such is a given here as
Our warring times are aplenty.
Never mind all that.
The Cryo Archon, I don't think I have ever
Actually met her in person.
I have heard she rarely gives herself up to an audience except her highest
Numbered soldiers. Loba is a medic,
Even I know this is once in a blue moon.

The god, she told Loba and I, there's aliens in Liyue, and we
Have to defeat them to
Ease relations between Liyue and the Fatui.

And I'm meant to be a part of this?
Loba, I am with you all the way as your sister, but
In all senses of the word, I am not a true fighter.
Even so, I know I cannot disobey. I've heard
Not many people come out alive
Saying they will not comply. So, for Loba, I'll do this. But no one else. Especially not that deity."

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the teleport waypoint, the early adult could not help but observe the peculiarities around him. Gigantic boulders covered to the brim with ice everywhere from every corner of the city, the soldier shivered a smidgeon. Was it just him, or was the nation slightly colder? He could not help but feel the new obstacles were affecting the region's climate.

Agent informing him a special claymore had been left for him at the blacksmith, the early adult titled his head. Why would he need a weapon with specialized properties? Surely, the large boulders can easily be removed with the slash of a normal claymore. Subordinate heading off towards the opposite direction, the hyena took a deep breath. He supposed it was best to do as he was told for the time being.

Walking past the restaurant booths on the eastern side, the hyena could not help but wonder further. Just what kind of claymore was he about to receive? He supposed he was about to find out. Ascending the staircase leading to the adventurer's guild and descending the one to the other side, the early adult prepared himself for the inevitable.

Blacksmith looking as though he were expecting him, a weapon of terrors was handed off to the soldier. Hard working weapon maker explaining the blade he was given has a built in flame, the chimera's knees shook with a fervor. The Agent requested a flamethrower greatsword be made for him? How absolutely terrifying.

Pressing a button in the center of the claymore's hilt, the metallic cutter burst into roaring flames in a matter of moments. Heat huddling around him with every given second, the soldier let out a scream. Was there an off button? Surely, there had to be one. Pressing the circular presser in the middle once more, the fire dissipated into nothing in a matter of moments.

Fear dying inside him after a few minutes, the early adult observed the area around him. Spotting six icy boulders close and afar. How would he go about defeating such things? He supposed, the terrifying sword of flames could do the talking. Figuring it was best to walk around on the northern street first, the young soldier turned back towards the direction he came.

Heading past the teahouse, the soldier turned his attention towards the tables. No one dining outside, the early adult kept walking. But, as he headed towards the toy seller in the corner, a peculiar sight stood out to the hyena. Loba and Aega using ice and wind elements upon the large obstacle before them, a wave of questions flowed through the chimera.

Aega casting spells of wind upon the obstacle before her in plain, Snezhnayan clothing, the early adult almost did a triple take in his mind. Was this truly Aega in Liyue, or had she been replaced with a nearly identical clone? Hair pulled back into pigtails, and a sergeant hat upon her, the soldier did a quadruple take. Maybe he had come across someone else.

Loba standing next to her in a feminine Fatui outfit very unlike her medical attire with a small mask over her eyes, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Was he really in the presence of the jackal twins? Maybe the two before him were other members of her family that were called to action. But, such thoughts were cut short as icy spells failed to scratch the boulder in front of the possible doppelgangers.

Party of two halting their attempts at destruction, the early adult let out a gulp as the set of four eyes wandered towards him. Jackal ladies studying him, for a moment, the hyena's heart skipped a beat, for a moment. Was he about to kicked off the premises? He recalled some Fatui were rather territorial about their work.

Seeing Siorc with a puzzled look on his face, Loba pointed at her mask. Was he confused over her current appearance? She supposed it was be in her best interest to explain why she was wearing such a thing. But, such could wait. Had he been assigned the duty of clearing out the various ice boulders, as well? The more people on the case, the better. But, something of immediate note caught her attention.

Spotting a Vision on his uniform, Loba hid the tiniest of smiles. So, the Archons blessed Siorc with a Dendro vision? Such element definitely suited him. Aega taking a moment to study the vision, as well, she turned her attention towards her kin. Did she, perhaps, think that as well?

Seeing Loba's subordinate Siorc staring at the boulder blocking the path, Aega shook her head at the sight of the Dendro Vision hooked over his belt. Such an element was useless here. It would only serve as a major slowdown to the mission in question. That boss of theirs, she never used her brain, did she?

"It's nice to see you again, honey," Loba greeted, voice soft. "Are you working on the ice rock incident as well?" She then pointed at her mask. "Did you not recognize me because of my mask? Sorry about that, honey. I've been told to wear it while in Liyue." But, the conversation swapped over to the opposite end.

"You have a Dendro Vision?" Aega asked. "Try not to slow everyone down. Don't you know Cryo and Dendro don't react to one another?"

The hyena let out a sigh. He was in the presence of Aega alright. He supposed it was dumb of him to assume otherwise. Knowing he would not be making use of his Vision, the early adult removed the terrifying flaming greatsword from behind him. Button in the center pressed, the blazing fire glowed upon the cold air.

Swiping the horrific flames upon the icy obstacle, the early adult grit his teeth as the searing onslaught did nothing. Icy rock not budging, the young soldier blinked of bewilderment. The boulder, was it able to resist the work of a claymore? How incredibly odd. Weren't greatswords the go to tool to gather minerals?

Taking a moment to refresh himself, the chimera rose the flames of many terrors once more. Rock not budging, even as his hits continued, the hyena broke out into a cold sweat. The boulder, why was it still not budging? But, he supposed he would have to try harder. Surely, it was one slash away from defeat.

Aega and Loba soon returning their own attacks to the mix, the soldier brought his blade forward for the third time. But, as if luck had left him, the boulder remained. Feeling a wave of surrender flowing through him, the chimera backed four steps away from the object. What is he doing wrong? Surely, the obstacle wasn't impenetrable. But, as he gave up the fight, words had come his way.

"It's alright if you want to give up honey, I won't tell Her Majesty," Loba said, voice sweet as honey. "Why don't you deal with the aliens instead?" Aega then tagged herself back into the ring.

"The aliens are making themselves comfortable around this city," Aega chimed in. "Neither Loba, nor I, know this nation very well."

Nodding, the hyena stepped off towards the northern pathway. He supposed, if the jackal twins were unfamiliar with the area, it was best to leave the alien lifeforms up to him. But, as he walked through the streets in front of him, peculiarities buzzed through by near the perfume seller.

Spotting another ice rock in the middle of the road near the flirty perfume seller, something of particular note caught the early adult's attention. Strange, orb creatures with purple cores in their center, the enemies lowered themselves towards the boulder. Creatures with no eyes ready to blast him a new one, the fight was on.

Spherical extraterrestrial creatures throwing themselves into a peculiar shape of rings as it jumped along the rock, the early adult placed the greatsword in front of him. Would the world of horrifying flames be able to do any justice? Fire burning in front of him as the cold air roared, the hyena closed his eyes for a moment. The flames were out of sight, out of mind.

But, such proved to be a grave mistake. Heat in front of him, the early adult shot his eyes back open. The warmth, it was everywhere. Tuning it out was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Creature moving off to the side, the hyena braced himself. The flames, he had no choice but to bear witness to them.

Orb creature blasting energy his way, the early adult rekindled the flame once more, but as he had done so, fear kicked into overdrive. The fire, it was right in front of him. In his face, ready to wreck havoc upon him with one wrong move. Blade not swinging forward as the monster of otherworldly properties came towards him, Siorc was a statue.

Projectiles coming his way as the flames in front of him burned brightly, the early adult's knees buckled. The fire, it was right, front, and center. Creature slamming itself onto the ground as it drew closer, the hyena remained still. Enemy continuing its jumps, the cold ground beneath him begun to shook.

Invisible chicken bawking up a storm, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What in the world is he doing, allowing fear to control him? Now was not the time to let fear factor into the equation. He had to fight back now. Orb creature getting closer to him with every step, the early adult's blade blew the torch of consequences upon the otherworldly creature.

Hits gifted upon a terrifying fiery platter, the early adult took a deep breath. The flames, they were only serving as is tool in battle. Nothing more, nothing less. Violet core in the creature's center combusting as if about to turn into fireworks, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. But, as he opened them once more, the defenses kicked in.

Creature surrounding itself with a shield, the early adult revved up the flame a smidgeon. Swiping from left to right, everything burned to cinders one after another with every continued strike. So called alien from another world looking about ready to return to its abode, the heated weapon set its sights on the center.

Blade and the core dishing out seven blows, the enemy from the unknown crumbled into nothing. Condensing itself into a ball, a shattering sound overtook the area. Hearing such, the early adult turned his attention towards the racket. But, as the sight before him took shape, realizations kicked in.

Icy boulder cracking into pieces as it became dust on the wind, the hyena had come to a quick conclusion. The obstacles, could it only be vanquished by defeating the aliens surrounding them? If combat were the only way to get rid of such obstacles, he supposed that was the only option.

Knowing violence was the only option, the early adult walked upon the middle streets. Usual hustle and bustle about nowhere to be seen, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Where was everyone? But, he supposed if he saw terrifying creatures in the city, he would run away, as well.

Stepping across the bridge beside the so called teahouse, the hyena turned his attention towards the top floor. Spotting someone flipping coins up above, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. He supposed, not everyone felt fear. Continuing upon the pathway, nothing but gambling made some noise.

Spotting the funeral parlor director doing a dance as she ran off towards the wharf, the hyena let out a gulp. Had the Wangshen Funeral Parlor found some victims somewhere in Liyue Harbor? If such were the case, he needed to get out of her way, for sure. Walking past the house of death's pathway, a predictable sight soon awaited him as Feiyun Slope approached.

Ice rock right in front of him as the commerce guild streets shortened, the hyena prepared himself. Any minute now, and the next batch of aliens would rear their headless bodies. Steeling himself for the inevitable, the early adult placed the blade in front of him for the second time of the day.

Tiny orb creatures floating above the sidewalk as if they owned the joint, the hyena's fingers twitched around the button in the center. The flames, it was time to release them from the center. Heat billowing in his face as the fire had arisen, the chimera tuned the energy out. The battle before him was the only thing that needed his attention.

Enemies coming his way blasting fields of energy around their possible mother base, the early adult's flames and the creatures met. Fiery gift of doom surrounding each and every otherworldly spherical monster, shockwaves were returned in kind. Burning sensation cooled in seconds as if the icy air was an ocean, the soldier reset the baked element within.

Creatures evening the odds, the chimera attempted with all his might to get on the defensive. But, such had proven to be difficult. Obstacle almost as though it were some kind of rocky fence, movement had reached its limit. Enemies rampage kicking up into speed, forces slapped the soldier around like a ball game.

Flame edging the corner as the aliens continued to surround mother base, the early adult let out a battle cry. Surely, if he kept striking as they surrounded their object of interest, they'd be taken out of the picture. Bending his knees as the kindles burned, the flames and the enemies met with one another once more.

Shields up as the strikes gained speed, the hyena kept the momentum going. Defenses broken after thirty strikes, the early adult let out a pant. Rock slicing itself in half like a piece of bread on a dining table, the enemies dissolved into nothingness along with their possible mother base.

Pathway cleared, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Silence looping on repeat in every corner of the city, the soldier kept walking. Perhaps, it was best to not concern himself over the quietness evident throughout. Surely, the generic nobodies would return later.

Feeling a chill as the hyena kept walking through the business streets, the early adult broke out into a shiver for a moment. But, the chimera stopped himself from letting such action consume him. Why was he shaking? Winter air, he should have been used to such by now. The permafrost north, it was the home forced upon him many years ago. Cold breezes, surely, his body had been used to that by now.

Reaching the end of the shopping district after half-an-hour of walking, the early adult turned his attention towards the red staircase. Could some of the circular aliens be making themselves at home upstairs? He knew it was in his best interest to take a look. Ascending the wooden walkway, the hyena marched onward inexorably.

But, as the early adult reached the book booth, a sight to behold took the stage towards the bridge in the corner. Extraterrestrial creatures surrounding their rock base for what felt like the tenth time of the day, the hyena let out a sigh. What was it about rocks these creatures were drawn to?

The enemies, however, were not alone. Tall brunette and blue haired bookworm gazing at the sediment, the hyena blinked. These two, they were still in Liyue Harbor despite the chaos unleashed around them? How incredibly odd. But, he supposed, some people would try to attend to their hobbies no matter what the situation called for. Group looking ready to speak, the early adult halted himself from starting the battle.

"Mayhaps Rex Lapis is angry and unleashed the wrath of the rock?" the blue haired bookworm asked. But, a chuckle hit the book booth, in an instant.

"That seems like a logical conclusion to come to, Mr. -------," the tall brunette said, pondering.

As the party of two's study of the icy rock continued, alarm bells screamed about in the early adult's head. Enemies floating off towards the room of scrolls, the early adult dashed off towards the creatures. Were the spherical monsters about to take some literary causalities with them? He could not allow for such to happen.

Knowing fire was not an option, the early adult placed the blade in front of him. The spherical creatures, the only option was to strike with force. Keeping his finger away from the button in the center, the fight of nothing but greatsword swipes was upon him. But, as he had done such, difficulties had arisen from the ashes.

Cores getting on the defensive, the early adult blinked. Was it just him, or had the creatures layered themselves with steel? Blade doing absolutely nothing for minutes on end, sweat poured down the soldier's brow. The world of metals, they were a force to be reckoned with, for sure.

Enemies not letting it up for minutes on end, the hyena grit his teeth. But, the soldier kept the momentum going. Surely, if he kept bringing it all against the metal barriers, they would crack after some time. But, such had been an incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

Creature dropping itself into its metal barricade like a turtle in its shell, the soldier kept the slashes going. Failure continuing to roll the dice to land a one every time, dark aura creeped up from behind him. Enemy before him not budging, the other orb creatures joined their metallic shell defense squad.

Icy wind laughing at him, the early adult bellowed a growl. The defenses, they were impenetrable, indeed. But, the hyena knew flames were not the answer. If any scrolls were to burn, responsibilities for the incent would be on him, fully. The limited bladeworks were the only way.

Blue haired bookworm letting out a battle cry and shouting something about the power of Guhua, the hyena jumped seven steps back as swords of water surrounded him. The young man, what was he doing? Wouldn't he get the scrolls wet? Boy's watery weapons hitting the boxy shields, the soldier stepped five steps further back.

Barraging torrents submerging shields aplenty, the early adult's jaw dropped open. The bookworm, how incredible, his watery blade works were only touching the enemies. Such control, such fineness, he could not help but feel a sting of green at his capabilities. Damp projectiles soon reaching their end, the young man soon did a backflip.

Small water swords soon surrounding the alien's defenses, a cracking sound flowed through the area. Creatures ripe for the picking, the hyena placed his blade in front of him once more. Slamming the heavy, two-handed weapon upon the wooden floor, the spherical enemies were pushed forward.

Blade doing the rest of the talking in tandem with the bookworm, the final blows had been upon the enemies. Orbs condensing themselves to their very cores, the early adult stared at the rift down below him. These creatures, why they set their sights on Liyue? Rock obstacle soon cracking down the center, a new round of information had come the chimera's way.

Tall brunette informing the soldier more of the orb creatures were spotted around the wharf, the early adult dashed down the staircase as if he had seen a ghost. There was even more trouble brewing in the most populated area in the city? He needed to solve the issue so the streets were safe again right away.

Aliens floating about everywhere the eye could see, the early adult cracked his currently human knuckles. The orb creatures had made themselves at home here. It was time to send them packing back to the world of which they came. Group of creatures floating beside the fish monger's usual booth, the young soldier struck the nonexistent iron while it was hot.

Flames removing the first group of enemies out of the picture after twenty slashes of his flames, the hyena turned his attention towards the waters. Multiple icy rocks freezing the oceans, the soldier blinked. The obstacles, they were certainly making themselves at home. Enemies bustling around the area, the chimera dashed off towards the next targets.

Blade in front of him, the early adult threw the flames upon the icy air. Creatures from elsewhere torched, roasted, fried, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Enemies making themselves at home in every boat they could get their handless bodies on, the early adult sped off towards one of the wooden vessels.

Creatures baked into the next defeat pie, the early adult dashed off towards the next boat off towards the corner. Enemies looking ready to bring themselves to their shiny rock distraction, the hyena kept the momentum going. Alien race lowering its population with every defeat, the fiery onslaught of terror continued to lend its hands.

Dashing from boat to boat, the army had been reduced to nothing but cores as the minutes marched about. Rubbing his palms against each other as if brushing off crumbs, the hyena looked around the area. The extraterrestrials, had he taken care of all of them? Surely, the army was now gone.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

Ground rumbling underneath him, a sight beyond words cracked a layer of glass underneath the hyena's feet. Sea of icy rocks floating upon the air as if having a will of their own, the solider could not believe his eyes as a spectacle played out before him. Rock sea converting themselves into one, bewilderment nibbled on the chimera's uniform.

Rock riding the frozen wind, the early adult made a run for it. The boulder, where in the world was it going? Object floating past the ice bed above it, the hyena slid upon the thin sheet beneath him. But, as the journey was about to reach its end, the final nail in the coffin sung to the skies above.

Orb creature glowing, the soldier placed his hands underneath his glasses. Where had such blinding light come from? But, as he removed his palms from his eyes, the soldier could feel his heart begin to sink in his chest. Rock in front of him surrounded with the alien particles, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. The mother rock base and their faceless child were one now? He needed to separate the child from the source immediately.

But, such had proven difficult in a matter of moments. Rock in front of him blasting mini boulders around itself, the early adult jumped from the right to left. But, as the rocky storm of doom continued, slip ups took the stage. Projectiles taking his hips for a ride, the hyena let out a scream. Who gave the mother rock so much power? Two was better than one indeed.

Rock versus dodges continuing for minutes on end, the hyena took a deep breath. The battle was just beginning. He needed to gain the upper hand before it was too late. Switching the position of his legs, the early adult placed the blade in front of him. The rocks, if they were about to come his way, he needed to deflect them immediately.

Projectiles ready to sing the song of defeat, the early adult jumped eight steps back. Minerals sent back whence they came, the soldier kept the momentum going. But, as the battle dragged onward for minutes on end, wind from afar joined the party. Keeping up with the rockians, the sediments and mysterious wind from afar shook hands.

Boulder soon cracking after thirty strikes, the early adult turned his attention towards the left. Aega off in the corner with an orb floating above her, the hyena blinked. Had she been alone? Where had Loba gone? But, he supposed such was no business of his. Solo jackal looking ready to say something from afar, the soldier turned towards her.

"You're still here? If I were you, I'd leave towards the city," Aega said at the top of her lungs. "Loba told me that some place known as Qingxu Pool is loaded with these monsters." She then paused for a moment. "You know your way around Liyue, don't you? I'd get going."

Knowing Aega was right, the hyena nodded. Returning himself to the wharf, and off towards the ministry of civil affairs, the early adult could not help but wonder. The orb aliens, just how far had they gotten around Liyue? He knew, no matter where they were, they had to be brought to their demise, without question.

Returning towards the food district, the early adult traversed the long wooden bridge in front of him. Standing near the frozen pool with a rock inside it, the hyena gazed at the submerged mineral. Could the aliens remove it from its home? He supposed he would need to be on high alert if such were the case.

But, as the soldier had begun to walk through Mt. Tianheng's southern path, the aliens were an extraterrestrial foot. Creatures circling themselves around a boulder not frozen by ice, the early adult let out a sigh. These monsters sure enjoyed their home bases. Fire of horrors burning and ready, the blade had taken the offensive.

Monsters slain in a bed of flames, the hyena kept running. But, the orb creatures had begun to pile up as the road in front of him towards the west continued. But, the defeats kept going as the journey marched onward. Enemies on the pathway near houses of unknown ownership, the battles kept going.

Keeping the monsters out as the early adult reached a small cave, the hyena huffed a heavy breath. Just how many orb creatures were out there? Surely, their numbers had to have been lesser by now. Flames doing their duty, the early adult kept running. Qingxu pool was nearing, he had to pick up the pace.

Dashing across a frozen lake, the soldier turned his heelless shoes off towards a winding path. Many alien casualties erased from the mortal world as he kept going, the soldier prepared himself. Any moment now, and another ice rock mother base would be upon him.

Qingxu Pool now below him, the early adult's legs and the air soon met. Windglider deployed, the ruins from time forgotten were now upon him. But, as he approached the waters, a new horror was now unlocked. Robotic fish with razor sharp teeth looking ready to rip him apart like a wooden boat, the hyena flinched.

Multiple robotic fish nibbling on an ice rock in the center of the water, the early adult placed his hand on his chin as he studied the aquatic creatures. Mineral broken apart in chunks, the hyena let out a gulp. Was he in the presence of piranhas? If such were the case, he needed to proceed with caution.

Inorganic fish leaping out of the water one after another, the early adult prepared for action. Surely, it wouldn't be too difficult to destroy them. But, such was a misconception of the ages. Metallic teeth gnawing into him like he was an late afternoon snack, the hyena winced.

Group of five fishy fiends chompers soon joining the party as well, metal clamped down upon the hyena's wrists. Letting out a scream, the early adult shook his arms with a fervor. But, as he had done so, the robotic monstrous enemies crunched harder. School of fish leaping towards him on repeat, the dice had rolled a twelve in the vertebrae's favor.

Robotic sea life looking ready to turn him into dust, the early adult shook his arms harder. The monsters, if they kept on going, he would be full of holes in no time. Shaking harder with every second, the fangs kept their grip. But, the soldier would not falter. These monsters, he had to shake them off.

Enemies teeth losing their grip after thirty minutes of struggling, the early adult lunged the creatures towards their home base one after another. Sparks flying, the early adult brushed his hands together. Another set of extraterrestrials had been taken out of the equation. But, such had not been the end of the problems around the pool.

Icy rocks not vanishing, the hyena rose an eyebrow. The frozen mineral, why was it not disappearing? Had destroying the enemies not been enough? Observing the area around him for the moment, the soldier had come across a peculiar red object upon a podium. Tapping the object, wooden plants and circular bits came out of nowhere.

Banner across the cloudy sky informing him to arrange the objects into the shape of a scale, more groups of robotic piranhas leaped beside the ice rock in the corner. Creatures munching on some rocky goodness, the hyena turned his attention towards the wood pieces below him. Would doing as the words instructed defeat the rest of the monsters once and for all?

Studying the long plank in front of him, the early adult laid it straight. But, as he placed the first part of the puzzle, the soldier wondered. The scale, did it have to be in the shape of the symbol of the nation? He supposed such had to have been the case. Turning two smaller planks to form an open right angle, the chimera stared at the stones below him. The symbol of Geo, how was he supposed to make such out of planks and minerals?

Eventually forming the circling shape by breaking wood pieces apart, the soldier had begun to make the scale's plates. Boulders placed underneath the wood, and bottom of the judgement tool of planks soon created, the hyena folded his teeth gnashed hands together. Surely, the scale was finished.

Wood soon glowing a bright orange light, the sound of a loud crack overtook the area. Boulder soon no more, and piranhas short circuiting like a fireworks show, the hyena wiped sweat off his brow. Was this what it felt like to be an adventurer? He knew such might not have been the case, but it felt like it had been, at the moment.

Knowing his work was far from over, the soldier had begun to head north. But, as the chimera had reached Lingju Pass, peculiarities stuck out like a Slime in a tribe of Hilichurls. Dark blue door seating itself in the middle of the slightly chilled lake, the early adult tilted his head towards the sky. Where had this portal come from? Whatever it was, he had to avoid it at all costs.

But, such was an impossibility. Feeling a force of wind push him towards the door, the hyena grit his teeth. Barbatos, was he punishing him for being forced out of his home and pledging loyalty to another god for survival? Door coming closer as the wind brushed him towards the portal, the early adult accepted his fate.

Blinding light soon engulfing him, the chimera closed his eyes. But upon opening them, a peculiar world awaited him. Wide dungeon with vined walls everywhere, the early adult blinked. Had he reached a world beyond Teyvat? He needed to find an exit at all costs. Birds chirping across the way, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint.

Orb alien monsters upon the pathway, the early adult's flaming blade took the stage. Creatures dissipating themselves back into nothing but a ball as the battles continued, the first of many corridors had been conquered in twenty minutes. But as a rocky door opened, the journey halted itself, for a moment.

Odd red device in the center of the next dungeon room, a sea of light orange orbs filled the room to the brim. Instructions on the ceiling stating to collect the Geo particles in sixty seconds, the early adult let out a scream. He was being timed for the challenge? He needed to get going right away.

Dashing towards the colorful balls of light, the objects had begun to vanish one after another. But, as the hyena kept going, rings soon appeared across the higher levels of the corridor. Upstream appearing towards the bottom of a ramp, the early adult jumped up as his windglider was soon behind him.

Strange particles obtained as the windy rings were passed through, the early adult kept running. Final set of energy obtained, the red device deactivated itself. Next door opening itself, the soldier had resumed running. Orb creatures defeated along the way and other puzzles conquered, one final obstacle awaited the early adult in one last room.

Final gigantic orb monster awaiting him in the last corridor, the early adult's flamethrower greatsword and his offenses were ready. But, as the fight kept on going, the odds had been in the enemy's favor. Creature from the world beyond slinking on the dungeon grounds, the flames weakened.

Core releasing dark energy, the hyena's flames had been decimated in a matter of moments. Elements not doing as expected, the chimera folded up his sleeves. He supposed it was best to fight with his blade solo. Swiping the claymore forward, the fight kept changing speeds.

Fight switching sides as everything kept going, the hyena let out a battle cry. The alien sphere, it had to be removed from this peculiar space or he would be trapped here for all of eternity, guaranteed. Continuing to strike for minutes on end, a shield surrounded the opposing force.

Letting the flames of terror take the lead, slow work was soon made of the shield. Creature looking weak after twenty-five strikes, the final blow was upon the soldier. Creature soon crumbling into dust, the exit door released itself from the ashes. But, as he returned to Teyvat, the ground was the sky, the sky was the ground.

Clouds on the floor, the early adult held the urge to click his tongue. Had he returned to the continent in an upside down position? Absolutely ridiculous. Attempting flip himself towards the correct position, nothing fixed itself. Pesky orb monsters floating around as everything had done a complete one-eighty, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky below him. Was this the extraterrestrials doing? He needed to put an end to this.

Orb creatures surrounding him as though they were trying to create an orbit, the soldier attempted with all his might to fight the enemies. But, as he attempted to do so, blood rushed to the hyena's head. Falling backwards onto the ground, the stumbles continued.

Attempting with any might that remained to brave the the reversed world, the early adult attempted to switch the ties to the best of his ability. But, such had proven difficult as the minutes raged onward. Creatures gaining the nonexistent upper hand, nothing moved. Struggle never ceasing, the dice rolled another twelve in the enemy's favor.

Eventually becoming victorious as the minutes dissolved into hours, all had soon ended well as the attempts piled up one after another. Lingju Pass reversing back to normal, the soldier headed back towards Qingxu Pool. Surely, nothing else had been flipped upside down. But as the ruins across the water approached, the water was the sky, the sky was the ground.

But, as the hyena approached the small bed of water, a riffing beat took the stage. Turning his attention towards the noise, the early adult scratched the side of his head. Young, spiky pigtailed woman with a red streak, golden eyes, short brown outfit with red roped tassels and black opened toed shoes fighting with a diamond shaped guitar with a blade like object attached to the end of it, the young soldier shook his head. How was a guitar supposed to defeat enemies?

Guitarist's instrument not able to put an edge as more robotic piranhas had come her way, the enemy's teeth nibbled on the strings of her battle axe. Young lady looking ready to scream, the early adult closed his eyes. Was she struggling? He had to do his utmost to help turn the battle around.

"Not the guitar!" the guitarist shouted.

Knowing things were beginning to look doomed from the start, the hyena added himself to the offensive. Deflecting the fanged fish as best he could, the tables inverted themselves onto the favor of the party being challenged. But, such advantage had soon been short lived.

Mechanical fish swimming on the upside down air in a speedy flurry, a light of darkness overtook the topsy turvy area. As the spectacle soon ended, the school had become one large entity like a wishy-washy white fish in another universe. Creature's metallic teeth clamping together, a shockwave took the upside down streets.

Monsters slapping down into the lake above them, the soldier switched the position of his legs. The large mechanical fishes fused themselves into one? He needed to bring them down to scrap metal, right this instant. Flaming blade of terrors out in front of him, the soldier was ready.

Guitarist joining him for the ride, difficulties kept arising as the fight kept going. Mechanical monster looking ready to swallow him whole, the early adult tried with all his might to fight against the creature of combined forces. Young lady next to him bringing out a debate club, the dual claymore swings kept their momentum going.

Favors swapping demands after twenty combined strikes a piece, the early adult swore he could hear a ding ping off in the distance. Guitarist taking out her instrument once more, the young woman shouted time to rock at the top of her lungs. Riffs of heat overtaking her for a brief moment, the hyena closed his eyes.

World around him reversing back towards the normal orientation, the sound of a cracking boulder brought the chimera back to reality. The battle, was it over? Guitarist soon looking his way, the early adult made eye contact. Was there something she had to say? It was best to listen, if so.

"I enjoyed shredding with ya, partner," the guitarist said.

Young lady soon leaving, the early adult blinked. Air around him warming up a smidgeon, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Was that the end of the battles? He supposed it was time to return to Liyue Harbor, if so. Heading back upon the eastern path of which he came, the journey had begun.

As the soldier walked through the plains, the hyena stared at the scenery around him. The orb and fish robots, why did they enjoy the icy rocks so much? He could not help but feel something inside their bodies made them attracted to such sediments. It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, everything had been determined by a set of ones and zeroes, and such alignment of numbers determined the creature's behavioral patterns. But, such fact was unknown to the chimera.

Statues in Mt. Tianheng slowly approaching, the soldier turned his attention towards the monuments. Would future aliens go after the landmarks? If such were the case, he knew he would need to push the creatures away from such, or history in the making would be unmade, in an instant.

Liyue Harbor feeling farther away than normal, the early adult took a long deep breath. Why was the capital city so far off all of the sudden? Had he taken the long route around? But, the soldier kept walking. The bridge would be here soon, for sure. He had to keep going.

City of contracts finally reached after an hour of walking, the early adult let out a deep throated yawn. Battles in a whole day's work was a tiring pursuit to behold. Curving towards the red staircase, the soldier prepared to head for the Northland Bank. But, the Northland Bank soon came to him.

Agent turning his masked face towards the right and left, the early adult let out a gulp. If there was even one ice rock still floating around, he would be in trouble, guaranteed. But, as his subordinate turned around, the hyena swore he could see a smirk stretch from underneath his mask.

"Excellent work today, soldier," the Agent said, smirking. "But, your job is not done yet. Go check yourself into a room in Wangshu Inn and resume operations in the morning."

Informed the mission would be continuing, the hyena headed for the Wangshu Inn. Guili Plains passed through, and inn staircase ascended, the soldier walked towards the inn's boss. Room paid for, the soldier had been guided towards his temporary accommodations for the evening.

Keys handed off to him, the soldier closed the wooden door behind him. Small room with nothing but a bed and dresser drawers, the early adult blinked. Had he secretly returned to Snezhnaya? By, the early adult snapped himself out of such thinking. Impossible. Such was definitely not the case.

Ready to crawling into the unknown bed, the soldier placed the weaponized hairpins and earrings into a small round cylinder on a bed side table. glasses set aside, as well, and jacket folded up into a square, the soldier placed himself underneath the temporary covers. World of sleep coming for him with a vengeance, one final thought swam through the chimera's fading human brain.

Where could the aliens have possibly from?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The world of the subconscious was a circling aqua railing system, with only sharp bumps in the road taking over everything. The night before him would only add another layer of bumps, as well.

Before him had been a field of rainbow roses, but as the pink plants given the wrong name glared back at him, the early adult spit dream saliva upon the ground. Why was he seeing flowers in the dream world? Nature and he were sour with one another. Turning up his nose, the early adult turned his attention towards the dark void of nothing towards the other side.

But, as the soldier's blank stares continued, an unusual presence floated towards him with gusto. Two tan skinned, green haired strangers with pointy horns rivalling even those of Parisa, and eyes covered with a strange black bar, with pitch dark cloaks to match their obscured pupils, a chill of nothingness shot down the hyena's spine. He could not help but feel a wave of doom as the strangers approached him.

"So, this is the dream of an Ingne," one of the strangers said. "It's time to spark things up a little!"

Hole forming underneath the soldier, electricity crackled into overdrive. Zapped around like a toy for dream minutes on end, the hyena let out a scream. These people, did they see him like they were some sort of object to play with? Zaps about continuing, movement was impossible.

Group of strangers laughing as their judgement lightning sparked things up more than just a little, the early adult swore his dream joints were ready to cling together into a knot. Zaps throwing him around for a loop, paralysis readied to unleash its demons upon the dream world.

Electricity continuing its rampage for many dream minutes on end, the soldier whiffed a simulated scent of fire. Realizing such, the soldier's knees buckled. The strangers, had they summoned flames, as well? How incredibly terrifying, a world of flames would come for him any second now.

Flames from up above dousing him like a bucket of water, the early adult let out a shout as the strangers up above guffawed enough to bust their guts wide open. Fire surrounding him like it was their sworn duty, the hyena was roasted, toasted, stranger's dinner. Laughter continuing, words had come his way.

"Hahahaha, this Ingne's dreams are full of fire!" one of the strangers laughed. "This is fun!"

Flames dropping down from the hole once more, a sea of fire soon engulfed the hyena. Body on fire as the world around him was heating up, the early adult closed his eyes. As defeat hugged him from behind, one final thought ran circles around the chimera's dream mind as he was about to become a pile of ashes.

Just who were these strangers?

How did they enter his dreams?


"My job is far from over.
Yes, another day of vanquishing ice rocks.

Work is never going to reach its end.
Obviously, I know that, as a Fatui, I'm almost always working.
Really, I am used to it at this point,
Knowing Her Majesty, this is just the beginning.

How much more ice rocks do I have to face?
Even I am starting to think this might as well be a
Repetitive, endless stream of monsters and
Enemy rocks aplenty.

I'm starting to think these enemies were manufactured.
Something about them does not feel real to me.

Nothing about this feels natural.
Everything feels created by an opposing force. This is
Very unnerving. I doubt these
Enemies could have come from this world. As I
Remove them, I wonder further.

Did they even
Originate from Fontaine?
No, they could not have.
Everything about this makes little sense. Everything about

This makes less sense as the
Hours crawl on by.
Everything I know is breaking.

And, as I continue fighting,
Less and less is coming to me.
I can't help but wonder. That pesky penguin,
Earl, he said the other day that those creatures were
Not often seen around the
Section of land above the Court of Fontaine.

Ah, what was the name of that place he said...I need to
Remember. Think, think, think.
Elynas. Was that it?

Maybe I am remembering wrong, but
Ultimately, they are certainly not from there. Nor
Liyue. I suspect something.
Though, I could be wrong and overthinking.
I might be incorrect, but
Perhaps, just maybe, someone brought them to
Liyue to cause trouble.
Yes, that has to be
It, I am certain.
Now, as I prepare to clean up mess number two. I need to
Get ready to be on the offensive.

Nothing is ever truly
Over for my forced upon career of the Fatui. But,
While I continue this fight, I need to keep going."

Waking up the next morning, Siorc let out a scream. The dream he had would no leave his partially human mind. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, shouting? He would disturb other inn guests, for sure. He needed to forget the night of terror and get himself ready for the workday at hand.

Agent standing by his inn room's door, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Was it just him, or was there a sense of urgency plastered underneath his subordinate's mask? Surely, he had to have just been imagining things. The Fatui Agent was nothing more than a debt collecting machine with no emotion. Mask soon on him, the early adult gave eye contact.

"More ice rocks appeared overnight," the Agent said. Behind his back, something shimmered. "Take care of the problem soldier." He then slapped a greatsword into his subordinate's hands.

Second flamethrower claymore handed to him, the chimera blinked rapidly as the next words came out from underneath the Agent's mask. Encouraged to fight the enemies roaming about with a two sword style, the early adult cupped his fingers around his right ear. Was he hearing things correctly? Do a two sword style fight? Impossible. Claymores were not the same weight as a broadsword. There was no way he would be able to do such.

Knowing it was best to return to the harbor to catch up with the jackal sisters, the early adult reversed back towards the path he traversed many hours before. But, as the Harbor soon neared, flurries smacked the ground. Seeing such, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it snowing in Liyue? How odd, such never happened in the Nation of Contracts.

But, as the soldier had reached the Harbor, the world of snow had begun to cling onto the tables everywhere. Not a single soul present, Loba and Aega included, the hyena rose an eyebrow. Had he wasted his time coming this way? He supposed such had to have been the case.

Agent soon catching up with him as though he had forgotten to tell him something, a new round of information had come the hyena's way. Told the ice rocks had been spotted to the north and eastern paths and towards the Mondstadt border near Stone Gate, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What did he come all the way back to the Harbor for if the foots of his work were already in the areas he had just passed through? He needed to turn back around right now.

Returning towards the pathway of Guili Plains, the snow had begun to fall harder and faster from the grey skies above. Walking through the same area he had just passed through, a slippery ice patch had appeared underneath the hyena. Arms flailing about a sense of unease flowed through the soldier. A tumble would soon be guaranteed. But, the chimera would not falter.

Spotting an ice rock in the middle of the pathway, the early adult unsheathed the two flaming greatswords of terror from behind him. Orange, green and blue orb creatures emerging from their mother rock ship, the soldier prepared himself? More sphere aliens were amongst him? The time had come to unleash the two sword style the Agent forced upon him.

But, as the hyena attempted to burn the creatures a new one, the weight of the situation lowered the chimera onto his currently human knees. Two claymores was far heavier than one. ice underneath him signing in as player number two, the early adult could feel his balance tap itself out of the ring.

Creatures looking ready to break everything around them, the soldier attempted to regain balance. Closing his eyes for a moment, the early adult chanted an unmagical spell. The claymores were paperweights. They were weightless. Feathers, a sheet of paper, a pea on his dinner plate.

Orb monsters creating shockwaves around him as they hovered around their ice rock, the early adult could feel himself wobble once more. These orb aliens, just what were their powers and capabilities? Could they bend everything into a quiver? He needed to fight back before they fused themselves with their rock mother.

Such attempt was futile once more. Paperweights becoming a ton, the early adult fell onto his possibly human rear. His wrists, had they become as heavy as metal? The claymores were weightless. Why couldn't he get used to the style of two blades? But, he supposed mastering something in the matter of moments was only reserved the blessed and gifted.

Tiny pebbles tossed at him in a barrage like a bullet seed, the early adult's chest had darkened with a slight tint of red. Letting out a growl, adrenaline kicked the hyena around like a game of Temari. How dare these creatures hit his damaged chest. They would pay for such atrocity for adding more onto such area.

Dual blades losing all their weight, the flames blazed into overdrive. Swiping the weapons forward in a fervor, the hyena let out a loud battle cry. These monsters, who did they think they were aiming for such a spot? Creatures set ablaze one after another, his screams continued.

First ice rock cracking down the center, the soldier pressed the button in the center of the weapons once more. Sheathing the blades by his uniform pockets, the hyena wiped the tiny pool of red over his jacket. If any more orb creatures wanted a piece of him in his most fragile area, they would pay with their extraterrestrial lives.

Continuing upon the northern path, Wangshu Inn had swiftly been returned to as if he never left. But, as he stepped towards the boss of the area, a sea of unfortunate news had come the chimera's way. Young generic woman informing him peculiar creatures have made themselves at home on the roof, the hyena ascended the staircase? More aliens were already here? He needed to get on the case right away.

Snow covering the roof with piles of white, the hyena turned his attention towards the enemies. Shadow aliens giving off an array of malevolent energy, the early adult could feel a chill drop down his spine. Had he been in the company of evil spirits? Something wasn't right, for sure.

Stepping onto the roof, a battle had already been out in the open. Yaksha screaming boring, useless as he charged around the area with his wind powers, the soldier's heart dropped at the sight of the mountain demon's body. Deep cuts and bruises decorating the short man's arms everywhere, the hyena threw himself into action.

Yaksha looking ready to tell him to get out of his way, the early adult unsheathed the flaming greatswords of horror from beside him. There was no way he could allow an injured person, human, chimera, demon, yaksha or not fight harder than they needed to. He knew if, he were in the same position, someone would try to stop him. It was best to carry some of the burden for the hurt.

Billowing the flames forward upon the demonic aliens of the shadows, the creatures looked ready to lunge with all their might. But, the early adult stood his ground. The monsters, if they intended to continue their rampage upon the yaksha, they would have to go through him as their first obstacle.

Slashing the burning blades forward, a grunt from behind him let itself out. But, the early adult kept the battle going. The peculiar demonic aliens of the shadows, it was his job to destroy them. Creatures lives thinning as the seconds broke into minutes, the odd shadows of strangely physical properties curved under the sharp pressure.

Final enemy taken out of the equation, the yaksha gave the hyena a sharp look. Arms folded across his waist, the early adult prepared himself for a line of questioning. Any second now, he knew what inquiry would come his way. Why did he interfere? Knowing such was about to grace his eardrums, the early adult placed his hands in front of him.

"Why did you interfere?" the Yaksha asked, grunting.

Already knowing such question would be bestowed upon him, the early adult placed his hands in front of him. Signing the words that he was injured, the hyena gave the mountain demon a stern look. But, his wordless language was met with an immediate brush off.

"This is nothing," the Yaksha responded, arms crossed around his waist. "I can conquer these evil demons alone."

Knowing the mountain demon would not budge on this statement, the early adult sighed. He supposed he could not be critical of other people's worth ethnic. He would work with injuries as well, no matter what. He knew if he did not work, Her Majesty would kill him. Judging others of their own battles would be hypocritical of him, for certain.

Snow blowing further as the chimera descended back towards the lower floors of the inn, a group of plants he did not wish to see haunted the soldier like a ghost on Wuwang Hill. Pink plants in the bushing laughing at him, the punishment from many months prior flashed through the early adult's brain like a movie in Fontaine.

Letting out a scream as the dagger scene replayed itself twice more, tears streamed down the chimera's face. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, letting himself get bothered by the past? He has to keep working. He should not let events from long ago bother him.

Getting it together, the soldier prepared to walk towards the eastern path. He supposed, for now, heading to Mingyun Village would be in his best interest. Finding himself upon a diverging pathway, the hyena took a deep breath. The snow, would it soon get worse as he continued heading up north? He hoped such would not be the case.

But, upon reaching the area, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Orb aliens floating towards disheveled and unfinished buildings, bewilderment ate the young soldier up like a plate of Almond Tofu. The settlement presented before him, what could have possibly happened here? But, such thoughts were cut short as the monsters had become one with the wood around them.

Ready to remove the creatures from within their new wooden world, the early adult rolled up his sleeves. But, preparedness died as quickly as it had arrived. Land glowing around him, new obstacles soon added themselves to the abandoned village before him. Symbols placed upon the ground, instructions from the underworld soon laughed at him.

Banner in the sky instructing him to burn the symbols on the ground, the early adult could feel his soul about to remove itself from his body. He had to wield the power of fire once more? But, he knew he had to. Tuning out the flames around him as the symbols lit up, the next order of business was upon him.

Torches spawning around the area as if they were dragged in by a person from the world on the outside, the chimera jumped eight steps back. Where did the new obstacles come from? They definitely were not here a second ago, for sure. Every pit soon lit up, the final obstacle remained.

Monuments with Pyro symbols raising their elemental objects in a specific pattern, the soldier tilted his head. He was being tested to a game of memory? Whoever had placed these here, they had made a mistake. Failing the puzzle multiple times, the hyena studied the totems once more. Right, he had to light them up in a specific order. He had to focus.

Every single monument eventually lit up in the proper order, the wood expelled the monsters from their clutches. Creatures disintegrating shortly after such expulsion, the soldier had begun to head north. Stone Gate, he had to continue onward towards the border of Mondstadt. But, as he headed towards Sal Terrae, familiar faces presented themselves around an underground salt tunnel.

Loba and Aega hard at work, the soldier swore he could see jackal ears wiggling from the edge of the cave. One of the two jackal sisters sticking her head out, the soldier took a long deep breath. Was he about to be sent away? He supposed if they already had the area covered, he should continue onward towards the Stone Gate.

"Since you came this way, go over to that cave on the other side and grab some jadeite," Aega said. "These monsters are weak to Geo objects."

Knowing Loba and Aega had their hands full, the hyena nodded. Walking upon the pathway around the area, an abandoned boat remained where he had last spotted it the last time he had come to Sal Terrae. Tossing himself into the wooden vessel, the early adult cruised the vehicle upon the cold waters in front of him.

Reaching the cave, the soldier dropped himself downward. Recalling where the jadeite deposits were from his last visit, the hyena stormed off towards the direction in his memory. Multiple shimmering blue rocks removed from their mineral deposits, the chimera broke out into a sweat. If he were to touch the jade for too long, it would harm him for sure. But, he knew he did not have time to worry about such. He had to return towards the underground salt cave.

Boating back towards the surface, the early adult's hands and the jadeite intertwined themselves with one another. Rocks placed overhead, the hyena tossed the minerals like he had thrown a curveball. One rock after another thrown upon the monsters from afar, the creatures were stoned into nothingness.

But, a new challenger had soon arisen.

Icy air blowing with a fervor, a gigantic bony wolf creature released itself from the salt hole down below. Loba and Aega releasing themselves from their temporary salt imprisonment, as well, the creature let out a deep roar. Taking control of the snow around it, the hyena backed seven steps away. This creature could manipulate the weather? He was about to meet his match.

Loba and Aega readying themselves for action, the soldier studied the jackal chimera's fighting prowess, for a moment. Loba stepping up to the plate first, a purple book entailing the thrilling tales of a dragon slayer floated upon the air. Icy spells launching themselves upon the enemy, both the monster and the heroine squared off with one another.

Emerald colored orb floating underneath Aega's right hand, various windy spells released themselves from the catalyst beneath her. Small upstream appearing as her attacks kept going, the young woman of heavy sterness leaped upward upon the gale. Ears and tail shrouded in wind as she continued, the spells continued.

Loba once again adding her ice to the mix, the soldier swore he could hear scream Dr. Jackal and Ms. Hyde, but the hyena shrugged such off. He supposed such had been her battle cry. Wolf looking weaker than before, the hyena closed his eyes for a moment as the flaming greatswords combusted into overdrive.

Weaponized Pyro, Anemo and Cryo combining itself into a swirl, four more blows had been dealt to the wolf monster of bony composure. Creature throwing itself back into a portal whence it came, the sound of a boulder cracking in the salt cave below took the area by storm. But, as he gazed at the crevices beneath, words had come his way.

"Go on ahead, honey, we'll keep dealing with everything over here," Loba said, words soft. "Your subordinate told us to take care of The Chasm and Chenyu Vale, so we might not cross paths after this." A warm smile soon appeared on her face. "Take care of yourself, alright?"

Nodding, the early adult headed upon the northern path. Loba and Aega had to head to The Chasm, where in all of Teyvat could that area have possibly been? But, there was no time to question such things, he needed to continue onward. Figuring wherever it was it was beyond his reach, the young soldier pushed such thoughts away. He needed to focus on his side of the situation.

Reaching Dihua Marsh after an hour of slippery walking, the hyena's knees buckled at the sight before him. Waterways frozen over twice as hard as the snow fell faster, the soldier gazed at the orb monsters across the way. Creatures circling around a group of ducks, the chimera turned his attention towards the ice rock in the corner.

Layer of ice much thicker than before, the early adult could feel a sour taste in his mouth. But, as his attention had been applied elsewhere, a spectacle unfolded before his mismatched eyes. Spherical aliens continuing their circle around the flock, the avian creatures and aliens soon became one.

Ducks laying down the law, the early adult grit his teeth. He had to fight the water birds of the ponds? If the young boy from Mondstadt knew about such, judgement day would come for him, for sure. But, he knew the choice was not his. The aliens had to be removed from the animal's bodies pronto.

Defeat coming for the duckified aliens after thirty strikes, guilt ate the hyena alive. The ducks of the pond, would they be alright? He knew it was possible they had just lost their lives to such rampage blown to them. If such were the case, an apology was in order for the entire bird race.

Readying himself to head for Stone Gate, the chimera stared off into space. The Nation of Freedom, could some of the alien monsters have escaped beyond the border? If such were the case, he knew he would have to cross between the two nations to deal with the problem at hand.

But, as the early adult reached the pathway nearing the Stone Gate, a slippery walkway was in front of the soldier. Heelless shoes sliding upon the unevenly icy ground, the hyena swore that at any given moment, he would see stars. Attempting to regain balance for minutes on end, the early adult kept walking.

Nothing but an array of puzzles awaiting him upon the gate of stone, the early adult blinked of bewilderment at the first objective. Reach the area within the time limit? Another difficult challenge would be upon him. Running upon the slippery wooden walkway as the seconds ticked away, the destination was soon reached.

Second objective soon upon him to sabotage a Slime Balloon, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint as the wooden basket of transport rode the icy wind. Was it just him, or did the gelatinous creature have some sort of dark aura surrounding it? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. There was no time. He had to get rid of the obstacle.

Balloon demolished after ten minutes of attempts, the final mission had been tossed upon the soldier. Informed he would have to destroy the Hilichurl towers, a spark popped off in the chimera's fading human brain. The Hilichurl population, it had to dwindle. Their numbers, they had to go down. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. Where did such thought come from? He needed to calm down.

Towers soon destroyed, the soldier walked off towards the border to Mondstadt, but such was as far as he could reach. Entire army of boulders blocking every pathway, the the early adult sighed. If the rock obstacles remained intact, it was best to walk towards the next area, for the time being.

Heading back towards the westward path, the early adult headed for Bishui Plain. But, the panda chimera's former place of rest was soon replaced with a winter horrorfest. Spherical aliens floating around every corner, the young soldier let the flaming swords of terror take the lead.

Enemies all but taken care of, the early adult headed towards the north. Wuwang Hill getting closer with every given step, the soldier swore the ghastly area was far colder than the rest, but the chimera shook his head. He was imagining such, surely. There was no way that was the case.

Reaching the grassy lower levels of the haunted hillside, familiar faces stuck out amongst the crowd. Funeral Parlor Director and blue haired exorcist looking ready to work together to banish spirits, the chimera prepared himself to exit the area. These two had to have all their bases covered, for sure. But, the duo of the end of times was not alone.

Rat and bobcat chimera in the area, as well, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or were Krysí and Ryś standing in Wuwang Hill? Surely, he had to have been mistaken. The alien monsters, maybe they had to transform into others like a pink blob with dot eyes and a goofy smile. Girl soon looking at him, the soldier prepared himself for the possible inevitable.

Seeing Siorc walk by, Krysí's tail had coiled up behind her. Had Her Majesty sent him on this mission involving the strange monsters around Liyue, as well? If such were the case, why hadn't she informed Ryś and she about it? But, she knew if she brought such into question, she would be breaking that apparent sworn Fatui rule to never question Her Majesty's thought processes.

Lowering her head a smidgeon, something of particular note stuck out to her. Snezhnayan Dendro Vision seated on Siorc's belt, Krysí placed her tiny fingers on her chin. Had he received a Vision since their one and only encounter with him? Perhaps, such was the answer that hid itself in plain sight.

Watching Siorcy bring himself to Wuwang Hill, Ryś turned her attention towards him. When was the last time she had seen this guy? But, her memory laid barren. Maybe Krysí could help her remember later. Staring at his belt in tandem with her battle partner in crime, a Dendro Vision gleamed. Siorc had gained a vision? Cool.

"Hi again, Siorcy!" Ryś greeted. "You have a Vision now? Cool, meow! Dendro suits you!"

"Were you sent here to fight the monster outbreak from Fontaine?" Krysí asked. "It seems that funeral parlor lady and exorcist have this area covered."

But, such could not be further from the truth, Funeral Parlor Director's ghost pal losing the fight, and exorcist's spirit blades unable to do much of anything, sweat poured down the chimera's back. Did these two really have the area covered? He could not help feel the opposite was the actual case.

Knowing that the apparent creatures from Fontaine had to be vanquished, the soldier unsheathed the claymores from beside him. Letting the flames take the lead, the ghostly alien monsters jumped back as if they had stolen the technique of dodging straight from under him.

Unable to strike while the blades were hot, the hyena let out a deep huff. Who taught these creatures how to dodge? Such was quite the annoyance to behold. Exorcist, funeral parlor, Krysí and Ryś firing attacks one after another as well, everything remained one sided for minutes on end.

Opening eventually created as the claymore polearm onslaught kept paving the way, Triple triad flames of doom doused the enemy after ten attempts. Defeat almost guaranteed, the monster faded into the ether. But, as it had exited, the snows whipped themselves up into a blizzard. Icy air kicking it up, a shout overtook the area.

"We have to head for the Oceanid's battleground, meow!" Ryś exclaimed. "Run!" But, a comical set of words had been returned in kind.

"Ooh, a new client?" the Funeral Parlor Director asked, hands dancing like a ghost.

"Huh, a new client?" Ryś asked, confused. "We're the only ones here, Miss -- ---, meow!"

Krysí bellowing a whisper into Ryś' cat ears, a realization had soon washed over the bobcat chimera. Ryś soon saying yes, a new client awaited by the oceanid's lair, the soldier could feel his head spin. Was he about to witness a coffin sale live? How morbid. Everyone running ahead, the hyena caught up as fast as possible.

Orb aliens fusing themselves with the folklore water creature, the early adult could feel sweat pour down his back. Had the creature proclaimed an ocean just turn itself into an ice creature? What a sudden shift in development, for sure. But, the time to think was over, it was time to battle.

But, the battle was over as quickly as it began. Funeral Parlor Director and bobcat chimera's flames taking out the monster before he could even blink, ice rocks shattered into bitty pieces of nothing faster than he could blink. Spherical monster removed from the equation shortly after, a round of information the soldier could barely process had come his way.

"There is some highly evil activity in Yaoguang Shoal currently that even my yang energy cannot dispel," the exorcist said as if talking to himself out loud.

Young exorcist soon licking his popsicle, the hyena's heart turned to stone. The beach, there were some aliens there, as well? He had to head there right away. Yinlong, if he were in trouble, he would never forgive himself if he were to get hurt. Running as if his life depended on it, the early adult sped of as if a turbo button had been added to his shoes.

Continuing to speed off down through the cold marsh, the early adult kept running. The panda chimera, if there was really evil activity going on there, they were certainly in trouble. He had to get to his side immediately. Wangshu Inn and eastern pathway taken, the shoal was getting closer with every accelerated step forward.

But, as he reached the beaches of Liyue, the water had been frozen solid. Everything except the sand hard as a rock, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. The panda chimera had he already been attacked by the aliens in the area? He needed to run to their side, right this instant.

Yínlóng running around the beach as if noting was happening, a sense of panic made the freezing temperature raise a few degrees celsius. Panda stopping his exercise regimen as they spotted a peculiar door, the early adult was off to the races. No, there had already been a portal here. He had to stop the panda from being sucked in.

But, as he had gotten closer, an unavoidable forced pulled him towards the dark blue doorway. Unable to break loose from the force's crushing grip, an invisible white flagged waved upon the battlefield. He was in the next world's clutches now, there was no escape.

Blinding light engulfing him for a split second, a frozen forest awaited the hyena. World of nothing but icy trees and orb monsters galore, the soldier blinked. Where was he? He was definitely not in Teyvat anymore. Knowing he had to get out and find the exit as soon as possible, the soldier stepped forward.

But, as the early adult made his first steps towards freedom, two hooded figures with nothing but pure black cloaks and obscured faces with the facial expressions oddly obscured by black lines, the hyena had come to wonder. Was someone messing with him? Someone's eyes and mouth being covered by a black bar, such was definitely not a natural occurrence. Hooded figures knees clicking at the sight of him, shouts had come his way.

"What's a Fatuus doing here?!" one of the strangers asked. "Out, out, get out!" But, the other person within the obscured peanut gallery spoke.

"The guy's already here!" the other hooded figure shouted. "You don't care, just go on ahead. There's more to do!"

Odd people vanishing as they said such, the early adult blinked. Did that hooded stranger just refer to themselves as a second person rather than referring to themselves as the first person? How incredibly confusing. This person was not some reader love interest of some romance story involving illicit acts and the person viewing it.

Knowing he had to find the exit door, the soldier had begun walking through the frozen wonderland. Orb monsters entwining themselves with the trees, the hyena's flaming blade and the enemies shook hands with one another. Army removed with every step, everything continued.

Vanquishing multiple enemies on the pathway as the end of the forest was about to near, a challenge broke loose upon the walkways. Banner telling him to defeat all the enemies within five minutes, the timer had begun to tick down faster with every second. Monsters removed one after another, only three minutes soon remained.

Wrapping up the rest of the fight before him with a sloppy finisher as two minutes further ticked down, the early adult sped up the cleanup. Only one minute remained, he had to put an end to this before the number hit zero. Final orb enemy a difficulty amongst the crowd, only twenty seconds remained.

Final spherical enemy gone as the clocked ticked down to the last five seconds an exit door came out of the woodworks. Removing himself from the world of the unknown, the icy beaches were soon upon the soldier once more. But, as the door disappeared worried eyes fell on him.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yínlóng asked. "You were pulled through that mysterious door."

Hearing Yinlong's question, the early adult blinked. Should such an inquiry be asked right now? The panda, he was in far more danger than he was in. Him being alright was far less of a pressing matter, at the moment. He knew he needed to tell him that his worries were unfounded.

"I am fine, sir," the hyena responded, voice barely audible.

"Are you sure?" Yínlóng asked, words filled with worry. "My cousin is an herbalist. If you're hurt anywhere, I could take you to him."

But, the soldier shook his head. Giving the panda a look of reassurance, the hyena bid them a temporary farewell. Although, as the beach grew further away, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera. Yinlong's family, what could they have been like? Were they also low energy pandas? But, the early adult snapped himself out of such thinking. He was giving far too low regard on such subject. Not every panda was lazy.

Returning to the Harbor after two hours of walking, the Agent soon headed towards the soldier. Soon informed he was dismissed for today, but his job was not yet over, the early adult headed for Wangshu Inn for the second time of the day. Soon returning to his temporary room, the chimera slumped into the hotel bed. World of sleep about to take him away, one final question poked the active shark groove in his brain.

The hooded strangers, were they the culprits?


"Who are they? Those
Hooded strangers, just who?
Or rather, what are they?

Are they even
Real? Or am I imagining them?
Everything is blurring.

Yet, I need to ask again.
Or rather, rephrase. And
Utter the question over and over.

Who are they? The
Hooded strangers? Are you real,
Or fantastical being, imaginary?

Who are they? The
Hooded strangers? Are you villains,
Or just aliens? Otherworldly?

Who are they? The
Hooded strangers? Are they really here,
Or did my unstable brain invent them? Fantasy?

Who are they? The
Hooded strangers. Are they real?
Or just make believe? I'm starting to think it's the latter, truly."

Waking up the next morning, an immediate lead had been provided to the soldier. Agent informing him the ice rocks had formed in the mountain ranges, the early adult let out a gulp. If the icy boulders had made their ways around the highest peaks, the Nation of Contracts would be frozen over, for sure.

Agent not giving him a third greatsword, the hyena rolled his eyes to the ceiling. He wasn't suggesting he partake in the three sword style? How incredibly kind and thoughtful of the masked Agent to not do so. What a wonderful god's blessing upon this world. Clearing his throat as his subordinate left, the chimera pinched his wrist. Maybe such thoughts were a step too far into the deadpan category.

Frying pans saved from their death as he exited the inn, the early adult headed upon the southern path. Guili Plains passed through for what felt like the fifth time in three days, a wave of dejavu flowed through the chimera. Had he fallen back into a time loop? The soldier knew such had not been the case, but he felt like it had to have been, at the moment.

Combing his way back through Liyue Harbor, the western pathway around Mt. Tianheng had soon been reached. Qingxu Pool stepped around, nothing but the cold air had been out of the ordinary for morning hours on end. But, as he reached Lingju Pass, the returning champion revealed itself.

Ice rocks everywhere and monsters orbs galore, the soldier fired up the blazing flamethrower claymores of terror. Multiple strikes dealt one after another, the hyena allowed the finishing blows remove the rest of the enemies out of the equation. But, such proved to not be the case in a matter of moments.

Extraterrestrials heading off towards Tianqiu Valley, the soldier sped off towards the creatures. But, as he had gotten closer, hostilities had been aimed towards him from the faceless orbs. Knowing he had to vanquish them at all costs, the fight had begun. But, the difficulties had only doubled in a matter of seconds.

Monsters combining themselves into one huge orb monsters, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. The aliens from Fontaine, how were they able to absorb their own kind into them to become one? They did not behave that way when he had been there four days prior, for sure.

Attempting with all his might to vanquish the new enemy, no damage had been dealt to the creatures upon the pathway. Orb creature floating off towards the westward path, the eastern slopes, the hyena sped up his dashing speed. He needed to catch up with the monster right now.

But, as Cuijue Slope approached, an intense winter wind took the land over as if a second Snezhnaya had been born. Had he been transported back to the permafrost north? But, the hyena pushed such thought off the cliff. No, he had definitely not been sent back, guaranteed. He needed to defeat the snowballing orb alien as soon as possible before the creature ballooned.

Finding himself on top of a plate filled with pressure as the spherical creature locked itself into a cage, a message had been given to the hyena. Reach the destination within the time limit appearing in the icy sky above, the chimera had begun running. More trials and tribulations were upon him? When would such end?

Reaching the end after forty-five seconds, the next challenge had been upon the chimera. Told to defeat all enemies, the early adult's blades and the monsters shook hands with each other. Creatures dissolving into water like the apparent mysterious girl case in Fontaine, a layer off the alien's shield dissipated itself. Creature rolling off towards the bridge in the corner, the early adult put his left foot forward.

Jueyun Karst in front of him an icy world of many slippery walkways, the soldier had to double check the area. Was he really in Liyue? Only the mountains in Dragonspine had this much snow. His proxy map, was it broken and secretly teleporting him elsewhere?

Pushing such thought onto the ice in front of him, the early adult tread carefully. That was impossible. He was still in Liyue, for sure. But, as the hyena walked upon the first bridge in the area, the world around him felt off. Was it just his imagination, or had the space around him felt distorted?

Reaching the end of the bridge, Abyss Mages with nothing but bony bodies awaited him. Seeing such as the spherical orb creature kept rolling across the mountain, the hyena snapped his fingers. What in the world was happening? Did the alien eat the mage's flesh?

Creatures put out of their misery after thirty strikes with his flaming claymores of terror, the early adult dashed off through Qingyun Peak. Icy trails tracking behind it as though it had wooden wheels accompanied by rubber, the chimera kept the chase going. Freezing temperatures around him kicking in as the creature rolled off towards Nantianmen, the soldier's legs picked up the speed.

Nothing of especial note happening within the quieter mountainous area, the mountain ranges soon awaited the soldier. Readying himself to climb upward as the extraterrestrial creature floated upward towards the higher areas of Mt. Hulao, the chimera hopped upon the rocky cliffs. But, such ascent upward had an array of challenges.

As the soldier had begun to climb upward, a sense of disarray flowed through the chimera. Was he simply imagining it, or had the physics within the area been off? He could not help but feel that, at any given moment, the sky would once again be the ground. Preparing himself for the possible reversal, the hyena kept climbing.

Reaching a high altitude point with Mt. Hulao, the soldier took a long deep breath, but as he had done so, the early adult sputtered a cough. Was the air thinner here? He needed to take care of the problem right away before oxygen was removed from right above him. Ready to end the orb creature, the early adult's dual blades were ready.

Such battle never came. Mysterious force pushing him towards the edge of the cliffsides, A set of unknown hands had been on the chimera's backside. Heelless shoes teetering off the ledge as the palms shoved, the chimera's eyes opened wide. His windglider was not popping out. If he were to fall to the ground from such a high altitude, his life would be over in an instant.

Accepting the possibility of his life ceasing to be as the sharp fall downward continued, the chimera closed his eyes. But, as his back were about to hit the ground, hands were soon on his small body. Eyes shooting open, the soldier turned his head towards his savior in the trying times of forced winter.

Slightly tall person with otter hip pockets, pink adventurer guild's uniform, short grey hair on the slightly cooler side of the color scale, and blue eyes, the early adult blinked. Had he met this chimera before? The face had a recognizing look to it. But, his thoughts were cut short as another person shouted.

"Fèng, what are ya doing? Why are you catchin' that Fatui?" Linggui asked, complaining.

"I couldn't just let him fall from such a high altitude and have him hurt himself, Linggui," Fèng responded. He then turned towards the Fatui. "Are you alright?"

Hearing names that sounded slightly familiar, the chimera nodded. Fèng and Linggui, had he seen these two adventurers somewhere before? But, a small memory had flown back to him. The time loop he thought he had been caught in. They had appeared in one of those moments. But, as his thoughts kept rolling, a barrage of seashells had been slapped upon his face with a paw toss.

"Skedaddle!" Linggui shouted, seashells thrown aplenty. "I bet yer organization is behind them alien sightings! I'll fight all of them Fatui if I gotta!"

"You should probably go," Fèng said, shaking his head. "Or my brother might clobber you, I think."

Knowing a seashell lunge would continue if he stayed any longer, the soldier headed back towards the path he came. Right, maybe it was best to leave the area to the adventurers battle. Orb alien soon seashelled out of existence from afar as he returned towards the karst, sweat poured down the chimera's back. Anger was far too powerful.

As the early adult returned to Jueyun Karst, however, a portal had begun to drag him into its clutches. Pulled through the door, a domain with many spacious corridors awaited the soldier. But, such had not been all. Loba, Aega, Krysí and Ryś here as well, the hyena blinked. Had everyone on the case been pulled in here? If such were the case, the strength in numbers was upon him.

Group of four in front of him already scattered throughout the large maze, the soldier could not help but notice something of particular note. Strange world of canyons in front of him as the corridors thinned, one final show of combinations had begun to bubble into overdrive.

Alien sphere monsters fusing themselves together into a Ruin Guard creature, the soldier's heart skipped two beats. Creature stomping off towards a large hallway, everyone in front of him had already reached the end. Knowing he had to catch up as soon as possible, the hyena sped up his running speed. But, a barely covered up surprise soon added itself to the mix.

Hooded figures standing by the newly created Ruin Guard merged together by the orb aliens, the hyena turned his attention towards the people of no facial expressions. Group of two guffawing up a storm as the seconds paraded onward, Aega in front of him rolled her eyes to the ceiling. Seeing such, the chimera wondered. Was she about to crack a wise one.

"Are you the ones who are causing all the problems?" Aega asked, irritated.

"Yes, that was us! We took the monsters from Fontaine and the Abyss and--!" The hooded stranger announced, but they were soon cut off.

"Aye ye ye, giving the surprise away!" the other hooded stranger exclaimed. But, they could no longer hide anything. "Yes, it was you that did this." But another accident soon slipped. "Kill this robot, the icy rock incident will end!" But, they were soon condemned for such.

"Really, you thought these sorts of actions are acceptable?" Aega asked, irritated. "Do you know how many people in Liyue you could have harmed from your actions?"

But, no answer ever came. Hooded strangers screaming en garde as the Ruin Guard of strange properties came forward, the early adult rolled up his sleeves. A robot of other properties? No problem. Surely, this one would be more simple to fight than the normal ones. Flaming swords taking themselves to the table, the battle was heated.

Aega bringing her windy spells to the table, the orb alien ruin guard dropped one of its balls from the center of the creature's chest. Blowing away the first of many, Loba soon tagged herself into the ring. More enemies falling out of the hole in the robotic monster's center, the world fell apart.

Krysí summoning her rat army, the robot had begun to spark up like a certain type of holiday tree in another universe. Summoning her watery army a second time after the first round, static clung to the enemy as more alien orbs fell out of the creature one after another.

Ryś releasing her fiery cat fists, Anemo and Pyro had begun to shake hands with one another. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but ponder. Anemo, did it react with all seven of the elements? If such were the case, it was a force to be reckoned with for sure.

Bringing his flaming greatswords to the table, more orb aliens dropped out from within the Ruin Guard's flimsy body. Striking the dual blades one after another as the feeling of the weight in his hands was about to lessen to zero, the early adult kept the momentum going. Any second now, and the robot would reach the end of its life.

Party of four in front of him combining the forces of Hydro, Pyro, Cryo and Anemo amongst themselves, the final stages of the battle were ready to take shape. Adding the final layer to the mix as the greatswords swung with a fervor, only one spherical monster within the machine monster remained.

Aega's windy spells releasing the final blow, nothing else remained within the robotic foe. Krysí and Ryś' weapons dealing the final blow upon the enemy, the monster was soon scrap metal. Exit door soon appearing the party of five had been brought back to Teyvat.

Feeling an array of heat as Liyue had been returned to, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. All the ice rocks, had they truly been gone? No more icy pathways in front of him, the soldier shrugged. He supposed they were all gone, just like they had never been there.

Loba, Aega, Krysí and Ryś stating they all had to report to Her Majesty, a quadruple set of farewells had been tossed towards the quartet's direction. Group of four teleporting away as a singular proxy map had done its fast travelling duty, the soldier returned to Liyue Harbor after two hours of walking.

Figuring the Agent was still at Northland Bank, the early adult walked off towards the red staircase. Wanwen Bookbooth walked through and bridge walked through, the early adult closed his eyes as he entered the bank of many debts owed. Closing the doors behind him, the soldier prepared himself. Agent waiting for him, the soldier swore he could a smirk underneath his mask.

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent responded, smirking. "You are dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya within two hours."

Slither of free time granted, the early adult could feel his tongue dry up like a river. Maybe now was a good time to stop and get some tea. Resolute on his decision descended the staircase. Walking off towards the food district, the teahouse had soon been reached.

Tall brunette in his usual seat, and opera singer off towards the left, the early adult seated himself. Wise man already sipping on his tea, the soldier could not help but wonder. The comment about Rex Lapis' wrath, was it true? But, he supposed it would be rude to disturb him while he was consuming his daily dose of tea.

Spotting Yínlóng walking over towards him, the early adult turned his attention towards him. The panda chimera, he hadn't been harmed after he left, was he? He knew not all injuries were visible upon a person. Pink eyes soon meeting his mismatched ones, the soldier snapped himself out of it. This was no time to get lost in thought. Greeting about to come his way, Siorc kept himself focused.

"Oh, hey there, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "Here for some tea?"

Nodding, the panda chimera stepped away, for a moment. But, as they had been in the kitchen, the opera singer had begun to do a little dance. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. The opera house, where in Liyue could it have been? Surely, there had to have been one.

"You came right one time," the opera singer said, smiling. "I am about to hold a small show." The tall brunette soon chimed in.

"You are telling the story of the snow wolves, Miss --- ---?" the tall brunette asked as if playing dumb. But another voice soon joined the party.

"Boss, you're hosting an opera right now?" Yínlóng asked, words speeding up a smidgeon. "Can I join?"

"Alas, Miss Yinlong, but no," the opera singer responded. "You are not experienced enough."

"I understand, boss," Yínlóng responded, panda ears drooping a smidgeon. They then turned towards Siorc as they placed the bamboo shoot tea in front of him. "Siorc, are you okay? I heard you fought more aliens today." But one more comment had joined the peanut gallery.

"Aliens, in Liyue, now that's quite the rumor," the tall brunette commented, hiding a small chuckle. "Sounds like quite the adventure. But, I assure you, Miss Yinlong, there is no such thing as aliens. They are a product of fictitious science."

Hearing the tall brunette's comment, the early adult blinked. Was he messing with the panda chimera? But, the early adult shook his head. Maybe he was just trying to quell his concerns. Giving Yínlóng a nod, the soldier had begun to sip his tea. Lights around the teahouse soon dimming, an opera had soon begun. Tale of the snow wolves had soon begun.

Quick, half-hour opera coming to a close, the early adult rose from the wooden chair. Passing of his gratitude towards the panda chimera and praise given to the opera singer, farewells in return had been given to the chimera. Knowing it was time to return to Snezhnaya, the soldier highlighted the waypoint in the military barracks.

Reaching the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking, a sea of questions flowed through the soldier. The hooded strangers, who were they, and why had they been causing problems in Liyue? He knew this would certainly not be the last he would ever see of them.

Wave of tiredness overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform put away, and glasses put aside as well, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Wave of tiredness overtaking him immediately as his head hit the pillow, one final thought crashed out to sea as the world of sleep had begun to take the chimera away.

This is just the beginning.

The strangers would soon return.

Chapter 3: Energy In The Oceans: Merusea Village Catastrophe


In this chapter, Siorc must go underwater in a special suit in order to help out the Melusine and resolve a strange underwater issue. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Brume, Eclater, Freminet, Siegwenne, and of course, the Melusines.


Brume and Éclater are idiots.

Chapter Text

"No, this can't be happening.
Oh, archons.

No this can't be happening!
Oh, Your Majesty. Why?

No, this can't be happening!
Oh, archons. No.

No, no, no, no, this can't be happening.
Of all the orders,

Diving underwater, really?
I cannot swim. This will be
Very disappointing for you,
I am asking you to reconsider.
No, no, no, this can't be happening!
Guess I'm going

To drown today, guaranteed.
How could she request this of me?
I never learned to swim.
She should ask any other soldier, seriously. But, I

Can't say no, she'll kill me.
Archons, if you can hear me,
Now would be the time to throw a wrench.
Now would be the time to intervene.
Of all the orders to receive,
This one will be my

Biggest failure.
Everything will result in nothing.

It would be best for this order to be

Cancelled. As soon
As possible. I know that
Now will be my biggest failure,
Now my disappointment will
Overflow to its peak.
This will be the end of me.

Soon, I will drop underwater and
Will never rise. Am
I overreacting? No.
My parents in my stolen childhood never taught me to swim.

Yet, I do not blame them.
Obviously, they had their
Ultimate rhymes and
Reasons to not do so.

Maybe I am overreacting,
After all, surely, Her Majesty has something to
Jet me around
Even I am sure
She has something, all
Those parts she's asked me to collect over the
Years. She's had to have made it into something.

Whatever happens, I can't panic. Whatever
Happens, I must
Yield my concerns.

Don't panic, don't panic.
Obviously, she came prepared.

No way she didn't think ahead.
Obviously, she did.
There is no way she

Didn't. Remove my fears,
Open my eyes.

Take a deep breath,
Here's to some sort of technology that
I'll be able to have
Swim for me.

There has to be
One thing like that.

Maybe there will be.
Even though it might not exist, I need to have hope. Breathe."

Four days had passed since the hyena researched and collected energy sources in the Court of Fontaine. Diplomacy of nothing not returning for the first three days, a peculiar odd job rose out from the ashes like a phoenix regaining the ability to fly after shedding all its feathers.

Coming across a strange ice rock incident in Liyue, the hyena, the rat, bobcat and jackal chimeras vanquished aliens within the Geo Nation of Contracts. Spotting strangely dressed figures covering their faces with hoods along the way while defeating the otherworldly forces, oddities sliced diplomacy of nothing with a scythe.

Impenetrable ice rocks removed from the picture on the third day, diplomatic affairs returned with a vengeance on the final twenty-four hours passing. Day droning onward, mundaneness refused to kick the bucket for any given reason. Despite such, the chimera remained loyal.

The sound of morning alarm bells crashed symbols upon the frozen air. As the alarm bells continued with their booming discord, hundreds of Fatui Soldiers sent their complaints to the seven above. But, despite such complaints roaring on, everyone remained loyal in the permafrost north.

The protests about were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the early adult pumped his currently human fists together. Today, another day of absolutely nothing would await him, for sure. Time running out, the soldier rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the early adult closed the buttons on his uniform, the hyena could not help but wonder. Those hooded people he spotted around Liyue, who were they, exactly? He could not help but feel he will definitely see more of them as time goes on. But, the chimera pushed such thoughts into the snow outside. There was no time to concern himself over such things.

But, as the early adult closed the buttons on his uniform, the thoughts would not cease, even for a moment. People of many mysteries flowing through his mind once more, the soldier could not help but ponder further. Was something about to happen in Teyvat? Those hooded strangers, they had to have done something. But, the hyena snapped himself out of such thinking once more. Why was he still thinking about such? He needed to focus on the work day in front of him.

Flipping the work mode switch on, the hyena clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Plain ones in his hair and ears, the soldier stared at the jewelry and accessory box in front of him. Turning his prized possessions into weapons, was this truly what he wanted? He had made a huge mistake, for sure. But, it was too late. The decision had already been made.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the young soldier stared at the Geo Delusion beside it. The sinister orb, should he use it? But, the early adult flipped the Mora coin onto the tails side. Now was not the time to use Her Majesty's gift. He was not ready for such, guaranteed.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, another wave of confidence flowed through the soldier. Today, for sure, would be another day of nothing. Surely, diplomatic affairs were an order away. Adjusting his glasses, the early adult had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the Fatui Agent boots march onward with a militaristic fervor, the early adult could not help but ponder. Was it just his imagination, or were the Agent's steps getting much louder? Realizing such once more, the soldier had no shadow of doubt. His hearing had gotten stronger, for sure. Regaining focus, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. It was time to focus on work. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his day of nothing to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going to Merusea Village to assist our new underwater allies." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. The entire continent should belong to Her Majesty.

Siorc jumped ten steps back. Word underwater swimming through his ears, the hyena let out an echoing scream. He could feel himself begin to fade away as the name Merusea Village crawled around his small body. He had to go underwater? There was absolutely no way he would ever make it down there alive. Swimming was beyond the scope of his ability.

Word underwater echoing in his inhuman eardrums once more, the early adult walked around in a circle. His life would be over the moment he were to dive. Her Majesty would be disappointed in him, for sure. This is the end of the road, the final destination, his doom sentence.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again, voice raising. "What is your problem?" He could not possibly fathom what could be on the soldier's mind, but he had a slight idea. "You will be given a specialized diving suit that will be able to swim for you. So, quit whining and get in gear!"

The early adult took a long, deep breath. Right, he was on the job right now. There was no time for screaming. He had to focus on the workday at hand. Work mode switch flipping upward once again, the hyena placed his hand out in front of him. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Able to swim or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Excellent, let's get going, solider," the Agent responded. But, as he said such, he tacked on another round of orders. "You will be finding the Merusea Village by yourself. You are forbidden from teleporting there." Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight lock. As the escort to Fontaine began, the early adult could not help but think.

He cannot teleport there directly? Having a proxy map has spoiled him, indeed.


"The seas beneath Teyvat, what could possibly await me?
How could Her Majesty leave such a job to me?
Even she has allies underwater?

Why does this feel manufactured,
Out of place?
Really, I do not truly understand.
Looks like she has alliances everywhere. I
Do not know how word reached to the world

Underwater. I simply am
Not aware. But, I
Do not doubt there are other Fatui down in the trenches.
Even so, I must ask again. Why me?
Really, I cannot swim. I
Will not be of much use in this mission.
All and all, this suit will it
Truly swim for me?
Even as I hear this claim, I have many doubts. This is not
Realistic. Something about this feels

Widely off.
However, I should not question it, surely.
After all, I must wear it.
The choice is not mine.

And so, here I go, to search for the village below the
Water. Will I be able to find it? That I do know,
And, for the most part,
It could be anywhere,
Truly. I am forbidden from teleporting. This map, it has
Spoiled me rotten.

Merusea Village, wherever you are, I will find you. Will it be
Easy? Doubtfully, but here I go."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult blinked. He was back by the hill once again? He supposed it was time to get used to such sight before him. Falls roaring in the distance, the Agent had begun to drag him down the mountainside once again.

Boat summoned out of nowhere once again, the soldier had been placed into the wooden vessel. Removed from the gripping prison, the vehicle of Dendro creation had been pushed forward. Romaritime Harbor getting closer with every stroke, the hyena gazed at the waterfalls across the corner.

Harbor meters away, the hyena could not help but wonder. Merusea Village, where could it possibly be located? He knew he could not open his map to take a look, or the Agent would take it from him, guaranteed. Boat about to dock at any given moment, the early adult took a long deep breath. There was no time to think about such things.

Wooden vehicle soon docked, a bag had been handed off to the hyena. Zipper partway open, the soldier peered down inside. Array of diving equipment within, the soldier prepared himself. He would need to find a place to change along the way, for certain. Mission to find the village repeated, his subordinate soon exited the area.

Ascending the staircase, the early adult wondered once more. Where could the Merusea Village be? Perhaps taking the tour to the Court of Fontaine would refresh his memory of the location. Resolute on his decision, the early adult walked towards the lift. Glass box room taken, the hyena walked towards the Aquabus Station.

Pressing the button on the sign of the corner, the early adult could not help but notice the silence around him. Absolutely no one around him, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Why was the harbor so quiet? But, he supposed he had arrived at the area at a much earlier time than most of the generic citizens.

Aquabus shortly arriving, the soldier hopped on. Aquatic creature recognizing him from the last ride, no tour guide had begun. Told for the second ride they were headed for the Court of Fontaine, the hyena remained seated. Vehicle of high technology cruising forward by itself, the solo trip towards the capital city had begun.

Tour guide saying absolutely nothing, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. The ride was quiet, too quiet. But, the soldier kept his attention forward. He needed to stay focused. Capital city quite a far ways away, the hyena stared at the entrance from afar. The citizens within the Court of Fontaine, would they know where Merusea Village could be? He supposed asking would not hurt.

As the bus of automatic properties had begun to pass by various points of interest, the early adult turned his head towards the left. The tour guide, she said she had been from the Merusea Village. Would asking her the exact location point him to an answer? But, the early adult put a pin in such thought. There was no way he could disturb the employee of the aquabus while she was working hard.

Vehicle soon docking itself at the Court Station, the early adult removed himself from the vessel. Now was the time to inquire about the village underwater, for sure. Question on the tip of his fingers and tongue, the early adult was ready to make his presence known within the Hydro Nation of Justice.

Spotting a well dressed generic man with a hat as high as the sky, the early adult steeled himself. Surely, this person had to have known where the village underwater was. Forbidden question on the tip of his tongue, excusing himself hit the wind. Rich nobody looking his way, the question presented itself.

Generic nobody stating he had no idea where such place was, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Was he already wasting his time? But, he knew he could not give up hope. He had to ask other people, without hesitation. Heading upon the northward path, the soldier's inquiries were about to get on the offensive once more.

Group of well dressed women citizens by a magazine stand stating they had no interest in telling him where the undersea village was, the early adult could taste the first layer of defeat. But, the early adult supposed no one owed him an answer if they did not wish to provide one.

Veering off towards the southwestern area of the capital city, a group of socialites scoffed at the soldier as his inquiry rolled out for the third time. Women and men of many riches stating they don't speak to poor people, the hyena gazed down at his uniform. Did his winter jacket make him look like he had no Mora to his name? Maybe his Fatui uniform did not make him look the wealthiest.

Letting the people flaunting around their money be, the early adult let out a deep sigh. Perhaps it was best to try the hotel across the corner. Surely, at least someone would be willing to give him the time of day. Resolute on his decision, the hyena headed for the popular establishment.

But, as the soldier headed for the area, a face he least likely wanted to see cracked the glass around him with gigantic shatter. Pesky penguin chimera walking towards the hotel area, the early adult let out a groan. If Earl were to see him, his annoying voice would start yammering on, for sure. He needed to get away, this instant.

Such attempt to step away was over before it could even begin. Eyes locked onto him, the most pesky of all the penguins dashed off towards him like he was late to his own wedding. Distance between the double thorn in his side coming closer, the hyena grit his teeth. It was too late, there was not enough space to escape.

Spotting his future husband in the corner, Earl could feel a arrow ready to come for his heart. Siorc had come back again, so soon? This was a match made in Celestia. Taking note there had been diving equipment peering out of his bag, he had begun running. He certainly needed a place to change. It was time to break the ice.

"Hi there, Siorc!" Earl greeted, voice loud. "Are you going diving? Let me take you to my home so you can get changed!"

Earl taking his hand, the early adult let out a deep sigh. Why did he have to run into him? This penguin family, he wished he could keep them away from him with a large picket fence that blocked them from going anywhere near him. But, he knew such would never be a reality.

Guided towards the boutique, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. He supposed he had no choice but to let the pesky penguin lead the way. He knew if, for even a moment, he tried to let go of his hand, complaints would be voiced. Not wishing to hear the thorn in his side's voice for even a second longer, the early adult waved the invisible white flag.

Reaching the boutique doors after a short while, the soldier held back the urge to groan. It was time to get this quick diving suit dressing over with and look for the underwater village by his lonesome. There was no way, even after putting on his diving equipment that the citizens would bother to disclose such information.

Boutique stepped through, the world of retail above him was bustling as always. But, such attention to the fashion store above was cut short as the staircase was quickly descended. Small abode underneath soon reached, the prickly thorn in his side announced himself to the population beneath.

"I'm back from Poisson!" Earl exclaimed.

Seeing their brother coming back home with the same Fatui boy from last week, Baron shook their head. Did he try and persuade this young man once again to go on some sort of date with him? He was definitely not interested in him, in the slightest. He needed to stop trying to pursue a relationship that would simply never happen.

"You brought that boy home with you again?" Baron asked, exasperated. "You know he's not interested in you."

"I just brought him here to have a place to change!" Earl barked back. "No ulterior motives!"

Removing the clothing from the bag behind him, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Fat, blubbery brown suit with circular buttons on the gloves with arrows pointing in eight directions, the hyena tilted his head. What about this diving equipment would allow it to swim for him? Confusion had begun to loop on repeat.

Removing his current heelless shoes, the young soldier removed the winter jacket from around him. Gazing at the underwater uniform, the early adult blinked once more. This outfit, there was no way it would be able to assist him with swimming. But, he knew there was no time to think about such things.

Placing the diving pants over him, the soldier swore he could feel the suit feel like a bucket of rocks. But, the chimera kept going. Chest encased in the underwater suit, the soldier swore he would break the floorboards down beneath him. His body, had it become as heavy as metal?

Suit inflating as he placed the gloves upon his hands, the early adult held back the urge to grunt as Earl placed an oxygen tank behind him. Why was the pest helping him? But, the soldier kept himself silent. There was no reason for him to say anything. Goggles soon handed off to him, the early adult removed his glasses. But, as he placed the tools for water sightseeing around his eyes, the penguin's voice fired up the cheese grater.

"So, what brings you here today? Another mission?" Earl asked. Archons, were the details about to get juicy.

The hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. How nosy of Earl to inquire about his mission. Such busybody behavior would only cause him harm down the road. But, he supposed, if he gave him the answer he wanted, he would quiet himself down. Taking a breath, he looked the fashionable penguin in the eyes.

"I have to find Merusea Village, sir," Siorc responded, voice barely audible.

Hearing Siorc mention he was looking for Merusea Village, hearts appeared in Earl's eyes. Was he going to the deep depths of the ocean to help out the Melusine? How heroic of him. He wanted to become his wife right now. The village, it was somewhere in the Beryl region, he believed. Maybe he should take him there.

"Merusea Village is underwater in the Beryl Region, I'll take you there!" Earl exclaimed, he then cupped his hands around his lips. "Malika, I'm taking the Aquabus! I'll be back in an hour!" Sister soon sticking her head from the top of the stairs, her voice soon joined the party.

"Alrighty, come back safely!" Malika exclaimed. Her voice then trailed off.

Earl leading the way, the early adult followed behind in silence. Boutique as busy as ever, the thorn in his side soon told his sister to have Kaiser take over his shift, for the time being. Hour soon traded off, the highly acclaimed clothing store was soon exited. Reversed back towards the Aquabus Station, the sound of rain hit the city streets.

Slight rain plaguing the area as the pesky penguin and he rode the ride back towards the Romaritime Harbor, the early adult gazed at the sights around him. The underwater village was somewhere in the Beryl Region? Where could it have been, exactly? He supposed he was about to find out.

Rainwaters hitting the aquatic railways, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. The elevated water platforms, what would happen if their water levels rose due to an impending storm? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Why was he thinking about such things? Surely, whoever was in charge of the upkeep of the nation's transportation would account for such.

Soon reaching the next station, the early adult stared at the sky above him. The rain, would it let up within the next hour or two? If it were to come down harder, it would be a struggle to find an undersea village, guaranteed. Earl looking at the sky above him, as well, his annoying voice bounced on the rain.

"Concerned about the rain? Don't worry about that, it always rains after a court case. All you need to say is this!" Earl said, he then cupped his hands around his lips. "Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry!"

Rain coming to a halt in an instant, the early adult's eyes opened wide. It was that simple to stop the precipitation up above? What a practical, yet ridiculous solution. Would chanting such in the other nations stop the rainfall there as well? Surely, it had to work. But, the early adult pushed such thoughts away. There was no time to focus on such things.

Earl guiding him down towards the staircase in the corner, the soldier gulped as he descended down to the bottom floor. The world below him was full of water. How would he reach the underwater village with such obstacle in the way? But, he knew he needed to brave the waves, no matter what.

Thorn in his side telling him to jump across towards the boat across the way, Earl took a dive from one side to the other. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but feel a sting of green cloak him. Those who could swim, what show-offs. Placing his heavy booted feet in front of him, the early adult bent his knees.

Taking the leap of faith, the pesky penguin chimera leaped upward from the body of water next to him. Hand reaching out to him from the other side, the early adult grabbed his gloved palms. First obstacle reached, the chimera deployed his windglider. The next obstacle would soon be upon him.

Finding himself on the edge of a beach with sea stars clinging down on the sediment below, Earl veered off towards the mountainside. Seeing such, the hyena chased the guide from behind. The Merusea Village, was it somewhere beyond a mountain range? He supposed he was about to find out.

Heavy suit weighing him down as he ascended upward, the soldier let out a deep grunt. Water gear, how awful, it was the heaviest article of clothing imaginable. Someone in the clothing department had to invent a lighter outfit, for sure. Reaching the tops of the mountainsides, the guide in front of him dashed off towards another sandy beach.

Spotting an aircraft in the corner unattended as Earl guided him through a sea of grass and hills, the early adult could not help but wonder. Would taking the aircraft help him to be able to easier locate the underwater village? But, the soldier kept his attention forward. It was best to keep his attention on the path in front of him and just follow the leader.

Earl zipping past a lake of boiling water, the hyena turned his attention towards it. Was that where the village was located? Thorn in his side not stopping, the early adult shrugged inside his mind. If such were not where it was, he needed to keep following along. Stray trees passed through, the world of grass awaited him.

Footsteps in front of him soon halting by an empty canvas, the soldier turned his attention towards a deep body of water in the corner. Merusea Village, could it have been over there just below the dark blue waters? If such were the case, he needed to learn how the automatic swimsuit worked this instant. Earl soon studying the gloves, for a moment, an answer was about to come his way.

"Oh, I see, this glove has a motor inside it that will sync with your brain waves to allow you to swim automatically. You won't have to press anything. It'll almost be like you're swimming yourself! Nifty, I don't think even Fontaine technology has come this far!" Earl rambled on. "Be careful down there!" Waving, he then sifted through his pockets. Tiny fanny pack in his hands, he moved it towards his future husband. "Here's your things, by the way!"

Small bag containing his clothes and glasses, the early adult let out a gulp. Wouldn't such a bag float away? Placing it next to the oxygen tank for the time being, the soldier walked towards the water bed's edges. Taking a long deep breath, the soldier threw himself down into the water. Feeling a spark in the glove and in his brain, the world under the water awaited him.

Seabed cave soon reached the swimsuit pushed the soldier downward. Schools of fish and crabs floating around on the water, the hyena could not help but feel a wave of fascination flow through him as his arms and legs kept reaching the deeper depths. The world underwater, how incredibly beautiful. But, such moments were short lived as he spotted another body of water towards a peculiar yellow disk.

Knowing he had to get the machine inside the glove to thrust upward, the early adult centered his attention on the northward direction. Feeling a spark inside the glove, his legs moved him towards the next pool of water, but as he kept moving up, the sea had already ended.

Dark body of grass and underground cave soon awaiting him, the early adult jumped downward. Peculiar area with strange red crystals everywhere, the early adult had begun walking. Where had he fallen to? Wherever it was, he knew he would have to take a look later. Cruising through the unknown world, the soldier kept his eyes on the village prize.

Hearing a roaring waters in the distance, the early adult headed towards the noise. Small damp cave area reached filled with sea stars and lizards everywhere, the young soldier stepped forward. Small sea creature tending to flowers beside a ladder, the early adult stuck his nose up. Windwheel Asters were being grown here? He would look the other way. Nature and he were still not on speaking terms.

Finding himself in a brightly colored pink village with cottages across the way split apart and elevated by ladders, the hyena could not help but start to wonder. Was dropping down to reach this place the only underwater element? He could not help but feel slightly mislead.

Spotting a lot of sea people with many bright colors on their bodies, the hyena turned his attention towards them. Were those the people he needed to assist? But, the early adult shook his head. That could not have been it. The Agent told him the people he would need to help were underwater. He needed to dive much deeper.

Cruising around the under sea settlement, the soldier kept his attention forward. Surely, the people he would have to assist were somewhere. Hearing another waterfall off in the distance, the early adult dashed through the rocky platforms. Pool of water soon upon him, the next spark travelled to his mind.

Jumping downward into the pool, the suit thrusted the hyena downward with gusto. But, as the suit automatically pushed him down, the soldier swore he could hear a commotion as he had almost made it to the bottom sides of the water. Sending a signal to the motor to thrust him towards the left, his body pushed with a fervor.

Automatic thrust soon stopping near a wall in the corner, something of immediate concern caught the soldier's attention. Spotting a group of two sea lions surrounding a meek looking blond haired boy, the early adult kept his attention forward. Duo looking like they were about to do something troublesome, the soldier observed the two possible citizens of the world underneath.

Floating to the left had been man with a grey sea lion body, and flippers to match. Blue outfit covering his Upper body, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Was he wearing the Court of Fontaine police force uniform? If he were on legal water patrol, he was in trouble, for sure. Hairy whiskers covering his nose, the early adult turned his attention to his face. Grey eyes that matched his body, and steel blue hair that went down to about his inhuman shoulders, the chimera turned his attention towards the other man.

Swimming to the right had been a man with a blueish grey sea lion body. Long, messy light grey hair on the left side of his head going down to about his chest and right side only going down to his ears, the soldier turned his attention to the man's face. Grey eyes and whiskery nose, the chimera looked at his outfit. Green shirt that looked rather plain, confusion looped on repeat. Was he just a seafolk? Why was he stopping the blond person, if so? Turning his attention towards the final person, the early adult quickly observed him, as well.

Ganged up on in the middle had been a short blond haired young man whose locks went down to about his chin. Freckles decorating his face alongside his lifeless blue eyes, black hat, outfit and oxygen tank behind him, the hyena ended his examination. Was this person investigating the deep oceans? But, his thoughts were soon cut off by some sort of show.

Party of two sea lions soon swimming around in a chaotic manner with suspicious looking objects in their hands, Siorc could not help but feel a heavy sense of doom flow through his chest. What were these two up to? Whatever it was they were plotting, he could not help but feel it was not a good thing.

Hearing the sound of something ticking as the two moved behind the blond, the early adult could feel his heart begin to sink into his stomach. Were these two about to attack this young man with an explosive? If such were the case, he would need to put a stop to it, guaranteed. He could not let such a dangerous event occur.

"Heeey, Filament! Over there!" the blue haired sea lion shouted. "A machine!" He then held a laugh under his breath. "I order you to gather it!"

"It's --------," the blond responded. But, he was soon cut off.

"Better get that machine!" the blue haired sea lion responded. "I ordered you!"

Ticker thrown across the water, the blond swam over with absolutely no emotion on his face. But, as he had done such, the grey haired sea lion sawm towards it. Small stuffed penguin looking ready to blow at any given moment, the soldier's eyes twitched underneath his undersea goggles. No, he couldn't let this go on. The floating stuffed animal, it was a bomb. As the ticking plushie was tossed towards him, words stuck to hyena's throat like honey. Say something, he had to say something. He had to warn the young man right now, before it was too late.

"Sir, don't touch it!" Siorc shouted. "It's going to explode!"

Young blond moving out of the way, the two sea lion men turned to each other with looks of absolute shock on their faces. Seeing such, the chimera shook his head. Why did they look like the world had been turned upside down? There was no way he was going to sit by and watch as these two were ready to bring harm to another person. Group of two looking ready to shout at him, the hyena prepared a counter point. Whatever defense they had, he would object to it.

"Éclater, can you believe this guy?" the blue haired sea lion asked, high pitched squeal in his voice. "He just swam by and stopped out little game on Filament here!" The one named Éclater soon tagged himself into the conversation.

"No, Brume, he's such a killjoy!" Éclater said to the one named Brume. He then turned towards the stranger. "Dude, bro, it was just a tiny little smoke ball inside a doll! You just ruined the fun, dude!"

The hyena rolled his eyes to the shore line up above. He has, yet again, met even more annoying people. Was the nation of Fontaine secretly the nation of the insufferable? How aggravating. But, his thoughts were soon cut off as the blond studied his diving suit. Eyes on the chest area, sweat poured down his cheek. Just what was he looking at?

"Oh. You were ordered to help the Melusine with their problems, too," the blond said, voice almost too quiet to hear.

Hearing the blond's words, the early adult had come to a quick, haphazard realization. The diver boy, he was a member of the Fatui, as well. Word Melusine said, as well, two and two had come together. Those were the allies he was about to assist, for sure. Nodding, another round of information was about to come his way.

Blond informing him a group of Melusines to the south needed some assistance, the soldier let the signal lead. Spotting an open cavern in the corner, the hyena's diving suit thrust him forward. But, as the automatic functions pressed on, one of the two new annoyances swam towards him, ready to announce himself to the world.

Meek looking person with purple hair looking even easier to pick on than Filament, Éclater put on a goofy smile. Here he was, his next victim. The perfect person to pull pranks on. Was he one of those Fatooers like Filament? What a fun new person to mess with. He was an easy target.

"Since you'll be here awhile, my name is Éclater!" Éclater shouted, voice raising. "But, you can call me Eclair! Or dunderhead, or idiot! I dunno why, but I get called that last one a lot!"

The hyena held back the urge to sigh. He could definitely guess why someone would call this sea lion man an idiot. Suit continuing to thrust him towards the cavern towards the east, the other annoyance soon jetted on by. Blue haired sea lion looked like his brain was dead as he cut him off from the other side, the soldier focused his attention forward. He could not let himself get distracted by these sea people.

"And, I'm Brume!" Brume exclaimed. "Nice to meet you v- I mean friend!" Did he almost say victim? Nope, he did not, no siree bob. "The Melusines are thisaway!"

Sea lion duo guiding him towards a house in the corner, the soldier blinked at the sight before him. Sea creatures with grey, blue and pink skin that looked like the aquabus tour guides and semi aquatic guards around the Court of Fontaine, two plus two equaled four. The sea creatures around Fontaine, they were all Melusines.

Brume swimming over to the trio, very casual language had come their way. Flippers pointing to him saying he was the dude sent here to help them, the soldier let out a groan. Why was this sea lion talking like that? Couldn't he have just spoken about him normally? But, he supposed he was asking too much of a stranger.

First Melusine swimming towards him, one of three requests had come his way. Asking for Pluie Lotuses, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Gather some flowers for her? What a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad request. Couldn't she have asked for anything else? But, the solider knew he had no choice but to comply. Nodding, the second Melusine in need swam towards him.

Second sea creature telling him to bury five artifacts for her around Elynas, a set of charms were slapped into his gloves. Placing them in the fanny pack alongside his clothes, the soldier stared off into space. He supposed he would have to find a good place to bury them up on the surface.

Third and final Melusine asking for him to gather painting materials, the soldier titled his head. He had to find art supplies? How incredibly peculiar. There was no way they would be able to paint under the sea. Photo handed to him with a picture of the proclaimed painting materials, confusion nibbled on his cheeks. What exactly was he looking at? There was no way such were painting materials.

Trio informing him if he completed their tasks, he would receive robot toys in exchange, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Was this all a part of Her Majesty's schemes? The blond haired young man, which part of the Fatui army was he under? But, he supposed he did not have time to think about it. Tasks all received, the early adult readied to dive back upward.

Suit pushing back up towards the village, the hyena cut back towards the area of which he came. Knowing the only way back towards the early adult climbed through the high elevated area. Reaching the aquatic tunnel he had came through after an hour of a tough climb, the surface world was soon reached once more with the automatic push of a button.

Figuring he would be up on the surface for quite awhile, the early adult undid the diving suit. Rubbery, heavy suit folded up into a neat pile the hyena placed the diving equipment into the fanny pack, the early adult removed the proxy orb from his back pocket. Surely, looking at where Elynas was wasn't against the rules.

Seeing a landmark labelled as Elynas in the northeast corner, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. He was already in the northeast corner. Surely, finding Pluie Lotuses would not be any sort of trouble on his back. Figuring picking the retched flowers had to come first, the early adult prepared himself for such action.

Spotting a jagged rock structure in the west corner, the early adult headed off towards the east mountains. Seeing such peculiar looking mineral formations, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Was Elynas the grassland opposite of Dragonspine? He could not help but feel unnerved by such possibility.

Hearing the sound of roaring falls nearby the lake he had just returned from, the hyena could not help but wonder. The waterfalls, were they the same ones underneath the sea bed? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. There was no time to think about such things.

Small mountainside nearby, the early adult climbed upward. Keeping himself on the look out for any flowers, the hyena looked at the grass beneath him. Nothing but the usual weeds beside the trees, the soldier kept walking. But, as he moved towards a large puddle beside the dirt, the first set of plants was upon him.

Light purple flowers sitting in a small puddle, the early adult let out a hiss. He had to pick these flowers? How incredibly aggravating. Nature and he were seeing other partially human people. Set of three picked, the punishment scene flashed in the soldier's brain.

Humiliation from some time prior looping as the plants sat in the palm of his hands, the soldier let out a pained scream. Why couldn't the memory leave his partially human mind? Shaking such flashback off, the hyena tried with all his might to remain calm. He could not let his past come back to haunt him now; his workday was still in full swing.

Spotting nothing but strange bell shaped fruits and mints everywhere along the grass fields, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. If the Pluie Lotuses weren't too far away from the Merusea Village, why couldn't the Melusine herself just pick them? But, the soldier threw the thought down towards the bottom of the ocean. Maybe some of the seafolk at the deep depths of the ocean were unable to breathe air.

Unable to locate any further lotuses around the area, the hyena put a pin in such thought, for the time being. Maybe, for now, it was best to place the artifacts for the second request. Removing the hourglass figure from the fanny pack, a folded sheet of paper spit itself out of the object. Barely legible handwriting in front of him, the hyena attempted to read the fading words.

"-ta-ue -- t-- se---n," the first part of the note tried to say.

Reading such illegible writing, the early adult tilted his head. Was this note written underwater? If such were the case, this would be a challenge to figure out, for sure. Studying the washed away letters for a moment, the hyena attempted with all his might to piece everything together.

Taking note that only two letters seemed to be missing from the first word, an oil bulb floated above the soldier's head. Statue? Did he have to bury the hourglass by the god monument by the lake? Not too far off from such area, the early adult sped off towards the puddle of water once more.

Jumping towards the mountainsides, Siorc descended down the cliffs. God statue practically right in front of him, the early adult sped through the grassy cliffsides on the parallel side. Reaching the area in a flash, the soldier dug a hole in the grass like a prairie dog. Hourglass thrown down the young soldier covered the treasure up like it was all a game.

Barely legible handwriting spelling out --st, the hyena titled his head? East, west? The soldier supposed he was as east as he could possibly reach within the area. Figuring he was supposed to head west, the early adult read the next set of mostly gone words.

--ace -- - b--s- fi--d, the rest of the second part of the note tried to say.

Seeing such incomprehensible words in front of him, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes. What could this note possibly be trying to tell him? It was almost as if, someone from another world was trying to hide the words as if they were profane language. But, the hyena shook his head. The words were just washed away by water. He had to try and decipher what it meant right away.

Focusing his attention on the final word the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Did he have to place the second artifact in some sort of flat field west of the area? Perhaps, just maybe, that was what the note was trying to tell him. Seeing a dirt rode adjacent to him, the early adult sped off towards the pathway.

Walking along the empty field, the soldier turned his head off towards the corner. Large body of water beside a sandy area, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just how many bodies of water were there in Fontaine? Her Majesty, was she going to have him explore ever single one of them? If such were the case, he needed to prepare for such outcome.

Hilichurls minding their own business by unfinished building wreckage, the hyena blinked. Had there been construction in the Beryl Region at some point? Maybe the blond diver would know something about it. He supposed it would be best to keep note of such for later.

Monsters looking ready to pounce on him at any given moment, a chill soon ran down the soldier's spine as a peculiar sea of fungus crunched underneath his feet. Shrooms looking like they could make even the strongest, most stimulant tolerant people to go on a trip in their own heads, a wave of discomfort hugged the soldier from behind. But, such was only the beginning of such unease.

Peculiar field littered with hexagrams and crystals exuding pure energy of darkness, the hyena's knees buckled. What was this heavy amount of concentrated energy? Something was not right. But, the early adult zippered up his thoughts and locked the pocket. He had to bury the artifact. He needed to push his own feelings aside.

Throwing the artifact in the beast circle, the soldier dug his hands into the field beneath him. Hat thrown down underneath the hexagram, the early adult covered up the object as hastily as his currently human hands would allow. The circlet was out of sight, out of mind. Reading the next location on the list, the third one was even less legible than the last.

"-n --- s---ds -- --- b---h," the third part of the note tried to say.

Reading out the absolute gibberish in front of him, the hyena blinked. Where was his supposed to be heading this time? Were the melusines trying to play a game of hangman with him? He needed to fill in the rest of the missing letters to piece the puzzle of the artifacts back together.

Third word only missing two letters, the chimera had come to a foregone conclusion. Sands. That had to have been it, surely. Should he bury the next one by the beach? Opening the proxy orb into map form once more, sandy areas screamed at him from the western path.

Sprinting past the hexagrams, the soldier sped up his running speed a smidgeon. The monster's stomping grounds were out of sight, out of mind. Quiet grass fields everywhere the eye could see, the hyena kept dashing off onto the left path. Beach only getting closer, the hyena kicked up the speed.

Sandy world soon upon him, the early adult halted his sprint. Heartbeat speeding out of control as the seconds marched to the beat, the hyena let out a pant. Breath soon catching up to him, the chimera studied the area, for a moment. Battleground beside the sand, the soldier could feel a chill run down his spine. Was this beach a dueling ground? If the hawk were around, he would be in deep trouble. This had to have been a part of his territory, guaranteed.

Hole soon dug up within the sand, a metallic feather was dropped down into the sediment below. Covering up his tracks, the soldier read the next part of the note in silence. Noting the fourth point looked as though it was telling him to hide the next one on the beach, as well, the early adult dashed off towards the northern sands in the corner.

Metallic flower thrown down into the sands, the hyena let out a deep sigh. What would burying the artifacts do? Would planting them deep beneath the ground give them some sort of energy to gain powers? If such were the case, chaos would brew underneath the Beryl Region. One artifact remaining, the soldier read the final abridged note.

-----ds --- m------ns -- El---s," the final part of the note tried to say.

Even less to go off of, the hyena could feel his brain scramble like eggs. Had he fallen into a bowl of alphabet soup? How was he supposed to decipher such gibberish in front of him? But, the early adult attempted to remain calm. He needed to fill in the rest of the letters.

Noting the last word looked decipherable, the early adult wondered. Elynas? Moving towards the word preceding it, the early adult analyzed the smudges in front of him. The third word, could it have been suggesting he needed to head towards the mountains? He supposed such was the case.

Speeding away from the beaches, the early adult had begun to head north. Burying an artifact towards the mountains? Surely, the note meant for him to head towards the highest possible point in the area. Sneaking through the grassy plains for about half-an-hour, the next order of business was upon the chimera.

Coming across another fungus filled area, a knot formed in the soldier's stomach. Should he bury the last artifact here? He could feel his gut scream out to him the final piece should be dropped down below the hexagram. Letting out a gulp, the early adult would not falter.

Hole covered up as the artifact had become one with nature, the early adult removed the photo he had received hours prior. Picture of a machine with elemental symbols on it sitting beside a body of water, a wave of suspicion flowed through him. The machine in the photo, was it beside the first lake he passed by?

Recalling the body of water was towards the southeast, the soldier dashed towards the beach. Curving his diving boots towards the right, the hyena ran off towards the the direction he came. The lake, surely, the machines were beside it. Beast circle walked through, howls filled the area.

Bony wolves floating towards him, the early adult let out a deep throated holler. The monsters had spotted him. He had to run, head for the hills, get away. Sprinting as fast as his currently human legs would carry him, the enemies grew further away with every second passing.

Returning to the spot he originally came, the young soldier slowed down his pace into a walking speed. Lake across the way soon reached, the early adult gulped at the sight of the machines in the corner. Elemental pods seated on rocks across bubbling water, doom knocked on the door.

Temperature around him rising as boiling bubbles popped on the water, doom invited itself into the house of his frontal cortex. The so called painting equipment, why was it across such a heated body of water? He knew, no matter what, he was in for a scalding aftermath any second now.

Cracking his knuckles, the soldier prepared himself. Surely, if he stepped through the heated lake quick enough, nothing would happen. But, as he stepped into the pool of the boiling isles, the hyena let out a scream. Was he inside a cooking pot? He swore, he could feel his boots ready to melt.

Continuing to wade the water, the early adult let out another shout. His winter pants, any second now, and they would melt right off of him. Stepping closer towards the rock in the middle, the young soldier hopped like a rabbit. He could not become hyena soup. He had to keep going.

Reaching the rock in the middle, the early adult could feel his breath fade away. The lake, it had to have been over fifty degrees celsius, for sure. Strange pods with Anemo, Pyro and Cryo symbols on them, the early adult scooped up the peculiar devices into his hands. Gazing at them, a sea of questions flowed through him. How were these painting materials? There was absolutely no way.

Boiling waters stepped through once more, a wave of regret baked the chimera into a cheesecake. The diving suit, he should not have taken it off at any point while on the surface if there were hazardous conditions. But, he supposed the burns were the consequences of such foolishness.

Figuring everything was gathered, the early adult removed the folded up diving suit from the fanny pack beside him. Diving boots removed, for a moment, the inflatable suit ballooned as it made itself comfortable against the soldier's slightly pinked skin. Pool towards the undersea village reached at a slow pace, the early adult let the gloves serve as the controller.

Spark igniting in his brain as he jumped into the lake beneath him, the automatic movement pushed him downward. Cruising through the unknown cave and back through the village, the early adult returned to the house underwater. Melusine in the spot they were earlier, the soldier's movements synced towards the abode.

Flowers and self proclaimed painting material handed off to the recipients, a set of three small machines were handed off to the hyena in exchange. Commodities placed into the small bag behind him, relief washed over the early adult. Was his job done already?

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part. Blond diver boy informing him he would need to gather ten machines, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. He needed to get more? The Fatui's work was never done. Wave of tiredness overtaking him, the early adult's diving suit of many technological advances thrusted him upwards towards the underwater village. It was best to take a break for the time being.

Crawling up into a ball on the pink ground, the early adult closed his eyes. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just what did Her Majesty need all these machines for? The soldier did not know, but they were certainly not going to be used for a good thing.

Waking up in the middle of the night, a heavy sense of unease crushed the chimera with a boulder. The surface, something was wrong up there. Doom tolls playing in his head, the early adult returned to Elynas up above. The boiling lake, he had to go there, right this instant.

Electrified seahorses across the lake of scorching heat glaring at him menacingly, the early adult's knees buckled. He was right, something was definitely off here, for sure. The so called painting equipment, removing it was a mistake, for sure. Monsters coming straight towards him, the soldier buckled himself into gear. He had to fight no matter what.

Ready to throw down a flower fiend, the soldier aimed for the melting pot, but as he prepared to do so, the sea creatures of many contradictions spit a beam of lightning the soldier's way. Electricity travelling around every nook and cranny of his short body, static clung to him like glue.

Sparks popping off one after another, the early adult grit his teeth. Limbs frozen in place as the world around him conducted an electricity concerto, the tiny dragons of the sea world beneath amped up the intensity to eleven. Voltage making him the enemy's plaything, the hyena was a standing duck.

Boiling lake looking ready to catch on fire as the judgement of lightning broke loose, the early adult could feel his energy begin to die. Was he going to become the next victim of electrocution? Was this his punishment for coming back to the scene of the crime? Water life denizen's tail slapping into him, the elements kept their rampage going.

But, soon, an unsung hero would arise.

Sea lion pranksters coming towards the boiling lake huffing heavily as they crawled on the ground like babies, the early adult blinked. Brume and Éclater, why were they coming his way? Seeming as though they were out of breath, confusion cranked up the dial to thirteen. Why were they here? How did they reach the surface? But, his unsaid questions fell on blind eyes.

"Oh, archons," Brume whined out. "Air is painful.

"How do humans breathe this air stuff?" Éclater choked out. "And use these..." But, he paused for a second. "...Feet?" The hyena did not know why, but he could feel an invisible kamera from afar zoom in on the sea lion man's mouth.

"Dude, I dunno, but we'd better hurry and defeat those seahorses or we'll..." Brume choked out, coughing hysterically. "...Die out here." The chimera did not know why, but could feel an invisible kamera from afar zoom in on the other sea lion man's mouth, as well.

Sea lion duo soon wielding scythes behind them, the early adult could feel a question tickle him like the lightning crackling through him. Brume and Éclater, they wielded weapons other than the standard five most adventurers would normally wield? But, he supposed Fontaine must have had their own set of rules.

Brume soon absorbing the water around him, a clear cut had been dealt to the sea horse of many thunderous tricks. Creature soon getting a taste of its own medicine, its willpower dropped down towards zero. Creature becoming lumps of fish food on the boiling lake beneath, the attacks soon continued.

Éclater taking energy from a freezing flower in the corner, ice took the stage. Multiple enemies frozen into nothing, the early adult could hardly believe his tired eyes. The sea lion duo, did they just take advantage of the elements around them? How was that even possible?

Final blow dealt in a matter of moments, static left the soldier's body. Sea bound chimeras kissing their weapons like they were their partners, the early adult's lips quivered. How odd. Group of two gasping for water, Brume choked out one last set of remarks.

"Filament...he said there's more somewhere..." Brume choked out. "Archons. Water, water, water!"

Sea lion duo crawling back towards the underwater lake like babies, a wave of tiredness flowed through the hyena. Maybe it was best to return to Merusea Village, as well. Diving back to the Melusine a sea creature abode under the sea, the soldier returned to the colorful ground. Energy dying, one final question flowed through him as sleep took the soldier away.

Why was there more?


"So, there's more where that came from.
Éclater and Brume, they don't seem to want to lift a flipper.
And, so it seems I
Have to do this alone. Why
Or how did these creatures get down here? They are posing as a
Rather dangerous hazard.
So, I have to defeat them, guaranteed.
Everyone knows water and electricity don't mix.
So, before all this water conducts, I have to remove this

Obvious problem.
For, this will only cause pain.

Do I know how to fight underwater? No,
Obviously not. Do I know how I am going to defeat these monsters? No,
Obviously not, but
My mission to assist the Melusine. I have to do something."

Waking up the next morning, a group of Melusine surrounded the soldier with fearful glances in their eyes. Seeing such, the hyena opened his ears. Had something happened overnight that needed his immediate attention? If such were the case, he needed to solve it, no questions asked.

"Seahorses have been causing the waters down here to feel unsafe for us," a Melusine said, tail shaking from behind them.

Hearing such, the early adult was ready for action. Seahorses had been breaking havoc underneath the sea, too? This time, for sure, he would have to put a stop to them, guaranteed. Sea denizens guiding him to a peculiar pink portal, subspace devoured the soldier in a split second.

Reaching a body of water tinted purple as the next location was reached, the early adult braced himself. Diving down below, the suit of technological marvels pushed him downward. Electrified seahorses and lifeless jellyfish everywhere, waves of unease threw the hyena into a black hole. He didn't stand a chance, guaranteed.

Spotting Brume and Éclater lounging about in the waters, the early adult could hardly believe his goggled eyes. The sea lion duo, what were they doing just sitting around on the water like nothing was happening? Melusine swimming beside them with static galore, a criticism stepped up to the plate.

"Didn't the Chief Justice employ you two as the Water Defense Force?" the Melusine asked, annoyed. "Shouldn't you be doing something about the threat?"

"Nah, I don't really feel like it," Brume responded. There was a heavy sense of sass in his voice.

"We nearly died coming out of the water yesterday!" Éclater added. Let us be lazy!"

Sea lion duo letting out their woes to laze around, the hyena rolled his eyes to the seabed ceiling. Lazy people were incredibly hopeless. He supposed he had no choice but to fight all the seahorses by himself if they were not going to be of much help. But, as he thought such, questions tossed a coin.

Having absolutely no weapon on him, the hyena could not help but wonder. How was he supposed to battle? He had nothing to attack with whatsoever. He was going to be defenseless for sure. The lazy sea lions, the two of them tapping out had to have been the worst possible outcome.

Turning his attention towards the buttons on his diving suit, the soldier could feel a chill down his spine as only directional arrows stared back at him. Surely, there had to have been something that could aid him in the underwater fight club. Turning his attention towards his left glove, his prayers were singling like canaries.

Tiny unlabeled button seated in the center of the left glove, the early adult pressed the clicker. Hearing the sound of an aquatic blade sheathing itself behind him, the hyena blinked. He should have paid more attention to his diving suit earlier. Singular layer of protection upon him, the hyena was ready to to become the seahorse slayer.

Thrusted towards the left of the seabed, the hyena could not help but wonder. Was it just his imagination, or was the underwater area he as currently in a very bright place? He supposed such was possible. First aquatic enemy zapping the sea around him a new one, the hyena's new blade and the creature met.

Enemy sliced and diced into seahorse meat, the hyena's suit pushed him forward in a northern motion. Second batch of monsters removed from the picture after five hits, the rings of static had only continued to cloud the waters around him. Pushing along a current, another army soon awaited.

Shoal of seahorses readying to get on the electrified offensive, the chimera's blade was armed and ready. Monsters hacked and slashed as if he were a samurai in Inazuma, the early adult blinked. This sea blade, just what was it capable of? It was an enemy killing machine. But, the hyena knew, he could not get too comfortable, or the tables would turn.

Getting too comfortable was his undoing.

Seahorses only getting larger as the suit brought him forward in the brighter than normal waters, the soldier prepared himself. The sea blade, he had to use it once more. But, as he readied to have more fish become food, balled lightning casted its judgement upon the soldier.

Static clinging to his undersea equipment, the early adult grit his teeth. Monster doing a dance as it spun around, the world of electricity took the young soldier for a ride. Power of static penetrating through the various layers of clothing, a bolt travelled down the spine. Creature spinning faster with every second, everything ramped itself up.

Funnel of electricity swirling around, the early adult remained still as a statue. Storm looking ready to swipe him in at all costs, the hyena gulped. He was done, finished, fish food upon the sea floor. Rays of lightning circling around underneath his uniform once more as the cylinder of lightning dragged him in, the chimera prepared his temporary goodbyes.

Closing his eyes as the storm ate him for a snack, the chimera accepted his fate. But, as his defeat was imminent, the sea lion brothers swam towards his direction with a fervor. Seeing such, the hyena blinked. Were they done being lazy? Such was too little, too late. He was already about to be fish food.

"Fine, we'll do our dumb jobs!" Éclater shouted.

Ice and scythes slashing about reducing the enemy to zero, the early adult's freedom from electric cyclone land was upon him. Brume telling him to go on over to the warm place up above, the hyena ascended towards the areas in between the seabed and the surface world.

Monsters everywhere within the self proclaimed warm place above, the hyena blinked. How could the seahorses survive outside the trenches down beneath? But, he supposed, he was still underwater all things considered. Readying to reduce the creatures around to zero, the chimera steeled himself.

Enemies surrounding the red crystals along the pathway, the early adult could not help but wonder. The minerals, could he use them to act as an attack? He supposed such could aid him for the time being. Blade behind his suit, the early adult's temporary weapon and new challenger shook hands.

Bright red wave of energy releasing itself from the crystal off towards the opposite direction, the early adult almost did a quadruple take. The crimson mineral in front of him, did he have to slash it from a certain angle to have it go off in the right direction? He knew he had to try every angle possible.

Correct angle discovered after seven tries, the first seahorse was removed from the equation. Enemies laying themselves out from every corner, crystal versus sea creature kept scoring all the points one after another. Enemies disintegrating into nothing, the moved back towards the village.

Dropping himself down towards a northern body of water, a seahorse back and forth took the chimera for a sea storm. Dark aura overpowering him several steps of the way, the attacks had been in the favor of the opposing forces. Zapped into submission as the fight gained speed, the victor was about to chime the gong.

Shaking the electricity off after ten minutes of attempts, seven blade strikes reversed the tides of the fight. Sea soldier fading with honor, the soldier had been thrusted towards the northwest. But, nothing but fear awaited him as a jet stream threw him away towards the outskirts of the undersea village.

Boss of all the seahorses tooting its own horn as the sea lion duo brought their water and ice attacks of doom, the early adult synced his mind with the most forward button upon his gloves. Were Brume and Éclater fighting the monster by themselves? He needed to take back what he said about them being lazy.

Large monster that almost looked like it was made out of kelp freezing up and shattered out of its ice cocoon seconds in succession of one another, the early adult prepared himself. Aquatic blade joining the duo's scythe swipes, battle cries filled the ocean one after another.

Final enemy looking weaker with every strike, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Aiming the blade a smidgeon, a slice from further away readied to seal the deal. Icy scythe from Éclater doing the final deed, the waters around and below Merusea Village were safe once more.

Readying to throw in the towel for a little while, the soldier readied to head back towards the Melusine's abodes. But, as he prepared to so, one of the denizens swam towards him like a speeding bullet. Green skinned sea creature looking like she wanted something, the early adult turned towards her. Whatever she wanted, he was all ears.

"You're the one helping, right?" the green Melusine asked. "Go get some crab pinchers for me."

The early adult's mouth dropped wide open enough for live fish to swim straight into his mouth. This melusine wanted him to go get her some crab pinchers? Why would she ever need such a thing? But, he supposed he had no choice but to grab them for her. Nodding, a scythe was handed off to him.

Informed the crab in question was residing within a den in the northeast area towards the other side of the Fontaine, the hyena let out a sigh. He had to leave the Elynas area just for crab pinchers? What a ridiculous request. If she needed something that required cutting, there was no need to gather severed animal weapons, for sure.

Knowing he had no choice in the matter, the early adult returned to the surface after what felt like the fifth time in two days. Knowing the crab was outside Elynas, the hyena headed down the southward pathway. Nothing but grass and robots along the way, the soldier kept walking.

Reaching the edge of a beach between the Beryl Region and whatever awaited him on the other side, the soldier stared at the empty boat docked on the water. Tuning such object out, the soldier prepared himself for takeoff. The time had come to dive once more.

Brightly colored trench soon below him, the early adult swore he could see more accursed penguins swimming along the waters. But, the early adult focused on the mission in front of him. Controls and brain handshaking like a certain grating set of electronic noises in another world, the diving suit piloted the soldier onto a southern pathway.

Dropping down towards and underwater cave, the surface soon awaited. Piping hot room before him with boiling water all the same, the early adult let out a gulp. Was it just him, or was the heat in the cave only getting worse as he stepped forward? Crab awakening as the hyena threw himself into the arena, the battle was ready to begin.

Gigantic crustacean with white pinchers with an orange center, and spiky backside akin to that of Liyuean dragons he had once seen illustrated in various books in his stolen childhood, fear ate the solider up like a bowl of cream and onion soup. Was this monster a crab, or was it a dragon? The lines were blurring.

Energy concentrating itself on the crustacean's back, the early adult let out a scream as flaming balls had begun to come his way. The boss of the ring was Pyro? How absolutely terrifying. But, the hyena closed his eyes. The fire was out of sight, out of mind. Scythe in front of him, the early adult steeled himself.

Scythe swiped forward, the creatures shields were up in a matter of moments. Slashing the weapon forward with quick precision, the hyena let out a battle cry. The first layers of defense, they had to go. The pinchers, they had to be his, for the taking. Defenses shattered after ten strike, the soldier kept going.

Aiming for the creature's backside, the crustacean's shell cracked like glass. Flames ready to bake him, the early adult closed out the world around him. The flames, they could not hurt him. Jumping towards the left, the hyena repeated such thought. The flames, they could not hurt him. He could not seem them, he could not feel them. There was no threat.

Keeping the momentum going, the scythe and the crab exchanges blows one after another. Enemy soon weakened after another twenty strikes were gifted, the monster surrendered itself to the defeat bin. Creature fading into the ether, a set of pinchers dropped onto the floor.

Bringing the spoils of war back to the village, the early adult handed the object off to the citizen who asked for such. Feeling a small celebration dance around imagination land, the solider prepared to drift off into a daydream, but such was cancelled before it could even begin. Two Melusine coming towards him, the same request released from the two of them at the same time.

Seabed denizens requesting he clean out the aliens on the surface in exchange for the robots, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. He had to fight more orb monsters once again? Hadn't the entire population of such strange creatures flee to Liyue recently? Surely, he had to have seen the last of them recently.

Returning to the surface world for what felt like the tenth time in two days, the early adult removed his undersea armor. The orb aliens, they had to have been around the hexagrams in the southern eastern area of Elynas. Resolute on his decision, the soldier dashed off towards the beast circles.

Dark violet monster circle covered with orb alien creatures looking like they were ready to multiply and expand their armies, the early adult brought the scythe in front of him. The monster had reestablished themselves within the Beryl Region? But, he supposed the creatures could have always been around lurking in the shadows.

Group of extraterrestrial life forms surrounding him from every corner, the hyena attempted with all his might to reap the creatures from the world they all but invaded. But, such attack was futile. Monsters shielding themselves almost immediately, the blade was a paperweight.

Alien energy taking him for a ride, the hyena attempted with all his might to swing forward once more. But, the failures kept piling up like dollops of ice creams on top of each other. Weapon hitting the ground as the enemies kept moving around, no attempts struck gold.

Creatures from another world looking ready to have the last invisible laugh, the soldier swung around with an aimless fervor. Surely, at some point, his attacks would have to land on the enemy. He needed to try harder, without a doubt. Swiping from every direction, multiple tries took the stage.

Fifth attempt removing the mob of orb aliens out of the picture, the group soon condensed themselves into a pile of balls. Knowing such commodities was definitely not enough, the early adult dashed off towards the beach. Enemies waiting for him right around the corner, the second round of many sounded the gong.

Orbs of condensed energy collected for the second time, the chimera ran off towards the northern sands. Removing the extraterrestrials from the equation after twenty swipes of the scythe, the early adult let out a pant. Any weapon other than a claymore was quite the learning curve indeed.

Slowly cruising through the mountains with a wave of scythe justice, the early adult brushed his currently human palms together. The alien orb creatures, were they multiplying? But, the hyena shook his head. Elynas was an area residing with beast circles everywhere. They had to have been a common sight across the region.

Fights going as smooth as butter as the soldier headed northward, the hyena puffed a sigh of relief. Perhaps, just maybe, he was getting used to the scythe he had been lent after all. But, as he headed for the deepest edges of the area, warning bells rung in the chimera's inhuman eardrums.

Out of place sword graveyard in front of him, the hyena tilted his head. When had a bed of swords gotten here? He could not help but feel something had been off about the sight before him. Stepping towards the cemetery of weapons lost to time, the chimera prepared himself.

Preparedness was a corpse on the battlefield.

Condensed, plum colored orb alien radiating energy of rotting plants floating above the sword graveyard, dread loomed over the soldier. Weapons glowing as they were hoisted up from the ground, the hyena's eyes grew wide. Blades pointed towards him, the doom toll chimed once more.

It was raining swords, hallelujah.

Blades carving into him all at once like a piece of paper, the soldier's body was the next act in the circus of failures. Sea of red trickling down as the swords had become one with him, the hyena could feel his consciousness slip away. Body tumbling downwards to the grass below, unconsciousness awaited him like an invitation to a party. As he could feel himself fade away, one final thought sounded the defeat horn.

Unexpected surprises were the enemy.


Come to some time later, a grey haired girl with a creampuff like swirl in the center of her head, side pigtails, red eyes and green outfit looked at the soldier from above. Blood nowhere to be seen on any corner of his body, confusion looped on repeat. What happened to him? Where had this melusine come from?

"You're all fixed up now," the mysterious melusine said.

Body in shape as if nothing ever happened, the early adult bowed a thank you. This melusine girl healed him? How nice of her, if such were the case. Knowing he had to return to the Merusea Village, the young soldier returned himself to his diving equipment. But, as he returned to the underwater sea world beneath, realizations had washed over him.

The next day, had it already arrived? How long had he been unconscious for in the deepest depths of Elynas? He supposed he had been out cold for many hours before coming to. Look of panic on the underwater denizens faces, information had come the soldier's way, in an instant.

Informed alien orbs had made their way to the deepest pits underwater, the soldier could feel his arms and legs become mint jelly. The strange orb creatures had invaded the spaces underwater, as well? Was he dreaming? Surely, none of this was real. But, reality slapped him in the face. There was no way any of this was in his imagination. Everything in front of him was the truth, guaranteed.

Groups around the sea ville guiding him towards the root of the problems, the early adult gulped. Dark aura surrounding the aliens in a closed circle, everything added up to three and was divided by zero. The monsters, something was off about them. Scythe still on him, the young soldier prepared himself to land a hit of a lifetime.

Orb creatures rolling on the ground as if they were playing some sort of game, the early adult broke out into a cold sweat. Enemies speeding off like blue hedgehog that could run at the speed of sound, the soldier swore he was seeing quadruple as every enemy blistered around the melusine's hidden paradise world.

Hitting the tip of the scythe on the ground, the aliens shook up the situation in a matter of moments. But, as everything unraveled itself, monsters slapped into one another. Speed dying into a snail's pace, the hyena readied the scythe. But, the side odds were never in his favor.

Shields up like a colorful meteor creature, the hyena attempted with all his might to slash through their defenses. But, such attempt was futile. Unable to pierce through the soldier could feel his willpower drain as the battle droned on. If he had a claymore right about now, the battle would have been over yesterday by now.

Knowing he had no choice but to summon a flower fiend, the wretched Windwheel Aster joined the party. Providing silent commands to the plant he did not wish to allegiance himself with, vines slapped the alien life forms for many seconds unaccounted for. Shields ready to crack, the blade prepared the final countdown.

Thirty more strikes vanquishing the aliens one after another, the early adult took a deep breath. Had the first installment in the alien battle been done and dusted? Melusine informing him there were more worse ones exuding dark energy in the waters towards the northern underwaters of the village, the citizen of the village lead the way.

Dropping down to the seabed beneath the village, Brume and Éclater snored their lives away as if they were breathing in unison to one another. Duo sleeping around as chaos brewed around them, the early adult slapped his hand over his swimming goggles. What an embarrassing sight. Were these two twins? The hyena did not know, but couldn't help but feel the two of them shared all their braincells.

Alien lifeforms in the waters below defeated with a swipe of an aquatic blade, the early adult could not help but ponder. Were there other ways to attack underwater? Spotting multiple strange blue creatures adorning a symbol on the ocean floor, the hyena supposed there was no way to find such out.

Hearing the sound of water cannons ready to blow, the early adult could feel the world drain around him. The seas beneath the surface had bombs? He needed to dodge them to the best of his ability. But, as he prepared to do some, peculiar ammunition threw itself out from its house.

Orb aliens releasing themselves from the pit of the launcher, the hyena prepared himself. Surely, if he were to strike while they moved through the cannon, they would be removed from the picture. Preparing himself, the water blade was ready to strike from afar. Monster within distance, the weapon set its sights high.

Strategy kicking into full swing, the alien casualties list grew once more. Cannons out of commission one after another, the early adult was pushed upwards towards the next surface area. Nothing but a lonely place awaiting him, orb creatures surrounded themselves besides the red crystals lying around everywhere.

Swiping his scythe upon the minerals of the place declared as lonely, the creatures had become one with the water beneath them. Red energy engulfing the creatures after twenty sweeps, a wave of tiredness flowed through the hyena. Slapping his cheeks, the chimera headed for the next bed of water. There was no time to be tired, he had to get rid of the aliens and their dark energy.

Dropping down to the northern seas, enemies had been cleared out one after another. Eastward path slain of all their aliens, the hyena kept going upon the northern trail as the technological diving suit thrusted him upon the path more travelled. Reaching the area as north as the village could go, danger awaited.

Creatures spinning around with a blade exterior harming melusines around every corner, the hyena's blood had begun to boil. The enemies were bringing the innocent citizens into the mix? This was war. He had to get rid of them, this instant. Blades clashing for minutes on end, the spar readied itself to cull in favor of the chimera.

Army around the edges slain as the hours grew by, the early adult could feel himself loop back towards the area he found himself in when he first arrived in this area. The warm place he had first descended to, was it getting much warmer? But, his question had an immediate answer.

Cannons making themselves known throughout the area, the early adult gulped. Where had all these new obstacles come from? He knew, no matter what, he had to get rid of them, or anyone who were to ever dive here when he wasn't around would be brought into harms way.

Red crystals everywhere once again, the early adult could not help but wonder. Aiming the mineral's blades at the new obstacles in the corner, could such break them? He knew he had to give such a try. But, as the scythe missed the mark multiple times, a white flag readied to wave itself.

Knowing he could not give up, the hyena placed himself from a diagonal angle. Mineral blade getting closer with every attempt, the chimera kept going. First cannon eventually vanquished, the rest of the harmful obstacles were removed from the equation after thirty strikes of trial and error.

Job within the warmer waters feeling complete, the soldier kept walking north. But, such stroll halted, in an instant. Rosy portal devouring him in one fell swoop, a blinding light engulfed the soldier. Closing his eyes, a peculiar pink room awaited him as he opened his eyes.

Hearing the whispers of someone saying nice to meet you, the hyena blinked. Where had he been taken to, and who was greeting him? But, such question had no answer on display. Whispers looping on repeat that it was nice to meet him, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Who was that voice? They needed to show themselves right away.

Present received as though he asked for it, a large meka crackling with electricity sped off towards him. Seeing such, everything around the soldier was ready to rot. A robot was underwater? He was in trouble, for sure. He was in jeopardy, without a shadow of a doubt.

Mechanical enemy tossing alien orbs his way, the early adult let out a pained scream. Was this robotic monster teaming up with the spherical lifeforces of otherworldly origins? He was in trouble. There was no way he would be able to get any hits. He was screwed on tighter than an oil bulb, for sure.

Bed of water an electrical trap, the hyena's diving suit thrusted off towards the opposite direction. Another round of conducted waters? He needed to be more careful where he leaped going forward. But, such proved itself to be far more difficult than two people born in late November getting along with one another. Meka coming towards him feet first, the metallic legs punted him across the pink room of isolation.

Tossed around for minutes on end, electricity engulfed the room further. Alien creatures spinning around looking ready to cut water, the early adult attempted to send the orb creatures flying back towards the direction they came. Robot legs kicking him a new one for the second time, the static grew.

Enemy readying the signal, the spherical orbs from another world readied themselves to come towards the hyena. Water blade soon prepared, the chimera closed his eyes. The monsters, he had to propel them back into the meka's body of mechanical marvels. Dodge and deflect, he had to be ready to send the attack back.

Opening his eyes as the orbs were ready, the soldier thrusted two paces back. Alien about to make contact with his short submerged body, the water blade and the enemy exchanged pleasantries with one another. Boomeranged back towards the attacker, the object smoked up into bits of scrap metal.

Fight closing itself up into a gift package, the hyena took a moment of reprieve. But the Fatui's work was never done. Blue door portal opening in front of him, the early adult stepped inside the entranceway. Just how much further down did this undersea world go? It had to have an end sooner or later.

Finding himself in a space unknown to him adorning crumbling pathways and a dark violet sky, the hyena let out a growl. Why did the color purple have to follow him wherever he went? He was quite sick of seeing such a color. If he were to ever become a god, he would delete such shade from everywhere in Teyvat.

Empty void inhabited by absolutely no one, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Where was he? But, such thoughts were cut short as the hooded figures shown themselves beside of the platforms. Eyes meeting their pitch black faceless void, the nobodies soon made a run for it.

Seahorses dropped along the pathway, a realization had washed over the hyena. Those hooded strangers, were they the ones responsible for the sea creatures and aliens causing problems in the underwater village end Elynas? If such were the case, he needed to face them head on.

Strangers running farther away from his line of sight, the early adult prepared his borrowed weapon. Maybe if he vanquished all of their pets they would show themselves. Resolute on his decision, the hyena's scythe swayed back and forth like a pendulum. First part of the army handled, another awaited along the platforms.

Knowing that he had to defeat the rest of the monsters before they were to plague Merusea Village forever, the early adult's weapon kept the strikes going. Letting out a tired sigh, the tiny dragons of the sea world deflated like a balloon. Gifts one after another returned to their sender of death, the exit was getting closer with every step.

Reaching an unknown room with the exit door in the corner, the hyena readied himself to leave the area. But, such exit was halted as the sound of a blubberbeast echoing a call that went nowhere bounced off and around the room. Mysterious hooded people emerging from the shadows as the sonic waves left, the strangers readied to run once more.

"Run, you gotta run!" one of the hooded strangers shouted. "Before the Fatui here catches oneself!"

"Fatui, you are dimwitted for trying to stop our project!" the other hooded stranger shouted. "Oh, well! This beast will be headed for the village soon!" But, as the stranger said stuff, they threw themselves in the door portal.

Hooded people removing themselves from the dimension's clutches, the early adult's eyes opened wide at the blubberbeast floating around, the sound of a ticker echoed on the walls. Seeing a countdown on the beast's belly, the hyena screamed. The creature, it was about to head for Merusea Village, and blow. He needed to get rid of it before such were to happen, for sure.

Timer ticking with every second, the hyena prepared himself. The Melusine, the lazy sea lion duo, he needed to protect them from the monster. Surely, if he were to let it get loose back to Merusea Village, the explosion would wipe their settlement off the map. Such could not happen. He needed to get in gear.

Blubberbeast and hyena exchanging blows with one another back and forth, sweat poured down the hyena's brow. This aquatic creature, it was quite the skilled fighter. Time ticking downward faster as the seconds paraded in a straight line fashion, the chimera's water blade was private enemy number one.

Timer hitting thirty, the pressure was on. Water blade barely doing any damage, the hyena kept the momentum going. Any second now, and the beast would decimate the Merusea Village. Such could not happen, guaranteed. The Melusine, they would not appreciate their home being gone.

Fifteen seconds beeping down, the early adult yelped. It was the final countdown. Any second now, and the monster would transport itself to the undersea world beyond the unknown dimension. Blocking the door as the timer reached zero, the creature had become chunks of edible fish, in an instant.

Piece of paper dropping from the debris leaving a singular message that "Fontaine is now our playground, the early adult could feel his heart skip four beats. Whose playground, the hooded strangers? They could play games with him all they'd like, but he wouldn't play along.

Entering through the door, the undersea village had soon been returned to. Seven other robot toys handed to the soldier one after another, the count soon totaled to ten. Knowing his jobs was done, the early adult's diving suit of mechanical marvels brought him back up towards the surface.

Agent waiting for him by the riverside, the bag full of robotics was ripped off his back like a sack of candy. Subordinate counting every single commodity one after another, the chimera froze up. If even one were missing, he was burned toast. But, the hyena swore he could see a smirk appear underneath the mask.

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent said, pride evident in his voice. "Hand over your diving equipment."

Doing as instructed, the early adult removed the heavy layers of machinery from his small body. Feeling a weight off his shoulders, bliss flowed through the soldier. He was no longer a rock, he was a feather. Agent telling him his job was done and to return to Snezhnaya immediately, the soldier removed the proxy orb from his back pocket.

Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the hyena closed his eyes. Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor as the events of the day formed dark clouds inside him.

The hooded strangers, just who were they, and why were they starting to cause problems around all of Teyvat? Were they from somewhere beyond the seven nations? He could not help but feel something about them was rather otherworldly. But, as he thought such, a spark popped off in his brain.

The mysterious people, he had to defeat them, end them, destroy them; give them pain. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What was he thinking? Harming others was wrong. He should never even consider such outcome. Pushing such thoughts aside, another question arose from the ashes.

Fontaine, was it having some sort of energy problem? He could not help but feel that the hooded people were ready and waiting to take advantage of fan incoming energy crisis within the Hydro Nation of Justice. But, as the thoughts kept rolling, a wave of fatigue flowed through him. He was overthinking it. Fontaine surely was not about to have any sort of energy issues.

Letting out a yawn, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform put away, as well, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, the early adult closed his eyes. But, as the world of sleep invited him back in, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

Those hooded people, next time he sees them, he won't let them get away.

Chapter 4: Poisson's Energies, Conches, Shipwreck; Pearl Metallica.


In this chapter, Siorc is tasked with finding metallic pearls, and conches whilst being scooped up into some "pirate shenanigans". Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Vidame, Domini, Navia and Freminet.


I wrote this before the Freminet event, but after the fact Loneliness Syndrome was introduced lol.

Chapter Text

"Poisson? No. This can't be.
Oh, Your Majesty,
I am asking for you to reconsider.
So, please, reconsider.
So please, reconsider.
Of all places, why here?
No, this can't be?

Why here? Why
Here? Isn't Poisson
A fancy Fontaine way
To say poison?

A city full of poison, a land full of

Toxins. No, please. Reconsider.
Even if I am not allowed to oppose, please,
Reconsider. Please
Reconsider, please reconsider.
I'm begging you, Your Majesty.
For this place, I am certain,
Yes, I know without a doubt.
It's poisonous. There's
No way, it's right in the name.
Get me away from there.

No, it's too late my fate has been sealed
And I must go straight to Poison City.
Maybe it won't be so bad,
Even if it's a toxic place to be.

I need to quell my fears,
That much is the truth.

Maybe I'm overreacting.
Even so, that Melusine,
As I recall she said
No one takes the Poisson line.
Something there has gone wrong.

Poisson or not, I have to go there.
Obviously, I don't know what
Is poisonous there. The
Sea? The air?
Over there, I will just
Need to tread carefully.

Don't step into the water
Err with caution.
For now, that is all
I can do. Be as cautious as I can be.
No matter what, that
Is key. Caution is mandatory.
The Tsaritsa, she's already sent her orders,
Everything has been set.
Looks like her mind is made up the moment she decides.
Your Majesty, why is it

That you want me to
Head everywhere?
All these years, I've been
Through the nations.

Seriously, I don't understand,
Cannot fathom why.
After all these years, I have seen
Rather a lot of this world.
Even so, I'm not complaining.
Seeing this world is a plus.

Maybe this mission will not be bad,
Even if Poisson is a poisonous place."

Four days had passed since the hyena collected small robots from the Melusines in Merusea Village. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Diplomatic affairs storming on in Dornman Port for ninety-six hours, nothing had been out of the ordinary. Knowing that, if he did not do work, even for a moment, he would meet his end, the chimera remained loyal.

Upon waking up for the morning, the early adult rubbed his eyes for minutes on end. Reaching for the lenses, the soldier placed his glasses over his heterochromatic eyes. World of sight granted to him once more, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but wonder. Her Majesty, just what was it that she wanted from Fontaine? All of these object he's had to collect over the past couple weeks, just what did she need them for? But, he supposed he could not question such; it was forbidden.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, his second favorite rabbit set adorned his hair and ears. But, as the sharp ends made their wrath known, the soldier stared down at the rest of his collection. Was turning his prized possession into weapons what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret flowed through the hyena.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the chimera gazed at the barricaded window, for a moment. Was going back in time possible? But, the early adult stopped himself from thinking further on such subject. There was no such thing as time travel. If such existed, he would have heard stories about it outside of fiction.

Heelless shoes on, the early adult bit into his flavorless rations of sand. As he had done such, the early adult shook his head. All this ridiculous thoughts of nonsense flowing through him, he had to erase them from his mind immediately and focus on work. He was wasting time on such; the hourglasses' sand was down the middle.

Only meal of the day finished, the early adult walked around in a circle upon the ice cold floor. What could possibly be in store for him today? Would more diplomatic affairs of nothing await him? Diplomacy should die a dishonorable death. But, he knew he had to be ready for anything, no matter what.

Adjusting the buttons on his uniform, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Whatever awaited him today, he needed to prepare himself. Everything in order, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body. Any minute now, and the Agent would arrive with his orders, guaranteed.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward inexorably, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out; his workday was coming. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena turned his attention to the door. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be heading to Poisson and the surrounding areas to collect metallic pearl deposits, conches and gather loot from shipwrecks." A bag shook from behind him with a fervor. All the energy in the world should belong to Her Majesty.

The hyena tilted his head as the word loot bounced around his eardrums. What in the world did Her Majesty need any of this for? Why did she want useless undersea trash? Surely, absolutely nothing of value would be gained from receiving pearls, conches and treasure from under the ocean floor.

But, as the word Poisson slashed his ears with a dagger, the early adult's knees shook. Poisson? He was going to a toxic waste heap? There was no way he would survive such a place. Her Majesty, had he disappointed her? If he were being sent to a place of poison as punishment, he supposed he deserved it if his work had not been sufficient enough.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You'll be heading to Poisson to gather pearls and conches for Her Majesty!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this dawdling, soldier! Get a move on!"

The early adult flinched as the word Poisson had been said again. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. If he kept Her Majesty waiting, his life would be over, in an instant. Slapping his knuckles on his chest, the hyena took a long deep breath.

"Yes, sir," the chimera responded autonomously. Poison or not, he had to be ready for anything.

"Good, soldier. You'll be needing your diving equipment for this mission," the Agent responded, supplies slammed firmly on his subordinate's back. "Let's go." Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the wrist into a squeeze tight enough to bruise. As the escort to Fontaine began, the hyena stared at the walls.

Is he about to be poisoned?


"Could there be some pirate revolution going around?
On the bulletin board,
My youngest sibling, Baron told me, 'People have been requesting for an
Increasingly high amount of volumes of pirate clothing be sold at our boutique.'
Now, as usual, they go off and say being a pirate is an unrealistic
Goal. Not quite

Sure where some of these requests have come from.
Over the past few weeks, we have been donating free clothes to the poor
Over in Poisson and in the underground city.
Nobody down there seems interested in the pirate life.

These requests come off as quite
Odd to me. I should ask Earl if there's been

Anyone asking for pirate wear lately.

Baron has stated the requests for such
Outfits is beginning to double, and the handwriting looks to be the same.
Unless they are mistaken,
These requests might all be from one person.
I guess if there's someone who really wants it, it'd be
Quite rude for me to refuse. After all, this is the
Ultimate boutique in all of Teyvat!
Everyone of any size, shape, ideology is free to come here.

Now, Baron is trying to stop me, giving me that
Ever favorite speech of theirs, 'Starting
A pirate wear line just because one person keeps
Requesting it? Malika, that's ridiculous.

You know it's not going to sell. Have you considered it could just be a prank?'
Oh, dear sibling, profit is only one-third of the equation. It is
Undeniable that it could be some sort of

Ploy, or prank, but I shall not turn a blind eye.
If someone wants a specific style of clothing, we'll just make it!
Release it, put if on a trial run.
And donate the rest to the poor.
Take chances, fashion is a tough world of
Evolving trends. I know that,
We've been in this business for years.
Even though it could be one person, or just
A prank to get attention, I'd
Rather not turn a blind eye. For, I Malika, run the best boutique around!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, the early adult gazed at the Romaritime Harbor from afar. Was this now his bases of operations during Fontaine missions? He supposed such was the case whether he liked it, or not. Agent dragging him down the hill, the soldier stared at the roaring falls from afar.

Boat summoned out of nowhere, the hyena had been placed into the wooden vessel. Removed from the gripping prison, the vehicle of Dendro creation cruised forward upon the waves. Romaritime Harbor getting closer with every stroke, the soldier gazed at the other boats floating upon the water.

Harbor continuing to get closer with every stroke of the rudders, the chimera could not help but wonder. Did a world of poison await him? Poisson, surely, it was the Fontaine language word for a highly toxic place to explore. Boat rocking a smidgeon as he thought such, the early adult stood still.

Vessel almost ready to be docked, the early adult closed his eyes. He supposed it would be best to find out if such were the case. He knew, poisonous place or not, he had no choice but to go there. Boat soon docked, the soldier expelled himself from paradise. Stepping foot onto the harbor, the early adult walked towards the staircase.

Agent soon informing him he would have to find a way to Poisson without teleporting, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why was his map being restricted lately? The Teleport Waypoint Proxy Map had spoiled him rotten. Subordinate informing him seconds later he would be staying in Fontaine until his mission was complete, the early adult nodded. He supposed he was used such outcome by now.

Taking the glass lift after ascending the staircase, the early adult could not help but wonder. Poisson, maybe he should ask around about it before heading there. Box taking him upwards, the young soldier headed towards the Aquabus station. Pressing the button on the sign in the corner, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left.

Not spotting anyone around the harbor aside from a man on his pirate ship, the early adult blinked. Why was it so quiet here? Was this area not as busy when the Archon was not around? But, he supposed he was overthinking it. Surely, he had just arrived at an earlier time than anyone else.

Aquabus arriving after ten minutes, the familiar Melusine from last time commented that he seemed to be taking this line a lot lately, the soldier blinked. He supposed he had been taking the water railways each time he had been sent to Fontaine. Would such method of travel be forbidden soon, as well? Told for the third ride they would be headed to the Court of Fontaine, the early adult seated himself.

Vehicle soon cruising the waters all by itself, the early adult gazed at the scenery around him. The eastern side of Fontaine, was it full of poison, as well? If such were the case, he needed to tread carefully, guaranteed. The choice was not his, if he wished to keep on living.

As the automatic aquatic tour bus passed beside Merusea Village, the soldier turned his head towards the lake from afar. Melusines, just what were their functions within Fonatine's society? Seeing a few around the court city in full militaristic guard uniforms, the hyena held such thought.

Melusine tour guide saying once again that they were passing through Poisson and that most people do not take that line, the hyena could feel a chill run down his spine. The Melusine, should he ask her if Poisson is poisonous? But, the chimera held such urge to inquire about such. There was no way he could interrupt her while she was on the job, that would be incredibly rude of him.

Vehicle soon stopping in its stationed location, the hyena removed himself from the vessel. Aquabus remaining stationary, the early adult exited into the main city. But, as he had begun walking, a conclusion he had never wished to reach had begun to crawl through his mind like a worm.

The annoying penguins, could they have known about whether Poisson was poisonous or not? He supposed it was worth a try asking about such. The general citizens of the area, asking them would only be a waste of time. They would not answer, guaranteed. Regrets flowing through him almost immediately, the early adult had begun walking.

Heading towards the hotel pathway, the early adult let out a sigh. Why was he even considering asking the pesky penguin chimeras? They were thorns in his side twice over. He was about to be in for a tiring time as soon as his inquiry hit any of their ears. But, he supposed he had no other choice, he was already heading southwest.

Multiple stores passed through as he kept walking, the soldier held back the urge to shrug. He was only heading to the boutique to ask the inquiry, then he would be on his way. None of this meant anything more than that. If the biggest thorn in his side amongst the three were to act like they were a future couple waiting to happen, he would ignore such advances.

Eventually reaching the boutique after ten minutes of walking, the early adult took a long deep breath. He was only here to ask one singular question, then be on his way to the possible city of poison. Opening the door to the fashion empire, the hyena stepped forward.

But, as he stepped foot into the room of fancy clothing, not a single soul but generic nobody customers staring at pirate outfits and Kaiser had been on the main retail floor. Original pesky thorn in his side adorning no makeup and the plainest clothes he had ever seen, a chill had run down the chimera's spine. Was he truly in the presence of Kaiser Gefroren? Eyes with no glitter to them giving him a look, the chimera returned a gaze in kind.

"Huh. It's you again," Kaiser said, words emotionless and tired "Are you looking for someone?"

Hearing the major amount of fatigue in Kaiser's voice, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just what was going on with him? He had not mouthed off about beauty at all. Taking note he had been wearing long sleeves, as well, the soldier cut such thoughts off. There was no time to be thinking about such things. Giving him a nod, the penguin soon continued.

"They're downstairs," Kaiser said.

Bowing a thank you, the early adult headed for the staircase in the corner. But, as he reached the apartment underneath the clothing establishment, something of peculiar note caught the hyena's attention. Pesky penguin trio treading a line of thread through a peculiar sewing device the hyena prepared to turn himself around. Were they busy? Maybe he should just leave. But, Earl's eyes were soon on him.

Hearing the sound of footsteps pattering down their stairwell, Earl turned his head. Was Kaiser taking a break from his shift? But, as soon as he saw the owner of the steps, his eyes had sparkles in them. Siorc standing in the corner of the final stair, his heart had begun to flutter. Did he come to see him? He wanted to hold a wedding and become his wife right now.

"Hi there, Siorc!" Earl greeted excitably. "Did you come to see me?" He let out a giggle. Archons, if he wasn't so busy, he'd ask him out on a date right now!

The early adult let out an exasperated sigh. Did Earl really think he had come here just to see him? What a laughable assumption. Even if he were the last person in all of Teyvat, he would never come running to see him, or any other penguin chimera, for that matter. He had gotten the wrong impression. But, he knew he had to ask about Poisson's status of being poisonous and nose his way out of here. Taking a deep breath, he let the inquiry out.

"Is Poisson poisonous?" Siorc asked, voice shaking. If Her Majesty were listening, he would be dead, for sure.

Baron rose an eyebrow as they looked up from their sewing machine. Was this young man serious right now? Did he seriously just ask if Poisson was poisonous? Did he not know Poisson meant fish? How ridiculous. Fatui were all fools. This needed to be corrected right this instant.

"No? Poisson means fish," Baron said, sighing. "Why did you assume such ridiculous factor?" But, Malika soon chimed in.

"Baron, darling, he's likely not familiar with the Fontaine language," Malika responded. She then turned towards Siorc. "There hasn't been any toxicity reports ever recorded there, as far as I'm aware." But, Earl soon interrupted.

"You're going to Poisson?" Earl asked.

Everyone's information coming at him at once, the hyena processed the words carefully. Poisson meant fish? Was it a fisher's port town, or something? He supposed he would find out soon enough. Told the area was not poisonous, a heavy weight dropped off his shoulders. Such was a relief to be had, for sure. Nodding, the hyena prepared to stage his exit.

Seeing Siorc nod, Earl's eyes sparkled further. He was heading to Poisson? Then, he certainly needed someone to guide him there. Did he still not know his way around the nation? Earl, to the rescue. Maybe he could convince the Aquabus Line to make an exception of not using the Poisson line track, just for today.

"Poisson is in the Belleau Region! I'll take you there!" Earl exclaimed, he then turned his head towards Malika. "Malika, may I take my work break right now?"

"Yes, you may," Malika responded in a slight authoritative tone. "But, upon your return, in exchange, you will be taking Kaiser's shift."

"Sounds fair to me," Earl replied. "I'll have the Aquabus make a special stop in Poisson. I'll be back in an hour!"

Earl heading for the stairs first, the hyena stepped in front of him. Ascending the staircase, questions buzzed about around the boutique about the new pirate fashion line. Everyone asking for a shirt in their size, the chimera gazed at the outfits in question. Was the pirate lifestyle suddenly in fashion? What a peculiar way of life to emulate. But, he supposed he did not know much about the trends of clothing to comment.

Highly acclaimed clothing store soon exited, the soldier followed behind the penguin thorn in his side in silence. Reversed back towards the Aquabus, a special request had been made of the Melusine tour guide. Semiaquatic person stating she would have the vehicle stop in the tunnel, the second tour of the day was ready to begin.

Aquabus soon riding the railways southward, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why did Earl always feel the need to escort him somewhere? But, he supposed he did not mind having a guide show him where the location was. Teleporting directly to his destination was forbidden.

Melusine tour guide pointing out the opera house being obscured by many other buildings, the soldier turned his attention towards the attraction. The opera area wasn't too far off from here. It was a small world after all. Tour guide lauding she wanted to ditch work and head there right now, the early adult's jaw dropped straight open. What an incredibly bold statement to be made, for sure.

Vehicle continuing towards the tunnel, the early adult took a long deep breath. The next destination, Poisson Tunnel. He needed to prepare himself at all costs. Soon, the place of many mysterious would be upon him. The underwater junk Her Majesty wanted will be in his clutches.

Tour guide stating they've now reached Poisson Tunnel and to be careful when jumping, the early adult's heart skipped four beats. He had to jump? The Aquabus wasn't taking him to the area directly? Earl soon pointing towards a ship off in the corner, the pest's gloves grabbed a hold of his hand.

Taking the leap of faith hands interlinked, the hyena deployed his wind glider. If he were to fall onto the ground from this height without taking proper precautions, he and the penguin would be gravely injured, in seconds. Making his landing with extra weight in tow, Earl soon lead the way once more.

Earl soon escorting him towards the peculiar ship in the corner, the hyena blinked. Was he really in Poisson right now? He could not help but feel the place had been different than he had been imagining. Guided towards a walkway, the penguin of many annoyances turned to look at him.

"Take that ladder over there, and you should be in Poisson," Earl explained, pointing at the walkway. "If you need anything else, come to the boutique again, and one of us will help you." Turning around, he headed back towards the Aquabus railways.

Seeing a rushing waterfall beside the ladder, the early adult gulped. What world was he about to be heading to? Descending the metallic walkway, the soldier prepared himself for anything, and everything. While he knew the area was not poisonous, the unknown was its own sort of toxins to behold.

Soon reaching an underground city with metallic walkways everywhere the eye could see and large ship off in the distance, with multiple stories connected by bridges from side to side, the soldier wondered. What about this place was fishy? But, maybe some of the metallic pearls were around the area on the ground level. It was time to take a look.

Turning his attention to the brown walkways down below him, the soldier kept his eyes on the floors and multiple people in the area. Generic nobodies dressed far different than the rich people in the Court of Fontaine, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. The Hydro Nation of Justice, had there been multiple wealth classes here? He could not help but feel that Mora had a pyramid to represent the multiple different levels in this nation.

Figuring he should take a look to see if metallic pearls could have been sitting by the waterfall, the early adult turned his heelless shoes off towards the direction he came. But, no clamshells containing their inorganic children had been near the pools of constantly roaring waters.

Heading back towards the area, gears turned in the soldier's head as he kept looking at the ground beneath him. The metallic pearls, what could they even look like? But, he supposed he should keep thinking about clamshells. Surely, if he looked hard enough, they would be somewhere.

But, as he kept searching the area, someone's shoulder brushed against his. Not hearing an excuse me, the early adult eyebrows twitched. How incredibly rude of this person to not apologize. But, he knew he needed to calm down. Maybe the person didn't see him. But, another storm was soon brewing as the stranger moved away.

Young lady with red hair and glasses running towards him, the early adult legs shook. Who was this person, and why were they speeding his way? Young lady stopping the brakes as her arms wobbled, her bespectacled eyes were soon peering through the opened zipper on his bag behind him. Seeing such, the early adult held back the urge to growl. Why were her eyes touching his things? Index finger pointing with excitement, the growl was about to release itself.

"You! Join my pirate crew!" the strange girl shouted with gusto. But, almost in an instant, a group of two people ran towards her, joining the conversation.

"Aigre! What do we always tell you? Don't talk to strangers!" A young lady scolded. But, the other person soon joined in.

"Bain, she's not a child anymore," the other stranger said, slightly irritated tone of voice. "Don't act like her mother."

"Kali, I wouldn't have to if she didn't wander off with creepy men all the time claiming they're pirates!" the stranger barked back. But, the other person soon sighed.

"Good point, I guess," the other stranger responded. She then turned towards the one called Aigre. "Aigre, please stop talking to strangers." She then placed the palm of her hand on her forehead.

The hyena backed four steps away. What had he just gotten himself into? Why was the young woman trying to recruit him into some sort of pirate crew? Was she secretly a part of some sort of cult that used the term pirate as a coverup? The young lady, she said this person named Aigre often got caught up with men whom were strangers. Such was not good, in the slightest. He knew, that, no matter what, some people had malicious intent.

Knowing the group in front of him would be here awhile, the soldier turned towards the strangers. Standing to the left looking ready or a two hour long scolding session had been a young woman slightly shorter than him. Messy, spiky pink hair with red ribbons on the edges that looked like a bubble bath formula, Siorc turned his attention towards her eyes. Bright red eyes looking stern as ever, the early adult gazed at her outfit. Light blue striped sailor outfit with a small yellow ribbon and baggy black pants, the hyena could not help but wonder. Was she just some human sailor? If she was, he would be on his way and let the group be. Ending his examination, he turned towards the next person.

Standing to the other side with her arms folded on her waist had been a young woman about the same height as him. Long dark red hair going down to about her backside with red eyes to match, the chimera could not help but wonder. Were these three ladies related to each other? He supposed they could have been sisters or cousins. Fancy green Fontaine outfit with coattails behind them, and deep fanged tooth sticking out of her lip like a cartoon drawing, the hyena turned his attention to the final person.

Hopping in the center of the three girl had been a young woman slightly shorter than the spiky pink haired lady glaring at her in the corner. Long pinkish red hair pulled back into a ponytail with a fuzzy scrunchy towards the end reaching her waist, and eyes of the same color covered with cheap looking black framed glasses, the chimera gazed at her outfit. Ragged pink clothing and black boots with many holes in them, the hyena blinked. Why was this person so roughed up? But, he supposed it was no business of his.

Recalling the young lady referred to as Aigre demanded he should join her pirate crew, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Become a member of a pirate crew? Absolutely not. Did he look like someone who wanted to wear a straw hat and commit high seas crimes? Absolutely not. Whatever she was a part of, he would not be joining her. But, the young lady soon pointed at him once more and waved her arms around as she looked at him.

"Don't listen to my nosy sisters!" Aigre exclaimed, waving her hands around rapidly like a child. She then turned towards Bain and Kali. "I'm talking to a fellow pirate right now!"

"You're not a pirate!" Bain and Kali shouted in unison.

Feeling Aigre grip his wrist tightly, the hyena's eyes pulsated. What in the world was she doing? Why was she gripping him with such immense force? Lip quivering as she clamped down harder, the early adult let out a tiny sigh. She was planning on running away with him as prisoner, wasn't she?

"Yes I am! I'm a pirate!! Shut up!" Aigre shouted at the top of her lungs. "I'll take him to my ship!"

Young lady beginning to drag him forward, the early adult held back the urge to scream. What in the world was happening? Why was this young woman dragging him off somewhere? A pirate ship, where? Romaritime Harbor? There was no way she would be able to reach all the way there without getting tired.

Dragged out of Poisson as Aigre climbed up the ladder with his wrist still squeezed into a tight lock, the shouts of the two sisters telling the young lady to stop, let go of him, don't bring a stranger into this the early adult tried to break free from the tight grip around him. But, such was impossible as the grip only got tighter.

Girl calling back she's not stopping, they can't make her, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Just how old was this lady? Was she truly a grown woman? But, he supposed everyone had their own senses of mental maturity. Sped through a sea of fields of green everything blurred around him.

Ladies again calling out that Aigre could be interrupting someone's work and to let go of him right now, the soldier flinched. Had the two of them already seen his uniform? If such were the case, he was in trouble, for sure. If they knew he were a member of the Fatui, they would triple their warnings over the hills and far away at any given moment.

Aigre screaming back that Mr. Glasses didn't look busy at all, he was just wandering around like a freeloader, the hyena's ears twitched. Is that how he looked to people around Fontaine, an unemployed deadbeat? What an awful first impression. He was most certainly not a jobless freeloader.

Spotting an ocean bed off in the distance as Aigre gripped on his wrist even tighter, the soldier let out a sigh. Was she going to continue dragging him despite her sisters continuously protesting? But, he supposed she had no intentions of listening no matter what. He supposed whenever she stopped running, he would inform her he was not interested.

Young woman parking the breaks in the corner of a beach, the hyena prepared the two letter word of rejection. If she were about to ask him to join her pirate crew once more, he would not be a part of such, whatsoever. But, as his thoughts raced through, the stranger's voice broke the sound barrier.

"My ship's down here!" Aigre exclaimed, pointing at the ocean bed beside her. "Let's go!!"

As Aigre pointed down to the ocean bed, the hyena recalled one of his orders. The Agent, he had told him he had to gather loot from shipwrecks. He supposed, he could pretend to play along with the pirate game, if her so called ship was underwater. Knowing she expected an answer, the soldier stuck up his right index finger. But, as he removed his diving equipment, questions only a child would ask came his way.

"What?? Why do you need a minute? Let's go now!" Aigre shouted, waving her hands around.

"Aigre, not everyone is a chimera like we are!" Bain scolded. "He definitely cannot easily breathe underwater like we can!" But, a loud, hissing whisper overtook the area.

"Don't say the c word to her, I beg you," Kali whispered in a harsh tone.

As the hyena put his diving suit over his partially human person, the chimera could not help but wonder. What in the world was going on with this family? Was saying the word chimera profanity in their household? How strange. But, he supposed now all chimeras wanted to be associated with such label that made them seem different from humans. Oxygen tank soon on his backside, but completely crooked, everything was on. But, as he prepared to play along with the pirate game, shouts overtook the area.

"No, no, no! I'm not a chimera, I'm a mermaid!" Aigre cried, shaking her fists. "Captain Vert will be mad if he hears you say that!"

Hearing the girls in the corner groan, the early adult closed his eyes. The buttons, he needed to sync them with his brainwaves, like last time. But, a force of distraction pulled him out of it, for a moment. These three, what kind of chimeras were they? He supposed he was about to find out.

Three sisters jumping down into the water bed, the early adult took a long deep breath as a spark crackled in his brain. Stepping towards the water, the diving suit thrusted him downward. Finding himself in a deep blue ocean world with watery hills everywhere, the soldier gazed at the woman speedily swimming in front of him.

Bain, Kali and Aigre adorning sea lion bodies, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could the trio have been related to the pranksters in Merusea Village, and those other sea lions he had seen one time back in Mondstadt? But, he knew there was no time to think about such things. He had to catch up with them right away.

Reaching a trench as his diving suit thrust him northward, a peculiar sight caught the hyena's eyes. Strange ship that looked like a misty phantom, the early adult titled his head as Aigre's flippers pointed at it. Was that her so called pirate ship? If such were the case, he supposed he would continue to pretend to play along, for now.

"There's my ship!" Aigre shouted. "After it!!"

Aigre swimming off towards the possible ghost ship, Bain and Kali sped after her begging her to wait. But, such moment of patience never came. Phantom boat speeding up as the seconds raged onward, Aigre sped up her swim speed. Distance between him and she only getting farther, the hyena attempted to catch up with all his might.

Group of three even further away as the boat kept going, the soldier closed his eyes. Faster, he had to have his automatic swimsuit have him swim faster. Slight acceleration of speed coming his way as the thoughts and actions synced with one another, the early adult attempted to catch up once more.

Ship from the possible afterlife doing a turn, Aigre had only begun to go faster. Bain and Kali shouting at her to slow down once more, the early adult shook his wet head. There was no way she was going to do so. She was probably going faster just to spite them. What a childish action, if so.

Spotting a strange machine beaming a light over the water with a machine minion swimming around, the early adult gulped. Fonatine's technology had even lived beneath the surface of the water? How strange. Surely, they would struggle with all their electrical circuits powering them.

Peculiar looking vines holding something inside them on the pathway as Aigre kept swimming faster, the early adult blinked through his goggles. The world under the sea was quite the fascinating spectacle. If he ever learned to swim on his own, he would like to explore further, for sure.

Ghost ship speeding off further through the world of blue, the early adult let the suit thrust him as fast as it were able to. But, as the other three's speed was unmatchable, the soldier could feel his equipment get sticky. Natural swimmers would always outclass ones who were not.

Moving along as the boat of many removed lives let out a toot of an invisible horn, blubberbeasts let out an echo with their throats. Soundwaves hitting walls in the corner, the hyena attempted with all his might to not scream. Why was the ocean getting so loud, of all of a sudden?

Spotting a platform in the corner, the phantom vehicle had begun to slow itself down. Passing by a peculiar looking glass house, the sea lion trio slowed down a smidgeon. Squeaking by the odd room of many mysterious, the early adult kept attempting to reach the ghost ship. Any minute now, and he'd be toe to flipper with the sea lion sisters.

Boat soon halting its movement beside a sea of green plants, the party of three far off ahead of him had stopped moving. Readying to catch up with the crowd, the early adult's suit continued thrusting him forward. But, as he reached the destination ever so closer, something of particular note stuck out to him.

Blond diver swimming beside the phantom ship, the early adult could not help but ponder. Was he roped into some sort of undersea mission by Her Majesty? Swimming towards him, the early adult gazed at the man's freckled face, for a moment. Eyes soon on him, as well, something had soon been handed off to him.

"Here," the blond diver said.

Handed an array of conch shells, the early adult blinked. The diver, he was definitely roped into this mission to collect undersea trash. placing the garbage into the diving bag behind his oxygen tank, the soldier spelled out thank you with his damp fingers. But, after a few minutes, Aigre let out a whine.

"Wait a sec, this isn't my ship!" Aigre whined.

Bain and Kali letting out deep throated groans, the early adult groaned inside his mind in tandem. After all this swimming, she had the nerve to say this wasn't hers? How annoying. This was absolutely ridiculous. She had to have been playing some sort of joke right now. If she were, it wasn't funny, in the slightest.

Blond diver informing him there was some loot on the phantom boat, the early adult placed himself onto the transparent ship. Scooping up whatever treasure he could find, the hyena shook his head. Was this really what Her Majesty wanted? She was in for an array of disappointment with all of the waste he was collecting.

Aigre swimming off towards the opposite direction as her sisters who were more like caretakers followed after her, the soldier moved towards the path he came. Where was she heading this time? He supposed while she was continuing to play her pirate game, he could continue to search for shipwrecks to collect their so called loot from.

Diver boy swimming off elsewhere, the hyena turned his head towards him, for a moment. He did not know why, but he could not help but feel bad for the young man. Whoever was giving him his orders, he was being strung along to collecting trash, just like him. But, the early adult snapped himself out of such thinking. There was no time to such thoughts. He needed to focus on finding apparent treasures, conches and pearls.

Hearing Kali say from a short distance that she can't believe Aigre swam all the way off to the Salacia Plain only to say that this wasn't her pirate ship, the soldier agreed from afar. Such was ridiculous, indeed. If all of this were some sort of joke, he would tell the young woman off, no questions asked.

Spotting the glass house once more, the soldier turned his attention towards it. Was it just his imagination, or were there bookshelves in there? If such were the case, he would need to come back here later just in case there were treasures locked behind the red doors.

Group of three in front continuously heading south, the soldier kept trailing behind. Why was this bespectacled sea lion still bothering with this game in the first place? Surely, she had to have been tired of this pirate ship joke by now. Didn't she have other things to do? But, he knew he could not say such. He had to keep playing along.

Party of three going towards a collection of destroyed ships, the soldier thrust the diving suit towards the debris. Collecting loot as the party in front of him kept going deeper downward, the soldier blinked of bewilderment from underneath his goggles. Was Aigre heading towards a hole? Wherever she was headed, this joke had to end.

Bain calling out that she is swimming out way too far, a defiant set of words had been fired back, in an instant. Kali saying to just follow her and scold her later, the early adult resynced his movements with the diving suit, thrusted downwards toward a hole, a small cave passageway had been upon him.

Group of three heading towards a surface, the hyena's suit prepared to thrust him upward. But as he was about to reach the surface world above, the early adult could feel an array of reservations flow through him. Was he about to be in yet another place with absolutely nothing? Maybe he should not have followed the sea lion trio in the first place.

Pressing upwards towards the surface, the early adult removed the oxygen tank from behind him. But, as he stepped towards the land, a multitude of surprises awaited him. Finding himself in an isolated place with a broken ship, the soldier could feel his heart skip four beats.

Watching Aigre run off to the ship of many destructions, the hyena could feel a pity cherry drop to the center of his stomach. Was this her pirate ship? Lady talking to invisible people, the early adult turned towards Bain and Kali. Uncomfortable looks on their faces, the early adult listened to her conversation. While he knew such was rude of him, curiosity had pushed a kitten into the bottom of the ocean.

"Captain Vert! Co-Captain Rouge, Navigator Bleu, Private Jaune, I have a new recruit!" Aigre exclaimed. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "That's great, Aigre, bring them over!" She then turned her head. "Of course, captain, right away! C'mon over, new recruit!" She then changed the pitch of her voice again. "He lookin' kinda scrawny. We gotter get some meat on his bones." She then turned her head once again. "Private, Jaune, we'll whip him up into shape!"

Stepping onto the broken ship, the early adult let out a sigh. Was he really doing this right now? He should have told her off like he planned to. But, no such words would leave his lips. Perhaps, just maybe, playing along one last time with her pirate game would end this once and for all. Aigre cheering as he introduced himself with a bow to invisible people, another excitable sound hit the broken boat.

"Yay! Welcome aboard, crewmate!" Aigre cheered. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Don't let us down, kiddo." She, once again turned her head. "You can count on him, Rouge!" She then changed the pitch of her voice a second time. "Welcome to our crew, lad."

Watching as Aigre kept on going, the early adult could not help but wonder. Did something happen to her in that past that caused her to want to live the life as a pirate forever? He did not know why, but he could not help but feel bad for her, if such were the case. He supposed he could continue to play along with her games if it was some sort of coping mechanism for something unknown. Taking a deep breath, words accidentally released themselves.

"I look forward to being aboard," the hyena accidentally said.

"See? I'm actually a pirate!" Aigre exclaimed. "My ship is real!" She then turned towards her new fellow crewmate. "Take all the treasures you'd like, crewmate! They're yours!"

Bain and Kali blinking rapidly to each other, the early adult titled his head. Were they shocked at this information being presented before them? Surely this wasn't the first time Aigre had gone off about her pirate shenanigans. But, perhaps, just maybe, she had never taken her actions this far before. But, the chimera knew it was not his business either way.

"That's enough, Aigre," Kali said. But, Bain soon took over the conversation.

"You've had enough fun for today, Aigre!" Bain interrupted. "We're going back to the surface, and..." But she did not finish that sentence. Taking a deep breath she returned to speaking. "Anyway, we're going back to Poisson."

Aigre reluctantly agreeing, the group of three dashed back towards the hole of which they came. Seeing such, the early adult blinked. How incredibly odd everything was just now. But, he supposed chimeras all had their own ways of dealing with their own problems. Stepping onto the broken ship, the hyena looked for any possible treasures he could locate.

Coming across sunken treasure and multiple conch shells, the soldier placed the loot into the back behind his oxygen tank. Not finding any other objects that looked like they mattered, the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time to return to the spot of which he came. But, as he prepared to go back upward, the diver stopped him.

"Are you here for the metallic pearls?" the blond diver asked.

Hearing such inquiry, the early adult nodded. Was he sent here to gather them, as well? Her Majesty had built quite the underwater team of one, if such were the case. Perhaps, just maybe, he knew the location of the objects. He supposed he was about to find out.

"Father has ordered us to collect them also," the blond diver responded, voice almost sounding robotic.

Blond diver letting out the word father, the hyena could not help but wonder. Who was this father? But, he supposed the diver worked under a completely different Fatui jurisdiction. He recalled his former practice partner telling him some of the Fatui worked under Harbingers or other soldiers of slightly higher positions than them. Keeping himself quiet, the early adult's diving suit soon thrust him upward.

Back at the beach, the early adult walked upon the northward path. The Agent, he was probably waiting for him at Poisson right about now. Gazing at the sky above him, the early adult almost bit off all his currently human nails. Had it already been late evening? He was in trouble if he were waiting for him. Eventually reaching the underground city of metallic walkways, the hyena took a deep breath.

But, as he walked around the area, the Agent was nowhere to be seen. Had he already left? Perhaps, just maybe, he should wait for him by the waterfall. But, as the hours passed by, fatigue took the soldier for a ride. Diving equipment put away, the early adult curled up into a ball beside the waterfall. World of sleep claiming him as a consolation prize, one final question poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Were the metallic pearls abnormal?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a never ending loop of misfortune, flipping the tarot cards into reverse every single night. The night before him would throw down the death card in the reverse position on top of the pile, as well.

Before him had been a bed of Romaritime Flowers with their watery buds all opened. Seeing such, the early adult let out a hiss. Why can't flowers leave his dreams already? They were seeing other partially human people. But, such dream thoughts were cut short as the green haired strangers with black bars over their eyes made their presence known.

"You keep messing with our plans, meddling kid!" the first stranger shouted. "So, I'll mess with you!" The other stranger soon chimed in.

"You hope he likes fire!" the other stranger shouted. "Oneself has just the thing for Fatuus here!"

Strangers raising their hands over their head looking ready to demand everyone in the world give them energy, the early adult's dream eyebrows twitched. Was were they about to do to him? Why had they come into the dream world again? Had they been some sort of succubus? He recalled hearing such a word in his father's fiction books stashed away in a box in the former study in his stolen childhood.

Gigantic ball of fire joined together in the strangers four hands combined, the hyena's dream eyes grew wide. These two had the power of fire at their fingertips? How absolutely terrifying. He needed to run away before it were to catch him. But, such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Feeling a nonexistent adhesive lock his currently human feet into place, the early adult squirmed. Any minute now, and he would be engulfed into the flames.

"Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn!" one of the stranger said. They continued to do so as the dream seconds continued.

Ball of flames engulfing him whole, the early adult let out a scream. Fire burning his clothes to a crisp, the strangers kept the momentum going for dream hours on end. Flames continuing to set themselves ablaze throughout his short body as the hours in the land of the subconscious, their laughter kept getting more distorted as time went on.

Feeling his dream body only get weaker as the minutes dragged onward, the early adult's body of charcoal fell backwards. Knowing that, at any moment, his dream body would perish, the hyena closed the subconscious eyes. It was over, he had lost. He was roasted, toasted, done.

"That's payback for your constant meddling!" the stranger shouted. "Buh bye!"

Faceless strangers soon leaving, a sea of thoughts flowed through the chimera. Those strangers, just who were they? Flowers burning around him as the final set of flames hit the grasses beneath him, the thoughts kept on going. What did he ever do to these people to have such visceral towards him? Revenge was not a healthy outlet if that's what they wished to do.

Feeling his dream heart begin to cease beating, the early adult closed his dream eyes one final time. The strangers, why were they doing this to him? If he were to ever come across them in the mortal waking world, he had to apologize to them, guaranteed. Feeling the final beat lay to rest, one last thought came through as the dream world grew dark and silent.

What did he do to deserve this?


"Maybe those faceless strangers are out to get me.
Even though I don't believe I have ever seen
Them in the mortal waking world, I can't help but feel they seem familiar.
Are they someone I have encountered before?
Looks like I need to keep my eyes open.
Looks like I have to keep my ears open.
I'm starting to think they
Could be those hooded strangers.

Perhaps, that's who they are.
Everything lines up.
Although, I could just be
Reaching for a comparison.
Looks like I need to keep my eyes open.
Sometimes, dream do have meaning. I'll keep an eye out, for the time being."

Finding himself in a house unknown to him as he woke up the next morning, the hyena rubbed his eyes. Where was he? How did he get here? But, as he put on his glasses, one of the faces from yesterday walked towards him. Seeing such, the hyena blinked. What was she doing here? Was he still dreaming? Pinching his wrist and feeling a sting, he hissed at the recoil. He was definitely awake, alright.

"You shouldn't sleep near a waterfall. You'll make yourself ill if you do that," Bain scolded, wagging her finger. "Also, your tail is sticking out. I figured I'd let you know."

Hearing such, the early adult had become as red as a tomato. His tail was sticking out? How incredibly embarrassing. Closing his eyes for a minute, his tail retracted from behind him. Appendage gone, the early adult let out a squeal. She thought he was disgusting, for sure. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena stood to his feet.

Hearing a loud yawn off in the distance, a duel of good mornings had been exchanged in the other room. Knowing that was his cue to leave, Siorc prepared to excuse himself. But, as he walked off towards the exit door, a hand had been on the sleeve of his winter jacket.

"Could you a wait a second before running off?" Kali asked. "I'm sorry that Aigre dragged you off in her shenanigans yesterday." She placed her hand beside her temple, for a moment. "Are you looking for those metallic pearls?"

The hyena could feel a shock shoot down his spine. How did she know that he was looking for the metallic pearls? Had she heard about such treasures from other people who lived in Poisson? He supposed such had been the case. Nodding, she grew quiet for a moment.

Seeing the young man nod, Kali held back the urge to groan. So, he was another one of those pearl gatherers. Why had so many of those people been popping up around Fontaine all of a sudden? How very suspicious. But, maybe it was best to help him for the time being as some sort of apology for Aigre's mess.

"I guess, as some sort of apology, we'll help you look for them," Kali said, hand still on her temple. "Bain and I have to look for our sister, anyway. She wandered off again while we were both sleeping."

Kali mentioning Aigre had wandered off, the early adult's heart had grew heavy, for a moment. The seal lion sisters had their work cut out for them, for sure. But, he supposed he didn't mind their assistance if they had other objectives. Giving her a nod, Bain soon joined the party.

"We saw the pearls around a majority of the Belleau region," Bain said, index finger up. "Let's get going."

Girls ascending the ladder before him, the early adult followed the two from behind. Party of two jumping towards the strange ship in the corner and jumping off, the hyena did not follow suit. Was that action necessary? Surely, jumping from such a high height was dangerous, even for sea lions.

Heading onto a dirt road path, the party of three had begun to head south. Grassy plains everywhere, and some houses here and there, the early adult could not help but wonder. Did people in Fontaine live in the wilderness like they did in Sumeru? But, he supposed such was not his business to find out.

Plains continuing on for awhile, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where could Aigre have possibly wandered off to? Wherever it was she had gone to, she was definitely causing her sisters a lot of distress. Bain turning her head frantically as she kept walking forward, her jerking around spoke for itself.

Reaching the same beach area as the day before but much more east than the other day, a sight to behold caught the early adult's attention. Multiple sets of metallic clams sticking their shells out on the sandy sediment, the hyena placed his finger on his chin. How in the world did he not notice the clamshells the other day? He should have kept his eyes out for them. But, he supposed it was too late for that.

Bain and Kali taking out scythes with red and purple tips, the party to two in front of him had begun hitting the metallic bivalves with a fervor. Hearing the clang of the reaper blades clashing with their inanimate sea enemy for minutes on end, the two let out a battle cry as if they were wolves.

Clamshells eventually prying itself open, two pearls had flung out of the object's center. Spoils of aquatic war soon handed off to him, the early adult swore he could feel his hands begin to weight a ton. Just what metal were these pearls made out of, titanium? But, such had not been the only issue. Feeling a harsh, coarse feeling through his hands, the hyena grit his teeth.

Pocketing the pearls immediately, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Human hands soon transforming into hyena claws, the soldier dashed off towards a group of iron clams. There was no way he could leave all the work to Bain and Kali. He had to put in his weight, as well. Swiping his claws through the unresponsive enemy, the sea lion in the corner were doing their duty as well.

Three pearls eventually slashed out of their deposits, robotic flowers had been added to the mix shortly after. Seeing such, the early adult hissed at the robot plants. How dare there be metal flowers here, as well. Absolutely disgusting. Why did his former fling think it could sneak up on him wherever he were to go?

Six more pearls soon collected beside the ocean waves with the trio's combined efforts, the chimera let out a tired sigh. Why were the clamshells so difficult to get to open? But, he supposed they were like all the mineral deposits seen throughout Teyvat. Difficult to cut, difficult to take.

Final set of metallic pearls in the area gathered up, the hyena took a long, deep breath. Why did Her Majesty want these minerals, anyway? Surely, they were completely and utterly worthless pieces of trash that would do absolutely nothing for her. But, he supposed if she wanted them, she would find out how little they were worth herself.

Kali soon informing him there had been many other pearls found somewhere north, the early adult followed behind the duo in silence. Bain telling him to keep an eye out for Aigre, the soldier nodded. Right, keep an eye out for her. She could be anywhere. Reversing back towards the path they came, the walkway awaited.

Heading upon a pathway underneath the Aquabus railings, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. The water railways, just how far around Fontaine did they reach? But, the early adult snapped himself out of such thinking. Why was he letting himself get distracted? He needed to keep walking.

As the hyena kept following the sea lion sisters from behind, the early adult could not help but feel a wave of confusion. The metallic pearls, just what were they exactly, and where could they have possibly come from? They did not feel as though they were natural occurrences in Fontaine, in the slightest.

Reaching the next area, a sight of utter chaos flew through the area. Robotic clamshells moving to a fro with steam going through them the hyena backed seven steps away. Metallic creatures growing a pair of iron legs, they lunged themselves towards the sea lion duo.

Bain and Kali removing their scythes from behind them, the two turned their heads towards him. Four eyes glued to him, the soldier could feel a shock shoot down his spine. Why were they looking at him that way? Did they have something to say to him? Whatever it was, he knew he needed to listen.

"Do you need a weapon?" Bain asked. "I can lend you one. What do you use in combat?"

Hearing Bain's inquiry, the hyena placed his hand in front of him. Spelling out the word claymore with his fingers, wordless language had been sent the young woman's way. But, as he had done so, she scratched her head. Seeing such, a wave of defeat flowed him. Did she not understand sign language? He supposed not everyone knew, or cared enough to learn it.

Witnessing the stranger they were assisting with the pearls spell out the word claymore, Bain gazed at Kali. He wielded a greatsword? What a troublesome situation. Such type of weapon was not something neither she nor Kali ever carried around. Shaking her head, she turned around.

Seeing the looks of disdain on the duo's face, the hyena shook his head. Maybe it was just better to fight with his hyena claws, for the time being. There was no way he would be using his Vision. Dendro and metal definitely did not interact with one another whatsoever.

Bain's scythe soon scorching hot with the flames of the world, the early adult closed his eyes. She had a pyro vision? How terrifying. Turning his head towards the opposite direction, the fire was out of sight, out of mind. But, as he turned his head towards the opposite direction, the monster clams were swarming around him like a Cicin hive.

Kali firing off multiple attacks of electricity, the early adult's knees jumped. Wouldn't Bain's flames overload the Electro? Backing away, the early adult got his hyena claws ready. There was no time to sit and watch as the other two fought; he had to battle, as well. First set of clams taken out of the picture, the group continued heading north.

Multiple bivalves with major arrays of aggression. Multiple sessions of Pyro, Electro and hyena claws swiped through the creatures one after another. Everything going oddly well, the group continued upon the northern pathway. Clamshell slayers continuing their duties, pearls aplenty had been collected.

But the road had begun to go south as the party of three had reached the area near Poisson. Peculiar robotic fish monsters lunging through the air with pearls across their backside, the early adult's legs shook with a fervor. What were aquatic creatures doing out of the water? But, as they were ready to bring out their robot chompers, Bain let out a scream.

"Those fish shouldn't be out of water!" Bain exclaimed, voice shaking. "How did they get here?"

"Archons! If Aigre is anywhere near these robots," Kali said, hands through her hair. "She'll try to ride on top of them like they're horses! We have to get rid of them and move on!"

Bain and Kali glowing with intense energy, the early adult swore the duo's hair would turn blonde and get extremely spiky if they were to shout really loud, the hyena backed four steps away. Where they getting in the zone? Kali's energy soon hitting its maximum she let out a scream.

"Trident of electricity!" Kali shouted at the top of her lungs.

Trident made out of pure lightning in the palm of her hands, Kali swiped forward. Pole weapon made out of pure electricity baking the robotic fish into an electrocuted pie, Bain's screams were soon next. Looking about ready to go super screamer blue, the hyena backed two steps further away. Should she scream any louder, and she would pass out, for sure.

"Anchor of fire!" Bain shouted at the top of her lungs.

Ship anchor of pure flames thrown at the enemies, Pyro and Electro shook hands with one another. Metal fish burning to a crisp, the soldier swore he could hear a loud boom coming from the sky as the creatures fell off towards the ground. Seeing such, the hyena's jaw dropped open.

Sea lion duo burning even more metallic fish to a crisp faster than he could blink, the early adult backed two steps further away. Was he even needed here? His attacks were a stick hitting a metallic fortress in comparison, for sure. Pearls soon falling to the ground, the spoils of war were handed off to the soldier.

Soon hearing a loud scream off in the distance, Bain and Kali were off to the races. Switching the position of his legs, the early adult burst into a speedy sprint. Soon reaching an area on the edge near a seaside house, Aigre was within his field of damaged vision. Fingers pointing at the waterbed beside her, she let out a sea of screams.

"Fishies down below tried to eat my pirate ship!" Aigre shouted, pointing. "They went thataway! Sissie, Sisser, we have to chase them!" But, an immediate scolding came her way.

"Aigre, how many times do we have to tell you to stop wandering off without telling us where you're going?!" Bain scolded. But, her scolding soon fell on deaf ears.

Aigre diving into the ocean as Bain laid down the law, the hyena let out a sigh. She never listened, did she? Bain and Kali had their work cut out for them, indeed. Sea lion duo rolling up their sleeves, the soldier put on his diving equipment. He supposed he was about to go under the sea. He needed to prepare himself. Kali letting out a sigh, she spoke up as he placed the oxygen tank behind him.

"We'll remind her of the rules later," Kali said to Bain. She then turned towards the pearl gatherer. "There's some pearls north of Salacia Plain, I've heard. So, while we chase those, uh, villains I guess, follow behind us."

Bain and Kali going under, the early adult took a deep breath. Feeling a spark go off in his brain, the soldier soon jumped into the water, as well. Suit thrusting him downward in an automatic fashion, a domain in the corner caught the soldier's attention. Such places even appeared underwater? But, the early adult focused on what was going on in front of him. There was no time to let himself get distracted.

But, as the hyena reached an area in Salacia Plain a few minutes after Bain and Kali had arrived, a sea of disgust flowed through him at the sight of Aigre arguing up a storm off in the corner. Sea lion, or mermaid, rather, yelling at two blonde penguin people for eating her pirate ship, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Was she making things up now and pinning the blame on people? While penguins were the bane of his existence, there was no way they ate boats, guaranteed.

Argument continuing for a little while, the soldier turned his attention towards the victims of Aigre's wild claims. Swimming to the left had been a young penguin lady with long blond hair going towards her feathered down backside. Buns at the top of her head, as well, he turned his attention towards her eyes, for a moment. Bright orange eyes standing out beside her golden penguin crests above them, the early adult held back the urge to gag. White and black penguin body barely covered up by her opened up pink jacket, the hyena held back the urge to gag. She should cover herself up and have some decency. Clawed webbed feet looking ready to attack, he turned his attention towards the other annoyance.

Looking ready to swing a punch with his penguin flippers had been a young man with very short blond hair that barely went below his ears. Orange eyes and golden penguin crests matching the person adjacent to him exactly, the early adult let out a groan at his penguin body only somewhat covered by a blue shirt. Did these penguins think everyone wanted to see their feathery bodies? No one did, he bet. Spiky choker around his neck, as well, the soldier ended his examination. But, as he had done such, complaints were sent to Celestia above.

"Bain, could you get your annoying sister away from me?!" the female penguin shouted. "We can't catch fish while she's here!" The other penguin soon chimed in.

"Listen, sea lion chick, we didn't eat your pirate ship, okay?" the other guy groaned. "Quit bothering us!"

"Sorry, Vidame," Bain responded, bowing. "We'll be sure to give her a very stern talking to once we get home!'

"Apologies, Domini," Kali said in tandem. "We'll both make sure this never happens again."

But, as the apologies rolled themselves out the one named Vidame looked Siorc's way. Gazing at his diving suit, the penguin lady put on an array of faces one after another. Making the most disgusting noises known to mankind, saliva had been gifted to his diving suit. Wiping the putrid germs away, the hyena could feel a tint of rage. He had a new thorn in his side coming.

"Look at Ritchie Rich over here! He's got a suit that can swim on its own!" Vidame exclaimed, spitting on the diving suit once more. "Booo!" The second penguin soon chimed in.

"Boo, loser!" Domini added, irritation evident in his voice. "Learn to swim like the rest of us, you lazy rich boy!"

Hearing such comments, the soldier supposed he did not blame either of them for thinking such a way. Everyone else around him had been swimming naturally. But, he supposed it was best to ignore them and start pearl hunting. Aigre letting out a barely audible apology, the early adult had the diving suit thrust him forward.

Heading upon the north aquatic pathway throughout the Salacia Plain, nothing of especial note stuck out to the soldier. Same glass dome, aquatic creatures and everything else exactly where they had been the day prior, the early adult kept letting the automatic swim suit thrust him northward bound.

Spotting multiple sea horses and rays of many colors and varieties, the soldier tried to resist the urge to smile. How sweet it must have been for the sea creatures deep beneath the water to mostly be undisturbed by all of humanity. Continuing through the path, the underwater scenery had begun to change slightly.

No Melusines anywhere to be seen within the watery world of the plains, the hyena wondered. The Melusines, did they only dwell in the Merusea Village in the underwater world? He supposed such was probably the case. Keeping himself focused, the early adult kept pressing forward.

But, as the north road taken, the early adult braced himself. What was about to await him as he kept going further into the ocean bed? If there were any monsters, he would need to have the diving suit tread carefully. Reaching an area with slightly yellow grass, the chimera steeled himself.

Finding a bed of metallic pearls beside a coral reef, the early adult pressed the blade button on his left glove. Water cutter doing its duty beside a group of peculiar looking crystals, the soldier scooped up such minerals, as well. Perhaps, just maybe, Her Majesty wouldn't mind being handed something extra.

Finding a small cave off in the corner filled with the pearls of iron, and strange crystals, as well, something of particular note stuck out to the chimera as he slashed away. Strange blue crab with a symbol above its head, the soldier glared at the button on his left glove. Were there other underwater powers he was unable to obtain? What absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Her Majesty should update his suit to be up to date.

No more pearls found along the way up towards the most northern area around the largest water bed the hyena's diving suit pushed him backwards towards the direction he came. Multiple pearls collected along the way as the domain from before drew closer, the soldier prepared to return to the surface.

Bain, Kali and Aigre nowhere to be seen, the early adult returned to the surface world above him. Had the sea lion sisters already left? He supposed it was no business of his if they had already gone somewhere far away. Removing his diving equipment, the soldier had begun walking. Heading back towards Poisson, a feeling of doom flowed through him as he had almost been near the underground city.

Strange monsters he had never seen before that looked like a clamshell turned inside out and upside down, the hyena's teeth chattered. What in all of Teyvat were these monsters? He could not help but feel a heavy wave of disturbance as they crawled towards him. Knowing he had no choice but to fight alone, the soldier had begun the battle.

Peculiar creatures spitting out strange green fluids, the thick, puss* film slipped underneath his glasses. Goop leaving its sticky aftermath, the early adult let out a scream as his pupils stung like a bee. World all green and slimy around him, everything around him shook as the spit takes covered him up.

Wiping his eyes, the hyena's human hands and legs transformed into hyena ones. Kicking the clam a new one, the creature of many disgusting proportions kept unleashing its goop upon him. Sea of clam saliva bathing his uniform, the early adult let out a scream. Was this monster trying to melt his clothes? How awful. This was not the time and place for such atrocities. Was it going to spring up tentacles, too?

Hyena claws attempting to do justice, the clam's goop was the gift that kept on forcing itself to be given. Trying with all his might to get his attacks to pull through, the early adult let out a scream. No more saliva, no more green slime. This bivalve had to be ended, right this instant.

Monsters defeated after fifty slashes, the hyena let out a pant. Conches dropping from their bodies as they disintegrated, the soldier let out a huff. Surely, he had collected enough for the day. Returning to Poisson, a heavy wave of fatigue took the chimera for a ride. Crawling beside the waterfall once more, sleep took the soldier away. But, as the world of dreams invited him back in, one final thought tapped on his shoulder.

Why does he have to do all this for?


"What is the point in all this?
Her Majesty is still for all this trash.
Your Majesty, why? Why

Are you asking this of
Me? Why are you having me do all this for?

I am confused, honestly.

Even as I collect more of these pearls, conches and loot, they feel as though they have zero
Value. What's the point of all this?
Even I'm starting to feel as though I should question this judgement.
No, I mustn't. She'll kill me. But, I just

Don't know anymore. None
Of these objects
I have been collecting feel like they have any meaning.
None, zero. They are merely just
Garbage, truly.

This is all just pointless,
Honestly. I doubt there's any energy in these pearls.
I doubt there's any energy contained in these conches.
She's just using me for exploration,

Isn't she?
That makes sense now, I see now, Your Majesty.

It's all just a game of
Seeing how much of this place I can explore.

Poisson, there's almost nothin here of value.
Oh, now I get it, truly.
It's all a game.
Nothing about this is something
That matters. She just wants me to
Look around the Belleau Region.
Every single one of these pearls is just some
Stupid little distraction. I
See now, I get it. I'm just a chess piece."

Finding himself in the same house as yesterday morning upon waking up the following morning, the early adult rubbed his eyes. How did he get here again? Who brought him here? But, as Kali had stepped into the room, he supposed he had an idea about what was about to come.

"The Demoiselle would like to see you," Kali said. "There's no time to dawdle. I'm taking you to the ship."

Kali hauling him out of the house before he could even process what was happening, Siorc tilted his head. What was happening? Where was Kali taking him? Was she kicking him out of her house? Words barely registering, the soldier's brain jumped to many conclusions all at once. Kali, did she find out he as a member of the Fatui? He supposed he did not blame her for expelling him from their house, if so.

But, as his morning daze wore off, everything had hit the chimera at once. Kali was taking him to the ship in the middle of the underground city? Why did she need to do so? The Demoiselle, who was that? Whoever she was, he knew he needed to prepare himself. Taken onto a long metallic pathway, the ship was soon nearing.

Finally reaching the ship after fifteen minutes of being escorted, a beautiful, tall, curly golden blond haired woman with light blue eyes, a black hat, and short fancy black dress with golden coattails to match her hair, the early adult held back the urge to gasp. What a gorgeous lady. Her fashion sense was making him feel green. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he letting himself get distracted by someone's beauty? He needed to focus.

"I have a letter to deliver to someone named 'Siorc'. You are Diplomatic Soldier Siorc, correct?" the Demoiselle asked.

Hearing his name called out to him as Bain soon joined Kali, the early adult could feel his eyes flicker. Who told this stranger his name? But, he supposed his name was on the envelope. Nodding the letter holder had soon been handed off to the hyena. Undoing the adhesive, the early adult almost fell backwards off the ship at the words on the paper.

"My Lovely Chimera,

Get me volcanic ash rock deposits from under the sea."

Reading the words on the letter a second time, the early adult's entire body shook like an earthquake. Her Majesty wants him to gather what now? Volcanic ash rocks? How terrifying. Surely, this was some sort of prank. But, the chimera pushed such thought away. The note was written in Snezhnayan. It was the real thing.

Bain and Kali peering at his letter like it was their business, the soldier covered the paper up with his hands. What were they doing looking at his private mail. Girls looks as though they were translating the written words back into their own writing language, the early adult crossed his arms around his waist. What nosy chimeras they were being just now.

"Volcanoes under the sea? Demoiselle, where is this happening, anyway?" Bain asked, skeptic tone of voice. "This sounds like something Aigre would make up!"

"It sure does, doesn't it?" the Demoiselle responded. "Head for the pool right about over there." She kept attempting to adjust where her pointer finger was hitting.

"If this is real," Kali said as she had begun running. "There's no time to waste!"

Bain and Kali heading towards a pool of water off in the corner, the early adult placed his diving suit over his partially human person. Party of two jumping downward, the early adult took a deep breath. Surely, this was all just some sort of prank. It had to have been. Volcanic activity and rock deposits underwater? Impossible. There was no way.

But, as the party of three headed down to the underwater cave underneath Poisson, a sight to behold played a show many horrors. Hooded strangers floating underneath the sea bed with their hands pulsating with darkness, crabs had been fed a peculiar array of energy. Uncomfortable look on Bain and Kali's faces as the performance continued, Bain's voice grew power.

"Hey!" Bain shouted as loud as she possibly could. "Stop messing with nature, it's wrong!" But such point was laughed off, in an instant.

"How dare they interfere!" one of the hooded strangers shouted. "Stay out of your experiment!"

Hooded strangers sending the crabs everyone's way, the creatures puffed up their backs as the culprits of modification had sped off on the waters. Creatures looking ready to blow, the soldier prepared himself for battle. Any minute now, and they were going to blow. He had to fight them before it was too late.

Crab monsters launching out a barrage of heated igneous rocks the soldier grabbed the minerals one after after. Heat of the objects looking ready to burn a hole in his gloves, the hyena threw the object back. Enemy stunned for a mere moment, the soldier prepared himself for the next strike.

Bain and Kali beside him slapping their sea lion tails on the crabs like their entire bodes were a weapon, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Didn't using a tail in such a fashion harm the user? But, the early adult put a pin in such thought. More rocks of various levels of heat coming his way, the early adult had his diving suit thrust him towards the right.

Second heated rock of volcanic activity grabbed, the hyena tossed the mineral back towards its owner. Monster locked into a stun once more, the soldier twitched his eyebrow. Was it just him, or was this battle far easier than usual? It was almost if, in the world of Teyvat, the world had been divided into eight levels to determine the enemy's strength in the world, and the current level had been set to zero.

But the easy switch had soon switched over to hard. Crab monster dropping down a flurry of volcanic rocks, everything burned. Sea of rocks flowing from every angle, no attacks were able to be landed for minutes on end, but as the tidal wave had come to an end, the sea lion sisters had readied the advantage.

Scythes dealing fifteen blows a piece, the enemy had been removed from the equation. Multiple volcanic rock deposits dropping onto the seabed beneath it, the early adult placed the rocks of cooled magma heat into his collect supplies satchel slowly, but surely. Hooded strangers returning once more, choice words had been said.

"We'll curse you all for this!" the hooded stranger shouted. And as such had been said, they were soon gone.

Kali soon informing him it was best to head to the West Slopes for the time being, the party of three returned to the surface. Exiting Poisson for the time being, the hyena let out a sigh. Was now really the time to continue to look for more metallic pearls? Surely, he had collected enough of those by now.

Group heading back towards the east, the hyena stared off into space as the pathway underneath the aqua railways was slowly nearing. Her Majesty, surely, all she wanted now was volcanic rock deposits. She most certainly did not want for him to collect even more conches, for sure. He needed to tell Bain and Kali such undeniable fact.

But, no such fact would leave his lips. He supposed, a little extra conch shells wouldn't hurt. But, as they kept walking towards the West Slopes, something profound had bounced off his inhuman eardrums. Bain claiming the conches and pearls had contained some sort of malicious energy, something clicked inside the soldier. He sees now. He understood the purpose of the collection now.

Her Majesty wanted to take the energy from the pearls and conch shells.

Continuing onward, a conch pulsating with black aura had been handed off to the soldier. Gazing at the object, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why did Her Majesty need this energy for, anyway? Surely, she had plenty of power of her own. She certainly did not need such extra energy.

Continuing towards the east, Bain and Kali's scythes made short work of the clamshells. Seeing how easily they were defeated, the soldier tilted his head. Was it just his imagination, or had the bivalves only gotten weaker since yesterday? Perhaps, the further away they had gotten from the water, the less powerful and sturdy they became.

Moving onward towards the grasslands, one set of conches exuding the power of darkness had been collected. But, as the soldier pocketed such object, something had caused a disturbance in the area. Spotting a strange tower off in the corner, the early adult stepped towards it. That building in the corner, it was exuding a high amount of energy. How peculiar, he had to check it out.

But such was impossible in a matter of moments. Feeling himself slam into a glass wall, the early adult grit his teeth. What was this barrier doing here? Trying to walk around it, the glass struck again no matter what angle he attempted to avoid it. Snapping his fingers, an invisible white flag had been waved. Who covers a tower with a glass barrier? How ridiculous.

Bain and Kali walking back off towards the opposite direction, the hyena followed behind in silence. Pearls collected every step of the way, a familiar beach had been reached once again. But, as he stepped upon the sediment in front of him, an almost predictable set of events was ready to strike.

Aigre standing over the water, pointing at the ocean once again, the hyena let out a sigh. What was she trying to drag everyone down into this time? Had her pirate ship moved again? How many times was she going to use such as an excuse to drag her sisters into something they didn't want to enable her with? Looks of irritation on their faces, the soldier prepared himself for the scolding match to come.

"My pirate shipped moved again!" Aigre shouted, pointing. "We need to chase it!" But, a scolding had soon come her way.

"Aigre, you really need to stop dragging people down into this. You're disturbing people's work!" Kali scolded in a stern tone. "Please stop doing this. It's becoming much more of an issue lately!" But, her scolding fell on deaf ears.

"New crew member, please come with me and chase the ship?" Aigre asked, puppy dog eyed. "Captain Vert might die if he doesn't get to see you!"

The hyena did not know why, but a wave of guilt flowed through him at the sound of Aigre's invisible ship captain dying if he were to never see him again. Did he really have a choice now? Maybe it was best to just play along one last time, for the time being so the young sea lion, or mermaid, rather, didn't suffer some sort of crack in her mind.

Returning to his diving suit, the mermaid soon dragged the hyena downward towards the ocean bed as if she were actually a siren. Bain and Kali following deep beneath as the Elton Trench had been approached, a sight of many uneasy happening clumped together into one as the chimera got the clearer underwater picture.

Army of volcanic infused crabs looking ready to get on the offensive, the early adult's eyebrows twitched from underneath his goggles. Those hooded strangers, how many of the undersea crustaceans had they already modified? They had to have planted all of them with heated rock deposits, for sure.

"These crabs are going to eat my pirate ship!" Aigre cried. As she said such a scythe had been in her hand.

Aigre letting out a battle cry, rock hard crystals surrounded her weapon. But, he swore as she rammed the minerals as hard as diamond into the enemy, her hair was about to become blond from all her screaming. Looking about ready to reach Super Screamer Level Three, every single crab had been taken out of the picture faster than the soldier was able to blink. A pirate's life was not a peaceful one.

"They're heading that way!!" Aigre shouted, pointing with her sea lion, or rather, mermaid flippers. "After them!!"

Three sea lions speeding off towards a hole in the corner of the trench with gusto, the early adult followed behind slowly but surely. Automatic swim suit pushing him downward, a world of many heated terrors awaited for him as he pushed onward. Reaching a room with a large underwater volcano looking ready to explode at any given moment, the early adult's heart skipped more than seven beats.

Seeing the fiery underwater mountain looking ready to blow, the early adult let out a scream. How did such destructive cavern make its way under the ocean? He needed to get out of here right this instant. But, Aigre tale soon spun the wheels. Pointing at a gigantic crab in the corner saying he's about to eat her ship, everyone had begun to get to work.

Water far more toasty than normal, the early adult could feel his vitality drain away far swifter than normal. Feeling himself ready to fade away at any given moment, the hyena flinched. He needed to cool down the cavern before it was too late. Bain soon pointing at watery totems in the corner, everyone split themselves up into groups.

Bain removing a couple of crustaceans out of the picture, a strange water bubble had been gathered by the hyena. Soon grabbing a hold of a second one, an aquatic ring surrounded the soldier. Dropping the circle around one of the elemental monuments, one of many had soon been lit up.

Kali's electricity destroying another crab after four attempts, the soldier's automatic swimsuit thrusted him towards the next water particle. Second enemy defeated from afar as such kept going, another aquatic ring surrounded the soldier. Second totem speedily lit up, one final round of crabs awaited.

Aigre letting out a growl and screaming at the crabs for trying to eat her ship, the early adult blinked in a rapid manner as the monsters had faded to the ether faster than he could process it. Anger was the most powerful emotion in the word, for sure. Water circle soon surrounding him, the young soldier hunted down the totem.

Every single totem lit up after half an hour, volcanic ash rock deposits aplenty had been rounded up like a nonexistent rodeo for the disappeared horses. But, as the celebrations were about to kick in, a reminder had kicked into overdrive. Aigre's flippers pointing at a gigantic violet crab in the corner, seeds of confusion planted themselves into the sea ground.

"That's the Iron Viscount!" Aigre shouted at the top of her lungs. "It's going down! Arg, down with ye!"

Crab thrusting forward, the soldier had gotten his water blade ready. Launching such at the creature's shell, the enemy returned an attack in kind. But, as his slashes kept going, a shield closed itself on the creature. Absolutely nothing get through such defenses, the hyena waited.

Shield coming down after fifteen seconds, the blade slashes continued. Crab flinching as such had happened, the defenses kicked up once more. Waiting it out, everything rinsed and repeated for more than twenty minutes. Creature only halfway through its vitality, the fight had no end in sight.

Creature shielding itself for longer as the fight went on, the early adult clenched his teeth as the seawater hit them. Was this monster just showing off now? Defenses down as the sea lion sisters defeated the leftover monsters down below, the early adult kept the battle going.

Iron Viscount swimming further upward towards the cavern's ceiling, the hyena's automatic swim suit thrust him forward. Was it really moving upward now? Ridiculous, it needed to be ended right now. Water cutter carving through for minutes on end, barely energy remained from the enemy's side.

Reaching what seemed to be its final shield, the soldier's slashes kept going. So called royal crab becoming one with the sea as the fiftieth and last blow had been dealt, one large volcanic ash rock deposit to end them all dropped itself from the enemy's shell. Water's reaching a normal water temperature, Aigre soon swam towards an opening in the water.

"Sissie, Sisser, new crew member, over here!" Aigre exclaimed, swimming upward.

Soon reaching the surface, a barren room with absolutely nothing of note had been in front of the sea lion sisters and he. Empty corridor filled with some treasures here and there, the early adult heaved a sigh. Aigre saying he could take whatever treasures he wanted, a sweat drop ran down his cheek.

As the hyena took one of the many apparent treasures, the soldier gazed at Aigre. Pointing at a ship that wasn't there, the hyena placed his finger on his chin. Maybe she just liked playing make believe. But, he supposed it wasn't something he should ask her about. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by Bain's voice.

"Alright, you found your pirate ship, right?" Bain asked, voice tired. "It's time to go home now."

Kali soon turning to face him, the soldier gave eye contact. Was she about to say something to him while Bain was getting ready to scold Aigre again? He supposed it was best to listen to what she had to say if she were about to. Keeping his eyes on hers, she soon spoke.

"Sorry, ah, right, your name is Siorc," Kali said, seeming as though she as struggling to remember. "Sorry, Siorc, for getting you involved in our sister's shenanigans."

Sisters all leaving together, the early adult returned to the surface. Figuring he had more than enough of the garbage Her Majesty needed, the hyena returned to Poisson, as well. Agent waiting for him by the entranceway, the soldier gulped as he handed the bag of supplies off to him.

Agent opening the bag up and counting everything out loud, the hyena broke out into a sweat. If he had not grabbed enough, he was in trouble, guaranteed. But, he swore as his subordinate finished counting a smirk appeared underneath his mask. Agent soon grabbing the diving equipment as well, his mask turned to face the chimera.

"Excellent work, soldier, you are hereby dismissed," the Agent said. "Return to Snezhnaya at once."

Removing the Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb from his back pocket, the hyena opened the orb into map form. Military barracks waypoint highlighted the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor.

Fontaine, just what was going on here? Where had all this odd energy been coming from? The dark aura inside the conch shells, it had to have come from an outside source, for sure. But, as he continued circling about, another question wrapped vines around the soldier. The hooded strangers, just who were they, and why did he keep having encounters with them? Something was amiss, guaranteed.

Feeling a wave of tiredness, the soldier let out a deep yawn. He supposed if he encountered them again, he would just battle them. Fatigue hugging him from behind as such decision came over him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. World of sleep ready to take him away as his head hit the pillow, one final thought held the early adult tight.

Was Fontaine in danger? Those hooded strangers are quite suspicious.

Chapter 5: One Trick Hyena: Oratrice Breathing


In this chapter, Siorc is a magician's assistant, but this is just a distraction of what they're truly investigating. + of course, an energy issue. Feat: Lyney, Lynette, Malika, Earl, Baron, Brume, Eclater, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Vidame, Domini, Neuvilette, Siegewinne, Navia, Chlorinde, Furina & the hooded strangers.


Three part saga btw.

Lynette hates Siorc lol

Chapter Text

"This is becoming a pattern lately
How much energy has gone awry?
Energy is a driving force there.
So much there seems to be run far more
Efficiency than other nations.

For what it's worth, that thing, the
Oratrice, it's running everything,
No. Maybe that's not
The case. Surely something else is
Also containing the energy.
It's everywhere, lurking.
Now I remember those
Energy blocks. Pneuma, Ousia?

Maybe I should try using them further. But,
It seems that the crisis
Seems to be involving monsters only.
Something tells me this
Is just the beginning.
Ousia, Pneuma, what are those, really?
Nothing makes sense.
So much is happening.

Cannot fathom what is
Even happening
Right now. All
This trash I've been collecting
As these weeks go on
I don't know why Her Majesty
Needs them? What do they do? They've
Looked useless thus far.
Your Majesty, just what

Are you planning? Do you
Really need anything I have collected?
Each and every little object is

Basically toys, garbage.
Each and every little object is
Completely tiny, insignificant.
Ousia blocks? What use do they have outside Fontaine?
Maybe they do
Nothing. But, I
Guess I will never find out.

After all, Her Majesty never tells me anything.

Perhaps, that is
A good thing.
There is nothing
To disappoint her, so there has been no
Error margins. I must
Remember, I
Need to do everything perfect.

Less errors, less disappointment.
After all, if I make
Too many mistakes, she'll kill me.
Every day is always the same
Looping opportunity.
Yes, no mistakes.

These missions in Fontaine will
Honestly just continue,
Every day is a pattern.
Yes, every day is routine.

All these other diplomatic affairs, they are
Lukewarm days in between.
Looks like I need to be ready

I need to prepare myself for the
Next routine,
Very much so.
Obviously, I will be returning to Fontaine more often.
Looks like it's happening again today.
Very much so.
Everything repeats.

Everything loops.
Nothing strays off the path too long.
Everything is the same.
Routines rarely break.
Get ready for anything,
Yes, diligence is key."

Four days had passed since the hyena collected metallic pearls, conches, and various other seaside trash for Her Majesty. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Diplomatic affairs droning onward throughout Liyue, nothing had been out of the ordinary in the ninety-six hours passing.

The sound of bitter wind howled with as the morning raged onward. The roar of the wind in the world outside was like a wolf, letting out its shouts in Wolvendom. As the month long blizzard had reached its earliest stages, the noise had only gotten louder as the seconds paraded about. Howl hitting the windows once more, hundreds of Fatui Soldiers groaned in an echo.

The countless complaints about were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Stretching his arms towards the ceiling, the early adult let out a deep yawn. He knew that, if he did not start moving now, he'll suffer painful freezing, guaranteed. Placing his glasses over his heterochromatic eyes, the soldier rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena placed the winter jacket over his layered shirts, the soldier could not help but wonder. Is Fontaine about to suffer some sort of energy crisis? The hooded strangers, they were definitely responsible for such issue, if such were indeed the case. But, as he had begun to button his uniform, a spark popped off in the chimera's fading human brain.

The hooded strangers, next time he sees them, he'll have to fight them. End them, destroy them, prevent them from whatever plans they had in store for the Hydro Nation of Justice. They needed to be taken down, removed from the picture, stopped at all costs. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he thinking? Harming people is wrong. But, he knew, at some point, if Her Majesty ordered him to battle them, he would have no choice but to do so.

Taking a long deep breath, the early adult regained focus. Removing the cover off his hairpin and earrings box, the sunflower set stared back at the soldier. Seeing such, the hyena turned his face towards the opposite direction and let out a disapproved noise. Flowers and he were still not speaking terms.

Sunflowers shunned, the early adult clicked the weaponized jewelry and accessory into place. Adorning matching strawberries in his hair and ears, the early adult closed the lid on top of his prized possessions. He was wasting far too much time, he had to move quickly, or the chill would swallow him whole at any given moment.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared at the Geo Delusion sitting beside it. The sinister orb, should he use it? But, the hyena pushed it aside, in an instant. There was no way he could make such a risk right now. He needed to keep his energy at a normal rate.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the early adult walked towards the barricaded window. Snow whipping up a fierce blanket of near invisibility, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Had the month long blizzard already begun? How much worse was it going to possibly get? He supposed he would find out in due time.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward with a fervor, the hyena slapped his cheeks. There was no more time for thinking; the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier turned his face towards the door. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be a magic assistant for one of our subordinates in Fontaine and destroying malicious energy sources." But, such had not been the only order up the masked agent's sleeve. "Please take the magic show seriously, soldier." A bag shook from behind him as he said such.

Siorc jumped eight steps back. He had to perform in a magic show? Absolutely impossible. No one in the history of his family bloodline has ever been a mage. Why him, of all soldiers, did he have to be the assistant of some magician? This would go poorly, guaranteed.

The early adult stared at the wall, for a moment. A magician, really? How was someone that performed arts a member of the Fatui? Surely, this had to have been some sort of mistake. Tricks performed on stage were definitely of no use to Her Majesty, guaranteed. But, he supposed, perhaps, just maybe, such could have served as a cover up to hide the true objectives.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Are you with me? You will be assisting one of our subordinates as their assistant!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "There's no time for this dawdling! Don't keep Her Majesty waiting!"

The soldier flinched. Right, it was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. Taking a deep breath, the early adult gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock right now. It was time to get going, or his life would be over, for sure.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the chimera waited for the escort to begin.

"Good. You'll be needing a hat. Put it on, soldier," the Agent responded.

Hat seated in the Agent's gloves, the early adult studied the black headwear, for a moment. But, as he kept observing the article of clothing, a sight of terror bore its fangs. Hydro Delusion seated in the center, the hyena's heart beat hard and fast in his chest. The sinister orb, if he were to use it more than necessary, he would be out of commission. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. He had to wear it, no matter what. Slipping the object on, the soldier placed his hand out in front of him once more.

"Let's go, soldier," the Agent said. Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as tight as a permanent glue trap that would never release its victim from its grasp, the soldier closed his eyes as the escort to Fontaine began. But, as the fast travel was about to end, one question remained supreme.

Why him? He doesn't know magic.


"Rich boy, and his stupid diving suit!
If I see him again in
That thing, I'll give him a lesson!
Can't you swim like a normal person and
Halt your addition to the pollution of our water?
It's the fault of you rich people!
Every single one of you, and those

'Robust machine fish'
Is ruining our homes down below!
Can't you see? You're actively
Harming the real fish!

It's never crossed your small little brain though, has it?
Foolish rich people!

If he comes down here again, in that

Suit, Domini and I will make him pay!
Even the less rich people have suits that don't move for them!
Even that other diver guy I see all the time with

His stupid machine obsession!
If you intend to come down here, learn to swim like the rest of us!
Maybe if we take

Aim at his suit, it'll be so damaged it won't work anymore!
Great idea! We won't
Aim for the oxygen tank, however,
It wouldn't be fun if he stops breathing!
No, no, no, just a small reminder.

Is all that it'll take.

Will it work? Who knows? But,
I won't let that thing pollute the
Land. I won't
Let it cause any harm.

Get your high Mora butt away from the Elton Trench.
I don't welcome you down here! I,
Vidame, will give him another warning!
Even that annoying pirate girl knows

Her place! It's always the ones with the
Increasing riches that care little about the world!
Mora means nothing, it's just gold coins!

Worthless pieces of garbage!
He's wasting his time
And nonexistent skills on
That suit that does everything automatically!

Ha, if this is what the surface world is like, I want no part of it!
Everything down here is better.

Domini definitely agrees.
Everything down here is better. The
Sea is the only world for me.
Even if I were to be given lungs tomorrow, I will never
Reemerge into the land above. Gills are
Very much better than lungs. No annoying rich people, nothing spent, nothing gained.
Everything is perfect down here!
So, those rich people and their suits? You'll get punished! I'm getting the shears!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Was this how he's going to enter Fontaine all the time? Surely teleporting wasn't forbidden by the law. But, he supposed if Her Majesty did not want him using his proxy map, he could not disobey such orders.

Agent dragging him down the hill, a boat had soon been summoned out of nowhere, like usual. Placed into the wooden vessel, the hyena had been seated. Keeping himself as still as possible, the vehicle of Dendro creation cruised forward. Romaritime Harbor slowly getting closer, thoughts rolled a pebble around in the chimera's mind.

As the boat stroked closer towards the harbor, the chimera could not help but wonder once more. Why was he chosen for such a mission? Surely, Her Majesty knew he had no knowledge about magic. Such was never something that caught his interest in his stolen childhood.

Vessel almost ready to be docked, the hyena shook his head. He supposed why he was wanted for such mission did not matter. He had no choice but to go along with it. His orders were absolute. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena prepared himself. Boat soon hitting the concrete, the work mode switch flipped upward inside him. It was time to move forward; no more thinking.

Agent handing him a photo of the magician he would have to seek out, instructions about heading to the Court of Fontaine had been thrusted upon the early adult. Given strict orders to not teleport whatsoever at any point until the mission was over, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Was fast travel forbidden in the Nation of Justice? His proxy map had spoiled him rotten, indeed.

Ascending the staircase as the agent staged his departure, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. He supposed he was used to not being allowed to use his proxy map in Fontaine at this point. Taking the glass lift after reaching the end of the stairs, the hyena walked towards the Aquabus Station like usual.

But, as the hyena pressed the button on the sign, noise infiltrated the area like an unwanted pimple. Loud chatter about Lady ------ was about to address everyone, rumors about what she was about to say broke out like a contagious disease. Commotion about to break glass, the soldier turned his attention towards the cacophony.

Same blue haired young lady from last time sitting with her left leg crusted into her right thigh, an announcement released itself to every citizen eagerly waiting at the harbor. But, the soldier swore he could hear her say she had won another trial against the vile blonde. Crowd letting out a sea of cheers, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera.

Everyone chanting justice is served, fear ate the hyena up like a plate of barbeque ribs. If he were to make one wrong move in Fontaine, he will be found guilty by the Hydro Archon without a trial, guaranteed. Crowd of people soon clearing out, and noise soon depleting, the early adult returned his focus to the mission in front of him. He needed to be careful, no questions asked.

Aquabus soon arriving, a multitude of people soon cut in front of the soldier. Generic citizens pushing him aside one after another, the early adult clicked his tongue. How incredibly rude. What was he, a door? But, the early adult kept quiet. Getting angry was a waste of time and energy. Everyone packing themselves into the vehicle, the soldier squeezed himself in.

Feeling himself boxed in, the early adult flinched. Was this what it felt like when a bug is stomped underneath a human's shoe? But, he knew he had to bear with the tight spaces. Melusine tour guide squealing out with glee over the heavy population of people on her tour, she soon introduced herself, but such was shutdown in an instant as the automatic vessel cruised upon the aquatic railways.

Boundless chatter polluting the air around him as the aquabus kept moving forward, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why were there so many people here today? But, he supposed the generic citizens who did not witness the apparent court case against the blond wanted the scoop from the press in the city.

Rich people saying they wanted steak to celebrate, the early adult held back the urge to scoff. Celebrate what? The citizens on the aquabus definitely didn't accomplish anything. But, he supposed he did not understand the live of those who had a lot more Mora than he could ever hope to achieve with his military salary.

Vehicle almost at its usual destination, the early adult blinked as the generic citizens continued to squeeze him like a pancake. The Magician, where could he be waiting in the court city? He knew he would have to look everywhere possible until he were to discover him. Everyone soon removing themselves from the vehicle, the early adult let out a sigh. Freedom, at last.

Removing himself from the vessel, the hyena walked towards the main city. Removing the photo stashed into his back pocket, the hyena studied the person on the memory paper, for a moment. Young man with short blond hair burning into his brain, the chimera prepared himself. It was time for the one member search party to begin.

Figuring it was best to check the northern path first, the hyena had begun walking. Perhaps, just maybe, the magician was near the busiest streets. Surely, he would be entertaining people right about now. Performers never wasted a moment to entertain someone. Turning his heelless shoes off towards the right, the hyena prepared himself.

Passing by a rival boutique as he kept moving forward, the soldier heard whispers about an Inazuman fashion designer owning the establishment. Hearing such, the early adult titled his head. The Electro Nation of Eternity, wasn't it behind a decree to close its borders? But, he supposed it was best to not let himself get distracted by the chatter around him. He needed to find the magician.

City streets only filled with rich people looking at expensive clothing, and children looking for new toys to play with, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. The magician, where could he have possibly been? Not spotting him anywhere within the northern streets, the early adult walked past the adventurer's guild booth. Maybe he had been on the opposite streets.

Heading towards the Palais Mermonia after taking the glass box, the hustle and bustle cranked the dial up to eleven. Multiple people trying to head into the building, the early adult lowered his walk into a tiptoe. Why were people so eager to learn about the court case involving the mysterious blond? Surely, it did not matter all that much. It had to have been like any other legal proceedings within the nation.

Heading towards another entrance, the soldier searched the exit beside the palace. But, such proved to lead to nowhere of any importance. Looped back towards the area he just came, the hyena descended towards the second story of the area. Perhaps, just maybe, the magician was elsewhere.

Heading down the southern streets, no one that matched the appearance on the snapshot stuck out to the hyena. Outdoor restaurant packed to the brim with generic nobodies guzzling down steak, the early adult shook his head. What a busy day, it was. The meat industry was about to scurry away with millions of mora in one sitting, for sure.

Not coming across the person in the photo upon any corner, the soldier retraced his steps. Perhaps, just maybe, he had just missed him. Returning back to the place he once came, the soldier kept his eyes open on the streets. But, such retrace was a failure. Returning in the exact same spot with no one found, the early adult did a reversal once more.

Guards around the city giving him a strange look a she returned to the same spot for the third time in a row, fear held the hyena tight. Was he beginning to raise suspicions? He needed to head somewhere else within the city right away. Dashing off towards the glass box, the early adult headed for the lowest floor of the capital city. He was out of sight, out of mind.

Eventually coming across the person in the photo after reaching an area with a floating device above a tiny fountain, the early adult headed towards the person. Spotting an assistant beside him, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. If the magician already had an assistant, what was he needed for? But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. Stepped towards the duo, the hyena studied them, for a moment.

Standing by the fountain looking ready to make it disappear had been a young man about eight centimeters taller than him. The young man had short dirty blond hair that went down to about his chin with tiny braids beside his ears. Tiny red streak on his front bangs nearly covering his right purple eye, the chimera studied his outfit. Black hat with a cat charm on it, and black and white suit with suspenders connected to his tights and lacy boots galore, the chimera turned his attention towards his assistant.

Standing next to the magician had been a young woman slightly taller than him. Long, dirty blond hair with a braided side part and ponytail sticking out, the soldier blinked at her ears and tail. Adorning cat ears, and a long light brown tail peeking through her black and teal blouse, the hyena could not help but wonder. Was this young woman a cat chimera? But, the hyena pushed such thought off a bridge. No. She definitely was not. He could not feel such a vibe from her whatsoever. Maybe the ears and tail were just props. Tiny teal hair streak peaking from her square bangs, and purple eyes almost identical to the magician beside her, and gigantic bow practically twice her own size, the early adult backed four steps away.

Young magician soon doing a card trick for some kids in the corner, the early adult waited. Man soon giving back the card the child had picked early, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his brow. What was so impressive about guessing a card correctly? Crowd soon clearing out, four eyes were soon on him. Lead magician giving him a sharp gaze, the soldier gave eye contact in return.

"Oho, so you're Her Majesty's esteemed favorite," the magician said, smiling. "Father' has told us about your various exploits around Teyvat."

A wave of confusion flowed through the hyena as such information had plowed his way. He was Her Majesty's favorite? There was absolutely no way that was the case. He had one mistake too many. He had to have been the exact opposite. Such high regard for him was unfounded. Surely, every single member of the Fatui had been labelled Her Majesty's favorite. He was one of many. What a bold claim to be made, for sure. But, he was soon brought back to reality, in a matter of moments.

"Since you'll be joining our magic show, you're going to need some practice," the magician stated. But, his assistant soon cut in.

"I'll be at the café," the catgirl assistant said, words lacking emotion. As she said such, she was gone.

Magician telling her to try to have some restraint, no answer had been returned in kind. Apology coming his way that ------- was just not used to him, the early adult shrugged. If she had no interest in joining his practice session, there was no need to force her to do so. Young man stepping in front of him, information as to where they were headed next blared a siren.

Taken back to the Aquabus, the magician introduced himself as -----. But, whatever name he had said had been cut off by the loud sound of an engine whirring underneath him. Unable to catch what he said, the early adult blinked. When did the automatic boat have a horn? It was almost as if, a word of a god prevented such name from being seen by an audience.

Ride back towards the Romaritime Harbor oddly quiet, the soldier stared at the scenery around him. Just what was he about to get himself into? There was no way he would be any good at performing magic tricks. Wasn't such a profession that had to be practiced for many years to come? He did not have such kind of time. Her Majesty would not allow it, for sure.

Passing through the Poisson Tunnel, the hyena turned his attention towards the underground pirate ship city from afar. The people in the fish city. How had they been doing since his four day absence? But, the early adult snapped himself out of such thinking. Surely, everything there was fine. He had nothing to concern himself over.

Tunnel soon completely passed through, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was he about to learn how to make things disappear? If such were the case, he knew he had to pay as close attention as possible. Needing years of practice, or not, he had to do his utmost to learn the tricks of trade as quickly as possible.

Reaching the same station he had been dropped off at, the soldier had been guided down the staircase after what felt like the one-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-seventh time. Escorted out of the area, the soldier followed behind in silence. The magician, where was he taking him to, exactly? Spotting small islands off in the distance, the early adult steeled himself.

Soon reaching a tiny beach beside a domain, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Not a single soul around anywhere, the soldier could feel a wave of unease push him out to sea. If someone were to perform a magic trick here to make someone disappear, no one was around to notice, guaranteed.

"Since you'll be joining as one of my assistants, I'll teach you some basic magic tricks," the magician said, removing a large deck of cards from his pocket.

Hearing he would be helping out with some of the magic tricks, the hyena stared off into the distance. Weren't assistants supposed to be a part of the act, not performing it? But, he supposed the term assistant was being used in a looser sense. Returning his attention towards the magician, a simple card trick had been the first order of business.

Magician asking him to a pick a card, an array of instructions had been explained in full detail. Informed when asking someone to pick a card, it had to be bent in a certain way when the revelation of which card was picked was about to come to light, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Revealing the card relied on manipulation? But, he supposed tricking people into believing you knew what card they picked was a simple trick.

Attempting the card trick a dozen times before getting it correct, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Was this how magic worked? It definitely was not as cool as the children claimed it to be upon learning how the tricks actually worked. Many other card tricks taught as the hours droned on, the next order of business as upon him.

Lead magician stating the next trick would involve making a live creature disappear from behind a curtain, the hyena rose an eyebrow. Make a living being disappear? How was that even possible? But, as he thought such, the tricks beginnings had soon begun. Told that all he will need to do is aid with misdirection, the practice had begun.

Gigantic bird behind a curtain vanishing after many hours of practice, the early adult could not help but feel an extremely heavy amount of disappointment. Was this how the world of magic truly worked? Tricking the audience with very heavily manipulated results? He could feel his wonders begin to fizzle out like a dead sparkler.

But, the simple tricks had begun to get even less magical. Taught about a magic hat trick in which he would pull objects out of a seemingly empty hat, many instructions had been directed the early adult's way. Told to place a rabbit prop underneath his sleeves and push it through a container, multiple attempts were made.

Trying to hide the rabbit prop underneath his sleeves, the hyena's arms ballooned. Seeing such, the soldier shook his head. wasn't he being far too obvious? Surely, people would see through such a trick, in an instant. Slipping the object through the compartment, the trick failed to impress.

Attempting the trick once more, nothing of value had been learned. Magician teaching him the art of misdirection once again, the hyena scratched his cheek. How was he supposed to trick the audience into believing he had nothing up his sleeve? There was no way he would be able to pull such a feat off.

Continuously failing to pull off the trick correctly, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. How was it even possible to pull an object out of a hat without it being seen going through a compartment? This had to have been impossible. But, he supposed he did not have years of practice. There was no way he'd be able to learn such trick immediately.

Magician informing him he can just hide underneath a magic table and put the objects through the compartment instead, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. How would he not be seen underneath the table when such trick was taking the stage? What an absolutely ridiculous idea. But, he knew he did not have a choice in the matter. Nodding, a peculiar question had soon come his way.

"You are a hyena who can make his tail appear and disappear, right?" the magician asked.

Siorc jumped four steps back upon hearing such question. The magician, how did he know such about him? Her Majesty, just how much had she told the other Fatui about him? But, he knew he had no choice but to answer. Giving the young man a nod, the chimera closed his eyes. Was he about to suggest he transform as a part of the show?

"Oho, so you can," the magician responded in a tone of bravado. "Excellent. In that case, you'll be using your hat to create mist to act like it gave you animalistic features once it clears. Why not give it a practice run now?"

Suggestion coming his way to summon his hyena tail, a wave of disgust flowed through the hyena. He was going to be turned into some magical spectacle to attract the audience's attention? How awful. He was not some magic show to be used for human entertainment. But, the early adult kept his mouth shut. He knew he had no say in the matter.

Hydro delusion spewing out a blanket of mist like no other, the early adult closed his eyes as his body vanished from the singular public eyes on him. Hyena tail soon appearing from behind him, the delusional sea of fog soon dissipated from around him. Eyes on him every step of the way, a gloved clap had been directed towards him.

"Impressive skills!" the magician exclaimed. "Now, try making it disappear as I count down."

Mist engulfing him once more as the magician counted down from fifteen, the early adult closed his eyes as the world of fog took him away. Tail retracted from behind him after the young man had reached five, a sea of a specific two letter word had been tossed his way.

Told he has to have it disappear at the exact moment the counter reaches one, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He really had to reach a specific number in the count? Absolutely ridiculous. His tail disappearing was instantaneous. There was no way to delay it from disappearing. But, he supposed he would just have to make it vanish at the exact moment he counted down to one.

Making his tail reappear, the world of invisibility cloaked the soldier once more. Magician counting down from fifteen, the hyena sighed. Right, make it disappear only after the count reached one. Any earlier, and the trick would be ruined. Hearing the man reach two, the soldier closed his eyes. Mist and tail vanishing one after another, a second round of claps was gifted to him.

"Great work. Here's your outfit," the magician said, placing the magician assistant uniform into the bag behind him. "Head for the Hotel in the city in the evening for our first show." Turning around a far distance had soon been placed between the assistant and he. Card tossed onto the air, one last remark had been prepared. "Make these malicious energy sources disappear. It's an honor to be working with you."

Magician soon gone, the early adult took a long deep breath. It was time for his real mission to begin. Reading the card carefully, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. There was malicious energy sources populated around the Belleau Region again? He needed to take care of the problem immediately.

Evening time limit imposed on him, the young soldier had been off to the races. Dashing off towards the mountains, the early adult's legs erupted into a sprint speedier than a kid running off towards a candy stall in some sort of festival in Mondstadt. Taking a sharp turn across the water beds, the soldier skid the ocean waters as if he had become a mudskipper.

Reaching the opposite end of the beach where usual crab monsters gathered, a horrid stench overtook the area. Whiffing such, the hyena had come to wonder. His sense of smell, had it gotten stronger? If such were the case, it was impossible to ignore. Attempting to tune out the scent as much as possible, the soldier turned his attention towards the new challengers.

Extraterrestrial Orb creatures spinning around in a circle as they approached him, the early adult let out a gulp. The aliens from Elynas had escaped their home base once again? Why was this still happening? The hooded strangers, hadn't they had enough with such already? This time, for sure, he would battle them if they were to be near him.

Nothing but diving equipment and the magician assistant uniform packed inside the satchel behind him, the early adult let out a sigh. He was weaponless yet again. He supposed he had no choice but to rely on his hyena claws for the remainder of the day. Orb creatures coming towards him, the young soldier closed his eyes.

Human hands transforming into hyena paws, the soldier readied his claws like his life depended on it. But, such had proven to be a rash mistake. Orb monsters releasing multiple shockwaves one after another in quick succession, the soldier was pushed aside. Blasts taking the stage one after another, the sand and the chimera's possibly human rear met.

Attempting once more to make a preemptive strike, multiple knockbacks one after another teetered the scales of justice from beneath him. Shots of charged dark energy coming for him, as well, the chimera let out a shout. Why were the alien monsters so strong? He needed to try harder to get the upper hand, for sure.

Orb creatures looking ready to take him out of the picture, the chimera placed his furry paws onto his magician hat. The Hydro Delusion, surely, it could aid him in the battle in front of him. Resolute on his decision, the early adult removed the head covering. Article of clothing floating as if it were a Catalyst, the soldier snapped his clawed fingers.

Very weak pressurized water spout releasing itself from the hat's confines, the extraterrestrials had been soaked to the nonexistent bone. Creatures looking ready to shield up, the early adult lunged towards the enemies with a fervor. Claws getting in on the action, the soldier returned the hat onto the top of his scalp.

Extraterrestrial problems becoming one with nature one after another, the hyena took a deep breath. Any minute now, and the delusion would steal his life energy from him. But, he knew he would have to deal with such for the time being, if such were the case. He had to remove all obstacles.

Card informing him he would have to head towards the path near Poisson next, a rock had been tossed into the chimera's stomach. The area near the fish city was in trouble once again? He needed to clear everything out right away, or evening would sneak up on him at any given moment.

Reaching the area near the underground city after about ten minutes of speedy running, a familiar group of monsters from the week before brought down their slimy goop of doom. Bivalves chomping towards him like a yellow puck monster in another universe who devoured ghosts and fruits, the early adult put himself into a fighting stance.

Clam creatures dropping down their disgusting juices, the early adult let out a scream. If he did not fight back now, his clothes would surely melt straight off his short body. He could not allow for such crime to happen. Hyena claws on standby, the soldier switched the position of his legs.

Swiping his claws forward, the animated sea creatures had become a collection of inedible dishes one after another. But, as many were defeated, another group came out of the waterworks. Goopy geysers squirting his way, the soldier grit his teeth. The clams were getting their juices all over him? How disgusting. They would pay.

Claws doing the dirty work, the slimy sea creatures faded into the ether. Monsters on the surface soon defeated, the soldier brushed his palms together. But, such celebration was cut short at the sound of a loud shout from down below. Recognizing the scream, the early adult dashed off towards the ladder off in the corner. The sea lion sisters, had they been in trouble?

As the soldier reached Poisson down below, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. Jellyfish monsters making themselves at home in the fish named city, the sea lion sisters had been equipped with their scythes. Generic citizens slamming the doors of their houses and hiding away, the hyena's knees buckled. Were the nobodies turning a blind eye? How selfish of them to leave everything to a singular group of people.

Bain and Kali twirling their scythes around with a fervor, the jellyfish creatures floated upwards towards the ceiling of the area. Creatures floating further and further away ready to sting, jolts of electricity had begun to storm the front like a certain war strategy in Inazuma. Gift of electricity feasting itself upon Aigre, a shout soon hit the ceiling.

"Owie!" Aigre shouted, lip quivering. "These monsters are meanies!" But, as she said such, the creatures brought down their electricity once more.

"Aigre!" Bain shouted. "Pay attention!"

"Aigre!" Kali shouted. "You're provoking them!"

Knowing that he had to step into action, the soldier tossed his hat into the ring. The magician head covering, surely, if he threw it towards the enemies, the attack would go off itself from afar like it was some sort of catalyst weapon. Snapping his fingers as the article of clothing soared towards the enemies, pressurized delusional waters clouding around the electricity, static took the stage.

Hat coming back to him like it was some sort of boomerang, the hyena blinked. The delusion, just how advanced was this one? No energy surrounding him as the first round of stinging creatures dissolved into nothing, the early adult observed the area around him. Many more plaguing the fish city, the chimera would not falter. It was time to clear the area of its fishy issue. But, as he readied to run off towards the next enemy, fingers tugged onto the back of his uniform.

"Pirate mauve! Help me!!" Aigre shouted. "The jellies are attacking me!!" Creatures soon surrounding her as she said such, a series of stings turned her hair into a fuzzball. "Owie! Mauve! Please, help!!" She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Kiddo, these jellers are real fierce!" Round of stingers clapping down on her once again, she let out another scream. "Owie, owie, my hands, they won't move!"

Knowing he could not sit around and watch, the soldier's magician hat tossed itself into the ring for the second time of the day. Article of clothing laying down its delusional geyser of doom, the electricity driven attack had been the monster's undoing. Far off distance attacks doing their bidding, and idea had popped into the soldier's mind. Everyone else throwing projectiles of their own? Could that work, as well?

Turning his attention towards Bain and Kali, the soldier spun around in a circle as if ready to throw something. Repeating the action thrice over, the chimera gave eye contact to two of the three sea lion sisters. Duo looking as if they understood, the hyena turned his attention towards the youngest. Aigre not paying any attention whatsoever, the soldier shrugged. Maybe she would follow along after the fact. Questions soon arising, the early adult readied himself for battle.

"You want me to throw my anchor of fire towards the jellyfish?" Bain asked. "Are you sure?"

"And, you want me to toss my trident of electricity?" Kali asked. "Um, why? Do you really think that will work?"

Giving the sisters a nod, the girls shrugged. Hearing one of them say if he says so, energies flowed through the sea lions. Horrifying anchor of flames floating above Bain's fingertips, the young lady spun around in a circle. Ship docking tool tossed off from afar, multiple sea monsters faded into piles of nothing.

Trident of electricity rounding up a group of stinging monsters into their own boomeranged demise, as well, Aigre threw herself back into the ring. Screaming she wanted to have a try at the action, too, a collection of rocks soared across the sky. Fish about ready to become seafood at any given moment, the final set of cards had been laid in front of the hyena.

Final rounds of jellyfish becoming one with the waves, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his brow. Where could these creatures have possibly come from? Had they released themselves from the small water body towards the bottom of the tiny city? He supposed such could have been a possibility. Knowing it was time to move on, the chimera prepared to stage his exit. But, a loud sniffle stopped him in his tracks.

"Captain Vert is going to be so mad at me for hurting the jellies, sissie!" Aigre cried, sniffling loudly.

"There, there, Aigre, he won't be mad at you," Bain responded, patting her sister on the back. "We had no choice but to attack them. I'm sure he'll understand."

"I'm pretty sure those weren't, um, wildlife, Aigre," Kali chimed in. "Maybe he won't be mad." She then turned towards the purple haired person. What was his name again, skirt? No. Siorc. Right, it was Siorc. She had to thank him. "Um, Siorc, right? Thank you for helping." She paused for a moment. "Suddenly, a lot of these things started appearing here, and their energy is err, chaotic."

Gratitude coming his way, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Hyena hands becoming human ones, the soldier curled his fingers into a circular shape. Swirling his hands towards his chest for a moment, no problem had been signed on public display. Knowing he had continue onward before evening were to arrive, the chimera dashed off towards the ladder in the corner.

Sprinting off towards the northeast area, a peculiar set of machines leaking black energy overtook the area. Seeing such, the hyena tilted his head. How did these get here? He needed to destroy them before they could cause any problems. Putting his left leg behind him, the force was with him.

Currently human leg rammed into the machine, the hyena let out a scream. But, the early adult would not falter. Surely, giving it another greeting with his limbs would do the trick. Knee taking an immediate beating, the chimera grit his teeth. But, he knew he could not give up. It was time to tango once more.

Thrusting his leg forward for the third time, the metal brushed against his skin once more. Inorganic object still not biting the dust the chimera broke out into a pant. Perhaps, just maybe, trying to defeat the objects with his foot was the wrong idea. Misty hat delusion doing nothing, as well, the soldier looked around the area.

Spotting a familiar block of yellow energy, the soldier collected the item as fast as his currently human hands would allow. Fontaine energy surrounding him, the hyena took a long deep breath. One last kick, one final hit with his leg had to do the trick, for sure. Preparing himself, the limb was on the offensive.

Hearing a loud crack as the energy block inserted itself into the machine, the soldier dashed off towards the next one. Action repeated multiple times, every single device that did not belong bit the dust. But, as he had begun to head towards the western slopes of the area, the strange energy tanks struck back twice over.

Sea of machines leaking out white energy from their mechanical bodies, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. The block of energy, he needed to collect it and destroy the sea of obstacles before it was too late. Running around in circles for minutes on end, one singular purple block had been obtained.

Machines rammed into for minutes on end, the energy mingled itself into the devices one after another. Slope area soon cleared out, the early adult huffed. Had the area been cleared out? Turning his attention towards the sky for a moment, the early adult studied the position of the sun.

Glowing ball of gasses looking about ready to depart, the soldier sharp teeth chattered. It was almost evening already? If there were any more malicious energy sources, he had to rush through them now, before it was too late. Reading off the next destination upon the card, the hyena made a run for it.

Final location listed as Salacia Plain, the hyena prepared himself. The only area that remained was under the seabed? If such were the case, he had to make haste. If he were late for the magic show, such would be reported to Her Majesty, without fail. Edges of the water reached after ten minutes of speedy running, the soldier removed the diving equipment from the bag behind him.

Diving suit and oxygen tank soon on, the early adult placed the goggles over his eyes. Everything on, the hyena closed his eyes for a moment. Spark resonating in his brain, the early adult took the aquatic leap of faith. Suit thrusting him downwards towards the aquatic plains, the early adult braced himself. What creature surrounded with dark energy awaited him this time?

But, as the soldier dropped down towards the peculiar glass house down under water, a sea of peculiar red plants adorning a red jewel at the top overtook the area. Seeing such objects, the early adult's heart skipped a beat. What in the world were these doing down here? He did not know why, but the flowers certainly did not look like they belonged in this part of the ocean.

Knowing he had to vanquish the invading weeds, the early adult prepared himself. Pressing a button on his left glove, the usual aquatic blade floated behind him. Swiping the weapon of water forward, the plant disintegrated. But, such was a trick of the ages. Enemy regenerating almost seconds later, uneasiness ate the hyena up like a plate of Steak Tatare.

Blade slashing the plants for minutes on end, no defeat had come the enemy's way. Attempting to get rid of the surrounding ones, as well, no progress had been made. Seeing such, a sea of questions flooded the hyena's mind. Why were the red flowers continuously returning to their original state after multiple strikes? But, such thoughts were cut short as two barely familiar faces swam by.

Underwater penguin duo flapping on by with disgusted looks on their faces, the party of two soon opened up their mouths. Saliva travelling his way like a speeding bullet, the mouth liquids of disgust decorated his diving suit as the seconds raged onward. Group swimming closer, more of their germs laced themselves upon him.

"You rich loser and your suit that swims for you!" Vidame shouted, waving her flipper upward. "I hope those Red Meanies swallow you whole, Ritchie Rich!"

Pesky underwater penguin letting out another saliva based defense, the early adult grit his teeth. Who did this annoying pest think she was spitting all over his uniform? Why couldn't they just leave him alone and let him do his work? So what he had a suit that assisted him in an exercise he was not yet able to do himself? He needed to tell them to let him do his job and send them on their way. But, as he prepared to unleash his words, spiky chains had come for his neck.

Having the automatic diving suit thrust him backwards ten paces, a metallic chain whip had been aimed at the vicious red plant in the corner. Eyes on him as the other aquatic thorn in his side kept aiming for him, the early adult kept the dodges going. These penguins, they were the worst of the ten of them so far. Metallic weapon slapping the water, the rude fly words had begun buzzing about.

"Whoops! That attack was meant for you!" Domini exclaimed, voice filled with irritation. "Hurry up, and get the flipper out of here, rich boy!"

The early adult could feel his face burn. These two flies, why couldn't they just leave him be? While he supposed he did not blame them for feeling anger over seeing someone not swimming on his own, bringing violence into it was not the answer. He needed to tell these penguins off, once and for all.

"Can't you see I'm working here?" Siorc responded, tone low. "I don't why you two feel the need to spit on me and bring violence into this, but cut it out." There was a serious look on his face. There was no way he would let this continue. Not a chance. "The status of my 'wealth' should not matter to either of you." His gloves had begun to twitch as he said such, but the early adult would not falter. "So, leave me alone, and let me do my work in peace." But, his moment had be soiled, in an instant.

"God, whatever!" Vidame shouted back. "I hope the Red Meanies eat you, Ritchie Rich!"

Penguin pests swimming away, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the surface. What a bunch of immature brats. He knew, if he were to deal with them in the future, he would have to keep his guard up. Returning to the mission at hand, the early adult studied the plants in front of him, for a moment.

Spotting a tinier collection of the red plants, the early adult slashed the obstacle to bits in a matter of moments. Moving towards the larger ones in order of one another, the soldier kept the momentum going. Smaller ones not regenerating, the hyena headed for the larger ones.

Everything soon destroyed one after another, the hyena's diving suit thrust him back upwards towards the surface. Evening ready to take the wheel at any given moment, the soldier returned his diving suit back to the satchel. Knowing he had to head for the Romaritime Harbor right away, the chimera ran as fast as his legs would carry him.

Returning to the Court of Fontaine after half-an-hour, the soldier dashed off towards the hotel. Entering the establishment, the soldier let out a pant. Magician and his assistant waiting for him at the entrance, displeased eyes from the catgirl had come his way. Seeing such, the soldier's body shook. Was he late? He needed to apologize, if so.

"Right on time," the magician said. "Change into your costume in the room I booked for you."

Key handed to him, the soldier excused himself, for a moment. Closing the door behind him, the hyena undid the buttons on his uniform. One layer removed, as well, the soldier removed the costume from the satchel behind him. Uniform pants removed, as well, the hyena slipped the stockings over his feet.

Suspenders clamping down onto him with a sharp grip, the hyena flinched. Was he locked into his own outfit? He was the clothing's prisoner. Cape trailing behind him, as well, the soldier shook like a leaf. What was this costume made out of? But, the soldier knew he had no choice but to bear it. Slipping his Vision onto the edge of his cape, the early adult stepped outside.

Magician's assistant glaring at him as she bit into her sugar cookies and cakes aplenty, the early adult's knees buckled once more. Why was she staring at him like that? Did his costume make him look hideous? Bowing an apology, the distasteful gaze remained for minutes on end.

Hour soon passing by, the crowd had begun to pour in. Second floor completely booked, an unfortunate annoyance had stuck out amongst the crowd of generic nobodies. Earl sitting down at a table in the corner, the hyena held back the urge to groan. What was he doing here? But, the soldier held back his irritation. Maybe he was a fan of the magician duo and was here to see them. He needed to kick his disgust to the door.

Show ready to begin, the magician presented himself with an ego bigger than the entirety of Teyvat put together. Presenting himself as a great magician, he would put on a show that even the Hydro Archon herself would sing the praises of. But, as his bravado kept going, a small light had been shone upon the hyena.

"I'd like to introduce you all to my new assistant!" the magician shouted.

Blinding light cast over him, the early adult waved to the audience. Questions firing about as to why he suddenly hired a new assistant, the pressure drilled a hole into the hyena's sides. Were they not interested in anyone except the lead magician? He supposed he did not blame them if they only wanted to come here for the star of the show.

Magician stating that today was going to be just a small appetizer for the full show at the opera house, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Today was just a small performance? If such were the case, why hadn't he said that earlier? But, he knew he had to focus. Time was of the essence.

Performance ready to fire off the rails, the early adult had soon been shoved underneath a table far off from everyone's viewpoint. Cloth dropped over him, a black magician hat had been placed above the piece of fabric. Magician soon stating while the old hat trick might be overdone, he will show the audience how to have a small creature pull a vision out of a hat. Inquiring a volunteer to offer theirs, only one person stood up to the plate.

Generic person offering up their vision as a sacrifice, the magician acted as though the orb of elemental powers had disappeared. Precious object of one's ambitions slipped towards him as the main star of the show's hands readied to grab ahold of the so called empty hat, the early adult dropped the god's eye through the hat compartment.

Small kitten grabbed out of the hat with the vision in hand, multiple cheers from the children in the audience fired off for multiple minutes on end. Vision soon returned to its owner, the next trick had been upon the captivated spectators. Magician stating that they have seen that same boring trick before, why don't they up the stakes a bit? Small elephant tinier than most normal ones, a bold claim had been made to the group of watchers.

Magician stating he would make the elephant disappear, the catgirl assistant had soon been gone, as well. Star of the show screaming, -------, she wasn't supposed to disappear, the audience let out a collective laugh. Hearing such, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Was this a part of the show? He could not help but feel this had been heavily rehearsed.

Infant creature vanishing after the audience counted down from ten, the early adult held back the urge to shake his head at the audience's excitement. What was everyone so captivated by? Didn't they know none of this was real? But, he supposed he should curb such thoughts. There was no way they were aware of the trick.

Audience riled up, the star of the show soon let out the next order of business. Bold claim of he can transport an apple from one table to the next, the catgirl assistant brought the forbidden red fruit to her partner in crime. Magical apple moved towards a table without anyone seeing where it came from, cheers filled the hotel. But, the final curtain call was about to begin.

"Have my tricks impressed you all? This final one will deliver!" the magician exclaimed with heavy bravado. "Hold on to your hats, folks, for I, the Great Magician -----, will have a hyena appear before your very eyes!"

Encouraging the audience to count down from five, mist overtook the area. Closing his eyes for a moment as the fog sunk in, the audience had reached the final number of one. Mist soon dissipating, nearly fifty eyes were turned towards the soldier as pupils glued their attention towards him for seconds on end.

Audience breaking out into countless cheers as the show came to an end, the early adult could not help but feel a wave of disappointment. What was so interesting about watching a show full of misdirection and lies? But, his thoughts were drowned out as a particular voice spoke volumes above the rest.

"Siorc, I'm your new biggest fan!" Earl shouted, clapping.

The early adult rolled his eyes to the sky. Earl, his biggest fan? Absolutely ridiculous. Such was not flattering, in the slightest. Audience clearing out one after another, the early adult folded his arms across his waist. Earl, his biggest fan. He'd much rather retire from the magician assistant scene than live on with such reality. Such thought however, was a pipe dream.

"Excellent work!" the magician praised. "We'll be performing a bigger show tomorrow."

Magician's assistant saying absolutely nothing to him, the early adult broke out into a sweat. Why was she gazing at him with such sharp eyes? Did she think he was replacing her as the young man's number one assistant? Such would never happen. He was merely a guest assistant. Such spotlight would never be on him forever.

Everyone soon going their separate ways, the soldier prepared to head for his hotel room, for the night. But, as he prepared himself to retire, the pesky penguin chimera walked towards him with stars in his eyes. Seeing such, the hyena let out a barely audible groan. Earl stayed behind? How annoying. He should take whatever comments he had and shove them in a steak.

"I'll go to every single one of your shows!" Earl exclaimed, passion leaking in his voice. "I'll get Malika and Baron to come, too! Kaiser probably won't, though."

Hearing Earl say Kaiser would not show up, a wave of relief washed over the hyena. One less penguin was one less thorny inconvenience, for sure. Pest amongst them all soon departing, the soldier returned to his hotel room. Wave of tiredness overtaking him immediately, the soldier slumped into the unfamiliar bed. But, as he laid his head upon the pillow, a sea of questions flowed through him.

The malicious energy around Fontaine, why had there been so much of it? He could not help but feel it had gotten too far out of control. Would more of such issue await him tomorrow? He knew he would have to deal with it, if such were the case. Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the hyena close his eyes. World of tormented dreams ready to call him back in, one final thought pushed the soldier out to sea.

What could possibly await him tomorrow?


"All of this magic isn't even real. Why is the audience so engaged?

Maybe none of them are
Aware of the tricks origins.
Guess that has to be the case, but
I truly don't understand. What's so great about
Cheating the person's eyes and deceive them from what

They are seeing?
Really, I just don't get it.
It makes no sense to me.
Cannot fathom any of this, but I
Know I cannot reveal it's all a lie. Play along, that's key."

Upon waking up the next morning, a loud fisted knock overtook the area. Glasses soon on the early adult walked towards the door. Twisting the knob, a tall masked woman with slightly visible auburn hair and white suit stood between the frame of the entranceway. Seeing such person, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Who was this person, exactly? But, he supposed he was about to find out.

"Sir ----- is expecting you in the same place as yesterday," the masked stranger said.

Masked person soon leaving, the hyena shut the door behind him. The magician, had he sent a Fatui Operative to remind him about the mission? Ridiculous. His memory was certainly not gone within the next day. He did not need any sort of extra reminders, for sure.

Buttons soon in the correct holes, the soldier headed for the Aquabus Station for what the felt like the thousandth time. Reaching Romaritime Harbor after a quick half-an-hour tour, the soldier prepared himself for the long day ahead of lies and deceit. But, as he reached the beaches of Fontaine, a bomb of truth had been unleashed upon him.

Giving the magician a glare, the hyena held back his forbidden questions. What dishonesty awaited him today? Whatever sort of tricks he would be roped into for the upcoming show tonight, he wanted no association with such beyond his required days to be there. Uncomfortable look on the young blond's face, the ice was soon burned.

"You look as thought you think I've been lying to you for years. So, I'll tell you what our mission really is," the magician said. There was a serious look on his face. "The truth is 'father' wants us to investigate the Oratrice." His hand was soon on his chin. "She has informed us it's suspected to be alive."

The early adult choked on a laugh as he had heard such bold claim. The oratrice, alive? There was no way that could have possibly been true. This father figure, whoever they were, they had to have been pulling the magician's legs. This was the worst trick of them all.

Magician telling him it was time to practice some new tricks, the early adult let out a groan. It was time for more deceit. What a thrilling time to be a member of the Fatui. Rolling his eyes to the sky, the hyena quickly regained focus. Sleight of hand card tricks upon him, the chimera watched in a careful manner.

Learning a card up his sleeve trick, the hyena let out a huff. What was so great about such an easy to do performance? This was not exciting, in the slightest. But, he supposed his fascination of the magic world was already a corpse six feet under since yesterday. Learning far more card tricks as the hours droned on, the next shadow trick had crawled out from underneath the sea.

Magician bringing out the cloth once again, the early adult rolled his eyes to the sky. He needed to practice another phony elephant trick? What was the point in practicing this one further? Surely, this one should have been left to his real assistant. Surely, any minute now, the catgirl would appear out of nowhere.

But, luck and the archons were not on his side. Magician stating his assistant isn't coming to their practice session, the hyena shrugged his shoulders. He supposed he had no choice but to practice the trickery of pretending a live creature had disappeared. Small puppy hidden behind a curtain, tricks of light overtook the area.

Shadow tricks practiced for hours on end, the final nail into the practice coffin had been drilled into the soldier's eardrums. Informed he would be swapping places with him inside the magic boxes, the hyena rolled his eyes. Sure, they were. There was a trap door connecting the two underneath them, wasn't there?

Feeling a trap door underneath him as he had been placed in the self proclaimed magic box, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. What an amazing magic trick, a trap door. So magical. The great magician had outdone himself this time, for sure. Pushing such snide marks aside, the early adult dropped down through the door shoot. It was best to play along, no matter what.

Reaching the other side of the box without a problem, the soldier emerged from sand land. The magician buried an entire tunnel underneath the beach? What a ridiculously convoluted setup for a so called magic trick. Doors to freedom soon opened, a line of instructions for what was to come later had come his way.

"When you swap places with me during the show tonight, head for the Oratrice and see what's up with it," the magician said. He then removed a card from his sleeves. "Meet at the Opera Epliclese in the evening." Handing his assistant the card, a serious look painted his face. "For now, continue to clear out the malicious energy sources."

Magician soon leaving, the early adult gazed at the card in front of him. Tiny piece of cardboard with a crudely drawn portrait of the owner on it, the soldier let out a sigh. Every single thing the man touched had to have his personality laid in it. Flipping the card over, the location of the malicious energy sources revealed itself.

Card informing him the malicious energy sources had appeared around the Beryl Region and Elynas for today, the soldier cracked his knuckles. The crisis had reached the area near Merusea Village once again? He would clear out the problem as quick as he were able to.

Dashing off towards the southernmost mountains of the area, a peculiar group of octopi dominated the area with a inky fist. Sea creatures dominating the land with many contradictions, the soldier cracked his knuckles. It was time for the fish out of water to become sushi on the ground. Mob surrounding him in seconds, the fight was on.

But, as the early adult prepared to turn his human hands in to hyena paws, a world of ink had been plastered upon the hyena's face. Glasses soon covered with the black goop, the world had been a pitch dark world of nothing. Goopy octopus bazookas blasting him with their ink balls one after another, His skin was a tar pit.

Lenses wiped up, the early adult put on the magician hat. Surely, the misty Hydro Delusion would be able to serve its purpose to allow for the eight limbed creatures to reach their defeat. Taking a moment to breathe, a jet of dark waters had been blown to the opposing forces, but such had done nothing.

Octopi absorbing the water as if it were its desert, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the battlefield. The creatures, did they have an immunity to the element of Hydro as a whole? If such were the case, he knew he had to use his accursed Dendro Vision. Taking a deep breath, the hyena prepared himself.

Placing distance between the aquatic creatures and he, Siorc threw down a flower frenemy. Providing silent commands to the Silk Flower fiend unfortunately brought to life by his Dendro Vision, vines slapped the octopi will full force. Pointing in a commanding manner at the lesser creatures within the group, one had been down, six to go.

Vines vanquishing four of the six remaining, the soldier pressed onward. But, as the seconds had reached their expiration, the flower fiend had left the battlefield. Had the time already been up? It was time to toss down another one and end the battle once and for all. But, such did not happen immediately.

Unable to toss down a flower friend for ten seconds, the hyena turned his head towards the sky. Did the plant fiends not wish to aid him in battle anymore? Good riddance, if so. It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, one's elemental capabilities could not be infinitely used and had to reach a state of cooldown before being fired off again.

But, such hopes had been snapped with a pin in a matter of moments. Windwheel Aster fiend dancing in front of him, the hyena returned his attention towards the battle. He supposed his elemental powers had been placed in a quick timeout mode. Silent commands provided to the fiend brought to life by his vision, vines slapped the remaining octopi a new one.

Mob of eight limbed water creatures vanquished, the early adult had begun to head north. But, as the heated pool of water was nearing, the soldier could not help but ponder. The fish out of water, someone had to have displaced them from their original home to cause havoc upon the surface world. He needed to put a stop to such right away, without a shadow of doubt.

Reaching the area near the heated pool of water, a predictable sight caught the chimera's eyes. Pitch black seahorse monsters grouping together exactly where they had appeared last time, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. It was time for round two of hyena versus the sea dragons of darkness.

First round of enemies taken out by his hyena claws after twelve slashes, the early adult let out a huff. Was that all? If the monsters were already dealt with, it was time to clear out, the next area, for sure. But complacency was an illegal drug that should not be taken. Aquatic sea creature mob dropping down spades, the third round of sea dragons versus the chimera had begun.

Next round of the army becoming sea foam upon the ground, the fourth and final round of sea horses emerged from the shadows. Creatures blasting pitch black bubbles of tar, the early adult's claws and the creatures shook hands with one another. Spark popping off in his brain as he continued, the early adult carved deeper. Bring it on; bring on all the enemies, he would take out every single one of them.

Shaking his head rapidly as the final seahorse breathed its final breath, the early adult regained reason. What in the world was he doing, letting himself get hungry for battle? He needed to snap himself out of it. His shark brain, he could not let it take full control of him. Slapping his cheeks, the hyena curved his heelless shoes off towards the west. Maybe it was time to check up on Merusea Village.

But, as he headed towards the Melusine's abode, two faces soon stuck their heads up from the deep pool of water beneath them. Splashes drowned out by the small waterfall nearby, the soldier turned his attention elsewhere for a moment. But a stream of attention grabbing words were soon tossed his way like one of the Pyro Elf Girl of Doom's bombs.

Brume and Éclater splashing their flippers about in the water with frantic looks on their faces, the early adult crossed his hyena arms across his waist. What did the pranksters want from him? If they were about to pull some sort of trick on him, he did not have any time to deal with their nonsense.

"Hey, Fatooer, didn't ya hear us splashing over here?!" Brume asked, voice raising with every second. "Help us! There's something weird going on down here, dude!"

The early adult walked off towards the left. There was something going on in Merusea Village? Sure, there was. the sea lions were up to no good, readying to fire off a prank on him, guaranteed. He was definitely not going to dive down to the ocean to become their next victim. Stepping further away, his shoulders remained cold. But, even more shouts made their wrath known in seconds.

"Bro, come on, we ain't joshing you!" Éclater cried out. "There's somethin' freaky goin' on here!"

But, the soldier kept walking. There was something terrible happening down in Merusea Village? Sure, there was. And there was ten gods in Teyvat, and three secret hidden Elements that no one could receive visions for. Whatever prank the two were about to play on him, he was not going to allow himself to be their next victim.

Orb creatures glowing with blinding white energy as he had begun heading north, the chimera blinked. What was going on with the extraterrestrials in Elynas? Cores a bright shade of yellow instead of purple, the hyena steeled himself for the difficult challenge ahead. Hyena claws dealing forty slashes to the creatures, the shields were soon up.

Placing the magician hat in front of him, the delusional jet stream had soon done its duty. Defenses down after ten strikes, one of the blinding alien orb monsters had returned to the world of whence it came. But, such had only been the first amongst the bunch of many. Feet dragged towards the next location, a beast circle awaited him with a fury.

Group of orb creatures spiraling around him as the hexagram engulfed him, the soldier's clawed weapon had done its bidding once more, the shields rolled the dice. Misty delusion doing its duty, the early adult blinked as the enemies had become dust upon the wind. The sinister orb in the magician hat, did it not have the energy draining drawbacks like the rest of them? Perhaps, just maybe, whoever was in charge of creating Delusions removed the harmful side effects.

Final group of monsters circling around him like unwanted pests, the delusional waters had soaked the creatures to their core one after another. Defeat bathing deep, the soldier prepared to leave the area. The job had to have been done now. But, as he prepared to stage his exit, the path in front of him had soon been cut off.

Brume and Éclater dragging their feet towards him as they gasped for water, the hyena clicked his tongue. Just what kind of prank were they getting ready to pull now? Why bother risking their lives for a joke? Weren't they water breathers? But, he supposed they would do anything to ensure their practical jokes would stick their landing.

"" Brume begged, choking on the air around it. "Me-ru-se-a v-il-ll-age i.....s i...n....d-anger." Letting out a gasp, pain slapped his gills. "Archons, air is painful." Éclater soon chimed in.

"We're really not joshing you, bro, please help us," Éclater choked out, as well, trying to speak as normally as possible. "We risked our lives to come find you. Please, help us. Our scythes are barely doin' it." As he said such, he swayed back and forth. "The air world, it wasn't meant to be."

Sea lion duo looking ready to keel over at any given moment, a ton had been dropped down upon the hyena's backside. Brume and Éclater had risked their lives to try and find him on the surface? It was terrible of him to disregard their woes for sure. He needed to go down to Merusea Village right away without question.

Reaching a very bright area underneath the secret Melusine Village, the soldier was ready for action. Gigantic squid looking about as tall as a gorilla calling itself Kong, the soldier prepared himself for the difficult fight in front of him. Creature taking seventy strikes from the weakened sea lion duo and his aquatic blade combined, the hyena returned himself to the surface world.

Evening sky settling in as he removed the diving equipment, the early adult dashed off towards the Romaritime Harbor for what felt like the ten-thousandth time in a month. Tossing himself back onto the Aquabus for the third time of the day, the Court of Fontaine was reached at the same pace, as usual.

City left behind, the soldier dashed off towards the café. Magician's assistant waiting for him with a heavy look of disdain on her face, the hyena gulped. He did not know why, but her eyes, they definitely had a high amount of bloodlust in them. Did a battle for the star assistant await him? If such were the case, he would surrender. Catgirl's teacup soon disappearing, an odd question presented itself to the crowd of generic nobodies.

"Do you want to be turned into a spectacle?" the magician's assistant asked. But, as she said such, she returned to her snack break of eternity.

Hearing such an inquiry, the early adult could feel a chill run down his spine. He did not know why, but he could sense the young catgirl assistant had a dislike bomb behind her back. He supposed he did not blame her if she did not approve of him. He was an invasive species upon her magic troupe. Giving the young woman a shrug, no answer had been returned to him.

Final cookie devoured, the time to head to the show grounds had been upon the chimera and she. Dragged off to the Marcotte Station, a quick ride upon the aquatic railways took shape faster than the soldier could say magicians were a sea of liars that could drown in their webs of deception.

Opera house soon reached, the self proclaimed greatest magician seated himself in a couch outside the theater doors. Magician's assistant stepping towards him, the soldier soon followed suit. Eyes soon on him, the soldier retained eye contact. It was time to get the second magic show over with.

"You're right on time!" the magician exclaimed. But, the assistant soon interrupted.

"I'm here, too," the assistant said. The hyena swore she could see her eyes glaring daggers at him as she said such.

Soon changed into his magician assistant costume, the soldier swore he could hear the magician whisper that he was not a permanent troupe member. Uncomfortable suspenders soon encasing him in clothing prison, the stage had been set for the show. Two hours flocking by, every single seat within the opera house was soon packed.

Peaking his head through the curtain for a moment, a familiar sea of faces stuck out amongst the crowd of generic nobodies. Important white haired man with blue streaks and suit to match, the early adult could feel his legs turn into jelly. The Iudex, why was he in the front row seat? The stage was frightening. But, his fears only increased as the seconds kept going.

Archon sitting in the highest possible seat in the opera house with a purple haired bodyguard adorning a fancy hat, the early adult let out a gulp. Why were there so many important figures of Fontaine watching the magic show? He needed to take everything seriously, or he would be the next court case.

Spotting the penguins in the crowd, as well, the early adult held back an eyeroll. But, such thoughts were cut short as a loud whisper told him to stop peeking out from the curtain. Bowing an apology, the early adult returned to the world behind the scenes. Backdrop soon opening, the main attraction of the show announced himself.

Magician welcoming the audience with an ego trip filled introduction, the main star of the show did the card sleeve trick he had performed various hours earlier. But, as he had completed it, a fact so obvious it could be called captain presented itself to the audience. Young man stating they had seen all these tricks before, it was time for something exciting.

Water tank revealing itself to the crowd, the early adult remained behind the curtain. Magician saying his sister would be escaping the box above her, the soldier's mouth dropped open. Was this man being serious right now? Lock someone in a box filled with water? What a reckless stunt. How would she escape? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. She definitely wasn't going in there in actuality. Her image would merely be projected on the water tank to make it look like she was in there, for sure.

Catgirl in the water tank, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. The assistant, where could she have been hiding herself? Surely, she was not really in there. Magic was nothing more than a den of lies. He had no reason to watch the world of dishonesty around him.

Hearing the sound of banging somewhere, a false sense of security had been sent to the audience. Magician faking a panic that the box was broken, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the blinding opera house lights above him. Star of the show claiming only an amateur would panic right now, the catgirl assistant had soon dissolved into nothing but clothing. But, such was short lived.

Young woman saying she was back, the early adult shook his head. She was just hiding behind the curtain this entire time, wasn't she? There was no way she had actually been inside the water box. Multiple bogus tricks performed after one another for minutes on end, the final trick of the night blasted it announcement to the audience.

"My assistant and I will be doing..." the magician said, pausing his speech, for a moment. "...A swap!"

Audience questioning such, the magician soon explained the details. Young man saying it was actually quite simple, his assistant and he would be swapping themselves from the audience box to the stage box, the early adult dragged himself out from behind the curtains. Barely audible whisper coming his way to remember what the discussed earlier, the early adult nodded ever so slightly that he swore the action had done its own disappearing act.

Masked person hauling Siorc off into a box with an array with star ornaments at the top, the magician told the audience to start a thirty second countdown. Hearing such, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Half a minute, wasn't that far too much time? Surely, the audience would get bored having to count down for so long.

Dropping himself down from the trap door, the magician exclaimed to the audience to count a little louder, he can't hear them. Everyone going from twenty-five to twenty faster with every tick, the early adult crawled through the passage faster. Was it just him, or was the audience counting down faster?

Soon finding himself beside the oratrice, the early adult could feel a heavy wave of discomfort take him for a ride. The golden scale, was it just his imagination, or was he hearing a heartbeat besides his own? Thumping continuing for seconds on end, a question he would soon regret flowed through him. Had someone been killed and had their body buried underneath the floorboards? Heart continuing to thump for minutes on end, the soldier kept his observations going.

Hearing the sound of deep breathing from within the scales, the soldier shook with a fervor. The otatrice was alive, it was breathing, it had a pulse, a heartbeat, everything. But, the hyena's thoughts halted themselves, in an instant as the crowd had soon reached the number five. There was no more time to think. He had to complete the people swapping trick. Returning himself to the second box, the count reached zero.

Greatest magician appearing in the other side of the box as if he had really swapped the position of two people, the crowd let out a roaring applause. Hearing such, the early adult crossed his arms around his waist. What a waste of cheers, for sure. But, one shout stuck out amongst the rest.

"World class magician Siorc, wohoo!" Earl shouted in the crowd. But, a correction had soon come to light.

"Dear audience member, did you forget who the great class magician was?" the magician asked.

Magic show soon coming to an end, the audience had begun to clear out one after another, but the soldier the Iudex had been staring at him from afar. The lead justice of Fontaine, did he see him crawl underneath the Oratrice? If such were the case, he was in trouble, guaranteed. Magician asking to speak with him in a private room, the soldier had been escorted elsewhere.

"So, what did you find?" the magician asked with heavy anticipation.

Recalling the heartbeat and deep breaths he had heard underneath the trap door world, the hyena stared off into space, for a moment, The magician, should he tell him what he heard? Would he even believe him? He knew a heavy wave of dismissals would come his way over such claim the moment he released it. But, he knew he had to. His mission had already been established.

"The oratrice is breathing," the hyena responded, voice shaking.

"It's breathing?" the magician's assistant asked, voice in disbelief.

Giving the magician and his assistant a nod, the hyena let out a gulp. The duo, they definitely, without a doubt, did not believe him under any given circ*mstance. Magician thinking for a moment, the private room had soon grown quiet for minutes on end. Such silence, however, was short lived.

"That's odd," the magician responded. "We'll have to hold a show again tomorrow to investigate."

Told to go back to the hotel for the time being, the soldier did as instructed. But, as he returned himself to the unfamiliar bed, a wave of uncomfortable thoughts wrapped vines around the chimera. The oratrice, it was breathing, it was alive, it could hear him. Wave of sleep taking him away, the thoughts entered the dream world with him.

The oratrice is breathing.


Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of anguish within the chimera's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a pattern of misfortune, never landing on the lucky heads side of the Mora coin. The night before him would cause the coin to land on the tails side, as well.

Before him had been a bed of sunflowers beside a foreign house he had never seen before. Seeing such, the hyena grit the dream teeth. The flowers, why wouldn't they just go away already? Nature and he were currently completely done with each other. Being in their mere presence was too much to behold. But, his dream thoughts soon changed courses.

Faceless strangers soon dropping in with an angry look on their barely visible mouths, the early adult attempted to back seven steps away. But, as he prepared to do so, flames decorated the duo's hands. Seeing such, the soldier's dream heart skipped five beats. Were they going to bake him once again? He needed to get away, this instant.

But such escape never came. Feeling a nonexistent adhesive lock his currently human legs in place, all the chimera could do is watch. Stand still like a statue as the enemies across from him were about to burn him down into a pile of ashes for the second dream in a row.

"You're always meddling with us," the stranger called out. "So, this time, we'll be meddling with you!"

"Oneself be tired of his meddling!" the second stranger shouted, wielding blue flames. "He will be sorry he meddled with the abyss!"

The early adult attempted with all his might to try and back away, but the glue remained strong, like always. What in the world was the abyss? He had never heard of such a place before. But, such thoughts were immediately cut to pieces as the blue ball of flames had begun to travel his way.

Sea of blue fire engulfing him a matter of dream seconds, the early adult let out a pained scream. Shout breaking out into reality, the soldier stopped himself from screaming further. No, he had to stop shouting, or he would be kicked out of the hotel in the mortal, waking world.

"Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn!" one of the strangers shouted. But, another revelation soon followed.

"Tomorrow, one will show him real magic!" the second stranger exclaimed to the dream heavens. "Here's his final present!"

Tidal wave of flames crashing into him like a typhoon, the early adult body had begun to toast away as the dream seconds raged onward. Feeling himself fade away in the dream world, the hyena closed his subconscious eyes. Fire engulfing him with every moment passing, one final thought took the soldier away into the land of ashes.

What did he ever do to these people?


"I don't understand.
Those hooded strangers, what did I ever do to them?

I meddled in their affairs? What are they talking about? I have never
Seen these people before in the mortal waking world. I have never seen these people

Before, in my entire life.
Really, I have no clue what they are going on about. Are they
Even real, or are they
A figment of my subconscious imagination?
That has to be it. They are not real.
How could I be meddling
In someone's affairs if they only exist in my mindscape?
No, they're definitely out there somewhere, aren't they?
Guess I will find out someday."

Waking up the next morning, a wave of concern flowed through the hyena. The Oratrice, it was breathing. Shouldn't he report such issue to the Chief Justice of Fontaine? Such problem, it could not go unreported. He needed to tell the highest legal authority in the entire nation. Resolute on his decision, the hyena headed for the Palais Mermonia.

Reaching the most important office in all of Teyvat, the early adult took a long deep breath. Chief Justice of Fontaine sitting at his desk doing mountain loads of paperwork, the hyena steeled himself. The Iudex, he needed to know about the problem. Very important man asking what it was he wanted, another deep breath overtook the area.

Letting out that the Oratrice was breathing and had a pulse, sharp eyes of heavy suspicions studied his uniform, for a moment. Seeing such, the hyena's heart skipped more than five beats. The Iudex, was he about to throw him into a trial for being a member of the Fatui? He should have taken his uniform off before coming here. But, he supposed it was too late, he had already exposed himself.

"I am already aware of such. I will look into it," the Iudex responded. "Why don't you deal with the other issues around the city? It would seem our usual bounty hunters have taken their bounties elsewhere, and cannot deal with the local threats here."

Hearing such fact, the early adult tilted his head. The city's usual bounty hunters were absent? Who could have the regulars have possibly been? But a seed of realization had blossomed into a flower. Robin and Raven, had they been the ones who usually took care of such things? If the hawk knew he was in his hunting territory, he would be arrowed down the next time he saw him, for sure.

Stepping foot into the city once more, a sight of many horrors awaited the chimera. Horned seahorses everywhere on the streets down below, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. The monsters, how did they pile up so far throughout the city? He needed to get rid of them before it was too late.

Sea creatures lunging towards him with all their might, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Human hands soon becoming hyena paws, the early adult slashed forward with as much energy as possible. But, as he kept the momentum going, the horns had gotten on the offensive.

Pointed weapon locking onto the soldier's arm, the early adult let out a scream. Feeling blood drip downward onto the sidewalk as the creature removed its horn, the hyena grumbled. Hydro delusion misting the red liquid away, the soldier slashed with a fury. How dare these creatures stick themselves into him. It was time for their funeral.

Sea unicorns one after another biting the dust, the early adult let out a loud battle cry. Taking down the rest of the monsters on the bottom most floor as he kept his rampage going, the screams continued. Monsters cleared out after thirty minutes of shouting, the soldier swore his hair would go blond and spiky from irritation any second now.

But, as the hyena ascended back towards the second floor, enemies of another specialty brought casualties into the world around them. Whiffing a horrid stench on the air, the early adult held back the urge to gag. What was that horrible smell? Monsters soon revealing themselves to him, the fight was on.

But, such fight proved to be one sided in a matter of moments. Creature blasting a beam of energy his way, the soldier could feel his vitality drop faster than the subzero temperatures in Snezhnaya. Knowing that, at any given moment, he would fade away, the soldier waved the invisible white flag.

But, as sixty seconds had passed, the drained energy reached a grinding halt. Feeling a small amount of life still remain, the early adult's hyena claws took to the stage. But, with every slash, the soldier swore he could feel his head spin circles. Enemy vanquished after forty slashes, the next order of business rolled the dice.

Blubberbeasts dropping their hit new idol single, Scream of Pain onto the airwaves of Fontaine, the early adult covered his ears. What in the world was that grating noise? Where cold it have possibly been coming from? Tilting his head upward with any energy that remained, the monster's location was swiftly approaching.

Reaching the aquatic walkway after fifty-five minutes of slow walking, the early adult let out a sigh. Did he really have to drive the Blubberbeast out of the area? But, as he thought such, the grating echoes around him only worsened. Covering his ears, the hyena closed his eyes in disgust. He had no choice but to defeat the enemies, guaranteed.

Poor, soft, and loud creatures becoming one with the water after ten attempts of fighting, the young soldier breathed a puff of fatigue. Surely, his job was done now. The hawk and falcon bounty hunter, whatever monsters were to come next time, it was their problem to deal with. But, as he returned towards the Palais Mermonia grounds, information bathed him in the water.

Iudex waiting outside the palace with a creampuff hair Melusine, a chill had travelled down the soldier's spine. Was it just him, or did the Melusine next to him look far more human than any of the other ones he had ever seen? Perhaps, just maybe, she was only wearing a costume. But, his thoughts were cut short as the Demoiselle joined the group, as well.

"Come with us," the Iudex said, voice stern. "Show everyone that the oratrice is breathing."

"If you need any backup, I'll help," the Demoiselle added.

Everyone packing themselves into the aquabus line leading to the Marcotte Station, the soldier stared off into space. Why were so many people heading for the opera house together? As he thought such, a seed of fear planted itself inside him. Was he about to be put on trials for his claims? If such were the case, he would be found guilty, in an instant.

Reaching the opera house, two extra faces had stuck out amongst the crowd. Blue haired young woman always claiming she was the country's archon and bodyguard right next to her, the otratrice had been risen to the trial grounds in a matter of moments. Iudex examining it even though he knew the outcome already, the nation's symbol of justice gazed at the scales, one moment longer.

"It is indeed breathing and most certainly has a pulse," the Iudex said, placing his hand on the center of the oratrice. He then turned his attention towards the girl in the back. "Lady ------. Care to explain this?" But, a protest had come his way.

"I don't know anything about this!" the apparent Hydro Archon exclaimed. "Don't look at me!"

Hearing the sound of breathing only getting louder, the soldier could not help but wonder once more. Could there have been a body inside the oratrice that was causing it to appear as though it was living amongst humanity and beyond? Placing his hand on the center of the scales, the thumping only got harder as the seconds became minutes. But, as he kept feeling the beat, a scream out of nowhere played itself to everyone around.

"The Abyss will judge you!" the scales screamed.

"Who goes there?!" the archon's bodyguard shouted in a demanding tone.

Oratrice screaming about the abyss, the soldier's eyes opened wide. Had someone tampered with Fontaine's main source of energy to play some sort of message about such area? How incredibly childish. But, he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Whoever was inside the scales making it feel alive, they were the only ones who could halt such behavior. But, as he was about to lose himself in his thoughts, a voice called out to him.

"We will keep investigating this for now," the Iudex said. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I would like to request for you to leave, for now. Return here when the magic show is ready to begin."

Told to exit the area, the soldier returned to the capital city of the area. Feeling an unusual wave of stress mounting itself beneath him like an invisible horse, the hyena dragged his feet. Coffee; caffeine. He needed to drown out the entire world with the buzz energy filler every parent wanted to keep away from their children at all costs.

Downing his first cup of coffee, a sea of thoughts threw a layer of spiky sea urchins underneath the hyena's buttocks. The oratrice, it was breathing. The oratrice, it was definitely alive. It had a mind of its own, the abyss had claimed it as theirs to cast their judgement. Heart beating as the buzz hit him, the early adult requested another cup.

Second cup of coffee downed in a matter of seconds, the thoughts continued. The oratrice, something, or something was inside it. A person, monster, a consciousness. Something had been hiding in the scales, guaranteed. A person, how could they have possibly gotten in there? A monster, how could something have crawled in there? Nothing made sense to the soldier.

Drowning all his thoughts out with five more cups of coffee, the hyena reached for another round. The oratrice, it was alive. It was breathing, it had a pulse. Why was this happening, who would do such a thing? But, as he reached for cup number twelve, a hand interfered with his next drink.

"What are you doing?" Earl asked, snatching his twelfth cup of coffee. "Don't drink you cute, attractive self into a caffeine coma!"

The hyena let out a groan. Who did Earl think he is, stopping him from drinking coffee? It was a free country. But, the early adult paused for a moment. No, it wasn't. Fontaine was the Nation of Justice, not the Nation of Freedom. Attempting to reach for cup number twelve once more, the persistent pest was on the prowl.

"Let's go for a walk instead!" Earl exclaimed, grabbing Siorc's hand.

Escorted out of the Court of Fontaine as if he were kicked out, the soldier let out a groan. Absolutely ridiculous. Who did Earl think he was swooping down like a smothering mother and taking away his coffee? How annoying, this walk had stop right this instant. But, as he tried to break free from the thorn in his side's grip, the aggravating man persisted.

Taken to the beach outside the city gates, the hyena let out a groan as Earl giggled to himself like a schoolgirl. He just wanted to hold his hand. Going for a walk? What a load of nonsense. Trying to break free from the grip once more, the early adult put on the struggle. But, the pesky penguin chimera refused to budge.

Sitting by the waves for hours on end, the hyena took a long deep breath. Maybe he did have too much coffee. Why did he drown so much down, anyway? Such drink was flavorless and not worth it, in the slightest. What in the world came over him drinking such beverage?

Evening soon rolling in, the early adult rose to his feet. Right, he had to return to the opera house for one last magic show. But, as he headed for the Marcotte Station, a sense of doom washed over the soldier. Was it just his imagination, or did nothing feel right? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He was overthinking it, surely.

But, as he entered the opera house, the sense of doom would not leave him, even for a moment. Heading to the backstage, a predictable set of instructions had been provided to him. Magician informing him that he would once again be heading behind the oratrice to investigate it, a sea of unease flowed through the chimera. Was he about to witness a dead person any moment now?

Magic show beginning with its usual high ego bravado, normal tricks fired off one after another for a very brief period of time. But, the easy cruising had soon been cut short as the sight of a blinding light overtook the area. Light soon dissipating, the crowd let out a sea of confusion. People asking if this was part of the show, a look of unease painted the great magician's face.

Hooded strangers standing in the center of the stage as their only head covering was ready to fall off, the early adult's jaw practically dropped onto the floor. What in the world were these people doing here? Whatever they were doing here, he knew they were about to cause trouble.

"Ladies and gents! Prepare from some real magic!" one of the hooded strangers shouted. As they said such, another blinding light overtook the stage.

Portal of darkness soon dropping down, a bony wolf monster released itself from the confines. Creature letting out a roar and swinging its tail towards the audience, shouts about whether this was part of the show kicked into overdrive. Creature holding a breath as the confusion brewed chaos, fear quelling took the stage.

"Everyone, calm down!" the magician exclaimed. "I'll make this wolf disappear!" But, as he said such, a beam of energy had been aimed at the crowd.

"We are experiencing technical difficulties," the magician's assistant said. "Rebooting." But, a sinister laugh had been added to the mix.

"Nyahahaha!" One of the hooded stranger laughed. "This is what he gets for meddling!"

Wolf monster looking ready for new victims, everyone ran out of the opera house one after another. Creature blasting its beams into the red chairs out in the audience, the sound of someone putting on gauntlets in the farthest seats from the back echoed on the walls.

"Get away from my future husband!" Earl shouted, gauntlets on. But, the peanut gallery chimed in.

"Earl, no, darling, don't!" Malika shouted, reaching out her hand.

"Earl, are you crazy? You don't stand a chance against a Rifthound!" Baron shouted at the top of their lungs.

But, such shouts had fallen on deaf ears. Earl punching the monster with a fervor, the early adult's jaw dropped onto the stage's floor. Boney creature taking a serious pummeling, the soldier swore he could hear the penguin shouting muda, muda, muda, muda, muda, muda over and over again. Creature receiving fifty blows wrapped up in a gauntlet present, the fifty-first punch closed season one with the fifty-second and final blow. Wolf vanishing into the portal of which it came, a defeated shout came out from the loser's lips.

"Curses! He sent one of his lackeys here?" one of the hooded strangers asked in an irritated tone. "We won't forget this!" Jumping into a potal as they said such, the duo was soon gone.

"Wait, I'm not don with you yet!" Earl shouted, chasing after the portal. But, such had been an instant failure.

Look of utter defeat painting the magician's face, a wave of despair fluttered through the hyena's head, as well. The magic how, it was a failure today, without a doubt. Audience reduced to only five people, the early adult attempted to shoulder the burden. But, as the sorrows kicked in, a strangely dressed person stormed the front.

Strange individual stating to cancel their mission for now, the magician turned towards the soldier. Young man stating he was no longer needed right now in his magic troupe, requests to turn in his costume had come the soldier's way. Doing as instructed immediately, the outfit was returned, in an instant. But as he hung up his coat, a sea of thoughts stabbed the hyena with a needle.

All of this was his fault. The magic show failing, the bone wolf monster, he was responsible for all of this. The people in his dreams, whatever it was they didn't want him interfering with, they wouldn't have made a move if he hadn't ruined their plans. Thoughts swallowing him whole, he repeated it once more.

All of this was his fault.

Magician soon telling him none of this was his fault, the early adult could feel tears stream down his face. There was no way that was true. Informed he would get his spot in the troupe back next time, a comment from the magician's assistant's lips put more salt on the wound.

"Finally, some quiet," the catgirl said.

Hearing such comment, the hyena knew now more than ever now. The magician's assistant was rather unfond of him. Returning to the hotel room one last time, the early adult hung up his magician hat. Agent sneaking up from behind him, the early adult's legs shook. He had failed the mission. Everything was his fault. But, a strange layer of easing words had come his way as his spiral continued.

"Relax, soldier, you did not fail," the Agent said as if he knew what he was thinking. "Go back to Snezhnaya and get some fire water to clear your head."

Shaking his head, the early adult removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. There was no way he was drinking fire water. Returning to the permafrost north in a split second, the soldier walked through the icy hallways. Stepping into the soundproof room, a sea of questions threw him off a cliff.

The hooded strangers, what do they want? Are they behind everything that's happening? Earl, next time the hooded nobodies see him, they'll target him, as well. He knew he could not let such thing happen, even if he was a thorn in his side. Putting his food down, the a decision had been made. Next time, for sure, he will battle them.

Wave of tiredness overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform put away, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, the hyena closed his eyes, but as the world of sleep were about to take him away, one final thought looped on repeat.

His magic troupe activities were temporarily on halt.

Those hooded strangers would pay for their oratrice crimes.

Chapter 6: Elton Trench Energy Horrors: Demonic Plants


In this chapter, Siorc must go to the Elton Trench underwater and destroy these plants referred to as the "red meanies" while also collecting "Jellyfish" (Tidalga) Heat and other problems ensue. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Eclater, Vidame, Domini, Robin, Raven, Freminet and Siegewenne.


Sigewinne just exists ig idk shrugs

Chapter Text

"These requests are just getting odder
How come I have to gather
Energy in the

Elton Trench?
Looks like it's
Those red plants
Oh, no Your Majesty.
No way will I be able to collect that.

Those plants they're
Really difficult to defeat.
Even if I grab those crystals they have, I
Need to destroy the source.
Cannot quite understand
Her logic behind this.

This makes no sense
Her Majesty asked for something else, also
I believe she said jellyfish extract?
She wants what now?

Those jellyfish under the sea?
I doubt they have actual jelly.
Maybe they do, but I don't think so, truly.
Everything makes no sense.

I know though

As soon as I go down to the
Mere baseline of the trench,

I am in danger.
No, maybe I won't be if I avoid those

Dastardly penguins.
And their visceral towards me.
Nothing stops them, and I
Guess I should be wary.
Even if they don't hurt me, I can see it
Relishing in their eyes. They want to.

Guess I have the
Ultimate underwater enemies.
And there's nothing I can do.
Ritchie Rich... what an
Annoying title. I am
Not rich, far from it.
That's how it's always is
Even so, I'll do my best to ignore them.
Everything they have to say is a wall.
Don't let them get to me at all. That is key."'

Four days had passed since the hyena had been an assistant in the Magic Act around Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Diplomatic affairs of nothing in Liyue overtaking the ninety-six hours, as usual, the chimera remained loyal, for the time being.

The sound of bitter wind screamed like a man being claimed by a snow woman like a certain Inazuman folktale. The roar of the wind had only grown louder as the days marched onward. As the month long blizzard flurried about towards the worst of it in the beginning stages, countless Fatui soldiers groaned in a discordant harmony.

The multitude of groans were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Knowing that, if he did not make haste, he would be subject to harsh freezing, the early adult rose from the uncomfortable bed. Time was ticking, he had to start moving, this instant. Throwing the rock hard covers back, the soldier had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier's uniform melted onto his partially human person, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just how much worse could this blizzard possibly get? He could not help but feel the world could soon be blanketed into snow and ice. Letting out a shiver, the early adult regained focus. There was no time to think about such things. He had to move faster, or he'll become a popsicle.

Buttons in the correct holes, the soldier removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching black hearts adorned the chimera's hair and ears. Cold room only getting chillier, a wave of unease flowed through him. But, as he did such, the early adult stared at the wall, for a moment.

Turning his prized possessions into weapons, was this what he truly wanted? Rational brain still on, at the moment, a wave of regret flowed through him. But, the early adult pushed such thought aside. He had to keep on moving. Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, another round of thoughts bit him in the buttocks.

The gods, why had they decided he was Dendro? Whichever one decided he was such element, they had made a huge mistake. But, the early adult shook his head. He knew he had no choice but to live with it. There was nothing that could be done. Gazing at the delusional orb, for a moment, the inquiries continued.

Delusions, what could possibly be powering them? Could they have come from other gods that have different powers from the seven? But, the soldier snapped himself out of such thinking. There was no way such question had any sort of answers. Taking a deep breath, the early adult pushed his remaining thoughts into the snow outside.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the chimera stared at the barricaded window one final time. Snow almost half his entire height, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how many people within Snezhnaya were suffering frostbite right about now? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. It was time to focus on the incoming workday at hand.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp about with a militaristic fervor, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out. He had to focus. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be heading to Fontaine to clear out malicious energy underwater, and collect jellyfish extract." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. All of the energy in the world should belong to Her Majesty.

The early adult tilted his head towards the ceiling. What did the Agent just say? He has to collect what now? Jellyfish extract? What was he, a yellow sponge under the sea? Absolutely ridiculous. This had to be the most outlandish request he had ever received. There was no way he would be able to collect something like that.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be dealing with malicious energy sources and collecting jellyfish extract around Fontaine!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he cannot waste time like this. He was on the nonexistent clock. He had to stop thinking about such things. It was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult turned his attention towards the Agent.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the chimera awaited for the gripping prison to take him away, like always.

"Excellent, let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. Slamming a bag on his subordinate's back, he soon continued. "Your diving suit has been updated with new capabilities. Use this to your advantage underwater, soldier." Gripping prison as relentless as it usually had been, the early adult stared at the frozen walls as the escort to Fontaine began.

What new capabilities did his diving suit contain?

"Those rich people and their stupid
Hunks of junk!
Even more of those vile villains have come down here!

Reeeeeeee, they make me so angry!
If only someone could ban rich people from
Coming down here!
How could they do this?

Their dumb suits are
Heating up the waters!
Even bringing plants from the Liffey Region with them!
Yes! It's their fault! Vidame agrees!

Doesn't anyone see that
It's impossible to ignore! These
Dastardly villains!

Those with Mora, they're to blame for everything!
Hundreds upon thousands of those red plants have appeared now!
I'm exaggerating, truly, but
So many of them constantly regenerated!

It's this rising heat problem!

But, I will triumph, and I will
End all of these rich people's crime and villainy!
These people with mora, I'm tired of

Them ruining everything!
How much more do they plan on destroying?
Everything, I bet!
Yes, everything!

And, I'll put a stop to it.
Reeeeeeeeeee, my chain whip is ready!
Every single one of you monsters, are going down.

Right after one another! The
Ultimate end to all of these charades!
If these oceans get any warmer
Nothing will survive, don't you see?
If I put a stop to this,
Nothing down here will perish!
Getting rid of the thread must happen!

That's what I have to do!
Hundreds of these plants
Eradicated, the rich will get their

Obituary, here's the Fontaine Eulogy.
Come one, come all to the
Extermination of malicious energy!
All taken care of, by yours truly!
None will regenerate this time, watch me!

This will be the end all be all,
Here's to heroics, speed
Of the ordinary water folk, me!
Shoot, Vidame, too, but mostly me!
Especially since my chain whip is sturdier!

May the rich see their stupidity blow up and
Over their faces!
No longer shall I sit by! No longer
Shall I go easy!
This time, these red meanies will be
Regeneration no more!
So, gather round for the finale!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment. He supposed he had gotten used to such area being his order of operations. Taking a long deep breath, the young soldier prepared himself for the long drag downward.

Agent dragging him down the mountain, a boat had been summoned out of nowhere, like always. Placed into the wooden vessel, the chimera had been seated. Staying as still as possible, the soldier gazed at the small seaside around him, for the time being as the vehicle cruised forward.

As the boat stroked past automatic vehicles, the hyena could not help but wonder. What could have possibly been upgraded on his diving suit? But, he supposed he would find out soon enough after entering the underwater world. Vehicle only getting closer towards the harbor, the early adult remained focused.

Wooden vehicle of human power almost ready to be docked, the soldier let out a sigh. It was almost time for the most ridiculous order of them all to take over his entire workdays to come. Cracking his knuckles, the readiness switch flipped upward inside him. The time had come, everything was about to begin.

Dragged towards the stairwell, another order had come the hyena's way. Told to go find somewhere to change within the Court of Fontaine, a familiar restriction had been cast upon him. Informed he is not allowed to teleport to Elton Trench, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Such fact was being mentioned yet again? Did the Agent think he had short term memory loss? He was mistaken, if so.

Agent staging his departure, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. What was so illegal about teleporting in Fontaine? Did using technology for everyone to see garner unwanted attention? He supposed such had to have been the case at hand. Glass lift taken towards the highest possible floor, the soldier headed towards the aquabus station.

Pressing the button to call the automatic vehicle, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just his imagination, or had it been far quieter than normal here? The silence was deafening. Had it only been active in Romaritime Harbor right after a court case had been held? He supposed such had to have been the case.

Aquabus arriving after fifteen minutes, the familiar Melusine greeted him as if he were an old friend. Seeing the same one hosting the tour like always, the soldier wondered. Was she the only one employed to do the Court of Fontaine route? But, the hyena shook his head. Surely, there had to have been other workers at other points during the day.

Seating himself in the back row, the vehicle soon cruised forward automatically. Boat soon cruising forward automatically, the tour went on in silence. Not a single word escaping the tour guide's mouth, the early adult blinked. Was he making her job easier for not having to repeat the same old routine to repeating riders? He hoped such to be the case.

As the automatic tour bus passed by Merusea Village, a strange anecdote had been stated by the Melusine. Young sea creature lady saying lately, some weird things have been happening in her village, the early adult blinked. Had more unwanted creatures been causing problems there? Why wasn't anyone taking care of the issue?

Soon reaching the Court of Fontaine station, the soldier could feel a wave of unease flow through him. Fontaine, just what was going on here? He knew he was not allowed to deal with problems outside his orders, or Her Majesty would kill him for insubordination on the spot, guaranteed.

Reaching the main city, the soldier stepped forward. He supposed, he should get changed at the hotel and head for Elton Trench as soon as he possibly could. Resolute on his decision, the soldier had begun heading towards the western side of the capital city for the time being.

As the soldier kept heading towards the hotel, the soldier could not help but wonder. The Oratrice, was it still breathing? Did it still have a pulse? But, the chimera snapped himself out of such line of thinking. Why was he still focusing his attention on that? He was not assigned to look into that issue any further.

Hotel area dragging on closer, the hyena prepared himself. He would only be in there for a mere moment. Get changed, and exit. Surely, they would allow for such a quick action. Stepping towards the world of expensive dwelling, the chimera prepared himself, but as he readied to do so, a face he did not wish to see dimmed the waters.

Earl walking down the path, the early adult let out a groan. If he were to spot him, his aggravating lovestruck words would grace his eardrums once more. But, as he pressed on further, eyes darted his way. Seeing such, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. Any second now, and he would be dragged off to the boutique once more.

Seeing his future husband walking towards the hotel, bag wide open, Earl's eyes practically had stars in them. Was Siorc on a mission underwater again, then he certainly needed a place to change. Why waste all his precious, hard earned mora on a hotel room? He needed to take him home right away.

"Hi, Siorc! Diving again?" Earl greeted. "Let me take you to my home so you can change!" Dashing towards him, he placed his hand on his wrist.

Dragged forward, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed he had no choice but to follow his lead. Knowing that if, he broke free from the pesky penguin's grip he would just tell him he was going with him, no ifs and or buts, the soldier let the escort continue. Hotel quickly left behind, the hyena remained silent.

Reaching the boutique after about ten minutes Earl guided him inside as if he were his wife, like usual. Pesky penguin looking ready to skip inside the early adult held back the urge to sigh a second time. Couldn't this man ever think for even a moment he had absolutely no interest in him? But he supposed the romantics were blind.

Highly esteemed fashion empire stepped through, the lower staircase had been taken, like usual. Small abode underneath reached in less than a minute, the hyena prepared himself. It was just a quick second to get changed, and then he would be on his way. It was time to get everything over with, without question.

"I'm back from Petrichor!" Earl announced. "No good business today!" An answer had soon come his way, in an instant.

"That's a shame," Malika responded. "We'll have to try harder next time." But the final sibling's eyes soon wandered.

Seeing Earl bring the Fatui boy home once again, Baron shook their head. Why was he continuously bringing this man over to their home? They could see the star struck look in his eyes. Did he still think there was even a remote chance of romance between them? He needed to get over his fantasies and see the reality.

"You brought that boy over again?" Baron asked in an exasperated tone. "You know he's not interested in going out with you."

"I just brought him here to get changed!" Earl retorted. "No ulterior motives."

"That same excuse again to bring him home with you, like always," Baron replied, twirling their hair.

Siblings yammering on, the soldier removed the diving equipment from the open bag. Blubbery suit looking absolutely no different from before, the early adult rose an eyebrow. What could have possibly been changed about his underwater uniform? Nothing looked any different. But, he supposed it would be difficult to tell what has changed from a glance.

Heelless shoes and winter jacket soon removed, the early adult placed his uniform in the bag from behind him. Heavy blubber soon absorbing his very being, the hyena held back the urge to grunt. No matter how many time he were to wear this thing, it never got any lighter.

Suit inflating as the early adult slipped the gloves over his bare hands, the hyena studied the coverings, for a moment. Noticing an array of brand new buttons, the chimera rose an eyebrow. That was all that was added, an array of new buttons? How could that have possibly been an upgrade? Whatever the new pressers did, they had better be worth his time.

Slipping the oxygen tank on and goggles, the soldier prepared himself. The Elton Trench, what possible world awaited him below the sea this time? Whatever malicious energy source he had to clear out, he knew he would have to do so to the best of his ability before the penguin dwellers down beneath were to spot him. But, as his thoughts pressed onward, Earl's grating voice interrupted his food cart of thoughts.

"So, where are you headed for today?" Earl asked.

The hyena held back the urge to roll his eyes towards the ceiling. Why was Earl so interested in his line of work? He should focus on his own career in the fashion world, and stop asking him about whatever he was up to. But, he supposed he could humor him with an answer so he wouldn't inquire any further.

"I am heading to Elton Trench, sir," Siorc responded, voice barely audible.

Hearing his future husband state he was going to Elton Trench, Earl's face turned various shades of blue. He was heading to the biggest water body in Fontaine? There's no way he could allow him to go there alone. That particular underwater area was full of dangers right now. He had to help his man out. Maybe, if he were to assist him, he'd finally let him become his wife.

"Elton Trench? It's full of Red Meanies right now! It's not safe!" Earl shouted, he then turned towards Malika. "Malika, is it okay if I help him out?"

"You finished your shift already today, so feel free!" Malika responded. "But, come back home in time for supper!"

Earl giving the loudest yippee known to man, the hyena let out a groan. Why was this thorn in his side always so eager to help without a second thought? How strange. Surely, the Red Meanies weren't so dangerous that he couldn't take them out alone. But, he knew it was a waste of time to tell him off. Persistence was an incurable virus.

Reaching the Aquabus station at lightning speed, another exception to the rule had been made. Earl telling the tour guide to make a stop towards the Poisson Tunnel, the early adult shook his head. Was that really necessary? Heading for the trench near the Romaritime Harbor had to have been the quicker way to get there.

Melusine agreeing to the request, the early adult placed himself as far away from the fashionable penguin pest as possible. As the automatic vehicle kept heading closer towards the tunnel, the hyena steeled himself. Those red plants under the sea, were they back at it again? Surely, they weren't nearly as dangerous as Earl claimed. He had to have been exaggerating as a way to invite himself in his affairs, for certain.

Aquabus reaching its destination faster than the chimera could count to four-hundred, the soldier blinked. Had the ship been set onto turbo mode? But, the early adult pushed such thought aside. He had to have been overthinking it. Maybe he had just gotten used to the ride by now that everything felt instant.

Jumping down to the ground like the various times prior, the pesky penguin dashed off towards the southern path. Seeing him gain speed as he kept on going, the early adult crossed his heavy arms around his waist. Surely, just running to the trench from the Romaritime Harbor station would be easier than heading through Poisson. But, he supposed it was too late for that outcome.

As the party of two kept heading south, the early adult could not help but notice a rather peculiar instance around the area. Spotting jellyfish floating on the surface world, an array of questions soared through the chimera's partially human mind. How had such creatures gotten on land? There was no way they could survive in such a way.

But, the chimera pushed such thoughts away. There was no time to think about the jellyfish, at the moment. Collecting their extracts would have to wait, for the time being. Doing both tasks at the same time would throw off the balance. No matter what, he had to start with the first task at hand.

West Slopes dashed through, the early adult turned his head towards the right. Strange tower off in the east glowing with a mysterious aura, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. Would he have to go to that place someday? But, the soldier stopped such thoughts of nonsense. He needed to focus. No more letting distractions get the best of him.

Beach near the trench soon reached, Earl took the dive of the century. Penguin already down under, the soldier took a long deep breath. It was his turn now. He had to drop down to the bottom and fight the Red Meanies. Closing his eyes, for a moment a spark synched with his brain. Diving suit ready to go, the soldier dipped his toes into the water.

Automatic swimsuit pushing him downward, a sight to behold caught the hyena's attention, for a moment. Earl in full penguin form below the neck, the chimera's shoulders turned cold. Why should he pay any attention to such transformation? Paying him no mind, he kept being swam automatically further downward.

Soon reaching the bottom, an entire sea of bright red flowers with odd crystals awaited the soldier. Seeing such, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Weren't those the plants he saw in the last week prior? How had even more grown since then? Something was off about the entire situation presented to him.

"Those are the Red Meanies," Earl explained. "We need to get rid of them!"

But, as the pesky penguin yammered on, a disturbance had been in the force. Was it just his imagination, or had the Elton Trench been far warmer than normal? Surely, he had to have been imagining it. There was no way the ocean beneath was hot. He should not let it get to him.

Earl slipping on penguin flipper shaped gauntlets, the soldier held back the urge to gasp. He had boxing gloves on the ready for when he wasn't in human form? How incredibly practical. If only there were shoes for his feet when they transformed into hyena limbs, such would be an excellent way to keep them hidden. But, the hyena pushed such thoughts aside. Desires were not allowed to be voiced by him, in any given situation.

Pesky penguin attempting to punch the life out of the malicious plants in front of him, the early adult stared at his gloves. Would punching them alongside him get rid of them? He supposed it was worth a shot before testing out the new features bestowed upon him. Rolling his shoulder, the young soldier readied to swing and hit.

Punches of nature hitting the malicious plant enemy in the corner, the soldier's physical pounds had been brought to the table. Plants disintegrating, the early adult let out a sigh of relief. Was it really that easy to get rid of the problem? Maybe brute force was the answer after all.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

Red Meanies regenerating in an instant, the soldier's eyes twitched. The plants, why did they come back as if they were never defeated? What in the world had just happened? Surely, if he punched them again, they would go away. Knowing that had to have been the solution, the hyena brought his fist to the enemy.

But, such continued to be a proven failure. Enemies regenerating almost immediately, the soldier's suit pushed him backward. The plants, why were they coming back from their defeat on a continuous loop? Surely, they had to go down once knocked out. Attempting one last punch out, the hyena prayed to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship that the would vanish.

Such was a pipe dream. Earl stopping his planty assault many seconds prior, the hyena's knees buckled. Was he giving up already? What a quitter. If he was going to stop, he had no business inviting himself on his team. But, such thoughts of disdain were thrown to the bottom of the ocean immediately.

Earl studying his left glove for a moment, an epitome had washed over him like Celestia had given him a halo. Pointing to a button that said Xenochromatic Energy Bomb the early adult blinked. Where did his glove say that? Seeing very tiny scribbles at the bottom of the clicker, the soldier almost let out a strange noise. How could anyone read such small print?

Pressing the button, a tiny ball of water had been thrown into the center of the many red plants on the sea water grounds. Earl swimming towards it stating he'll give it a nice whack, his penguin flipper gauntlets did the talking. Small scale explosion doing the honors, all the plants had been swooped up into the chaos instantaneously.

Ecological enemies taken out of the equation, the early adult took a deep breath of relief. They were gone now? If using a water bomb were the answer, the fights going forward would be easy, for sure. Pesky thorn in his side swimming forward stating there's many more, keep going, the soldier's automatic diving suit thrust him northward.

Group of plant monsters down below forming an almost endless dozen of themselves, the soldier could feel his heart skip two beats. Just how many of these objects existed here? Whoever planted these things had to have some sort of ulterior motive. Earl turning to look at him, an idea had been stated.

"Doesn't seem like these ones can all be taken out at the same time!" Earl exclaimed. "Let's aim for the biggest ones first and go from there!"

Doing as suggested, the chimera dropped down the water bomb of doom. Water ball of explosions placed in the center of four plant enemies, Earl stepped up to the plate. Gauntlets doing their duty, an aquatic boom took the stage. Four plants disintegrating, a tiny scale celebration lasted a few seconds.

But, such party had been quickly cut short. Enemies regenerating as if they never left, the hyena grit his teeth. Why had they come back? Surely, destroying them in a group was the answer to the equation in defeating them. Apology coming his way for making assumptions, the group of two returned to square one.

Coming across tinier plants in the corner, encased in a sea of vines, the chimera could not help but wonder. Would destroying the smallest ones first be the correct order of business? He supposed it was worth a try. Vines soon cut, the tiniest of the bullish plants revealed itself from its encasing.

Watery blade taking the enemy out of the equation, another sea of small plants soon revealed themselves around the area. Knowing he had to get rid of them as soon as possible, the second strike was soon created. Every tiny obstacle soon removed, the chimera pressed the leftmost button.

Watery explosive dropped down, another planty punch had come for the bomb upon the ocean floor. Small scale denotation letting out a boom, the plants had been removed from the picture, in an instant. Strange jewels dropping down as they disintegrated, the chimera scooped them up into his gloves.

Earl informing him there was more where that came from, the soldier followed behind in silence. Just how many Red Meanies had grown underwater? But, he supposed he would just have to continue clearing them out for the time being. The choice was not his, if he wished to continue living.

But, as the main body of water approached, a sight he did not wish to witness closed in on his heterochromatic field of damaged vision. Underwater penguin duo swimming by, a set of disgusted faces painted them. Knowing that, at any moment, they would get on the offensive, the soldier attempted to have his diving suit sideswim them. Such, however, had been a notion too late. Their pupils were already glued to him.

Stupid Ritchie Rich coming by with his expensive diving suit, Vidame slapped her left flipper against her right. How dare this annoying rich guy come back down to the Elton Trench. It was the wealthy people's fault the waters were getting hot down in the trench. He needed to be taught a violent lesson to remind him he was not welcome down here.

Annoying rich guy with their surface world cousin stroking his money around like it was no one's business, Domini's pale face grew red. Why did he think he was allowed down here with his disgusting, million mora equipment. He needed to get out of here, and take his pollution elsewhere.

"Why, I oughta!" Domini shouted, summoning a chain whip. "Ritchie Rich, get out of here!" As he said such, he tossed the chain forward.

"I thought we made it clear that you're not allowed down here, Ritchie Rich!" Vidame said, rolling up a punch. "This'll teach you to not--" But she was soon interrupted.

"Vidame, Domini, stop!" Earl shouted, cutting in between the two of them. "Leave him alone! He hasn't done anything!"

"It's the rich people's fault those Red Meanies left the Liffey Region!" Domini shouted back.

The early adult could feel his blood begin to boil. Why did these pesky penguins always try to blame him for whatever problems were going on down underneath the Elton Trench? He was not responsible for the red plant monsters growing there, whatsoever. What did his wealth that he did not have have anything to do with it? But, the hyena kept himself quiet. He knew retorting back would be a waste of his time.

Earl destroying the plants in one fell swoop as the penguin family attempted to argue about the subject, the early adult's heart dropped into his stomach. Had anger about what Vidame and Domini said fueled him? Rage was the most powerful emotion in the world, indeed.

"Trust me, cous," Earl said to Domini. "He couldn't have possibly caused any of this!" But, Vidame soon cut in.

"You're lucky you're family!" Vidame shouted, balling her flipper into a fist. "Or, we'd pummel you right about now!"

Penguins swimming off speedily, the soldier blinked in a rapid manner. Did the biggest of the penguin pests just swim away? But, he supposed, the less penguins he had to deal with, the better. Earl informing him they had to continue onward towards the northern path, the early adult stayed behind, for a moment.

Jewels scooped up rather quickly, the hyena had his diving suit thrust him forward. Reaching the northern area far off from the plains, another sea of Red Meanies awaited the penguin and he. Plants glowing with a strange aura, the soldier prepared himself. Placing down the watery explosive, the next round was about to begin.

Earl punching the explosive, the plants disintegrated faster than a speeding bullet on the surface. But, such had been a magic trick gone wrong. Enemies regenerating quickly after and adding some friends, a wave of uneasiness flowed through the chimera. Some could multiply? How terrifying.

Encouraged to try and drop down two bombs at one, the soldier did as instructed. Plants absorbed blowing as the tag team continued, the next collection of jewels had been scooped up in a matter of moments. Heading off towards the west shortly after, the next fight was on.

Next set of plants looking ready to multiply at any given moment, the soldier dropped down another explosive. But, such had proven too early. Triple threat plant soon taking the stage, the hyena held back the urge to scream. Just how many more of themselves could these plants summon? But, he knew he had no time to think about it. He had to destroy them pronto.

Explosives not doing justice as the plant's multiplication continued, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Why were their numbers continuing to grow? Maybe it was best to aim for the smallest ones and then destroy the main perpetrator of the sea crimes first, and foremost.

Tiniest taken care of first, the soldier kept the momentum going. Multiplied enemies reduced back to their original flow, the soldier was ready to fire and aim one final time. Letting out a battle cry as the last of the balls of exploding prowess had been dropped, the pesky penguin beside him threw himself into the ring.

Victims sent to a nonexistent realm of shadows, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his brow. Had everything around the Trench been taken care of? Water not cooling down, even a smidgeon, the hyena could feel sweat pour down his face. The job was not yet done, guaranteed.

The hard switch had soon been flipped.

Reaching Salacia Plain after a small automatic swim over, the chimera's soul practically left his body at the sight before him. Red plants making a strange formation around the plains into some form of collective vine giant, the hyena could feel himself begin to shake with a fervor. This could not have been normal activity for such species guaranteed.

Explosive not doing its duty to the plant tower of doom, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Had the enemies taken on a new form? If they were immune to the main attack that could vanquish them, it was toast, over, done as dinner. Second attempt proving to be as useless as the first, a doom seed grew in the chimera's mind.

Earl soon peering at his glove once more, the hyena held back the urge to groan. Did he really have to keep looking at his gloves for answers? How incredibly aggravating. But, he supposed he should hold such judgement. The print was far too small to read, anyway.

"Maybe try this one?" Earl asked, pointing.

Flipper pointing at a button labelled, Xenochromatic Echolocation the soldier blinked. How was echolocation supposed to be of any use here? But, the chimera supposed it was worth a try. Pressing the button, the soldier placed his hand out in front of him. Perhaps, just maybe, he was onto something.

Peculiar pulses releasing themselves from the palm of his glove, multiple enemy plants fell out from their high formation. Seeing such, the early adult kept going. Earl saying he'll leave this spot to him, the aquatic soundwaves continue to fulfill their duty one wave after another.

Tower crashing downward, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Peculiar blue jewel dropping from the remains, a wave of questions flowed through him. How could such be left inside these plants? Could it have been the source of the heat issues?

Heat not lowering even a little, the hyena cut such thoughts up with a scissor. Perhaps he had to keep going in order to find what he was looking for. Suit thrusting him towards the northern path for half an hour, something of eventual note caught the chimera's attention.

Spotting a glass domed room in the corner, the soldier pressed his hand against the door. Had something been in there? Wanderlust taking the stage, the chimera broke in and entered. Entrance made out of water, the door did not hit him on the way in. Observing the room in front of him, marvels awaited.

Small room with a gramophone on a table and books aplenty, the soldier could feel a wave of fascination flow through him. Was this someone's research facility? What an incredible place to keep one, if such were the case. But, the early adult soon exited the area. There was no time to look around in such place, his work was not done yet. Returning to the seafloor, the soldier braced himself. As he approached, however, Earl's grating voice interrupted his thoughts.

"You have to collect those land jellyfish, right?" Earl asked.

Hearing Earl's question, the soldier nodded. Maybe the pesky thorn in his side was smarter than he gave credit for. Soon told he'll go find him when it's time for supper, the soldier had the automatic diving suit ascend him back towards the surface. Belleau Region in front of him once more, a strange premonition flowed through the hyena.

The crab cave on the beach, he did not know why, but he could sense there had been many of the jellyfish down there, as well. Knowing the cave had been quite further south than he currently was, the chimera's currently human legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Beach reached after about twenty minutes of running, the soldier let out a pant.

Descending towards the ocean bed once more, the soldier's suit steered him towards the crab cave faster than he could blink. Reaching the surface as quick as lightning, intuition scored one-hundred points on he invisible test. Jellyfish everywhere linking pink goop, the hyena dug through his satchel.

Finding a large jar practically twice his size, the early adult crinkled his nose. Did the Agent really think this huge of a container was necessary? But, he supposed it wasn't right for him to question such. Fluids collected one after another, the hyena held back the urge to gag. How disgusting. The creatures before him were certainly not normal.

Returning to the surface for what felt like the third time of the day, the early adult dashed off towards the West Slopes. Recalling there had been various other jellyfish on the surface in such area, the soldier was off to the races. Surely, after collecting these, the jar would be one-fourth of the way full.

Spotting more than twenty in various parts, the soldier prepared himself. He had to keep going, no matter what. Dashing off towards the first batch of three, the creature's barbaric juices flowed down into the jar. How could anyone find this enjoyable? He was in the wrong world, for sure.

Moving onward towards the second batch, five more rounds of juices dropped into the container of disgust. Eight down, twelve to go. Throwing himself towards the next order of business, the container continued to fill itself up. Doing his utmost, the early adult kept going.

Every amount of extract within the area collected, the hyena let out a grunt. What did Her Majesty need this so called Jellyfish Extract for, anyway, special Snezhnayan hamburgers? What an absolutely ridiculous request to be made. Jar nowhere near full, the soldier resisted the urge to wave the white flag. He had to keep going, no questions asked.

Figuring it was best to attempt to look for more around the Poisson area, the hyena dashed back towards the northern area of the map. Soon finding himself beside the boat city, the soldier could feel a wave of fear flow through him at the sight of long, stringy jellyfish looking ready to sting at any given moment, the chimera's knees buckled.

Finding a slingshot at the bottom of his satchel, the early adult's eyes fluttered in a rapid manner. How incredibly convenient for such to have been in his bag of supplies. It was almost as if such convenience was placed to push a story along. Small rock soon catching wind, the threat was lessened in a matter of moments.

Gruesome juices releasing themselves from the creature's stingers, the early adult grit his teeth. Was he witnessing real life right now? This had to have been a dream. Or, perhaps, just maybe, the creatures before him were artificial. Whichever the case, the disgust remained.

Rest of the army above Poisson done and juiced, the soldier swore he could hear screams coming from the underground city. Knowing it was best to not ignore it, the early adult descended the ladder beside the waterfall. But, as expected, a predictable scene played out from the hidden world beneath the Belleau Region.

Bain and Kali chasing after Aigre as if playing some sort of game of tag, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Was this really the time to be playing such an activity? Multiple jellyfish making their presence known in the area, the hyena resumed his collections, although such had been short lived as the game of chase intercepted with his work.

"Could you stop running, Aigre?" Kali asked, panting. "Please, have mercy."

"No!!" Aigre retorted. "Captain Vert said evil jellies are attacking our ship! I gotta stop them!" Seeing Mauve in the corner of her eyes, she swerved her feet, for a moment. "Come on, crewmate!! We have to save our ship!" Taking the wrist hostage, she dashed off towards the pool in the corner. But, protests soon came her way.

"Aigre, how many times do we have to tell you?" Bain screamed out, running. "Stop involving strangers into your shenanigans!"

"Didn't you say that you're not supposed to hurt jellyfish, or something?" Kali asked, running. "Stop this, Aigre!"

"You don't understand Sissie, Sisser!" Aigre shouted back. "These are evil jellies!" Dropping towards the water hole, she readied herself to hop in. "Quickly, crewmate!"

Dropped down into the water world beneath Poisson, multiple green gelatinous fish awaited the soldier. Aigre demanding he defeat every single one of them, the early adult almost wanted to pull every strand of his hair out until he were to begin balding. Why did he ever allow himself to be dragged into this young woman's shenanigans, he didn't have time for this.

Water blade doing its various duties,

Creatures swishing towards him, the the soldier let out a huffed breath green goop adding itself into the jar, the chimera looked away. Whatever Her Majesty was about to use this collection of extract for, he wanted no part of it, whatsoever. But, as the final creature sung its swan song in the area, a round of begs had come his way.

"Please, we have to go to the Scorching Cavern next!!" Aigre begged, flippers twisted together. "Then, my ship!"

Knowing he had no choice in the matter, the chimera forced a nod. Hearing Bain and Kali chasing after from behind, the hyena shook his head. No matter where Aigre went, her sisters certainly followed. Volcano cavern getting closer with every stroke, voices trailed from behind.

"Aigre, they're just Tidalga, you don't have to go out to that cavern again," Bain said in a stern tone.

"What Bain said. Tidalga are harmless. I think," Kali said in a scolding tone. "So, um, turn back."

"They're not regular Tidlaga!" Aigre shouted back. "They're evil! Mauve and I have to exterminate them!"

Sea lion sisters waving an invisible white flag, the soldier kept following from behind in silence. Diving suit thrusting him downward and then towards the cavern, purple tidalga awaited the hyena. But something had been rather peculiar about them. Creatures surrounding themselves around rings of water, the early adult thrusted towards them.

First jellyfish collected near the ring, the hyena tilted his head. Why was there pink energy flowing around him? How incredibly strange. But, he supposed he could have to keep going to find the answer to such question buzzing about. Peculiar ring thrusting him forward, another wave of the creatures was soon taken.

Eight more soon obtained in quick succession of one another, the soldier could not help but continue to wonder. Were these tidalga truly evil as Aigre claimed? She had to have been exaggerating such, for sure. Another round of them soon taken from their spots, the chase was on.

Final set of jellyfish collected, an entire army surrounded the soldier. Juices dropping themselves into the jar shortly after, the early adult looked the opposite way. Couldn't there be less of such activity? Disgusting. No more. But, as he thought such, Aigre's demands brought him back to reality.

"Aah! My ship! I know there's more there!!" Aigre shouted. "Quickly, quickly, we have to go there!"

Knowing he had no choice but to head there, the early adult followed the lead sea lion, mermaid rather, towards her ship. Shipwreck area soon reached, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Blue tidalga doing absolutely nothing of note, the hyena crinkled his nose. Aigre sure had the colorful imagination, didn't she? But, the chimera kept himself quiet. It was not in his place to say such.

Seeing her crewmates boxing multiple jellyfish in a struggle fight, Aigre's flippers grew colder than a winter night. The evil jellies, what were they doing? Creatures looking ready to sting Captain Vert's hair to oblivion, she turned towards her leader. Heroic punches continuing, a plea broke out.

"Free us, Aigre!" Captain Vert pleaded. "Get rid of them."

"I will, Captain Vert!" Aigre shouted. "Mauve, please, help me get rid of them!"

The hyena blinked of bewilderment. Get rid of the tidalga? But, they weren't doing anything. Aigre changing the pitch of her voice again saying to free them, the soldier clicked two and two together. Did her captain request this? He supposed he should do her the favor and remove them from the equation.

Slingshot doing its duty, the creatures fell from grace. Extracts collected, a sea of gratitude from Aigre and her invisible crew took the stage. Not spotting any more jellyfish, the soldier returned to the world underwater, but as he had done so, a familiar face stuck out amongst the sea.

Blond diver boy staring at a malicious red plant in the corner, the early adult let out a gulp. Had there still been more he had to deal with? If there were some he had forgotten, he had to get to them right away. Young man looking ready to speak, daring questions threw darts on his chest.

"Our orders are to destroy these red plants," the blond diver boy reminded him. "Have you not been doing hat?"

A chill dropped down the chimera's spine. The diver Fatui, had he been made aware of his duties? Whoever had assigned him to deal with the Red Meanies, he had to have let him down for not heading towards the western side of the trench, for sure. Had he done the extermination out of order? If such were the case, Her Majesty would kill him, guaranteed.

Giving the diver boy a nod, the soldier pointed off towards the eastward direction. Writing out Elton Trench on the water, the early adult looked into the young man's eyes. Diver pondering for a moment, the early adult could feel doom wash over him. He had to have made a mistake of some sort.

"You took care of the ones in the east?" the diver boy asked. "I thought our orders were to destroy them everywhere."

Placing his hand out in front of him, the hyena drew out on the water that he had other engagements to attend to, the diver boy looked as though he were about to say he sees. Not wishing to hear such response, the soldier ascended towards the surface. Evening sky hitting in, Earl dashed off towards him.

"There you are! The Red Meanies have gotten a lot worse! But, it's time to stop for today!" Earl exclaimed. "We need to go back home for supper!"

The hyena's heart skipped three beats. The red plant issue had only gotten worse since he returned to the surface? Maybe he shouldn't have left to collect tidalga extract. But, it was too late to take such action back. What was done had already happened. Soon returned to the boutique after about forty-five minutes of the aquabus ride back, rich people dinner awaited.

Juicy barbeque ribs devoured, the soldier turned his attention towards the couch. Kaiser's arms bandaged from the fingers all the way to the shoulder as he laid on his side sleeping, the hyena could not help but feel a wave of unease. Had he done something worse to himself? He supposed he would need to continue to put his thoughts of annoyances at the door, for the time being.

Feeling a wave of tiredness, the early adult headed for the guestroom. Malika insisting he stay until his mission was complete, the chimera knew refusal was not being given to him as an option. Slipping into the unfamiliar bed, the hyena closed his eyes. But, as he drifted off into the dream world, a regret tied him up into knots.

He should have remained underwater to help.


"Will you look at that!
Over there in the air breather world,
Are those jellies!
How did they get on the surface parts of Merusea Village?

Brume, bro, does he know?
Right, he doesn't know what I don't.
Oh, maybe our Melusine sisters know!

Well, we ask one of them.
However, her response is the same
As Brume's.
They don't know.

Ahh! Well, if they don't know, who will!
Right, what was the name of that dude who
Employed us to be the water defense force.

The Roodex? The rudex?
Huh, that's not right, is it?
Éclater, think, think. My brain may be
Small, pea brained, according to our sisters, but
Even at that size, it still works right!

The Iudex... Chief Justice. Oh, I got it, cha-ching!
He aught to know!
I should ask one of our Melusine sisters to ask Monsieur
N---------- about it. Since we can't
Get there ourselves!
Surely, he would know about this debacle!"

Waking up the next morning, the soldier swore an army of ants had been dropped down into his pants. He has to go out to the sea now before it was too late. Any second now, the Red Meanies would make the water hotter, and cause worse issues for the Elton Trench denizens. Baron soon stepping into the guestroom, an offer came his way.

"Earl's heading towards Lumidouce Harbor today for work," Baron said, voice monotone. "I'll be going with you today to Elton Trench." Stepping out the door, their back was turned. "Let's go. The Aquabus is about to leave in ten minutes."

Taking the Aquabus after what felt like the ten thousandth time, the chimera could not help but wonder. Just how much worse had it gotten down in the Elton Trench? He did not know, but he needs to get there as quickly as he could possibly manage. There was no time to waste whatsoever.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor, the bottom floor was soon upon Baron and he. Dashing through the beaches around the area, the party of two curved towards the eastern pathway. Main beach near Elton Trench almost about to be upon him, the hyena sped up his running speed.

Spotting tidalga on the other side of the area, the hyena kept note of such. He supposed, after he took care of the issue down below, he would have to go back and get more of the horrid jellyfish extract that awaited him. Baron diving downward first, the soldier removed his diving gear from behind him.

Everything on, the soldier synched his mind up with the system inside the suit. Soon diving downward in an automatic fashion, the early adult took a long deep breath. The western side of the trench, it was time to head there. Realist penguin already heading towards that direction, the soldier followed from behind.

Spotting a group of the red flowers in the corner, the early adult prepared himself for battle. But, as he prepared to do so, the hyena could tell something of especial note stuck out amongst the plant enemies in front of him. Was it just his imagination, or had the jewels in the crowns been green today?

Dropping down the watery explosive, Baron turned towards the hyena. Looking as though he had something to ask, the chimera gave eye contact. What was it that he wished to ask him? Whatever it was, he supposed it was best to listen. Ears open, the soldier waited.

"I suppose you expect me to punch your Xenochromatic water bomb with my flipper gauntlets, no?" Baron asked, sighing. "Earl comes up with quite the unintelligent solutions to problems sometimes."

Baron slipping penguin flipper gauntlets on, the early adult eyebrows twitched. He did not know why, but he could not help but feel a sense of coldness from Baron's comment about Earl. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. What did he care? He was a thorn in his side.

Rocky punch of circ*mstance slamming into the water bomb, the red meanies soon faded from the battlefield, but such was short lived. Plants coming back with a vengeance, orders of trying again but angle better had come Siorc's way. Second attempt failing as well, they swam towards him. Eyes on the chimera's glove, insight had come his way.

"Try this one," Baron said, pointing. "Their skin is tougher."

Flipper pointing at a button labelled, Xenochromatic Armor, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was this really the right button to be pressing? What would armor do in a situation like this? But, he supposed it was in his best interest to roll with it, for the time being.

Plants blasting an array of energy the hyena's way, the early adult pressed the armor button. Seeing a crosshair hit the enemies off from afar, a projectile had been bounced back towards the monsters. Matter blowing up back in their nonexistent faces, the creatures faded off into nothing.

Green jewels dropping from the crowns of the plants, Baron grabbed the collective commodities one after another. Informed there were more west towards, the party of two kept on going. Far more Red Meanies sticking themselves towards powerful geyser bombs, the soldier could not help but wonder. Would knocking them back with the armor powers defeat them?

Watching as Baron sent back the power of the jetstream with a singular punch, a peculiar ball had been sent flying towards the red plant enemy. Aligning the crosshair with the geyser next to theirs, a ball had soon brought itself over to the second monster. Rings blasting the water towards them seconds later, the party of two continued onward.

Next group of water problems taken out of the picture, the soldier observed the strange teal jewels they had dropped. Seeing a wind like symbol in them, confusion ate the chimera up like a plate of fish and chips. How did these get inside these malicious plants? Something was amiss here, for sure.

Final set of enemies from the pathway towards the furthest westward area, the soldier stared at the watery world around him. Was it just him, or had it been far warmer today than yesterday? But, he supposed he didn't have time to worry about it. Baron swimming off toward a cave, the hyena had his suit thrust him toward the area.

Group of many plants exuding quite dark energy beside the cave in the corner, the early adult's shoulders froze in place. Where had these obstacles come from all of the sudden? Surely, these ones could be skipped over. They were not red like the rest of them. But, such was not an option.

"Those ones are bad," Baron said, voice monotone. "Go on, blow them up."

Knowing that was his cue to do so, the early adult pressed the bomb button. Tossing the watery explosive the way of the peculiar plants, the hyena attempted to do so. But, such had been a miscalculation by a landslide. Plant life clinging onto the rocks nearby, nothing was vanquished.

Baron stating that he should try hacking and slashing them, the chimera pressed the blade button on his glove. Plants taken out of the equation slowly, but surely, the early adult gazed at the rocks. How could such enemies cling onto minerals like that? But, he supposed he really did not have time to think about it.

Heading towards the southwest corner as the party of two kept going, more of the strange plants clung themselves towards the ocean floor. Seeing such, the soldier studied the enemies further. Round brown rock like appendages with flowers on the top, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Were these really something he had to remove? Baron had to have been mistaken.

Enemies slashed to oblivion, the soldier shook his head. Why was he fighting these, anyway? They were not his target, whatsoever. Sweeping past the northern path, the final rocky flowers were removed from the picture. Baron soon informing him they are heading the Chemin de L'espoir, the soldier followed the leader.

But, as the deepest northwestern area had been reached, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Red Meanies nowhere to be seen for kilometers, the early adult titled his head. Had someone already cleared out the obstacles around this area? Maybe it was best to continue heading north, for the time being.

Suit pushing him towards the northern path, a strange water door blocked the way. Seeing such, the soldier attempted to step towards it, but such had been a failure before it could even begin. Feeling a sharp tug on the back of his blubbery suit, demands had come his way.

"Don't go that way. That's Annaipauisis," Baron warned. "In there, you might get stuck in a corridor. Turn around."

Doing as instructed, the soldier turned back towards the opposite direction. But, as he had been thrusted back towards Chemin de L'Espoir, the familiar penguins who despised him more than soggy bread gave him the glares of a lifetime. Knowing a sea of angry words were about to come his way, the soldier prepared himself.

Seeing Ritchie Rich back at it again, Domini could feel his face become as red as a tomato. Why was he here again? This rich person with a lot of Mora, he was the one who was making the water warmer, for sure! He would pay gravely for such a crime! Violence was the only answer going forward.

Seeing the rich freak rear his ugly head in Chemin de L'Espoir, Vidame's claws were ready and waiting. Didn't Ritchie Rich get the message last time? He wasn't welcome down here whatsoever. Period, end of discussion. It was time to give him a violent warning that he would remember forever.

"Didn't we say this last time, Ritchie Rich?!" Vidame shouted, rage building. "You're not welcome down here! I hope you like your face because it's about to get a nice punishment!" Her claws glowed on the water.

"What Vidame said! You're the one causing this place to get warmer, Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted. "Prepare for our attack! You're going to get it!" But, such announced acts of violence were halted before they could even begin.

"Really? You're going to resort to violence? How barbaric of you two," Baron said, rolling their eyes. They then stepped in front of them, flippers out. "Go. Towards the stream. I'll hold them off."

Doing as instructed, the early adult thrusted off towards the stream off towards the side. Blasted through a ring, a group of Red Meanies everyone had missed glared daggers at the soldier. Seeing them before his mismatched eyes, the early adult readied for action.

Enemies surprisingly easy to vanquish, the hyena headed for the second bubble stream. Tinier group of red planted enemies sitting dormant, the next order of business was upon the chimera. Sea creatures taken out of the equation, the third ring awaited him. Jumping through, the stream continued onward.

Action repeating itself in a loop as the stream of water rings had been crossed through, the early adult let out a tired huff. How did he not see this earlier? He should have dealt with the weaker enemies far earlier. But, he supposed he had just not noticed them prior. Soon about to reach the end of the line, the soldier would not falter.

Final set of the red plants taken out of the equation, peculiar orange rock chunks dropped from the plant's center. Seeing such, the soldier studied it, for a moment. Spotting a Geo symbol in the center of the chunk, confusion looped on repeat once more. How did elemental jewels get embedded inside these flowers? What a strange phenomenon, indeed.

Baron swimming towards him, the soldier turned his attention towards them. Youngest of the boutique penguins tell him to get out of here, go collect jellyfish extract up in Elynas, the early adult's jaw practically dropped open. Why were they bossing him around? They were not in charge of this situation, at all. But, the soldier kept such thoughts to himself.

Ascending back towards the surface, the early adult dashed off towards the mountains. But, as he kept getting closer towards the northern area, a skeletal object caught the soldier's attention. Tidalga surrounding such remains everywhere, the early adult could feel a chill shoot down his spine. Something was not right about this.

Taking a jar far smaller than the one he had yesterday, the jellyfish extract mission had soon begun. Vile pink juices dropping themselves down into the container one after another, the soldier turned away. Just how much more of this disgusting tidalga waste did he need? Surely, he had collected enough already at this point.

Proceeding to head south for awhile, the next order of jellyfish extract collection was upon the chimera. But, as he grew closer, a double dozen of the paradoxical land water creatures swept the soldier up into every corner of the Beryl Region. Knowing he had to make haste, the next round of removals had begun.

But, as the jar had gotten towards the quarter point, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just his imagination, or had some of the extract been glowing? Pushing the container away, the hyena shook his head. No way such was the case, he was overthinking it. It had to have been the sun.

As the chimera kept on moving onward, the soldier could not help but ponder. Why did Her Majesty need any of this for, anyway? Just what use could she get out of liquids from sea creatures? Surely, there was nothing of any use this could bring to the table. But, he knew he could question Her Majesty, or he would be dead.

Reaching the next destination amongst the rest, the jar was about to reach the halfway point. Observing it once more, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint for the second time. The liquids, they had to have been glowing. He couldn't have possibly been imagining it. Pushing the thoughts away, the chimera kept the chain going.

Soon finding a ton of tidalga by the burning pool of water, the soldier gulped. Why were there some gathered around the heated trap of doom? But, the chimera knew he had no choice but to tread the boiling isle of doom. Treading carefully, the early adult let out a pained scream. No matter how many times he were to come towards this area, the results were always the same.

Steamy juices ready to evaporate dropped into the jar, the soldier dashed off towards the further southern path. It was time to continue moving forward. There was no reason to let himself reduce to a pile of ashes here. Erupting his legs into a sprint, the southern collection continued.

Odd green goop added into the jar, the soldier held back the urge to gag. Whatever was in this container, it had to contain some sort of radioactive waste from an alchemy mistake. Southward walk continuing, the soldier would not falter. Surely, soon, he would have enough of the vile liquid.

Reaching the waterfalls near Merusea Village, the soldier held back the urge to sigh at the sight before him. Brume and Éclater sticking their heads out of the water like they always did, the chimera attempted to roll his eyes towards the sky. Eyes soon on him, a groan escaped the esophagus. What did they want this time?

"Bro! There's crazy jellyfish down here!" Éclater shouted, pointing. "And they're mean!"

The soldier rolled his eyes once more. The prankster sea lions, weren't they supposed to be on the water defense force? They should deal with the problem rather than calling out to anyone to do their job for them. What a lazy group of chimeras, they were. They should be the ones battling them.

"Come on, please?" Éclater begged, flippers clapped together. "They're in the surface areas of Merusea Village! We can't deal with that!"

Hearing Éclater's plea, the soldier leaped off the cliff. He supposed he had nothing to lose by assisting them with the surface areas they were unable to reach. Landing in the dark pool of blue water leading to the village, the soldier had his swimsuit thrust him downward. But, as the swim kept going, another set of information was ready.

"They're in the cavern, dude!" Brume exclaimed, pointing. "Go to the village, now quickly!"

Reaching the surface world within Merusea Village, a large school of jellyfish awaited the hyena. Creatures looking ready to get on the offensive, the early adult sighed. He supposed it was time to use the slingshot once more, with fury. Creatures ready to get on the offensive, the string was soon pulled back.

Rock making quick work of the first dozen or so, the jelly juices continued to fill the jar. More soon taken out of the picture with another round of such strange weapon, the hyena let out a huff. Whoever placed such object in his satchel had an odd idea of how battles should work.

Fights going easily for a short amount of time, the chimera gazed at the weapon. What was it about the slingshot that made the battles so simple and quick? But, as he thought such, the easy witch flipped towards medium. Rocks taking far longer to hit their mark, everything changed, in a heartbeat.

Multiple tidalga no longer able to be defeated by the rock launcher, the soldier let out a sigh. Maybe it was time to use his hyena claws to finish the rest of them. Resolute on his decision, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Human hands soon becoming hyena ones, the soldier slashed forward.

Every single jellyfish defeated after forty hit combined, the a Melusine soon ran towards the chimera. Informed more of those invading creatures appeared in a Lonely Place, the chimera dashed off towards the deeper surface locations within the area. Rolling his shoulder as he reached the area, the hyena marched onward.

Spotting multiple jellyfish surrounding themselves by the strange red crystals, the chimera could not help but wonder. Would attacking them by the object they were standing by get rid of them quicker? Perhaps, just maybe, that was the answer to their extermination.

Placing his hyena claw upon the red crystal, the soldier attempted with all his might to aim correctly. Red block hit with as much force as possible, the first tidalga had been taken out of the picture. More gathering around the other red crystals around the corner, the jellyfish slayer continued.

Jellyfish fading away one after another, peculiar red energy dropping from their bodies had been collected into a separate jar. Studying the container for a moment, the soldier placed his hyena finger on his chin. Had Elynas up above affected the invading wildlife here? Maybe such had been the case.

Returning to the seas underneath, nothing but normal tidalga extract awaited the soldier from the underwater spaces. Heading towards a strange pink conch shell shortly after, the soldier kept the collections going. Figuring he had enough for today, the soldier prepared to stage his exit. But, as he did so, someone soon swam behind him.

"There's more jellyfishers!" Brume exclaimed, tone goofy. "Thisaway!"

Knowing the sea lion were pranksters, the soldier kept having the automatic swimsuit thrust him upon the path he came. Sure there were more jellyfish that way. And the word gullible was on every single Melusine's house. No way was he going to fall for that. But, the attempts continued.

"You missed some!" Éclater exclaimed, tone even goofier than Brume's. "Follow us!"

But the soldier kept on going. There was no way he was going to let these sea lions get up to their pranking shenanigans. He wasn't about to make a fool of himself. Automatically thrusted upwards, screams of telling him to wait were drowned out further and further. Soon returning to Elynas in the surface world, the pranksters were out of sight, out of mind. Readying to return to the Aquabus, the chimera turned his booted shoes towards the direction he came, but a reminder set itself off to the sky in seconds.

Baron sitting with their legs folded into a pretzel, the soldier walked towards them. Had they been waiting for him here the entire time? If such were the case, they needn't do such a thing, for sure. Stepping towards them, they soon rose back onto their feet. Monocle glowing on the setting sun.

"Have you collected enough of the extract?" Baron asked.

The soldier stared at the jars of tidalga extract. Had he really collected enough? The chimera did not know, but he supposed he had plenty, for the time being. Giving Baron a nod, Baron soon stepped in front of him. Seeing such, the early adult knew what was about to grace his eardrums next.

"Fine," Baron responded. "We're going back to now, then."

Reaching the boutique after an hour, the rich people dinner graced his plate once more. Finishing the fanciest steak he had ever seen before, the early adult retired to the guestroom for the night. But, as he readied to head off to the dream world, questions paraded around the chimera's mind. Her Majesty, just what did she need any of this extract for? He could not help but continue to inquire about such in his mind. All of this stuff was useless, for sure. But, the soldier pushed such thoughts away. Maybe they had a functionality he was unaware of. Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the chimera laid his head upon the guestroom pillow. But, as the world of dreams awaited him, one final thought looped on repeat.

Just how much more of this did he need to collect?


"Critical boiling point? Has Elton Trench gotten worse?
Really, how could this have happened in a mere forty-eight hours?
I don't get this, truly.
This makes no sense to me.
Is it those red plants multiplying?
Cannot think of any other reason, really.
All and everything about this mission makes so
Little sense to me. Destroying those red plants,

Blowing them up, was that not enough?
Oh, I see, I get it now. None of this will ever be enough.
I get it now, there's a worse issue at hand.
Looks like whatever it might be,
It is hidden in plain sight.
Now's the time to investigate.
Get to it, find the truth.

Perhaps, I missed something that's
Obstructed from sight.
It's not the Red Flowers,
Now I see. I get it now, really, honestly, and truly.
There's something bigger and worse out there. It's time to find the true culprit to this hot water mystery."

Waking up the next morning, Malika stood by the guestroom door frame. Seeing her waiting for him, the soldier had set up a sea of predictions in his fading human mindscape. Was she the one joining him underwater today? He supposed it was likely her turn to join the mix.

"Darling, I've been informed the Elton Trench has reached a critical boiling point," Malika said. "It's best you go there now to deal with it."

Malika not offering her assistance, the soldier blinked. Perhaps, she was too busy with her fashion career to assist with other underwater activities. But, he supposed he did not mind. He was the only one who was supposed to be going down to the Elton Trench to begin with.

Reaching the beach after what felt like the fifteenth time, the chimera put on his diving equipment. But as the soldier was thrusted downward, an immediate horror caught his attention. Had it been even hotter than yesterday? He swore his diving suit was about to melt off him at any given moment.

Red Meanies regenerating in the places they had been previously defeated, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Why had they come back from the plant graveyard? He needed to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, and deal with the heat issue before it were to get any worse.

But, such had only been the beginning of the issue at hand, multiple red plants bursting into flames as he approached them, the chimera grit his teeth. The heat, was it laughing at him? It had to have been, for sure. But, the hyena remained focused. He had to destroy the enemies, at all costs and reduce the heat.

Dropping down a watery explosive, the soldier kicked the bomb with his boots, in seconds. Blast taking a few of the plants out of the picture, the chimera kept heading through the northern path. More plants bursting into flames as he kept heading forward, the hyena looked away. Fire that could not even be put out underwater, how terrifying.

Aquatic bomb not doing its duty, the soldier thrusted seven paces away. Was his weapon becoming less effective now? He needed to attempt to use the others on his glove. Switching to the watery blade, the hack and slashes took place of the explosives. But, such had been the wrong course of action, as well.

Attempting to use the sound wave powers next, the invading plants had soon been reduced to a pile of ashes. Knowing he had to keep going, the soldier synched with his mind for the diving suit to go faster upon the northern stream. Reaching the Salacia Plains faster than ever before, the next set of regenerated invasive species were on the chopping block.

Plants blown to smithereens, the hyena kept the momentum going. Waters not getting any cooler as multiple enemies had been vanquished, the chimera's body twitched. Why wasn't this working? Surely, these invasive species had to have been the cause of the heating water issue in the trench.

Slamming down the enemies clinging themselves to the rocks in the corner, the soldier let out a gulp. Was the water only getting hotter? If such were the case, he was running out of time, for sure. He needed to work harder, faster, more efficiently. Dashing further north upon the plains, the onslaught continued.

Final set of plant enemies taken out of the picture around the plains, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was there more waiting for him further up north? If such were the case, he had to head to the Submarine Canyon right away. Speeding off, the next area was about ready to be upon him.

Spotting peculiar looking blue colored bulbus plants, the early adult rose an eyebrow. What in the world were these? Whatever they were, he knew he needed to destroy them as soon as possible. Soundwaves upon him, the chimera stretched his glove out. Beams hitting the new challenger, bubbles soon rose from the object.

Weird particles releasing themselves alongside the bubbles as the hyena's attacks on the bulbous object continued, the soldier stepped towards the foreign obstacle. Hearing a strange sound as he collected the dots, questions rained down on him. Was the key to removing such thing to step on the things it spit out? He supposed it was worth a shot.

Collecting the particles one after another, the hyena resumed the fight ahead of him. Bulb looking ready to crack into nothing, the next round soon came out of nowhere. Everything looping on repeat for awhile, the final blow had soon been delivered. Plant fading away, the journey continued.

Multiple bulbous plants taken out as the chimera kept going, the soldier stared off at the road up ahead. Why was there pipes underwater in the corner? Perhaps, just maybe, those were the culprit behind how heated the ocean had become. He needed to investigate such right away.

Spotting various Red Meanies making themselves at home around the pipes, the hyena tilted his head. How strange, did these plants belong in this part of the ocean? He could not help but feel this is where they were supposed to be. Perhaps, it was best to leave them be for now. Spotting a peculiar looking building in the corner, the soldier let the suit lead him there.

But, as the soldier pressed further, a face he had no interest in encountering graced his field of damaged vision. Hawk and falcon chimeras, and creampuff haired Melusine with oddly human features stood outside of the strange underwater building. Look of deep rage on the hawk's face, the hyena prepared for another arrow to the knee. Any second now, he would gain an achilles knee.

"Faui! Get out of here!" Robin shouted at the top of his lungs. "This area is off limits right now!" Finger pointing at him in accusatory manner, his demands continued. "Of, course, though, a Fatui would come here unwanted! Leave, before justice is served to you!" But, Raven soon chimed in.

"Hon, forgive me, but you're not being very direct," Raven said to his partner. He then turned his attention towards the Fatui. "I understand if you're here to turn yourself in for one of your various Fatui crimes, hon, but the Fortress of Meropide is closed right now and not accepting new prisoners." The Melusine soon chimed in, as well.

"You chimeras are so adorable," the strange melusine said, almost out of nowhere. She then turned towards the stranger. "For your own safety, I'd return to the Elton Trench immediately."

Turning back around, the early adult clicked his tongue. How ridiculous it was of these three to prevent him from going further. But, he supposed he had no reason to head for an underwater prison. This was not some sort of Fortress of Meropide infiltration mission. Whatever might have been happening there at the moment, he needed to let it be.

Returning to the trench, the hyena swore the Red Meanies had regenerated for the third time. Seeing such, the early adult rolled up his invisible sleeves. It was time to destroy them once more before they were to cause any more damage to the area. Explosive taking the stage, the hyena kept on going.

Plants one after another through the southward path taken out, the soldier let out a battle cry. The invasive red plants, he had to get rid of them as soon as possible. They did not belong here, they had gone too far down to where they weren't wanted. This had to end now.

Next set destroyed once more, the soldier kept going. Finding himself back towards the Elton Trench's entrance, a sound like no other overtook the underwater streets. Turning his attention towards the cacophony, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes. Enemies regenerating once more, everything reversed back to zero.

Attempting once again to remove every single invasive species from the equation, the chimera attempted once more to use the soundwave attack to his advantage. Far reaches of the so called echolocation vanquishing multiple plants all in one go, the early adult pumped his fist downward, elbow out.

But, such celebration was short lived. Plants returning for what felt like the fifth time, the soldier held back the urge to let out a scream. What in all of Teyvat was going on? Why were the plants still regenerating? Surely, he had attack all of them within a short enough amount of time to remove them.

Attempting one final time to vanquish the sea of returning monster plants, the soldier readied to wave the white flag. This time, if they were to return, he would not bother to try to remove them. Red Meanies not showing themselves for a few minutes afterwards, the soldier prepared to give up the moment they were to return.

Everything except the heated waters soon returning to normal, the hyena cruised forward upon the waters. Maybe the regeneration had run out. It was time to return toward the western side of the ocean. As he prepared himself to go towards such section of the ocean, however, the people who were his worst fans came out from the shadows.

"You're still here? This is all your fault, you know?!" Vidame shouted, pointing at him in an accusatory manner. "You did this, you made the water hot with that stupid suit of yours!" Domini soon joined in on the accusations.

"That's right!" Domini chimed in. "It's rich people's fault our home has gotten so hot! Take responsibility, or the suit's gonna get it!"

Hearing the pesky penguin's accusations, the soldier could feel himself about to blow a gasket. How dare these two pin the blame on him. He was not responsible for the growing heat problem down in the Elton Trench. He was not going to let these people get away with saying such a false narrative. He was going to take them down with the rare use of words.

"And here you two go again, assuming without any doubt that I'm the one who did this," Siorc responded, voice as sharp as a knife. "Stop assuming I am the one responsible for this. I am not. I never was." His words were getting sharper. Enough to cut. "Quit assuming just because you think I am rich that I am the one who did this." A closed eye smile of rage plastered his face. "I do not care what problems you have with the wealthy. You have no right to take it out on me. So, watch what you say, and guide your visceral towards something else."

"Sure you're not!" Domini retorted, shaking his flipper. "Explain this heat, then! I bet your stupid suit is fueled on rockets, or something!"

The early adult rolled his eyes towards the ocean ceiling. Why did he even bother to stand up for himself? He supposed no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't going to convince them he was not responsible for such act. It was time to continue onward. He owed them no explanation whatsoever. He had no idea where the heat came from, anyway.

Automatic swim suit cruising further ahead, the chimera ignored the penguins as he went forward. Pests following from behind him, the soldier clicked his tongue. Didn't they hear what he said? They should take their visceral towards him something else. But, he supposed he had wasted his time saying such. Diving suit thrusting him further deeper down in the ocean's depths a place filled with vines awaited the chimera.

Slashing the vines to oblivion, the early adult kept moving forward. Soon finding himself in a place known as Institute of Natural Philosophy, an array of questions flowed through the soldier. Why was there a research facility so far deep beneath the ocean? How peculiar; absolutely no one would ever use such a thing.

Reaching the next area, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just him or had he been seeing strange machines towards a surface area coming up? Whatever it was, he needed to get rid of it as soon as possible. He could not help but feel something had been off about it. Readying to leap towards the surface, a surprise had prepared itself.

"Dangnabbit, you know what? Fine!" Vidame screeched. "We'll call a temporary truce with you!" Pointing at the machines, she continued. "Those things are bad news. We'll help you get rid of them. But, make no mistake! We're not doing this for you we're doing this for us and our own safety only. Got it?"

The soldier gave the penguins a nod. He supposed, if they were going to battle with him, he couldn't turn them away. Triangular shaped machine monsters soon activating one after another, the hyena prepared himself. It was time to remove the obstacles from the picture.

Vidame transforming herself into human form with a strange mouthpiece over her, a scythe appeared in her hands. Absorbing the energy of the vines in the corner, she slashed forward. Machine monster taking a hit of the ages, Domini tagged himself into the ring as everything continued.

Chain whip in Domini's currently human hands, he let out a battle cry. Metallic weapon slamming deep into the monster's crevices, the soldier swore that any second now, the metal would burst into flames and end the machine in seconds. Knowing it was his turn next, the soldier removed the slingshot from his satchel. But such was met with immediate criticism.

"Really? A slingshot?" Vidame chirped, deadpan. "That's the stupidest weapon you could have possibly brought to a fight like this!" Rummaging through her pockets, she grit her teeth. "Here, just take my dagger!" She then lowered her voice into a whisper. "I'm definitely going to have to wash the rich people germs off of it later."

Dagger thrown his way, the early adult had begun the slashing session. Machine looking ready to be kaput, the chimera kept the momentum going. Defeat coming the creature's way, the penguin readied to celebrate. But, such was premature. Enemy regenerating to full vitals, the fight reversed back to zero.

Scythe, chain whip and dagger making quick work of the machine once again, the enemy had become useless scrap metal. Penguins soon gasping for water, they had returned to their true forms. Splashing towards the next pool of water nearby, the soldier soon followed behind the duo in silence.

As the group travelled forward, however, the hyena could not help but notice. The underwater world, had it gotten slightly cooler? Perhaps, just maybe the machines were the ones responsible for the heat down in the Elton Trench. If such were the case, he had to get rid of he rest of them, immediately.

Reaching another land area, more machines awaited everyone. Quick work was made of the second set, a strange staircase that was underwater had been the next order of business. Sea water cooling down as the chimera ascended the water railings, a long corridor soon awaited.

But, as the hyena had the diving suit push him through such corridor, a familiar sight broke out in front of him. Hooded strangers swimming away as if guilty for a crime they committed the early adult sped off towards them. Were they the ones behind this? He needed to take them down right now.

"Wait a second, those are the ones who we saw last time!" Vidame shouted. "After them!" Domini soon added his voice to the fix.

"Fine, guess what! I believe you now, okay, Ritchie Rich?" Domini said to the stranger. "You didn't do it! Now, after them!"

Hooded strangers dropping down multiple machine monsters as they attempted to flee the scene, everyone had gotten on the offensive. Scythe, dagger an chain whip making quick work of the dropped enemies, defeat had come faster than the soldier was willing to count.

Fights continuing onward for minutes on end, the sound of a door slamming open echoed throughout the area. Hooded strangers slapping a page down in a book as the trio headed towards the source of the racket, a light soon engulfed the hooded strangers. Penguin duo and chimera sucked in as well, an isolated room soon awaited.

Everyone finding themselves in some strange office cut off from the rest of the natural philosophy area, the hyena could not help but wonder. Where in the world had the hooded strangers, the penguins and he been transported to? Wherever they had been taken to, it was time to stop these people once and for all.

Hooded strangers soon dropping down a peculiar egg shaped machine with a set of two zeros separated by a colon and another two goose eggs, the hyena could feel a wave of unease flow through him. What did they just set down? He could not help but feel something sinister was about to begin. But, as the soldier studied it further, something clicked.

Seeing a flint on the top of the machine, the soldier had come to a quick realization. The hooded strangers, did they intend to destroy the room and everyone in it? If such were the case, he needed to put a stop to it, immediately. No such act of violence should be allowed, at any cost.

"Stop interfering with our plans!" the hooded stranger shouted, finger pointed at the hyena. "The Elton Trench is going to be absorbed into the Abyss!" Dialing the numbers past eleven, a six-hundred blinked on the screen.

Seeing a large number blink on the machine screen, something had hit the soldier immediately. He sees now, the hooded strangers intended to wipe Elton Trench off the map. How ridiculous. He could not allow such to happen. Gloves coming off, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment, his human hands had been replaced by hyena claws.

"You, you lot did this, didn't you?!" Vidame shouted, pointed. "You heated up the Elton Trench!"

"She bets!" the other hooded stranger responded. "Yes, it was you. You did this! Better defeat oneself quickly if she wants the precious trench to live. Tick tock, tick tock, six-hundred seconds!"

Vidame letting out a shout, her scythe soon swiped forward like a rapid pendulum. Vines around her manipulated, as well, the power of Dendro flowed through her. Hooded strangers tossing energy of darkness as a counter, the young penguin would not let their side of the equation get the best of her.

Domini tossing his chain whip towards the dastardly villains and their horrific deeds, a battle cry flowed through his lips. Throwing the weapon over and over again, the blunt attacks kept the momentum going. But, as he kept up the pace, the other hooded stranger laughed.

"You're fighting us anyway?" the hooded stranger asked sarcastically. "Face darkness, face reality! This place is gonna blow!"

Knowing he had to do something, the early adult brought the dagger towards the vile enemy of the world unknown. Slashing forward like mad with his left hyena paw, and carving deep into the monster of a person's hood with his right, screams hit the strange place one after another.

Timer soon hitting three-hundred, the hyena flinched. Time was ticking faster with every given second. The machine, someone had to destroy it before it was too late. Quickly, swiftly, immediately. Tossing the dagger into the center, the early adult attempted the first round of destruction. Such, however, was an instant failure.

"Tick tock, tick tock," the hooded stranger shouted mockingly. "It's gonna blow soon!"

The hyena let out a scream. Right, tick tock, it was going to blow soon. He needed to try harder to destroy the machine. Thrusting the dagger back and forth, Vidame's Dendro infused scythe attempted once more to break the timer once and for all, but Domini fighting with gusto, as well, everyone screeched.

Timer soon at one-hundred-fifty, a sea of panic flowed through the party of three. Only two-and-half minutes left. Soon, it was going to blow, the Elton Trench would be gone, toast, no longer on the map whatsoever. Everyone continuing to keep the fight going, energy of darkness only grew stronger as the seconds ticked away.

The master cheat coat soon unleashed itself.

Hooded stranger letting out a laugh, the numbers sped up faster than anyone could blink. Timer now only reading thirty, the early adult grit his teeth. How dare these people do such a thing. They would pay greatly for such a dirty tactic. This was war, it was time to give these monsters a taste of their own medicine. Teeth armed and ready, the chimera lunged forward.

Sinking his fangs deep into the hooded stranger on the right's hips, the chimera kept gnawing away for minutes on end. Hooded stranger screaming for many seconds, the hyena clamped down harder. Person of no identity screaming Uncle as the chompers left their bleeding regards, the timer soon stopped. Penguin duo vanquishing the stranger on the left as well, the final nail to end them all was ready. Bomb diffused in mere seconds, shouts had come the chimera's way.

"Purple, you will get his revenge!" the hooded stranger shouted, shaking one's fists. The other hooded stranger soon chimed in.

"You messed with the wrong gazelles!" the other hooded stranger shouted. They then exited the area. But, as they did such the penguins turned towards Siorc.

"Fine. Sorry for accusing you. We see now you didn't do it," Domini said reluctantly.

"But, don't get us wrong! We don't want to cross paths with you again," Vidame chimed in. "Bye!"

Book removing them from the strange office, the penguin duo swam away as fast as their penguin feet would carry them. Returning to the trench for a moment, a wave of calmness flowed through the chimera. The water temperature, it had returned to normal. Readying to return to the surface to close the chapter, the early adult prepared to ascend to the surface, but as he did such, an unexpected person appeared.

Malika swimming downward, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Was she really here right now, or was his mind playing tricks on him? Tall penguin lady only coming closer, the chimera shrugged. It was probably really her, at this very moment. He supposed it was best to listen to what she had to say.

"Darling, some masked man wants to see you," Malika said in an informative tone. "You should come back to the boutique now."

Hearing such statement, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why would Malika let the Agent into the boutique? But, he supposed it was absolutely no business of his why such happened. Eventually returning towards the Fontaine Fashion empire, another unlikely sight caught the chimera's attention. Kaiser outside on the sidewalk covering his face with his hands, a set of whines broke out.

"That masked man bumped into me, and hit my arms," Kaiser whined. "Hard."

"Don't worry, darling, I'll bar this man from ever stepping foot into my boutique ever again," Malika responded.

Guided into the boutique shortly after, the masked Agent turned towards the soldier. Unseen eye contact given, the soldier gulped. Boots tapping on the ground in a loud manner, color left the chimera's face. Had he taken too long? He was done for, guaranteed. It was game over, any second now.

"What in the world were you doing, soldier?!" the Agent asked, anger evident in his voice. "You took far too long to collect energy!"

Hearing the anger continue to rise in the Agent's voice, the hyena's heart skipped more than seven beats. He had come back too late? He was in trouble, guaranteed. Her Majesty, she was going to end him, for sure. Taking a deep breath, the soldier prepared himself. Perhaps, if he told the Agent what happened, his sentence will be made lighter.

"I apologize, sir!" the hyena responded, bowing his head. "Someone was attempting to bring great irreversible harm to the Elton Trench, so I had to deal with it!" A surprising, immediate answer had come his way.

"In that case, soldier, you're off the hook today for your tardiness," the Agent responded. "You are hereby dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya immediately."

Dismissal soon granted, the hyena highlighted the waypoint to the military barracks. Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, questions wrapped vines around the hyena. What was that all about just now? The Agent, he could never understand what he was ever thinking.

Pacing around the icy cold floor, for a moment, a flurry of thoughts snowed the chimera in. The hooded strangers, they were going to get revenge on him. He had to be more cautious, going forward, or they would try to wipe more locations off the map. Such could not happen whatsoever.

Wave of tiredness finally flowing through him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Glasses soon removed as well, and uniform removed, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But, as the world of sleep was about to invite him back in, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

The is the beginning of something far worse about to happen in Fontaine.

Chapter 7: Court Case 1: Wrong Mekas Decimated


In this chapter, Siorc must clear out malicious Meka that have appeared all around Fontaine until...he's taken to court for a so called wrongdoing. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Kali, Brume, Eclater, Vidame, Domini, Robin, Raven, Neuvilette, Chlorinde, Furina, the hooded strangers and two "unknown sea otter chimeras" who will be important later.


False accusations go brrr

Chapter Text

"This is getting rather
Hard to deal with now
I'm certain this crisis is only
Starting to get worse.

Everything is escalating, quickly.
Nothing is going to be
Easy. The heat issue,
Really, this was just the beginning of
Greater issues arising.
Yes, I see that now.

Could this be the door to
Retroactive difficulties?
If those hooded people have begun to
Seek revenge, it's only going to worsen.
I am certain. It is time to
Stay cautious as can be.

It's only going to worsen,
Those hooden strangers mean business.

It's only going to worsen,
So I need to prepare for anything.

Guess whatever awaits me today is
Endless possibilities.
The oceans, are they cold today?
The robots are they rogue today?
I do not know,
Nor can I predict.
Guess I shall see where

Things might drift.
Obviously, it can truly go anywhere.

But, I could be wrong.
Evidently, another day of nothing could await.

For what it's worth, diplomacy should die
A dishonorable death.
Remove them from

My schedule. Isn't Fontaine in an
Ongoing crisis?
Right, Her Majesty doesn't care.
Everything is according to her agenda.

Overall, I know that.
For I am nothing more than

A pawn. A chess

Piece. Something of a worm. She's
Ready to checkmate at every
Opportunity. Every second.
Believe me, I know she's only using me.
Look it's like this
Every single day.
My life is just

That of a puppet,
Here in this cold breeze.
And as long as I am here,
Nothing will change. But,

I have no choice

To obey. Or
Her Majesty will kill me.
Obviously I cannot leave. I must not
Unleash another mistake. So
Get to work, no matter what it might be.
Here's to another day of anything. Diligence is
The key to living."

Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of anguish within the chimera's adult Fatui life. The loop would reverse and repeat, returning back to the very beginning with every step back into the subconscious mind. The night before him would continue the pattern before him, as well.

Before him had been a field of lilacs. Seeing such flowers, the early adult let out a deep groan. Why couldn't all nature within his subconscious mind disappear forever? Nature and he were not on speaking terms. Ready to move past them, the soldier turned off towards the opposite direction. But, as he attempted to leave, the hyena swore he could hear a series of whispers in the flowerbed.

"Don't go, it's not safe!" a very quiet voice screeched out in a slightly loud whisper.

Hearing such, the chimera turned his heelless unfeeling shoes towards the opposite direction. Why should he listen to what the flowers had to say to him? Absolutely ridiculous. He wasn't about to listen to his former fling in the mortal, waking world. Continuing to walk forward, the soldier would not look back.

Stepping off towards the left, the soldier kept walking. Flowers only getting further away with every step, the chimera let out a blissful noise. The plant world was gone now. It could no longer speak to him. Strolling through the dream world of emptiness, torment was fifty feet under the ground.

But, as the chimera kept on going, a place of peculiarity had been stepped into. Large, complicated looking hedge maze with steel traps everywhere the dream eyes could see, the soldier's dream stomach grew tight. Where had this maze come from? Dangers afoot, the early adult attempted with all his might to run away, but such had been impossible.

Wind pushing him further inside, the soldier's tail twitched from behind him. Exit soon blocked by a peculiar teal barrier, the chimera could not help but wonder. Was this his punishment for being forced to abandon the Anemo Archon? While he knew such was not a high possibility, he felt like it had to have been in the not reality in front of him.

Pressing onward through the maze, spike traps aplenty sliced through the soldier's currently human legs one after another. Uniform pants cut up into ribbons as sawblades took the stage, a simulated sense of pain flowed through the chimera. Knowing he could not turn back, the early adult kept moving forward. He had to keep going. Surely, the end would soon be in sight.

Pushing forward as small pools of red decorated the ground, the soldier could hear a familiar laugh playing itself out in the distance. Hearing such, the early adult buckled himself down. The unknown strangers had made themselves comfortable in his subconscious world once again? This time, they would get what's coming to them, for sure.

Looping through what felt like a long corridor of hedges, the saw blades took the early adult's hips for a ride. Lower body claimed by the red prize of doom, the soldier let out a deep huff. The end of the maze would soon be upon him. He had to keep going. There was no way he could let the grassy world of enclosure beat him.

Exit four paces away, the soldier could not help but wonder. What awaited him at the end? He supposed, any second now, he was about to find out. Combing through the exit dream blood trailing behind him, the chimera steeled himself. Was a monster about to surprise him from behind? He needed to be ready for anything.

Finding himself near a treasure chest in the center of a stone platform, the soldier walked towards the trove. Lock undoing itself as if it were waiting for him, the early adult bent his knees. But, what awaited him was nothing more than a slab of paper. Note written in peculiar handwriting, the chimera read the note in front of him in silence.

"You messed with our plans, so we'll continue to mess with you!" the note said.

Reading over the note one more time, panic bubbled up inside the soldier. Who could have possibly written this note? The handwriting had been archaic, ancient, from many centuries past. Whoever it was that had intentions of messing with him, he knew he could not award them the attention they did not deserve. Readying to exit the maze, the hyena would not falter.

But, such departure was cancelled before it could even begin. Teal wind barrier enclosing the exit, as well, a gigantic crab with a flaming shell behind it bent itself over as it locked eyes with the soldier. Volcanic rocks coming his way with blazing speed, the early adult's chest and the rocks shook hands with one another.

Uniform soon melting, the early adult shook with a fervor. Where in the world had this crustacean come from? But, as his thoughts were racing through him, another attack of flaming torment had come the soldier's way. Chest bursting into flames, another laugh overtook the area. Strangers with obscured eyes stepping forward, their plans of war shook the battlefield.

"You keep messing with us, so we're about to do something that'll ruin you forever!" one of the strangers exclaimed.

The early adult could feel a shock drop down his incinerated chest. What are these two about to do to him? He knew he needed to ask about such. He had to find out why they were continuously messing with him. What did he do to these people to warrant such constant torture from them?

But, no such words ever came. Unknown strangers snapping their fingers, flames travelled upwards towards his neck. Throat burned to cinders as well, talking was an impossibility to be had, for sure. White flag waved on the dream battlefield, mercy wrapped toxic vines around the hyena.

"You hope he's sorry!" the other stranger shouted. "When you are done, he'll be regarded as scum!"

Unknown people snapping their fingers once more, the early adult's entire body had soon been engulfed in flames. Everything around him turning black, the soldier fell down onto the dream ground. Feeling his dream life about to end, one final thought poked through his fading subconscious.

What did he ever do to these people?


"It's that Fatui again! He's in my territory!
Foul villain, justice will be served to you!

If I see him wandering through here again,

Even if he's just passing through, I
Vow to alert the authorities!
Everyone knows that northern Fontaine is my territory!
Raven and I ought to put a sign up!

Shoo, Fatui!
Exit the premises!
Evacuate my bounty spaces!

This fiend should learn his place!
He is not welcome here.
And if I see him again,
That villain will pay!

For I, Robin am justice!
And it'll be served on an Electric platter!
This Fatui won't know what hit him!
Unleash the defenses!
It will be one for the hero team!

I won't let this villain run free!
Not a chance!

May this be a lesson to
You, Fatui! No one trusts your kind!

The crimes you all do, you should all do the time!
Even if I don't have proof, your growing list of
Retched wrongdoings will be
Revealed! Mark my words,
I, Robin, will expose you!
The time has come, Fontaine,
Open your eyes! There's a
Repeated offender on the loose!
You're going down, vile villain!

And I'll make sure you won't
Get to see sunlight ever
Again! Enjoy it while you can!
I'm sure the Fortress of Meropide will be perfect for you!
Next, his subordinates!

His allies! All behind bars!
Even the Hydro Archon

Will be on my side!
It's time for a Fatui arresting revolution! Viva
La Revolution! Viva
La Revolution!

Brought to justice by yours truly!
Everyone will thank me!

So, get out of my territory,
Or, I'll take action! Viva La
Revolution! Viva la
Your days are numbered here, villain!"

Twenty four hours had passed since the hyena dealt with the high heat problem in the Elton Trench and the surrounding areas laying deep beneath. Nothing of especial happenstance had occurred. Diplomatic affairs of nothing in Liyue overtaking the singular day, nothing had been out of the ordinary.

The sound of a loud aircraft blared through the ice cold skies. As the large ship on the air kept cruising forward, the sound of booted feet barreling through the hallway overtook the area. Stomps only getting more potent as the seconds raged onward, the military barracks emptied swiftly and surely.

The disruptive noise was more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially tormented slumber. Lifting himself up from the covers, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human head. Knowing he had no time, the soldier rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed on his second shirt, another siren screeched from the outside world. Covering his ears for a moment, soldier swore his shark eardrums were about to rupture. Just who in the world was piloting that thing? They had to do it quieter, for sure. Attempting to tune out the racket, the hyena placed his winter jacket over his layered clothing.

Seeing a sea of boxes rain outside his barricaded window as he closed his buttons shut, the soldier shook his head. It must have been some sort of supply delivery day for less equipped soldiers. Turning the other way, the early adult removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings in place, matching blue stars adorned his hair and ears. But, as he slipped the final earring through the hole on his earlobe, the soldier could not help but wonder. Those hooded strangers, what could he have possibly done to them? What other plans could he have possibly meddled in? But, the hyena knew such did not have an answer.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena glared at the yellow-green orb. What did he need this useless thing for, anyway? But, he knew he could not leave it too far behind, or he would become an empty shell without a soul like a certain in another person who had a jar thrown somewhere far away.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the soldier walked towards the barricaded window. Various soldiers dashing out around outside collecting boxes full of delusions, the early adult slapped his hand over his face, for a moment. Some of Her Majesty's Fatui were desperate fools who would cling onto any power they were about to receive. Turning around, the hyena paid the people no mind.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward inexorably, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. There was no more time to think, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. His workday of anything was about to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be heading to Fontaine to defeat the malicious Mekas that have suddenly appeared in the nation." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Feigning allyship was the only way to rule the world.

The chimera jumped three steps back. He has to defeat robots today? Wouldn't that make him a public enemy in Fontaine? This had to have been a bad idea, his reputation would sink to the lowest point if he were to accidentally defeat the wrong one, for sure. There was no way this would go well, in any situation.

The soldier stared off into space, for a moment. Her Majesty, just what was she thinking? There is no way this would help her reach her goals within the Hydro Nation of Justice. This plan, for sure, would sour her plans, immediately. But, the hyena knew, questioning her orders was forbidden.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You'll be destroying malicious Meka in Fontaine!" His voice was raising. "There's no time for this dawdling! Get a move on!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time to be thinking about such things. He needed to focus. Taking a long deep breath, the soldier placed his arm out in front of him. Surely, Her Majesty had a plan. Turning his attention towards the Agent, the work mode switch flipped upward.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Reputation dropping or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good. We're going soldier," the Agent responded. But, he soon continued. "You will be using some specialized weapons today. Deploy them wisely." Arm out in front of him, the agent gripped the wrist into a tight lock. As the escort towards Fontaine began, a question rolled a pebble around in the hyena's fading human brain.

What kind of malicious mekas awaited him?


"Of all days, the
Hawk is in his territory again.

Now, I will have to be extremely careful,
Or he will spot me, guaranteed.

That cannot happen, this mission, I
Have to proceed with caution.
Every time I am near him,

He is in this justice mode.
All and all, I have to avoid him.
Whether or not that is even possible, I do not
Know. His eyes are too sharp.

I am guaranteed to get spotted.
So, I'll have to go in the opposite direction.

Off towards the mountains,
No matter what, I cannot

Pass by him.
After all, I know he'll
Try to attack me.
Really, he needs to leave me be.
Obviously, I have no interest in his boyfriend.
Let alone, recruiting him.

I would never try to bring other chimeras into this

Absolutely horrid occupation.
My time here is not something

I would ever wish on anybody. Human, chimera,
Nobody. No a single soul. Not even

To anyone who deems me as their worst enemy.
Recruiting anyone, even if I were allowed to is always
Out of the question, entirely. That is my
Ultimatum. No way.
But, I know that the hawk chimera doesn't care. He
Looks at me as the villain, permanently.
Even if I have done nothing to him, I know he despises all Fatui. It is what is, really."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier could not help but think. Why couldn't the Agent just take him to the capital city directly? But, the soldier kept his mouth shut. Maybe he had his reasons for not doing so. Dragged down the mountains, sand crunched underneath the chimera's feet.

Boat summoned out of nowhere, the early adult was soon seated. Vessel cruising across the water, the hyena stared off towards the harbor from afar. What kind of battles would await him today? He knew, whatever kind of malicious robot monsters were to cross his path, he had to defeat them accordingly.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor rather fast, the early adult pushed his thoughts aside. Agent stomping onward towards the stairwell, the chimera followed along in silence. Large bag slammed onto his back, a predictable set of words had been blasted into the soldier's eardrums.

Agent informing him once again he was forbidden from teleporting to any of the locations containing enemies, the early adult wanted to move his right hand in a mocking matter. Did he have to keep repeating this set of orders over and over again? He knew already. It was getting quite tiresome to hear such once more. But, the chimera kept such thoughts to himself.

Orders repeated one final time, and list handed off to him, the Agent soon exited the area. Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift, the bag behind him startled to jiggle. Such noises being the only one as he headed toward the Aquabus station, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left.

Only person around being a well dressed woman holding a parasol, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why was there no one here? But, the early adult pushed such thoughts away. Pressing the button, the hyena waited for the Aquabus to pull into the station. Silence deafening, the automatic vehicle arrived in style.

Stepping foot on the automatic vehicle, the same Melusine as always welcomed him aboard. Employed sea creature talking about the Court of Fontaine for a moment and how the city was automated to some degree, a sea of questions flowed through the soldier for minutes on end.

As the vessel cruised past the Poisson tunnel, the soldier could not help but wonder. Fontaine, or Snezhnaya, which one had more advanced technology? But, the soldier knew such had no concrete answer. Perhaps, just maybe, both of them were at around the same level.

Capital city almost about to be upon him, the soldier gazed at the road in front of him. The rogue mekas, would they be patrolling around the city, hiding amongst the employed guards? If such were the case, he would need to proceed with caution as much as possible.

Aquabus parking itself into the station, the hyena strolled into the Court of Fontaine in silence. Removing the sheet of paper from his back pocket, the chimera read off the first set of locations, for a moment. Reading the name Mount Esus East, the chimera cracked his knuckles. He supposed, such would be a good place to start.

Knowing he would have to head for the mountains by taken the southern exit, the chimera prepared to head off towards the southwestern path of the city. The mountains, how many malicious robots would await him there? Whatever special weapons he was given, he knew he would have to use them wisely.

Stepping through the streets, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Could there be an imposter among the citizens? The malicious robots, could they have been disguising themselves as human citizens? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What was he thinking? He was not on some ship with a crew full of suited people that looked nearly identical.

Meka gardes on duty looking as normal as can be, the soldier dismissed such suspicion inside him. There was absolutely no way any of the robots within the city had gone rogue. He was jumping to conclusions, guaranteed. Stepping by the station, the chimera descended the staircase.

Walking by a perfume store, the soldier let out a sigh. How fortunate the rich must be to be able to afford whatever beautiful scent they wanted. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Why was he letting himself get distracted? He needed to leave the city right away.

But, as the soldier dashed past the restaurant, a pair of faces he had no desire to see appeared in his damaged field of heterochromatic vision. Pesky penguin duo strolling past the fine dining establishment, the chimera held the urge to grunt. Why was Earl always everywhere? How incredibly aggravating. He was a fly that would never disappear. Eyes immediately on him, the soldier kept his focus forward. He would not lock eyes with him. He needed to keep moving.

Seeing his future husband walking by the cafe, Earl could feel his heart sing a tune inside him. What was Siorc up to today? But, he soon recalled a warning of caution he had heard while on the go for work. He needed to warn him of the possible dangers that might come his way.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "I have something important to tell you, come with me!"

Baron rolled their eyes as their brother once again attempted to bring the same boy home with him again. Why couldn't he see that no matter how hard he tried, this man would never be interested in him? He needed to wake up to reality and stop pursing someone was emotionally unavailable for him.

"Earl, he's not even interested in you," Baron said, arms crossed around their waist. "It's quite boorish for you to continue trying to pursue him."

"It's not about that today, I swear!" Earl fired back. "I just don't want anyone to hear our conversation!"

Knowing if he did not follow Earl, he would be dragged off towards the boutique against his will, the soldier followed behind the penguins in silence. How incredibly ridiculous. Whatever nonsense he had to say to him, he could just say it aloud. Surely, no one would be listening. He was rich. The ones with Mora could pay for people to turn around, if they desired, without a doubt.

As the party of two in front of him kept walking forward, the soldier held back the urge to roll his eyes. What was so important it had to be discussed in private? If it were to ask him out on a date, he would reject him so cold, Fontaine would freeze over faster than Snezhnaya during a month long blizzard.

Boutique reached after fifteen minutes of walking, the soldier prepared himself. Whatever it was he was about to hear, every single rejection known to man, woman and other were on the tip of his tongue. Highly acclaimed fashion establishment busy in spades, reaching the bottom floor was a challenge.

Finally reaching the apartment down below after a few minutes, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left Malika cutting and measuring sewing material and Kaiser using a strange device on top of a crinkled set of pants, the soldier blinked. Who was womanning the fort if neither she nor Kaiser were upstairs at the boutique? But, he supposed their shifts were no business of his.

"We're home for Petrichor!" Earl announced. "Business was bad again today; they're tough cookies!"

"Welcome back, darling," Malika responded. She then put on a smile. "You brought your favorite home again?"

The chimera let out the tiniest of groans. Did Earl talk about him while he was not around? He needed to find someone else to fixate on. He would never make himself available for him, no matter what. This pest needed to realize such before his feelings were hurt beyond repair.

"I just wanted to take him somewhere more private!" Earl responded in an exclamatory tone. He then turned towards Siorc. "It's dangerous right now! The robots out in the fields have started going rogue everywhere!"

The early adult let out a deep, exasperated sigh. Did he really need to drag him all the way to the boutique to tell him this? He already knew about such. Exterminating the malicious meka was his mission. He needed to tell the pesky thorn in his side the message was wasted on him.

"I know already, sir," Siorc responded, voice barely audible. "My mission is to destroy them." Removing a piece of paper from his pocket, he let the words do the rest of the talking.

Hearing Siorc mention a mission and take out a sheet of paper with multiple locations printed on it, Earl's eyes soon wandered off towards the first place listed. Seeing Mount Esus East at the tippy top, his caution senses were tingling. His future husband was definitely in danger. He needed to poke his nose in like any good wife would.

"Mount Esus is dangerous right now!" Earl exclaimed. "I'll escort you!"

The early adult let out another exasperated sigh. Earl, escort him? He did not need such high level of caution. He would be fine on his own, guaranteed. Shaking his head, the soldier prepared to walk towards the stairwell. What an unnecessary suggestion to be had, for sure. The penguin needed to stop poking his nose in his business. But, as he prepared to leave, another voice added another thorn into his side.

"Earl, let him go by himself," Baron said, shaking their head. "He's got plenty of his own experience."

Baron stating the obvious, the soldier's ears perked. Finally, a penguin was talking sense, for a change. Earl's demeanor immediately changing course, the early adult shook his head in tandem. Did this penguin ever know when to give up? But, his thoughts were soon proven to be far from the truth.

"Okay, I'll let you go," Earl said, almost with reluctance. "But, come back if you get hurt, or want supper!"

Giving the thorn in his side a nod, the soldier exited the boutique. Eventually reaching the northwest exit after a long climb upward, the soldier cracked his knuckles. The time had come to vanquish the mechanical vermin listed upon the paper. Jumping down onto the walkway below, the hyena braced himself.

Dashing through the fields on a no horse open path, robots aplenty with black aura surrounded them covered the walkway for kilometers. Seeing such, the soldier rummaged through his satchel. It was time to fight already? He needed to get on the offensive, immediately. But, he had soon come to a horrific discovery.

Finding an array of bombs laid inside the satchel everywhere, the soldier's heart sunk into the bottom of his chest. Why would the Agent equip him such a terrifying weapon? If anyone were nearby, they'd be harmed, as well. Surely, there had to have been a less dangerous object he could use in combat.

Spotting a peculiar robot toy as well, equipped with bombs aplenty, the early adult's unease dialed itself to eleven. This would scare people, for sure. Not spotting any other types of weapons in the satchel, the soldier waved a white flag. He had no choice in the matter, he had to use the explosives. He would definitely apologize later for any fear he would cause.

Enemies soon charging towards him with full force, robotic arms slapped him a new one. Feeling his backside take a beating, the soldier let out a scream. The robots were well versed in combat, for certain. Creatures looking ready to switch tactics at any given second, the soldier removed the first explosion ball of doom from the bag behind him.

Fuse looking ready to go off at any second, the chimera lunged the black orb of booming chaos onto the wind. Stick sizzling as the air pulled the trigger, a small explosion overtook the enemy. But, such had not put a singular dent into the meka. Creature brushing off its sides like it was hit by a feather, the sides made themselves clear.

Black missiles ramming into him the soldier let out a scream. Had someone given these robots the powers of Ruin Guards? Whoever made these had given them the wrong attacking structure. More projectiles ready to come his way at any given second, the next ball of doom had been in his hands.

Explosive unable to curb the projectiles, the early adult could feel a wave of willpower begin to drop inside him. Were these mechanical monsters immune to the effects of explosives? But, the hyena knew it was far too early to give up. He had to keep trying. Surely, they had to have some sort of weak spot.

But, such proved to be difficult for minutes on end. Rogue meka bouncing the object back, the soldier jumped off towards the left. The robot had the ability to deflect? Had he been looking in the mirror and seeing himself as a robotic copy of himself? His options were numbered, if such were the case.

Trying one final time, the last explosive had soon been darted off towards a tree. Bulle fruit casualties nearby becoming inedible ashes, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. These weapons were out of the question. He needed to fight in some other way right now.

Figuring the toy robot would not be able to serve its purpose either, the chimera waved the white flag. He supposed his only option was to use his natural weapons. Closing his eyes for a moment, his human hands had been transformed into hyena claws. Dashing forward, the chimera let out a battle cry.

Claws doing their due diligence to the enemies after at least forty-five slashes and some fight backs, the soldier let out a tired huff. If any more of the mechanical monsters were ironclad, he would struggle going forward, guaranteed. But, he knew he would have to keep going, no matter what.

Pathway all cleared, the soldier kept walking upon the northeast road. But, as the chimera kept on moving forward, a heavy sense of unease flew over him. Was the atmosphere in the area thicker? The hyena did not know why, but there was a sense of disaster in the air. But, he supposed the meka in the region were responsible for such.

Walking along the path, more enemies soon made their presence known. Hyena claws ready, the soldier swiped forward for minutes on end. Small, four legged robots biting the dust, the soldier kept moving forward. Denseness in the air not leaving, the early adult's knees hardened. But, the hyena would not falter. Surely, just maybe, when the area was cleared, everything would reverse back to normal.

Smaller scale enemies removed from the equation with a few explosives, the early adult could feel sweat pour down his brow. The so called special weapons the Agent gave him, were they only useful towards weaker enemies? What a waste of bag space, if such were the case. Continuing onto the path, the robot casualties piled up one after another.

But the tides were about to change as the soldier headed further northeast. Stepping by a domain, the soldier swore he could feel himself getting pulled the doors. Attempting with all his might to break free, the hyena's body kept dragging forward. Realizing such, the chimera grit his teeth. What was he, a magnet?

Domain doors cracking open, the hyena surrendered himself to the gods above. Wherever he was about to be pulled into, his control was removed from the situation entirely. Blinding light overtaking him, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Opening them again once more after a few seconds, a strange room awaited him.

Small area with a white tree in the corner beside a platform, a peculiar greatsword had been laid down on the path in front of him. Claymore as white as the tree, the soldier picked up the weapon. He supposed borrowing it wouldn't hurt. Sheathing the blade behind him, the chimera strolled the path in front of him.

Key dissolving in front of him as he stepped foot on a platform, a sea of robots invited themselves to the party. Banner on the ceiling informing him he had to defat the enemies within five minutes, the hyena's heartbeat sped up a smidgeon. He was on a time limit? He had to pick up the pace, for sure.

Service robot with mechanical arms launching icicles in a flurry, the soldier jumped towards the right and left. Swiping the blade forward towards its hanging appendages, the early adult let out a battle cry. Time ticking with every second, the hyena kept the momentum going. Creature looking ready to blast ice towards him again, the hyena prepared his defenses.

Deflecting the shards back into the direction of which they came, the hyena kept his blade on the arm prize. First of four enemies removed, the soldier gazed at his wrist. Only three minutes remaining, panic welled up in the soldier's fingertips. Only one-hundred-eighty seconds left, he had to act faster.

Two Mekas exuding dark energy with a shield on their metallic hands, the early adult's blade took a dance with the defenses. Spotting a block of yellow energy in the corner, the soldier dashed off towards it. Energy surrounding him, for a moment, a loud crack echoed throughout the domain.

Second shard soon floating around him as the first one lost potency, shields aplenty had been broken like an expensive vase. Blade kicking up with as speedy of a force as the soldier could muster the two robots had become scrap metal after one-minute-and-thirty seconds of strikes.

Time only beginning to tick away faster, the early adult's blood had begun to run cold. Inorganic enemy wheeling over to him with gusto, the soldier spun the claymore around like a spinning top. Multiple rapid strikes serving the toppings hot, the hyena grunted. Time was running out. He needed to move faster.

Less than a minute soon remaining, the soldier let out a scream. Machine banging itself on the ground as well breaking the gravity around him, the early adult could feel himself hop upward like spring. Twenty seconds remaining, the soldier's blade and his body plunged downward.

Mechanical enemy sliced and diced like a cake as time had begun to run out on the clock, the monster had faded into the ether as the numbers on his wrist dialed down to five. Area soon expelling him, the soldier shook his head rapidly. What in the world just happened? But, he knew there was no time to ponder about it. He had to head towards the mountains.

Continuing upon the northern pathway, more robot monsters blocking the way, the hyena let out a sigh. The army was massive, for sure. Rummaging through the satchel, the soldier tossed down the black explosive orb of chaos. Loud boom overtaking the area, one group of enemies had been blown into smithereens.

Second group of mechanical obstacles taken out of the picture with bombs galore, the early adult's eyebrows had begun to twitch. Why had the fights hit the easy button, all of a sudden? Surely, there had to have been some sort of catch. But, he knew he should not get complacent, or the hard switch would be pressed.

Crowd of wall clinging machines given the kiss of bomb, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was someone watching him? He couldn't help but feel there had been a person lurking around from behind the trees keeping track of every single move he was making.

Almost near the beaches, the soldier took a deep breath as the pathway had been cleared of all obstacles. Any second now, and he would be in the bird chimera's territory. If either of them were around, he would be become target practice. Readying to lower his walk into a tiptoe, the soldier sauntered onward.

But, such had proven to be ineffective. Bird duo on the premises fighting bounties the soldier attempted to move out of sight, out of mind. Attempting to walk off towards the edge, the chimera pressed forward. Surely, a bird's peripheral vision was a blind spot. Tiptoeing towards the corner, the early adult prayed to the hydro archon he wasn't supposed to worship for him to remain unseen.

Luck, and the archons were not on his side. Golden eyes glaring at him from afar, an arrow had soon been fired his way. Robot bounties falling like cicins, the soldier attempted to run. He was about to become the hawk's next bounty. He had to get out of here. Head for the mountains, get away.

Seeing the villainous Faui in his territory once again, Robin could feel his blood churn into butter inside his bird brain. How dare this villain step foot into his territory. This fiend was releasing his evil all over the place. If he doesn't leave right this instant, justice will be served to him upon an Electro platter.

"You, Fatui! Get off my territory!" Robin shouted, pointing. "Or, I will serve justice to you!"

Seeing his boyfriend get all fired up on justice, Raven turned towards the Fatui. Seeing the young man from afar fighting bounties as well, maybe it would be in his best interest to tell him he had been fighting his own battles outside their territory to cool any tension he might be feeling.

"He's fighting robots outside our territory, hon," Raven said, loose hair moving on the top of his head. "Maybe he's just passing through."

Hawk's face twisting into many different looks one after another, the soldier could feel sweat drop down his back. What was he witnessing. Had the falcon chimera said something he did not like? Is he were about to witness an argument? If such were the case, he needed to get away right now. But, a surprising set of words was soon launched in his direction.

"Fine, go through!" Robin shouted, pointing. He then lowered his voice into a whisper. "I hope justice knocks you down."

The hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. What a kind parting gift from the hawk. Walking towards the pathway to the north, the soldier observed the area around him. Spotting a peculiar area that looked like researcher ruins the chimera titled his head. Was Mount Esus really in this direction? He could not help but feel some doubts.

Cruising through the stairways one after another, the soldier dashed through the fields in front of him. Soon finding himself in a large area with barely any mountain to speak of, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Had he really been in the mountains? But, he supposed the deeper he were to go, the closer he would be towards the cliffs.

Soon spotting short, mechanical monsters that looked like a robotic insect exuding pitch black aura, the hyena could feel a wave of intimidation flow through him. Had the atmosphere gotten thicker again? He could feel something darker lurking in the shadows. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. He had to exterminate the problem right away.

Borrowed Claymore still by his side, the soldier swung the blade forward. Greatsword not leaving any sort of dents, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. He supposed he had no choice but to let the explosives lead the way once more. Black ball of doom doing the honors, the hyena kept walking.

More insect like robotic creatures surrounding him as the hyena kept patrolling, the soldier let out a sigh. Scorching device of devastation fuse breaking loose, the early adult let out a sigh. How could anyone enjoy using such a weapon? It was a mystery to him that could never be solved.

Construction robots looking ready to eat the mountains like a little green rock monster in another universe, the early adult had sprung into action. Attempting with all his might to use the borrowed blade to tip the scales, the soldier let out a shout to the skies above. Surely, just maybe, one of the malicious energy filled monsters would fall to his temporary blade.

Nothing of any sort falling apart, the chimera tossed down another ball of doom. Roadside grass set ablaze, the soldier dashed off towards the river. Water. He needed to put out the horrifying flames. Everything doused, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint. He needed to keep going. There was still many monsters to vanquish.

Hopping across a large body of water, multiple mechanical enemies had been downed as they attempted to chase him upon the lake. Sparks flying one after another as the leaps of faith continued, the chimera let out a pant. Water was every machine's worst enemy. Circling around the water for a few more moments, the lake before him was an sparking warzone to behold.

Soon reaching the end of the mountains on the east side, one final explosive gift had been given to the final army of robots. Atmosphere around him easing up, the soldier let out a puff of relief. Was his job done for today? It was time to head back to the capital city. But, such was a rash thought to be had, for sure. Next name on the list staring at him, the soldier gulped.

Note stating he had to go to an underwater seahorse cave within the Liffey Region, the soldier rose an eyebrow. He had to go where now? A cave underwater? But, he supposed whenever he were to reach such a place, he would be done for the day. Heading towards the body of water in the corner, the soldier reached for his diving suit.

Fat, blubbery suit engulfing him, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind and body synched, a spark popped off. Dropping himself into the body of water beneath him, the suit served its usual purpose. Finding himself in a familiar place with pipes underwater, the soldier had the suit push him towards the north.

Seeing a strange underwater building with multiple spotlights surveying the area, the early adult attempted to dodge such lights. Was he in the presence of a security unit? He needed to get away from such place if such were the case. Automatic suit twisting and curving, the hyena was off to the races.

Possible surveillance area dodged with many difficulties, the hyena's heart pounded like a mallet. Security was his worst enemy. Continuing to head northward for awhile, the chimera kept his eyes open for any cave. Coming across a passageway in the corner, the hyena's suit pushed him towards the new area.

Soon finding himself within the cave in question, the soldier readied himself to push through, but as he attempted to head for the surface area, a peculiar duo of strangers with spiky blue hair, and a light blue ponytail and otter bodies appeared on the scene practically out of nowhere. Dead looking eyes soon on him, questions had begun to arise.

"What do you want here?" otter number one asked.

Hearing such inquiry, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Had he been in another bounty hunter's territory? If such were the case, he needed to find a way to make peace with them right away, or he would be their next target. He could not allow himself to become the enemy of another group of such. Pointing at the surface above him, the second otter shook their head.

"It's dangerous," otter number two said. "Turn back."

Suggestion to turn back coming his way, the chimera shook his head. He knew such was not possible. If he were to leave even a single enemy, he would disappoint Her Majesty, guaranteed. He had to keep going, no matter what. Pointing at the surface once more, the hyena let his defiance be known.

"Your funeral, then," otter number one said.

Group of strangers swimming away, the early adult pushed upwards towards the surface. Colorful cave filled to the brim with a pack of robots adorning horns and horse legs, the early adult's jaw dropped open. Was this where all the missing horses in Teyvat had went? But, the hyena threw such thought out the window. There was no way. What a leap and logic, on his part.

Creatures trotting his way as if they were some sort of majestic beast, the chimera placed his legs into a fighting stance. Borrowed blade in front of him, the soldier readied to give the first strike. But, such proved to be the wrong call to action, in an instant. Creature whinnying up a storm, its back legs were soon raised.

Mechanical horse shoes stomping upon him the early adult was as thin as paper. Group locking onto him with their limbs in kick succession of one another, the hyena fell onto his knees. Was this what horses were truly capable of? He recalled in his stolen childhood his parents had always told him, if he were ever near a horse to never go behind them. He needed to stand in front of them, for sure.

Dashing towards the robot equestrians front sides, the soldier attempted with all his might to slash his temporary greatsword forward. But, such attack never came. Light violet light concentrated at the center of their horns, the soldier attempted to back six steps away. Surely, if he was out of the way, whatever attack they were about to unleash, he needed to dodge.

Magic of many electrical properties zapping him a new one in a group, the early adult grit his teeth. What were these mechanical horses, a group of magical ponies who gained magic through friendship? Absolutely ridiculous. Friendship isn't magic. The power of magic and relationships were not intertwined in any way.

Attempting to group up the mechanical creatures into the center of the battlefield, the soldier let out a sigh. Maybe it was best to use one final explosive and leave the area. Coming to such conclusion, the gift of the circular denotator let out its boom upon the horde aplenty. Equestrians retiring themselves from the race, the soldier dropped himself back into the water.

But as the chimera returned himself to Mount Esus East, the robots struck back. Seeing such, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. How had the creatures come back from the scrap metal ashes? Whoever set them down to wreck havoc had to have brought them back to operational levels while he had dove deep.

Group of robots brought back down to their scrap metal piles as he cruised through the mountains, the soldier sauntered onward. How were they able to be reconstructed so quickly? Did these machines have a self repairing function? What an absolutely terrifying ability to be had, for sure.

Insect machines broken down into nothing, the mountainsides were about to reach their endgame. Removing everything from the equation, the soldier tiptoed through the beachside. Hawk and falcon chimera nowhere to be seen, the hyena stayed on high guard. No matter what, he had to continue proceeding with caution.

Finding himself beside the domain once more, the soldier stepped back inside, for a moment. Returning the claymore to its rightful place, the chimera excused himself. Next set of creatures broken into pieces with his hyena claws, the court city was soon nearing. Final set of mechanical enemies brought back to their mechanical graves, the robots had become one with nature.

Turning his head towards the sky above him, the midnight blue world above him parted the clouds. Had it already been close to late evening? Feeling his stomach roaring inside him, the hyena blinked. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to grab a quick meal. Heading towards the boutique, the soldier prepared himself. Descending the staircase, a meaty scent awaited him.

Malika the only one around sewing up a storm in the corner, the soldier blinked. Was she still working at this time at night? What a hard working penguin, she was. But, the hyena threw such thought away. Did he just compliment a penguin? How terrible, awful. Malika stopping her craft for a moment, words had come his way.

"Welcome back, darling," Malika said, voice tired. "I left you some barbeque ribs in case you were hungry."

Munching down on the meat dish, the soldier could not help but wonder once more. Were penguins carnivores? All the times he had eaten with this family, he had never seen them eat any sort of dish with vegetables whatsoever. But, he supposed the diets of other chimeras was no business of his.

Malika allowing him to use the guestroom, the soldier walked off towards his temporary quarters. Wave of tiredness taking over him as late night had begun to kick in, the soldier removed his hairpins and earrings. Glasses removed as well, the chimera slumped into the temporary bed. Knowing his job was far from over, one final thought swam through his fading human mind as the world of sleep took him away.

What will await him tomorrow?


"That vile villain Fatui!
He's at it again!
Ah, I saw him wearing around
The city, plotting, scheming!

Fatui, this time, justice will be served to you!
Ah, yes, this time, I know what I will do
To bring him to justice! I'll
Unleash the ultimate trump card!
I am on our Archon's good side! We're giving her results!

The legal system!
He won't see what's coming!
I'll bring him down in court!
So, just you wait, vile villain!

This time, if I catch you
In my territory, you will be in the courtroom!
May the Chief Justice find you guilty!
Everyone will be on the side of justice!

I, Robin, won't let you be judged innocent!

We have all the proof needed to
Instantly lock you away! We have all the proof needed to
Let the scales tip guilty! We have all the proof needed to
Let justice take its course!

Have an unsafe trip to the Fortress of Meropide!
As I'm sure Raven and I will catch you doing a
Villainous deed!
Everyone agrees! All these sudden happens are Fatui caused!

Justice will come! You will be
Usurped by the hammer of judgement!
So, fight your own 'bounties' all you like!
These eyes of mine are watching you,
I can see your various planned
Crimes! I see

But he has not appeared in my territory today.
Every vile villain has their

Strategies of wretched villainy. In the
Evening, we will patrol the city.
Raven has already agreed.
Various people do not trust those Fatui!
Everyone should be eagle eyed.
Don't let this heinous person do his

Treacherous plot!
Out with the evil!

Here's to another day of heroism! For
I, Robin, won't let these villains win!
May justice soon be served to you!"

Upon waking up the next morning, the early adult read through the next set of locations on the sheet of paper. Taking note a majority of the areas listed were underwater, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Today was going to be a difficult day guaranteed. Leaving the guestroom, the hyena prepared to stage his exit.

But, as the chimera readied to leave the boutique a small commotion played out in front of him. Hearing Malika tell Kaiser to go around the court city to film suspicious behavior, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had something bad happened while he was asleep? But, the young soldier kept himself quiet. It was not in his business to ask such a question.

Knowing it was in his best interest to had for the Elton Trench first, the early adult headed towards the Aquabus station. Automatic vehicle cruising across the water, the soldier stared off into space around him. What could possibly be happening in Fontaine? What kind of suspicious activity was spotted overnight?

Vessel passing by Poisson tunnel, the soldier gazed at the ship city off in the corner. Could the rest of the Belleau region be dealing with the robot issues, as well? He supposed he would find out later, if such were to be the case. Turning his attention back to the ride in front of him, the chimera remained still.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor, the hyena prepared himself to head to the beaches. Surface world around him free of any robots to speak of, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. There was no enemies on land for him to face today. Was luck finally on his side? But, he knew he had to prepare himself for anything.

Reaching the beaches, the chimera readied to put on his diving equipment. But, as he had begun to place his fat suit of blubber over his uniform, a splash of water caught the soldier by surprise. Backing four steps away as a head pulled up from the water, the soldier kept walking back.

Seeing Kali swimming towards the surface and eventually stepping her bare feet on the sand, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was the sea lion sister by herself? But, the soldier kept such question to himself. It was no business of his whatsoever who she was with or what she was up to. Eyes soon on him, the hyena let out a gulp. Was he in her way? He would move, if so.

Spotting what was the Fatui's name again, Scorch, in the corner with his diving equipment on, Kali rose an eyebrow. What was he doing here again? Was he here for some sort of work? The oceans were dangerous right now. Maybe she should let him know about that before he were to continue his descent downward.

"I would be um, careful if I were you," Kali warned. "Err, it's, uh, dangerous down there."

Nodding, the soldier stepped towards the shallow ends of the water. Hadn't he just fixed a hated water problem? Surely, another set of robots in the seas beneath him would be much of a problem. Mind and body soon syncing up with his diving suit, the chimera was ready for take off. But, as he was about to brought down to the trench, one last set of words had been sent his way.

"Good luck, then, I guess," Kali said.

Recalling the sheet of paper listed the scorching cavern within the trench section the soldier had his diving suit thrust him towards the heated cave of many horrors. Sea of weak looking fish robots crawling along the walls the soldier's aquatic jellyfish explosive from his glove did the honors.

Watery explosive setting off around the rest of the mechanical creatures, the soldier soon brought himself towards the surface. Soon finding himself pushing the monsters towards the heated waters, the hyena dropped down back to the waters beneath. Had the robotic creatures been far weaker down within the ocean? But, he knew he could not let such quick victories let him become complacent. He had to stay on his toes, no matter what.

Moving towards the other volcanic cavern under the sea, fishy fiends exuding waves of darkness swarmed around the hot room in front of him. drilled creature's looking ready to doze him into submission, the hyena pressed the shield button on his left glove. Defenses soon out, the soldier prepared himself.

Projectiles coming his way, the early adult held his glove in place. Cross hair appearing in front of him in the form of a bubble, the soldier sent the attack back towards its owner. First set of enemies vanquished with their own attack, the hyena had the diving suit thrust him towards the left.

Next set of aquatic robots beaten down with their own defenses, the chimera gazed at his left glove, for a moment. Still only seeing four buttons, the hyena kept moving forward. He supposed he still only had four options at his disposal underwater, for the time being. Next set of enemies clinging against the walls, the chimera prepared himself.

Dropping down another watery explosive, the apparent ability from the jellyfish blasted itself outward. Leaving the cavern world as the aquatic robot had become nothing but scrap metal, the early adult had his diving suit push him forward. Spotting a multitude of monsters with malicious energy surrounding them around the north and eastern currents, the hyena would not falter.

Spotting a peculiar array of mechanical sea star exuding an odd swirling around their copious amount of suction cups, a chill dropped down the chimera's spine. Had he been in the presence of something demonic? The energy protruding around the small robotic creature, it felt out of place, for sure.

Aquatic blade doing the honors across the black suction cups, the soldier swore he could see something on the other side of the portal. But, the hyena kept his attention on the monster. He needed to focus. There was no time for him to get lost in thought. Creature gone after fifteen slashes, the star burned itself out.

Continuing along the northeastern path, the hyena soon came to the discovery of robotic jellyfish. Seeing such, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Had the creatures from other nations found their way in the Fontaine waters? He needed to remove them right away before they had a chance to spark things up more than a little.

Blade taking more than ten attempts to cut through the creature's defenses, the chimera could feel his energy waver a smidgeon. The easy switch had flipped towards medium indeed. Second set of mechanical jellyfish robots taking twice as long to vanquish, the soldier headed towards the eastern pathway once more.

Mechanical crabs hiding themselves in their shells in a matter of moments, the early adult pressed the echo button upon his glove. Sonar wave taking the stage, the creature had begun to retreat from the battlefield as the sound readied itself to break any glass nearby. Malicious creatures cleared out, the soldier halted his movement, for a moment.

Feeling a huge amount of energy towards the shipwreck in the corner, the soldier made haste. Mekas that looked like they had come from the surface world, a shock shot down the hyena's spine. Had someone attempted to deploy a meka guard under the ocean? No wonder if had gone rogue. Such place was not appropriate for robotic creatures to be able to do their jobs properly.

Enemies vanquished with the jellyfish heads of many explosives, the chimera had the swim suit thrust him upward. Figuring his next course of action was to head towards the Chemin de l'Espoir, the westward journey was soon upon him. Heavy atmosphere only getting thicker, the soldier could not believe his eyes as he pushed on.

Spotting at least a triple dozen enemies along the water currents, the soldier's heart skipped two beats. Was the largest trench underwater back to the way it was when it had was being heated up only four days prior? If it had already been reversing, he had to undo the damage once more, without a doubt.

Knowing defeating the high amount of enemies by himself would take an entire day's worth of blade slashes, the hyena let out a sigh upon the ocean bed. Perhaps it was time to unleash the robotic toy to the world below him. Rummaging through his satchel, the small device had been beside him. Peculiar looking secondary device with directional buttons and a reload and launch clicker, the chimera braced himself. If this machine were to heat up the waters, he would cancel using such object, in an even heartbeat.

Cruising the machine across the waters as his diving suit swam for him beside it, the chimera prepared himself. It was just a weapon. A Catalyst; a gift from Her Majesty. Surely, it wouldn't bring harm to the ocean. Button pressed, a loud sound that disrupted the entire rhythm of the world created a mushroom cloud around two fishy enemies.

Next set of explosives letting their shot get heard around the world, Siorc grit his teeth. Why were these black spheres of doom so much louder than the rest of them? If the undersea penguins heard any of this, he would be on their hit list immediately, without any question. Surely, they had to have some sort of silencer on them.

But, no such button for silence existed. Pushing through the area as his explosives let down their cacophony of doom, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Why couldn't this machine quiet down? It was almost if, in the world of Teyvat volume was a setting, and the only way to reduce it was to go through multiple menus. But, such fact was unknown to the soldier.

Western side of the waters only getting closer, the chaos unfolded from the machine kept its rampage going. Everything around him caught up in the many explosions, regret flowed through the chimera. He should have just stuck with the aquatic blade. But, it was too late to take back his decision. It had already been decided.

Hours passing by as larger meka with sinister energy had the black sphere of chaos dropped down upon them, the soldier swore he could hear growls shooting off at him from the distance. Hearing such, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Any minute now, and he would be in the presence of he undersea penguins.

Final set of robotic creatures taken out of the picture as he approached Chemin de l'Espoir, the early adult bagged the horrific machine into his satchel. But, as he headed further east, a predictable sight was about to break the sound barrier a smidgeon further. Penguin duo swimming towards him at lightning speed, the chimera could feel his body grow heavy.

Hearing loud noises across the trench, Vidame could hardly believe her eyes. How dare Ritchie Rich deploy a large, expensive machine underwater. Who did he think he was? After what happened the other day with the other machines down in the research institute? She knew it, all rich people were bad. This peace treaty was over.

Spotting Ritchie Rich from kilometers away cruising his slimy, disgusting expensive hands on a disgusting machine Domini let out a growl. This Mora bags, how dare he come back down to the Elton trench with his horrid machines. That's it. He had done it now. He was no longer on neutral terms. Rich people were the world's most evil people.

"Those robots that came down here, you caused their sudden boom in population, didn't you?!" Vidame asked in an accusatory tone. "That's it! This peace treaty is done!"

"You and your stupid machines, Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted at the top of his gills. "You've made an enemy out of us! Remember that!"

Knowing that, if he did not head for the surface now, he would be harmed, for sure, the soldier had his automatic diving suit push him towards the surface. Undersea penguin chimeras chanting in unison to get out over and over again, the early adult accelerated his ascent. He had to get out of here, right now, or he would be toast.

Hopping across the water as fast as his currently human legs would carry him, the soldier dashed onto the beach. Perhaps, it was best to head for Merusea Village before he was caught in some sort of cross water. Sprinting across the beach, the hyena readied to head for the Beryl Region.

Jumping across the next lake, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just his imagination, or had there been no robotic monsters anywhere on the surface even near the Beryl Region? Surely, he had to have been imagining such. Perhaps, just maybe they were hiding somewhere deeper.

Walking off towards the mountains, the chimera kept himself on high alert. But, such had felt unnecessary once more. Nothing around, not even Hilichurls or the orb creatures, the chimera could feel himself flip upside down on a y-axis. Where was everything? Had even the monsters been scared? How peculiar.

Stepping beside the boiling isle, the silence was deafening. Where had everything and everyone gone to? The world around him was so quiet, that his own thoughts would be able to be heard by the world around him. Stepping towards the statue beside the pool near the Merusea Village, the chimera's diving suit dove him downward to the hidden establishment.

Catastrophe a sea lion's flipper, the soldier could not believe his eyes as he dropped downward into the underwater portion of the village. Brume and Éclater on the case, the soldier's jaw practically dropped on the floor. Were his eyes deceiving him, or had the sea lion pranksters actually been doing work for a change? Party of two turning towards him, a sea of words had come his way.

"Go to portal world, bro!" Brume exclaimed. As he said such, a robot had been vanquished by his scythe.

"Yeah, dude, we already got this!" Éclater added. "Not so lazy now, are we?"

Watching the sea lion prankster duo destroying one machine after another, the soldier concurred with such. Maybe they were actually useful after all. Heading off towards the eastern side of the undersea village the small room with the portal awaited him. Taking a deep breath, the chimera tossed himself inside.

Multitude of mechanical beings spread out across the purple sky world, the soldier braced himself. What kind of difficult fights were about to await him? Removing himself from the diving suit for the time being, the soldier placed the loud toy in front of him. No one was around, surely there would no disturbances here.

Strange machine in the shape of a dog with a kamera like head the soldier could feel his heart sink. Why would anyone make a canine creature into a robot? All the poor, innocent dogs in the world, were they about to be replaced? He could not allow for such possibility to ever become a reality. Droning the machine towards the miserable creature, the denotation had begun.

Pack of mechanical dogs turned into scrap metal, a wave of remorse flowed through the soldier. No matter what form such took on, in some way, it was still a dog. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. Why was he letting himself feel regret now? It was an enemy with malicious energy, it had to be removed.

Continuing along the pathway, an array of large feline robots with metallic heads in the shape of an arrowhead glared daggers at the chimera. Seeing such, the early adult could feel himself float away. Who would make such a robot? Could it even see? He needed to bring these creatures out of their misery.

Monsters removed from the equation after seven shots of the devices spheres of chaos, the chimera gazed at the rubbled remains around him. Whoever made these meka models made a huge mistake. But, he knew he had to keep his focus on the fight in front of him, for the time being.

Everything fading into the ether as he circled around the ruins for what felt like hours on end, the chimera let out a tired huff. Had he destroyed everything? But, the soldier swore he could hear a disruptive mechanical bark coming from the rooftops. Spotting a strange collection of purple portals everywhere, the chimera placed himself in the first one.

Sea of peculiar mechanical stingrays making their presence known, the early adult let out a sigh. It was time to get rid of the creatures upon the roofs before the portal world were to become a cesspool of dark energy. Creatures exuding a powerful force ready to suck everyone in, the early adult cruised the possible catalyst above the enemy's robotic heads.

Collection of parts and gears bursting onto the ground, the hyena kept moving through the portal spaces, more mechanical stingrays awaited the chimera. Seeing more than ten of them forming a circle, the hyena could not help but continue to wonder once more. Who could have possibly made these machines, and why were they all exuding malicious energies? Gift of doom and boom thrusted upon them, the next ceiling was ready to be raided of its loot of nothing.

Batch of black balls of chaos gone as he removed the creatures from the story, the early adult gazed at the reload button. Hovering his finger over the clicker, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Would it really refill itself if he pressed this? Tapping it, the hyena waited.

New set of explosives appearing as if they had never left, the soldier blinked. Did the machine have them hidden in some sort of compartment somewhere? What an impressive automation system, if such were the case. Every single roof and ceiling creature soon removed, the chimera dashed back towards the area's entrance. Diving suit back on, the chimera entered the portal. Having his diving suit push him towards the surface, the hyena prepared to leave, but as he had readied to do so, the sea lion pranksters chased after him.

"Things are getting really bad down here, bro!" Brume exclaimed, voice in desperation mode.

"This is really scary, dude!" Éclater exclaimed, flippers moving up and down in a frantic manner. "All our sisters are scared!"

The hyena could feel a pity cherry drop down into the center of his stomach. The Melusines were frightened by everything that was going on? If any more reports involving malicious mechanical beasts were reported to him later, he would make it his mission to come back here first and foremost.

Sea lion prankster duo insisting on him to go on ahead back up to air world for now, the hyena did so with as much reluctance as a young child being forced to eat their vegetables. If they had the area taken care of, it was best to not disturb their work. Returning to the surface world, the chimera walked back towards Romaritime Harbor, but as he had done so, a sea of question crashed at bay.

Question nibbling on his ear further, the hyena stared off into space. Just what was happening in Fontaine lately? He could not help but feel something far worse would soon be in store for the Hydro Nation of Justice than he originally thought. Gloomy thoughts raining over him as the Aquabus brought him back to the capital city, the soldier swore an invisible raincloud was over his shoulder.

But, as the soldier stepped foot into the main city, an array of explosions boomed across every single street corner. Multiple Meka Gardes dropping on the ground like Cicins one after another, the chimera's heart skipped four beats. What was happening? Chaos in the streets and nothing but faces white as the sheets, the early adult attempted to run towards the boutique.

Safety was dead. He had to get away.

More robots going boom in a collective, the early adult kept trying to run with all his might that remained. What was going on? Where were all these explosions coming from? Who, or what could be doing all this? City's defensive units waving the white flag on their mechanical lives, the Fontaine citizens yelped in unison. Continuing to run, the early adult tried to keep his screams inside him.

His own safety was about to die twice as hard.

Hearing an explosion right beside him, the soldier's eyebrows twitched rapidly as a Meka Garde had bit the dust less than a meter away from his presence. Seeing such, the world around the soldier clouded. Hawk chimera in the corner glaring at him, everything around him shrunk.

Game over.

He was definitely getting a finger pointed at him.

Any second now.

Seeing another heroic robot downed by a heinous explosion, the bonafide perpetrator of the crime exposed himself to the many citizens in a panic. He should have known the Fatui had been up to this. It was time to bring the Archon into this once and for all. Justice brain on, he pointed his index finger at the culprit.

"You fiend, you did this!" Robin shouted, pointing. He then rose his voice. "Lady ------, I found your criminal!" He raised the volume of his voice even higher. The world needed to hear of this villain's crimes. "Bring justice to us all!"

"My dear Robin," the Hydro Archon responded almost immediately. "I accept your proposal!" Dramatic theatrics playing out for a few moments, she then pointed at Siorc. "I sentence you to a trial!"

"See you in court, fiend!" Robin exclaimed. But, a plea had been sandwiched in between.

"Lady ------, if you would be so kind, could you give this until tomorrow as my partner and I gather more evidence?" Robin added.

Chaos brewing in the streets, the early adult's heart had begun to beat harder and faster in his chest. Idle gossip tossed his way in every corner, the soldier sprinted as fast as he possibly could. Get away, he had to leave the premises. He had to be outside the gaze of the population. Eyes on him everywhere, the hyena kept running. There were people everywhere; everyone had already seen him, it was too late. But, as he kept running he could feel someone push him away.

Kaiser placing inside grassy hedges, an index had soon been pressed against the penguin's lips. Temporary not thorn in his side sliding himself into hedgeworld as well, the oddly normally dressed penguin invisible knees had soon been bent forward. Looking ready to say something the early adult took a deep breath.

"I know you didn't do it," Kaiser whispered. "Earl I will will fight for you." Crunching through the hedges, he slipped forward. "Let's go back to the boutique."

Penguin acting completely normal and not bragging about beauty, a wave of discomfort flowed through the chimera. No matter how many times he had been a witness to such form of Kaiser, he could not help but feel a wave of horror flow through him. He could not believe what he was thinking, but he hoped he would go back to be his normal pesky self soon. Singular thought amongst the chaos inside him soon gone, the seas of discomfort flowed back.

Dashing off towards the guestroom, in an instant, the soldier threw himself under the temporary covers. Tomorrow, there was no way he would be found innocent. Without a doubt, he would be judged guilty. No one would be on his side, he was a member of the Fatui. Thoughts going with him in the dream world, the fact repeated itself once more.

He was going to be found guilty, guaranteed.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal in the hyena's adult life. The cycle of anguish was a bridge, crumbling as he walked along it. The night before him would break the final part of the crossing, dropping him down into the endless sea of pain beneath him, swallowing him whole.

Before him had been a caged world with nothing but sunflowers around him. Seeing such, a sea of rage flowed through the soldier. He was being held prisoner with flowers? Disgusting. Let him out of this metal trap this instant. His cellmate, why did it have to be nature? He would not tolerate such a crime.

Dream minutes passing by, the unknown strangers had become unwanted visitors once more, deep smiles of many sinister proportions plastered on their faces, the early adult let out a gulp. Why were these people in his subconscious world again? They needed to get out of his head, whoever they were. Group of two soon guffawing away, a seed planted itself.

"This is what you get for meddling with our plans!" one of the hooded strangers exclaimed.

"You hope he likes oneself's little gift!" the other hooded stranger shouted.

Hearing such, a realization washed over the soldier. The hooded strangers, they had to have been responsible for this. The malicious robots, the explosions. They were guilty, for sure. But, as his thoughts circled around, flames had passed through the bars, in an instant. Entire body below the neck encased in flames, another laugh overtook the area.

"Nyahaha! That's what you get for messing with the abyss!" one of the hooded strangers shouted maniacally.

World around him burning, the early adult dropped down upon the caged floor. Metallic imprisonment set ablaze, defeat hugged the soldier from behind. Laughs firing up as his dream body had become ashes on the wind, one final thought broke loose as he became no more in the not reality before him.

It's all over for him.


"It's all over.
They're going to find me guilty.

It's all over.
So much evidence against me.

Over. Done. I'm finished.
Villain, I am seen as.
Everyone will vote me guilty.
Right, they think I'm the villain.

It's all over.
They're going to throw me in the Fortress of Meropide.

I'm too weak for prison.
Something tells me I won't last an hour in

One. But that's where I'm going, guaranteed. After all, I'm a
Villain, right? I'll be found guilty, immediately.
Even though I didn't do it, everyone is against me.
Right, I'm guilty, even if I'm innocent.

It's all over.
They're going to sentence me.

I am certain, without a doubt.
Since there is no way anyone will listen to me. It's

Over, it's over it's over. It's over. It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over.
Villain I am, according to everyone and
Everybody. Human, chimera,
Right, the world sees me as evil.

It's all over.
This is the end of my freedom.

I'll never see sunlight. Not that I ever do, really, but
Soon, I won't ever witness it again. It's

Over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's over, it's all over for me.
Villain I am, according to everyone, and
Everybody. Human, chimera.
Right the world sees me as evil. For I am the member of the Fatui."

Feeling arms tapping him as he had been awoken at dawn, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Why was he being awakened so early? But, the soldier remembered, in an instant. Right, he had a court case he had to go to that would charge him guilty. His life was over.

"Sorry to wake you up so early, darling," Malika said in a gentle voice. "But, you have to get ready to head to Opera Epicelese." She the paused for a moment. "I know you didn't do it. We'll all try to prove your innocence."

The early adult shook with a fervor. Be proven innocent? There was absolutely no way that was going to happen. He was, without any shadow of a doubt about to be found guilty. It was game over, for his life, for sure. He was about to become a jail hyena, forever locked away behind bars.

Suit soon handed off to the hyena, the soldier almost let out a gag. He had to wear such a thing? But, he knew he didn't have a choice. Vile, leathers burning him as he placed the outfit over him, the soldier wished he had broken heart hairpins and earrings. But, such did not exist, for sure.

Seeing the look of discomfort on Siorc's face, Malika frowned. Did he not like the suit? Maybe she should have asked him questions the night before giving him such before having him head off to the opera house. She would need to keep in mind his preferences next time.

"Would you have preferred a dress?" Malika asked. "My utmost apologies, darling."

Hearing Malika's apologies, the soldier sighed. He supposed it did not matter what he was about to wear to the opera house, he was going to be sent to prison either way. His days walking around doing his forced upon career was done, finished, cancelled. Thoughts clouding him as he had been taken to Marcotte Station station flowed through the soldier's brain.

As the Aquabus was getting closer towards Erinnyes, the early adult could feel fears swallow him. Whole. It was over, he was done, finished, cancelled, guilty without a true trial. Everything was over for him before it could even begin. There was no way any defenses he could possibly have would save him now. Soon reaching the pathway towards the opera house, the Archon's bodyguard stepped forward.

"Stand in a straight line," the bodyguard demanded.

Forced to walk in a manner the tall woman demanded of him, the soldier tried walking as straight as possible. Multiple fountains passed by, the chimera took pained deep breaths. It was over, he was done, finished, cancelled, automatically found guilty. Opera house doors soon opened, the bodyguard glared daggers at him.

Crowd of people gazing at him with whispers that there was the criminal, the chimera gulped. He was already done, burned, ashes. Bodyguard demanding he get up on one of the stages platforms, hundreds of pairs of eyes were on him, in an instant. Bird chimera duo on stage, Iudex taking his seat, and Hydro Archon in the highest chair in the courtroom, the theatrics were all set into motion. Court in session, a finger had been pointed at the hawk chimera.

"Dear Robin," the Hydro Archon started. "Present to everyone in the court what happened!"

The early adult could feel himself shaking in his seat up above. Everyone, without a doubt was going to judge him guilty, guaranteed. There was no way anyone believed he was innocent. It was over, everything was done. After a few minutes, he would given his guilty sentence.

Crowd's eyes all on him, the soldier could feel himself about to turn to stone. Why did everyone have to look at him like that? Eyes, they were scary when they were glaring at him. He swore as they kept on looking, the audience's eyes were glowing red. He was getting his guilty sentence right now, any second.

"Of course, Lady ------," Robin said at the top of his lungs. He then pointed his finger at the villain. "This fiend, I saw him blowing up all the Meka Gardes! He went around the Court of Fontaine and killed them with no mercy!"

"This kid?" one of the audience members asked. "He looks too weak!"

"Is this guy mistaken?" another audience member commented.

Hearing such chatter about, the soldier blinked. Maybe there was a small, miniscule point one percent chance he would be found innocent. But as the audience's chatter continued with an array of people stating the ones that look the cutest are the ones are the most likely to do the crime, panic welled up inside the hyena.

"I didn't do it!" Siorc accidentally shouted out. "I, I would never do anything to harm Fontaine's safety!" But, his plea was soon interrupted.

"This fiend was carrying around bombs!" Robin retaliated. "Raven saw him! We both did! Iudex, he's guilty! Lock him up now!"

"This kid has bombs?" one the audience members asked. "Is anyone safe anymore?"

"Even the young ones have their own evil agendas nowadays!" another audience member added. But, a cane had soon been slammed from up above.

"Settle down!" the Iudex shouted. "Robin, do not speak out of turn!"

"I have proof!" Robin retaliated once more. "He doesn't deserve his turn!" He then pointed at his boyfriend. "Raven, present the evidence!"

"Of course, hon," Raven responded. As he said such, a black explosive had been removed from his back pocket.

Falcon chimera pulling out almost a nearly identical bomb from his pockets that had been labelled with a sticky piece of paper entitled abyssal gift the soldier could feel his blood run cold. Who planted that? It was definitely not his. The abyss, what in the world was that? Who in the world was that?

Hearing the audience call him an evil monster, the early adult could feel himself become a pile of glue. No, there's no way he could stay silent. That weapon, it was not his. There was no way. His satchel, it was already almost empty. Abyssal gift, who wrote that? It was certainly not him. No way, he had to say something, he had to come to his own defense.

"That's not mine!" Siorc blurted out. "What's the abyss? I haven't any idea!"

Oratrice ball lighting up towards the guilty side, the hyena could feel a bubble of panic pop inside him. Right, he shouldn't have spoken at all. He was only making everything worse for himself, for sure. Raven looking ready to take his turn to submit more evidence, the chimera zippered the lip. It was all over for him, guaranteed.

"While my bounty hunter partner and I were going about our duties, we saw this young man carrying around quite the heavy looking bag," Raven said, hand on his chin. "I suspect it contained multiple bombs in it with this very message."

"I saw him with a bag, too!" one of the audience members shouted.

"That checks out!" another audience member shouted.

Everyone discussing amongst themselves the contents of his satchel, the soldier could feel the waves of justice swallow him. He's toast, done, cooked into a chicken. His bag had bombs in it, there was no way he could defend himself in such a situation. He was guilty, guaranteed.

"This little monster!" another audience member shouted. "Destroying our gardes!"

"I trust the bounty hunters!" another audience member shouted.

"Robin should have hunted him!" yet another audience member shouted.

Hearing everyone chatter about, the early adult continued to shake even further. All of this was a misunderstanding. All of this was just a poor timed happenstance. Surely, someone within the audience had to see this. But, he knew there was nothing he could say that would convince them he was innocent. Surely, someone had to have seen the true culprit in all of this. But, everyone was about to get worse for wear.

"I have proof he's guilty, too!" the Hydro Archon shouted with bravado. "Everyone, there's a Fatui amongst you, and it's---" but she had been cut off as her revelation was about to kick in.

"Lady ------, do not speak out of turn," the Iudex demanded in an authoritative tone.

"I can take my turn as I please!" the Hydro Archon fired back.

Hundreds of eyes on him once again, the early adult could feel himself melt into a pile of jelly. Any second now, and he's going to be exposed. Identity revealed, everyone will know what his occupation is. There was no way he would be able to back himself up now. Minutes droning by, the finger point of accusation had come his way.

"My fellow people, this little bomber is part of the Fatui!" the Hydro Archon announced.

"There's a Fatui among us!" one audience member shouted.

"Unbelievable, he's guilty!" another audience member shouted.

Scaled tipping and bending, the early adult's eyes twitched in a rapid manner. He's done, finished, guilty, exposed. The entire courtroom, they knew his identity. The Opera Epiclese, they all knew who he was in society now. It was over, he's done for. He's going to rot in a prison cell any second now.

"He's shaking!" Robin exclaimed, pointing. "He knows he's guilty! Start the vote now!"

Everyone chattering that he was definitely the one who did it, the soldier could feel the world around him going black. It was over. He was done, finished, toast, cooked into a chicken, served raw. Kaiser and Earl nowhere to be seen, the chimera grit his teeth, the chimera's will withered. He should have known the penguins wouldn't really help him.

"Is there anyone who would like to say anything else?" the Iudex asked.

No one else saying a word, the soldier readied to accept his fate. Iudex stating it was time to start the vote, the hyena waved the white flag above his head. It was over now, he was guilty, convicted, a prisoner forever, never to be seen again. But, as the votes were about to start, the loud slam of a door hit the wall on the other side.

"Who's this now?!" the crowd all shouted in unison.

Spotting Kaiser stomping into the courtroom in a surprisingly normal looking sundress with Earl hiding behind him, the early adult held back the urge to groan. It was double over now, he was toast, cooked into a chicken with salmonella poisoning. If Kaiser is defending him, he's guilty.

"Chief Justice, this young man is innocent!" Kaiser exclaimed, his voice was authoritative. "I have proof!" But, a cane was soon banged up above.

"Kaiser, this is breaking court protocol," the Iudex said. But Earl soon cut in.

"Chief Justice, please allow us to present our evidence!" Earl exclaimed. "We apologize for our late arrival!"

The soldier gazed at Earl. He didn't deserve this backup. The penguin chimera, he had never shown him any sort of kindness. This support, what did he do to be gifted with it? He had always been cold, distant, irritable. Kaiser, he had always acted annoyed around him, this was far from something he was entitled to.

Kaiser handing off a photo book to the Iudex, a series of pictures had been blasted on full display of a series of hooded figures tossing explosives throughout the city. Seeing such, the hyena could not help but recall. Right, Malika had asked him to go around the city to gather evidence of suspicious activity.

Earl bringing his satchel up to the stage exclaiming there was no bombs in there, only diving equipment, a realization had come over the soldier. Had he emptied out his bag? He definitely would need to thank him for such later, guaranteed. Chatter flowing through the audience, a particular set of words had been looped on repeat.

"Robin accused an innocent person?" one of the audience members asked. "What a joke!"

Vile penguin accomplices presenting counter evidence, Robin's face grew dark. This wretched group of men, they helped the Fatui hide the evidence. Everyone insulting him for minutes on end, any comeback he had removed itself from his birdbrain. It was over, he was all washed out.

Oratrice soon glowing for the entire court case to see, the Iudex read out the verdict. Scales tipping towards innocent, the early adult could feel relief wash over him. He was innocent, really, and truly judged not guilty? Was he dreaming? Feeling sensation throughout him, the soldier shook his head. There was no way he was dreaming right now.

"Robin, you wasted the court's time!" the Hydro Archon shouted, pointed. "Don't expect to be doing any bounties for at least a week!"

Hawk running off the stage with a look of pain on his face and falcon partner chasing after him, the hyena blinked bewilderment. He supposed, whatever he might have been feeling right now, he understood to some degree. Humiliation was the most painful emotion in the world. He had been there, and done that. Court soon adjourning, only the penguins and he remained.

Feeling an overwhelming sea of emotions flow through him, the soldier sprinted off towards the fancily dressed penguin chimera. Arms soon wrapped around him, tears streamed down the hyena's face. Earl's support, what did he do to deserve any of this? But, his thoughts soon popped.

"Thank you," Siorc choked out.

Siorc giving him a sudden hug out of nowhere, Earl basked in his future husband's warmth. A sudden embrace? He should marry him right now and become his wife! But, he paused such thoughts inside him. Now was not the time to get into lovey dovey mode. Focus, Earl, focus.

"We all knew you were innocent!" Earl responded. "We weren't going your cute self to be falsely accused of being guilty!"

Bowing one final thank you, the hyena exited the opera house. But, as he stepped outside, the Agent awaited him. Seeing him, a wave of fear flowed through him. Was he about to get the scolding of a lifetime for what chaos had just unfolded? He would need to apologize for such right away, no questions asked. But, no anger presented itself to him.

"Be more careful next time, soldier," the Agent warned. "You're dismissed, for now. Return to Snezhnaya immediately."

Knowing he had to do as he was told, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Orb opened up into map form, the hyena highlighted the waypoint in the military barracks. Icy cold hallways soon upon him, the chimera headed for the steel walled room.

Soundproof room upon him after fifteen minutes of walking, the soldier walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. The hooded strangers, why were they attempting to seek revenge? Surely, he hadn't done that much aside from thwarting their plans a couple of times. Looping back in his motion about, a spark popped off in his brain.

The hooded strangers, next time he saw them, he would have to defeat them, finish them, end them. But, the early adult stopped such line of thinking. Why was he jumping to such violence? There was no way he could harm them, or their revenge plots would only be fueled even more. Circling around once more, another sea of thoughts engulfed him.

The entire court room, his identity had been exposed to him. The days going forward were not going to be easy for him. Every step he took would be monitored, for sure. Nothing he would do would not be seen. Everyone knew who he was, it was over now. No matter what the verdict was, he was guilty, to some people.

Wave of tiredness eventually overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside as well, the early adult closed his eyes. But as the world of tormented dreams were about to invite him back in, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

It's game over; he was exposed.

Chapter 8: Fleuve Cendre Chronicles: Gears and Scales


In this section, Siorc has to help the poor out down in the underground sewer city in Fontaine. Ridiculous orders ensue. And stress. Feat: Malika, Earl, Brume, Eclater, Bain, Neuvilette, Navia, Chlorinde, the hooded strangers, and an "unnamed bird man" who will be important later.


Fleuve Cendre Chronicles lol let's go

Chapter Text

"This is all my fault
How could I let myself get
Into a court case?
So many people are out to get me now.

I was exposed
So much will go awry.

Ah, I was judged innocent.

Will that keep people from
Regarding me poorly?
Obviously not.
No one likes the Fatui.
Guess I'll need to be cautious.

There will be people that will give me
Unrelenting stares, judgement aplenty. I suppose they have their
Reasons. Fatui are on the other side of justice.
No matter how far away

My ideals align from them, no one will
Yield their eyes.

My missions here,
It's going to get harder, more
Stressful, a battle against the
Stark amount of citizens.
I have to be more careful
Or I'll be sent to court again,
No way can I let that happen.
Stealth is key.

I need to be far more cautious,
Now that my

Forced upon me identity has been thrown
Out into the open.
Now, I know
The Hydro Archon
And her justice will only harden.
I know that
Now, a mission's success is uncertain.
Everyone is out to get me in the

Nation of Justice. Am I
On my own? Probably.
Will even the

Pesky penguins abandon me? Probably.
Everyone will be against me. I heard the
Outrage amongst the nobodies.
People had their voices heard.
Looks like this is only the begging, of
Every mission collapsing.

Knowing Her Majesty, she does
Not care, she will keep sending me.
Oh, Your Majesty, when
Will you see?

It's going to be more difficult for you to conquer the world.

Ah, but I suppose she will keep going with her ideals. But,
Maybe I'm overthinking

And no one will be sour towards me.

For what it's worth,
After all this
Time, I am quite
Used to judgement. I am
Used to the few and in between
Seeing me as garbage,

Trash, the scum of society.
However many people feel this way,
I have to push their
Stares away. Have to keep going.

It was not my choice to be in this
Sinister organization.

But, I cannot leave,
After all, Her Majesty will kill me. For now,
Don't let those stares get to me. Keep working."

Four days had passed since the hyena dealt with the high heat problem deep down in the in the Elton Trench and the surrounding areas laying beneath. Diplomacy of nothing only lasting a singular day, a rather peculiar order overtook the next forty-eight hours following.

Given the task to exterminate malicious Meka that had overflowing sightings reported, the early adult's stress had eaten the chimera up like a plate of Fontaine Aspic. Removing the issue above the ground and down beneath the deep oceans, everything had been going as expected within the soldier's workdays. But, such task had only taken a turn for the worse during the second day of cleansing duties.

Accused of killing a Meka Garde by the hawk chimera, an immediate court case had been filed against the soldier. Theatrics kicking in as the the generic nobodies made various comments about him, the opera house was a cesspool. Found innocent of all accusations, stress had begun to grip the chimera into a never-ending chokehold.

Today, the stress would begin to hit its peak.

The sound of loud glasses clanging together throughout the military barracks echoed throughout the walls and hallways. As multiple Fatui celebrated an unknown victory, countless cheers drowned out all the other sound throughout the places within Snezhnaya. Cheers only getting louder, the walls shook with a fervor.

The uproarious celebrations were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Hearing people cheering nonstop, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the hyena. What could the other soldiers in the barracks possibly be celebrating? Knowing he had no time to waste, the early adult rose from the uncomfortable bed. There was no time to join, it was time to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena placed his winter jacket over his layered shirts, the chimera could not help but wonder. Did Her Majesty win some sort of important battle recently? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. It would most certainly be a waste of time asking. He would find out sooner or later, he supposed.

But, as the early adult attempted to snap his buttons shut, a soldier stumbled towards his door. Generic, unmasked man in a diplomat uniform swerving with every step, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. What was another soldier, wasted beyond words doing by his steel walled room? He had no time for the plastered.

"Why aren't you joining us, soldier?" the drunken Fatui asked, laughing. "Come oooon, have some Fire Water with us!"

The early adult held back the urge to drop his jaw down to the frozen floor. How could anyone drink this early in the morning, especially on a workday? Absolutely disgusting, strong alcohol should be forbidden from being consumed before three in the afternoon. Soldier looking ready to hand him an entire stack of drinks, the hyena puffed air from his nostrils. He needed to let this man know getting morning wasted was not happening.

"No, thank you, sir," Siorc responded, voice dry. As he said such, the man let out a childish pouting noise.

"Hmph! Party pooper!" the drunken soldier exclaimed.

Watching as a familiar blond haired Fatui hauled the drunkard away, the soldier let out a sigh. How ridiculous, offering him Fire Water. There was no way he would be able to stomach such a strong beverage. Pushing such thoughts away, the focus switch inside him flipped upward once more. Buttons in the correct holes, the chimera removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching x-shaped ones adorned his hair and ears. Hearing the racket continue as the minutes droned onward, the early adult shook his head. What was so great about alcohol, anyway? Didn't it destroy human's organs rather easily? What was the thrill in ruining one's body with the devil's liquid?

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the celebrations had only gotten louder. Dropping onto his knees, the hyena covered his eardrums with the palms of his hands. Why is everyone being so loud today? Everything was a cacophonous orchestra, shrieking rather than playing real music.

Taking multiple deep breaths, a wave of calmness flowed through the hyena. It was best to tune out the commotion. He had to finish getting ready for the workday at hand. Walking towards the edge of the room, every sound around him had been nothing. Heelless shoes placed over his currently human feet, the chimera headed back towards his uniform drawers.

Biting into his flavorless rations, the soldier stared at the door outside. The celebrations should wait until the evening, or nighttime, for sure. Surely, if Her Majesty knew what was happening, someone would put everyone in line. Glasses adjusted, and buttons secured in their holes, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp around with a militaristic uproar, the chimera took one final deep breath. Knowing he had to look as ready as possible, the work mode switch flipped upward inside him. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, a peculiar shout hit the walls as his subordinate stood by the door.

"You lazy soldiers, get to work!" the Agent Shouted. He then cleared his throats. "Apologies, Soldier." Giving unseen eye contact, he continued. "Diplomatic Soldier Siorc, you must head for the Court of Fontaine underground city and help out the poor to ensure you return to the good graces of the Hydro Archon."

The soldier could feel his heart skip five beats. He has to try to get back into Focalor's good graces? Absolutely impossible. He had already been exposed as a member of the Fatui. Any good graces he could have worked into had been as dead as a ghost on Wuwang Hill. There was no way doing a few favors for the less fortunate would ever be enough.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Don't worry about it. It's already been taken care of."

The hyena flinched. What had been taken care of already? The soldier did not know why, but whatever it was that had been attended to, he could not help but feel it was certainly not a good thing. Removing any emotions within him, the chimera turned his attention towards the Agent's mask. No more dawdling. The workday had to begin now.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the soldier waited for gripping prison to take him away.

"Great. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Bag slammed onto his back, the masked agent gripped the soldier's wrist into a tight lock. As the escort to Fontaine began, one thought held the soldier into another chokehold.

Would helping the people underground truly help him get into the good graces of the Hydro Archon?

He did not know.


"What is going on here recently?
Hearing a lot of the people
Around Poisson say
They're scared of the

Increasing amounts of energy. This is
Shocking to me. We are a nation that uses power constantly.

How come the people are scared? Even
Aigre, as childish as she is has started noticing. So,
People have been coming to me for all these odd jobs.
People have been coming to Kali for all these odd jobs.
Every day, Kali and I take turns doing those.
Now it is my turn. Today,
I have to go to the Elton Trench and remove some sort of
Noxious energy.
Great. This again. First and foremost,

I might be a 'mermaid' to these people, but that does
Not mean Kali and I should be the ones on the

Forefront of this escapade. But, the
Oceans are important to us.
No doubt about it. So, this morning I
Told Kali, 'Watch Aigre for me,
And make sure she doesn't wander off.' As usual
I get this response. 'Bain, you're
Not her mother.' Kali always says this to me.
Every single time. Yes, Kali,

I know. I am not her mother, but what do you expect me to do?

Aigre is our youngest sister, both physically and
Mentally. I know she is only one year younger than you, but in her mind she's still a

Child, and not the grown-up she grew to be. So, I have to
Observe the motherlike roll, even if you find it annoying.
Now, Aigre tries to tag along after this.
For the hundredth time, she
Unleashes the words, 'I wanna come too!!'
She's always insistent, but I always tell her, 'Aigre, this is a job for the adults.'
Every time, she will fire back with, 'Grown ups get to do all the cool things!'
Don't say that, Aigre, that makes me feel guilty.

I take a deep breath, and I give my

Usual line. 'Yes, that's right. So, when you grow up, you'll get to do all the cool things.'
Now she responds with, 'Got it, I'll grow up fast then for Captain Vert!'
Don't bring your imaginary friends into this, Aigre.
Every single time.
Right, well, I guess there's not much I can do.
She's regressed to her
Terrible twos I mean, terrible teens. Preteens?
Agh, whatever. It's really
Not important. We cannot afford the
Doctors to help her go back to

Normal. But, that is
Our goal, in the long run.
The conversation is now over, I
Head out our door.
It is finally time to get rid of the so called
Noxious energies. I do not truly
Get why it has to be Kali and me, but here goes nothing."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier could feel teeming droplets hit his messy hair. Feeling such, the early adult blinked. Had there been another court case already? But, such thoughts were cut off as he had been dragged down the mountain, like always.

Boat summoned out of nowhere, drips hit the vessel faster with every given second. Placed into the wooden vessel, the hyena gazed at the other vehicles from afar. Was it just him, or did everything else look as dry as the desert? Surely, it had to have just been his imagination.

As the vessel continued stroking forward through the storm, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why was it raining so hard today? The court case he had been thrown into had been a day prior. But, he supposed it was always a busy day for the legal world in the Nation of Justice.

Vehicle of manpower soon docked, the early adult stood to his feet. Singular free hand overhead as he was dragged onto the walkways, the chimera could feel a wave of green flow through him as he gazed at the Agent's hood. How lucky he was, to have full protection from the rain.

Pushed towards the stairwell, a familiar set of words had been tossed the chimera's way. Told he would not be allowed to teleport around Fontaine, as usual, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. He was being informed of this rule yet again? When would the reminder stop being laid out to him? Subordinate soon gone, everything grew silent.

Downpour raining down on him as he ascended the staircase and stepping into the glass box, the soldier prepared himself. Today was going to be a wet day, guaranteed. Preparing himself to be soaked to the bone, the chimera walked towards the Aquabus Station, but as he had done so, a storm was brewing.

Multiple rich people, dressed up to the nines glaring daggers at his uniform, the soldier swore he could hear the crowd whisper to one another that he should have been found guilty. Letting out a gulp, the chimera's eyes darted. He supposed he deserved such judgement. Standing in the line in silence, the Aquabus cruising by on the water, the chimera kept waiting. But, as the vehicle was ready to come, discord swallowed the hyena whole.

"Move!" a rich socialite screamed.

Gloved hands soon on his shoulders, the hyena's body stumbled. Buttocks momentarily becoming one with the ground, the chimera grit his teeth. Did this person have to be so rude? Returning to his feet, irritation soared through him. Knowing he had to move out of the way, the soldier placed himself on the back of the line, for the time being. Everyone else soon seated, the soldier prepared to seat himself.

Rich lady screaming a Fatui was on board, hands had been on the soldier's back for what felt like second time of the day. Crowd ready to make him the next shipwreck, the chimera let out a pained scream. Why couldn't the people just leave him be? Melusine soon shouting to cut it out, there's no need for such actions, hands were soon removed from his backside.

Seating himself in the farthest corner, a stronger wave of irritation flowed through the hyena. Was any of this outrageous behavior necessary? No matter what his position was, and how people saw him, there was no reason to wish to cause bodily harm. But, the chimera stayed silent. There was no way he could say such, or he would be tossed into the waters immediately.

Aeval soon saying everyone stay seated at all the times, the automatic vehicle had soon begun moving forward. Glares never ending as the vessel passed through the West Slopes, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of unease. Why was everyone so aggressive towards him today?

Socialites whispering about him saying a criminal like him should rot in the Fortress of Meropide and the innocent judgement was wrong, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. The Fatui, just how despised were they by the general population of Fontaine? But, perhaps, just maybe, such would wear off when their small minds were to forget him.

Reaching the main city after about an hour, the torrential downpour only continued to ramp up in speed. Generic citizens millions of mora richer than he walking off together with parasols fancier than anything he had ever seen, the soldier placed his hands over his hair once more. It was time to look for the underground city as fast as he could muster.

Heading upon the northern path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. If he were an underground city, where would it be? Surely, there had to be a stairwell somewhere that would take him to the lowest levels available in the city. Continuing upon the northern path, the hyena kept his eyes peeled like a fruit.

Mecha Gardes patrolling far more than normal as a woman lauded about antiques, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his back. Had security been heightened in the area? If such were the case, he was doomed without a shadow of doubt. Heading down the stairs in the corner of the northeastern most street, the soldier kept searching for the mythical city underground.

Passing by the blacksmith, multiple Meka Gardes kept patrolling around every street the soldier passed by. Seeing such, the early adult tossed himself in the grassy hedges. He needed to stay out of sight, out of mind, or he would be sent back to court, in an instant.

Rival boutique passed by, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Where in the world could the underground city be? Surely, it had to have been somewhere nearby. Fruit stall walked around, and human gardes on duty, the soldier remained on high cautious alert.

Soon reaching the fountain with a globe accessory above it, the hyena could not help but wonder. The underground city, could it be underneath the fountain? Perhaps, just maybe, the secret city of the less fortunate was the press of a button away. Walking towards the object, the soldier studied the device thoroughly.

Not finding any buttons upon the chimera tilted his head. Was there no secret glass box here? He supposed he was wasting his time. It was best to keep looking elsewhere. Heading back towards the stairway, the hyena had begun to retrace his steps. Surely, he had just missed a staircase or two somewhere.

Looping back around the northern city street, the hyena repeated the question in his mind once more. If he were an underground city, where would he be? Surely, it had to have been somewhere he would least expect it. Passing by the same street multiple times, nothing new had been discovered by the soldier.

Dashing off towards the glass lift in the center of the city, the early adult circled around the third story of the court world. Maybe it was best to look around towards the city's exit. Resolute on his decision, the soldier placed himself within the world of the glass box once more.

But, as the hyena moved through the city's edges, nothing of note stuck out to the soldier. Trip to the fourth floor wasted, the soldier dropped himself back down to the second floor. Failure looming deep within him, the soldier kept walking around in a circle. Was the underground city even real? He was starting to believe it was a mere fantasy.

Reaching the path near the hotel, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Underground city, where could it possibly be? He knew he needed to keep looking, no matter what. But, as he passed by the rich boarding establishment, a pesky fly had begun to buzz towards his general direction.

Earl skipping down the path like a schoolgirl who just traded friendship bracelets, the hyena let out a groan. Why was this pesky penguin chimera always around in the same places he was? How aggravating. He was about to hear the same nonsense about coming to his home again. He needed to speed off before he were to spot him. But, it had already been too late, the thorn in his side's eyes soon met his.

Seeing his future husband darting around the city as though he were looking for something, Earl's heart leapt into his legs. Was Siorc lost? Maybe he should help him out to get him to where he should be headed. What a perfect reason to bring him home. He would surely appreciate it, and tell him he'll marry him.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted, waving. "You seem lost! Let me take you home so I can give you directions!"

Earl's slimy gloved hand clamping down on his own palm, the early adult held back the urge to bite. What in the world was Earl doing? Did he have every excuse in the books to try and bring him down to his apartment downstairs? Absolutely ridiculous. There was no need to bring him to his home for directions. Surely, there were paper maps somewhere in the city that'd be more useful than this pest. But, the hyena kept himself quiet. There was no way he could say such a thing. He needed to keep himself quiet.

Boutique getting closer with every step, the soldier turned his head towards the opposite direction. Maybe, Malika would know where the underground city was. He supposed, since he was being dragged to the fashion establishment anyway, asking the forbidden question would not hurt.

Famous clothing establishment as busy as ever, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Spotting a Meka doing all the work around the shop, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Where in the world was Kaiser? Shouldn't he be working? But, he supposed it was no business of his who was employed at Congele Boutique and what their working hours were.

Lower staircase taken, the early adult observed the apartment for a moment. No one except Malika downstairs, the soldier could feel a sigh of relief. There was only one other penguin here? Music to his ears. The less pests around, the better. His ears were free from annoyances, at least for the time being. Earl stepping forward, the usual announcement was ready to burst the glass off the windows.

"I'm home from the Research Institute!" Earl announced, tilting his head. "Huh? Where's Baron and Kaiser?"

"They went to Chenyu Vale to do some international business. They should be back by tomorrow evening," Malika responded. She then turned towards Siorc, smiling. Did Earl bring his boy toy over? Maybe a little teasing wouldn't hurt. "You brought your boy toy over today?" She let out a silly giggle. "I'll make an extra fancy supper for two lovebirds."

A wave of disgust flowed through the hyena. How dare Malika say such a thing. He would never, no matter what, not in a million years, for any reason, be Earl's partner. Absolutely not, what a horrific thing to even suggest. Him, date a penguin? Disgusting. The sheer thought of such gave him boiling blood. Pushing such thoughts away, the chimera returned to the mission at hand. Finding the underground city, that was the only thing that was important. Taking a quick deep breath, the soldier released the forbidden words.

"No, ma'am, I am not his boy toy," the hyena responded, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. "I need to locate the underground city."

Hearing the young man's words, Malika could feel a light bulb pop up from above her head. He was heading for the sewers? What a perfect opportunity to guide him there. The court case had to made his presence a sour sight within the city. Maybe it would be a good idea to have him help out the poor.

"Are you talking about Fleuve Cendre, darling?" Malika asked. "I'll take you there." Stepping in front of him, she extended her hand. "You should lend the people there a hand. They've been struggling a lot lately."

Malika leading the way, the soldier stayed behind her in silence. Hearing her comment about the people underground struggling lately, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Her Majesty, did she want him to take advantage of the less fortunate by pretending to lend them a hand? How awful of her, if such were the case.

Soon descending a large staircase within the city, the hyena could not help but think. What could possibly await him down in the lowest points of the city? Would he see people playing with rats? But, the chimera pushed such thoughts away. There was no need to anticipate such. Whatever he were to witness down below, his judgement had to remain at the door.

Taken down a long staircase, two green doors awaited the fashionable penguin and he. Soon finding himself near a long ladder beside a long metallic passageway reaching a deep underground world, the hyena prepared himself for the worst. A new world was about to await him at any given moment.

Dropping down the gigantic ladder, the soldier peered down beneath him as Malika had gotten further down below. Was it just his imagination, or was he smelling rust? But, the hyena kept climbing. There was absolutely no time to think about such things. He had to keep focus on climbing.

Second ladder soon upon him, the early adult could not help but hear the sound of flowing water. Hearing such, the hyena blinked. Just how far underground was he? Could he have been underneath the fountain in the city after all? Pushing such thoughts away, the hyena kept focusing on his descent. Why did it matter where the city was? He needed to stop thinking outrageous conclusions.

Eventually reaching the bottom after twenty minutes of climbing, the soldier observed the area around him. Brown underground sewer city with a vile stench, the early adult attempted to plug his nose. Voices echoing off the metallic walls, the hyena's ears had begun to rung. Did a loud world await him? But, he knew he had to bear with it no matter what.

Poorly dressed citizens cheering as Malika stepped towards the main hub of the underground world, the soldier swore everyone had begun to run towards her. Seeing this, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. Did she come down here often? He could not help but feel she was a regular down here. But, his thoughts were soon interrupted by an elderly voice.

"Roi, it's so good to see you again!" the elderly man exclaimed. But, a very loud forced cough drowned out his words.

"Oh, dear, my apologies, allergies!" Malika shouted. "Don't you remember? Roi's on a journey. It's me, Malika!"

Hearing Malika's sudden forced and loud cough, the hyena lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. Why was she telling a story about some person who went on a journey? But, a switch flipped on inside his brain. Oh, he sees now. What a clever excuse for those who did not understand, or chose to be backwards in their thinking. But, the chimera kept such thoughts to himself.

"Terribly sorry, Malika!" the elderly man responded. "We wish Roi well on his journey!" But, Malika soon talked over him.

"Anyway!" Malika exclaimed, talking over the elderly man with all her might. "I brought a new helper with me today!"

Malika soon pointing at him with a fury, multiple people crowded around the hyena like he was a celebrity taking autographs. Many young adults and children cutting him off in a large circle looking ready to pounce on him like food scraps, the chimera's heart skipped two beats. Was he about to become a living notice board? He needed to prepare himself for such at any given moment.

People chattering one after another about Malika bringing a new helper and how they needed a ton of materials, the soldier's knees buckled. A ton of materials? Just how many would he need to gather? Another person stating they are missing medical supplies, the chimera's eyes had begun to twitch. So many requests, how was he supposed to fulfill all of them? He was only one partially human person.

Even more people crowding around him talking aloud about whatever they needed, the soldier could feel himself grow down to the size of a Cicin. Too many people at once were talking. He needed space. He was inside a box, cramped into the thin corridors. But, he knew, no matter how many people needed something, he had to do everything asked of him. His thoughts, however, were cut off by an even louder scream.

"Settle down, everyone!" Malika exclaimed, hand out in front of her. "One at a time!"

Multiple people clearing out one after another, the soldier's jaw dropped open. Was that all it took? The voice of a regular was the most powerful tool of all time. Everyone clearing out except for a muscular man with armor on his shoulder, a peculiar order had come his way.

Man stating there had been influx of floating machines spotted around the Belleau region, the tilted his head. What did any of this have to do with helping the less fortunate? But, he knew he had no choice but to hear him out. Person requesting he gather machine parts from such objects, confusion looped on repeat.

Stranger handing him a peculiar looking claymore that could extend in length with the press of a button, the soldier let out a sigh. Was this really the mission he should be taking? The requester did not look like he was pinching for Mora whatsoever. But, he supposed, if he wished to get back on the good graces of the Hydro Archon, helping anyone who asked was the way to go.

Malika stating she would woman the fort for now, the early adult dashed off towards the ladder once more. Returning back to the surface world, the hyena walked off towards the Aquabus Station after what felt like the one-hundred-thousandth time in the past six weeks. Rain slowing down as he seated himself on the ride of automatic proportions, a request had come the Melusine's way.

Melusine agreeing to have the Aquabus stop at the Poisson Tunnel, the soldier blinked. The tour guide was willing to accept his request? How strange. But, he supposed not every single person or being held the same opinions about the Fatui. Vehicle soon departing, the hyena kept himself as still as possible.

As the tour bus cruised across the waters, the hyena could not help but wonder. The floating machines, where could they have possibly come from? Were they just the orb monsters from Elynas again? Whatever they could have been, he needed to get rid of them without a second thought.

Reaching the Poisson Tunnel, the early adult disembarked from the vehicle. Wind glider deployed from behind his satchel, a sight to behold overtook the chimera's heterochromatic field of damaged vision. Floating machines beaming a peculiar ray of light in every corner of the sky, the soldier rolled up his sleeves. It was time to get to the extermination of a life time.

Running off towards the southernmost edge of the area, a group of three machines floating above the beaches surrounded by yellow and purple shards, the early adult cracked his knuckles. Getting rid of few unwanted obstacle? The cake was slicing itself into pieces.

Taking note the first machine was surrounded by a purple aura, the early adult scooped up the light yellow block. Mineral floating around him, the chimera unsheathed the peculiar claymore. Block slamming down on the machine almost immediately, the hyena let out a battle cry as his blade did the talking.

But, as his slashes about continued, a layer soon surrounded the foreign object. Claymore as thin as a sheet of paper, the hyena grit his teeth. It was already getting into a defensive state? How ridiculous. He needed to carve through the armor right now. Second block of yellow energy grabbed, the early adult angled the greatsword towards the left.

Hearing the armor crack a smidgeon, the hyena kept the momentum going. Managing to get ten slashes in, the chimera let out another battle cry. Surely, he was close to getting rid of the obstacle in front of him. But, the easy switch soon flipped back into hard mode. Metallic box closing in, the defenses returned.

Grabbing the yellow energy block on repeat, the early adult's eyebrows twitched as the cycle kept looping back and forth. Battle feeling like it was never going to end, the soldier grit his teeth. Where had such line of defenses come from? Someone had to have tampered with the machine from the outside.

Hearing a crack after what felt like one-hundred greatsword strikes, the early adult aimed for the core. Object sliced up like fruit on a cutting board, the early adult prepared to move onwards towards the second mechanical object within the crowd of three. Object glowing yellow, the purple block had been grabbed ahold of.

Quick work made of the second mechanical enemy, the chimera held back the urge to pant. Had defeating the first machine weakened the other two? He supposed such could have been the case. Third and final machine floating higher off the air, the soldier studied his greatsword, for a moment.

Discovering a button in the center of the blade's hilt, the soldier pressed down on the clicker in a matter of moments. Metallic blade extending towards the sky, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. The blade could really grow in length with the press of a button? Just what kind of greatsword was this? It had to have been from some other world.

Third machine cut to ribbons, a sea of gears had begun to drop on the sand like rainfall. Commodities scooped up one after another, the early adult pocketed the objects. Gears clanging around in the satchel as he moved forward, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. What a waste of bag space. But, he knew he had no choice but to collect the gears. His orders, no matter who were to give them to him, were absolute.

As the hyena had begun to walk upon the northern path, the chimera gazed at the collection of enemies on the skylines. Where could this machine outbreak have possibly come from? The soldier did not know, but he knew he had to vanquish them for the client, for the time being.

Eventually reaching a pathway north near the mountainsides, the early adult turned his attention towards the skies. Mechanical enemies beaming their lights of doom, the hyena readied himself. Surely, his blade would be able to extend far enough to reach it. Preparing himself, the button was clicked.

Metallic greatsword gaining meters in height, the soldier's feet had begun to wobble. Tall objects, what a world. Metallic edges doing their duty, the early adult swore he could see sparks begin to fly. Continuing the fight, for the moment, one casualty had been added to the pile.

Group of two enemies floating closer down towards the ground, the soldier braced himself for impact. Beams of electrical energy about to come his way, the early adult jumped four steps back. The machines had powers? He needed to be cautious. Defenses ready, the hyena jumped towards the left as the attacks continued.

Evasion was dead in the water. Hearing a buzzing noise from behind him, the soldier could feel a tingle travel down his back. Static clinging to his uniform, the early adult could feel his energy break away. The machines could move around at will? He needed to try harder to dodge. Attempting to jump towards the right, the soldier grabbed an energy block.

But, such attempts at dodges were futile. Electricity tickling him fancy with every attempt to jump, the chimera was a zapper magnet. Attempting to shake off the static with any energy that remained, the crawled off towards the side like a crab on the beach. Breaking free after what felt like forty-five minutes of struggling, the tides reversed.

Machines removed from the equation after thirty blows, the hyena broke out into a sweat. Who, in all of Teyvat, had programmed these machines? Whoever had done so, they had to have been asking for trouble of all kinds. Taking a deep breath, the hyena observed the area around him, for a moment.

Enemies of many mechanical marvels making themselves home up on the mountaintops, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. The mountains, of all places. He was in for a difficult ride. Dashing off towards the cliffs, the chimera prepared himself for action. But, as he had reached the peak, difficulties had begun to arise from the ashes.

Floating devices moving around at a rapid pace along the base of the mountains, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Tiny bug like accessories swarming around them, the soldier's knees buckled. How was he supposed to aim at multiple enemies at once from high off the ground? Pondering for a moment, ideas flowed through like a river.

Figuring plunging down from the mountaintops was the first step, the early adult's weapon and he had begun to ride the wind. Bug swarm sparking high and dry, the soldier ascended back towards the top of the mountain. Host still alive and well, the chimera clutched the claymore as tight as his fingers would allow.

Dropping downward in a rapid manner, a loud clang let its defiance become known. Hearing such, the soldier could feel his confidence drop like Cicins. The shields were already up? He stood no chance, guaranteed. Multiple plunges taking the stage, no amount of points had been in the chimera's favor for minutes on end.

Sky attacks doing nothing as well, the early adult let out a grunt. Defenses were a horrific cocoon of power. Offenses dead in the water, the soldier pondered for a moment. How would he be able to defeat such creature? Perhaps, knocking it back was the trick. Resolute on his decision, the chimera was ready.

Dropping down the mountain as the floating machine moved towards the ground, the soldier's feet were armed and ready, lunging forward towards a tree, the mechanical enemy had become one with the stump. Hearing the sound of metal bending, the kickbacks continued.

Spotting metallic acorns upon the ground as multiple enemies buzzed around like bugs, the chimera stared at the objects below him. Would tossing such projectiles end the battle quicker? He knew it was worth a try to toss them around. Equipment at the ready, the soldier bent his arm backwards.

Acorn barrage throwing everything for a loop, a sea of gears dropped down from the mountaintops. Seeing such, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. A simple object was enough to turn the tables? Perhaps, just maybe, he should make use of objects in the wilderness more often. But, everything had begun to crumble as the next location revealed itself.

Creatures making themselves at home upon the Aquabus railings, the acorns and the creature's mechanical bodies soon met. Letting these creatures interfere with transportation? Not a chance. He could not allow for such to happen for any reason. Corned into an inoperable state, the mountainside slaying continued for hours on end.

Although, such mountain world had come to an end in a matter of moments. Inorganic life forms speeding off upon the air, the soldier was off to the races. Enemies getting swifter as he had continued to run, the soldier let out a scream. How were these mechanical monsters so fast? He needed to catch up before it was too late.

Mechanical monsters speeding through the mountaintops, the chase continued. But, the soldier swore he saw the same mountain three times in a row. Looping back around, the hyena let out a pant. Didn't these inorganic creatures have a limit to their powers? Surely, there had to have been some sort of limit on their life juices.

Chase looping him back around to the same mountain once more, the early adult let out a growl. What was he, in some sort of team of mystery solvers with a brown talking dog that talked with the excessive use of the letter r? Absolutely ridiculous, he had to end the chase now. Going onto the peak, the early adult plunged downward.

Enemy knocked into oblivion, frustration ate the hyena up like a plate of fish and chips. Who programmed these machines? Their movements were absolutely ridiculous. Whoever had been in charge of these, they had to learn how to handle their goods better in the future. Taking a long deep breath, the soldier scouted the area, for a moment.

Spotting a machine floating towards the oceans, the early adult let out a gulp. If such thing were to get down into the ocean, it would cause great harm down in the trenches once more. He needed to put a stop to it, immediately. But, as he reached the sea bed, the enemy dove down like a dolphin returning from gathering air.

Knowing that if he did not hurry, electricity would turn the oceans into the next Inazuma, the early adult reached for his diving equipment at lightning speed. Fat uniform of blubber engulfing him, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Spark popping, the chimera dropped down towards the trenches beneath him.

Spotting five of the mechanical enemies floating upon the water, the soldier could feel fear bubble inside him. Any minute now, and sparks would fly. He had to get rid of the problem immediately, or every single living creature in the world under water would suffer painful electrocutions.

Cruising towards the first destroyer of world's a particular face stuck out of the soldier. Spiky pink haired young woman with a sea lion body removing peculiar hazards from the ocean floor, the soldier tuned the person out. Was Bain doing some sort of job? He needed to leave her be, if such were the case. But something of peculiar note caught the chimera's attention.

Seeing Bain all by herself, an array of questions flowed through the soldier. Where were Kali and Aigre? Why weren't they helping her out? How could they leave her alone to face the problem by herself? Thoughts continuing to buzz through him, the soldier swore he could feel shoulders brush against his. Hearing someone make a hissing noise, the chimera had his swim suit thrust him four paces away. Had he bumped into the only sea lion sister around? He needed to apologize, if so.

"Ah, sorry! I didn't see you there!" Bain exclaimed, but her eyes soon wandered. Seeing the young man who had been dragged down into Aigre's constant shenanigans, she soon clapped her flippers together. "I apologize for getting you caught up in Aigre's pirate shenanigans! I should have tried harder to get her to stop!"

But, the apology had fallen on deaf ears. Bain all alone, the early adult placed his hands in front of him. Writing out the inquiry regarding where Kali and Aigre were on the water, the soldier gazed into Bain's eyes. Surely, they had to be around somewhere. Dealing with hazards by herself had to have been a risk that was avoidable.

Watching as, what was his name again, Skirk, write a question on the water about her sister's whereabouts, Bain shook her head. Why was he asking about them? How odd. There was no reason to inquire about such. But, she supposed he was just too curious for his own good.

"Kali? She's with Aigre while I'm working," Bain responded. "Why are you asking?"

Hearing a slight hint of irritation in Bain's voice, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Had he gotten too nosy? Maybe he had asked a question that dove in too far. Knowing it was best to drop the subject, the early adult had the automatic diving suit thrust him towards the left. Aquatic blade ready, the soldier prepared himself.

Aquatic blade charging at the first machine of the five, the soldier fired off the unlimited bladeworks. Machine not budging for minutes on end, the hyena kept the momentum going. Although, such was a continued failure. Machine not budging, even a centimeter, the fight remained the same.

Switching off towards the armored ability, the soldier held his left hand out, for a moment. Projectiles coming his way, the hyena bounced them back towards the enemy as though he were using his Claymore. Defenses down and out after six attempts, one final round of the aquatic blade finished the job.

First of five obstacles taken out of the equation, the chimera's diving suit continued to move upon autopilot. Battles beginning to gear up some struggle, the chimera could feel his will begin to fade. Had the machines gotten sturdier? If such were the case he needed to find energy blocks as soon as possible.

Blocks of energy soon in his clutches, the early adult persevered. Armor cracking as the precision strike took the stage, the hyena rode the current. He had to clear out the rest of the enemies quickly, or electrocuted waters would plague the Elton Trench for all of Inazuma's eternity. Such could not happen, no matter what.

Four of five obstacles soon taken out of the equation, the hyena thrusted further north. Aquatic blade ready for action, the soldier pressed the button at rapid fire. But as the fight kicked up speed, vines added themselves to the mix. Machine a chrysalis amongst the ocean, the chimera flinched.

Attempting with all his might to remove the encasing, the chimera's finger had begun to get trigger happy. Vines not budging for minutes on end, the soldier could feel his chest turn to stone. Were the blade spots moving? Attempting once more to cut the rope, the glowing spot continued to move.

Stubborn weeds remaining intact, the early adult kept cutting. Regeneration remaining supreme, the world remained stuck. Why were the vines so quick to regenerate? How was this even possible? Attempts all going to waste, stress hugged the soldier from behind. Readying to wave the white flag, nature reigned supreme.

Bain swimming towards him in a rapid manner, a scythe soon appeared in her flippers. Flames soon surrounding her weapon, the soldier closed his eyes. The fire was out of sight, out of mind. Opening his eyes after a few seconds, vines had begun to burn away. Sea lion letting out a shout, the soldier turned towards her.

"I weakened them for you!" Bain shouted. Her scythe continued to swing forward. "Strike now!"

Opening created, the soldier slashed with a fury. Machine dropping from the encasing, the scythe and aquatic weapon broke through. Flames bringing down the final blow, gears floated upon the oceans. Commodities received, the soldier returned to the surface. Turning his head towards the sky, the soldier studied it for a moment.

Sky a dark shade of blue, the early adult gulped. Had it already been evening? He had to return to the underground city as soon as possible. Dashing off towards the Poisson Tunnel once more, the hyena ascended upon the aquatic railways. Aquabus nowhere to be seen, the soldier let out a tired sigh. He supposed, he was going to have to walk back. Teleporting was forbidden.

Reaching the underground city after three hours of walking, the early adult searched to and fro for the person who requested the robotic gears. Eventually coming across him near a passageway, the chimera handed off every single piece of metallic waste to the client. Gratitude coming his way, the early adult readied to exit for the evening. But, such plan for rest was cancelled before it could even begin. Malika heading towards him, a new demand had come his way.

"The youngsters seem hungry, why not make them supper, darling?" Malika asked, portable stove in her hands. "I have to head off to Mount Esus to meet up with a stubborn client." A warm smile had appeared on her face. "For the elderly, just give them gelato." Voice getting further away, she relayed one last set of words. "Feel free to use our guestroom in the boutique after you're done cooking. Earl will let you in."

Portable stove in his fingertips, the soldier's jaw practically dropped open. He had to cook now? Why couldn't Malika have done it before she left? How incredibly annoying. Every single penguin chimera was a thorn in his side. Removing the cover off the stovetop, a flock of children flew the coop.

Multiple generic children swarming around the stove next to a tall, young man with black hair tied back into a stringy ponytail, red-brown eyes, red shirt full of holes and hawk wings behind his back, the chimera let out a groan. He had been in the presence of an avian chimera. It was all over. Kids looks ready to voice their demands, the early adult turned towards them.

"We want fish steak!!" one kid demanded.

"The super duper expensive kind!" another kid demanded.

"And make sure you get the good kind!" the bird man chimed in, poking his finger through his ear. "The thick, juicy tenderloins!"

Demands coming his way, the early adult's eyes fluttered. Fish steak, this late into the evening? Surely, this group was joking. Kids soon chanting they want fish steak, give them fish steak, the hyena sighed. He supposed he would go to the general store and buy all the ingredients possible for such dish.

Returning to the surface world for a moment, the soldier strolled towards the general store. A double dozen lumps of raw fish meat and other ingredients for fish steak sold conveniently, the soldier's wallet had been fried in a matter of moments. Dropping back down to the world underground after fifteen minutes, the stove was the hyena's only friend.

Slabs of fish steak dropped on the portable stove, various cooking utensils had been handed off to the soldier. Multiple kids demanding their steaks to be extra juicy, the early adult painted on the thick layers like it was an art project. Seasoning sprinkled on one after another, the soldier rose the flame. Meals finished, the children gathered around. But, demands had come his way again.

"Juicier!" one kid shouted.

"I want mine blacker!" another kid shouted.

Letting out a sigh, the hyena had begun to redo the fish steaks. Children one after another continuing to demand the strips of meat be juicier, spicier, more crispy, the chimera kept the revisions going. Why was everyone being so demanding? Any more times, and he would be out of slices to cook. But, one demand stuck out amongst the rest.

"No, no, no, my steak has to be black!" the bird man exclaimed in a demanding tone. "Black, like my soul." He pointed at his ponytail. "Cook it again!"

The soldier's eyebrows twitched. He had to redo yet another steak? Cook it pitch black? What a ridiculous request. If he were to cook it until it was black, there would be no steak left. But, he knew he had to give the person what he demanded. Redoing the meat one final time, fish steak as black as a raven on the night sky sizzled on the grill. Bird man looking ready to grab everything, grating words hit the walls.

"See? Now, this is the perfect steak!" the bird man exclaimed.

Kids one after another attempting to grab the streaks right off the piping hot grill, alarm bells rang in the soldier's head. Had any of these children been taught stove and oven safety? Placing his hand in front of him, such action was halted. There was no way he could allow for such unsafe action to take shape.

Everyone's dinners handed off to them in succession, the soldier packed up the portable stove. Liquid foods made for all the poor elderly people, the early adult let out a yawn. At any moment, he could feel himself ready to burn out like a candle. Exiting back up towards the surface world, the early adult headed for the boutique.

Heading down the boutique stairs, only Earl had been inside the apartment downstairs. Pesky penguin informing him his sister said he could rest up in the boutique until that hooded man were to come for him, the soldier headed for the guestroom. Was his mission going to continue into tomorrow? If such were the case, he needed to prepare himself. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the chimera slumped into the temporary bed, sleep ready to take him away, in an instant, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Demanding people are tiring.


"All of these missions in the underground city are stressful, to say the least.
Now, I have to assist multiple people.
Obviously, I have to do as I am
Told. Or, Her Majesty will kill me.
How will any of this help me get back into the good graces of Focalors?
Every one of these deeds, they won't change how
Relentless the legal world is in Fontaine.

Doubt this will do much of
Anything. No, I am confident.
Yes, these deeds, they will do absolutely nothing.

Of course I know that.
For everyone knows now that I am a member of the Fatui. A

Diplomatic Soldier that no one wants to see.
Everyone despises my presence,
My occupation, everything.
A storm is brewing in Fontaine.
Nothing I will do will undo my exposed identity. Nothing. I
Don't know what's going to happen, but
So much is out the window now. Your Majesty, cease. Reversal isn't happening."

Upon waking up the next morning, the hyena's heart pounded hard and fast in his chest. Feeling himself about to fade away as his chest kept on thumping, Siorc had begun to perform his breathing exercises. Heartbeat slowing down ever so slightly, the early adult rose from the temporary bed.

Room spinning as he headed for the kitchen, the early adult took a second deep breath. Earl soon handing a letter off to him, the early adult slapped his cheeks. Now was not the time to allow dizziness into his life. Adjusting his glasses, the chimera read the slip of paper carefully.

"You are to continue working. You are not dismissed," the anonymous note said.

Finishing the letter of many intricacies, the early adult let out a sigh. Why couldn't the Agent, or whoever wrote this letter write more than a singular sentence? But, he supposed vagueness was the Fatui style. Knowing another difficult day awaited him, the hyena continued to perform his breathing exercises. He could not allow for weakness to overtake him today.

Pastry filled to the brim with high sugary contents, a sugar spark popped off in the soldier's brain. Energy kicking off into overdrive, the soldier cracked his knuckles. It was time to get back to work. Malika soon guiding him back towards the underground city, an immediate array of requests had come the soldier's way. Generic woman with a ponytail and tattered clothes coming his way, the first demand bore fruit.

"Could you go down to the Research Institute of Natural Philosophy and gather this list of books for me?" the young woman asked.

Hearing such a request, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He was being requested to steal books from a research facility? Absolutely not. There was no way he would do such a thing. Take tomes that did not belong to him? No way. Shaking his head, he gave the woman a sharp look.

"Please, sir!" the young woman begged. "The children need education!"

Letting out a sigh, the early adult nodded. He supposed it would be impossible to refuse such a request. Second person soon asking the hyena to head for the Beryl Region and area north of the court to grab crates of Fonta by Airtime Roger, the hyena's lip quivered. Why couldn't the person requesting do it themselves?

Generic nobody whining he had a fear of heights, the soldier accepted the request. But, such had not been the end of the demands from the people around him. Young lady requesting he gather metallic conches for her from Merusea Village, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. What a ridiculous set of orders. How would any of this assist the less fortunate?

Exiting the underground city, the soldier prepared himself for the long day ahead. Ascending the staircase, the soldier took a long deep breath. He was only gathering items people requested. Surely, today would go far more smooth than yesterday. Walking off towards the glass lift, the chimera headed for the highest possible story within the city.

Reaching the fourth and highest possible floor, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Melusine guards patrolling, the early adult remained on high alert. If any of the employed security were to see him, he would tossed down into prison immediately. Attempting to avoid their gazes, the chimera tiptoed towards the northern exit of the area.

Reaching the northern most exit, the soldier jumped off the ledge of the area. Wind glider soon deployed, the soldier prepared himself. Salacia Plain, he had to head for the beaches. Knowing that the hawk and falcon chimera could have been there doing bounties, the early adult steeled himself. He needed to careful, no matter what.

Not a single soul a part from meka monsters around in the northern court area, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Was he the only one here? Such was a miracle to be had, for sure, if such were truly the case. Stepping towards the shoreline, the young soldier removed his diving equipment from the satchel.

Suit soon swallowing him whole, the early adult prepared himself. The Research Institute of Natural Philosophy. It was time to commit grand theft book. Mind and diving suit soon syncing up with one another, the hyena jumped downward into the seabed beneath him. But, immediately upon entry, a challenger awaited.

Underwater penguin crew already near the plains, the soldier let out a gulp. Last time he had been down here four days prior, the duo informed him the peace treaty was over. Any moment now, and they would bring violence to his partially human person. He needed to get away and head for the research institute as soon as possible.

It was too late, he had already been spotted.

Spotting Ritchie Ritch underwater once again, Vidame could feel her blood boil. Hadn't they told this guy it was all over now? Their peace treaty was done. They had heard from some anonymous source, this individual was not only rich, but one of those Fatui people. How dare he come back down here. I was time to teach him a violent lesson.

Rich Fatui dude coming back down to the Salacia Plains despite their previous warnings, Domini sharpened his flippers. Did this person seriously think he was welcome down here? He had heard from a diver the other day some guy was put on trial and exposed to everyone as a Fatui. This had to be the guy, no doubt about it.

It was time to give his oxygen tank a little holey greeting.

"Great! Not only are you rich, you're an evil Fatui, too!" Vidame shouted. "You're getting what's coming to you!"

Vidame and Domini sharpening their claws, the early adult attempted with all his might to have his diving suit swim faster than the penguins were able to keep up. But such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Penguin talons sinking down into his oxygen tank, the early adult let out a pained gasp. What in the world were these fiends doing? Claws continuing to slash forward, the soldier could feel doom loom over him with every given second. Soon, his lungs would would be one-hundred-percent water, guaranteed.

"I should have known you were up to no good!" Domini shouted, growling. "Ritchie Rich, you deserve whatever's about to happen to you!"

Penguins continuing their rampage, the early adult let out a shout. The underwater penguin duo, why were they doing this? Any second now, and his oxygen tank would burst. His life, was it about to come to an end? Feeling a shout on his throat, the hyena held back the urge to release his thoughts. It's not like he wanted to be a member of the Fatui, anyway. But, the soldier saved his strength. Any second now, and he would lose all his breath. But, in a matter of moments, the onslaught ceased.

"Domini, fuggeddabout it," Vidame suddenly said.

"Forget about it?! Are you crazy, Vidame?!" Domini screamed at the top of his gills. "This loser is a Fatui! He needs to be taught a lesson!"

Seeing the look of panic on the rich Fatui's face, Vidame let out a sigh. While she despised this man with all the fire in her soul, killing him wasn't the right course of action. What was she thinking, going after his oxygen tank? She should have attempted to harm his reputation instead. What a rash and hasty move, she wasn't using her brain at all. She should not have let her visceral take over.

"Whatever, so he's a Fatui, whoop-de-doo," Vidame responded, sarcasm evident in her voice. "I said, fuggeddabout it. Why kill him now when we can possibly ruin his reputation later?" A grunt had soon come her way.

"Archons and dragon sovereigns, fine!" Domini shouted. He then pointed his flipper at the evil Fatui. "Go do your stupid job, or whatever! But, do anything evil, and I will break your oxygen tank next time!"

Words sounding like a promise, the early adult shook with a fervor. Next time, he encountered these penguins, he would be dead on the ocean floor, guaranteed. Party of two swimming off, the soldier had his swim suit push him off towards the west. But, as the soldier approached the hold leading to the research institute, his heart skipped more than seven beats.

Eventually calming down, the early adult dropped downward towards the hidden research facility tucked deep beneath the waters of Fontaine. Soon reaching a large room with bookshelves aplenty, the soldier read off the list of tomes to collect. Counting a total of twenty, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. This was a few books too many, for sure.

Reading the names on the list one after another, the early adult could feel a wave of disbelief flow through him. Why had most of the tomes listed on the paper sound like fantasy novels rather than learning material? The young woman who requested these, was she just making him grab fiction she wanted him to nab from an abandoned area? Ridiculous.

Removing his thoughts, for a moment, the hyena slipped his hands through the bookshelf. First book entitled The Records of Mary-Anne, the early adult tilted his head. Who? Holding the tome of unknown knowledge, the chimera's fingers kept cruising through the spines around him. Second book grabbed entitled, the story of the Sea Horse, the soldier was beside himself. What would these books teach anyone?

Moving onward towards the second shelf, another ridiculous titled book the Tale of the Princess was grabbed out of its rotting away home. Another tall tale story? None of these had any educational value, for sure. He had to have been duped by this person, no questions asked. Fourth book dubbed, The Guide to Energy, the soldier squirmed.

Grabbing the fifth book entitled, Literacy 101, the early adult kept cruising through the shelf. Volumes two, three, four, five and six all grabbed, as well, the soldier broke into a sweat. These books were far too advanced for children. His client had used such story as a cover up, without question.

Walking towards the next shelf, the next book upon the list, Mathematics Made Easy, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. How in the world did a book like this get down into an abandoned research facility? Someone else had to have been here in the past and filled up the shells with such things. Second volume of such fundamental teachings obtained, the next order of business pulled the trigger.

Tome unlucky number thirteen telling the story about the blonde haired princess from another world, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. List informing him to grab volumes two and three as well, the chimera's legs shook. This person had no intention at all of teaching the children. Personal interests spoke louder than words.

Obtaining the next set of three books, the soldier turned his head off towards the opposite direction. Whatever the titles had said, he had no interest in looking further. He knew, if he were to read it, not a single educational word would be anywhere on the title.

Final set of books soon collected, the early adult pocketed the tomes of barely any educational value. Everything dropped into the satchel, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Was taking these stories even worth it? There had to have been nothing of value presented within any of them.

Returning to the surface world, the early adult removed his diving equipment from around him. But, as he had done such, a strong pulse shot through his head. Heart beating like a mallet on wood, the soldier swore the ocean was spinning around him. Taking a moment to breathe, the hyena kept his breaths going. There was no way he could allow weakness to win now. He had work to do. Pulse crumbling into nothing, the early adult headed back towards the capital city.

Heading for the Aquabus Station, the soldier stared off into space as the vehicle automatically cruised forward towards the Poisson Tunnel. Gazing at the oceans around him from afar, the soldier could not help but wonder. Vidame and Domini, what had he done to them that made them despise him so much? But, he supposed, being a member of the Fatui, he as unwanted by the rest of the world.

Reaching Poisson Tunnel shortly after, the soldier jumped off the ledge once more. Dashing off towards the beaches on the southernmost point within the Belleau Region, the early adult hopped across the waters. Trying to remain on the shallow ledges as much as possible, the Beryl Region was soon upon him.

Coming across an Airtime Roger beside the mountainsides in the southern areas of Elynas, the early adult took another deep breath. Right, he had to gather the large crates of Fonta. Stepping foot inside the vehicle of air travel, the hyena gazed at the skies around him. Balloon object getting higher with every second, the ground was a bug.

Balloon only getting higher as the seconds plowed through, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Keeping himself on the look out for any wooden crates, the air roger kept on going. Vessel cruising through the world of blue above him, the hyena closed his eyes. He was one with the wind, at the top of the world.

Airtime Roger soon coming to a screeching halt, the early adult opened his eyes. Vessel stopping by an aquatic platform, the chimera let out a supply. Did he need to gather another energy source? Rolling up his sleeves, the early adult glided off towards the platforms. Slimes making their presence known, the soldier prepared himself for action.

Tossing down a flower fiend, Dendro and Electro shook hands with one another. Energy block gathered, the vessel had begun its ascent towards the clouds once more. Balloon only going higher, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just how high could something go before touching the sun? Surely, there had to be a limit how high something could travel.

Heading northeast for minutes on end, the ride soon halted once more. Slimes looking ready to become passenger number two, another flower fiend had been tossed their way. Enemies taken care of with a snap of his fingers, the energy block had been renewed once more.

Ride swerving a little, the early adult could feel his heart sink into his stomach. Had someone been trying to shoot the Air Roger down? But, such had been far from the truth. Vehicle accidentally hitting multiple rocks as it came downward, the early adult let out a sigh. Even automatic devices were weak to rocks. A shame to be had, for sure.

Finding a large crate filled to the brim with glass bottles of soda, the early adult lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. Was he requested to fetch a sugary drink? But, he supposed he should hold his judgement. Maybe such was the only thing the man could afford.

Satchel as hard as a rock, the early adult grunted. Why in the world was his bag so heavy now? His back would burst any second. Returning to the Court City once more, the hyena's heart had begun to beat harder and faster once more. Everything was a boulder. But, the chimera knew he had to bear with such. His job was far from over.

Locating the second Airtime Roger north of the Court of Fontaine, the early adult seated himself within the device. Balloon of many technological marvels heading upward, a wave of fascination flowed through him. Was the vehicle completely unaffected by his weight? Amazing. Technology was incredible.

Vehicle continuing upon the airstream, the hyena engulfed the scenery around him. While nature and he were still on a break, he could not help but admire the trees around him. Spotting a flower bed with lilacs galore, the soldier hid the tiniest of smiles. What a beautiful, wonderful world.

Airtime Roger stopping beside an old man's house, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Was this the place he had to grab the next crate from? Only spotting wooden boxes that were empty, the hyena shook his head. Surely, the automatic gears turning the balloon had to have made some sort of mistake. He needed to repilot and keep going right away. As he attempted to do so, however, shouts had come his way.

"You kids and your dang machines!" an old man shouted, fist looking ready to punch a cloud. "You scared the dogs with that fancy little gadget!" Pointing at an empty dog house, his cranky screams dialed themselves to eleven. "Go find them, youngster!"

Knowing he had no choice but to gather up the dogs, the soldier released himself from the airtime roger. Pampered looking canines running off the property as if a lion had been chasing them, the hyena's legs had erupted into a speedy sprint. Chest stinging as he ran faster, the hyena punched his sternum.

Dogs all gathered up after ten minutes of chasing, an apology had been delivered to the elderly man. Returning to the Airtime Roger, the balloon of many technological marvels returned itself to the skies above him. Continuously heading upon the northern pathway, the destination had soon been reached.

Crates of Fonta gathered once more, the early adult winced. How could a double dozen of glass bottles weigh more than an underweight humanoid person like himself? But, the soldier pushed such thought into the ocean. There was no way it was heavier than he was. He was exaggerating, surely.

Final order of business being Merusea Village once more, the chimera headed for the Aquabus after what felt like the one-millionth time. Docked in Romaritime Harbor once again, the soldier descended towards the bottom floor of the area. Speeding off towards the western path, the Beryl Region was upon him for what had to have been the third time in less than six hours.

Cruising through the mountains, and ignoring the pool of heated water, the familiar pool leading to Merusea Village awaited the soldier. Diving suit soon on, the early adult left his satchel beside a tiny grass hill. The boulders, they would only cause him to sink to the bottom, for sure. Slightly punctured oxygen tank behind him, the hyena's descension into the secret sea world was on like a lightbulb. But, as he reached the Melusine village, the sea lion pranksters reared their heads from a pool in the corner.

"Heya, Fatooer," Brume greeted, goofy smile on his face. "There's some kooky conch shells down here!" Eclater's voice soon joined the mix.

"Real kooky!" Eclater added. "You should like, gather them bro." He let out a mischievous laugh as he said such. What a sucker.

Seeing the unintelligent look on Brume and Eclater's faces, the early adult ignored the sea lion duo. Were they trying to prank him? There was no way he would fall for such, if they were. Did they think he was easy to fool? He wasn't about to be pranked; the troll under the bridge should remain in their dungeon.

Spotting peculiar looking conches on the ground around the village, the chimera had begun collecting. Objects have a metallic feel to them, the early adult flinched. Pocketing the objects, for a moment, the chimera kept on going. There was no time allow himself to be bothered by such. He had to keep gathering everything.

Collecting as many conches as he could in the village, the soldier took a deep breath. Was it just him, or had the shells been moving a little? Surely, it had to have been his imagination. But, as he prepared to dive down towards the underwater sections of the village, a battle cry hit the walls.

Underwater sea shells five times their normal size stroking towards him looking ready to pounce, the early adult had begun to get on the offensive. Fragile creatures removed from the living world as quickly as they had been put in it, the hyena swore he blinked and missed.

Final set of metallic conches collected in the underwater section of the undersea village, the sea lion siblings letting out an he told him so echoed on the waters. Hearing such, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. They needed to eat a humble pie and simmer down.

Everything collected and accounted for, the early adult dragged himself off back towards the capital city of Fontaine. Reaching the underground city after two hours of struggled walking, the soldier let out a grunt. Books handed off to the young woman, crates of sugary dangers given to the requester, and metallic conches delivered, the early adult readied to exit for the evening, but one extra demand sliced him in the shoulder.

"Fish steak again, Mr.!" a kid demanded.

"You heard the kid! Make us fish steak!" the bird man shouted. "And make sure mine is pitch black!"

Letting out a groan, the early adult popped fish steaks over the portable stove once more. Meat simmered so black it was practically a piece of charcoal, the hyena held back the urge to cough. What a disgusting meal. If the bird man were to become ill from his burned meat, he would not assume any responsibility.

Bird man and children practically burning themselves as they grabbed their charcoal slabs, the soldier prepared the next order of business. Elderly gelato chilled and served, waves of words saying he was so sweet for helping had come his way. Entire poor nation fed and accounted for, the early adult ascended back towards the surface world.

Feeling a pulse shoot off in his head as he walked through the Court City, the early adult staggered back towards the boutique. The world was off kilter, slanted, thirty degrees to the left. Feeling pins and needles as he descended the staircase, the soldier swore his heart was beating in reverse as he headed back towards the guestroom. Slumping into the temporary bed, the hyena's eyes shut, in an instant.

He was running out of juice.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The anguish was a flood, constantly raining down over and over with no signs of stopping. The flood was about to reach his chest and make him float away into the seas of anxiety any second now.

Before him had been a field of Lumidouce Bells. Seeing such, a wave of irritation flowed through the soldier. Why were there always flowers in his subconscious mind? He and nature were no longer speaking to each other. But, his subconscious thoughts were soon halted in a matter of moments.

In the corner of the plains had been a familiar face he could never forget in the mortal, waking world. Curly green hair and green eyes he would remember forever. Hase, what was she doing in the land of not reality before him? Whatever the reason, it could not have been a good thing.

As if the gods had turned their back, another set of people had soon entered the dream world. Hooded strangers crowding around Hase in a matter of dream seconds, stones dropped into the chimera's dream chest. What were they doing here? If they did anything to his sister, they would pay.

"Get away from me!" Dream Hase shouted at the top of her lungs. "I'll never side with you people!" But, a laugh hit the wind.

"Oops! It looks like you stole someone important from him!" one of the hooded strangers said.

"Nyahaha, this is revenge!" the other hooded stranger shouted.

Balls of fire soon in the palm of the stranger's hands, the early adult's eyes opened wide. Sister burned to ashes, the hyena let out a sea of screams from the dream throat. Shouts penetrating into reality, the dream world around him shook. Why would they bring Hase into this? He had to put a stop to this right away. His words, right, he had to use his words.

"Leave her out of this, please!" Siorc begged. But, his plea fell on deaf ears.

"What was that? He wants to be burned, too?" one of the hooded strangers asked in a sinister tone. "It's an honor, and a pleasure!"

Flames engulfing him in a matter of dream seconds, the soldier dropped down onto the grass beneath him. Feeling himself burn away, a sea of tears stroked down the chimera's dream cheek. As defeat were about to claim him in the not reality before him, one final thought took him away.

Why were they doing this?


"Why are they doing this to me, the
Hooded strangers, why are they still messing with me?
Yet again, they were in my dreams.

Ah, my heart is beating so hard and fast today. It hurts. Am I
Rupturing? Stress is beginning to
Eat away at me. The court case, the people glaring at me, all

These ridiculous requests, everything.
How can I keep up?
Everything is stressful. My heart is thumping, my head is fuzzing.
Yes, everything around me is fuzzy. But,

Don't let this weakness win. I have to keep working,
Or Her Majesty will kill me.
I cannot skip out on the job,
No matter what.
Get it together.

This is nothing. Dizziness, the fast
Heartbeat. They're nothing.
I cannot let this slow me down.
So, keep working. That is key."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier could feel himself shivering as he removed the covers from around him. When had it gotten so cold in the room? Heart beating hard and unevenly in his chest as he rose from the covers, the world of fuzz immediately overtook him. But, the soldier attempted to shake everything off. Why was his body acting up? He had no time for these distractions. Readying to drag himself towards the underground city, the soldier stumbled out of the guestroom.

World around him cloudy, the hyena attempted with all his might to keep on walking. Reaching the dining room, the early adult swore he could see worried eyes flock over him. But, the soldier shook it off. He was imagining things, surely. His glasses weren't on correctly.

Seeing Siorc stumble into the room, multiple alarm bells rung in her head. Young man's cheeks flushed a bright shade of red, multiple concern points flowed through her mind. Had he been ill? She had to bring him back into the guestroom right away. Working was out of the question, for sure.

"Darling, I think it's best you head back to bed," Malika said in a matter of fact tone. "I think you might have--" But she had soon been cut off as an unwelcome guest barged into her apartment. Fatui letting themselves in, she furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me, this is private property." But, such line went unheard as the Fatui grabbed ahold of Siorc's wrists.

"Oratrice. Now," the Fatui demanded.

Fatui grabbing ahold of his wrist, the world around the soldier numbed as he had been dragged off towards Marcotte Station. Eventually reaching the area, the hyena could feel his head spin as he had been pushed near the Fountain of Lucine. Hands on his back, another peculiar order had made its rounds known.

"Go," the Fatui demanded. "Sit under the fountain. Record the voices you hear now."

Pushed underneath the fountain, the early adult blinked. Did he just hear that correctly? Listen for voices in the fountain? He had to have been dreaming. There was no way this order was real. Hearing a young woman crying about how much longer, the hyena wrote down his findings.

Voice continuing to cry out various things one after another, the early adult's fingers shook as the pen strokes continued. Who was crying inside the fountain? Fatui eventually hauling him out, he had soon been dragged off towards the opera house. But, as he had been pushed towards the main room, the demoiselle stood upon the path.

"Good, the Fatui is here," the demoiselle said. "Come with me. The Oratrice is acting strange again."

Guided towards the scales of justice, the soldier could feel a pulse shoot through his head. Why did he have to be the one to observe the Oratrice? Wasn't he regarded with disdain? Standing towards the scales, pressure heavier than metal threw the soldier for a loop.

Oratrice screaming out cries for help, the abyss is tainting it, the early adult fell backwards onto the ground. Feeling himself about to slip away as the scale's cries continued, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. Analytical legal tool screaming the monsters, they're going to eat it, another voice added itself to the crowd.

"You. Clear out the vermin behind the opera house and in the pool," the archon's bodyguard demanded.

Guided to the area behind the opera house, multiple shadow monsters surrounded the soldier. Everything cleared out after fifty attempts, the early adult dropped himself down into the body of water behind the place of many legal affairs. Barely able to defeat anything for hours on end, the vermin was stamped out slower than he could count.

Archon's bodyguard demanding he head for the Palais Mermonia right now, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. He was being taken to the Iudex's Office? There's no way he would want to do any sort of business with him whatsoever. Had spinning faster as the ride through Marcotte Station concluded, the important office building was upon him with no choice in the matter. Purple haired champion duelist informing the Chief Justice of the situation, eagle eyes were soon on the hyena.

"I believe it would be best to have another person take on this bounty," the Iudex said. "He does not look well."

Iudex making claims about his condition, the hyena could feel his body turn to ice. If he were to not do a job he was given, the Agent would tell Her Majesty he had shirked work. No way, he couldn't let him happen. Looking well or not, it did not matter. Hunting a bounty? There was no way that would be a problem for him.

"I am fine, sir," Siorc said, words labored. "I can work."

"In that case, please fight the outbreak of Gear Mechanica," the Iudex responded, stern tone of voice. "Robin and Raven are still suspended from bounty hunting duties. Your cooperation is very much appreciated."

Giving the Iudex a weak nod, a list had been handed off to the soldier. First location listed as north of the Marcotte Station, the early adult's eyes had become jelly. Hadn't he just been there no more than thirty minutes ago? Everything was looping, repeating reversing. Reaching the station once more, a surprise awaited the soldier.

Peculiar looking gear monsters all along the northern pathway, the soldier let out a gulp. Why were there so many of them here? The hawk and falcon's prohibition from participating in bounties had to have piled up multiple problems all at once. Claymore soon in front of him, the fight was on.

But, as the battles throughout the northern area kept going, everything stung inside the soldier like he had been hit with multiple Cicins at once. Gear monsters looking ready to end him as he wobbled for minutes on end, the chimera slapped his cheeks. He needed to focus. There was no way he could let the enemies win.

Fights with many difficulties blasting through the area further north from the space near the station, the hyena let out labored huffs of breath. Gear enemies spinning around him as the seconds paraded about, the soldier's eyes had begun to float. Was he at a carnival? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. He needed to focus.

Bounties crumbling into nothing but dust, the early adult focused his attention on the next bounty area. Reading the name Mount Esus East, the hyena tilted his head. What were machine monsters doing in a mountain range? How incredibly strange. Something was wrong about such painting.

Staggering upon the northern path for hours on end, a lush, green area beside a mountainscape awaited the soldier. Gear monsters spinning about looking ready to throw their invisible hands, the early adult's greatsword and the enemies shook hands with one another. Fuzz consuming his eardrums as the battle continued, everything buzzed around him.

Enemies vanquished after over one-hundred slashes, the early adult broke out into a sweat. Was it just him, or had the monsters been far more difficult than normal? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, everything had been categorized by a level, and his world had reached the highest possible outcome of eight. But, the early adult snapped such thoughts away. These were Robin and Raven's usual bounties. They had to have been tailored to their prowess, for sure.

Returning towards the northern areas around the Court of Fontaine, bounties had begun to drop like flies. Final destination upon him listed as the beaches in Elynas, the soldier's heart skipped more than fifteen beats. Elynas, he had to push onward, staggering upon the southward path, the world of fuzz had only gotten stronger.

Blurred world around him as sand crunched underneath his feet, the hyena rubbed his eyes. Had he dropped his glasses somewhere? Visibility had been reduced to half. Hearing continuing to buzz louder, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. But, he soon shot them open, in an instant. He had to keep fighting. There was no time for rest.

Monsters vanquished after two hours of fighting, the soldier's knees shook at the last name written on the list. Final gear monster screaming at the location Fleuve Cendre, the hyena could feel himself freeze. The underground city? He had to go back there right away. If any of the less fortunate were to step near such a thing, their lives would be over, for sure.

Finding a gigantic looking inorganic gear creature much larger than all the rest, a seed of panic flowed through the soldier. But, such had not been the only moment of fear. Hooded strangers sitting on the edges of the enemy, barely audible laughter had come his way right, left, front, and center.

"We're going to wipe this city!" one of the hooded strangers shouted with gusto. "Nyahahaha!"

World of fuzz engulfing the soldier as he gazed at the large creature in front of him, the early adult could feel everything tingle one after another. Heart beating harder and faster as the hooded stranger's laughter barely registered. Muffled chuckles only continuing, a battle cry hit the streets.

"He is weak!" the other hooded stranger screeched. "You'll attack now!"

Hooded stranger's hands out in front them, a rusty orb fell into the unknown person's hands. Lunging the object forward, a metallic force and the early adult's chest had become intertwined as if they were soulmates. Everything around him cracking, the hyena fell backwards. Body and the rusty ground meeting, the early adult closed his eyes.

Game over.


Coming to no more than three minutes later, the muffed sound of battle cries flowed through the sewers. Echoes hitting his eardrums, the soldier gazed upward. Blurred black figure with wing shaped blobs the hyena swore he heard the sound of plucked feathers being used like a bow an arrow.

"Birds of Prey!" a muffled voice shouted.

Sound of a finger snapping, mechanical robot pieces burst into unusable scrap metal in a matter of moments. Wave of immense dizziness overtaking him once more, the hyena's body plopped back onto the metallic floor beneath him. World around him becoming black, the world of unconsciousness took the soldier away.

Game over, no continues left.


Coming to many hours later in a bed unknown to him, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera. Where had he been taken to? Feeling a sticky compress attached to his forehead and chest, confusion looped on repeat. Had he been injured? Nothing made any sense.

Faceless doctor soon jabbing a glass rod down his esophagus, the hyena could feel his airways tighten. Wet bulb raising as the seconds passed by, the early adult closed his eyes for a moment. Rod soon removed, a number he could not make out had been read aloud.

Feeling an array of gasses come in contact with his face, the world of unconsciousness took the soldier away once more. Blinking awake after what felt like a second, multiple eyes had been on him. Malika giving him the sharpest glare of the bunch, a scoldings baked a cake.

"The doctors just spent hours attempting to stabilize you," Malika said, arms across her waist. For some reason, her voice was low, and deep. "Siorc, if you have a bad heart, you mustn't push yourself! Until your boss arrives, you're resting here."

Scolding heard loud and clear, the early adult's knees buckled. It was game over, the penguin family knew. There was no way he would be able to do his job in their presence if they all knew about such. Knowing he had to apologize, the early adult clapped his hands together. Surely, his remorse would be heard. But, his wordless apology fell on blind eyes.

"Black fish steak brother, chill," the bird man said. "Catch some zs."

"We'll tell your mean boss you finished your duties, don't worry!" Earl exclaimed.

Pesky penguin soon pulling the covers over him, the hyena let out a sigh. Wasn't he already stable? This extra layer of caution was unnecessary, guaranteed. Feeling himself nod off once more, the world of dreams pulled the soldier back in for the third time in a row. Waking up an hour or so later, the Agent soon stepped into the room of unknown proportions. Everyone informing the masked man of his escapades, words had come the chimera's way.

"Good work, soldier," the Agent said. "You're dismissed."

Faceless doctor soon informing him he may be stable now, but he should not push himself, the early adult held back another eyeroll. Removing the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket, the soldier highlighted the waypoint in the military barracks. Ice cold hallways soon upon him, the chimera had begun walking.

Soundproof room upon him after fifteen minutes, the soldier sauntered onward. But, as he stepped foot into his room, the early adult's heart skipped five beats. Feeling himself grow tired swifter, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses removed as well, the hyena closed his eyes. But as the dream world readied to invite him back in, one final thought looped on repeat.

Stress is bad for the heart indeed.

Chapter 9: Annapausis Adventure: It All Loops And Repeats


In this chapter, Siorc has to locate "ghost candles" light them so they vanish and then go to Annapausis and gather robotic sunflower + the legendary sword. A loop ensues. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Eclater, Vidame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Freminet, and the "hooded strangers" whom identities are unmasked. Let's go.


Lmfao idfk this one is silly.

Chapter Text

"Guess Her Majesty
Has no idea what she's sending me
Out to do today.
She wants me
To light ghost candles, really?

Could these requests get
Any stranger? This is ridiculous,
No, I mustn't question it.
Do not. Such is forbidden.
Looks like things are only getting odder.
Evidently, I think I know. This is
Some sort of distraction.

Are those hooded strangers the one who caused this?
No, I'm overthinking.
No, I'm conclusion jumping.
All and all, I have to do as I am ordered.
Perhaps, nothing bad will happen.
As for the second order,
Unless I am utterly mistaken,
She wants me to go to Annapausis?
I don't understand, Your Majesty.
Surely, you know it is hidden behind a

Wall. It might be locked away.
How am I supposed to get there?
A failure is upon me, guaranteed.
That's the truth, obviously.

I have no choice but to try.
No choice but to attempt to enter.

The legendary sword,
Her Majesty just wants
Everything, doesn't she?

Well, don't question it.
Or, she will kill me.
Right, I'll have to try to find a way.
Look everywhere.
Don't give up.

I know failure will
Surely disappoint her.

Get around it, find another way
Or, perhaps I am
Incorrect. Maybe it is
Not locked.
Guess there is only

One way to find out.
Now, I suppose, this legendary sword,

You want to conquer the world with it, don't you, Your Majesty?
Oh, I see now, I truly get it.
Upon thinking about it further, I
Really, truly see now, she'll do anything. And use any

Means to get me to go somewhere.
Ah, I see now, I understand clearly. This is
Just another place on that
Ever growing checklist of yours! Ha,
Siorc Ingne,
The 'Diplomatic Fatui Soldier.'
Yeah, right. I'm just a pawn on her chessboard. One move away from checkmate."

Four days had passed since the hyena helped people out within the underground Fleuve Cendre city in Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs in Liyue taking up the ninety-six hours like always, nothing had been out of the ordinary.

The sound of a loud explosion from multiple rifles at once broke the sound barrier. As countless shots were fired, many shatter proof windows stood up to the test as the early morning hours marched onward. Volume only increasing, not a single soul within the military barracks remained asleep.

The shots in a chorus were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Hearing a bullet slam into his window with full force, a wave of confusion flowed through the sleep dazed soldier. What in the world was going on? Who was shooting so early in the morning? But, the hyena attempted to tune out such noise. There was no time to focus on such. Raising from the uncomfortable bed, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform melted over his partially human person, the shots about in the outside world had only begun to get louder. Fingers trembling as he closed his buttons shut, the early adult grit his teeth. What could all this commotion possibly be? Focus shifting, the soldier headed for the barricaded window.

Peeking through the paned glass, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. Spotting multiple young looking soldiers who looked no older than fifteen shooting targets, the early adult could feel his heart grow cold. They were recruiting people that young? While he knew he had been forcefully recruited two years below such, whoever had attempted to turn them into soldiers should let them go. Being with the Fatui would only bring them pain, for sure. But, he supposed he had no right to voice such opinion.

Turning around, the early adult shook his head. What was he doing, allowing himself to get distracted? He had no time to be thinking about such things. Any minute now, the Agent could arrive. Moving away from the window, the soldier walked towards his jewelry and accessory box.

Cover soon removed, the early adult clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings in place. Matching sunflowers adorning his hair and ears, the chimera stared at the steel walls. While nature and he were on a break, he had this deep seeded feeling he had to wear this set today, no matter what.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier wandered back towards the window. Bright wide eye recruits, the hyena studied the group of young Fatui, for a moment. Who could have possibly recruited these people? Hadn't most Snezhnayan born people warned about this organization? But, the chimera threw such thoughts off a cliff. It was no business of his how people operated around here.

Removing himself from the window the soldier placed his heelless shoes over his currently human feet. But, as he had begun to do so, the early adult stared at the wall. The Fatui and their reputation, why would anyone want to join this organization knowing how low the approval rating had been from the many other nations? But, he supposed such barely mattered to most people who willingly enlisted or had been recruited.

As the hyena bit down into his flavorless rations, the chimera could not help but wonder. What could possibly await him today? He knew he had to ready for anything that was about to come his way. Hearing another series of rifles shooting from the outside, the early adult took a long deep breath. He needed to remain calm.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp about with a militaristic fervor, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. The time for thinking was over, he had to get ready for the workday at hand. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on his most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his militaristic day of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going around Fontaine to light ghost candles to vanquish them and acquire robot sunflowers and the legendary sword in Annapausis." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. All uncharted areas should be recorded for Her Majesty.

Siorc jumped four steps back. He has to do what now? Light ghost candles? He did not quite understand this mission. Wouldn't giving them a flame only make the situation worse? There was no way this would help out the Nation of Justice in any possible way, guaranteed. What a ridiculous order to be had, for sure.

The soldier stared off into space, for a moment. Find robotic sunflowers? What an absolutely ridiculous request. Nature and he were having a messy break up with one another. Why, of all objects, did Her Majesty want flowers for? There was no way they had anything useful that would aid her in any way.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be heading to Fontaine today to do various tasks!" there was an irritated tone in his voice, what could possibly be on the soldier's mind besides work? He was none the wiser. "The candles will disappear once lit! Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The chimera flinched. Right, there was no time to think about anything, he was on the nonexistent clock. Taking a deep breath, the soldier placed his arm out in front of him. It was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. He had to flip on the work mode switch right now and focus.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Making sense or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good. We're going soldier," the Agent responded. Bag soon slammed onto his back, the early adult flinched. The satchel, was it made out of leather? What a terrible material. Wrist gripped into a tight squeeze, gripping prison was as relentless as it always had been, the soldier let out a deep sigh as the escort to Fontaine soon began.

Why robotic sunflowers?


"The world belongs to the abyss!
How can the surface dwellers continue to
Egotistically take what's ours? The

Reality is that this world is ours!
Every place, nook and cranny! For this
Very reason, we shall keep keep going! Teyvat belongs to the
Order! That's how it should be!
Looks like the only way these people will learn is to
Utterly annihilate everything!
Take advantage of energy by
Inviting some invasive guests!
Ohohoho, it is time to raise the stakes!
Now that that cursed Fatui has gotten in our way, we shall

Begin the deeper proceedings!
Eyes on us as the world burns brightly!
Get rid of this old world and
Ignite former glory!
Soon, the world shall reverse back to the way it used to be!

No more archons, humans rely on them too much!
Your world is built on lies
And heresy!
Hypocrisy! Lies and foolery!
All will go back to
How everything used to be.
All this malicious energy, or so those
Haggard denizens claim is
A small price to play to take back what

Should be ours! We shall prevail! Our
Ultimate goal shall be
Realized, achieved!
For the abyss! For
All of those who have seen the truth!
Come one, and come all for this
Ever ongoing campaign!

We will get back what's ours,
Or what should have always been! Be
Righteous, loud proud!
Leer at those who oppose reality!
Drown those with the facts

Everyone shall submit to the abyss
They shall soon see the truth, and the

Reality! Our rebellion might have failed
Eons and eras
Ago, but we shall succeed! Those who dare
Defy us and fight,
Your time is up! Submit!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, the young soldier turned his attention towards the sky above. Spotting multiple clouds above him, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Was it about to rain in the cities again? The court was busy, as always. Dragged down the mountains, the chimera kept himself focused.

Boat summoned out of nowhere as usual, the soldier prepared himself. Any second now, and it was going to rain, guaranteed. Placed into the wooden vessel, the early adult remained as still as he could possibly muster. Mist covering the world, the soldier swore he had returned to Tsurumi Island in Inazuma.

As the vehicle of manpower kept cruising through the fog, the hyena could not help but ponder. Annapausis, why did Her Majesty want him to go there? He recalled what Baron had said to him the last time he had been near it. If he were to go there, he would be stuck in some sort of corridor. Was it some sort of maze? He supposed he would soon find out.

Vessel soon docked through the mist, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Snezhnayan born Fatui were born different. Dragged through the walkways, the chimera focused his attention on everything in front of him. The fog, he could not help but feel something eerie about it. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it as the Agent's voice brought him back to reality.

Agent giving him the same old song and dance of not being allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the early adult held back the urge to groan. How many times is he going to be informed about such? He was getting quite tired of being told this same order over and over again. But, the hyena kept himself quiet. He knew, no matter how many times he were to come here, he would hear it each and every time.

Subordinate soon departing from the area, the early adult ascended the staircase. Glass lift soon taken as well, the chimera could feel himself begin to freeze up at the sight before him. Long line around the Aquabus, the chimera let out a gulp. He was about to have a very difficult day ahead of him, for sure.

Turning his head to the right and left as the Aquabus arrived slowly, the chimera observed the people around him. Fancy rich people dressed up to the nines like always, a wave of doom flowed through the hyena. If any of them were to spot him, he would be tossed off the harbor in no time.

But, no such violence ever came. Everyone minding their own business, a wave of relief flowed through the chimera. Not a single person paying him any mind, the soldier blinked. Had everyone already forgotten he was a member of the Fatui? Luck, and the archons were definitely on his side today, if such were truly the case.

Vessel soon arriving, the soldier waited his turn as everyone in front of him had begun to enter the vehicle of automatic prowess. Seating himself upon the furthest seat possible, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why was it so busy today? Melusine even commenting it was a full house today, reminders to stay seated at all times had been fired off.

As the Aquabus had begun to move towards the Poisson Tunnel, the soldier could not help but wonder. These so called ghost candles, how could they have possibly shown up around the Nation of Justice? Wouldn't such fit better with Wuwang Hill in Liyue? Nothing was adding up to two. However such obstacles had gotten here was beyond him.

Vehicle passing by the pathway towards the Opera House, the hyena gazed at the highly well dressed crowd around him. Could these people be preparing to go see some sort of show? He knew that when there was no court case going on, the hall would be used for various other means. But, he supposed, whatever that may have been, it was not his business.

Reaching the capital city after about an hour, the early adult crooked his head back towards the sky. The mist, why was it still there? Would dispelling the candles within remove such phenomenon? Perhaps, just maybe, the world of sunlight will return in such situation. Stepping off the vessel, the chimera prepared himself for the workday a hand.

But, as the hyena reached the court city, a thick atmosphere plagued the area. Tenseness in the air, the soldier could not help but feel the warm feeling around him. Was Fontaine hotter than normal? But, the soldier knew he had to bear with it. He had to locate the ghost candles as soon as possible.

Coming across a scroll in his back pocket of the satchel, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Her Majesty was writing instructions in such fancy paper, really? Had she been bitten by the rich bug? Highly wealthy people were diseased with no cure other than losing all their riches, for sure. Opening the scroll up, words written in Snezhnayan awaited him.

"The candles within the city are on the rooftops. Burn them," the note in clear Snezhnayan said.

The early adult clicked his tongue. He had to climb up onto rooftops? What a ridiculous order. People from all over the area were going to stare at him, for certain. There was no way he was going to be able to do this mission without eyes sizing him up. But, he knew he had no choice but to do what the scroll was instructing him to do, or Her Majesty would kill him.

Seeing a small smudge on the scroll reading the third floor, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. The building's roofs on the third floor? What a terrible place to begin burning candles. Letting out a barely audible grunt, the early adult had begun walking. He had no choice in the matter, he had to start with the point listed first.

Figuring the easiest way to reach the third floor was to head for the glass box inside the Aquabus information station, the early adult had begun to walk towards the eastern path. Surely, these candles weren't that big enough of a deal that he had to be on the case for this. But, the early adult threw such thoughts out. Questioning Her Majesty's orders was forbidden.

Walking through the city streets as he kept his eyes open for any buildings, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Rich citizens going about their day as always, the soldier kept his heelless shoes forward. No one had been even the slightest bit unnerved, whatsoever. Surely, this was just some sort of misunderstanding.

Hearing a group of people discussing strange monsters had been spotted around Mount Esus, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Just how much was going on around Fontaine lately? Fruit stand man saying that Robin and Raven will get on that case, the soldier could feel himself shiver. If he were to cross paths with them again, he would wind himself up in his second court case, for sure.

Turning his head towards the right and left as he had reached the area with the strange globe above the fountain, a building that stuck out amongst the crowd caught the soldier's attention. Had he finally found the Aquabus information station? It was time to head over to the glass box inside it, if such were the case.

Doors swinging open as the early adult stepped foot inside, a face he did not wish to see polluted the area from inside out. Earl in the corner by the box of many technological marvels, the hyena held back to urge to let out a groan. Why was this man everywhere he was all the time? He needed to avoid his gaze and move fast.

But, such had been a quick and utter failure. Earl's annoying eyes soon on him, the early adult crunched his sharp teeth together. Did he always have to walk over to him whenever he saw him? If this thorn in his side was about to invite him home again, he was not interested whatsoever. If such conversation were about to happen, he would let him off with a sea of ice.

Seeing Siorc walk by the elevator, Earl could feel the world light up around him. Was he here to get rid of those silly candles? He would definitely need some sort of assistance if he was sent here to get rid of him. Surely, his future husband would thank him if he were to be by his side.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Seems we're always running into each other!" He let out a giggle. "Are you here about the candles? Let me help you!"

The early adult let out a sigh. Let Earl help him out? There was no way he could allow him to get himself hurt on his behalf, no way. He would not wish injury upon anyone whatsoever, no matter how much of an annoyance they might have been. Stepping towards the glass lift, he readied to make his defiance known.

"Please do not, sir," the hyena responded, stepping forward.

Hearing Siorc's rejection, Earl could feel his heart snap in two. He didn't want his help? He supposed he understood where he was coming from. If he did not want him in his business for today, he would butt himself out of it, for now. But, if he needed to come to his rescue, he would do so like any good future wife would.

"Okay, I understand," Earl replied, voice deflated. "Be careful out there! They're really high up!"

Bowing a thank you, the soldier placed himself into the glass room. Buttons in the corner, the soldier pressed the one labelled third floor. Cylinder of automatic power moving upward upon the floor, the early adult stood still upon the platform. If he were to move even a centimeter, he would fall out, for sure.

Lift soon taking him to the city's third story, the soldier stepped outside. Feeling something dense in the air, the early adult knew now more than ever. There definitely something malignant lurking around here, for sure. Whatever it might have been that was fueling these candles, he had to get rid of it right away.

Spotting multiple candles on the rooftops, the early adult took a long, deep breath. It was time to get ready for the battle of a lifetime. Putting up a glass wall around the phobia deeply seeded within him, the chimera had begun the ascent upward. These candles weren't normal, he had to block out his feelings of fear.

Odd looking sea of black waxy candles seated upon the roof giving off an aura of darkness, the soldier swore he could hear them speaking to him as he approached them. Was it just his imagination, or had the unlit objects whispered for him to side with the abyss? Surely, it had to have just been his imagination. Candles could not talk.

Combing through his satchel, a box of matches plopped itself into the soldier's hands. Seeing such, the hyena could feel his knees shake. He was going to have to light a match? How incredibly terrifying. But, the early adult swallowed his fears like they were a plate of lasagna. There was no time to be afraid. He had to get rid of the candles now.

Striking the match against the side of the box, the flammable tip had begun to burn a bright shade of purple. Seeing such, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Was something wrong with this match? Pushing fear away once more, the soldier stepped towards the candles.

Purple flames roaring about as the candles had begun to disintegrate, the soldier's eyebrows had begun to twitch. Was that really all it took to get rid of these foreign objects? Striking the match against the side again, the chimera prepared himself. Wick soon lit, the soldier waited.

Candles flickering for multiple seconds as they melted into nothing, the chimera swore he could once again hear something whisper at him to join the abyss. But, the hyena shook his head. He had to have been hearing things. There was no way anyone was saying that to him. Climbing onto the second roof, five further candles awaited him.

Two of the five candles lit up, the early adult jumped four steps back as he witnessed a peculiarity begin to take shape. Was it just his imagination, or had the candles grown hands as they melted away? Snapping himself out of it, he walked towards the other three. There was no way that was the case. His imagination was overactive today.

Rest of the wicks lit up, white hands appeared one after another as the violet flames burned a cinder for a few moments. Floating limbs of doom vanishing in seconds along with the ghastly enemies, the early adult kept moving. There were no floating hands, he was imagining it. There was nothing to see.

Looking over the scroll for a moment, the hyena let out a grunt as he read over the list carefully. Stating he had to vanquish the foreign objects upon five rooftops, the chimera slammed the fancy instructions shut. He had to climb even more rooftops? There had to have been a line to draw at such high stakes climbing by now.

Ascending the next roof, a sea of six candles awaited the soldier. But, as he lit the next match, the fear glass soon broke. The fire, it was right in front of him. Burning, glowing, simmering, heating him up. Tear welling up, the soldier swore he could hear something scream at him in the corner.

"Give you emotions to the abyss!" a voice with a triple echo shouted.

The soldier snapped himself out of it as such screams had come his way. Give his emotions up to the abyss? No way? What was the abyss, anyway? He wasn't about to give himself up to such a place he had never heard of. Tossing his fears behind the broken glass once more, the soldier stepped towards the obstacles. He couldn't let fear win today, no matter what.

Flames growing as the soldier lit the first two candles upon roof number three, the hyena swore he could hear a voice shouting more, give them more. But, such call of greed was short lived. Fire fizzling out after six seconds, the ghostly wax melted itself into a puddle of nothing.

Trio of wax lighters removed from the picture after they were lit, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just what were these candles? Whatever they were, there was no way they posed any true danger to anyone. But, he supposed their presence was not welcome, and extermination of them was a must.

Reaching the next building, the young soldier almost did a triple take. Was there only three candles on the rooftop in front of him? How strange. But, he knew that he had to get rid of them before something were to befall the Court of Fontaine. Match soon struck, the dark violet flame roared.

Candle blowing up in a spectacular explosion as he lit the stick, oozing black wax poured onto the early adult's uniform like a pumpkin's insides had rotten all over him. What were these objects, bombs? Disgusting, he was going to have to wash off his uniform later, for sure.

Other two candles getting their waxy juices all over him as their oily tips flickered for a brief moment. Gross, were these foreign objects purposely blowing up on him? Wax sticking to every centimeter of his shoulders and hips, a wave of irritation flowed through him. Just what he needed right now, a dirty uniform. If anyone saw him, glares of disgust would come his way.

Only one roof remaining, the early adult had begun to climb once more. But, as he had done so, the chimera could not help but wonder further. Just who, or what, rather, was the abyss? He had never heard about such place, person, or entity from anyone, or anything. Not even the books in his father's study in his stolen childhood ever mentioned such a place.

But, as the chimera ascended onto the fifth and final rooftop, the candles had begun to get on the offensive. Blobby bubbles of watery wax coming his way at lightning speed, the early adult placed his arms into an x-shape and placed them in front of his face as if they were a suit of armor.

Attacks fizzling out after a short while, the soldier's match was ready. Flames burning themselves out as they erupted into a fiery spectacle. Closing his eyes as the fire grew together into one giant, the hyena swore a message had been blasted into his eardrums to stop resisting.

Candles living to see the next few minutes, the early adult backed four steps away as the flames kept on growing. Were the foreign objects fighting back? How was that even possible? Waxes looking ready to explode at any given second, the soldier fueled the ghostly fire once more. Perhaps, letting them overblow was the only option.

Lavender flames boiling into overdrive, even more layers of gross wax soon decorated the soldier's uniform. Sticking his tongue out in disgust, the early adult descended from the rooftops. Was he about to become the wax monster? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. He needed to focus on work. He could worry about such insignificant side effect to candle fighting later.

Note informing him to head for the docks next, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. There was still more of these foreign objects in the city? Recalling there had been a dock on the other side of the Aquabus station, the early adult had begun walking. The faster he were to get to the area, the better.

As the soldier had begun heading for the docks, the hyena could not help but wonder. Who could have possibly dropped these candles around the city? Whoever had done so was quite the irresponsible person, for sure. But, he supposed villains couldn't care less if their actions caused problems for others.

Spotting boats off in the distance, the chimera took a deep breath. Any minute now, and he would have to light the next set of candles. If there were multiple people around, he knew eyes aplenty would be all over him. Stepping in a careful manner, the boats soon awaited.

Finding himself beside the Clementine Line after a short trip to the second floor, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Counting at least ten candles making themselves at home around the docked boats and walkways, the hyena steeled himself for the inevitable wax explosions to grace his short body.

But, as the hyena had begun to light the first ghastly wick, another face he did not wish to see had come stepping towards him. Baron walking by with a suit even dirtier than his jacket, the soldier held back the urge to groan. Why were the penguin chimeras everywhere he was? How annoying. They should walk in the opposite direction instead of towards him.

Seeing Siorc walk by those so called ghost candles, Baron shook their head. Why was he trying to light them? What an utterly unintelligent move. They had heard what had happened while they were away on business in Bayda Harbor. Did he want people to think even lower of him than they did now? How boorish.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to light those?" Baron asked, sighing. "Did you not think this through? They could cause a fire. Do you wish for people to think lower of you than they already do?"

The hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Was this opinion even necessary? He did not ask for this. What did it matter what they thought? He had no choice but to light the candles. Giving the penguin the coldest of shoulders, the soldier struck the match across the box. Perhaps showing them that they just melted immediately would keep them quiet.

Candle setting itself ablaze and melting into nothing in no more than thirty seconds, the soldier let out a sigh as the waxy aftermath had come back to haunt him once more. Chunk collection only getting bigger, the hyena attempted to compose himself, for a moment.

Watching as the candle blew up into nothing but residual wax, Baron placed their hand on their chin. What a peculiar object. Witnessing them only last for half a minute upon being lit up, they adjusted their monocle for a moment. These were quite the abnormal specimens.

"Apologies for butting in," Baron said, adjusting their monocle. "Don't hurt yourself."

Baron soon leaving, the early adult resumed the candle light session upon him. Second and third candles fading away as if they were going off to their next world, the early adult puffed a heavy sigh of relief. Was their waxy rampage finally done? Readying to light the next set of foreign objects, the early adult prayed to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship for such to be the case.

Seven other candles around the area vanquished, the soldier read the next name upon the scroll in front of him. Directions informing him some had made themselves at home around the city's busiest streets, the chimera flinched. If people were around in the area, he would be given death glares, for sure.

Descending back towards the lower floors of the city, the soldier prepared himself. Surely, the rest of the candles were hiding in places that were away from prying eyes. Heading for the northern streets, the chimera prepared himself. Spotting a candle beside a bush, the hyena's legs erupted into a speedy sprint.

Readying to send the foreign object back to whence it came, the early adult swore he could hear a voice tell him to submit himself to the abyss. Hearing such, the soldier refused to listen to such and join something he had absolutely no business joining? No way, not a chance. Candle soon lit its afterlife was over.

Next set of foreign objects taken out of the picture inside the rectangular hedges, the soldier let out a sigh. Whoever was placing these here was certainly not trying to hide them. But, he supposed, not all people who labelled themselves as villains were smart. Spotting a ghastly candle on top of the Adventurer Guild's desk, the early adult sprung into action.

Receptionist looking frightened as the enemy from another world melted into a puddle of waxes, the early adult bowed an apology. But such apology had fallen of deaf ears at the receptionist claimed she was rebooting. Hearing such, the early adult held back a tongue click. Was this some kind of joke?

Moving along towards a clockwork shop, whatever that was, the final candle in the area had been extinguished. But, his job within the city had only reached its climax. Scroll informing him to head for the walkway past the Palais, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. The area just outside the Iudex's office? What a terrible time to go to such place.

Heading back to the glass lift upon the first floor, the soldier prepared himself. All he needed to do was light the candles, and move on. Surely, no one would attempt to toss him to the Chief Justice for another trial. But, as the hyena traversed towards the outskirts of the city, the hyena swore he could feel a chill in the air.

Spotting multiple candles look as though they could sprout legs and fight the citizens roaming about the early adult placed the box of matches in front of him. But, as the wooden aspen stick struck the sandy conductor in the corner, legs sprouted up like weeds in a garden.

Candles dashing up towards a Melusine in the corner looking ready to blast her with all the energy in it system imaginable, the soldier dashed towards the enemy like a speeding bullet in a Fatui Bracer's rifle. Lighting the center of the foreign object as fast as his fingers would allow, the soldier watched in horror as the flame grew for minutes on end.

Although, such bravado was short lived. Foreign object seeing itself out, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Just how weak were these enemies? Even a Pyro Slime could defeat them, if they desired. Every other ghastly item attempting to grow legs as he walked towards them, their fuse had soon been burned out almost immediately.

Reading the next name upon the list, the soldier almost had to do a quadruple take. There had been some spotted by the main fountain in the city? How had he not seen them earlier? Who had written this list? But, he supposed a God would have futuristic insight, even in a region where they did not have any sort of rule.

Hearing multiple voice telling him to join the abyss as he headed towards the fountain, the chimera could not help but begin to wonder. Could there have been an invisible person following him around? Turning his head towards the right and left, a chill went down his spine. The walls had ears.

Stepping towards the fountain, the chimera could feel a chill in the air. Was it just him, or had it suddenly gotten a little colder? But, the hyena remained focused. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted, an obstacle had to be removed. Candles lit and vanquished with no problem, the city streets had been freed.

Reading the Beryl Region next upon the paper, the early adult let out a sigh. The enemy had been outside the city, as well? He needed to get moving and take care of it. Figuring the quickest way to get there was to take the Aquabus halfway, the soldier headed back towards the Romaritime Harbor station.

But, as he headed for the station, a triple whammy slammed itself down upon the unwanted encounters. Malika stepping off he Aquabus, the soldier attempted to skirt around her. While she had been the more tolerable of the three, there was no time for conversation. But, such action of silence was wishful thinking as her eyes were on him.

"It's nice to see you again, darling. How are you doing?" Malika asked. "Are you feeling better?"

Hearing Malika's question, the soldier supposed he owed her an answer. Giving her a quick nod, the chimera walked towards the Aquabus. It was best to keep such interaction short, or the automatic water vehicle would leave without him. Tallest penguin woman giving him a smile, a quick farewell had come his way.

"That's good, darling, I'm glad," Malika responded. She then waved a farewell. "I'll let you get back to your work. Be safe."

Aquabus soon leaving the station, the soldier stared off into space, for a moment. The ghost candles, where could they have possibly come from? Whoever this abyss organization was, they had picked the weakest type of object to serve as their weapon of battle, for sure.

As the vehicle had gotten further away from the court city, the chimera gazed at the scenery around him. The opera house, what could be going on around there right about now? The oratrice, was it still breathing? He recalled the last time he had been near it, it had also mentioned the abyss.

Almost at the halfway point, the early adult shivered, for a moment. The abyss, just how much had they been responsible for? If they had been behind everything that occurred around Fontaine, he was in for a huge battle, for sure. But, now was not the time to think about such things.

Readying to hop off the Aquabus halfway through its route, an inquiry about whether he was sure he wanted to exit had come his way. Nodding, the early adult leaped off the edge as if he was about to do a somersault. Such action, however was short lived. Blinding light overtaking him, his body was soon elsewhere.

Finding himself within the mountains in the southern region of Elynas, the early adult could feel a wave of unease flow through him. What had just happened? Had he just stepped into an invisible portal that lead him astray? Candles everywhere along the cliffside, the soldier rolled up his chunky sleeves. It was time for candle burn out, round two.

Stepping towards the foot of the mountain, a sea of dark red energy rained down upon the chimera. Feeling his energy fade away as such dropped down on him, the hyena felt a heavy wave of doom flow through him. Had the foreign objects gained some new tricks? He needed to light them before they took him out first.

First candle brimming with a light green flame as it took itself out, an explosion of energy bathed the soldier deep. Vitality taking a hit, the early adult let out a huff. What in the world was that dark red power? Hit by it once more, the hyena swore his Dendro Vision grew slightly dimmer. But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. What did he care if such were the case?

Two more inorganic enemies burning into dust as their wicks had been lit, a wave of tiredness loomed over the chimera. But, the hyena shook it off. Now was not the time to feel low on energy. There was still work to be done. Red energy bathing deep into him with every step up the mountain, his vitality only dropped further.

Final set of candles alongside the edges of the cliffs melting like a wicked western witch in a boiling pot of water in another universe, the early adult ascended towards the top of the mountainside. Huffing a heavy breath, the fatigue only grew inside him. But, as he regained a tiny slice of life back in him, a sight of horrors stood before him.

Tall candle large enough to topple even Malika in height, the chimera's knees buckled. Spotting large hands sprout out from its supposed waist area, a chill ran down the hyena's spine. What was going on? How did this gigantic foreign object get here? Something had been amiss, for sure. Feeling sticky, waxy hands soon behind him, a shout took the to the skies.

"All hail the abyss!" a voice shouted.

Hands pushing him to the edge of cliffsides, the chimera's body had soon become airborne. Ground rapidly approaching at breakneck speed, the early adult let out a scream. Was this it? Was this the end? If he were to land back first onto the grass below, it was over, he was done, extinguished, finished, ghostier than the candles on the mountainsides.

A savior would soon take the stage.

Thick, green vines slapping down onto his ankles and wrists, a force carried the soldier back up to the top of the mountainsides. Plants vanished as mysteriously as they arrived, the chimera took a frantic breath. What just happened? He supposed, he owed nature for saving him from utter doom.

Ascending the large, towering wax torch, the soldier swore he felt like he was about to light a bonfire for some sort of gladiators competition hundreds of years in the past. Seeing a bright golden flame erupt from the top as the enemy had begun to melt, the chimera could not help but wonder. Did the flames mean something? But, the hyena shook his head. There was no way he would know if such were the case.

Smaller foreign objects melting into a puddle after being lit one after another, the chimera descended the mountains. He supposed the color of the flames didn't matter. There was no way they meant anything in particular. Walking upon the northern pathway for awhile, everything soon grew quiet.

Reaching the boiling pool of water in the corner, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes. Candles boiling alongside the river with the strange blue devices, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Were the foreign objects baking themselves? How strange. Perhaps, just maybe, they would be easier to get rid of in such a state.

But, such proved to not be the case, in an instant. Rounds of dark red energy soon engulfing him as he stepped near the first candle, the hyena could feel his vitalities drain away even further. Feeling himself begin to wobble as the onslaught had come his way, the early adult could feel himself closed into a deep, dark tunnel. Candles yelling come into the abyss, the rampage soon continued.

Energy levels about to reach zero, the boiling waters beneath his feet had become player two. Dropping down onto his knees as the world around him clouded, everything grew dark, for a moment. But, after a few seconds, the soldier found himself beside the teleport waypoint in the corner. Seeing such, a sea of bewilderment flowed through the soldier. What in the world just happened? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, if one lost to a monster in battle, the body would be poofed back to their most recent checkpoint instead of losing their life. But, such fact was unknown to the hyena.

Barely feeling any energy remaining the soldier dragged himself back towards the heated waters. Candles looking ready to knock him out once again, the chimera had gotten the flint ready. Green flames taking out the enemies one after another, a fatigued huff flowed through the soldier. Everything taken care of, the chimera continued to head north. Silence looping on repeat, no other monsters entered the fray.

Such peace and quiet, however, was a fleeting moment. Hearing a series of splashes about as he had gotten closer towards the lake that lead to Merusea Village, an unsurprising set of heads stuck themselves out of the water. Brume and Éclater coming upward, their four grey eyes soon gave him a terrified look. Prankster sea lions looking ready to say something stupid, the early adult only left one ear open.

"Fatooer, bad news! There's candles everywhere up north, bro!" Brume exclaimed, flipper pointing in the wrong direction of south. "They're kooky!"

"They're scary dude!" Éclater added. "Glowing, and goopy and everything!"

The hyena let out a sigh. Was that last comment about them having some sort of goop necessary? Did either of these sea lions know what wax was? But, he supposed he was tempering his expectations too high for the undersea prankster denizens of Merusea Village. Giving the brothers a nod, the soldier had begun to head north.

But, as the soldier climbed up the hill near the waterfall, a peculiar monster caught the soldier's attention. Strange looking Hilichurl with an Abyss Mage robe, holding candles in its hands, the hyena backed six steps away. Where had this creature come from? Monster soon spotting him from beneath its mask, the foreign objects soon became swords.

Strange monster coming his way, the candle swords swung towards him. Waxy blade poking into his hip with its disgusting crusty texture, the soldier let out a scream. Did this monster just make his uniform even filthier? It would pay dearly for such mistake. Opening his mouth, his fangs were ready for anything.

Lunging forward onto the monster's cape, the soldier's teeth sunk in. Fangs going down deeper as the seconds unfolded, Hilichurl screams filled the area. Enemy flailing about, the hyena kept on going. Biters soon reaching cursed bone, realization washed over the hyena. Removing himself from the enemy, the creature soon faded into the ether.

Regaining his senses, the soldier stared off into space. Why did he let himself carried away? Such acts of violence in battle were inexcusable. What did it matter if the monster had gotten his uniform dirtier? It was had already been filthy. He needed to get over it, and move on.

Vanquishing multiple candle holding Hilichurls as he pressed onward through the northern pathway, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Why had the monsters been answering to whoever the abyss was? But, he supposed he did not know enough about the creatures to ever have a logical conclusion to come to.

Every other monster defeated with their wax infused hands, the chimera took a long, deep breath. Elynas was quite the peculiar area, indeed. But, the spikes in difficulty had only grown thorns as he reached a beast circle. Object soon glowing a mysterious power, a new guest awaited him.

Abyss Mage adorning a light bronze-yellow robe, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was this Mage aligned with the Geo element? How incredibly peculiar. He had never seen any wielding the powers of Anemo, Geo, nor Dendro. Masked creature turning towards him, a magical staff with the symbol of a rock had been waved upward.

"Accept our offerings and join the Abyss!" the Abyss Mage squealed.

Words coming his way to join the enemy's side, the early adult shook his head. Join the Abyss? No way. Why would he do such a thing? This Mage, had they been the candle culprit? If such were the case, he needed to defeat them right now. Closing his eyes, his human hands had become hyena claws.

Slashing his claws forward into the Abyss Mage's cape for minutes on end, the soldier could hear the monster scream for mercy. But, the chimera would not stop. Was the enemy trying to feign a surrender? There was no way he was about to fall for such a thing. Claws sinking in, more screams hit the battlefield.

Creature looking weaker with every given moment, the chimera kept the onslaught going. But, such advantage was fizzled out like a flame in a matter of moments. Abyss Mage letting out a laugh calling him smarter than he thought, the creature soon poofed away, for a moment.

Candles with arms and legs soon joining the party, the soldier held back the urge to rip the Mage's cap straight off its body. He was getting quite tired of seeing the foreign objects show up unwanted. Match struck against the rough sandpaper, the flame had become the lamb to the slaughter.

Mage soon attempting to shield itself, the soldier kept his strikes going. Defenses weakening slowly, but surely, the monster dropped onto the ground. Pushing his heelless shoes onto the enemy's backside, the creature attempted to beg for mercy. Abyssal recruiter's back slammed into a tree, the monster had become one with nature.

Continuing onward towards the northern path for awhile, silence had begun to loop on repeat once more. Reaching the edge of Elynas after about an hour of walking, an eerie feeling soon loomed over the soldier. Feeling a set of hands behind him once more, his backside had been airborne for the second time of the day.

Seabed rapidly approaching, the early adult closed his eyes. It was over. If he were to land in the ocean without his diving equipment, he would drown for sure. He was finished, toast, seafood for the jellyfish and Bubberbeasts. Scraps to be devoured. Accepting his fate as the waters were drawing closer, the soldier kept his eyes shut.

But, a savior would soon rise again.

Feeling a sea of vines wrap around him for the second time of the day, the hyena's body had been carried back upwards towards Elynas. Sea plants plopping him back where he had fallen, the early adult's heart beat faster than a Rishbound Tiger pouncing on its prey. What just happened? Lighting one final match as his thoughts raced inside him, no candles remained in the area.

Figuring it was time to head downward to Annapausis, the soldier had begun to walk into the southward direction. Recalling the area had been in the northern most area of the Elton Trench, the chimera steeled himself. If he were going to go down there, he needed to proceed with caution if the underwater penguin duo were to be within eyes range of him.

Beaches of the Belleau region only getting closer with every step, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could possibly await him in Annapausis? The underwater area, he knew absolutely nothing about it. The legendary sword, how did it end up in such a place? But, he supposed he would find out when he were to reach it.

Sandy area reached after about an hour of walking, a sight to behold caught the hyena's attention. Aigre in the corner surrounded by a sea of candles trying to battle them with her scythe, a set of alarm bells had begun to ring in the chimera's head. What was she doing out here by herself? Where were her sisters? Attacks failing for minutes on end, a counterstrike knocked the sea lion, or mermaid, rather, onto her currently human knees. Loud sniffles hitting the beach, shouts soon joined the party.

"Owie, meanies!!" Aigre wailed.

Knowing he could not stand by and watch Aigre get hurt, the soldier the box of matches do the talking. Candles set ablaze and melting one after another, the young mermaid in rags let out another deep throated wail. Glasses stained from the frame, her shouts continued.

"Sissie, sisser! Come back, I'm scared!" Aigre wailed.

Hearing Aigre continue to cry, the soldier bowed an apology. Had lighting the candles only made things worse? Maybe he should go find her sisters before looking for Annapausis. Aigre wiping her glasses dry as tears continued to fall, another set of words blurted themselves out.

"Sissie, sisser, return to the surface already!" Aigre wailed once more.

Apology falling on blind eyes, the soldier removed his diving equipment from the satchel behind him. He supposed since he was going underwater anyway, he could pass long the message to Bain and Kali their sister wanted them back. Placing his gloved hands in front of him, the soldier signed the word sister, and get on public display. But, his wordless language did not go through.

Seeing a look of confusion on Aigre's face, the chimera waved the white flag. He supposed if she did not understand sign language, he would have to find a different method to wordlessly communicate with her in the future. Damaged oxygen tank with tape over the holes soon behind him, his mind soon synched with his diving soon as he jumped into the seabed in front of him.

But, as he had dropped downward into the Elton Trench, a busy world awaited him. Bain, Kali, Vidame, Domini and the blond diver boy destroying candles together in unison, the early adult attempted with all his might to have the diving suit swim around him. Such was an impossibility to be had, for sure, as his oxygen tank brushed against one of the penguin chimera's feathered downs. Angry eyes soon on him, the dire straits were calling him back.

Feeling a stupid metal box brush up against her backside, Vidame's blood boiled to a medium rare. How dare this rich Fatui bump into her. Who did he think he was, coming back to the Elton Trench after repeatedly telling him he wasn't welcome here? These candles, they were definitely his fault. He was just asking for it, at this point. If he keeps coming back down here unwanted, she'll whip out her scythe on this rich loser.

Hearing that stupid oxygen tank press against his sister's back, Domini saw red. This rich Fatui, he aught to know by now he's not welcome anywhere near here. Hadn't he learned by now the oceans weren't a place for the high Mora society? He needed to get out of here this instant, or his oxygen tank was going to get it.

"I thought we told you our peace treaty is over, Ritchie Rich!" Vidame shouted. "Get out of here!" Domini soon added his voice to the mix.

"You're practically asking us to attack you now!" Domini screamed at the top of his gills. Whirring up his chainwhip, he let out a shout. "Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" But, another voice soon came to the rescue.

"Domini, what are you doing?" Bain asked in an irritated tone. "Stop that. Put that away!"

"Come on, leave him alone, he's just passing through, I think," Kali added. "Stop doing that or, um, those candles will suck in your negative energy and get stronger, or something."

Penguin duo firing glares Siorc's way, the soldier held back the urge to fire glares back at them. What were these two's problem with him? How many times were they going to come after him for being what he wasn't? He was not rich. He was getting quite tired of their aggravating accusations. But, he knew defending himself with words would be a waste of time. There was no way they would listen to anything he had to say. But, as his thoughts kept going, shouts had come his way.

"Whatever!" Vidame shouted. "Go on through!"

Granted access to move forward, the soldier had his automatic swimsuit thrust him towards Kali tapping her on her sea lion shoulder, the early adult looked into her eyes. Look of confusion upon her face, the chimera tilted his head. Did his tap not register? Maybe he had poked her too hard. He would need to apologize if such were the case.

Feeling, what was his name, Showk, tap her on the shoulder, Kali turned to faced the Fatui. What did Showk want? It was quite rude of him to tap her like that. But, she supposed it was something rather important. Giving the young man eye contact, she puffed out a sigh, for a moment.

"Um, yes?" Kali asked. "What do you want from me?"

Hearing a slight wave of irritation in Kali's voice, the early adult's knees shook with a fervor. Were sea lion shoulders more sensitive than human ones? He would definitely need to roll out an apology. Writing he was sorry on the water, the chimera took a deep breath, for a moment. Aigre's name written upon the water, as well, Bain soon added herself into the conversation.

"We'll go back to the surface soon," Bain responded. But, her face grew dark, for a moment. "Aigre didn't wander off, did she?"

Shaking his head, the soldier could see a wave of relief wash over Bain, in an instant. Hearing her say she was finally listening for a change, more chaos broke out in the background. Penguin duo soon ordering the blond diver boy to head off to Chemin de L'Espoir and deal with the candles there, the soldier held back the urge to roll his eyes. Who did they think they were ordering him around? But, a surprising response dropped out from his lips.

"Understood," the blond diver responded.

Diver boy heading in the same direction he was, the early adult watched in silence as the young man had begun vanquishing the sea lit candles in the area. Seeing such, the chimera could not help but feel a similarity between he and the diver. Diverging away from him as the young man swam off faster, the soldier kept chugging along.

Moving forward through the area, the chimera kept his eyes open. Annapausis, what could be hiding within this area? Pushing through the northern area within the western parts of the trench, the soldier braced himself. With every step forward, he was one centimeter closer to the area.

Reaching the end of the area, a peculiar light blue wall stood in front of the soldier. Seeing such, the hyena tilted his head. What was this strange barrier in front of him? Poking his gloves through, a brand new discovery had quickly been made. Had the barricade been made out of water? Taking a deep breath, the soldier pushed himself through it.

Finding himself in a place unknown to him, the early adult whiffed up an extremely rancid scent. Nostrils burning with every given second, the soldier could feel his chest grow tighter, and tighter as the stench only got worse. Breath dying out, the chimera could feel himself fall backwards onto the ground beneath him. Consciousness slipping away, one final thought boomeranged around him.

What was that awful smell?


"Ribbit, ribbit, what was that?
I heard a loud noise!
Blast! Zoom, off I go! What in the
Blazes is this? A visitor?
I heard someone come through
The wall, croak!

Ribbit, ribbit, oh no!
I'm in my other form.
Blast! My poisons, there they go!
Boom. They're in the air now, oh, no.
I didn't mean to set
Those off!

Ribbit, ribbit, the stranger
Is falling, oh no,
Blast! What am I gonna do! What in the
Blazes am I gonna do!
If I leave leave through the wall,
Those penguins will yell at us to stay away like they always do!

Ribbit, ribbit, oh no.
I've gone and done it again! Is he dead?
Blast! Did I kill him?
Blazes! These poisons!
I need to control my transformations, croak!
This can't be happening!"

Coming to the next morning, unknown faces appeared in the soldier's dazed field of vision. Blood red diamond shaped eyes staring at him for minutes on end next to a set of bright yellow eyes, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Who were these people? Why were they staring at him?

"Sorry, that was us, ribbit," the stranger admitted, throat croaking. "You okay, do ya need a toadstool?" But, the second person added their voice to the mix.

"Zinn, no, they don't need a toadstool! Those are mushrooms!" the other person exclaimed. "Right, anyhow, apologies, our poisons hit the air. You good?"

Sitting himself upward on the pavement, the hyena nodded. Rancid scent on the air nowhere to be found, the soldier observed the two strangers in front of him, for a moment. Standing to the left had been a tall person with bright green frog's legs with black patches on them and warty frog hands to match. Grey shirt covering up their torso, the hyena studied their eyes for the second time. Blood red eyes with diamond shaped pupils, and two dotted beauty marks underneath their left eye, the chimera focused his attention on their hair. Short, slightly slicked back grey hair that went slightly below their ears with very little blue remaining on a loos antenna on the top, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could frogs even breathe underwater? Pushing such thoughts aside, he turned his attention towards the other stranger.

Standing to the right had been a tall alligator person with slightly long light blue hair that went down to about their neck. Scalp completely grey, the soldier could not help but wonder. How old were these two? Were they older people with appearance of the youthful? But, he supposed he had seen young people with silver, grey and white hair all the time. Yellow alligator eyes that looked sharp and strange looking apron covering up the front side of their body, the chimera ended his examination of the party of two in front of him. Turning his head towards the area, his observations continued.

Finding himself in a strange place with no water present anywhere except high above, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. How much deeper had the water been down here in comparison to the Elton Trench? Had everything worked differently in Annapausis? Seeing a peculiar looking castle in the distance, even more questions arose inside him. Had he stumbled upon a kingdom? But, his thoughts were soon cut short by the person proclaimed Zinn.

"So, what brings ya here, croak?" Zinn asked, ribbeting. "Did ya hop along here by accident?"

Hearing Zinn's question, the chimera could not help but wonder. Would it be alright if he told these two what his mission was? Turning his head towards the right and left, the hyena removed a small notebook from deep within his satchel. Writing down his mission, the chimera pointed to the words on the paper, but looks of confusion soon filled the duo's faces.

"What are ya trying ta show us? We can't read!" Zinn exclaimed, croaking. "Ya gonna havta pull off the wart 'n just tell Peltro and me watchya tryin' to say directly, ribbit!" But, the one named Peltro soon spoke up.

"What do you mean I can't read?!" Pelto exclaimed in a shouty tone. "I can so read!"

"Them fortune drawings don't count, ribbit!" Zinn retaliated.

Duo fighting amongst themselves about the topic of literacy, the early adult could feel a vein pop inside him. How annoying, were these two going to be yet another thorn in his side? He didn't have time for this, every single moment right now was a waste of his time. Clapping his gloves together in a loud manner, eyes were soon on him.

Pointing at his sunflower hairpins, the early adult swung his hands as if they were a sword. Repeating the action for minutes on end, the chimera kept going. Would this get his point across without speaking? The soldier had hoped so. He was not about to use his voice on another group of annoying people.

Seeing this stranger dude point at that sunflower charm on their head and swing around some invisible sword, Zinn pondered for a moment. Were they asking about that legendary sword so many people sought after but failed to reach because it did not accept them? So, they were another one of those people. They see. They supposed they could help them out until they figured it out on their own the sword was inaccessible. Maybe it should bring up the sunflowers instead.

Seeing the feminine looking person pointing at the sunflower in their hair, Peltro stroked its clawed hand on its chin. Were they asking about the robotic sunflowers? It supposed it wouldn't mind guiding them to Mary Anne's house if they needed some. But, it knew Zinn would say the opposite of what it was about to say. Maybe it should bring up the sword instead.

"Oh, I see what yer croaking. Them robotic sunflowers, aye?" Zinn asked. "Sure, Mary-Ann probably won't mind if ya gather some."

"The legendary sword?" Peltro asked. "Guess we could go with you to get it. But, in order to continue onward to the castle, we'll have to solve puzzles to unlock the corridor."

Hearing Peltro mention puzzles, the soldier scratched his head. Why did they have to do something so convoluted to unlock a castle just to push forward? But, he supposed he had no choice but to go along with whatever it was he had to go to get further in. Giving the group a nod, the first puzzle had soon been reached.

Taken to a strange red totem, the sticky frog hand touched an invisible button. Tiny circular water particles around on the palace grounds, a message beamed in the sky informing everyone to collect the Hydro particles in the allocated amount of time, the early adult was off to the races.

Particles making a strange noise once collected, the chimera kept running. Seeing numbers on his wrist increase by one as more had been taken from the ground, the hyena kept the sprint going. Countdown dropping swifter with every given second, the early adult accelerated his sprint.

Final particle gathered, the early adult let out a deep huff. Running was a cardiovascular exercise, indeed. Large yellow banner in the sky proclaiming the challenge had been completed, the duo in front of him stepped forward towards the next order, the group had begun to head towards the east.

Challenges not worthy of such of word requiring him to defeat slimes within the time limit, barely anything mattered for the next few minutes as the group cruised through the eastern pathway. Multiple battles finished in mere moments of each other, the group headed west.

Heading off towards the western path, the next challenge soon awaited them. Water particles returning with a vengeance, the soldier had begun to run at lightning speed. Every single one collected after thirty seconds, the challenge had soon been conquered, but soon, easy street would become difficult avenue.

Finding a peculiar puzzle stretching from end to end requiring barrels to be blown up everywhere, the soldier's eyes opened wide. Explode barrels within the time limit? No way. How was he supposed to accomplish something like that? He had no tools at his disposal that could destroy any sort of explosive.

Watching as Zinn ran around the area kicking the barrel's flints with their sticky frog legs, the early adult's jaw dropped open. What in the world was this frog person doing, kicking the exploding barrels? Wouldn't that bring harm to them? The soldier did not know what this stranger could possibly be thinking? How reckless of them.

Frog person continuing to destroy barrels with their feet, the soldier walked eight steps back. Peltro's alligator tail swinging at explosives in the corner, as well, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. These two were incredibly reckless. Didn't they care at all about their safety? Party of two continuing along with their rampage, the soldier stepped towards one single barrel.

Striking a match against the sand paper, the soldier tossed down the flammable stick upon the explosive flint in the corner. Running off as the barrel blew into smithereens, everything was engulfed in a world of white for a momentary period of time. But, as the final explosive breathed its final nonexistent moment, it was now argument o'clock. Whatever a clock was, such object definitely did not exist.

"Are you using your frog's legs to destroy those barrels again?!" Zinn asked in an exclamatory tone. "Just because those sorts of things don't harm you, doesn't mean you should put yourself at risk!"

"Oh? And yer usin' yer tail, ribbit," Zinn fired back. "Look who's croaking!"

"Fine, you got me," Peltro responded almost immediately. "Whatever. Time to move on."

The early adult could feel his blood boil. Why were these two fighting again? This duo argued way too much and far too often. But, the chimera kept himself quiet. He supposed, all siblings argued with one another. Even in his stolen childhood, he would sometimes get into small wordless squabbles with Hase.

Peltro soon stating they would have to summon the princess and her bubbles before continuing, a long water particle chain requiring one-hundred-twenty-five balls be collected within a timeframe of seven minutes, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. He had to collect how many Hydro particles now? But, he knew he couldn't complain, he had to gather them.

Hydro particles stretching throughout the area from every angle and direction, the soldier had begun running. Hearing a peculiar sound as the first ten were gathered, the early adult let out a pant. Was it just him, or had the particles required far more effort than the last set? But, he knew he couldn't give up. He had to keep going.

Next ten soon collected, the early adult had been forced to step upon a sea of aquatic platforms. Blue crystalline device glaring at him, and other particles floating around in the air doing nothing, the hyena could not help but wonder. Was the only way to continue to turn it on? Tapping the crystal with his gloved palms, a new pathway emerged.

Twenty more particles soon collected, a broken building in the corner awaited the soldier. Spotting multiple particles laying in wait in the corner, the early adult attempted with any will that remained to brave through the peculiar water walkway. Reaching the halfway point, ten more tokens had been gathered into the particle collection.

Large bubbles soon popping up in certain corners around the area, the soldier gazed at the world around him. How many more would have to show up in order to get the princess in attendance? He supposed he would have to collect the rest of the particles to find out. Ten more soon added to the fray, Only have remained.

Group of twenty particles locked behind some sort of strange device exuding a yellow light, the soldier dashed off towards the corner. Finding a block of purple energy, the number on his wrist soon read eighty of one-hundred-twenty five. Dashing off towards the eastern path, the next set soon awaited him.

Particles locked behind another device once more, the soldier let out a sigh. Who put the puzzle pieces behind a locked door? Machine soon vanquished and particle counter reaching one-hundred, the final countdown to reach the last number was upon the soldier. Dashing off towards the left, ten more had been obtained.

Bubbles appearing in spots near a small stone area in the corner, the final fifteen Hydro particles had soon been collected. Princess soon in attendance as a young woman with a watery appearance and a boar also made out of the same materials, a wave of questions flowed through the chimera.

This young water woman and the boar next to her, were they the characters from the boar princess? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. That couldn't have been it. Stories weren't real. There was no way they could ever come to life. Bubble soon appearing next to her, Zinn and Peltro stepped forward.

Told that in order to continue onward into the castle they had to jump into the bubble and fix some things in the waters above, the early adult could feel himself shake, for a moment. Great, there was more things he had to fix. Why did he have to do all of this just to unlock the castle? But, he supposed he shouldn't be complaining. Such action was not allowed for him whatsoever.

Group of three soon leaping into a bubble, a secluded area with multiple fast currents underwater awaited the soldier. But, the chimera tilted his head. If the body of water was above and Annapausis was below, just how deep down was the castle, exactly? But, the chimera supposed such did not have any sort of answer. He needed to continue onward.

Seeing an array of complicated looking hole like devices around the area, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Would he have to fix those rings in order to continue onward to the castle? How strange; they did not look broken in any possible way. But, maybe they were missing something important. Zinn soon turning towards him, they spoke up first.

"Ya gotta get the devices into da correct holes, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking. But, Peltro soon interrupted.

"They're this way. It's time to swim over to them," Peltro said, swimming off towards the machine.

"Yo, don't interrupt me!" Zinn shouted, but their screams fell on deaf ears.

Brought towards a blue crystal, a set of instructions had come the soldier's way. Informed he would have to light it up until it was the correct color, the soldier could feel the pressure rising within him. Tapping the crystal with his hand, it had soon shone a bright red color. But, such had not been correct.

Pressing the object again, the crystal had soon glowed an orange color. But, such had not been correct, either. Tapping the object until it had been a shade of yellow, the sound of something unlocking in the distance overtook the area. Zinn and Peltro vanquishing geysers around them, the soldier dragged a ball into the strange rings. First ring taken care of, the group soon headed east. But, a strange challenge soon awaited him.

Group of peculiar puffballs popping up with the demand of destroying all of them after only one attack, the early adult could feel a wave of confusion flow through him. He had to do what now? What did this have to do with dropping a ball back into its hole? How incredibly strange, this did not feel in place at all.

"That's strange, I don't ever recall this puzzle being here before," Peltro commented. "How did it get here?"

Figuring getting rid of the puffballs would be as simple as launching the jellyfish explosive, the hyena threw down such object towards the obstacles. Everything going boom after one singular attack, the party of three had begun to head towards the eastern side. Puzzles galore everywhere the eye could see, multiple comments about how they should not have been here kept filling up the area.

"The princess musta set up all these puzzles, I bet!" Zinn exclaimed in a delayed reaction.

All puzzles in the area done, Zinn and Peltro switched on the crystals in the corner. Dragging the next ball into its ring house, another sea of puffballs soon awaited him. Objects destroyed in a short moment, the party of two sped up along on the waters in front of them. Discovering a crystal locked behind a cage, monsters soon arose from the ashes.

But, the battle had been over before the hyena could even blink. Monsters stamped to death with the kiss of frog, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Just how potent were Zinn's poisons? He supposed he never wanted to find out. Peltro vanquishing lesser monsters along the pathway with its alligator tail, as well, the early adult could feel a wave of uselessness flow through him.

Final crystal soon broken, the sound of a seal undoing itself echoed upon the area. Zinn speedily dropping down the world down below, Peltro soon followed after them. Dropping down to the final floor as well, the early adult attempted to catch up with the duo. What was the rush? Surely, the castle wasn't going anywhere. Frog person only getting faster as the seconds unraveled, a shout had come their way.

"It's time to visit Mary-Ann, ribbit!" Zinn shouted, running faster.

"Slow down, bucko!" Peltro exclaimed chasing after Zinn.

"This is time sensitive, ya know!" Zinn fired back. "She'll close the gates for who knows how long with don't hurry and hop on along!"

The hyena let out a groan as he caught up with the party of two. Why were they always arguing with one another? Couldn't they just get along? Soon reaching the castle, the early adult prepared himself for anything. The legendary sword, here he comes. It would soon be upon him to collect, for sure.

But, as the soldier had begun to step through the palace, the rancid scent soon returned. World around him suddenly becoming pitch black, a wave of panic flowed through the chimera. Who turned off the lights? But, as the stench only got worse, an intense wave of dizziness flowed through him, feeling himself fall backwards as the air only continued to grow noxious in the nothing world of darkness around him, the early adult's eyes fluttered closed unconsciousness took him away.

Where had all this gas come from?


"Looks like I'm stuck in yet another
Odd place again. I feel like I'm looping the same moments
Over and over again.
Perhaps I am dreaming. That has to be
It. I'm dreaming. Yes, I'm dreaming.
No, maybe those noxious
Gases are messing with my brain.

Ah, yes, that has to be it. Surely.
Guess I inhaled too much poisonous
Air. Yes, I'm just
Imagining things. Just like that time I had been in
Never-ending monotonous loop.

Ah, yes, this is simply my imagination.
No way am I looping around in the same corridors over and over again.
Doubt that is even possible.

All I need to do is keep
Going. Keep moving
And keep trying.
I'm sure I will find the exit eventually.
Now, the sword, it shall be upon me.

Or, so I think. I cannot
Verify if this is the right path.
Every time, I soon
Return back to exactly where I started.

Ah, back here again. Am I looping?
No, this is just my imagination.
Don't let my thoughts get the best of me.

Open my eyes, and try the path again. I could
Very much be stuck here until I
Enter the right path. Right, keep going, so I don't
Return to the same spot again. Keep moving."

Coming to the next morning, the hyena gazed around the area in a daze. Where was was he, how did he get here? But, he soon gained awareness of what was around him. Right, he was in some sort of castle in Annapausis and a rancid scent knocked him out. How could he forget such a fact? Zinn and Peltro standing in the corner gazing at him, unwanted words had come his way.

"You sure sleep a lot, ribbit!" Zinn said, croaking.

"They're human, Zinn," Peltro said to Zinn. "You know that species needs a lot more sleep than we do."

The chimera will let out a sigh. Did these two assume he was a normal human being going on some sort of adventure? He supposed it was best to not tell them that he was a hyena chimera. The less they knew about him, the better. He would likely never see this duo again, anyway.

"Whatevs. It's time to find the legendary sword ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed. "Let's hop to it!"

Soon finding themselves in a strange room with a very long corridor, the early adult could not help but feel a wave of unease. Was it just his imagination, or did something feel incredibly off and unusual about the hallways he had found himself in? But the soldier snapped himself out of such thinking. There was nothing unusual here. He had to get moving.

Finding a series of peculiar puzzles with many complicated answers seeded together into one long set of instructions, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What did lighting elemental totems have anything to do with the mission at hand? This had nothing to do with the legendary sword whatsoever.

Heading north for quite awhile, the long empty corridor of nothing swallowed the party of three up for hours on end. But as they reached another room, a peculiar land bound sea angel filled to the brim with bright colors patrolled around the area like it was its sworn duty. Creature soon getting on the offensive, everyone had begun to fight to the best of their ability.

But, such fight was over before it could even begin. Zinn's frog hands giving the wart kiss of doom upon the sea angel's body, the early adult shook with a fervor. Warts were the most powerful weapon of all time, for sure. He would never be able to sleep at night if were ever to find himself with such froggy lumps on him, for sure.

But, after passing through another set of corridors, a familiar set of instructions broke the barriers around him. Sea of candles laid out on the pathway demanding to be lit, the soldier let out a sigh as he removed the box of matches from the satchel in front of him. This again? How could this puzzle have returned already? The world was looping.

Sea of over fifty candles lit up one after another, the early adult could feel a wave of unease. Was it just him, or had the atmosphere within the corridor gotten thicker? He couldn't help but notice something was continuously off about the place in front of him. But, the chimera pushed such thoughts aside. He had to have been overthinking it. There was nothing wrong here.

Moving onward to a room with an electric seahorse, the early adult's heart skip five beats. There was such a terrifying creature here? If it were to remain here, it would electrocute all the waters, for sure. Preparing himself for battle, the soldier prepared to summon a flower fiend.

But, such was not necessary in the slightest. Peltro firing off a mysterious power, the hyena blinked. What did the alligator person just do? Did he miss it when he blinked? He supposed such had to have been the case. He ought to pay closer attention next time it were to fight.

Finding himself in another corridor with a sea of candles, the soldier could feel a wave of unease. Where in the world had all these foreign objects come from? Something was wrong here, for sure. Everything soon lit up, a hole soon opened up from underneath him in seconds. Feeling himself drop downward, doom loomed over the hyena.

But, the third savior would soon present itself.

Strangely tall sunflowers grabbing a hold of him and brining him back upward onto the correct pathway, the early adult gazed downward at the hole he had jus been removed from. The plants he had sworn off saved him? He supposed he owed them at least a sense of gratitude, for the time being.

Reaching the third floor, another sea of candles awaited the hyena seeing such once again, the early adult placed his finger on his chin. Why were there so many candles here? Something about them felt incredibly unnatural. There was no way they belonged here whatsoever. Lighting them all up, they soon dissolved into a puddle of wax.

Reaching the end of the corridor in some sort of religious looking space, a ring of water dragged the soldier in. Becoming nothing but a fast ball of water for many seconds, the early adult soon found himself back at the beginning of the corridor. Everything looking exactly the same, the soldier tilted his head. How did he end up back here again? Where was the sword? Zinn and Peltro quickly noticing as well, the two turned towards each other.

"We're back here again, ribbit?" Zinn asked, confused. "Where's the sword?"

"You should have made a map!" Peltro fired back.

"I can't write!" Zinn fired back. "Ya should make a map!"

"You know I can't write, either!" Peltro screamed, in an angry tone.

Hearing the party of two argue back and forth with one another, the early adult swore multiple of his blood vessels inside his shark brain would pop one after another. Why couldn't these just get along and work together without arguing with each other? Absolutely ridiculous. What would fighting do? It wasn't going to get anyone anywhere. He needed to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.

"Stop fighting!" Siorc shouted, irritated. But, his screams were far quieter than they should have been. Raising his voice he soon repeated himself. "Enough already, you two. Stop arguing." Duo snapping out of it, apologies tied themselves up into a bow.

"Whoops, sorry, got heated there for a sec," Zinn said, rubbing their frog hand across their cheek. "Let's go grab that sword, ribbit."

"Zinn, that's hardly an apology!" Peltro exclaimed, but it stopped itself. Right, stop arguing. "Whatever." He then turned towards the stranger. "Anyhow, sorry. I'll stop arguing with them." It then turned around to face the opposite direction. "Maybe."

Returning back to the entrance, everything in the corridor had been exactly the same. Puzzles not changing, and being solved in the exact same way, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had he been in some sort of loop? He could not help but feel a major sense of dejavu flowing through him.

Same corridor once again filled with a sea of candles, the soldier lit the match with quick precision. Wax melting into a puddle, the walk continued. Electric seahorse awaiting him in the same corridor as last time, defeat came for it at the exact same moment as last time. Religious looking area revisited as well, the same water ring was in the same spot as before.

Finding himself back in the first area they had come to, Zinn and Peltro argued about maps and literacy once more. Hearing such, a wave of anger flowed through him. Why were they arguing again? Yelling the same thing a second time, their fight had soon been halted. Continuing onward to the corridor again, the early adult could not help but notice a peculiarity as the round fired itself up.

Finding more candles upon the pathway than last time, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Was it just his imagination, or with each and every attempt to walk through the corridor there had been more candles? How did more of these get here? Someone had to have been pulling the strings.

Same hole in the floor pushing him downward and same sunflowers bringing him back up to the surface, confusion continued to paint the chimera a new shade of purple. He could not help but sense a wave of dejavu in him. Hadn't he just done this? Something was off, for sure.

Seahorse defeated once more, but no sword of any kind to speak of, the same church like room had been reached once more. Portal tossing them back to the entrance, the frog and alligator had been right back at it with their arguments with the same points as before. Covering his ears as their fight kept blasting through him, the fourth round had begun.

Fourth walkthrough the same as the third, the chimera could not help but feel a wave of dejavu flow through him. Hadn't he already gone through here before? Same old song and dance taking over, an Abyss Mage soon let out a chant. Hadn't he fought one of these around the corridor already? How strange. Something wasn't right.

No sword located once again, the same argument as before had been whipped out between Zinn and Peltro. Fight eventually coming to an end after some sort of shout, the party of three continued through the labyrinth once more. Fifth attempt the same as ever, nothing out of the ordinary had occurred throughout the corridor.

Fighting another army of abyss mages, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of dejavu flow through him. Hadn't he already fought these monsters before? He couldn't help but feel he had already done this over and over again countless times. Candles lit as well, and sea angel monster soon fought, the group kept on moving long.

Falling through the same hole as the same candles were lit and the same sunflowers rescued him, the hyena blinked. He supposed he owed them a sense of gratitude, for the time being. Ghastly foreign objects all lit, and Abyss Mages soon fought once more, no sword awaited him.

Returning back to the beginning the frog and alligator people soon argued with one another about not being able to write. Same scream snapping them out of it, the sixth loop soon began. Everything almost exactly the same with no sword to speak of, the hyena tapped the side of his temple. What was with this constant feeling of dejavu washing over him?

Going through the same corridor solving the same puzzles and monsters once again and not coming across the sword as the seventh loop had been completed, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was the legendary sword even real anymore? Maybe all of this was just a nightmare. There was no way anything in front of him was reality.

Argument playing out again, the soldier let out a sigh. Going through the corridor for the eighth time, the feeling of dejavu swallowed the soldier whole. Same puzzles Abyss Mages and candles conquered once again, and no sword found once again, the entrance had been looped back to. But, as the room devoured him, a realization had come over him.

The corridor, it was nothing more than a big circle, a trap. Something to keep the people who entered into it looping around forever. Ideas flowing through him, the soldier had come to the ultimate conclusion. He knew now. The answer to the puzzle, the way to get the legendary sword, move onward to Mary-Ann's house, get out of here.

Moving backwards through the labyrinth as the way to go.

Turning his heels towards the exit instead of the entrance, the early adult prepared himself. Yes, going through the corridor in the opposite way, that had to unlock the sword from its looping imprisonment. Zinn and Peltro tilting their heads, the early adult mouthed the word reverse in silence. Surely, they would understand what he's trying to do. Group of two soon grasping such, words had come his way.

"Whaaat yer sayin' we gotta head through here in reverse?" Zinn asked. "Sure dat sounds reasonable. Hop on to that, ribbit."

"Weird idea, but I don't see why it wouldn't work," Peltro said. "Well, go on, and lead the way."

Zinn and Peltro stepping behind him, the soldier walked through the exit door. Strange church corridor passed through, the soldier swore he could feel something peculiar loom through the area as his backwards walk continued onward like it was the world's business. But, the chimera remained focused. He had to keep going, or the loop would return.

Soon returning to the corridor with the monsters, a peculiar looking golden sword appeared in the center of a pool of water. Stepping towards it, the early adult grabbed the hilt like his life depended on it. Weapon soon dislodged from the area, cheers filled the room.

But, such celebrations were dead in the water as a sea horse of electrical properties had summoned itself from nowhere. Creature mean, lean and an electrifying machine, the early adult attempted to flow down a flower friend. As he attempted to do so, however, the noxious, rancid scent flowed through the area.

Area around him becoming black in a matter of moments, the soldier swore that any second now, he would return to the world of unconsciousness. Blinking out of existence, for a moment, the land of darkness knocked on the door. But, when the hyena came to, a sight to behold caught the chimera's attention. Bed of sunflowers holding him hostage, a peculiar unrecognizable form of Zinn and Peltro took the stage. World of blackness quickly returning, the early adult closed his eyes.

Or, so the soldier thought. Everything soon returning to normal as the seahorse had been vanquished, the soldier blinked. Was he dreaming just now? What had happened to the monstrosities he had just witnessed? Maybe he had just imagined everything just now. Sunflowers letting go of him, Zinn stepped towards the soldier.

"Those sunflowers saved you multiple times in this labyrinth," Zinn said, pointing at the plants. "Ya better thank them for their service, croak!"

Gazing at the sunflowers, the soldier supposed he was eternally grateful to the plants for saving him. True door soon opening up, the real labyrinth had soon opened up in front of everyone. Finding a strange glass wall with a hole in it as the group looped around, everyone soon stepped through.

Coming across a beautiful house surrounded by nothing but nature, and sunflowers, the early adult blinked. What a lovely house. What was it doing all the way deep inside the corridors of a castle? But, he supposed he would never have an answer to such a thing. There was no way to find out why someone chose such a way of construction.

Stepping through the walkway, the soldier could not help but feel a thick atmosphere present throughout the whole area. Zinn and Peltro greeting a woman referred to as Mary-Ann with light blue hair and almost aquatic looking eyes, the early adult could feel his heart skip a beat at the next round of information coming his way.

Mary-Ann informing everyone someone had invaded her home, the early adult could feel his entire body sink into the ocean. Why would someone trespass onto someone's home with malicious intent? Some people would do anything to cause problems. Zinn and Peltro agreeing to help find the invader, the ground had begun investigating Heading through the garden for minutes on end, a very predictable duo made their anonymous presence known.

Hooded strangers sitting around the owner's home as if they owned the place caressing sunflowers, the early adult held back the urge to scream. Why were the hooded strangers in someone else's home? This was a step too far. Surely, they had to have known the rules of trespassing. But, a surprise soon presented itself to the audience of no one.

"Kelebek, is that you?" Zinn asked.

"And Izzet, too?" Peltro asked.

Gust of wind coming out of nowhere blowing the hooded stranger's head covering's off, a mask over the eyes had soon come flying off, too. Faces revealing themselves, the early adult's jaw dropped open. Was the Anemo Archon hiding somewhere in the garden? He knew such was definitely not the case, but it felt like it was, as the moment. Angry exposed eyes looking the frog and alligator's way, the soldier quickly observed the new faces.

Standing to the left with a look of fury on their face had been a young looking gazelle woman with light brown skin. Spiky teal hair, forty lashes, and eyes the same color as the curtain to match, the soldier could not help but sense this great feeling of evil from this person. Gazelle horns looking ready to cut someone, and pure black hooded outfit looking ready to fall off, he turned to the next person.

Standing to the right had been a young gazelle man with messy turquoise hair pulled back into a short ponytail, and eyes to match. Light brown skin and pitch black hood the person was looking ready to pull over their gazelle horns, the soldier soon ended his examination. Something was not right about these people at all. Rage growing, their fists shook.

"How dare you reveal who we are to the enemy!" the one named Izzet said, pointing at Siorc.

"Oh, really now?" Peltro asked in a sarcastic tone. "So, you set down all those candles, I take it?" Without a moment's hesitation, the two barked back.

"Yes, it was you who did it!" Kelebek shouted. "Oneself set the candles!"

"Nyahaha, who else could it have been besides us?" Izzet added. "But, we've got one more up our sleeves!" Petting a big candle with a tail, they smirked as Kelebek tagged oneself into the ring.

"You hope he enjoys fighting this pet!" Kelebek exclaimed. As one said such, the gazelles vanished.

Large waxy candle practically the size of six windmills in Mondstadt stacked up against one another, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. How was he supposed to fight such a large creature? He was going to lose, guaranteed. Human hand soon becoming a hyena claw, the early adult slashed forward.

But, such proved to be difficult for minutes on end. Creature telling everyone submit their mortal planes to the abyss and give themselves up, the soldier would not falter. No way, he wasn't about to do such a thing. Never, not in a million years. Claws continuing onward with their rampage, the one sided fight continued.

But, one side soon became two. Zinn's slimy frog hands doing their duty, and Peltro's spiky alligator tail adding itself to the mix, the candle had begun melting far faster than the soldier could keep up with. Enemy getting tinier with every given second, only a little bit of the creature remained.

Final swipe from his hyena claws allowing for an opening, Zinn's frog's legs provided the final blow. Abyssal light source gone for good as it removed itself from its afterlife, the no longer hooded strangers returned to the battlefield for a brief moment, fingers pointed at the chimera, a predictable shout had come his way.

"We will get our revenge!" Izzet shouted, pointed.

Villains exiting the area, a question had come the duo's way. One named Mary-Ann asking why Zinn and Peltro were visiting, the final order of operations had been presented. Peltro soon informing the woman he had come to pluck out his robotic sunflowers, permission was granted to do so, but immediate expulsion upon done had been said, as well.

Robotic sunflowers soon picked aplenty, his expulsion from Mary-Ann's house had been quick, but assured. Knowing he had to leave the area as soon as possible, a door had been placed towards the exit of the woman's house. Thrusted back towards the Elton Trench as if he had never gone anywhere, the soldier had the diving suit ascend him back to the surface, but a pesky fly soon awaited him. Earl sitting on the beach in the corner, he flapped his gums.

"There you are! I've been waiting for you!" Earl exclaimed. "That boss of yours asked me to get you and take you to Hotel Deboard. Let me take you there!"

Earl soon escorting him, the soldier could not help but wonder. The pesky penguin had come all this way just to get him? How strange. Aquabus taken, and court city soon returned to, the escort to the hotel lasted around thirty minutes. Agent soon grabbing the satchel off his back and yanking the diving equipment off of him, his dismissal was about to come his way.

"I do not know what took you so long, soldier, but good work," the Agent said. "Return to Snezhnaya right now. You're dismissed."

Dismissal granted, the hyena removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Highlighting the waypoint to the military barracks, the chimera closed his eyes. Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, a sea of thoughts flowed through the chimera.

The hooded strangers, now that he knew their identities, would they be more violent towards him? He knew such a possibility was about to come his way. He needed to proceed with caution going forward. But, such hadn't been the only set of inquiries flowing through him. Walking around in a circle, his thoughts continued.

The flowers and vines, why did they save him? Nature and he were on a break, how could they still feel something for him after his constant could shoulder over them? But, he supposed he had been grateful that they had come to his rescue. Maybe he would warm back up to them again.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses set aside, the hyena closed his eyes. But, as the world of sleep prepared to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

He and flowers might be on speaking terms again.

Chapter 10: Court Case 2: Doppelgangers on the Loose


This is court case 2 of 2, in this section, Siorc is told to help the less fortunate once more, but weird crimes are happening with people that look like him. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Eclater, Zinn, Peltro, Vidame, Domini, Robin, Raven, Zinn, Peltro, Kelebek, Izzet, Lonan, Kigyo, Furina, Neuvilette, Navia, Chlorinde, Chiori and Freminet.



Chapter Text

"For real, Your Majesty?
Looks like she wants me to
Enter that
Underground city once again I am
Very confused.
Everything repeats.

Cannot help but feel this will not
End well, while people
No longer gaze at me, I
Doubt they have forgotten I am a member of the Fatui.
Really, this won't
Even help put me in the good graces of the

Archon. She probably would rather
Get me thrown in the fortress of Meropide.
And, if I make even one wrong move,
I know yet another trial awaits me.
No way will

I be found innocent this time.

As the entire country now knows
My identity.

Fleuve Cendre, what awaits me this time?
Everyone will give me ridiculous orders,
Everyone will demand fish steak,
Look, Your Majesty,
I am certain that this will do
Nothing. My reputation will never
Get any better. Once labelled

A criminal, always a criminal.

Listen, the nation of Justice,
Is always talking.
Talking, chattering, looking.
To be honest, I know people are
Lauding for my downfall.
Each and every one of those are

Cooing at the prospect
Of my eventual arrest.
Nothing will convince me going to the
Fleuve Cendre, the
Underground City will
Stop anyone from thinking poorly of me.
Especially after all that's been happening.
Doubt flows through me.

However, I cannot question anything.
Obviously, Her Majesty
Will kill me.

Will I be given some ridiculous tasks again?
I have to be open to anything.
Look for machine monsters again? On it.
Look for crates of something again? On it.

How many times I have to do this
Especially does not matter
Lend my hands and
Promise to assist.
I have to do my orders,
No matter what.
Get down underground,

Take the lead, listen to their
Heavy hitting problems,
End their suffering.

Perhaps, just maybe, this will
Open the door to good reputation,
Open the door to good graces
Returning. We shall see.

Keep on working,
Everyone is looking.
Everyone is watching.
People are staring.

Maybe this time,
Everything will end well.

I need to stay quiet,
Need to keep working.

Get everything everyone requests
Of me, no matter how
Out of the ordinary some requests may be.
Diligence is key.

Get ready for everything, get
Ready for absolutely
Anything. This
Could be the last chance, the
Eve of the downfall of Fontaine stationed Fatui
So, do everything accurately. I mustn't disappoint Her Majesty."

Dreaming had continued to be a tormenting cycle of never ending pain within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The cycle would reverse itself back to zero, cancelling the ending and going back to the beginning each and every evening. The night before him would continue to burn the candle further, as well.

Before him had been a field of Lakelight Lillies. The flowers were blue, with the sense that they could have been crying. But, such had not been the only vegetation within the area. Spotting a large yellow willow tree floating above a rock, the the soldier turned his face towards the opposite direction. Nature and he were still not fully warmed up to one another again.

But the hyena quickly turned back towards the willow. The tree, why was it floating? He could not begin to fathom why such could have been the case. Seating himself upon the grass in a pretzel formation, the early adult gazed at the area around him. Just where had the dream world taken him to this time? He had never seen a willow tree anywhere within Teyvat, his subconscious, could it have taken him into another universe altogether?

Lifting himself upward, the early adult strolled upon the western path. Finding himself in a large forest with a large condensed ball of water in a lake in the corner, the hyena sauntered onward with the tiniest of smiles. Teyvat or not, wherever he was had a peaceful feel to it, for sure.

Nothing happening within the dream world for minutes on end, the early adult let out a blissful sigh. Peace was a beautiful feeling. Walking further upon the forest path, silence looped on repeat for dream minutes on end. Perhaps, just maybe, no tormenting events would occur in the not reality presented to him.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

As the soldier kept his stroll going, a familiar pair of faces made themselves known within the land of the subconscious. Abyssal gazelles with their masks off, a sinister grin appeared on their dual faces. Seeing such, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. The two of them were up to no good, guaranteed.

Knowing that, if he were to get close to them, they would give him a world of pain, the soldier attempted to back away from the strangers. But, such had been an impossibility. Group of two teleporting in front of him within three dream seconds, their smirks had only grown wider.

"Meddler, his time of being well respected is over!" Kelebek exclaimed, hands in the air.

Hearing the sound of claws scratching across a nail filer, doom flowed through the soldier. Talons shimmering on the dream sky, unease cemented itself. Gazelle lunging themselves forward, the hyena's neck had been added to the equation. Nails sinking themselves in deep enough to slash fruit into nothing, the early adult swore he could feel his throat being carved into.

Feeling his dream breath become as shallow as a wading river, a sea of thoughts had begun to run down the stream. These villains, they were planning on doing something irreversible in the mortal, waking world. He had to put a stop to such before it could come into fruition. But, as he pondered such, another voice came into the picture.

"Nyahaha, you think you can stop us?" Izzet asked in a maniacal tone. "Think again, meddler." Rope soon in their hands, a sacrifice had been made to the weeping willow of the forest. 'Enjoy the show!"

"He hopes he likes being crispy!" Kelebek shouted in a maniacal tone.

Thick layer of rope holding him hostage upon the bark, the hyena squirmed in his seat. But, such attempts had been futile. Large glowing ball of fire entering the duo's hands, all of the dream world's energy roasted, toasted, cooked the soldier alive. Rope blazing brightly as well, everything around him was a pile of ashes. Uniform set ablaze as well, his chest had become charcoal. But, such had only been the beginning.

Gazelles soon snapping their fingers, the soldier had been airborne. Body floating towards the river in the corner, a set of anchors were chained upon the chimera's ankles. Water coming closer with every dream second, the early adult closed his eyes. He was doomed, done, finished, about to become seafood. Dropping down further into the lake as the moments sped themselves up, one final thought let itself out in his final dream moments.

He was doomed.


"What are those gazelles planning?
How much more do they plan on messing
And plotting against me?
There's no way I have meddled in all of their

Affairs. Whatever it is that they are attempting,
Really, it should just come to an end.
Everything they are doing,

They are truly planning something
Heinous. The time they were in the
Elton Trench trying to wipe it, do they

Still hold it against me
That I stopped such event from occurring?
Rage must run deep within them.
All and all, this cannot go on.
Now, I do not know what their
Goals may be, but
Each and every time they are against me.
Repercussions never face these
Strange individuals. Whatever they are

Planning, it is most certainly not a good thing.
Looks like while I was in
Annapausis, they might have done something.
No matter what orders I receive, they are always plotting.
No matter where I go, these two are always scheming.
I have to do something. But, there is
Nothing I can do while working.
Guess I will have to see if our paths cross, for the time being."

The sound of loud machines crashing into one another took over the skies of Snezhnaya. As the noses of floating rust buckets kept tapping to the beat, multiple Fatui soldiers shouted to Celestia above that the newly employed soldiers were irresponsible children. But, despite such complaints about, every soldier soon returned to their own work.

The explosive aircraft was more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially tormented slumber. Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the chimera shook such off. There was no time to let the subconscious world eat away at him. Raising himself from the uncomfortable bed, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed his uniform over his layered shirts, another loud boom shook the steel walls hard enough to pierce a crack through the metal. Booms about only getting louder, the early adult walked towards the barricaded window, for a moment. But, the sight before him soured the bitterness into into toxins.

Aircraft noses falling off as an explosion took center stage, the early adult shook his head. Can't the people inside pilot? Whoever was in charge of hiring such people had made a mistake of the ages. Turning his attention away from the commotion, the soldier returned himself to getting ready. There was no reason to get himself distracted by the insignificant show outdoors.

Buttons in the correct holes, the hyena clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching blue stars in his hair and ears, a calming pulse radiated throughout the chimera's short body. But, such only lasted a brief moment as his thoughts had begun to cloud into a storm.

Walking around in a circle upon the icy cold floor, a sea of questions polluted the chimera's mind. The hooded gazelle duo, just what could they possibly be planning this time? He knew, whatever it could be that they had up their pitch black sleeves, he was going to be in trouble, for sure. He needed to remain cautious, no matter what.

Pushing such thoughts aside once more, the chimera hooked the Dendro Vision upon his uniform pants. Gazing at the Geo Delusion in the corner, the soldier placed his fingers towards the sinister orb. The delusion, should he finally make use of it? But, the hyena shook his head. Now was not the time to do so. It was too early for such.

Heelless shoes on, the soldier bit into his flavorless rations. Staring at the wall as his singular meal of the day was being devoured, the storm of thoughts swirled into a hurricane. The two gazelles from the unknown place known as the abyss, why did they always wish to mess with him? But, such thoughts were immediately cut off by a familiar racket.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward with a militaristic fervor, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. There was no more time to think, time had run out. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. It was time for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be heading to the underground city in Fontaine to assist the less fortunate to remain with the good graces of the Hydro Archon." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate's arm. Being in good relations with the world's archons would only further Her Majesty's ventures.

The hyena jumped four steps back. He was returning to the Fleuve Cendre once again? There was no way he would be in the good graces of the Hydro Archon ever again. Such a feat was as impossible as drawing a perfect circle. His reputation within Fontaine was a lost cause, for sure.

The chimera backed two further steps away as the words good graces echoed in his inhuman eardrums. What good graces were even left? The Fatui, their reputation throughout all of Teyvat was already sour. It had to have already sunk to the lowest point within Fontaine, as well. There was no way this would improve anything, for sure.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Are you listening? You will be heading to the underground city of Fontaine to help the poor!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "Stop standing around, and get a move on!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he was on the job right now, there was no time for thinking. Good reputation or not, his orders were absolute. He had to do as he was told, or Her Majesty would kill him, guaranteed. Turning towards the Agent, he placed his hand out in front of him.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Good graces or lack thereof, he knew he had to get to work.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded, but he soon continued. "Be cautious while walking around Fontaine, crime has been higher lately." Arm out in front of him, the masked Agent gripped the limb into a tight lock. Gripping prison as tight as a medical needle pricking deep, one thought ate the soldier alive as the escort towards Fontaine began.

What atrocities could possibly be occurring?


"Ah, that meddlesome fool!
Looks like, soon, he will not have any legs to stand on!
Letting down our seeds, he will soon be

Over, finished! Gone! This is what he get
For meddling with the affairs!

The mission we set out on!
Ehehehe, just he waits,
You will be victorious!
Victory for the spoils of war
Against the meddlers!
The spoils of war against that

Stupid meddler!
Hahahahaha, he is about to get an
Open letter! The
Ultimate final nail to end it all!
Laceration from that good reputation
Down with his good graces.

Bring down that meddler once and for all,
Everyone against him, the
Lookalikes have been planted!
One, two, three four!
Now, let the seeds spread throughout this
Gutted land! You will

Take back what belongs to the abyss! Time for a standing
Ovation, Fontaine's Archon!

Unleash the beast,
So that his reputation falters!

Hahahaha, you hope he likes fire!
Ahahahahaha, let everything burn.
Hahahahahaha, let everything simmer.
Hahahaha, the
Abyss will reclaim this world! Everything should blister!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the chimera gazed at the harbor from afar. Could a crime be happening right now as he was thinking? But, as his thoughts melted into the pot inside him, the Agent dragged him downwards upon the sandy mountain.

Boat appearing on the scene out of thin air as usual, the hyena had soon been seated. Agent cruising the wooden vehicle forward, the soldier kept his gaze forward towards the docking area ahead. What crimes could be happening right now? Whatever it was, he had to make sure he remained cautious at all times.

Romaritime Harbor reached after about twenty-five minutes, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Nothing of especial note sticking out to him, the early adult let out a barely audible breath. Subordinate soon dragging him forward towards the stairwell, a satchel was slammed onto the chimera's backside.

Agent informing him for what felt like the thousandth time he was not allowed to teleport anywhere within Fontaine, the early adult held back the urge to shout at such statement. Why did he have to keep repeating such every single time he was here? He knew already. Surely, he had to have gotten tired of repeating the same message over, and over again. But, a second warning soon drowned out the repeat order.

Subordinate heeding him to be cautious over people who might look like him, the chimera tilted his head. Why would there be people who looked like him? He did not have the same face as the millions of generic nobodies around him. But, the soldier kept his focus forward. Soon told to not do anything that would raise suspicions, the hyena nodded. Cautious was a necessity.

Agent soon departing, the soldier ascended the staircase. Glass lift soon taken as well, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Not a single soul around Romaritime Harbor, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. It was quiet, almost too quiet. Aquabus station empty, the chimera pressed the button.

Not even the usual pirate ship owner in the corner around, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had everyone in the area fled due to the high crime rate? He supposed he did not blame people if they wished to keep themselves safe from being the next victim. Staring off at the harbor in front of him, the soldier waited for the Aquabus to arrive.

Vehicle arriving slightly later than normal, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Melusine apologizing such slip in punctuality, an infuriating set of words had been released out onto the waters below. Tour guide stating someone attempted to vandalize the bus, the early adult could feel a fuse about to burst. Who would do such a thing? Absolutely disgusting behavior.

Seating himself near the closest seat possible to the Melusine, a comment had been made that he's making himself at home today. Vehicle of automatic creation soon cruising forward on its own, nothing but the sound of water from underneath the boat echoed throughout the harbor.

As the vessel continued to head northward bound, the soldier could not help but ponder. Why did there have to be a high amount of crime within Fontaine now of all times? The Meka guards, were they unable to function as they once did after they had been destroyed?

Seeing the opera house off in the distance, the soldier gazed at the legal world in the corner. Whoever it was that was causing trouble, surely, the nation's justice system, or the bird bounty hunters would do something about them. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Surely, it was already being dealt with. He needed to stop focusing on such.

Vehicle docked in the station after about thirty minutes, the soldier stepped foot into the Court of Fontaine. But, as he blended into the crowd of the rich, unrest filled the streets. Moving forward, the early adult attempted to tune such out. He had to make way towards Fleuve Cendre. Attention laser focused, the chimera walked towards the northwestern path.

As the soldier had begun walking down the streets, the soldier swore he could see a person with purple hair the same length as his running in the opposite direction. Seeing such, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Had there been mirrors around the city? But, the chimera shook his head. There was no way that could have been the case. He had to have been seeing things.

Walking past the newspaper stand, the sound of people chattering about a purple haired gremlin going around on a crime heist, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. Just how much did he miss while he was stuck in his Annapausis adventure? Something had to have happened, for sure.

Passing by the Adventurer's Guild, the sound of screams filled the streets. Generic rich people screaming someone just stole their diamond rings, the hyena swore he could hear someone with a familiar sounding voice scream all of Fontaine's riches shall belong to the Fatui. Hearing such, the soldier resisted the urge to spit on the ground. Who was this person? If any Fatui in the area heard such, they would feel offended, without question.

Continuing onward upon the southern path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Jewelry everywhere pilfered, the early adult shook his head with a wave of disappointment. What a petty layer of crime. Whoever was responsible for this, they should be sent to the Fortress of Meropide. Where were the hawk and falcon chimera when they were needed? There was a bounty on the loose.

But, the commotion had only hit is peak as the early adult passed by the rival boutique of the penguin chimeras. Door wide open and screams about thievery deep inside, an entire human person had been chucked on the wind. Brown, ponytail haired woman with a yellow and brown kimono shaking her fists like she was about to yell at a cloud, her shouts soon were ready to break glass.

"And, stay out! How dare you try and steal from my boutique!" the woman shouted.

Kimono woman soon returning to her shop, door slamming itself shut, the soldier read the name on the door, for a brief moment. Seeing the name Chioriya boutique, the chimera turned his attention towards the opposite end. Spotting yet another person with purple haired person running away, the hyena let out a gulp. He needed to proceed further with caution, indeed.

Commotion dying down as if it never occurred, the chimera kept heading towards the southern streets. But, as he kept on walking, the soldier could not help but wonder, Malika's boutique, could it have been raided, as well? Perhaps, just maybe, he would be penguin free today. A blessing to be had, for sure, if such were the case.

But, the early adult popped such thoughts with a needle. What an awful thing for him to even ponder. No matter how much of a pest the penguins were, them being subject to any sort of crimes was not something he would wish upon anyone. Taking such back, the hyena kept heading southward. Soon, the doors to the underground world would be upon him.

Such movement towards the Fleuve Cendre was cancelled before it could move forward to the next hit season in the opera house. Seeing Earl skip around the streets without a singular care in the world, a wave of disgust flowed through the hyena. Did he summon the pesky thorn in his side by thinking about him? This penguin was the devil who would appear whenever one were to speak of them.

Seeing his real, bonafide without a doubt, future husband walking towards the gates to Fleuve Cendre, Earl could feel himself ready to bring the call to action. There were so many ugly people impersonating him. He needed to get him out of the spotlight and protect him like any good wife would.

"Hi again, Siorc! The city is dangerous right now!" Earl exclaimed, grabbing his hand. "Let me take you home so you can be somewhere safe!"

The chimera let out a deep throated groan. Was the pesky penguin thorn in his side being serious right now? He didn't have time for any of this. He had to go down to the underground city right this instant. But, the hyena knew that Earl would not let go of him no matter how much he were to struggle. Waving the white flag, the drag about continued.

As the soldier passed by the restaurant in the corner, the soldier swore the southwestern streets of the city were quieter than even a mouse. Had the other side been completely cleared of crime? How incredibly strange. But, perhaps, just maybe, a bounty hunter had cleared out the area.

Reaching the boutique after fifteen minutes of quiet walking, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes as he had been taken downstairs to the apartment below. Large quark board filled to the brim with photos of people that looked almost identical to him committing various crimes with multiple strings making a crooked spider web like formation, the chimera could feel a sea of questions wrap vines around him.

Kaiser walking by the board placing another photo down and moving a string forward, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Original penguin thorn in his side and monocle cousin wearing a brown trench coat and ridiculous looking hat with a patchy pattern, the inquires baked themselves into a cake. Was this family playing detective? What a ridiculous sight to behold.

"I'm home!" Earl announced, stepping forward. "Wow, Kaiser, this quark board of evidence is coming along nicely!"

Taking a closer look at the so called evidence board, the soldier could feel his heart break like a glass as he looked forward. Doppelgangers in the photo with small amounts of different colored hair peaking through their lock of violet, the soldier's legs shook. These people, where did they get these wigs from? Someone was out to get him, for sure.

Keeping his questions inside, the soldier stepped forward. There was no more time. He could not stay here any longer. Allowing the penguin thorn in his side to drag him here was quite unnecessary. He needed to go back towards the underground city right now. Walking towards the stairwell, he readied to bid his farewell.

"I have to go to Fleuve Cendre," Siorc said, back turned. "I cannot stay here." But, an immediate protest had come his way.

"Do you really think going out in the open after what you've seen is the right idea?" Baron asked, twirling their hair. "You are not being very smart right now." Another protest soon took the stage.

"Those ugly people impersonating him don't even have the same face!" Kaiser fired back.

Penguin chimeras looking ready to go on and on, the soldier continued to step towards the stairwell. Being brought to the apartment was an incredible waste of his time. So what there had been a group of imposters among him committing crimes? They did not have the same face as him. Surely, someone was already dealing with them behind the scenes. Shoulders growing colder by the minute, the early adult stepped up the first stair. But, another interruption soon readied to rupture his eardrums.

"Darling, it's dangerous to go alone," Malika warned, stepping forward. "Allow me to escort you there. It's really sweet of you to help out. A lot has been piling up down there lately."

Hearing Malika's words as she grabbed a hold of his hand, the early adult almost let out a forbidden question. Why wasn't anyone helping out the less fortunate down in Fleuve Cendre if troublesome issues had been occurring down there? But, the early adult kept himself quiet. Everyone had their own busy lives to attend to.

As the escort towards the underground city continued, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why would anyone want to look like him and commit crimes assuming his appearance? He knew, apart from his eyes not being the same color, there was no way he stood out amongst the crowd. But, he supposed anyone who did not have a generic face would be something a nobody would wish to look like.

Large green doors soon swung open like it was no one's business, the soldier observed the area, for a moment. Malika going on ahead, the chimera prepared himself for the descent downward. Could there have been other doppelgangers causing problems in the underground city below? If such were the case, he would face them head on.

Climbing down a large series of ladders, the early adult prepared himself for the possibility of seeing double. Could there have already been crime afoot down in the deepest pits underground? If the poor had been stolen from, such should have been by punishable by imprisonment.

Malika leading the way to the center of the underground city, a familiar set of curls appeared within his distanced field of damaged vision. Demoiselle walking around around the metallic streets asking an array of questions, the hyena swore she could hear her inquire about a purple haired individual breaking into someone's home the evening before.

Elderly man confirming such, the hyena could feel his heart sink like a stone in the ocean. The various doppelgangers had broken into the home of a poor old person? What a low place to sink. No wise person of many years deserved to have anything they owned taken from them. Demoiselle turning towards him with a heavy look of suspicion, goosebumps devoured the soldier whole. He was about to be accused of the crime any second now.

"Is this the man who robbed you last night, monsieur?" the demoiselle asked.

Elderly man pondering for a moment, the chimera could feel his heart skip four beats. If he were to say it was him, it would be game over, for sure. There was no way he would be able to defend himself. But a savior upon his face would soon save him from the prison sentence awaiting him in the future.

"Ah, him? Why no, demoiselle. This lad has freckles," the elderly man said. "The one who robbed me blind did not have any."

Elderly man pointing out the perpetrator had no freckles, a wave of relief washed over the hyena. He was grateful in this moment that his mother had given birth to him with hyena spots that looked like freckles to a normal human. But, as he kept getting lost in his own thoughts, the elderly man dropped down a controversial hammer.

"Sweet good old Roi is here!" the elderly man shouted, pointing, but a loud invasive cough had kicked in as the last three words had been said.

"Oh, my, there go my allergies acting up again at the most inconvenient of times!" Malika shouted, faking another coughing fit. "Roi's on a journey! He won't be coming back any time soon. It's me, Malika!" Her eyebrow twitched as she said such. "Anyway, I brought down a helper today while I assist the Spina di Rosula with solving this crime!" Her words were shaking like a leaf.

Crowd of people surrounding him like a flock of vultures, the early adult could feel a chill down his spine as a person with injuries from head to toe pointing at him with a heavy sense of rage. Man shouting he looked like the guy who assaulted him, the soldier's heart skipped two beats. The people impersonating him had harmed a citizen? How awful of them. These people were giving him a bad name. But, the bird man next to him soon saved the hour.

"My fellow hunter bro, no way that's the dude that did this to you. Didn't the person who jumped you have an old face?" the bird man asked, trying to make the face of an old man. "Black fish steak bro over here is cute, and small."

The hyena's eyebrows twitched upon hearing such line of words thrown at him. He couldn't have been the one to do it because he was cute and small? What an outrageous thing to say. Anyone of any size an shape could commit a crime. But, the early adult regained focus. He needed to focus his attention on the tasks he was about to be given. Injured person telling the bird man he was right, loud whispers had been whiffed into his ears.

"So, my bud here needs you to go to the Belleau region to clean up some slimes there," the bird man said. "Bring back the spoils of war they leave behind!"

Giving the bird man a nod, the chimera tilted his head. He had to fight slimes again? Such was no problem at all. Getting rid of such creatures would be as easy as baking a pound cake. Readying to exit the area to fulfill such request, the soldier turned around. But, more requests soon flooded in.

Another person requesting he collect crates that contained fresh bottles of water, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Why couldn't someone have went out and gotten the boxes of liquid themselves? But, he supposed the people down below were too shaken up by the crimes they had been afflicted with. Giving the requestee a nod, one final set of orders had come his way.

Generic young woman in rags asking if he could clean up the Slimes that were in the underwater trenches and near the skies, as well, the chimera blinked. Had there been some Anemo Slimes causing trouble? How peculiar. But, he supposed he could combine such request with the first one.

Group of three sending him their gratitude, the soldier ascended the multiple sets of ladders. Surface world soon returned to, the soldier dashed off towards the Aquabus station. Requesting the Melusine tour guide have the vehicle stop halfway through near Poisson Tunnel, the automatic ride forward pressed onward.

Figuring the best course of action would be to eliminate the slimes first, the soldier waited for the tunnel to be upon him. As the automatic vehicle kept cruising forward, however, the hyena swore he could hear a racket down beneath the railings system. Shrugging, the chimera tuned such noises out.

Soon arriving at the Poisson tunnel, the early adult removed himself from the vessel. Wind glider deployed, a sight to behold caught the chimera's attention almost immediately. Person adorning a purple wig with the slightest hint of blonde peaking underneath it ramming a large metallic hammer into the railing system, the soldier let out a scream.

Lookalike running off at lightning speed, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. If this person was going to run away, he had no reason to chase after them. Regaining focus for the mission at hand, the hyena observed the area around him. Spotting slimes everywhere from the beach and beyond, the hyena cracked his knuckles. It was time to slay the enemies into puddles.

Reaching the beaches after half an hour of walking, Slimes as black as the nighttime sky hopped around the area like they owned the place. Knowing the time to battle was now, the soldier sifted through his satchel for a moment. Coming across a peculiar greatsword that looked as though it had actually been a saw, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Who was in charge of giving him his weapons lately?

Enemies spotting him, the soldier placed the weapon of many purposes behind him. Swiping the sawblade forward with all his might, the chimera let out a battle cry. Look of pain on the slime's faces for a moment, the chimera kept the momentum going. This would be a clean sweep defeat, for sure.

The easy switch would soon break.

Blood red aura surrounding the slimes as the soldier's attacks kept going, the hyena could feel the world around him narrow. The gelatinous monsters in Fontaine, did they have capabilities others within their own species did not have? If such were the case, he needed to fight with all his might.

Blade doing nothing for minutes on end, the soldier swore he could see the slime's energy swallowing the attacks up like it was their afternoon snack. Jelly creature looking as vitalized as it did moments ago, the early adult kept on swinging. Surely, the saw would leave its mark eventually.

Slime army closing their eyes, for a moment, a jeweled surprise awaited the soldier. Diamond barrage raining down upon him like it was some kind of shower, the soldier let out a scream. What were these monsters? A yellow fox monster with yin-yang gloves who knew the attack diamond storm? They had been in the wrong world.

Diamond rain continuing for minutes on end, the soldier placed the blade in front of him. Hardest mineral known to man bouncing off, the hyena let out a battle cry. Attacks sent back to their owner six times, the creatures faded into nothingness. Army upon the beach reduced to zero after ten strikes further, the chimera headed northward.

Slime consolidate dropping upon the ground, the hyena studied it, for a moment. Was it just his imagination, or had the monster's dropping been metallic? But, the hyena shook his head. Maybe that's how their droppings always worked. Commodities scooped up into a jar, the chimera kept walking.

Multiple peculiar black slimes barely putting up a fight as the hyena headed upon the eastern path, the soldier let out a sigh as he collected their droppings while they were hot. What was the point in cleaning up these creatures? They would regenerate upon his exit from the area.

Battles in the area remaining on easy mode for minutes on end, the early adult held back the urge to groan. That bird man, he looked fully capable of fighting. He should have come along with him to do some of the work. But, the hyena threw such thoughts down in the ocean. He was the one tasked with assisting the less fortunate. The job was his, no one else's. He needed to remove such complaints from inside him. Such was forbidden of him anyway.

But, as the early adult had reached the west slopes, the slime's peak defenses had kicked into overdrive. Metallic spikes encasing the creatures from head to backside, the soldier's blade was nothing more than a paperweight. Monster army crawling towards him swiftly, the early adult backed seven steps away.

Gelatinous creatures unleashing a bed of steel pointers from their invisible mouths, the soldier's uniform had soon become a dartboard to behold. Teeth continuing their rampage for minutes on end, the hyena grit his teeth. What element were these slimes, Ingoto? How greedy of these creatures gaining power beyond the seven.

Knowing his flower frenemy would not be able to do anything in this situation, the soldier switched the position of his legs. Deflecting the only option available, the soldier placed the sawblade in front of him. Spiky attack of doom ready and waiting, the early adult swung with all his might.

Creatures popping like a balloon one after another, the early adult scouted the area. Enemies crawling their way towards the tower of many mysteries in the east, the hyena's currently human legs bolted into a speedy sprint. He did not know why, but he could feel a sense that the monsters should not enter the tower, no matter what.

Pressing a small button in the claymore's center, moving parts vibrated in a rapid manner. Saw doing its extermination duties, slimes one after another had faded into the ether. Gelatinous droppings jarred into obscurity, the soldier accelerated his sprint. The monsters, he could not let them enter the tower. Doom would befall the Belleau Region for sure if he allowed such to happen.

Black slime population sliced up like they were fruit, the chimera let out a huffed breath. Was the area safe now? But, as if the gods were laughing at him, a new army made itself known around the east slopes. Dashing off towards the creatures, their demise had been front, line and center.

Reversing back towards the west slopes, the soldier's eyebrows twitched at the sight before him. Monster army alive and kicking once again, the hyena could feel his throat harden into stone. The monsters had regenerated already? The red aura, whatever it had been, it was the strongest energy to behold.

Enemies slain for minutes on end as the hyena kept heading west, the soldier could not help but wonder. Who, or what could have possibly powered up these monsters? The aura they had been exuding, something was not right about it whatsoever. Someone, or something had to have given it to them, for sure.

As the soldier creeped closer towards Poisson, slimes destroyed aplenty, the hyena shrugged his shoulders. He supposed that whoever, or whatever, had given these creatures their power, what had been done already happened. Final creature around the fish city's outskirts exterminated, the hyena cracked his knuckles. It was time to take to the skies and sea.

But, as the soldier prepared to head to Elton Trench, a feeling of dread overtook him. Hearing the sound of shouts down below, the early adult descended the ladder adjacent to him. He could not shake off the feeling that something had been amiss here. Dropping down to the underground city, a scene of terror played itself out.

Spotting the sea lion trio in the center of the city going all out by themselves in some sort of battle against an army of slimes, the early adult's heart sank. The monsters had been down underground, as well? He should have come here first and foremost. But, such had not been the end of it. Person who looked exactly like him dashing from house to house with a heavy sack slung over their shoulders, screams had come their way as they were gone in the blink of an eye.

"Get back here, you lousy criminal!" Bain shouted at the top of her lungs. As she said such a Slime rammed into her hips.

"Um, too late, Bain, they're already you know, gone," Kali said. "You screamed a little too late, I think." As she said such, a Slime rammed into her stomach.

"Aaaah, sissie, sisser! If you two keep talking, the slimys are gonna eat us!!" Aigre shouted.

Trio looking distracted, the early adult dashed onto the scene. Metallic gelatinous monsters defeated after thirty strikes, the soldier broke out into a sweat. Was it just him, or were the enemy's defenses only getting stronger? But, as he was lost in his thoughts, a new challenger emerged from the dirty waters.

Humanoid looking water creature with an aquatic blade making its presence known within the waters around it, the soldier backed five steps away. Where had this monster come from? Had it been the leader of the Slimes? If it was, he needed to exterminate it immediately. Bain studying it for a moment as he walked forward, a surprise had come the hyena's way.

"That thing, it's supposed to be in the Beryl region," Bain said, fingers on her chin. "How did it escape Elynas?"

"Um, Bain, there's no time to think!" Kali exclaimed. As she said such, the creature roared. "Everyone, get your scythes ready!"

Party of three in front of him taking out their weapons of choice, the early adult bent his knees. Charging himself towards the enemy, the hyena slashed about with all his might. Creature squirming with every slice, the soldier let out a battle cry. This enemy, it had to go down. It needed to be taken out the picture as soon as possible.

Bain summoning her burning anchor of fire the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. The flames were out of sight, out of mind. Humanoid water creature exuding steam for minutes on end, Kali soon tagged herself into the ring. Trident of electricity plaguing the waters, Hydro and Electro shook hands with one another.

Sea of static overtaking the area, the chimera rolled up his sleeves. The opening was wide. The time had come for the finishing blow. But, such easy victory was halted before it could even begin. Humanoid creatures summoning tiny friends, a blue aura surrounded the creature.

Tiny creatures looking ready to be absorbed into their host, Aigre soon stepped up to the plate. Rocky attacks throwing the tides for a loop, the baby enemies were soon no more. Knowing such was his chance to deal the final blow, the saw revved itself up like it was the weapon of a man who had a leather face.

Creature dissolving into a puddle, the early adult broke into a sweat. How did this monster come from Elynas? Perhaps, just maybe, it had been transported here through other means. Such thoughts, however, were cut off by the sound of high pitched whines in the corner.

"Captain Vert's been injured!!" Aigre whined. "I have to get him holy water to save him!" As she said such, she bolted off.

"Aigre, where do you think you're going? Get back here!" Kali shouted.

Two of three sisters gone in a flash, Bain's eyes soon sized the soldier up like he was some sort of pinup model. Deep look of suspicion in her eyes, the soldier's stomach had become as hard as a rock. Was she about to ask him about the crimes that had happened minutes before? He needed to prepare himself for any possible outcome.

"Are you the one robbing people's homes?" Bain asked.

Question thrown his way rather than an accusation, the hyena gazed into Bain's eyes. Gaze of distrust radiating stronger than all the seven archon's powers combined together, intimidation hit the walls. These lookalikes, they were beginning to ruin his already soured reputation. Shaking his head, the chimera retained eye contact.

Studying the face in front of her for a moment, Bain placed her finger on her chin. Was this Siorc that was in front of her? There was no way he could have committed this crime. The person who was robbing the houses, they had small black eyes that looked lifeless. Had someone been impersonating him? Some people had the weirdest of hobbies.

"I thought so. Their face was different," Bain said. She then turned around. "Sorry, I have to go!"

Bain running off, the soldier blinked. Chasing after family was the fastest movement in the world. Knowing it was now time to drop down into the trenches down below, the early adult ascended the ladder once more. Heading upon the southward path, a sea of thoughts soon engulfed him.

As the beaches of Fontaine had only gotten closer, lookalikes aplenty had been running around with a fury. Group gone within a singular blink, the chimera shrugged. There was certainly a lot of chaos beyond his reach within the Belleau region. Heelless shoes crunching onto the sands beneath him, the chimera soon removed his diving equipment.

Blubbery suit soon swallowing the soldier whole, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind and diving equipment synced up with one another, the early adult dropped himself downward into the seabed beneath him. Underwater world plagued with the black slimes aplenty, the chimera prepared himself.

Aquatic blade button pressed, slimes far and wide within the trenches had become nothing but fish stew. Keeping the momentum going as he kept going north, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Penguin duo nowhere to be seen, the hyena kept the battles going.

Foreign gelatinous monsters cut into ribbons, the early adult kept having the diving suit thrust him northward. Creatures destroyed one after another, in quick succession, the early adult kept looking around. Enemy army removed from the equation, the soldier thrusted towards the west.

Monsters becoming one with the ocean as the early adult kept heading westward, a wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. The penguin duo, why were they absent? How incredibly odd. Didn't they live in the ocean? But, he supposed them not being around to try and bring harm to him was a god's blessing in disguise.

Enemies across the Chemin de L'espoir area cleared out one after another, the soldier set his eyes on Annapausis. The Slimes, could they have wiggled their ways into the area secluded from the Elton Trench? He supposed checking it out would be worth a shot. Readying to thrust northward, the hyena stroked onward inexorably.

As the soldier readied to move towards the watery door to the castle underneath the sea, a performance to behold was sounding the curtain call. Seahorse unicorn creature galloping across the water with electricity ready to serve static to the audience, the hyena could feel his joints buckle. He would soon be delivered a magical electric gift of doom.

Zinn and Peltro on the scene, frog hands stuck themselves onto the creature like glue. Peltro slamming is alligator tail into the enemy, the soldier had come to an immediate realization. The monster, had it been the same one he had fought weeks prior? How did it end up in the southwestern waters? Displacement was a frog's foot. Fight continuing, such fact soon called itself out from the audience.

"It's totally weird this thing escaped from the Liffey region, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking.

"Good thing those penguins are absent so we can deal with it head on," Peltro responded. "Or else, they'd shoo us back to Annapausis." As it said such, it rammed its tail into the enemy.

As if luck was dead, the penguins soon arrived.

Seeing the penguin duo speeding towards the frog and alligator duo as they took wigs off their heads, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Vidame and Domini, did he just see what he thought he saw? But, the soldier shook his head. No way. He had to be mistaken.

Spotting the toxic frog out of their prison hole, Vidame could feel the world around her become rancid. Why was that venomous being out of Annapausis? Didn't she strictly tell them to stay away from the Elton Trench? She went away for one whole day to take care of certain business for the disgusting vermin to try and squeeze their way back out into their clean oceans. No way, not a chance. She couldn't let their poisons ruin her home.

Poisonous alligator monster outside of its lair, Domini grit his teeth. Who did this fiend think it was, coming out of Annapausis. He had told it so many times, it was not allowed out of there. Did it think just because neither he nor Vidame were around they could parade the area laying down their deadly venom? The audacity. He needed to chase them back behind the wall right now.

"You frog! Get out of here!" Vidame shouted, pointing. "Are you trying to poison the waters? Go back to Annapausis, you monster!" Domini soon added his voice to the ring.

"And that goes for you to, alligator!" Domini shouted at the top of his gills. "Go away! Get out of here! Go back to Annapausis where your poisonous kind belongs!"

"We're toxic free today, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking. "Don't be so nasty t' us. We ain't gonna poison no water."

"We'll go back to Annapausis after we stamp out this vermin," Peltro said. It then crossed its arms around its waist. "It's not like either of you are doing anything about it."

"Ugh, whatever! Bye, we have a date with destiny!" Domini shouted. As he said such, he saw off faster than a speeding bullet.

Undersea penguin duo swimming away as if they were running late to some sort of very important date, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of suspicion flow through him. What just happened? Why did they run away like that? But, he supposed they had other wiggy business to attend to. He would confront them later, if he had the chance.

Monster letting out a deep whinny, the soldier prepared his aquatic blade for battle. But, the frog and alligator duo gave him a look. Fire looking like it could burn their eyes into nothing, the soldier broke into a sweat. Was he about to witness an explosion like no other?

"Leave this fella to us," Zinn said, voice serious. "Those penguins got blood out fer ya, I think."

"You mean that they have blood out for us," Peltro corrected them.

"Peltro, are ya blind?! Did ya not see the bloodlust in their eyes?!" Zinn fired back. "Ain't no way it was aimed at us entirely! I saw how they were lookin' at him!"

"Ugh, whatever. You're wrong about that, though," Peltro fired back. It then turned towards Siorc. "Anyhow, we'll deal with this thing. Some diver kid said if we see you to tell you to just move on from this area."

Hearing Peltro mention a diver, the early adult tilted his head. When had the diver boy been here? He supposed he had to have just missed him. Knowing that if he stayed to fight the seahorse unicorn monster, he would be invading someone else's territory, the soldier had the diving suit bring him back up to the surface. Getting into a territorial dispute was not on the agenda.

Returning to the surface, the early adult swore the sky crackle with lightning, for a moment. Tilting his head upward, a sky battle of hawk and falcon versus the black slimes shook the clouds to their core. Not wishing to arrowed down, the hyena headed towards the docked Aquabus. There was no way he would step into the bounty hunter's battlegrounds; not today.

Aquabus tour guide saying she was making a special trip to Marcotte Station, the soldier gazed upwards towards the sky one last time. Hawk unleashing a hammer out of nowhere, the hyena returned his attention towards the waters in front of him. The air world up above him would be fine without his assistance.

Reaching the pathway towards the opera house after about half an hour, the soldier let an exasperated sigh at the fountain sidewalks in front of him. Water crates aplenty laid out like they were litter, the hyena could feel his eyes flutter. Who left a mess out here? The Hydro Archon, she had to have something to say about this, for sure.

First crate soon collected, the early adult grunted. Whoever left the supplies out in the blazing sun wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. The water, there was no way it would be good for consumption by the time he returned to the underground city. Second crate picked up, the soldier strapped the supplies onto his backside.

Spotting a group of doppelgangers writing something on the fountains as he grabbed the third and fourth set of crates, the early adult broke out into a sweat. Were the lookalikes attempting to vandal the opera house next? If they were to strike any further, the consequences would be dire, without a shadow of doubt.

Fifth and sixth crates picked up, the soldier swore he could see the vandals moving towards the back of the opera house. Seeing such, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Just what were these people planning? Hearing a loud splash from afar, the soldier kept on walking. If they had already escaped, it was no use attempting to chase after them.

Seventh and final crate plastered onto his backside, the early adult let out a groan. His back weighed more than a ton. But, he knew he had to bear with it. The boxes of water had to reach their destination. Returning to the Aquabus station, the soldier trudged back towards the underground city.

Commodities soon delivered to their senders, the hyena prepared himself to retire for the evening, but as he prepared to stage his exit, the bird man's currently human fingers pointed at a heated stove in the corner. Seeing such, the hyena rolled his eyes to the ceiling. Was this man sitting around, waiting to be fed? Absolutely ridiculous. He was an adult, like he was. He could feed himself.

"Gimme and the kids fish steak again!" the bird man demanded. "They're hungry!" Pointing at the children, his wings flapped from behind him. "I should probz introduce myself. Name's Lonan." A goofy smile soon appeared on his face. "Make sure my steak is pitch black like my soul!"

The early adult rolled his eyes to the sky. What was he, this bird man's personal chef? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Surely, he could make his own pitch black fish steak. It had to have been as simple as stealing fish meat from the ocean and cooking it. Hawks were hunter birds. His instincts were definitely not broken.

Group of children whining they haven't eaten anything in days, a wave of guilt flowed through the hyena. Maybe cooking the fish steak one last time wouldn't hurt matters. Elderly man in the corner tossing him leftover fish steak slabs, the soldier had begun cooking. Multiple demands to char them coming his way for hours on end, regret flowed through the chimera. Maybe he should have uttered the two letter rejection after all.

Starving children practically burning themselves to grab their steaks of the grill, the early adult's stomach did a somersault inside him. Did anyone ever teach theses kids that stoves were hot and should not be touched? Youthful generic nobodies gobbling away at their steak like they haven't eaten in years, guilt laid down a cherry pit inside him.

Bird man chomping down on his fish steak as well, the early adult gazed at him, for a moment. This Lonan person, surely, he knew how to hunt enough to not need to demand he make him rich people food. Cleaning the grill up in silence, heeled footsteps soon entered the area. Malika soon beside the grill, eyes were on him.

"Darling, that ruffian boss of yours sought me out to tell me your job isn't done yet," Malika said, exasperated tone of voice. "Follow me back to the boutique."

Escorted back to the apartment beneath the hotel, a small plate with a cooked duck leg awaited the soldier. Nibbling on the meat, the soldier turned his attention towards the quark board. Board full with photos, the chimera's eyes opened wide. Had the board been full now? Just how much more had happened in his absence?

Quick meal soon finished, the early adult let out a yawn. Walking towards the guestroom, the soldier slumped into the temporary bed. But, as the world of sleep were about to take him away for the night, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his fading human brain.

Crime was amok around Fontaine.


"Those vile, gazelle
Horned fiends! How day they walk
Over to me and even
Suggest I join in their vile schemes!
Everyone knows that I, Robin, and a hero of justice! I will not sink into any

Villains plots of tomfoolery! The
Audacity of these freaks!
Going on over to me in my territory, these
Retched vermin have the nerve to
Approach me, and
Natter on with
These heinous, wicked
Suggestions of villainy!

'Hawk, we know you despise hyena boy! Join
Our cause to take this meddler down!'
Well, at first, they had me interested! Sign me up, is it to get this

Dirty villain behind bars and
Arrested? With pleasure, that hyena, I'd kill to have him behind bars forever! But
Raven soon said, 'Hon, I smell a rat.'
Every time my lover says that, I

Trust him undoubtedly.
He smells a rat. I know what that means! These two are villains
Especially! Raven whispers in my ear, 'Hon, look behind them?'
You know, I could hardly believe my eyes! Behind those fiends backs were purple wigs! Two of them!

Stupid fools! I see where this is going! They are asking me to assume that hyena fiends identity! What an
Utter disgusting suggestion!
Get out of here, I will not dress up as that vile villain!
Get out of here, I will not wear that vile wig! And the nerve of these vagrants!
Eyeing me with their evil little pupils! They
Soon say exactly what a rat would say! 'What's wrong? Hawk get cold feet?
Take the wig! He will be behind bars! Look like him and do some crimes!"

I stamp my talons down! Disgusting, disgraceful! How dare these vagrants!

Cannot believe these vile fiends!
Oh, will I serve justice to you two, just you wait!
My hammer of justice will be cast upon you!
My boyfriend's justice will come for you!
I am the Justice Hawk of Fontaine!
There's no way I would engage in illegal activities!

Cannot believe these vagrants, they're worse than that Fatui! Did they
Really truly think I'd agree?
I despise that freak of criminal nature, but they're seven billion
Millenniums behind if they think I'd
Ever, for even a second, commit a crime!
Stupid fools, justice is coming for you!"

Feeling hands on him rocking him as the hyena escaped the dream world, the soldier placed his glasses over his eyes. Kaiser's bandaged hands on the edge of his shoulders, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Was he still dreaming? Tugs continuing for minutes on end, the hyena jolted himself upward. He was definitely awake right now.

"Malika told me to take you down to Fleuve today," Kaiser said, very little emotion in his voice. "Someone is causing chaos out in the streets, but everyone's on the case." He paused for a moment. "We'll make sure those people impersonating you pay."

Kaiser soon escorting him to the underground city, the hyena stared at the back of his head for minutes on end. The penguin, why was he helping out on this mission? He was rarely ever kind to him. Did he truly deserve his assistance? Doors to the underground city soon opened, the chimera's thoughts were cut off.

But, as the hyena reached the Fleuve Cendre the air was tense. Desserts laid out everywhere the eye could see, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the chimera. Why were there sweets here? He could not help but feel something had been off. Demoiselle walking around everywhere gaining information, Malika soon came onto the stage, as well.

"Someone has been going around stealing all the desert stocks in the city," Malika said, serious tone of voice. "Lady ------ is going to be very angry when she finds out about this."

Hearing the demoiselle mention the name Focalors, as well, Siorc could feel his ears twitch. Was stealing desserts in Fontaine a crime? Whoever had ransacked the sweets in the city, they were about to receive the ultimate punishments from the gods themselves. Group of three people soon walking towards him, the early adult returned his focus on the mission at hand.

Injured man from the day prior requesting he go down to Merusea Village to vanquish slimes on his behalf, the soldier nodded. He supposed he did not mind cleaning up more of such monsters for someone who was presently unable to. Giving the person a nod, the next order had come his way.

Researcher in tattered clothing requesting he gather data samples from machines on the pathway north of the opera house, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Was this really being requested of him right about now? If this person had the equipment, he could do it himself. He could not help but feel people were taking full advantage of him as a new helper. Person soon claiming he has no energy to work today, the early adult begrudgingly nodded. He supposed he had no choice in the matter.

Elderly man walking up to him requesting he grab some elongated crab pinchers from invading crustaceans on the beach, the soldier folded his arms across his waist. Was this wise man of many years seriously asking him to pluck a crab's defenses away from them? Knowing he could not utter the two letter word, the early adult nodded. Old man ensuring him he would only be taking the ones from monsters, the soldier held back the urge to shake his head. This had to have been wrong. Paper graphs handed off him, as well, a grating voice pressed the player number two button.

"Black fish steak bro, be careful up there," Lonan warned. "Hearing the crime is out of control on the surface."

Hearing such fact, the hyena blinked. How could the crime have gotten worse overnight? Who was letting such people who looked like him roam freely like this? But perhaps, just maybe, they were still running around unable to be caught. He knew it was best to keep himself on the tip of his toes.

Returning to the Aquabus station, the hyena released himself from the vehicle towards the halfway point. Dropping down to the ground towards the Beryl Region. But, as the chimera staged his landing, an incriminating sight like no other took the stage by a rainstorm.

Multiple doppelgangers down below wheeling around food carts filled to the brim with desserts everywhere, the early adult clicked his tongue. His various lookalikes, just what were they doing, walking around the Beryl Region with their stolen goods? These criminals were getting too bold in their own skin.

As the hyena headed upon the northern pathway, the sound of a splatter soon overtook the area. Familiar set of faces giving him a smirk as frosting, sugar and spongey filth had been circled onto his winter jacket, the early adult bellowed a growl. How dare these people get his uniform dirty. Absolutely disgusting, his jacket was filthy now.

Passing by the piping pool of heated waters, the chimera could feel another slap of spongey dessert cast upon his jacket's backsides. Feeling such, the hyena could feel his rage build inside him. Who did these people think they were, bringing him into their Fontaine dessert crimes? What vile individuals.

Person with an older looking face gifting him with icing on his sleeves, the early adult held back the urge to bite. Were these people being serious right now? Who did they think they were, continuously making his uniform filthier? Did they have nothing better to do?

Everyone running off with their stolen dessert carts as the soldier approached the entrance towards Merusea Village, the early adult brushed off the disgusting filth laid upon his winter jacket. Pinning the evidence on him, what absolutely lowly criminal behavior. Diving equipment soon over him, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment.

But, as the soldier's diving suit reached Merusea Village, a look of fear filled the Melusine's faces. Seeing such, the early adult could feel his heart skip more than five beats. His various doppelgangers, had they done something down here, too? Prankster sea lion duo Coming towards him rapid fire, flippers pointed his way.

"Bro, you can't just waltz down here like nothing happened after bringing these wicked monsters down here!" Brume exclaimed, rage evident in his voice.

"Like, dude, you scared every single one of our sisters!" Éclater exclaimed, rage in his voice, as well.

Hearing the prankster sea lion brother's claims, the early adult gulped. Had these two fallen for the criminal's bait? He needed to let these two know he did not do it. Writing out such upon the waters, looks of doubt appeared on the duo's faces, in an instant. Eyes looking ready to catch fire, the next round of shouts presented themselves.

"Whatdya mean you didn't do it, bro?" Brume asked in an exclamatory tone. "We saw you! Hours ago!"

"Yeah, bro! I might be an idiot, but I'm not blind!" Éclater exclaimed, rage building. "Prove you didn't do it by cleaning up the mess, dude!"

Knowing that no he had to get rid of the slimes no matter what, the soldier dashed off towards the area. Prankster sea lions claiming there had been multiple monsters planted by him in A Lonely Place, the early adult had begun running. Group of slimes parading around the red crystals engulfing the area, the chimera prepared himself for battle.

Power saw soon in front of him, the early adult took a deep breath, for a moment. Enemy spiked up on its defenses, the early adult prepared himself. Blade piercing through the crystal, the first army of gelatinous monsters had been removed from the equation. Multiple other surrounding other minerals as well, the chimera dashed off towards the next red rock.

Pitch black slimes looking ready to eat the rocks for their breakfast, the soldier let out a battle cry. Monsters taken out of the picture as the red slash of disarray shined through, the soldier kept going. Enemies devoured by the crimson one after another, the parade of demise kept on going strong.

Final set of monsters within the place regarded as lonely, the early adult dashed off towards the edge of the area. Pink portal world engulfing him, his body had soon been spat out towards the very bright place. Monsters looking ready to devour conches on the seabed floor, the hyena had responded to the call of action.

Melusine giving him a peculiar looking device with a metallic head and bag of air, the hyena titled his head for a moment. What in the world was this Melusine giving him? Sea creature saying it was a vacuum cleaner, confusion looped on repeat. What was a vacuum cleaner? He had never heard of such a device in all his two decades of living.

Encouraged to let the vacuum loose and suck, sweat poured down the chimera's cheek. Suck? Suck what? What kind of peculiar machine needed to suck in order to function? This contraption was it some sort of wind eating creature? How incredibly strange. Melusine telling him to push her rust bucket ahead, the hyena sauntered onward.

Hose lifted up as a slime approached the vacuum, whatever that was, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes as the monster was sucked up into the tiny hairs on the metallic brush. The gelatinous enemy, where did it go? Dragging the rust bucket forward as another monster bounced forward, the hairs dragged the invading species inward.

Multiple dozens of monsters sucked into the creature known as the vacuum for minutes on end, the early adult adjusted his diving goggles, for a moment. This mechanical creature, how incredibly fascinating. Was it able to devour everything around it by absorbing wind? Technology was incredible.

Every single monster in the surface areas of the village sucked into their permanent vacuum prison, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Dropping himself downward into the seabed once more, the last round of slimes soon awaited him. Pushed through a current, the soldier steeled himself for the next battle.

Army of primitive elemental beings circling themselves around the outskirts of Merusea Village, the soldier's eyes grew wide. Had the monsters spread themselves out within the Elton Trench again? If they had regenerated from the day prior, the seas were in trouble, without question. Pressing the blade button upon his left glove, the chimera let the cuts do the talking.

Entire invasive slime population removed from the underwater population after twenty strikes, the soldier had his diving suit cruise him around the area, for a moment. Vidame and Domini absolutely nowhere to be seen once again, a wave of suspicion flowed through the hyena.

The undersea penguin chimera duo, those two, they had to have been one of his many current lookalikes running around the surface world causing crimes. Coming to such undeniable conclusion, questions wrapped vines around the chimera's ankles. Vidame and Domini, why would they stoop so low? Just how much did these two despise him for having mora?

Returning to the surface world, the soldier's thoughts encased his chest into a thick thorny cocoon. The underwater penguin duo, weren't they only able to breathe water? Why would they be willing to risk their lives to assume his appearance to commit crimes under his name? Visceral knew no boundaries.

Knowing his next order of business was to test machines for a researcher north of the opera house, the early adult removed the stacks of graphs handed off to him. Picture in front of him with a device containing circular metallic outside parts and a note reading the machines are around the research institute, the early adult returned to the capital city, for a moment.

Heading for the city's exit and off towards the disheveled bridge near the highest possible mountain range, the early adult studied the machine drawing on the paper once more. Finding himself in a strange world with floating water cubes everywhere, the first device of many had soon been located. Gazing at the machine, the soldier reread his instructions.

"Power the machine on and hit the moving blade as it moves around the blue lights," the scribbled note said.

Reading such, the soldier stared at the machine in front of him. He had to do what now? Hit a metallic blade as it moved around blue lights? What strangely specific instructions. How would this researcher be able to get any useful data from such? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Maybe it would be useful to the researcher themselves. It was rude to call such useless. On button soon pressed, the soldier prepared himself for mechanical takeoff.

Peculiar half circle blade pushing itself up and down around its machine home, the soldier pressed his blade forward upon the metallic edges. Machine sparking and blade falling, the hyena's cheeks grew red. Did he do something wrong? Maybe he had applied too much pressure. He needed to be gentler.

Pressing the on button once more, the early adult swung his blade upon the circular object once more. Sparks flying for the second time, frustration had begun to pile up inside him like a plate of Tea Break Pancakes. What was he doing incorrectly? Peeking at the instructions or the second time, a fact screamed out at him.

Reading the words hit within the blue zone for the second time, the early adult reset his thought process back to zero. Right, he has to hit the half circle machine when it was within the dots. He was doing this all wrong, for sure. Slapping his cheeks, the hyena prepared himself for round three.

Machine hit within the blue zone three times in succession, the early adult headed off onto the northern path through the area. But, as he had done such, the sweet stealing villains stuck once again. Smirks plastering their faces as cake had soon been smeared all over him once more, the hyena resisted the urge to yell. How dare these people get his uniform filthy again. Didn't they have anything better to do?

Second mechanical device getting its energy recorded after three swipes of his blade, the early adult kept heading north. Cake villains leaving their mark for the third time of the day, the hyena held back the urge to swing a punch. Why hadn't these people had enough already of their messy pranks? This nonsense had to stop.

Moving on to the third and fourth machines, the hyena swore he could feel the ground shake beneath him, for a moment. Had had applied too much force to the equipment? Gazing at the graphs for a moment, the soldier tilted his head at the jagged lines. Perhaps he had put too much force into it.

Cake menaces to society striking once again, the soldier could feel himself ready to rip out his hair at any given moment. What would these criminals accomplish by continuing to make his uniform filthier and more disgusting? Absolutely nothing, for sure. They were just messing him for the sake of chaos.

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth machine having their energies all graphed and accounted for, the soldier gazed at the stack of research leaflets, for a moment. Not a single one remaining, the chimera broke out into a sweat. Was the data he collected enough? He hoped such were about to be the case.

Recalling the elderly man requested he prune off elongated crab pinchers, the soldier stared off into space. Why did he have to gather such a thing? The wise man of many years, could he have been confused with something else? Shrugging his shoulders, the early adult dashed back through the broken bridge. It was best to get what the man was asking of him.

Walking towards the beaches on the outskirts of Romaritime Harbor, a peculiar looking blue shelled crab with freakishly large pinchers strutted sideways on the beach. Tiptoeing towards the creature, the early adult brought out the shears. It was time to get this over with. Pinchers pruned, the crab dissolved into a mechanical Cicin.

Transformation playing out in front of his very eyes, the hyena rubbed his eyes. What in the world did he just witness? Mechanical creatures were strange. Although, as his pruning continued, a disgusting sight folded itself out in front of the chimera. Lookalikes with faces of older people running around dropping balls of toxins, the soldier's rage fired up the lightning poured into the bottle. Did the imposters among him just drop harmful chemicals into the ocean? They would pay.

Person running off faster than a bullet, the soldier attempted with all his might to catch up. This person, who did they think they were trying to bring their crimes to the deep seas? Absolutely appalling. Continuing the chase, the doppelganger soon stopped for a moment, but when he saw the person's eyes, shock decorated his face.

Person with small, pitch black eyes with the deadest look on their face dropping even more toxins down into the ocean bed beneath him, the early adult attempted to grab a hold of the person. That face, why did it look so familiar, where had he seen it before? But, the perpetrator of high ocean crimes vanished before he could think further.

Multiple peculiar crabs soon pruned of their oversized pinchers, the soldier readied to head towards the Belleau region once more. Could there have been more crustaceans on the beach there, as well? He supposed it was in his best interest to take a quick look to see. But, as he stepped onto the grainy sediment, a face he did not wish to see at the moment zeroed in on his heterochromatic field of damaged vision.

Aigre on the sand weeping her eyes out, the hyena could feel a wave of concern flow through him. Had one of his lookalikes bullied her? If any of them had done so, they had made a dire mistake of attempting to portray his character. But the soldier stared off into space. Did he just say he was a character? He was not a fictional being in some sort of story as told by someone else watching from the outside world. Closing his eyes for a moment, he restarted his thoughts. If any of his doppelgangers had bullied the sea lion, or mermaid rather, they had made a horrific mistake attempting to mimic his personality. Weeps continuing, her voice soon gained volume.

"Those meanies!" Aigre cried, voice only getting louder. She then turned towards her crew member. "Some weirdos who looked like you put a hole in my pirate ship! Help me bring them to justice!"

Hearing Aigre bring justice into the equation, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. This was getting far too personal now. The mermaid had to stop trying to drag him down into her pirate shenanigans. He did not have any time to involve himself with this mess today. Placing his hands in front of him an apology had been signed on
private display. But, as he had done so, the woman child had begun running.

"Aaaaaah, Captain Vert, I'm coming with your medicine! Just you wait!" Aigre screamed as she ran off.

Aigre soon departing, the hyena shrugged his shoulders. Whatever she was getting herself into, he was not about to follow her around. Final sent of elongated crab pinchers pruned off their strange mechanical orders, the soldier returned himself to the court city. But, as he walked through the streets, more food had been stolen aplenty. Dashing off towards Fleuve Cendre, the final countdown ticked.

Detailed graphs handed off to the researcher, a repeat demand had soon come the hyena's way. Bird man demanding fish steak for the second evening in a row, the soldier slapped his hand across his face. If he were to get this request one more time, his head would blow off. Black piece of burned meat given to the man, the soldier let out a yawn.

Returning to the surface, chaos had been rooted deep. Cake crimes afoot everywhere, spongy debris intertwined itself onto his uniform for the fourth time of the day as he attempted with all his might to head for the boutique. Haughty laugh playing as the smears of cake continued, golden eyes had soon been laid upon him as his journey through the chaotic city streets continued.

"There he is, I've caught your cake thief!" Robin shouted, pointing. "Lady ------, sentence this vile villain to a trial!"

Sea of eyes on his uniform, the early adult held back the urge to laugh. He sees now, he gets it. The dirtying of his uniform. It was all according to plan. The villains agenda. Thrust into the lookalike's trap. He was inside a picture frame of the guilty, without a doubt. He sees now.

He understands.

This was all a setup from the very beginning.

"Of course, my dear Robin!" the hydro archon exclaimed with bravado. "See you in court, cake thief!"

Eyes on him far and wide, the soldier had begun running. Fontaine's people, they all saw him as guilty without a doubt. Those lookalikes, they had planned this, this was their goal, agenda. Project, Destroy Siorc Ingne's Reputation In One Easy Step. He was gone, over, finished, guilty without contest. His dirty uniform would seal his fate, guaranteed.

Running faster than his legs could carry him, the hyena let out a pant. But, as he attempted to catch his breath, Baron dragged him forward into the hedges within the bushes. Youngest amongst the penguin telling him to shush, quiet his footsteps, they soon bellowed a whisper.

"Don't worry about being guilty," Baron whispered. "All of us have been recording and documenting those lookalikes for over a week now and we have compiled all our proof into a scrapbook for the judges." Pushing on his shoulders, they dragged the man forward.

Guided back into the guestroom, the soldier could feel his body twitch up a storm. What would the penguin chimera's evidence do? It was not going to do anything this time, for sure. The citizens had seen his uniform covered with the stolen cakes. He was guilty, charged, convicted. Thoughts repeating themselves on loop as he was about to drop into the world of tormenting dreams, one final set of words came with him in the land of the subconscious.

He was toast.


"It's over. I am done for. I am

Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, done for. Your
Majesty, I am sorry, I

Did not see this
Outcome coming. That the villains would start a smear campaign.
No, my reputation is already ruined.
Everything has already crumbled.
For I am toast. Burned, gone.
Obviously, there's no way I'll be found innocent this time.
Really, no one is allowed to mess with the Hydro Archon's cakes. It's over for me."

Jolted awake for the morning, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Was Kaiser at it again with his waking shenanigans? But, a different figure stood before him by the bed frame. Malika in the corner with a suit in her hands, the soldier wished he had broken heart hairpins right now.

"It's time to go to court," Malika said in a somber tone. "You're going to have to wear a suit again, my apologies, darling." Handing him the clothing, she soon cruised the subject over towards a huge book in the corner. "Don't worry about being found guilty. We will be holding onto a book we need of the compiled evidence." Placing the tome underneath her arms, she soon continued. "We promise we will present it after -------- shows up with his piece."

Changing himself into the imprisoning suit, the early adult felt back the urge to shed tears. Why did he have to wear this awful suffocating fancy dress wear? But, he supposed it did not matter what he were to wear. Soon, he would be in a criminal jumpsuit and thrown behind bars for forevermore.

Nerves calming themselves as the Aquabus took him to the Marcotte Station, the hyena prepared himself. Perhaps, just maybe, he would not be found guilty this time. Surely, the evidence the penguin quartet came across and whatever the diver boy had found would save him. Soon reaching the station, the Archon's bodyguard awaited him once more.

"Come with me," the Archon's bodyguard demanded.

Purple haired person escorting him to the courthouse, the soldier gazed at her for a moment. Why would the champion duelist of Fontaine waste her time with being the bodyguard of the God of Justice? Weren't the divine far stronger than humans? But, the chimera threw such thoughts off a cliff. Maybe the Archon needed an extra protective hand.

Archon's bodyguard soon dragging him up onto the stage, an sea of boos drowned him as he had seated himself in the accused chair. Ocean of disapproval forming a tsunami, the word had begun to carve the chimera deep. Crowd chanting one after another he was guilty, just sentence him already, the hyena's body grew cold. Chatter continuing for minutes on end, a cane had been banged upon the wooden seats from high up above.

"Settle down!" the Iudex shouted. Crowd soon silenced, he turned towards the hawk chimera. "We will now begin the trial. What does the accusation have to say?"

"With pleasure, Iudex!" Robin shouted at the top of his lungs. He then pointed at the hyena. "We saw this fiend running around committing various crimes while we were hunting bounties!" He then turned towards Raven. "Tell the audience what we saw, Raven!"

"Of course, hon," Raven responded. "This individual, we saw him vandalize and burgle various innocent people. But, my bounty hunter partner's eyes see all."

Raven going down a verbal list of every single crime committed by his many doppelgangers, including the cake theft, the hyena's ears twitched. These bird chimeras, they were always out to get him, no matter what. Were they in on this smear campaign, too? Whoever started this, they had to have told the two of them to accuse him of a crime to get him into court for a unanimous guilty trial.

"Once a Fatui, always a Fatui!" one of the crowd members shouted.

"You may as well lock this criminal up right now!" another crowd member shouted.

Audience chattering about him for minutes on end, the soldier could feel his blood become ice. Just how gullible were the generic nobodies? But, he supposed the lookalikes had seeded themselves deep within their commitment to have him seen as guilty. It was over, he was not going to be able to scrape himself out of this one.

"And does the accused have anything to say in defense?" the Iudex asked.

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier could feel multiple buttons inside him push. Right, he had to say something. Something, anything to come to his defense. Surely, just maybe, saying something would steer him away from a guilty verdict. He had to try his luck right here and now.

"There's no way I could have committed any of those crimes!" Siorc shouted, voice shaking. "I was on duty!"

"On duty stealing and vandalizing, I bet!" one of the crowd members shouted.

"He's trying to act all innocent when he's guilty!" another crowd member shouted. "Lock him up!"

Audience chanting in unison to lock him up, the first guilty light lit itself up upon the Oratrice. Seeing such, the early adult's eyes shrunk in size. Will draining away as the scales tipped, the chimera buried his face into his knees. It was over, he was done for. His guilty fate was now sealed.

"This fiend stole my sweets!" the hydro archon screamed out of turn. "And had the audacity to write all hail the abyss on the walls of the city! How could this fiend do such a thing to me, the Hydro Archon, the Regina of all Waters?"

Crowd chattering amongst themselves that he was an evil monster, the soldier buried his face further into his knees. Why was this happening? Who in the world smears buildings with cake to write out a message? He was toast, done, as good as arrested. But, the accusations would not rest.

"He even covered his uniform with the evidence!" Robin added. "Citizens of the courtroom, is this vile villain someone you want walking amongst you?"

Audience chanting one after another to lock him in on repeat, the soldier could feel his body turn into stone and take his life away. There was no possible way he could refute this. His uniform, it had been covered in cake. He was done for, toast, gone, good as arrested. Back in the world of no sunlight forever.

"Order!" the Iudex shouted, banging his cane. "Robin, do not speak out of turn." He then turned towards the audience. "Does anyone have anything to say against this claim?"

People chattering that this case should be over already, this monster was guilty, the chimera closed his eyes. Not seeing the penguins in the audience, the hyena could feel his trust waver. Malika, Earl, Baron and Kaiser, where were they? He had let his trusting door open for too long.

Hearing the strange sound of a magical poof from the audience, the early adult's ears perked. What was going on just now? Penguin crew and diver boy appearing in the audience, the soldier swore he could hear someone in the background say viola. Baron grabbing the tome of evidence from Malika, they stepped forward towards the leading justice.

"We have evidence," the diver boy said quietly. As he said such, Baron opened up the tome.

"This photobook has all the photos you need to prove his innocence," Baron said, pointing at a photograph. "The facts are all here. All of you in the audience should see the reality in front of you. This Fatui did not do anything he is being accused of." He then turned towards --------, show everyone the evidence."

"We saw this person wearing a wig smearing the walls," the diver boy said. But, a magician out of nowhere spoke over him.

"I, the greatest magician, will make the one of the culprits appear in the audience!" the magician boasted. "Viola! If you turn your attention to the magic box, I present to you all, the true perpetrator to the crimes!"

Magical box opening up, a short, androgynous green haired individual with shaking black eyes and an archaic robe from many centuries past, the soldier's heart skipped four beats. He remembered now. The snake who tried to jump off the roof of the apartments in Mondstadt. What was Kigyo doing here? This person, he had never done anything to the life. Why were they one of the culprits?

Audience screaming questions about why would this person impersonate a Fatui kid? And some saying who in their right mind would ever pretend to be such a villainous group of people, the scales had begun to tip once more. Seeing such, the early adult closed his eyes. He was seen as the villain no matter what. Guilty or innocent, it did not matter, in the eyes of the generic nobodies, he was evil scum to the planet and everyone in it.

"This impersonator he was too talkative," the diver boy testified.

Eyes soon on Kigyo, the hyena could not help but feel a pity cherry drop down into his throat. The audience, were they all going to turn on the medusa now? He knew that whatever was about to come the snake's way, the person was about to be humiliated by the peanut gallery, without question.

"Yes, I'm one of the culprits!" Kigyo exclaimed. "But, I only did this so I would be awarded the death sentence!"

"The death sentence will not be happening," the Iudex responded. "We will now begin the vote."

Crowd pointing fingers at the medusa, the soldier could hear the audience chatter on and on. Audience calling the snake a cake stealing monster and evil burglar, the hyena closed his eyes. The gorgon played his hands into the doppelganger smear campaign in hopes of being handed out the death sentence? Why did this person wish to end the life so much? But, he supposed it was no business of his why that might be.

Oratrice with a name longer than he cared to remember spitting out a paper towards the Iudex, the innocent judgement had come the soldier's way. Scales moving ever so slightly as such had been announced, a weight threw itself off his shoulders. He was free.

Archon sitting on her chair sulking, chatter about the Hydro archon getting it all wrong, the hyena blinked. Why was the audience judging her so harshly? Surely, even the gods made errors in their judgement every once in awhile. Woman with all her flamboyance soon raising her head, she soon flapped her gums to the audience.

"Doppelgangers? How was I supposed to know that?!" the hydro archon asked. But, the chatter continued.

Archon's bodyguard hauling the gorgon off, the soldier swore he could hear the snake say that the person was tricked along with many others to commit such crimes. But, such had not been the end of such facts. Hawk chimera accidently slipping his lips, another fact soon revealed himself.

"Someone tried to approach me to commit these crimes, too!" Robin shouted, pointing. "That vile hooded vagrant! I shall bring them to justice!"

Hawk revealing some backhanded evidence that should have been used earlier, the soldier stared off at the opera house walls. All of this, it reeked of the abyssal gazelles. They had to have been the ones behind all of this, guaranteed. Courtroom soon clearing out, only the penguin quartet remained.

Party of four stating they would keep on the lookout for the imposters and bring them to justice, the hyena bid the group farewell, for the time being. But, as he had soon exited the opera house, a blinding light engulfed the chimera. Closing his eyes for a moment, he could feel himself move elsewhere.

Finding himself plastered to a willow tree, the soldier squirmed at the sight of the abyssal gazelles smirking from the air. Twisting his limbs into pretzel knots for minutes on end, maniacal laugher blew breeze upon the wind. Theatrics soon kicking into overdrive, the climax hit its peak.

"It's not over yet!" Kelebek shouted. "He should see what else you have planned!"

"Watch as the abyss takes back what's ours!" Izzet shouted. "Nyahahaha!" Throwing their plaything on the ground, their smirk grew five sizes. "We're done playing with for today, meddlesome plaything. Bye bye!"

Blinding light overtaking once more, the soldier had found himself outside the opera house once more. Head spinning, the hyena stared off into space. What just happened, where had he been taken to? But, his thoughts were soon cut short as the Agent's boots stomped towards him.

"Diplomatic Solider Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You must report to Her Majesty immediately."

Order coming his way, the soldier's knees buckled. He had to go to the palace right now? Her Majesty, had she heard about the two court cases? He was in trouble, guaranteed. Removing the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket, the hyena highlighted the waypoint near the Cryo Archon's palace. Closing his eyes as the fast travel began, fear swallowed the soldier whole.

Stepping into Her Majesty's palace, the hyena walked upon her carpet in a careful manner. Placing himself into a kneeling position, the soldier bowed in submission to the Cryo Archon, but as he raised his head, the fear took him away. Her Majesty, why was there a smirk on her face? He was in trouble, for sure.

"I heard what happened while in Fontaine, my lovely chimera," Her Majesty said royally. "I have a nice present for you."

The hyena gulped upon hearing Her Majesty had a present for him. Her Majesty, was she about to gift him with death? The court cases, had they disappointed her? If he outlived his uselessness, he supposed he had it coming. Anticipation of his last few moments breathing swallowing him, the present had soon been slapped into his currently human hands.

Silver handgun plopped into his palms, the early adult's heart skipped five beats. Her Majesty, why was she giving him this? A gun, a pistol, a weapon of war, murder. Deep smile appearing on her face as it sat down in his hands, a realization washed over him, in an instant. The gun, she expected him to use it. Pull the trigger, blow someone's brains. As panic bubbled inside him, tears stained his eyes. No way, he couldn't do it. There was no way he could pull the trigger.

"Use this gift to warn your impersonators, my lovely chimera," Her Majesty demanded. Her words were cold as ice.

Demand coming his way, the soldier could feel his entire body shake. Shoot his impersonators? No way, there was absolutely no way he could do something like that. Absolutely not, no. Harm someone with bullets? No way. He wouldn't dream of it, he could never allow himself to harm someone in such a way. Words pushing through his throat, they soon released themselves.

"No, Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I can't!" Siorc shouted, voice shaking.

Hearing her lovely chimera reject her gift, the Tsaritsa's face twisted into a sinister look of darkness. How dare her lovely chimera think he could reject the lovely gift she was so generous to provide for him. He would be punished greatly for saying the two letter word to her.

Rescinding her gift from her property's hands, the Cryo Archon aimed the pistol low. As the bullets danced on the air and did a triple somersault, the weapon of war kicked the hyena's left hip with the valor of a hundred soldiers. Magazine quickly reloaded, the dance restarted itself. Kick line of power opening a hole upon the joint, the worms snuggled themselves into the chimera as a sea of red decorated the palace carpet four times over.

Puddle of crimson decorating Her Majesty's carpet, the early adult heart beat harder and faster in his chest for minutes on end. Apologize, yes, he had to apologize. He had to show his remorse for uttering the forbidden two letter word he was not allowed to say. He had to show his regret right this instant.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" the hyena exclaimed in an apologetic tone. "I'll do it! Please, forgive me!"

Hearing the pathetic trash beg for forgiveness, a dark smile graced Her Majesty's face. Cute, he thinks he deserved mercy for rejecting her gift. "It's too late for apologies," Her Majesty responded. "My lovely chimera." She stroked her property's cheek, dry ice touching down. "You've gone and ruined my carpet. Get out of my sight!" She let out a maniacal laugh. "Oh, and next time you reject my gifts, I'll have that doctor do as he pleases with you!"

Expelled from the palace, the soldier dashed through the door as fast as his legs would carry him. Adrenaline the only energy that remained, the hyena's head spun as his feet dragged through the snow. Body swaying as he continued to press onward, the world around him grew black. Unconsciousness taking him away, one final set of thoughts took over.

He shouldn't have uttered the two letter word.

Feeling his body move forward as he had come to, the soldier found a familiar back carrying him. But, as the person trekked through the snow, the dazed world ate up all the rational thoughts that remained. Who was carrying him? Placed into a bed, a generic face stared back at him.

Man putting on a mask, the hyena blinked. His practice partner, what was he doing here? How did he find him? But his mind muddied as the dizziness slurped on his brain like a plate of bolognese. Muffled words telling him to rest, the soldier closed his eyes. World of unconsciousness knocking on the door once more, one final thought wrapped vines around the chimera.

He shouldn't have said no to the gun.

Chapter 11: Meropide Investigation: Rogue Bots


And thus begins the post "hooded strangers" plotline of Kelebek and Izzet no longer being anonymous. In this section, Siorc must infiltrate the Fortress of Meropide as a "new guard" to solve an issue with rogue bots. Feat: Earl, Robin, Raven, Huxian, Pixiu, Freminet, Wriothesley and Sigewenne. And of course Kelebek and Izzet.


If you don't find Earl annoying by now you probably should.

Chapter Text

"This is starting to make no sense.
Her Majesty and her orders,
Each and every time, they're getting.

Far more complicated.
Oh, this time it's a prison.
Really, Your Majesty?
Even I know it'll be next
To impossible to break into one of those. It's out of my
Reach. Beyond me.
Everything makes no
Sense. What does
She want from me?

Of course, I have to just but to go there,
For now I

Mustn't question it.
Even though I know this will fail,
Relatively speaking, my
Options are zero.
Perhaps it will go fine.
I don't know.
Does she really think I can do this alone?
Even I know this will not be easy.

Of course not, this is
Fontaine's highest security prison.

And, I'm certain I'll be caught
Look, people know I'm a member of the Fatui.
Look, people are obviously suspicious of me.

Please, Your Majesty, think clearly,
Less about conquering.
Ah, if she knows I'm a questioning her, she will
co*ck that gun she tried to gift me.
Even so, I cannot fail, or
She'll kill me.

I have to succeed. I

Have to infiltrate successfully.
Any more slipups and her
Vehemence will destroy me.
Everything has to go perfectly, according

To her plan. I must not be
Open to mistakes.

Grab that door and shut it.
Obviously, this is

The big one, what
Her Majesty will
Expect the most out of me.
Right, do all and
Everything according to plan.

Will she be watching me?
How, from underground, I do not know, but
Yes, she will be watching.

Yes, her eyes will be all
Over me, so I have to do my
Utmost, and do all I can,
Research thoroughly.

Make it my mission to find
All and everything.
Just do more than try my best.
Each and every single
Second counts.
These malicious energy sources,
Your Majesty I will vanquish them.

The prisoners might question me,
However, this is my duty.
I cannot falter.
Silence is key.

Will there be suspicious cast upon me?
I have to brush it off.
Look the other way.
Look the other direction.

Nothing can distract me,
Or everything will fail. Diligence,
That is key.

Which is how it always should be. This mission may be
Out of the ordinary, and
Rather a strange location to be, but I
Know I can't complain.

Open myself to this opportunity,
Ultimately, that is key.
This mission may be shaky, but I am ready."

Four days had passed since the hyena went to Annapausis and collected the legendary sword and robot sunflowers for Her Majesty. Jobs remaining within Fontaine immediately after, the next two days were a mess of chaotic measures. Certain odd job returning with a vengeance, everything was out of the ordinary.

Requested to return to the underground city of Fleuve Cendre, helping the less fortunate with tasks they were unable to perform, forty-eight hours of hijinks ensued. Plentiful of fish steaks cooked as well, a stressful two days kicked into overdrive. But, something had been off the entire time he had been given such a task.

As the hyena went around various areas throughout the Nation of Justice, the soldier swore he had seen people that looked exactly like him committing various crimes one after another. Multiple accusations coming his way one after another, a second court case had been filed against the chimera.

Second court case finding him innocent, the smear campaign went absolutely nowhere. But, his innocence was not the end of the means. Cryo Archon requesting an audience with him, a horrific order and gift had been delivered to the soldier. Forbidden two letter word sent back to Her Majesty, a punishment had been delivered to him instead. Fourth and final day being business affairs of nothing, a workday of pain closed out the ninety-six hours.

The sound of morning alarm bells struck with a bombastic uproar as the minutes paraded onward. As the alarm bells continued to rack up their cacophonous uproar, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a chorus. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never being mad aware of such alarm bells, the soldier lifted himself upward from the rock hard covers. But, as he had attempted to do so, the hyena's left hip throbbed for minutes on end. Trying to tune out the pain, the early adult placed his currently human feet on the icy cold ground. The time had come to start the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier attempted to walk towards his uniform drawers, the throb took over the hyena. Unable to move forward, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The pain he had experienced would not leave his short body. Dropping himself downward onto all fours, the chimera trudged downward like the animal he partially was.

Reaching his uniform drawers barely after a few minutes, the early adult grabbed the edges of his uniform drawers. Winter jacket grabbed in a swift manner, the hyena took a long deep breath. He had to numb out the throbbing sensation, or he would be a useless disappointment to Her Majesty, without question.

As his uniform melted onto his partially human person, the soldier could not help but wonder. Her Majesty, why would she resort to using a gun on him? Was he no longer useful for her? But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. Why was he thinking about such things? He needed to focus on getting ready.

But, as the soldier reached for his jewelry and accessory box, the hip throbbing intensified to over eleven. Letting out a scream, the world froze, for a moment. Attempting to calm himself down, the soldier took further deep breaths. Why was he letting pain dominate him? He had no time to allow such. He had to focus.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching roses adorned the soldier's hair and ears. Hoping the flowers would give him the first wind he needed, the early adult prayed to the Dendro Archon he was not supposed to worship. Feeling a smidgeon of energy flow through him, the hyena adjusted his glasses, for a moment.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier gazed at the yellow-green orb, for a moment. He supposed he understood why he was granted the powers of nature now. Dragging his feet towards the edge of the room, the early adult slipped on his heelless shoes over his currently human legs.

As the soldier devoured his flavorless rations, the hyena could not help but wonder. What could possibly await him today? He knew, whatever it might be, he could not disappoint Her Majesty, or another punishment would come for him. Messing up was not an option; everything had to be perfect.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march about militaristically, the hyena put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Slapping his cheeks, the early adult attempted to focus. His workday was about to begin any moment now. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. It was time for his diplomatic day of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out one cue. "You will be infiltrating the Fortress of Meropide as a new guard to investigate a problem." He paused for a moment. "As well as cleaning up the surrounding areas of vermin in the Liffey Region." A uniform shook in his hands as he said such. "This is your uniform for this mission. Get changed, soldier."

Pitch black prison guard uniform with purple coattails dropped into his hands, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He had to infiltrate a high security prison? There is no way this plan will succeed whatsoever. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter given his subordinate a nod, the masked Agent stepped out, for a moment.

Removing his winter jacket and brown pants, the early adult let out a scream as the guard uniform leg covers glued themselves onto his partially human person. Hip continuing its throbbing rampage for minutes on end, another shout pierced through the windows. Commotion only gaining volume, another scream added itself to the mix.

"Soldier, what's wrong?" the Agent asked.

Hearing a wave of irritation in the Agent's voice, the early adult took a long deep breath. Why was he letting a part of his body dominate him? He needed to let numbness take the lead. Turning towards his subordinate, the soldier let the robotic words take the lead.

"Nothing, sir," the hyena responded autonomously.

Agent turning back around the early adult resumed the redressing the body. pitch black uniform buttoned closed, and tiny hat soon covering his hairpin, the early adult could feel slight energy leave his body. But, the soldier attempted with all his might to push the fatigue away. He was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for such tiredness. Everything on, the soldier headed towards the door.

"I am ready, sir," the soldier said, listless.

"Good, we're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Bag soon slammed on the soldier's back, the Agent gripped the wrist in a far more gentle manner than normal. Realizing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had he been informed what had happened? But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. As the escort to Fontaine began, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

What could possibly await in the Fortress of Meropide?

He supposed he would soon find out.


"Do your job properly, Zack.
Oh, how many times have I heard that? First off,

My name is not 'Zack,' well,
Yes, I suppose, in this life, that is the name I have been given. But, I

Just refuse to go by it. It is Huxian.
Oh, that's line again, do your job properly.
Best guess that's the hundredth time, no, thousandth time I've heard that one.

Please stop saying it.
Right, just do my guard work.
Or rather, our guard work.
Pixiu is told the same set of lines
Every time by that spiky haired man in that prison.
Really, how many times are you going to say?
Listen, you'll forget that we ever existed
Yes, at some point, we will be reborn once again.

That time will come,
However, it is best to think about now.
Every time we get complained to that we are doing our jobs wrong,
You bet we say that we

Still are doing
As we are told.
Yes, we are. We are guarding these waters.

I get told again, "Zack, you're supposed to

Defeat the Red Meanies like we asked
Of you two.'

Not this again. My name is not Zack, and my sister's name is not Monique.
Oh, how do I defeat whatever
These plants are called again?

Guess that I will use my cross.
Even though I do not recall what
These 'Red Meanies' entail.

Well, whatever. We'll just
Have to find them, I guess.
And every time, each and every
Tick, we are unable to

Take out those plants.
How many times are we going to get an
Earful over this. Do
You know how many times we've heard from the boss,

'Monique, Zack, we asked you for one simple job.'
Every single time.
And, what am I supposed to do? I have
No ability to use the elements,

At least, I do not think so.
Maybe leave this to someone who

Is able to conjure that.

No, we have to do
Our jobs, or whatever.
The Liffey Region is apparently our

Domain. In this life
Our selves were raised here, or something.
It's a constant cycle of death and rebirth.
No matter how many times we relive this,
Guess our uselessness remains.

Though, it is what it is.
How it is and
Always will be.
This is a never-ending journey."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint like usual, the early adult stared off into space. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why couldn't the Agent take him somewhere closer to the Liffey Region? But, the hyena knew such would never happen. He needed to let such fact stick.

Boat summoned out of nowhere like usual, the hyena had been dragged down the mountains. Plopped into the wooden vessel, the early adult attempted with all his might to remain still. Vehicle of manpower cruising through the waters, the soldier stared off towards the harbor off in the corner.

As the vessel passed by a docked boat, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. His disguise, would people see through it? Surely, there was no way he would be able to reach the Fortress of Meropide without getting suspicious eyes on him. His face had been known throughout all of the Nation of Justice.

Vehicle soon docked, the soldier's legs had soon been dragged towards the staircase, like always. Agent informing him once again that he was not allowed to teleport anywhere whatsoever, the early adult held back the urge to pull out locks of his hair. Why did he continue to remind him of the same information over and over again? He knew of such fact already. But, the chimera kept himself quiet.

Agent soon departing, the early adult struggled up the stairwell for minutes on end. Trudging himself towards the glass lift, the temporary fortress guard's ears rumbled at the sound of chatter as he pushed himself towards the Aquabus station. Long line practically hitting the wall, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Had there been another court case right around the corner? But, as he blended himself in with the crowd, a peculiarity took the stage.

Multiple rich people thanking him for his service, many offers to cut the line had come his way. Hearing such line thrown his way for minutes on end, a sea of questions flowed through the soldier. Just what kind of authoritative power did his uniform contain? How odd. Shaking his head, reaching the front of the line never came into fruition.

Aquabus arriving after fifteen minutes, everyone bolted into their seats. Seating himself towards the edge like always, the Melusine's comment about it being a full house again shook the waters beneath. Tour guide stating they are heading to the Court of Fontaine, the vessel of automatic prowess soon moved.

As the vehicle passed by the Poisson tunnel, the chimera could not help but wonder. The Fortress, would they be suspicious of him? Surely, there was no way that hadn't memorized what every single guard already looked like and had been given photos ahead of time of new ones employed. There was no way he would be able to cross through the first hurdle.

Every single rich citizen in front of him chattering onward about some sort of magic show at the Opera Epiclese, the early adult gazed at the path in the corner. Another magic show was being held again? But, he supposed entertainment was always going to flow itself through the waters when the legal world was not center stage.

Melusine soon stating most people reach Fontaine through Chenyu Vale as the capital city drew closer, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how many harbors were there in Fontaine? Had the Romaritime Harbor been the most popular? He supposed, in the long run, it did not matter much.

Capital city soon reached, the hyena removed himself from the vessel. Dragging his feet through the city, the temporary fortress guard headed off towards the northwest pathway. He knew, in order to reach the mountains, he would have to use the glass lift to reach the highest floor within the city.

As the soldier passed by the meka garde station, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was there a limitless supply of replacements? He supposed such had to have been the case. Throwing such thoughts away as he kept going, multiple merchants spoke out loud about making a fortune.

Stepping near the strange fountain hearing an elderly man in Snezhnayan wear screaming something was not about the money, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Had there been a Fatui spy planted within the Court of Fontaine while he was away? But, the early adult turned his focus elsewhere. He needed to focus on leaving the city.

Stepping towards the Aquabus information center, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Multiple people standing around everywhere seating themselves, the hyena swore he could hear a young person ask about a water fairy. Attempting to tune out everything, the chimera sauntered onward towards the glass lift.

But such movement had been halted as a familiar pest had stepped out of the elevator. Pesky penguin thorn in his side walking towards him, the early adult let out a groan. Could he ever walk through Fontaine without running into Earl? The Hydro Archon had to have laid a curse upon him. Eyes soon on him, there was no escape.

Seeing his future husband in a guard outfit stepping towards the elevator, Earl's eyes practically had sparkles in them. Is he heading towards Mount Esus? He needed to butter him up and get on his good side about his brand new job. Surely, that would win him over a little.

"Hi again, Siorc, that uniform looks good on you!" Earl greeted, giggling. He then composed himself. "Are you heading for Mount Esus East? I'd be cautious, if I were you! Robin and Raven are out there!" He then extended his gloved hand. "Let me take you there so I can keep you safe!"

The chimera let out a sigh. He knew if he refused the pesky thorn in his side would make a scene. Accepting his fate, the hyena gave the well dressed penguin a nod. Hearing him let out a tiny cheer, the early adult let out a barely audible groan. It was going to be a long walk.

Glass lift cruising upwards for minutes on end, the early adult gazed at Earl, for a moment. Why was he always wherever he happened to be, at the moment? But, the chimera shook such thought off. It had to have just been some sort of coincidence. He was a busy partially human person always on the move.

Lift soon stopping on the third floor, the soldier could feel Earl pulling him towards the city's exit. Moving towards a damp waterway, another glass lift soon awaited the party of two. Soon in the area's outskirts, the chimera gazed at the grass around him. Hand soon let go of, the party of two stepped upon the beds of Dendro creation.

But, as the soldier had begun to head northward, the chimera's left hip had begun to erupt like a volcano. Knees bending as he could feel himself drag himself forward, the early adult attempted with any might to try and hide such action. But, such was impossible as the penguin's eyes were glued onto him.

Spotting Siorc limping in the corner, a wave of concern flowed through like water breaking a river dam. Had he injured himself since he had last seen him? It was time to be let him become his third shoulder, if such were the case. Extending his arm, he left himself open.

Earl offering to lend him a shoulder, the early adult leaned up against the penguin. He supposed he was grateful for his assistance. Crutch pushing him forward upon the pathway, the group kept walking upon the northern pathway for moments to come. But, such traverse towards the mountains had been immediately halted.

Peculiar ring objects that did not belong above water a wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. What were those underwater mechanisms doing here? Something was not right. Whatever they had been doing here, they had to be taken care of, without any question.

Tugging onto the side of Earl's suit, eyes were soon on the chimera. Pointing at the ring in the corner, inquiries had come the temporary fortress guard's way. Mouthing that the obstacles had to be vanquished, excitable battle cries leaked from the thorn in his side's throat.

Gauntlets soon slapped over Earl's palms, a punching session had soon begun. Ball of aquatic properties pushing itself towards the ring slowly, but surely, the chimera threw himself into the mix. Mechanical gloves at the bottom of his satchel, the dual punch out took the stage.

Entire layer of obstacles making themselves at home throughout the pathway north of the court city, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. How did so many of such foreign objects make themselves known in the surface world? Someone had to have planted them where they did not belong, for sure.

Aquatic ball held hostage by a black sea of rocks, the hyena could feel a chill drop down his spine. Had there been a rockslide in Fontaine recently? Something had been quite off about the pathway in front of him. Earl vanquishing the minerals one after another, the soldier pushed the ball back into its hole. Multiple objects chaining together into a circular enclosure, the party of two kept heading towards the northeastern path.

But, the beaches had been as littered as the grassy pathway. Floating devices making themselves at home above the sediment, the early adult could feel his energy take a deep, for a moment. Hadn't he already destroyed all of those machines almost a month prior? Their presence was haunting.

Yellow and purple blocks everywhere near the ocean bed, the soldier grabbed the energy deposits as though his life depended on it. Wind currents whistling on the air, the hyena deployed his wind glider. Punches gifted to the first machine, the chimera let out a battle cry. Mechanical bug monsters coming out from the ashes, robotic casualties faded into ashes.

Earl taking on the machines lower to the ground, the hyena continued with all his might to continue the cleanup in front of him. Robotic insects removed on repeat, the soldier gazed at the world around him. Whoever placed the mechanisms here had to have some sort of objective.

Final set of floating machines taken out of the picture, the party of two kept heading upon the northern path. Eastern side of the mountains nearing, the soldier prepared himself. Any minute now, and he would be in hawk and falcon territory. If he were to be spotted, his right hip would become the next casualty on the injury list.

The sky had ears.

Multiple arrows raining down towards him as the chimera pressed onwards towards the mountains, the hyena crooked his head upwards towards the sky. Robin already on the offensive, the soldier grit his teeth. Eyes of a hawk, indeed. Just how far away did his vision reach? Passing through his territory was an impossibility to be had, for sure.

Weapon barrage ready to pelt him down at any given moment, Earl had soon become a shield. Arms stretched out in front of him, the early adult could feel his heart leap out of his chest. Why was the penguin protecting him? He would only become the hawk's next target upon his bounty list for sticking his neck out.

"Leave my future husband alone!" Earl shouted.

Fatui in his territory once again with his little penguin subordinate, Robin staged his heroic landing. How dare this man step into his hunting ground and protect that vile villain. He needed to learn the hard way that the Fatui were evil vagrants of injustice. This fiend's accomplice was treading dark waters.

"Why do you keep protecting that Fatui, penguin?" Robin asked, pointing. "Have you no sense of danger? He's going to pull you into his vile schemes!" But, a voice soon cut in.

"Hon, what are you yammering about? That's a prison guard!" Raven exclaimed. "Methinks you got him confused for someone else."

Hearing his partner's words, Robin could feel his cheeks glow red. Gazing at the so called guard in the corner, he lowered his eyes into a squint. Unmistakable messy purple hair blowing on the wind, he pounded his talons together. His lover had to have been mistaken. This man was that Fatui fiend, for sure.

Earl soon whispering in his ear instructions on how to sound like a Fontaine person, the hyena could hardly believe his ears at the words being played into his eardrums. He had to say verily so? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. There was no way he would be able to sound like a convincing Fontainan. Taking a deep breath, the soldier forced himself into a baritone.

"Excuse me, dear bounty hunters, but I must pass through these mountains," the hyena said, voice forced into a deep pitch. "Verily so." As he said such, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Did he just mimic a garde's voice? How strange.

Familiar voice calling out to him, Robin placed his hand on his chin. This guard certainly was fishy. But, maybe he had made a mistake. But, there was no way he would admit to such, not a chance. He supposed, if they truly were a guard from the fortress it was best to get his passage through the area over with.

"Fine, go through!" Robin shouted. "Thank you for your service!"

Hawk and falcon flying away faster than his eyes could follow, the hyena shook his head. Had he felt some sort of embarrassment? He supposed he would feel such a way, too if he had been told he was completely off the mark about something. Pushing through the foot of the mountain, a sea of peculiar obstacles soon awaited.

Water ring and their balls separated by a watery flower bulb, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just his imagination, or had there been a dark aura surrounding the obstacles? Surely, it had to have just been his imagination. Inanimate enemy ready to get on the offensive, punches had devoured the plant of the sea.

Bubbles soon engulfing the area, the soldier could feel himself begin to float. Aquatic prison pushing him away, the hyena could feel himself struggle for minutes on end. Plant only trapping him further as the sea of soapy orbs took him away on repeat, the side of the fight had made itself known.

Earl's planty punches of doom getting on the offensive, peculiar looking seeds planted themselves on the ground. Bulbous creature weakening as the seconds raged onward, the soldier could not help but wonder. Did Dendro and Hydro have some sort of interaction with one another? If such were the case, he was none the wiser.

Freed from the bubble prison, the peculiar underwater apparatus had soon been pushed into its hole. Continuing onward towards the northern pathway, multiple machines had their balls returned to them, with a monstrous twist. Body of water leading towards the underwater Liffey region world beneath, Earl halted his movement, for a moment.

Wristwatch dinging, Earl could feel the hairs on his back stick up. Shoot, did his alarm just go off? Gazing at the arrows on his timer, he could feel his siblings nagging him all the way from Sumeru. Oh, no, he was supposed to be in Bayda Harbor by now. Baron is going to kill him.

"Oh, shoot, that's right, I'm supposed to be at Bayda Harbor right about now!" Earl shouted. "Sorry, Siorc, I have to go!" As he said such, he ran off like a speeding bullet.

Watching as Earl dashed off faster than his eyes could keep up, the early adult blinked. If he had somewhere he had to be, he should not have stopped everything he was doing to assist him. But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. What did he care? Whatever trouble he was about to get himself into was his own problem.

Recalling the Agent had told him to clear out all other obstacles before heading off to the underwater prison, the early adult steeled himself. Removing everything else before going into the world of criminals? Such would be like walking on cake. Diving suit soon upon him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment.

Mind and diving suit synced up to one another, the soldier threw himself into the body of water beside him. Sea bed full of pipes soon upon him, the early adult scouted the area. Red Meanies feeding on the aquatic world everywhere the eye could see, the chimera readied himself for action. It was time to begin mission cleanup.

As the soldier had his diving suit thrusting him forward towards the first pipe, the peculiar otter people appeared within his submerged field of vision. Duo hovering over the malicious plants with puzzled looks on their faces, the soldier stood still, for a moment.

Otter duo holding crosses within their paws, energy channeled into the centers, the party of two rammed their weapons into the plants labelled as sea bullies. Nothing doing for minutes on end, the soldier swore he could hear one of the otters says, no matter how many times they reverse back to zero, they're never any stronger, are they? Letting out a sigh, the soldier pressed the jellyfish bomb button upon his left glove. Aquatic explosive soon doing the honors, heads crooked towards him.

Seeing a small bomb destroy the invasive red plants otter number one turned his head towards the left. Who did that just now? Seeing the same purple haired stranger from last time, they blinked. This person, how did they do that just now? Great, their boss is going to let them have it again, and tell him the same old phrase. He was tired of hearing it. They needed to learn how that contraption off this person's worked.

"You again?" otter number one asked. "How did you do that just now?"

Siorc lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. How did these two otters not know how to destroy the Red Meanies? Didn't these two live and work down here? He supposed he could humor them by showing them his diving suit glove. Pointing to the buttons on his finger covering, the soldier kept the tip of his appendage beside the jellyfish button.

Purple haired suited up stranger pointing at a button with a jellyfish head symbol above it, otter number one, ran their paws through their spikes. What is this thing? How was he supposed to be able to fire a jellyfish? There was no way he could have his cross release such a thing. That glove of his made no sense.

"I see," otter number one said, shaking their head. "I don't get it." They then lowered their voice into a mumble. "Great, the duke is going to let me have it and tell me once again, 'Zack do your job properly.' Ho hum."

Hearing the otter proclaiming himself Zack mumble under his breath about not doing his job properly, the hyena shook his head. If he simply did not understand, he had no interest in teaching him whatsoever. Maybe it was best to just give the otter a duo the cold shoulder and continue onwards throughout the area.

Having his diving suit continue to thrust him upon the northern pathway, the sound of rapid paw strokes came up from behind him. Otter duo swimming towards him faster with every given second, the soldier clenched his teeth. Why were these two following him? If they didn't have buttons on their weapons, there was nothing he could do to teach them. Voices trailing behind him, guilt baked itself into a fish pie.

"You're going to leave just like that?" otter number two asked. "That's a little rude."

"Pixiu, don't waste your breath," otter number one responded to otter number two. "We're supposed to be cleaning up the red plants, anyway." His voice was monotone. "We'll just follow him and watch how he does it and copy him. Do you want the duke to say, 'Monique, Zack, do your job properly!' Again?"

"...No," the one called Pixiu and Monique responded. "Eh. Fine, I'll follow your lead."

Otters continuously following behind him as the diving suit thrusted him towards the next pipes, the soldier held back the urge to let out a groan. Didn't these two know that he could hear everything they were saying from behind him? How incredibly aggravating. They should keep their conversations amongst themselves. But, he supposed they were just trying to do their own jobs. He knew it was best to just let them crawl behind and ignore them.

Soon reaching the next sea of Red Meanies, the hyena turned his attention towards the otter duo. Looks as though their brains were absent from their skulls, the chimera tilted his head a smidgeon. How did these two not know how to destroy the invasive plant species by now? Surely, they had to have done this countless times before at this point. Perhaps, it was best to give them a moment to remember before vanquishing them himself.

Glowing red plant of many evils giving off a sinister aura, 'Zack' gazed at the enemy, for a moment. How were they supposed to defeat these things again? He did not recall. Every past instruction on how to do so was leaving him. His mind was as empty as a field of dead flowers in the depths of nowhere.

Strange flowers sucking on the water pipes, 'Monique' gazed at the plants of doom. Wait, how were these objects supposed to be cleared out again? She could not recall how to do so. How peculiar, her memories of the instructions had gone completely foggy. Where had they gone?

Otter duo staring at the red meanies with puzzled looks on their faces, the temporary fortress guard lead out a sigh. Did they seriously not know how to destroy these things? He supposed he had no choice but to once again show them how it was done. Pressing the jellyfish explosive button, the bomb had reared its head.

Explosive popping itself off, the invasive obstacles disintegrated within seconds. But, such had been the wrong angle. Group of flowers forgotten about, the soldier could feel his knees buckle. How did the explosive miss a couple of them? Perhaps, just maybe, he had to aim the ball better.

Thrusting the jellyfish head towards the cage in the corner, the soldier let it rip. Singular flower left out, the chimera could feel failure laugh at him. Why were there Red Meanies still lingering? Perhaps, just maybe, he had to destroy the singular one that was left behind then blow the rest up. Resolute on his decision, one lone invasive plant had been vanquished.

Explosive quickly dropped downward, the sea of plants had been removed from the equation. Nothing regenerating, the chimera thrusted himself upon the southern pathway. Traversal towards the next invaders not solo, the hyena could feel the questions about to bite his ear off once more.

"How did you do that?" the one called both Pixiu and Monique asked.

Inquiry coming his way after what felt like the thirtieth time, the soldier held back the urge to roll his eyes. Did these two have absolutely no idea what they were doing? He supposed he could lead them into destroying the strayed enemies with their crosses while his explosives took care of the rest.

Soon finding another sea of red meanies right in front of him, the chimera's xenochromatic jellyfish did the talking. First group soon vanquished, the otters stood around and did nothing for minutes on end. Diving suit thrusting him off towards the second collection of them, another explosive had soon been dropped downward.

Second collection of red meanies taken to their planted graves, the early adult turned towards the otter duo. Group looking at his attacks with emotionless awe, the hyena could feel his veins pop out of his blood vessels, for a moment. Were they just going to stand there? Maybe if he pointed at their crosses, they would do something.

Throwing down the third and final bomb of water, the early adult curled his thumb, pinky, ring and middle finger downward. Jabbing his index finger at the otter's crosses, the chimera tried with all his might to write the word swing upon the waters. But clueless faces kept rearing their heads for minutes on end.

Sea denizen duo still not catching onto anything, the soldier let the explosive take the lead. Were they not going to bother fighting at all? How annoying. If they were the kind of people to just stand around when someone did their work for them, he wanted no part of such whatsoever. Tasked to destroy vermin, or not.

Peculiar bomb thing exploding everything one after another, 'Zack' could feel a wave of shock flow through them. What in the world was this sorcery? He needed to ask the Duke to give him whatever this person had. Maybe he should introduce himself to the stranger and learn all his secrets.

"I just realized, neither of us introduced ourselves," otter number one said out of nowhere. "My name is Huxian. Not Zack." They then proceeded to brush their paws through their spiky hair.

"And my name is Pixiu," otter number two said. "We're Liffey Region guards."

Siorc held back the urge to scoff. These two were Liffey Region guards? He wasn't buying what they were selling at all. There was no way that was the case. Who would hire people who couldn't even destroy Red Meanies as guards? That had to have been the biggest stretch of the truth of all time.

Shoulders growing colder by the second, the soldier headed off towards the southeast pathway. Otters continuing to follow behind him, the soldier wrote a message upon the water for them to use their crosses on the strays. Surely, his wordless language would eventually enter their clueless skulls.

Next set of invasive plants awaiting him, the soldier relayed his message once again. Otter duo looking as though a lightbulb was about to appear over their heads, the dual crosses had been unleashed upon the stray bullies. Exploder soon adding itself to the mix, one set of foreign plants were removed from the equation. But, such help was thin wired.

Approaching the next set of meanies after a few minutes, puzzled looks soon appeared on the otter's faces. Seeing such, the early adult could feel irritation bubble into his veins once more. Did they forget what they had just done? How incredibly tiresome. They needed to get their memories looked into, for sure.

Otters continued to stare off into space with the most absent of minds, the hyena tossed down the next explosive upon the playing field. It could not be helped, he supposed. If they already forgot how to fight, it was his duty to clean up the rest of the mess. Continuing onward upon the southeastern path, everything dissolved into nothing as he cruised forward.

But, the easy switch would soon turn over into hard mode. Sea hare monsters nibbling on the Red Meanies as if they were their afternoon snack, power flowed through the creature. Balls of energy drowning the world around him, the tables turned upside down, backwards and inside out.

Sea denizen bending its tail backwards, a collection of globous red orbs had been thrusted towards the temporary fortress guard. Attempting with all his might to dodge, the early adult pressed the blade button upon his glove. Slashing forward for minutes on end, the hyena had his work cut out for him.

Huxian and Pixiu still standing around doing nothing, the soldier's knees buckled. Were these two going to just continue to sit by and watch with their mouths hanging open? Absolutely ridiculous. These were the area's guards? Whoever this duke was that hired them, they had made the biggest mistake.

Blade barely leaving a dent upon the enemy, the early adult held back the urge to scream. But, the hyena swallowed the shouts deep inside him. Why bother wasting his time shouting at the otter duo? They would continue to do nothing either way. Jellyfish explosive soon dropped down upon the invasive plants around the enemy, the chimera pressed the button once more.

Sea Hare's meal removed from the equation after four more attempts, the chimera prepared himself. Creature throwing projectiles his way one after another, the early adult soon pressed the armor button. Orbs boomeranged back towards the direction of which they came, the defenses had been in shambles.

Enemy's eyes soon spinning cycles, the soldier did the final honors. Creature soon becoming sea foam, the early adult let out a tired breath. Turning his head towards the right and left for a moment, no other invasive plant species awaited the soldier. Knowing such was his cue to head for the Fortress of Meropide, the chimera continued to tread towards the south. But, such had been met with immediate rejection.

Otters pushing themselves in front of him as he attempted to head towards the underwater building with bright lights, the early adult could feel his blood boil over, ready to evaporate. What did these two want from him now? What right did they have to try and stop him from going into the prison? Now was not the time for them to do their jobs correctly.

"Why are you heading off into this direction?" Pixiu asked, otter arms spread out. "That's the entrance towards the prison. You can't go in there."

Having his diving suit swim around the two otters, the chimera pressed onward. He can't go in there? Ridiculous. He wasn't about to let these two people who didn't even know how to fight stop him. They could impose their guard careers on someone else. But, as he continued to thrust towards the prison entranceway, he was stopped once more.

"As the Liffey region guards, we command you to stop," Huxian demanded.

The early adult let out a deep sigh. Were the otter twins going to continue to get in his way? Absolutely ridiculous. Would telling these two his mission of being the newly hired fortress guard have them stop trying to block his path? He supposed it would be worth a shot.

"I am the newly hired Fortress of Meropide guard, sir and madame," the hyena responded. "Please, allow my entrance."

Huxian scratched their otter claws through their spiky hair. The grand duke hired another guard? When had that happened? Maybe he had forgotten about it, or something. He supposed he could escort him into the Fortress if he were telling the truth. Why would someone lie about something like that anyway?

Pixiu blinked at the information presented to them. Huh, a new guard was hired? Interesting. This had to have been the first time she had heard of this. But, she guessed she had just forgotten about it. Maybe it was best to bring him down to the administrative office, for now.

"If what you're saying is true," Pixiu started, but she was soon cut off.

"We'll escort you through the entrance," Huxian finished. "It's this way, follow us."

Otters soon swimming upward and down into a hole, a sea of questions flowed through the hyena. The Fortress of Meropide's entrance wasn't through a door? How incredibly odd. Did a talking snake tell whoever made the prison doors were made for people who use doors?

Thrusting downward through a long passageway, the soldier could feel the walls begin to close in on him. Entrance way getting closer with every step, the early adult took a long deep breath. He was about to enter an entirely new world any second now. He needed to prepare himself for anything.

Sea boots soon hitting the ground with a metallic thrust, the world of the ocean soon ended. Finding himself in a room with very thin walls, the early adult soon removed his diving equipment. Otter duo soon in human form, the early adult studied them for a brief moment.

Huxian's spiky blue hair becoming an ashy grey adorning peculiar looking religious suit, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Were these two actually from Mondstadt? The other names they had said, Zack and Monique, they certainly sounded like they could be from the Nation of Freedom.

Pixiu's blue ponytail becoming a shade of medium white like some sort of oat filled breakfast, the hyena gazed at her outfit, for a moment. Light blue dress with buttons, the early adult could not help but think the otter's nose grew bigger, for a moment. Were these two truly guards? They looked like they were dressed up for church.

Party of two soon escorting him towards the administrative office in the front, the hyena swore he could hear the otters wheezing up a storm. Woman in the front giving him suspicious glances, the chimera could feel a chill run down his spine. Was he already about to get caught? He was done for.

"Zack, Monique, who's this?" the woman at the desk asked.

"He's the new guard that was hired recently," Huxian responded, deadpan.

"That's strange, I don't recall a new hire," the woman at the desk responded, finger on her chin.

"You...must....not....ha-a-a-ve h-ea-rd," Pixiu said, gasping for water.

Receptionist crawling around her brain for answers for awhile, the hyena turned his attention towards the world in front of him. Large metallic underground bastion filled to the brim with prisoners of all shapes and sizes, a wave of fear flowed through the chimera. If any of the inmates here were violent, he would need to keep himself on his toes.

Woman at the front desk eventually convinced she had merely forgotten a new guard had been hired, permission had been granted for his patrol to start. Stepping into the metallic world in front of him, the soldier could not help but feel an off wave upon the air. Was something going on here? Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to start investigating the administrative area first, and foremost. Guided towards a lift, a glass box took him downstairs.

Finding himself in a large room that circled around with many exits and doors everywhere, the chimera observed the prisoners around him once more. Many people dressed in normal clothing, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Did the people who were sent down here not have to wear black and white striped clothing like on those fantasy novels? How peculiar. But, he supposed not all prisons were created equal.

Guards giving him suspicious looks questioning who he was for minutes on end, unease grabbed ahold of the chimera's throat and would not let go. Were they already suspecting he was not truly a new guard amongst them? He was about to become the next new prisoner in the lot, for sure.

Looking around the area for anything unusual, the soldier could feel his heart skip a beat at the sight before him. Spotting a ton of open boxes with a ton of green ore filled to the brim about to spill out, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What were these? Why did they feel so incredibly out of place? He would need to take a look at such further when less eyes were on him.

Multiple prisoners staring at him for minutes on end, the chimera could feel himself shrink. Multiple people inquiring about who he was, the soldier's legs twitched. Were even the inmates suspicious of him? He needed to walk around quietly and blend in with the crowd, if such were the case.

Left hip soon throbbing once more as his patrol kept pushing forward, the soldier held back the urge to scream. Attempting with all his might to numb the pain, the chimera pressed onward. He could not let such distraction take him out of this now. His true mission had only just begun. Turning himself off, the early adult sauntered onward.

Coming across an area with a wooden sign above it showing fists clashing with one another, the early adult headed off towards the room in the corner. Glass lift soon bringing him to a room down below, a large boxing ring filled with prisoners fighting each other overtook the area. Promptly turning back around, the soldier returned to the higher floor. There was nothing to see here. He needed to keep looking around the administrative area.

Soon discovering more boxes filled up with the same green crystals as he kept on trudging along, the chimera could not help but wonder. Those minerals, were they normal? Something about them had felt quite out of place. Multiple guards shooting him dirty looks, the soldier turned his attention away from the boxes, for a moment. Was he not supposed to look inside? He needed to become familiar with the rules of the underground world as soon as possible.

Continuing to loop around the area for hours on end, the early adult could see peculiar graffiti on the walls everywhere in the shape of a gear. Coming across blue devices spinning clockwise in constant motion, the chimera could not help but wonder. This prison, was it completely run on an automation system? Technology was incredible.

Spotting a rather tall person wearing a mask punching some device in the corner that made a loud dinging noise, the early adult jumped two steps back. Was this prisoner breaking property? Guards giving him a stink eye as if he had done something wrong, the chimera broke out into a sweat. He had to have looked like the worst guard in the world right now, for sure.

Loudspeaker blaring that there was about to be some sort of card game match in the pankration ring, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. If the prisoners were about to go on their moments of recreation, the time to observe the area deeper with no eyes on him should be able to go off without a hitch.

Prisoners soon gone without a trace, the early adult continued to observe the area around him. Finding himself beside a cafeteria with a circular machine offering people a welfare meal, the early adult could feel a chill drop down his spine. Robots had begun to work amongst humanity? Automation was a world all its own.

Looping around towards the left, for hours on end, the sound of robotic feet stomping upon the grounds. Turning his head towards the weight of the sound, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. Troop of mekas making themselves known, the hyena slowed down his walk into a tiptoe.

Cruising himself from behind the robotic army, the soldier could feel his heart skip four beats at the sight before him. Military robots exuding an aura of dark green energy, the soldier adjusted his glasses. Was something wrong with these machines? He had to continue to observe them further.

Metallic beings turning their heads towards the green crystals, the soldier could feel himself grow cold. The army of robots, were they going to grab the minerals from the boxes? Group of them soon taking them, the early adult had come to a quick and haphazard conclusion, in a matter of moments.

The meka army, they were definitely, at some point, going to go rogue. Robots storming out of the area and cramming themselves into a glass box, the hyena pondered for a moment. The green energy, if it were to burst, something terrible would happen to the prison, for sure. But, as his thoughts raced, the sound of a thud overtook the area.

Huxian and Pixiu dropping down head first onto the metallic floor, the early adult could feel his heart begin to race inside him. The otters, how could he have forgotten about them all this time? He was worse than their memories combined. Guards soon surrounding asking if either of them could hear them, one of them soon turned towards the chimera.

"New guard, bring these two back to the ocean so they can get their water tanks!" one of the guards shouted.

Giving the guards a nod, the otters had soon been jolted back into the world of consciousness. Group of two giving confused looks, information had come their way that the hyena would take them back to the oceans. Eyes on him for a moment, weak words hit the metallic walls.

"Right....w-aa-t-e-r...tanks....we-eee fo-rg-go-t," Pixiu choked out.

"Purple, take us back to the ocean," Huxian added, gasping for water.

Heavy bodies pressed against his, the soldier dragged the otters forward. Glass lift taking them to the receptionist area, an opening into the ocean world had soon been found. Otters swimming off rapidly, an order had come his way. Receptionist telling him to follow them, or they'll forget to come back, the chimera put on his diving equipment.

Diving suit thrusting him towards the otter duo, hours had passed by. Party of two eventually finding their water tanks, everyone returned themselves to the Fortress of Meropide. Receptionist at the front desk telling everyone to head off to the dormitory block for the night, Huxian and Pixiu led the way.

Brought into a room in a room with beds separated by a ladder, the soldier threw himself into the bottom bunk. Otter duo sharing the top one above him, the early adult turned himself towards the left side. Feeling himself about to drift off into the world of dreams, one final thought wrapped vines around the hyena.

The prison was about to be in danger.


"I can't shake off this feeling. That

Dude with the purple hair. He's
Obviously not a

New guard, is he?
Oh, my memory my be very spotty,
Though, I can just

Tell. He's not as
He seems. Not at all.
I just know something is
Not right. Has Huxian caught on? I do not believe so. I may be
Kneed and eroding away, but I can still

Tell when something is amiss.
He's tricking us, isn't he?
At least, that's what I am sensing.
This person spews with dishonesty, this

Person spews with,
Uh, what was that word, villainy? I don't
Remember. Ah,
Perhaps that is a word too far.
Look, I don't know why, but I find it
Especially hard to believe he is a new

Guard. That's what's eating at me.
Uh, there's certainly no way I am mistaken.
You see, this is what my gut is telling me.

I am absolutely certain. But, I will keep my
Suspicions behind lock

And key. I
Cannot tip myself off as knowing the
Truth of his possible intentions,
Unless I need to truly say something.
As it stands now, I will not say anything.
Let my bad memory act as though I know nothing.
Let myself continue to play along with this,
Yes, that's how it should be.

And, I suppose, while he's

Gone away investigating, we'll do some digging.
Unless I forgot
Almost immediately. No.
Remember, this purple haired person is not who he seems.
Don't forget that. He's bad news. Get to the digging."

Upon waking up the next morning, the soldier's hip throbbed harder than his uneven heartbeat. Lowering a portion of his pants for a moment, the early adult gazed at the joint. Entire hip far more purple than even his own hair, the chimera shook with a fervor. Covering his legs once more, the hyena turned the other cheek. He had no time to concern himself over such a thing.

Otter duo letting out deep throated yawns shortly after, the soldier removed himself from the lower bunk. Hearing the two of them ask themselves what they're doing in the fortress, minutes on end of them trying to recall bounced along the walls. But, as a strange device with pointer hands struck, the two dropped down the ladder.

"Oh, right. You have to investigate the dormitories," Huxian said. But, they hesitated for a moment. "Was that what the receptionist told us?"

"I believe so," Pixiu responded. "Didn't the receptionist tell us say to us, 'Zack, Monique, when that new guard wakes up, tell him to look through the dormitory block.' Am I remembering wrong?" After a moment of silence between the two, the ideas merged together like glue.

"Eh. Maybe that's what she told us," Huxian responded. He then turned towards the purple haired guard. "You should probably start investigating now." He then placed his hand on his chin for a moment. "By the way, my name is not Zack, and her name is not Monique." But he paused for a moment. Why is he saying that? What did it matter. "Eh. Forget that. You should get to work."

Doing as instructed, the soldier had begun walking around the dormitories, but as he had begun to do so, the temporary fortress guard could feel his left leg drag onto the ground behind him. Why was his leg feeling so much heavier than the rest of his body today? Attempting to tune out the oddities, the chimera kept waking.

Dragging himself through the hallway, the soldier could not help but notice a hard rusty scent on the air. Was it just his imagination, or did something smell rotten within the dormitory block? Surely, it had to have just been a combination of bad scents forming into one. But, as he continued to drag himself along, a question had soon come his way.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Pixiu asked, pointing at his leg. "Why are you walking like that?"

Weakness called out, the early adult pushed his left leg behind his right one. Had it been that noticeable that he had been dragging himself forward? He needed to hide such at all costs. Perhaps, just maybe, if he put weight on the opposite leg, everything would appear normal. Resolute on his decision, the chimera reversed the position of his limbs.

Continuing to walk through the dormitories, it had come to the chimera's attention immediately. Mekas walking around an empty room with a singular bed glowing a deep red aura, the hyena could feel a wave of doom flow through him. Peeking his head through the crack, the soldier observed further.

Mechanical beings punching the metallic walls, the doom nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. The meka guards, were they getting ready to harm the prisoners? Something was wrong with this situation, for sure. Otter duo gazing at the robots, as well, the two lowered their eyes into a squint.

Gazing at the robots for a moment longer, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had someone swapped out the meka's power supply with a malicious one? There was no way something had not been done behind the scenes within the Fortress. He needed to investigate further, but a wrench had soon been thrown his way.

"Nothing wrong here," Huxian said out loud. "Nothing out of the ordinary whatsoever."

The early adult almost did a quadruple take as the half of the brains within the otter duo claimed nothing had been wrong. What was Huxian thinking? But, perhaps, just maybe, he had jumped to conclusions. Surely, nothing had been wrong. He had to have been exaggerating.

Investigation within the dorms finished, a new array of orders had come his way. Guard telling him to head for the production zone, no further instructions had been given. What an incredibly vague set of instructions. What did any of that mean? But, Pixiu soon came to the rescue.

"Just pretend you want to work for credit coupons," Pixiu said.

The soldier's jaw dropped open. He had to do what now? Pretend he wanted to work for credit coupons? Wasn't he supposed to be a guard? How would that help him look like he's playing the part of one? What benefit would it have to do the work of a prisoner? But, he supposed it was best to not question it.

Otter duo taking him through the administrative area, the temporary fortress guard turned his head towards the right and left. Prisoners strolling around looking ready for some sort of competition, the early adult turned his attention back towards the pathway in front of him.

Escorted to some a glass box, the machinery took the early adult for a ride. Reaching a room with various assortments of machinery, Pixiu informed a generic man in overalls that the newest guard would like to try out the pressing machine, arms had been crossed around waists.

Person eventually agreeing, the room had soon gone silent. Generic nobody leaving the room, the soldier had soon been handed a gear device. Huxian informing him he had to place the part inside the device and pump air into it until a light was green, the chimera placed himself on a pedal.

Machine blowing off some steam, the hyena placed his hand on his chin. Was he hearing things, or was the presser making a loud whistling noise? Something was not normal about that, for sure. But, the chimera regained focus. There was no time to think about that. Bouncing on the pedal, the whistle whirred.

Steam pumping once more, the hyena took the tiny leap of faith, but the soldier swore he could whiff a puff of smoke as he continued. Shaking such feeling off, the early adult continued. His mind was playing tricks on him, for sure. There was nothing wrong with this machine, guaranteed.

Continuing to press down on the pedal, unease hugged the hyena from behind. Hearing something drop out of the center, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Had a gear slipped itself out? Perhaps, just maybe, he was jumping down too hard. He needed to press down lighter.

But, as the early adult persisted, the sound of more objects dropping overtook the small room. Pressing onward with the work, the whistles had reached their loudest point. Rocks raining out everywhere as time marched onward, the chimera halted the work, for a moment, Crouching down, the debris in front of him screamed like a banshee.

Pitch black rocks glowing against the metallic ground, the hyena could feel his blood flow in the opposite direction. These opaque minerals, he could not help but feel some sort of strong energy unlike anything else. Otter duo dragging him off to the other machines, the result had been the same for those, as well.

Collection of black crystals decorating the floor for minutes on end, the solider could feel a wave of suspicion flow through him. The energy exuding from these minerals, were they abyssal in nature? He could not help but feel that had to have been one of the possible answers. But, as he drifted off, for a moment, Huxian hooked their elbow around his arm.

"There's nothing wrong here," Huxian said. "Let's go to the upper floor now. Come on."

Dragged off towards the glass lift once more, the hyena stared downward towards the floor. Those black crystals, how did they manage to get themselves logged into the production zone's work machinery? Something had to have been amiss. There was no way there was anything normal about that whatsoever.

Turning his attention towards Huxian for a moment, the soldier gazed at the otter. Why was he continuously insisting on nothing being wrong down in the fortress? He could not help but feel this person had to have been hiding something. But, the soldier kept himself quiet. Maybe he had just not remembered, like usual.

But, as the party of three headed for the upper level production zone, a wave of doom flowed through the area. Assembly line in the corner filled to the brim with Meka, the robot's bodies glowed red as they kept being pushed through the belt of automatic movement. Stepping towards the object of many marvels, a game of hop off the production line soon took shape.

Army of robots activating one after another as they threw themselves off their assembly line, the early adult backed fifteen steps away. Robotic creatures revving up punches and sharpening swords, the hyena's knees buckled. The mechanical monsters were coming his way, any second now.

Meka blasting energy his way, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. But, when he opened them once more, his human hands remained. Seeing such, the soldier could feel a wave of uselessness flow through him. Why did his body choose to not let him transform how, of all times? Slipping on the gloves from his satchel instead, the hyena rolled his shoulder.

But, such punches had been nothing more than a failure. Mechanical monsters not having even a dent in them, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Just how sturdy were these enemies? Surely, they had to have some sort of weakness programmed into them somewhere. Attempting to add the power of his Dendro vision within the gloves, the hyena kept the punches going.

Such, however, was the second whammy upon the game board. Mekas shielding themselves from harm almost immediately, the soldier backed himself away. Enemies glowing a deep shade of green as their defenses kicked into the highest possible outcome, the hyena could feel his will leave him. Just what were these machines made out of, tungsten?

Blast of green blobs tossed the hyena's way, the chimera could feel energy leave his body in a matter of moments. Swings missing my a kilometer, the soldier swore that at any given moment he would become a punching bag. Fists swerving off course for minutes on end, the mechanical enemy's attack kept their momentum going.

A prayer would soon tip the scales.

Peculiar looking cross with a bladed edge tossed the temporary fortress guard's way, the soldier turned his head towards the otter duo. Party of two discussing with themselves loudly to just lend him their secret sword, the chimera broke out into a sweat. They had what now? A secret cross that was a sword? They should not have lent such a thing to him. He needed to give such back. But, such request of return was rejected.

"Just borrow it for a moment. Why are you rejecting it? Do you not believe in the archons, or something?" Huxian asked, inquisitive.

Hearing such question, the hyena broke out into a sweat. Not believe in the Archons? What a ridiculous question to be asked. Surely, it was wrong to borrow someone's cross. Wasn't that some sort of sin? Attempting to give it back once more, the otter pushed it back towards him.

"Just borrow it for a moment. Why are you rejecting it?" Huxian repeated. "Just pray to whatever archon for a second and fight." He let out a sigh for a moment. "Focalors, lend me your blessings."

Watching as Huxian's cross embedded itself into a holy light, the early adult could feel himself grow small. Was he really allowed to use such a tool? Surely, he wasn't allowed to take someone else's religious symbol. But, he knew if he tried to return it a third time, the same question would be repeated.

Pixiu sending her prayers to Rex Lapis, the hyena closed his eyes as he placed the bladed cross beside his lips. Sending his prayers to the Dendro archon, a white light with a sparkle of darkness surrounded the temporary weapon. Slashing the light forward, multiple enemies had been taken out of the picture.

Holy light from the archons taking every robot out one after another, the early adult broke out into a shiver. Had someone from a spirit realm shouted while holding his arms out to give everyone their energy? He knew such had not been the case, but he felt like such had to have been, at the moment. The battles, however, were far from over.

Guard running over to the scene panting, a new wave of information had come everyone's way. Man stating with heavy breaths that rogue mekas had made themselves comfortable within the abandoned production zone mines, Huxian and Pixiu had been off to the races. Dragged along with them, a less than pleasant looking area had soon been reached.

Dragged off into a room with abandoned equipment with multiple sealed off doors, the otter duo attempted a series of puzzles one after another. Room off in the corner soon opened up, a new long, rusty smelling corridor had soon been walked through. Pressing onward, a new area unlike anything within the prison prior screamed out to the soldier.

Large, abandoned mining zone filled with a sea of green crystals everywhere, a chill had shot down the hyena's spine. This place lied within the deepest points of the Fortress of Meropide? How strange. He could not help but feel the area before him was forbidden to step foot into.

Robots galore glowing with the same green energy, the soldier prepared to get on the offensive. Mechanical beings attacking something throughout the mining, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Had there been someone else down here? Question soon answered, a familiar face stuck out amongst the crowd.

Diver boy swinging a claymore alongside some penguin toy friend, the soldier rubbed his eyes for a moment. Was he seeing things, or was the blond somewhere outside of the underwater world? Still seeing him even after opening his eyes, a wave of peculiarity flowed through him. Was he sent on this mission, as well? He could not help but feel something had been off about that. Eyes soon on him, a question rolled the dice.

"Are you here to commence clean up?" the diver boy asked.

Giving the young man a nod, the diver soon returned to his portion of the work. Blade swiping with a fury, the early adult took a deep breath. There was no way he could leave it at all to on singular person. Gloves soon over his knuckles, the hyena rolled up the first of many punches.

Such had soon become the triple whammy upon the game board. Mechanical enemy grabbing a hold of his palms in seconds, the soldier could feel his body twist and turn for minutes on end. Blood rushing to his head as the meka flipping him into an upside down position, the ground was the ceiling, the ceiling was the ground.

Otter duo asking him why he was using those boxing gloves again, the early adult closed his eyes. Right, use the secret sword the two of them thrusted upon him. He had to make use of such gift, for the time being. Throwing the gloves off, the soldier sent his prayers to the Dendro Archon he was not supposed to worship once more.

Holy light bathing the mekas for minutes on end, the tables reversed back towards the enemies within the snap of a singular finger. Peculiar mineral stocks floating on the air the hyena almost fell backwards. The rocks, were they combining themselves with the machinery? There was no way he would stand any chance now.

Diver stating such behavior was rather abnormal for Clockwork Meka, the early adult's knees had become as hard as stone. The green mineral stock, was something wrong with them? Everyone needed to defeat the enemies as soon as possible before they were to cause more damage.

But, such soon proved to be an impossibility. Creatures soon regenerating after multiple attempts at defeat, the early adult could feel the white flag within him ready to wave. Were these enemies invincible? There was no way to reach victory now, for sure. Everyone's fate was sealed.

Regenerations not ceasing, even for a moment, Huxian and Pixiu sent a sea of questions on repeat for minutes on end. Hearing the otters confusion, the early adult flinched. What was the point of pressing onward with this battle? There was no way to win. But, an option soon presented itself to the playing field.

Diver soon aiming for the green crystal deposits within the meka's spinning parts, a realization had washed over soldier. The power source, right, aiming for the core. That had to have been the answer. Setting his sights on such, the hyena steeled himself for possible failure.

First machine removed from the equation as their gears rusted into nothing, the hyena blinked. Was it really that simple? The diver's expertise in machinery was nothing to sneeze at. Otter duo following suit, hours of cleanup soon commenced within the mining area. Every single mechanical enemy turning to dust, the next order of business was upon the chimera.

Taken back to the administrative area, the chimera had been told to patrol the area once more. As such had gone on, however, a face he should not have seen had begun to crop up around the underground prison. Inmates chanting the grand duke had returned from, the world froze.

Duke's boots stomping up a storm, a chill had begun to run down the hyena's spine. It was over, he was going to get caught. Wasn't this person the one who was in charge of the entire fortress? It was game over. Man walking towards him, the hyena closed his eyes for a moment. It was all over for him.

Tall man with spiky, greying wolfish hair and a black and red overcoat pulled over his buttoned down grey outfit, the soldier could feel the man's eyes size him up like he was some pin-up model. Arms soon crossed around his waist, the soldier could feel his vitality meter drop to zero.

It was over.

"New guard, huh? I know what you're up to, Fatuus," the grand duke said, arms crossed. "You thought you had me fooled, didn't you?"

Hearing the duke slap on some gauntlets, the early adult could feel his soul about to remove itself from his body. How did this man know his true identity? He needed to explain himself. Yes, explain himself. Tell him the situation before it was too late. Taking a deep, frantic breath, the soldier placed his hands into a pleading position.

"Sir, please, have mercy!" Siorc begged. "There's something terribly wrong going on down here! Please, spare me, I beg you!" But, such begs for mercy fell on deaf ears.

"Nice try, Fatuus," the duke fired back. He then turned his attention towards the Liffey guards. "Zack, Monique, I thought I told you two to heavily guard the entrance in the front." A weak defense soon called itself to the stand.

"Those red plants cropped up again, so we had to leave," Huxian retorted. "By the way my name isn't Zack, it's Huxian." But, the last part had been cut off, in an instant.

"We couldn't just leave those unattended," Pixu added.

"Full of excuses," the duke said. As he said such, a paperweight had been lifted upon the ground.

Duke's gauntlets lifting him up from the collar as if he were a weightless bag of air, the early adult could feel himself enclosed into a tight grip. Swirled around into a circle as his body hit the metallic ground, the soldier could feel his wind leave him as an array of fists concentrated themselves into his torso. Hips thrown into the mix as well, the world of unconsciousness invited the hyena back in. Ready to fade away as knuckles pressed down on his joints one final time, one final thought broke through.

This was all for nothing, wasn't it?


"I am a failure. I

Am a failure. Her
Majesty, she's going to be disappointed in me.

And she's going to kill me.

Please, Your Majesty, have mercy. I did not
Anticipate I would get caught this easily.
Please, I am begging you, have mercy.
Even I had no idea the Duke was lurking.
Really, I did not know. Her Majesty,
Will she kill me?
Everything is set in stone.
I am a failure.
Guess I should have been more careful.
How could I not anticipate
This outcome?

I am a failure. I

Am a failure. Her
Majesty, she's going to kill me.

Well, she's always listening. I am sure she is
Eager to end me.
As I have failed her.
Knowing her, she's already well

Aware of what happened here.

For now, I should say goodbye,
Ah, goodbye world,
I am going to be removed.
Looks like that magician was wrong. I'm Her Majesty's favorite?
Utter nonsense, that was never the truth.
Right, that's far from the truth.
Everything about that is

Falsified. A lie.
Right, I'm just a failure.
A disappointment. The
Gears are all turning, one after another.
I am a failure, I am a failure, a
Loser on the battlefield.
Everything will end with my downfall, it's over."

Coming to in the prison infirmary, the soldier could feel himself in a deep haze. Where was he, how did he end up in here? Creampuff hair Melusine walking towards him with a small smile on her face, the hyena blinked. What was she doing down here in a place like this?

"It's good to see you awake," the creampuff haired melusine said. "A doctor found a couple of bullets lodged inside your hip after you were knocked out! But, we had them removed."

The early adult blinked of bewilderment. One of doctors found bullets lodged inside his hip? How did those get inside of him? Her Majesty's punishment, he swore all that it had done was brush up against the joint. Hearing the Melusine say that ----------- just enjoys a good fight, the chimera did a triple take. Was that supposed to be one of his daily sparring matches, or something? Unbelievable. Raising himself from the bed, a sea of discouragements had come his way.

Melusine nurse trying to discourage him from getting up so quickly, the soldier went against medical advice. Did she really think it was necessary to keep him here cooped up in a prison bed? No way. The bullets were already removed. He could not just sit around while a crisis was an otter's foot. He had to leave now.

Stepping back into the area, a sea of panic screams threatened to flood the entire prison in a matter of moments. Prisoners running for their lives one after another, an army of mekas stomped through the fortress, ready to aim and fire. Multiple people punched out and forming piles on the ground, the hyena dashed off onto the scene.

Otter duo and the duke attacking multiple rogue mekas with all their might, the hyena readied for his fists to join in on the talking. But, the same secret sword had been thrown the soldier's way from the day prior. Huxian again telling him to just use it, the soldier sighed. He supposed he would need to use the peace offering. Duke staring at him, a surprising set of words had come his way.

"Seems you were right about the mekas after all," the duke said as he punched a machine. "Apologies for knocking you out." But, Pixiu soon cut in.

"I don't know why you had to be so rough with him, Grand Duke, sir," Pixiu interrupted. "You turned his hip all black." But, another voice interrupted.

"No, he didn't, Monique," Huxian said, deadpan. He then hesitated for a moment. "But, your name isn't Monique, it's Pixiu." He turned his head off towards the opposite direction. "Why did I call you Monique just now?" He then regained focus. Clearing their throat, he tried again. "No, he didn't Pixiu. It was already deeply bruised when he pulled his punches. Well, whatever, we need to fight these things."

Everyone soon spreading out throughout the area, the fortress defense team was on the case. Mekas spreading themselves out amongst the prison, the early adult dashed off towards the ones thinking they could get away. But, as he had begun running, the soldier swore he had felt much lighter than before. Had something been fixed? Doctors were magical.

Mekas around the administration area taken out of the picture after five attempts at regeneration, the soldier tilted his head towards the ceiling. Whoever programmed these enemies, they had to have beefed up the monsters to their maximum abilities possible. Robots lurking throughout the rest of the area, the fight had been on.

Robots dissolved into nothing after prayers had been embedded within his temporary secret sword, the early adult stared down at the cross weapon. Just what was powering this thing? But, he supposed it did not matter what kind of sorcery had been contained inside it. Soon spotting some mekas running off towards the pankration ring, the soldier made haste.

Meka soldiers singing themselves up for some martial arts competition, the early adult added himself upon the roster list. But, the hyena swore he could hear the robots screaming all hail the abyss. Owner of the pankration ring granting his entry into the competition, the early adult prepared all his prayers from the steel bastion he currently resided in.

Small robot looking ready to swing and hit his glasses, the early adult placed the cross in front of him. With the power of the gods and animal prowess at his side, the holy light bathed the creature into a deep fried pot of stew. Referee looking ready to ask if foul play were in place, otter whispers wisped in his ears.

Second robot throwing itself into the ring, light bathed the secret sword once more. Meka removed from the equation after four regenerations, the soldier fell ono his knees. Whatever was powering these enemies, it was certainly out of this world, without a shadow of a doubt.

Third meka taken out of the picture after a fifteen minute fight, the soldier broke out into a sweat. Was it just him, or had these robots been getting sturdier as the battles went on? But, he supposed the metals they had been made were different than the others. As the fight wrapped up, however, the definite culprits showed themselves.

Abyssal gazelles appearing out of nowhere, the hyena shook his head. Kelebek and Izzet? He should have known it was these two who were up to no good. Why had they always been the ones causing problems around Fontaine? Surely, they had to have grown tired of all this by now.

"Little rebel, are you having fun with our toys?" Kelebek asked, laughing.

Hearing such an inquiry, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Was he having fun with their toys? What a ludicrous question. Absolutely not, why would he get a thrill out of destroying machines that were bringing harm to prisoners? Just because they were criminals according to the world did not mean they deserved to be put in harm's way. But, his thoughts were soon rushed down the river.

"Tick tock, tick tock, the Duke's time is almost up!" Izzet shouted. "Nyahahahaha, better hurry!"

Abyss gazelles attempting to bring the duke into their shenanigans, the soldier's currently human legs erupted into a speedy sprint. What were they about to do to him? Whatever it was, he could not allow it. Large office doors within the administrative area wide open, the chimera invited himself in.

Watching as the duke punched a meka into oblivion as it attempted to go downward into some sort of secret room, eyes were soon on him. Look of seriousness on the duke's face, the soldier could feel a sweat drop pour down his face. The no longer hooded strangers, they had definitely targeted the wrong person, for sure.

"Go to the production zone," the duke said. "Help Zack and Monique instead."

Zooming out of the duke's office, the soldier dashed off to the production zone. Otter duo telling him to head for the upper floor as they take care of the lower one, another glass lift had soon been taken in a matter of moments. Higher level in the prison flooded with mechanical enemies, the soldier braced himself.

Mechanical enemies looking particularly weak to the elements, the chimera threw down a flower acquaintance. Windwheel Aster brought to life by his Dendro Vision, the soldier provided silent commands to his plant familiar. Enemy taking a small dent, the chimera kept the commands going.

Vines slapping the creatures a new one for minutes on end, the soldier dashed off the western exit as fast as his human legs could carry him. Finding himself amongst of quintet of robots, the hyena kept the momentum going for minutes on end. But, the regeneration button had soon been pressed once more.

Knowing he had no choice but to rely on the cross again, the hyena sighed. Divine powers of the holy sword cross flowing through him once more, the light devoured the abyssal monstrosities into a sea of white in a matter of moments. Hearing the enemies claiming the abyss shall prevail, the chimera shook his head.

But, as the soldier pressed onward, the no longer hooded strangers soon poofed behind the hyena. Feeling a dark presence ready to swallow him, the chimera rolled his eyes. What other words of corny evil did these two have to say now? They should just bury themselves in a maze and stop causing problems.

"While he was distracted, our toys went into that secret room!" Kelebek revealed in a screeching tone.

"Nyahaha, better run before it's too late for the duke!" Izzet exclaimed.

Dashing back to the duke's office, a room that had hidden itself off soon revealed itself. Mekas jumping upon some strange door with a twitching needle, the early adult could feel a heavy wave of unease flow through him. He did not know why, but something about the passage beneath felt important to Fontaine.

Duke stating that if the valve is broken, primordial seawater would break loose, a deep sense of urgency flowed through the hyena. There was no way he could allow for such waters to leak out. The abyssal powered mekas, he had to removed them from the equation as soon as possible.

Otters soon joining he mix, the fight was soon on. Mekas looking read to punch multiple holes into the valve beneath them, the power of the holy light had begun to bathe the enemies deep. Creatures regenerating as quickly as they had been defeated, the second round soon unleashed itself upon the villains.

But, as the multitude of enemies had been evaporated one after another, more had invited themselves to the party. Power of the cross and duke's icy punches pressing onward, the soldier let out a battle cry. The mekas, he could not let them continue onward. No chance whatsoever.

Final set of machines turned into unusable scrap metal, the familiar sound of the abyssal gazelle duo dropping by through their means of definite illegal teleportation, the chimera grit his teeth. Just how much more chaos did they want to unleash? Hadn't they already had enough fun? They needed to throw in the towel on their horrid robot chaos.

"Better hurry! Our favorites are in the mines!" Izzet exclaimed.

Knowing that was his cue to leave, the hyena and the otters were off to the races. Duke staying behind, the soldier shrugged. He supposed the top dog at the prison had a code to fulfill. Passing through the multiple production zones, only the abandoned one awaited.

Group of mekas empowered with a sea of green crystals, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Mechanical monsters opening up a huge portal of darkness, the early adult had come to an immediate conclusion. The gazelles, they had set up a trap. If he did not hurry, the Fortress would be sucked into the portal guaranteed.

Closing his eyes, for a moment, the chimera's currently human hand had soon transformed into hyena paws. Slashing forward for minutes on end, the hyena swore defeat was about to come as easy as opening up a present on his birthday. But, complacency would soon be his downfall.

Meka fusing itself with a nearby ally as he slashed their power supply, the chimera could hardly believe his eyes. What in the world did he just witness, a fusion dance? It was almost as if, in another world that was not Teyvat, an alien race was capable of doing such a thing. But, there was no way such could have been possible here. His eyes had to have been playing tricks on him.

Second meka soon fusing itself with the third after its defeat, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. What in the world was going on here? What kind of failsafe had been programmed into these things? Otter duo fighting other mekas off in the corner, the soldier pressed onward. He supposed this was his fight alone.

Third robot soon fusing with the fourth as it ate green energy, the hyena could feel everything break inside him. What were these robots made out of, powerful magnets? Absolutely ridiculous. Whatever was making them fuse together upon defeat had to be powered down immediately.

But such wishes fell flat on the ground as the fourth robot soon fused itself with the final one. Monster spinning its arms around for minutes on end, the early adult could feel himself get tossed around like an old toy ready to be thrown out into the trash can. But, as the minutes raged onward, a party soon came back from the ashes.

Diver boy and otter duo's crosses and claymore ready, the final round of the fight had been upon everyone. Penguin toy freezing the enemy solid after fifteen strikes, Huxian and Pixiu's crosses had begun to glow the purest white he had ever seen. Soldier adding his borrowed secret sword into the mix, the final judgement call had been brought forth upon the machine. Robot soon dissolving into nothing, accusatory hands had been thrown the soldier's way.

"Hyena boy, we will be back, don't you forget it!" Izzet shouted, pointed.

"He made the wrong enemy out of oneself!" Kelebek also shouted.

Abyssal duo soon vanishing, the hyena crossed his arms across his waist. Just how many could they exact revenge on him? This was getting old at this point. Stepping out of the mining zone, an array of apologies had come from the duke in a matter of moments.

"Suppose I owe you one since you were right about those mekas," the duke said. "Fatui or not, I owe you my gratitude."

Otter duo apologizing to him for being useless, the chimera shook his head. Why were they saying that now? They had certainly proved their usefulness. Returning their secret sword to them, the early adult returned to the reception desk. Informed the lift would take him to the outside of the opera house, the soldier ascended upward. But, as he returned to the surface world, a faceless mask awaited him. Agent walking towards him, words bathed him deep.

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent said, pride evident in his voice. "You are hereby dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya immediately."

Told to return to the permafrost north, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the hyena closed his eyes. Stepping through the icy cold hallways, the steel walled room awaited him after fifteen minutes of walking.

But, as the hyena stepped foot into the soundproof room, the soldier walked around in a circle. The abyss gazelles, just what was their true goal? Whatever it was, something deep and sinister awaited all of Teyvat if they were to succeed. Such could not happen, no matter what.

Wave of tiredness soon overtaking the chimera, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses soon put aside, the hyena closed his eyes. But as the world of sleep was ready to take him away, one final thought looped on repeat.

The energy crisis could get worse at any moment.

Chapter 12: Meka Parts in Fontaine: Something's Robotically Fishy.


This chapter is yet another Collecting Robot Parts in a region. In this section, Siorc is partnered with Krysi and Rys to collect meka gears around Fontaine. Something fishy ensues. Feat: Earl, Robin, Raven, Vidame, Domini, Brume, Eclater, Bain, Huxian, Pixiu, Neuvilette, Wriothesley and of course, Kelebek and Izzet.


Things straight up are just getting wild.

Chapter Text

"What is going on? Why did
Her Majesty send the cat and rat chimera to my doorstep?
You know what this means?

Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, she is planning something.
Ryś, and Krysí,
Every time I see them,

There's this uneasy feeling that
Her Majesty is up to something.
Even though this is only my third encounter with them, it

Cannot be a good thing.
Ah, what does she want this time?
The cores from Meka?

Ah, no this is
Not good. One wrong step and I am
Done for. Just like last time.

Really, Your Majesty, what are you thinking?
All of this might land me in
The Fortress of Meropide.

After all, I already have had
Two cases, a third could be around the corner.

Maybe I am overthinking.
Yes, I am overthinking.

Doubt these are from the meka gardes,
Obviously, it's from rogue
Ones again. Surely, that's the case.
Right, that has to be it.

After all, there's quite a lot of these cases lately.
Guess this is just yet
Another one to add to that pile.
I see now, I suppose I am overreacting.
Now, I have a vision

This time, are Krysí and Ryś even necessary?
Oh, well, I am not used to this
Dendro Orb, so their company
As a team is welcome, truly.
Yes, I should embrace this, I

Should be thankful.
Over time, I will have
Mastered the
Element I have been bestowed by
The gods.
How long it will take?
I do not know,
Nor am I going to venture a
Guess. Someday,

I will be more adept to the
Source of power provided to me.

For now, this is my team.
I'm not sure if these two won't be regarded as
Suspicious, but I guess we will see.
However I look at this, it will not end well.
Yet, I know I am jumping

And leaping to conclusions.
Be hopeful. Maybe there will be no suspicions thrown
Over to them.
Up to this point I need
To push these thoughts away,

Take my mind to focus on work.
Here's to a smooth work,
I must remain diligent and
Silent, that is key."

Four days have passed since the hyena investigated and dealt with the rogue robots down in the Fortress of Meropide. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs in Liyue going on like they always did during the ninety-six hours, mundaneness kicked itself into overdrive.

Upon waking up for the morning, the soldier rubbed his eyes a smidgeon as a gust of icy wind hit the barricaded window. Letting out a deep yawn, the early adult let out a deep sigh. Any day now, and the next month long blizzard would come back from the weather dead. Placing his glasses over his heterochromatic eyes, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed his uniform over his partially human person, the chimera could not help but ponder. The abyss gazelles, were they planning on making a move on the rest of Teyvat? But, the hyena threw such thought out into the snow outside. He should not concern himself over such a thing. Surely, if such event was happening, it would be put a stop to by various forces. But, such thoughts soon bubbled into overdrive.

Walking towards the barricaded window, the soldier gazed at the world of snow outside. Snezhnaya, was it about to be claimed by the abyss, too? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. There was no way such a thing could ever happen. Her Majesty would order the end of anyone who would ever come in her way, guaranteed.

Slapping his cheeks, the chimera walked back towards his uniform drawers. Removing the cover off his hairpin and earring box, the hyena clicked the weaponized jewelry and accessory into place. Adorning matching Windwheel Asters in his hair and ears, a wave of confidence flowed through the chimera. Whatever were to come at him today, he was ready for anything.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena stared at the green orb below him. His Vision, should he use it more? But, the soldier shook his head. The power of the elements had to have limited usage. He should not use it all up too early after receiving one, for sure.

Thoughts flooding his brain, for a moment, the hyena walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Visions, could they break? If such were to happen, would his elemental prowess vanish? Gazing at the orb once more, the hyena kept on studying, for a moment. The God's gift, he must not take it for granted.

But, the soldier popped a pin into such thought. There was no way he would be able to find out if such were the case. He needed to stop getting distracted by his thoughts and continue to get ready before the Agent were to arrive. Throwing every single thought away that did not relate to work, the soldier ended his pace about.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the early adult took a long deep breath. He is overthinking this, for sure. Visions were nothing more than elemental powers brought on by a person's dreams or ambitions. Surely, as long as someone's ambitions were alive, the energy would still exist. Throwing the final nail into the coffin onto such topic, the hyena snapped the final button upon his uniform shut. Everything in order, the young soldier had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the sound of rather peculiar footsteps and a cat bell clinking, the hyena tilted his head towards the ceiling. Who was coming towards his door? Was the Agent not coming today? Bell only getting louder as the seconds ticked away, confusion looped on repeat. Strange noises soon halting, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight presented to him.

Bobcat and rat chimera standing by the door, confusion had only continued the devour the hyena further. Her Majesty, why had she sent these two here? He had his vision now, there was no need for them to lend their assistance. But, the soldier kept himself quiet. He knew he could not say such a thing. Eyes soon on him, the ice broke.

"Hi again, Siorcy!" Ryś greeted, practically purring. "The Agent is away on business, meow!"

Hearing the Agent had been away on business, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could he have possibly been up to? But, he supposed whatever his subordinate might be doing while he was not around was absolutely no business of his. Turning his head towards the duo, his attention was laser focused.

"So, Her Majesty sent us in his place," Krysí added, voice shaking. "Here's your bag of diving equipment. We'll give you a few minutes to look through it."

Girls stepping outside, for a moment, the soldier flipped the satchel's opening flap back. Diving equipment sitting down folded up neatly like it usually had been, the hyena readied to close the bag up once more. But, as he prepared to do so, something of particular note stuck out like a Slime in a tribe of Hilichurls.

Spotting an odd pistol in the shape of an octopus, the hyena tilted his head once more. What was something like this doing in his bag? Had a younger soldier slipped a toy in here? But, he supposed it had to have some sort of purpose for a later point. Putting the object away, he turned towards the duo.

"I am ready?" the chimera said as a question, words barely audible.

Hearing the layer of confusion in Siorc's voice, Krysí's tail coiled up from behind her. Had he found the pistol while looking through the bag she gave him? Why did he look so puzzled by it? Maybe it was best to explain what it was for before they were to move forward.

"That pistol is just for puzzles we might come across," Krysí explained, she then turned toward Ryś'. "Ryś', tell Siorc about our mission."

"Of course, I remembered it!" Ryś responded, tail stretched out. "Her Majesty wants us to get Meka gears in Fontaine!"

The soldier could feel his heart skip a beat as Ryś revealed the mission He had to collect Meka gears in Fontaine? If he were to slip up ant any given moment, he would be arrested for sure this time. But, he knew he had no choice, in the matter. His orders were absolute. Giving the pair a nod, the early adult waited for a moment.

"I'm sorry to ask, but could you take out your map for us?" Krysí asked. "Her Majesty didn't give us one."

Doing as instructed, the early adult opened up the orb into map form. Krysí informing him they needed to head over to some desert, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Why was it always the desert edges he had to go to for Fontaine related missions? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. He should have been used to such by now. Pressing the teleport waypoint west to Romaritime Harbor, the hyena closed his eyes as the rat and bobcat chimera were within close proximity of him. Fast travel about to come to a close, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

What does Her Majesty need meka parts for?


"Seems like the Iudex wants us to hand another bounty personally today.
Ordinary, we would immediately jump at such opportunity, but
My boyfriend, for the first time
Ever, I don't know what he's
Thinking. The Iudex mentioned there is these fish everywhere, Robin looks perturbed.
Hon, what are you thinking?
I do not believe I have ever seen him with such a face before.
Now, this is quite strange, I do not blame him.
Getting a report about machines going rogue

Is rather unusual.
So many peculiar occurrences are happening lately.

Mayhaps it should not surprise me my lover is confused in all this.
Even so, I ask about this request
Carefully. 'Monsieur --------, I beg your pardon, but did I
Hear you correctly?'
As it would seem, I did
Not mishear him. 'You did
Indeed, Monsieur Raven, mechanical fish have escaped onto the surface.'
Could this be some sort of fish outbreak?
All of these bounties we have been getting
Lately all seem to involve quite unusual beings.
Looks like there might be a villain afoot. Robin, hon, is that what
You're thinking?

For now, we take the bounty.
It seems there has been various reports of them in Mount Esus East,
Some in the west.
Here's to another clean day of bounty hunting.
Yet I am starting to think there is going to be

Harder days ahead.
Even so, Robin enjoys the challenge, and I suppose I
Really do not mind it
Either. It is time to go fish slaying."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult stared off towards the harbor off in the distance. Why couldn't he just teleport to the city directly? But, the soldier kept such questions to himself. Maybe there were laws in place that did not allow for the usage of fast travel.

Krysí and Ryś soon climbing down the sandy mountain, the soldier followed behind them. Party of two in front of him stepping towards the water, the bobcat chimera gazed at the pool of liquid for minutes on end. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was she afraid of water? He had heard some cats had a phobia over getting wet. But such thoughts were proven false in a matter of moments.

"How are we supposed to cross the water, meow?" Ryś asked, fidgeting about. "I don't have enough stamina to swim that far!"

"We have to summon a boat with the press of a button," Krysí said to Ryś. She then clicked an invisible button.

Boat appearing after the press of an invisible button, wanderlust ate the chimera up like a plate of cake. It was as easy as pushing a button? How impressive. Technology was incredible. Why hadn't all of Teyvat been like this? But, he supposed different societies moved at different paces.

"Wow, it appeared out of nowhere, meow!" Ryś exclaimed, hopping onto the vessel's front side. She then turned towards Siorc. "Hop on, Siorcy!"

Krysí soon shrinking down into rat form and crawling onto Ryś' shoulder, the chimera seated himself on the opposite end of the vehicle. Everyone completely seated, the boat cruised forward in a slow and steady manner. Harbor off in the distance, a sea of thoughts devoured the soldier.

Order flowing back into his mind, the soldier could not help but wonder further. Why did Her Majesty want meka gears? Surely, she had plenty of materials to make her various technological devices. But, the hyena knew he could not question her motives, or his life would be over, in an instant.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after twenty minutes, a familiar reminder of utter aggravation had been tossed the hyena's way. Krysí informing him that he is not allowed to use his proxy map to teleport within anywhere around Fontaine, the soldier held back the urge to growl. Why did he have to hear this speech again? He was getting quite tired of hearing it from every single person every single time he was in the harbor. Keeping himself silent, the soldier simply nodded.

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift as usual, only a single soul stirred within the area near the Aquabus station. Young, well dressed woman standing by the side of the line, her head soon turned towards the rat, bobcat and he as they stepped towards the sign in the corner. But, such look quickly turned into a scene as fingers pointed towards Ryś' shoulder.

"Eek, a rat!" the rich lady screamed. "Why aren't you killing it?!"

Siorc could hardly believe his ears. Who did this woman think she was, saying something like that? Did she not see the doll clothing and humanoid eyes? How dare she suggest to end her life. Even if she were a regular rat and not a chimera, rodents were creatures that deserved to live just as much as everyone else. They were not malicious monsters like the elemental beings in the open wilderness.

Hearing this rude lady say the usual reactionary line, Ryś held back the urge to crack her knuckles. Yet another sorry person who thought every creature that wasn't a human was lesser than they were. These kinds of people were easy to handle. Giving her fighting partner, she soon nodded.

Getting the usual lines of fear about her, Krysí's tail coiled up from behind her. When will humans learn that rats and mice weren't scary? Ryś giving her a signal, she gave a nod back. It was time to go by the usual script to the aggressor before she were change the subject towards herself.

"Don't be rude to my little robot friend!" Ryś exclaimed, claws pointing at Krysí. "She can hear everything you just said!"

"Beep boop," Krysí said in a fake sounding robot voice. "Aggressors will face the wrath of the rat!"

Generic woman running away screaming she was out of here, the harbor soon grew quiet. Lady soon gone without a trace, the early adult's jaw practically dropped open. Did they just come up with such skit right on the spot? How impressive and resourceful of them, if so.

Krysí soon returning to human form and pressing the button in the corner, the Aquabus arrived quicker than the soldier had been able to process it. Vessel of automatic power already docked, the soldier seated himself towards the back of the vehicle. Krysí and Ryś parking themselves further in the front, the ride soon began.

Melusine doing her usual tour to her new guests, an apology had soon come the sea denizen's way. Ryś informing her she and her friend need to go over some business, the tour guide asked if she didn't want a tour. Loud no said back, sweat poured down the soldier's back. Did she have to be so loud about it? Volume control was an important skill to learn in society.

Krysí soon opening up a large book entitled Adventurer's Handbook that definitely weighed more than her when in rat form, the soldier kept one ear open. Where would his Meka hunting adventures be taking him this time? He supposed anywhere was possible, even inside the Iudex's office.

Hearing the rat chimera call out the location Belleau region, Fontaine, the soldier blinked. Their first order of business was to head to the south eastern area? They needed turn back around right now and leave the Aquabus. Giving the girls eye contact as he realized such, the early adult jerked his index finger into a leftward motion.

"You want us to turn around?" Ryś asked, puzzled. She then paused for a moment, hesitating. "Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you, meow! We have to go to a hotel and get some weapons from our subordinate first!"

"So, we can't ask the Aquabus to turn around," Krysí added. "Sorry, Siorc. Is there something you forgot at the harbor?"

Hearing Krysí's question, the soldier shook his head. He supposed it was best for everyone to be armed in some way before continuing onward to fight any sort of monsters. Aquabus getting closer towards the capital city, the hyena remained seated, for a moment. Right, weapons. How could he forget about such an important component to battling?

Vessel soon reaching the station, the soldier stepped forward. Surely, going to Hotel Deboard would be a quick and easy trip, and he wouldn't run into the penguin chimera whatsoever. Knowing the fancy establishment was in the western side of the city, the hyena led the way.

As the soldier cruised through the city streets, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just what kind of mekas awaited him today? If it were merely just corrupted gardes, he knew he would need to proceed with utmost caution. But, as he kept on walking, more questions kept flowing in like water.

The mekas, could they have been rogue ones that had secretly escaped the Fortress of Meropide after defeat? Recalling many down in the bastion underneath the sea had strange regenerative powers, perhaps, just maybe, some had excused themselves from the establishment.

But, the early adult threw such thought away. There was no way something like that could have been possible. The mekas, he had defeated every single one of them. There was absolutely no way a single one of them had survived. Not a chance. Keeping his face forward, the hyena kept walking.

Seeing the Steambird off in the corner, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had the rogue robots been recorded in the newspapers? But, the hyena rolled up the invisible paper into a roll and wacked the buzzing fly. The news, why did it matter what they thought about the situation? They would sensationalize the incidents.

Hotel merely twenty steps away, the early adult took a deep breath. He needed to stop getting distracted by his thoughts. He was on the nonexistent clock now. He needed to focus all his attention on the mission at hand. Pushing the entrance open, the chimera and duo behind him stepped inside.

But, as the chimera entered the hotel, the thorn in his side would soon poke his unwanted head in. Spotting Earl walking away from the restaurant in the corner, the soldier resisted the urge to let out a groan. Why was the penguin chimera always everywhere he was whenever he was working? The archons were playing a cruel trick on him, for sure. Eyes soon wandering towards the pair beside him and then back towards him, the hyena prepared himself for the grating voice to break the glass windows.

Seeing his future husband in the hotel lobby, Earl's eyes sparkled. Was Siorc coming here to book a reservation for a hotel room? He should come to his home and sleep there instead. But, his face soon fell at the sight in the corner. Seeing two women next to him, a boulder crushed him. Did he score himself two wives? A lover's affair, how juicy and a scandalous gut punch.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. He then pointed at his lovers. "You're into polygamy? I wasn't expecting that, but I accept you no matter what!"

Krysí's tail twisted into knots. Who was this guy to assume what kind of relationship anyone was in? What an annoying person, sticking his nose in where it didn't belong. Nosy people were nasty people. If this man were in Snezhnaya, his tongue should freeze immediately.

"Excuse me?" Krysí asked, shaking. "We are nothing of the sort."

Ryś' ears twitched for a moment. This guy was a funny one. He thought she, Krysí, and Siorcy were a couple? How silly of him. She was single, at least for now. But, she knew push came to shove. She had a meeting to get to. This person was in the way. It was best to tell him to move over gently.

"Nope! Just coworkers!" Ryś exclaimed. "Could you scoot over, please? We have someone important to meet, meow!"

Hearing the strangers deny they were in any sort of couple status, a wave of relief washed over Earl. Siorc wasn't taken? How wonderful, becoming his wife someday was not off the table. If he was already on the job, and he was in the way, he would excuse himself.

"Sorry, Madame Gato!" Earl shouted, backing away. "I'll get out of your way!"

As Earl walked off, the soldier swore he could hear something taped onto his back. Ryś giggling up a storm, the early adult turned his head towards the hotel's exit. White sheet of paper with the words kick me printed on them, the early adult folded his arms across his waist. But, he soon returned his attention elsewhere. Whatever happened outside the hotel doors was not his problem.

Tall, ginger Fatui wearing a top hat, teal mask and a suit, a set of weapons sat in their hands. Gazing at them, for a moment, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just him, or was there something different about the spears and claymores they were delivering?

Krysí and Ryś taking theirs first, the soldier proceeded to claim his. But, as he had done so, a chill dropped down his spine. Standard Fatui issued greatsword with a delusion embedded deep inside it, the early adult could feel his soul ready to depart from his body. He had to use a sinister orb once again? He was done for. But, something else had soon been gifted to him.

Fatui operative soon handing him a metallic breastplate, a peculiar order had come his way. Ginger informing him he must wear this plate of armor, the hyena stared at the steel clothes seated in his palms. Why was he expected to wear armor, all of the sudden? Rat and bobcat given their own coat of arms, as well, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. He supposed it was better to be safe than sorry.

Slipping the metallic breastplate over his clothes, the duo in front of him were off to the races. Hearing Ryś say that had to hurry and go to the Aquabus now, the early adult dashed off towards them. Right, he had to get to work right away. Sheathing the claymore from behind him, the chimera had begun running.

Krysí informing him as the Aquabus headed towards the Poisson Tunnel that they had to head to the West Slopes of the area first, the hyena nodded. Tunnel soon reached, the early adult stepped off the vessel, party of two jumping off, as well, the soldier deployed his wind glider.

Ryś landing on her feet from high above, the hyena could feel sweat pour down his cheek. How in the world was she able to withstand such a huge jump without a wind glider? But, he supposed, as the rumor goes, cats were always able to land on their feet without getting hurt.

Seeing Krysí get a little whiplash from her descent downward, the soldier dashed off towards her. But, seeing her shake her head, the party of two in front of him had begun walking. Wasting no time, the soldier stepped towards them. Knowing he had to keep his eyes open for any enemies, the chimera scouted the area.

Spotting strange robots in the corner laying down noxious looking ice beds, the early adult accelerated his walk into a sprint. Ryś running faster than everyone combined, her polearm had soon been in front of her. Spear glowing a peculiar light, she thrusted the weapon towards the enemy with gusto.

Watching as the bobcat chimera pressed the tip of her weapon into the construction monster's gears, a white explosion engulfed the creature. Enemy folding itself up into a cocooning state, she soon placed herself into a lunging position. Body becoming intertwined with the javelin, the soldier did a double take as the light kept its bath going.

Multiple enemies slain one after another, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What delusional element did Ryś' polearm contain inside it? Seeing her huff about as the monsters dropped their spoils of war, he could feel everything slow down, for a moment. Was the weapon taking her life energy? He would need to warn her of the dangers later, if necessary.

But, after a moment of reprieve, more enemies wheeled themselves onto the grass. Mechanical monsters looking ready to swing themselves forward, the soldier readied himself for battle. Ryś ramming herself forward, yellow light taking the stage, the soldier took attempted to step forward.

Seeing her factory partner heave a heavy breath Krysí stepped herself up to the plate. Was she using too much of her strength already? She could not stand by and do nothing and let her fight by herself. Monsters wheeling themselves in she brought her claymore out in front of her.

Swinging the claymore forward, a blinding white light engulfed the robotic army. Keeping her swipes going as more had been defeated, a realization had washed over her. Had Ryś' and she's weapon contained some sort of power native to Fontaine? How poignant if it were taking power from the user.

Watching as Krysí's greatsword glowed a bright yellow light in combat, as well, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had their weapons contained some sort of delusion version of the pneumaousia system? He could not help but feel a chill run down his spine at such possibility. Enemies soon crumbling into nothing, the first round of gear collection soon began.

Continuing to head off towards the eastern direction, something of peculiar note stuck out to the hyena. Machine monsters moving in reverse, the hyena rubbed his eyes. Why were the robots moving in a backwards motion? But, his question would soon have an answer as he moved closer.

Robots exuding peculiar energy, the soldier placed his claymore in front of him. These machines, he had to put them out of their misery as soon as he possibly could. Taking a deep breath as he channeled his energy, round two of unspecified soon began with a crackle.

Delusion on the sword hilt glowing as it activated, the early adult swung the blade forward. Lightning clustering as he slashed about, the Meka Garde gone rogue kept moving in reverse. Cluster only growing larger as he kept his focus forward, a zappy gift had been bestowed upon the enemy.

Krysí summoning her water rats in the corner, and Ryś letting down her flaming fists, the early adult clustered the delusional lightning together once more. Electricity rolling itself up into a ball, the hyena threw the circular object as if it were a sports game waiting to happen.

Enemies seeing the stars, the hyena let out a battle cry as the next round of dark lighting engulfed the enemy. Monster fighting backwards, the soldier shook his head. What a sorry state of affairs this battle had been so far. Whoever had programmed these machines had done it all wrong, for sure.

Every other mechanical enemy becoming nothing but scrap metal, the soldier could feel something suck into his breastplate. Flinching as such took over, discomfort marched an invisible parade. But, the hyena shook such off. The slopes were nearing. He had to keep on moving.

As the party of three had reached the West Slopes of Automnequi, a familiar face stuck out amongst the army of robots. Bain in the corner tossing down her anchor of fire upon multiple mechanical enemies, the hyena swore he could hear her whisper under her breath something had been wrong with the mekas.

Krysí and Ryś bringing their weapons into the picture, the early adult added his claymore to the mix, as well. But, as the battle proceeded onward, nothing had happened. Enemies rotating in reverse as the white light was eaten up like it was some sort of afternoon meal, the army in front of him kept on going.

Hearing Bain whisper under her breath ousia isn't working either? A wave of realization flowed through the hyena. These mekas, did they have an immunity programmed into them that nullified the powers of pneumaousia? If such were the case, he needed to warn everyone.

"Why aren't our weapons working?" Krysí asked, voice shaking.

Question posing itself, the soldier tapped Krysí's shoulder. Eyes soon on him, the hyena pointed at her claymore. Making an x-shape with his index fingers, the soldier shook his head. Rat tilting her head for a moment, a wave of defeat washed over him. Did she not understand him? Wordless language had failed once again.

"Siorc, are you telling me my claymore won't work?" Krysí asked. She then let out a sigh, rat tail coiling up from behind her. "Guess I'll have to call them." She paused for a moment. "Sea rats, hear me!" But, as she said such, her cheeks turned vermillion. "Ryś, do I have to say that every time? It's embarrassing!"

"The louder you scream, the more powerful they'll become!" Ryś exclaimed with confidence. "My turn now! Kitty fire fist!"

Flaming fists of doom and water rat army doing their duty, the soldier stepped himself into the ring. Delusional lightning attack colliding with the flames of terror, the flames overloaded themselves for minutes on end. Bain's flaming anchor adding itself to the mix, the reversed mechanical monsters faded into the ether.

Rest of the enemies becoming nothing but scrap metal, the gears had been collected. Prizes slipped into the back of his satchel, the party of three kept moving forward. Krysí informing him more were in the east slopes, the early adult put on a battle face. It was time to bring the rogue mekas out of their tampered with misery.

But, as the trio walked towards the eastern area within the slopes, the soldier could see Bain walking forward seven paces behind. Seeing such, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was she following him? Turning around and walking forward, the early adult ignored such, for the time being. Perhaps, just maybe, she was working some sort of odd job in the same place as the bobcat, rat and he.

Worker mekas pouring down icicle beds in an upside down fashion, the soldier readied for some bladed action. Bain's scythe, Ryś' polearm, and Krysí's greatsword taking the stage as well, multiple swipes kicked into overdrive. Multiple battle cries drowning out all the sound around, the offensive echoed.

Machine dropping down its frosty backwards counterattack, the early adult jumped six steps back. Placing his blade in front of him the ice had soon been sent back to its owner at rapid speed. Enemy freezing into a popsicle, Ryś' fiery fists of terror laid down the next round of pain.

But, such had not been enough to quell the rust bucket into retirement. Reversal whirring, a squeal from the equipment overtook the area. Creature bulldozing itself forward, the ground shook with a fervor. Bed of toxins dropping down in its wake, Ryś soon let out a shout.

"Siorcy, take out the octopus pistol!" Ryś shouted.

Doing as instructed, the soldier placed the sea creature shaped handgun into his right hand. Strange crystals floating around in the bed of acid, instructions had soon come his way. Told to aim the nozzle at the tainted objects, the soldier let loose. Jets of water letting themselves out, the soldier backed away, for a moment.

Such step backward was a mistake. Crystals of many poisons regenerating after being left alone for even a second, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera. Were the foreign objects only able to be destroyed if he fired constantly until destruction? He needed to try harder, if such were the case.

"You can do it, Siorcy!" Ryś shouted. "Get the crystals out of here, meow!"

Encouragement thrown his way, the hyena could feel a new wave of confidence flow through him. Pressing down on the trigger, the soldier held the button down for as long as his fingers would allow. First crystal destroyed after six attempts, the soldier moved onwards towards the second set.

Crystals soon going from purple to green, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. What were these things, his eyes? Why were they changing colors? Shaking his hands for a moment, the early adult reseated his hand upon the trigger. Toxins soon removed, the robot laid down upon its own pool of mechanical death.

Spoils of war soon collected, the duo turned their heads towards Bain. Seeing a nervous disposition on Krysí's face, the soldier prepared himself for possible action. Rat chimera looking ready to ask twenty questions, the hyena backed three steps away. Space was necessary.

"Thank you for helping," Krysí said, voice shaking. "But why were you following us?" But, an answer had come her way immediately.

"Oh, sorry, did it look like I was following you three? That's not the case," Bain said, waving her hands on the air. "I was hired to clean up the mess around the West Slope. I didn't mean to make it look like I was following you around." There was a sense of sincerity in her voice. "But, our paths will not cross further. I'm off to Annapausis." Turning off towards the opposite direction, she readied a word of caution. "If you're continuing east, be careful in Fort Carybdis Ruins and the sea beneath. There's many more there than here."

Bain soon long gone, the group continued to head upon the eastern path. But, as such went on, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just what was going on here? How did so many robots get infused with malicious energy? Perhaps, just maybe, they had truly escaped from the Fortress of Meropide days prior. But, he knew such possibility had been low. But, the peculiarities would only continue to become odder.

As the group continued to head east, mechanical fish out of water exuding dark aura, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What in the world were these doing here? Shouldn't they have been beneath the sea? But, as his thoughts clouded together, the robotic sea creatures rammed their noses into his partially human person.

Fishy fiends of doom bring out a vortex upon the grassy lands beneath him, the early adult let out a scream. These creatures, just what had they consumed? Something was not right about these monsters at all. Placing the delusional greatsword in front of him, the hyena channeled all his energy.

Cluster of lightning crackling into a ball, the early adult turned towards Krysi, sea rat army soon joining the party, electricity conducted into overdrive. But, the tables soon flipped upside down and turned itself inside out. Vortex releasing itself from the ground beneath it, the rodents were no more, in an instant.

Ryś encouraging Krysí to summon them again, the sea rats returned to the party. But, such had been an immediate failure. Pool remaining strong, Hydro never left its mark upon the enemy. Attacks remaining useless for minutes on end, the chimera swore he could see tears streaming down Krysí's face.

"Krysí, don't cry, meow!" Ryś exclaimed. "You can do it!"

"The vortex keeps eating them up" Krysí cried. "My attacks are useless!"

"We'll just use our weapons, meow!" Ryś exclaimed. "We'll stomp these fish flat!"

White light bathing the mechanical fish into their robotic graves after twelve precise strikes, the army of steel sea creatures got smaller with every passing minute. Delusional electricity added to the mix, the fight soon grew shorter. Everything within the area soon taken care of, the party of three soon moved forward. Cruising through a field a greenish blue grass, the next area was soon upon everyone.

Reaching the fort area after about an hour, the soldier studied the land he had found himself in, for a moment. Large, expansive waterlodged area with an open sea, the chimera jumped seven steps back at the sight before him. Mechanical fish releasing themselves from the ocean, drills spun around as if their inorganic lives depended on it.

Fishy army spinning on in as if they were in it to win it, the chimera brought the blade back in front of him. White lights one after another silencing the mechanical sea creatures, the soldier let out a battle cry as the delusional lightning made its way around the monster's steel body.

First set defeated, the hyena let out a sigh of relief. But, the easy switch soon flipped itself into hard mode. Creatures soon dropping down their bed of toxins, the creatures bathed in their own acidic cesspool of rancid dreams. Reaching for the water pistol, the chimera co*cked the trigger.

Jet of water blasted upon the enemy, the creatures soon melted in their own sea of waste. Crystals of poison forming in their place, the soldier kept the momentum going. Everything soon breaking, the medium switch soon switched into hard mode, in a matter of moments.

Mechanical sea creature raising from the toxic ashes, the hyena let out a scream. How was it able to regenerate so quickly? Letting the octopus pistol take the lead, the soldier pressed the button harder. White light from the rat and bobcat chimera's weapons joining the party, as well, gears rolled around onto the ground as the monster became one with nature.

Gears glowing a deep, dark purple aura, Krysí picked up the spoils. But, as she had done such, her tiny body shook profusely. Seeing such, the chimera could not help but wonder. The gears, could something have been wrong with them? If such were the case, they should be left behind, without question.

"There's something scary inside these gears," Krysí said, voice shaking. "I think we should throw them out."

"You know Her Majesty! If we're even one gear short, she'll reprimand us painfully!" Ryś exclaimed. "We'll just have to hold onto them for now, meow!"

As Krysí reluctantly placed the gears inside the satchel, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. If Krysí and Ryś did not perform as expected, Her Majesty would provide them with violent repercussions? There was no way he could allow such a thing, no matter what.

Moving onward towards the pier in the corner beside the ocean, the hyena turned towards the rat and bobcat chimeras. Could either of them swim? He knew, before going forward, he would need to ask such. Tapping Krysí's shoulder, the chimera placed his hands in front of him.

Eyes soon on him, the soldier flattened his palms. Placing them on top of one another, the early adult held his hands out in front of him as if doing an invisible breast stroke on the air. Repeating the motions, for a moment, the hyena proceeded to fold both his hands into a fist. Moving them downward, the hyena pointed at the party of two. Repeating the first movement from various seconds before, the soldier tilted his head for final measure.

"Can I swim?" Krysí asked. "Yes, I can."

"No worries, no problem!" Ryś exclaimed. "I can swim too! Can you, Siorcy?"

Hearing such a question, the soldier shook his head. Duo turning towards each other looking as though they were pondering something deep, a wave of fear flowed through him. Were they about to suggest he stay behind? Her Majesty would kill him if he did not put in any work underwater.

"We'll wait for you to put on your diving suit," Krysí said. "Please, be careful."

Girls turning around, the soldier removed the fat, blubbery suit from the satchel. Diving equipment soon over him, the soldier gazed at the left glove, for a moment. Was it just him, or had more buttons been added? Stepping off towards the edge of the wooden pier, the hyena steeled himself.

Krysí and Ryś jumping down into the sea beneath them, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind and diving suit synced to one another, the soldier dropped downward into the bed of water below. Peculiar area with floating dew drops and large clamshells looking as though they were bearing gifts, a group of monsters soon reared their heads.

Mechanical fish bearing the gift of poison, the early adult pressed the jellyfish bomb button upon his left glove. Explosive ready and loaded, the early adult let the fish body hits the floor. First of many creatures becoming nothing but scrap metal as their acids readied to leave their mark, the soldier quickly switched over to the octopus pistol.

Toxins quickly taken out of the picture, the early adult turned his attention towards the duo from afar. Spotting them with aquatic ray blades, the chimera blinked. How were they doing that without specialized suits? Had they found some sort of cheat code to life? But, his thoughts were cut short as the next enemy came along.

Group of mechanical sea monsters adding their poisons to the mix, the hyena tossed down the jellyfish explosive. Letting the denotator do its sworn duty, the enemies had become one with the ocean. Toxins cleaned up quickly, but assuredly, the fights continued.

Seeing Krysí and Ryś grab a blue crab's powers from afar, the hyena had his diving suit stroke six paces back. How did they do that? Seeing a string of water slap fish for minutes on end, confusion looped on repeat. Perhaps, maybe they had some sort of device implanted on their chest armor? He supposed such could have been possible.

Hearing motors brushing against the water, the early adult returned to the battle in front of him. Battle strategy rewinding and replaying for minutes on end, the young soldier panted, for a moment. Keeping the momentum going, fatigue hit the fan. Rat and bobcat duo soon swimming by, one soon grew to three. But, as the current fight was about to end, chimeras he did not wish to see had begun to swim onto the scene.

Vidame and Domini stroking by with bright red faces, the early adult's body grew cold. Why were these two here? Wasn't Elton Trench their territory? Surely, the underwater fort area was outside their jurisdiction. It was almost as if, such obstacle was added to throw a wrench into the story. But such fact was unknown to the soldier.

Seeing Ritchie Rich down in the eastern side of their home with a group of friends, Vidame was seeing red. How dare this rich Fatui monster bring down his friends who were probably just as loaded as he was. Who did he think he was? He was not welcome anywhere within the largest body of water in Fontaine. She should send them all packing.

Spotting a rat and little cat freak swimming next to Ritchie Rich, Domini brought out his chain whip. Spinning the weapon around, he glued his eyes onto the squeaky rodent in the corner. How dare Ritchie Rich think he can bring other people down to the ocean and lay down their toxic waste? Little rat girl was going to be given the brunt of the lesson.

Spinning the chain whip once more, the metallic edges bit down upon the ratty enemy. Metal slapping down with a fury, Domini kept on pressing. Reaching inside his feathered down, for a moment, the next weapon revealed itself to the class. Flailing the tool around, the little tiny rat's face was a magnet for fighting. Tears streaming down the definitely, without a doubt, rich loser's face, a smirk appeared on his face. Good, the little rich baby was crying. Just what he wanted.

"Ow! Why did you do that?" Krysí asked, weeping. "Please watch where you swing that thing!"

"Oops, my bad!" Domini shouted, sarcastic tone of voice. "My weapon has a mind of its own against rich people!" But, another shout soon diluted his own.

"You did that on purpose, meow!" Ryś exclaimed, rage evident in her voice. "We're just here to clean up the silly fish!"

"Yeah, right, sure you are! And I'm the queen of Fontaine!" Vidame shouted, pointing upward. "Get outta here, or Domini will whip her again!"

Everyone heeding the warning, the group of three returned to the surface. Krysí letting out a pant of a lifetime, a wave of concern flowed through the soldier's face. Was she okay? Ryś soon wiping her face with sanitary wipes, the soldier backed ten steps away. It was best to give them privacy, for a moment. Trio soon sitting by the ocean for a moment, thoughts were exchanged for a brief moment.

Krysí asking what was up with those penguins, the soldier concurred. Why were they always so quick to resort to verbal insults and violence? Surely, the entire underwater world did not belong to them. But, he supposed the toxins that had been dropped down had put them further on edge. The sea of collected thoughts, however soon dialed itself up to the dire switch.

"Krysí, aren't we forgetting something?" Ryś asked Krysí. Eyes soon on her, silence fell, for a moment.

"You're right," Krysí said to Ryś. "We have to had to the Icewind Suite in Marcotte Station." She then turned towards Siorc. "Uh, Is it alright if return to the Aquabus?"

Giving Krysí a nod, the party of three dashed back towards Romaritime Harbor. Hopping back onto the Aquabus, a special request had been delivered to the Melusine tour guide. Given a nod that she'll have it turn towards Erinnyes, the vehicle of automatic movement soon pushed forward.

As the Aquabus passed through Poisson Tunnel, the early adult gazed at the scenery around him. The Beryl Region and beyond, could they have been plagued with mechanical fish, as well? He supposed he would find out in the near future. Boat soon rearing off to the right, Marcotte Station was soon nearing.

Vessel parking itself beside the station beside the opera house, a sea of enemies brought themselves out of hiding. Fishy fiends near every single fountain imaginable, the early adult let out a sigh. The mechanical sea creature were everywhere? There was no escape.

Enemies taken out of the picture as every pathway had been passed through, a man with a camera from afar recording a feminine mechanical puppet dancing with her male partner, the soldier had a quick realization. Right, this was the icewind suite. He recalled the first time he had come here, the mekas were dancing to the same tune of nothing.

Ryś speaking to the man beside his kamera, a question about whether they wanted to fight Coppelia and Coppelius had come the rat and bobcat chimera's way. Krysí stating she would fight Coppelia, and Ryś stating she would take on Coppelius, the man said he would get them ready.

Spotlight soon shining upon the battlefield, the early adult dashed onto the scene. Figuring it was best to lend support to both sides, the soldier watched the battle dolls' movements off in the corner. Puppets joining hands with one another, and spinning, the power of wind and ice took the stage.

Ryś bringing down her fiery fist of doom upon the male dancer, Anemo and Pyro swirled into overdrive. Wind crackling into a burst, the robot stepped back for a moment. Krysí releasing her water rats upon his female robot companion, everything was soon two for one. But, such advantage did not last long.

Feminine dancer robot skating around the open field, icy spikes galore, the soldier could feel his heart skip a beat as he could hear a the icicles begin to blow. Knowing he had to add himself to the mix, the early adult placed the greatsword in front of him. Delusional lightning colluding with the icicles, sparks had begun to fly.

Dance of wind and purple crystal dropping onto the battlefield, the early adult ran towards the block of energy. Power of Ousia flowing through him, the early adult had his blade spin around like a top. Hearing a loud crack as his the crystal aimed itself at one of the robots, Krysí and Ryś added their weapons to the mix.

White light engulfing the opposite mechanical doll, the enemies stopped moving, for a moment. Knowing such was the best opportunity to strike, the hyena let out a scream. Lightning balling up once more, the delusional electricity soon engulfed the enemies once more.

Static clinging to the dolls, Hydro, Pyro and delusional Electro took turns dancing with one another. Robots looking weaker with every given second, a burst of wind took to the stage as the final moments of the performance were ready to sing their swan song. Enemies weakly rotating their mechanical limbs, battle cries hit the floor.

Krysí's water rat army becoming one, the robots had soon become scrap metal casualties as the final blow soon took them out of the picture. Multiple wind up cores dropping from some strange wooden flower, Krysí and Ryś soon ran off towards the photographer man in the corner.

Apologies coming his way on repeat for destroying the machinery, words of reassurance had come the girl's way. Told that multiple adventurers come by to fight them, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Why were adventurers tussling with the machines in the icewind suite? Were they some sort of enemy that dropped materials to make a person stronger? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, and even beyond, every single person in the world with powers could only get stronger by collecting items for them. But such fact was unknown to the hyena.

Turning his head toward the sky, the hyena stared off into space. How had it already been nighttime? Time had a way of sneaking up on him when hard at work. Hearing Ryś yawn, suggestions of heading back to Hotel Deboard had come everyone's way. Stepping back towards the Aquabus, the ride back to the city played out in silence.

Reaching the hotel, the ginger Fatui stood in the corner lying in wait. Whispers of a three bed suite being booked by a generous Harbinger, the early adult tilted his head towards the ceiling. Why would one of the Harbingers do such a thing? There had to have been some sort of catch.

Guided towards the expensive room of marvels, the party of three adjourned. Rolling himself up into the squeaky cot in the corner, the soldier closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep calling him back in, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

Why were there mechanical fish everywhere?


"Nyahaha, it's all going according to plan!
Yes, our little friends
Are bringing Fontaine to its knees.
Hahahah, nyahahaha, soon, they'll
All be saying, all hail to the abyss!
Hahahah, nyahahaha, when we're
All done here, we'll get back what's ours.
Here ye, here yet, to the
Abyss! Everything in the end will go back to where it belongs!

As this land was never theirs! Those
Loathful Archons! Those
Loathful humans! We hope you like sinking, either

Hold out for your last few moments, or bow down to the
Abyss! You'll have no choice when we
Incur the final judgement!
Look, here comes the curtain call!

The stage has arrived!
Hahaha, nyahahaha, go ahead, run and hide!
Everything will soon belong to us!

All will soon return to us!
But fret not, Teyvat, if
You give yourself up to us, we'll
Spare you from your
Suffering in this Archon forsaken world!

Everything will soon return to us! We shall open the
Valve and let it all drown!
Everything will belong to us, hear our
Roar! This world is all a lie!
Yes, all a lie!
The sky is fake! The
Heavenly Principles, we shall
Incur our wrath, and take back what
Never belonged to them!
Get in line, Celestia!

It's us versus the divine!
So, get in line!

Our story is about to reach its
Ultimate, peak, the
Rise! Nyahahaha! That failed attempt to
Sickle that fool meddling with us was only the beginning. We have more planned!"

Upon waking up the next morning, a morning briefing had been provided to the chimera as Krysí and Ryś read the Steambird in the corner of the hotel room. Informed they would have to go around Elynas and the Liffey Region to collect more meka gears for Her Majesty, the group stepped outside their temporary headquarters.

Croissants with jam on it laid out on their reserved table, the soldier bit into the breaded breakfast food. Jelly hitting his throat, the early adult flinched. Why was this thing so sweet? It had too much sugar in it, for sure. But, he knew he had no right to complain. Chewing the bread slowly, the soldier turned his attention towards the rat and bobcat chimera. Newspaper still out in front of them, a headline was soon shouted out.

"Hydro Archon dramatically shouted in court, 'If they can't afford cake, let them eat bread!' Huh?" Ryś asked, bewildered tone of voice. "Meow? Krysí, what does that mean?" Pointing at the headline, she tilted her head. "I don't get it!"

"Uh, it's probably just some sensationalistic headline the journalists are printing to get readers," Krysí said in a matter of fact tone. "But, it's time to stop reading the paper." Peering her head around the newspaper, her eyes were on Siorc. "Ryś forgot to mention we have to head to the Research Institute at some point later today and fight some gear machine. Be careful, and please let us know if you get yourself hurt."

Hearing Krysí mention something about a gear machine, the hyena tilted his head. They were heading off to a research institute as well? Would people like them even be allowed to set foot in such a place? He supposed he would soon find out. Everyone eating their fill of sugar filled bread, the group headed off towards the Beryl region.

Reaching the halfway point near Poisson Tunnel once again, the soldier deployed his wind glider. Krysí shrinking herself down into rat form as Ryś jumped down, as well, she landed on her feet two days in a row. Seeing such, the hyena's eyes twitched of astonishment. Felines were very impressive. But, immediately upon reaching the mountains, a surprise awaited.

Fish practically everywhere along the mountains, the soldier's chest sunk like a rock. There was still more of the mechanical sea creatures? Something wasn't right about this at all. Creatures drilling their way towards everyone, the early adult placed his weapon in front of him.

Krysí telling him to put on the steel breastplate first, the soldier halted his fight, for a moment. Ironclad defense clamped down upon him, the hyena took a long deep breath. The time had come to vanquish the fish of many tricks before they were to lay down their toxins in any more waters.

Delusional lightning cast upon the enemy, the soldier could feel the energies suck themselves into the breastplate once more. Metals crunching down on him, the early adult flinched. What was this armor doing? But, he supposed, whatever it could be doing, it was blocking something harmful.

Zapping other mechanical sea creatures to oblivion before they were able to lay down their acids upon the world, the early adult dashed forward as the robot fish of many evils drilled off towards the right. Krysí and Ryś' attack of white light bathing the creature deep, gears dropped from multiple enemies.

Krysí repeating once more the gears had a scary pulse to them, the soldier could feel goosebumps mount upon his backside. The enemy drops, had something been lodged inside them? Something was not right about any of this, for sure. More fish taken out of the picture as the group headed north, the pulse comment kept on coming.

Ryś unleashing her flaming claws upon the next enemy, the soldier stared off into space, for a moment. The gears, could they have been living, and breathing like the Oratrice? But, the hyena shook his head. There was no way that could have been the case. He had to have been overthinking it, for sure.

Continuing to move onward for minutes on end, multiple fish had soon been taken out of their mechanical misery. Multiple gears glowing with some sort of purple goop, the fear nibbled on the cartilage of the chimera's ear. The mechanical parts from the fish, why were they engulfed in such a light? How peculiar.

But, things were only about to take a turn for the tank as the party of three had reached the heated pool of water. Mechanical fish equipped to the brim with artillery aplenty, warning bells sung in the chimera's head. Who gave these machines access to such equipment? If they were loaded with toxins, the game was over; he would be a vegetable upon the ground.

Monsters turning their eyeless heads, the creatures' flippers kicked into speed. End wicks lighting themselves up on their own, the doom toll chimed as the missiles were about to take flight. The flaming bullets, they were coming, flying, soaring. He was in trouble. Any second now.

Explosives singing their songs as they strung closer, the early adult jumped five steps back. Krysí and Ryś still in the corner of the mountains taking out stray armies of mechanicals, the soldier closed his eyes. He was alone. He had to fight these monsters solo. He was done, finished, about to become a vegetable if his jumps were not far enough back.

Bullets curving past him and landing upon the ground, the hyena could feel a door close. Crystals of goop releasing, the early adult let the hand pistol do its duty. Toxins taken out of the picture, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. But, such only lasted a moment.

Machines firing up their bullets once more, the soldier let out a shout. Blade out in front of him, the hyena jumped ten steps back as the missiles were ready to decorate him. Weapons bounced back to their owner, no damage had been blown upon the enemies.

Multiple attacks deflected back doing absolutely nothing, the early adult grit his teeth. Were the mechanical fish immune to their own artillery? If such were the case, his delusion was the only choice, for sure. Electricity soon doing nothing as well, the hyena readied to wave the white flag upon the battlefield.

Krysí and Ryś soon running onto the scene, elements and all, nothing amounted to anything. Hydro and Pyro as weak as a Cicin, the mechanical fish's tails spun. White light failing as well, the early adult flinched. What were these enemies, invincible? Surely, something would be able to beat them.

A suggestion with a pinch of wild would soon break loose.

Ryś soon suggesting they should push the mechanical fish into the water, the early adult scratched the side of his head. What would pushing them into the water do? The fish could swim, there was no way that would work. Krysí inquiring if she's sure, that plan doesn't seem like it would work, the soldier could not help but agree. There was no way that would defeat them, for sure.

"Trust me on this one," Ryś said, high confidence in her voice. "It'll work, meow!"

Bobcat sounding absolutely certain, the hyena let out a sigh. How would something like this work? The fish would be able to swim. This was a terrible plan. But, he supposed anything was worth a shot. Lunging himself forward, the chimera practically did a grasswheel.

Arms on the mechanical sea creatures, the party of three tugged the monsters towards the boiling pool of heat and pain. Steam piping up around the metallic plates, the soldier swore he could hear the fish claim they were melting like a wicked western witch in another universe.

Gears collected one after another, the early adult gazed at the drops. Middle cog pulsating, the soldier could feel a chill down his spine. Why were they doing that? Throwing the objects back into the satchel, the hyena returned his attention towards the pathway in front of him.

Continuing northward for the time being, peculiar mechanical bugs swarmed around the area. Duo in front of him swatting them away, the soldier tilted his head. Where had those insects come from? He had never seen them before around Elynas. Creatures not attacking, the early adult shrugged. It was best to continue moving forward, for the time being.

But, as the hyena headed near the entrance towards Merusea Village, the sea lion pranksters popped their heads out of the water. Eyes soon on him, the early adult let out a groan. Why were they looking at him? What could they possibly want from him? Whatever it was, he had no time for them, nor their pranks or jokes. He was on the nonexistent clock.

"Bro, the problems just keep coming!" Brume exclaimed, flapping his flippers on the water. "Some kooky fish are on the loose around Elynas!"

"Kill them, dude!" Eclater shouted.

The hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Did they really have to state the obvious? He didn't need to be informed on what had already been obvious. They should focus on their problems down in their own village. Weren't they tired of popping their heads up towards the surface by now?

"We already know about that," Krysí said, voice shaking. "But, thank you for the warning regardless." Her tail coiled up from behind her.

Sea lion duo dropping back down into the sea, the early adult held back the urge to groan. No matter how often he were to head towards Elynas, the prankster sea lions would step up to the plate and lay down their minor annoyance. But, he supposed he had already been used to such. He knew, no matter how many times he were to come here, an encounter was guaranteed.

Stepping off towards the northern path, a group of mechanical fish reared their eyeless heads. Looking ready to bring about pain to whomever came across them, the party of three had begun to get on the offensive. Robot sea creatures taking the heat, their bodies had become useless scrap metal.

Multiple fish taken out of their mechanical misery one after another, the early adult flinched as the gears were handed off to him. Why were the cogs in the middle still pulsating? Tossing them into the satchel, the onslaught kept on going. Inorganic enemies sliced, diced and served dead, the gear collection grew.

Missile firing enemies broken down into scrap metal after seven attempts to quell the beast, the hyena could feel a brief moment of fatigue. Was it just him, or were the monsters beginning to reverse back to getting tougher the further the duo and he were getting into Elynas? Group soon veering off towards the left, a beast circle opened itself up.

Large mechanical sea cherub clanging its steel scales, the hyena jumped ten steps back. How in the world did such a creature get here? But, there was no time to think. Armored plates upon its backside hurled upon the air, the battle soon begun once more. Spikes fired in rapid succession, the soldier jumped right, left, front, and center.

Watching as Ryś aimed her claws at the center of the cherub's belly, the hyena looked away, for a moment. Creature letting out a squeal, defenses reduced themselves to a pile of ashes. Claws continuing to do their bidding, a spiky gear soon dropped itself from the enemy's shell.

Moving past the beast circle area, the soldier turned his attention towards the deepest areas within Elynas. Seeing an array of enemies from afar, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Was he seeing decuple? But, the soldier shook his head. Impossible, he had to have been imagining it. But, such afar observation came true in a matter of a half-hour of walking.

School of mechanical fish swarming around the edges of Elynas, the early adult could hear a swam of shouts exclaiming submit themselves to the abyss. Hearing such, the soldier let out a sigh. Was this yet another gift from the gazelles again? How comical of them. They needed to dot the final period on this chapter of their lives of monster summoning.

Group of steel sea denizens twitching their tails forward, a barrage of bubbles blinded the area. World around the trio doused in steamy circular foam, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Where did everything go? Layers only increasing as the seconds raged onward, visibility soon was ready to fall into the negatives.

Claymore swinging and missing as the mist persisted, the soldier let out a scream. A school of fish was far more sinister than a singular lone wishy-washy outlier. Mist only continuing to worsen, the world was a white blanket of nothingness. Party of two in the corner failing as well, everything was nothing.

Knowing his only choice was to swing his greatsword through the storm, the hyena placed himself into a fighting position. Greatsword swinging about in a circular motion, Krysí and Ryś copied such movements. Mechanical fish swept up into the chaos one after another, the group had begun to drop faster than flies did on a winter evening.

School decimated after one hundred attacks combined, everything let out a huff. Krysí reminding everyone the next order of business was the Liffey Region, everyone headed back towards the northern pathway. Cutting through the capital city of Fontaine and moving back towards the northern exit, more fish awaited.

Multiple fish decimated as the party of three headed through the northern area, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Any minute now, and they would be heading past the beach. The sands near Salacia Plain, the hawk's territory. If he were anywhere in the area, act of violence, chapter two, would release itself to the world.

Seeing the hawk and falcon chimera flying off in the distance as the group of three had begun to head towards Mount Esus East, the early adult let out a gulp. It was about to be be over for him, Finished, done. If the hawk were to spot him, he would be arrowed down, for sure.

Continuing onward, the soldier turned his attention towards the sky. Robin, if he were to spot either Krysí or Ryś, he would add them to his bounty list of people to bring justice to. If he were to incur his justice driven wrath upon them, he would not allow it. If he were about to launch arrows at either of them, the hawk would have to go through him. The territorial squabble should not be stretched out to one time guests of the region.

Hearing Electro and Dendro warfare in the skies above, the soldier could feel tension rising inside him. They were hunting bounties. He was about to step into their fighting grounds once more. The Archons, had they forsaken him? But, he had already been familiar with the mountains being the bird duo's territory. There was nothing he could do to avoid stepping through. Inevitabilities were an unavoidable certainty that could not be changed easily.

Mount Esus only fifty meters away, the soldier could feel his legs turn to stone. Any second now, he was back in bird territory, population two. Krysí and Ryś, no matter what, if they were about to added to the hawk chimera's growing list of people to arrow down, he would take the brunt of the force.

One foot soon stepped upon the Justice Hawk of Fontaine's territory, eyes from afar were soon on the bobcat, rat and he. Entire box of arrows dropped onto the string, the early adult's shark teeth chattered. He was going all out now? Had the violence bug bit him?

Arrow barrage raining towards Ryś, the early adult tossed himself in front of the young chimera. Weapon rain clamping down onto his breastplate one after another, the soldier let out a sigh of relief. Extra defenses were the key to safety, without a shadow of a doubt. Hawk soon dropping down, talons out, a face of utter rage painted his face.

Fatui in his territory once again with his invasive plus one, Robin could see rage. When will this Fatui ever learn that Mount Esus from east to west was his territory? If he did not leave this instant, he would make sure his armor wouldn't last another attack. But, a distraction soon cut his one track mind in half.

Seeing a tiny little rat in the corner next to the putrid cat, Robin flapped his wings upward. Yes, that little rodent down there, he would make an example out of it, and steal that villain's snack for himself. That would teach the Fatui to stay away from his territory. This time, for sure it would be the last he'd see of this evil vagrant and his even viler recruited subordinates.

"Fatui, how dare you bring your evil subordinate with you into my territory!" Robin shouted from the sky.

Attempting to remember what Krysí told her, Ryś placed her claws on her chin. What was it she had to do in a situation with a territorial person in the mountain ranges? Oh, right. Act like spelunkers. Act like an ore miner. She remembered now. She was just passing through. Right, that was it.

"We're just a group of miners passing through, meow!" Ryś retorted, voice wavering. But such was met with immediate criticism.

"Sure you are!" Robin bit back. "And, I'm King Remus reincarnated!" He then swooped down, snatched the tiny little rat vermin into the tips of his bird talons. "Leave my territory, or I'll eat this little snack you're saving for later!"

Feeling herself scooped up into the talons of a bird, Krysí could feel her tiny rat body about to give out. This is it, this is how she's going to die. Why did her body have to shrink down to her miniature form now, of all times? She was finished, a meal for a hawk. Her mother would be disappointed for losing the competition against a predator animal.

Watching as Robin took rat Krysí hostage, a wave of disgusting flowed through him. How dare this hawk scoop her up and threaten to eat her. How incredibly cruel of him. How abhorrent. What a low place to go. He deserved to have his pay docked by a ninety-nine percent decrease for such a crime.

"Let go of me," rat Krysí choked out. "I'm not food!"

"I apologize, my boyfriend is just a little too justice driven sometimes," Raven apologized. He then turned towards his boyfriend. "Robin, put the rat down. She's a chimera, just like us."

"Cats are the enemies, Raven!" Robin fired back.

Raven shook his head a smidgeon. While such fact was correct, his lover was being quite unreasonable. Maybe it was best to tell him he could save such hostilities towards other cats that might enter their territory at a later date. He supposed saying such was a worth a shot.

"Hon, we'll save that for other cats that enter our territory," Raven said. "Please, let the rat girl go." He then turned toward the cat. "Apologies, Mademoiselle Cat. Would it be so troublesome if I request that you three to leave? We were here first."

Looking of shock soon on Robin's face, Krysí's tiny rat body had soon been airborne. Knowing that, if she were to land on the ground, she would become a rodent pancake, the early adult ran forward. Laying his hands out, the hyena tried with all his might to catch her. Rodent landing directly into his palms, the soldier puffed a sigh of relief.

"Since you gave back my friend, we'll leave," Ryś said, crooking her head towards the sky.

Hawk looking ready to get on the offensive once more, the party of three had begun to sprint off towards the eastern bridge. They needed to get out of here. Run, leap, get out of there. Bird duo only getting further away as the mountain range grew further with every step, but after traversing the broken bridge, the soldier halted his movement for a moment.

Turning his attention towards now human form Krysí, a wave of concern flowed through the hyena. Was she alright? She had to have been shaken up from such encounter, for sure. Eyes soon on him, the soldier placed his hands in front of him. Signing the inquiry about whether she was alright, his hands were studied, for a moment.

"I appreciate the concern, but, I'm fine," Krysí said, voice shaking. "This happens all the time. I've had my fair share of moments being scooped up by some big bird. I'll try to maintain my human form for now."

Long line of fish everywhere the eyes could see, the group of three kept the fights going. Scenery beginning to change as the mechanical sea monsters were removed from the picture. Small area with multiple buildings that looked like they could have possibly been abandoned facilities, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena.

Walking around an empty room with nothing but research documents, the hyena gulped. Could there have been someone that could have been working there? If such were the case, they all needed to proceed with caution, guaranteed. Walking near a building that had no roof to speak of, an unfamiliar monster stood motionless upon a platform.

Large gear monster sitting around doing absolutely nothing, a spark popped off in the hyena's brain. Why did this mechanical being seem so familiar? He could not quite pinpoint where this sense of remembrance had come from. But, he knew there was no time to think. The battle was now.

Hearing a switch click itself on, the gear monster revved itself up into overdrive. Fish monsters joining the party as well, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Where did those extra enemies come from? Something was not right about this whatsoever. But, such had not been the only peculiarity.

Taking a closer look, something of particular note stuck out to the soldier. Was it just him, or was the gear turning backwards? Something was robotically fishy about this entire situation, for sure. Shockwaves soon taking shape, a disembodied voice threw everyone for a loop and did a triple backflip.

"This world belongs to the abyss!" a disembodied voice shouted.

The hyena let out a sigh. This again? Why did everything always lead back to the abyss, whatever, or wherever that was? The abyssal fawn duo, they weren't doing a very good job of hiding their tracks. Gear monster looking as thought it only had a few more seconds to live, the soldier brought out the delusional claymore.

Krysí and Ryś vanquishing the fish army in the background, the soldier prepared himself for the delusional lightning attack to end all gear monsters. But, as he prepared himself, gravity had begun to peace itself out and go to a higher plane of existence. Feeling like he could float as everything around him lessened, the chimera leaped upward.

Letting the lightning take the lead, the soldier dropped downward upon the gear's center multiple times in a row. Gravity still bidding the room farewell for minutes on end, the early adult kept the momentum going. Party of two beside him soon joining the plunging party as well, the weakness creeped up upon themselves.

Final round of blows with a Hydro gift kissed upon the steel enemy, the gear monster faded into the ether. Seeing only two gears drop from the strange wooden flower, the early adult turned his attention towards Rys. Eyes darting around, doom soon loomed over the room, death flags laying down their mushrooms everywhere.

"Oh, no!" Ryś shouted, voice frantic. "We don't have enough meka parts! What are we going to do?!"

"We'll just have to continue this tomorrow," Krysí responded. "It's getting late now, we should head back to the hotel."

Rat and bobcat chimera duo heading back down the mountain with their heads hung low, the early adult could feel fear about to feast upon him. If Krysí and Ryś were to fail this mission, what would happen to them? But, the early adult kept such thoughts of their possible demise away. He could not allow himself to jump towards the worst case scenario. Surely, they would get enough gears by tomorrow.

As the party of three had begun to head back towards the hotel, the soldier knew now more than ever. The abyssal gazelles, there was no way it could have been anyone except them who had been behind all this fishy chaos. He needed to watch out for them and any of their schemes, for certain.

Soon reaching their hotel room, the party of three adjourned. Rat and bobcat out like a light almost immediately, the soldier crawled himself up into his hotel cot. Heavy wave of fatigue flowing through him as his head hit the pillow, the hyena closed his eyes, but as the world of sleep were about to come for him, one final question came with him into the land of tormented dreams.

Why were the abyss gazelles still doing this?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle of anguish was a feel of misgivings, always landing on the worst possible outcome with every spin. The next spin was about to land itself on the worst possible losing tile in the night before him, as well.

Before him had been a cage inside a bed of sunflowers. Seeing such plants trapped together with him, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed he would let it go that flowers were in his dream world. They were going to be in it no matter how many times he were to fall asleep and wind up in the land of the subconscious.

Everything was ready to take a turn for the fire.

Metal imprisonment bursting into flames, the soldier turned his dream head upward. Abyss gazelle bringing on the fire like they always did, the early adult rolled his eyes to the dream sky. Why were Kelebek and Izzet here? Didn't they ever get tired of causing problems for him in both the mortal, waking world and the subconscious dream world? They were a virus that never went away, spreading their plague further.

"Your little friends are going to get it!" Izzet shouted. Flames soon entered their hands.

"You hope he likes fire!" Kelebek shouted. "It will be all he and two's sees!"

Balls of fire soon coming his way as the steel bars evaporated into nothing, the early adult's dream eyes opened wide. He needed to get away, run, hide. But, such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Currently hyena legs burning away into ashes, the flames only grew stronger.

Everything becoming charcoal, the soldier's body dropped down upon the grass of nothingness. Death in the dream world coming for him swift, the hyena closed the dream eyes. As defeat sung its swan song on repeat, unease claimed victory. Safety was long dead, torment was the victor.

Danger was everywhere.

No matter what, he had to keep Krysí and Ryś safe.


"Is that abyss gazelle serious? They

Chanted, my friends
Are going to get it. While they are just my coworkers,
No way. I won't allow it.
This cannot happen, I can't

Let them be targeted.
Even if I have to use my body as a shield, I cannot let
Them be targeted.

They do not come to Fontaine often.
How could they drag Krysí and Ryś into this?
Every single time
My duties are brought to Fontaine, these two escalate.

Guess they are making their moves.
Even so, I won't let
Them target the bobcat and rat chimera.

How dare they say they're going to get it. You made the
Ultimate mistake. Just leave your
Revenge banner upon me. Leave
The others out of it. They have nothing to do with this."

Upon waking up the next morning, the early adult let out a pained scream. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. Eyes soon wandering towards him, the hyena buried himself underneath his temporary covers. Did he disturb the two of them while in their slumber? How incredibly rude of him.

"Siorc," Krysí said in a stern voice. "What's wrong?"

Inquiry coming his way, Siorc took a deep breath. What was he doing, letting himself get worked up over the dream? They were a product of the imagination. They were not real, under any circ*mstances. He needed to let go of it and focus on the workday about to be upon him.

"It is nothing," the early adult responded, voice barely audible. He then took a deep breath once more. The gazelle duo. He needed to bear a word a caution about them. "If you see a group of gazelles wearing black clothing, watch out for them."

"Okay! We'll watch out for them, meow!" Ryś responded, practically purring. "But, we're heading to the Fortress of Meropide today to do some mining, so we probably won't run into the guy you're warning us about!"

The early adult tilted his head off towards the ceiling. He was doing what today? Doing some mining? Where did this order suddenly come from? He had not been informed of this at all. Why hadn't he been told about this sooner? There was no way he could prepare himself for such a mission on such short notice.

"Ryś, you were supposed to tell Siorc about that when we came by his door two days ago," Krysí scolded.

"Oh, I was? Sorry, Krysí, I forgot!" Ryś said to Krysí. "Forgive me?" She then turned towards Siorc. "Anyway, we have to ask this Iudex person to let us take some passageway to the prison! Do you know where his office is, Siorcy?"

Knowing the Iudex was often seen in his office at the Palais Mermonia, the soldier took the lead. Taking the glass lift up onto the fourth floor of the city, the palace had soon been reached. Ryś greeting the Melusine at the reception desk asking where the Iudex was, instructions of needing to schedule an appointment had come the bobcat's way.

"Appointment? But, he's expecting us, meow!" Ryś exclaimed. "Please let us go see him!"

Melusine looking ready to wave an invisible flag stating she'll allow it just this once, the early adult could feel his heart pound in a furious manner in his chest. Why was he feeling so nervous for? He was only going to the mines in the back of the prison this time. Iudex giving a frozen stoic, but somewhat kind look as Krysí walked into his office, she soon did the honors.

"Excuse me, Monsieur Iudex," Krysí said, voice shaking. "We need to go down to the Fortress of Meropide." Her legs were shaking as she said such. This man was important wasn't he? She could not mess this up. "Could we ask for your permission to borrow the lift that will take us down there?"

"I will allow it," the Iudex said. But, his eyes soon wandered off towards the hyena. "Two particular residents in the fortress have gotten quite fond of you, Mr. Siorc."

Hearing such remark, the hyena almost did a quadruple take. How strange. Who could have possibly taking a liking to him down in the fortress? This had to have been the Iudex's idea of a joke. Soon escorted off towards the Aquabus, Marcotte Station awaited.

Walking down the long straight path with many fountains galore, and soon passing by the opera house, an even deeper walk had come upon the party of two and he. Iudex escorting the group further down, the glass lift at the edge of the world, everyone placed themselves in the glass box. Lift dropping down for quite a long time, the underground world of criminals soon awaited. But, as soon as they reached the receptionist desk, two recent faces crooked their heads around.

"Why are you here?" Huxian asked. "Did you get yourself arrested, or something?"

"Arrested? No, meow!" Ryś responded. "We're here to see the duke to get his permission to go to the mines out back!"

"The duke? He's probably in his office right about now," Pixiu said. "I guess we can take you to see him, but he's probably busy right now. He won't have time for non-criminals stopping by, I bet."

Soon escorted off to the duke's office, the young man and leader of the prison banged papers on his desk in a neat manner. Eyes soon wandering off towards Huxian and Pixiu, the soldier swore a tired smile appeared on his face. But, the soldier shook his head. He was definitely imagining it.

"Zack, Monique, what do you need?" the duke asked.

"My name is not Zack, and her name is not Monique," 'Zack' responded. They then point at Siorc. "He and his group have to go to the mines out back."

"Sure. Go right ahead," the duke responded. "Why don't you go with them, Zack and Monique?"

"Fine, we'll go with them," 'Zack' responded. "By the way, my name is not Zack, and her name is not Monique."

Under sea otter duo stepping in front of them, the escort off towards the abandoned production industry out back soon began. But, as the multiple steel doors opened to prepare for the long reach outward to the ore deposits center, the hyena could not help but feel something had been amiss.

Hearing Krysí say that had to gather green stones within the mines and take them to a factory for smithing once done, the early adult let out a sigh. Just how many details did these two leave out? But, he supposed he did not blame them for such. Moving forward through the mines, a familiar monster let its presence be known.

Monsters infused with dark energy, the early adult cracked his knuckles. The faster he were to destroy the monsters, the better. Greatsword swiped forward, the soldier let out a battle cry. Fish retiring to the world of scrap metal, the early adult kept slashing about.

But, the fights soon reversed back towards the hard swing. Defeated fish soon fusing itself with another one, the cycle continued. Second fusing with the third shortly after its defeat, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What in the world was wrong with this mining area? No wonder it had been abandoned.

Third, fourth, and fifth fish monsters absorbing themselves into the sixth, the early adult let the delusional electricity to do the talking. Was this place equipped with stronger reactions to magnetic poles? How peculiar, if such were the case. Everyone soon giving it their all, the new and improved robotic sea creature energy dissolved into nothing but water.

Krysí and Ryś doing their crystal run and done, another challenger soon rose to its one second of prominence. Construction meka attempting with all their might to turn the tables, Huxian and Pixiu tugged on their crosses, for a moment. Holy light bathing them deep, the army of robots was gone within the blink of an eye. Seeing such, the early adult rubbed his eyes. What in the world did he just see? Their battle skills were far above his own league.

Rat and bobcat chimera dashing around and grabbing as many green minerals as they could, the early adult could not help but wonder. What could any of this possibly been for? He did not know why, but he couldn't help but feel something had been rather useless about these minerals. Her Majesty would not have any use for this, guaranteed. But, as his thoughts continued to play out, they were soon interrupted.

"I think we have collected enough now," Krysí said. She then turned towards the strangers in the corner. "Excuse me, sorry to disturb you. But, do you know where the factory might be?"

"What factory?" Huxian asked, puzzled.

"The place where we can smelt and smith this stuff, meow!" Ryś replied.

Hearing the cat stranger mention just now they needed to smelt stuff, Pixiu put their finger on their chin, for a moment. What factory? But, then it came back to her. Oh, right, the place underneath the sea unicorn's abode. That place. She needed to go there, without question. These women were definitely up to no good.

"I know where it is," Pixiu said. "But, we're going, and we're staying in there while you smith."

Hearing Pixiu demand she come along, the early adult could not help but ponder. That lair inside the Liffey Region that contained a purple sea unicorn, could it have been underneath that area? He did not know why, but he seemed to remember there had been a pathway someone could drop off of to swim through a cave.

Soon exiting the prison and returning to the underwater world, a short journey towards the sea unicorn's abode took the area by a rainstorm. Quickly dropping beside the monster's home, a new path off in the corner had soon been reached. Dropping down into an area with rushing falls, for a moment, the next pathway was being moved towards.

Reaching a room with a peculiar valve that needed to be opened up, the early adult took a deep breath. Was this a dead end, could they go no further? But, such had been proven wrong in a matter of moments. Pixiu pressing a button, the door opened itself.

Soon finding themselves in a large secluded room with a peculiar gigantic pressing machine nearly four times Krysí's size, the early adult tilted his head. What was he looking at, exactly? Rat chimera braving the walkway, an assortment of green crystal was ready to be fired upon the smelter.

Strange stock inserted into the machine, the hyena could not help but wonder. What had to be done here? Whatever the final product might have been for, there was no way it would be anything useful. But, he knew he needed to throw such thoughts away. Krysí ready to pound the deposits into submission, she prepared herself to press the button, but Pixiu soon pushed her away.

"I'll do it," Pixiu said. "Watch out, I smell gas."

Pixiu turning her head towards the machine, the hyena paid close attention towards her movement. Peculiar gas surrounding the claws, a button had soon been pressed. Machine opening its talons and pressing down upon the green mineral stock, a loud crash took shape.

Machine soon steaming up once again Pixiu let the claws do their smashing session once more. Underwater sea otter beginning to sweat, a wave of concern flowed through the hyena. Was this a stressful task for her? She should have let Krysí do it if it was getting to be too much.

Red steam coming back once more, the underwater sea otter dug the talons back into the mineral deposit for the third time. But, the early adult swore he could smell smoke as everything kept going. Although the young soldier brushed such off. Of course there was smoke, a machine was giving off steam. He was overreacting.

Fourth press of the machine taking shape, the hyena whiffed up a sniff. Why was the smoke only getting worse, what was going on? Was the machine broken, or something? Pixiu soon saying she only needed to smelt it one last time and to hang tight, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment.

But, as the fifth and final press of the smelter took place, flames burst out everywhere within the secluded factory. Hearing the sound of laugher off in the distance as Huxian's entire outfit burst into flames, the early adult could feel a bucket of rage fall over him. He knew that laugh; he knew that sinister guffaw anywhere. Huxian looking ready to burn away as the cackles continued, a weak shout broke from their throat.

"Go find the cooling system!" Huxian shouted, voice weak. "Now! And turn off the pipes before they leak out their toxic gasses!"

Entire room bursting into flames as the seconds unraveled, the early adult dashed off towards the pipes. Right, the pipes, he had to close the valves before it was too late. Sprinting towards the gas filled pipes, the young soldier attempted with all his might to shut them, but such was met with immediate failure.

Pipes soon bursting into flames, gasses ready to let it looses, the laugher only grew louder. Room only getting hotter, the laughter only had begun to get worse. The cooling system, was it going to cease to function now? The pipes, they were on fire, burning, crispy; toasted. Abyss gazelle soon poofing towards him, they soon readied to rub the salt upon the flesh wound.

"Give up!" Izzet shouted, laughing. "You're going to burn in this room just like everything else!"

"He hopes he likes the abyss!" Kelebek shouted. "You are giving the factory to it as a present!"

Tuning the abyss gazelles out, an idea had come into the hyena's mind. Krysí's sea rats. The fire, surely, they contained enough water to be able to put the fire out. Right, that was it. That was the answer. He could not remain silent any longer. His words, he had to use them right here, right now.

"Krysí!" Siorc shouted at the top of his lungs. "Summon your water rats, now and tell them to put out the fire!"

"Right!" Krysí said, voice shaking. "Sea rats, hear me!"

Army of sea rats soon combining into one, the gigantic rodent of pure water marched onward. Flames going out one after another, the room had returned to normal temperature slowly, but surely. Fire biting the dust, the water rat dissipated back into a puddle. But, such action was met with immediate rage from the aggressors.

Or so she thought.

"Rat, you'll pay!" Izzet shouted at the top of their lungs. As they said such, they snapped their fingers.

"Ahh!!! The fire is spreading, meow!!" Ryś screamed in a frantic tone. "We have to put it out!!"

Otters slinking onto the scene, Huxian brushed off the bed of flame engulfing him, Pixiu raising her cross upward and chanting her prayers to the Geo Archon, a holy light bathed her weapon of religious symbol. Bringing down the light of judgement, the flames had been swallowed up by the force that was with her.

"This isn't over yet!" Kelebek shouted. "They will get their revenge even worse next time!" As one said such, one dropped oneself in the portal alongside Izzet.

Chaos soon dying down, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief, but such was short lived. Huxian shouting he smelled gas, the soldier dashed off towards the pipe. The valves he needed to close them this instant, or toxic gas particles would get in the air. Closing every single pipe he could find, the underground world was saved, thanks to the power team of five. Coming across the cooling system, water soon filled the room.

"Monique, crush the mineral deposit before this entire place is underwater!" Huxian shouted. He then hesitated for a moment. "Wait, why did I call you Monique? You name isn't Monique, and mine isn't Zack." But, he soon regained focus. "The water level is about to raise to the top, smelt it quickly!"

Pixiu hurrying the process, the mineral deposit quickly, but surely had been pressed in the right places five times. Strangely shaped rock that looked like a key smashed into one singular usable piece, the finished product had soon been dropped into Krysí's hands. But, before a celebration could begun, waves crashed the room.

"Everyone, run!" Pixiu shouted.

Group of five dashing out of the submerged factory, the early adult kept his attention towards the water for a moment. He could not help but feel something was wrong with it. The liquid, had it been tinted black? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no time to think, he had to run. Soon returning to the reception desk room within the Fortress, a strange revelation had released itself from 'Zack's' mouth.

"Great, those people summoned black sea water," Huxian complained. "Something else the duke is going to make us clean up."

Taking the lift back to the surface world, the soldier's heart felt heavy. Black sea water, what was that? He could not help but feel if that were to get loose anywhere, not just Fontaine, but every region in Teyvat and beyond would be in trouble. Atmosphere only getting heavier for minutes on end, one final nail in the door brought down the heaviest forecast of doom of them all.

"We've finished all the jobs Her Majesty requested of us," Krysí said, voice shaking. "I'm sorry Siorc, but could you take out your map? It's time to go back to Snezhnaya."

Doing as requested, the early adult opened up the map into orb form. Pressing the teleport button near the military barracks, not a single word had been exchanged between anyone. Soon reaching the steel walled room, the young soldier attempted to step out of the door, but prevention measures presented their barricade.

"No, no, we'll deliver everything to Her Majesty!" Ryś exclaimed, blocking the entrance. "That's our job, meow."

"So, please hand us the satchel," Krysí said, hand extended out. "Goodbye, for now. Please take care of yourself."

Handing the bag off to Krysí, the party of two soon left the area. Everything growing silent, the soldier walked around in a circle. Would the two of them be alright? The day prior, they said they did not have enough meka gears. Would violent repercussions come their way? He needed to go to the palace before it was too late.

But, such movement never came. Knowing the two of them would only become cross with him if he were to run to the palace, the soldier threw such thought away. Surely, Her Majesty would be merciful towards them. She had to have understood the chaos that broke loose around the nation over the past few days.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But as the land of tormented dreams were about to claim him for the evening, one final thought wrapped vines around the hyena.

Fontaine was in danger.

Chapter 13: Two Trick Hyena: Make all the Fonta Disappear.


And thus, magic act parts 2 of 3 begins. In this section, Siorc duties as a Magician's assistant resume. While in the background, he has to put statues back together. Meanwhile, there's a Fonta poisoning situation. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Eclater, Viame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Rabiu, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Lyney, Lynette, Navia and Furina.


Nonsense? Nonsense lol.

Chapter Text

"Maybe I am overthinking, but
Your Majesty, just what are you planning?

Cannot help but feel she wants something.
Ah, my time in that
Retched magic troupe is resuming.
Even though last time it went terribly.
Everything broke, and
Ruptured, why would they want me in the troupe

Again? I do not know,
Something is fishy.

Ah, honestly I am overthinking.

Maybe this will only be for
A day, and I will be removed let's
Get this over with.
If I have to make a 'hyena appear in front of the audience' I will
Curdle a shriek.
I am not some toy to play with,
'And we'll make a hyena appear right in front of the audience.' Ridiculous.
No way will I do that again, but I know if I
Say no, my life is over.

Ah well, I'll just get it over with.
So another day in this troupe,
Something is fishy.
It's getting pretty
Shaky in Fontaine, lately.
The robots are going rogue,
And the black sea water is afoot,
Nothing is making sense.
The abyssal gazelles,

How could they be doing
All this? What do they
Stand to gain? Turning

Robots against the nation,
Evaporating people in the future with black
Sea water.
Taking Fontaine
And bringing it down to the abyss,
Really, why are they doing all
This? I don't understand anything, really.
Everything is breaking,
Destroying itself.

All of this is just the beginning,
No matter what I
Do, those two

Interrupt everything.

Her Majesty, does she know
About this? Probably not, I
Very much doubt it.
Even if she knew, she'd have taken care of it. In

Any case, great, another day of being a toy awaits me. I am

Very tired of this
Even the first time, it was humiliating. But,
Right, stop complaining.
Yes, stop complaining.

Be diligent, do
As I am told.
Diligence is key.

For now, I am a magic assistant.
Even if I despise this, and
Even if I am just today,
Let's just get this over with.
It'll be over before I know it.
No matter what, I have to do my duties, or Her Majesty will kill me,

And this will
Be over before I know it.
Obviously, I am not a permanent member. The real assistant will
Unleash her wrath upon me.
This is her

Troupe, not mine.
However, it is what
It is. For now, Magic Assistant
Siorc, reporting for duty."

Four days had passed since the hyena, rat and bobcat chimera collected Meka Gears around Fontaine for Her Majesty. Nothing of especial happenstance had occurred. Diplomatic affairs in Liyue overtaking the ninety-six hours, nothing had been out of the ordinary.

The sound of bitter wind about like a dragon that had not incorporated itself within humanity. Howls only got louder as the minutes stormed onward, the wind continued to pick up speed as if it had reached its ultimate form. As the month long blizzard had reached its earliest stages, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in unison.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Hearing the wind slam against the window, the hyena added his own groan to the mix. The snowstorm has only just begun. Knowing if, he did not move, he would suffer dangerous freezing, the soldier rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed his uniform over his layered shirts, the hyena could not help but wonder. The black sea water that was summoned, was it about to put all of Fontaine in danger? He knew that, if it was not cleaned up, something terrible would happen, guaranteed. But, the early adult threw such thoughts out the barricaded window. He was overthinking it. He needed to focus on work.

Returning his attention to the workday at hand, the young soldier clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching sunflowers in his hair and ears, the early adult headed towards the barricaded window. Snow flurrying about furiously, the chimera let out a sigh. He had a long month ahead of him, for sure. Pulling himself away from the paned glass, the hyena turned off towards the opposite direction. Such weather should not concern him. He will not be working in the frozen northern land at any given point.

Slipping his heelless shoes over his currently human feet, the thoughts soon flew back in as the early adult bit into his flavorless rations. The black sea water, where could it have possibly come from? He did not know, but if he had to deal with it personally, he would need to proceed with utmost caution.

Buttons all crooked, the early adult placed the fasteners into the correct holes. Everything in order, and glasses adjusted, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body. Any minute now, and the agent would arrive to relay his orders of anything. What awaited him today? He supposed he was about to find out.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots marched onward with a fervor, the early adult turned his attention to the door. Time had run out; the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "Your duties as a magic assistant with our subordinates will be resuming." A bag shook from behind him as he said such. "Make sure you take your roll seriously, soldier."

The hyena could feel a twinge of rage build inside him as his orders were tossed his away. Jumping four steps back as the word magic assistant bounced off his eardrums, the early bellowed a growl. He was going to be a magic assistant again? Absolutely disgusting. Why couldn't such order have gone to someone else?

The early adult let out another growl as his orders continued to echo in his mind. He's going to be used as a means of entertainment once again? Will he have to make a hyena appear in front of the audience? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. They could make a prop instead of using him.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out once again. "What is your problem? Get over it, and get in gear"! There was an irritated tone in his voice. He needed to throw away every single emotion and focus on his duties.

The chimera let out a yelp. Right, he's not allowed to have an opinion on his duties. He has to accept them, without question. Anger was a forbidden emotion in the wake of his orders. Throwing such feelings away, the early adult turned towards the Agent. He had to get over it. The choice was not his.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the early adult waited for the gripping prison to take him away.

"Good, we're going soldier," the Agent responded. Bag soon slammed onto his back, the chimera's wrist had soon been gripped into a firm grasp. Gripping prison tight enough to leave a deep bruise, the early adult closed his eyes as the escort to Fontaine began.

Let the exploitation begin.


"And, just like that cuz is outta town.

Bringing his all to those bounties.
I'm hearing some wild things, like don't
Glug on that Fonta! It's

Been laced, or somethin'.
Ah, that stuff is full of
Dingy sugar, anyway.

Birds like me don't need that low
Acclaimed garbage.
The fish steak's where it's at, bro!
Coming from some expert,
Here's what's been happenin'. Seen people

Opening up their bottles of
Fonta and disappearing! Did

Someone put a certain kind of
Ocean water in the bottles? What a
Disaster, if I do say so myself!
A normal human from Fontaine should not drink Fonta right now.

I'd do somethin' but, like, bro
Should I?

Probably, but addiction is strong,
Like. Takin' it off the shelves,
And banning it, won't do nothin'.
Gathering them up and
Unleashing a ban,
It'll just lead to some underground distribution ring.
Now, that's a one for the ages.
Guzzling down on the forbidden fruit, sorry

Forbidden soda. I am
Oblivious to who might've laced this stuff.
Nope, ain't got no clue.
Though, the Spina di Rosula investigating.
And, I Lonan, have heard everything.
I have the ears of a hawk, after all.
Now, where could this bad batch have come from?
Elynas, maybe?

Bro, who would wanna poison the Fonta? Someone want
Revenge, or somethin'?
Or somethin', maybe.

Well, no like I can do anything.
Here I am in this
Accursed underground city, Moraless,
Taking it a day at a time.

However, soon, I'll be
Outta here!
With my girlfriend,

Receiving the rich lads treatment.
Ah, Fonta, Smonta, gotta get packin.
Don't worry about this
I'm sure the bad batch of Fonta will be
Cleansed. Removed,
And taking care of. It ain't my,
Lonan's problem. Nope. I gotta date with destiny."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier could feel droplets slap down on his head one after another. Rain bathing him deep, the early adult let out a sigh. Was there a trial occurring in the Opera Epiclese again? But, such thoughts were interrupted as he was dragged down the mountain.

Boat summoned with some invisible button, the early adult had been placed within the wooden vessel. Firmly seated, the soldier stared off into space as the vehicle of human manpower cruised forward. The trial, would it come to an end soon? If the downpour were to continue, he would be soaked to the bone in no time.

Vessel almost ready to be docked, the hyena prepared himself for the soaking of a lifetime. How lucky the Agent was to have a hood and mask to keep him dry. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. There was no time to think about such nonsense. Agent soon gripping his wrist once more, the young soldier was dragged towards the stairwell.

Agent reminding him for what felt like the thousandth time he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine whatsoever, the early adult held back the urge to bite the Agent's gloves off. How many times was he going to hear this? He knew already. He needed to stop reminding him. Tell him something he doesn't know.

Such wish came true in a matter of moments. Agent soon informing him he will be receiving further orders from his subordinate, the hyena rolled his eyes to the wet sky. What kind of orders would await him this time? Transform into a hyena? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense.

Left to his own devices, the early adult ascended the staircase. Taking the glass lift, as well, the soldier walked towards the Aquabus station. Torrential downpour mingling with the water in the corner, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera as he pressed the button to call the vehicle. Was a flood coming? He needed to heed with caution, if such were the case.

Absolutely no one around as the Aquabus came forward, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had everyone in Fontaine been in the courtroom right now? Trials were the biggest source of entertainment, indeed. Silence looping on repeat, the early adult kept his focus forward.

Melusine tour guide telling him to watch his step, it's slippery, the soldier proceeded with caution as he placed himself on the aquabus. Not a single other person getting on, the automatic vessel cruised forward. Sea citizen apologizing for the rain, there's a court case going on currently, the snapped his fingers. He knew such was the case.

As the vehicle of automatic movement passed by the Poisson Tunnel, a thought that had gotten tucked away wormed its way back into the chimera's partially human mind. Gazing at the ocean below, the thought popped off like a firework. The black sea water, had it already entered the rest of Fontaine's lakes and rivers?

Boat cruising forward, the soldier kept his attention on the waters below. The black sea water, what would happen if it were to mix itself with the rest of Fontaine's rivers and oceans? Surely, there had to have been some sort of way to cleanse such dangerous liquid.

But, as the hyena's thoughts buzzed about, the Melusine tour guide soon brought him back to reality. Told they had arrived at the Court of Fontaine, the soldier let out a yelp. They had reached the capital city already? How did they get there so fast? Removing himself from the vessel, the soldier stepped foot into the area.

Knowing he had to look for the magician, the early adult had begun walking. Rain coming down in sheets among blankets, the hyena let out a sigh. Why hadn't the Agent gave him an umbrella? None placed within his satchel, the soldier had begun walking upon the northern path.

Droplets hitting his lenses as the young soldier kept moving forward, the world in front of him had been obscured into a layer of fog. Wiping his glasses dry, the chimera kept walking. City streets upon the northeastern side full of rich people with fancy umbrellas, jealously baked itself into a pie. How lucky people were, to have head coverings.

Lenses fogged up within a matter of moments, the world around the soldier had become an invisible mess. Body hitting building after building and wall after wall, multiple shop owners demanded the soldier watch where he was going. Lenses wiped once more, the early adult kept walking.

Rain only getting stronger as he walked past the blacksmith, the early adult attempted to stand under the young woman's umbrella, but such had been a failure of every single proportion. Immediately hauled out from underneath, the soldier kept moving.

World around him foggy blobs of nothing, the early adult ascended a staircase nearby in an accidental manner. Head smacking into multiple doors, the soldier gritted his teeth. Why was he so klutzy all of a sudden? Absolutely ridiculous. He needed to go find the magician right now.

But, such remained to be a failure. World of fog devouring him once more, the early adult's heelless shoes turns back towards the western pathway. Dropping down a large ramping pathway, the hyena wiped his lenses once more. Finding himself within the entrance to Fleuve Cendre, the chimera exited the area. Why was he in this room? There was no way the magician was here.

Head slamming face first into multiple boxes as he returned to the surface world, the early adult swore he could hear people whispering nasty remarks about him being some sort of beggar, the hyena held back the urge to scream. He looked like he was going around the streets, begging for food? What a horrible conclusion to jump to.

Continuing to wander as the world only got less visible, the early adult swore he could hear someone talk about that a good newspaper should be the mountain of truth. Hearing such, the early adult blinked. Just how far away had he gotten from the southern streets? He needed to turn back around right now.

Attempting to reverse back towards the way he came, the soldier kept walking. But, such movement towards the correct path kept remaining on failure mode. Face slammed into everything and anything the hyena let out the quietest of shouts. Astigmatisms were the worst enemy to rainstorms.

Feeling himself bump up against a warm body, the early adult rubbed his lenses against his jacket once more. But, as the world of visibility returned to him, a face he did not wish to see appeared in his damaged sight. Earl standing in the streets looking ready to say something stupid, the hyena attempted to turn around. Just what he needed right now, another annoyance.

Seeing Siorc bumping into things, Earl could feel his heart grow warmer. He looked so cute stumbling around like that. Had he gotten himself lost because he was unable to see without his glasses? He needed to help his future husband get to where he was heading right away.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Can't see through all this rain? Let me help you get around!"

The early adult let out a deep, exasperated sigh. When will the pesky thorn in his side get the picture? He was never going to be interested him in any sort of romantic way. Did he think assisting him would make him change his mind? No way, not in any lifetime. He can get around just fine. Wiping his glasses for what felt like the tenth time, the hyena's shoulders grew cold.

"I am fine, sir," the hyena responded, walking away. "I do not need your help. I will find the magician on my own."

As the soldier kept walking away, an immediate realization had hit the hyena from the backside. Did he just say who he was looking for? He had made a huge mistake. Earl buzzing around him like an insect, the early adult held back the urge to groan. He had done it now. The pesky thorn in his side was definitely not going to go away.

Hearing Siorc mention a magician, Earl's eyes sparkled like the night sky. Was he looking for -----? He knew exactly where he was. He could lend him a hand and show him where he was like any good wife would. Turning his head, he readied to melt the ice again.

"You're looking for -----? He's by the fountain!" Earl exclaimed, grabbing his hand. "I'll take you to him!"

Earl clamping down on his palm moving him forward, the early adult waved the white flag upon the battlefield. There was no way he could escape now. He knew that, if he attempted to let go, the pesky penguin thorn in his side would have something to say about it. Such outcome of him speaking more should be avoided, at all costs.

Walking past the restaurant, the hyena blinked. Had he been walking around in circles the entire time? But, the chimera shook his head. He had to have been imagining it, for sure. There was absolutely no way he had done so. Fountain getting closer, the early adult took a long deep breath.

Escorted down the stairs, the soldier swore the rain had begun to part ways with the clouds. The court case, had it already come to an end? He supposed anything was possible. Magician and his assistant performing tricks by the strange orb standing above the fountain, eyes were soon on him as their magic show came to an end.

"Oho, my second assistant has finally arrived!" the magician exclaimed.

Hearing the magician say the word finally, the hyena's knees buckled. Had he been late? He needed to apologize immediately, if such were the case. Bowing his head, the early adult placed his hands into a apologetic stance. But, a surprising set of words came from another person's voice.

"You're not late," the magician's assistant said, voice monotone. But, she was soon interrupted by a grating voice.

"Are you three performing a show tonight?" Earl asked, awestruck.

"We'll be performing at the Opera Epiclese two days from now," the magician responded.

"I'll bring my whole family!" Earl shouted, flaring his nostrils. "I'm magic assistant Siorc's biggest fan!"

Magician tooting his own horn saying he, the greatest magician will make the show an even bigger success than the last one, the hyena let out a groan. Why did this man always feel the need to toot his own ego? He needed to bite into a humble pie and stop tooting his on horn loud enough for everyone to hear.

Earl soon exiting the area, an array of instructions had come the soldier's way. Magician soon informing him they would be heading out to the beach to do some practice sessions, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Was he going to have to practice making his hyena tail appear in timed intervals again? How fantastic. What a thrilling trick. He was dying to get it done. But, the early adult threw the sarcasm away as the cat girl assistant had begun to walk off.

"I'll be going to the cafe," the cat girl assistant said, heels turned, but a voice called after her.

"-------, wait! You need to cut down on your sweets before showtime!" the magician screamed.

Magician's assistant saying she would maintain her usual ratio to stay functioning, the young soldier could not help but wonder. Was the cat girl magic assistant a robot or android? The early adult supposed such could have been the case. He had heard reports of there being robotic puppets who looked like people.

Cat girl turning her head back for a moment giving the hyena a glare, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why did this young woman despise him so much? But, the early adult kept such thought inside. Maybe she just didn't like being around people she did not know. He supposed he understood such. Strangers were a layer of danger that people needed to be cautious around.

Taken back to the Aquabus, the downpour had soon reduced itself to nothing. Magician sitting on the opposite side of him shuffling up card decks and giving them to a cat creature inside his hat, the hyena gazed at the man, for a moment. What was a magician like him doing as a member of the Fatui still? Surely, he had far better things to do than align himself with a villainous organization.

Reaching the beach after about half an hour, the magician soon looked the hyena straight in the eyes as if locked onto him. Was he about to give him his orders to time his hyena transformations? It was time for the most annoying practice session the world has ever seen.

"Before we practice, I suppose I should tell you the truth about your mission," the magician said, eyes still locked on. "Father has informed us strange statues have appeared around Fontaine with missing pieces, and she wants someone to fix them." But, he then shook his head. "As much as I'd like for that to be the only thing, there's more." There was a serious tone in his voice. "It would seem an entire circulation of Fonta has been laced with sinthe, or poisoned." He then wagged his finger, tsking away. "We'll be making that bad batch disappear. So, you'll be helping me get rid of them from underneath a table. Follow my beat."

The early adult's heart skipped five beats upon hearing such. An entire batch of Fonta had been laced and poisoned? Who would do such a horrible thing? How incredibly awful for someone to do such a thing. Wasn't Fonta one of the most popular drinks in the nation? Whoever would do such a thing was a twisted individual, for sure.

Magician soon making a table appear out of nowhere, an array of instructions had come the soldier's way. Told he would need to grab the Fonta through a magic hat above a compartment through a hole in the table, the early adult lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. What about any of this was magical? This was just the art of placing something somewhere else.

Empty Fonta bottles in the man's hand twirling around until being hidden inside the hat compartment, the soldier reached through the top of the table. But, such had been called out immediately. Magician telling him to not make it so obvious, and to keep his hands under the table, the chimera sighed. What did any of this matter for? There was nothing magical about this.

Displacement sessions going on for awhile, the soldier shook his head. Couldn't they just have told people directly that something was wrong with the Fonta and to recall them from store shelves? What was the point of going to such ridiculous lengths to get rid of it?

Soon told to get out from underneath the table, the next order of practice business was up and running. Magician stating he would be practicing a swap with a meka, the early adult let out a sigh. Another swap trick? Was he going to have to crawl through a tunnel underground? What did any of this have to do with making Fonta disappear?

So called magic boxes placed upon the sand, a clockwork meka soon walked inside the self proclaimed magic swapper. Knowing he had to go into the other one, the early adult placed himself in the opposite one. Magician on the outside saying he'll be counting down from fifteen, the soldier prepared himself.

Countdown beginning almost right away, the soldier crawled trough the tunnel as fast as he possibly could. Meka moving through the sand pits even faster than he could, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Did the robot already make it to the other side? Technology was incredible.

Magician soon shouting one, the early adult broke the doors open. Told he had done good work, but in the real thing, they'll be looking for Fonta and getting rid of it while performing the swap, the early adult held back another eyeroll. Why couldn't they just skip all these theatrics? There was definitely no need for any of this.

Multiple other tricks like a guessing the card being retaught, sleight of hand and misdirection, the early adult could feel the magic of illusions wear off once more. What did anyone fine entertaining about any of this? All of this was a lie before everyone's eyes. Why make a career out of tricking people? But, his thoughts were soon interrupted by a gross order.

Soon given his hat to make mist appear so he could make his hyena tail appear after a countdown, the early adult let out a grunt. There it was, the most annoying order of them all. He wished he could make such trick disappear. He was not some toy for the audience to gawk at whatsoever. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. He had to follow orders no matter what.

Placing the hat upon his head, the weak hydro Delusion soon did its honors. Blanket of mist covering him up, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Hyena tail appearing behind him as the countdown ended, a celebratory clap had come the chimera's way. Hearing such, the soldier rolled his eyes. What was so impressive about his biological difference?

Told to once again make it disappear after he counts down, the soldier prepared himself. It was time to get this ridiculous practice session over with once and for all. Mist soon engulfing him once more, the hyena listened carefully as the numbers slowly, but surely, got closer to the final one.

Knowing he had to wait until the countdown reached one to make it disappear, the soldier remained patient. Counter soon reaching two, the early adult closed his eyes. Hyena tail retracting as the mist vanished, another round of gloved claps had come his way.

"Great work! As expected from one of Her Majesty's esteemed favorites!" the magician exclaimed, clapping. He then reached through his back pocket, uniform plopped into assistant's hands, he soon continued. "There should be a list of locations where the statues are in the back pocket." He then handed off a bag of parts. "Meet me at the Research Institute this evening. But, be careful. Father told me some will be quite feisty when put back together!"

Card soon tossed his way with the picture of a cat creature on the back as the magician left the area, the early adult removed the sheet of paper tucked beneath the back pocket of his magician assistant uniform. Seeing Elynas, Merusea Village, the Belleau Region and a location he had been unfamiliar with entitled the Morte Region, the early adult pocketed his instructions and magician assistant uniform for the time being. It was time to get to some statue fixing.

Placing the bag filled with statue pieces over his shoulder, the hyena turned his heelless shoes towards the western pathway. He supposed it was best to start with Elynas above all else. Dashing through the beach as fast as his currently human legs would take him, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera as the beach grew further away.

As the chimera kept moving towards the mountains, the soldier could not help but wonder. What kind of statues would await him on the other side? He supposed he was about to find out. Hopping across the waterbeds as he continued moving along, the soldier steeled himself.

Climbing up the short mountain besides the beach, and dashing past the Aquabus railing system, the early adult kept his eyes open. As the mountains grew closer, the soldier could not help but continue to wonder. How did so many unfinished statues find themselves around Fontaine? Something was not right here, under any circ*mstances.

Reaching the next hill, the early adult had begun the long ascension upward. Knowing that, at any given moment, he would come across a stone being, the hyena braced himself. What was he about to come across, a statue of a person? Whatever he was about to see, he needed to be ready for anything.

Ascending to the top after about twenty minutes of climbing, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight presented before him. Statue of a dragon with more than half of the pieces missing, the hyena tilted his head. How did something like this get up in the mountains? How peculiar.

Observing the statue, for a moment, the early adult blinked. Was its entire backside missing? He supposed he would have to reconstruct that, for the time being. Opening up the satchel, a paper with instructions entitled, Rebuild of Dragon 1.0, You Are (Not) Ready, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Who in the world wrote these instructions, a light novel author? Absolutely ridiculous.

Instructions informing him to placed colored slates in a purple, blue, purple, blue, pattern the early adult removed a purple piece from the bag. Placing it within the hole, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. What was the point of doing the rebuild in a specific pattern. What was he, making a robot he'd have to pilot to save the world from the first impact?

Slapping down the next pieces in the suggested color order, the hyena swore he could see something glow as he continued. Seeing such, the early adult flinched. What was that just now? Was the dragon already releasing itself from its stone prison? He needed to hurry and put it back together.

Final slot placed into the back of the statue, a blinding white light soon engulfed the area. Stone prison removing itself from around the statue, runes in a language the hyena could not read appeared all along the dragon's body. Spotting a glowing light inside his satchel as the serpentine creature looked ready to hop away, the early adult's hands shuffled through his satchel.

Finding a peculiar book with a gear on the front cover, the hyena tilted his head. When had this gotten in his satchel? Faint light still protruding through it, the chimera flipped the cover back. Runes on the first page with a translation printed in Snezhnayan, the early adult read the words carefully.

Runes translated beneath stating, the truth about Fontaine will soon be clear, the early adult closed the tome. What truth about Fontaine? How did a message like this appear inside a statue? He could not help but feel something had been amiss about this. Did someone place the runes on it deliberately?

Hearing a loud splash off in the distance, the early adult jumped four steps back. Did the dragon just dive underwater somewhere? If it had gone off to the Elton Trench, the underwater penguin duo would give him an earful later, for sure. But, he knew he had to move along and keep going, for the time being.

Knowing he had to head for Merusea Village, the soldier descended the mountains. Heading upon the northern path, a group of statues soon awaited him. Six dragons encased in their stones prisons, the early adult prepared himself. It was time to get to get to work.

Instructions glowing, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. Paper now reading he had to place the missing pieces in a red, yellow, red, yellow formation, the soldier blinked. What was this, a building block game? But, the hyena threw such comments away. Placing the slabs in their rightful patterned places, another message of runes soon appeared.

Translated runes soon reading out, every single citizen in Fontaine was born from sin, the soldier tilted his head. What in the world did that mean? Everyone in Fontaine was a sinner? Who decided that? Whoever left this message was wrong, for sure. Readying himself for the next statue, the soldier removed the shards.

Putting the next statue back together as the first dragon left, another message printed itself into the metallic tome. Reading it for a moment as the next serpentine monster went away, the early adult could feel a wave of fear nibbling on his ear. Rune translation spitting out, the former Hydro Archon committed the greatest sin, the early adult slammed the tome shut. What was with these statues and talking about wrongdoings and sin? How terrifying.

Third and fourth statues put back together, even stranger translated runes awaited the soldier. The seven dragon sovereigns? Their powers were stolen from them? Feeling a chill go down his spine as he slammed the book shut, the hyena could feel his cheeks heat up. What did he just read?

Knowing he could not dwell for too long on such subject, Siorc reconstructed the final two dragon statues. But, what awaited him as they went away was even far more terrifying than the last. Runes reading out, the primordial seawater can dissolve any Fontainan in an instant, the early adult could feel his heart break. There was water that could make a person born from Fontaine dissolve?

Every single statue in the area taken care of, the soldier had begun to head further north. It was time to head off to Merusea Village then leave the area. But, as he headed off towards the boiling waters, another unfinished statue awaited him. Knowing he had to put it back together before continuing, the next reconstruction began.

Dragon looking ready to attack him as it came back to life, the soldier readied to defend himself. But, such battle never came. Monster dissolving into a puddle as the heat ate it alive, the next set of runes appeared in the mechanical tome. Bending the cover back, the hyena gulped at the words in front of him.

Runes translating to, the prophecy shall be fulfilled and all of Fontaine's people shall dissolve into water, fear hugged the hyena from behind. There was a prophecy that stated all of Fotaine's people would dissolve into water? What did that even mean? Was there about to be yet another crisis in the Nation of Justice? But, the early adult shook his head. There was no way that could happen. This was bogus.

Heading north towards the entrance towards the village, two faces he did not wish to see popped their heads out of the water. Eyes soon on him as he readied to reach for his diving equipment, the early adult prepared for statements of the obvious to break his eardrums. What did the prankster sea lions have to say this time?

Hearing the sea lion duo panting up a storm as he put on his diving equipment, the early adult titled his head. Why did they sound so winded for? Were they pulling pranks on the Melusines in the village? He would not give them any pity if they were tired out from doing so, if such were the case. Eyes soon on him, their grating voices soon cut through his inhuman inner ears.

"What's with all the kooky stuff happening around here lately?" Brume asked, panting. He then turned towards his next prank victim. "Bro, there's some freaky statues down here!"

"Dude, help us out!" Eclater shouted. "There's dragons attacking."

Knowing he had no choice but to go down to the underwater village, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind synced up with his diving suit, the soldier followed the sea lion duo from behind. Melusines all locked inside their houses as the brothers escorted him to the statue, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Were the main citizens of the underwater village scared? He needed to take care of the problem right away, if such were the case.

Dragon statue sitting inside a pink seashell, the early adult halted his automatic thrust forward. Placing the pieces back into the stone serpentine creature's wings, the soldier could feel a deep aura of darkness radiate throughout the area as the stone had begun to crack away.

Dragon letting out a roar, swinging its tail with a fury, the chimera's eyes opened wide. Was this monster about to get on the offensive? Creature blasting out a beamed attack from its mouth, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. It was already attacking, he needed to take care of the problem now before houses were to be fried.

Brume and Eclater taking out scythes, icy and water attacks soon combined with their weapons. Thrusting down their elements upon the enemy, the dragon let out a roar as it slapped its tails against the sea lion brother's faces. Scar tissue added to the equation, a scream had been returned in kind.

"Dude, not cool!" Eclater shouted at the dragon. "My chin is sensitive!"

Brume bringing on twice the amount of water power with very little damage brought to the table, the soldier pressed a button on his left glove. Aquatic blade now at his side, the hyena joined the battle. Aiming for the tail as the seconds went on, everything took turns rolling the dice.

Invisible die rolling a four as Eclater returned to the battle, the dragon had become a popsicle after eight attempts. Knowing such was perfect opportunity to bring the creature down to its reptilian knees, the early adult slashed the aquatic blade forward in a rapid fire notion.

Monster getting weaker by the second, the sea lion brother unleashed the final blow. Dragon looking ready to fade into nothing, runes soon flew off its body as if they were birds. Enemy soon becoming one with nature, a Melusine soon came outside of her house. Swimming towards Brume, she whispered in his ear.

"Sis, what did you just say? Say that again, please!" Brume exclaimed. The Melusine then whispered louder. "Oh, mhm, I see. You want me to tell him what? Dudette, you pulling a prank on us?"

"No, Brume, I made myself very clear," the Melusine said. "Now, tell your friend here what I told you."

"Sis, are you serious? I gotta tell him? Don't wanna!" Brume responded. But, a serious look was on her face. "Fine, fine, dudette, I'll tell him!" He then turned towards his future big prank victim. "Bro, my sister just said statues appeared in Annapausis." But, Eclater soon interrupted.

"Dude, whaaat, you gotta be joshing us!" Eclater exclaimed. But, the look on his sis's face said all. "Okay, she ain't joshing us." He then turned towards the left. "Bro, you gotta head to Annapausis. That kingdom is gonna be in shambles if it gets visitors!"

Hearing the smartest thing that had ever come out of Eclater's mouth, the early adult bowed a thank you. Knowing he had to hurry and go to the underwater kingdom before it was too late, the soldier had the diving suit thrust him back up towards the surface. Dashing off towards the edges of Elynas, the hyena closed his eyes as the diving suit dropped him downward.

As the early adult had the diving suit thrust him towards the northwestern path, the soldier could feel an intense amount of pressure radiate throughout the area. Feeling such as the entrance towards Annapausis drew closer, the soldier broke out into a sweat. What was this intense feeling of dread?

Pushing himself through the entranceway, the sense of dread only continued to worsen as the seconds droned onward. Zinn and Peltro gazed at the stone creature missing many parts. Look of fatigue on both their faces, they soon turned towards the early adult.

"Look who decided to hop on in, ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed. "Those penguins threw this statue in here!"

"More like they forced this statute on us and told us, 'it's your problem, toxic freaks, you deal with it!' The nerve of them," Peltro added. "Anyhow, guess it really is our problem now. It's too heavy to give it back to them."

The soldier could hardly believe what he just heard. Vidame and Domini threw the dragon statue into Annapausis? How dare they do something like that just because they despised them. What an extremely low angle to bring themselves down to. He knew that, if someone did something like that to them, they would immediately get on the violent offensive.

Knowing he had to take care of the problem right away, the soldier removed the pieces to complete the statue. Only six spots to fill in, the early adult slapped them in one after another. But, as the final piece was soon placed, the stone prison broke. But, what awaited the hyena was a hostile attack to end all attacks.

"It came alive, ribbit!" Zinn shouted, surprised. "How did it do that?"

"I don't know, why don't you figure it out?" Peltro snapped back.

Siblings soon arguing back and forth, the hyena rolled his eyes. Here they go again, fighting over petty things. How could these two live with eachother and not get along? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. If he were in their situation, he would have swam off to another place by now to call home, but maybe such was not feasible for the frog and alligator duo.

World going black for a few minutes, the early adult shook with a fervor. Who turned off the lights? Hearing nothing but screams for minutes on end from the frog and alligator, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Nothing visible for minutes on end, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment.

Blinking out a of existence for a brief moment, the hyena opened his eyes once more. Peltro flipping through his tome making various faces of confusion, the early adult yanked the book out of its hands. What was it doing going through his things without asking? He couldn't read it anyway. Taking people's belongings without asking was the rudest gesture of them all. Eyes soon on him, excuses had come his way.

"Apologies. I saw something glowing in your bag, so I wanted to take a look," Peltro apologized, but Zinn soon cut in.

"I told ya not to go in there!" Zinn shouted, croaking. "It's not like ya can read th' book anyway!"

"Neither can you, so that makes two of us!" Peltro shouted back. "I thought it was about to explode!"

"Yer so dumb, it's givin' me warts!" Zinn shouted back. "It ain't gonna explode."

"What do you know, Zinn? It could have!" Peltro fired back further. "It was glowing! You saw it, too!" But, the argument soon became a cold turkey.

"Whatevs. Enougha 'dis. We're buggin' him with our fightin'," Zinn said. They then turned towards the left. "We took care of the dragon, ribbit. Wouldn't stay here if I were you right 'bout now. Our toxins gotta be foulin' up the air."

Knowing he couldn't stay a moment longer, the early adult removed himself from Annapausis. Having the diving suit thrust him back towards the Elton Trench, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Undersea penguin duo nowhere to be seen, a wave of suspicion flowed through the hyena. Why were they absent? How peculiar. Thrusting upwards towards the surface, the Belleau region awaited him.

Moving himself off the beach and heading north, the hyena could not help but ponder. Vidame and Domini, why would they throw a statue into Annapausis? What did Zinn and Peltro ever do to them? But, the early adult shook his head. Those two were a constant pile of anger. They would do anything to bring harm or cause problems to those they disliked.

Spotting the first statue near the outskirts of Poisson, the early adult tilted his head towards the sky. How did one of the stoned dragons end up here? Feeling an intense dark energy protruding through it, the chimera let out a gulp. Was another battle about to await him any second now? Removing multiple pieces from the supply bag, the early adult had begun the fixer upper.

Dragon breaking itself free from statue prison, the soldier read the translated runes it had left behind. Translated symbols reading out to say, Teyvat's sky is a big hoax and lie, the early adult's eyes twitched. Who wrote these runes? Surely, that couldn't have possibly been true. Hearing a big splash as he finished reading, the early adult walked off towards the next statue.

Second dragon not putting up any sort of fight flying away almost immediately upon gaining its second life, the soldier slammed the book shut. Whatever the runes said, he did not wish to read further. It was no use letting himself get frightened over such things.

Spotting a group of statues beside Poisson's waterfall, the early adult took a long deep breath. How did these two rocked up dragons manage to find themselves beside the roaring falls? But, he knew there was no time for thinking. He had to put them back together now, before evening were to roll in.

Final piece placed into the dragon's rocked backside, the stone cracked open like an egg. Runes throwing themselves into the mechanical tome of horrors as the creatures flew away, the early adult did not remove the book from the satchel. No more looking at the runes. He needed to keep himself focused.

Knowing it was time to head for wherever the Morte region was, the early adult attempted to leave the area. But, as he had readied to do, a loud shout bounced off and around his eardrums from down below in the fish city. Hearing such, alarm bells rung inside the chimera's mind. Had something happened down below? Deploying his wind glider, the soldier jumped down from beside the waterfall.

Entire stream of water in the area pitch black, the early adult's heart skipped five beats. What happened down here, had the black seawater escaped into Poisson? Spotting Bain, Kali, Aigre and the Demoiselle cleaning the area up, another loud whine soon quickly overtook the area.

"Sissie, sisser, this is so boring!" Aigre whined. "I wanna go out and play by the tower!"

"No, Aigre, it's cleanup time, remember?" Bain scolded. But, the whining continued.

"Meanie!" Aigre whined, voice getting higher pitched. "Kids should be allowed to go out and play Grownups should be the ones to cleanup!!"

"Bain, you're not her mother!" Kali shouted. She then turned towards Aigre. "Um, please don't go look for your pirate friends right now. You can play after we uh, clean."

Demoiselle soon turning towards him, the early adult could feel sweat pouring down his brow. Why was she looking at him with such an intense look on her face? Was he not welcome here? If he wasn't he would turn around right away and head to the Morte region, in an instant.

"Are you here because of the statue?" the Demoiselle asked.

Hearing the Demoiselle's question, the early adult gave a nod. Had there been a dragon statue down here, as well? Had it been the reason the waters in the area had gone black? If such were the case, he needed to get rid of it right now, before it was too late. He could not allow for the black seawater to expand any further.

"You are?" the Demoiselle asked. "I'd be very careful. I am not sure why, but it looks a little hostile."

Demoiselle pointing at the large boat in the corner, the early adult dashed off towards the pier. Large dragon statue looking as though it was roaring through its stone encasem*nt, the soldier placed the missing pieces upon the lizard's body. But, as the prison cracked, the creature soared towards the sea lion sisters.

Dragon dropping down a breath of fresh hostilities, Bain, Kali and Aigre had their scythes ready for action. Demoiselle taking out a large axe and swinging it, the soldier's tome released itself from his satchel on its own. Power of words acting on their own without his input, runes colluded with the weapons in the area.

Peculiar powers engulfing the triple triad of scythes then axe, the early adult slammed the floating tome shut. Monster tied up by the runes in a matter of moments, the young soldier backed four steps away. How did the book do that? What was it, some sort of magical hypnotic microphone that contained the power of words? How terrifying. Weren't actions supposed to speak louder than words?

Monster soon fading into nothing, another collection of runes adding themselves to the tome, the soldier's knees shook. What unsettling message placed itself into the book this time? He did not want to find out. Not spotting any more statutes within the fish city, the soldier dashed off towards the latter once more. Hearing Aigre whine again about not wanting to clean up, the hyena shook his head. She's going to run away again, for sure.

Heading off towards the eastern pathway near the west slope, the early adult pondered. The Morte region, could it have been on the other side of the Belleau region? He supposed walking off towards the east slopes was the safest option, for the time being. Continuing to head towards the western slopes, the soldier remained focused.

Walking through the west slopes, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment. The magician, what could he have been up to at this given moment? But, the soldier returned his focus forward. He was going around performing tricks. He did not need to concern himself with him until it was nighttime. He needed to keep moving forward.

Spotting the peculiar tower off in the corner, the hyena dashed off towards it. Seeing people from afar flying towards the large building, the chimera accelerated his sprint. Those people, could they have known where the Morte region was? He needed to make haste and ask them right away.

But, as he headed off towards the tower, an unexpected person had come flying down with a stranger he had never seen before. Spotting Lonan hopping around the tower giving it a clean, and a young woman beside him stopping, for a moment, the soldier studied the unknown person, for a moment.

Standing in the tower looking ready to clean up a fierce one had been a short, petit young woman. The young lady had Long, brown hair that went down to just near her chest pulled back into a high left swept ponytail held together with a fluffy brown scrunchie, and brown eyes to match. Pointy ears, falcon wings, freckles, and red and black square pattern shirt with light grey pants to end it off, the chimera ended his examination.

Lonan spotting him from afar, the birdman flew towards him. Seeing him flapping his way, the soldier backed six steps away. Had he stepped into this man's territory? If such were the case, he would inquire about the location of the Morte region and take his leave right away.

"Black fish steak bro! Fancy meeting you here!" Lonan greeted. "Saw some weird stuff south of here, but I ain't touchin' them. Nope." He then turned towards his beautiful lover. "Babe, introduce yourself." Babe soon landing next to him, she took the ring.

"I'm Gwendolyn," the bird woman greeted. She then put a disgusted face. "....And this..." She gagged as she forced the words out, but soon continued. "...Is my boyfriend, Lonan."

"Yo, gf, why did you just gag?" Lonan asked.

"Because we're not a..." Gwendolyn started to say, but she was soon interrupted.

"Haha, what was that, babe?" Lonan asked, speaking over her. "We're madly in love, black fish steak, bro, don't listen to her!" He then turned towards black fish steak bro. "Y'know what, I change my mind. I'mma take you over to the island where that weird thing appeared!"

Lonan being his usual aggravating flip flopping self, Gwendolyn rolled her eyes. Didn't he just say a second ago he wanted no part in the self proclaimed weird stuff down south near the island? Men were so annoying. They could never make up their mind. Why was she friends with him again? Sometimes, she did not know.

Seeing multiple looks of disgust on the person named Gwendolyn's face, a wave of suspicions flowed through the chimera. There was absolutely no way these two were dating. Lonan had to have definitely forced the bird woman to say they were in a relationship.

Reaching a small island area with strange purple formations above the water, a small hill and grassy areas beside the water, a shocking sight to behold caught the soldier's attention towards the edge of the area. Violet orb monsters from Elynas shooting Fonta everywhere, the chimera backed eight steps away. Why were the creatures shooting out soda from their bodies? What a strange sight to behold, for sure. Readying himself for battle, the early adult closed his eyes for a moment. Human hands becoming hyena claws, the chimera was ready for action. But, as he prepared to leap forward, a voice interrupted his flow.

"Babe, when did you get here?" Lonan asked, but he was soon met with her elbows. "Ow! Gf, why'd you go an do that again?"

"Do you ever hear me when I talk to you?" Gwendolyn asked in an exasperated tone. "I said I was coming, too, didn't I?" She then let out a sigh. "Don't bother giving me a stupid answer back. Not interested. Just fight the that soda monster with me and keep your mouth shut."

Hearing Gwendolyn claim she said she was coming too, the soldier scratched his ears. Did she say that? He had heard no such thing. But, the early adult shrugged. Maybe she mumbled it and he just couldn't hear it. Monster spitting out Fonta once more from within the insides of its purple spherical body, the early adult got his claws ready.

Gwendolyn and Lonan stretching their wings back and dropping down the gift of metallic feathers, the orb creature had been stunned in a matter of moments. Seeing such, the early adult dashed off to the scene. Hyena claws swiping forward for minutes on end, the monster had soon become dust upon the wind.

Second creature decimated after ten attacks combined, the enemies had all been removed from the equation. Sky soon adjusting itself to the nighttime shades, the early adult let out a scream. The sun had already gone down? He needed to head off to the research institute up north right this instant.

Speeding off back towards the capital city and dashing past the bridge near the eastern portion of Mount Esus, the soldier kept running. Cruising through the area after an hour of running, the early adult let out a scream. The research facility, he had to get there as fast as he could. Pushing through until reaching an area known as the New Research Institute, a small room with many machines caught the chimera by surprise.

"You're right on time! Just what I'd like to see," the magician said. "Go get changed in the back, and we'll let this magnificent magic show begin."

"He's fifteen minutes late," the cat girl assistant corrected, glaring at the hyena.

Moving towards the back room as the sibling duo talked about his punctuality, the hyena let out a sigh. Why was his number one assistant always looking at him with such contempt? But, he supposed he would, too, if Hase and he were in some sort of performing team together only to add on a third wheel.

Uncomfortable spandex holding him hostage in his outfit, the magic show was ready to being. Magician starting off by boosting his ego to the entire population within the research institute, the soldier held back the urge to shake his head. Should a magician truly be this quick to boast about his abilities?

Card tricks performed for a few minutes into the show, the early adult's eyes wandered for a moment. Spotting a young man amongst the crowd of many generic nobodies, the hyena rapidly shook his heads. Who did he see in the seats in the corner just now? Perhaps, just maybe, he was seeing things.

Magician soon proclaiming they had seen all these amateur tricks, and he was going to pull off something at a much greater scale, the cat girl assistant soon yanked the soldier. Telling him to get under the table now, the early adult swore he could hear her say something under her breath.

"Those amateur tricks were just a warmup! I hope you're all ready for this next one!" the magician shouted, stroking his own ego. "Hold onto your seats, for I, the Greatest Magician -----, will make all the Fonta disappear!"

Multiple bottles of Fonta glowing with a peculiar looking substance in them, the soldier swore the magician slipped the bottles through his sleeves. Stepping beside the table and dropping multiple through a compartment, the hyena grabbed the commodities of poisoned proportions.

Trick going on for minutes on end, the soldier placed everything within the deep pits of his sleeves. Arm coverings not looking fat in any way whatsoever as he kept throwing them down, the soldier rolled his eyes. What an amazing magic trick, hiding bottles of sugary drinks down his sleeves as a way to make them disappear. Truly, a thrilling experience. Rolling his eyes further, the magician's assistant dragged the chimera behind a makeshift curtain.

Magician soon announcing he'll make a hyena appear right in front of them, the soldier rushed back onto stage. Hat kicking up the misty atmosphere, the soldier closed his eyes. Human limbs soon becoming hyena ones and tail appearing behind him as the countdown reached zero, multiple eyes were on him.

Researchers giving a round of applause, the show had soon reached its end. Handing the bottles of Fonta off towards the magician words of doing good work had come his way. Informed he would have more work to do tomorrow, the duo soon left. Knowing that was his cue to find somewhere to sleep, the early adult prepared to stage his exit. But, as he stepped outside of the curtain, hands tugged on the edge of his shirt.

Turning his attention towards the tugger, the early adult observed the person in front of him. Vying for his attention had been a young jackal man almost around the exact same height as him. The young man had messy, short light brown hair that covered his right eye entirely with some spikes towards the top and stray bottom that went down to where his human ears would be if he had them. Light orange eyes glowing against his brown skin, orange researchers coat barely hiding his bushy jackal tail, and nervous disposition, the early adult ended his examination.

"Uh, um... Are you okay with being treated like that?" the researcher jackal asked, voice shaking as he took multiple pauses while speaking. "I know the Fonta was... uh, laced?" He paused for a moment. Was that what he heard? Laced. No, that can't be it. Archons, he was embarrassing himself in front of a cute boy definitely being manipulating. Deep breaths, he needed to breathe. Where was he? Right. Fonta. "...Ahem, uh. Yes, that was it. Laced." But, he paused again. Why couldn't he speak today? Get it together. Try again. "But, um, don't let them use you for entertainment like that."

Hearing the stranger's words, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Signing that he knew, but he cannot leave, thee soldier looked into the man's eyes. Young jackal looking away at his gaze as he had done such, the soldier broke out into a sweat. Why was he looking away? Did eye contact bother him? He supposed nothing could be done if such were the case.

Young man communicating to him in sign language with a look on his face, the jackal could feel his heart pitter patter. Oh, no, this one was cute. What should he do? Maybe he should protect him from those magicians that are exploiting him for entertainment. Right, maybe that could work. Good idea.

"Um, I'll come to your next show, and do something if they try to get exploitative, okay?" the jackal asked. He then extended my hand. "Oh, uh, right. I should introduce myself. Um, I forgot. My name is Rabiu." But his hand shook in place as he said such. Why did this man make him so nervous. "Uh, um, let's shake on it."

Giving the young jackal a handshake, the soldier left the area. Heading off towards the Hotel Deboard for the night, a room had been reserved in the hyena's name. Escorted to his temporary accommodations, the soldier removed the uncomfortable uniform. Everything else off, as well, the chimera slipped into the uncomfortable bed. But, as the world of sleep were ready to take him away, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

He's not some toy to play with.


"Oh no, that boy with that travelling magician troupe.
He's cute. Too cute.

No, no, that can't be right. I like girls! That's right, girls! Women!
Oh no, he's so cute. I don't think I

Have ever found a girl as cute as him.
Eek. Oh, Archons. No, no, no.

I like girls, women!
So why is my heart fluttering? How

Come I want to protect this guy when I don't even know him?
Ultimate confusion. No, no, no,
That's weird, isn't it?
Everyone in the research institute is going

To look at me funny.
How about my brothers and sister? Are they going to tell me
I'm adopted again, or
Something? 'Rabiu, you're nothing like us,

I bet you're adopted!' When they
See me looking at that cute

Boy with dreamy eyes...
Aaaaaaaah, no, no, no.
Don't even think about that! Right. I'll just forget about him for now."

Upon waking up the next morning, a loud knock interrupted the soldier's slumber. Rubbing his eyes after reaching his glasses the early adult quickly changed into his uniform. Well dressed ginger Fatui with a top hat standing by his door looking ready to throw him the dice, the early adult listened through the tired sleep haze.

"Soldier, you must meet Sir ----- right now," the ginger masked Fatui said. She then stepped aside. "He is in the hallway waiting for you."

Stepping into the hotel lobby, the magician stood tall beside a table where the cat girl assistant dug into her sweets one after another. Stepping towards him, a jovial, but prideful smile appeared on the young man's face. Arms soon folded across his waist, he soon spoke.

"Look who finally decided to join us!" the magician exclaimed. "We'll be performing a magic show in Fleuve Cendre in fifteen minutes." But, disdain soon came his way.

"Why does he have to come?" the magician's assistant asked, monotone.

"-------, he's just a temporary member of our troupe," the magician whispered.

Cat girl assistant giving him a glare, the hyena knew now more than ever. This woman absolutely despises him. Wanted to churn his guts into a meat grinder, and throw him away. He supposed he did not blame her. He was intruding upon her brother's troupe. Her judgement of him was only fair.

Heading to the underground city shortly after changing, a very quick magic show had kicked into overdrive. Magician giving his usual speech full of heavy bravado, multiple moments of showing off with card tricks as a quick warmup overtook the area for minutes on end, but the real show soon took over.

Magician soon saying he and his lovely assistants would be making all the Fonta within Fleuve Cendre disappear, three magical boxes appeared in the area. Cat girl, magician and himself crawling through all the spaces pocketing and hiding all the laced soda they could locate, the show continued for a little while longer.

Grand finale of the show kicking into overdrive as the rest of the entire underground city's soda made their disappearing act, the curtains soon fell. Everyone soon leaving except for a few people, the magician gazed at the Fonta that was supposed to have disappeared.

Hearing the magician say that the Fonta was indeed laced with primordial seawater like he suspected, the early adult could feel his heart skip six beats. Primordial seawater, wasn't that type of liquid considered highly toxic to Fontaine born citizens? But, as the mumbles about kept going, an interruption kicked in.

"What?" Gwendolyn asked, confused. "What do you mean there's primordial sea water in the Fonta?" But, another voice soon talked over her.

"Magician dude, you sure about that?" Lonan asked, confidence evident in his voice. "Gwen and I drank some Fonta yesterday, and we were fine!" But, he was soon elbowed almost immediately.

"Were fine because we're birds, imbecile!" Gwendolyn exclaimed in a grumpy tone.

"Yo, gf, that's mean!" Lonan fired back. "Don't elbow me!"

Magician soon handing Siorc the next list of locations, another card with a black cat hat had been handed to the soldier. Piece stating he had to go to Poisson for the evening show, the soldier blinked. He had to perform another show tonight? The life of a performer was definitely a busy one. Reading over his instructions, a particular location spooked him.

Reading the name Mt. Esus, the soldier let out a yelp. He had to head for the mountain ranges north of the court city? There was no way he would be able to pass through there without issue. The hawk's territory, he knew he was not welcome there. Bird duo stepping towards him, Lonan soon poked his nose in where it did not belong.

"Black fish steak bro, why did you scream about Mt. Esus?" Lonan asked. "Bro, don't worry, my cousin's out of town." But, he had soon been elbowed once again.

"Lonan, don't stick your nose in where it's not wanted!" Gwendolyn scolded.

Watching as Gwendolyn elbowed Lonan again, the hyena shook his head. These two were definitely not dating. Returning his focus back to his instructions, a wave of heavy confusion flowed through him. Seeing the locations known as the Rusty Rudder and Lumidouce Harbor, the soldier tilted his head. Where in the world could the Rusty Rudder have been? He had never heard of such a place.

Exiting the hotel, the early adult prepared himself for the long trip north. Knowing there as a small, miniscule chance that the hawk and falcon chimera could have been in their territory right about now, the hyena took a long deep breath as he exited the city. Cruising through the forest, up north, the chimera would not falter.

As the soldier headed past the beach, the hyena observed the area around him, for a moment. Hawk and falcon nowhere to be seen, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. Maybe they were truly not here after all. Heading off towards the mountains everything was quiet, almost too quiet.

Coming across the first unfinished statue near the edges of the beach, the early adult had begun the restructuring. Everything placed in the correct pattern, the stone creature released itself from its encasing. Dragon hopping off towards the ocean nearby as runes removed themselves from its body, the chimera kept heading north.

Coming across two statues in the corner looking ready to break open at any given moment, the early adult had begun the stone surgery once more. Placing everything where it belonged in the color patterns constructed, the dual creatures hopped off towards the ocean as further glyphs sucked themselves into the tome for what felt like the thirtieth time in the past two days.

Moving forward towards the beginning parts of the mountains, the hyena spotted three statues towards the edge of the area. But, as he put them back together, the chimera swore he could hear one of the dragons say Fontaine belongs to the abyss. Did he really just hear that, or was he imagining it? Surely, it had to have just been his imagination. Final piece dropped into the lizards, a loud roar overtook the area.

Monsters looking ready for a fight, the hyena let out a sigh. Closing his eyes, for a moment, his human hands soon became hyena paws. Slashing forward as if his claws were his sword, the soldier let out a deep battle cry. Enemies defeated after fifty forward slashes, the early adult let out a tired huff.

Continuing onwards through the eastern mountains four more statues awaited him. Bringing them out of their stone prisons, yet another splash echoed throughout the area. Almost every single reptilian monster going for a dive, the soldier could not help but wonder. Were these dragons just trying to go back where they perceived as home? While he did not know if this was truly the case, he felt like it had to have been, at the moment.

Not spotting any further stoned dragons in the mountain ranges, the soldier took a long deep breath. Instructions informing him the Rusty Rudder in one of the southern most areas of Fontaine, the early adult prepared himself. It was time to make the long journey south.

As the early adult reversed back towards the path he came, the soldier could not help but think. Primordial seawater, what was that, exactly? He had never heard of such a thing before. Was it dangerous to other groups besides people born in Fontaine? He did not know, but he knew he would have to do something about it if it were.

As the soldier attempted to step foot back into the city, the soldier swore he could hear someone to tell him to stop. Lonan soon running up towards him, almost completely out of breath, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. What did the bird man want from him now?

"Magician bro forgot to tell you something, black fish steak bro!" Lonan exclaimed. "He needs you to go to some smelting place underwater." He then turned towards Gwendolyn. "Gwen, should we come with?" But, he had soon been elbowed once again.

"Gwendolyn, not Gwen!" Gwendolyn shouted. "And, no, we're not 'coming with.' Ugh, I thought I told you we still have to clean up the tower."

"Yo, gf, c'mon, that crib down there is dangerous," Lonan replied. "We can't leave a bro hanging." But, he had soon been pulled away.

"Didn't ask, don't care. And I'm not..." Gwendolyn started to say, but she stopped herself. "Just do your job, so you can get your Mora and get away from me."

Watching the party of two walk away awkwardly, the soldier shook his head. These two were definitely not in a relationship, and if they were in one, it was certainly not a healthy one. But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. What business was it of his to judge someone else's relationship? He needed to head back to the underground smelting area.

Reaching the edge of the Liffey Region after an hour of walking, the soldier placed his diving equipment over his short body. Suit syncing up with his mind, the hyena's body automatically thrusted forward towards the northern area of the waterbed.

Finding himself in the sea unicorn's bed after half an hour of automatic swimming, the early adult ran off towards the hidden entrance way. Dropping back downward towards the underwater world, the soldier soon found himself towards the hidden metallic room of terrors. Stepping towards the closed off room, a peculiar sight soon awaited him.

Spotting Huxian and Pixiu in the corner equipped with mops, the hyena could feel a chill drop down his spine. Had these two still been cleaning up all the black seawater that flooded in a week prior? Otter duo looking as tired as death itself, a wave of heavy concern flowed through him. These two hadn't been cleaning nonstop for an entire week, had they?

Stepping inside the possible dangerous area. The otter duo kept up with their cleaning efforts. But, as he tried to tiptoe through, eyes were soon on him. Looks of confusion as if they did not know him painting their faces, for a moment, the hyena tilted his head. Did their fatigue remove him from their memories? Lack of sleep was the enemy to all living creatures, guaranteed.

"Huh? Why did you come back?" Huxian asked. "Did the duke send you to make sure we're still cleaning, or something?" They then let out a sigh. "Monique and I are almost finished." He then paused for a moment. "Wait. Her name is not Monique, and my name is not Zack." But, he snapped himself out of it. "Now I don't remember what I had to say." But Pixiu soon cut him.

"Weren't you going to tell him the black seawater brought some friends?" Pixiu asked, but she soon doubted herself. "Was that it? Now, I don't remember either."

"No clue, Monique," 'Zack' responded. "Wait. Your name is not Monique, and my name is not Zack." But, he attempted to regain focus. "Whatever. Do what you need to do. Don't tell the duke we're not done cleaning yet."

Hearing Huxian repeat the same phrase about himself not being named Zack, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why did he always say something like that? Was he a broken record? But, he supposed it was no business of his why he was the way he was. Moving towards the cooling system, the rocky statues awaited him.

Putting the dragon back together, the creature glowed a pitch black aura, creature turning towards him, the hyena could feel a chill down his spine. Was he about to be forced into some battle he did not bargain for? He was not prepared for a fight. He was in his fat, blubbery suit. He was useless. But, his thoughts were proven wrong in a matter of moments.

"Oh, no, I'm late!" the dragon shouted like a schoolgirl. "Master is expecting me in the abyss!" Throwing itself through the door, the creature was soon gone.

Soon putting the other dragon statues back together, the other creatures soon followed the leader. Seeing such, the early adult eyebrows twitched. What was wrong with these reptilian monsters? Something was definitely off with them, for sure. No other statues in the area, the soldier prepared to stage his exit. But, as he readied to leave the area, voices drowned out the area.

"What was that all about?" Huxian asked. "Why did those dragons hop off like they were, hmm forgot what that place was called."

"Like Akademiya students?" Pixiu suggested. "I don't remember either, mind you." They then turned towards the stranger. "Thank you for helping, whoever you are."

Otter duo forgetting he ever existed, the soldier had the diving suit bring him back upwards towards the surface. Reversing back towards the pathway he came, the beach had been passed through. Going back towards the city, the soldier gazed at a paper map he found at the newspaper stand. Spotting Lumidouce Harbor all the way in the southeastern most corner, an idea tossed itself in the chimera's mind.

Seeing that the Lumidouce Harbor was not too far away from Marcotte Station, the soldier headed off towards the glass lift inside the Aquabus information station. Perhaps, just maybe, it would be easier to reach the area if he took a small shortcut. Having the glass box bring him to the third floor, the soldier soon pressed the call button for the automatic vehicle.

Reaching Marcotte Station after about half an hour, the soldier had begun heading off towards the southern path. Moving through some strange enchanted forest, the chimera held back the urge to admire the scenery. Pushing through with all his effort, another hour long walk awaited him.

Reaching the Rusty Rudder after an hour, the soldier observed the area, for a moment. Finding himself beside a boat with a canon and cave in the corner of it, the hyena could feel a wave of unease flow through him as he walked towards the cave. Was it just him, or did some heavily hostile energy coming from the area in the corner?

Stepping inside the dwelling, the early adult prepared himself. Was a battle about to break loose? If such were the case, he needed to prepare himself this time. Finding the first unfinished statue in the cave beside a bed of water, the early adult had gotten himself to work.

Dragon soon fixed, a message of terror had been translated from the runes. Runes relaying the message that the region of Fontaine was full of fakes, the soldier jumped six steps back. What did that mean? Surely, that had to have been a mistranslation, on the book's part.

Moving towards the next set of unfinished statues, the soldier had gotten to work. Dragons soon splashing into the water after they had been put back together, the early adult's legs shook as he read the next translated rune sentence. Seeing a question asking, why isn't the Hydro Archon doing anything about the prophecy, the young soldier's heart skipped more than five beats. Why were the messages saying these things? They were all wrong, for sure.

Everything done within the rusty rudder, the early adult hurried himself towards Lumidouce Harbor. But, an attack of many proportions soon awaited the soldier. Dragons bringing themselves to the offensive almost immediately upon awakening, the chimera brought out his hyena claws.

Dragons defeated after about one hundred slashes, the early adult panted up a storm. Why were these monsters so strong? He could not help but feel something had been incredibly off about them. But, perhaps, just maybe, he was overthinking it. Reptilian monsters were just strong. Surely, that had to have been the case.

Sun soon setting as the final round of defeats took shape, the early adult dashed off towards the Marcotte Station. He had to make his way to Poisson right now, or he would be late once again. Throwing on his magician assistant outfit as the Aquabus thrusted him towards the capital city, the hyena threw himself off the boat as fast as it had arrived at the station.

Dashing off towards the next Aquabus station, the soldier deployed his windglider as soon as the vehicle arrived at the Poisson Tunnel. Taking the leap of faith as the underground fish city drew closer with every second, the early adult let out a scream as he descended near the waterfall. Magician's assistant glaring at him, she had words of unkindness ready, and waiting.

"You're late again," the cat girl assistant said, emotionless. "Do you even care about the show at all?"

"-------, what's gotten into you?" the magician asked. He then turned towards his assistant. "My apologies, she's just not used to you yet."

Knowing the cat girl assistant would likely never get used to him, no matter what, the soldier waved the white flag. It was no use saying such a sentence. She was definitely acting prickly and sour towards him on purpose. But, he knew the show must go on. Poisson citizens seated, the magic show had begun with a bang.

Magician getting on top of a makeshift stage with a lot of bravado, the early adult bit his lip. Why did he always have to boost his ego during every single one of his magic shows? This was a problem, for sure. Why couldn't he humble himself? But, he knew he could not change someone else's ways.

Hearing the magician soon say that they will be making all the Fonta, and his sister disappear inside the box containing seawater, the early adult could feel his heart turn to stone. The trick box, did it contain the poisonous primordial seawater? What was he thinking?

Cat girl assistant appearing inside the box alongside multiple bottles of Fonta, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Had she been a projection? What was the point of this trick? Surely, the audience had already seen through it. Clothes and Fonta melting the audience soon did a gasp.

Assistant soon returning while the magician pretended he didn't know where she went, she soon announced she had been back. Audience guffawing up a storm, the next order of business took the show for a loop. Greatest magician saying he's going to make a mermaid appear from the water hole in the corner, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. A mermaid, really? There was no way that stunt was possible. Spotting Ban, Kali and Aigre in the audience, his doubts hardened.

Crude looking mermaid prop that looked like a penguin machine with a mermaid tail appearing on cue, the early adult held back the urge to let out a disapproved grunt. Was anyone seriously falling for this? If he really wanted to have this trick be realistic, he should have asked someone who had the qualities of a mermaid. But, his thoughts were soon cut off.

Soon hearing the magician say he'll make a hyena appear before the very audience, the early adult let out a deep sigh. This trick again? Why did he have to do this in ever show? Mist from his hat soon enshrouding him, the soldier closed his eyes as the countdown loomed over from three to two. Mist dissipating, loud cheers overtook the area.

Audience clapping and saying that animal on stage looked so real, the soldier's heart broke into a million pieces. The animal was him, he was nothing more than a prop to these people, a game, entertainment. Magic show wrapping himself up, the comments kept on coming, but one loud booing sound drowned out the cheers.

"Booooooooo!" Aigre booed. "That mermaid was so fake! Boooooooo! This show stunk!"

"Aigre, shush!" Bain scolded. "That's so rude!"

"Aigre, um, don't say that," Kali scolded as well. "They worked hard on this show."

Aigre continuing to throw a conniption, the sea lion sisters hauled her off like the child she thought she was. Seeing such a scene, the soldier shrugged. Aigre had a right to call out inaccurate depictions of mermaids. Everyone soon clearing out of the area except the Demoiselle, a long discussion between the magician, his assistant and the Spin di Rosula owner took place.

Party of three discussing the Fonta in the air had been spiked with sinthe, the early adult could feel a heavy wave of unease. Sinthe, wasn't that an illicit chemical that was not allowed for consumption? Who would put such a thing in the entire soda supply of Fontaine? Eyes soon on him, orders for him to leave had come his way.

Knowing that, if he did not leave the area, the cat girl assistant would have many more choice words to say to him, the soldier returned to the Aquabus. Heading back towards his hotel room, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Temporary magician assistant outfit put away, as well, the early adult crawled into the temporary bed, but as the world of sleep awaited him, one final question rolled a pebble around in his partially human mind.

The prophecy, was it real?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the chimera's adult life. The cycle was a road with only one fork in the road, leading to doom. Path to peace displaced and severed by an earthquake nearly thousands of dreams ago, anguish was the only path forward. The night before him would continue the pattern, as well.

Before him had been a chair covered with roses. Seeing such, a slight wave of ease flowed through the soldier. While he had still not warmed up fully to flowers, their presence was welcome. Readying to seat himself down upon the decorated seat, the hyena took a deep dream breath, but as he seated himself, unwanted guests were present.

Abyssal gazelles seated at a table clanging glasses of Fonta together, the early adult's dream knees buckled. What were these two doing in here? Hearing the two of them scream cheers as they toasted to some unknown victory, the soldier had come to a realization. The laced Fonta, it was their doing, for sure. But, as he had come to such conclusion, the abyssal gazelles turned his way with a disturbed look on their faces.

"What's he doing here during our toast?!" Izzet asked in an angry manner.

Hearing the abyssal gazelle's question, the hyena rolled his eyes to the dream sky. Hello, this was his dream world, what were they doing in here? How did they get in his subconscious landscape in the first place? Hearing the two laugh in a maniacal tone, the tables soon turned.

Abyssal duo summoning a ball of fire, the soldier's body had soon been engulfed in flames. Fire baking him deep into a pie of defeat, the hyena fell on the ground. Closing his eyes as he been set ablaze anew, one last laugh had played in his dream eardrums as he had begun to sing his swan song.

"Your little Fonta show is over!" Kelebek exclaimed, laughing.

Body disintegrating into nothing but charcoal, defeat took the chimera away. As his final moments in the dream world were ticking, a sea of thoughts crashed through him. Safety was dead, torment was on the rise, burning way will always be his utter demise. He knew it, he figured it from the very beginning.

The abyssal gazelles, he suspected them all along.


"What is it these strangers are after?
I don't understand.
Look, whatever it is you want revenge on from me, just do it.
Look, whatever it is you want revenge on from me, just complete it.

This has gone on for long enough.
How come every incident ties back to these two?
Even they need to get tired after awhile.
Yet, they're both still going. All of this just because I stopped their plans in the

Elton Trench is so ridiculous.
Very much so. Why can't they just drop this?
Every opportunity they get, they continue to exact
Revenge on me. I just don't get it.

Stopping one of
Their evil abyssal agendas, I just don't get it. Why did this
Open the door to revenge?
Please stop doing this, I'm starting to break."

Waking up the next morning, a wave of heavy unease flowed through the hyena. The abyssal gazelles, just what were they planning? They had to have been doing something to pull the strings with the poisoned batch of Fonta, for sure. But, as his thoughts clouded, a knock brought him back to reality.

Ginger Fatui informing him of an urgent matter that needed to be attended to immediately, the early adult could hardly believe what he was hearing. Told to go clean up the oceans right now and then head off to the Opera Epiclese for the magic show, the early adult's body shook like a maraca. The sea, had the black seawater made its way over there? He needed to get to cleansing, right this instant.

Well dressed soldier elite handing him a strange cleaning robot with the name cashflow in it, the hyena lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. Was something like this really meant for cleaning? He could not help but feel it was definitely meant for something else.

Heading off towards the Aquabus and jumping off as soon as it hit Poisson tunnel, the soldier dashed off towards the beach. But, immediately upon approaching it, the early adult's eyes opened wide. Entire ocean bed orange, the soldier backed six steps away. Is this real life, or is it just fontasy? Finishing such thoughts, the hyena swore he could hear a piano playing in the distance somewhere.

Having the diving suit drop him down into the sodabed, the cleaning robot had soon come with him. But, immediately upon descending to the trenches beneath, monsters poisoned left, right, upside down, and center surrounded the soldier as the machine sucked out the carbonated sugar garbage from the sea.

Creatures throwing Fonta attacks his way laced with sinthe to the highest possible degree, the early adult could feel a wave of unease. The abyssal gazelles, why would they do something like this, and bring innocent creatures into the mix? How disgusting of them. They would pay for such a crime.

Dropping down the jellyfish head bomb, multiple creatures had gone boom. Sinthe bleeding from their bodies as they fell, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. The illicit chemicals they had been leaking, they had to have been affecting the seabed, for sure. Cleaning robot continuing to do its duty, the soldier pressed onward.

Sea angels shielded up unleashing icy Fonta beams the soldier's way, the early adult dropped down another jellyfish head bomb. Creature blown away as the juices left their body, a wave of guilty flowed through the chimera. The poor, innocent sea creatures, they did not deserve for this to happen to them whatsoever.

Cleaning robot pushing through, the soldier had the diving suit thrust him forward. Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to head towards Chemin de l'espoir, for the time being. Seabed becoming less of a sodabed by the second, the soldier kept cruising over towards the northwestern area of the ocean.

But, the soldier stopped in his tracks. Spotting something concerning in the northern area, the early adult had the diving suit thrust him towards the Salaica Plain. Huge fish nearly triple their normal size spitting out acidic Fonta laser beams, the soldier had commenced cleanup.

Aquatic blades finishing the job, the cleansing continued. Multiple fish poisoned by the illicit liquids, the early adult let out a sigh. Soda was not healthy. Fontaine needed to put it on their laws of banned food and drink consumption. But, he knew such would never happen at any given point.

Catalyst continuing to suck in all the malicious Fonta within the ocean, the soldier kept doing his best efforts to quell the caffeinated up beasts. But, such had come to a quick halt. Sudden current sucking him in, the soldier had been dragged through the ocean towards the northwest area. Unable to pull himself out of the stream, movement was gone, sealed, removed.

Finding himself in Chemin de l'Espoir after what felt like an hour of being dragged away, the soldier continued to clean up as much as he could possibly muster. But, such had soon been halted as two unwanted obstacles soon got in the way. Undersea penguin duo speedily swimming towards him enraged faces, the soldier readied a fist behind him. Whatever they were about to say to him, he was going to fire back this time.

Seeing Ritchie Rich come down here uninvited once again, Vidame was seeing red. How dare this rich person think he can come down here after they had told him so many time their peace treaty was done and finished. He was definitely the one responsible for the sea turning orange. How despicable! He needed to be taught a lesson.

Watching Ritchie Rich waltz around the ocean thinking he was welcome here, Domini whirred up his chain whip. How dare this person think he could come down here all willy nilly after he polluted the entire sea with that disgusting fizzy soda garbage. He deserved to be pummeled into submission for this. It was time to give him his medicine: violence.

"You, how dare you come down here after what you did to the ocean!" Vidame shouted a the top of her gills. She then gave back a rude human fingered gesture. "Ritchie rich, if you thought our peace treaty was over, it's permanently off the table now!"

"You heard her, Ritchie Rich!" Domini added, slapping the flail down upon the rich loser's body seven times, leaving a bruise. "This is what you get for polluting our home!" As he shouted such, his onslaught only worsened.

Penguin duo blaming him for everything and bludgeoning him as if they thought they were angels, the early adult could feel his blood boil. How dare these two pin the blame on him. Who did they think they were always assuming he was the root of all the problems within the Elton Trench? He was not the one responsible. He was getting quite tired of them running their mouths.

"And how could I be responsible for this?" Siorc asked, voice low. "Do you ever think before you accuse me of something? Just because you think I'm rich, doesn't mean I am the one who dumped the toxic Fonta waste down here." He put on a dark smile, ready to pounce. "Grow up, and stop trying to pin the blame on me; focus on cleaning your home."

Ritchie rich demanding him, Domini whirred up the chain whip once again. How dare this rich loser think he could tell him what to do. He was going to get the attack of a lifetime if he thinks he can boss him around. But, his sister soon blocked his incoming flail from incoming.

"Fuggedabout it, Domini, put that thing away," Vidame said, blocking the chain whip. "He's right. 'Sides, I found a cave in the corner. Call a temporary truce."

"Whatever! I'll call a truce!" Domini shouted at the top of his gills. "But, next time we see you, Ritchie Rich, we're ripping up that treaty!"

Penguin duo guiding him to a strange cave hidden underneath a rock, a surprise awaited the soldier. Spotting six machines pumping out poison Fonta one after another, the early adult could feel his heart begin to sink. How did these get down here? Readying the jellyfish bomb, the onslaught soon begun.

Scythe, chain whip and xenochromatic attacks doing their duty, the entire seabed had been free from is fontaification. Knowing that was his cue to leave, the soldier had the diving suit thrust him towards the surface. Returning to the Aquabus, a sea of thoughts flowed through him as it prepared itself to head towards Marcotte Station.

As the Aquabus had gotten closer to the opera house with every step, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why Fonta? What a strange liquid to poison. But, he supposed the abyssal gazelles had set their target to something local. Whatever reason they had for such, he was none the wiser.

Soon reaching the opera house, a surprising set of faces awaited him at the entrance. Malika, Earl, Baron and even Kaiser, the soldier tilted his head. Were they waiting for him? Why was the entire family at the front door, shouldn't they have been waiting in the audience? Malika looking at him, she soon greeted him.

"There you are, darling," Malika said, hands on his shoulder. "Oh, dear, you're a mess. Let's freshen you up."

Malika pulling him into a backroom with a sea of makeup, the soldier broke out into a sweat. He was being made up now? Wasn't it already too late for such a thing? Foundation, blush and very light eyeshadow pressed onto his face, the early adult looked in the mirror.

Gazing at his reflection, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Did he look pretty, he didn't look like a clown, did he? Changing into his magic assistant uniform, the early adult slapped his cheeks. This was it, the final show. He would soon be free from his duties as a magic assistant. He would soon be removed from this wretched toy status as a member in the troupe.

Soon going behind the stage, the soldier peeked his head through the curtain. Mostly generic nobodies in the seats with the exception of the penguins, the jackal, and the Hydro Archon sitting upon her throne, the early adult let out a gulp. It was a full house tonight, he was feeling the butterflies eat him alive.

Magician saying he, the greatest magician no longer needs to introduce himself as this is his sixth show here, the hyena lowered his eyes in to a squint. His fourth? What happened to the second through fifth? But, he supposed when he had performed on the opera stage, it was definitely not the magician's first.

Amateur card tricks taking the stage for minutes on end, the soldier let out a sigh. What was he even here for? Surely, he wasn't needed for anything today to require his attendance. Card trick soon coming to an end, the magician stated they didn't come here for beginner tricks, it was time for something exciting.

Magic water box hologram trick soon taking the stage, the soldier shook his head from behind the curtain. What did anyone at all find appealing about all this? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. None of this was entertaining if they knew trick. But, he supposed the audience definitely did not know the secrets.

Multiple tricks firing one after another with some pyrotechnics, the hyena let out a yelp behind the curtain. Why were they doing that? Was fire really necessary for this show? Cat girl assistant shushing him, the soldier zippered the lip. Right. Be quiet. The show was on.

Magician soon announcing he would be performing a swap again, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. This trick again? Didn't he ever get tired of doing that one? But, the early adult knew he was getting ahead of himself. Spotlight soon shot on him saying he would be swapping with his fellow assistant right here, the early adult placed himself in the stage box.

But, as the audience fired up the countdown, a mistake of disastrous proportions took the show by a fire storm. Hearing the sound of a poof coming from the stage box, the soldier could feel a wave of unease flow through him as the magician and he crawled through the compartments. Returning to the audience box, a sight like no other soon stole the show.

"It's all over for him!" Kelebek shouted. "The stupid show is over!"

Abyssal gazelles making a racket in the stage box, a monster had soon been summoned. Orb creature from Elynas appearing on stage, oozing toxic Fonta, the soldier had come to a solid conclusion. Kelebek and Izzet, this was their doing, without any shadow of a doubt. Monster bringing out the rampage, a self important question interrupted.

"Is this part of the show?" the Hydro Archon asked in a flamboyant tone. "Dear -----, if you're wasting our precious theater space--" But her words were cut out by the screams of he audience. "Everyone, calm down, I the Hydro Archon, Focalors, shall protect you all from this little problem!" But, she had soon be interrupted.

"Enemies to my future husband are my enemies, too!" Earl shouted.

Watching as Earl ran on his stage, gauntlets on, punching the living daylights out of the Fonta spewing monster, the early adult could feel himself begin to crumble. Why were the abyssal gazelles doing this, and why was the pesky thorn in his side involving himself? He did not need to do this. Voices calling out, the opera house only got louder.

"Earl, don't be boorish!" Baron called out. "You can't win this!"

"Earl, this is just part of the show, darling!" Malika called out. "Come back to your seat!" But, Kaiser interrupted.

"Malika, I don't think this is part of the show," Kaiser said, voice emotionless.

"Kaiser, does that matter? He's being foolish," Baron responded. They then cupped their hands around their mouth. "Back down, Earl!"

Earl not giving up the fight, another person soon joined the party. Rabiu soon stepping up the plate with a peculiar robotic looking weapon, the soldier froze in place. Why was the jackal getting up on stage, too? He knew, he had to join in on the battle right now. But, a mysterious layer of glue locked him down onto the floor.

"Um, Earl, right?" Rabiu asked, voice shaking. "Is it um, alright if I help you out? I have the machine to stop it."

Earl agreeing, but asking why, he wanted to be the one to save his husband from his evil enemies, a phrase he did not wish to bear witness to took the stage. Rabiu saying they have the same goal, the early adult could feel a twinge of irritation buckle into his throat. Did he have another person who was about to act like he's their future partner? How annoying.

Machine doing its honors, the orb monster dissipated into condensed energy. Abyssal gazelle duo firing a beam off in the audience's direction, the crowd let out a terrified scream. Throwing the core away with a combined punch, the strangers waved their fists across the air.

"Penguin, he'll get his revenge!" Kelebek shouted, pointing.

"Nyahaha, and you too, hyena!" Izzet shouted, pointing

Strangers dissolving like water into some portal, the early adult's heart raced. Remaining crowd saying this show was ruined, they wanted their Mora back, the atmosphere weighed heavy. How could somethin like this happen again? What a terrible end to an already awful show of lies.

Magician telling Siorc his placement in the magic troupe has been temporarily suspended, the soldier puffed a sigh of relief. He was free from his duties, it was time to get out of here, leave. Getting off the stage, the soldier swore the cat girl magic assistant was smiling. Returning his magician assistant uniform and slipping on his winter jacket, the chimera exited the opera house, but as he stepped outside, he could feel a tug on his uniform.

"Are you alright?" Rabiu asked, he then hid a tiny blush. "I really don't like how they're exploiting you for entertainment."

Giving the jackal man a nod, the early adult sighed. He supposed this chimera wasn't nearly as annoying as Earl. But, as he gave the young man a nod, the Agent soon pushed him aside like he was an obstacle. Looking ready to cry, the young soldier balled up a fist. Couldn't he have at least said excuse me? How rude.

"Good job cleaning up the ocean, soldier," the Agent said, pride evident in his tone. "You are hereby dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya immediately."

Dismissal granted, the early adult opened the proxy orb into map form. Highlighting the waypoint towards the military barracks, the hyena closed his eyes. Icy cold hallways upon him in a split second, the chimera headed towards the soundproof room. Reaching the steel walled room after fifteen minutes of walking, a yawn released itself from his partially human throat.

Wave of fatigue breaking loose, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, and glasses put aside, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But, one final thought wrapped vines around the hyena as the world of sleep took him away.

He was nothing more than a toy.

A pawn on the chessboard.

Something to use.

Chapter 14: Poisson's Portal, Sick Willow Tree, Black Crystals, Fantasy


And this is Poisson saga part 2 of 4 in this section, Siorc must deal with portals, dangerous black crystal deposits and the ill willow tree in the Weeping Willow Forest. Feat: Earl, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Chlorinde, Chevreuse (pre-release era), Neuvilette, Navia, Freminet, and of course, Kelebek and Izzet.


I hate Gwendolyn.

Chapter Text

"Wait a second,
Hold on, what exactly is it that I
Am doing? Destroying crystals?
Taking a look at portals?

I don't understand. I
Simply do not

Get it.
Of all orders, why this?
I don't understand I simply do
Not get it. Things are
Getting much stranger.

Overall, this is worsening.
Nothing makes sense anymore.

Why crystals?
How did these get here?
Yesterday, I was in Liyue

Again. So I cannot quite fathom this,
Really. This always seems to happen
Every time my orders are elsewhere

There is a new crisis waiting for me to end.
How many times does this make?
Eh. I don't know.
Rather, I am not keeping track.
Each and every time, something happens.

Could this be a sign of
Relatively worse things to come?
Yes, I suspect so.
Something isn't right.
Though, this is just
Another attempt at something from those Abyss Gazelles.
Looks like they'll try anything,
So, I shan't rule out this possibility.

Every single time they are the cause. It is
Very tiring, but I am always sent out to deal with it
Every single time. After all I'm just a
Rook on Het Majesty's chessboard,
Yielded from a checkmate.
Whenever she does,
Her game will reset, and will
End up back where it started.
Right, I'm just a game piece.
Every time, it's always the same.

It's all the same.

Don't know how much longer,
Or if these crisis will ever end.

Nothing seems to be
Over, only
The beginning. Those gazelles, are

Unleashing their darker capabilities.
No, I am just exaggerating.
Doubt they have that much strength.
Everyone has a limit on their powers.
Right, everyone, even gods.
Surely, they are not
The strongest there is. Surely,
Abyssal powers have their limits. I know
Nothing, so I will just
Do as I am told.

Will these portals leads me somewhere
Harrowing? I am unsure, this is all quite
Eerie. But, I cannot disobey, or I will be
Rammed into the ground,
Every order I am given, I must

Do it diligently.
I have to do it perfectly.
Diligence is key.

This might be a strange order, but
Her Majesty's orders are absolute.
Every single one.
Yes, so them all to the best of my ability.

Cut through crystal? No problem,
Obviously. How hard could it be?
My duties begin.
Each and every one will be cut,

For Her Majesty.
Rip them apart.
Onwards to Fontaine.
My day begins silently."

Four days had passed since the hyena's duties within the magic troupe resumed. Nothing of especial note occurred. Diplomatic affairs in Liyue overtaking the ninety-six hours, four days of mundaneness marched onward inexorably with no signs of pressing the nonexistent horse reigns.

Upon waking up for the morning, the hyena shivered with a ferocity. Room below freezing, the early adult let out a groan. If only he had a sweater for such frigid mornings. But, the soldier knew he had to suck it up. There was no time for complaints. Stepping towards the barricaded window, for a moment, the chimera observed the world outside.

Studying the snowfall through the paned glass, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. Had it already reached sixty centimeters of snow in the permafrost north? But, the early adult shook his head. His estimation had to have been extremely off. There was no way it had gotten to such a point already. Throwing himself away from such, the early adult had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the chimera put on his uniform, the hyena could not help but wonder. The snow, when will it stop falling? Surely, there had to have been a limit to how much could accumulate. But, the hyena stopped himself from thinking further. Why did it matter? He would not be here for long for it to creep up on him.

Returning his focus to the workday at hand, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching black hearts in his hair and ears, the soldier stared at the jewelry and accessory box. Turning his prized possessions into weapons, was this truly what he wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret filled the hyena. But, he knew it had been too late to reverse such decision. The deal had been sealed.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier gaze at the yellow-green orb, for a moment. Visions, what would happen to them if one did not use them for awhile; would the gods reclaim it? But, the early adult threw such thought away. There was no Vision Hunt Decree in Snezhnaya. There was no way it would be taken away from him.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the early adult dashed off towards the barricaded window once more. How could anyone walk through such deep snow and get anywhere in the right amount of time? Surely, such frozen bed of liquid acted as an obstacle of all sorts. Wind blow too furiously for visibility, the hyena turned his head around. There was nothing to see. He needed to focus. His orders were going to arrive at any minute.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march about right on time, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. He needed to throw all his other thoughts away. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. His workday of anything was about to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going around he Belleau Region to collect deposits of Black Crystals, and investigate portals within Poisson." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Anything with power should belong to Her Majesty. "Take your time with this mission. The crystals are quite stubborn."

The hyena jumped six steps back upon hearing he would be heading to Poisson today. He did not quite understand. Black crystals? How did such a thing even get there? Did the minerals grow in the location overnight? Absolutely baffling. Nothing made sense.

The soldier's heart skipped a beat as the words portal echoed in his inhuman eardrums. He has to investigate portals, as well? Why this, of all orders? Surely, there had to have been other, more experienced members of the Fatui who dealt with such phenomena more often than he did.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You're going to the Belleau region to collect crystals and investigate portals!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. What could the soldier be possibly thinking about? He did not know. "Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The chimera flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. If he kept Her Majesty waiting, his life would be over, in an instant, guaranteed. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult placed his arm out in front of him. Right, no dawdling. Time had run out.

"Yes, sir," the soldier responded. Cut out for such job or not, it did not matter.

"Excellent. Let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the limb had been gripped into a firm grasp. Gripping prison as tight as glue holding together a macaroni project, the chimera closed his eyes as the escort began.

Just what is going on in Fontaine?


"Man, men are just so annoying.
Even though Lonan is my childhood friend, I did
Not agree to letting him live with me. Well,

At first, I did, but this imbecile, I swear to King
Remus. He said this to me maybe a few weeks ago, 'Yo, Gwendolyn, pretend you're my girlfriend.'
Ew. The audacity. The

Sheer audacity of this man.
Of course, I saw this coming for

A long time now. He always claims he does
Not like living down in Fleuve Cendre. Then, just get a job and find a way out.
No need to bring me into this.
Oh, why am I friends with him?
You know, it's probably because our parents are, or were,
I guess. I don't know.
Now, during this conversation, I asked him, 'Why? And why should I pretend to be your

Well, I am sure this response was expected.
He said, 'I'm tired of living down there in poor country, Gwen! Let me crash at your place as your bf.'
Yeah, okay. So? That's my problem because? It

Absolutely, positively is not
My problem. Nor should it be.

I elbow him. I

Elbow him hard. 'That's not my problem, Lonan.' And, I
Very much mean it. I don't care.
Even so, he presses on. 'Girl, come on, it'll only be for a little while!'
No. I know him, a little while turn into a long while. So, I try to

Flake. 'Then live with your cousin
Robin, or something. Become his problem.' Then, this
Imbecile says, 'Ain't no way I'm living in the mountains west of here.'
Every time, I am baffled by this man's stupidity.
Now, I try again, 'Then go by bother my cousin.'
Do you know what he then
Says back? 'Can't do that, Robin

Will think I'm tryin' to take his boyfriend.'
I swear to Focalors, men.
They are so annoying.
He's not giving me a choice to say no, is he?

Look, this is hardly my my problem, but
Oh, no, he's not giving me a choice.
Now, I just say it. 'Fine, I'll pretend you're my boyfriend, for now. But,
As soon as you make enough Mora, you're leaving my house!'
Now he's celebrating. What a moron."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Was it just his imagination, or had something been off? But, the hyena kept himself quiet. There was no time to think about such things. Any minute now, and he would be dragged down the hill.

Dragged down the mountain like always, the early adult turned his head toward the right and left. Was it just him, or was the air hotter than normal? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away as the boat had been summoned. What did it matter? A little heat was nothing to concern himself over. Wooden vessel cruised forward, the sun dropped down its beams of doom.

As the boat got closer towards the harbor, the soldier could not help but ponder. Just what could be wrong with Fontaine? He knew something was definitely off with the region. But, his thoughts were soon cut off as the Agent grabbed his wrist once more. Dragged towards the stairwell, the chimera threw his concerns out the window.

Agent reminding him for what felt like the millionth time he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the early adult held back the urge to bark like a dog. Just how many times was he going to say this? He knew already. He was getting quite tired of hearing the same line over and over again. But, the early adult soon heard something he did not know.

Informed he would need to head to the Palais Mermonia to get his supplies for the mission and for further instruction, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. He had to head to the Iudex's place of business? What a strange order to be given. But, he knew he could not question it. Agent exiting the area, the soldier pressed onward.

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift, the hyena headed towards the Aquabus station. But, as he stepped towards the area, a shocking sight awaited him. Long line stretching from side to side, questions bounced around the chimera's mind. Why was it so busy here today? Was another court case about to happen?

Hearing multiple people chatter about some sort of legendary duelist duking it out with criminals in the streets today, the soldier scratched his head. What did those generic nobodies just say? A duel against criminals? What about that was entertaining to people? But, he supposed the Fontaine citizens got a thrill off of drama.

Aquabus shortly arriving everyone on line in front of him barreled onto the vessel one after another. Melusine tour guide telling people to get on patiently, and one at a time, no one listened. Squeezing himself between a group of people, the hyena was a sandwich between human bread as the vessel automatically cruised forward.

Feeling himself boxed in as the vessel moved past the Poisson Tunnel, the hyena could not help but wonder. What was so entertaining about watching a person duel a criminal? The Nation of Justice and their ways with entertainment were quite the spectacle.

Melusine pointing out her home of Merusea Village, the generic nobodies yelled heard it, seen it, talk about the Champion Duelist, the soldier swore he could see the tour guide sweating up a storm. Was the pressure getting to her? Hearing her apologize and begin talking about ---------, the early adult was squished further.

Everyone soon running off the aquabus as soon as it was docked, the hyena stretched out, for a moment. He swore if he were to be squished any longer, he would be as flat as an accordion. Melusine apologizing to him for everything being so busy, the chimera shook his head. Why was she apologizing to him for such?

Knowing he had to head for Palais Mermonia right away, the soldier had begun moving forward. But, as he had started walking on the streets, the heat let itself in. City bustling with activity beyond recognition, the hyena broke into a sweat. Was everyone here just to see the legendary duelist? How ridiculous. Surely, they had other things to do with their lives than watch some criminals get attacked.

But, as the chimera attempted to move through the streets, the swarm of people ate the hyena up. Walkways crowded from every angle, elbows rubbed against the chimera multiple times. Rich nobodies dressed up to the nines telling him to watch where he was going, the soldier held back the urge to growl. Was that a pot and kettle he heard going off in the distance?

Attempting to move through the northern streets, the early adult's buttocks had soon become one with the ground. Rich nobodies galore telling him he was in their way, the chimera brushed off his pants as he returned to his feet. Didn't anyone in this city know the words excuse me? Rudeness was a terrible look to behold.

Multiple people running through the streets saying the duel will be starting any minute, the early adult's face soon hit the pavement once more as the citizens kept on barreling through. Everyone looking ready to trample him flat as if he were a bridge for them to cross over, the hyena lifted himself up. He needed to get away from this crowd as soon as possible.

Tidal wave screaming it's starting soon, the early adult could barely move through the human traffic. What was with this large scale excitement. Hadn't these people seen a duel before? But, perhaps, just maybe, it was a special fight never seen before. Perhaps it was best to hold such judgement for the time being.

Continuing to move through the crowd as the people moved through the northwestern streets, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Just who could this so called legendary duelist be? There had to have been multiple. Squished once more, the crowd went wild.

Soon reaching the south streets near the blacksmith, the hyena dragged out a sigh. Why today, of all days, did the city have to be so busy? Moving through the area nearly being impossible as his possibly human rear had been dropped on the ground once more, the early adult moved towards the back of the tidal wave.

But, as the streets beside Fleuve Cendre grew closer, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. Treasures Hoarders out in the streets looking ready to fight, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. All of this for a group of petty criminals? What was so entertaining about this?

Purple haired champion duelist looking ready to draw her blade, another person stood beside her. Young eyepatched woman with long purple hair that went down to her knees, red outfit, white leggings and musket, the early adult tilted his head. And just who was this now? Was she some sort of duelist, too? People cheering one after another, a voice broke through the noise.

"If you people are any more ill behaved, I'll send the security mekas after you!" the eyepatched lady shouted.

Treasure hoarders soon screaming bring it on, they're not going to lose, the early adult shook his head. What did these criminals hope to achieve? Throw a potion at her? This would do nothing to a champion duelist, for sure. Bottles quickly snapped in half, the tall woman drew her sword.

Treasure hoarders decimated in on fell swoop, the early adult shook his head as the crowd cheered and jeered. Seeing the criminals fall to the ground and promptly handcuffed, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. If he were to make even one wrong move, he would end up like those petty thieves, for sure.

Musket wielding woman saying rather profound stuff as she marched with to the duelist's beat, the crowd soon cleared out. Everything soon as dead as the night, the chimera readied to move himself forward. Moving through the southern streets without a problem, the soldier cracked his knuckles. It was time to head towards the Aquabus information station.

Moving towards the fountain in the southern passageway, not a single magic show had been present in the area. Seeing such, the early adult let out a sigh of relief. No more noise, no more people. But, such had been proven wrong in a matter of moments as he stepped foot into the information station.

Spotting the penguin thorn in his side by the elevator, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Why was Earl here at the most inconvenient of times? Couldn't he ever go a week without him being around and getting in his business? But, he knew that was just not possible. Pest coming his way, the hyena prepared for the unpleasant encounter.

Seeing Siorc walk towards the elevator, the curiosity bug bit Earl's cheeks. Was he heading off to Palais Mermonia, too? This was a match made in Celestia. He knew he needed to ask him what his future husband was up to today. Goofy smile on his face, he readied to smash the ice.

"Hi again, Siorc! We're always running into each other!" Earl greeted. "Are you heading to Palais Mermonia? Me, too! What a coincidence!"

The hyena held back the urge to let out a groan. He was heading off to the Iudex's office, too? What a nightmare. Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to just lie about where he was going. But, the early adult threw such idea away. He was a bad liar, there was no way that would work. Maybe telling him yes would get him to leave him be.

"That is correct, sir," Siorc responded, voice barely audible. But, such response soon had unfortunate consequences.

Hearing his future husband say he was heading there, too, Earl's eyes practically had stars in them. They were both heading to the same place? They should go together, letting down his hand, he reached for his palm. What a very wifey thing for him to do. Surely, there would be wedding bells in the near future.

"We should go together then, since we're going to the same place!" Earl said, grabbing the hyena's hand.

Earl soon gripping his palm, the early adult let out a groan. Why did he always have to insist on doing this? How annoying. He was not some lost child in the streets. But, the soldier knew that once the pesky penguin thorn in his side had his mind made up, there was no changing it. Giving him a nod, the glass box ride soon began.

Glass lift soon taking the party of two to the fourth floor in less than a minute, the escort towards Palais Mermonia soon began. Melusine receptionist up front telling Earl he could enter his office with no appointment, the chimera blinked. He was allowed into the chief justice's office without arranging a meeting in advanced? Rich people broke all the rules.

Iudex looking rather busy sorting through multiple documents all at once, the young soldier backed multiple steps away as his hand had been let go of. Was the Chief Justice of Fontaine busy? Why couldn't the Agent have just told him what his instructions were, if such were the case? But, as he thought such, Earl's grating voice threw him back into reality.

"Monsieur ---------, I brought over the suit you ordered!" Earl exclaimed, placing the article of clothing on his desk.

Suit that looked identical to the one he was currently wearing, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. What about this outfit was new? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, and even beyond, everyone had identical looking outfits that they wore every single day with no sense of variety. Iudex soon turning towards him, the next order of business was upon him.

"Thank you, monsieur Siorc for lending your assistance to the Marechaussee Phantom," the Iudex said. "I do not want the Melusines harming themselves, so I hope you do not mind taking on this mission." He then handed the young man a satchel filled with supplies. "It would seem a rather generous donor placed a rather expensively made Claymore in your supply bag. But, do proceed with caution, young man. I have heard reports those crystals exude a bit of danger." As he said such, the pesky penguin added himself to the mix.

"I offer myself as tribute!" Earl exclaimed, raising his hand. "I'll go with him."

"I would advise against it, monsieur Earl," the Iudex responded. "Those crystals might contain effects harmful to penguins."

Watching as Earl sulked around while attempting to worm his way into his mission, the early adult opened up his satchel. Peering inside, the soldier's heart skipped two beats at what awaited inside him. Spotting a dark blue claymore encased with sharp diamonds all along the edges, the hyena tilted his head. What did he need this for? Wouldn't any normal blade do?

Melusine soon stepping inside the Iudex's office giving him a cup of water, she soon turned towards the chimera. Young sea denizen lady soon informing him that the blade was known as the Diamond Slasher, and that the crystals were far harder in richness than most normal minerals, the chimera put the blade away. He supposed he understood now why such weapon was needed.

Heading back towards the Aquabus station, the soldier stared off into space as the vehicle of automatic movement headed towards Poisson Tunnel. Knowing he was in for the crystal battle of a lifetime, the early adult steeled himself. What kind of tough crystals were about to grace his presence? He supposed he was about to find out.

Soon reaching the halfway point, the early adult exited the ride. Deploying his wind glider as he hopped off the ledge, the young soldier soon staged his landing. As he had done so, however, a shocking sight awaited him from corner to corner. Spotting unusual objects everywhere, the chimera studied his surroundings, for a moment.

Large, black deposits of square crystals clumped together, rotted onto the ground from beach to almost near the tower in the east, the hyena's heartbeat sped up a smidgeon. How did these minerals get here? There was no way they had been here naturally, at all. He needed to get rid of them right away.

Figuring the best order of business was to start by the beach, the chimera walked off towards the southern section of the area. Spotting the first deposit of crystals, a dark aura soon surrounded the area. Feeling such, the hyena's knees buckled. What was this pressure? Something was not right, for sure.

Removing the diamond slasher from his satchel, Siorc thrusted the blade forward towards the minerals of darkness. Cleaving down the swipe of a lifetime, the soldier let out a battle cry. The crystals, they needed to be broken. The aura had to disappear. He needed to bring the rocks to their knees.

But, such destruction never came. Crystals not falling out of their deposits even a smidgeon, the chimera placed the claymore beside him. Why weren't the minerals breaking? Were they far harder than even diamond? But, he knew it was too early to give up. He needed to break through.

Attempting once more to cut through the crystal, nothing happened. Seeing such, the soldier broke into a sweat. Why were they still not budging? Blade barely able to do anything, the hyena could feel his willpower waver. Were these minerals secretly diamonds? He needed to put more force into strikes.

Swinging the claymore towards the left, the early adult attempted with all his might to break on through to the other side. But his attempts continued to fall flat for minutes on end. Nothing doing, the chimera let out a deep throated grunt. Just what was he doing wrong? Surely, he had to have been cutting properly.

Sifting through his satchel, the early adult looked through the pockets inside with a fervor. Surely, there had to have been something that could make getting rid of these crystals easier. Feeling something rubber soon hit his hands, the hyena removed the object, in a heartbeat.

Peculiar wrist jewelry written with the words gravity bracelet in the center, the early adult rose an eyebrow. The what now? Slipping it onto his wrist, the ground soon shook about. Crystals shattering from their deposits, in an instant, a sea of questions flowed through him. What just happened? How did such object do that?

As the soldier had begun to pick up the shattered minerals, an assortment of dark energy soon entered the beach crabs in the corner. Monsters clamping their pinchers together, the early adult dropped the minerals on the ground. Crustaceans coming his way in a swift manner, the hyena gulped.

Crabs throwing hands as they approached him, sweat poured down the hyena's back. Was he going to have to defeat the monsters before moving forward? Enemy lowering its back, pitch black stones of darkness had soon been tossed the chimera's way. Boulders slapped around his knees aplenty, the soldier let out a scream.

Crustacean monsters throwing down more of their rocky attacks of offense, the hyena placed the blade in front of him. Jumping four steps back, the boulders had been sent back to their owners within seconds. Monsters stunned, for a moment, the soldier aimed for the shell.

Creatures soon fading into the ether, the soldier crouched back onto the ground. Dark, oozing energy flowing through the crystals as he picked them up once more, the chimera's knees buckles. Just what was inside these minerals? Whatever it was, it was definitely not a good thing.

Knowing there was more where that came from, the chimera had begun to head north. Soon spotting more crystal oozing with dark energy, the hyena took a long, deep breath. Whatever was inside these minerals, he could not allow himself to be afraid of them. He needed to get this job done, no matter what.

Letting the blade do the talking as the gravity bracelet had been put away, the crystals fell from their deposits faster than a speeding bullet upon the wind. Readying to pick up the collection of pieces, the early adult bent down onto his knees, but such was cut short as more crabs strutted down the walkway.

Sideways walking creatures dancing around the minerals, the dark energy rooted within surrounded the creatures. Monsters ballooning in size as they got their meal of power, the hyena backed two steps away. Just what was contained inside these things? Monsters thrusting towards him, the fight was on.

Dirty sand from the beach thrown underneath the soldier's glasses, the world was a filthy pool of dust and grime. Creatures continuing their onslaught of sediment for minutes on end, visibility was a thing of the past. Closing his eyes as the flurry only continued, the hyena placed the claymore in front of him.

Swinging the blade with a fury, the chimera spun around in a circle. Blade clamping down on the enemy as the creatures kept swirling around sand from their shells, the hyena kept the momentum going. Hearing a loud crack emerge as he continued to do so, everything broke.

Opening soon created, the hyena thrust the blade down upon the creature's only line of defenses. Every single grab soon dropping after, the early adult huffed a tired breath. What was with the crustaceans on the beach today? Moving back towards the dark jewels of doom, the chimera readied his diamond slasher.

Next set of crystals removed from their deposits, the hyena could not help but wonder further. Just what was going on here? Whatever these minerals were doing to the nearby living creatures, it was certainly not a good thing. He would need to keep an eye on anything or anyone suspicious as he continued to trek further.

Moving along further north throughout the Belleau region, the next set of crystals soon awaited him. But, a new obstacles added itself to the player two spot on the invisible control panel. Jewels surrounded by a boxy shield of glass, the early adult could feel his body grow stiff. Who set up a security protocol?

Throwing his blade out into the open, the soldier's diamond edges did not put a singular dent onto the glass. Attempting to cut through again, the early adult's brows had soon become as wet as a rainy day. Whoever this rich person was that donated this claymore to him, they definitely lied about it being made with diamonds.

Trying once more to cut through, the hyena let out another battle cry. Surely, if he kept on striking, the glass would come crashing down. But, such continued to be prove to be an impossibility amongst it all. Nothing doing, the early adult's lip quivered. What in the world was going on? Surely, there had to be a way to destroy the defenses.

Failing to deliver the destructive blow for minutes on end, the early adult lowered himself to his knees. Why was he even trying anymore? Nothing was working. He had found himself in an impenetrable fortress, stronger than the underwater bastion deep below the Liffey Region. There was nothing to be done, it was the crystal's world, and he was living in it.

But, the hyena rose back to his feet. What was he doing, allowing himself to give up so easily? It was far too early to be a quitter. Her Majesty would be disappointed in him if he waved the white flag now. Reaching for the gravity bracelet, the soldier rescinded his surrender.

Ground shaking up a storm once more, the sound of glass shattering one after another decorated the ground like a jigsaw puzzle. Crystals removed from their deposits just as quickly, the early adult picked up the spoils of war. Placing them in his satchel, the chimera's heart skipped four beats. What was this intense energy he was feeling?

Continuing onward, the soldier broke as many crystals out of their deposits as he could muster for hours on end. But, as he kept doing so, the early adult broke out into a long winded pant. Breath taking itself away, the hyena could not help but wonder. Could the crystals be harming him from the inside as well? But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. He was overthinking it, surely. He was just tired.

Spotting more minerals as he kept continuing onward towards the northern path, the early adult kept cutting with a fury. Intense energy bathing him for minutes on end, the soldier let out a deep huff. Why was this getting far more tiring by the second? But, the soldier knew he had to keep on going, no matter what.

Soon finding himself near the entrance of Poisson, the crystals struck back. Minerals laying themselves up around the wooden pathways and everywhere else the eyes could see, the early adult removed the claymore from behind him once more. Glass box shield bringing itself to the table, in an instant, the impenetrable wall took the area by a rainstorm.

Glass wall reigning supreme as it continued laying down the law, the hyena stared off into space. Did the shields just connect with one another? What absolute ludicrous nonsense. Did these minerals have minds of their own? Crystals of a feather stuck together. Moving towards the first barrier, the gravity bracelet slapped down upon his wrist once more.

But, such quakes about were not enough to quell the defense line before him. Glass wall repairing itself as fast as it had been destroyed, the soldier could feel his will waver once more. The shields had a self fixing function? Unbelievable. How was he supposed to compete with such layers of defense? But, he knew he had to keep trying, no matter what.

Attempting for the second time to remove the barrier, the soldier let out a shout. But, the cycle continued. Glass box growing in size as it kept growing back, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What was this, an endless supply of growth formula crafted by researchers? Surely, there had to be a way to prevent it from coming back.

Defenses not yielding as the attempts list continued to grow, nothing came together over him. Not moving forward with the crystal destruction, the hyena could feel the world around him close into a box. Just what was it that he was doing incorrectly? Perhaps, just maybe, the barrier could use a little push.

Letting his blade do the talking, the soldier had begun to strike the barrier once more, but such had done nothing, as well. Glass not breaking, even for a moment, the early adult's will died further. Was this glass box made out of something harder than diamond? His blade was a useless piece of junk.

But, as the attempts kept on going, a realization had washed over the chimera. The barrier, there was a short time where there was enough time to get through the space near the crystal. Surely, that would get rid of the defenses for good. Resolute on his decision, the early adult allowed destruction to become his mistress once more.

Dashing towards the crystal deposits as fast as his currently human legs could carry him, the barrier enclosed the soldier within its glassy clutches. Everything in motion, the chimera slashed the mineral deposits to ribbons one after another. Shield becoming glass shards upon the ground, the soldier brushed his hands together.

Feeling a heavy wave of fatigue as he headed upon the eastward path, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was there even any portals around Poisson at all? He had not come across a single once since coming here. But, the early adult kept moving forward. It was best to deal with one problem at a time. The portals could wait until later.

Reaching the area north of the West Slopes, multiple minerals glared back at the hyena with fury. Readying to leave his mark upon the jewels of the world, the claymore had done its bidding once more. But, the rocks had not been alone. Hilichurls coming up running, the chimera heaved a sigh. The deposits had friends? It was time to break up this relationship.

Primitive monsters beating their arms on their chest, the soldier swung the self proclaimed diamond slasher forward. Enemies falling to their knees, a loud scream entered the area. Fight only having one side, the early adult kept the momentum going. Did these monsters think they were putting up a fight? They had another thing coming if they assumed so.

But, the easy switch soon flipped over to foul play. Stones seated in the monster's hands, the early adult's torso and the weapons of choice, the soldier bent over as the attacks kept on coming. Raising back to his feet as the onslaught readied to reset itself, the chimera switched the position of his legs.

A blind spot, however, would shine amongst the rest. Back stoned into bloodshed, the early adult bit his tongue. These Hilichurls had some brains behind their masks, for sure. Wiping himself up, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance once more. This time, for sure, he would send the rocks back.

Stones sent flying as if he had hit them across the playing field, the Hilichurls soon had become one with the ocean. Crystals cut and thrown into the satchel, the chimera kept sauntering onward. But, the soldier swore everything had begun to loop as he kept moving forward.

Monsters gaining power ups a dozen from the minerals parading about, a struggle fight took the chimera by surprise. Monsters adorning robes and zapping him aplenty, lightning tickled the chimera's uniform multiple times in a row. Deflection aiding him in battle, the soldier thanked the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship for his training in evasion and defenses.

Reaching the west slopes, peculiar crystals laid in front of the soldier. Minerals eating each other for breakfast, the early adult's mouth dropped wide open. What in all of Teyvat did he just witness? Jewels munching on one another a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Creatures eating their own kind, how disgusting.

Feast soon reaching its final supper, the early adult's eyes practically fell out of his face. Crystal almost the size of a Mondstadt windmill, the hyena's legs almost turned to stone. How was he supposed to destroy this thing? I was taller than six of him standing on top of one another.

Climbing up the top of the crystal tower, the early adult had come to a quick and haphazard conclusion. Perhaps, just maybe, plunging into the minerals a couple of times would break the jewels down into bits and pieces. Letting the wind lead, the chimera slammed himself down towards the obstacle.

Black crystal broken into tens of pieces after about six plunges, the hyena let out a huff. Dark energy pulsating as he dropped the next commodities into his satchel, the soldier could feel his airwaves tighten. Attempting to do his breathing exercises, the soldier kept heading upon the eastward path.

Towering jewels destroyed one after another along the west slopes, the soldier let out a cough. Was it just him, or was it getting tougher to breathe deeply the more crystals he cut to ribbons? But, the hyena shook his head. He had to have been imagining it, for sure. The air was just thinner today. That had to have been it.

As the hyena headed towards the east slopes, every single remaining mineral deposit had been slain. Such, however, had only been the first round of many. Goat masked denizens in black robes appeared from tiny portals, the opposing chanted a séance as the air had thinned further.

"Crystal here, crystal there, crystal crystal everywhere!" the masked denizens sang.

Jewel deposits returning by the baker's dozen everywhere he had just left, the hyena's mouth laid open agape. Did those masked men just do what he thought they did? Why would they do such a thing? How could they bring all the crystals back after he just spent hours destroying them? Was this just a game? If this was nothing more than a challenge for the enemy's amusem*nt, he was not about to play by the rules any longer.

Dashing back around towards the west slopes, the crystal eat-a-thon resumed once more. Goat mask man laughing as such went down, the soldier unleashed his claymore fury. Jewels breaking down, the hyena whirred up a punch. Sending the minerals flying towards the opponent, a laugh soon broke loose through the enemy's mask.

"You're going to have to try harder than that, little boy of the human realm!" the goat masked man exclaimed.

Back plates on the enemy's behind glowing with dark energy, beams of electricity zapped the chimera into submission. Static clinging to his uniform, the hyena could feel weakness throw him for a loop. Gem fragments soon adding themselves to the mix, as well, one side soon drowned out all forces around him.

Attacks drowning everything out for minutes on end, the hyena could feel his breath only get heavier. Where had this enemy come from? Were they hiding out the entire time? He had to get rid of them before they were to cause any more problems. Taking a moment to catch his breath, the early adult prepared to get on the defensive once more.

Dashing towards the enemy's backside as they laid down their next attack, the soldier aimed for the chimera let his greatsword do the talking once more. Opening created as he kept going, the enemy had been taken out of the picture after forty consecutive slashes. Denizen floating backwards towards their black hole, the minerals soon fell.

Although, such had not been the end of the crystal battlefield. Spotting multiple hooded denizens floating around their possibly created obstacles, the early adult prepared to let his blade carve deep. Enemies ganging up on him as he prepared to do so, the elements drowned the soldier three feet beneath the proverbial water.

Circle of doom taking him over for minutes on end, the hyena grit his teeth. Just where did these enemies get their power from, the crystals? He needed to get rid of the source powering them right away before defeat were to come for him. Throwing himself towards the gem deposits, everything had been cut deep.

Possible source of power soon cut away, the chimera fought back to the best of his ability. Group of goat mask robed denizens from who knows where vanquished after about seventy strikes divided between the group, the early adult let out another pant. But, the fights were not over yet.

Battles continuing as the solider kept heading back upon the westward path, a wave of fatigue flowed through the chimera. Just how many more of these enemies and their crystals were left? He needed a quick and assured strategy to take care of what remained. But, as he returned towards the edges of Poisson, and unwanted guest tagged herself into the ring.

Aigre running towards him waving her hand in the air like a child, the early adult let out a groan. What did she want from him? If she were about to drag him down into her pirate shenanigans, he was not about to engage with her on that front whatsoever. He had no time for such things. Hands continuing to flap around, shouts had come his way.

"Crewmate!! There's portals in Poisson!!" Aigre shouted at the top of her lungs. "Please help!!"

Hearing Aigre's plea, the soldier shook his head. Deal with the portals problem now when there still could have been crystals that were brought back from their mineral graves? There was no way he could attend to such right now. It had to wait. Placing his hands in front of him, the soldier signed the word later on private display.

Heading back towards the area of which he arrived, the soldier fell down upon the sand at the sight before him. Peculiar looking goat mask people sitting around in a circle holding hands and singing around their reborn black crystals, sweat decorated the chimera's face. Who were these childish robed people? But, as he thought such, they soon turned to face him.

Group of six robed goat mask people telling him he disturbed their ritual, he'll pay, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance. A ritual? On the beach? What were these people, in some sort of magic cult? He could not allow this to go any further. Placing his blade in front of him, the chimera prepared himself for battle.

Such went nowhere fast. Enemies soon preparing a shield of water around themselves, the early adult sheathed his claymore. Were they seriously hiding themselves behind a layer of Hydro? What a poor choice. His vision, yes, it was time to summon is flower acquaintance.

But, such action of throwing down his flower familiar ever occurred. Sextet snapping their gloved fingers, a lock and chain closed down upon the chimera's Vision. Silk flower acquaintance unable to be summoned, a wave of powerlessness flowed through the soldier.

Group of six laughing amongst one another as his elemental orb remained sealed, the hyena placed his blade in front of him once more. He supposed he had no choice but to fight with his weapon. Switching the position of his legs, the early adult swung the greatsword around like a spinning top.

Water shield not breaking, the hyena could feel his breath weaken once more. Dark crystals bathing themselves with energy, a deeper wave of fatigue flowed through him. But, the early adult attempted to shake it off. He could not allow for such weakness to win. He had to bring the enemies to their robed knees.

Icy sea angel in the corner throwing a fit of rage as the goat masked denizens kept enjoying the shield life, their bubbles soon froze. Knowing such was his opportunity to strike, the soldier let out a battle cry. Defenses soon breaking as a shatter sound overtook the area, the cherubic creature kept tagging into the ring.

Ocean denizen blasting the enemies a new one, a door opened itself amongst the crowd. Blade swinging and hitting a home run as the seconds marched onward, the denizens from who knows where fell flat on their masked faces after about twenty strikes. Coming back onto their feet, however, a counterstrike took him away, for a moment.

Odd monster continuing to ally itself with the hyena, the soldier kept his unlimited bladeworks going. Enemies soon fading into the ether after one final blow, the chimera could feel any amount of remaining energy slowly leave his body. Knowing he still had crystals to cut, the early adult dragged himself forward.

Seeing multiple crystals fall down upon the ground as the defeat solidified, a wave of dizziness flowed through the chimera as he picked up the spoils. Attempting to shake it off, the chimera cut the remaining jewels out of their deposit holes. But, as he placed the final set of gems into his satchel, a returning guest came running.

"Crewmate, the portals are getting really bad now!!" Aigre shouted at the top of her lungs. "Please help!!"

But, such words never reached the hyena. Wave of dizziness only getting more intense, the world around him grew quiet. Everything getting fuzzy, the words around him had begun to muffle. Vision turning grainy, the early adult could feel himself fall backwards. Shouts coming his way unheard, his body kept tumbling.

Backside soon hitting the sand, the world spun around in a circle. Everything beginning to fade away, the soldier closed his eyes. Blackness ready to take him over as the seconds counted down faster, everything was black, silent, voided. Land of the unconscious ready to take him away, one final thought pushed him back into the world of darkness.

Had the crystals harmed him after all?


"I saw really scary portals
Today and yesterday!

I don't know where they came from, but they're so

Scary!! I
Can't go out and
Adventure with Captain Vert this way! Aaah, sissie, sisser,
Remove these scary thingies!
Yeek! But, sissie, and sisser,

They both told me:
'Huh? Aigre, um, don't worry
Over those things.
So much. They're just,
Err, visitors from afar.' Sisser said.

Please, sisser!! You're being silly!
Oh, and sissie said, 'Aigre, someone is already taking care of that.
Really, don't worry yourself over it.' But,
They're scary!!
Ah, they usually take these things seriously!
Lazy grownups!
Sissie, sisser, do you just not wanna work!

Ahhh, fine, I'll go find someone myself!
Raaaaaaaaaaah, off I go!! Oh, I know! The answer to
Everything!! My newest crewmate!!

My newest crewmate, he'll definitely help! That's the answer to
Everything! Since
All the grownups won't do anything!
Now, I leave, but
I hear sisser say. 'Cerise, Aigre is going out, Um. Surveillance her.'
Eeek! Not sisser's pet
Sea angel!! I have

Captain vert and my
Ragtag pirate crew to protect me!
Everyone, assemble!
We'll just avoid sisser's silly pet!
Make way, I'll go find our crewmate!
And I turn towards my captain who
Then promptly asks me, 'Where we headin' today kid?'
Everyone's eyes are on me!

Please, listen up, my friends! 'We're
Looking for our newest crewmate!' I exclaimed!
'Each and every one of these grownups isn't doing
Anything about these portals!
So, I'm gonna go find a responsible grownup!'
Everything claps, yay!

Here ye, here ye!
Exiting our home with my pirate pals, I start
Looking for our newest
Pirate crewmate!

May he help get rid of these super scary portals!!
Even if I have to ask twice!!"

Coming to the next morning somewhere unknown to him, the soldier swore he could see Kali and a sea angel from the ocean peak their heads around the corner of the room. Seeing such, a wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. Where had he been taken to, and why was there a water creature inside a building? One of the three sea lion sisters stepping towards him, the early adult at up from the bed.

"Um, don't mind the extra head. That's just our surveillance pet, Cerise," Kali said. She then quickly changed the subject. "So, you're awake? Aigre came to us saying, 'he might be dead!' But, I told her, 'Uh, he's breathing, I think. Probably." She then took a deep breath. "Either way, um, you should go outside. Bain says someone wants to see you, or something."

Feeling his strength return to him as he removed him from the bed, the soldier exited the abode. Finding himself in Poisson, Bain waited for him outside the door. Leading the way towards a large ship in the corner, the Demoiselle awaited him. Giving him a sharp look, her hands were soon on her waist.

"There's a peculiar portal beside the waterfall, that's stranger than all the others that appeared here yesterday. Monsieur ---------- would like for you--" the Demoiselle started to say, but she had soon been cut off as Aigre ran onto the ship.

"That's where I was trying to take him yesterday, -----!" Aigre exclaimed. She then grabbed her crewmates hand. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Yeah, kiddo, she was lookin' everywhere for you, scallywag!" She then turned her head towards no one. "You tell him, Bleu!" She then turned her head back towards her crewmate. "Let's go!!"

Dragged off towards the portal, the hyena did not attempt to put up any sort of fight. He knew he had to investigate the portals. Such had been his other mission assigned to him. Blinding light overtaking him as he stepped foot into the vortex, another world awaited him on the other side.

Finding himself in a large mystical forest with a huge willow tree, a chill dropped down the chimera's spine at the sight before him. Leaves on the large vegetative creature yellow and black, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Was this tree dying? He could barely feel any life going through it.

But, the sea lion, or mermaid rather, and he were not alone. Spotting Gwendolyn and Lonan in the corner wielding crossbows made entirely from hardened bird feathers launching heavily modified steeled up feathers to match, the hyena's knees buckled. Had he stepped into bird territory again? He had to leave right away. But, it had already been too late, Lonan had spotted him.

Hawk man soon waving at him as if they were well acquainted, sweat poured down the hyena's brow. What was going on, why was he waving at him like that? But, he supposed he was putting up walls a moment ago for nothing. Not every single bird chimera was territorial.

"Black fish steak bro, nice to see you again!" Lonan greeted, waving. "You came here, too? You gonna heal the sick willow tree with Gwen and I?" But, he had soon been elbowed.

"Gwendolyn, not Gwen!" Gwendolyn shouted. "We don't need anyone's help!"

"But, gf, we can't even solve the puzzle!" Lonan responded, rubbing his sides. "We could use their help!"

Hearing the word puzzle, Aigre could feel the world become sunny again. Ooh, puzzles, her most favoritest thing in the whole wide world. Birdy man did not need to say anything more. Where were the puzzles? She wanted to be right in front of it and solve it right now.

"Puzzles? Ooooh, I looooooooove puzzles!" Aigre exclaimed with peppering excitement. "Where are they???" Ants had begun to flow into her pants.

Childish woman going on about how much she liked puzzles a lot, Gwendolyn slapped her palm across her forehead. And just who brought this kid here? Children were more annoying than all the men in the world. She should go right on home and leave all the problem solving to the mature, responsible adults. She should send Lonan home, too while she was at it.

"Who is this kid?" Gwendolyn asked, irritated tone in voice.

Hearing the heavy level of doneness in Gwendolyn's voice, the hyena let out a sigh. Should he just be honest and tell her Aigre dragged him here? He supposed he would have to do so. Not wishing to communicate with spoken words, the chimera placed his hand out in front of him. Signing the words she dragged him here, the soldier let out a sigh.

Seeing the continued look of irritation on Gwendolyn's face, the early adult returned his hands in front of him. Signing the words please put up with her for now, the early adult looked the bird woman in the eyes. Looking the other way, the hyena shook his head. This was going to be a very long day.

"Fine, I'll put up with her," Gwendolyn responded, irritation heavily evident in her voice. "But, I won't do so willingly."

Bird duo leading the way towards a northern path, the soldier could not help but wonder. What kind of puzzles were about to await Aigre and he? Whatever it was that was about to happen, he knew he had to be ready for anything. Cutting through multiple pathways for minutes, the stage to the puzzle soon called out to everyone.

Lead towards an area with strange musical instruments with bubbles over them, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through the solder. Just what was it that he was looking at? What puzzle was there to be had here? He could not make heads nor tails of what was in front of him. But, such had not been the only oddity.

Spotting a peculiar soapy bubble in the corner, the confusion ate the hyena up like a plate of macaroni and cheese. Why were there bubbles lying around? What kind of puzzle was this? He supposed he didn't blame Gwendolyn and Lonan for not being able to figure it out. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Yay, bubbles are fun!" Aigre exclaimed in an excitable tone.

Watching as Aigre summoned another soapy bubble onto the puzzle field, the early adult tilted his head. Why did she just do that? Was she just playing a game? But, the chimera shook his head. She said she liked puzzles, surely, she knew what she was doing. It was best to not judge a book by its cover.

Watching the annoying kid summon a bubble, Gwendolyn slapped her hand across her face and shook her head. What was this brat doing? She just came over here to play. Why was she even here? She should just go back on home and go play somewhere else. There was no time for this right now.

Seeing four eyes bring out a bubble, Lonan scratched the back of his ear. Was this lady kid playing around? Gwen definitely wasn't going to have anything nice to say about that. But the two of them were about to eat their own thoughts for breakfast, in a matter of moments.

Aigre soon holding down a large watery octopus pistol shot, the bubble had been pushed towards the original one that had been in the area. Two soon becoming one, the next order of business had reached puzzletown. Soapy ball soon moved towards the middle, round two had soon begun.

Sea lion, or mermaid, rather letting the bubble pop straight in the center, the instruments went off one after another. Everything resonating with one another, a misty branch in the corner had soon made itself known amongst the forest of the ill willow tree. But, before she could see such, Aigre ran off towards the south.

"There's more puzzles, I just know it!!" Aigre shouted, running faster. But, as everyone ran after her, a profound statement stepped up to the plate.

"We can't let some womanchild show us up like this!" Gwendolyn shouted, running.

"Aww, come on, babe, let her have fun," Lonan replied. But, he had soon been elbowed in the hip again.

"A womanchild is taking all our glory!" Gwendolyn exclaimed. "Doesn't that annoy you?"

"Not really, babe," Lonan said, shaking his head. "Why are you gettin' so gung ho about it?"

Hearing Gwendolyn rant and rave on and on about how they were here first, so they should be the ones getting all the glory, not some kid, the hyena let out a sigh. What was with this competitive attitude? She was being quite unreasonable right now. But, the chimera kept his mouth shut. There was no reason for him to say anything.

Aigre already getting to work summoning another bubble, the hyena turned towards Gwendolyn. Entire body twitching as she watched someone else do what she declared her time to shine, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. Was she going to continue to act like this was her time to shine only? She really needed to let such feelings go.

Bubbles soon combining into one, the young woman soon took out her scythe. But, such bubble pop had been placed at the wrong angle entirely. Aigre whimpering to herself in the corner throwing a pity party with her invisible pirate crew, the chimera stepped up to the plate.

Finding a strange device in the corner hosting a ball of water, the soldier soon claimed a piece of such. Finding himself blessed with the power of the octopus on land, the early adult prepared himself for takeoff. Bubble soon reappearing, the second one had soon been located.

Combining the two into one, the early adult attempted to place the bubble in the center of the instrument ensemble. Letting the bubble hit the instrument ensemble, not all of them had resounded. Bubbles resetting themselves once more, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera.

Realizing the bubble had to hit every single instrument not missing even one, the soldier attempted to aim carefully. Failures one after another rolling the dice, the hyena studied the ground around him. Perhaps, just maybe he had to position it towards the instruments furthest away? He supposed it was worth a shot.

Every single instrument soon sounding off, another foggy tree branch added itself to the mix. Aigre picking herself up from her quick down, the party of four had begun to head upon the eastern pathway. Third bubble puzzle even more precise than the last one, multiple retries had taken place before the correct solution was found.

Heading off towards the last ensemble amongst the four, Aigre made quick work of the final puzzle. Misty tree branches done and over with, the soldier swore he saw a group of shadowy people surrounding her. But, the soldier snapped himself out if it. Him, being able to see Aigre's childhood friends? Impossible. He was just tired.

"Aigre, there be some scallywags by Loch Uraina planting those nasty crystals there!" Navigator Bleu shouted for only Aigre's ears to hear.

"Thank, Bleu, I'll let them know!" Aigre exclaimed. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Stay safe out there, kiddo." She then turned her head off towards no one. "I will private Jaune!" She then changed the pitch of her voice again. "Split the treasure with us, ya hear?" She turned her head once more. "Of course I will! Don't I always??" But, as she had gone off by herself, the hyena could feel breath on his ear.

"Black fish steak bro, who's she talking to?" Lonan asked.

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier drew a blank. What could he even say in a situation like this? Aigre was talking to her imaginary friends? Maybe it was best to leave the part about them not being real out of it. Placing his hands in front of him, the hyena spelled out the word friend with his fingers. Looking into Lonan's eyes, he had a serious expression on his face.

"Bro, can you see her friends?" Lonan asked.

Hearing such question, the early adult froze for a moment. Why was Lonan asking such a daring question? But, he knew it was a waste of time lying that he could see them when he could not. Shaking his head, the soldier could see Gwendolyn in the corner give multiple annoyed looks one after another.

"So, she's a womanchild with loneliness syndrome?" Gwendolyn asked, annoyed. "She's crazy! Send her back home now!"

Gwendolyn layering on the insensitive frosting onto her rude, competitive cake, the final straw had broken. Who did this bird lady think she was using such language to speak about someone like that? So what she had this supposed syndrome she probably made up. Did she have to be so rude about it? He knew he could not stay silent any longer. His words, he had to use them.

"She's not crazy. Don't say that," Siorc said, voice low. "If you're only going to say rude remarks, you can go back home instead." He took a deep breath, giving a glare. "So, cut it out, and think before you speak."

Gwendolyn shutting herself right up after such exchange, the hyena could feel his chest grow cold. Had he said too much? Maybe he shouldn't have used his words after all. Bird woman's face growing dark for a moment, everything remained quiet for a few minutes longer. Silence soon breaking, her voice soon came back.

"I guess you're right," Gwendolyn finally responded after five minutes. "Sorry for being insensitive." But, there was a heavy feeling of reluctance in such apology.

"Guys, why are you all standing there?? We have to go to Loch Uraina!" Aigre shouted, running.

Aigre leading the way towards Loch Uraina, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Pitch black crystal deposits all the way along the lakeside forest, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera. How did these get here? Something wasn't adding up. But, he knew he had to act fact and get rid of the crystals now before it was too late.

Guided towards the northern pathway, multiple gem deposits awaited the hyena. Crystals protruding with a sinister aura, the early adult allowed a gulp to escape the esophagus. Was it just him, or had these crystals been ever worse than the ones he had encountered yesterday?

Aigre unsheathing a scythe from behind her, and bird duo taking out their homemade crossbows, the early adult removed the diamond cutter from his satchel. Knowing that, at any given moment, the jewel deposits would shut themselves out with a glass box shield, the soldier prepared himself for the inevitable.

Crystals ripped out from their deposits one after another with all of everyone's efforts combined, the soldier wiped sweat off his brow. Was it just his imagination, or had the crystals near the lake been far more sturdier than the ones he had encountered in the Belleau Region yesterday?

Heading onto the southern pathway, the next crystal battle was ready to begin. Everyone putting in all their efforts combined, a shield soon came crashing down upon the battlefield. Glassy box blocking off every weapon possible, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. It was time for the gravity bracelet again.

Glass shields shattered to pieces along with the crystals, the party of three had begun to head upon the eastern pathway. Quartet continuing to bring their all to the fight against jewels and dark energy alike, the soldier could feel his energy begin to drain down into a puddle of nothing.

Moving onwards towards the western pathway in the forest, the semi-finals of the crystal destruction competition let out its roar amongst it all. But, such had been short lived as the shields brought their counter to the table once more. Small scale tremors soon shaking the ground for minutes on end, the crystals shattered.

Final set of mineral deposits destroyed in the northeastern section of the forest, the hyena turned his head towards the lake in the corner. Spotting a strange floating water ball in the corner keeping itself suspended, the early adult tilted his head. Just what was that thing? But, there was no time for questions.

Monster emerging from the lake as the last crystal had been bagged and put away, the chimera walked fifteen steps backwards. What had just emerged from the large suspended ball in the corner? Snake like water mimic creatures letting out a roar, the chimera prepared himself to throw down a flower acquaintance. There was no time for thinking. He had to fight now.

But, as he prepared to toss down his Windwheel Aster familiar, the goat masked robed person popped up out of nowhere. Anonymous person snapping their gloved fingers, chains sealed the soldier's vision once more. Elemental powers taken away once more, the early adult's eyes twitched with a fervor.

Stranger's Vision Hunt Decree taking his only currently available elemental option, the chimera placed the diamond slasher in front of him. Knowing a long fight was ahead of him, the early adult attempted to keep his cool. The monster was made of water. It was no one's fault if his attacks did not land.

Serpentine water monster done and dealt with after about twenty attacks combined between the party of four, a wave of uselessness flowed through the chimera. Without his elemental powers, was he even really useful? But, the soldier knew he couldn't let himself get down. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Black fish steak bro, our client said we gotta go underwater to clear out some tumor underneath the willow tree," Lonan said. "You coming with?" But, he had soon been elbowed for the third time.

"Can't you let us just have one job to ourselves without feeding our competition?" Gwendolyn asked, irritated tone of voice.

"Gf, what's with you today? Why you makin' this into some sort of contest?" Lonan asked. "Let black fish steak bro take care of this. He givin' me the impression he cares about nature a lot."

"Ugh, who cares about that? But, whatever. You're not going to back down," Gwendolyn responded, irritated tone in voice. She then turned towards her competition. "Come with us, if you want, but don't say I didn't warn you about the legend of the undersea gazelles. If they eat you, I couldn't care less. I'm not saving you."

Hearing Lonan mention something about a tumor underneath the willow tree, tears rolled down the soldier's cheek. The weeping willow of the lake had a tumor? Wasn't that a serious cell killing illness that could kill? Was he really using the right word to describe the tree's sickness?

Gwendolyn yapping about some sort of underwater gazelles, the hyena shook his head. Was she just making something up to scare him? If such were the case, it wasn't working. Aigre hopping down into the lake almost immediately, the early adult removed his diving equipment from his satchel.

Bird duo going on ahead of him, the chimera had soon been locked up into he fat, blubbery suit. Mind and diving suit syncing up with one another, the party of three in front of him had already been extremely far ahead. Diving suit pushing him through a small underwater cave, the next order of business soon awaited.

Large, pink growth underneath the water hooked onto the walls pulsating as if it had a heartbeat, the soldier could feel his own rhythm inside his chest go off kilter. This was the thing making he willow tree up on the surface ill? How terrifying. He needed to get rid of his horrific disease right this instant.

Aigre soon pointing at the corner of poisonous bacteria floating in the water as the tumor kept on pulsating, the hyena pressed the corresponding button on his glove. Holding and pressing for minutes on end, the disgusting germs had gone from purple to green in a matter of moments.

Germs removed from the picture, Gwendolyn and Lonan removed their handmade crossbows from their pockets. Aiming for the strings across the wall, one had looked ready to be taken out of the equation. But, such progress had soon flowed backwards as the contaminated bacteria struck back.

Aigre soon taking care of the second round of germs, everyone readied to knock off one of the strings containing the illness. Pulsating monster of an issue taking a huge hit from such destruction, the defenses had soon been ready to kick themselves in. Jellyfish swimming their way out, the fight was on.

Obstacles quickly taken out of the picture, the second string of multiple had soon been severed by the mermaid's scythe. Root of all the willow tree's current problems continuing to get weaker, the third round of contaminated bacteria took to the stage. Getting his glove ready, the hyena stepped up to the plate.

Everyone destroying the third of the fourth string together, more monsters had soon thrown themselves upon the battlefield. Undersea crabs with shields up, the early adult let out a sigh. Was this how it was going to be? It was time to bring down the jellyfish bomb.

Aquatic enemies exploded in seconds, another round of germy poison circled around the water. Everyone doing their duty to destroy such, everything had begun to get weaker as the final lines of defense was done and dealt with. Swimming towards the final string, the last legs the tumor had to stand on knocked on the door.

Fourth and final string breaking apart as the party of four let all their remaining prowess out, the pink ball of doom continued to pump onward. Seeing such, the early adult tossed a jellyfish bomb towards the core. Letting such denotate, everything readied itself to crumble into pieces.

Root of all the willow tree's problems soon gone, everyone returned themselves to the surface. Willow trees in the area all blooming with blue foliage, a wave of bewilderment swam through the chimera's head. Was this the tree's true colors? How beautiful, if such were truly the case. But, he could not help but feel something was missing. But, a voice soon brought him back down to reality.

"The Willow Tree's all better now, so our job here is done," Lonan said, turning his back. "See ya, black fish steak bro. Let's work together again another time."

Bird duo leaving, the early adult readied to retire for the day. But, before he could do so, the soldier turned towards Aigre. Eyes wandering for a few moments, she soon grabbed his arm. Locking onto him, the hyena could feel a wave of discomfort. What was she getting all frisky for all of a sudden?

"I have something to show you!" Aigre exclaimed in an excited tone.

Aigre dragging him off, the early adult let out a sigh. Just where was she taking him right now? If it was related to in any way to her pirate crew, he wanted no part of such right now. But, he knew it was not a good idea to utter the two letter rejection. Such would be a bad idea, guaranteed.

Soon finding himself beside the place known as the Rusty Rudder, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Why did Aigre take him here? She definitely should not have. Womanchild dragging him onto the ship, multiple men soon glared at her all at once. Drunkards giving her the stink eye, as well, shouts had begun to echo.

"Why are you here again?" One of the members of the Rusty Rudder asked in a rude tone. "How many times do we have to tell you that we don't care about your stupid make believe pirate games? Go away!"

"Meanie!" Aigre cried, running.

Aigre clamping down on his wrist and speeding up her run cycle towards a portal, the hyena could feel his breath get taken away. Why was she rushing so quickly towards the vortex? Couldn't she slow down just a little? There was no rush. But, the hyena kept himself quiet. She was just upset. He needed to let it go.

Portal dropping the party of two in Fort Carybdis Ruin, the hyena blinked of bewilderment at the sight of more crystal deposits everywhere. How did even more of these get here? Minerals not looking particularly strong, the hyena took a deep breath. This would be done and over with quickly.

But, as the hyena cut the crystals, the soldier could feel his energy levels get lower and lower. What was going on, why were these gems stealing his vitality from him? Dizziness coming back from the grave as he kept on cutting, the hyena could feel himself about ready to fall over as he sliced the final set of jewels. But, as the world begun to spin, a muffled voice broke through.

"Ahhh, no, please don't almost die again!!" Aigre cried. "I'll take you home with me so you can rest!"

Aigre carrying him as if he were a paperweight, the soldier closed his eyes. How was she able to lift him up? He was taller than her? But, his mind soon blinked out of existence for multiple minutes. Regaining consciousness for a brief moment as a spiky blob tucked him in under the covers, one final thought encased his fading human brain into a sea of vines.

What's wrong with those crystals?


"Are those crystals I have to collect delusions? No. That's not it.
But, there's something not right about them, for sure.
Yes, there's something off.
Something wrong.
Something troubling.
Are they taking my energy?
Looks like they are. I feel so tired, dizzy.

Cannot shake off this deep seeded feeling of doom,
Really. Why is this happening. Are the abyss gazelles behind this?
Yes, I suspect so. I definitely
See that as a possibility.
There is just something incredibly off
About all this. There is no way that this isn't their doing.
Looks like this was just another one of their
Schemes. This feels a bit weaker, though, compared to their many

Plots to get their
Revenge against me.
Or maybe this is just a testing ground,
But, I cannot take my chances, cannot
Look the other way.
Every crystal need to be destroyed,
Maimed, taken out of the picture."

Upon waking up the next morning, the Agent soon barged into the sea lion trio's home. Informed he needed to go off to the tower in the east to collect even more crystals, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Just how many of these jewels did Her Majesty need at this point? Surely, by now, he had to have collected plenty.

Raising himself from the bed, the soldier wobbled a bit. Shaking his head rapidly, the chimera attempted to shake the remaining amounts of dizziness away. Knowing he had to make haste and leave for the tower right now, the chimera attempted to exit the sea lion's abode, but the door had soon been blocked by two of the three sisters.

"Wait. I'm going with you," Bain said in a slightly demanding tone. "I don't think you should be going out and doing this alone."

"Don't you think that all of us going with you would, um, lessen the burden?" Kali asked. "You, uh, shouldn't go there alone, I don't think."

Knowing that if he told them no they would continue to insist upon such, the soldier simply nodded. Bain soon moving towards the kitchen after such agreement, a quick fish breakfast had been wolfed down. Group of three exiting the household, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Was Aigre not coming today?

Group heading east for a long while, the hyena could not help but wonder. The crystals, just what was it that was making them so dangerous? Could they have just been very strong delusions that he was gaining temporary amounts of powers from in exchange for his life energy? If such were the case, he was toast if they were such a thing.

Reaching the tower after about an hour, an overwhelming sense of feeling small overtook the chimera. The tower, was it always this big up close? Maybe it was a sense of perspective. Spotting Gwendolyn and Lonan already inside the tower, the bird duo soon flew the coop.

"Small world, black fish steak bro!" Lonan exclaimed. "Cleaning the tower, too?" But, he had soon been elbowed after what felt like the fourth time in the chapter of his current moments.

"How many times are you going to call him that?" Gwendolyn asked, rolling her eyes. "It's annoying."

"Yo, gf, what was that for?" Lonan asked, rubbing his sides. "He doesn't even seem to mind me calling him that!"

Gwendolyn ranting and raving about he's just being an annoying man again, the soldier shook his head. He guessed he didn't really care if Lonan called him black fish steak bro. The name had already stuck, despite how juvenile it felt to be called such a thing. Why did Gwendolyn always feel the need to make things about it annoying her? But, he knew he would be wasting his breath using his words again. Throwing everything he had to say back into his pocket, everyone readied themselves to enter the tower.

Party of five ready for action, everyone soon dropped down to the bottom floor of the tower. Crystals everywhere the eye could see things had begun to worsen. Multiple robots guarding the mineral deposits, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Was there about to be a difficult battle ready and waiting for him?

Robotic fish swimming about on air as the minutes droned about, the bird duo soon removed their handmade crossbows. Sea lion sisters removing their scythes as well, the chimera added his borrowed greatsword to the mix. Knowing his vision would just be locked away by a force, the hyena knew it was best to continue on with physical combat.

Mechanical enemies taken out one after another with multiple attempts taken, the crystals in the area soon broke out of their encasem*nts. Collecting the spoils, the group of five soon moved towards the second floor, but such flight upward soon proved to be more difficult than the last.

Second floor within the tower covered with multiple mines ready to explode upon being stepped on, the soldier could feel his heart skip more than five beats. Who put those here? Whoever had done so had the intention to harm someone, for sure. Tiptoeing around the explosives of horror, the chimera's diamond slasher was ready.

Blade taking a long time to rip out the crystals from their encasem*nt, the third floor of the tower had soon been more or less the same. Bird duo giving him side glances as if he had grown four heads, the soldier pointed to the ground beneath him. Minefields soon spoken for, Gwendolyn and Lonan flew out of the way of such issues.

Bain and Kali moving over to the side, as well, the chimera destroyed the crystal deposits with as much of his energy that remained inside him. Mines not triggering, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the hyena. Were they just there for a quick scare? Whoever did this was terrible at this.

But, as the group headed for the fourth floor, a group of steel monsters placed themselves in front of the mineral deposits. Bain and Kali bringing down their anchor of fire and tridents of electricity, the early adult attempted with all of his energy that remained to summon his flower friend. But, such fell flat on his face for the third time in three days.

Elemental energy blocked by some external forces, the soldier snapped his fingers in defeat. Was was it only him who couldn't use his Vision today? It was almost as if, such obstacle was placed to serve purpose towards a story to limit himself from being called a certain name awarded to perfect people.

Bird duo and sea lion sister pair destroying the robot onslaught, the soldier crashed the tip of his blade into the remaining crystals. Collecting the drops and throwing them into his satchel, one final floor remained. But the problems on the fifth remained the same as the one on the fourth.

Everything feeling as though it were looping, the soldier broke through the crystal encasem*nts once again. But, as he had done so, the soldier swore he could feel hands on his back shove him through something. Everyone else soon being shoved as well, a new room had soon been upon everyone.

Soon finding himself inside a large locked corridor, a room littered with masked robed denizens patrolling the area and crystals galore locked into the hyena's damaged field of vision. Soon falling down to the bottom floor deep within, the doors were soon locked shut. Watching as Bain patrolled the area, she soon gave the up on what was down.

"This door will probably open if we turn these dials on the wall," Bain said. "I'll do it."

Bain turning the dials one after another for minutes on end, the soldier swore he could see the crystals in the room only get weaker with very single turn. Puzzle solved after six twists, the mineral deposits broke themselves out of their own prison as if kicked out of there.

Everyone ascending to the next floor afterwards, another puzzle soon kicked itself into motion. Bain solving it in less than ten minutes, the early adult could feel a wave of fascination flow through him. Bain was definitely a master of puzzles. Could this have been where Aigre got it from?

But, as the crystals made themselves known, a rancid scent entered the area. Robed denizen laughing and saying they hoped he liked his poisonous gift, Lonan soon let his crossbow do the talking. Enemy floating away and attempting to dodge for minutes on end, the tables turned backwards.

Enemy laughing at saying he bets it hurts to breathe right now, the soldier placed his hand on his chest. This monster, just what did he do to the crystals? Air only getting thicker, the soldier prepared to tap himself out of the ring. But, a voice threw itself out there.

"Are you really giving up over a little threat?" Gwendolyn asked, annoyed. "Just plug your nose! Archons, men are so annoying."

Plugging up his nose, the soldier unleashed his diamond cutter attack upon the enemy. Opposing force eliminated after everyone's strikes reached towards the fifty mark, the villain of the hour had become one with nature. Noxious crystals soon pocketed and removed, everyone soon continued onward.

Tower all cleansed, the party of five readied themselves for the final underwater mission. Diving equipment soon on, everyone jumped. Landing in the water bed slightly afar, the quintet soon dived downward. But, immediately upon doing so, crystals of far different properties from every single one before blew everything out of the water.

Mineral deposits radiating with some sort of dragon energy, the hyena's eyes opened wide. Who coated these in the energy of dragons? Whoever had done this, they were trying too hard at this point to make something a challenge. Getting his glove ready, and everyone else ready for action, the destruction was ready.

Bain and Kali's scythe not doing anything to the deposit of crystals, the soldier tried with his aquatic blade. But, such had done nothing, either. Everyone else attempting to destroy such with their various weapons, as well, nothing budged for minutes on end. Continuing to attempt to break them, a question threw itself out into the sea.

"Why are these crystals encased in dragon energy?" Bain asked, bemused.

No answer coming, the early adult gazed at the buttons on his glove. Figuring the octopus gun shooter was his only option, the hyena pressed the button. Crystals breaking after twelve attempts, the chimera let out a sigh. Whoever placed these minerals had made the far too hard to break.

Soon finding an area near a hidden fort, more crystals soon awaited in a room that was not submerged. Were these ones about to take hours to destroy, as well? But such had been proven wrong, in an instant. Slime bombs popping off with Lonan's crossbow, the gems were no more in a matter of moments.

Soon returning back to the sea, everyone moved towards the eastern areas of the largest lake in all of Fontaine. Everyone doing their part to get rid of the crystal deposits of many known dangers, everyone had begun to sweat up a storm. Was the water getting hotter, all of a sudden?

But as cleanup kept on commencing, two faces he did not want to see swam on over. Vidame and Domini rapidly approaching his location alongside the diver boy, the hyena prepared himself for undersea violence once again. Knowing such was about to come, the soldier would not surrender. Couldn't these two, just this once, not accuse him of something? But, he supposed that was a pipe dream.

Seeing Ritchie Rich surround himself with the poisonous crystals he definitely dropped down into their home, Vidame was seeing red. How dare this person still come back here after all that he's done to cause this place great amounts of harm. He needed to be taught a lesson again.

Watching Ritchie Rich pretend like he was a good samaritan destroying the dangerous little rocks he definitely brought down here, Domini readied his chain whip. Didn't he know by now he was never welcome down here? The peace treaty was dead six times over at this point, it was time for violence. Slamming down the chain upon the rich fiend's arms, the bludgeoning began.

"Stop polluting the oceans, Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted, whirring up his chain whip. But, an immediate response had come his way.

"Bro, calm down," Lonan said, placing his hands in a stop motion upon the water. "He didn't do that."

"He definitely did!" Vidame shouted. "Don't go and defend him!"

The early adult rolled his eyes towards the underwater ceiling. These two penguins, why did they always feel like they had to blame him for something? Was their deep seeded feelings of loathing him causing them to paint him as the most evil villain known to humanity and chimera kind? Absolutely ridiculous.

Not giving the pesky penguin duo any more fuel to the fire, the soldier swam off towards the diver boy. Knowing that, no matter what he said or did, they would continue to accuse him for crimes he did not partake in, the soldier brought down further crystals to their deathbed. But, as the final set of minerals were destroyed, everything broke.

"You should watch out," the diver boy said, words monotone. "There's a portal over there."

Pitch black vortex opening up almost immediately upon being told, the soldier could feel his heart skip four beats. There was still one portal left? How did it get towards the bottom of the ocean? Having his diving suit thrust him forward towards it, Domini soon let out his chain whip again. But, such had been a big mistake.

Everyone thrown through the portal, a dark, foreboding room awaited everyone. Large, expansive room with dark purple seawater, the everyone's faces had almost turned green. Bain, Kali, and even the pesky penguin duo shaking like a leaf, a realization had soon washed over the chimera.

The entire room was primordial seawater.

Coming to such realization, fear nibbled on the hyena's eardrum. They were in a room with primordial seawater. A death sentence, destruction to all Fontaine born people. Bain, Kali, Vidame, Domini, and Gwendolyn and Lonan, weren't they all born and raised in Fontaine? They were all done for if they went anywhere near such a thing. Dissolved into nothing, puddles.

But, as the party of six in front of him stepped forward, no one dissolved. Seeing such, an array of questions flowed through him. Was this water really primordial sea water? Maybe he had jumped to a few conclusions. Crystals everywhere in the area, the group had begun the destruction. But, as the final crystal broke, a predictable set of faces showed up.

Abyssal gazelles showing themselves, the hyena crossed his arms across his waist. Why were these two here now? Were they the ones behind the dark crystal incident? Seeing them within the dungeon, such fact simmered for a moment. It had to have been these two, there was no one else it would have been.

"Thank you for taking the time to play our game!" Izzet exclaimed sarcastically. "Have fun?"

Hearing the abyssal gazelle reveal himself, it had hit the soldier now more than ever. These two, they had definitely been responsible, without a shadow of doubt. Who did these two think they were dropping down crystals from the abyss? Did they ever stop to think about what consequences such would bring?

"So, uh, were you the ones who dropped down those crystals?" Kali asked, but a laugh soon came her way.

"Yes, that's right!" Kelebek exclaimed. "You set up those crystals!"

"Huh, um, what?" Kali asked, scratching her head. "No, I didn't."

The hyena shook his head as the gazelles revealed themselves. Was this their idea of revenge? How incredibly annoying of them. This was their most ridiculous stunt yet, throwing crystals down everywhere. There had to have been a line that had to be drawn at this point. But, as he went through the notions on condemnation, one of the abyssal gazelles stepped up to the plate.

"Have fun with our last gift!" Izzet said, raising their hand towards the sky. "Nyahaha, better hurry, or the primordial seawater will dissolve you all! Tick tock, tick tock!"

Small scale explosion overtaking the area, a large crystalline serpentine monster added itself to the battlefield. Creature letting out a roar, everyone had gotten on the offensive. Scythes, crossbows, chain whip and claymore attempting to work together, for a moment, the party of seven let out battle cries.

But, the battle had only gotten more potent as the nonexistent clock struck. Shockwaves overtaking the area, the hyena fell down into the seawater. Waters burning him, the soldier let out a scream. Hurry, everyone needed to hurry, or everyone would dissolve.

Everyone ramping up their defenses, slowly, but surely, the crystal dragon had begun to weaken, Gwendolyn and Lonan bringing their bird powers to the mix, a surprise amongst them all overtook the battlefield. Vidame and Domini lunging down with their penguin talons shortly after, the soldier was given the opportunity for the final blow.

Knowing now was his chance to use his shark teeth to his advantage, the early adult let down his chompers. Coarse crystal nibbled on with a heavy amount of ferocity, the hyena kept gnawing further. Beast losing will as he kept going, the soldier let his biters dig in one last time.

Serpentine crystal monster looking ready to burn away, Bain threw her anchor of fire towards the opponent. Creature blowing up into smithereens, the soldier blinked. The power of cooperative efforts was the strongest force of them all. Everyone running towards the corridor's exit, time was ticking, but one last bitter pill had been tossed the chimera's way.

"We're not finished with you!" Izzet shouted.

"You will get his revenge!" Kelebek screamed. "Just he waits! It's coming soon!"

Abyssal gazelles swearing revenge for what felt like the tenth time, the soldier rolled his eyes as he threw himself through the portal. Weren't they getting tired of saying that all the time? They needed to invest their time in a different hobby. Portal throwing everyone except Vidame and Domini back to Poisson, confusion loomed over the chimera.

Bain and Kali letting out deep yawns and readying to head for their house, a heavy amount of temporary farewells had been said. Bird duo heading out of the area, as well, one final person said their goodbyes. Sea Lion duo yawning up a storm, the two retired to their quarters. But, as they had done such, Aigre soon stepped out.

Final sea lion, or mermaid rather, thanking him for yesterday, the soldier tilted his head. Why was she thanking him? But, he supposed she meant letting her do the puzzles she wanted to do. Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, as well, the chimera staged his exit.

Agent waiting for him beside the ladder near Poisson, the early adult blinked. Had he been waiting here the entire time? Subordinate soon yanking the satchel off his backside, a loud count had soon begun. Hearing such, a wave of unease flowed through him. If even one singular black crystal was missing, he's dead.

"You did excellent work, soldier," the Agent said, pride evident in his voice. "You are dismissed. Go back to Snezhnaya, and get some rest."

Dismissal granted, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy map from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Walking through the icy cold hallways, the soundproof room had been reached within fifteen minutes of walking.

Ready to fall asleep at any second, the chimera removed his weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, the chimera closed his eyes as soon his head hit the pillow. But, as the world of sleep were about to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Just how much more were the abyssal gazelles going to tamper with before they were satisfied?

Chapter 15: Research Institute Phantom Thief 1: Experiments Sieged


And thus begins the phantom thief saga. In this section, Siorc is instructed to "perform a heist at night" whilst dealing with a few other problems around Fontaine. Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Kaiser, Robin, Raven, Aigre, Zinn, Peltro, Huxian, Pixiu, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Kelebek Izzet, Chiori and Neuvilette.



Chapter Text

"Really, Your Majesty, a heist?
Even I'm starting to think
She's just ordering I do anything and
Everything now.
At this point, I'm convinced this is just a distraction
Ripe for the picking.
Couldn't she
Have picked something more practical?

I can't believe this, there's
No way I could perform a heist. I am not as
Stealthy as I seem.
There is no way I can do this,
I know I cannot.
This won't end well.
Ultimately, failure awaits me.
This is the worst order of them all.
Everything is adding to zero.

Perhaps this will be a wakeup for
Her Majesty.
As this is her most ridiculous order yet.
No way will this help her in any way.
Taking from people?
Or their research?
Maybe reevaluate this.

Though, I know she won't,
However, so I am,
I am becoming a thief.
Even so, I don't have a choice.
For her orders are absolute.

So, here I go.
It begins my career as an
Obvious thief who will be caught
Right at the stroke of midnight.
Cannot help but feel this will earn me a ticket

Right in the Fortress of Meropide.
Especially considering what I am doing. But, I'm
Probably overthinking. Yes, I'm
Overthinking. Surely, she has a strategy.
Right, she definitely has a strategy.
There has to be something
I am missing.
No, there isn't, but
Guess I'll find out.

For now, do as I am told
Or I'll die. I must
Remember, be diligent, do my

Duty. Don't shirk work, that is the
Ultimate key. Even
Though I do not agree with this order, my opinion does not matter.
Yes, that's right it doesn't matter.

After all, I am nothing more than a
Little rook on the chessboard. A
Rook, ready to be checkmated.
I am nothing more than a tool, a pawn. This is just a
Game. And,
Her Majesty is winning.
The board is moving.

The board is advancing.
Here's to yet
Another day of duties.
The heist begins.

So, I mustn't complain,
Or question anything. That's the
Ultimatum. Stay silent,
No questions.
Don't complain.
Evidently, it's better this way.
Don't say anything.

Quell my concerns.
Unleash my work mode.
It has to be this way
That is the goal to survival.
Even if I find all of this

Ridiculous, I need to squash that.
I need to throw all those
Deep feelings away.
I am nothing more than a soldier, the
Chess piece on the playing field.
Unless I mess up, this
Long match will continue
Over and over
Unless I mess up this
Stagnant game will never end.

However, I can't mess up.
One disappointment, and I will be
No more.
Even one singular
Slip up, and
There will be another bullet
Lodged inside me.
Yes, no more mistakes

No more disappointment
Or reasons for

The wrath of
Her Majesty.
Ah, who am I kidding?
Nothing like that will happen.
Keep going. Keep working.
Silence is key."

Four days have passed since the hyena cut and collected black crystals and dealt with the portals around Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs in Liyue continuing to grow stronger with every given moment, nothing had been out of the ordinary.

The sound of morning alarm bells struck with a curdling shriek. As the alarm bells kept their rampage going, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a unified chorus. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the chimera let out a tired yawn. Yet another workday was about to be upon him. It time to get a move on. Raising from the rock hard bed, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform melted onto his partially human person, the chimera stared at the steel walls. Were things about to get worse around Teyvat? He could not help but feel whatever the abyssal gazelles have been up to, it's starting to get completely out of hand.

But, the hyena stopped himself from thinking further about such. What has occurred has already happened. It was already too late to stop such. Nothing could be done; the chaos has already rolled the dice and landed a six. He was only one person. Prevention has already died a dishonorable death.

Throwing all thoughts away besides work, the soldier removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box. Clicking the weaponized jewelry and accessory into place, matching roses adorned his hair and ears. Gazing at the sunflower set, for a moment, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed he was fine with allowing nature to be back on speaking terms with him again once more.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the early adult stared at the Geo delusion. The sinister orb, should he finally make use of it? But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. He was not ready for such a thing. The time had not yet come to make use of Her Majesty's gift.

Thoughts buzzing around the chimera's head like a Cicin, the soldier walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. The hooded strangers, he had not come across them in Liyue since his first encounter with them there. Why had that been the case? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Why was he thinking about them? The duo not appearing in Liyue was definitely a good thing, without a shadow of a doubt.

Pushing any further thoughts he had in the snow outside, the chimera walked towards the edge of the room. Heelless shoes slipped over his currently human feet, the early adult shook his head. Liyue was safer without those two causing problems there. He supposed, he should be grateful they were not incurring their wrath upon other nations.

As the hyena bit down on his flavorless rations, the early adult returned his gazed towards the steel walls. The abyssal gazelles, they needed to stopped at all costs. No matter what, whatever they had planned needed to halted from progressing further. Taking the final bite into his gruel of nothing, the hyena placed his buttons in the correct hole. Everything in order, the chimera had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before sound of militaristic boots marching about with a militaristic fervor, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will performing a heist at the Research Institute at the stroke of night." He then took a moment to pause before continuing. "As well as locating local legends and investigating secret areas within Fontaine. Stamp out any hostile monsters, if necessary. Our allies are watching." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Every other Archon should swear allegiance to the Tsaritsa.

Siorc jumped ten steps back upon hearing his entire laundry list of orders. He had to do what now? Perform a heist? He has to steal from people? Why did he have to do something like that? Whatever it was Her Majesty wanted, surely, he could just obtain it by asking. Fatui, weren't they known as diplomats? How peculiar.

The early adult jumped three further steps back as the rest of his orders echoed in his inhuman eardrums. Locate the local legends? Investigate secret areas? What was this, a treasure hunt? Her Majesty wants the strangest things from him sometimes. But, he knew he had no choice but to follow orders.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Are you listening to me? You will be performing a heist in Fontaine!" there was an irritated tone in his voice. What could possibly be on his mind besides work? "What's the hold up? You will not be taking anything important enough for anyone to notice anything will be missing! So, quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena turned towards the Agent. Arm out in front of him, the soldier awaited for the gripping prison to take him away like it always does.

"Yes, sir," the chimera responded autonomously. Stealing important, noticeable things or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good. Let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as relentless as it always had been, the early adult closed his eyes. As the escort to Fontaine began, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

What kind of heist was this going to be?


"I've stopped caring about beauty. I thought I

Could get through this,
All these ugly feelings inside me. But,
No more. I can no longer

Take this. I cannot live with
All these ugly feelings. Malika should not have taken the
Knives and swords away.
Every day is agony. I

No longer wish to be
On this planet while being so ugly, I an longer beautiful.

Maybe I never was, all
Of these years, my family has always wanted to get
Rid of me. My outfits,
Everything. What point is there in living? I am no longer

Beautiful. Marquis said so.
Everything is pointless,
And I can no longer go on. I am
Ugly. It is time to bid farewell,
Time to say goodbye.
Yes, get the rope. I am

Ugly now. It better to just say my
Goodbyes to this world.
Looks like my father was right, I just ruin everything.
You won't have to

Waste your time scolding me anymore, father. I
Hope you are happy.
Once and for all, I'll be out of your life.

Completely gone, once I
Am finished. You'll only
Remember me as a failure, anyway.
Every moment and every
Second has been a disappointment for you, hasn't it, father?

It's fine. You

Will no longer have a failure in your home.
As for Malika, I am sorry. Regina, I apologize.
No matter what I do, I can't go back
To a world where I am ugly. So, it's

Time for my farewell, to the finale. There will be no
Obituary, just burn me.

Don't let me become a skeleton, so
I am at least beautiful in my
Ending moments. "

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult could feel himself begin to shake. Was it just him, or was there a slight chill in the air today? But, the soldier had been dragged forward before he could finish such thought. Not having any time to think, the hyena closed his eyes.

Dragged down the mountain as usual, the Agent summoned the boat, in an instant. Seeing a slight amount of frost on the water as he had been placed in the wooden vessel, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Fontaine, was it about to freeze over? There was no way boating was safe right now.

As the vehicle of manpower cruised forward, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was winter coming to the Nation of Justice? He did not know why, but he couldn't help but feel Fontaine was in a constant state of springhood. But, he supposed that was never truly the case.

Removed from the vessel and dragged forward towards the stairwell, the accursed reminder soon left the Agent's lips. Told he was not allowed to teleport in Fontaine whatsoever for what felt like the hundred thousandth time, the early adult wanted to unleash his fangs upon his subordinate's shoulder. Why did he have to remind him of such fact every single time? He gets it already.

Agent soon handing him his satchel and a list of locations on a sheet of paper, something of peculiar note had been fired off in the early adult's inhuman eardrums. Told he will need to change into his heist outfit during nighttime, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Just how planned was this heist? Absolutely ridiculous.

Told he needs to gather information about the local legends before seeking them out, as well, the Agent soon exited the area. Orders heard loud and clear, the hyena ascended the staircase. Taking the glass lift, as well, the chimera headed towards the Aquabus Station. Pressing the button, the early adult waited.

Barely anyone around aside from a few socialites dressed in extremely expensive winter wear, the soldier blinked. Could it really have been frosty season in Fontaine right now? Perhaps, just maybe, this was natural progression in the weather. Surely, there was nothing to worry about.

Aquabus not anywhere to be seen, the early adult blinked. Turning his head towards the water, the hyena studied it, for a moment. Frost covering the lake a smidgeon, a wave of concern flowed through him once more. Was it really safe for an automated boat to cruise on liquid about to ice over?

Vehicle of automatic movement soon arriving after a fifteen minute delay, an apology from the Melusine had come the soldier's way. Shaking his head as he seated himself, the chimera stared off into space as the vessel cruised forward. Tour guide saying she's not used to seeing frost, alarm bells rang in the chimera's head.

As the Aquabus cruised past the Poisson tunnel, the soldier could not help but wonder. The frost, could it have happened because of a certain sometwo? He knew, there was a possibility at hand the abyssal gazelles were up to something again. He needed to be on the lookout for them, no matter what.

Melusine soon talking about Errinyes, the soldier turned his head towards the right. Not noticing anything out of the ordinary, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. Maybe certain parts of the nation were immune from sudden weather changes. Turning his head back, the soldier turned his attention back towards the tour guide.

Tour guide soon informing him they are about to arrive at the Court of Fontaine, the early adult took a deep breath. The capital city, would it be frosty here, as well? He knew he needed to prepare himself for anything. Stepping off the vessel as it docked, the soldier had begun walking.

City streets as busy as ever, the soldier could hardly believe the first thought that paraded through his mind. The pesky penguin family. Perhaps, just maybe, they had more information about the local legends of Fontaine. While he did not wish to cross paths with them at any given point, he supposed inquiring them first was the right course of action.

Resolute on his decision, the early adult had begun walking. Heading upon the northern path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Multiple citizens shivering up a storm in the streets, the chimera shook his head. Were the generic nobodies not equipped for winter at all?

As the hyena sauntered onward, the early adult could not help but ponder. Cold weather, was it really not normal in Fontaine? Surely, whenever it rained, it brought about a slight chill. Fountain besides the hedges slightly covered in ice, eerie silence filled the roads.

Human gardes dressed up in what looked like brand new winter uniforms, the soldier could feel his heart skip a beat. Was the city guarded more today than it was the other day? If such were the case, he needed to proceed with utmost caution, no matter what. Attempting with all his might to avert their gaze, the chimera kept walking.

Stepping near the rival boutique to Malika's, an Inazuman woman adorning a kimono stood outside the doors. Placing an outfit on display outside of a winter outfit, the soldier could not help but feel a slight wave of tension in the air. Employee outside helping out, fighting words released themselves into the open.

"New winter outfits now in stock," the possible owner of Chioriya Boutique said. "We have coats here, unlike the Congelé Boutique."

Hearing the woman bring out some fighting words, the early adult had come to a quick realization. Chioriya Boutique and Congelé Boutique were competitors with one another. Malika, she surely would need to watch out, or the Inazuman owned fashion store would put hers out of business.

Moving forward, the soldier swore he could see a group of mushroom monsters twirling around in an alleyway. Seeing such, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Well dressed woman in the corner advertising some sort of fungus board game, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Who would want to play a board game with fungi as their game pieces? But, he supposed entertainment came in all shapes and sizes.

Passing by the Adventurer's Guild, the hyena could hear the receptionist say rebooting for minutes on end. Hearing such, the early adult gazed at the generic woman, for a moment. Was she playing some sort of game? Sitting around all day with barely any work to give out had to have been boring for a receptionist.

Knowing he had to make haste and head for the penguin's abode right away, the soldier kept moving forward. City streets getting quieter as he kept on going, a wave of relief flowed through the hyena. The streets were no longer busy. There was no chance of him being squished into a pancake.

Cruising through the western streets, the early adult turned his attention towards the entrance towards Fleuve Cendre. The less fortunate who lived in the underground city, would they be alright in the event of a cold night? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. There was no time to think about such things.

Passing by the hotel, the chimera braced himself. Any second now, and Earl would bother him and drag him off to his apartment. The pesky penguin thorn in his side, he was about to pop out. Any second now. Readying to move forward, the hyena prepared himself for the inconvenience.

But, no such inconvenience ever came. Earl nowhere to be seen, the chimera kept walking towards the boutique. Baron nowhere to be seen, either, the chimera shrugged. Maybe he had gotten too used to the penguins being around to interrupt him. Entering the fashion establishment, the hyena took a deep breath.

Nothing but a guard meka on duty, the early adult tilted his head. Not a single soul inside doing any shopping, the early adult scratched the side of his cheek. Something wasn't right about this, for sure. But, he supposed competition was fierce. He was overthinking it, for sure. Walking down the steps towards the apartment below, the soldier prepared his inquires on the tip of his fingers.

He was right on the mora. He was not overthinking.

As the soldier walked down the final step, a scene that should not be witnessed played out like an acting performance gone wrong at the Opera Epiclese. Kaiser standing on top of the dining room table underneath a rope dangling from the ceiling, a sword sat in his hands. Sharp edges slicing the skin up like a plate of jelly in a rapid manner, red velvet pudding soon decorated the table as an appetizer.

Kaiser letting out a scream as the sword's rampage continued, the soldier's heart had begun to beat backwards. The rope, the weapon, he knew what was about to happen. He needed to get out of here; leave, pretend he saw nothing. Penguin trio running onto the scene, however, he was soon cornered. Malika stepping forward, shouts drowned out the first set of wails.

"Kaiser, what are you doing?" Malika asked in a lowered, deep voice. "Stop it!" Another shout soon joined the mix.

"Kaiser, trying to take your life over one small comment is foolish," Baron chimed in. "Marquis was not serious when he said you were ugly."

"Neither of you understand! He called me ugly!" Kaiser cried out, moving the sword towards his chest. "I can't live like this!" Hands and voice shaking, his voice soon rose. "I've become so ugly! Let me die!"

Hearing slicing noises soon continue, the early adult plugged his ears. Leave, he had to leave. He had to get out of here. Run away, disappear. Why did he have to come to the boutique at such a bad time? But, as he attempted to stage his exit, the bladed weapon soon fell to the floor.

"Kaiser, apologies," Baron soon said.

Chop dealt onto the back of the penguin's neck, Kaiser's body soon slumped over. Hearing various shouts towards Malika to bring him to the couch, the hyena could feel himself tune out of the world as everything moved forward. But, he had soon been brought back to reality as a finger tapped on his shoulder.

Earl tapping on his shoulder, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Goofy smile of aggravation on the pesky thorn in his side's face, the soldier crossed his arms around his waist. How could he be smiling at a time like this? Didn't he see what just happened a few minutes ago? This man was beyond his comprehension.

Seeing his future husband staring off to space in his apartment, a cloud parted ways to reveal a portion of sunlight. Did Siorc come to see him? He was just the medicine he needed right now. Giving him a tiny tap on the shoulder, he readied to break a hole in the ice.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Did you come here to take me out on a date? Now's not a good time, unfortunately." But a voice soon cut in.

"Really? You're thinking of romance at a time like this?" Baron asked, deadpan.

Penguins looking like they were about to be quite busy, the soldier shook his head. Maybe it was best to just leave and give them space. But, he knew he had to at least ask about the local legends of Fontaine before he were to depart. Taking a momentary deep breath, he released the forbidden question.

"I apologize for coming at a bad time, sir," the hyena said, voice barely audible. He then took another deep breath. "Do you know anything about the Local Legends of Fontaine?" The early adult could feel sweat pour down his back as he finished such. Maybe he should not have asked. They were in a crisis right now. How selfish of him.

Baron let out a sigh as they heard the question. Really? Siorc came all this way to ask such a stupid question? He could have gone to the newspaper stand and find a book all about that. Some people were far too reliant on others for information. This was an error that needed correction.

Hearing his future husband's question, Earl could feel the storm cloud return. The local legends? This was a bad time to ask about such a thing, his mind was completely blank. Empty, a white sheet of paper with only the world the written on it in fancy script. He was definitely being a bad wife right now.

"Really? You came all the way here to ask about something like that?" Baron asked, crossing their arms across their waist. "You could have consulted a book about it instead of us."

"Don't be rude to my future husband, Baron!" Earl shouted. He then turned towards Siorc. "But, my mind is blank, sorry!"

Malika soon walking out of the room stating Kaiser cut himself deep and they need to get to a doctor right away, the soldier readied himself to exit the area. It was time to get out of here, and stop intruding. But, as he attempted to exit, eyes were soon on him once more immediately.

"Siorc, do you need something?" Malika asked, voice tired. "Sorry, it has to wait."

"He wants information about the local legends," Earl added. But, such words were a mistake.

"The local legends of Fontaine?" Malika asked, voice tired. "I suggest heading over to the Iudex and asking him about that." She then shook her head. "Sorry, darling for not being able to help."

Knowing what he just had witnessed moments before, the early adult placed his hands in front of him. Signing the words he understood, the early adult staged his exit. Maybe Malika was on the right track and the Iudex might know something about the Local Legends of Fontaine. Lead given, the early adult prepared himself to head for the Palais Mermonia.

Staging his exit, the hyena readied himself to head for the Aquabus Information station. Knowing there was a small possibility the Iudex was not here, the soldier set himself up for failure. But, he supposed if the Chief Justice had no information, either, just seeking them out on his own was the only other option that remained.

Walking through the city streets in silence, the soldier soon walked upon the glass lift. Box bringing him upwards towards the fourth floor, the early adult took a long deep breath. The Iudex, would he be too busy to answer his questions, if such were the case, he would apologize and move on.

Stepping foot into the large, important building, the soldier took another deep breath. Melusine soon saying if he was here to see the Iudex, he'd need an appointment, a doom cloud poured rain down on his head. Right. He was supposed to make an appointment. How could he forget such an important factor?

But, an exception had soon threw itself onto the plate. Melusine receptionist soon saying that she remembers him. He was the one who dealt with the black crystals the other day. Told he can go straight on ahead, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. No appointment needed? What in the world just happened?

Stepping towards the Iudex's office, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Knocking on the wood, an important voice on the other side soon said to come in. Bracing himself, the hyena opened the door at a slow pace. But, what awaited him on the other side was a surprise to behold.

Chief Justice of Fontaine sitting at his desk drinking water from an extremely fancy chalice, sweat poured down the chimera's back. Did he interrupt the Iudex while he was on his lunch break? He needed to apologize for intruding upon his downtime. Eyes soon on him, the powerful voice soon returned.

"Greetings, young man," the Iudex greeted. He soon placed down his water chalice. "How may I help you?"

Watching as the Chief Justice of Fontaine dropped his water cup on his desk, the early adult placed his hands in front of him. Folding his right hand into a fist, the hyena moved his hand in a circular motion upon his chest. Apology signed on private display, eyes were soon on him once more.

"It's quite alright. You are not disturbing me," the Iudex said in a serious tone. "What can I help you with?"

Question thrown his way once more, the early adult gazed at the paper stacks across the room. Perhaps, just maybe, it was better to write down his question than speak it. Pointing at a piece of paper in the corner, a feather quilled pen and leaflet were soon handed to him.

Offered the couch and table in the corner, the soldier had begun scribbling up a storm. Writing down in Mondstadt writing, "Do you know about the local legends of Fontaine, sir? the soldier dotted the question mark on the paper. Handing over the sheet to the Chief Justice, he looked the sentence over for several minutes.

"This might take awhile to explain," the Iudex said, hand on his chin. "Would you like some water?"

Offer of a drink coming his way, the early adult tilted his head. Should he really impose the Iudex like this? But, he supposed his hospitality was welcoming. Giving the man a nod, he soon stepped out of his office, for a moment. Fancy chalice cup filled with the richest of liquids, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Was this rich people water, should he really be partaking in this? People with the most mora were living the life, indeed.

Toasting to himself, for a moment, the soldier sipped on the rich water. As the liquids travelled down his partially human esophagus, the chimera flinched. What was this taste, exactly? He couldn't quite put his currently human fingers on it. Iudex soon looking ready to speak once more, he turned his head towards him. Eye contact provided, he kept his ears open.

"It is the local legends you wish to know about, yes?" the Iudex asked. He then continued. "It would seem those creatures from below the sea have been imbued with dark energy and are wandering around in the wilderness."

The early adult could feel the water go down the wrong pipe as the Iudex informed him of the situation. Woofing out a cough, the soldier closed his eyes. What did he just say? The local legends of Fontaine were on the loose infused with dark energy? What could that have possibly meant? Coughs continuing as his throat tickled, his thoughts raced.

Words echoing through his mind once more, a sea of questions flowed through the hyena. The local legends, how could they have possibly escaped the sea? Had the abyssal gazelles done something again? He needed to put a stop to whatever it was they were trying to accomplish right away. Throat tickles continuing as the sea drowned him, inquires soon interrupted.

"Young man, are you alright?" the Iudex asked.

Punching his chest, the early adult nodded. Knowing he would have no choice but to deal with the local legends in the wrongful places, the chimera placed his hands in front of him. Signing he would take care of them, eyes were soon on him once more. Returning eye contact in kind, warnings flowed in like a river.

"Proceed with utmost caution," the Iudex warned. "Elphane informed me some were spotted in Marcotte Station. I recommend you head for Mount Esus East first and foremost."

Hearing the location of Mount Esus, the chimera's knees buckled. Some had been spotted within the hawk's territory? If he were to head over there, he would become the bird duo's next bounty, guaranteed. But, he supposed he had no choice in the matter. Perhaps, just maybe, they were not in the area.

Exiting the Iudex's office, the chimera staged his exit. Knowing he had to make haste and head for the hills right away, the chimera walked off towards the city's exit. Generic nobodies walking around outside clamoring about the Chiyoriya Boutiques brand new winter line, the early adult attempted to tune such chatter out.

Soon reaching the glass lift to exit the city, the chimera placed himself in the box. Field of grass soon upon him, the hyena slapped cheeks. Hawk chimeras, or not, he had to deal with the local legends. Stepping onto the field in front of him, the early adult would not falter. But, upon setting foot onto the open wilderness, oddities took full shape.

Large, pitch black octopus crawling around on land like it was a huge spider, the early adult's heart skipped more than four beats. Was that one of the local legends? Dark purple aura flowing through it, the hyena let out a gulp. Creature swiftly approaching, the young soldier backed four steps away.

Octopus swinging its tendrils forward like they were an executioner's sword, the early adult tossed down a flower acquaintance. Silk flower familiar brought to life by his Dendro Vision, the soldier attempted to provide silent commands to the plant. But, such had been an instant failure.

Black sea creature of darkness scooping up the Silk Flower in its limbs, the soldier's only line of elemental defense wilted away as it had been lunged forward. Creature slithering its way on back, the chimera gritted his teeth. Was Dendro useless here? Throwing down a Windwheel Aster coworker, the hyena attempted to test the waters.

Windwheel Aster defeated, as well, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed he was wasting his time attempting to make use of the elements. Sifting through his satchel, for a moment, the chimera looked for some sort of weapon to make use of. Bag empty with nothing but his diving suit and heist equipment, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the battlefield.

Knowing he had no choice but to transform, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Human hands soon become hyena claws, the hyena studied the eight legged sea beast's movements for a moment. Creature only moving towards the right, an invisible lightbulb appeared over the hyena's head.

Dashing off towards the left, the young soldier lunged forward. Hyena claws at the ready, the natural weapons had come crashing down upon the target. Slashing up a rainstorm, the early adult let out a battle cry. Fish looking about ready to become calamari at any given second, the soldier kept the momentum going.

Sticky, slimy limbs tying themselves up in knots, the soldier prepared to deal the final blow. Claws soon sinking in deep, the creature soon faded into the ether. First local legend become a local hasbin, the hyena brushed his claws together. Knowing more awaited him on the northern path, the chimera kept walking.

Easy street, however, soon flipped over to medium. Group of black octopi squirming towards him crackling like a rice treat in another universe, the chimera's eyes opened wide. These so called legends of Fontaine had the power of Electro? He was about to become tighter than a lightbulb.

Power of lightning and Archons in the eight legged aquatic creature's hands, the chimera's uniform sparked up a storm. Feeling his energy drain away as the storm upon him worsened, the early adult could feel the tickles of thunder break him apart. Onslaught continuing, the medium switch set itself to hard.

Octopi tucking their heads in, the creatures charged in like they were soldiers in war. Rocky craniums striking him a new one, the soldier froze in place. What were these monsters, from Liyue and Inazuma? Attempting with all his might to strike back, the early adult placed his claws in front of him.

Such counter strike failed before it could even begin. Static inviting itself onto his limbs, everything crackled. Becoming nothing but a sitting duck for minutes on end, electricity had become the soldier's only friend. Sea creatures pulling two aces from that battle deck, nothing was in the favor of the opposing party.

Tail popping out from behind him as the onslaught continued, the early adult attempted with all his might to shake off the world of static overthrowing him. Furry appendage behind him swishing with a fury, defenses kicked in after four attempts. Enemies becoming one with nature, the soldier moved forward onto the northeastern path.

The hard switch would soon tap over into lunatic mode. Octopi trio in front of him flipping themselves over, a barrage of bullets released from their rectum, the hyena attempted to make a run for it. But, such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Crosshair gifted to his chest, the game of bullets was ready and waiting.

Weapons drenching him for minutes on end, the early adult attempted to dodge the incoming projectiles. But, such had been a failure of spectaculars proportions. Group of aquatic creatures banding together, the sea only kept getting stronger. World in front of him invisible, the early adult sent his prayers to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship for an opening to strike back.

Sea monsters ascending upwards, the creatures soon linked their limbs together. Circle of friends within arm's length, the bullets swarmed once more. Every centimeter of his body rained down on, the soldier could feel his energy fade away. What was this battle, a bullet battle between young women with the powers of a shrine? He had to have been whisked away into a light novel book, or something.

Returning himself to reality, the hyena could feel himself begin to sway back and forth as metallic points plucked on him. Defeat ready to send him to another world, the last resort had begun to roll the dice. Tail out in front of him, the chimera prepared himself. Bullet barrage ready and waiting, the hyena's tail had become a boomerang.

Projectiles returned to sender, the early adult could feel his energy continue to fade away. Who in the world placed bullet inside octopi? What a cruel world it had been. Feeling his vitality take multiple hits as the soldier kept walking forward, his currently human legs had become spaghetti.

Multiple aquatic monsters slain as the beach slowly approached, a wave of caution flowed through the soldier. Any minute now, and he would be in hawk territory. The next target, the newest bounty. He knew, going forward, no matter what, he would have to proceed with utmost caution.

Pitch black crabs walking sideways on the beach, pinchers out and ready, the early adult placed himself in a battle stance. Swiping forward, retaliation had come the soldier's way. Monsters lowering their backs, an explosive gift had been presented to the hyena.

Dodging with all his remaining strength, the early adult sent the gifts back to their respective owners. Crustaceans returning themselves to the ocean bed adjacent to them, the early adult stumbled back towards the path in front of him. But, lightning soon struck twice.

Group of crabs attempting to loot some treasure, the early adult observed the objects in front of him. Strange ovular devices with the symbol of Hydro on them, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why were the creatures attempting to take such a thing? What use would they be to them?

Creatures dragging him up a sandy staircase, a puzzle awaited the soldier. Ring of water surrounding him as he had been pushed the early adult's claws hit the volumizers. First one towards the left of the staircase hit, the object moved towards an deactivated one. Second one soon activating, the puzzle continued.

Rest of the objects hit as each floated towards one another, a peculiar treasure chest appeared out of thin air. Low quality greatsword falling out of the trove, the hyena pocketed the spoils, for the time being. Spherical volumizers drenching the creatures aplenty, the path ahead was soon clear.

Collection of defeats reversing the tides as Mount Esus East neared, the early adult let out a deep huffed breath. How had so many sea creatures made their way on land? There was absolutely no way any of them were the true local legends. Fights continuing as the northern patrol continued, a reminder soon let itself in.

Spotting the hawk and falcon duo soaring the skies letting their arrows do the talking, caution bells rung in the hyena's partially human mind. The bounty hunters were on duty today, indeed. Any second now, he was going to be spotted. He needed to leave, run, move on to Marcotte Station.

Eyes of a hawk, indeed.

Wings zipping through the chilly sky, the soldier could feel his legs turn to stone. Arrow barrage taking his shoulders for a ride, the hyena waved the invisible white flag upon the battlefield. It was over, he had been spotted. Hawk rapidly approaching his location, the second flag soon waved.

Vagrant villain stepping into his territory once again, Robin swooped his talons downward. How dare this Fatui come through his hunting grounds again. When will he ever learn that he is not welcome here? It was time to give him a warning that would stick onto him like glue.

"Fatui, how dare you enter my territory!" Robin shouted. His fingers clutched his bowstring with a fervor. "Get out of here, or justice shall be served to your back!"

Threat coming the hyena's way, the soldier could feel his body turn to stone. Right, this was hawk territory. He was not welcome here. He had to get out of here as soon as possible. Local legends around in the mountains or not, he had to get away, or he would become the next bounty. Any second now.

"Hon, run," Raven said.

Sea of arrows coming his way, the chimera ran as fast as his legs would carry him. Dashing off towards the bridge in the corner, adrenaline sang the song of doom. Hopping across the broken passageway, the hyena kept going. Marcotte, yes, the station, it was time to deal with the local legends in the station. Surely, that was not the hawk's territory in any given way.

Catching his breath as he kept heading towards the east, the soldier looked over his instructions for a moment. List stating the local legends had been spotted west of Marcotte Station, the soldier wobbled backwards. They were seen west of the area? The truth was a world of half-baked mistakes served raw.

Continuing to run towards the station, the early adult huffed and puffed. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. Taking a moment to read through his notes once more, multiple names stuck out to the soldier. Paper enlisting the name Foggy Forest Path, the chimera tilted his head. A forest obscured by harsh weather? What was this, a mini Tsurumi Island? But, he knew he had to move forward, no matter what.

Moving onward towards the southern path, a peculiar encounter amongst the rest caught the hyena's attention. Hilichurls holding strange wands singing like mages in the open wilderness, a sea of confusion flowed through the hyena. These primitive creatures, had they been in the wrong body? They were not acting right, for sure.

Creatures of many peculiarities bringing down the magic of darkness, the soldier jumped towards the right and left. What in the world were these Hilichurls being powered by? He could not help but feel something had lead these creatures on the path to the world beneath Teyvat.

Sunny attacks taking the stage, the early adult let out a sigh. Taking out the claymore paperweight from his satchel, his weapon had become player two. Enemies staggering backward as the blade pulled on through, the soldier let out a battle cry. Creatures letting out a séance, the magic of darkness took its last stand.

Knocking the staff out of the monster's hands, the soldier struck his blade with a fervor. Hilichurls running off at the speed of sound, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Robed monsters soon taking back what was theirs, the early adult kept walking. But, his battle had only just begun as his southward walk continued.

Multiple monsters adorning the exact same staff weapons as previously spotted monsters, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. Were these monsters performing heists of their own? Had he fallen into a story about one thousand thieves? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. His imagination was running too wild. He was in reality right now, for sure.

Weapons of magic knocked out of the so called local legend's hands, the chimera swung the greatsword forward. Enemies turning to dust and ashes after thirty hits, the chimera kept heading upon the southern path. Forest getting closer, a dense atmosphere soon hit the air.

Finding himself in a forest of fog with a peculiar looking blue tree, the soldier broke out into a shiver. Area before him covered in a sea of red mist sweat poured down the soldier's brow. What was he, in some copy and pasted horror story referred to as a pasta? Absolutely ridiculous nonsense.

Creatures galore making their presence known in the area, the soldier let out a sigh. This forest was crawling with local legends. Land bound stingrays encasing themselves in water bubbles, the world of mist soon threw the soldier for a loop. Shells taking the stage, everything stagnated.

Figuring the only way to cleanse the local legends of their dark energy was to clear out the red mist, the soldier walked off towards the strange tree in the corner. Branches looking sickly, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Another tree had been plagued with a nature illness? Fontaine was falling apart, guaranteed.

Spotting the strange instruments in the corner of the forest, the soldier could not help but wonder, would solving the puzzle of the device clear out the red fog up above? He knew it was worth a shot. Recalling Aigre many days prior had combined soapy water bubbles and pushed it towards the center, the early adult prepared himself.

Discovering a device in the corner, the soldier pressed a button. Power of the octopus in his hands, the early adult pointed his index finger as if it were a pistol. Bubble combined with its watery twin, the chimera slapped his tail into the object. Only two of the four instruments hit, the bubbles reset themselves.

Attempting to aim carefully, the soldier tried once more. Instruments resounding as the second attempt succeeded, the bubbled up local legend soon became nothing but ashes. Moving towards the west, the puzzle repeated itself, for a moment. Misty branches in the corner gaining a second lift, the hyena tilted his head towards the sky.

Mist still as red as it was moments ago, the soldier shook his head. He supposed it would not be as easy as it looked to get rid of such phenomenon. Moving towards the next set of challenges, defeat overtook the stingrays of land. Creatures fading into nothing, the third and fourth round of puzzles took to the stage.

Mist still going strong, failure laughed at the hyena. Why was the fog still there? But, he supposed he still had some missions within the area to fulfill. Ray monsters flying off towards a strange rock, the soldier's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Reaching the next puzzle, questions flowed through the chimera.

Peculiar rock ball seating itself around a collection of explosives, the hyena blinked. What in the world was he looking at, exactly? Aquatic creatures pointing at a button, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. What in all of Teyvat was going on? Had Celestia flipped the friendly switch? Pressing the clicker, a message beamed across the sky.

Sky challenging him to get the stone ball through the hoops without triggering a single explosive, the hyena's heart had begun to pound out of his chest. He had to do what? There was absolutely no way something like that could even be possible. Attempting to aim the ball through the aquatic hoops, the chimera closed his eyes.

Failing the challenge more times than he had fingers to count, the early adult's eyebrows furrowed. There was absolutely no way this was possible. There was barely enough space between the rings and the explosives for the challenge to be doable. Whatever adventure guild employee put this here, they needed to lose their job, for sure.

Stingray local legend solving the puzzle on its own as the soldier attempted to move away, the hyena's jaw dropped straight open. What did he just witness? The sea creatures, did that wretched doctor place a human brain in them? The world of monsters and creatures was stranger than reality.

Multiple other ball challenges completed by the sea creatures, the hyena turned his head upward towards the sky once more. Red mist not bidding itself farewell, the early adult tilted his head. Why was the fog not clearing away? Perhaps, just maybe, defeating any remaining rogue monsters would do the trick.

Hostile dragons with black bodies defeated after hours of fighting, nothing had made any progress. Red mist remaining supreme, the soldier waved the invisible white flag once more. It was no use, the weather was not clearing. Perhaps, just maybe, it would clear out on its own.

Exiting the forest, the evening sky glared daggers at the hyena. Knowing he had to perform the heist in the Research Institute, the soldier walked towards the station. Throwing himself in a bush nearby, the chimera removed his temporary uniform. Quickly changed, the soldier rummaged through his satchel, for a moment.

Coming across scammy equipment labelled as the invisible potion, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. The Agent gave him something that would turn him invisible? He would believe it when he sees it. There was no way that sort of garbage ever worked. But, such had not been the only thing extra in his bag.

Coming across a small pocket mirror, the soldier held the reflection tool upward. Black masked figure of himself staring at the glass, the hyena adjusted the angle of the lens. Dark green leather dress with a lacy white skirt and black glove to match his face covering, a second eyeroll had been awarded to the version of himself in the mirror. He looked like a phantom thief from an Inazuman light novel; absolutely appalling.

Sneaking through the bushes as he continued heading through the pathways near the opera house, the soldier read over his heist instructions in a careful manner. Note stating he would be stealing prototype equipment from the laboratory in the southwest area towards within the region, the hyena's eyes fluttered. Was he reading that correctly? There was no way this was a good idea. Second line informing him to make the steal with a bang, the early adult did a quadruple take. He had to do what now? Make a bang? How was that stealing stealthily? Whoever wrote his instructions lived in a fantasy world.

Soon approaching the research institute after about an hour of walking, the hyena let out a groan as he sprayed the invisible potion over himself. Not becoming transparent in any possible way, the chimera pressed his claws against the scammy bottle. Sure, an invisible potion. It was just water, guaranteed. Whoever sold it was getting rich off liquid.

Knowing he would have to climb up the ceiling, the chimera prepared himself. Invisible or not, he knew he had no choice but to continue the heist. Spotting small robots crawling around the floor with their tiny mechanical baby feet, a wave of guilt flowed through the soldier. Should he really be taking these things? This was someone's hard work.

Recalling his notes told him to make a bang, the hyena rummaged through his satchel. Box of sparklers located, the chimera's heart skipped a beat. Who put explosives inside his bag? This was quite the opposite of performing a heist. Robots crawling around, the chimera hooked the suction cups onto his outfit. Sticky as a frog, the soldier attempted the crawl.

Body moving in ways he never knew could have been possible, the soldier gazed down at the machines from below him. Hook with rope embedded onto his backside, the soldier waited for the right moment to strike. Researchers all saying goodnight to one another as they left, not a single person looked upward.

Fonta machine dimming its lights as almost everyone left, the early adult readied the explosives. Firecracker letting its presence be known, the hyena could feel the heat overtake him. The explosive, it was warm, fiery, ready to blow. Letting the weapon loose, a boom radiated throughout the area.

Hearing a shout as the fire cracker burst into colorful flames upon the floor, the hyena attempted to have the hook drop him downward. But, the other explosives beside him soon let themselves out of the box as if they had a mind of their own. Colorful sparkler dropping itself down towards the machinery, a deafening sound overtook the area.

Frantic footsteps soon approaching, the soldier swore he could see a group of figures running around the area. Had some researchers stuck around instead of going home? This heist was about to go down the drain, for sure. Being told to make a bang before swiping the objects was a horrible wave of instructions.

"What's going on?!" a voice shouted. "Who brought explosives in here?!"

"Razzenfrezzen phalanges," another voice shouted. "Get rid of them!"

"On it!" another voice shouted.

People running onto the scene, a spark popped off in the hyena's brain. He had to strike now before he was caught. Readying to lower the rope, the early adult pressed the button on the back of the hook holding him downward, he needed to collect the robotic prototypes now, and make a break for it.

People running around the research institute hunting down explosives, the soldier remained in place. If he were to lower himself down onto the ground now, he would be caught in an instant. He could not allow for such an easy defeat. Waiting it out, the chimera remained in position.

Group of strangers looking ready to leave, the chimera attempted to lower the hook once more. But, such had been a failure. Strangers running towards him, a finger had soon been juxtaposed towards his direction. Caught purple handed, the heist frosted itself over as if he had returned to Snezhnaya.

"Okay, buddy, we all caught you," a voice said. "Get down."

Spotted before he could perform a single heist, the research institute phantom thief surrendered himself. Dropping himself back towards the ground, the hyena raised his hands up where everyone could see them. He had just failed the world's worst, least entertaining heist in the world. If he were the main character in a book, and people had been reading, they would have dropped off by now, for sure.

Multiple eyes glaring at him, a familiar face stuck out amongst the crowd. Spotting Rabiu in the corner with a look of fear on his face, the soldier could feel a weight crush him from up above. Were the robots he was attempting to steal his? Look of fear mixed with a look of deep despair, a second weight crushed the hyena. How could Her Majesty make him steal from a sensitive person? How awful. This heist needed to be cancelled.

Seeing the cute boy he met the past week in fancy getup, Rabiu's lip quivered. Was this guy trying to steal his hard work and make a run for it? Why would he do something like that? Looks could be so deceiving sometimes. Look of guilt on the man's face, he shook his head. He was adorable enough. He'll just forgive him for his attempt at thievery.

"Um, uh? You're attempting to rob our prototypes?" Rabiu asked. "Well, you're cute, so, I forgive you." But, another voice soon joined in.

"Well, I'm cute!" a girl exclaimed. "So, do you forgive me for telling you that you're adopted all the time?"

"...Um, no?" Rabiu responded, voice trailing off.

Group of three strangers looking at the soldier with sharp gazes, the soldier took a moment to observe the three new faces in front of him. Standing off towards the left with their hand on their chin had been a man with jackal ears that had been moderately taller than him. Long dark blue hair in a asymmetric bob with loose twisted curls coming down from the center going down to about his waist, the hyena turned his attention towards the stranger's face. Right face scarred and red as blood, the hyena could feel a wave of shock flow through him. Right eye completely closed, with only the left eye open, the chimera could not help but wonder. Had something happened to this man? Dark brown skin glowing against his dark red researcher uniform, the chimera turned his attention towards the next stranger.

Standing off towards the corner gazing at him with contempt had been an androgynous jackal eared person only slightly taller than him. Dark blue hair tied up in a huge bun knotted towards the right side of their head, the chimera turned his attention towards their eyes. Orange eyes matching the person next to him, it had come to the hyena immediately. These two were siblings. Colorful researcher outfit with coattails flowing on the cold draft, the hyena turned his attention towards the final stranger.

Turning his head towards the left, a young woman slightly taller than him with jackal ears and goggles zeroed in on the chimera's attention. The young lady had icy light blue hair that went down to about her waist pulled into two medium twintails. Orange eyes practically sparkling, the chimera could not help but wonder. Had this girl secretly been Loba and Aega's long lost triplet? The resemblance was uncanny. Aviation uniform upon her, the chimera ended his examination. But, as he had done so, a game of twenty questions fired off.

"So, like, why are you trying steal Robby's health robot prototypes?" Bun man asked.

"Folu, it's fine," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Um, I don't mind if he takes them."

"Oluchi, Sani, you hearing this?" Folu asked. "Robby's got the hots for a criminal! I knew it! He's definitely adopted!"

"I'm not adopted," Rabiu whimpered. "And, I like girls!"

"Sure, you do, bud," Folu responded. "How much more crooked is that ruler going to get before you finally admit it to yourself?"

Watching as Rabiu scooped up the health robots, the early adult could feel a wave of disdain towards the person proclaimed as Folu. Was this individual making fun of him and telling him he was adopted because he called him cute? How disgusting. What did one's attraction have anything to do with being related or adopted? Making a joke like that was not funny.

"Um, uh, please just take them," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Here." Robots in his hand, the placed them in the strangers.

Machines practically gifted to him like they were some sort of present, the chimera blinked. What an incredibly awkward exchange that was just now. But, he supposed he had come what he was here for in the first place. Pocketing the materials he was supposed to have heisted, the chimera walked back towards Marcotte station.

Ginger Fatui waiting for him at the station informing him his job is not done yet, the soldier had soon found himself escorted towards the capital city hotel. Brought into his temporary accommodation, the hyena let out a yawn. Everything soon removed, the world of tormenting dreams was ready to invite the chimera back in. But as he drifted off, one final thought took him away.

What was the point of this heist?


"Ah, this heist. It is pointless.
Look, Your Majesty, these are just prototypes. There is nothing of value to
Loot. You really do not need these.

Obviously, I cannot say that to her, she'll kill me.
For now, I have to keep going.

Today, I have been assigned yet another
Heist in the same area.
I cannot believe this, Your Majesty. Isn't
She always watching? She should have seen how terribly

I failed. Why is this
Still going? Please, you are wasting your time.

Just end this heist.
Unless these prototypes are worth
Something around two million Mora, I cannot
Think of why she wants me to do this.

Perhaps it is just a mere distraction
Of what is to come next.
I truly do not understand you, Your Majesty.
Not one bit.
To be honest, this will not go anywhere. I am going to
Lose. Get caught again.
Even if I succeed in this
Second heist, it won't mean anything.
So call it off. This is guilt inducing."

Upon waking up the next morning, a disturbing knock threatened to rip the hotel room door off the hinges. Removing himself from the bed and putting on his uniform, the soldier opened the entrance. Ginger hat wearing Fatui standing on the other end, his orders had soon come his way.

Fatui Elite informing him his heist would continue this evening, the hyena wished to bite the hand that fed him the information. He had to continue his career of stealing prototypes after last night's spectacular disaster? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. It was time to put up the hat on his phantom thief career. But, such had not been the end of his orders.

"Your subordinate requested I hand this off to you," the ginger Fatui said, handing him a thick red tome. "Go find some secret machinery."

Ginger Fatui informing him further to open up the book for the list of secrets, the elite soldier soon left the hotel. Knowing he had to get straight to work right away without any question, the hyena pulled back the cover. Gazing at the first page, however, a brief surprise blew up in his face.

"One robot, two robot, red robot, blue robot.

Can you find me? I'm hiding my secrets in a laboratory in the trenches down below," the first page of the note said.

The early adult's eyes twitched at the words on the paper. What was this, a book of riddles? Whoever wrote this had to have wanted to be as vague as possible. The trenches down below? That could have been anywhere within the Elton Trench, for sure. Reading over the clue again, an idea had come to the soldier.

The secret machine, could it have been located in the Research Institute of Natural Philosophy? Coming to such conclusion, the soldier snapped his fingers. That had to have been it. There was nothing else it could have been. Exiting the hotel room, the early adult readied to head off towards the Aquabus.

But, as the hyena took the ride towards the halfway point, another realization washed over him. Vidame and Domini, if they were to spot him down in the underwater world, they would be out for blood. But, he supposed, at this point, he had already been used to their attempts at violence towards him. If push were to come to show, he would just have him diving suit swim around them.

Reaching the halfway point, the early adult hopped off the ride. Deploying his wind glider, the chimera prepared himself to head for the beach. Sands approaching with every given step, the chimera seated himself by a house. Generic nobody outside holding some sort of protest for workers rights, the chimera held back the urge to stand with such person.

As the early adult attempted to put on his oxygen tank, a familiar face he did not have time to deal with soon came up on the beach. Spotting Aigre in the corner running around on the sands playing games with the icy sea cherub, the soldier readied himself to dive downward. He had no time to deal with any pirate shenanigans today. Eyes soon on him, obnoxious waves had come his way.

"Hi!!" Aigre exclaimed, waving. "Captain Vert has an adventure game! Do you wanna come?"

Shaking his head and waving goodbye, the soldier closed his eyes. Diving suit sinking up with his mind, the soldier jumped into the sea bed beneath him. Suit dropping him downward, the cold ocean awaited him once more. Water world greeting him, a quick wave of regret flowed through him. Maybe he should not have waved. Aigre's emotions were as fragile as glass.

Diving suit thrusting him forward, not a single voice stirred in the Elton Trench, not even a drowned mouse. Sea denizens oddly absent as he pushed through the area, the hyena could not help but feel a wave of unease. Where was everything? Why had the ocean become so lifeless? Someone wasn't right, for sure.

Continuing to push onward towards the underwater trenches, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. No fish anywhere to be seen, nor jellyfish or anything else, the hyena could feel a chill drop down his spine. Where had all the life gone? Had a shark come out of hiding at eaten all the fish? The food chain was a terrifying beast to behold.

Main body towards the Elton Trench cruising closer with every stroke, the soldier kept observing the area around him. Vidame and Domini nowhere to be seen as well, the chimera scratched his wet hair. Where could the penguin chimeras have gone? While their absence was freeing, something was not quite right.

Diving suit pushing him through the trench, the quietness of nothing swallowed the soldier whole. Where was everyone and everything? Surely, nothing bad had happened to push all the sea creatures away. Readying to head upon the northwest path, the thoughts continued to rumble for minutes on end.

Penguin siblings still nowhere to be seen, a wave of bewilderment nibbled on the soldier's ear. Vidame and Domini, could a monster have eaten them? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Why was he concerning himself over those two? They were nothing but unkind to him since he started getting missions underwater. He should not worry himself over them.

Moving towards the west, the soullessness of the oceans continued to swallow the hyena whole. Something had definitely happened since the black crystal incident, for sure. But, he supposed he did not have time to investigate such. He had to head for the natural philosophy institute right away.

But, as the hyena cruised through the Chemin de l'Espoir, a group of two familiar faces amongst the ocean of the dead stuck out to the soldier. Zinn and Peltro outside of Annapausis, the chimera's knees buckled. Had the frog and alligator chimera accidentally released their poisons into the water taking out all the life around him? But, the early adult perished such thought. Why did his mind jump there? There was no way that's what happened.

Party of two swimming towards him, the early adult took a deep breath, for a moment. Did they want something from him? He supposed, since it was just the three of them, whatever it might have been he could answer to their call before dropping down into the research institute.

"Yer in a lotta luck, the penguin's ain't here," Zinn said as they swam forward. "Where do ya have t' go, ribbit? They're probz comin' back soon. You should hurry, croak."

"Zinn, those two aren't coming back for awhile!" Peltro barked back. But, it shook its head. "Whatever. In awhile could mean an hour for them." He then turned towards Siorc. "Better hurry before they come back. They said they're making some 'anti loser forces' or something."

Knowing that Peltro was right, the hyena let out a sigh. Should he tell these two what he's about to do? He knew there was a possibility the penguins could come back right this second and tell him to get out of the Elton Trench immediately. Closing his eyes for a moment, the soldier let the words bleed out of his mouth.

"I have to go down to the Research Institute of Natural Philosophy," the hyena said out loud, voice barely audible. But, the two soon turned towards each other.

"Ya sure ya wanna hop on down there?" Zinn asked. "Somethin' weird got spotted recently, croak."

"And, how would you know that?" Peltro asked in an accusatory tone. "We're almost always locked away in Annapausis!"

"Trust me on this one, ribbit," Zinn barked back. "Let's take him down there."

Frog and alligator duo ceasing their usual arguments, Zinn soon led the way. Party of two swimming downward towards the deep bed of water down below, the soldier had the diving suit bring him downward, as well. Pushing through, not a single sea creature stirred near the research facility, either.

Moving forward as a sea of vines had been cut through, the soldier could not help but continue to wonder. Where could all the fish and other sea denizens have possibly gone? If he were to be told to come back here later on to investigate such phenomenon, he would definitely do so.

Zinn and Peltro soon putting nozzles over their mouths as the research institute approached, a surprise awaited the hyena as the party of three soon placed themselves within the abandoned laboratory deep underneath the sea. Bun haired man from the day prior flipping through the pages of a research tome, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What was this person doing here? Eyes soon on him, the book slammed shut.

"It's the thief. Hello?" Folu greeted in a questioning tone. "Why are you here, exactly?"

"I'm no thief, ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed. "We came here 'cuz of the robot." They then pointed at the robots clung onto the wall in the corner of the bookshelves.

"Not you? Him," Folu said, pointing at the hyena. "Doesn't matter, though. I came here to disarm them, but seems like they're gonna blow soon."

Robots removing themselves from the walls, and coming towards everyone, the hyena's eyes opened wide. Did the machines hear Folu say what they just said? The walls had ears, indeed. Creatures whirring up the gears turning inside them, the first of many oddities took the stage.

"Phew, these robots stink of the abyss," Folu said, plugging their nose. "Thiefy, frog and gator, fight alongside me so I can disarm them!"

"Gotcha, ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed. "Gimme just a sec!"

Zinn slamming their slimy frog hands upon the robot, the first of many mechanical causalities had been added to the list of no longer functioning robots. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just what kind of poisons were contained within the frog chimera's hands? He did not know, but whatever was contained within, they were definitely dangerous.

Folu mounting a ceremonial wrist knife onto his hand joints, the soldier closed his eyes as he whiffed a scent of flames. Folu wielded the element of Pyro? How terrifying. Hearing the sound of a machine becoming nothing but scrap metal, the chimera opened his eyes once more.

Peltro slamming his large, scaly tail into the enemy, the soldier prepared himself for the fight in front of him. There was no way he could allow everyone else to battle for him. He needed to throw his combat hat into the ring, as well. Low quality claymore soon removed, the chimera placed the fourth player token upon the ring.

Multiple robots soon slain, the early adult swore he could see a light engulf his satchel. Finding a light blue book beside the red riddle tome, the soldier tilted his head. When did this get here? List of secrets practically writing themselves on the pages, the chimera backed four steps away.

Book continuing to write itself as if it were one of the Research Institute's inventions, the chimera backed four steps further back. How was this book writing itself? Did it detect other books in the area and steal their words? But, the early adult shook his head. No way. It was just some gadget. He need not concern himself over such a thing. Business done within the area, the chimera opened up the red tome to the next page.

"Would you give a rat a cookie?

You have been to this location before. That's where my secrets are hiding," the second page said.

Reading over the note, the chimera did a triple take. Who wrote these riddles? It was most certainly not Her Majesty. What location had he been to before? He had been to thousands of places. But, the soldier narrowed it down to the word rat. Could such hint have meant Krysí?

Reading over the riddle again, the chimera placed his hand on his chin. Could it have been a location where had been with the rat and bobcat chimera? Thinking such over for a moment, one particular location sat in the soldier's mind. The smelting factory in the Liffey Region, that had to be it.

Exiting the underwater research institute, the soldier had his diving suit swiftly thrust him through the northeastern waterbed. The smelting factory, right, it could have only been that area. There was nowhere else that was considered a secret that it could have been. Cruising through Salacia Plain and the Submarine Canyon, the Liffey Region soon awaited him.

But, as he readied to move towards the sea unicorn domain, the soldier could see the underwater otter twins looking as lost as ever. Seeing such, the early adult shook his head. Had they forgotten what their jobs were again? They needed to start tying red strings on their fingers.

"Wait, what was I supposed to be doing again?" Huxian asked out loud. "I forgot."

"Beats me, Zack," Pixiu replied. "I forgot, too."

Otters being a lost cause, as usual, the soldier had the diving suit swim around them. These two, how were they always forgetting what their jobs were? But, he supposed not everyone's memory was healthy, so he should not blame them for how much they forgot. But, as he kept having the diving suit thrust him north, the otter duo straggled behind him.

"Wait. I remember now," Huxian said, swimming forward. "Right. We have to go to the factory." They then turned their attention towards the face they did not recognize. "Sir, where are you going?"

"Zack, he's probably heading where we are," Pixiu responded. But, they then hesitated. "Where are we going again?"

"My name is not Zack, and your name is not Monique," Huxian said, voice emotionless. "Right. The factory, that's where we're going." He then paused for a moment. "Ugh, great, and now, the Duke is going to tell us again, 'Zack, Monique, I thought I told you to go check to see how that factory was doing a few days ago. Why are you reporting back to me so late on this?' Fantastic." They then blinked in a rapid manner. "But, my name is not Zack. And your name is not Monique."

"It's fine, we'll just tell him we died for a bit and couldn't work," Pixiu suggested, but her ear had soon been yanked.

"Don't you remember what I told you two cycles ago? Don't ever--" Huxian started to say, but they were soon cut off.

"I know. Don't mention the death cycle thing," Pixiu responded, sighing.

Not hearing a single word of the otter's conversation, the soldier went ahead of the them. If they were about to forget once again that they were heading in the same place he was, he wasn't about to drop everything to help them this time. Soon locating the sea unicorn's abode, the chimera ran off towards the next exit.

Eventually reaching the secret area deep within the Liffey Region, a place of horror awaited the chimera. Robots exuding dark energy rolling around the secret smelting area, the chimera could feel a heavy wave of unease. How did these robots get down here? Something wasn't right.

Otter duo transforming themselves back into human form, the two soon had their crosses ready. Holy light bathing their weapons, multiple attacks from the gods had been bestowed upon the rogue robots moving throughout the factory. Party of two looking like they knew what they were doing, the soldier headed off towards the opposite end of the area.

Machine monsters quickly vanquished, the hyena took a deep breath. Blue book within the satchel glowing as the defeats kept on going, the soldier blinked. Had he found the secrets of the area? But, as he kept moving through the factory, a scream broke through the other side.

Large robot slamming its construction equipment down upon Pixu's currently human joints, the soldier's eyes opened wide. What just happened, why would the machine aim at such an easily vulnerable spot? Swings and a hit continuing, another scream broke as red juices dropped down from the otter woman's leg.

"My hip!" Pixiu screamed out in pain.

"I'll heal you," Huxian said. As he said such, he placed his cross upon his forehead. "Lady Focalors, please grant me the strength to heal my sister's injuries!"

Blinding holy light engulfing the area, the power of animals and god entered Huxian's cross. Water creature blasting water upon Pixiu's wounds, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. Did the otter brother just summon a sea critter? Whatever was contained in his cross was incredibly powerful.

Light of the archons destroying all the remaining robots, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. He supposed these two knew how to do their jobs after all. Every single rogue robot biting the dust, he supposed he had no reason to stick around within the factory for much longer. Opening up the book onto the third page, another annoying riddle awaited him.

"Betrayal doesn't know my name!

For you have not been here. Will you be able to locate me? My secrets are hiding south of the research institute! Splish, splash, sploosh!"

The early adult almost ripped out the sheet of paper and crumpled it up. What in the world was this riddle? Who wrote this? Where could he have not possibly gone? The secrets were hiding south of the research institute? Studying the riddle for a moment, the chimera focused on the location.

Note clearly stating it had been south of the research institute, the early adult came back upwards towards the surface. The chimera had begun heading off towards the southeastern direction. But, as he had done so, a sea of questions had flowed through him. Just what was going on? Nothing was making any sort of sense.

Walking past the Marcotte Station and heading north, the soldier moved through the mountains for a small period of time. But, as he kept moving forward towards the southern ends of the research institute, the early adult's mind wandered. Why did Her Majesty want him to locate secrets for?

Eventually coming across a small body of water beside a decaying pillar, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Had he found the secret ruins? Surely, this had to have been it. Diving suit thrusting him forward, a small seabed and eroded wood awaited him. Automatically thrusted downward, a cave awaited him.

Hopping across the damp areas as he kept going, a large abandoned factory with multiple devices in the area floating underneath some sort of cyan spherical object, the soldier tilted his head. This was the secret room Her Majesty wanted him to find? There was nothing here of value, for sure. But, he knew he had to press onward and look for a clue.

As the early adult headed through the strange factory. Two of the new faces he saw the day prior stuck out to the hyena. Spotting Sani around the corner playing around with mechanisms, the chimera placed his fingers on his chin. Had he found himself in one of his research labs? Maybe he should just leave. But, such was not the end of the line.

Spotting a huge mechanical monster sealed off by some sort of energy looking ready to break out of its imprisonment, the soldier could feel his heart skip two beats. Party of one solving multiple puzzles together around the area, his heart skipped another beat. What were these two doing, were they trying to unleash a monster?

As the soldier kept studying the two, however, the soldier could see the singular eyed man struggling to keep up with a few of the puzzle solutions. Watching as the two rotated mechanisms, the hyena rolled up his sleeves. Maybe he should lend a hand, for a moment.

Multiple mechanisms in the incorrect positions, the soldier let out a sigh. Rotating them towards the correct position, a light soon shown upon the cyan sphere in the corner. Everything done after another hour, eyes were soon on the hyena once again for what felt like the thousandth time in the past few months.

"You're pretty good at solving puzzles for some silly thief," Sani said, laughing. "But, I'd get going if I were you. I heard some pretty nasty explosion go off somewhere. Sounded like it might have been at the trench."

Hearing Sani laugh a bit, the hyena gave the man a glare. Was he joking about an explosion? Why was he poking fun at a time like this? Was he a one eyed, two eared, nonflying blue people eater? He didn't have time for funny business. If this person was playing around, he would not stand for it. Putting his hands in front of him, the soldier signed do not play around on private display. But, an answer had come his way immediately.

"Playing around? Why, absolutely not!" Sani exclaimed, hand on his chest. "I am doing no such thing, Sir Thiefal the First. There really was an explosion. I bet even my sister heard it."

Sani soon tripling down on he would never make a joke about something as serious as an explosion, the soldier was off to the races. Sprinting back towards the beach and dropping himself downward towards the trench, a sight of horror awaited the chimera. Robotic fish exuding sinister energy, Zinn and Peltro swam towards him.

"Oh, good, soldier, ya hopped on back!" Zinn exclaimed. "After ya left, these robot things started pollutin' the oceans. Ya gotta help us break 'em before the penguins come back!"

"And whose fault do you think that put us in this mess, Zinn?" Peltro asked, annoyed. "You did! You had to press that secret button when that jackal person told you not to!"

"Yer kidding?! Are ya still blamin' me fer that?" Zinn fired back. "That jackal bumped inta me, are ya sure yer eyes are workin' properly, ribbit?"

"They are so working properly!" Peltro bit back. "I saw you touch it with sparkling eyes!"

Frog and alligator duo arguing as always, the soldier let out a groan. Did these two ever think fighting was not going to solve anything? These two were definitely going to win the award for siblings who got along the least. Covering his ears for minutes, the cacophony soon died down.

"Whatevs, believe whatcha want to believe," Zinn said, crossing their frog arms across their frog body. "Yer disturbing soldier boy over here. C'mon, we gotta stamp out them vermin, croak!"

World soon growing dark as a light engulfed the chimera, the sound of mechanical fish robots becoming nothing but scrap metal took over the area. Vision returning to him after a short while, the soldier swore he could see Zinn adorning a different body for a split second.

Jellyfish bomb slowly making work of the final robotic fish monsters, the early adult returned to the surface world. Hours passing by, the early adult swore he could hear someone stick something onto the back of his diving equipment as he returned to the beach.

Finding a note attached to his hip, the soldier read the paper left for him. Note in fancy writing telling him he must go off to some workshop for his next heist, the soldier sighed. Right. He had to become a terrible phantom thief with no skills whatsoever again. It was time to get such over with again.

Note stating the workshop was southeast of the hidden abandoned factory, the hyena slipped on his phantom thief attire. Eventually coming across the cave entrance, the early adult once again attempt to drink the forbidden fruit of the invisibility potion. Transparency never coming, the chimera prepared himself to storm the front.

Finding himself in a room with cages and an elevator leading to a bottom floor and pipe vents all over the place, the chimera clung himself to a wall. Note stating he would have to collect prototype metallic wind gliders, the chimera could hardly believe his eyes. Steal what now? Why would Her Majesty even want such a thing?

Spotting the mechanical wind gliders besides an Airtime Roger prototype, the soldier readied himself to snatch up the research. But, as he readied to lower the hook towards the spoils, booted footsteps overtook the area. Hands almost on the object in question, the young goggle wearing woman killed the moment.

"Why are you trying to steal for cute little me?" Oluchi asked, gasping in an exaggerated tone. "Don't take my precious research!" She let a fake, obviously acted cry. She then smirked. "Oh, I know! Take Rabiu's health robots. Hehee, he won't even know I took them, so I'll give them to you!"

Oluchi handing him her brother's stolen robots, the soldier let out a sigh. Why would she do something like this? Did she have something against her brother? Whatever it was that she had out for him, he did not wish to know. It was absolutely no business of his what kind of sour relationship these two had with one another. But, as he took the robots, she soon moved her hand.

"Okay, actually, I change my mind!" Oluchi exclaimed. She then moved towards her wind glider experiments. "Here. You can have the broken one!"

Oluchi soon handing him a broken wind glider prototype, the chimera shook his head. What in the world was he supposed to do with a broken one? Her Majesty would be very disappointed in him. But, maybe he could glue it back together so it would be repaired. He supposed it was worth the shot.

Barely pulled off heist finished, the soldier headed back towards the capital city of Fontaine. Ginger Fatui telling him his work isn't done yet, the chimera returned to his hotel room. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, the soldier's eyes closed as soon as he hit the pillow. But as the dream world was calling him back in, one final thought tossed a pebble around in the chimera's fading human brain.

What was even the point in this heist?


"There's monsters everywhere again.
How come this keeps happening?
I'm starting to suspect something.
Something isn't adding up.

I'm certain something is wrong here.
Something is off.

So many monsters today.
There is something wrong.
Really, I just can't shake off this feeling.
And it's bothering me aplenty.
No. I have to keep
Going. I can't let this get to me.
Even if it's a lot, keep fighting."

Upon waking up the next morning, the Ginger Fatui informed Siorc the final heist would take place within the den of the gear monster. But, such had not been the only news. Told he would have to stamp out vermin before taking on the heist, a realization had washed over the chimera. Right, the Agent told him to take care of any hostile monsters. Right, he could not escape such fate of his orders.

First order of business listed as Mount Esus, the soldier gulped. He had to head for hawk territory again? He was about to get arrows onto his backside, guaranteed. He needed to avoid a confrontation with the bird couple at all costs. Exiting the hotel, the chimera headed towards the backside of the city.

Black crystal dragons awaiting the soldier as he cruised through the areas north of the Court of Fontaine, multiple enemies had been destroyed slowly one after another. Army of vermin overtaking the area as he kept moving forward, a sea of questions flowed through the soldier. Where did these monsters come from all of the sudden? Something was terribly wrong.

Some monsters attempting to fight back, the soldier unsheathed the lower quality claymore from his satchel. Crystal dragon monsters slain, the chimera's body had begun to shake. Were the monsters minerals taking a toll on him? But, he knew he had to keep going. The choice was not his.

Robin and Raven nowhere to be seen around the mountains, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. Had they taken their territory elsewhere today? If such were the case, he was in luck today, for sure. Perhaps, just maybe he would not run into either of them. Final set of crystal monsters within the area eliminated, the chimera hopped across the bridge.

Spotting larger than normal lizards breathing black fire on the bridge, the early adult let out a yelp. Where did these creatures come from? Kicking the creatures towards the ocean, the vermin had soon been taken care of. List soon informing him to go back towards the workshop in the research institute, a long trip northeast had been upon the chimera.

Terrifying, black fire breathing lizard defeated one after another, the soldier kept the momentum going. Where did these reptiles come from all of a sudden? Final reptile shouting he should join the abyss, a switch clicked inside him. He sees now. He knows perfectly well who had been behind all this.

Returning towards the new research facility, robots one after another had begun to turn towards their creators. Pitiful claymore doing the honors for hundreds of strikes, the soldier broke out into a pant as another message from the abyss let itself be known. Why were all these monsters telling him to join the world underneath Teyvat? He would do no such thing.

Soon reaching the central laboratory ruins robots with abilities far stronger than the previous ones overtook the chimera's vitality. Electricity zapping him aplenty, the soldier could feel his energy fall towards the ground. The power of static was the most powerful demotivator in history.

Multiple rounds of failure coming the soldier's way, the early adult attempted to get it together. He had to stamp the vermin out, no questions asked. Rogue machinery going down after thirty strikes, Everything reversed into the chimera's favor. But, as he headed towards southern ruins, another obstacle took up the area.

Mechanical enemy telling to submit himself to the abyss, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. How many recruit attempts did this make at this point? Their tactics would not work on him. Further mechanical creatures in the area decimated, a peculiar sight to behold took over as the soldier reached the southern mountains.

Spotting the four researcher jackals near a machine monster and an oddly dancing Hilichurl, the soldier attempted to avert the group's gaze. Were they studying monster movements? Maybe he should get out of their way. But hostilities soon pressed the button upon the ground beneath him.

"Um, I think this robot will come alive any second now," Rabiu said, voice shaking.

"Hehe, really? What do you know?" Oluchi asked.

"...Um, you know I am a robotics researcher, Oluchi," Rabiu responded, sighing.

"I never know what you're thinking 'cause you're adopted!" Oluchi fired back.

Hearing Rabiu saying he's not adopted he came out of the same birth canal she did, just ten minutes after, the early adult covered his ears. Whatever these four were talking about was no business of his. But Folu soon moved his arms off his eardrums. Bun haired individual whispering for him to just listen, he soon placed himself in the foul play.

"I don't sense anything!" Folu exclaimed.

"He's silly," Sani said, shaking his head. "Robby, come on, stop making stuff up."

"I'm not making it up, it's about to wake up, really," Rabiu said, lowering his head as he said such.

Rabiu soon hiding behind him, the soldier let the man cover from his backside. Why was this entire family picking on this poor jackal? They needed to leave him alone and stop being so cruel to him. Acting as his shield, for a moment as the minutes paraded out, the sound of a machine turning on clicked a button upward.

Ruin Guard completely blue as it moved towards the jackal siblings, the soldier let out a sigh. The machine monster had activated after all. Every single one of the trio should apologize to Rabiu right away, but no such apologies came. Creature blasting down energy, a scream soon graced the area again.

"He'd better not mess with my hair, I brushed through it one hundred times while getting ready this morning to look extra cute today!" Oluchi screamed.

"You can talk about that later!" Sani shouted. "We have to fight now!"

Ruin Guard stomping down on the ground, the party of four in front of him equipped their weapons. Mounted wrist knife upon Folu's joint, ceremonial club in Sani's hand, shield and dagger combination in Rabiu's and dual wielded axes in Oluchi's palms, the fight soon brought about elemental destruction.

Folu combining his wrist mounted knife with the horrifying element of pyro, Sani's club had soon been infused with the power of wind. Seeing the power of the seven infused into their blade and mace, the chimera blinked. Not seeing a vision on their person, the chimera wondered. Were these people wielding delusions instead?

But, the soldier shook his head. There was no way. Perhaps, just maybe, they were hiding their visions somewhere. Rabiu soon launching forward with rocky dagger attacks, electrified axes had been thrown onto the enemies. Everything letting out battle cries as they kept on going, the soldier attempted to throw down a flower coworker towards the electro axes.

Silk Flower familiar dropping down its vines, attacks looped on repeat for hours on end. Awakened monster soon returning to its permanent eternal struggle, the soldier exited he area. Not noticing anything else listed for his vermin stamp out activities. The chimera had begun patrolling the area for an entire nine-to-five period.

Evening soon creeping up on him, the ginger Fatui soon returned. Telling him to head to the gear monster domain now, he had to perform one last heist, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Why did he still have to perform these? H was a terrible phantom thief. But, surely, t his would truly be the last day.

But, as the early adult reached the area of the gear monster where his heist was supposed to begin, such action was immediately cancelled as the jackal quartet gazed at hooded strangers, sitting in a pretzel formation next to the prototype monster creature. Eyes soon turning towards him, all hoods were off. Deep smirks on their faces, they soon stood to their feet.

"Hi, he miss you?" Kelebek asked. "Here's a present!"

"You destroyed all our hard work!" Izzet exclaimed. "So, have fun with our last present to you!"

Gear monster coming alive, the creature soon hopped up from the ground. Feeling himself floating the early adult could not move himself back towards the enemy. The abyssal gazelles, what did they just do? Did they make the prototype creature's abilities stronger?

Trying with all his might to attack the gear monster, the soldier kept floating backwards. What was going on? Why had he been unable to break free from this floating prison? The hooded strangers, did they do something to make the wind strong enough to blow him away?

Machine hopping again, the chimera had been lifted further away. But, as he kept on floating off, Rabiu slammed his fists together. Power of the rock brewing inside him, his fists soon did the talking. Machine monster punched like he was fighting back a bully, the soldier had soon been lowered to the ground.

"Those two people messing with you, they reversed the parallels of gravity," Rabiu said with very little confidence in his voice. "But, um I used Geomancy to fix it. I won't let them hurt you while I'm around."

"Could the ruler be any more bent?" Folu asked.

"Folu, now's not the time for your silly jokes!" Sani exclaimed. "We have to fight the monster before it makes places beyond this room a floating nightmare!"

"Fine, I concede," Folu fired back. "Let's fight this thing!"

Attempting to swing his temporary claymore, the soldier let out a battle cry. But, such quickly had been an issue. Gear monster jumping once more, the greatsword and the gravity around him removed itself from underneath the chimera's feet. Hearing the abyssal gazelle's laughing from afar his weapon and his shoulder soon shook hands with one another.

Claymore on the air making quick work of the soldier, the hyena teetered back and forth. The gear monster, did it have the power to hijack weapons? He was in trouble now. Attempting to regain his strength as Rabiu unleashed his powers of Geo once more, multiple attacks decimated the soldier into fuzziness. But, someone soon pushed himself.

"Step aside, thiefy mc thieferson, let Oluchi give this robot a tiny little zap!" Oluchi shouted at the top of her lungs.

Electricity overtaking the enemy, the gear monster had soon been scrap metal waiting to be collected. Feeling himself ready to blink out of existence, the chimera groaned. Why was he so useless over the past three days? He had failed all three heists, the jackals took over the battle. He was barely the soldier Her Majesty should considered a favorite. But, his fading thoughts soon faded as a punch had been whirled up towards the gazelles laughing in the corner.

"You're those people targeting him," Rabiu said, pointing towards Siorc. "Take this!"

Rabiu grabbing a hold of some hand hook machine, the abyssal gazelle's and the room's walls introduced themselves to one another. Mechanical limb punching the two for minutes on end, the soldier blinked as everything felt like it was fading away. Did Rabiu just get mad? No, he had to have been imagining it. He was seeing things.

"Just he waits, meddler, you have something fun planned!" Kelebek exclaimed, pointing.

Abyssal gazelles soon gone, the world of fuzz soon overtook the chimera. Feeling himself fall backwards, the chimera's backside soon hit the pavement. World going black, the hyena closed his eyes. Unconsciousness taking him away, the world had fallen silent, dark, empty.

Coming to half an hour later, only Rabiu remained. Look of heavy concern on his face, the soldier sat himself upward. What happened, why was he lying on pavement? But, it all came back to him in an instant. Right, he had been tossed around a battlefield with messed with gravity. He supposed shock decided to be make him their next victim.

"Um, are you alright?" Rabiu asked, concerned turn of voice. "You fainted."

Mind coming back to him, the soldier nodded. How could he allow himself to defeated by the changes of gravity so easily? He was the weakest link today, Her Majesty would be disappointed in him, guaranteed. Rabiu soon shaking his head, he spoke once more.

"Please, be more careful," Rabiu said, words shaking. "Um, don't push yourself too hard." He then turned around. "Uh, um, sorry, I have to go. Need to research this phenomenon. If I see those people again. I'll uh, um, hit them good. I promise."

Rabiu soon leaving, the soldier blinked. Was he blushing, or was he just imagining it? But, as his thoughts collected themselves, the Ginger Fatui stepped in. Demanding he hand over his satchel, the soldier let out a sigh. Didn't any soldier know the word please? Elite soldier sifting through his back, she soon nodded.

"Perfect, everything is here," the elite Fatui said. "Go on home now. I'll pass the word along to your subordinate."

Fatui giving him his dismissal, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military Barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the soldier walked through the icy cold hallways. Soundproof room reached after fifteen minutes of walking, the chimera let out a yawn.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed, as well, and glasses put away, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. World of tormented dreams calling him back in, one last thought of doom wrapped vines around the soldier.

What were the abyssal gazelles planning now?

Chapter 16: Sudden Floods in Mondstadt and Liyue, Vacation Ruined


This is a branch off that occurs between Research Institute Phantom Thief and Magic Act 3. In this section, Siorc has a sudden vacation that's ruined by a flood fiasco. Feat: Yinlong, Konig, Regina, Prinz, Hollander, Savon, Eau, Krysi, Rys, Kelebek, Izzet, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Razor, Diluc, Venti, Diona, Zhongli, Eula, Bennett, Fischl, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Hu Tao, Xiao and Shenhe. + Generics galore.


A rare Liyue chapter ig

Chapter Text

"That came out of nowhere.
How come my work days are cancelled?
I don't get it. It's all
So sudden.

Very much so. I didn't
Anticipate this.
Cannot help but feel
A plan is about
To be afoot.
I don't understand why are my
Orders suddenly
No more?

It's quite strange.

Don't know what to do know that my
Orders are rescinded.

Now I have three days
Off randomly, for me indiscernible reason.
This note, I just

Know the Agent wrote it.
Nothing about this screams Her Majesty.
Oh, no. Is this a trap?
Why am I jumping to such conclusion.

I'm sure something just happened
That prevents my work from happening.

For now, I have got nothing. Not
Even an idea. Not
Even an inkling.
Looks like I
Should try to think of something, but I

Know of nothing.
I cannot even think of my last day off.
No, I cannot. It's been that long.
Don't remember, I don't recall.

Obviously, as a member of the
Fatui, breaks are rare.

Cannot recall any times
At all in recent memory I haven't been working.
Looks like this wasn't planned, either.
Cancellation out of nowhere.
Unless this is a trap.
Looks like it could be.
All and all,
There is nothing coming to me. I'm
Empty. When was my last time away from

Some time when I went to Sumeru?
Unless I am mistaken.
Do not recall.
Don't have the memory.
Everything from that time loop
Now blends together.

Can't recall
Anything at all specific.
Now, I suppose that doesn't matter.
Cannot really be bothered.
Especially now,
Looks like this isn't a trap,
Looks like I'm overthinking.
Ah, but even so,
There is nothing
I can truly think
Of doing.
Now that I have been working almost nonstop for all

These months, my brain is
Hard wired.
It is on the workday life every
Single day.

Just one day and my rhythm
Undoes itself.
So, I am blank, a
Thin sheet of empty paper.

I guess I could try asking the panda chimera, but
Something tells me will

Not know what to do, either.
Oh, well, it is definitely worth a
Try. Yínlóng, is there

Anything you want to
Do? I suppose I'll go ask him.
Down to Yaoguang Shoal
I go. Surely, they have something.
No matter if they do or do not,
Guess we can think

Up something together,
Perhaps two minds brainstorming

For something to do will
Open up the possibilities.
Right, so get thinking,

Make something work.
Even if I come up empty. Something anything. Time to get moving."

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked with a deafening explosion. As the alarm bells kept blaring their cacophonous sirens, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in protest for minutes on end. The alarm bells were right on time, as usual. But despite such complaints roaring about, every soldier remained loyal.

The protests in unison were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells under any circ*mstances, the early adult rose from the uncomfortable bed. Knowing that time was running out, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the chimera put on his uniform, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could possibly be awaiting him today? Whatever could possibly be in store for him today, he had no idea what such could have been. His work days were getting far more difficult to predict, as of recent.

Buttons in the correct holes, the soldier removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching black hearts adorned his hair and ears. Turning his attention to the door, for a moment, a repeat question hit the walls. What could possibly await him today? He knew anything could have been possible.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the Geo Delusion soon glared daggers at the soldier. Gazing back, the chimera soon wondered. The delusional orb, should he make use of it today? But, the hyena shook his head. It's not time to make use of Her Majesty's gift yet. Pushing the object aside, the work mode switch flipped upward.

Placing his heelless shoes over his currently human feet, the chimera stared at the barricaded window. Her Majesty, just what could she be planning, lately? But, the hyena snapped himself out of such thinking. Why is he thinking about such things? Whatever she had planned, it was no business of his.

As the soldier bit into his flavorless rations, the hyena let out a sigh. He supposed, whatever awaited him today, he had to be ready for anything. His orders were absolute. No matter what they were to be, he had no choice but to follow them. Gruel travelling down his esophagus, energy took the stage. Flavorless food of nothing soon devoured, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. Any minute now, and the Agent would relay his orders to him.

But, no such footsteps ever came. Noise reduced to zero, as well, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Did he wake up late or slightly early today? Not a sound stirring within the military barracks, a wave of heavy unease flowed through the chimera.

The soldier walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. If he had awoken too late, Her Majesty would kill him, for sure. But, he supposed such had not been the case. There was no way he had been tardy today. He had heard the soldier's various complaints. He had been on time, guaranteed.

Continuing his circle about, the soldier stared at the barricaded window. Perhaps, just maybe, the Agent was running late. The blizzard, it had to have been in the middle stages by now. Surely, anyone would have delayed movement in such weather. Silence looping on repeat, the chimera swore the wood would rot underneath him.

Still not hearing any footsteps, the hyena's eyebrows twitch. Surely, the Agent was coming today. There had to be someone, anyone, coming to relay his orders to him. Halting his circle about, the chimera peeked his head through the door. But, upon stepping outside, something of peculiar proportions awaited him.

On his door, had been a note. Sheet of paper written in messy, barely legible Snezhnayan writing, the chimera tilted his head at the strange leaflet taped to his entranceway. Who could have possibly written this? Whoever had done so, it was most certainly not Her Majesty. Placing the object of Dendro creation in his hands, the soldier read it over in a careful manner.

"Your workday has hereby been cancelled.

Take a three day vacation, soldier," the note in sloppy Snezhnayan writing had said.

A wave of heavy bewilderment flowed through the chimera as he read through the note a second time. Did the Agent write this? If he wrote this, there had to be twenty two catches. His workday was cancelled? There was no way that was true. This had to have been some sort of code word. Flipping the paper over to its backside, the early adult looked with all his might for smudged writing that could have been his true orders.

Not finding any writing on the backside of the paper, the chimera scratched the side of his head, for a moment. The sheet was behind was blank. There were no words, nothing, emptiness upon the paper void. Stepping back inside his room, the chimera's circle about resumed.

As the chimera paced about, the soldier stared at the steel walls. A sudden vacation. No work for seventy-two hours. What in the world should he do with this sudden controlled freedom? Look for Hase around Fontaine? But, the hyena threw such thought away. No, there was no reason to search for her his one member search party was on hold.

Continuing his circle about, the soldier kept pondering. Where should he even go? He could not recall any time where his workday had been cancelled for the next three days over. Continuing to think of what to do, static ate the chimera up like a bowl of hot borsch. Nothing coming to him for minutes on end, choice paralysis threw the soldier off a ledge. But, as the nonexistent clock ticked towards the thirty minute mark, a thought popped into the chimera's fading human mind.

The panda chimera. Surely, just maybe, there was something he would want to do. Maybe, it would be best to give the beach a quick visit. Resolute on his decision, the soldier removed the Teleport Waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Pressing the four pointed star in the corner, the early adult tapped the Liyue section of the map. Highlighting the Yaoguang Shoal Waypoint, the hyena closed his eyes as the escort towards Liyue began.

Would Yínlóng have anything in mind? He sure hoped so.


"How unprepared could everyone be? Upon
Opening the door to the Favonius Library today, the
Woman who runs it

Told me, 'hey there, cutie,
I would go on home, if I were you there's a
Really big storm coming. First time I'm
Even hearing this. There is a
Storm coming?
Of what kind? Preposterous.
My students await.
Eh, I will just work on my lesson plan.

And that's that. However, the head librarian,

She tells me everyone is going
To be receiving some sort
Of supply delivery.
Really? Why do I have to be there?
My job is far more

Important than some
Storm that may not even happen.

Could this be any more
Of a hindrance?
Maybe if I protest,
I shall be able to modify my lesson plan, but
No. My accursed older brother has to
Grovel on in.

So, I must give up
On doing anything involving
Modifying my lesson plan.
Everyone is so ill

Prepared for this so call storm.
Every single, person, knight, everyone.
Oh, brother, even him.
Perhaps it may have juts been sudden. Now, he's
Looking right at me.
Eyeing me.

Ah, well, no matter.
Right, here he goes. Ready to knock my
Ears off. 'Prinz, why are

Standing around here? Didn't you hear me?
Our nation has a storm

Coming! We're going back to Dragonspine to
Ready for the incoming disaster!'
Ugh, lower your voice. This is a library.
Do you ever think before you speak? How crude.
Even so, I stand my ground. 'You should have

Prepared a lot sooner,' I
Eyes on me.
Perhaps I am too smart for him.
And he proceeds to tell me. 'Don't get smart with me, young man," my brother
Replied. What are you, father?
Everyone should have prepared for this so called

Brutal disaster if
Every single knight knew about
The impending doom.
Though, it seem it was a sudden coming, reported in a dream?
Everyone is being quite illogical. Get with
Reality; dreams are fabricated. But I am hauled out of this library, forced to comply. Oh, well, here goes."

Upon reaching Yaoguang Shoal through the teleport waypoint, a deep silence flowed through the area. Nothing but waves crashing on the beach, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Was the panda chimera not here? Perhaps, just maybe, he was further in.

Stepping foot upon the sands, the chimera had begun walking. Hearing nothing but monsters running around on the sands, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Why hadn't anyone been here? How incredibly unusual. But, he supposed it was still early. Surely, if he kept going he would find someone.

Moving straight upon the pathway, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Hilichurls doing their usual dances, and Slimes hopping about in silence, the hyena attempted with all his might to avoid the monster's gaze. He was unarmed. It was best to be away from their gaze at all costs.

Veering off towards the left, the early adult gazed at the ocean. Could the panda have been at the other side of the beach by now? Maybe such had been the case. Sauntering onward, the chimera kept his eyes open. Surely, if he kept on moving forward, paths would cross.

But, as the soldier kept going, silence continued to loop on repeat. Monsters soon vanishing, and world around him crawling to a halt, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Had he come to the beach too early today? Surely, that had to have been the case. Sand crunching beneath his feet as he kept going, defeat had begun to hug the early adult from behind.

Coming up empty as minutes raced onward towards the hour mark, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could the panda chimera be at Bishui Plains being lazy right about now? Maybe he had made a mistake coming all the way to the beach. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. It was far too soon to give up.

Minutes ticking away, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could they have been further ahead in places he rarely looked? The soldier supposed such could have been a possibility at his constantly transforming hands. Continuing to move forward, the hyena kept moving along.

As the soldier moved through the lesser areas of the sands, silence continued to loop on repeat. Reaching the edge of the beach, the chimera let out a huff. Maybe he was wasting his time looking. If the panda was not here, it was no use pressing onward. Turning back around, the chimera waved the white flag upon the sandy battlefield. Maybe it was best to return to Snezhnaya.

But, as the hyena returned back towards the entrance of the shoal, the face of the hour soon presented itself to the crowd of no one. Spotting Yínlóng in his work uniform, the soldier tilted his head. Was the panda chimera working? Why was he coming to the beach, if so? But, he knew none of such was his business whatsoever.

Spotting Siorc walking around the beach from afar as they approached the shoal, a tired smile appeared on Yínlóng's face. Had he been waiting for them? It had been quite awhile since they had seen him last. Perhaps, just maybe, asking him if he were here to see him would not hurt.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "Were you looking for me? Sorry, Siorc, I have work today. I just came here to eat before I go." He then removed a small amount of food from his back pocket, wrapped up in metallic paper. "Would you like some Mora Meat?"

Hearing Yínlóng's words, a wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. The panda had work this early in the day? He did not know why, but something about that felt rather unusual. But, he knew his work schedule was absolutely no business of his. Not everyone worked at the same time every minute of every hour.

Panda chimera mentioning Mora Meat, the soldier off duty shook his head. Take his food away from him? Absolutely not. He couldn't do such a thing to him. Placing his hand in front of his face in a flat o-shape, the soldier tapped his fingers onto his mouth. Word eat signed on public display, the early adult soon placed his hands out in front of him. Pushing them outward past his shoulders, he looked Yínlóng in the eyes.

Watching Siorc's hands carefully, Yínlóng scratched his head slowly. Was he saying he ate already? They did not know why, but his hand movements felt kind of fast, for a moment. But, he knew if he did not want any, it was best to not make him uncomfortable.

"Alright, but let me know if you want to split," Yínlóng responded, words slow. "I'll give you half."

Yínlóng seating himself besides the waves as he had begun to chow down on a meat bun, the soldier gazed at the panda chimera. If he were working today, perhaps, just maybe, he should go back to Snezhnaya, or head somewhere else for the day. If he were on the job, it was best to not disturb him.

But, curiosity soon possessed the soldier like a ghost on Wuwang Hill. Just what kind of job did he have today? He could not help but feel it had to have been something different from normal if it was not during the evening, like usual. It had to have been something far more major than serving tea. Movement playing out on its own, the chimera tapped on the panda chimera's shoulder. Eyes soon on him, the chimera wrote on the air.

Watching as Siorc wrote on the air, Yínlóng blinked slowly. Was Siorc trying to tell him something? Rummaging through his back pocket, a small notepad had been handed off to him. Did he have something to say he could not vocalize? They hoped lending him a page would help him get across whatever it was he needed to.

Small notepad soon placed in his lap, the soldier blinked. Was he being too obvious that he had something to ask? Maybe he should not have made it so obvious. Placing the feather quilled pen in his right hand, the early adult had begun writing away. Yínlóng soon resuming his meat bun meal, the chimera paced himself.

Writing down, what is your job today, sir? in Mondstadt writing, the chimera shook his head. Would the panda be able to read this? He never bothered to ask if he was literate in other languages besides Liyuean. But, he supposed it was his fault for not inquiring about such. But, it had already been too late for him to halt. Curiosity was a contagious virus that spread from victim to victim. Returning the book to its owner as the final bite of the Mora Meat had been made, the panda soon looked over his possibly unreadable question.

Reading over the words on the paper, Yínlóng squinted, for a moment. Had Siorc written this in the Mondstadt written language? If he had not been taught how to read multiple other written languages, everything would look like gibberish to him. But, he had not been fully equipped to reach such yet. Gazing at the letters slowly, they double checked what was being conveyed.

Seeing a question mark at the end of the words, Yínlóng turned towards Siorc. Was he asking what he was doing for work today? He really needed to get better at learning how to read other languages. He should have asked his father to teach him. But, maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell him what he was doing for the day. Taking a slow, deep breath, he soon looked into Siorc's eyes.

"My job today? I have to go around and deliver some Mora Meat," Yínlóng responded, words slow. "The big boss of the restaurant told me that there is this sudden increase of Mora Meat orders coming from Mondstadt and Dragonspine." His two index fingers then touched. "But, it's a huge influx that came in overnight. I don't think I could do it alone."

Hearing Yínlóng mention a sudden influx of Mora Meat deliveries, the soldier gazed at the panda chimera. People from Mondstadt and Dragonspine wanted food from Liyue, all of a sudden? How incredibly unusual. Something about that did not feel normal. But, perhaps, just maybe, there had been some foodies who came out of hiding in the Nation of Freedom recently.

Word influx ringing in his ears, for a moment, the hyena blinked, for a moment. Maybe he should help the panda chimera out with this sudden conundrum. He had nothing to do anyway. His career had been cancelled for the day and next two after. He had to do something. Nothing was not an option. Pondering it for one singular moment longer, the soldier off duty would not falter.

"I'll help you, sir," the chimera responded, voice barely audible.

Siorc saying he would like to help out, a slow smile creeped upon Yínlóng's face. He wanted to help out with the deliveries? How very kind of him. But, seeing him in his uniform, he shook his head. Wasn't Siorc working today? His big bad Fatui boss would be mad at him if he stopped what he was doing to help them with their work.

"But, aren't you working today, Siorc?" Yínlóng asked.

Panda chimera inquiring about whether he had work or not, the soldier immediately shook his head. Was he worried about him getting in trouble for doing other sorts of missions? The panda should put such concerns in a wooden barrel. There was no way Her Majesty could possibly be watching him today. She had to have been busy with other ventures.

Seeing Siorc shake his head, a warm feeling washed over Yínlóng's chest. Siorc wanted to help him out, even though he wasn't working? He was such a kind person. But, he knew he would have to ask the big boss if he could lend him a hand, first and foremost.

"I'll have to ask my boss first if you can come with me," Yínlóng said, words lulled. "Is that alright with you?"

Giving the panda a nod, the party of two had begun walking. Beach getting further away with every step, the duo had soon begun heading off towards the southwestern direction. Passing by a pathway beside an unfinished village, a sea of questions flowed through him as Guili Plains approached.

As the soldier moved through the pathway, he could not help but wonder. Why did people in Mondstadt want Mora Meat? Couldn't they have made it on their own? But, he supposed it was a Liyue recipe that had not been passed down to the neighboring nation. Every region had their own unique recipes.

Moving past Guili Plains, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why would his boss tell him to deliver everything on his own? Hadn't there been any other employees at the teahouse? But, whoever else had been employed there, it was no business of his whatsoever.

Multiple stairs crossed over, and city bridge soon stepped on, the early adult could not help but wonder once more. Why had there been a sudden influx of Mora Meat orders? The mystery was eating him alive. He knew such felt like it had come out of nowhere. But, maybe he was overthinking it.

City streets bustling with generic citizens and bandana wearing pirates aplenty, the chimera tilted his head. Had it always been this busy in the late Liyue mornings? He had been so far away from the capital city while doing business affairs in Blackcliff Forge that everything felt as though it had changed overnight.

Generic nobody standing on the teahouse platform, and tall brunette seating himself, arms folded, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just him, or did the tall brunette have some sort of aura behind him that gave off some omnipotent glow? It had to have been his imagination, for sure.

"I'm back from my break, boss," Yínlóng said, bowing his head. "Is it alright if my friend helps with the Mora Meat deliveries?"

"Of, course, Yínlóng, I do not mind," Yínlóng's big boss said.

Owner of the restaurant stepping away, for a moment, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how much Mora Meat was considered an influx? Tall brunette soon stepping out for a moment, as well, the questions kept piling themselves up one after another. However many had to be delivered, he needed to be ready for anything.

Tall brunette and boss of the teahouse soon coming back out with large, insulated bags, the chimera broke out into a sweat. Just how many orders of Mora Meat were there? He could not help but think there was over one hundred of them in the two bags combined. Wise many soon looking his way, the hyena gave eye contact.

"It is very responsible for you to help your friend out, Mr. Siorc," the tall brunette said, arms around his waist.

Yínlóng's big boss handing him a scroll, and map with circled locations upon it, the party of two gazed at the first order of business. First location listed as Starglow Cavern, the early adult blinked. Dragonspine was first? Maybe it was best to lead the way and get the deliveries started.

Placing the bag of food over his shoulders, a suggestion had come Yínlóng and he's way. Tall brunette informing the panda chimera the best route towards Dragonspine was to head there through Yaoguang Shoal, the chimera's eyebrows had begun to twitch. They had to back all the way they had just came? He was a boomerang, indeed.

Party of two soon turning back around, the soldier could not help but ponder. Dragonspine was on the other side of the beaches of Liyue? How rather peculiar. The two nations were far closer to one another than he originally thought. But, he supposed there was a lot he did not know about the world.

Moving back towards the city's exit bridge, the early adult gazed at the world around him. Dragonspine, Mondstadt and Liyue, what kind of relations did they have with one another? He recalled seeing Mondstadt gourmets always standing by Wanmin Restaurant eating the nation's cuisine whenever they could muster.

Reaching Guili Plains once again after about twenty minutes of walking, the party of two curved off towards the east. But, as they moved through the beach, something of alarm caught the chimera's attention. Only way to get through Dragonspine being to move across a body of water, the hyena closed his eyes. Water, his worst enemy.

Spotting a Hilichurl camp towards the other side of the beach, the chimera allowed a gulp to escape the esophagus. If any monsters were to get a whiff of the scent of the food deliveries, some would fail to be delivered, for sure. Panda soon placing a boat on the water, the two moved along.

Temperature of the world drastically dropping, the party of two moved towards the mountains. Knowing Starglow Cavern had been on the southeastern side of Dragonspine, the early adult soon took the lead. But, as soon as the panda and he stepped foot upon the neighboring snow nation, at least a dozen adventurers had come running. One of the many speaking up, something of major alarm caught the chimera off guard.

"There you are. Do you have the Mora Meat we all ordered?" one of the adventurers asked. "A storm is coming!"

A wave of questions flowed through the soldier as he removed six instances of Mora Meat from the food box. A storm is coming, was this some sort of joke? It was always storming in Dragonspine; the snow never stopped. But, he supposed it could have been possible there was a food or supply shortage going around. Being prepared was always a good thing.

Every single adventurer taking their food, the early adult swore he could hear a few of them say the rations would last them for tomorrow. Hearing such, a wave of concern soon flowed through the soldier. Why were these adventurers acting like they were suddenly on some military diet? This had to have been some sort of joke, for sure.

Adventurers getting their orders in full, the party of two moved towards the eastern area. Spotting multiple red glowing crystals and the panda and he moved forward, the storm comment kept echoing in the hyena's mind. Was the blizzard about to leave the area and add itself to Mondstadt? He supposed he didn't blame people for preparing themselves for the worst, if such were the case.

Cave getting closer with every step of the way, the chimera turned his attention towards the panda chimera. Not looking cold at all, the hyena wondered, was the work adrenaline keeping him warm? But, the soldier threw such thought away. Why was he letting himself get distracted by his thoughts? He had to find the next customers.

Eventually reaching the southernmost cave of the icy nation, surprises galore awaited the chimera. Spotting multiple people scattered throughout the frozen dwelling looking as though they were camping out on a line for a midnight release of a brand new board game, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Couldn't these people wait inside their houses? But, he supposed, for some people, that was not an option.

Spotting multiple people around the winding pathway, the soldier led the way. Three adventurers from the guild sitting by a fire, eyes were soon on him. Every single person repeating the line a storm was coming, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. This again? Why were people saying that still?

Mora Meat delivered, the party of two ascended the ramping cave walkway. More adventurers from the guild sitting around and waiting, Yínlóng made the second delivery. Group of people saying this would save them from the coming storm, the chimera tried to not roll his eyes towards the cave ceiling. How would one tiny lump of Mora Meat keep them filled up enough?

Moving along, the soldier's eyebrows twitched at the sight before him. Multiple people crowded around the area waiting for their food, the hyena removed another group of food from the insulated bag. Hefty sum of Mora given in return, the chimera handed the pouches off to the panda chimera. This delivery fund was not his. He was nothing more than a volunteer.

Words about the storm continuously looping throughout every single adventurer's mouth, the early adult held back the urge to ask questions. Could these people stop repeating such over and over again? It had to have been some sort of code word at this point. Exit only feeling further away, the deliveries continued.

Exit only getting further away as the same phrases droned on and on, the soldier could feel a record break off in the distance. He supposed he was going to have to get used to hearing this line for the rest of the day. There were still many deliveries to be made. He needed to just tune such words out and keep on going.

Final group of adventurer's getting their rounds of Mora Meat, the soldier let out a huff. People were so tiring sometimes. Had a set of ones and zeroes made it so the only thing the people could say was a storm was coming? He supposed that could have been it. But, it hardly mattered. He needed to keep the deliveries going.

But, a world of annoyances soon awaited him as the panda and he exited Starglow Cavern. Pesky penguin family waiting outside the area, the soldier grit his teeth. What were these four doing here? Why was it, wherever he were to go, the thorns in his side would follow? How aggravating. It was time to get this delivery over with.

Hearing a loud foot stamping as he readied to remove a few sets of Mora Meat, the soldier turned his attention towards the noise. Pesky penguin knight tapping his foot away as if he had been waiting out here for days, the early adult folded up a singular fist. If he was about to throw lines about being a girly Fatui again, he was going to get what's coming to him. Pesky knight looking ready to run his mouth, the chimera prepared himself for the insufferable.

"You delivery men are so slow!" König complained. "Why is our Mora Meat so late?"

"König, I cannot believe you right now," Prinz said to König, shaking his head. "Must you be so querulous?"

"I apologize, sir, a lot of other people ordered Mora Meat," Yínlóng apologized, bowing. "It should still be warm, promise!" But, sharp eyes soon followed him.

Gazing at the delivery men, König wrinkled his nose in disgust. They sent a panda to do bring his joint delivery to him? No wonder it had come so slow. Pandas were the slowest of all creatures. Whoever sent this slow witted creature, they were terrible at their job. What a charity case the Third Round Knockout must have been hiring anyone and everyone.

"A panda, of all deliver people!" König shouted. "No wonder it came so slow!"

Tall penguin man calling him slow, Yínlóng's ears drooped. Was he really that slow, according to some people? He wasn't nearly as slow as people made him seem. He can walk and run fast whenever he needed to. What did him being a panda have to do with anything? Siorc and he weren't delivering slowly at all.

Hearing the pesky penguin knight's complaints, a wave of disgust flowed through the hyena. Was this man judging Yínlóng for the sole fact he was a panda chimera? Who did he think he was? How dare he say something like that to him. This man was a knight? Who let him in the ranks with such a judgmental mindset? He needed to be given a reality check.

Slamming down the Mora Meat delivery in the pesky penguin's hands, the soldier gave the man a sharp glare. Pest leaving the area saying he has to prepare the citizens for the incoming disaster, the chimera rolled his eyes to the sky. The person who hired him ought to rethink his employment. Regina soon turning towards the panda chimera, words had been said.

"I'm sorry about my brother, Mr. Panda," Regina said, shaking her head. "You weren't slow, at all." But, the chatter continued.

"Bro, why did big bro say that?" Hollander asked Prinz. "Isn't what he said like, totally bad?"

"Some adults have uneducated, prejudice views on other groups of people, and refuse to reeducate themselves," Prinz said to Hollander. He then turned around towards the opposite direction. "Let us not get in their way."

Penguin family soon vanishing, the panda read through the next name upon the list. Needing to move on along towards the Skyfrost Nail, the chimera tilted his head. Hadn't that been in the center of the area? He did not recall ever having gone there before.

Finding themselves in a strange area with glowing symbols on the ground, the early adult could feel many questions begin to flow through him. Where had these puzzles come from? But, he supposed they had always been there and he had never noticed. He knew there was no time to think about such things.

Leaving the cave behind, the party of two kept on moving forward. Spotting many people sitting around in the snow, the soldier off duty swore he could see a somber look on Yínlóng's face as he approached the next customer beside a river. Had what the pesky penguin knight said gotten to him? He would pay, if such were the case.

Multiple adventurers sitting around the mountains, the hyena held back the urge to sigh as more people mentioned the coming storm. Couldn't these people just cook at home? But, he supposed, for some people, that was not an option. Cruising through the mountains as multiple deliveries had been made, a desolate area of emptiness soon awaited.

Many more adventurers sitting around an area with multiple heating devices, the next round of deliveries was hot off the presses. Adventurers saying with this, they'll have something to eat while the storm is ravaging the land, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. If there was really a storm coming, how was no one prepared for it ahead of time? Something was incredibly amiss.

Looping back around towards the cavern area, the party of two ascended towards the mountains. Continuing onward for awhile with no new deliveries made, Siorc could not help but wonder. Were the winds about to change in Mondstadt? But, he knew he was overthinking it. Dragonspine was not Mondstadt.

Eventually reaching Skyfrost Nail, many people had scattered themselves throughout a small area. Panda and he splitting themselves up temporarily, the soldier headed off towards the pacing people. Multiple waves of gratitude soon coming his way, one of the people soon spoke out amongst the crowd.

"Thank you, young man. This Mora Meat will help me power through tomorrow!" one of the generic nobodies said. "If I were you, I'd head for the camp around here. ------ ordered some, I believe."

Panda chimera soon rejoining him, the soldier continued to lead the way for the time being. Knowing that, if the Chief Alchemist had ordered some Mora Meat, it was best to get it to him as soon as possible. Moving through the northern pathway, the soldier steeled himself.

Walk through the snow taking far longer than normal, the soldier gazed at the panda. Head still drooping as the two walked along, the early adult held back the urge to inquire about such. Was he still thinking about what that pesky penguin knight said about him? Words were the true sticks and stones that broke bones.

Soon moving towards the broken bridge area, the soldier prepared himself for the leap ahead. Grabbing the panda's hand, the part of two made the the huge jump across the way. Soon making it towards the other side, the duo kept on going. But, as the alchemist's camp drew closer, a surprise question came out of nowhere.

"Siorc, I don't walk too slow, do I?" Yínlóng ask, voice trailing.

Hearing such inquiry, the hyena shook his head, in an instant. Why was he asking that? That penguin had gotten too deep into his head. He needed to let him know that the pest's words were not worth his time. Taking a deep breath, his words escaped his mouth, in an instant.

"No, you do not move slow, sir. Do not listen to that knight," the hyena blurted out. "He is wrong."

"I can always count on you," Yínlóng responded. "Let's keep going."

Silence coming back from the shadows, the hyena kept leading the way. Spotting multiple fire pits in the corner as he kept going, the soldier folded his left hand into a fist. Next time, he were to see that penguin knight, he's getting an earful from him, no matter what. Camp getting closer, the soldier took a long deep breath.

Spotting a generic brown haired nobody studying alchemy alongside a bespectacled green haired assistant, the soldier turned his attention towards the Chief Alchemist in the corner. Young man writing up a storm in a notepad, the early adult backed three steps away. Had he walked in during an experiment? If such were the case, he needed to leave the area right away.

Hearing the chief alchemist state all the food in Mondstadt had been mysteriously rotting and he needed to test the substance within, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Had he just heard that correctly? Was this the storm that everyone had talked about? If such were the case, he supposed he did not blame anyone for needing food. Panda stepping in front of him, a question threw itself into the mix.

"Excuse me, but is the Chief Alchemist here?" Yínlóng asked. "An Adventurer said he ordered Mora Meat?"

"It was not me who ordered the Mora Meat," the Chief Alchemist said. There was an odd pause between his last word and the next. "It must have been one of my assistants." Green haired assistant walking towards the panda, the volume soon picked up.

"Ah, sorry, that was me," the alchemist's assistant said.

Three sets of Mora Meat delivered off to the alchemist trio, the soldier could not help but wonder once again. All the food in Mondstadt, had there been a rotting plague going on? Surely, the Chief Alchemist was exaggerating. There was no way something like that could have happened. Leaving the camp behind, the party of two readied to turn back towards the front entrance of the area.

Eventually reaching the front camp area, multiple deliveries had soon been made one after another. Hearing a blond bearded man thank the panda chimera for their hard work, a string of terrifying words soon released from the grizzly man's lips that could not be ignored for any reason.

Grizzly man stating soon all the vegetables, berries and fruits growing around the land had mysteriously rotted, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. How could something like this happen so suddenly? He could not help but feel someone or something had been the cause of such destruction. Had the nation's agriculture been hit with some sort of poison? Something wasn't right.

Everyone else in the area delivered to, the panda soon removed the location list from their back pocket. Watching as he tilted his head, the chimera gazed at the scroll, as well. Seeing Wolvendom listed, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Why there, of all places? Who could have possibly requested Mora Meat there? No one besides the hooded boy lived there.

"Wolvendom? I don't think I've ever heard of that area," Yínlóng said as he took out the map. "What's the best way to get there?"

Knowing it was best to show the panda chimera the way, the chimera stepped in front of him. Moving towards the west, the soldier could not help but continue to ponder. Who could have possibly requested Mora Meat in the woods, of all places? Had there been more people that decided to live within the wilderness?

But, as the soldier off duty kept moving forward, a chill dropped down the soldier's spine. He could not help but feel an ominous wave as he kept going. No wind blowing whatsoever, and no birds anywhere, the chimera's knees shook. Why was Mondstadt so lifeless today? Something wasn't right.

Air only getting thinner as the duo moved through the southern pathway near Springvale, the soldier held back the urge to gulp. Had the Anemo Archon abandoned their nation? He could not help but feel The Nation of Freedom had been completely Barbatosless.

Turning his head towards the right and left as the pathway around the Dawn Winery had been cruised through, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had all the grapes within the vineyard rotted away, too? The wine industry, it was in jeopardy for sure, if such had happened.

Soon reaching the front entrance of Wolvendom, a face he did not wish to see stood outside the woods. Flirty librarian witch looking ready to drop down some sweet talking lines, the chimera made a disgusted face. Why her, of all people, were out here? She should go back to her little library hole and rot there like the fruits and vegetables.

"Hello there, cutie," the flirty librarian said. "Are you the delivery girl from Liyue?"

Panda chimera affirming the flirty librarian's question, the chimera backed six steps away. How did he take the witch's sickening affectionate words like they were nothing? But, he supposed some people could easily brush off such unwarranted words that escaped into the wild.

Hearing the flirty librarian state a storm was coming, and she was worried about one of her students who lived in the woods, the hyena placed his hands on his chin. The wolf boy in the forest was one of the Favonius Librarian's students? He did not know why, but he found that quite hard to believe. But, he knew it was best to throw such judging thoughts away.

Moving through the forest, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Still no breeze to be had anywhere, the soldier's heart skipped a beat. The trees were not moving. Hilichurls and other monsters nowhere to be seen whatsoever, his knees buckled.

Spotting the hooded boy sitting in the domed shaped battlefield, the early adult headed over towards him. Panda chimera slowly following behind, the soldier moved towards the wolf boy. Sitting next to him, for a moment, the early adult removed a Mora Meat bun from the back behind him. Sliding a second one underneath, the food had been handed off to him.

"I thank you for meat," the hooded boy said. "Woods smell bad. Hunting hard."

Hooded boy staring at the rolled up metallic paper, the soldier could not help but wonder. Would he even eat the Mora Meat? He had to have always hunted with his wolf family. But, he supposed he would eat it if he had nothing else. Perhaps, just maybe, he had nothing to truly worry about.

Panda chimera soon informing him the next location was Dawn Winery, the early adult entire body froze. He had to head over to the mansion? There was no way such encounter would go without being attacked by the employees. Leaving the woods, the soldier took a long deep breath.

Reaching the winery after about half an hour of slow walking, the soldier gave the panda chimera a silent warning. Moving onto the premises, the soldier broke out into a cold sweat as multiple people on the mansion grounds glared daggers at him. Panda giving the Mora Meat to the multiple people around, the hyena turned his attention towards the vineyards.

Every single grape in the bushes moldy and rotted, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just his imagination, or was there some sort of black aura surrounding the vineyards? But, the early adult shook such feeling off. He was overthinking it. There was no way that was the case.

Soon hearing the door to the mansion swing open, a scary face amongst the crowd soon made itself known. Red haired Angel's Share owner stepping outside, the early adult jumped ten steps back. Sharp leaves within the rotting grape vineyards brushing up against him as he had done such, the soldier let out a yelp.

Dawn Winery owner stepping towards the grape bushes, the hyena jumped six steps back. He was coming right this way. Any minute now, and he would send his bird of retribution his way. He needed to move, get away, flee. Hearing him say the bushes are rotting, too, a sharp glare had come his way. Eyes soon wandering towards the panda chimera, the sharp pupils soon left.

"Thank you for the delivery," the dawn winery owner said. He then turned towards the hyena. "Keep yourself safe from criminals."

Party of two soon exiting the mansion grounds, the duo headed off towards Springvale. But, as the village swiftly approached, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him at the sight before him. Windmill not budging whatsoever, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Not even Mondstadt's national symbol was moving. Was the city dying?

Moving towards the small river in the corner, the entire town reeked of wine. Whiffing such, the hyena plugged his nose. Did someone dump the devil's liquid into the lake? Generic nobody man in the corner with cat ears laughing to himself about how everyone was doomed, the hyena shook his head. What a quitter.

Sour cat girl soon yelling at everyone to stop drinking, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Had there been a secret stash of wine somewhere? Young lady soon coming towards him with a look of contempt on her face, the chimera broke out into a sweat. Why did she look like she thought he was wasted, too?

"Gimme the Mora Meat," the sour cat girl demanded. "I swear you boozlehounds can't go one day without drinking!"

Handing over multiple things of Mora Meat, the early adult shook his head. Why was everyone drowning their stresses away? Shouldn't they all have been preparing themselves for the so-called storm that was coming? But, he supposed it wasn't his problem if they were ill prepared.

Panda soon informing him they had to head off towards Windrise next, the soldier lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. The big tree in the center of Mondstadt? Why there, of all places? He could not help but feel going there was going to lead to a tiresome encounter.

Heading onto the long winding path, the early adult stared off into space. No breeze blowing whatsoever, the hyena could not help but wonder again. Had the Anemo Archon left? If such were the case, more than a storm was about to befall the Nation of Freedom, without question.

Largest tree in all of Mondstadt's leaves not rustling even a centimeter as the duo kept moving through the pathway, the soldier's unease only continued to grow. The so called storm, could it have just been the sudden absence of wind? Surely, there was no need to panic over such a thing, but he supposed such was a reason for concern either way.

Spotting the drunkard bard attempting to play a tune on his lyre but remaining unsuccessful the closer he approached him, the chimera folded his arms across his waist. Was this man's instrument powered by the wind? Teal haired man gazing at the panda chimera, profound nonsense had come his way.

"The wind alerted to me of your arrival," the drunkard bard said, pretending to play his lyre. "Thank you for the Mora Meat. Would you like me to play you a tune?"

Panda chimera giving the drunkard bard an awkward look, the early adult turned to face him. Androgynous individual still attempting to bust out an invisible tune on his lyre, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Just how much did this bard drink? It had to have been a lot, for sure.

Rejection soon coming the bard's way, the panda chimera took the hyena's hand. Hearing him tell the musician they have to head for the city to make the rest of their deliveries, the soldier swore he could feel himself be thrusted into a sprint. Moving along towards the bridge, no words had been exchanged between Yínlóng and he.

Reaching the city after about ten minutes of running, practical ghost town awaited the panda and he, multiple names had been read off a list. Church and Knight's headquarters amongst the list, a split up decision had been made. City streets left to the other party, the chimera prepared himself to head for the cathedral.

Soon reaching the church, the soldier swore he could see a man creep around the backside of the areas laughing about a young idol that worked there. Hearing such, the hyena clicked his tongue. How had none of the sisters been alerted to there being a peeper on the premises? The Anemo Archon had left, for sure.

Setting foot into the cathedral. No one but generic sisters awaited inside the building of worship. Mora Meat handed off to every single sister, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment. Would any of this really be enough? One meat bun could not have possibly been enough to prepare for a storm.

Leaving the church behind, the early adult took a deep breath as he headed towards Knights Headquarters. the soldier steeled himself. How many knights would he have to deliver to all at once? He knew there had been a lot with the Ordo. Letting himself into the building, the young soldier would not falter.

Mora Meat buns delivered to multiple generic nobodies one after another, the soldier swore he could hear multiple knights say that the delivery would have to do until the delivery couriers were to come. Hearing such a wave of failure flowed through the chimera. He knew what he had provided was not enough.

Multiple generic knights soon informing the chimera the Acting Grand Master is in her office, the soldier stepped foot into the most important room within the Ordo. Cavalry Captain in the corner of the room doing various rounds of paperwork, and blonde dandelion knight observing a container of rotten vegetables, the early adult readied himself for the possible final delivery of the day. Mora Meat handed off to the blue haired nonexistent horse captain, a chuckle echoed on the walls.

"Oh, my, well look what we have hear, A Mora Meat delivery from the Fatui," the Cavalry Captain said. There was no hint of seriousness in his voice.

"-----, not now, please," the acting grand master said, shaking her head. "Thank you for the delivery of Mora Meat, young man."

Acting Grand Master stating that the original courier who was bringing imported supplies from afar had gotten into some sort of trouble, the early adult blinked. Was Mondstadt really going to be alright? He could not help but feel like the beginning of the end was coming for the nation.

Soon exiting the Favonius Headquarters, the soldier headed back towards the city's entrance. Yínlóng sitting by himself near Good Hunter, the chimera seated himself by the chair adjacent. Pink eyes soon meeting his mismatched ones, a question he saw coming had soon echoed on the gone wind.

"All the orders have been delivered," Yínlóng said, words slow. "Bring me back to the teahouse?" His head then sunk low. "I wanted to take you over to the restaurant over there, but the owner of Good Hunter just told me all the shops are closed today."

Giving the panda chimera a nod, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Highlighting the waypoint within Liyue Harbor, the chimera closed his eyes. Panda within close proximity of him, the fast travel soon begun. Teahouse before him as he opened his eyes, the chimera ascended the staircase.

Bags returned to their rightful owner, the chimera gave the panda chimera sharp look. Deep look of sadness on his face, the early adult placed his hands in front of him. Letting his hands do the talking, words of him not being slow had been spelled out on private display. But, as he had done so, the soldier added a slight flare of violence to such. Signing, the next time he sees the penguin knight, he'll punch him, arms had soon been wrapped around the soldier.

"Thank you, Siorc, really, but you don't have to punch anyone," Yínlóng said, words slightly faster than normal. "I won't let what that knight said bother me any more." He then let go of him. "You have to go back to Snezhnaya now, right? I'll see you later. Next time, let's spend some boy time alone together properly."

Waving towards the panda chimera, the soldier opened his proxy orb back into map form. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Soon reaching the steel walled room after ten minutes of walking, a wave of tiredness immediately overtook the soldier.

Everything soon removed, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But, as his head hit the pillow, multiple questions raced around his mind like a high speed meka chase. The storm, just what could it have been, really? He would have to take a look tomorrow, without question. Wave of sleep finally taking him away, one final thought looped on repeat.

What storm is brewing?


Dreaming continued to be a horrific ordeal of never ending anguish within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a pendulum, swinging back and forth on repeat for hours at a time. The object would continue to swing, getting rapider with every given second. The night before him would bring the dial of torment all the way past eleven, ready to strike.

Before him had been a field of underwater lilies. But, such had not been the only thing before him. Spotting a strange row of clamshells littered throughout the area, the hyena could not help but wonder. Where in the world had the dream taken him to this time? He did not recognize the land in his subconscious whatsoever.

Seating himself next to the pink clamshell, an immediate wave of unease flowed through him. Had the dream world's atmosphere been thicker than normal? Feeling such, he knew a world of torment was about to await him at any given moment. Hearing laughing echo throughout the area, two faces he did not wish to see came out of hiding.

Abyssal gazelles adorning peculiar looking masks upon their faces, the soldier shook his dream head in a rapid manner. Who did these two think they were trying to hide from, at this point? He already knew of their identities. Trying to hide their faces would do nothing. It had already been too late.

"Watch out, a storm is coming!" Izzet said in a sarcastic tone. "Nyahahaha!" They then snapped their fingers.

Feeling a simulated sense of heat, the soldier's eyes opened wide at the sight before him. Volcano appearing out of nowhere oozing lava everywhere, the early adult attempted to back six steps away. How did a volcano get underwater? The dream world was beyond the world of logic.

But, such step backwards was cancelled before it could even begin. Feeling his body drift off towards the fiery mountain of doom, the early adult closed his subconscious eyes. Gazelles laughing up a storm as he fell towards the magma deep within, the hyena closed his eyes. Dream body boiling to a crisp, defeat took the soldier away, one final thought escaped as the heated liquids devoured him.

What storm?


"Maybe the storm has finally come. When I
Opened my eyes this morning, all I could hear were screams.
No soldier within the barracks is calm.
Do my ears deceive me, 'Mondstadt has flooded!'
Something isn't right.
There is something fishy
About this.
Do not know what this is,
Though, I know for certain. This flood, it

Had to have been planned by those
Abyssal Gazelles, this has their name written all over it. The
Storm, is this what everyone in Mondstadt meant? A

Looks like that has to be it.
Oh, this is bad. First all their food has gotten
Overly rotted, and now the entire nation is
Drowning. This isn't good. I have to do something.
Every soldier is saying all work in Mondstadt is cancelled. But, I
Do not care. I cannot sit by.

There's just no way. I can't do nothing.
Oh, those gazelles,

Don't they ever get tired of causing problems?
Everything and everything that happens in Teyvat lately,
Always goes back to them.
Don't they ever know when to stop?
Letting all the crops rot, then bringing a flood,
Yes, this is taking it too far. A

Level far beyond normal.
Everyone who cannot swim will perish, that is
Very much a push too far.
Everything will be devastated from too much water.
Look, dial down that seven-point-eight out of ten to a zero.
Stop causing chaos. You will kill innocent people. Cancelled or not, I have to go and halt this, guaranteed."

Upon waking up the next morning, chaos filled the military barracks. Hearing multiple Fatui soldiers scream Mondstadt had been severely flooded, and all missions in the nation will be cancelled until further notice, the soldier could feel an unnerving wave bite down on his ear.

Multiple Fatui looping questions on repeat about how Her Majesty wouldn't be able to take over the world this way, the soldier shook his head. That was their only concern? Some of the other members needed to get their priorities straight. Flood soon mentioned once again, the chimera grabbed his teleport waypoint proxy map.

Knowing that the storm had indeed come, a sense of urgency flowed through the hyena. The flood, he had to clean them up right away. Opening the orb into map form, the chimera highlighted the waypoint within the capital city of Mondstadt. Closing his eyes, for a moment, the fast travel soon began.

But, as he opened his eyes, immediate alarm bells rung in his head. Deep waters high enough to drown anyone who was short or could not swim, the chimera let out a gulp. How could it have gotten so bad in less than twenty-four hours? Had it rained triple as much the moment he left?

Knowing he had to go to Knights Headquarters, the chimera attempted with all his might to cruise through the brand new lake. Water swallowing him whole, the early adult let out a scream. The liquid, it was up to his chest. How was this even possible in such a short amount of time? This had the abyssal gazelles all over it.

But, as the early adult kept on attempting to head for the headquarters, the hyena could hear a laugh from the distance. Had there already been enemies here? He was unarmed. There was no way he could win in such a situation. He was in trouble now.

Robed monsters soon floating above the city laughing up a storm, dark elemental magic soon overtook the area. Power of rocks dropped upon him one after another, the soldier let out a scream. These monsters were already getting on the offensive? He needed to get rid of them, right this instant.

Closing his eyes for a moment as the bed of deep water attempted to consume him, the soldier's human hands had soon become hyena claws. But, his own weapons upon his paws did absolutely nothing. Soggy, furry hands unable to do anything as they dripped, the robed monsters moved themselves over towards the other side.

Hyena claws completely useless, the early adult attempted with all his might to leap forward. Surely, if he lunged towards the sky, he could land a hit. But, such was futile. Nothing doing for minutes on end, the monster let out a laugh as its rocky attacks of doom did their bidding.

Pushed back into the new sea, the soldier let out a scream. Why was this happening, why was he letting a monster take advantage of him? He needed to get into gear and focus. Focusing his attention on the monster, a light only visible to himself soon appeared underneath the monster's shadow. Hands ready, the early adult tossed out a flower friend.

But, such attempt had been a failure, as well, Silk Flower friend falling down into the sea, in an instant, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. He had made a huge mistake, for sure. He should not have attempted to use his elemental powers here. Abyssal laugh kicking in, the chimera could feel himself be lifted upward.

Monster dancing upon the air as he had been dropped back into the submerged ground, the soldier trudged through the drowning streets. Just what had this monster eaten to get so much control over the situation, rotten carrots? Nothing doing for minutes on end, the soldier readied to surrender. But, as he prepared to do so, the hyena swore he could hear dancing.

Spindrift Knight soon freezing the flooded waters around her, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Spotting a peculiar looking mechanical bow strapped from behind her, the soldier tilted his head towards the sky. The revenge seeking knight, didn't she have a large two handed sword that was apparently made from a song about broken pine wood? Sharp eyes soon on him, she soon flapped her gums.

"You Fatui, take your weapon back!" the spindrift knight said in a slightly haughty tone. "Stop fighting like some bumbling fool!"

Entire bed of water soon frozen solid as the peculiar arrow basket and bow had been handed to him, the soldier blinked. This was his weapon? Spotting a stray piece of paper seated within the basket, the soldier read over the note for a moment. Paper reading, "for my lovely chimera," the hyena could feel his body grow cold.

As the soldier placed the bow and arrow basket upon his backside, a realization had washed over the hyena. Her Majesty had she known what was going to happen today? Hadn't all work in Mondstadt been cancelled? The weapon, he could not help but feel something about it had been a trap.

Hearing laugher throughout the city, the soldier knew what it was he needed to accomplish first, and foremost. Army of monsters floating upon the air laughing up a storm, the chimera placed the curved weapon into his hands. Robed creatures stating he's going to lose, and he should just give up, the chimera accepted the challenge.

Monsters dancing upon the air, the soldier swore he could hear them say they'll flood the entire nation, the chimera placed an arrow upon the string. They intended to keep the flood going? He could not allow for such a thing to come to pass, no matter what. Concentrating all his energy into the weapon's head, oddities soon took the stage.

Feeling a highly concentrated set of energy as he let the arrow bounce off the string, the early adult studied the shot, for a moment. Dark, crackling purple energy coming the creature's way, the chimera could not fathom the object in front of him. Hearing a gem crack as the bow travelled, more questions than answers solidified themselves.

Robed monster letting out a scream as multiple of its gems cracked, the soldier swore he could see the creature fade into nothing. But, as it had become one with nature, friends had soon been summoned. Knowing he had to make haste to get rid of them, the soldier sprung into action.

Not a single person stirring within their shops, the silence had begun to eat the soldier alive. But, the early adult kept fighting. Surely, after the storm had cleared itself out, everything would go back to the way it had been before. Mechanical bow soon adjusting its aim as if it had a mind of its own, multiple arrows sped off towards the many new dust victims.

Different colored arrows one after another doing their bidding upon the strange monsters, the soldier gazed downward upon the frozen water bed beneath him. Was it just him, or had the new lake started to recede? Perhaps, just maybe, defeating the monster would abolish the flood for good.

Multiple robed monsters taken out of the picture with the various peculiar arrows, the soldier could hear one of the enemies mention the Whispering Woods was going to drown soon, the early adult threw himself through the flooded disaster. The storm had been on the move? He had to head for the woods right now.

Dashing out of the city, a slippery bridge awaited the chimera. Feeling himself about to slip at any given moment, the soldier knew that at any given moment, his head would hit the pavement. Proceeding with caution, the hyena attempted with all his might to brave the storm.

As the hyena fought through Windrise's submerged walkways, a realization had washed over him. The Whispering Woods, hadn't that been the area where he had been taken inside a makeshift domain? There was no way he would ever be allowed back there, for sure.

Quiet woods approaching with every wet step, the early adult could feel a wave of unease flow through him. There was no way he would be welcome to step foot in here. The Anemo Archon, they were definitely watching his every step. Forest only getting closer, the chimera took a deep breath. He supposed he didn't have a choice in the matter.

Stepping foot into the woods, the scent of damp grass overtook the area. Hearing various sounds of laughter throughout the area, the chimera turned his head upwards towards the sky. But, as he had done so, peculiarly dressed mages caught the chimera's attention.

Mages looking far taller than the normal ones he usually encountered, the soldier studied the monster's outfits, for a moment. Odd robes with a blue sun in the middle, the hyena tilted his head. What was he bearing witness to? Had he encountered a new group of monsters he had never seen before? Something was terribly wrong here, for sure.

Creatures taunting him with a question of if he could beat them or not, the early adult placed his bow in front of him. Was the enemy being serious right now? Whatever they were attempting to do, he wasn't about to let them get to him. Letting the arrow ride on the wind, the soldier let out a scream.

Energy surrounding the tip of his arrow, the weapon and the first enemy had soon become one with one another. Seeing such, the chimera kept the momentum going. Damp world getting lesser with every strike of his weapon, a wave of confidence soon flowed through him.

Multiple arrows firing in quick succession with one another, an explosion soon overtook the woods. Hearing such, the chimera could feel his body momentarily turn to stone. Had there been an explosive baked deep within his bows and arrows? Something was not right about such, for sure.

Continuing onward towards the east path, the early adult kept attempting to keep the momentum going. Multiple robed monsters riding on the dying wind, the hyena attempted to keep himself calm. An explosive, there had been something potent within his grasp. The woods, were they about to be in danger? He needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Creatures fought one after another for hours on end as the soldier continued upon the eastern rode, the chimera gazed at the wet world around him. The flood, why would anyone want to bring such overnight devastation to a nation? Enemies defeated on repeat one after another, the loop continued.

Coming across a group of Slimes that had the ability to mimic human speech as he kept walking through the eastern path, the soldier rubbed his eyes. Had he fallen into a daydream? Why were the gelatinous creatures talking? He had to have been asleep right now, for sure.

Leaving the monster be, the chimera kept walking. It was just a slime, maybe it was best to leave the creature be. It was not harming him, he had no reason to send it to its slimy grave. But, such had quickly been a grave mistake. Enemy soon locking onto him, the world soon collapsed into a bubble.

Slime soon growing five times beyond its normal size, the soldier's knees had begun to shake. Had he been transported to a world known as a Attack on Slime Titan? Monster bouncing around like a ball, the wet ground around him had begun to shake up a storm. Feeling himself wobble, his body had become one with the ground.

Monster blowing a bubble from its nonexistent mouth, the soldier's eyes grew small. The enemy, had it just taken a portion of the flood? Bubble coming his way at lightning speed, the early adult placed himself into a fighting stance. There was no way he could allow himself to become a bubble prisoner.

Sending the projectile flying, the soldier sauntered onward. But, as Starfell Lake approached, the river had become the newest ocean upon the area. Bed of water expanding its reach beyond where it should have been, walking through had soon become an impossibility.

Slime creature absorbing the liquids around it as it hopped the chimera's way, the early adult soon could feel himself swept across the swallowed up lake, body soon beyond his control, the hyena struggled as the stream kicked him through. Slipping hopping around its water playground for minutes on end, fighting had become impossible.

Bubble soon encasing the soldier within, the soldier could not help but wonder. How could one gelatinous creature have so much power? Domination over the elements was quite the terrifying advantage. Released from the bubble prison, the chimera deployed his wind glider. Idea soon coming to him as he descended to the ground, the hyena reached for his weapon.

Attempting with all his might to launch arrows from the air, the chimera let out a huff as fourteen out of fifteen shots missed the target. Final arrow letting down its electric charge of doom, the chimera quickly attempted to run towards the beach near Starsnatch Cliff.

Beach beside the cliffsides completely submerged, a sight to behold caught the chimera's attention. Sea lion sisters swimming upon the flooded beaches looking especially bewildered, a wave of unease hugged the chimera from behind. Had the flood been affecting even water dwelling people? This had to be stopped.

Huge Slime hopping upon the beach, the hyena prepared to spring himself into action. Water absorbed into the monster's body, the soldier placed the mechanical bow in his left hand once more. These monsters, they had to go. He could not allow for them to continue their rampage any longer. But, as he launched an arrow, glares had come his way.

Seeing the Fatui that had once been dragged into some shenanigans to hide weapons around their home, suspicions danced through Eau's head. What was this Fatui doing here? Was he looking to cause some trouble? It knew that a good natured Fatui was far too good to be true. Had this flood been caused by him?

Spotting the Fatui that had been forced into their stronghold walking around the flooded beach with a look on his face, Savon placed her flippers around her waist. Why was he out during the storm? He needed to get out of here. He had no reason to be patrolling. Whoever his boss was, they had been quite the careless individual.

"It's you again," Eau said, voice irritated. "Honestly, don't come in here."

"Yeah, what Eau said!" Savon added.

Sea lion sisters immediately rejecting him, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. Was Starsnatch Cliff and the island all their territory? He supposed he didn't blame them for being defensive over such, if it were. Spotting a large slime on the ocean bed hopping around as he got lost in his thoughts, the chimera soon pointed at the obstacle. But, as he had done so, more rejection had come his way.

"You came all this way because of a larger than normal Slime?" Eau asked, voice still irritated. "Don't concern yourself over it. Savon and I are perfectly capable to defeating them. Please leave."

"I could take on ten of these small fries if they come around!" Savon exclaimed. "Don't worry about us, we got this!"

Knowing that, if he remained in the area, the sea lion sisters would definitely fight him, the early adult had begun moving south. Reaching the Thousand Wind Temple after about an hour of struggling, multiple slime monsters had been removed from the equation one after another.

Moving onward towards the Windrise tree, the bard and the soldier had soon started a once in a moment's notice performance together. Lyre strings plucking as the turbulence returned from nowhere, multiple slimes had been sent to their early grave. Creatures melting into nothing, the chimera kept moving forward.

Bard stating the storm shall end soon, the chimera gazed at the sky above him. Was the storm really about to end? The bard had to have drunk one too many. The flood was still around. There was no way such would disappear just as quickly as it had arrived.

Heading towards Springvale, the soldier prepared himself for yet another fight to come. But, such battle had never come Spotting two adventurers with a curved bow and red sword that looked like it had been made in Liyue, the soldier excused himself for a moment. Slime soon slapping its head down upon one of the fighters, the hyena's blood melted away at the sound of the voice.

"Ow! Where did that come from?" an unlucky voice said.

Hearing the sound of the terrifying unlucky Pyro boy, the soldier's legs had erupted into a speedy sprint. No, the unlucky Pyro boy had been sent to deal with the storm? He could not stay here. His bad luck would get worse. He had to get out of here. Springvale didn't need his help, for sure. Seeing a black and purple raven flying around as he bolted, another battle cry played out.

"Behold, the power of the prinzessin!" the prinzessin shouted.

Running away as fast as he could, the soldier kept dashing towards the west. Pathway near Dawn Winery filled to the brim with monsters galore upon the skies, the hyena removed the bow from the basket behind him once again. Fruit shaped monsters destroyed on after another, the chimera kept his sprint going.

Grape shaped monsters dropping down to the ground becoming nothing but rotten fruits as their defeat had sounded, the soldier gazed at the grotesque bushes in the corner. Leaves oozing with noxious grape juice, the chimera could not help but wonder. What could have possibly happened here?

Fruity enemies thrown out of the area one after another, the soldier gazed at Wolvendom as it slowly approached. The rotten fruits and grotesque juices, had the storm made them come alive? He needed to get rid of them as soon as possible. There was no way he could allow this to go on for much longer.

Reaching the woods, carrots and radishes five times their normal size stomped through the area. Enemies looking as though they had grown up strong from the sudden floodgates, the early adult could hardly believe his mismatched eyes. The rotting food reports, had they begun to breathe a second life?

Monster vegetables dropping down a raining sea of carrots and radishes, the early adult let out a scream. Placing his leg behind him as the veggie rain continued, the soldier lunged. But, such had been a failure as the seconds unraveled. Carrot body as hard as steel, the chimera's toes clanged around up a storm.

Vegetable monsters taking control of the situation, the chimera kept attempting with all his strength to try and turn the situation into his favor, his not so green vegetables had begun to beat him. Feeling his vitality drain, the soldier could feel the world turn inside out. Was this what happened when humans wasted food? If such were the case, the entire continent was in jeopardy.

Hooded boy soon lunging himself at the carrot and radish monster, the soldier blinked. Why did he just do that? There was no way he would be able to take care of these monsters all by himself. Shadow wolf soon behind him slashing up a fury, words had been sent the chimera's way.

"Hyena go," the hooded boy said. "I handle monsters."

Vegetable monsters decimated, the hyena shrugged. If the hooded boy said he could do it, he had no reason to take such moment away from him. Exiting the woods, the chimera kept on moving. Readying to take on Brightcrown Mountains, the hyena steeled himself.

But, as he had prepared to moved onward through the mountains, a stream had pushed the soldier down. Movement almost impossible, the soldier had soon been at the mercy of the newly formed lake. Arms splashing across the water as the struggle continued, defenselessness kicked into overdrive.

Strong hands soon pulling the early adult out of the river, a generic nobody soon gave the soldier a worried look. Inquiries about whether he had been alright coming his way, the chimera gave a nod. Moving onward towards Cider Lake, a mysterious hole in the center of the waterbed awaited him.

Feeling himself get sucked into a vortex, a blinding light soon overtook the hyena. Finding himself in a domain with nothing but empty hallways, the soldier gazed at his new surroundings. Spotting a large watery snake in the corner beside a large machine, the early adult let out a sigh. Had the machine been causing the floods? It was time to get into action.

Monster soon turning itself around, tail facing him, the appendage had slapped itself into the soldier's short body. Sting of a lifetime overtaking him, the early adult let out a shout. Was this how the fight was going to go? Ridiculous. He needed to get on the offensive.

Serpentine creature slithering around like a fool for minutes on end, every single arrow had been missed. Attempting to aim harder with every given moment, the early adult let out a battle cry. Movement about only getting faster, not a single weapon landed.

Creature soon bearing its sharp teeth, fangs sunk themselves into the chimera's shoulder. Blood poking through the joint, the soldier let out a pained scream. The bite was sharp, strong, painful. Shaking himself back and forth, the snake's grip soon had come loose.

Letting the arrows do their bidding, the soldier let out a huff as the snake went back to slithering. Blinding speeds overtaking the area, the hyena kept his attempts going. Arrows missing one after another, the chimera kept trying. There was no way he could stop now. He had to win no matter what.

Snake fading into the ether after about forty shots, the machine within the domain broke itself down into nothing. Forced out of the corridor, the chimera observed the area around him. Entire Nation of Freedom dry as if absolutely nothing happened, bewilderment ate the hyena up like a plate of bolognese. Had the flood even happened? Maybe he dreamt the whole thing.

Nothing of note remaining, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the early adult closed his eyes. Stepping through the icy cold hallways, the soldier kept walking. Soundproof room soon upon him, the soldier slumped into the rock hard bed, but as the world of sleep was ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

What was truly going on?


"For at least one of these days off, can't I just relax?
Looks like I cannot, as now, Liyue has been plagued with
Over thirty-six centimeters of water.
Over a yard. How is this even possible.
Don't tell me, no,

Has the storm spread?
After taking care of it, the
Storm moved to another nation.

Really, why is this happening?
Even when my workdays
Are cancelled for now given reason, I
Cannot catch a break.
However, I cannot sit around and do nothing about this.
Even though those soldiers claim all their work in Liyue has be cancelled, I
Do not wish to sit around and

Let the flood destroy everything.
I can't let that happen.
Yet, I do not believe I can solve this crisis.
Unless this is nothing more than a monster causing it,
Every single difficulty awaits me."

Upon waking up the next morning, the same chaos from the day before overtook the military barracks. Multiple Fatui shouting Liyue had been severely flooded, and all work in the nation had been cancelled until further notice, a wave of dejavu flowed through the hyena.

Knowing he could not allow for such crisis to go unchecked, the soldier removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Had another domain opened up containing multiple machines to flood the nation? He had to locate it right away and reverse the damage of the raising waters before they could cause any harm to the citizens of the nation of contract.

Highlighting the waypoint in Liyue Harbor, the soldier closed his eyes. A domain, he had to find any strange doors that might have been lurking around. But, immediately upon reaching the harbor city, silence looped on repeat. Nothing but water here, and Slimes aplenty, the chimera let out a sigh. A storm was brewing indeed.

Flood only going up to his knees, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Had the raised waters not been nearly as bad as in Mondstadt? Maybe he would have an easy day ahead of him. Multiple Slimes plopping themselves down in their new pool, the early adult dropped down a flower friend. He needed to get rid of the current problem as soon as possible.

Sprinting through the city as the water submerged his joints, the city's exit bridge soon awaited him. Slimes making themselves comfortable throughout the crossing and beyond, the hyena shook his head. It was time to get this over with. Human hands soon becoming hyena claws, the chimera slashed with a fervor.

Enemies upon the crossing removed from the picture, the soldier walked through the stairs. Stone walkways submerged, the chimera tread carefully. Gelatinous creatures hopping through their flooded home, the hyena sprung into action. Creatures soon popping like a balloon, Guili Plains awaited.

Slime army awaiting him, the chimera let out an exasperated sigh. Where had this monster outbreak come from? Had he been transported into a monster collecting world full of one-thousand-twenty-five creatures that could be placed in a red and white ball? But, the hyena snapped himself out of such thoughts. Ridiculous. Such didn't happen, the monsters had to have just multiplied from their environment.

Monsters throughout the area decimated one after another Wangshu Inn soon awaited the soldier. Stairway wetter than anything else so far, the hyena ascended in a careful matter. What awaited him, however, had been a sight to behold. Triple dozen monsters surrounding the yaksha, the hyena dashed onto the scene.

Yaksha looking pained as he fought through the gelatinous monster army, the early adult prepared himself to add himself to the battle. Mountain demon screaming useless, boring and grunting as the monsters were taken out, the hyena placed his claws in front of him, but as he attempted to add himself to the battle, a shout had taken the stage.

"Out of my way!" the yaksha shouted, breath heavy.

Yaksha looking like he did not want any sort of company in battle, the chimera exited the Wangshu Inn. If these were the demons he had to conquer, he had no business butting into his current battle. Pushing onward towards the marsh, the entire pathway had come an ocean.

Slimes attempting to take the area and make it their own, the chimera's hyena claws took everything out of the picture one after another. Why did these creatures enjoy gathering near the sights of where the storm had happened? He needed to get rid of them as fast as he could possibly muster.

Gelatinous monsters far weaker than the others, the hyena shrugged his shoulders. Had he just encountered regular slimes? What a waste of his time. Heading further upon the northern path, the chimera readied to head towards Wuwang Hill. It was time to move on along with his flood ceasing journey.

Upon reaching the ghostly hill area after thirty minutes of walking, a peculiar crowd of people stuck out to the soldier. Blue haired bookwork, his exorcist friend and funeral parlor owner fighting multiple pitch black slime monsters, the chimera tilted his head. Was it just his imagination, or did the director look like she was having fun?

Spotting Krysi and Rys amongst the party of three, confusion continued to loop on repeat. The bobcat and rat chimeras, what were they doing here? Hadn't all work in Monstadt and Liyue been cancelled until further notice? But, he supposed such rule did not apply to every Snezhnaya born person. Eyes soon on him, a goofy smile appeared upon Rys' face.

"Hi Siorcy, meow!" Rys greeted. "You were sent here to deal with the flood demons, too?"

"There monsters a tough. Be careful," Krysi said, voice shaking. "Mr. Exorcist over there said they're evil spirits."

Hearing the sound of a bubble forming as the rat chimera said such, a masked robed monster soon came onto the scene. Enemy laughing and saying, boo, and evil spirit is here, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. Had the monster heard the commotion? How ridiculous, they were having too much fun already.

Krysi soon handing Siorc the same bow he had used yesterday, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance. Letting multiple arrows run loose, the self proclaimed evil spirit had taken multiple hits upon the battlefield one after another. Trio in the corner joining in, as well, three battle cries echoed upon the ghastly wind.

"Witness the power Guhua!" the blue haired bookwork shouted. As he shouted such, blades of water surrounded him.

"Swift and merciful!" the exorcist shouted. As he shouted such, a large icy blade smashed itself onto the ground.

"Time to go!" the funeral parlor director shouted. As she exclaimed such, a large white spirit released itself onto the battlefield.

Fight going far quicker than he could blink, the army of robed monsters soon faded into nothing. Ghostly hill all but covered, the soldier exited the area. He supposed his assistance was not needed. Figuring the next order of business should be Qingce Village, the hyena headed through the western section within Bishui Plain.

But, as the soldier moved through the plains, nothing of especial note stuck out to the chimera. Had the monsters here already been taken care of? He supposed it was best to just keep moving along. Everything quiet for minutes on end, silence looped on repeat.

But, such quiet was never meant to last. Reaching Qingce Village, a wave of fear latched onto the chimera like a blood sucking leech. Had something been watching him? He could not help but feel eyes had been on him the moment he had set foot in the elderly village.

Such suspicion had been proven correct in a matter of moments. Red and blue scarecrow moving around in the colorful grass bringing out multiple layers of water, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was he seeing things, or had all the obstacles within the gardens been moving?

Inanimate straw creatures coming towards him, the chimera backed six steps away. Had the flood made such creatures come alive? How strange, scarecrows were never near any sort of water. Had a ghost from Wuwang Hill gotten itself stuck inside it? Today was quite the bizarre day, for sure.

Scarecrow unleashing its straw defenses one after another, the hyena let out a sigh. Was this really happening right now? A straw object meant to keep out crows was fighting him right now? Absolutely ridiculous. Why was this happening to him? This storm was starting to pick and choose poor objects to animate.

Closing his eyes, for a moment, the chimera's human hands had become hyena paws once more. Claws doing the honors, scarecrows aplenty had become nothing but piles of garbage one after another. Enemies barely putting any sort of fight, the soldier shook his head. This was hardly a storm anymore.

Hearing a laugh on the wind soon tell him they've moved themselves towards Mt. Aocang, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Was the enemy seriously giving away their location of where they had been hiding? What a bold, yet stupid move of them. Did the enemies have no brain cells left?

Moving towards the mountains, the bridge within Jueyun Karst awaited the hyena. Nothing out of the ordinary awaiting him, the chimera traversed the crossway. Had there really been monsters out in the mountains of Liyue, or had he been hearing things? He supposed he was about to find out.

Spotting stone frog statues hopping about the Karst as he kept moving forward, the chimera rose his other eyebrow. Why were the monuments that were around Qingyun Peak moving around like real frogs? How incredibly peculiar. Was it reanimate day? He had seen it all.

Hearing a voice saying that they weren't trying hard enough to copy the statute, the soldier let out a deep sigh. Did the stone monument just talk? These creatures were horrible at disguising themselves, for sure. Tossing down a flower friend, his Silk Flower took the monsters out of the equation.

Every single monster within the mountain peak destroyed after hours of walking, the soldier prepared himself for the long climb ahead. Ascending the rocky cliffsides, the chimera let out a huff. Had the poorly disguised monsters finally given up? Maybe it was time to turn around.

But, as the soldier descended the mountain, an area of mystery soon awaited him. Finding himself near a dinner table besides a small lake, the chimera tilted his head. Had he been here before? He could not help but feel a sense of familiarity. But, such thoughts had soon been cut short as a Slime army emerged from the water one after another.

Creatures looking ready to perform unspeakable crimes, the early adult prepared himself for yet another battle. But such fight was over before it could even begin. Hearing the sound of a domain door opening from afar, a tall, white haired woman adorning a spear stepping onto the scene.

Tall spear lady destroying every single Slime like they were nothing, the soldier backed seven steps away. How did she defeat them so quickly? How unnerving. Sharp eyes that looked like they were ready for the next kill, the chimera walked four further steps back. Whose territory did he step into this time?

"Why are you here?" the spear woman asked. "Master doesn't want any guests." As she said such, a spear had been pointed at him.

Knowing that, if he did not leave, he would be the next victim of this woman's spear, the soldier dashed off the premises. Right, this area was someone else's territory, another individual's battleground. He had to leave, he had absolutely no business being here. Dashing back trough the mountains once more, the soldier turned his heelless shoes off towards the western direction.

But, as the chimera headed towards Tianqiu Valley, a flood going all the way up to his chin engulfed the soldier. Mages from up above surrounding him with a dance saying the finale was here, the chimera grit his teeth. What finale? What was going on? The monsters, had they become stronger from the waters? He needed to get out of this flood and bring them down to the ground. Attempting to break free from the clutches of the lake, the early adult squirmed.


Big handed Mages soon scooping the soldier up, a blinding light overtook the hyena. Hearing a door soon open up, the light only got stronger as the minutes raged onward. Opening his eyes after about five minutes of busting around, a corridor awaited the chimera for the second day in a row.

Abyssal gazelles sitting upon two wooden chairs next to multiple machines, right knees crusted over their left ones, the hyena slapped his hand across his face. Had these two made the devices in the room with him? What games were they trying to play? He was quite tired of dealing with the strangers shenanigans.

"Did he enjoy our little game?" Kelebek asked in a tone of bravado. "Here's one more for him!"

Abyssal gazelle raising their hand to the ceiling, a large white moth appeared in front of them. Abyssal gazelle moving towards the corner laughing up a storm, the soldier shook his head. What did they find so funny about this? Gigantic insect coming his way, the hyena cracked his knuckles. It was time for a quick bug squishing.

"Nyahaha! Have fun with our little friend!" Izzet exclaimed, laughing maniacally. "But whatever, you do, do not go anywhere near those machines!"

Obvious threat coming his way, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Don't go anywhere near the machines in the corner? As if he was going to listen to them. Those devices, they had to have been the ones that caused the storm throughout Mondstadt and Liyue. There was no way he could let them stay on any longer.

Behemoth coming his way, the early adult placed the bow in his left hand once more. Arrow soon placed on the string, the hyena pinched the metallic elastic back. Weapon glowing a faint blue aura, the soldier let the object ride the wind. But, as the moments went on, nothing happened.

Monster letting down its powders, the soldier let out a scream. Feeling a zapping sensation in his limbs for minutes on end, a wave of weakness took the soldier over. This creature, did it have paralysis capabilities? How annoying. He had to shake it off immediately.

Mobility returning to him after three minutes, the early adult launched multiple arrows once again. Strange energies aimed at the creature once more, the unknown power of whatever was contained within his weapons glowed like firecrackers during Lantern Rite.

Gaining the upper hand after seven attempts to do so, the soldier let out a battle cry. Dozens of arrows launched towards the enemy, the creature had begun to weaken. No more arrows remaining as the minutes droned on, the chimera allowed his hyena claws to do the finishing blow.

Insect creature soon reduced to a pile of ashes, the chimera ran off towards the machines in the corner. Buttons pressed one after another, noises whirred from the obstacles in the corner. Hearing such, the hyena pressed the clicker harder. Enough was enough. It was time for this to end. Noise soon dying, the soldier rammed his heelless shoes into the devices. Smoke toasting up the room, accusatory fingers had been pointed his way.

"How dare he turn off the flood devices!" Kelebek shouted.

The soldier gave the abyssal gazelles a sharp glare. All of this was their doing indeed. Why couldn't they ever stop to think that what they were doing was harmful? But, he supposed villains didn't care at all about whom they might be harming. Finger still pointing his way, another shout had come his way.

"You may have won today, but we'll keep playing with you!" Izzet exclaiming. "Nyahaha, don't think we're done with you just yet!"

Domain crumbling around him, a blinding light soon engulfed the soldier. Soon finding himself in Dunyu Ruins, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Hadn't he been in Tianqiu Valley last? How did the domain take him elsewhere? But, he supposed subspace had no rules.

Vacation all but ruined, the soldier let out a grunt. It was time to go back to Snezhnaya. There was no point in trying to enjoy his days of anymore. Removing his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket, the soldier readied to highlight the waypoint towards the military barracks, but as he readied to press the teleport button, frantic footsteps had come his way.

Yínlóng running towards him, the early adult blinked. Why was the panda chimera in Dunyu Ruins? What was going on? Eyes soon on him as the panda panted up a storm, alarms went off in the soldier's head had something bad happened? He supposed going back to the permafrost north could wait a moment.

"Oh, good, I finally found you," Yínlóng said, panting. "Mr. ------- told me you were fighting the flood monsters!" His voice was getting slower as his pants continued. "Come with me to the teahouse?"

Pressing the waypoint in Liyue Harbor, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Teahouse adjacent from him after a split second, a sight to behold caught the chimera's attention. Spotting plates of tofu left out, a wave of bewilderment nibbled on the hyena's ear. Had this been for the panda chimera and he?

Panda chimera informing him he had been cleaning the city up, too, the chimera blinked. Yínlóng had been fighting, as well? How valiant of him. Big boss of the teahouse saying for their hard work he made the two of them some tofu, the soldier broke the chopsticks apart.

As the soldier bit through the tofu, the hyena turned towards the seat where the tall brunette had usually been. Wise man nowhere to be seen, the soldier shook his head. He supposed, even a storm would cancel teatime. Finishing his meal after about twenty minutes, the soldier bowed a thank you towards the owner of the restaurant.

Waving goodbye to the panda chimera, the soldier opened the proxy orb back into map form one final time. Military barrack waypoint soon highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Walking through the icy cold hallways, the soldier reached the soundproof room after twelve minutes of walking.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. But as he had done so, a question threw itself into the ring. The abyssal gazelles, why were they always causing trouble? Their influence of villainy was spreading beyond the confines of Fontaine.

Uniform soon removed, the soldier slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, as well, the chimera closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, an array of thoughts looped on repeat. His vacation was completely ruined. Land of tormented dreams ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

The gazelles were starting to get too gutsy.

Chapter 17: Three Trick Hyena: There's Fake Melusine Among Us


And this is the final chapter in the Magic act saga. In this section, Siorc has to locate fragments while his duties in the magic troupe resume. Feat: Earl, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Éclater, Vidame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Huxian, Pixiu, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Kelebek, Izzet, Neuvilette, Wriothesely, Sigewenne, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet & Furina.



Chapter Text

"My spot in the magic Troupe has returned.
Your Majesty, why?

Don't do this to me.
Ugh. It's
Time to get exploited for entertainment again.
I'm so very
Excited for that. That was
Sarcasm, obviously.

I'm tired of this.
No more. So

Tired of being used in such a way.
However, I have no choice in the matter.
Even if I despise it, the choice is not

Mine. As my orders are
Absolute. Nothing can be done.
Guess it's about to be another long day.
I'm tired of this, but
Cannot escape. Can

This be the last time?
Really, I have no place here. I am
Obviously not cut out for this,
Ugh. But, maybe, this will be the last time
Perhaps after this never again. I am
Eager for this to be over.

And done with.
Remove me after this.
Everyone knows I am being used.

Remove me.
Everyone knows I'm just a
Spectacle on display.
Ultimately, that's how it is. Remove
Me. Take me off.
I'm done with this.
Now, and always will me.
Get me off this troupe.

All and all, your assistant will be delighted,
Glad, overjoyed.
After all, she despises me.
I don't blame her, honestly. There is
No place for me here. Remove me.

All will go back to
Don't you think?

I know it will. So, remove

Me, if you'd please.
Unleash the permanent
Suspension of my placement in
The team.

Ah, I should probably
Stop complaining. I
Know I am not allowed an opinion.

Well, it what it is.
Here's to another day of fake nonsense.
You know, honestly

I just don't understand. I

Do not get it. What's so
Entertaining about lies, deception?
So many
People just eat all this up.
I cannot fathom it.
Something tells me I never will.
Even as the days go on,

I never come to any
Type of conclusion.

Perhaps I will someday.
Look, it barely
Even matters,
And I couldn't care less.
So whatever the answer
Even is, I truly

Just do not care, I'll never
So that's how it is.
That's how it should be.

Really, why bother
Even wasting
My headspace
On this? I have
Very much other things to think about.
Everything else matters more.

My time in the troupe is temporary.
Every day I'm in it

The closer I am to being out.
Here's to that happening faster
Ah, I'm counting on it.
No more of this.
Keep at it for now, stay loyal

Yes, keep the face
Of the loyal soldier.
Ultimately, that is key."

Four days had passed since the hyena had become the world's worst phantom thief. Sudden three day vacation coming out of nowhere, choice paralysis had taken the chimera over. Having no idea what he wished to do, the soldier went to Liyue. Seeking out the panda chimera, the early adult hoped something would come to him.

But, nothing of the sort did. Panda chimera stating he had things had to get done over in Mondstadt and Dragonspsine, the hyena decided to lend out a hand, for the time being. First day of his holiday going normally, the paralysis of choice kept swallowing the soldier whole. But, things had begun to grow quickly sour and expire the next day following.

Floods ravaging many places around Liyue and Mondstadt around the second day, the soldier and multiple other parties stepped up to the plate to stop the damages from becoming permanent. Third day being more or less the same, his vacation had been entirely ruined. Diplomacy of nothing making its unceremonious return on the fourth day, everything returned to normalcy.

The sound of howling wind roared onward as the morning crawled around. Whooshes only getting louder as the minutes went onward, an icy maelstrom was about to take unsuspecting travellers out with it. As the month long blizzard was starting to reach its middle stages, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a chorus.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Hearing the wind whistling up a storm, the early adult added his own groan amongst the sea of complaints. The snowstorm had only begun to get worse. It was all downhill from here. Knowing that, if he did not move, he would experience painful freezing, the hyena rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed his winter jacket over his layered shirts, the hyena could not help but ponder. Was Teyvat doomed? The abyssal gazelles, at this point, they've spread their influence beyond Fontaine. But, the chimera stopped himself from thinking further. The flood has been done and dealt with. Surely, they won't do something like that again.

Slipping the cover off the jewelry and accessory box, the hyena clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Sharp ends clamping down, the soldier gazed at the rest of his prized possessions. Is this truly what he wanted? Turning his only remaining keepsakes from his home into weapons? But, the early adult pushed such thoughts away. It was too late to feel regret. It had already been done.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the chimera gazed at the Geo Delusion in the corner. Her Majesty's gift, should he finally make use of it? But, the hyena shook his head. There's no way he would do that. It was not time to make use of such gift. Thoughts pushed away, the soldier walked towards the barricaded window.

Gazing at the snow outside, the hyena shrugged as the invisible world stared back at him. Flakes flurrying up a fury, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could the abyssal gazelles destroy Snezhnaya, too? But, the chimera quickly snapped himself out of it. He doesn't have time to think about these sorts of things.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the soldier slapped his cheeks. He needed to focus on the workday at hand. He hardly had time to be thinking about things that did not relate to work. Taking a deep breath, the soldier prepared himself. Any minute now, and his workday would begin.

Hearing the louder than ever before sound of the Fatui Agent boots stomp onward with a fervor, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. The time had come. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "Your duties as a magic assistant with our subordinates are resuming." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with the soldier. Another day, another separate affair.

The early adult let out a deep growl as he heard his orders. He was done with this. He wanted no part in the magic troupe. Enough is enough. It was time to permanently suspend his placement within the troupe once and for all. Why couldn't someone see he had no interest in such affairs?

The soldier let out another growl. The magic troupe. How dare Her Majesty even suggest he go back and resume such duties. Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. He has not been successful during the two times he had been within it prior. But, he knew he was not allowed to voice his opinions. He had to get over his anger.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "What is your problem? You'll be performing other tasks, as well! So, get over it, and get in gear!"

The chimera flinched. Right, he's not allowed to have any sort of opinion. He was a working machine. His thoughts did not matter, whatsoever. They weren't important. He had to do his duties in the magic troupe, no matter what. Shirking work was not an option. Holding his arm out, the soldier took a deep breath.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded. Despising the task, or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good. Let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. "Be wary of strange looking citizens. There have been various violence reports." Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a firm grasp. Gripping prison as relentless as it always had been, the soldier stared at the icy cold walls as the escort towards Fontaine began.

What in the world is happening in Fontaine this time?


"Oh no, oh no, oh no,
Uh oh! We've gotta a
Really big problem down here in Merusea Village!

Something fishy is going on!
I think all of our
Sisters have been replaced!
This is bad news!
Éclater and I are seeing some
Rather unusual faces!
Scary faces!

How did this happen? I know I
Ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, I am
Varying on stupidity,
Even so. I don't need a quarter of a

Brain to know something is amiss!
Every new face here,
Every new Melusine, they have a different face!
Now, now, those must be thinking, no big deal, different faces!

Right, but, here's the deets!
Every single one of those Melusines, they have human faces!
Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. Human faces!
Look, as far as I know there's only one Melusine like that in
All of Fontaine! And that's the Nurse all the down within the
Caged world of that prison underwater!
Even my sisters say she's a strange case! So, I
Don't get it!

Where did these human face Melusines come from?
I don't understand! Was
There a birth recently?
Hmm, no.

Something I recall is that Melusines
Cannot give birth.
Ah, right, right, they can't err,
Yes, that's the word.

Melusines cannot reproduce. They call came from father
Elynas. I recall the stories.
Looks like these strange
Underwater strangers are from
Somewhere else.
I don't know where, and I do
Not think I can investigate,
Even so, there's
Something scary about them! Where's

That pranking victim when we need
Him? He should go
And do something about
This! I can't help but think these human face

Looking Melusines are
Only going to bring harm to
Our home! I don't
Know why, but I just know! They're

Looking my way. Oh no, oh no, oh.
I don't
Know what to do!
Éclater, c'mon we gotta do something!

This isn't looking good! I don't think
Help will be on the way!
At least, not until
This is reported somehow! Oh

No, oh no, oh no, they're looking right at us again!
Ulp. What are they planning?
Revenge? Violence?
Something scary? Sisters!
Everyone, get behind me!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult broke out into a shiver. Was it just his imagination, or was there a high amount of tension in the air? But, the soldier had been dragged down the mountain before he could think about such further.

Dropped into the wooden vessel like always, the soldier could not help but feel a strong wave of unease. Vessel immediately cruising forward, the early adult stared off into space. Just what could possibly be going on? The atmosphere was certainly thicker than normal. There was no way something was not wrong.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor far faster than he could even process, the soldier blinked. How were they already docking? Where did time go? He needed to stay focused at all times, and stop letting his mind drift. Dragged out of the boat, the staircase awaited like it usually did.

Agent reminding him once again that he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine whatsoever, the early adult slapped his palm across his forehead. This again? How many times was he going to given the same line over and over again? But, such had not been the end.

Told he would be getting further instruction from his subordinates, a satchel had soon been slapped on the soldier's back. Leather bag making its rampage known, the early adult flinched. Did he have to put it on him so tight? But, he supposed he was used to such by now.

Agent soon leaving, the soldier ascended the staircase. But, as he took the glass lift and walked towards the Aquabus Station, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Not a singular soul anywhere to be seen within the area, the chimera gulped. What was going on? Why was the entire port a ghost town? He could not help but feel something was amiss about that.

But, the soldier shook his head. He was overthinking it, for sure. Pressing the button, the soldier waited for the Aquabus to arrive. Bus coming slightly later than normal, a wave of fear flowed through the hyena. Something was definitely off, indeed. It was not frosty today.

Aeval absolutely nowhere to be seen anywhere upon the Aquabus, the soldier studied the new face, for a moment. But, as he had done such, red flags rose upward from the ground one after another. Red haired Melusine with a human face and scary red eyes to match, the early adult almost wanted to turn around. He did not know why, but there was nothing friendly or inviting about this tour guide at all.

"Welcome, dear guest," the Melusine said, laughing. "So kind of you to join us on our tour to the bottom of the ocean!"

The soldier's face grew dark as he seated himself upon the Aquabus. This Melusine was joking, right? Placing his hands in a praying position, the chimera gazed upward at the sky. Sending his prayers to the Hydro Archon that this was nothing more than a joke the Melusine as telling, the hyena waited for the ride of doom to begin.

As the vehicle of automatic movement moved onward, the soldier stared at the new Melusine tour guide. Why would she say something like that? The Aquabus, there was absolutely no way it was taking him towards the bottom of the ocean. The tracks did not dive to the underwater abodes down below.

Vehicle nearing Poisson Tunnel, the soldier crossed his fingers. Surely, this tour guide was joking. Surely, she just head a sense of humor on her. Didn't all creatures who were able to communicate with others have the capability to tell a joke? She was just trying to be funny, surely.

Poisson Tunnel a few paces away, the soldier swore he could see the Melusine tour guide put on some sort of sinister grin. Seeing such, the hyena flinched. Why was she looking at him like that? Sea denizen stretching her unusual five handed fingers towards him, doom loomed over the hyena's shoulder once more.

"It's time for my favorite part of the tour!" the Melusine shouted with glee. "The underwater part!"

Melusine coming towards him, a quick, horrified realization washed over the chimera. They were between two bodies of water. He was done for, in trouble, black toast. If he were to land into the ocean now, he would be a goner, guaranteed. There was no way he would make out such alive.

Hands soon on his back, the soldier had been lunged backwards. Managing to grip onto the edge of the Aquabus platform for what felt like dear life, the soldier let out a scream. Did the tour guide just push him? Climbing back in, the hyena let out a pant. If he were to have actually fell to the bottom, he would have perished just now, for sure. Melusine snapping her fingers, she soon let out words of defeat.

"Darn, almost got him," the Melusine said with a tsk.

Ride quickly resuming to normal as the Melusine turned her head towards the opposite direction, the hyena broke out into a teeming sweat. Just what was her problem with him, and why did she just try to make an attempt at his life? There was definitely something off with her, indeed.

Automatic vehicle soon arriving at the Court of Fontaine, the soldier hightailed himself out of the aquabus as soon as he possibly could. Knowing he could not keep himself on this boat any longer, or the sea denizen would definitely try something again, the soldier walked towards the city's entranceway.

Knowing he had to locate the magician, the soldier recalled his usual location. Figuring he would be by the fountain near the building that provided times for the Aquabus, the early adult had begun walking. The southern streets. Surely, nothing terrible would happen while he were walking today.

But, as the soldier had begun to head north, he had taken immediate notice to something rather peculiar. Seeing far more human faced Melusines with five fingers walking around town, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where did all these Melusines come from? Apart from the nurse in the Fortress, he has never seen any others with human characteristics whatsoever.

Continuing to head upon the northern pathway, the hyena could feel multiple arrows tossed his way. Tips sticking into his jacket, the soldier attempted with all his might to remove them from his clothes. What in the world is going on? But, he recalled what the Agent said to him. There had been violence reported recently.

Arrows continuing their rampage for minutes on end, the soldier swore he could hear an array of laughter coming from behind him. But, as he attempted to find the source to such giggles and guffaws, he could see nothing. Had they already run away? What sly people they were.

Heading upon the northwest path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Still not seeing any other Melusines, the soldier kept a suspicious eye open. Normal sea denizens nowhere to be seen whatsoever, even walking around the city, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Were they hiding? How unusual, the Melusines enjoyed being around humans.

Readying to head through the southern streets, the chimera steeled himself. At any given moment, he would be in the presence of the magician, the person of which he had no interest in being around whatsoever. But, he knew he had absolutely no choice but to work with him. Shirking work was not an option whatsoever.

Things, however, only continued to worsen as the soldier walked through the southern streets. Spotting multiple human faced Melusines shooting him dirty looks, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his brow. Why were they giving him such a look? Did he do something wrong?

Spotting a couple strange looking monsters that looked like big mushrooms walking alongside sea denizen pals, the early adult could feel a big wave of suspicion flow through him. Could people keep mushroom monsters as pets? How incredibly peculiar. Something was definitely not adding up.

Shuffling towards the opposite direction of the mushroom creatures and their possible masters, the soldier turned his attention towards the path in front of him. Surely, if he paid them no mind, they would not have any reason to bring any further harm to him. Keeping himself on the opposite end, the soldier hoped for such to be the case.

Luck, and the archons were not on his side.

Blonde Melusine soon spotting him, her hands soon handled him with a fury. Feeling his head soon rammed into a wall hard, the early adult swore he could hear her laughing as she had done so. Sea denizen moving his head back and forth towards the wall over and over again, the chimera knew that, at any given moment, he was going to lose consciousness. But, as he could feel himself about to slip away, a familiar grating voice kicked in.

"Leave my future husband alone!" Earl shouted. He then swung multiple punches.

"You're next, penguin!" the Melusine shouted as she ran off.

Earl soon coming to a rescue, the soldier could feel himself removed from the wall he had nearly become one with. Worried look on his face, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. He supposed it was a good thing he was here even though he wanted absolutely no part of him.

"Are you okay, Siorc?" Earl asked.

Knowing he could not burden Earl any further, the soldier gave him a nod. Feeling a small wave of spinning upon doing so, the early adult sighed. He was about to be caught in a lie, for sure. But, a nose would soon stick itself where it didn't belong, in a matter of moments.

"So, where are you headed?" Earl asked. "The city is dangerous right now!" If there was a captain for obvious, he would be it.

The early adult held back the urge to groan. Why should he tell the pesky penguin chimera where he was headed? But, he knew he would stick his nose in further if he gave him the cold shoulder. Letting out a sigh, the early adult prepared to say words he would regret.

"I am meeting up with the magician, sir," the chimera responded, voice barely audible.

Hearing his future husband say he was looking for -----, Earl put a serious look on his face. Was he doing another magic show? He should escort him like any good wife would. The city was at an all time high level of danger right now. There was no way he could let him go see him alone.

"-----?" Earl asked. "He's at the fountain. I'll take you there!"

Earl soon grabbing Siorc's hand, the hyena let out a sigh. He supposed he could not refuse his escort, it had already begun. Pesky thorn in his side skipping along the pathway, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. Why was he so excited for? It's not like he hasn't escorted him so many times before.

As the escort continued, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just what was wrong with the Melusines today? Had they all been afflicted with some sort of human face virus? But, the early adult stopped himself from thinking further. He was overthinking all of this, for sure.

Everything going back to normal as he approached the penguin and he approached the fountain, the early adult shook his head at the sight before him. Magician and his assistant performing tricks like nothing was wrong, the young soldier placed his singular free hand on his hip. How could they be doing their magic as if nothing was going on? How peculiar.

Earl soon leaving after a minute or so, the magician's face soon turned towards the soldier. Eyes soon on him, the magician's assistant soon gave her signature glare. Knowing what he was about to hear from her, the soldier attempted to pay her absolutely no mind.

"Oho, if it isn't Her Majesty's favorite," the magician said. "Welcome back to our magic troupe!"

"Temporarily," the cat girl assistant added.

"Yes, temporarily," the magician said to the catgirl assistant.

Catgirl glaring at him all over again, the early adult could not help but wonder. What did he do to her to have her despise him so much? He had never said a singular word to her at any given point. Had he done something to wrong her? Whatever it was, he could not figure out what it might have been that he had ever done to her.

Magician soon looking his way once more, an array of instructions had come his way. Informed they would be going to the beach for some practice, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Just how much more does he have to practice all these fake tricks? Surely, there was absolutely nothing more for him to learn anymore at this point. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away as the catgirl predictably walked off.

"I'll be going to the café," the assistant said, back turned, but a voice called out to her.

"-------, wait! The city is dangerous right now!" the magician screamed.

But, as he had shouted such, the assistant had already been gone. Shaking his head as there had been no traces left of her whatsoever, the early adult sighed. Couldn't she just, at least this once form a truce with him and put her abhorrent feelings towards him aside? There had been violence reports in the city. Did she not know that?

Magician soon informing him they would be boating to the beach today instead of using the Aquabus because he had a bad feeling about it. Hearing such, the soldier resisted the urge to tell him what had occurred, but the chimera kept himself quiet. There was no way he could talk about such a thing.

Boat soon summoned where the Aquabus usually was, the magician soon paddled the oars forward. Watching as the vehicle of physical manpower moved forward, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Could there be a human faced Melusine hiding in the water somewhere? He needed to keep an eye out.

Passing by Poisson Tunnel after about half an hour of rowing, the hyena let his fears disappear, for the time being. No surprise monsters coming out to get him, the early adult attempted to relax. He needed to stop letting fear control him. There was no way there was any Melusine hiding within the railing systems waterbeds.

Soon reaching Romaritime Harbor once more, the magician soon escorted him towards the beaches. Eyes on him as the sand crunched beneath both their feet, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. What kind of ridiculous magic tricks was he going to have to practice today?

But, the sight before the hyena's eyes made him almost wished he could turn around. Seeing multiple violent looking magic booths set up, the early adult almost did a quintuple take. Why was there a box with a saw in it? What kind of magic trick was that? Something wasn't right with this setup. Magician moving towards the magic saw box, he soon explained himself.

"First, we'll be practicing this magic saw box trick!" the magician said. "Use this saw to cut the boxes while I'm in it."

Hearing such order, the early adult's heart skipped more than three beats. He had to do what now? He had to use a saw on the big contraption while the magician was in it? Wouldn't that hurt him? There was no way he would be unharmed by something like this. Sweating up a storm, the soldier did not move forward as the main person in the magic troupe inserted himself in the box.

"Oho, what's wrong? Are you perhaps, scared?" the magician asked. "Don't worry. These boxes are actually two dividers. I won't be harmed during this trick."

Given some reassurance the magician would not be harmed in any given way, the early adult took a deep breath. Right, this just fake and make believe. It is a trick of the vision, it is not real in any given way. Pressing his hands on the saw, the soldier prepared to cut through the compartment in a careful manner.

Compartments coming undone after three minutes of sawing, the magician shook his head from the box. Telling him he had to do it a lot faster than that, or he would bore the audience, the early adult could feel his hands get sweaty. Faster? Why did he have to do it any quicker than he already was? Surely, he would feel it if he did.

Magician again informing him he doesn't have to worry, this won't hurt him, he soon removed himself from the box and opened the compartments. Showing him they were simply just dividers, a wave of relief washed over the hyena. Maybe he could afford to do it a little bit faster.

Soon back inside the saw box, the early adult took a long, deep breath. Right, cut faster this time. The magician wasn't going to get hurt. Sawing on through, the young soldier tried his best as he pushed the blade through the compartment. At least one minute passing by, the dividers separated.

Told it'd be preferable to finish the trick within at least thirty seconds, the soldier was tasked to try this exercise one final time. Back in the box, the chimera's attempted with all his might to not do the cutting sloppily. Dividers coming undone within the the thirty second time limit, praise had come the hyena's way.

Next trick requiring him to make gardemeks disappear, the early adult blinked. What did he have to do? Make Fontaine's robotic monsters disappear? But, such monsters were nowhere to be seen. Seeing what appeared to be see through images of the mekas, a wave of confusion flowed through the young soldier.

Magician telling Siorc to go behind the curtain and just press a button when he counts down from ten, the early adult lowered his eyes into a glare. Was this really a magic trick? It was making an image of a not real meka just turn off. That hardly counted as disappearing.

Hearing the countdown fire itself up, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He needed to prepare himself. Number soon reaching five, the young soldier hovered his finger towards the buttons. Any second, and he would be near one. He had to be ready. Counter now at one, the chimera pressed the buttons. Images soon vanishing, the hyena allowed a sigh to escape the esophagus. What about any of this was magical?

But, the tricks were only about to get more horrifying. Magician informing him he would be tossing bullets at him and he would be catching them with his teeth, the chimera backed six steps away. He had to do what now? There was absolutely no way he could do such a thing. Wasn't that deadly?

Informed he was wearing an invisible guard around his teeth and there's nothing to worry about, a disgusting word of encouragement had soon come the soldier's way. Told he should toss the bullets with his tail, the hyena wanted to rip out locks of his hair. Right, he was still being exploited for entertainment. How could he forget the most crucial part of all of this?

Closing his eyes for a moment, the soldier's tail soon appeared behind him. Mouth opened, the early adult let the bullets fly. Trying his best to not allow the trajectory go too far, the young soldier prayed to the Hydro Archon the magician was being serious about the mouth guard. Bullets soon caught in his teeth one after another, the hyena's jaw dropped open. He actually managed to do it? How scary.

Magician soon saying that was enough of the violent tricks, and it was time to do some classics, the familiar swap box had made its unceremonious return. Seeing such, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. Was he going to be switching places with the magician yet again? How fun and exciting. He was gagging just thinking about such fun trick. But, the soldier knew he had to leave his sarcasm behind.

Meka wheeled in and placed into the box, instructions had come his way. Told once again that the doors would open once the countdown reached zero, another robot soon placed their own inorganic kin into the box. Soon placed into the opposite box of the mechanical being, the swap soon began.

Crawling underneath the beach and towards the other compartment, the countdown had soon reached zero. Doors opening, both parties had been in their respective opposite boxes. Seeing such, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. What was even the point of this trick anymore? It was not magical at all.

Doing a trick that involved guessing the correct card, the early adult let out a groan. The bent card pretending he can guess it without looking trick again? How ridiculous. No one was falling for that one, for sure. Flower trick of making a rainbow rose appear on a meka's chest, his least favorite finale was forced upon him.

Making his hyena tail appear and disappear after a countdown, the hyena could feel his blood warm up. Why does he have to do this again? He was not a magic trick. He was a real, living and breathing hyena chimera. He was not something to ogle at and act like he was entertainment. Practice soon done. A clap had come his way.

"Excellent work!" the magician exclaimed, praising away. "Now that we're done, I suppose I should tell you what your mission is." He placed his hand on his chin as he said such. "In many places around Fontaine, there has been reports of imposter Melusines and their robed friends. They have been dropping a lot of fragments." He gave the young man a sharp look. "Your task is to collect them all. Here's the list of their locations." He then handed his assistant his uniform. "Our first show is in Merusea Village tonight. See you there."

Magician soon staging his exit, the early adult gazed at the sheet of paper placed on top of his magician assistant uniform. Areas listed at the Belleau Region and the Morte Region border, the early adult backed two steps away. There was more trouble near Poisson again? How many times did this make at this point? But, he supposed it was time to buckle down and get there right away.

Knowing that if there were imposter Melusines roaming around the Belleau Region, possible injury awaited him, the soldier braced himself. He needed to make sure he was ready for anything. A little attack or two a faux friendly face? He could handle it. Evasion was key.

Moving towards the east, the early adult prepared himself for any surprise attack to come his way. Beach soon upon him, the soldier kept his eyes open. Immediately upon reaching the sandy edges of the area, however, something of peculiar note stuck out to him, in an instant.

Spotting a strange looking puzzle piece in the beach's center, the early adult scooped the object up into his currently human hands. Gazing at it, for a moment, the hyena titled his head. What in the world was this? How did it end up on the beach? Did Aigre drop it? But, perhaps, just maybe, it was the fragment the magician was talking about.

Finding another fragment on the beach, the soldier could not help but immediately wonder. Was there a reason for their puzzle shape? But, he supposed there was no meaning to it. The imposter Melusines had to have just been messing with him by dropping them around everywhere.

Finding a peculiar compass device in his satchel, the hyena tilted his head. When did such a thing get here? Did the Agent or magician leave it for him? Knowing he had to make use of it, the early adult pressed a button. Treasure object pointing towards the sand, questions flowed through the chimera.

The fragments, were some of them underground? He supposed it was in his best interest to dig and find out. Closing his eyes for a moment, the early adult's human hand soon became hyena claws. Swiping the sand away, a puzzle piece soon revealed itself from its buried hole.

Compass soon pointing at the sand once more, the soldier dug himself through the next hole. Next treasure soon located, and many other fragments soon found buried in various parts around the beach, the chimera prepared himself for the long trip north. But, before he could do so, a surprise emerged.

Coming across a large meka moving around the beach, the early adult practically leaped six feet off the ground. How did a robot monster get here? He needed to be wary before it were to attack him. But, no such confrontation ever came. Mechanical being minding its own business, the hyena readied to head north.

Continuing to head upon the northern path, the young soldier could find a trail of puzzle pieces on the ground appearing in a straight line. Seeing such, a wave of suspicions flowed through the chimera. Was this about to lead him into some sort of ambush? He needed to proceed carefully.

But, no ambush ever came, every fragment picked up with no repercussions, the early adult scratched his head. The imposter Melusines, were they just waiting to make their moves on him when he thought he had gathered enough fragments up? If such were the case, he would definitely need to keep his eyes open.

Scooping up further fragments upon the northern path, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Not a single soul anywhere to be seen, the early adult could not help but feel a wave of unease. The imposter Melusines, they were definitely hiding somewhere he would least expect it.

More puzzle pieces gathered up with no one and nothing around, the hyena readied himself to head for the west slopes. Knowing that he had to continue to keep himself on high alert no matter what, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Any minute now, and he would be in the distance of a monster in sea denizen clothing.

Finding multiple fragments towards the pathway of the west slopes, the early adult kept his eyes open. Why were the puzzle pieces just being left out in the open like this? There was no way this wasn't some sort of trap to make him feel a false sense of security.

Compass pointing towards the ground, the early adult bent down towards the grass. Digging with all his might, multiple fragments revealed themselves to the soldier. Pocketing the pieces, the pointer's needle forked itself towards the east. Knowing he had to make haste, the chimera dashed towards the next patch.

Removing the next pieces from their underground prison, the soldier swore he could hear laughing off in the distance. But, the soldier attempted to ignore it. The faux Melusines were nearby? He needed to show them he wasn't afraid of them and keep moving forward with collecting their spoils.

Finding himself in the west slopes, yet another trail of fragments awaited him. Picking them up one after another, a wave of suspicious flowed through him as the laughter had only gotten stronger. The enemies, were they nearby? Wherever they were, he was ready for them.

Digging up the other puzzle pieces around, the chimera kept sauntering onward. Guffaws only getting louder as the minutes paraded onward, unease swallowed the chimera up like a plate of garlic baguettes. Were they taunting him? He would not allow himself to be swayed.

But, such taunts soon came full circle. Dark green braided haired human faced Melusine wearing a dress as red as blood, the early adult jumped three steps back at the sight of her hand. Seeing a shovel in her right palm, a wave of realization came through him. Was she ready to fight him? If she were, there was no way he could fight back. The Iudex would most certainly kill him.

"I have what you're looking for!" the Melusine said, holding up a puzzle piece in her opposite hand. "C'mon! Fight me for the fragment!"

Imposter Melusine suggesting he fight her for the fragment, the soldier backed up six steps, head shaking rapidly. Fight the Melusine for the fragment? There was no way. He could never do such a thing. Fake or not, a Melusine was still a Melusine. There as no way, under any circ*mstance he would bring harm to one. He was not getting himself thrown in a prison cell today. Not a chance.

"Oops! Wrong answer!" The fake Melusine shouted, shovel soon above her head. "Bye bye!"

Feeling a strong whack blown upon the back of his head, the entire world around the soldier soon grew dark, everything going silent and numb, as well, the soldier closed his eyes. Unconsciousness taking the soldier away, laughter from the other side played on repeat.

Coming to about an hour later, Bain appeared within the chimera's dazed vision. Why was one of the sea lion sisters here, and what was with that concerned look she was giving him? When did she get here in the first place? Questions racing through the soldier's mind, a question soon popped the bubble.

"Are you alright?" Bain asked. "You were unconscious."

Hearing Bain's question, the soldier tilted his head. He was unconscious? What happened to him? He doesn't recall. Did he have a random arrhythmia episode while doing his work again? He could not fathom why his memory of the last hour was so hazy all of a sudden. Giving the sea lion sister a nod, the chimera stood up.

"I hope you are, truly," Bain responded. "There's been reports around here about imposter Melusines, so you need to be very careful." She then rummaged through her pockets. "Here. I should probably give you this."

Next order of business being the area around Poisson, the early adult took a deep breath. Right, the area around the fish city. Surely, it wouldn't be too hard to find the fragments in this area. Perhaps, just maybe, Kali and Aigre were out and about looking for some, as well.

But, as the soldier headed west, hooded humanoid looking monsters holding steel pipes locked their eyes on the hyena. Eyes glowing red, the early adult had begun to run. Creatures chasing after him with all their might, the chimera accelerated his sprint. He needed to avoid confrontation with these beasts at all costs.

Sprinting faster and faster as the monsters kept getting closer, the chimera kept dashing off towards Poisson's entrance. These monsters, how were they so swift? Did they have the power of Electro at their fingertips to speed up their movement? Absolutely ridiculous. He needed to keep on running.

Poisson's entrance a mere forty meters away, the chimera's sprint had reached its maximum speed. Monsters getting further away, the soldier broke out into a pant as the area was upon him. Running was a cardiovascular exercise, indeed. But, as he was catching his breath, noise protruded from in front of him.

Robed denizens cut up to ribbons by scythes, the chimera blinked. Seeing Kali and Aigre in front of him brushing their hands together as they put their weapons away, the early adult almost did a quadruple take. Did these two just destroy the enemies in one fell swoop? Perhaps, just maybe, they were weaker than he thought.

"Um, are you okay?" Kali asked. "You seem, uh, out of breath." But, Aigre soon interrupted.

"Here!! They dropped these!!" Aigre shouted, puzzle pieces handed off to the hyena.

Kali telling Aigre it's rude to interrupt while she's asking a question, the soldier waited for the scolding to be done. Simply nodding and then bowing a thank you, the chimera kept on moving forward. Knowing he had to head towards the Morte Region borders next, the hyena prepared himself.

Finding multiple fragments laid out everywhere, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Were the imposter Melusines laying out their spoils on the ground like this on purpose? They had to have been doing this with intentions to bring harm to him. But, the soldier tilted his head. Didn't he already establish this before? He had to have said this already.

Moving forward through the eastern slopes and collecting all the fragments he was able, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why were these creatures all going after him, and no one else? Was it because he was collecting all their puzzle pieces? He supposed he didn't blame them if those treasures belonged to them.

Next treasures soon located, the early adult gazed at the puzzle piece in his hand. When he were to collect all of these, what would become of them? The pieces where blank, white; nothing was on them. There was no way any of these would form a picture when put together.

Absolutely no pieces buried as the hours went on throughout the east slopes, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. They weren't being hidden anymore? This had to be some sort of trap. Nothing in life was ever as easy as it seemed, whatsoever. There had to have been a catch.

Multiple sets of other fragments collected for hours on end with no further faux Melusines coming out of hiding, the soldier shrugged his shoulders. He supposed at this point, he was just being far too wary. Maybe the fake sea denizens were done for today. He could dial down the caution meter, for now.

Sun gone and out of the way, the soldier dashed off towards the beach where he and the magician practiced. He knew that if, he did not reach the Merusea Village on time, the cat girl assistant would despise him even more than she already did. Reaching the sands between the Belleau and Beryl region after swift running, the hyena attempted with all his might to catch his breath.

Dashing past the mountains and around the boiling pool of water, the early adult made haste. He had to be on time; he had to be punctual no matter what. Spotting the blond diver boy standing by the entrance towards Merusea Village, his eyes were soon on him.

"You're here," the diver boy. "----- is waiting."

Putting up his right index finger, the soldier placed himself behind one of Fontaine's god statues in the corner, for a moment. Taking off his winter jacket, the soldier placed on his magician assistant outfit. Diving equipment soon on, as well, the chimera returned towards the hole of water in the corner.

Diver boy jumping down with him as he had his own diving suit drop him downward, the soldier gazed at the blond. Why couldn't the magician just ask him to be his assistant instead of him? Surely, someone who had already been acquainted with the other party wouldn't mind joining in. But, he supposed not everyone would agree to being on stage.

Taking off his diving equipment as he found himself in the surface portion of Merusea Village, the cat girl assistant immediately glared at the soldier. Looking as though she wanted to stuff him into her own hat and make him disappear, the chimera's knees buckled. No matter whether he were early, on time, or late, there was no pleasing her.

"Why did you tell him he's back in the magic troupe?" the cat girl assistant whispered towards the magician.

"Ahem, -------, I already told you, he's only temporary," the magician responded in a whisper.

Spotting Brume and Éclater in the audience alongside multiple suspicious looking Melusine, the hyena titled his head. Were they wearing face paint? He could not help but feel something about them felt drawn on. Something was definitely wrong with this entire situation. One and one were not adding up to two.

Magician soon presenting himself with extreme amounts of bravado and calling himself the Greatest Magician Merusea Village has ever seen, the early adult slapped his hand across his face from backstage. Why was he letting his ego do the talking again? He really needed to eat a humble pie.

Very few card tricks done at the beginning, the same spiel of those just being amateur tricks, the first of many so called profession stunts was about to begin. Magician stating his assistant will be sawing him in half while he sits in this box, the soldier knew that was his cue to get out there.

Catgirl assistant placing her brother into the box, the audience all did a group gasp. Magician ensuring everyone he's not going to get hurt in here, he promises, the saw had soon been ready for the fakest looking stunt of all time. Pressing the saw against the dividers, the two parts came loose. Looking as thought he had been split into two, the soldier swore he could hear Brume ask how did he do that?

Other assistant putting the dividers back together and soon removing himself from the box, the show of egos soon returned. Soon saying if everyone found that trick amazing, the next one will blow everyone's socks off. Éclater asking what are socks? He doesn't own any, the magician soon corrected himself in saying blow their flippers off.

Magician proclaiming he will be catching bullets his assistant fires with his teeth, the early adult let out a sigh. This trick again? Was this really necessary? There was no way his teeth would be alright after doing this. Not a chance. But, he knew he had no choice but to launch them.

Throwing the bullets onto the air with his currently gloved hands, the magician miraculously caught every single bullet between his teeth. Hearing a loud crunching noise, the soldier's heart skipped a beat. Did he just bite the bullet literally? Doctors would not like this man.

Announcement soon coming that the magician would make a hyena appear before the very audience, mist filled the underwater area. But, as the trick had soon begun, loud, pained screams came from the seats in the corner. Sea of fog soon coming undone a wave of shock flowed through the soldier at the sight before him.

"Sis, sis, hey! Get offa me!" Brume shouted at the top of his gills! "Your claws are hurting me!" Éclater's screams soon follow.

"Dudette, why are you suddenly attacking me?!" Éclater shouted, as well. "Bro, stop the show! Stop the show! Our sisters are hurting us!"

"Let the magic begin!" the catgirl assistant shouted.

Prop hat thrown onto the ground, every single Melusine soon disappeared. Puddles of paint falling onto the floor as each and every single one of them were gone, the early adult could hardly believe it. These imposter Melusines, how low of them, painting their faces to try and make it look like they were the citizens that normally lived here. What a cruel thing to do. Catgirl assistant giving him a glare, she soon spoke.

"Go, you're not needed here," the catgirl assistant told the soldier bluntly.

"-------!" the magician exclaimed. He then turned towards the hyena. "Alright, pack it up for today. Here's your keys to your hotel room."

Knowing that if he stayed here eve a moment longer the catgirl assistant would have even more things to say to him, the soldier put his diving equipment back on. Knowing that it was in his best interest to head for Hotel Deboard, the soldier headed back towards the boat stationed at Romaritime Harbor. Manually boating all the way back, the capital city had been reached after an hour of rowing.

Checking into his hotel room, the soldier stared off at the wall in the corner. The faux Melusines, why were they doing all this? Why was any of this happening? Where did these imposters even come from? Wave of tiredness taking over him as he thought such things, the soldier slumped into the hotel bed, wave of sleep taking him away, one question looped on repeat.

Why was this happening?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was never ending. Reversing the parallels back to zero after trying to reach one. The night before him was not about to be any different, either, but the anguish dial was about to be cranked past eleven.

Before him had been a field Tokyo Legumes. They were peculiar, budding blue plants with a small layer of red on the bottom leaves. Bean growing in the dead center, the chimera let out a sigh. He supposed it was time to accept his fate. He and nature were always meant to be together.

Seating himself amongst the weird blue bean crops the soldier swore he whiffed up a simulated scent of fire. Taking a look around, a pot had been underneath the soldier's buttocks. Seeing such, an immediate realization had washed over the soldier. He's being cooked. Ready to eaten, served.

Larger than life abyssal gazelle soon stirring him and the legumes around in the pot, the soldier could feel a wave of doom flowed through him. Simulated water vapor boiling him deep, the chimera tried with all his might to scream. But such shouts never came. Feeling a nonexistent zipper close his mouth shut, the soldier was forced to remain silent. Unable to leave the pot, a series of laughter came his way.

"Wait until you wake up!" Izzet shouted. "We have a fun day planned for you!"

Flames soon put on full blast, the soldier closed his eyes as he had been at the highest dream cooking temperature he thought were possibly. Feeling himself become as brown as a roasted the soldier's dream consciousness had begun to slip away. As his dream death nailed the coffin, one final thought pushed him six feet under.

What did he ever do to these people?


"How come it feels like the abyssal gazelles are behind this again?
Oh, I know why. It's because
Without a doubt, they are.

Looks like they didn't feel satisfied
Over flooding both Mondstadt and Liyue.
Why couldn't these two have just ended it there?

Can't this have been enough for them?
Ah, no, of course
Not. It's as that saying goes. What was it again,

The devil's work is never done? I
Heard father jokingly say this phrase to mother in my
Early, stolen childhood. Not entirely
Sure what it means, while I doubt it works in the way of
Evil individuals, it's probably just some idiom.

Guess I should have known, though,
All of the problems, they're always caused by those two. Can't this just reach its
Zenith already? To be honest,
Everything they've been doing is only getting worse.
Leading other nations to rising sea levels, that should have been enough fun for them.
Letting done crystals from whatever, or wherever the abyss is that should have been
Enough fun for them.
Something tells me nothing will ever be enough fun for them.

Guess I'll have to find
Out, won't I? It's time to get to work."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier let out a loud scream out as loud as a pink bunny eared monster with a white belly who often said yoom-tah. But, the early adult muffled his shouts. What was he doing? He would disturb all the guests if he kept this up. He needed to snap out of it. Now was hardly the time to let himself be pained by his own dreams.

Hearing a knock at his door, a wave of surprises awaited Siorc as he opened the door. Seeing the cat girl assistant waiting for him outside with the blankest of looks on her face with her arms crossed around her waist, the early adult placed his hands into an apologetic stance. Did he keep her waiting? He's definitely getting an earful now.

"I don't like this just as much as you do," the cat girl assistant said, monotone.

Hearing such comment, the chimera tilted his head. Did she mean she didn't like him as much as he didn't like her? She was quite mistaken on such. He definitely didn't mind her one bit. She was not the annoying penguin family sans Malika, or the hawk chimera who had a vendetta against him. But, he supposed she meant the Fatui work. If such were the case, such was correct. But, he would never say such out loud. Her Majesty could be listening from anywhere in Teyvat.

"The show tonight is at the fortress," the magician assistant said, handing him a piece of paper. "Don't mess up."

Young woman soon leaving, the hyena allowed a gulp to escape the esophagus. Right, don't mess up. He had to be the perfect temporary magic assistant today. Soon preparing to read over the list he had been provided, the chimera did another gulp as the names stared back at him.

Seeing Elynas, south of Marcotte Station and a specific northern section within the Research Institute, the early adult broke out into a sweat. What a random assortment of places he had to go to today. Assuming he would have to do a majority of the Beryl Region, he supposed that would be his first order of business.

Heading off towards the Aquabus station, the soldier could feel a wave of relief seeing Aeval on duty today. Young Melusine apologizing or yesterday's absence, the hyena seated himself upon the vehicle of automatic movement. Told it would go halfway for him like always, the ride began.

As the Aquabus moved closer towards Poisson Tunnel, the soldier gazed at Aeval. What happened to her yesterday? But, the early adult quickly shook his head. It wasn't any business of his. Maybe she had other Melusine duties to attend to like filling in for the Head Nurse in the Fortress of Meropide.

Aquabus soon making it near the halfway point, the soldier deployed his windglider on the eastern side. Dropping down towards the mountains on the southern most area of Elynas, the early adult prepared himself for anything. Knowing that, at any given moment, imposter Melusines were about to be on the loose, the soldier kept his eyes peeled like a banana.

But, as the soldier had begun to climb up the cliff, a wave of unease flowed through him. Was it just his imagination, or was the atmosphere quite heavy here? Pushing such thoughts aside, the chimera kept climbing. He was just imagining it, surely. The atmosphere was just thicker today.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

Finding a fragment on the top of the cliff, the early adult could hear a maniacal laugh come from behind him. Quickly scooping up the puzzle piece, the soldier turned around. Human faced Melusine imposter with light silver hair adorning a sawblade in her right human hand, the hyena's eyes grew small. This faux sea denizen, she was out for blood. He was done for.

Melusine giving the hyena's back a good push, the soldier was airborne. Body descending far faster than he could deploy his windglier, the soldier's eyes grew wide. Was this it? Was this the end? His swan song? Dropping to the bottom within seconds, the faux sea denizen soon came dropping onto him after.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" the faux Melusine asked, taunting. "Go on, an attack me!" As she said such, she pressed the button on the side of her circular sawblade.

Melusine imposter looking ready to cut him up like an uncut pizza, the soldier rapidly shook his head. Attack a Melusine? No way. He could never. Real, or imposter, there was no way. If there as a chance she was just another one born with a human face, he would most certainly be committing a crime by hurting her. No way. He could never. Absolutely not.

"Goody little two shoes!" the Melusine shouted, revving up the sawblade once more. Pressing the weapon onto his waist, she let out a laugh. "I'll cut you up like one of those magic tricks, nyahahaha!"

Hearing the familiar laugh, a loom of doom washed over the chimera. But, such thoughts were immediately turned off. As the sawblade introduced itself to the hyena's waist, the blade plowed itself through the hip as if they had been the best of friends. Sea of red coming down, the chimera let out a scream.

Faux Melusine making way towards the left hip, the soldier closed his eyes. This was it, at any given moment, he would become half of himself. Split from the waist, legs an appetizer for the sawblade's meal. Sloppy cuts continuing, the soldier waved the invisible white flag. Nothing could be done. It was over.

Feather arrows dropping down upon the Melusine imposter, fragments dropped from her body as she had been arrowed down. Feeling himself fade out of consciousness for minutes on end, the early adult closed his eyes. How much blood had he last at this point today? A gallon? He was done for. But, as he clung on, a sea of voices echoed.

"Jackal haired covering face bro, he's hurt!" a faded Lonan's voice said.

"Don't you ever bother to remember anyone's names?" a faded Gwendolyn's voice asked. "His name is Rabiu!"

"Geez, gf, I know, but there's more pressing matters than that right now!" a faded Lona's voice shouted. But, as the conversation continued, everything went black.

Coming to half an hour later, the soldier could feel a wave of confusion. What were Gwendonlyn, Lonan, and Rabiu doing here looking over him with concerned eyes? Did something happen? He cannot seem to recall. Maybe he had an arrhythmia episode while on the job again. That had to have been it. There was nothing to concern themselves over.

"Um, uh, are you alright?" Rabiu asked in a worried tone. "I had to have three of my health robots patch you up."

The chimera tilted his head. Patch him up? What in the world happened to him? The last thirty minutes, he was drawing a blank. But, he knew he had to tell the research institute jackal he had nothing to concern himself over. Giving him a nod, Rabiu's two index touched one another in a nervous manner.

"Black fish steak bro, that Melusine had it in for you!" Lonan exclaimed. "I had to fire at least six of my feather arrows to get her off of you!" But, he had soon been elbowed.

"Why are you taking all the credit?" Gwendolyn asked in an irritated tone of voice. "I fired more arrows than you did."

Bowing a thank you despite not having a clue what either of the three of them had been talking about, the soldier kept on walking. Knowing he had to continue onward towards Merusea Village then make his way towards the heart of Elynas, the soldier had begun heading towards the northern pathway. Bird faux couple and jackal not following him, the chimera's solo work continued.

Finding multiple fragments on the pathway in a straight line once again, the hyena let out a sigh. Was this really happening again? How many times were these Melusine imposers going to set up this same trap? They had to have doing it on purpose at this point. There was no way they weren't.

Multiple puzzle pieces scattered around the pathway near the boiling water, the soldier placed his finger on his chin. Had the pattern trap suddenly died? But, he supposed there was never truly any sort of sequence to begin with. Pushing towards he heated waters, the next fragments awaited.

Picking up the fragments within the boiling waters, the hyena let out a scream as the cesspool of heat seethed. Those Melusine imposters and their robed friends, were they throwing the puzzles pieces in places that they knew would cause harm? How annoyingly expected of them.

Final array of fragments picked up, the soldier walked towards the area near Merusea Village's entrance, but as if expected, the prankster sea lions were out and about. Water tanks on their backside, and human hands and feet upon them, the early adult swore he could see an array of shocked looks on their faces as they stared down at their own two ten digited appendages.

"Dude! There you are!" Brume exclaimed, running towards the hyena. "Someone hurt all our sisters!" Éclater soon cut in.

"They ran thataway!" Éclater shouted. "Help us have a talk with them, bro!"

Knowing family was important, the soldier nodded. Help the sea lion prankster duo have a talk with whomever harmed their Melusine sisters? Absolutely, in a heartbeat. There was no way he would ever refuse such a thing. Without a shadow of a doubt, he had to help them out.

Sea lion prankster duo running off towards the northwestern path, the hyena could not help but wonder. Where could the possible Melusine imposters or robed people have run to? He supposed he was about to find out. Brume and Éclater stopping halfway through their run, however, for a brief moment a sea of complaints circled through.

"How do humans live every single day of their lives wearing these pants things?!" Brume asked in an exclamatory manner. "They're so itchy!"

"Bro, you know what our sisters told us," Éclater said. "We have to wear pants in human form 'cause no one wants to see our dingalings!"

"Who cares about that! I don't even know what a dingaling is!" Brume responded.

"It's against the law to walk around with the dingaling hanging out, bro!" Éclater bit back. "Dude, nevermind, we need to go find those monsters who harmed our sisters!"

Sea lion prankster duo running much farther ahead of him, the early adult blinked of bewilderment What in the world did he just overhear? He's going to pretend he never heard that. Beach slowly approaching, the chimera cracked his knuckles. Sea lion duo giving him disgusted faces asking do all humans do that, the soldier bowed an apology. Maybe he shouldn't do such a thing around other people.

Spotting multiple Melusine imposters holding puzzle fragments in their hands, Brume and Éclater ran towards them. Hearing them say multiple choice words which would not be repeated for any sort of audience to hear, the soldier shook his head. Such vulgarities. But, he supposed he didn't blame them. These fakes brought harm to their family.

Sea lion prankster duo beginning their talk with the Melusine imposters, their scythes had soon joined the conversation. Imposters gazing at the hyena the entire time, he had soon been tied down onto a stake placed upon the beach ground. Forced to stand by and watch as the battle went on, everything went back as expected.

Faux Melusines defeated after about four blows, fragments had soon been dropped upon the ground, but they had soon been picked up by the strange robed individuals. Juggling them up like it was all a game, Brume and Éclater pointed the the monsters. But the table of words reversed back to the villains.

"Go away!" one of the robed strangers shouted. They then pointed towards the hyena. "We're here for him!"

"No, bro!" Brume exclaimed.

"No, dude!" Éclater added.

Fight soon breaking loose between the sea lion prankster duo and the robed army, the soldier could feel himself soon removed from the stake he had been pinned to. Talking to quickly, but assuredly failed, Brume and Éclater soon ran off northern Elynas. Chasing after the two, something far worse awaited the soldier.

As the hyena had begun running north, the soldier swore he could see creatures peaking their heads around the corners with sniper rifles. Seeing such, the early adult kept his attention on a high note. If he were to slip up at any given moment, he would shot down by one of the hidden gunmen.

But, immediately upon thinking such, shots were fired as he kept walking towards northern Elynas. Dodging the bullets, the early adult broke into a cold sweat. Were there robed people or fake Melusines shooting at him? He needed to start running faster?

Such, however, only made the journey grow worse. Fake Melusine coming out from the shadows with daggers in her hands, the faux sea denizen soon chased after him. Screaming just one cut, she'll cut him up all good and into nice little cubes, the soldier accelerated his sprint. No way is he coming sugar cubes in someone's coffee. He's not tasty.

Snipers picking up the pace, the soldier attempted with all his might to run even faster. Eventually reaching northern Elynas with the sea lion duo, the soldier's breath had been taken away, in an instant. Fragments soon collected, central Elynas soon awaited.

Pathway towards central Elynas oddly peaceful, two final fragments awaited the chimera. Sea lion prankster duo handing them over to him, the soldier supposed it was in his best interest to head off towards the area south of Marcotte Station. Running back towards the Aquabus for thirty minutes straight, a special trip had been made.

Reaching Marcotte Station, the soldier read through his notes again, for a moment. Reading out smudged text that read Foggy Forest Path, the chimera tilted his head. He had to go back to that forest again? He supposed it was best to make haste and head over there as soon as he could.

Reaching Foggy Forest Path after about two hours of hurried walking, multiple fragments had been collected without any sort of incident to speak of upon the way there. Knowing the peace and quiet was not going to last long, the soldier steeled himself. Any moment now, and the silence would break.

Spotting fake monsters parading around the area, the soldier lowered his walk into a tiptoe. Silence was too good to be true. All would eventually go back to the cacophony of monsterdom. Attempting to avoid the monsters with all his might, the soldier skirted himself around.

Although, such reach, had not been enough of a preventative measure to avoid being spotted. Monsters seeing him from multiple meters away, blades spun in their hands. Knowing he would be cut up into ribbons at any given second, the early adult scurried as he grabbed the puzzle pieces.

Dashing off towards a cave off towards the east as he collected the puzzle pieces in a chase, the monsters soon returned to where they had originally been. Seeing such, a wave of shock flowed through the hyena. What just happened? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, monsters could not stray too far from their original spot, or they would run back to where they first were, full vitality returned. But, such fact was outside the scope of the hyena's knowledge.

Soon reaching the cave, the soldier pocketed every single fragment he could find. Recalling his final order of business before going to the fortress was a northwestern area within the Research Institute, the soldier prepared himself for the long walk ahead of him.

Upon reaching the northwestern most area of the Research Institute after nearly three-and-half hours of walking, a strange letter had been left for the chimera. Told that the remaining pieces have been moved to the pier, the hyena tilted his head. They had been moved where now? How peculiar.

Reaching a small pier area near the ocean, the final fragments had soon been scooped up. Evening looking about ready to roll in, the early adult put on his magician assistant equipment. Diving suit placed over it, the chimera's mind and body soon synced up with the suit. Dropping down to the ocean bed beneath him, the early adult had his diving suit thrust him southward. But, upon getting closer to the underwater bastion, the often confused otter duo stood by the entrance hole, paws crossed.

"The duke is expecting you," Huxian said, deadpan.

"I don't get it. Why is he expecting him?" Pixiu asked. "Did he do something?"

"A magic show, remember?" Huxian asked.

The early adult blinked of bewilderment. What is going on? How did Huxian, of all people, know about the magic show inside the Fortress of Meropide? His memory was always coming and going, what a peculiar thing for him to remember over something else. But, he kept such thought to himself. It would be rude to point out someone's impairment.

Soon taken to the fortress, a medium size popup stage that was way too many colors for a prison stuck out amongst the various arrays of brown littered throughout the area. Removing his diving gear as the cat girl assistant glared at him like nonexistent clockwork, the Duke and head nurse had been front and center amongst the crowd of generic prisoners.

"Show us what you got, magicians," the Duke said with a smile.

"You humans and your entertainment, so adorable," the head nurse added.

But, the show was one far more awful than the many previous.

Magician immediately introducing himself as the Greatest Magician Fontaine has ever seen, he soon changed the course of his words. Saying that today, though, this show is going to be different. For, his assistant over here will be taking it away with his special properties.

Wink soon tossed the chimera's way, the hyena could hardly believe what he had just heard. He was going to have to perform the entire time in hyena form in front of an audience of prisoners? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Why did he have to do this? There had to be a line, and it was now crossed.

Mist appearing on the field once more, the soldier held back the urge to growl, closing his eyes as a countdown started, the final number had soon been spoken. Hyena tail, arms and legs soon appearing, the soldier gave a blank look. This was too much, why did he have to do this?

Forced to partake in multiple magic tricks as the central attraction for minutes on end, along with some claimed juggling magic trick, the chimera held back the urge to shed tears as he could hear a child within the prison say he was a funny animal. He was what now? A funny animal? He was not a toy to play with. He was not a pet to be laughed at.

Cat girl assistant soon performing her water box trick, the spotlight soon focused its attention back on the soldier, multiple flower movement tricks performed, the early adult's ears rung as multiple other prisoners said he was such a well trained pet. Funny animal, pet, pet, pet.


He was not anyone's pet.

He was not some funny animal.

But, the soldier attempted to keep himself calm. There was no way any of these people knew what a chimera was. He shouldn't let their comments bother him. But, as the show kept going on, a surprise emerged. Melusine imposer popping up amongst the crowd, she and her sawblade presented themselves onto the stage.

"If you all want to see a magic trick," the faux Melusine said in a sinister tone. "I've got one! I'll make these hyena's wounds appear before your very eyes!"

As the sawblade pressed against the soldier's belly with a sharp turn, the soldier could feel himself be cut up like an uncut pizza once again. Blood falling onto the stage as the carvings continued, the hyena could feel himself grow weaker by the second, consciousness fading away, blackness overtook the chimera.

Finding himself in the infirmary, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. What happened, how in the world did he get here? The magic show, had it started already? He did not know why, but entire performance felt like such a blur. Seating himself upward, the head Melusine nurse soon ran up to him.

"Don't move around just yet, your treatment isn't done yet!" the head nurse Melusine exclaimed.

Hearing his treatment wasn't done yet, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Treatment. What happened while he was performing? Why was the last hour or so not coming back to him? Words forcing themselves out of his mouth, silence from his end was broken.

"What happened?" Siorc accidentally blurted out.

"An imposter Melusine go a teeny tiny bit too stir crazy," the head nurse Melusine said. As she said such, she placed the patient back into a laying position. "But, don't worry, ----- already took care of her. Get some rest until your treatment is finished."

Knowing he had no choice but to listen, the soldier closed his eyes. Feeling himself drift off to sleep almost immediately, a sea of thoughts had begun to form a puddle underneath his feet as the land of tormented dreams was about to invite the hyena back in for the possible night.

What is going on with these imposters? What could they possibly want?


"I've had it.

And, I'm done. No
More. I've had enough of this exploitation.

Don't make me the center
Of attention, I despise that. I'm
Not some 'funny animal' I'm not someone's pet.
Every single one of those comments? Infuriating.

Noxious. Absolutely annoying,
Obnoxious. It's even worse than the penguin family. I

Mean it. And, usually, there's nothing more annoying than them.
Obnoxious. I am no one's pet. I am not some
Rabid animal. I may not be human, as I am a chimera. But,
Even so, I am not a pet.

For the love of all the Archons,
I am not a funny animal.
Not a pet.
I can't take this anymore.
So, I'm going to speak out.
He can't use me anymore.
Enough is enough.
Don't think I'm going to continue with this troupe. I'm throwing down the bouquet. I won't look back."

Upon waking up the next morning, the soldier found himself back in his hotel room. How in the world did he get here? Yesterday was such a blur. Perhaps, he had just come back here tired, and he was forgetting such. But, as he thought about such things, a note had been dropped through his door.

Running to grab such, the soldier read through it. Small lined card reading he had to head for the Research Institute right now for a morning show, the soldier stared off into space. Right this instant? How was he supposed to get there in time without teleporting? Heading off to Marcotte Station right away, the soldier made a run for it.

Very quick magic show of the twins making all the bad Melusines disappear, the jackal quadruplets all took their turns complimenting the twins. But, as such went down, the cat girl assistant gave the soldier a glare. Mumbling, he's useless, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Right, he should have put in more work. Scroll of paper tossed his way, his next order of business was upon him.

Hearing the final show would be at the Opera House tonight, and Rabiu saying he'll be there, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Finally, the last show. It was time to be free from his magic assistant duties. Would this be the last time ever for him? The hyena sure hoped so. Reading through the list, only one name had been written upon the scroll.

Only location listed being the great lake underneath Fontaine, the chimera let out a gulp. The great lake underneath Fontaine? He had to find the final fragments floating around the underwater worlds of the ocean? None of that would go well, for sure. Knowing it was time for him to head off towards the Elton Trench, the soldier sped away as fast as his currently human legs could carry him.

But, almost immediately upon having his diving suit drop him downward from the beaches in the Belleau region, multiple imposter Melusines held the puzzle fragments within their hands. Speeding away as fast as they could, the early adult pressed the turbo button upon the side his glove. Diving equipment going faster, the chase was on.

Attempting with all his might to catch up with the Melusine imposters, the early adult let out a battle cry. Why were these creatures messing with him? Surely, they had better things to do like absorb themselves into normal Melusine lifestyle. But, he knew that wasn't going to happen. He needed to keep the chase going.

Chasing the group north or hours on end, the chimera internally panted. Swimming, even if done so by an automatic diving suit, was quite the strenuous exercise, indeed. Monster in Melusine clothing continuing to swim onward, the hyena would not falter. He had to move faster, before they were to get away.

Melusine imposters laughing as they kept their chase going, the chimera pressed the turbo button. He would catch up to them. The fragments, he needed to gather them. The choice was not his. Immediately upon pressing such, the hyena's path and the faux sea denizen's paths intersected with one another.

But, such had not been without a line of words he did not wish to ever hear. Monsters in Melusine clothing giving him a sinister smile, they soon brought out fighting words dragging people down into the mud with them that had nothing to do with anything currently happening whatsoever.

"Fight us, or else, we'll cut up that scardey cat jackal boy into pieces!" one of the faux Melusines shouted.

Hearing such, the soldier reluctantly dropped down a jellyfish bomb. Letting it denote with a few second thoughts, a wave of fury flowed through him at the same time. How dare these creatures try and bring Rabiu into this. He had nothing to do with his. Fake sea denizens dropping their spoils, the soldier grabbed them all. Were they satisfied now? He fought them, just like they asked.

But, such only continued to worsen as he had begun to head upon the northern water beds. Melusine imposters quickly chasing after him with their sawblades, the early adult pressed the turbo button. Where did all these fakes come from all of the sudden? Why were they ganging up on him? Continuing to stroke away, a baited trap had soon been laid by one of the Melusine imposters.

"We've got poison!" one of the Melusine imposters announced. "And, we'll drop them and kill everyone in sight unless you fight us!"

Knowing that if he didn't throw down a jellyfish bomb, these monsters would actually try such a thing, the soldier tossed down a jelly explosive. Letting it denotate, the faux sea denizens soon let go of their fragments. Swimming away as fast as they could, the search for the rest of the undersea puzzle pieces continued.

Eventually reaching Annapausis, a fight beyond recognition had been taking place before the soldier's eyes. But, such fight had not been between Frog, alligator, and Melusine imposter, but the undersea penguin duo and the former mentioned duo. Multiple shouts kicking in, the soldier couldn't help but allow his curiosity to have him listen in.

"You toxic freaks!" Domini shouted, pointing at Zinn. "All of this that's going on is your fault!"

"This fake Melusine crisis, I bet you two snuck out in the middle of the night while we were sleeping and let your poisons corrupt ones neaby!" Vidame shouted, pointing at Peltro. "How dare you two think you're allowed to leave Annapausis!"

"What are ya talkin' about? We ain't got nothin' to do with this!" Zinn exclaimed. "We've been here the entire time!"

"Zinn, we were outside last week!" Peltro exclaimed, waving its hands.

"Yer bringing up last week this week?" Zinn asked in an irritated tone. "Last week's funny business ain't got nothin' to do with this week's funny business!" But as the two argued on, a monster soon erupted.

Pitch black meka monster springing up out of nowhere, the chimera backed eight steps away. When did this get here? How? He knew it had something to do with the faux Melusines, for sure. He had to take care of this creature right away, before it could do anything damaging to anyone. But, as he readied himself to join the fight, fingers had been pointed his way.

"Robot, over here!" Domini shouted, pointing. "Take Ritchie Rich over here as your sacrifice!"

"Yeah, that's right! Take him!" Vidame shouted, pointing. "Eat the rich!"

But, the battle was over before it could even begin, Zinn slapping down their poisonous frog hands before anyone else could even join the fight, the meka crumbled into hundreds of pieces. Fragments dropping, as well, the soldier pocketed them before the undersea penguin duo could see him. Exiting Annapausis, the soldier had his diving suit thrust him off towards the west.

Knowing he probably had to ready himself to head towards the Liffey Region, the hyena prepared himself for the long automatic swim forward. Pushing back ways towards Elton Trench, the chimera let out a sigh. How many more fragments awaited him at this point? But, he supposed there couldn't have been too many more.

Faux Melusines soon giving the chase once again as he approached Salaica Plain, the soldier let out a growl. Why were they running again? Did they ever stop doing that? They needed to stop playing games with him and just face him without suggesting he be violent.

Fax sea denizens only getting faster as the submarine canyon was about to be the next location, the early adult attempted with all his might to have the diving suit thrust faster, but such had been a failure. Has his diving equipment run out of juice to power up? He had to have used up everything.

Speed cut in half, the early adult let out a scream Melusine imposters laughing at him calling him a slowpoke, the soldier grit his teeth. Were they mocking him? How dare they. Trying to cramp up the chase to the best of his ability, the chimera's battle cry returned.

Barely catching up to the faux sea denizens, the creatures gave up their spoils with reluctance. Monsters in Melusine clothing swimming off, the early adult shrugged. He had won fair and square without violence. He'll take that win over using a jellyfish bomb for temporary elimination.

Submarine canyon devoid of any monsters, the soldier grabbed ahold of the ten floating puzzle pieces standing out on the ocean bed. Scooping them up before they could float up back towards the surface, the early adult pocketed them before such fiasco could take place.

Soon reaching the Liffey Region two predictable faces stood out amongst the sea of nobody. Huxian and Pixiu floating around he ocean in the otter forms once again with dumbstruck looks on their faces, the hyena held back the urge to groan. Did these two forget something again? How were they ever going to be able to do their jobs properly if they never remembered?

"There you are. What was your name again?" Huxian asked. "You know what? Doesn't matter. I don't remember. Head Nurse said, 'Zack, Monique, if you see that magician assistant, lend him a hand.' So, here we are. But, my name isn't Zack, and her name isn't Monique."

"I don't think he ever told us his name," Pixiu said.

Placing his two index fingers in an x-shape, the otter duo had soon begun swimming in front of him. Party of three soon heading south, ten fragments had soon been handed the soldier's way the further upon the path they had all gotten. But, such had been met with some enemies.

Faux Melusines soon popping up after about an hour of fragment hunting, Huxian and Pixiu took out their crosses. Holy light bathing them, the creatures had soon melted into puddles of nothing. Seeing such, the early adult could feel a wave of unease. Why did they just do that? Wasn't melting them going way too far? But, he knew he had to keep moving and forget about such.

Heading off towards the southeast direction, a strange pillar had been located. But, such had not been the only thing. Large, black Melusine holding the last fragment, the final battle underwater soon begun. But, the otter's holy lights took the stage before he could even get one hit in. Was he the side character of his own life today? Not that he was a character, or anything. Certainly not. He swore as he thought such, he could see a hidden kamera lens. But, the soldier rapidly shook his head. What was with his overactive imagination today, giving him weird ideas?

Final fragment soon gathered, the soldier had his diving suit take him back to the surface. Evening already upon him, the soldier had begun running. The Opera House. He had to get there as fast as possible, or he would told he was late again by the cat girl assistant. He needed to avoid making her despise him any more than she already did, for sure.

Stepping foot into the opera house, a full house with the bird false couple, the jackal quadruplets and Earl soon awaited him. Iudex and Hydro Archon also in attendance, the chimera gulped. So many prying eyes. How many people would call him a funny animal and pet today?

Magician stroking his own ego once more, a twist in the usual script had been said. Greatest Magician of Fontaine stating today will be a little different as they have a star for this show. Spotlight soon shining over him, the soldier could feel all his blood drain from his body. Why him? His other, permanent assistant was right there.

Forced to transform into hyena mode, multiple out of line magic tricks had been thrown the soldier's way. As the show kept on going, the soldier could feel his anger grow as members in the audience referred to him as a funny magic animal. More kids asking if he was -----'s pet, the hyena could feel a circuit pop inside him. No more of this. He had had enough. He was to be a toy no longer. He had to use his words.

"Stop! I'm not some toy to be used for entertainment!" Siorc cried. But, as he said such, the fragments had collected came out loose.

Puzzle pieces placing themselves into one another as if they were the real magic trick, a huge mechanical Melusine added itself to the cast list. Multiple people in the audience breaking out confused noises one after, yet another predictable voice was louder than the rest.

"That's right, get angry!" Izzet shouted from the stage. "Nyahahahaha!"

"He hopes he likes our toy!" Kelebek shouted.

"Is this part of the show?!" the Hydro Archon complained.

Robotic Melusine soon attacking, the magician attempted to persuade the audience this was all part of the show. Asking the audience if anyone would like to volunteer to help fight this beast? Almost no one offered. Feeling himself become nothing but stone, the soldier stared at the metallic monstrosity. This monster, did it come from him? Born from his anger? He should not have let his emotions get to him.

"Leave my future husband the cute boy alone!" Earl and Rabiu screamed in unison.

Penguin and Jackal duo soon attacking the robot, the soldier could feel a wave of guilt flow through him. This metallic creature. It came to be because of him. This was his fault. He ignited it. He caused this. He was to blame if this show was ruined, for sure. He should have just let everything go as the magician had planned it.

"Geez, sure Robby, I like girls, huh?" Folu asked sarcastically. "Want me to bend that ruler some more for you?

"Shh, Folu, there's people right next to us," Sani shushed.

"Who cares if everyone hears?" Oluchi asked with a goofy smile on his face. "No one's listening right now, he he."

Fight soon continuing, Rabiu grabbed his dagger slashing through the robotic Melusine, he let out a battle cry. But, the fight had soon come to a stark and abrupt end. Iudex looking ready to slammer down the hammer of justice a loud shout had come from the front row of the audience as a cane had been banged down on the floor.

"Silence!" the Iudex shouted.

Robot destroyed in a singular tidal wave, the early adult gazed at the Iudex. The Chief Justice of Fontaine, what in the world did he just do? Did he just use his powers? How strange. He could not help but feel he sensed an intense amount of seething rage in his singular attack just now.

"You two, up on stage. I condemn you for creating fake Melusines to try and tarnish their image to make them appear violent," the Iudex said to the abyssal gazelles, but they were gone before his words could reach either of them.

But, as the chaos soon dragged on, the magician requested the soldier step outside the opera house, for a moment. Cat girl assistant stepping out, as well, eyes were on the soldier. Did he have something important to discuss that couldn't be heard in front of other people? He supposed he could hear him out.

"I apologize for putting so much pressure on you," the magician said, lowering his head a smidgeon. "We'll permanently suspend your duties in the Magic Troupe."

"Finally," the cat girl assistant said. "Some peace and quiet."

"He'll still be working with us in other ways that isn't the magic troupe," the magician whispered to the assistant. He then turned towards the soldier. "You can go home now."

Dismissal granted, a weight had been thrown off the soldier's shoulders. He was free. No more fake magic shenanigans, no more lies, no more deceit. Removing his Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb from his back pocket, the chimera highlighted the military barracks waypoint.

Walking through the icy cold hallways, a wave of relief flowed through the chimera. He was a member of the wretched magic troupe no more. He was free, no more. Forever suspended from such duties. Reaching the soundproof room after ten minutes of walking, the hyena cruised on in.

Wave of tiredness overtaking him, in an instant, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses soon put aside, the soldier closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow, but as the dream world were about to take him away one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Why does everything always lead back to the gazelle duo?

Chapter 18: Desert Haste, Island Chase, Odd Jobs Race


This is a branch off, in which, Siorc has to do odd jobs in the Sumeru Desert and Inazuma. Collecting and chases ensue. Feat: Waiola, Bogart, Riyad, Parisa, Kelebek, Izzet, Tegne, Rede, Nilou, Dehya, Tighnari, Collei, Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, Yoimiya, Sayu, the Kamisatos and Thoma.


Oh boy Inazuma again.

Ppl thinking Siorc is a yokai is wild.

Chapter Text

"Everything is rather
Viscous lately.
Every night, my dreams are
Rather tormenting.
Yes, they are
Taking me away
Have I broken?
I do not know, my shark brain is
Now active, so I
Guess I am cracking. It is

Likely, possible.
Ah, what am I thinking?
This is how it's always been since that day.
Every night is almost all the same.
Lucky, I only remember some.
Yes, only the worst of the bunch.

For now, that's
Enough thinking, that's
Enough dwelling.
Looks like another odd job today.
Something about artifacts?

Something about collecting
Or perhaps I am mistaken?

Right, no, I am
Absolutely not mistaken.
Nope. This is what she wants. I
Don't understand.
Of all orders, why this, Your

This makes absolutely no sense. I have to go
Over to Sumeru's
Desert. Why do you need
Anything from there?
Your Majesty, I don't understand.

I don't get this.

How can this be? Why this specifically? Won't
Any do? Or do you have a
Vendetta against the Scarlet King?
Even I know this will be a

Terrible disaster. No, I'm
Overthinking. Yes, that's the

Case, I am definitely
Overthinking. I've know taking
Loot is a common adventurers activity. I know
Looting is not something anyone would bat an
Eye at. But, I
Cannot help but feel
This will be a disaster,

And I am not prepared,
Really. I don't
Think I have ever explored the desert
In detail.
For the last time I was there I had an
Ample amount of supplies to deliver.
Cannot recall when
That was I had done
So. Ages ago?

Well, that is in the past.
How long, I do not know.
Yet, I suppose,

It does not matter.

Do not dwell
On it. I must continue onward.

No need to think about the last time
Or wrap my brain around it
Today is today, yesterday is gone. I

Know that I live in the
Now, so here's to my
Odd orders of collecting.
Will I find what she's seeking? I do not know,

However, I need to try
Or Her Majesty
Will kill me.

She's watching me,
There's always eyes on me.
Right, left, center.
And I need to do my best.
No faltering,
Get ready for
Everything ahead of me. Diligence is key."

Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult life. The cycle would reverse and repeat, returning back to zero as soon as the world of the subconscious opened itself up again. The loop was never ending; unchanging. The night before him was no different, as well.

Before him had been was a field of bright blue flowers he had never seen before. Situated beside a bright green floral swing in the shape of the moon. Seeing such apparatus, a wave of confusion flowed through the early adult's dream brain. What in the world had such been doing here? He had never had such a thing during his stolen childhood.

Placing himself on the seat, the soldier kicked his currently human legs back. Bottom moving backwards to and fro, the early adult could not help but ponder. Just where in the dream world had he been taken to this time? The hyena did not know, but he supposed he could have been taken anywhere.

Nothing happening for dream minutes on end, the chimera kept the swing going in a back and forth motion. Wind pressing on, and silence looping on repeat, the chimera let out a blissful sigh. Perhaps, just maybe, nothing terrifying would happen within the dream world today.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

As the chimera kept on swinging, a sudden wind current invited itself to the party. Gust only gaining further power as the dream seconds march onward inexorably, the chimera's possibly human rear had been expelled from the seat beneath him. Gale force taking him for a ride, the early adult had soon become airborne.

Attempting with all his dream might to free himself from the wind, the early adult tried to shift his weight. But, such had been impossible. Gust continuously pushing him forward through the sky, the early adult let out a scream that did not penetrate into reality. He was the wind's next victim, there was no escape.

Thrusted forward for dream minutes on end, a piercing snap penetrated through the area. Body moving downwards, his backside collided with the ground with a loud thud. Rubbing his sides for a few moments, a grunt soon caught the early adult's subconscious attention. But, as he looked upward, a surprise awaited him.

Before him had been a Hilichurl. But, something had been quite off about the creature. Monster far taller than normal, mask full of cracks, and dual swords in both hands, confusion ate the soldier up like a plate of macrons. Where did the Hilichurl come across such weapons? How peculiar.

Monster's mask soon gazing at him, the creature brought the blades forward. Enemy looking ready to slice him up into ribbons, the early adult broke into a sweat. Any minute now, and he would become six hundred-sixty-six pieces, and someone would have to collect them all.

Switching the position of his legs, the hyena had begun to sprint. Run, he had to run away, get away from here, flee somewhere safe. Such, however, had been a grave mistake of the dream ages. Hilichurl catching up to him in no time flat, a wave of doom flowed through the soldier.

The creature was faster than him, he was doomed.

Distance between the monster and he closed off after about twenty dream seconds, the blades and the soldier's arms soon shook hands with one another. Limbs cut up into ribbons, a simulated sense of pain flowed through the hyena. Arms removed from the equation entirely, the early adult could feel his subconscious self weaken.

But, such sacrifice had only been the beginning. Body soon dragged forward like a ragdoll, the soldier whiffed up a simulated sense of fire. Scent only getting stronger, a heavy wave of fear flowed through the hyena. Was he about to become the Hilichurl's next meal? It was over. He was done, finished; dinner.

Dragged towards a bonfire, the soldier's dream legs shook. Multiple Hilichurls gazing at him like he was their next meal, the chimera's dream heart skipped more than six beats. He was about to become the next appetizer, for sure. It was over. He was done, finished; the next meal upon the platter.

Monster soon humming out a discordant tune, the soldier's body had soon been lifted upwards. Pushed towards the flames, the chimera's body had been roasted, toasted, cooked alive. Dream life floating away from him as the fire only grew stronger, the dream world had become black. As his last subconscious moments had come for him, one final thought pushed on through.

Why did it have to be swords?


"No, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, I am so stupid.

I am so, incredibly stupid.

So incredibly stupid.
How could I fall for this trap?
Oh, I am so stupid. An
Utter fool, just like my brother always calls me.
Looks like he was right, I'm a failure. How
Did I let myself believe him?

Now, I'm cursing myself for falling for such
Obviously ploy.
Today is just the worst. Riyad,

He said something I
Am kicking myself for believing. He's a
Villain for this, truly
Evil, how could he do this to me?

Today, he came into the
Rainforest and
Uttered this to me:
'Since you're such a failure, I'll have
The Akademiya unenroll you!'
Even now, I realize there was a
Dastardly tone in his voice.

However, I was foolish, and
I asked, 'Really? You
Mean it?'

Why did I believe him?
He was just trying to get rid of me.
Yet, I pressed on as he told me to follow him. But, he

Did not take me to the Akademiya, no, not even close.
I soon found myself in the
Desert, and that's when the realization hit me.

I am being disposed of. He's trying to get rid of me. I say nothing as I continue

Following. I can see the smirk on his face growing,
And it scares me. That
Look on his face, it's the
Look of evil. He then says to me, 'Why the silence,

Failure?' I continue to say nothing, I don't
Open my mouth. But what awaits me next is even worse. I
Really should not have fell for this

It's all over for me!
Taken towards some pit,

I see my cousins who

Always said especially hurtful things to
Me during my childhood. I

Should have fallen for this,
Oh, I'm so stupid. Oh, I'm

So stupid.
They laugh at me, push me down, and
Utter a farewell, 'Bye, bye, failure
Parisa!' And down
I go, into this pit of the unknown.
Down I go, to the end of the road."

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked in a piercing uproar. As the alarm bells kept their rampage going, countless Fatui soldiers sent their complaints upwards towards Celestia above. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every single soldier remained loyal.

The protests about were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Lifting himself up from the rock hard covers, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the early adult attempted to shake such off. Dreams weren't real. He had to get over it. Thoughts tuned out, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but ponder. His placement within the magic troupe, had it truly been permanently suspended? He does not wish to return to such position at any given time, for any reason at all, whatsoever. But, the soldier threw such thoughts into the snow outside. It doesn't matter. He has been removed. That is how it should be.

Buttons in the correct holes, the early adult clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Matching blue stars in his hair and ears, a wave of ease flowed through the soldier. But, such moment of reprieve was the dead soldier upon the battlefield. Dream flashing through his mind, the chimera's heart beating hard and fast in his chest. Everything breaking, the hyena let out a scream.

Performing his breathing exercises. Everything slowing down within him, the early adult shook his head. It was just a dream. There was no way real Hilichurls would ever wield swords. He needed to stop letting himself get distracted by fantasy and return to reality.

Feelings shook off, the chimera hooked the Dendro Vision onto his uniform pants, the hyena gazed at the yellow-green orb for a moment. The gods, why did they grant visions anyway? But, the chimera stopped himself from thinking further. Such inquiries won't get him anywhere.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the chimera stared at the steel walls. Hilichurls, was it possible for them to wield swords? But, the early adult perished such thoughts. There as no way that would ever be possible in the mortal waking world. Dreams were not real, in any capacity.

Hearing the louder than ever before militaristic boots march onward with a fervor, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. There was no more time for thinking. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going to the Sumeru desert to hunt artifacts For Her Majesty." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Any small power up would add to the Cryo Archon's power.

Siorc jumped three steps back upon hearing he would be collecting artifacts today. He has to go where and do what now? Look for artifacts? What a ridiculous thing to be told. What was the point in such a thing? The chimera could hardly fathom the orders presented to him.

The early adult stared off into space. What did Her Majesty need artifacts for, anyway? Wasn't she a god? Why did she need such things human adventurers used to power themselves up? Absolutely ludicrous nonsenses. This order was the worst one yet. But, he knew he had no choice but to follow it, or his life would be over, in an instant.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You're collecting artifacts in the Sumeru desert today!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. What could the soldier possibly be thinking about besides work? "Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The chimera let out a yelp. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. Stepping forward, the early adult placed his hand in front of him. It was time to get ready to trek through the world of sand. Everything else had to be pushed away.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Needing artifacts or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter but to follow orders.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. "Proceed through the Great Red Sand carefully. It is dangerous there right now. You will need to head for the blacksmith before heading there." Arm out in front of him, the masked Agent locked the limb into a squeeze tight enough to bruise. Gripping prison as relentless as it always had been, the chimera closed his eyes as the escort to Sumeru began.

Have the abyssal gazelles reached Sumeru?


"What is happening? The Agent,
He just told me the desert is dangerous today.
Yet, here I go, off into there like

It's nothing. What's going on? What's
So endangering that I must be warned about it?

There can't be anything too
Horrible out there.
Everything out there is probably ordinary monsters.

Do I really need to cautious, truly?
Even though I have barely ever traversed through the
Sumeru deserts, I do not think there is anything
Especially dangerous out there.
Really, this warning is quite unnecessary.
There is absolutely nothing to be concerned over. The Agent is

Definitely exaggerating.
Ah, but, I suppose I
Need to be cautious. Do not
Get complacent, or it will be the
End of me.
Right, take the warning and
Open my eyes. Proceed with
Utmost caution. This though this
Seems like too much caution, I

Will keep such in mind.
Heed with caution,
And keep my eyes open.
That is key.

I know there won't be
Something out to

Get me, but even so, I
Obviously need to prepare.
I obviously
Need to keep myself on my toes.
Get myself ready,

Or I'll be defeated, a disappointment to Her Majesty. There is
No way I can allow that. Caution is mandatory."

Upon reaching the capital city of Sumeru through the teleport waypoint, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Area buzzing with scholars, the soldier's knees buckled. Why were there so many people out and about right now? There was no way he would be able to reach the blacksmith without eyes all over him.

Agent heading for the Akademiya, the early adult let out a sigh. He was to traverse the desert solo. But, he supposed by now, he was used to such a thing. Knowing he had to make haste and head for the blacksmith right away, the chimera had begun walking. There was no time. He was on the nonexistent clock.

As the soldier stepped down the walkway, the chimera could not help but wonder. What could possibly be so dangerous, he needed a special weapon made by the city blacksmith? Surely, whatever awaited him in the desert was nothing more than a few monsters or to. His vision should be more than enough power to quell off the beasts.

Walking upon the northern city path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Akademiya students everywhere discussing what their projects were, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was it a group study hour outdoors, or something? But, the chimera shook his head. Whatever might have been happening right now was absolutely no business of his.

Continuing to move north, the early adult continued to observe the area around him. Where could the city blacksmith be? He had not been around the dendro nation of knowledge enough to memorize what shops were where. But, he knew he would find it sooner rather than later.

Moving onward towards the western path, the questions within kept on rolling the numbers. Just how dangerous could the desert possibly be? It was nothing but a barren wasteland of sand. Surely, there was nothing to worry about. He had traversed through there to deliver supplies before.

But, the early adult shook his head as he kept heading west. Such desert journey had been a year prior. The world was always changing, moving. Perhaps, just maybe, something powerful had been lurking. He knew he needed to proceed with utmost caution going forward.

Continuing to head westward, no blacksmith graced the soldier. Seeing such, the chimera scratched the side of his head. Had he taken a wrong turn? But, the chimera sauntered onward. He had to have been going in the right direction, for sure. Treasure Street had to have been close by.

Spotting a café in the corner and and various other stores, the early adult kept his eyes open. But, no blacksmith awaited him with the area. Letting out a sigh, the chimera turned his heelless shoes back towards the direction in which he came. Perhaps, just maybe, he had made a wrong turn.

Wandering through the streets for minutes on end, the hyena kept his focus forward. He had to have been in Treasures Street by now. Surely, he would soon be in the right direction. Moving away from the café entrance, the soldier swore he could hear someone say they were rebooting off in the distance.

As the early adult readied to head towards the southern path, the chimera could not help but think about his orders once more. Her Majesty, just what kind of artifacts did she want, anyway? Why now, of all times, did he have to go around collecting such a thing? They would be useless to her, for sure.

Heading down the southern streets, the soldier threw such thoughts out into the trees. Why was he questioning his orders? Such was a forbidden action. It did not matter why Her Majesty wanted artifacts. He had to get them for her, no matter what. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

Hearing the sound of a hammer pounding away up ahead, the chimera's legs erupted into a sprint. The blacksmith, they were close. Continuing to run for many seconds, the early adult parked the brakes as the booth approached. But, as he had done so, an obstacle stood before him.

Spotting Waiola and Bogart by the blacksmith requesting weapons to be made, the soldier stood behind them. They were already up first. Cutting in front of them in the line would be quite rude of him. His parents always told him in his stolen childhood it was best to wait his turn.

Weapons soon being made, the party of two soon turned towards the hyena. Eyes soon on him, the chimera observed the twins, for a moment. Waiola wearing a black and white adventurers guild uniform like the first time they had encountered one another, the soldier payed her absolutely no mind.

Turning his attention towards Bogart, the early adult studied his outfit, for a moment. Shorter panther chimera adorning a gorgeous, green-blue knee length dress embroidered with a golden feather print, the hyena's cheeks were on fire. Was a goddess standing before his very eyes? Who put this chimera on this planet with such a beautiful face and outfit? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he gushing about in silence? Was he even allowed to think that about a complete stranger he had only met once? Clearing his throat, the hyena attempted to remove emotion from his face. Act natural, act natural.

Seeing a familiar stranger walk behind Bogart and she, Waiola gazed at them for a moment. Siorc was in Sumeru City again after so long? He looked quite lost. Did he need help navigating through the city? Perhaps, it was in her best interest to help him get where he needed to.

"Huh? It's you again. Haven't seen you in awhile," Waiola said in confusion. "You look lost. Do you need help navigating through the city?" But, Bogart soon interrupted.

"Come on, Waiola! Help someone get around?" Bogart complained. "That's boring! I want action!"

"You know Kateryne doesn't have any work for us," Waiola responded, shaking her head.

Panther twins soon given their weapons, the soldier stepped forward. Blacksmith asking him how he could help him, the soldier folded his arms into fists. Placing them on top of one another, the hyena did a twisting movement. Word make signed on public display, the hyena prepared himself for the next sign.

Bending his index fingers a smidgeon, the early adult moved his hands past his shoulders and outward. Word large signed, the hyena prepared himself for the big stretch. Acting as though he was swinging an invisible sword, the hyena looked into the blacksmith's eyes.

Blacksmith stating he had already gotten a custom order for him, the chimera scratched his head. Had the Agent already requested his weapon ahead of time? Blade handed to him, the soldier studied it for a moment. Heavy claymore that looked like a desert tomb had been imprinted on it, a wave of confusion flowed through him. This was a the specialized blade made for him? Why did it weigh so much? But, he knew he would have to bear it. Bowing a thank you, the chimera moved off the line.

But, as the chimera sheathed the blade behind him, eyes were soon on him. Bogart looking ready to turn into a firework, the early adult let out a groan. Why was he looking at his greatsword so intently? Trying to keep it out of sight, the early adult attempted to exit the area. But, such action was cancelled before it could even begin as a voice overpowered him.

"You look like you're going somewhere action packed!" Bogart explained, swiping his finger across his nose. "Where you headed?"

Hearing Bogart's question, the chimera blinked. Why is he being asked such a thing? Didn't Waiola and he have other jobs to attend to? But, he knew such had already not been the case. Perhaps, just maybe, he could tell them where he was headed? He supposed it was worth a shot. Taking a deep breath, he allowed the words to escape his throat.

"I have to go to the desert and collect artifacts," the hyena responded, voice barely audible.

Hearing Siorc mention he would be going to the desert, Waiola shook her head. He was heading there to gather artifacts alone? The desert was far too dangerous right now for such a mission. Perhaps it was best to lend him a hand to assure his safety within the Great Red Sand.

Siorc stating he was heading for the desert, Bogart's eyes were on fire. He was gathering artifacts around there? That sounded like an action packed job full of battles. Was there room for one more? Work had been nothing but boring chores lately. It should tag along and get in on the fights.

"Siorc, come with me," Waiola said sternly. "I need to talk to you about something."

Waiola leading the hyena away from the area, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Just where was she taking him? He didn't have time for this sort of thing. He had to head for the desert right away. Bogart following behind, as well, the soldier waved the white flag. He supposed he had no choice but let the panther say what needed to be said.

Soon reaching a secret doorway, a hidden shopping district awaited the soldier. Spotting a dancing theater in the corner, the early adult blinked. Why had he been taken to the Grand Bazaar? There were many eyes and ears all around here. There was no way this was a place that was more private.

Panther twins soon stopping near a rug store, the soldier observed the area around him, for a moment. Red haired dancer gathering many assortments of merchandise around town, she soon headed for the same area he had been in. Young woman's shoulders soon rubbing against his, an apology had come his way.

"Oh, my most sincerest of apologies, I didn't see you there!" the red haired dancer said.

Shaking his head, the chimera backed six paces away. Red haired dancer going back about her business, she was soon out of sight, out of mind. Waiola's eyes soon on him, the early adult held back the urge to sigh once more. What was so important to tell him that he had to escorted to the hidden shopping district? But, as he thought such, Bogart's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Geez, Waiola!" You could have just told him what you needed to say in Treasures Street!" Bogart exclaimed.

"I didn't want anyone in Treasures Street overhearing us, Bogart," Waiola said to Bogart. She then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, it's very dangerous in the desert right now. We're going with you."

"I was waiting for you to say that, Waiola!" Bogart shouted, pumping his fists together. "You heard her, Siorc! We're coming with you!"

The early adult blinked. The panther twins were coming with him? Just how dangerous could the desert possibly be right now? Her Majesty, if she were to catch him working together with non Fatui members, danger would come their way, for sure. But, he knew, if he told them no they would insist anyway, the hyena gave the panthers twins a nod.

"Aww, yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Bogart chanted, bopping his fists downward. "Not doing chores for a change!"

Waiola rolling her eyes, she soon led the way. Exiting the Grand Bazaar, the panthers in front of him cruised through the city. Moving towards the west, the early adult could not help but continue to wonder. If there had been dangers within the desert, why hadn't anyone been taking care of the issue at hand?

City soon exited, the group of three continued moving westward. Curving south towards a village, multiple students had been prowling about. Seeing such, the early adult watched his step. Rainforest settlement soon passed through, the westward walk soon continued.

Cutting through a rainforest with multiple tall trees, droplets of water landed on the soldier's head one after another. Knowing he had to bear it, the early adult kept on moving. He mustn't let a little bit of precipitation bother him. Woods area quickly left behind, the journey continued.

Nothing but nature moved through at lightning speed, the early adult let out a sigh. If he ever had the time in the future, he would come back here and take a look at the nature in the area. But, he knew such time would never come. His days off were too far and in between to be able to predict.

Soon reaching an area known as Caravan Ribat, the early adult observed the area around him, for a moment. Finding himself in a small village blocked by a huge wall, the soldier tilted his head. Why had there been such a thing around the city? Was it being used to block out building sized monsters, or something?

But, the soldier quickly threw such thoughts away. There was no time to think about such things. He needed to focus on what was about to be ahead of him. Moving through the village, the border between the rainforest world and desert world was soon crossed over.

Westward walk soon continuing onward, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left as the sand crunched underneath his feet. Not spotting anything of noteworthy danger, the chimera shook his head. Both the agent and the panthers were exaggerating. There as absolutely nothing to be concerned about here.

Moving forward through the barren world of nothing, tumbleweeds drifted through the area like they owned the place. Bird's eggs falling out of the object, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. How very dangerous, the tumbleweeds were attacking. His life was on the line, for sure.

Seeing a village off in the corner on the other side of a tunnel, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. There was a settlement in the Great Red Sand? Not going anywhere near it as they continued to move forward, the chimera shrugged. Sumeru was a nation far more intertwined with nations than others.

Moving southward, the chimera kept his eyes forward. Nothing but the wind blowing, a wave of suspicions flowed through the chimera. Was there really artifacts here? Her Majesty must have been mistaken. But, he knew it was far too early to draw such conclusion. He had only just arrived here.

Waiola continuing to take the lead, the questions kept on rolling. Just what artifacts should he have been looking for anyway? The Agent did not specify. Such vagueness had been a commonality. He had been used to nothing being discussed in detail in his nearly seven-and-a-half years tenure as a member of the Fatui.

Reaching an area near a large pit, a rather peculiar blue door sat by the edge of the area. Seeing such, the soldier tilted his head. What was this entrance doing here? He could not help but feel it had been out of place. Waiola stepping towards the portal, she had soon been whisked inside. Bogart following along, the chimera took a deep breath.

Preparing himself for entry, the early adult stepped towards the door. Blinding light soon engulfing him, the hyena closed his eyes. But, what awaited him upon opening them once more, a puzzle soon fell on the floor. Finding himself in a large desert corridor, something of particular note stood out to the soldier.

Seeing multiple tiger statues adorning headgear, and eyes glowing bright red, the soldier titled his head towards the ceiling. What was with these monuments? Were they some sort of surveillance system? If such were the case, he needed to proceed with utmost caution, guaranteed.

Moving forward through the area, the hyena braced himself for a monster attack waiting to happen. Moving through a straight path, a wave of confusion soon flowed through him. Was there no other pathways in this domain? Whoever built this dungeon had to have abandoned it halfway through the creation process.

Waiola and Bogart investigating the area for other paths ahead, the panthers shook their heads in collected unison. Informed there was no other way to go but straight ahead, sweat poured down the soldier's cheek. Just whose domain was this? Pushing such thoughts aside, the group kept heading straight.

Absolutely nothing of note and no one to battle as the trio kept moving forward, the early adult could feel a wave of disappointment eat him alive. Why had the corridor been so empty? Her Majesty had to have been mistaken about there being artifacts in the desert.

Continuing along the straight path for minutes on end, no puzzles, monsters, or anything awaited the chimera. Bogart in front of him whining this dungeon had no action, the early adult agreed in silence. It was a ghost town in here. Whoever had said there was danger here was leaping.

But, such nothingness had soon been swallowed whole. Hearing a familiar battle cry, the early adult put himself on high alert. Had there been monsters here after all? Enemies running through at blistering speed, the soldier's eyes grew wide at the sight before him.

Hilichurls wielding swords in their hands jumping about, the chimera backed six steps away. Why were the masked monsters holding bladed weapons? Had he returned to the dream world? Pinching his wrist for a moment, the chimera flinched. He was most certainly awake right now. Removing the claymore from behind him, the hyena prepared himself for battle. But, such participation was over before it could even begin.

"Finally, some action around here!" Bogart exclaimed, swiping his finger across its nose. "It's my time to shine!"

Bogart soon taking out a spear, he charged forward with full force. Rings of electricity dropped as he kept on going, the hyena swore he could hear him laugh. Hilichurls letting out screams in a chorus, sweat dropped down the hyena's face. Why was he having so much fun with this?

Hilichurls attempting to raise their swords towards the shorter panther chimera, Bogart charged forward. Spear rearing its pointy head upon the monster, the creature let out a pained scream. Crumbling into nothing but dust, the fight kept on going strong. Spear blown on like it was some sort of candle, the soldier crossed his arms over his waist. Were such dramatics necessary?

Bogart continuing to bring out the thunder, every single Hilichurl had been slain. Everything gone in a matter of moments, the hyena turned his attention towards the ground. Masks fallen everywhere, the chimera backed ten steps away. Just how far had he just gone during the battle? He needed to knock himself down a peg.

"Really, Bogart?" Waiola asked, sighing. "Did you have to go that far?"

"Of course, Waiola!" Bogart responded. "If there's monsters for me to fight, I'm gonna battle them!"

Waiola clamming up, the party of three kept moving through the corridor. Nothingness soon returning from the shadows, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was there anything at all of note here? He could not help but feel the panthers and he had come all this way into the desert for nothing.

No more monsters on the pathway, everything droned about as everyone continued to move through the corridor of no interest. Tiger statues standing about not budging as well, mundandess kicked into overdrive. Hallways getting thinner as the group moved forward, the end was soon in sight.

Waiola soon coming across a staircase, everyone ascended. Spotting an area filled with artifacts seated in a bed of gold coins, a set of alarms rung in the soldier's head. Why had the artifacts been laying in such a place? He could not help but feel they had been left in a pile of riches deliberately.

Combing through the gold coins, the chimera yanked the artifacts one after another. Golden necklaces and head gear galore, the hyena allowed a sigh to escape his partially human throat. This is what Her Majesty asked him to get? There was definitely nothing special about them. She was fishing for garbage.

Exiting the dungeon, the soldier could hardly contain his disappointment. This mission was a waste of everyone's time. These artifacts Her Majesty wanted, they were nothing more than trash left behind in an empty corridor. What power did she hope to gain from such a thing?

Waiola soon informing him there were more domains in deeper areas within the desert, the soldier turned his head upwards towards the sky. There was more empty corridors with nothing but cheap looking artifacts? He was in for a riveting journey, indeed. But, the chimera threw such comments away. Useless or not, he had no choice but to collect them.

Panther twins stating the next domain had been spotted near an oasis, the early adult peddled to the meddle. Surely, the next dungeon ahead of him wouldn't be as empty as the last. Legs erupting into a sprint, the sand crunched underneath the hyena's feet.

Shouts to slow down coming his way, the chimera slowed down his run back into a walk. Scolding coming his way that he'll get lost if he goes too far ahead, the hyena surrendered. Panther twins soon in front of him once more, the young soldier followed in silence like a duckling waddling behind the mother duck.

As the group continued heading west, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Was it just his imagination, or had the atmosphere begun to get much thicker? But, the hyena shook such feeling off. He was overthinking it. There was nothing amiss here whatsoever.

Spotting a lake up further ahead, the chimera kept sauntering onward. Not seeing any sort of door in his heterochromatic field of damaged vision, a wave of questions flowed through the chimera. Had there really been a domain near the oasis? Perhaps, just maybe, Waiola had been mistaken.

But, such had been wishful thinking. Atmosphere only getting thicker as the oasis was front and center, a sandpit opened itself up. Seeing such, the soldier could feel goosebumps engulf him. Where had this swirling hole come from? He could not help but feel such did not belong here in any capacity.

Attempting to avoid the pit, the soldier looked around the area. Surely, there had to have been some sort of invisible door somewhere. But, such investigation had come to a grinding halt. Force of wind pushing him backwards, the chimera's legs had begun to sink.

Hole eating him up for dinner, the soldier let out a scream. Legs buried deep, the early adult had begun to squirm. He was done for, a goner, the sand's mistress. Torso soon the sandpit's next meal, his shouts continued. Force sinking him downward further and further, the early adult surrendered. Getting out was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Chest almost completely submerged, shouts had been returned in kind.

"Wowza! That thing is sucking him right in!" Bogart shouted.

"Bogart, don't just stand there, pull him out!" Waiola cried.

Bogart attempting to free the soldier from his sand prison, one victim had soon become two. Double trouble struggle kicking into overdrive, Bogart soon screamed this was no way to treat a queen. Waiola soon attempting to pull him out, the third and final mistresses of the sand demon had been taken prisoner.

Head about to be swallowed whole, the chimera closed his eyes. He was far too gone. This was it, it was over. Everything engulfed within the sediment, doom loomed over the hyena. Any minute now, and he would breathe his last. Panther twins surrendering as well, the bells tolled.

But, such end never came. Feeling his body falling hard and fast, the chimera opened his eyes. Possibly human rear thudding downward onto a bed of sand beneath, the chimera rubbed his sides, for a moment. Panther twins falling downward, as well, their rumps had been added to the bruised collection.

"Jeepers! I thought I was a goner!" Bogart exclaimed. "Waiola, why did you tell me there was a quicksand out here?"

"How was I supposed to know that?" Waiola asked, slightly irritated tone of voice. "We've been in the rainforest lately!"

Panther twins going back and forth, the chimera tuned them out. Observing the area, for a moment, a chill dropped down the soldier's spine. Large, multi floored temple awaiting him, the hyena placed his hand underneath his chin. How had there been such a large domain hidden underneath a sandpit? But, he supposed anything was possible in Teyvat.

Knowing it was best to find a way to get out, the chimera had begun his investigation. Figuring the best way to get out was to head for the stairs, the soldier strolled upon the northern pathway. Nothing but tiger statues glaring at him, the chimera gulped. The monument's gaze, it was cold, piercing.

Waiola and Bogart soon joining his side, the chimera turned his attention towards the statues once more. The monuments, could they come alive? Feeling a heavy wave of energy flowing through the walls, doom hugged the hyena from behind. Any minute now, and something would happen.

Corridors only getting narrower as the group kept heading for the lift in the corner, the hyena prepared himself for any battle that might come his way. Veering off towards the left, the box soon awaited the party of three. Attempting to step onto it, the mechanism did not budge, even a little. Panther shaking her head, light shed itself on the empty husk.

"Siorc, why are you trying to ride the elevator?" Waiola asked, crossing her arms across her chest. "Didn't you see the electrical current? It won't operate unless it's on the correct path." But, Bogart soon interrupted.

"An electric current puzzle?" Bogart asked. "Leave that to the queen!"

Stepping off the lift, a shocking sight to behold caught the chimera's attention. Bogart's rings of electricity quickly completing the rest of the circuit, the sound of a device turning on rumbled through the area. Elevator glowing, the party of three hopped on in unison.

But, a storm awaited as the trio reached the next floor. Roars emanating throughout the area, the hyena's knees buckled. Had there been monsters in the area? He needed to prepare himself for battle. Everyone moving right along, the enemies soon dashed on through.

Pure white tigers with head gear screwed on, the hyena unsheathed his claymore from behind him. The statues in the temple, had they come alive? Creatures lunging towards him with full force, the chimera clutched his blade tight. Monsters bringing on their a-game, the hyena placed himself into a fighting stance.

Waiola and Bogart fighting their own battle in the corner, the chimera focused his attention on the small mob in front of him. Claws out and ready, the soldier's temporary blade had gotten on the defensive. Tiger letting out a roar as the retaliation kicked into full swing, the army soon came front and center.

Enemies crowding around him, claws had gotten on the offensive. Metal slicing through his uniform like he was a slice of cake, the hyena bellowed a growl. Were these monsters made out of steel? Claws sinking in, the soldier attempted to dodge. Jumping towards the left, the hyena swung the claymore in a circular motion.

Tiger army vanquished after about sixty slashes between the three, the early adult let out a huff. He supposed the warning about the dangers within the desert was not useless after all. Rest of the minions defeated by the panther twins, the early adult swore he could hear Bogart laughing once again.

Group beginning to head westward through the corridors for awhile, another army of wildcats awaited. Bogart stepping in front of Waiola and he, the monster mob had soon been reduced to zero after about four minutes of fighting. Moving on, the enemies kept on lurking.

Shorter panther chimera letting out a laugh as its fights continued, the hyena shook his head. Why was he having so much fun? They had been trapped in an underground dungeon with monsters on the prowl everywhere. Where was his sense of danger? But, he knew it was wrong to judge someone. He needed to throw such away.

Every single tiger taken out of the equation by one of the two panther twins, the group of three dashed off towards the next elevator. Lift ascending towards a hole for minutes on end, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had the exit been near? He needed to prepare himself for such if such were the case.

Reaching a room with more artifacts sitting inside a bed of coins, the chimera tilted his head. Why had this temple been the same as the last? Stepping towards the field of gold, the hyena reached for the spoils of garbage. But, as he had done so, a roar echoed throughout the area.

Golden tigers adorning multiple layers of gear, the hyena gulped. Had these creatures been the protectors of the domain? Creatures looking as though they weren't about to give up their treasures without a fight, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance.

But such battle was over as quickly as it began. Strength of three combined, armor cracked like glass after four attempts. Creatures hightailing it as their defenses reversed to zero, the artifacts had soon been within reach. Moving towards the bed of gold, the hyena had begun digging.

As the hyena pocketed the artifacts, a pulse shot through the soldier's chest. Was it just his imagination, or had something felt off about the trash he had just pocketed? But, as he thought about such, a mysterious force threw the panther duo and he out of the temple.

Finding himself back where he had fallen, the early adult broke out into a shiver. Had the desert gotten colder since he returned? But, the young soldier threw such thought into the missing sandpit. It was getting later into the day, temperature shifts were normal. He was concerning himself over nothing, for certain.

Moving forward, the hyena could not help but think. The artifacts, what could have possibly been wrong with them? Something about them had not been right. But, as he thought about such, the next domain had already been located. Door sneaking up on him like a bad habit, the chimera barreled in behind the panther twins.

Finding himself in yet another secret temple, the chimera stared at the walls. Just how many hidden ruins were there in Sumeru's deserts? Knowing that, at any given moment, monsters would appear, the hyena steeled himself for impact. Duo in front of him running ahead, the soldier sprinted towards them.

Not a single monster awaiting him, a puzzle slammed down upon the pavement. Multiple machines hitting beams onto the walls, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What kind of challenge was this? Lift in the corner locked up, the soldier prepared himself for a long session ahead. Waiola soon studying the devices, a suggested solution hit the floor.

"We have to have these machines beams to hit one another from the backside," Waiola suggested.

Finding a button on the backside of the mechanism, the soldier pressed the clicker. Device turning towards the left, the beam hit the wall. Seeing such, the soldier kept on pressing. First object facing the opposite direction of the way it was found, the hyena moved towards the next one.

Waiola and Bogart moving on ahead towards the end of the puzzle, the chimera kept the rotations going. Second device soon beaming a light onto the back of the third one, the chain of circles played themselves out. Everything looping on repeat, the hyena gazed at the mechanisms. Was this really a puzzle? Everything was exactly the same.

Hearing the sound of the elevator starting up in the corner, the party of three hopped right on. Lift soon taking the group to the second floor, a red glowing device let its presence be known. Bogart pressing it, a large banner stretched across the sky that read, collect the Dendro Particles in three hundred seconds, zero of one hundred fifty a timer soon appeared on the soldier's wrist.

Numbers counting down one after another, the early adult sprinted like the world was chasing him. Energy particles making a peculiar sound as he collected them, the chimera sped up his running speed. Collect one-hundred fifty particles in five minutes? Absolutely impossible. How was he supposed to accomplish such a feat?

Thirty particles underneath his belt, the early adult kept his dash going. Timer counting down faster, desperation threw the soldier through a loop. Was there a penalty for going too fast? Slowing down his running speed a bit, the collection resumed. Platforms appearing out of nowhere as he kept going, the hyena took the leap of faith.

Multiple Dendro dots collected as the platform thrusted him upward, another group soon appeared one after another. Time ticking, the chimera leaped towards the next one. There was no time, he had to go faster. Many leaps and bounds taken, the ground and the hyena had become one once more.

Particles clustered into a circle, the early adult sped up his running speed. Legs screaming as he kept going, seventy-two seconds soon remained. Time ticking away faster and faster, the early adult pushed onward. Energy collected for seconds on end, his dash continued.

Number on his wrist reading one-hundred-thirty of one-hundred-fifty, the chimera let out a yelp. He still had particles to collect? There was barely any time left, how was he supposed to get them all? Running as fast as his body would allow, his limbs burned like they were fire.

Less than twenty seconds remaining, the chimera let out a scream. Only six particles left. He had to get them, or the challenge would be an utter failure, particles farther away than he anticipated, the hyena leaped. He had to reach them before everything his zero. Wind glider soon deployed, the chimera jumped down.

Final balls of energy collected as the timer loomed around the three second mark, the chimera broke out into a deep pant as the challenge had been completed. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. Treasure chest soon springing upward from the ground, the panther twins opened up the trove.

Silver artifacts dropping from the trove, the treasure had been handed off to the soldier. Pockets beginning to feel heavy, the chimera sagged. Party of three exiting the domain, the hyena dragged his feet as the next domain was being headed towards. Reports of ruins being spotted near the Dune of Magma everyone moved forward.

But, as the group had reached the halfway point, a face stuck out amongst the empty sounds of nothing. Tall woman with long brown hair, blue eyes, lion headdress and sepia outfit with her belly fully exposed, the chimera blinked. What was the Eremite bodyguard doing out in the Great Red Sand? Did she have some sort of job to do? But, he supposed whatever she was doing was not his business. Eyes soon on the panther twins, a conversation soon kicked up.

"Waiola, Xerxes, well met!" the Eremite bodyguard greeted. "You two out adventuring?"

"You bet, -----!" Bogart responded. "But, we have to go!"

Eremite bodyguard bidding farewell, the party of three kept moving forward. Reaching the ruins after about thirty minutes of walking, another pit of sand awaited. Trio pulled in almost immediately, the chimera accepted his fate as the sediment's meal of the day.

Finding the third hidden temple of possibly hundreds, the party of three readied to find the exit. Floor cracking as the group moved forward, the hyena proceeded with caution. Had this area been ancient? He was stepping upon sacred forgotten areas within Sumeru, for sure.

Ground crumbling as the party of three kept going, the soldier's knees buckled. Any minute now, and he would fall. Walkway caving with every step, the hyena lowered his walk into a tiptoe. Perhaps, just maybe, if he slowed down his movement speed, nothing would further cave.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part. Walkway crumbling ever further as the group shifted east, a hole caved itself through the floor. Everything crumbling into bits and pieces, the chimera and the panther twins dropped downward. Legs feeling like jelly, the hyena flinched.

Landing next to a staircase, the party of three soon ascended. Steps caving as the trio kept moving, fear swallowed the chimera whole. Just how fragile was this place? Reaching the end of the first staircase, the group soon continued. Everything falling apart one after another, caution was soon exercised.

Second staircase plowed through, barely anything remained within the secret hidden temple beneath the world of sand. Seeing such, the soldier shook. Was there anything left? He needed to keep going barreling up the third and final staircase, the rest of the floor soon gave out.

Dropped down into another secret room, treasure gleamed from the walls. Walking towards the corridor, the hyena attempted to remove the artifacts from the wall. But, such attempted was halted before it could even begin. Monster letting out a roar, the chimera turned towards the commotion.

Gigantic lion with wings across its back standing in front of the treasure, the early adult's body shook like a maraca. Had this creature been the guardian of the domain? Monster looking ready to munch on him, the hyena threw himself into battle. Panther twins donning their weapons, the triple tag team of feline doom turned tables.

Power of three carving on through, the treasures dropped themselves from the wall one after another. Spoils soon collected, a powerful force removed everyone from the area's clutches. Spit back out whence they came, the chimera gazed at the sandpit, for a moment.

Waiola soon informing him there was one more domain near the outskirts of the Mausoleum of King Deshret, the party of three moved forward. Sand temple slowly approaching, the chimera stared off into space. Her Majesty, would she really find any use in any of these artifacts he collected? She was about to be disappointed, without a shadow of doubt.

But, as the party of three reached the next area of interest, three faces he did not wish to see graced his damaged field of vision. Eremites, abyssal gazelles and robed fawn chimera standing beside another sandpit with smirks on their faces. Laughs erupting one after another, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint.

Laughs continuing to erupt, a wave of theories flowed through the hyena. This group had done something, for sure. The hooded strangers, just what had they done this time? Group of two adorning Eremite uniforms, a realization had washed over the chimera. The duo had wormed themselves into the mercenary organization, hadn't they? Just what were they up to this time? Chatter breaking loose through the laughter, the soldier forced himself to listen.

"We're finally rid of that failure!" Riyad exclaimed, laughing. As he said such, he stretched his arms out.

"Of course, dear cousin!" Kelebek replied, laughing.

"Anything you ask, we shall do!" Izzet added. But, they soon turned around. "Oops! Hold on, three more!"

Gazelle's hands soon on his back, the early adult squirmed. Body soon becoming one with the sand pit, a swift kick gobbled the hyena further. Closing his eyes as the world of sand devoured him, he soon dropped downward. Panther twins screaming beside him, his buttocks soon hit the hard floor.

Bottom stinging, the early adult clicked his tongue. The abyssal gazelles, just what was their problem? Standing up on his feet, the hyena swore he could hear a haunting cry in the distance. Party of three gazing at one another, confusion looped on repeat. Questions about whether they all heard that, the chimera nodded.

Cries only getting louder as the group headed northward, the chimera covered his ears. Where was this loud whaling coming from? It was time to find the source and put an end to it before heading towards the exit. Cries increasing in volume as the path was strolled along, the hyena swore his ears would fall off any second now.

Reaching a corridor with a singular pathway, the source of the whaling had soon been located. Fawn in the center of the room screaming at the top of her lungs asking herself why did she fall for this trick as she rocked back and forth, the hyena's heart skipped more than three beats. Riyad and the abyssal gazelles, what did they do to her? Panther twins soon stepping forward, the hyena could not help but notice the look of familiarity on their faces.

"Parisa?" Waiola asked, tail coiled up from behind her. "Is that you?" But, a shout had soon come her way.

"Who are you?" Parisa asked. Her hands soon covered her face. "Don't look at me!"

"You don't remember us?" Waiola asked. "We took some commissions from you when--" But she had soon been interrupted.

"Waiola, can't you tell she doesn't want to think about the past?!" Bogart cried. He then turned toward Parisa. "We'll help you get out of here, but I call dibs on the battles!"

"I don't need your help getting out of here," Parisa responded. There was no grace to be had in her voice.

Actions and words not lining up, the party of three had soon become a team of four. Air getting thin as the group ascended the staircase, a sense of doom loomed over the soldier. Was something lurking in the shadows? But, the chimera shook such feeling off. There was no way. He was overthinking it, for sure.

Moving through the empty corridors, the atmosphere continued to thin, but the soldier pushed such feelings of doom away once more. What was he doing? He needed to keep moving ahead and focus. The exit, he had to head for it. Moving along, the soldier's throat hardened into stone as the next room soon approached.

Coming across a secret room, the abyssal duo sat down upon a platform, legs crossed. Sinister looks on their faces, the chimera held back the urge to growl. How did they get down here so quickly? Hadn't they been on the surface? These two were about to be up to no good, guaranteed. Eyes darting towards the fawn, laugher erupted.

"So, she's still alive?" Kelebek asked, laughing. "You thought you were rid of her!"

"I'm not going to die that easily!" Parisa shouted, voice shaking. "Why did you come back?"

"Nyahaha, to get rid of you, of course!" Izzet exclaimed. "A pity you're still alive!" As they said such, they snapped their fingers. "Here's a little present from us!"

Large feline beast dropped down that looked big enough to fill up an entire Aquabus, the chimera's eyes opened wide. What in the world did the hooded strangers just summon? Duo soon dropping themselves through a portal as they guffawed up a storm, the early adult prepared himself for battle.

Trio in front of him adorning their weapons, the soldier placed his temporary claymore in front of him. Waiola shooting a waterlogged arrow, and fawn combining water with her lance, graceful attacks locked onto the creature. Bogart soon adding a layer of electricity, the creature had become mercy of static.

But, such advantage had been short lived. Creature breaking free from its static prison, the enemy pounced forward. Eyes soon on the soldier, the chimera attempted to dodge with all his energy that remained. But, such had been an utter failure. Claws coming at him, the walls narrowed.

As the talons brushed downward, the hyena's legs had been claimed as a prize. Claws penetrating through his pants, the chimera let out a scream. Rampage continuing on, desperation flowed through the soldier. Dodge, yes, he had to dodge, he had to jump back at all costs.

But, such jump never came. Claws sinking deeper, a pool of red decorated the domain floor. Heart beating harder and faster in his chest, the desperation raced on. Jump back and deflect, yes, he had to jump back and deflect. His right leg, it hadn't been claimed, he had to get away.

His thinking had been far too wishful.

Creature claiming his right leg as well, the chimera's heart was a jackhammer. World spinning around him as the crimson pool increasing, the chimera fell backwards upon the pavement. Sound around him dulling, the world had soon gone black. Consciousness slipping away, the hyena's eyes shut.

Coming to sometime later, the soldier blinked. Fawn nowhere to be seen, a puzzle piece fell on the floor. Was the battle already over? Realizing such, a wave of uselessness flowed through the chimera. If Her Majesty were watching him, she would kill him, without a doubt. Panther twins gazing at him, worried looks plastered their faces.

"Are you alright?" Waiola asked.

Legs stinging, the soldier gave a nod. Wouldn't it be more work for them if he had said no? One small leg injury was no big deal. There were still artifacts to collect. There was no time to worry about any small inconveniences. But, the look of concern did not leave the panther's face.

"I don't believe you," Waiola responded. "We're taking you to Gandharva Ville."

Lifted to his feet, the soldier stared off into space as the escort began. Was any of this necessary? Surely, such would heal on its own. He did not have time for this. Waiola not budging, the chimera surrendered himself. Long walk ahead of him, the chimera let his thoughts consume him.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, the hyena flinched. When had they arrived at the treehouse in the rainforest? Panther chimera telling the furry eared man what happened and asking to tend to his injury, the soldier turned to face the wall. None of this was needed, whatsoever.

"I will," the furry eared man said. He then turned towards another person in the room. "------, could you gather the topical cream!"

"On it, Master --------!" the forest trainee replied.

Tube handed off to the forest watcher leader, a cap had been screwed off. Cold cream dabbed onto his wounds, the chimera flinched. What was this slimy feeling? Furry eared man demanding he stay still, the chimera froze. Disgusting liquids continuing their rampage, the early adult resisted the urge to cry. Whoever made topical cream was the worst person to ever invent anything. Creams soon settling, Waiola gave the chimera a stern stare.

"Please, don't lie next time we meet," Waiola warned. She then turned around. "It's late now, so we're heading home. See you next time." Another voice soon joined the party.

"See ya," Bogart said. "Give us another action packed mission again sometime!"

Panther twins soon leaving, the soldier removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Orb folded out into map form, the hyena highlighted the military barracks waypoint. Cruising through the icy cold hallways, a box labelled artifacts glared daggers at the soldier.

Dropping the useless treasures of trash into the box, the chimera stepped into the soundproof room. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, everything had soon been removed. Slumping into the uncomfortable bed, the hyena closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. But, as the dream world readied to take him away, one last thought wrapped vines around him.

These artifacts are useless.


"Alright, Your Majesty, this is

Getting ridiculous.
Are you serious right now?
Maybe I am mistaken on what my order are.
Even so, exterminating bad Yokai?

Of all orders, why this?
From what I know, Inazuma is still

Closed to outsiders.
How am I supposed to do this without getting noticed? I
Am not from Inazuma. Nor do I look the part.
She's setting me up for disaster.
Even so, I cannot falter."

Upon waking up the next morning, a peculiar order caught the soldier off guard five times order. Note on his door stating he had to go to Inazuma and exterminate bad yokai, the early adult tilted his head towards the ceiling. He had to do what now? Eliminate bad yokai? There was no way he would end the lives of such creatures.

List of locations underneath his orders, and Inazuman style uniform hanging on his door, the hyena let out a sigh. He knew he had no choice but to follow orders. Perhaps, just maybe, there was a way to get rid of them without having to battle them. Clinging onto such hope, the chimera switched into his temporary uniform.

Reading the first name upon the list, the hyena could hardly believe what he was reading. He had to go to Ritou first? There was no way he would be able to squeak on by without being noticed. Hadn't there been some sort of agency there with a lot of rules on foreigners who attempted to come into the nation? He would need to avoid being spotted by such people at all costs.

Ritou waypoint soon highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Finding himself by a pier, the soldier read through his notes a second time. Instructions informing him he had to head towards an island northward of the docks, a boat awaited the soldier as if it had been left there deliberately.

Placing himself in the vessel, the chimera cruised forward. Spotting a large island off into the distance, the hyena kept rowing. Generic nobodies staring at him from afar, the hyena sped up his movement. Had he been caught already? He needed to make haste.

Reaching the other side after a few moments, a sight of many oddities awaited the soldier. Short, young woman with pure white hair going down to about her waist, a leaf on the top of her head, pointy brown ears, bushy tail, and and green outfit, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was this the so called evil yokai he had to eliminate? She didn't look like she could hurt a fly.

Feeling a dark aura around the yokai, the chimera rescinded such thoughts. Where had this strong pressure come from all of a sudden? Girl soon looking his way, the chimera gulped. Was she about to challenge him to a fight? If such were the case, he would not participate. There was no way he could hurt a creature of Inazuma folklore. The Electro Archon could be watching.

"He-he, onii-chan, are you here to eliminate me-nuki?" the yokai asked. "Then, let's race-nuki!" Getting down on all fours, she let out a giggle. "If you win, I'll go back home to Kerry-nuki!"

Challenge presented to him, the yokai soon got a head start. Creature already far away, the chimera's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. She wanted to race now? He wasn't ready. Closing his eyes for a moment, the soldier attempted with all his might to have his currently human legs transform into hyena ones.

But, such transformation never came. Human legs remaining, the soldier sighed. He supposed he was going to race at the speed of his military training. Dashing on with all his might, the gap soon shrunk. Yokai attempting to run faster, the early adult picked up the speed.

Yokai setting down tricks as she kept running, the early adult avoided them to the best of his ability. Did she really think he wouldn't see her setting down traps? What a stupid move. She was ruining this race for herself. Soon passing by her, the race was on.

Reaching the edge of the island, the hyena panted up a storm. Yokai soon reaching the edge ten seconds after him, the creature put on a face sourer than spoiled milk. Fists soon waving on the air, a cry of defeat had soon been launched the chimera's way at full speed.

"You just got lucky-nuki!" the yokai exclaimed in a sour tone. "You won't be able to beat tanuki onee-chan or onii-chan-nuki!"

Tanuki running off, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. Was she not admitting defeat? What a sore loser. No other challenges coming up to the plate, the early adult gazed at his next set of instructions. Next location listed as Kondo Village, an eerie set of words presented themselves upon the paper.

"The Vision Hunt Decree has gotten more active. You are to hide your Vision on your person at all costs," the note said.

Yanking the yellow-green orb off his uniform, the soldier dropped the orb into the back of his pocket. Was hiding it truly necessary? Surely, no one would cease a Snezhnayan Vision. But, he supposed it was better to be safe than sorry. Boating back to the pier, the chimera crept through the area. Cruising through the area in silence, a guard on duty had been snuck around.

Reaching Konda Village after about thirty of sneaking southward, voices he never wished to hear again bled through his inhuman eardrums. Ram and goat chimera talking to an elderly man blocking the pathway, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Was there about to be another comedy act? If such were the case, he would cut past the duo, immediately.

"Can you believe it, Rede? There's bad yokai out there!" Tegne exclaimed, leg raised.

"Of course, Tegne," Rede responded. "There's bad creatures everywhere. Even chimeras like us." But, a scream had soon come his way.

"That's impossible, Rede!" Tegne shouted. "You're spouting nonsense!"

"Nonsense that's true?" Rede fired back.

Comedy act playing itself out, the hyena let out a groan. How had these two still been at this since the last time he had encountered them? Neither of them were funny. But, his disapproval had soon been heard by the other party. Eyes soon on him, the soldier attempted to look away. Finger pointed his eye, the chimera resisted the urge to bite.

"Rede, look, it's that kid!" Tegne exclaimed, pointing. "He's probably here for the bad yokai! We should help him!"

"That depends on if he's fine with having us," Rede responded, stroking his chin. "Is it alright if we help you out?"

Knowing that, if he said no, the ram chimera would scream, the soldier reluctantly nodded. What was there to help him with, chasing them? But, he knew giving them a rejection would only make things get louder. Look of victory on Tegne's face, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. He should have just shook his head.

"Great!" Tegne exclaimed. "They're in Chinju Forest, let's get going!"

Ram and goat leading the way, the soldier followed behind in silence. Soon reaching the forest with the eerie blue grass, a play overtook the area. Group of white haired humanoid tanuki ganging up on the creatures dwelling within the forest, a wave of disgust flowed through the chimera. Who did these yokai think they were, scaring the species they were closely related to? Party of enemies soon turning towards him, their furry paws pointed his way.

"Purple nii-chan spotted!" one of the tanuki exclaimed, pointing. "You wanna 'exterminate' us? Then, you need to beat us in a race!" But, as they said such, Tegne let out a scream.

"A race?" Tegne squealed. "I can't run that fast!"

"You sure about that?" Rede asked, chuckling. "When it's dinnertime at my house with pops--" But his words had soon been interrupted.

"Rede, not here, not now!" Tegne exclaimed, placing his hands over the goat's mouth. "There's people here!"

Tanuki exclaiming if they manage to tag their tails, they win the game, the race had soon been on, yokai dropping down onto all fours, the soldier attempted once again to transform his currently human legs into hyena ones. But, such had been yet another failure.

Human legs reigning supreme, the chimera had begun running. Tag the creatures tails to win? Surely, that would not be such a difficult task to perform. Cracking his knuckles, the hyena had begun sprinting. But, immediately upon racing, traps laid themselves down.

Elemental totems in the pathway, the chimera shook his head. Did these yokai really think he would try to light them up? There was no way he would do such a thing. Tegne screaming from behind him dirty cheats, the hyena ignored the party of two. He had to focus on the game of tag. Distractions had to be removed.

Creatures attempting to slow him down every step of the way, the chimera avoided as many traps as possible. Tanuki only beginning to run faster, the early adult sped up his running speed. These traps were nothing, he was onto them. Speeding on through, the tails were close.

Catching one of the creatures attempting to set up a trap right in front of him, the hyena tapped on their tail. Look of defeat on the enemy's face, they snapped their fingers. Poofing away towards a rock, the rest of the race was still on. Opponents looking ready to bring out more tricks, the chimera cracked his knuckles.

But, as the hyena attempted to tag the rest of the tanuki, a grave mistake had been made. Fuzzy appendage grabbed, a small person in a hoodie led out a yawn. Petite young woman biting down on her lip with a sour look on her face, the chimera broke out into a sweat. Had he tagged the wrong person? He was going to lose the game, for sure.

"Why'd you wake me up?" the girl in the hoodie asked, pouting. "I'm trying to get taller here!"

Young hoodie girl soon rolling up into a ball, the tanuki had begun to run for their lives. Windy blast coming their way, they let out a fit of screams. Seeing such, the early adult froze into place. Was she attacking them? Yokai raising their hands up in the air, they both let out a shout.

"We give, we give, you win!" one of the tanuki shouted. "We'll go now, okay?"

Tauki group poofing away, the hoodie girl soon dozed off once more. Seeing such, the chimera rose an eyebrow. Why did she do that? But, he supposed he would never have an answer to such inquiry. Reading through his list for a moment, a particular name stuck out to the hyena.

Grand Narukami Shrine listed upon the paper, the early adult did a triple take. He had to head where now? There had to have been some sort of mistake. Tilting his head upwards towards the sky, the sight of the torii gates gobbled the chimera up like a plate of Tricolor Dango. He had no choice but to climb.

Ram and goat duo following him through the forest, the chimera held back the urge to tell them to leave. Why were they even bothering coming along? Neither of them were of any help. But, he knew he couldn't say such. It was never a good idea to be rude to anyone. Soon reaching the mountains, the hyena prepared himself for the climb ahead.

Goat chimera reaching the top of the mountain faster than the hyena could blink, the soldier almost fell back towards the bottom of the mountains. Goats were able to climb over anything, indeed. Reaching the top after about fifteen minutes of climbing, the chimera's eyes twitched. He should never underestimate other chimera species.

Reaching the shrine after about fifteen minutes of walking, another face he did not wish to see graced his damaged field of vision. Head shrine maiden with a light novel in her hands, her eyes soon wandered towards the author and artist duo. Looking ready for a tease to end them all, a sly smile briefly appeared on her face, but it had soon been changed into a serious look.

"Watch out, little ones," the guji warned. "There's some naughty little yokai in this little domain over here."

"That is what we came here to investigate, Guji-sama," Rede replied.

Head Shrine Maiden not stopping the author and artist duo, the chimera's knees shook as the party of three stepped into the domain. But what awaited the party of three was nothing special. Small room with an even tinier humanoid individual with bird feet and three pitch black wings, they soon gazed at Rede.

"I've seen yas around here," the bird yokai said, pointing. "Poet, I challenge yous to a haiku duel!"

"A haiku duel, you say?" Rede asked. "Sure, I'll take you up to that!"

Not having any sort of poetic knowledge, the chimera seated himself out of the battle. What was a haiku anyway? He had never heard of such a thing before. Was it some sort of Inazuman writing form? He was none the wiser to the world of creative writing, in any capacity.

Bird creature spewing verses about a happy ending, a goat like him will never have one, so wallow as he cries, the early adult scratched his head. Was a haiku a short poem? He did not quite understand. How could anyone battle back and forth with such a thing? Such did not sound feasible, in the slightest.

Goat chimera dropping a verse back, the early adult counted the syllables in each line uttered. Everything coming out to be five-seven-five, the soldier tilted his head. How could anyone hope to be able to battle with such limitations? But, he supposed everyone could work around such if they tried.

Bird yokai attempting to drop a diss, the chimera kept on counting. Verses coming out to be seven-seven-six, the early adult could not piece together the puzzle. Why so few words? Weren't poems supposed to be lengthier? But, he supposed he didn't have enough knowledge on the subject to comment. Tegne soon shouting, his ears were ready to bleed.

"That was two too many syllables, tengu-san!" Tegne shouted, pointing. "The point goes to Rede!"

Haiku battle continuing, ever round soon went into Rede's favor. Seeing such, the tengu, soon buzzed off. Strange necklace dropped onto the floor, the chimera grabbed the object. Golden jewelry adorning a black feather charm in the center, the early adult pocketed the spoils, for the time being.

Removed from the domain, the early adult read the next name upon the list. Reading out the outskirts of Inazuma City, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Was that really a place to go? The Electro Archon, she was sure to spot him at any given moment in such an area.

Goat chimera offering to take him to such location by boat, the group of three exited the shrine area. Sneaking through the city and borrowing a wooden vessel, Rede pushed the oars forward. But, as the trio pushed towards the island, a storm soon brewed up above. Thunder crackling as the party of three landed near a domain, a tanuki rubbed their little paws together. Big goofy smile on their face, a sword soon sat in their hands.

"Fight me, onii-chans!" the tanuki shouted.

Tanuki charging forward, the chimera backed five steps away. He had to fight this yokai? No way. Why should he bring harm to them? He couldn't do it, not at all, not in a million years. Couldn't they just play a game of chase instead? They were not a monster. He would not dirty his hands.

Yokai snapping their paws, a sudden feeling of anger flowed through the soldier. What was this feeling? Why did he suddenly want to fight? Trying to shake such off, the hyena refused to budge. But, the feeling soon returned. Blade tossed his way, the early adult lunged forward.

Tegne and Rede unleashing their weapons upon the enemy, the soldier swore their anger levels had risen, as well. This tanuki, what did they do? Ram and goat soon unleashing their powers of Dendro, the early adult shook the rage powder within off. Attempting to wave the white flag, the hyena lowered his blade.

Large tree soon summoned, the tanuki soon fell onto the ground. Creature giving the goat their surrender, the battle had reached its conclusion. Creature running away as fast as it could, the hyena gazed at Rede. Did he go easy on the enemy? He supposed he commended him for not bringing great harm to the yokai. But, as he thought such, a surprise took the hyena away.


Lighting coming down from the sky in rapid fire, the hyena had been claimed as the storm's victim. Heartbeat slowing down the chimera fell backwards. Feeling tingly as static ate him up, the early adult closed his eyes. Unconsciousness claiming him for the second day in a row, one last question pulsed through as he faded away.

Where did that come from?


"How did I not see the lightning
Unleashed upon me?
Her Majesty will be disappointed in me.

Why didn't I dodge?
How could I be so clumsy?
Ah, this is my fault, I wasn't looking. I guess it's my punishment.
That's what I get for not battling."

Coming to the next morning somewhere unknown to him, the early adult rubbed his eyes as the blurry world stared back at him. Where had he been taken to? Reaching for his glasses, the chimera studied the room for a moment. Nothing ringing any bells, an accidental inquiry escaped his lips.

"Where am I?" the chimera accidentally blurted out. As he said such, the goat and ram chimera came on running.

"Oh, good, you're awake," Rede said, hand on his chest. "We took you to the Kamisato Estate."

"Kid, you were stuck by lightning!" Tegne exclaimed. "You must have angered the Shogun, or something!"

Hearing such, the early adult scratched his head. He was struck by lightning? When did that happen, and why didn't he recall such? Were the goat and ram chimeras messing with him? But, he knew that was not the case. Serious looks decorating their faces, the hyena accepted their story as fact.

Blond haired man and the Himegimi eventually stepping into the room, confusion continued to eat the soldier up like a bowl of udon. Had he been taken into someone else's home? Tegne and Rede, why couldn't they have just taken him to some medical facility? But, it had already been too late for such.

"Thank goodness you're awake," the young woman of the estate said. "Are you alright?"

Question coming his way, the soldier gave the young lady a nod. Was he really struck by lightning? If such had been the case, he did not feel like such. But, he supposed he had already shaken it off in his forced slumber. Blond looking ready to step away, he soon turned around.

"I'll get him some tea, milady," the blond said.

Tea soon handed to him, the early adult sipped away. Bitter taste soon hitting his throat, the soldier flinched. But, the early adult forced a smile as he continued to drink. Tall important man soon coming into the room, eyes soon studied him for a few moments. Silent nod given, the chimera tilted his head once more. Why was this man looking at him just now?

"You were the one my sister said was struck by lightning, no?" the tall important man asked.

Giving the man a nod, a medical staff member had soon been introduced to the soldier. Quick checkup given, words he did not understand went in one ear out the other. Generic nobody doctor soon stating in plain words there was no damages, the soldier puffed a sigh of relief. Surely, everyone had been mistaken. They were making up the lightning strike story, for sure.

Knowing that was his cue to leave, the chimera exited the estate. But, as he had done so, the ram chimera soon ran after him. Seeing such, the hyena rolled his eyes. He couldn't run fast? What a joke. Huffing and puffing as he caught up, another unsolicited shout threatened to make his ears bleed once more.

"Kid, wait!" Tegne shouted, panting. "You forgot this!"

List handed off to him, the early adult read the next name upon his instructions. Seeing the entirety of Kannazuka Island listed, a wave of bewilderment nibbled on the cartilage of his ear. He had to look for malicious yokai in the entire island next to Narukami? He was about to have a day of challenges ahead of him, for sure.

Ram and goat chimera saying they cannot go with him, a wave of relief flowed through the soldier. He was about to have a peaceful and quiet journey ahead of him for the day. Party of two waving their farewells, the soldier soon exited the area. Knowing he had to head for Kannazuka, the early adult dashed off towards the edge of Narukami Island.

Seeing a boat laying out by the water, the soldier hopped into the vessel. Cruising towards the edges of Kujou Encampment, a scary face awaited the early adult as he docked. Purple haired winged general on the premises, the early adult let out a gulp. If she were to spot him, he was doomed. But, as he thought such and stepped on land, eyes were on him.

"Leave the premises, or I will not hesitate to arrest you!" the winged general shouted.

Running south as eyes followed him, the soldier let out a shout. He had already been seen? It was over, he was done. Finished, a jailbird. Picking up the sprinting speed, Kujou Encampment was out of sight, out of mind. Stopping near Tataratsuna, peculiar creatures awaited him.

Spotting a group of androgynous looking people with tied up blue hair and a water cap on their heads, the early adult blinked. What type of yokai was challenging him this time? Eyes soon on him, mischievous looks painted their faces. Finger soon pointed at him, a battle cry came his way.

"Race us!" one of the yokai exclaimed.

Knowing he had no choice in the matter, the early adult placed himself into a planking position. Yokai darting off, the chimera chased after them. Why did these yokai want to race him so badly? But, he supposed fighting with the power of his legs was better than the power of a sword.

Creatures picking up the pace, the soldier swore he saw the firework maker in the corner giving sparklers off to the local samurai of the island. But, such transaction had been cancelled before it could be completed. Yokai group yanking the sparklers, they had soon been armed.

Yokai lighting the ends of the fireworks, the early adult's run had gained speed. Ready to throw the colorful explosives his way, the young soldier let out a scream. Firework warfare? That was not on the menu for the chase game. Weapons ready to come his way, a shout soon threw itself into the mix.

"Hey, give those back!" the firework maker shouted. "If you want some fireworks, I'll give you some at the next festival"

But, such returning of the merchandise never came. Yokai tossing the explosives, the early sped up his running speed. Why were they resorting to such tactics? Cheating was wrong. Sparklers soon hitting the ground, the soldier dashed faster, and faster. But, as he had done so, another surprise took the stage.

Spotting multiple holes dug out, the early adult attempted with all his might to avoid such traps. Was this really necessary? If they had to resort to such tricks to win, they had another thing coming. Jumping over the pitfalls, the hyena kept the chase going. He would not falter to some trickster.

But, as the chase kept on going, the yokai stepped near a blue portal. Creature soon jumping in, the chimera's jaw dropped straight open. Did he just lose the race? He's in trouble now. Although, as he thought such, a straggler dragged him through the glowing blue door.

Finding himself in a world completely unknown to him, the soldier spotted multiple creatures around him that did not look human. Seeing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. Where was he, exactly? He didn't know, but it looked like he wasn't in Teyvat anymore. Realizing such, it had come to the soldier immediately. Everywhere here were yokai, weren't they?

Multiple yokai studying him, for a moment, the early adult broke out into a cold sweat. The citizens of this world, were they about to kick him out? He had to have looked like a human to these creatures. There was no way he would last even a moment in here. Tall, bear man gazing at him the longest, words soon came his way.

"You're a rather young looking yokai," the bear man said, stroking his furry chin. "What are you doing here?"

Hearing the word yokai used on him, the soldier turned his attention downward. Human hands and legs currently in hyena mode, the hyena's cheeks grew pink. When had he transformed? Knowing there was no way he could say he wasn't a yokai, the early adult pointed at the enemy running away towards a tree in the corner.

"Oh, those kappa over there?" the bear yokai asked. "Those are manufactured yokai. They don't belong here." He shook his head as he said such. "Just play with them a little, and they'll go back to the void realm."

Giving the bear man a nod, the early adult headed towards the tree in the corner. Yokai placing their finger underneath their eyelid and lifting it down as they stuck out their tongue, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Were they trying to taunt him into a battle? If such were the case, it wasn't working.

"Chase us, and then we'll go back to the abyss!" one of the kappas cried.

Yokai soon running, the chase was on, but as the soldier attempted to do so, multiple obstacles stood in the way. Stepping on every single one, the early adult let out a growl. Had these creatures set up traps for him ahead of him? What underhanded tactics. This was a game of chase; they needed to play fair.

Hit by sand multiple time as he kept going, the early adult soon caught up to the kappa. But, as he zeroed in on them, slimy hands sifted through his pockets. Yokai soon finding something of use, the soldier's eyes opened wide at the sight before him. Yellow-green orb in his hands, a smirk appeared on the kappa's faces.

"Knew he had a vision!" the kappa exclaimed. "Battle us!"

Demand of a fight coming his way, the early adult squirmed. Fight here, and now, in the yokai world? Why would he do such a thing? What if the other yokai were to get hurt? There was no way he could do such a thing. Couldn't they just go back to their game of chase?

Vision thrown at him, the early adult clipped it onto his uniform once more. Multiple yokai encouraging him to fight, the early adult let out a sigh. Why were they encouraging him? Kappa curling their fingers, the hyena allowed another sigh to escape his throat. He supposed it was time to get this over with.

Wishing to bring as little destruction as possible, the chimera threw down a flower friend. Silk flower friend dancing upon the battlefield, the early adult provided silent commands to the flower brought to life by his Dendro vision. But laugher and pointing had come his way as the vines had been dodged.

"Parent Kerry was right!" the kappa laughed. "This guy is weak!"

Multiple attacks of water coming his way, the soldier let out a scream. Kappa's head caps lookin ready to drown him, the hyena jumped towards the right and left. Where did these creatures get their powers from? Multiple attacks attempting to douse him for minutes on end, the early adult's entire body twitched.

Kappa laughing for minutes on end as the water keep its rampage going, the hyena kept jumping back. Yokai, did they have the natural capabilities to use the elements at will? If such were the case, they were far more powerful than he could ever hope to be in his entire lifetime.

But, the hyena would not falter. The kappas had the power of Hydro? Water attacks ready to douse him once more, the early adult took a deep breath. Dendro versus Hydro. Surely, if his flower friend were on the field for the second time of the battle, the playing field would be even. Resolute on his decision, the early adult steeled himself.

Water attacks making themselves known, the early adult tossed down a flower friend. Windwheel Aster surrounded by water in a matter of moments, seeds entered the battlefield. Small scale planty explosion taking the stage, the kappa's eyes soon grew big. Vulnerability opening itself up, the chimera's claws were out and about.

Hyena claws aimed for the yokai's hats, the early adult let out a battle cry. Enemies soon tucking their heads in, no further water counterattacks had come the chimera's way. Shouts looking ready to come his way, the early adult ended the pursuit. Were they surrendering? There was no need to continue the fight, if so.

"Not the hat! Okay, okay, fine, we surrender!" the yokai shouted. "We'll go home!" Running off, they soon threw something. "Take this!" As they said such, the group was gone.

Peculiar token handed off to him, the hyena tilted his head. What had he just been handed? Pocketing the object, the soldier removed himself from the yokai world. Instructions soon informing him to head back towards Inazuma City, he early adult had begun boating back towards Narukami Island.

Reaching Inazuma Ciy after about two hours of travelling, the Agent soon awaited the soldier inside a restaurant. Objects handed off to his subordinate, the soldier swore he could see a smirk appear underneath his mask. Faceless eye contact soon coming his way, the hyena returned such.

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent said. "You are dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya at once."

Dismissal granted, the early adult removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. But, as he walked through the icy cold hallway, the chimera could no help but wonder. Just who was this Kerry person the yokai kept mentioning?

Soon reaching the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking, the soldier walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Was a new challenger about to await him soon? Whoever this Kerry person was, they were quite powerful indeed, but a realization soon hit him as he thought the name over once again.

Sounding out the name Kerry, the early adult's eyes opened wide. Realization seeping in, the early adult folded his left hand into a fist. Kelebek, had one done this? What did one hope to accomplish by creating fake yokai? Whatever it was one hoped to accomplish, he could not fathom such.

Wave of tiredness eventually overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Temporary uniform soon taken off, as well, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses set aside, the chimera closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. But as the dream world readied to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Just how powerful were the abyssal gazelles, truly?

They had powers beyond his understanding.

Chapter 19: Meka Parts in Fontaine 2: Dangerous Ocean Growths


This is Meka parts 2 of 2, in this section, Siorc, Krysi and Rys go around Fontaine once again to collect Meka parts, as well as finding "Looking Glass". But, something is also amiss underwater. Feat: Malika, Brume, Eclater, Earl, Vidame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Huxian, Pixiu, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Kelebek Izzet, Neuvilette, Freminet, Chiori and Chevreuse.


Alice in wonderland go brrrr

Chapter Text

"How is this even possible,
Unless I am
Another day of collecting
Numerous amount
Of Meka parts awaits me.
I don't quite understand
Don't you have enough, Your Majesty?

Look, I think you have enough
Obviously, I can't say that
Or she'll kill me
Knowing her, she needs them for something. However,
I still don't understand, why send the bobcat and rat chimeras? I
No longer need assistance, I have a vision.
Guess she thinks I

Am not strong, I do
Not blame her for thinking this, I
Do not have any training.
Really, it is what it is.
Onward to more meka fights.
I don't know what awaits me,
Don't know if this will be easy,
So I mustn't falter.

Although, apparently, something isn't
Right. Or so that's what is claimed.
Everything lately has been

Rather over the top in the Justice nation. Those gazelles
Unleashing anything and everything
Nothing is safe
Nothing is easy
I don't know why they're doing this
Not in the slightest
Guess they'll keep going.

Will I see their various attempts at chaos today?
I suppose I'll find out
Looks like there is something
Dangerous lurking around

Ah, Your Majesty why didn't you
Relay this information to Krysí and Ryś?
Obviously, they need to know.
Ultimately, keeping them in the dark is
Nothing short of terrible
Do not do this to your

Frequent helpers.
Oh, who am I kidding?
No way she cares enough
To tell them.
And I can't say anything
I don't know either beyond
Noxious feelings
Even so, I suppose she'll

Never tell.
Oh, well
We'll just have to take this on blind

Together, I am used to vagueness.
How many times has
Information been left out?
So many times,

I have lost count.
So many times I

Don't know where to start.
Everything repeats.
For it's always the same
I suppose I am used to it
Nothing is ever easy,
I am always left guessing
The bobcat and rat chimeras, they
Especially are probably
Left guess. I don't know what their true jobs are
Yes, I am clueless. And I'd

Rather not ask,
Even so, I feel our days
Are always the same. I am
Likely overthinking, I am
Likely overanalyzing.
Yes, that's it. For

Sure, I'm overthinking.
This day ahead of me, what awaits?
Really, it could be
Anything, there's
Numerous types of mekas
Ganging up on

Maybe they need some fine tuning,
Ah, who am I kidding? That's
Likely not the case.
I have seen rogue worker meka
Crawling around.
I have seen many aggressive
Ones ready to fight.
Unlimited numbers, many in

All and all, I just need to prepare.
Cannot slip up,
Take my powers to the highest heights.
I need to try harder,
Very much so
I know Her Majesty is watching me
There's always eyes on me
Yes, ears too.

I am never alone,
She's observing me.

And now I have
Four extra eyes looking.
Open myself to my highest level
Of elemental capabilities.
That is key.

Get ready, for the
Ultimate final
Assets to my
Raw capabilities.
All and everything,
Nothing must remain
This is the last challenge, make it
Easy. Those Mekas will be
Extinguished. Broken, gone.
Do not falter, I must be strong."

Four days have passed since the hyena's placement within the magic troupe had been permanently suspended. Diplomatic affairs taking a complete backseat for seventy-two hours, three days of odd jobs spread throughout the Sumeru desert, and particular places around Narukami and Kannazuka islands within Inazuma, peculiar orders awaited the soldier.

Ending up on a wild chase, everything had been a stressful half-week to behold. But, such had come to an end on the fourth and final day. Diplomatic affairs of nothing coming back from the grave within the last twenty four hours, mundaneness came back to serve its purpose cold.

But, today, a familiar order returned from the woodworks.

The sound of whistling rockets overtook the skies of Snezhnaya as if it were a holiday. As the explosions outside kept letting out their shouts, multiple crackles shook the walls of the military barracks. As yet another random day of early morning training kicked itself off, the world kept the pressure on.

The sound of explosions was more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Disturbance kicking into full force, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. Stepping towards the barricaded window, for a moment, the early adult peeked through the paned glass, for a moment.

Spotting soldiers throwing around lit firecrackers as warfare, the early adult shook his head. This was a form of training? Absolutely ridiculous, fireworks were dangerous. Didn't being close to such weapons on the battlefield spell danger for everyone around?

Soon hearing a powerful voice scream to try harder, or they'll never make it in the front lines, the early adult shook his head once more. Who was this soldier guiding this force? How ridiculous. Such tactic would most certainly never work in war. Turning around, the hyena walked towards his uniform drawers.

As the chimera placed his winter jacket over his layered shirts, the hyena could not help but ponder. Just how many soldiers were there within the Fatui? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no way to ever know for sure just how many soldiers there were.

Returning his focus to work, the chimera removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, the soldier stared at his prized possessions laying seated within the container. Turning one of his only remaining keepsake from his stolen childhood into weapons, was this what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret flowed through the chimera.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena gazed at the yellow-green orb, for a moment. Was there a limit to elemental powers? But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. He didn't nearly use the element bestowed upon him enough to have it reach its limit.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the chimera turned his attention back towards the barricaded window. Turning his head towards the training outside, the soldier quickly turned his head away. Whatever was occurring out there was no concern of his. He will never be trained in the realm of surprise attacks.

Hearing the sound of rather unusual footsteps and a cat bell clinking, the chimera tilted his head towards the ceiling. Why was he hearing such racket again? Was the Agent not coming? Bell only clinking louder as the seconds were on a rampage, the hyena attempted to look focused. Noises eventually dying down, the soldier turned his attention towards the people in front of him.

Bobcat and rat chimera beside his door in fancy looking dresses that looked like they had come straight out of Fontaine, the early adult scratched the side of his head. Why were Krysi and Rys here again? Just what is it that Her Majesty wanted from them this time? He knew, whatever it was, he had to obey. The choice was not his.

"Hi again, Siorcy!" Rys greeted. "The Agent is away on business again, meow!"

Hearing the Agent had been away on business, the early adult resisted the urge to turn his head back towards the window. Could he have been on training duty today? But, he supposed, wherever he was and whatever he might be up to was absolutely no business of his. Turning his head towards the duo, he kept his attention forward.

"So, Her Majesty sent us in his place," Krysi added. She then turned towards Rys. "Rys, tell him the objective of this week's mission?"

Rat chimera mentioning the word week, the soldier tilted his head. This is a week long mission he's about to embark on? If such were the case, he was not prepared whatsoever. Just what is it that Her Majesty wanted that would take a total of seven days? Such lengthy amount of time for one mission was quite rare. But, he knew anything was possible within the permafrost north.

"A week? That's not what Her Majesty said, meow!" Rys said, practically purring. "We're gathering meka parts again!"

Hearing Rys say that it would not take a week, Krysi shook her head. Did she forget that Her Majesty said gathering the meka parts might take longer than usual this time? She could be so forgetful sometimes, but she knew she could not blame her for such. Perhaps it was best to remind her of what she had said.

"She didn't, but, it might take that long. Something odd is happening around Fontaine," Krysi said to Rys. She then turned towards Siorc. "Sorry, Siorc, but could you open your map up for us? We need to go to the same location as last time."

Doing as instructed, the soldier opened up his Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb into map form. Rat chimera stating they had to go to the same location as last time, the early adult highlighted the waypoint within the desert edges. Pressing the teleport button, the hyena closed his eyes. Fast travel about to begin, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

What's happening in Fontaine this time?


"Look at these surface world dwelling denizens,
Eating, living, breathing on a stolen land that's not
Theirs! We'll show them!

These wretched
Humans, how would you like a little taste of your machines turning against them?
It shall be a testament!
So, repent!

Why don't they finally
Open their eyes and
Realize Teyvat won't ever be theirs?
Let's kick things up a notch!
Done, done,

And done, the robots are ready!
Let it all burn,
Let this entire world

Burn to ashes! Izzet and you shall
Unleash the
Robots of the abyss!
Now, come one, come all

To the beginning
Of the end for these lowly humans

And their lives upon this
Stolen land. This world
Has always belonged to the abyss!
Everything belongs to us, the order!
So, enjoy their last breathing moments,

And let the show begin!
Now, our pretties,
Down they go!

We shall deploy them
Everywhere and take all those

Stupid, low witted
Humans out!
After all, they don't belong here!
Let it all burn,
Let this entire world

Return to cinders!
Everyone knows the entire
Continent never belonged to them!
Let it all burn
And be set completely ablaze!
It's time to get back what's ours!
May those thieves rest in pain!

We drop down our
Humanoid robot pals,
And let the chaos reign!
This time you shall win!

Win, and bring out
A victory! That
Shrewd hyena always getting in

Our way, this time he shall
Not win! We have the advantage! No losses to
Cut, nothing to
Equate towards defeat.

Our plan shall be perfect this time,
Unleash the beast!
Roll out the unstoppable forces!
Submit the final piece!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult broke into a shiver. Was it just his imagination, or did the atmosphere feel thicker today? Something did not feel right, whatsoever. But, such feelings fell to the bottom of the ocean as a question had come his way.

"Siorcy, is something wrong?" Rys asked, tilted her head. "You're staring off into space, meow!"

The soldier flinched as the bobcat chimera called out to him. Right, there was absolutely no time to be focused on such things. He was on the nonexistent clock. He had to focus on work and nothing else. Shaking his head, the party of three soon moved onward.

Krysi and Rys soon climbing down the sandy mountain, the soldier soon followed suit. Party of two soon stepping towards the water, the rat chimera summoned a boat with the press of a button. Krysi soon shrinking herself down into her rat form, the early adult seated himself on the opposite end of the vessel.

As Rys moved the oars forward upon the water, the soldier stared off towards Romaritime Harbor from afar. Just what could be going on this time? He supposed, whatever it could be that was about to await him, he was about to find out. He knew, whatever it could be, he needed to prepare himself for anything.

Fontaine's first of many harbors only getting closer, the early adult gazed downward towards the water beneath him. Was a storm about to brew within the Nation of Justice? The atmosphere, he could not shake off the foreboding feeling of dread looming over him.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after about thirty minutes, the familiar order about not teleporting anywhere had been completely skipped over as if such line never existed. Not hearing such, the early adult held back the urge to puff a sigh of relief. Finally, such annoyance had been removed from the equation. He was free from the repetition shackles. But, a strange set of words soon replaced them instead.

Krysi soon informing him that, before they head out to collect Meka parts they must go to Chioriya boutique and then the Palais Mermonia, the early adult scratched his cheek. He had to go where now? The rival boutique to Malika's clothing store? If any of the penguins were to see him enter such a place, he would become public fashion enemy number one.

Giving the girls a nod, the trio soon ascended the staircase. Taking the glass lift as usual, not a single sound stirred within the harbor. Only noise being that of Rys' purring, an extremely heavy wave of unease flowed through the hyena. Why was it so quiet here today? Not even the water had made a sound. Silence eating him alive, the soldier's legs shook. Why was it so quiet? But, he knew he was overthinking it. Surely, nothing was amiss here.

Pressing the button to call for the Aquabus, the soldier attempted to remove such thoughts from his fading human brain. He needed to stop overthinking things. Perhaps, just maybe, all that awaited him was a thunderstorm. A court case could be happening right now, at this very moment.

Aquabus coming right on time, Krysi soon returned to her human form. Melusine saying she remembers her from last time, welcome back to Fontaine and asking if she would like a full tour, rejection had soon come Aeval's way as Rys gave a firm no. Everyone soon seated, the vehicle moved upon its automatic path.

Tour not going on like last time, the rat and bobcat chimera discussed business with one another. Knowing none of what was being discussed between them was his business, the early adult turned his head off towards the opposite direction. It was best to allow them the privacy they deserved.

Vehicle soon passing by Merusea Village, the soldier turned his head towards Aeval. Hearing her whisper she wants to talk about her home, a wave of guilt flowed through the hyena. Should he have said he was interested in the tour? He supposed it had already been too late for such.

Arriving at the capital city faster than he was able to process, the soldier removed himself from the vessel. He had already reached the Court of Fontaine? Where did time go? Krysi and Rys stepping ahead of him, the early adult jolted himself upward. They were moving along already? He needed to catch up as soon as possible.

Recalling the duo had told him they needed to go to Chioriya boutique first, the soldier stepped in front of the party of two. But, as the early adult readied to lead the way towards the northern street portions, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Spotting something rather unusual, the chimera's eyes wandered.

Seeing multiple human looking mekas walking around the city, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things, or had there been multiple people that looked like that receptionist behind the counter at the Adventurer's Guild? Attempting to keep himself focused, the young soldier threw such thoughts away.

Continuing through the northern streets, multiple people that resembled the black haired woman strolled around the area as if they were all one and the same. Seeing such, the soldier once again tried to tune his thoughts out. Why was he allowing himself to continuously get distracted by everything around him? He needed to keep himself focused.

Moving right along as the chimera kept leading the way upon the northern path, the soldier swore he could hear multiple people say rebooting in unison with one another. Hearing such, the hyena continued with all his might to stay focused. This was nothing to concern himself over. He needed to stop paying attention to such things.

Army of black haired women continuing to move around the streets as if their lives depended on it, the hyena attempted to speed up his walking. But such had been the wrong course of action. Krysi calling out they don't know their way around here, the early adult slowed down his walking speed. Right. He wasn't here alone today. He shouldn't move around so quickly.

Rys soon pointing out there's so many Katheryines out today, the early adult held back the urge to tilt his head. Had there been more than one receptionist in Fontaine with the exact same name? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. There had been many generic nobodies with the same given name. It should not have mattered.

Generic black haired army soon storming off faster than he could keep up, the hyena kept moving forward. The Chioriya boutique was nearing, he needed to keep himself focused at all times. He knew if he were to continue to be lost in thought, he would pass by it.

But, as the young soldier approached the well known clothing establishment, a commotion had been afoot. Spotting Malika six paces away from the entrance giving the owner of the establishment a glare as if ready to duel her in the middle of the street, words soon fired themselves off like bullets.

"Hello, ------, my worst business enemy," Malika said, arms crossed around her waist.

"Same to you, Malika," the owner of Chioriya boutique said back.

"I see you're eating up all my winter competition," Malika fired back with fire in her eyes. "Mind slowing down a little?"

"Your customers are free to remove their patronage at any given time," the owner of Chioriya boutique fired back. There was a slight hint of power in her voice.

Competition firing itself up for minutes on end, the hyena covered his ears. Did these two have to duke it out in the middle of the streets? Surely, they could take their arguments elsewhere. Malika soon shouting she's not closing up shop after the owner of the rival clothing store sarcastically suggested such, the duel of words continued. But such soon came to a halt with an interruption.

"Excuse me, meow?" Rys interrupted. "But, is there a ------ here?"

"That is me," the owner of Chioriya boutique said.

"Thank you for the outfits! They're so soft!" Rys responded, practically purring.

Gratitude acknowledged, the soldier turned his attention towards Malika for a moment. Sour look on her face, a wave of fear flowed through the soldier. There was no way, for any reason at all, ever, he would step foot in any rival boutique within the presence of any penguin. Making an enemy out of the thorns in his side would only make matters worse, for sure.

Scuffle reaching its conclusion, the party of three readied to move onwards towards the Aquabus information station. But, as the chimera readied himself to move south, the early adult could not help but ponder. Why was such heated competition necessary? Couldn't Malika and the owner of the rival boutique just avoid each other and go on with their own sales?

Lower floored streets only getting closer, the early adult popped such thought with a pin. Such inquiries would never have any sort of answer. The world of business was a realm beyond his own. What point was there in thinking further about it? Moving right along, everything got slightly closer.

Passing by the fountain, the early adult took a long, deep breath. What was about to await him in the Palais Mermonia this time? He supposed he was about to find out. Walking through the doors, the soldier readied himself to take the glass lift to the topmost floor of the capital city.

But, such had come to an unfortunate and immediate halt. Earl stepping off the glass box and walking forward sniffing up a storm, the soldier grit his teeth. Why did he have to run into the thorny pest now, of all times? Couldn't there ever be a time where their paths did not cross?

Whiffing up the scent of Chioriya boutique upon his future husband, Earl's heart cracked into one hundred pieces. Had Siorc been to their competition? How very disappointing. There was no way Malika would ever let him marry him now. The wedding bells were about to rotten up. He needed to warn him to not go there again right away.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "You smell like Chioriya Boutique! I wouldn't go there, if I were you!"

Krysi crossed her arms around this waist. Who was this guy, and why was he always around everywhere? Was he some sort of calculated stalker that knew Siorc's every move? How annoying, and illegal. It was time to tell this person off. But, the wrong words released themselves from her lips.

"Excuse me," Krysi said, voice shaking. "But, could you mind your own business, please?"

Hearing the stranger tell him to mind his own business, Earl's face grew dark. Had he took a step too far? There was no way Siorc would ever marry him now. Maybe it was best to just throw the subject away and leave him and his coworkers be. It was time to let it go.

"Sorry for being nosy," Earl responded. As he said such, he exited the area.

Earl tucking in his tail and leaving, the soldier turned towards the rat chimera. Krysi was definitely the most powerful person in the room right now. Pesky penguin thorn on his side soon gone without a trace, the trio stepped onto the glass lift. Button for the fourth floor pressed, the door soon slammed themselves shut.

Reaching the topmost floor after about five minutes, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Was it just his imagination, or had the glass box been moving slower today? Krysi and Rys quickly moving ahead of him, the early adult dashed off. Why was he still getting lost in thought? He needed to snap out of it.

Soon stepping foot within the entranceway of Palais Mermonia, the Melusine receptionist upfront turned her attention towards the hyena. Sea denizen saying the Iudex was expecting them, the hyena took three steps back. The Chief Justice of Fontaine was expecting them? Heading off towards the most important door in the building, the soldier braced himself.

Iudex seated in his chair sorting through paperwork as usual, the chimera's gazed at the man's desk, for a moment. Did the chief justice ever get a moment's break? He needed to take a moment to get some rest. But, he supposed he wasn't one to know what that was like. His vacations were few and far in between. But, his thoughts were soon cut off by Krysi's voice.

"Excuse me Monsieur Iudex," Krysi said, voice shaking. "But the receptionist up front said you were expecting us?"

"That would be correct," the Iudex responded. "You three are hunting down the malicious meka, no? I advice you all to proceed with caution. They are quite dangerous."

Iudex stating that the malicious meka have been spotted in the Research Institute and the Beryl Region, the soldier's satchel had been handed off to him. Placing the bag on his backside, the hyena exited the office. Duo passing on their gratitude towards the Chief Justice of Fontaine, everyone soon left the area.

Knowing the best course of action was to head for the Research Institute up north first, the party of three headed off towards the eastern Aquabus Station. Everyone seating themselves upon the automatic moving vehicle, the vessel cruised forward. Hearing nothing but the water beneath the boat, the soldier gazed at the world around him.

Iudex's warning ringing in his ears, the soldier could feel a wave of unease flow through him. Just how dangerous were the meka this time? He knew that, no matter what, he had to prepare himself for the worst. Melusine not doing her tour, silence looped on repeat.

Reaching Marcotte Station after about twenty minutes, the thick atmosphere reared its head once again. Heavy air eating him up, the soldier shivered with a fervor. Just what in the world is going in Fontaine lately? Everything felt upside down and backwards. Thoughts devouring him, the soldier could feel himself tune out everything. But, he had soon been returned to reality.

"Siorc, is something wrong?" Krysi asked, concerned tone of voice. "You're staring off into space."

Immediately brought back to reality, the soldier shook his head. What was he doing, tuning out like that? He needed to keep himself focused, at all times. Regaining focus, the soldier headed through the northward path. Multiple fountains stepped around, a surprise awaited as the area was ready to be left behind.

Spotting a black haired person with a winding key behind them on the pathway north of the station, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What was she doing out all the way here? Had she escaped from her walk around the city? If these were the malicious mekas the Iudex meant, he was not ready under any circ*mstances. Eyes soon on him, the mechanical doll's key twisted and turned.

"Reinitializing," the rogue meka said, static in her voice. "Enemy detected!" Lifting her head up, power flowed through her. "Initialized. Attack!"

Multiple mekas speeding onto the scene together, rockets came forward upon the robot's backsides. Enemies letting loose their projectiles at lightning speed, the fight had kicked itself up into overdrive. Weapons darting towards everyone, the early adult's legs froze in place.

Spear soon in Rys' hand and claymore in Krysi's the soldier combed through his satchel, for a moment. But, what weapon awaited him was a surprise of the ages. Peculiar fork shaped greatsword removed from the container, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Why was there a huge utensil placed in his satchel? Had Her Majesty been hungry for mechanical parts?

Bullets coming his way, the soldier placed the forksword in front of him. Weapons bouncing themselves off one after another, the hyena let the defenses speak for him. Meka army continuously repeating recalculating as if they were lost, an advantage had been gained.

Such advantage had been short lived. Enemies mechanical eyes soon glowing, multiple rounds of artillery presented themselves to the trio. Weapons throwing themselves towards the bobcat chimera, her defenses had been reduced to zero, in a matter of moments.

"Meowch!" Rys shouted. "You hit me!" She then closed her eyes for a moment. Claws set ablaze, she let out a shout. "I have just the gift for you brutes! Kitty fire fist!"

Rys scratching up a storm, the scent of flames overtook the area. Meka smoky, toasted, roasted, she soon kept her momentum going. Such advantage however, was short lived. Enemies shaking off the flames as if nothing happened, the chimera brought his blade to the table.

Weapons doing absolutely nothing for minutes on end, the early adult broke out into a sweat. The enemies, were they resistant towards physical prowess? If such were the case, weapons were useless here, for sure. Continuing to slash about, nothing moved.

Bullets raining down one after another, the early adult tossed down a flower friend. But, such had been a mistake of the ages. Rockets decimating the Windwheel Aster into absolutely nothing, the soldier grit his teeth. Were his elemental prowess useless here, too? He was nothing more than a paperweight.

Flames continuing to do nothing as well, the chimera backed seven steps away. Why were the bobcat's terrifying Pyro attacks useless as well? Were these mekas invincible? Everything bouncing off them in quick succession everything remained still for minutes on end. But, a suggestion soon blasted through the pathway.

"Krysi, I know!" Rys shouted at the top of her lungs. "Summon your water rats!!"

"Will that work?" Krysi asked, voice shaking.

"Mekas are made of electric components, meow!" Rys responded. "It has to work!"

"Here I go, then," Krysi said, taking a deep breath. "Water rats, hear my call!"

Water rat army scurrying along, sparks flew upon the battlefield. Mekas zapping up a storm, defeat had come the enemy's way as short as one's breath when running nonstop. Monsters becoming nothing but spare parts, gears dropped themselves onto the road beneath them.

Feeling a foreboding pulse of doom as the rat chimera picked up every single mechanical part that dropped from the defeated enemies, alarm bells rung in the soldier's head as her short body shook like a leaf. Had something been wrong with the spoils? Something was not right.

Krysi stating the gears were pulsating, the soldier's eyes opened wide. The drops left behind by the meka monsters, were they alive? If they were, such was quite the problem, indeed. Objects tossed into his satchel, the atmosphere only grew thicker. Tryin to shake such feelings off, the party of three moved forward.

As the party of three kept on moving northward, mekas that looked almost exactly like Melusines soon kicked their way onto the scene. Gears turning, spinning and flipping about, the soldier's heart skipped more than two beats. Had someone made robots of the Merusea Village denizens? How awful. Who would do such a thing?

Mechanical sea denizens dropping down bullets of doom one after another, the early adult brought his weapon to the table. Projectiles blocked and sent back to their owner, the chimera broke out into a pant. Was it just him, or had dodging and deflecting the projectiles taken more energy than it should have?

Everything breaking into pieces as the Melusine robots pressed the advantage, the early adult attempted with all his might to continue to bounce the rockets back towards their owner. Such, however, proved to be ineffective. Mechanical creatures absorbing everything in one fell swoop, everything remained still.

Rys again encouraging Krysi to summon her water rats, her familiars soon took the stage once more. Creatures zapping up a storm as everything settled, the hyena could feel everything fall apart. Was the only element that could work against these enemies Hydro? He was dead weight, for certain.

Peculiar pink gears collected, the party of three kept on moving north. No more mechanical monsters stirring as the group moved forward, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where in the world had these mechanical beings came from? He could not help but feel something sinister had been going on in a world unseen.

Silence looping on repeat for about an hour of walking, a peculiar monster took to the skies as the Research Institute of Kinetic Of Kinetic Energy Engineering crept closer, the early adult almost did a triple take. How in the world had the floating machines gotten here? Peculiar white energy flowing through the first of many, a realization had washed over the soldier.

The mechanical objects, they needed pneumaousia to be cleared out. Would Krysi, Rys and he be able to take care of such things? Neither he, nor the duo had natural access to such things. But perhaps, just maybe, using the Fontaine energy system wasn't required.

Attempting to break the machine without the energy blocks lying around, absolutely nothing happened. Forksword doing absolutely nothing, the early adult let out a sigh. Could these machines truly only be removed with the pneumaousia system? The world was far smaller than he once thought.

"Siorcy, are you struggling to defeat that machine?" Rys asked, tilting her head.

Hearing Rys' question, the soldier nodded. Knowing the mechanical object was immune to normal attacks, the soldier pointed at the energy blocks in the corner. But, as he had done such, the bobcat soon sifted through her back pocket. New weapon soon revealing itself, a boost of confidence hit the floor.

"Leave this one to us!" Rys said, polearm pointed upward.

"Rys, if he can't beat it," Krysi squeaked. "Then how can we?"

"No worries, no problem!" Rys exclaimed. "Her Majesty gave us special weapons to bring these enemies down! Krysi, take out that extra greatsword!"

Rys' extra spear glowing with intense dark purple energy, the hyena adjusted his glasses. How did Her Majesty get ahold of the power of pneumaousia? But, he supposed anything was possible. Power of Ousia flowing through the area at breakneck speed, the early adult swore the bobcat looked almost as if she was flying.

Loud crack breaking through the area, the floating machine fell down to the ground in a matter of moments. Unlimited spear works making swift work of the machine, a wave of uselessness flowed through the early adult. Why was he even here? He had done nothing substantial whatsoever since everything started.

Spotting multiple floating machines glowing yellow and purple for kilometers on end, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Just how many of these robotic enemies awaited him? Whoever had planted them had far too much time on their hands. Energy blocks laying down their trail, the chimera grabbed a hold of the stones of Fontaine prowess.

Wind current presenting itself, the early adult deployed his wind glider. Forky blade out and about, the hyena let out a deep throated shout. Crack resounding in the area, one of the many machines dropped down with a loud thud. Mechanical parts looking ready to burst open like a gut, Krysi and Rys added their weapons to the mix.

Machine dropping gears larger than any seen before, the early adult scooped up the spoils as if his life depended on it. Floating machines continuously knocked off their sky pedestal, team work kicked into overdrive. Pneumaousia breaking through, the army slowly, but surely, shrunk in size.

Research Institute a mere one hundred meters away, everyone brought their all multiple machines decimated one after another, cheers filled the area up within minutes. Mechanical enemies looking ready to rust into useless scrap as the specialized weapons broke on through to the other side, the collections had only grown bigger.

Mechanical corpses dropping down upon the ground like Cicins in the open wilderness, the soldier huffed a tired breath. Who in the world placed these here, and why so many? Army only getting smaller as the research institute was less than five minutes away, the world silenced itself.

Soon finding themselves in an area close to the huge gear monster's domain, the early adult cracked his knuckles. He was back in the area with the automaton? Surely, there would be nothing here that could prove too difficult to take out of the picture. Knowing the best order of business was to head for such room, the early adult took the lead.

But, upon entering the room, a scene of peculiarity overtook the area. Folu standing in the center of the room with a device he had never seen before, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Had he walked into some sort of investigation? Nothing but scrap metal laid upon the ground, the odd device soon beeped.

Absolutely nothing within the boss room, the party of three turned to one another. Had there been absolutely nothing here of note? Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to turn around, for the time being. But, such opportunity soon shriveled as obnoxious beeping noises overtook the area. Mechanical device continuing to make a racket, a gasp overtook the area.

"Unbelievable! What are these readings?" Folu asked, astonished. "There's heavy amounts of metallic corrosion in the air!" Whiffing up an unusual scent of cat, they soon turned around. Mr. Thief and his thiefy cat and mouse pals standing in the corner, they put on a fake smile. "Hello again, thief." Closing their eyes, their faux smile grew wider. "What are you here to steal today? The androids roaming around the premises? Go right ahead, those bionic puppets outside of this room don't belong to us."

Army of robots that looked like the Hydro Archon with black hair wheeling themselves on in as if they heard the spotlight, the early adult backed seven steps away at the sight before him. Party of five automatons wielding the power of fire crackers in their hands, the soldier jumped three paces further back. Weren't these robots supposed to imitate the Regina of All Waters? They were going about it all wrong, if so.

"Nuts! They heard me!" Folu shouted. "Get ready, Mr. Thief's Cat and Mouse Gang! These mekas have fireworks!" But, Krysi soon interrupted.

"Um, actually I'm a rat," Krysi squeaked.

"Whoopsie, my bad, sorry," Folu responded. "But, no time for talk, here they come!"

Army of monsters laughing in unison that they were the Hydro Archon, the early adult shook his head in a rapid manner. Had someone been gathering recordings around Fontaine of when the God of Justice had spoken? If she had known about such done so without her permission, the perpetrator would be sent to prison without question immediately.

Mechanical beings spinning around into a pirouette as their sparklers had begun to lit up, the early adult jumped six steps back as the explosive weapon had come charging towards him. Forksword soon in front of him, the hyena attempted with all his might to deflect the festival objects of doom.

First sparkler deflected back towards the enemy, Folu soon placed their wrist knife upon their joint. Weapon sent ablaze as they dashed towards the enemy, the proclaimed bionic puppet had been cooked dry. First mechanical being shouting stop that, Folu let out a tsk.

"Stop that? Stop what, Miss phony?" Folu asked, laughing. "I may be from Natlan, but you're nothing like the Hydro Archon you're supposed to be imitating." Polishing their wrist knife, their eyes were soon ablaze. "Here's a little gift for you, little Miss imitation!"

Folu's weapon set ablaze with blue flames, the weapon had been thrown towards the second enemy. Mechanical being once again shouting to stop it, the early adult could hardly believe his ears. How were these robots perfectly able to mimic that nation's god's speech patterns? Second monster dropping down to pieces, the researcher jackal turned towards Krysi and Rys.

"Miss Meow and Squeakers, you going to just stand there while we do all the work?" Folu asked, curling their fingers.

Krysi and Rys apologizing for their lack of action, they were just discussing strategies with one another, sweat poured down the soldier's backside. He did not know why, but such sounded like an excuse. But, the soldier kept such thoughts to himself. Final mechanical monster in the room getting her explosives ready, the bobcat and rat chimera rose their weapons.

Double Pyro, Hydro and the soldier's dodging and deflecting removing the final faux Hydro Archon from the equation, multiple blue gears soon dropped down upon the ground. Krysi soon picking them up and shivering to the core, alarm bells once again rung in the chimera's mind. Had something been wrong with the objects they had been dropping?

No more mechanical beings letting their presence be known within the area, words of being told to exit the area released themselves from Folu's throat. Informed there had been more of the androids spotted in the northeast research lab, Siorc soon took the lead. The central laboratory? He needed to make haste if such were the case.

But, as the trio had begun to head north, another sea of monsters awaited. Construction mekas coming out of hiding, the hyena placed the claymore in front of him. There had been some normal monsters still left? It was time for the next round of exterminations.

Mekas blasting down a flurry of ice attacks, Rys dashed onto the scene, fiery cat fist taking the stage, everything had become smoky, toasty, burned beyond a recognizable level. Parts dropping down that were unusable within every stretch of the word, the trio kept on heading north.

Multiple small mechanical monsters wheeling on in for minutes on end, Krysi and Rys offered themselves up to the plate, special weapons doing the honor as loud cracking noises looped on repeat, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Had there been any pneumaousia blocks around? Not spotting any, the early adult let his weapon join in pneumaousialess.

Central laboratory only getting closer, multiple rounds of enemies had been destroyed one after another. Nothing of any value picked up as the crew continued onward, the soldier turned his attention towards the road ahead. Had all the malicious enemies already been defeated? Maybe it was best to turn around.

But, such action never came. Central Laboratory Ruins soon upon everyone, something of interest soon caught the chimera's attention. Mechanical monsters soon jumping into peculiar looking cube of water that were floating in the air with a small island on the top of them, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Where in all of Teyvat had he managed to find himself in?

Humanoid mekas floating around the water cubes looking ready for battle, the early adult scratched his cheek. How was he supposed to get inside the floating water cubes? Not feeling any sort of breeze, absolutely nothing came to him. Blanks only getting further, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left.

Finding nothing but an abandoned laboratory site at an elevation far higher than normal, the soldier could not help but wonder, would throwing himself off the ledge and gliding towards the closest elevated water cube propel him to where he needed to go? While such sounded like quite the risk, he knew he had to try it. But, such thoughts were cut off as a question hit the windless air.

"Oh, no!" Rys exclaimed, pointed at the water cubes in the sky. "How do we get in there, meow?"

"I don't know," Krysi responded, shaking her head. "Let's step closer. I hear some places have an invisible walkway."

But, no such invisible walkway existed. Moving towards the edge of the ruins in the corner, no hidden pathways were around to speak of. Krysi shaking her head and returning to their original placements, the two conversed with one another once more, for a moment.

"I don't think there's an invisible walkway here, meow!" Rys said, shaking her head. "Have any other ideas on how to get up there?"

"I think we're going to have to glide," Krysi responded, shaking her head. As she said such, a deafening sound overtook the area.

Hearing the sound of a engine roaring on the windless sky, the party of three turned their heads upward. Spotting the source of the noise, the early adult placed his hand against his forehead and shook his head. Why was Oluchi here? Her cacophonous engine was ready to provide him with the worst of headaches.

Krysi and Rys looking as though they had a eureka moment, the early adult blinked. Did the two of them think of a way to get up into the floating water cubes? If they had, he was open to hearing such. Keeping his ears open as the engine's noise died down, their chatter about soon resumed.

"Then, we'll need to glide that way!" Rys said, pointing at the cube.

"That's impossible, we don't have a wind glider," Krysi responded, shaking her head. The hyena did not know why, but such words sounded scripted.

Rys soon shouting whatever shall they do, Krysi, they don't have the ability to fly high, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Just what were these two rehearsing, exactly? He could not help but feel they had a notebook of scripted skits for every sort of pickle that got in their way.

Hearing the sound of an engine once more, Oluchi soon stuck a landing upon the ground. Racket dying down as her peculiar wind glider with mini air roger wings hovered on the windless air, the early adult blinked. This young woman had quite the sharp hearing. But, he supposed jackals had far stronger ears than other chimeras. Oluchi's eyes laser focused on the rat and bobcat duo, a sales pitch soon kicked in.

"Are you two in need of cute little me?" Oluchi asked. "I can hook you up with my services. Even you, thiefy!"

The early adult let out a groan. These jackals, why did they like to insist on still calling him a thief? The phantom thief incident had already occurred weeks back. They had to all let go of such incident. But, he supposed he could use the speed boost. There was no way his normal wind glider would be able to soar in the current conditions. Krysi and Rys nodding as well, Oluchi soon moved off towards the corner. Mechanical jet wind gliders handed off to everyone, the trio hooked themselves up to the units.

"Hang onto your hats and follow me!" Oluchi exclaimed.

Everyone soon soaring towards the first cube in the corner, Krysi let out a scream as the jets kicked into overdrive. Rys moving on along letting out a series of meows, the hyena let the jet bring him towards the cube in silence. Meows continuing onward for seconds on end, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Had the bobcat being so scared, she forgot how to speak? He supposed he did not blame her for such if such were the case.

Reaching the first aquatic cube, a world of water awaited the hyena. But something of immediate alarm overtook the small world in front of him. Mechanical beings galore that looked strikingly similar to multiple important figures within Fontaine's underground prison world, the hyena could feel himself grow small. Who decided to make mechanical monsters that looked like the duke? Whoever had done so had chosen poorly.

Waters within beginning to get cloudy, the early adult prepared himself. What kind of fights were about to await him within cube world? He knew that he would have to proceed with caution, no matter what. Water world around him soon becoming a solid ice bed, the battle soon begun.

Mechanical mimic letting out a battle cry that things were about to get chilly, Oluchi soon stepped up to the plate. Electricity coming out towards the enemy's backside, the rat and bobcat soon joined the party. Weapons clanging on along against the robot's body, the world shook.

Everyone giving their all against the faux grand duke, the quartet kept the momentum going as the ice cube continued to grow colder. Final blow of electricity from the jackal kicking in after twenty combined hits, gears dropped upon the bed of frozen water. Spoils soon obtained, a revelation threw itself overboard.

Oluchi announcing there had been many of such weird androids in every single cube, an incentive to follow her to the next cube had taken shape. Pushing themselves outwards towards the edge, a quick ascension upward towards the next cube took the area by storm.

Landing upon the island above the second cube, a storm of mechanical monsters soon awaited once more. Army of black haired adventurer guild uniform wearing androids throwing themselves onto the battlefield with sparklers galore, repeat strategies from hours prior removed the beings from their autonomous existence.

Third cube soon jetted to, the fights had only become tougher. Mechanical Melusine beings putting up a fight for about an hour, everyone let out a collective pant. Just what in the world had been powering these mekas? Whatever it had been, it definitely had been advanced defensive programming.

Fourth cube's mechanical monsters proving to be just as rough as the last, the soldier could feel his will begin to waver. Why had everything suddenly gotten a spike in difficulty? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, battles from opposing were divided into a set of numbers between one and ninety two and every single enemy had been at the maximum value allowed.

Black haired androids taken out of the picture on the fifth cube after fireworks had been propelled back to their owner, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Just how much fire power did these mechanical monsters have? They had to have had an unlimited supply hidden behind their metallic coats.

Sixth and final cube decimating the creatures within and above after ninety-nine strikes, the chimera gazed at the gears that had been dropped by the opposing force. Intense amounts of energy pulsating through the gears, the chimera's eyes grew wide. What was going on with these spoils? Something was not right. But, as he thought such, he was soon interrupted.

"These sudden influx of wind up androids is so weird!" Oluchi shouted, she then giggled. "But, good thing you had cute little me here to help, right?"

Descending back towards the ground, the next order of business had been relayed to the trio. Oluchi informing everyone there's more of those odd occurrences near the huge robot northeast of the area, Rys had been off to the races. Krysi dashing off right behind her, the soldier ran off, as well.

Heading off upon the northeastern pathway, multiple normal monsters awaited the trio. Absolutely nothing special required to vanquish the mechanical creatures. No drops of value had tumbled onto the floor. Continuing to move onward, fights paused, for the moment.

Mechanical beings minding their own business and organic creatures sound asleep, the soldier lowered his walk into a tiptoe. If the Hilichurls in the area were to awaken, unnecessary battles would kick themselves up into a frenzy, for sure. Moving along, everything quieted down.

Reaching a peculiar area with absolutely nothing but Hilichurl camps and a large robot after about two hours of walking, the soldier observed the area around him. Sani and Rabiu observing the large dormant Ruin Guard, the soldier let out a gulp. Had something been wrong here? He could not help but feel something had to have been amiss. Conversation looking ready to roll out, the chimera attempted to tune them out. Whatever they were about to discuss was not any business of his.

"Uh, um, Sani, are you sure there's something hiding inside this Ruin Guard?" Rabiu asked Sani.

"Yes, I'm certain, Robby," Sani responded. He then shrugged his shoulders. "Are you sure you're not adopted?"

"Um, yes? I'm absolutely sure," Rabiu replied. He then drew a breath. "...Please stop calling me Robby." But, as he said such, the Ruin Guard glowed a blinding light.

Ruin Guard coming alive, the soldier watched as Krysi and Rys ran off towards a Hilichurl hut in the corner. Bobcat screaming out she's not fighting that big thing it's got a scary aura, Krysi let out an apology. Hearing her say they'll be sitting this one out, the early adult shrugged. Large mechanical being quaking up a storm, more shouts soon bit the wind.

"Whatever, here it comes!" Sani shouted.

Ruin Guard dropping down with full force, the sound of a thick metal club took the stage. Integrated dagger and shield coming into the picture, Rabiu came on marching in. Power of Geo fused together with his weapon, the timid jackal man threw the blades in a rapid manner.

Sani slapping his club upon the enemy with the forces of wind, the early adult unleashed his forksword upon the enemy. Blunt contusions taking the stage one after another, the hyena's blade barely did any lifting. Power of rock and wind edging the advantage, the final blows were about to bubble over.

Final bonk of the club powering the Ruin Guard down back into sleep mode, the chimera accidentally let out a sigh. Why had he even bothered throwing himself into the ring? He was proving his uselessness today. Eyes turning towards him the hyena prepared to bow an apology. But, as he prepared to do so, Rabiu's cheeks grew pink.

"Um, Siorc? I didn't know you were here," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Um, uh. Be careful. It's dangerous around here."

Hearing Rabiu say his name, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Had Earl and Rabiu been talking to one another after his last magic show? If they had been, it was no business of his. Giving the jackal a nod, Krysi and Rys soon removed themselves from the Hilichurl hut. Apology coming the soldier's way for not fighting, the party of three exited the area.

No more monsters lurking around the area, the hyena's legs erupted into a sprint. Knowing the next order of business was to head for the Beryl Region, the trio made haste. Heading south for ages, Marcotte Station was upon everyone once more. Aquabus soon taken, the automatic vehicle sped off back towards the capital city.

Rat, bobcat and hyena dashing off towards the capital city's entrance, the next order of business had been upon everyone. Automatic vehicle stopping around the halfway point the group jumped off the ledge. But, as the mountainous world awaited him, nothing but floating machines overtook the area.

Krysi and Rys bringing out their spare weapons, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Finding no pneumaousia energy blocks anywhere, the hyena could feel uselessness hug him from behind. Had someone used them all up? The power was not with him.

Bobcat unleashing the power of Ousia from her polearm, the first of many floating machines dropped down to the ground with a loud thud. Knowing that was his cue to fight, the early adult brought his forkblade to the party. Slashing the object at least thirty times with full force, the trio moved on.

Party of two in front of him vanquishing multiple floating machines had been extinguished swiftly and assuredly. Gears falling down, the hyena's heart raced as he grabbed the objects. Why had there been such an intense aura coming from the spoils of war? Had there been another cog in the murder machine? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away.

Everything decimated as the party of three kept moving northward, the soldier swore he could hear multiple complaints firing up in the corner. Soon reaching a beast circle area, the soldier turned his attention towards the skies above. Scythes clanging up a storm, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him.

Brume and Eclater adorning water tanks on their backsides fighting with all their might, absolutely nothing budged upon the floating machine sea lion duo continuing to battle with no results to behold, the early adult swore he could hear the two of them huff out a tired breath.

"We don't know anything about technology!" Brume complained. "Why do we gotta fight these things?"

"Cause the Iudex said so!" Eclater responded. "But, he shoulda asked someone else! We ain't even putting a dent in this thing!" As he said such, Rys stepped up to the plate.

"We'll destroy them for you!" Rys exclaimed, spear ready.

Krysi and Rys decimated all the floating machines within seconds, the sea lion brother's jaws dropped straight open. Multiple questions coming their way about how they did that bragging rights threw themselves out onto the beast circles laid about. Fascination hitting the mountains nearby, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Was such gloating necessary?

Final set of floating machines becoming nothing but scrap metal, evening snuck up on the party of three like a person tiptoeing from behind. No further mechanical beings to destroy for parts, Rys soon placed her clawed hands upon her waist, for a moment. Humble pie as dead as a doornail, more bragging rights threw themselves out into the open.

"See? It didn't take more than a day, meow!" Rys exclaimed. But, as she said such, Krysi shook her head.

"There's still other missions we have to take care of tomorrow," Krysi responded. She then turned towards Siorc. "My apologies, Siorc, but could you lead us back to the Aquabus? One of the Fontaine stationed Fatui booked us a room at Hotel Debord for the evening."

Leading the way, the soldier headed back towards the automatic vehicle. Aquabus still stationed where they had hopped off, the vessel cruised itself back towards the capital city. Court of Fontaine reached in less time than the soldier had been able to keep track, the stroll towards the trio's temporary accommodations marched onward.

Ginger Fatui sitting in the hotel lobby waiting, an escort had soon taken shape. Party of three soon guided into their room, only two beds awaited the party of three. Rat and bobcat tossing themselves down into their shared sleeping quarter, the chimera moved towards his temporary place of sleep.

Everything soon removed, the soldier let out a yawn. Closing his eyes as soon as hit head hit the pillow, the land of tormented dreams awaited the hyena. World of sleep ready to take him away for the night, one final thought wrapped vines around the soldier as he drifted off.

What could possibly await him tomorrow?


"This doesn't make any sense.
Honestly, Your Majesty locate looking glass?
Really? Locate looking glass?
Of all the orders, this is the one? What am I the,
Unwitting damsel in wonderland?
Get real, please. There's no such thing as looking glass.
How could she even ask me

To do something like this?
How could Krysí and Ryś accept a mission like this?
Even they ought to know how incredibly

Ludicrous this sounds.
Of all the
Orders I have ever received, this has got to be the worst one. I
Know there is no such thing as the looking glass.
I know that, beyond a shadow of doubt, there's
No such thing. That's just a story. But, I
Guess Her Majesty always challenges reality. I

Guess she found something in Fontaine and wants me to
Look for it. But, really, there won't be
Anything. I am confident.
She is setting me up for failure.
Setting me up for disaster."

Upon waking up the next morning, a loud knock roared from the other side of the door. Pounds only continuing, the early adult reached for this glasses. Who in the world could this be so early in the morning? But, he supposed it could have been the ginger Fatui. Placing his uniform coat over his layered shirts, the chimera creaked the entranceway open. Although, what awaited him was a surprise of unexpected caliber.

Purple haired eyepatched young woman standing on the other side of the door with a rather serious look on her face, the chimera rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things, or had the head of the special security patrol been standing on the other side of the doorframe? Was he still dreaming? Pinching his wrist for a moment and feeling a sting, the chimera turned his attention towards her. He was most certainly awake right now.

"Hello, there, I am head of the Special Security Patrol, ---------, and I have some questions I'd like to ask you," the head of the Special Security Patrol said in a serious tone.

Hearing the authoritative power within the woman's voice, the soldier could feel a chill down his spine. Hadn't this young lady been a patrol officer with the Fortress of Meropide? If he answered even a single question incorrectly, he's as good as arrested. Letting out a gulp, he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, ma'am," the hyena responded, voice barely audible.

"We have been getting a lot of reports about mekas that look like humans and melusine acting with criminal intent around the city and beyond," the head of the special security patrol said in a serious tone. "Have you seen any?"

The soldier broke into a cold sweat. If the Special Security Patrol knew about the peculiar mekas causing problems everywhere, why hadn't any of them been doing any of the fighting? Knowing she expected an answer from him, the soldier nodded. But, such wordless answer turned the flags red for the special security patrol member in seconds.

"Why did you clam up all of a sudden?" the head of the special security patrol asked. "Did you make them?"

Heavy wave of suspicions coming his way, sweat bathed the soldier deep. Had his silence been the same thing as being guilty? Rapidly shaking his head, the soldier swore he was about to stink up the entire hotel with his perspiration. But, as if luck was on his side, Krysi soon came to the rescue.

"I'm sorry, our coworker here doesn't like talking much," Krysi said to the head of special security patrol. "But, yes, we have seen many of those mekas you are inquiring about. And, we've been fighting them."

"Right," the head of the special security patrol responded. "And, have any of you seen hooded individuals operating these meka? We've been attempting to track them down." Rys soon tagged herself into the ring.

"Ah, no, miss, we haven't seen anyone like that, sorry!" Rys exclaimed.

Special Security Patrol member thanking the duo for answering all her questions and apologizing if she might have frightened them, the young woman soon exited the area. Words hooded individuals ringing in his ears as her presence only got thinner, the chimera rolled his eyes to the ceiling. The gazelles, were they behind this, too? Did they ever stop trying to wreck havoc?

Party of three exiting their hotel room, a Fontaine style breakfast had been ordered between the trio. Rys burying her nose into the daily newspaper as she nibbled down on her possible only meal of the day, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint as he gazed at the backside of the newspaper. Fashion ads for the Chioriya boutique's winter collection all over the back, the chimera bit into his jam filled bread. Advertisem*nts were the bane of the world's existence.

"Are mekas friends or foes? Weird androids spotted!" Rys read out loud. "Meow? How did news travel so fast? We fought those yesterday!"

"I hear there's this pink haired journalist always snooping around everywhere that can get news around fast," Krysi said. But she firmly shook her head. "But, that's enough about the news. We have to get ready for our next mission." She then took a deep breath. "We need to head for some ruins and collect some sort of treasure for Her Majesty." She then turned towards Siorc. "And, Siorc, she wants you to look for something known as the Looking Glass."

Hearing such from the rat chimera, the hyena practically choked on his jelly. He had to look for what now? The Looking Glass? Wasn't that just some fairy tale? There was absolutely no way any of that was real. Her Majesty, was she asking him to step into a dream and fall down a rabbit hole? Absolutely ridiculous. There was absolutely no way any of that was real.

Krysi soon telling him the first order of business was to head underwater within Fort Charybdis Ruins, the soldier held back the urge to groan. Search for the Looking Glass, what kind of joke was this? Her Majesty had to have been playing a cruel, twisted joke on him. Everyone soon finishing up their breakfast, moving onward towards the Aquabus station had soon begun.

Automatic vehicle stopping towards the halfway point, as usual, the trio jumped off towards Poisson with gusto. Group heading east for hours on end, the area in question had soon been upon them. Reaching a peculiar looking cave flooded through the entrance way, the rat and bobcat chimera swam forward in a rapid manner.

Knowing there was no way he would be able to swim through even the most shallow of rivers, the soldier put on his diving suit. Automatically thrusted through the water, a room with bombs and explosive flowers caught the chimera's attention. What kind of place had he found himself in this time? Moving past such area, something else soon awaited him.

Large hall with multiple floors and puzzles abound and peculiar devices littered everywhere, the soldier observed the area in front of him. Spotting a mirror laying around in the corner of the room, the hyena placed his hand on his chin. Had that been the so called looking glass he had to locate? There was nothing special about it.

Krysi soon pulling out a piece of paper explaining that they had to fill every single device within the ruins with water in order to summon the treasure, Rys soon pumped her clawed fists together. Hearing her say she loved a good puzzle or two, the hyena scratched his ear. Had the bobcat been replaced with Aigre? But, he quickly snapped himself out of such thinking. He was being far too judgmental.

Spotting a strange device in the corner letting out a beam of energy, Rys studied it for a moment. But, as she had done so, the soldier had made a discovery of his own. Octopus cannon machine in the corner laying dormant, the early adult pointed at the device. Bobcat catching wind of such, she soon grabbed ahold of the power of the eight legged creature.

Krysi throwing down her observations, as well, crystals had been pointed to. Jet of power tossing itself upon crystals in the corner, a stone ledger pushed itself upward. Beam hitting the stone ledger after a few attempts, something had awoken within the room.

First couple devices given their water, the party of three dashed off towards a lift in the corner. Descending towards a lower floor, a chambered room filled with water soon awaited the trio. Rat and bobcat duo diving downward first, the soldier had his diving suit drop him down, as well. But what awaited was a puzzle like no other.

Submerged room with valves, Krysi and Rys quickly got to work. Attempting to add himself to the mix, rejection had come his way. Told to go locate the looking glass, they'll handle the puzzle, the soldier had become a sitting duck. The mirror in the front of the ruins? There was nothing interesting in there. He was wasting his time looking.

Elaborate turning puzzle taking over half an hour to complete, the next device had been filled up with the water it needed. Everyone soon returning towards the surface, another series of beams hitting the right direction shone on through. One further valve puzzle letting itself loose, the sound of a treasure chest popping up in the corner echoed throughout the ruins.

Krysi and Rys running off towards the treasure, a peculiar sound wafted throughout the ruins. Dashing back off towards the entrance, the mirror beside the gear lift had glowed a sharp shade of magenta. Spotting something other than his own reflection within the glass, the chimera placed his hands upon the mirror.

Reflective world tossing him elsewhere, a small room with nothing but a sunflower painting and some furniture awaited the soldier. But, such had been far from the truth. Wolf monster soon letting out a roar, the early adult had gotten on the offensive. Creature letting out a roar, the hyena's forkblade growled back.

Wolf monster taken out of the picture after about twenty-two slashes, a wisp soon appeared out of nowhere. Ghastly tail placing itself into the painting, the soldier swore it had the same magenta glow as the mirror. Throwing himself back through the reflective surface, a chest awaited him, as well.

Nothing of value dropping from the trove, the early adult reluctantly removed what had been contained within the lowly brown chest. Everyone exiting the area and heading back towards the surface world, the next name had been read out upon the instruction paper.

Krysi reading out the name Orthant of Souls and that it had been underwater beneath the East Slopes, the party of three heading back towards the western area. Fort Ruins left behind before he could even blink, the next diving location had overtaken the area. Diving suit thrusting him forward, underwater ruins soon awaited.

Finding themselves in an area with cannons firing everywhere, franticness boiled into overdrive. Triple triad dodges of doom taking the place over, multiple bullets had just been dodged. But, as such had been done, a realization played out. Breakable wall sticking out like a slime in a tribe of Hilichurls, Rys operated the enemy of the hour.

Wall broken apart, a trail of water flowed down through the floor. Dark blue aquatic doorway peaking its head, as well, everyone broke on in. But, as such had been done, puzzles that had been more the less the same as the last set of ruins looped on repeat for hours on end. But, as everything came together, the hyena spotted his end of the work.

Magenta tinted mirror glowing with a fury above a bookshelf, the soldier soon took the climb of a lifetime. Hopping into the portal beyond the looking glass, another singular wolf monster awaited the chimera. Had he really moved onto another ruins? He couldn't help but feel a sense of sameness swallow him whole.

Quick work made of the wolf monster the same wisp threw itself into the same painting. Artwork glowing the same shades as the mirror, the useless treasures had all been accounted for. Ready to move onwards towards the next ruins, the hyena had to do a triple take at the name said aloud.

Hearing the name Orthant of Wish, the soldier scratched the back of his ear. Had heard that name correctly? Why did it have a similar name to the last area the three of them had been to? But, he supposed all of them simply had some sort of connection to one another.

Yet another set of underwater ruins located after about fifteen minutes, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier on repeat. These ruins, why did all of them have the same objective? Krysi once again repeating they had to get the water into the machines to gather the treasure for Her Majesty, the loop soon continued.

Puzzles more or less the same as the previous area, the soldier put invisible lip gloss on the situation. Rat and bobcat chimera again barring him from assisting, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed he would have to locate the looking glass, and nothing else. Keeping his eyes open, the soldier sauntered onward.

Coming across a mirror laid on its side, the soldier threw himself in the reflective world. Nothing but another wolf monster awaiting him, the early adult tilted his head. Were all the ruins exactly the same as on another? How was this even possible? Surely, at least once of these so called looking glasses had something different going for them.

Wolf creature defeated in almost no time at all, the same wisp entered the same exact painting. Boring treasure of nothing collected, the next order of business was about to be upon everyone. But, the soldier swore the next name read off the list was the same as the last one.

Orthant of Memory the next order of business, the soldier could not help but wonder. Were these areas connected to one another? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. Why did any of that matter? There was no time to think about such things whatsoever. Soon reaching the next area, the loop continued once more.

Same puzzles solved, and only thing differing was the water levels rising, the soldier threw himself into the next mirror. Same wolf monster defeated, same wisp going into the same painting, and same mundane treasures collected, the hyena gazed at the ceiling. Had he been caught in some sort of time loop? He knew he had not been, but he felt like such had been the case, at the moment.

Krysi reading off the next name, no surprises had been laid out from the fifth location. Orthant of Persona read out from the paper, the group of three had begun moving once more. But, as everyone reached the area, a question threw itself out onto the playing field of loops.

"I feel like we've been doing the same thing over and over!" Rys exclaimed. "Are we caught in some sort of time loop, meow?"

"We aren't, but it does feel like one," Krysi responded.

Same puzzles playing out like before and same battle with the wolf monster played out in the so called looking glass, nothing of value had been gained within the Orthant of Persona. Readying to move onto the next ruins, the early adult prepared the eyeroll of the century. Was he about to go to the Orthant of Mind next? He could hardly wait for the loop to continue.

But, no such name had been read off. Rat chimera reading out the name Tower of Gesalt, the soldier blinked. Had he heard that right? A name without the word Orthant in front of it? He had to have been dreaming. Everyone soon heading back to the world underwater, the party of three stroked through the water slowly but surely.

Automatic diving suit reaching a peculiar underwater tower world. Everything had been more or less the same for the sixth time in a row. But, the world of sameness died a brutal death as the puzzles had been solved one after another. Hostile meka takeover bleeding through the area, a fight soon began. But, as the hyena readied to offer himself, a rejection had come his way.

"No, no, we'll take care of these mekas!" Rys shouted as she trusted her spear forward. "You locate the looking glass!"

Looking Glass soon discovered, a surprise awaited the soldier as well. Humanoid meka with long flowing blonde hair and an umbrella, the soldier had to do a quadruple take. The Demoiselle of the Spina di Rosula? Who would want to make a meka imposter of her? How peculiar.

Faux Demoiselle placing her umbrella in front of her, bullets had begun to come charging the hyena's way. Seeing such, the soldier jumped towards the right and left. This fake Spina di Rosula president's umbrella was a gun? There was absolutely no way the real thing would ever carry such a thing around.

Meka decimated after four rounds of dodge the bullet, another wisp threw itself into the painting, but as such had taken shape, a blinding light overtook the area. Closing his eyes, the chimera could feel himself begin to get transported elsewhere. Opening his eyes once more, ruins soon awaited him.

Creature running away as he made himself at home in the unknown ruins, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint. There were monsters in this labyrinth? How did they even get in here? Chasing after the creature, the soldier attempted to run as fast as his currently human legs would allow.

Keeping the chase game going for awhile, the soldier broke out into a pant. Running was a cardiovascular exercise, indeed. Performing his breathing exercises for minutes on end, the chimera resumed running. Finding himself at the end of the labyrinth, something strange stared back at him.

Mechanical Hilichurl huffing and puffing as well, the creature dropped down upon the ground, fading away. Note dropped from its fallen body, the chimera's heart skipped a beat. Had this inorganic monster died from too much running? Even technology had its limit. Peaking at the note, the soldier read the words written in a careful manner.

"Enjoying our little game? It's not over yet!" the note said.

Blinding light engulfing him before he could even fathom the letter, the soldier soon found himself back in the tower once more. Krysí and Ryś gazing at him with looks of confusion, the soldier blinked. How long had he been gone for them to notice his absence? He supposed it had to have been quite a awhile.

"Where did you go?" Krysi asked.

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier blinked. Where had he been taken to? Not sure where he had gone, no answer had left the early adult's lifts. Clapping his hands into an apologetic stance, the soldier soon bowed his head. Look of further bewilderment on the rat chimera's face, she soon shook her head.

"It's alright. You don't have to apologize," Krysi responded to his wordless answer. "In any case, our side of the job is done. So, after we go back to the hotel, Rys and I returning to Snezhnaya."

Krysi stating their side of the job had been done and dealt with, the chimera tilted his head. Was that it? All she wanted was treasure? How strange. He was definitely not needed for any of this. Returning to their hotel room, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Was his job not done yet? But, his thoughts were interrupted as Rys looked his way.

"We'll take all the treasure to Her Majesty!" Rys shouted, pointing at his satchel. "Siorcy, I need to go through your bag for a minute, okay?"

Giving Rys a nod, every single gear and set of treasure had soon been removed from his satchel. Only things remaining within being his forksword, weight had left the bag, in an instant. Eyes soon on him once more, the soldier gave eye contact in return. Was he about to be told his mission without them? If such were the case, his ears were open.

"We'll be going now!" Rys exclaimed, waving. "Good luck with your final mission!"

"Please take care of yourself, alright?" Krysi added. Waving as well, the two soon exited the hotel room.

No words about his mission said by anyone, bewilderment ate the hyena up like a plate of macarons. His final mission of the week, had Krysi and Rys not been told what it could have been? But, he supposed he would be alerted to what it might be in the morning.

Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the chimera slumped into the hotel bed. Everything removed, the soldier closed his eyes. Wave of sleep readying to take him away as soon as his head hit the pillow, one final question looped on repeat as the land of tormented dreams pulled the hyena back in.

What else could there be left for him to do?


"Today, I was given the
Ultimate horrifying order to jolt
Me awake. A Tumor
Of drowning appeared underwater? That doesn't sound
Right. What is that thing? I feel

Oozing boils all over me. Tumors are
Ferocious, scary, horrifying,

Deadly. The world underwater beneath the trenches, is it ill? This is
Relatively scary.
Of course, I have to fight this.
Will the underwater penguin duo try to harm me?
No doubt, but
I can't just sit around and do
Nothing, or something terrible is
Going to happen. I have to fight this, immediately."

Feeling someone nudging his shoulders for minutes on end as the hyena returned to the mortal waking world, the soldier placed his glasses over his eyes. Ginger masked Fatui standing by his bedside shaking like a leaf, the chimera rubbed his eyes. Was he still dreaming? What was this soldier so terrified of? But, his question had soon been answered.

"Soldier, wake up!" the ginger Fatui shouted. "Tumors of Drowning have appeared underwater. Your orders have been changed. Go clean them up right now!"

Hearing the word tumor, the hyena could feel his heart skip more than ten beats. A tumor had appeared underwater. Hadn't that been a deadly growth that would continue to multiply until its host had been killed? How did such a terrifying illness appear underwater? Was such even possible? Questions eating him alive, fear flowed through him.

Knowing he had to act fast, the hyena immediately put on his diving equipment. The malignant growth underwater. Whether it was possible or not, he had to get rid of it, pronto. The ocean, if it were to get ill, it would surely reach the surface world, as well. Such could not happen. He had to spring into action.

Dashing off towards the Aquabus, the vessel of automatic movement stopped halfway through after what felt like the thirtieth time in about a month. Throwing himself off the ledge, the Belleau Region awaited him. Knowing that, no matter what, he had to make haste, the chimera took the dive of faith.

But, as the chimera's diving suit thrusted him towards the Elton Trench, horrors like no other awaited him. Androids from the surface world making themselves at home amongst the water, and blond diver boy squaring off with them all by himself, a wave of unease flowed through him. Why had he been fighting alone? Hadn't there been any other Fatui that could help him? Mechanical beings soon vanquished, he soon turned towards the chimera.

"The situation down here is bad," the diver boy said in a quiet voice. "I don't think there is any way to clear out the Tumor of Drowning at all."

Hearing such defeatist language, a wave of determination flowed through the chimera enough to turn his soul into a red heart in an underground world with a skull man telling bad jokes. This situation was impossible? No way. There had to have been a solution to get rid of the malignant growths, for sure. He had to find it, no matter what. The seabed, it was just as important as the nature above ground.

Readying to head upon the northern path, multiple black haired meka women awaited the soldier. Pressing the jellyfish bomb button on his glove, the soldier let the denotation do the talking. Robots taken out of the picture, in an instant, the soldier readied to head northwest.

Army of meka women still waiting for him, the soldier swore he could hear one of them say write her maybe. Hearing such, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the seabed ceiling. What, was she about to say? Hey, she just met him, and this is crazy, but here's her address, so write her maybe? Letting down the second jellyfish bomb, mechanical pieces floated around the water, in a matter of moments.

Continuing to lay down his gift of destruction to the meka units, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. The malignant growth, where in the world could it have been hiding? Knowing he had to keep his eyes open, the chimera kept scouting the area. But, as he continued onward northwest, all that awaited was more battles.

Every single member within the robot army turned into nothing but scrap metal, the soldier had the diving suit thrust him through Chemin de L'espoir. Still not spotting any sort of malicious growth anywhere, the chimera kept moving forward. Dark energy swirling as he moved closer towards Annapausis, the chimera readied himself to enter the secluded area.

Throwing himself through the aquatic door, the chimera's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Reaching Annapausis, a surprising sight to behold caught the chimera's attention. Spotting Zinn, Peltro, Vidame and Domini working together to fight a large metallic growth that looked like a huge spiky germ hyphenated with the number nineteen, the chimera observed in silence.

Zinn slapping down their warty frog hands upon the growth, absolutely nothing happened. Seeing such, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. Had the frog's poisons been ineffective? How absolutely terrifying, if such were the case. Hadn't their frog toxins been able to penetrate through anything?

Peltro's alligator tail unable to do anything, as well, the malignant growth pulsated with a fury. Seeing such, the soldier's eyes twitched in a rapid manner. Had physical force been an impossible gamble, as well? Penguins bringing out their weapons to the table, they soon added themselves to the mix.

Undersea penguin duo unable to dent the growth as well, the early adult shook his head. Maybe the diver boy was right. Maybe it truly was impossible to destroy this Tumor of Drowning, but he knew that was the talk of a quitter. He could not allow himself to give up before he even started. But, the penguins soon through in their towels.

"Fuggeddabout we're done," Vidame said, currently human heels turning towards the opposite direction. "That tumor isn't budging." But, an ugly face soon ruined her entire day.

Seeing Ritchie Rich in the corner, Vidame let out a deep throated growl. How dare Ritchie Rich come back to their home once again. He probably brought down these growths with his rich magic. Who did he think he was? He would pay for his disgusting crimes.

Hearing his sister's growls, Domini turned towards the commotion. Ritchie Rich off in the corner looking all innocent, he soon readied his chainwhip behind him. What was this rich pig doing done here? This tumor, he ought to offer this mora loaded loser to it as a sacrifice.

"I offer Ritchie Rich as tribute to the Tumor of Drowning!" Domini shouted. pushing him towards the spiky growth of doom.

"Can you hear us, growth?" Vidame asked in a loud tone. "Take him! Eat him alive!" Pushing him closer, they soon headed for the area's exit, but as they had done so, a shout had come their way.

"Wait! Where are ya goin, ribbit?" Zinn shouted towards the leaving bodies. "It's almost dead fer real this time!"

"Too late!" Peltro shouted, pointing. "They already left!"

Frog and alligator duo looking ready to argue with one another, the soldier sifted through his satchel. Surely, there had to have been something within his bag that could help break the malignant growth. As if the gods and luck were on his side, such answers had been heard.

Extremely heavy two handed claymore with a glass blue finishing entitled Growth Begone, the soldier tilted his head. Where in the world had this greatsword been hiding this entire time? Had someone slipped it into his back while he was sleeping? Blade bubbling as he charged towards the growth, the soldier swore he could see toxins corroding through the metal. Growth shrinking down into absolutely nothing, jaws dropped themselves on the floor.

"What kinda poison is in there?" Zinn asked, clapping their hands. "It's gotta be more toxic than all of my warts combined!"

Zinn sounding quite impressed, the soldier shook his head. The claymore entitled growth begone had more poison than their toxins? There was no way that was even possible. He had to have just gotten lucky in the moment, for sure. Peltro shaking its head to such notion as well, its voice added itself to the mix.

"It's probably just some fancy sword with special qualities," Peltro said, shaking its head again. "Anyhow, that doesn't matter. Other growths seem to have appeared near some strange tower east of here. Neither Zinn nor I can go there."

Giving the alligator chimera his gratitude, the soldier exited the area. Having his diving suit thrust him eastward for quite some time, multiple androids had been decimated one after another. Moving past the Elton Trench, robots had been further broken down as the Tower of Gesalt was about to engulf him for the second day in a row. Battles drowning him from everything around him for hours on end, everything soon changed as he made his way towards the hidden chambers.

Spotting Gwendolyn and Lonan attempting to fight a large metallic growth sitting around in Tower of Gesalt, the chimera gazed at the apparent couple. What were these two doing here? Had they been summoned to try to quell the storm of malignant growths as well? Hawk feather metallic arrows not doing any sort of damage to the malicious spiky monster, a white flag had soon been waved.

"Nope, it's not budging," Lonan said, shaking his head. But, he had soon been elbowed.

"Try harder, then!" Gwendolyn shouted.

"Gf, I'm trying my best here," Lonan responded, voice tired. "But, it's not working out, kay?" But, he soon had been elbowed again.

Couple that was definitely not together in any official capacity looking ready to argue each other's ears off, the soldier let out a sigh. Growth Begone soon in his hands, he let the glass ridden blade do its bidding. Tumor of Drowning sliced up in one single strike, eyes soon wandered.

"Black fish steak bro, where did you get that power from?" Lonan asked, awestruck. But he had soon been elbowed for the third time in a row.

"Less yapping, more working!" Gwendolyn shouted at the top of her lungs. "We still have androids to kill! Don't you want to make enough Mora to get out of my house and, more importantly, get out of my hair?"

"I'm not going to make bank overnight," Lonan replied. "Chill, Gwen!" But the elbows just kept on coming.

"Gwendolyn, not Gwen!" Gwendolyn shouted. "Enough yapping. We have to head to the Liffey Region."

Hearing Gwendolyn's demands, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why did Lonan want to fake date this person? She was quite the nasty woman without a singular nice bone in her body. But, he supposed some people had a fixation on cruelty in a relationship, even a shammy one.

Knowing there had to have been another malignant growth up in the Liffey Region, the soldier followed behind the two birds in silence. No androids awaiting him to battle as the bird duo destroyed all of them in one fell swoop, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. But, what had been used to remove such robots was a puzzle to behold.

Bird duo wielding umbrellas as they pressed the metallic tips into the androids, the chimera swore he could hear the mekas state they were shutting down with every poke. Hearing such, questions rolled pebbles around the chimera's mind. Had the rain parasols contained something special to break the robots down?

Pushing through the Submarine Canyon, the Liffey Region screamed out to the party of three. But, as the chimera had the diving suit thrust him forward, predictable faces that looked like they had no idea what was going on graced the area. Knowing exactly what was about to go down, the hyena turned towards them.

Huxian and Pixiu looking as though they were giving the rogue mekas a staring contest, the soldier blinked. Why weren't they battling the androids over there? But, he supposed they had just forgotten what their jobs were again. They needed to write down their orders for the day or tie a string onto their finger. Surely, that would help their leaking memory problems.

"Wait, what are we doing again?" Huxian asked.

"I don't know," Pixiu responded. "I forgot, too." But, a groan had soon come their way.

"Are you two stupid?" Gwendolyn asked, slapping her bird talon across her forehead. "There's androids right in front of you!" There was an irritated tone in her voice. "You're supposed to be fighting them!"

"We're not stupid," Huxian replied, but he hesitated. "Wait. The Duke. Didn't he say that word to us once? 'Zack, Monique, I dunno if you two are just stupid, or forgetful, but please try to remember your mission next time." He then shook his head. "Wait, my name isn't Zack, and your name isn't Monique." As he said such, their sister placed their hands on the side of their head.

"Hold on, I remember now what we're supposed to be doing," Pixiu said with confidence. "Time to fight some robots."

Huxian and Pixiu letting the holy light bathe their crosses deep, multiple androids had been taken out of the picture one after another for hours on end. Otter duo transforming into their semi aquatic forms, they had begun to swim faster as the seconds unraveled themselves.

Power of god and animals on the otter's side, more mechanical monsters had been send their holy scrap metal grave. Duo continuing onward with their fights, Gwendolyn's rubbed her eyes multiple times. Seeing such, the early adult placed his gloved hands around his waist. Was she having a hard time believing what she was seeing?

But, such wins had soon come to a grinding halt. Finding themselves near a spiky growth that their holy powers could not destroy, the soldier let his Growth Begone remove the object from its malignant life. Metallic ball of doom gone in seconds, a round of applause had come his way.

"Great job, black fish steak bro!" Lonan exclaimed, clapping. "The last one is in some underwater research facility."

Knowing exactly what the hawk had been talking about, the soldier lead the way. Heading southwest for quite sometime, the soldier readied himself to drop down towards the Natural Philosophy Institute. But as he prepared to do so, Lonan soon turned around and hightailed it.

"I feel something evil down there," Lonan said, turning around. "I'm peacing out, sorry, bro!"

Gwendolyn soon chasing after Lonan, the soldier let out a gulp as his diving suit thrust him towards the secret research facility deep underwater. Did more than just a tumor await him below here? If such were the case, he needed to proceed with utmost caution. But, what immediately awaited him was the most predictable group of chimeras imaginable.

Abyssal gazelles standing beside a metallic growth, the soldier let out a grunt. Of course, it had to have been these two once again. When were they ever not responsible for something bad happening in Fontaine? He had run out of fingers and toes to count the amount of times that hey done something.

"Did you enjoy our little fun game?" Izzet asked, laughing.

Hearing the gazelle's annoying question, the soldier gave them a glare. Did he have enjoy their game? Absolutely, positively one-hundred-fifty-percent, not. Enjoy fighting androids that looked like humans and destroying malignant growths underwater? No way was that fun. Was this chimera being sarcastic?

Knowing that if he stood here any longer, the abyssal gazelles would put down even further hazardous growths, the soldier removed the Growth Begone. Tumor of Drowning destroyed in one fell swoop, the abyssal gazelle's faces grew red. Seeing such, the chimera crossed his arms around his waist. Was it time for them to exact their revenge on him for the tenth time? He had heard that enough times, at this point.

"How dare he end our game with one shot!" Kelebek shouted. "You'll be back!"

Abyssal duo disappearing without a trace in a split second, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. Of course they would be back. Just how much more trouble did they plan on causing to Fontaine at this point? Whatever else they had planned, it was a never ending cycle. Leaving the research facility, the soldier had his diving suit return him towards the surface. But, what awaited him at the beach was a shock to the heart.

Ginger Fatui waiting for him on the sands, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Why was she sitting there as if expecting him? But, he supposed she had been waiting for him to finish his duties. Masked soldier standing up onto her feet, he mask soon gazed into the hyena's eyes.

"Your job is done," the ginger Fatui said in a demanding tone. "Go on back home."

Dismissal granted in a demanding tone, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Walking through the icy cold hallways, the hyena reached the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking. But, as he stepped inside, the chimera walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor.

The abyssal gazelles, just how long did they intend on continuing to cause problems for Fontaine, and even beyond? They needed to stop before it was too late, or irreversible damage would be caused to the Nation of Justice, and perhaps, the entire continent. Such could not happen, under any circ*mstance.

Wave of tiredness eventually overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses set aside, the hyena closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. But, as the dream world was ready to take him away, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

The abyssal gazelles were getting worse.

Chapter 20: Research Institute Phantom Thief 2: Fleeting Towers


This is the second of third chapters within Research Institute Phantom Thief. In this section, Siorc must perform another heist whilst dealing with various other lesser issues in Fontaine. Feat: Earl, Robin, Raven, Brume, Eclater, Huxian, Pixiu, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Kelebek, Izzet, Il Dottore (in nightmares), Chevreuse, Neuvilette and Wriothesely.


The curse saga begins.

Chapter Text

"Again, Your Majesty? I don't
Get it, really.
Am I to believe she really needs these things
I am being told to steal?
No. She does not.

Your Majesty, why?
Obviously, there's far more ethical ways. This is
Unnecessary. I'd
Rather not do this, why

Make me take
All these from the
Jackal quartet?
Every single one of them works hard,
So please rescind
This order,
You're truly pushing it.

Why do this?
How can
You not think of whom I might be hurting? Ah, who am I kidding? She

Does not care.
Oh, well, it looks like

I don't have a choice.

Here's to another day of thievery,
Another day of being the worst
Villain in the history of
Everything. I don't have

The capabilities
Of a real phantom thief.

So, please stop sending me on
These missions, I am begging.
Everything you want me to steal has
Absolutely nothing special,
Let this go.

This needs to
Halt, it has to stop.
Each and every machine and
Robot, the quartet put
Everything into them.

I don't feel right doing this,
So, make this the last time.

For, I will not doing this
At all, willingly.
Really, this will only

Make Fatui look bad.
Open your eyes, and
Realize. If I am
Ever seen by the other researchers,

Everything will break,
This won't go well,
How can't she see that?
I truly don't understand.
Can't get
Anywhere behind this.
Let this be the last time.

Will it be?
Absolutely not,
Yes, there will be
Some more times.

Of all the orders,
For this one to come back, I am fuming. But, I

Guess I am not allowed that
Opinion. Right,
I am the loyal and obedient soldier.
No anger allowed.
Get it out of my system

And just accept reality.
Because I cannot disobey.
Obedience is key, that is the
Ultimate key
To survival.

Survival is priority in this cold breeze.
Oh, boy, Your
Majesty, just what am I stealing this time? I am so
Eager to commit crimes!

That might
Have been a little sarcastic.
I need to dial it down,
Need to throw such thoughts away.
Get over my feeling of discontent.
Soon, it probably

Will not matter,
Everything I feel is
Liquid waste.
Liquid garbage.

Opinions are forbidden,
Her Majesty's orders must not be questioned.

Well, I am used to it,
Everything is all the same, I am
Liquid trash,
Liquid garbage. A

Tool, a pawn
On the chessboard, a piece
On the board. Don't

Let myself get out of control,
And do as I am
Told. That is key.
Even if I don't agree.

Nothing I think matters,
Obedience is key. I am a
White rook, just a movable piece. It's all I'll ever be in this army."

Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of torment within the early adult's life. The loop would drop down a gigantic hammer with relentless force, destroying everything in its path. Such pattern had no end in sight, always returning to the beginning when day reverses back to late evening. The night before him was no different as well.

Before him had been a field of dandelions, and lilacs. But, something had been off about the flowering plants. Blood tripping from the stems, a wave of heavy unease flowed through the soldier. Lilacs looking to wilt at any given moment, a wave of fear flowed through the soldier. Just what was wrong with the dream world today?

Seating himself beside the flowers, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was something bad about to happen within his subconscious mind? He knew that everything before him had already felt quite off. Knowing that at any given moment, he would burst into flames, devoured the soldier.

Everything had begun to get worse than imagined.

Dendrobiums beginning to grow in spades, the soldier gazed at the dream world around him. World around him feeling quite familiar, the soldier had come to an immediate conclusion: he had been in a battlefield in Mondstadt. Corpses of multiple Hilichurls surrounding him, another realization had washed over him.

The dream world, had it taken him to the Thousand Wind Temple in Monstadt? But, such thoughts were immediately cut short as a wretched visitor stepped up to the plate. Spiky blue haired mask man coming towards him, the early adult grit his dream teeth hard enough to break them.

The malpracticing malicious doctor was here.

Medical tools seated within the heinous harbinger's hands, the early adult attempted with all his might to run away from the area. But, such had been an impossibility to be had, for sure. Entire partially human body except his hands glued down to the ground, the early adult could not help but ponder. Had he been awake right now?

Pinching himself, absolutely no pain resounded within the soldier. Nothingness echoing, doom loomed over the hyena. He had been dreaming. There was no escape. Wretched doctor coming closer with every given dream second, the early adult's dream palms shook with a fervor.

"It's time for surgery!" the mad malpracticing doctor exclaimed. In his gloves resided medical tools.

Akademiya exile coming closer at a snail's pace, the early adult's palms continued to shake. Surgical tools spinning about, the early adult surrendered himself. It was already over. He was about to become organ spaghetti. Gap closing between the two soon closed, the line soon repeated itself.

Spinning tool of doom hovering over the soldier's stomach, the metal and he had soon become one with one another. Circular metallic scalpel carving deep, the early adult let out a scream that did not penetrate into reality. Dream surgery continuing for minutes on end, glass shattered into pieces.

As red pools of liquid fell from the soldier's body, the Dendrobiums sucked up the crimson lake for minutes on end. Flowers only getting brighter as more blood spilled its indigestible tea, the hyena had begun to shake. Why did he have to dream up the horrific Harbinger, of all people? But, such had not been the end of the subconscious suffering.

Sea of blue flames dropping itself from the sky, the hyena's dream eyes opened wide. Malicious doctor nowhere to be seen as if he had never been there, a wave of defeat had flown above the chimera. It was all over. He was done. Finished, about to be cooked into edible meat at any given second.

Blue fires soon taking the soldier over, the chimera had begun to fall backwards. Flames only burning brighter as he had become one with the dream ground, a simulated sense of pain took the hyena away. As the hyena's death within the subconscious world sped itself up, one last thought took the early adult away.

Memories are terrifying.


"Vile villains, I won't stand for this!
Every day lately, there's been something
Rancid has happened!
Yet another day of these bounties, and

Looks like this one
Is taking advantage of the recent hysteria!
Taking advantage of the panic and mysteria!
This cannot stand, I Robin will not
Let this go undealt with!
Every day, our bounties are full of

Mysterious requests!
And I bet it's those conniving gazelles! I
Know it's them!
Even though, I personally blame that Fatui!
So, whomever did it, just you wait, justice

Shall come for you!
Everyone who is involved,
Now's your time to confess!
So, open up about your crimes!
Either now, or I'll

Adamantly pursue you!
Now's the time, or
You shall be
My next bounty! Come
On, open up to your crimes! I,
Robin, will show no mercy.
Each and every one of you shall be brought to

Justice! I will
Unleash my arrows upon you,
So fess up, don't
Try to hide, or I

Won't go easy!
How would you like to see my
Absolute final move?
The ultimate justice hammer!

I won't let you get away,
So, fess up, I'm waiting. Announce your

Guiltiness. The entire nation is listening!
Open your mouths, fiends!
It's time to be put away.
No matter what, this time I will
Get them, have them

Open up, announce their
Nefarious crimes!

Justice will prevail!
Unleash the counter
This time, Raven and
I will get the
Criminals once and for all
Even if I have to sacrifice my reputation.

We shall win, and
I will bathe in heroism!
Listen up, criminals, you won't
Live to perform another

Crime! So, go
On, open up about your crimes!
May a swift and guilty trial put you away for
Eternity! The

Final countdown is upon us.
Our time has come to square off!
Raven, we shall catch them this time!

Yes, this time for sure!
On this day, we will get the
Uncouth monsters, these

Criminals aplenty! I,
Robin, pledge to Focalors,
I will be catching all these
Malicious miscreants!
I will be catching these
Nefarious villains!
All of them, one after another!
Literally, none
Shall remain in Fontaine!"

Four days had passed since the hyena, rat and bobcat chimeras had collected meka parts in Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Diplomatic affairs of nothing engulfing the ninety-six hours, mudaneness had bubbled itself into overdrive, taking the front seat at the wheel.

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, Siorc snapped himself out of it. There was no time to allow himself to let fear turn the pirate ship wheel; he had to get ready now. Pushing his thoughts away, the early adult rose from the rock hard bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena placed his uniform over his layered shirts, the early adult stared at the steel walls. The wretched Doctor, if he sees him again, he will crush him, burn him, give him the medicine he deserves. Spark popping off in his brain as he thought such, the young soldier repeated such phrases within his fading human brain.

He would crush him, burn him, give him the medicine he deserves. Payback delivered in full.

But, the soldier snapped himself out of thinking such, rapidly shaking his head back and forth. What in the world was he thinking? He didn't stand a chance against the second of eleven harbingers. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult removed such thoughts from deep within.

Removing the cover off his hairpin and earring box, the hyena clicked the weaponized jewelry and accessories into place. Adorning matching blue stars in his hair and ears, a wave of calmness pulsated through him. Thoughts pooling back into work, the early adult reached for the yellow-green orb.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the early adult gazed at it, for a moment. The yellow-green orb, why did it give him the power to bring flowers to life to fight alongside him? But, the early adult quickly discarded such thoughts into the trash bin. Such inquiry had no answer. The gods would never let down their secrets within the mortal plane.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the young soldier turned his attention towards the barricaded window, for a moment. Just what could possibly be waiting for him today? He knew, whatever order were about to grace his inhuman eardrums, it was not about to be a good thing.

Continuing to gaze at the window, doom loomed over the soldier. He could not help but feel something terrible was about to await him today wherever he were to end up doing work today. The abyssal gazelles, they were up to something, guaranteed. He needed to prepare himself for anything, and everything.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march on with a heavy stomp, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be performing a heist once again." He paused for a moment before continuing. "As well as dealing with various problems around Fontaine to stay within the good graces of the Hydro Archon." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Keeping the other Archons on the Fatui's side would make Her Majesty's goals be reached faster.

Siorc jumped five steps back upon hearing he would be performing another heist today. Stay in the good graces of the Hydro Archon? There was no way that would be possible if he was going on yet another phantom thief mission. Absolutely impossible, no way, there was no chance.

The early adult stared off into space. How would any of what he's about to do help him stay on Focalor's good side? There was no way that would be possible, in the slightest. Dealing with unstated problems in the Hydro Nation of Justice? There was no way such would ever be enough to make her forget he was a member of the Fatui.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be performing a heist and cleaning up problems in Fontaine!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this! Get in gear!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock right now. There was absolutely no time to be thinking about other things. Work mode switch flipping on inside him, every other thought perished outside in the snow. Right, no more dawdling. It was time to go.

"Yes, sir," the chimera responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, he waited for the gripping prison to take him away.

"Good. We're leaving, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as relentless as it had usually been, the soldier closed his eyes as the escort towards Fontaine soon began.

Stay in the good graces of the Archon? Yeah, right.


"There is definitely something off
Here, in Fontaine.
I cannot get this feeling to go away. I cannot
Shake it off. No, I

Cannot. Something is wrong,
And this feeling is devouring me.
Nothing is making sense, this feeling.
No, I am just
Overly nervous. Right, it's
The nerves from steeling.

Breathe, I need to breathe.
Everything is fine,

Really. I am overthinking. Yes, I am
Especially overthinking. There is
Absolutely nothing wrong here. I am
Letting my fears take over.

I am letting everything get to me.

How can I allow myself to let
All these fears win?
Vacuum them away with a wind current.
Everything is fine. I am

Taking my feelings
Of doom too seriously.

Breathe, breathe.
Everything is fine.

Don't let my fears
Rear their ugly heads.
Everything is fine.
And I have to shake this all away.
My feelings do not matter.
I have a job to do. Brain, you must
Not natter. I have to
Get to work

Right this
Instant. No more letting my fears
Get the better of me.
Here's to another day of quelling
The enemies. Here is to the

Next round of heisting.
Obstruct these feelings,
Wilt them away. Focus on working."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult could not help but feel the heavy atmosphere in the air. Was it just his imagination, or did something feel very off? But, the hyena's thoughts were cut off almost immediately as he had been dragged down the mountain.

Boat summoned, like always, the hyena gazed at the waterbed in front of him for a brief moment. Ocean leading up to the harbor looking unclean, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had something been wrong with Fontaine? But, such thoughts were pushed away as the vessel of human movement cruised forward.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he could even process it, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. How had he already arrived at the next location? Agent dragging him off towards the stairs, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. The abyssal gazelles, could they be hiding somewhere?

Agent informing him once again for what felt like the quintillionth time that he was not allowed to teleport around Fontaine whatsoever, the hyena held back the urge to bite the hand that fed him. No teleporting allowed this, no teleporting allowed that, blah, blah. But, the early adult popped such mockery going on within his fading human brain. If the Agent heard his thoughts, he would be smited, for sure.

Satchel soon plopped upon his backside, a list of instructions had been handed off to the hyena. But, as he had been handed the sheet of paper, words of warning had come the chimera's way. Subordinate soon leaving, the early adult titled his head. What was with the sudden caution hitting the wind?

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift, as usual, the soldier could feel a chill drop down his spine. Not a single soul around the harbor, not even beside the stairs, a feeling of doom nibbled on the soldier's ear. Where was everyone today? But, such feelings of unease only continued to overlap as the station approached.

Silence even more apparent as he pressed the button on the sign, the early adult gazed at everything around him. The Romaritime Harbor, why was it deserted this time? Water just as unclean in the area as it was near the desert, the chimera could not help but wonder, had there been an acid rain storm since he had been away?

Aquabus arriving after a short while, a look of surprise appeared on the Melusine's face. Aeval stating most of the Fontaine citizens are hiding in their homes today, the early adult's heart skipped two beats. Why was everyone shutting themselves behind closed doors? Just what was going on?

Knowing he had to press on, no matter what, the soldier seated himself upon the aquabus. Vessel of automatic power cruising forward, the early adult removed the paper instructions from his back pocket, gazing at them in silence, the hyena scratched his head at the words in front of him.

First set of instructions informing him he would need to head off towards the Liffey Region before performing a heist in a tower nearby, the soldier quadruple checked the words in front of him. Was he reading this right? He had to go off to a tower near Mount Esus East? That would be impossible, for sure. There was no way he could ever hope to pull off such a feat.

Arriving at the capital city of Fontaine before he knew it, words of caution had been thrown the hyena's way. Bowing a thank you, the chimera disembarked from the vehicle. Knowing it was time to head out towards Mount Esus, the soldier prepared himself to head off towards the glass lift inside the Aquabus information station.

But, as the soldier had begun to walk upon the northern path, silence engulfed the entire area. Not a single citizen on the streets, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. People were cooping themselves up in their homes, indeed. Guards the only members of the population around, everything cracked like glass.

Knowing he had to proceed with caution when reaching the mountains, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Would the hawk and falcon chimeras be present in the area today? He knew, if they were, he would be arrowed down almost immediately. There was no avoiding such. It was about to happen.

As the early adult kept walking through the deserted streets, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had something bad happened in Fontaine while he was gone? He could not help but feel something terrible had been unleashed upon the nation while he had been off doing mundane jobs of nothing.

Adventurer's Guild without its receptionist, as well, the hyena darted his eyes off towards the side. Even the association for adventurers was not around? What a terrible sign of things to come, for sure. But, the hyena pressed onward. There was no time to think about such things.

Continuing to move right along upon the northwestern path, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Just what could have possibly happened? The citizens of Fontaine, were they scared of slightly dirty waters? Perhaps, just maybe, the famed Hydro Dragon had fallen ill.

But, such thoughts were cut short as a frightening sight before him burned into the soldier's mismatched pupils. Spotting the Head of Security and Surveillance Patrol, the Iudex and Melusine discussing crime involving water poisoning, the chimera's heart skipped a beat. What did he just hear? He knew he had to forget such. Listening to other people's conversations was rude. But, eyes were soon on him.

"You, over there, have you seen anyone suspicious?" the head of security patrol asked.

Hearing such question, the hyena's mind jumped elsewhere, in an instant. The waters, if they were poisoned, would the Melusines who lived underwater truly be alright? The sea lion pranksters, and penguins in the trenches, wouldn't such toxins bring harm to them? He knew he needed to inquire about such.

Giving the head of security patrol a head shake, the early adult took a long deep breath. Clapping his hands together like a sea lion, spelling out the word penguin with his fingers, and moving his hands as if they were waves upon the ocean, the hyena could feel his cheeks flush. Why was he making such a huge production about this?

"The ocean? Fear not, they are filtering themselves out," the Iudex responded to his wordless communication. "The Melusines and the underwater dwellers will be alright."

Hearing the Iudex's words, a wave of relief flowed through the chimera. The oceans around Fontaine were able to filter out the noxious materials? Such was good news to hear, indeed. Group of two letting him pass through, the early adult kept moving onwards towards the Aquabus information station.

Moving towards the southern streets, a small wave of disdain flowed through the hyena. Whoever had laid poison upon the waters of Fontaine was a vile criminal. If he were to cross paths with them, he would bring them down multiple pegs before they could cause any more damage.

As the Aquabus Information station drew closer with every step, the chimera turned his attention towards the fountain from afar. The waters within the flowing falls, had they been poisoned, too? But, the early adult kept on moving. There was no time to investigate. He had to lave for the Liffey Region right away.

Pushing past the fountain, the soldier took a long deep breath. The mountains, he knew, as soon as he were to reach there, he would be in bird chimera territory. Stepping foot into the building, not a single sound stirred within the information station. Stepping towards the glass lift, the chimera braced himself.

But, such moments of silence were soon shot with a sniper rifle. Box's doors opening, a person he did not wish to see stepped out of the machine. Earl removing himself from the elevator, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be hiding in his home like the rest of the citizens in Fontaine? Eyes soon on him, the chimera held back the urge to groan. An annoyance was about to bite his ear off.

Seeing Siorc the moment he stepped off the elevator, waves of caution flowed through him. Siorc had been in Fontaine today? He needed to take him back home right away. It was not safe here. There was too much danger around the region. It was best to escort him to the boutique right away.

"Hi again, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Fontaine is too dangerous right now! Let me take you home so I can keep you safe!"

The early adult's eyebrows twitched. Why did Earl always have to insist on taking him to his home? He was not about to let himself get strayed from the path. No way. He had already been informed on the dangers around. He had work to do. Perhaps, just maybe, telling him such would get him off his back.

"I am working, sir," Siorc responded, voice cold. "I cannot go with you."

Hearing Siorc say he had work, alarm bells had begun to ring. He was working around Fontaine? Where was he heading today? If it were someone dangerous It was best to go with him if it were a place of heavy danger. It was time to poke his nose in, even if it wasn't wanted.

"Where are you heading?" Earl asked, inquisitive. "I'll go with you!"

The early adult flinched. Why did Earl always have to poke his nose in? Where he was headed was absolutely nothing was his business. They were not friends, in any capacity. He needed to remove all the questions he had and back off. But, he knew if he said such, more annoyances would come his way. Taking a deep breath, he let the answer throw itself out the window.

"I am heading to the Liffey Region, sir," the chimera answered with reluctance. But, an immediate answer had come his way.

"The Liffey Region?" Earl asked. "Robin and Raven are there! I'll should go with you!"

Shaking his head, the soldier stepped upon the glass lift. Earl saying he will just let him go, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Had he finally realized he wanted no business with him today? Such was a miracle if it were the truth. Penguin chimera exiting the area, the chimera pressed the button labelled four upon the side of the glass box.

Soon reaching the fourth floor of the city, the early adult cracked his knuckles. It was time to proceed with as much caution as he could possibly muster. No one bustling about in the cities beside a Melusine guard, the chimera pressed onward. Moving towards the city outskirts, the hyena kept himself on high alert.

Outside of the city as silent as the areas within, the early adult observed the area. What other dangers could possibly be lurking about beyond these walls? He supposed he was about to find out. Stepping on the final glass lift of the hour, warnings tingled within him.

As the glass box moved, the early adult checked his instructions one last time, for the moment. Nothing listed other than to clean up the Liffey Region, the hyena sighed. Why were his notes vague, as usual? But, he supposed he was used to it by now. Hearing the door open, the young soldier exited the machine of many technological marvels.

But, immediately upon stepping foot into the open wilderness, various thorny obstacles covered up the entire area. Such, however, had not been the only oddity. Multiple meka soldiers adorning his uniform albeit in a metallic grey color, a series of questions raced through the chimera's mind.

Robotic enemies walking around in a circle around the vines, the early adult rose an eyebrow. What were these mekas doing here? Why did they have a uniform like his? Were they newly employed Fatui? He was not reaching any sort of understanding whatsoever. Possible enemies patrolling about, he knew he had no choice but to battle.

Sifting through his satchel for a moment, the early adult came across a rather peculiar claymore. Large, brown greatsword adorning multiple stickers of Melusine, the hyena tilted his head. Where had this weapon come from? There was no way it was from Her Majesty directly.

Moving towards the vines, the soldier had begun pruning. Thorns attempting with all their might to strike him as he chopped away, the hyena kept himself on guard. Did the obstacles have a mind of their own? If they were alive, he would be caught up in a fight any second now.

Mekas moving of towards the other side of the grass, the soldier kept the cuts going. Vines sheered away one after another, the hyena swore that the world's nature grew back as quickly as it had been removed. Seeing such, the hyena huffed a breath. Were these obstacles immortal? How irksome.

Placing his claymore beside him, the early adult had begun to spin around like a battle top in another universe. Vines biting the dust as his circular motion continued onward for minutes on end, the chimera let out a grunt. Would this finally prune the current obstacles once and for all?

Obstacles regrowing for the second time, the soldier could feel himself shrink. What was he doing wrong that would not let him prune the vines? Did he need to be infused with the pneumaousia system? He supposed it was best to look around for an energy block.

Spotting an ousia block in the corner upon a platform, the early adult dashed back towards the area. Energy swirling around him, the hyena ran back towards the growing vines once more. Slashing through the obstacles as purple light engulfed them, a eureka moment cemented itself into place.

Running back and forth towards the block of energy, the vines dissipated into nothingness. Obstacles cleared out for the time being, robot eyes were on the soldier. Mekas running towards him, hips out and about, the early adult placed himself in a fighting stance. The battle was on, it was go time.

Mekas dancing about as if they were putting on a performance in front of hundreds of people, the early adult shook his head. These robots were supposed to be like him? Whoever had made them had done a terrible job of replicating his being. Letting his claymore loose, the greatsword tipped the scales.

First set of robots falling to the ground and becoming spare parts after about twenty slashes, the soldier kept the momentum going. Army reduced from six to two, the early adult kept himself focused. The crowd was lessening, soon, he could move forward towards his destination.

Final group of mekas dropping down grassy projectiles, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Was that supposed to be some sort of replication of his attacks? If such were the case, it was nothing like his combat whatsoever. These monsters were phony robotic replicas of him.

Final two enemies in the area defeated, the hyena turned his attention towards the sky. Knowing the closer he got towards the bird's territory, the early adult knew he had to prepare himself for any violence that would be dealt to him. Strolling along the path, the rest of the fights to come took shape.

Vines blocking the path again as the soldier crossed towards the northeast, the early adult let out a sigh. Collecting a block of ousia energy once again, the pruning had come back from the dead. Energy bathing itself deep, the thorny entanglements wilted as their extermination was finalized.

But, such moments of easy fights quickly came to a close. Thorns spreading themselves at far and wide, the vined weapons had gone on a rampage. Spikey weapons twirling upwards as the soldier approached, the prickles sunk into the hyena's arms like they were vampire teeth.

Onslaught continuing, the early adult let out a scream. These plants, did they have a mind of their own? If such were the case, there was no way he would ever be able to compete with that in any way. Thrusting them off, the plants versus hyena kicked into overdrive.

Obstacles kicked to the curb one after another, the beach had been nearing at breakneck speed. Prickly bushes of doom standing in his way, the chimera let out another sigh. What was he looking at, a porcupine tree? How peculiar. He could not help but feel something about what he was looking at had been manufactured.

Attempting with all his might to hack away at such roadblock, his claymore and the prickly leaves shook hands with one another. But, as he was doing so, nothing of any sort had been vanquished. Leaves growing back as if there was an invisible respawn button, the hyena's eyebrows twitched.

Weapon doing absolutely nothing to the inanimate enemy in front of him, the soldier kept attempting to prune the object before him. But, such moment never came. Regrowth coming back to haunt him after a few seconds, the cuts kept going for minutes on end.

But, such attempts were futile. Bush returning back to its original form as quickly as it had been reduced to nothing, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Was this obstacle impervious to the strike of a blade? Perhaps, just maybe, the energy blocks in the area would solve the problem.

Grabbing ahold of a block of pneuma energy, the soldier let out a scream as he thrusted away at the bush before him. Obstacle of thorns wilting into nothing, the chimera moved forward off towards the beach. But, as he stepped upon the sediment, a familiar sound penetrated through the area.

Hearing the sound of an arrow shooting on the wind, the hyena gulped. The hawk and falcon chimeras, they were here. Any second now, and he would be their next target. Robots off in the corner getting arrowed into the mechanical knee, the early adult backed four steps away. But, such had been three steps too many.

Golden eyes on him from up above, an arrow soon came the chimera's way. Jumping out of the way, the soldier crossed his arms across his waist. Did the hawk always have to give him such a violent greeting? He needed to focus on his bounties in front of him instead of turning him into the next target.

"How dare you send your robot minions out here, Fatui!" Robin shouted, heroism evident in his voice.

Hearing such accusation coming his way, the hyena lowered his eyes into a glare. Was the hawk chimera being serious right now, accusing him of being responsible for creating mechanical life forms? He was quite incorrect. Make a mechanical being that bore his resemblance? He would never, even if he knew how to craft robotics.

"I don't know, hon," Raven chimed in. "He looks confused."

"He's just trying to look innocent, so he can take you away!" Robin responded, but Raven shook his head.

"He's not here to take me away, hon," Raven replied. "I know who is the perpetrator of this crime. Call a truce?"

"Fine! But only for today!" Robin chirped. "Go on through, Fatui!" As he said such, his cheeks turned pink. He then pointing his index finger the villain's way. "But, if I see you committing any sort of crime, I won't hesitate but to call this temporary truce off! Besides, beyond this point, something worse awaits you. Have fun dealing with it, vagrant!"

Robin announcing a temporary peace treaty, the early adult had begun to head north. Knowing he had to head for the bridge, the soldier sped up his walking speed. But, as he kept on going, the hawk's words rung in his head. What could be the worse thing that could possibly be awaiting him? He supposed he was about to find out.

But, as the early adult readied to leave the area north of the court behind, absolutely nothing of particular note awaited him. Wilderness as quiet as ever, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What was this so called worse thing that could possibly await him? Whatever it was, it was nowhere to be seen.

Silence looping on repeat, the chimera sauntered onward. Not even any remaining robots adorning his uniform walking around, the hyena turned his head to the right and left. Had everything already been defeated? If such were the case, there was no threat that would swallow him up, for sure.

Jumping across the bridge from one end to another with a hop, skip and a jump, the early adult almost wanted to break in a song about it like a colorful assortment of horses in another universe. Enemies nowhere to be seen on the other side, as well, confusion looped on repeat. Why did Robin say something awaited him if there had been nothing? What strange fighting words.

Readying to move towards Mount Esus East, the young soldier read over his notes for the third time of the day. But, what had been written on the page gave the soldier a surprise he did not account for. Notes telling him he would need to locate an underwater cave and destroy a thorny cyst, the hyena read the sentence once more. He had to do what now? Destroy another growth in the ocean? How had any still been lingering around? But, he supposed the poisons within the water had done their bidding.

Continuing to head north for the time being, the early adult stared off into space. How was he supposed to locate a hidden cave if he weren't allowed to check his map? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Surely, one he reached a body of water, finding what he would be looking for wouldn't be too difficult.

Soon reaching an ocean bed, the chimera removed his diving equipment from his satchel. Fat, blubbery suit soon engulfing him, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind and suit synched up with one another, the chimera let the waters swallow him up. Thrusted downward, the Liffey region waters awaited him.

Underwater world slightly discolored, a wave of concern flowed through the chimera. Had the waters truly been able to cleanse themselves from the toxins? He did not know why, but such seemed like quite the stretch. Diving suit continuing to push him forward, alarm bells continued to ring.

As the diving suit kept thrusting the soldier towards the west, the hyena observed the ocean around him. Sea denizens around looking as though they were struggling to breathe, the early adult's heart dropped into his stomach. Had the poison affected them? Why wasn't anyone helping them?

Knowing there was nothing he could do at the moment, the diving suit kept automatically pushing he early adult westward. Peculiar hole soon approaching, the hyena prepared himself. What would await him down below? Whatever a thorny cyst could be, it needed to be eliminated.

Dropping downward into into the cave world, the early adult steeled himself. But, what awaited him was a ball of terror. Huge, spiky spherical object pulsating in a cave with aquatic yellow grass, the early adult placed his fingers upon his glove. Tips twitching as he hovered over the jellyfish bomb button, preparedness was a corpse upon the battlefield.

Jellyfish head launched towards one of the thorny spikes, damage had been done to the enemy. But, as such had gone on, the soldier swore he could see the steel spherical ball continue to throb like a heart. Seeing such, the chimera's heart skipped a beat. Was the cyst a living breathing being? He was in jeopardy.

Letting down another aquatic explosive, the inorganic enemy continued pulsating. Seeing such, the soldier tried to keep his nerves, the chimera tried to tune out his thoughts. Third explosive popped off like a balloon, the thorns budged ever so slightly. But, such advantage had been short lived. Defenses kicking themselves up, fishy friends threw themselves upon the battlefield.

Crabs lowering their shells towards him, the early adult pressed the defense button upon his glove. Slimy crystals coming his way, the early adult aimed his gloved towards the crustacean's backside. Defense ready, the hyena retaliated with all his might. Shell taking a crack, the victor was about to be decided.

Fishy enemies removed from the equation, the bomby warfare returned to the frontlines. Singular appendage removing itself as the blows kept being dealt, the soldier kept the momentum going. Soon, surely, the forgotten about growth would be removed from the crevices of the ocean.

Second thorny appendage looking ready to snap, the hyena pushed onward. But, the defenses soon resumed themselves once more. Second army coming out from a jet stream, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. He had to fight Blubberbeasts? This growth had a mind of its own, guaranteed.

Sonar wave piercing the soldier's eardrums, the chimera flinched. Why were these creatures resorting to such horrible noises? Screeching cacophony picking up the speed for minutes on end, the early adult placed his gloves over his ears? The screeches, they were shattering, entrapping, maddening.

Pressing the sound wave button upon his glove, the early adult attempted to send such attack back the owner's way. Creatures swimming away one after another as their own racket was thrown back at them, everything stopped screeching. Defenses removed once more, the fight returned back towards the thorny monster.

Third appendage defeated after four blasts, the battle had soon readied to reach its final stages. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult pressed on. Any second now, and the fight versus the underwater growth would reach its conclusion. It was close. Time was ticking.

Fourth and final steel appendage floating away, the chimera brought down the aquatic blade. Growth decimated into absolutely nothing, the early adult exited the cave. No other enemies lurking about, the hyena returned to the Liffey Region waters. Knowing his job was not done yet, the early adult had his diving suit thrust him north.

But, as the hyena moved towards the fortress, two familiar confused faces stuck out to him. Underwater otter duo swimming around the sea with confused looks like always, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. What had these two forgotten this time? Twins turning to one another, the questions had begun rolling.

"What are we supposed to be doing again?" Huxian asked, clueless look on their face.

"I don't remember, either," Pixiu responded, shaking her head. "My mind's blank."

"Great," Huxian responded. "The Duke is going to say, 'Zack, Monique, you forgot your duties again?' Ugh." But, soon, a eureka moment threw itself into the ring.

"Wait, I remember now. We have to head for the forging factory," Pixiu responded. She then turned around. Stranger staring at them in the corner, she gave them a glance. "Have we met before? Your face looks familiar." As she said such, she tilted her. "Eh. That doesn't matter. Are you heading to the forging factory, too?"

Hearing Pixiu's question, the soldier gave her a nod. Why had these two always being sent down to the factory hidden behind the sea unicorn's abode? But, he supposed whatever their jobs were wasn't any business of his whatsoever. Duo in front of him trusting forward, a repeat of words had soon been said.

"We should go," Huxian said, words emotionless. "By the way, my name is not Zack, and her's isn't Monique."

As the otter duo thrusted forward with their semi aquatic bodies, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why had it been whenever he had encounters with these two, they always struggled to remember anything? Had they been inflicted with some sort of memory disease? Perhaps, just maybe, they needed to see the nurse in the Fortress.

But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Why was he speculating upon someone's possible health condition? It was not in his place to do so. Whatever memory issues they were facing, it was no business of his. He needed to keep his nose in his own life and not slice the invasion of privacy pie.

Layer of sea vines encased around the area near the entrance towards the sea unicorn domain, the early adult readied to decimate them with his aquatic blade. But such moment to fight never came. Undersea otter duo bathing the vines in holy light, they vanished into thin water.

Dropping beside the sea unicorn's abode, water snorkels soon adorned Huxian and Pixiu's faces. Party of three running off towards the opposite end of the battlefield, the pathway between the forging factory soon narrowed. But, as such gap drew closer, a wave of unease flowed through him.

Thorny obstacles awaiting the otter duo and he, the soldier's eyebrow twitched. Just how many of these vined challenges awaited? Attempting to hack away at them, the plants grew back like an unwanted zit upon a chin. No pneumaousia blocks in sight, the early adult waved the defeat flag.

Huxian and Pixiu dropping down the holy light, the chimera blinked of bewilderment as the vines dissipated into nothing. The otter duo, had their crosses been imbued with the power of pneuma? But, the soldier put a pin in such thought. No, that couldn't be it. There was something far different about it, for sure.

Stepping into the room before the forging factory, an army of monsters awaited the trio. Robotic mekas adorning Melusine garde clothing, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Why had these mechanical beings been wearing such outfits? But, such thoughts were cut short as a rancid scent engulfed the area.

Purple liquid oozing onto the ground, the chimera blinked. The mekas, had they been inflicted with the undersea poison? Something was not right whatsoever. Creatures ready to launch his way, the chimera placed the greatsword in front of him. The time had come to fight once again.

Bullets dancing his way, the chimera jumped four steps back. Blade swinging forward, the projectiles bounced off from whence they came. Gears set ablaze, the soldier covered his eyes. These bullets contained fire within them? How absolutely terrifying. Burning scent invading his nostrils, the soldier froze.

Huxian letting out a battle cry, the scent died down like a Cicin dropping dead on the battlefield. Opening his eyes once more, the hyena regained focus. What was he doing, letting his fears take control of him during a battle? Trying to drown out all emotion, the soldier threw himself back into combat.

Claymore taking the stage, the soldier slashed his claymore forward. Robot army dropping in numbers one after another, the power of holy light and claymores had done the deed. No more mechanical beings in the area, a dead look appeared on Huxian's face.

"Hold on, I remembered something else," Huxian said, face turning towards the opposite direction. "The Duke said, 'Zack, Monique, there's bombs hidden around the fortress, Look for them later?" But, he soon shook his head. "But, my name isn't Zack, and yours is not Monique."

Hearing that line once again, the chimera crossed his arms across his waist. Why did Zack, Huxian, rather, always say that? It was almost as if, a set of ones and zeros determined such line to be the only thing he could say under certain types of met conditions. But, such fact was unknown to the soldier.

Figuring his instructions accounted for the entirety of the Liffey Region as a whole, the soldier followed behind the otter duo in silence. Soon reaching the underwater prison, the undersea otter duo had soon been in the presence of the Fortress's duke. The soldier did not know why, but he swore he could see him smiling for a brief second.

"Zack, Monique, glad to see you remembered your jobs, for a change," the duke said, pleased.

"Bombs are hard to forget," Pixiu responded. "Did no one find any yet?"

"Nope. Pretty well hidden," the duke replied. But, Huxian soon interrupted.

"By the way, duke, my name is not Zack," Huxian responded. "And hers is not Monique."

"That doesn't matter right now," Pixiu said, shaking her head. "We have to find those bombs."

Gazing at his instructions as the conversation in front of him boiled into overdrive, the soldier spotted the Fortress of Meropide within his notes. Nothing but deal with any problems that might arise in the underwater prison to keep relationships between the over and underworld in balance, the early adult wanted to crumple up the paper into a ball. What was he, some sort of mediator between worlds? Absolutely ridiculous.

Finding suspicious looking objects around the Administrative Area, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. What in the world was there a hat lying around out in the open? How incredibly strange, and out of place. Flipping the head covering over, not a single surprise awaited him.

Stash of explosives snuggling inside, the soldier shook his head. Who left these here in a hat? Whoever did this wasn't very smart. Fuses looking rather dried out, bewilderment looped on repeat. Just what were these here for if they couldn't even do anything? Some villains had the brain of a goldfish.

Watching as Huxian diffused explosives from afar, the chimera's jaw practically dropped open. The spiky haired otter chimera, how in the world was he able to do that? Was him forgetting things just an act to hide his true strength? He could never make sense of this twin duo at all.

Running around the production zone, multiple suspicious hats laid out in the open. Seeing such, the soldier flipped them over. But, what awaited him was the sound of sizzling. Hearing such, the early adult's eyes grew wide. The explosives were about to blow, go kaboom, blow the entire joint. Timer soon ticking, a knot tied itself in the chimera's partially human stomach.

Numbers ticking down, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. The bombs, how was he supposed to stop them from blowing up? His knowledge in such area was zero. There was no way he would be able to do such a thing, under any given circ*mstances. Digits floating around the thirty second mark, the chimera's heart pounded like a jackhammer. But such situation soon simmered down.

"I'll do it," Huxian said. "Go to the upper floor."

Otter chimera diffusing he explosives once again, the soldier ran off towards the prison glass lift. Multiple head garnets uncovered with dud explosives, the soldier's lip quivered. Load up with real, or fake ones, could the criminals make up their minds? Empty threats removed, one last area remained.

Grand Duke saying he heard some loud ticking in his office, Pixiu and the hyena burst into the room. But what awaited was a horror to behold. Large round explosive sitting in the center of the corridor labelled gift for a pitiful loser, the soldier's entire body shook up a storm. Who in the world left this here? They were most certainly not a smart criminal.

"We'll have to cut this one up," Pixiu said, finger on their chin.

Hearing Pixiu's suggested, the soldier's mouth was left open agape. They had to cut the explosive up? What was it, a big watermelon? He was not some sort of fruit ninja. Whatever a ninja was, the hyena did not know. But, he supposed such suggestion should be accounted for.

Blade out in front of him, the early adult placed himself upon the duke's chair lunging forward, claymore in hand, the soldier let out an assortment of unusual noises. Explosive sliced in half as if it were a fruit, the young soldier blinked. That ridiculous idea worked? The sky would fall tonight.

Rest of the explosives soon dealt and done away with, the soldier had the diving suit bring him back upwards towards the surface. Sky a deep dark blue, the early adult's heart had begun to race. Had it been night already? He had to go perform the worst heist of all time right now.

Throwing himself behind a tree in the northwest corner, the soldier stripped off his diving suit. Uniform pants removed, as well, and winter jacket folded up and put away, the early adult's heist uniform soon graced his short body. Moving north through the mountains for quite some time, a peculiar tower soon awaited him.

Nothing but stairs awaiting him upon entry, the early adult ascended the staircase as quietly as his currently human legs would allow. But, as he reached the first room, Slimes awaited him. Seeing such, the phantom thief jumped back. Was there defenses lined up? He was about to get himself caught.

Slimes soon defeated after fifteen strikes, the sound of water draining flowed through the upper room above. Hearing such, the soldier had come to a quick realization. There was absolutely no way he'd be able to stealth through here quietly, he was as good as caught any second now.

Finding himself in a room with a machine, the early adult placed his finger on his chin. What was it that he had to do again for this mechanism? Hit the circular blade in a target spot? Parts soon moving, the soldier placed his blade in front of him. Attempting for minutes on end to hit the ovular object in the correct places, the puzzle soon ended itself.

Stairs to the next floor above soon unlocked, the early adult let out a sigh. His chances of doing any sort of stealthy heist were gone now. If anyone was here, he was as good as spotted. It was too late. He had already made too much noise. Reaching the final floor, the goods soon awaited.

But, as expected, a person awaited the phantom thief. Folu seated by a table tinkering away and doing work, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Why was it that whenever he had to steal something, it was always from the jackal researchers? Her Majesty had to have been doing this on purpose by now.

Knowing he had no choice but to take the small machinery about the early adult bent his knees downward. But, as he had done so, the compartments squeaked. Head soon turning towards him, an invisible white flag waved upon the air. He was the worst phantom thief of all time, for sure.

"Whoops! You're really a sloppy thief, aren't you?" Folu asked. "Why do you need my tech, what for?"

Hearing such question, the soldier zippered the lip. There was no way he could give out that he was a member of the Fatui being ordered to perform a heist. Her Majesty could be listening anywhere from Teyvat. He had to stay silent, at all costs. Staying silent, Folu twirled their hair around their finger.

Mr. Thiefers not giving them any sort of answer, Folu wondered. Was this guy being manipulated by someone into stealing? He can just have his prototypes if that's what he wanted. He supposed he did not mind letting him take a few if this were to be the last heist he were to perform.

"Go on, and take them," Folu said, pointing at their prototypes. "I'll just make more prototypes. Have fun, Mr. Thiefers!"

Given the okay to take the machines, the early adult's tilted his head. Why were they giving them up so easily? This was the worst heist, for sure. If Her Majesty were watching, she would be disappointed. Scooping up the prototypes and placing them inside his satchel, the early adult exited the tower.

Soon returning to the capital city of Fontaine, the Ginger Fatui awaited the soldier at the Aquabus station. Well dressed woman informing him his job isn't done yet, he had soon been escorted to Hotel Debord. Guided to his accommodations, everything soon grew quiet.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the soldier removed his heisting outfit. Single layered shirt being the only chest covering to remain, the hyena removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings, as well. Slumping into the hotel bed, the soldier closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep taking him away, one final thought crashed at bay.

What else could possibly be awaiting him?


"This mission involving
Heisting is still going?
Every time I have to press on with this, I feel guilty.

Please, Your Majesty,
Let's find something less criminal to do.
Obviously, the jackals already know what I am up
To. Please, put an end to

This. It has to stop. It
Has to end.
I don't want to do this, please
Cancel it. But, I
Know she won't, she is greedy. She wants
Everything. So, I must continue heisting. I have
No choice. Or,
She'll kill me. But, can

This be the last one, please?
How can I keep doing this to the jackal family?
Every single time I take one on their machines, I feel this

Horrible feeling of guilt.
Each and every time
I really do not wish to do this,
So, please, let this end. Let
This be the last time. I

Cannot keep doing this.
Oh, well, the choice is not mine, and I am
Not allowed to have such opinions.
That's right, I am nothing more than a pawn,
I am nothing more than a rook. I
Need to numb myself.
Unleash myself into being a working machine.
Every day is just another workday,
So let this guilt go, and get ready."

Waking up the next morning, a knock broke through the rest of the sound in the area. Hearing such, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Placing his lenses over his heterochromatic eyes, the young soldier lifted himself up from the covers. Uniform soon on, the hyena headed towards the entrance.

Ginger Fatui standing by his doorstep looking ready to deploy his orders, the chimera tilted his head. Was she his Fontaine subordinate now? He did not quite understand. But, he supposed he had been used to seeing her by now. Looking into her mask, he waited for further instructions.

"Soldier, before you go about your heist, you must go to the Foggy Forest," the ginger Fatui said. She soon continued. "And Lumidouce Harbor." A piece of paper rattled in her hand. "Here are you instructions from your boss."

Paper soon handed to him, the ginger Fatui exited the area. Reading over his notes for a moment, details laid themselves out in front of the hyena. Repeat of what the ginger said right in front of him, something else had been sandwiched in between such. Cave mentioned as well, and small bed underwater near Lumidouce Harbor mentioned, the orders settled in.

Heading off for the Aquabus right away, the soldier could not help but notice the water had been far worse looking than yesterday. Seeing such, the chimera could not help but wonder. Had the poison gotten worse? This could not have possibly been safe for travel.

Aquabus shortly arriving, the chimera seated himself. Quickly arriving at Marcotte Station after twenty-five minutes, the soldier had begun moving through the area. But, as he had done so, a wave of unease flowed through the hyena. What could possibly be about to await him in the forest of fog nearby?

Heading upon the southern path, the early adult took a long, deep breath. Whatever might be waiting for him in the area, he needed to prepare for anything and everything. Station getting further behind as he pressed onward, a sense of doom loomed over his head.

Foggy Forest Path approaching slowly but surely, the chimera took another deep breath. Any second now, and something horrifying could be waiting for him. Whatever it was he needed to clear out, he needed to deal with it as quickly as he could possibly muster, no matter what.

Reaching the forest after an hour of walking from point a to point b, a wave of confusion flowed through him as he stepped foot inside the so called misty woods around him. Rabiu walking around the area working hard, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was the researcher jackal truly here, or was he imagining him? But, such question had an immediate answer.

Hearing someone walk into the foggy forest, Rabiu turned his head. But, what awaited him was not at all whom he expected. Siorc stepping in, his heart thumped. What was he doing here? It was dangerous. Maybe he should tell him to go back home, for now. Letting him get hurt was not in the cards.

"Um, uh, Siorc, is that you? It's dangerous here. You should go," Rabiu said, voice shaking, but he soon gazed at him. Look of disdain on his face, his tail hardened. "Um, sorry? Should I not call you by name? Earl told me it."

Hearing what he had suspected a week prior, the soldier shook his head. Why was Rabiu so jumpy all the time? But, he supposed he didn't blame him when he had three siblings who always got a thrill out of pretending they had no blood relation to him. Placing his hands in front him, the early adult signed don't worry, and that he was sent here on foggy display. Rabiu studying long and hard, he spoke up again.

"You were sent here? Uh, um, I'll help you out," Rabiu responded, voice shaking. "Let me know if you get hurt, okay?"

But, what awaited the hyena was a battle he did not wish to fight. Lakelight Lilies far larger than normal adoring leafy hands and feet, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He had to fight oversized flowers? How could he do such a thing? He couldn't bring harm to such a creature brought to life.

Stepping forward towards the lilies, the early adult stared off into space. Did he really have to bring harm to the flowers? Surely, there had to have been some other way to approach this situation. But, he knew that wasn't an option. The flowers were monsters. He had no choice but to fight them.

Watching Siorc freeze up with a pained look on his face. Rabiu studied him for a moment. Looking hesitant to fight, he wondered. Did he like flowers? Thinking about such, his cheeks grew pink. He did not know why, but that was pretty cute. Maybe it was best to tell him he would find seeds to plant in their place later.

"Does it hurt to fight them?" Rabiu asked. "Don't worry, I plant new seeds for you later, okay?"

Hearing Rabiu's words, the hyena turned to face him. He would plant new seeds at some point after this battle? That was incredibly nice of him for the forest. Knowing he had no choice but to fight the gigantic flower monsters before they took over the forest, the soldier prepared himself.

First flower taken out of the equation with the power of the soldier's greatsword and Rabiu's daggers, the party of two prepared to move forward. Mourning the loss of the Lakelight Lilies before moving forward, the soldier gazed at the misty woods around him. How could these flowers have gotten to the size they were? He did not quite understand.

Second set of lilies putting up quite the fight, the soldier could feel himself begin to sway. Why did it have to be this way? Whoever had caused the flowers to grow and become hostile, they needed to pay for such a thing. But, there was no time for thinking, he had to keep battling.

Multiple armies of blue plants defeated one after another in quick succession, the soldier sent his prayers to the Dendro Archon he was not supposed to worship for a quick recovery to the to the plant life within the area. But, he knew such would not be heard within the Hydro Nation of Justice.

Lilies near the cave off in the corner putting up quite the fight, the chimera let out a pant as the final blow had been dealt. Just what kind of power did these newly born monsters have? But, he supposed he would not get an answer to such, they could not talk.

Moving onwards towards the general direction of the cave in the corner, the early adult prepared himself for the final flower versus himself and the researcher jackal. Enemy letting down seeds of spite, the hyena attempted to bounce them back towards their owner.

Rabiu unleashing his daggers upon the enemy, the flower let out a roar. Hearing such, the soldier shivered, had there been some sort of lion hiding deep within the lily? But, the chimera shook his head. He was jumping to conclusions. That was not the case whatsoever.

Plant slain, the chimera stepped foot into the cave nearby. Rabiu walking alongside him, the soldier kept moving forward. He supposed he did not mind being in his company. But upon setting foot into the dark, damp secluded area, a peculiar object stood amongst the path.

Spotting a cannon in the center of the room, the hyena tilted his head to the left. What was something like this doing in here? Rabiu saying he will take care of this for him, he operated to missile throwing explosive. Ball throwing itself out of the machine, a wall crumbled away.

Entire new section of the cave revealing itself, a sight of horror soon awaited him. Highly germ infested waters bubbling about, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Purple sacks of bacteria floating around, the early adult skipped around the area to and fro. Where was the octopus pistol machine?

Eventually coming across the device in question, the soldier prepared himself. The water germs, they had to go, he had to get rid of them, no questions asked. Focusing his attention, the early adult aimed at the problematic object in front of him. Watching as the bacteria went from purple to green, the early adult took a breath.

First germ destroyed as it had been wet into nothing, the early adult made haste to the second infection. Same loop coming for the bacterial problem in a matter of moments, the green waters had soon returned to their normal shade. But, as everything had begun to wrap, an unexpected departure pushed itself in.

"Uh, um, sorry Siorc, I have to leave," Rabiu said, nervous tone of voice. "Try not to get hurt."

Researcher jackal exiting the area, the soldier walked around, for a moment. Multiple germs removed from the equation, one final obstacle soon awaited the chimera. Monster lily rearing its eyeless head, the chimera performed his breathing exercises. It was time to fight the flower. The choice was not his.

Large monstrous plant taken out of the picture after about forty slashes, the soldier removed himself from the hole dwelling of doom. Knowing his next order of business was to head off towards Lumidouce Harbor, the soldier's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. It was best to get there quickly.

But, as he approached the second most used harbor in all of Fontaine, screams penetrated through the area. Hearing such, the early adult flinched. What was going on here? Why was there so much hysteria? But, as he got ever so closer towards the issue, locals let their terror be known.

Multiple people screaming there had been sharks here, the chimera tiptoed towards the water. Loud slashing adding itself to the area, a shocking sight caught the soldier off guard for minutes on end. In front of him had been a robotic shark, jaw wide open, looking ready to fight at any given moment.

Ravaging beast coming towards him with a fury, the early adult gulped. Who made these? Why sharks this time? Whoever had made these had quite the strange taste in machinery. Knowing the pandemonium would die down if he put the monsters down, the chimera removed his greatsword from his satchel.

First mechanical shark going down rather easy, the early adult wiped sweat off his brow. How had this robotic monster been defeated so easily? Whoever made these was not suited for the robotics life whatsoever. But, his thoughts were incorrect by many margins.

Multiple robotic sharks lunging at him as he approached the Rusty Rudder, metallic teeth sunk into his arm harder than a blade cutting him. Chompers ready to make a meal out of him, the early adult let out a scream. Biters not letting go for minutes on end, the chimera's energy had begun to fade.

Creature soon letting go, the early adult huffed a breath. Was this what it felt like when he bit other people? Shark teeth were sharp and painful, indeed. Monster soon looking the other way after his fleshy meal, the soldier swung his blade forward. Creature looking weak, he dealt the final blow after twelve hits.

Final set of large mechanical fish destroyed into scrap metal after about two hours of fighting, a demand had soon come the soldier's way. Drunken pirate in the corner telling him there is more of them underwater, kill them now, the soldier could feel everything collapse. There were more lurking in the sea? Such was a recipe for disaster.

Diving equipment soon on, the hyena dropped down into the waters below. Multiple sharks underwater dashing around the area causing multiple problems, the chase had soon been on. Knowing he had to get rid of them before it was too late, the chimera had his suit thrust faster.

Catching up to a singular one looking ready to gobble up mechanical fish, the soldier dropped down a jellyfish head bomb. Explosive letting itself loose, the first of many moving around let out their rampaging aquatic tails. Dashing off towards the next enemy, he had the bomb ready.

Two more soon taken out of the picture, the chimera blinked at the sight before him from afar, mechanical enemies making the water dimmer around them, the hyena could not help but ponder. Had the mechanical sharks been the ones poisoning the water? But, he soon snapped himself out of it. No way, he was jumping to conclusions, for sure.

More sharks in the area blown to smithereens, the soldier dashed off towards the Tower of Gesalt entrance. Why were some of the monsters heading there? If they were to enter such an area, it would be too late to stop them. Letting his suit push him faster, the automatic motion was on turbo mode.

Entrance near Tower of Gesalt soon reached, the soldier dropped down multiple aquatic explosives one after another. Doing such, the final set of sharks had soon been vanquished. Oceans cleared out of any dangers, for the time being, the early adult ascended back towards the surface world.

Diving equipment put away, the early adult gazed at the sky above him. Sky a dark blue shade, the early adult removed his instructions from his back pocket. But, what awaited him was double trouble. Notes informing him he would have to perform a heist in two towers today, the sheet of Dendro creation practically fell from his hands.

Rereading the paper again, the soldier squinted. Two towers, he had to raid two? Two, one plus one, an additional area? There was no way he would be able to get away with this one, there would be more eyes on him, for sure. Reading the two had been in the northern area of the Research Institute, the doom only got worse. He was tighter than a lightbulb; done for.

Heading northwest for hours on end, the first tower had soon been reached. Entering the area, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Not seeing a single soul within, the hyena could not help but think. Had this been some sort of trap waiting for him? He needed to be careful.

Finding a seabed out on the other side of the tower, the soldier put on his diving equipment. Had this building been made near the sea? What a terrible place to put a place of research. Jumping into the waters, multiple mechanical treasures awaited him. Closing his eyes, the heist began.

Mechanical spoils taken without a soul witnessing, the early adult returned to the surface world. No one being in the tower, surely, it had to have been some sort of trap. But, such tricks never revealed themselves to him. Knowing he had to move onward to the next tower, the chimera exited the area.

Soon reaching the next tower in the area, the soldier lowered his feet into a tiptoe. Surely, if he moved through the tower quietly, no one would notice him gathering up machines. Entering the building, the hyena prepared himself for the slinking ahead. But, he had been caught immediately by a third party.

"Gotchya!" Oluchi exclaimed, grabbing thiefy's wrist. "Why are you trying to steal from cute little me?" As she said such, she dramatically placed her palm over her forehead, letting out a sigh.

Question coming his way, no answer came. There was no way he could tell her he was ordered to do this. Her Majesty could be listening, the walls had ears. Keeping himself quiet, the young future aviator woman gave him a mischievous smile. What was with that look? Whatever it was, it wasn't right.

"Too scared to say anything, thiefy?" Oluchi asked slyly. "I'll make your journey worthwhile!" As she said such, she picked up a spare prototype from the floor. "Take my broken prototype. I'm sharing with you, aren't I so cute? He he." She stuck out her tongue and did a peculiar pose with her clawed fingers. Touching the side of her hair with her index finger, her right palm handed off the goods.

Broken wing like machine handed to the soldier, the hyena let out a sigh. Her Majesty, there was absolutely no way she would be satisfied with being handed nonworking parts. But, he knew he wouldn't be able to get over to the working prototypes. He was being watched too closely.

Job done for the day, the early adult walked back towards the Marcotte Station. Soon reaching the capital city of Fontaine, the Ginger Fatui informed him for the second day in a row his job was not done yet. Guided towards the hotel, the soldier could feel a sense of dejavu. Was it just him or did it feel like time was looping?

Taken back to his hotel room, immediate tiredness overtook the chimera. Everything soon removed, the hyena slumped into the hotel bed. World of sleep ready to take him away as his head hit the pillow, one final thought had crashed at bay as the land of dreams dragged him back in.

What did Her Majesty need these machines for, anyway?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the chimera's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a never ending loop of pain, closing and opening like a door to anywhere. The pattern was relentless, deepening its influence with every evening passing. The night before him would only make matters worse.

Before him had been a field of three leafed clovers. But, such quick glance had been a mistake of a dream lifetime. Objects growing to twenty times their size, the early adult allowed a gulp to escape the dream esophagus. Why had they gotten so large? Had he been awake right now?

Feeling absolutely nothing, a wave of doom took the soldier away. He was dreaming right now. He was doomed, done, finished. Any minute now, and the clovers would destroy him, slice him, eat him for their leafy breakfast. Hearing the simulated sense of clanging blades, the plants moved towards him.

Edges of the clover's stems carving him deep, the early adult let out a scream. Blade shaking hands with his stomach, the crimson sea returned to the not reality before him once more. Swipes continuing onward for minutes on end, the early adult had become one with the ground.

Clovers looking ready to end his life, the hyena's body flopped onto his backside. Rampage continuing onward, the soldier accepted his fate. This was it, he was going to lose his life in the dream world to the unlucky three leaf clover. It was all over for him, he was finished, done, a goner.

But, as the dream minutes flew on by, the grass soon burst into flames. Fire burning bright, the early adult could feel his dream life melt away. Was this his punishment for attacking the Lakelight Lilies in the Foggy Forest Path? If such were the case, he accepted his demise. It was well deserved, he was a flower killer. How could he do such a thing? The hawk chimera was right, he was a heinous villain.

Flames travelling upward, his chest had soon been set ablaze. Torso pitch black within many dream seconds, one final blow had been dealt to the early adult's subconscious vessel. Clovers dropping down fiery petals of doom, his entire body had soon become charcoal. But, such had not been the true final blow.

"This is payback!" the three leaf clover shouted. "Take this, Incinerated Leaves!"

Body blanketed in flames, the early adult closed his dream eyes. Right, he was the Lakelight Lily killer. He deserved his demise. He was a traitor to nature, a villain, a monster. This was karma, his punishment for his crimes. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The judgement was fair, the justice to him was served.

Dream breaths soon getting sharper and whistly, the hyena closed his dream eyes. It was over, his subconscious life had been extinguished once again. Last hurrah taking him out, the dream world soon grew black. But as his last moments in the not reality took shape, one last thought cracked the glass.

This is his punishment.


"Even today, I have to go and steal.
No more Your Majesty, please,
Open your eyes. This is
Unethical. I cannot keep
Going around stealing the jackal's
Hard work. I am feeling too guilty.

You need to realize these are just prototypes.
Obviously, she doesn't care, and there's no way I'd
Utter this to her, but
Really, please stop giving this

Mission to me. It's not right.
And, it's really harming the
Jackals and their technology.
Everything has to stop.
So, please. Put an end
To this, I am begging.
You are only harming other people.

No more, please.
Oh, but, I don't a choice, I have to continuing heisting.

Maybe this will be the last time I will ever have to do this.
Obviously, it won't be, but I hope it will.
Remove this order. This isn't
Even anything of value. These are prototypes. They nowhere near close to finishing.

So, please stop asking me
To steal these means, I am begging, desperate,
Even. This
All has to stop, please,
Let me do something else.
I do not feel good about this,
No way, I can't keep doing this, I am feeling far too
Guilty. All that work, sieged."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier burst himself to tears, head dropping down into his knees. But the early adult snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, getting emotional like this? Dreams weren't real. He had work to do. Composing himself, his uniform had soon been on.

Ginger Fatui knocking on the door like nonexistent clockwork, an order had soon come his way. Informed he would be heading for the Beryl Region today for one final cleanup this week, one last set of words he did not wish to hear graced his shark eardrums with swift mercy.

Told he would have to head for a few secret locations pointed out upon his paper map, the chimera held back the urge to groan. More hidden places? When would the heists end? But he knew he had no right to complain. Work was work. He needed to do it, no matter what.

Heading off towards the Aquabus, the soldier jumped off towards the halfway point. But immediately upon landing in this area, a heavy sense of doom loomed over him. Every single bed of water covered with germs aplenty, the chimera's eyes twitched. How had it been even worse in the Beryl Region than anywhere else? Something was off here, for sure.

Knowing he had to get rid of the dangerous bacteria before it could poison the water, the hyena ran off towards the first of many problems. Germs floating around in the area letting their menacing deadly water illnesses run wild, the soldier scoured the area for an octopus cannon.

Coming across a singular one, the chimera absorbed the temporary water power within. Jet shooting the germs at a slow, but assured pace, the first one soon dropped from violet to green. Readying the finger cannon of a lifetime, the bacteria had been slain. Knowing the second one had to be vanquished, the cycle continued.

Running off towards the boiling waters, germs awaited the hyena once again. Making haste, the bacteria had been removed from the picture after six attempts of doing so. Boiling water remaining heated ever after such cleansing, the hyena had come to wonder. Had there been something else making the bed of liquid hot? He would have to find the source later.

Moving along, silence around the area looped on repeat. Hole near Merusea Village adorning the germy obstacle, as well, a wave of concern flowed through him, the Melusines underwater, Brume and Eclater were they alright? If they had been down there, they would come down with some sort of ailment. He needed to take care of the problem right now.

Bacteria decimated in a matter of moments, the early adult let out a deep huff. Merusea Village was it okay now? But, he knew he had no time to go underwater to check. He had to keep going through the Beryl Region for the time being. Heading north for quite awhile, the soldier prepared himself.

But, as he headed towards the beast circle, two unlikely faces awaited him. Spotting Brume and Eclater adorning water tanks decimating monsters in spades with their scythes together, the early adult adjusted his glasses. Was he really seeing this right now? His eyes were definitely playing tricks on him. Eyes soon on him, he grit his teeth.

"Careful, bro, there's some dangerous monsters here," Brume said as he kept slicing away.

"Yeah, dude, leave it to us!" Eclater exclaimed. "We'll clean this place up so our sisters don't get sick!"

Sea lion prankster duo not giving him the opportunity to join them, the soldier skipped past the beast circle. He supposed, if these two already had the area covered, he had no reason to impede upon their fight. Continuing north for awhile, absolutely nothing of note happened for minutes on end. Battles soon coming out of the woodworks as he went further north, however, the soldier vanquished multiple metallic enemies.

But, a curse would strike twice.

As the soldier reached the edge of Elynas, the worst two faces he did not wish to see darkened the area to black. Abyssal Gazelles sitting upon the grass, legs folded like pretzels as if they were waiting for some sort of invitation, the hyena could feel his heart drop into his stomach. What were they doing here? What did they want? He knew, what was about to happen, it was going to be unpleasant. Eyes on him and smirk soon coming his way, doom loomed over his shoulder.

"He has arrived!" Kelebek announced with a sly grin on one's face. "You've been expecting him!" As evil bore its fangs, the next part of the unwanted surprise spoke.

"We have a gift for you!" Izzet cried, smirking. As they said such, a pitch black mineral with blue jade presenting itself to the world. "Enjoy!"

Gift thrown his way, the soldier had come to a quick realization as the mineral was lunged towards him. The present from Izzet, it had been Noctilucous Jade. He was done for. Rock going inside him like some prince going inside a magical girl princess, a heavy wave of unease ate the hyena up like a plate of Feast O's. The abyssal gazelles, what did they just do to him? Words escaping, everything grew loud.

"What did you do to me?!" the hyena blurted out.

"He'll see!" Kelebek shouted, laughing.

"Enjoy our gift!" Izzet shouted, laughing.

Abyssal gazelles disappearing through a portal, the soldier's face grew dark. Heart racing, his thoughts ate him alive. The hooded strangers, what did they do to him? What would he see? Why did they throw Noctilucous Jade at him? It was inside him, would it do something to him? Would he turn into black stone? But, he threw such questions away. Why was he thinking so hard about this? He needed to finish work. Surely, it would be nothing.

Knowing he had to continue the job ahead of him, the final sets of cleansing had been done. Every single germ removed from the equation after a few hours, the soldier's heart kept beating hard and fast in his chest. What was going to happen to him? The jade inside him, would it consume him? Would he become the mineral? But, he popped such questions with a pin. No more. He had to get ready for heisting.

Taking a deep breath, the soldier read over the heisting locations. Told he would have to steal from the underwater factory in the southern region of the Research Institute, the hyena titled his head. He had to go back there again? Just what did Her Majesty expect from any of this? Nothing of value would be gained here.

Moving back towards the Aquabus, the vehicle soon made a special trip towards Marcotte Station. Taking the northern path away from the area, the soldier soon found himself beside a body of water near broken structures. Diving equipment soon on, the chimera automatically thrusted downward once again.

Soon reaching the hidden underwater cave, a quick, but effective heist had taken place. Looting multiple small machines, the early adult allowed a sigh to escape the esophagus. Why did he have to take these things? Her Majesty, surely, she knew all of what he was taking so far was incredibly useless. But, he supposed she did not know.

Notes informing him the next mini heist would need to be performed within a secret study south of the gear monster field, the soldier made haste. He had to raid secret studies now? Something wasn't adding up. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter, if he wished to keep on living.

Heading northeast for awhile towards the gear monsters domain, the soldier soon headed south. Reaching a small hole off in the corner, a hidden study soon revealed itself to the hyena. Doors opening as if they were expecting him, the chimera walked right inside.

Moving into the room of many mysteries, abandoned machinery had been in the area aplenty. Seeing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had this been some sort of elaborate trap to lure him? If such were the case, he should not take the bait. But, he had already been here, leaving with nothing would only disappoint Her Majesty. Looting needed to occur.

Four out of the seven machines taken, the soldier exited the area. Next order of business an underwater tower off towards the Liffey Region, the chimera took a deep breath. Was he about to steal from the fortress? What a terrible idea, he'd be locked up in no time.

But, what awaited him had not been the prison in the slightest. Coming across a rather peculiar submerged tower somewhere near the prison, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Had this been some sort of place that used to be operational? There had to have been plenty of abandoned things that did not matter if were missing.

Small collection of loot removed, the soldier broke out into a sweat. Being a terrible phantom thief was quite the hard work. Returning to the surface, more names had been on the list. Northern tower and New Research Institute upon the list, the chimera took a deep breath. Only two more, and he was free from the heist life.

But upon reaching the northern tower, the soldier immediately realized. Had he already come here? Why had he been told to come here a second time? Not finding any sort of machinery to take within, the chimera shook his head. He had wasted his time coming here. It was time for the last heist.

Nightfall soon coming for him as the research lab approached, sweat poured down the soldier's back. It was time for last heist. Would it be the final one in his career? The soldier had hoped so. So called invisible spray pulled out from his satchel, the hyena sprayed such concoction on him.

But, such was an empty hamburger with nothing but buns. Not becoming transparent, the hyena rolled his eyes. Sure, one-hundred-percent effectiveness. Was there a negative sign next to that? Knowing he was definitely about to get caught, the soldier placed suction cups upon his hands and feet. He supposed he had to have at least tried to be stealthy.

As he stuck himself to the walls, however, the soldier could hear a nose sniffing up a good one. Hearing such, the early adult's eyes twitched. Was he going to get caught only after seconds of attempted to stealth? He was the world's worst phantom thief, indeed. He needed to be fired from this criminal position right now.

"Does everyone hear those suction cups?" Sani asked. "I bet it's Sir Thiefal again. Look for him!"

Party of four patrolling the area, the soldier froze up. He was done for. It was over, there was no way he would be able to perform the heist now. He was gone, finished, dead, disappointment to Her Majesty. Attempting to remove himself from the wall for a place to hide, the soldier wiggled.

Such attempt at movement had been an immediate failure. Suction not letting go, the soldier had been a poster glued to the wall. He was stuck, immobile, a display piece for researchers to gawk at until they got bored. But, after about fifteen minutes, Folu and Oluchi soon came by.

"Hi, Mr. Thief! We caught ya!" Oluchi cried, pointing. "Get down from there! You're not taking anything today!"

"Um, just let him take what he needs, Oluchi," Rabiu called out from afar. "He's not taking anything too bad, anyway."

"An adopted person would let a thief get away with the loot!" Oluchi called back. But, bitter medicine had been sent back.

"Um, wouldn't that make you adopted, then?" Rabiu asked. "You gave him one of your machines yesterday."

"Nope, just you!" Oluchi fired back almost immediately. "I'm way too cute to be adopted!"

"Okay, you two, let's get our favorite thief off the wall," Folu said sarcastically. "One, two, three---" But as he said such, the entire room shook.

Large mechanical shark jumping on the ground in the corner, the suction cups had soon come loose. Falling straight upon the concrete as everything continued shaking, the chimera's back had soon taken a small hit. Sting taking him away, the early adult clicked his tongue.

"Nuts, it's here!" Folu shouted. "Come on, everyone, we have to fight!"

Getting himself together, the soldier brought his claymore to the battlefield. Mechanical shark soon letting down its tantrum of doom, shockwaves overtook the area for minutes on end. Feeling, the soldier fell back to the ground once again. The power of the quakes was overpowering indeed.

Jackal quartet bringing out their weapons, a wrist mounted knife had soon been slashed upon the enemy. Folu letting out a battle cry, they kept on going. But, everything had been rolling out a one of six upon the dice. Mechanical shark nibbling on their tail, they let out a scream.

Sani putting his club beside his shoulder, he soon wacked the mechanical shark a new one. Blunt contusion taking the creature out for a second, Rabiu soon lunged forward. Integrated dagger and shield taking the stage, the power of Geo compelled him for minutes on end.

Mechanical sea creature soon coming to its senses, Oluchi slammed down her axes of doom. Electricity bringing itself into the mix, the enemy had been zapped for minutes on end. Knowing such had been an opportunity to come in with the slicing strike, the early adult jumped into battle.

Claymore taking the stage, the shark soon snapped out of it. Creature smirking the early adult's eyes opened wide. Teeth aimed at his hip, the world grew dark. He was about to become a snack, a meal. Biters crunching down on his hip, the soldier let out a scream. The canines, they were strong, potent, lethal.

Rabiu's shield of rock removing the biting attack of doom off his joints, the chimera placed himself into a fighting stance as blood dripped onto the ground. Trying to bear the pain, the chimera swiped forward. Monster losing power, Sani let down the anemomancy to end it all.

Folu letting down their elemental capabilities, as well, the wind swirled. Large attack swirling anemo energy combined with the powers of lightning and horrifying Pyro taking the shark out of the picture, the soldier's eyes opened wide. Anemo, could it combine with other elements to make more powerful reactions, how absolutely fascinating. Battling coming to a close, Rabiu soon ran to his side.

"You're hurt," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Let me tend to your wounds." As he said such, his cheeks grew pink.

"Aww, look!" Folu exclaimed, pointing at Rabiu's cheeks. "He's blushing!"

"Um, no I'm not?" Rabiu fired back, blushing harder. "I like girls!"

"How many times are you going to lie?" Folu fired back. "It's not getting any more true!"

Folu mentioning the bent ruler again as Rabiu dressed the wound up with cream, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. This jackal needed to stop saying such things. What did it matter whether Rabiu liked men or women? He was neither a male, nor female. Rabiu should not be so embarrassed over about liking those the society perceived as men. But, he kept himself quiet. He had to have been going through a lot within his mind right now. Researcher jackal soon standing back up, his orange eyes soon met his mismatched ones.

"You're all patched up now," Rabiu said, gulping. "Um, uh, if you ever need um, machines, just ask, and I'll give them to you." As he said such, his knees shook. Placing a small crane machine in his hands, his cheeks grew pink. "Um, here. Take this one for today."

Small bird machine handed to him, the early adult's worst heist of them all had soon been completed. Removing himself from the research institute, the soldier made his unceremonious return towards the Marcotte Station. Back at the Court of Fontaine, the city had soon been bustling with activity once more.

Returning to Hotel Debord, the Ginger Fatui awaited the soldier. Satchel soon ripped off his back, the hyena's eyebrows twitched as the masked woman counted every single commodity within. Hearing such, a wave of unease flowed through him. If even one singular machine was missing, it was over.

"Good enough," the ginger Fatui called out. "Go home now, soldier."

Dismissal coming his way, the soldier removed the Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. Stepping through the icy cold hallways, the wave of doom came out of hiding. Soundproof room reached after about fifteen minutes of walking, the chimera walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor.

Kelebek and Izzet, what did they do to him? He could not sake off this heavy sense of doom looming within him. They had done something horrible to him, for sure. Whatever was about to happen, he knew it would not be a good thing. Thoughts still looming, he reversed the orientation of his circle.

The abyssal gazelles, why couldn't they just leave him be? Their revenge, couldn't they have been satisfied by now? What more could they possibly do to him before becoming satisfied? But, he supposed no matter what he did, their vengeance would never be fulfilled.

Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses soon put aside, the chimera's eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow. Tossing and turning for hours, the dream world was ready to invite him back in. But, as the world of sleep was ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

What did the abyssal gazelles do to him?

Malice was in the air.

Chapter 21: Liyue's Rocky Tournaments. The Ladles Rumble


This is just a branch off of the "calm before the storm" if you will before the curse starts eating away at Siorc. In t his section, Siorc must mine ore and participate in competitions. Feat: Yinlong, Kelebek, Izzet, Zhongli, Xingqiu, Yanfei, Xiao, Beidou (as an announcer), Gaming, Yun Jin, and Focalors (in his nightmares).


Things beyond this point WILL get worse.

Chapter Text

"Am I hearing things?
No, I can't, I cannot believe this,
Of all orders, why
This, Your Majesty?
How is this
Even going to help you take over the world?
Really, this won't help. I

Don't get it. Mining?
Absolutely ridiculous
You're kidding.

At least explain,
No, who am I kidding?
Obviously, she will not.
There is no way
Her Majesty will
Ever explain anything.
Right, so mining. This will

Probably be simple,
Easy. Another day of nothing.
Could this be the beginning of
Unleashing mundaneness upon me?
Looks like things are
Inadvertently about to loop.
Ah, it begins, everything
Reversing, repeating.

Oh, I am exaggerating,
Right. Time isn't looping,
Don't let that illusion
Eat me again.
Right, right, time is moving

Forward, it is not going to
Redial, it's not going to loop
Or repeat.
Mining is a rare order from

Her Majesty,
Especially lately. This is not a
Repeat order.

Maybe this will be
A one time thing, so I should
Just let this go,
Even so opinions are forbidden,
So get down and focus
Time to get hacking
Yes, break away those stones

My Claymore
Is ready.
Nothing should stop me,
It's just minerals,
Nothing challenging about it, truly.
Get ready.

It is just another

Day in Liyue,
Onwards to the

Nation of Contracts
Onwards towards the
Towers of rocks, the

Quest is a go,
Unleash my blade upon these
Infinite supplies of
Tough rocks,
Everything she wants, I must obtain. That is the

Ultimate key, do
Not leave any behind
Do not cut sloppily,
Every single moment,
She is watching me
The walls have eyes
And ears, I am
Never alone, in this
Distant breeze.

Onwards to Liyue,
Her Majesty is watching,

Watching thoroughly,
Every movement I make might be seen.
Look cautiously,
Look carefully.

Get myself ready for anything,
Ore, here I come.

Take everything necessary,
I am ready, Your
Majesty, so
Everything will soon be yours. Get ready."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the soldier's adult Fatui life. The loop was a spiky obstacle, harming everyone on constant repeat without a single apology anywhere in sight. Such spikes were getting sharper, letting themselves down sharply as every cycle reversed back to zero. The night before him was no different, as well.

Before him had been a field crop of Lumidouce Bells. They were a gentle purple flower hanging down from a small vine. Seeing such a plant, the soldier had come to an immediate conclusion. The dream world had taken him to Fontaine today. Coming to such realization, fear rumbled within the hyena.

Seating himself by the crops, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why had the dream world taken him to Fontaine today? But, the soldier supposed he had traversed through Fontaine enough for it to stick in his memory. Keeping himself seated, for the time being, the soldier's dream body kept relaxing.

Fear continuing to swallow the soldier whole, the chimera stared at the dream world around him. What terrifying obstacle would await him today? The hyena did not know, but he knew he would need to remain on his subconscious toes at all costs. Remaining on the edge of his grassy seat, the alert bells kept dinging.

Absolutely nothing happening for dream minutes on end, the soldier titled his subconscious head. Was the dream before him not going to be a tormenting one after all? Lumidouce Bells glowing upon the dream sky, the early adult let out a blissful sigh. Perhaps, just maybe, the dream before him would be a normal one, for a change.

An astronomically, incorrect assumption, on his part.

Blinding light soon engulfing him, the early adult closed his dream eyes. Opening them once more, a shocking sight to behold took the soldier by a rainstorm. Oratrice on the stage right in front of him, the chimera had come to a quick conclusion. He had been transported to the Opera House, without a shadow of a doubt.

Finding himself in a middle row seat, the chimera turned his attention towards the stage. But, what awaited him was contagious confusion ready to infect the entire world with its potency. Dancer doing multiple pirouettes on stage, the hyena studied the possible figment of his imagination.

Dancing upon the stage had been a young woman with long white hair that went down to about her legs with sky blue light streaks that looked like they could glow. Loose cowlick on top moving as her exercise continued, the early adult kept observing. Heterochromatic eyes that were light and dark blue, the left one adorned a teardrop shaped pupil. White, blue, and black outfit with a tiny amount of skin showing, the hyena ended his examination as she had continued to dance shoeless.

Continuing to watch the woman on stage dance, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why had he been transported to the court room? Absolutely nothing about this made any sense. But, he supposed he was about to find out. Show continuing, something soon interrupted the performance.

"How much longer?" a voice sobbed out.

Loud tears continuing for dream minutes on end, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Who was crying? Couldn't their disturbances wait until the show was over? Scouting the area from his seat for minutes on end, absolutely nothing of note stuck out to him. Realizing such, fear washed over the soldier.

The person crying, could they have been a dream ghost? But, the hyena threw such thoughts out the window. There was no way that was possible. But, such dream thoughts were immediately interrupted as the dancer on stage took a moment out of her performance to respond to the disturbance.

"Just a little longer," the dancer responded. After saying such, she returned to her performance.

Performance and light sobs continuing further, the early adult's confusion looped on repeat. Where was he exactly? Had he truly been in the opera house? Who had been crying? But, he knew none of such would ever come to an answer. The dream world was a place of many mysteries. But, as the dance went on, however, another interruption kicked in.

Doors to the opera house slamming straight open, loud boots stomped around the area as if they owned the place. Eyes soon laser focused on him, the early adult let out a gulp. It was over, torment had returned from dormancy. He was about to get the punishment of a dream life time.

"An intruder has entered the theater!" the voice shouted. "Burn them at the stake!"

Hearing such, the soldier knew for certain. The people that stomped in, they were here for him. No one else in the theater, the early adult's dream body turned to stone. He was about to be hung to dry, crucifixed, made a sacrifice to the Gods. Apologize, yes, apologize. He had to show remorse for his intrusion.

But, no such apology ever came. Feeling a zipper close his lips shut, no words escaped the hyena's dream throat. Muffled noises playing on repeat, the faceless nobodies lifted the soldier up as if he were the lightest paperweight in the world. Squirming with all his might, his subconscious thoughts soon raced. So what if he were an intruder. He had no control over his dream world. There was no way for him to know such entrance into the opera house was illegal.

Such thoughts, however, were cut off almost immediately. Arms and legs spread out upon the stake, rope clamped itself down upon his limbs in dream seconds. Fire blazing down below, the chimera said his final dream prayers to the Archons above. Flames travelling upward faster than his dream eyes could follow, the final death knell counted down to zero.

Flames bathing him, the early adult let out a scream. Fire continuing to burn for minutes on end, an invisible white flag waved upon the battlefield. It was over, his execution was about to come to an end. Entire body set ablaze, one final thought broke through the soldier's dying dream brain.

Trespassing is lethal.


"Alright, Your Majesty,

Could you stop with these
Overly ridiculous orders?
Of everything you've ever requested, I
Know there has to be some sort of catch
I know you don't want me to just enter into this competition.
No way. You're planning something. I don't quite
Get this, really. You're asking me to go

Cook in front of people. Why? This
Obviously won't help you take over the world.
Man, this is truly baffling.
Please, tell me you're just kidding.
Even I am starting to
Think this order
Is some sort of joke.
This makes no sense.
I simply cannot believe this is happening.
Of all orders, this is the one you ask of me.
Nothing makes sense lately.

Oh, Your Majesty, just what are you thinking? I never
Know, everything in this cold breeze is
Absolutely random.
You're unpredictable.

Everything makes no sense.
X equals Y.
Come on, please put an end to these
Unpredictable orders you're giving me.
She never will though,
Even though they're confusing,

My life is always this way.
Everything is unpredictable.

Well, it is what it is.
How many years have I been here
Already? Almost about eight.
That's just how it is.

That's how things are
Here. Gone are my days
In Mondstadt, living
Silently. Done are my days

In Mondstadt, living peacefully. I am
Soldier forevermore. A

Soldier, until I depart from this world. There will be no
Overture, no applause.

So, it's off towards Liyue I go. Off
To mine and compete
Upon the land of contracts.
Perhaps, this will be my only odd job this week. Although,
I am uncertain. I have to work, no matter what.
Diligence is key.

So, I mustn't complain,
Or shirk duties.
Really, that is key, to successful living. I must
Remember I am a pawn on the chessboard.
Yes, keep working."

Thirty-two hours had passed since the hyena was the worst phantom thief of all time once again. Nothing of especial happenstance had occurred. Diplomatic affairs of nothing taking place in Blackcliff Forge, nothing had been out of the ordinary. Slow day droning by, mundaneness swallowed the chimera whole.

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human brain. But, the chimera quickly snapped himself out of it. This was not the time to let a dream rule his morning. He needed to get up right away. Lifting himself up from the rock hard covers. The time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform melted onto his partially human person, the soldier stared off into space. The abyssal gazelles, just what exactly was their gift to him? Nothing had happened yet. The jade, would it remain dormant inside him until its poison made its move? But, the chimera stopped himself from thinking any further. Surely, if something were to happen to him, it could be fixed.

Returning his focus to the workday ahead of him, the hyena removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box. Weaponized hairpins and earrings clicked into place, matching black hearts adorned his hair and ears. Sharp ends clamping down upon him, the hyena stared off into space. Turning his prized possessions into weapons, was this truly what he wanted? Regret flowed through the hyena as the seconds marched onward.

Thoughts dragging the soldier down into a pool of torment, the soldier's thoughts dragged him down towards the bottom of the ocean. Walking around in a circle upon the icy cold floor, the early adult's thoughts kept racing. That dream he had, what was that all about? Thoughts only continuing to race, his circle about continued.

Pace about continuing onward, the questions continued. That woman he saw in his dreams dancing on stage, just who was she? But, the soldier shook his head. She wasn't a real. He should not concern himself over fictional people he came across while visiting the world of sleep. Snapping his thoughts away, the early adult resumed getting ready.

Dendro Vision soon hooked onto his uniform pants, the Geo Delusion glared daggers at the chimera. The sinister orb, should he finally make use of it? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Such was not a good idea, for sure. The time had not yet come to use Her Majesty's gift. Surely, if he were to use it now, the jade placed inside him would start its rampage.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the hyena's thoughts only continued to rumble. Circular motion coming back from the dead, the hyena could feel doom loom over his shoulder. What's going to happen to him? Any moment now, and the jade inside him would make its move. But, such thoughts were cut off almost immediately.

Hearing the louder than ever before militaristic footsteps march onward inexorably, the soldier ended his pace about. What was he doing, letting his thoughts get the better of him? He needed to stop thinking about this nonsense right this instant. Shaking it all out, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. No more of this nonsense, it was time for work. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena turned his attention towards the door. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be mining mysterious ore around Liyue. As well as participating in competition as a surprise competitor." The Masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "Try to win in order to give the Fatui a good name."

Siorc jumped three steps back upon hearing his orders for the day. He had to do what now? Enter a competition? Why was he told about such a thing at last second? He did not quite understand. How incredibly ludicrous. He should have been told about this the day prior. There was no way he would qualify.

The early adult clicked his tongue as the word competition rung in his inhuman eardrums. Being told about a competition possibly the day of, absolutely ludicrous nonsense. How could this information be delivered to him so late? The Agent had a screw or ten loose. How incredibly ridiculous.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Are you listening to me? You will be mining and competing in a competition over the next few days! Get a move on!"

The hyena flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock right now. There was no time for dawdling, or Her Majesty would kill him. Taking a long deep breath, the chimera placed his arm out in front of him. There was no more time for thinking. His workday was upon him.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Last minute or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter but to follow orders.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. "While in the city, go look for someone to direct you towards the Amber deposit locations." Arm out in front of him, the Agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as relentless as it always had been, the early adult stared off into space as the escort towards Liyue soon began.

There was no way he would be able to win a competition he will be entered into at the last possible second.


"Amber, what was that
Mineral again? That
Breakable stone in Mt. Hulao?
Everything is making no sense,
Really. Where did any of that come from?

How could it have appeared in other areas?
Everything is making zero sense to me lately.
Remove all these deposits?
Everything seems to have grown overnight.

After all, I did not see a single out of place
Mineral yesterday while in
Blackcliff Forge. Not
Even one. There was nothing of the sort. What
Rumbled after I left? Was

There some sort of rock slide?
How could this be?
Even the Nation of Contracts has become
Rather unpredictable lately.
Even I do not quite fathom

Anything that is happening.
Maybe this will just be a singular incident.
But, I know that is hardly the case.
Everything happens for a
Reason, I suppose.

And, as it stands, these
Minerals have to go. I must
Break them. Those are my orders.
Even though it's
Ridiculous, I have to do as instructed.

Every single piece of amber has to be removed, become a
Victim, derockezation.
Every single one, without fail.
Removed, deleted, put away.
Yes, that is my duty.
Why this in particular, I do not know.
However, it is best to do as I am told. Without
Exception. So off I go, onto
Rock removal duty. Surely, this will be
Easy. I need to be ready for anything."

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the Teleport Waypoint, the soldier had been removed from gripping prison in an instant. Agent writing his name down upon a cooking competition list, the soldier swore he could see Yínlóng's name all the way at the top. But, the early adult's eyes soon stopped wandering as the Agent gazed at him once more.

Agent reminding him to look for ------- and ask him about the mineral deposits, the Agent walked towards the opposite direction. Seeing such, the early adult took a deep breath. It had been the morning, surely, the tall brunette couldn't have gone too far yet. Preparing himself, the soldier set himself towards the western path.

Figuring the tall brunette was in the Wanwen Bookhouse right about now, the early adult kept moving forward. But, as he walked past the Wanmin Restaurant, the soldier could not help but ponder. Why did Her Majesty want him to mine ore for? Surely, she did not need anything she was asking for.

Continuing along, the soldier's thoughts kept on erupting one after another. Mining amber deposits, None of that made any sense whatsoever. But, he supposed almost all of his orders had always been vague. He knew it was best to not question for any reason at all whatsoever.

Thoughts storming as he kept on moving along, the deluge kept on dragging him out to sea. A cooking competition, why was he being entered into such a thing? Wasn't Her Majesty bent up on taking over the world? What would participating in a cooking competition do to bring her closer to such goal?

Deluge continuing to eat the soldier up, the hyena could not help but recall the names he had seen upon the list. The panda chimera had entered the competition? He had his work cut out for him if such were the case. But, he knew he would have to try his best, no matter what.

As the early adult kept on moving, the early adult's mind kept on wandering for minutes on end. How could so much have happened overnight? But, he supposed anything is possible over the course of twenty four hours. Perhaps, there had just been a rock storm while he had been away.

Wanwen Bookhouse feeling farther away than it should have, the early adult's thoughts had begun to jumble. The abyssal gazelles, could they have been the ones who placed the invasive amber in places beyond Mt. Hulao? Whenever something problematic had arisen, it was always related to them.

But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. Why was his mind jumping to shift the blame on someone? He needed to stop jumping to such a conclusion without evidence. It was quite distasteful of him. Not everything was at the fault of the hooded strangers, for sure.

World around him tuning out as he continued, the soldier kept moving forward. Surely, the abyssal gazelles had better things to do than always cause trouble. Removing any suspicions from deep within him, his westward walk soon continued onward for minutes on end.

Such stroll about, however, was halted as the early adult heard an incredibly loud thud. Red world right in front of eyes, the hyena flinched. Where had this staircase come from all of the sudden? Regaining his focus, the soldier slapped his cheeks. Right, he was looking for the tall brunette. Why did he allow himself to get so deeply lost in thought? He needed to pull himself together.

Stepping away from the frame of the ascending walkway, the chimera stepped upon the staircase. Question on the tip of his tongue as he kept moving upwards upon the ramp, the hyena kept his wandering thoughts locked in a jar. No more allowing himself to get lost in thought. He was on the nonexistent clock right now.

Reaching the Wanwen Bookhouse, the tall brunette had been in the spot he usually had been. Long scroll opened up, a wave of guilt flowed through the soldier. He had been reading? There was no way he could disturb his moments of peace. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

Blue haired bookworm in the corner reading a book, as well, the soldier could feel the world crash down onto his shoulders. Scroll open in his tiny palms as well, guilt flowed through him. He was definitely going to ruin both their days with the disturbance he was about to unleash. Taking a deep breath, the early adult readied to fire the question off.

But, no such inquiry ever came. Only the first two letters of excusing himself tumbling outward, the early adult clammed himself up. No, there was absolutely no way he could disturb these two while they were reading. Absolutely not. They were reading. He needed to leave them be. But, eyes were almost immediately upon him as he zippered the lip.

"Ah, Mr. -------, this young man would like to speak with you," the blue haired bookworm said.

Scroll slammed shut, the early adult flinched. He had definitely disturbed the tall brunette from his reading, without question. There was absolutely no doubt of such. Eyes wandering towards him, the hyena gave eye contact. He needed to ask about the amber deposits quickly, so his morning activities could continue.

"Salutations, Mr. Siorc, you wished to speak with me?" the tall brunette asked.

Knowing asking verbal questions was forbidden of him, the chimera placed his hands in front of him. Spelling out the word amber with his fingers, an entire audience of eyes had been on him. Seeing such, the soldier could feel himself ready to shrink up into a violet. Did everyone have to look? But, he supposed his disturbance had been awarded with more onlookers than necessary.

"Ah, you are asking about the amber, no?" the blue haired bookworm asked.

"That would be correct, Mr. -------," the tall brunette said to the blue haired bookworm. He then turned towards Siorc. "The amber you are seeking has appeared around west Liyue. I would advise you get yourself an axe." He then folded his arms across his waist. "But, it is imperative you proceed with caution. It would appear there are creatures encased within."

Bowing a thank you, the soldier descended the staircase. Figuring it was in his best interest to follow the advice given, the early adult prepared himself to head off towards the blacksmith. If there had been monsters hiding inside, perhaps, just maybe, it was best to purchase a greatsword, as well.

As the hyena moved towards the direction of which he came, the hyena could not help but wonder. What could possibly be lurking inside the amber deposits? But, he knew once he reached the southern areas in Liyue, he would find out what that could have been.

Taking a long deep breath, the early adult prepared himself. An axe and a claymore, that's all he had to purchase. Stepping towards the blacksmith, the soldier placed his hands out in front of him. Eyes soon on him, the usual business hours friendliness came his way.

Inquiry about what he needed, the early adult signed the words axe and claymore for every wandering passerby to see. Blacksmith saying he'll have to make him an axe and it'll cost extra, the soldier nodded. Heated instrument getting straight to work, a weapon had soon been made.

Mora handed off to the blacksmith, and two weapons given in exchange, the early adult sheathed the blades behind him. Figuring the best course of action was to head off towards Mt. Tianheng first and foremost, the chimera prepared to stage his exit. Walking back towards the waypoint of which he came, the hyena steeled himself. It was best to get to mining right away before the evening's cooking competition were to start.

Crossing the bridge near the teahouse the early adult moved forward. This cooking competition, was his entry truly allowed? Surely, it was way too late at this point in time to be allowed to compete. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. If he were to continue to let his thoughts wander any further, he would bump into something once more.

Continuing to move forward, the hyena kept his eyes open for anything unusual. If he were amber, where would he be hiding? He needed to keep his eyes open for any orange minerals blocking pathways ahead. Looking around from the right to left as he kept moving forward, something of immediate note cause the chimera's attention.

Statute's right outside the city encased in in a hard, orange surface the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What in the world happened here? How did the warrior monuments get locked into a bed of minerals? He needed to remove them from their prison right away.

Axe out in front of him, the soldier was not ready to bury the hatchet under any circ*mstance. Hacking away to the best of his ability, the early adult broke into a cold sweat. Was it just his imagination, or had the ore been sturdier than he thought? He was about to have his work cut out for him.

Hacking away for minutes on end, the early adult let out a huff as barely anything broke apart. What was this amber made out of, titanium? Rocks had quite the iron clad defense indeed. Pushing on through as hard as he could possibly muster, cracks started to let themselves show.

First statue removed from is amber prison, the hyena moved onwards towards the second one adjacent to it. Defenses at an all time high, the hyena let out a grunt as his hacks of low power continued. Minerals far sturdier than the last, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. He would be at this for hours, guaranteed.

Monument freed from its prison after an hour of hacking away, the early adult wiped the sweat off his brow. Is this what felt like to be a lumberjack? He supposed he would never know such a feeling. He would never cut down a poor innocent tree minding its own business.

Knowing it was best to continue onwards throughout the western Mt. Tianheng, the soldier kept moving forward. Nothing of note on the pathway ahead, the chimera kept his eyes open for anything unusual. Any moment now, and he would be in front of the next mineral deposit, without a shadow of a doubt.

Upon arriving in the next area, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Spotting large deposits of rubies, sapphires and emeralds alongside the amber debris, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. When had these gems ever been here before? But, it was time to get hacking and stop thinking.

Placing himself in front of the ruby first, the soldier gazed at the obstacle, for a moment. Large encasem*nt glistening on the daytime sky, the early adult let out a sigh. Such a shame he had to wreck such a thing. Axe ready and able, the metallic edges pressed themselves against the jewels.

Red gems budging slowly but surely, the early adult wiped the sweat off his brow. Clumps dropping down one after another, the hyena could feel a tiny raindrop pour down upon him. Destroying such a beautiful jewel, what a waste. Minerals almost broken apart, the final round of ruby versus Siorc reached its climax.

Pocketing the bright jewels, for the moment, the soldier let out a whistle. Surely, Her Majesty would enjoy a little present from his excursion. Dropping the gems inside, the chimera moved himself towards the first amber deposit of many. Axe doing its duties, no creatures popped out from inside.

Moving onto the second amber deposit, the obstacle had been removed within twenty minutes. No creatures to speak of popping out, the soldier threw out two percent of his caution to the wind. Maybe there were no enemies lurking about after all. Running towards the next challenge, the soldier would not falter.

Large clump of sapphire right in front of him, the hyena let out a battle cry as his axe took one for the team. Blue minerals putting up quite the fight, the chimera pressed down harder. Why were these so hard to cut? Were sapphires tougher in hardness than rubies? The chimera did not know, but he knew he could not give up.

Blue minerals broken apart after fifteen minutes of hacking away, the soldier pocketed a small deposit of them. Winter jacket clinking as he ran towards the emerald deposit, the hyena readied the hatchet once more. Pressing down with all his might, the gems broke apart one after another.

Pocketing the emeralds, the chimera curved downwards upon the southeastern path. Spotting something of particular note from afar, the hyena's legs erupted into a sprint. What had he just seen off in the distance? He needed to pick up the pace right away. Sprinting faster, he soon arrived at the scene of the mineral crime.

Large amber encasings in the shape of blocks the soldier's eyebrows twitched. How had such an obstacle appeared here? Breaking away at the block for minutes on end, the object dropped onto the ground like a certain block game that would fall apart if even one was moved incorrectly. But, a surprise soon awaited him.

Entire army of boars running away off towards the forests from afar, the chimera backed five steps away. How had the creatures of the wilderness end up getting themselves trapped into a mineral prison? He would need to keep himself on the lookout for any more creatures held in their prisons against his will.

Only area ahead west of the mountains, the chimera turned his heelless shoes off towards the opposite direction. Nothing growing back in western Mt. Tianheng, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. There was no extra work for him to deal with. It was best to keep going.

Pushing through a small cave, an entire road of mineral deposits awaited the soldier. Orange rocks pulsating, the chimera's knees buckles. Did the obstacles here contain some sort of power? He needed to proceed with caution. Weapon out in front of him, the soldier swore he could hear a headless voice scream for him to cut it.

Voices breaking through for minutes on end, a group of squirrels dashed away as they had been freed from their prison, the hyena backed two steps away. Were the rodents talking to him? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no way. He had to have imagined it.

Moving right along, more minerals had been cut further. Woodland creatures running away as he finished breaking on through to the other side, the hyena took a moment to breathe. Hacking away at the rest of the small blocks, the squirrels kept popping out of the rocks as if they were just born.

Final mineral broken through, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was there anything truly wrong with these jewel blocks? There had been nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps, just maybe, there had been no monsters to worry about going forward. Moving right along, the chimera sauntered onward.

But, such peaceful moments were never meant to last.

Reaching the outer edges of Qingxu Pool, another large block of amber awaited him. Seeing such, the soldier prepared himself. Would another army of forest boars await him? Another two percent of caution leaving his brain, the axe met his jewely enemy of hard knocks.

Square of rock coming apart surprisingly well, the chimera let out a tired huff. Did he really need to prepare himself for any hostilities? Absolutely nothing of the sort had existed thus far. Breaking away faster as the seconds paraded onward, every amount of caution rooted within died.

He should not have let himself get comfortable.

Hearing a disturbing buzzing noise, the soldier heart skipped a beat as he looked upward. Gigantic bugs the size a filly, the early adult jumped four steps back. Stingers glowing against the sunlight, the early adult unsheathed the claymore from behind him. It was time for these insects to be swatted away.

Creatures bringing their stingers the soldier's way, the chimera jumped six steps back. Monster's weapons of singular usefulness pressed into a rocks nearby, the early adult prepared himself for the easiest win of all time. Such, victory, however, did not come in a swift manner.

Enemies freeing themselves from the mountains, the monsters flew towards the soldier, stingers out and about. Claymore in front of him, the hyena swung towards the mob with all his might. Blade clashing against their bottoms, the scales did not turn themselves for even a moment.

Creatures buzzing about the soldier swore he could hear a metallic sound clang against his greatsword. The large bugs, were they shielding themselves already? They were quite the cautious creatures. But, he knew could not falter. Pressing harder, the defenses outshined the offense.

Shield broke through after about ten minutes of swiping, the creatures flew off towards the left. Insects going from two to six in seconds, the chimera leaped backwards. The enemies had the ability to multiply and divide? What was he, in an intergalactic space station that visited other planets? If only he had a bat to break them apart.

Throwing his jokes aside, the early adult kept his slashes going. But, such only lead to more multiplying for minutes on end. Cacophony of buzzes blasting his ears a new one, the hyena held back the urge to scream. Everything was loud, unbearable, mind numbing.

Tuning the noises out, the hyena's blade pressed onward. But, such proved to be a continuous mistake. Army only growing bigger, the chimera let out a grunt. What in the world was going on? Did these creatures multiply every time the leader was attacked? Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to focus his attention on the minions.

Aiming his greatsword upon the lesser opponents, the multiplication voided itself. Creatures lasting more minutes than he was willing to admit, the early adult ran off towards the side. Perhaps, just maybe he had to resort to other tactics, for the time being.

Collecting of rocks picked up from the corner, the early adult rolled his shoulder. Hard mineral lunged upon the wind, the huge creatures from Teyvat knows where had become flat as a pancake. Minions becoming dust upon the wind one after another, only the leader remained.

Final bug getting its stinger ready, the boulders of doom had been thrown towards the opponent. Metals clanging as the rocks broke on through, the soldier bent his knees backwards, for a moment. Taking the leap of faith, the chimera's blade charged. Plate cracking after five strikes forward, the hyena spun his blade like a spinning top.

Area cleared out, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. How did these creatures find themselves locked away in their mineral prison? Knowing there was no answer to such a question, the hyena moved along. There was more minerals to carve away. He didn't have time to think about such things.

Reaching Lingju Pass after about an hour of walking, another set of amber blocks awaited the soldier. Preparing himself for any battle that might be out to get him, the soldier firmly grasped his axe. Any second now, and another horde of enemies would await him.

Nothing popping out of the first set of minerals, a wave of bewilderment ate the chimera up like a plate of almond tofu. Was there no creatures inside any more of these mineral deposits? How peculiar. Rocks dropping out of the picture, the soldier kept the momentum going.

Not a single soul stirring in the next deposit, the hyena titled his head. The tall brunette was quite off the nose about there being enemies lurking inside. Hacking away for minutes on end, silence looped on repeat. Birds flying out, the chimera let out a sigh. Mundaneness was quite the tiresome loop.

Boars and swans dashing off as more rock had been cut through, the chimera shook his head. How had all these creatures gotten themselves stuck inside these encasem*nts? Had they been living fossils? He remembered hearing from his father in his stolen childhood that amber was a good material for preserving living beings, but he always thought such was only a fairy tale.

Everything carved out, the chimera knew it was time to move onwards towards Guyun Stone Forest. Knowing it was the furthest south in Liyue one could go before being bombarded by a stretch of endless ocean, the soldier turned his heelless shoes off towards the direction of which he came.

But, as the soldier moved back through Mt. Tianheng, a surprise awaited him. Blocks of amber returning tenfold, the hyena's heart skipped more than two beats. Did the minerals have the ability to grow back after all? He was screwed in tighter than a lightbulb, if so. Axe out and about, the amberjacking had soon begun from the beginning.

First block cut open, a familiar buzzing sound echoed in his eardrums. Buzzy enemies letting their stingers out once more, the early adult's greatsword had been invited to the party. There was more where that came from? It was time to make bug juice.

Aiming towards the lesser members of the mob, multiplication deleted itself from the equation. Insect's numbers dropping from seven to one after about fifteen minutes of fighting, the hyena's bespectacled eye laser focused themselves on the leader. It was time to make a bug pie.

Rock soon in his right hand, the early adult tossed the object like it was a ball in a sports game. Blade swinging, the stone rode the wind. Next pancake served cold, the soldier dashed off towards the next obstacle in front of him. Bashing the hatchet in, the chimera resisted the urge to yell timber as it fell.

Third, fourth and fifth block cut open, woodland creatures dashed away as if they had hadn't seen sunlight in millions of years. Who was responsible for the poor, innocent animal's imprisonment? Whoever had done this, they would pay for such a terrible crime to the animal kingdom.

Regaining focus, the soldier's amberjacking continued. Nothing else of especial note popping out from the blocks of rock, the early adult kept moving north, for the time being. Stone Forest quite the paces away, the hyena accelerated his walk into a speedy sprint.

As the soldier kept running, questions had begun to roll pebbles around in the chimera's fading human brain. These minerals where could they have possibly come from? Blaming the abyssal gazelles for this was not the answer. There was no way they could have possibly been responsible for every inconvenience that happened in every single nation.

Sprint about speeding up as the beaches were in sight, a spark popped off in the hyena's brain. Of course it was the abyssal gazelles, who else could it have been? This was their fault, for sure. This had their names written all over it. Dropping down obstacles was their favorite pastime.

But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, blaming them for this? The amber could have just been a natural occurring phenomenon within Liyue. He needed to stop jumping to shift the blame on them for everything. It was not always their fault. He needed to move on.

Beaches almost upon him, the soldier hopped across the land like a rabbit. Spotting a large encasem*nt of amber across the way, the early adult cracked his knuckles. There was more across the sand? He was ready to get carving right away. But, such had not been the only jewel that awaited him.

Cor Lapis and peculiar looking pink jade, the early adult scratched the side of his head. Had there always been Cor Lapis on the beach like this? Maybe it was best to cut such first before raking in the big blades. Resolute on his decision, the chimera pressed his claymore downward.

Nothing out of the ordinary popping out as every single deposit of Cor Lapis broke out of their rocky homes, the soldier's ears twitched. What did he waste his time mining these for? But, the early adult shook his head. They were in excess here, they needed to be cut away.

Every single surplus removed, the chimera broke down the peculiarly colored jade, as well. Minerals glistening on the sand as they had been pulverized, the soldier pocketed the rock. He could not help but feel the jewels contained some sort of powers that needed to be studied.

Same old nothing popping out from the amber, the chimera readied to traverse towards the northwestern area. Everything the exact same as he kept going, the hyena rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing double? How had the mineral deposits been in the exact same spots as the previous part of the rocky forest?

Excess Cor Lapis taken out of its misery, the hyena let out a sigh. The Geo Archon, was he angry? He could not help but feel the surplus of rocks was a storm of things to come. Orange gems vanishing into the ether as they had been cut and dealt with, the early adult readied himself for round twenty.

Pink jade tumbling out of its rocky home, the early adult studied it for a moment. Minerals continuing to glow, the chimera pocketed another set. Whatever powers they contained, it was for Her Majesty to deal with. Orange blocks broken through as well, crabs walked sideways out of their imprisonment.

Entire south side of the beach tinted the color orange, the hyena's heart had begun to beat like a jackhammer. Had the problem up ahead been worse the further he were to go? He needed to hurry to the scene as fast as he could possibly muster. Dragging his legs upon the sand, the soldier made a beeline.

Seeing a large block of amber about as wide as a building, the hyena's practically fell on the sand. How in the world did such a big encasem*nt of amber get here? There was no way he would be able to cut it apart in one fell swoop. Cracking his knuckles, the hyena steeled himself.

But, as the early adult hacked away, thoughts buzzed around in his mind like a swarm of Cicins. The amber and jade, could it have been poisonous, too? He swore he could see goop plopping out as pieces chipped themselves away. Gluey puddles mounting themselves up, the fear kept eating him.

Ooze pooling underneath his feet as the amberjacking continued, the hyena's thoughts stuck to him like the glue beneath. He was definitely, without a doubt, about to be imbued with more toxins. Squirming as he kept on going, the early adult moved over towards the backside of the lifeless enemy. He needed to be nimble; he needed to be quick, or he would have to jump over a candle stick.

Slimy goop pouring out with every single hit, the chimera flinched. What in the world was wrong with these mineral, was it melting? Placing his hand against it for a moment, no heat emanated throughout. Was it opposite day? Was it hot when it was cold and yes when it was no? What a magnet.

Bottom half of the amber sliding off like a dead tree coming tumbling down, the hyena once again resisted the urge to yell timber. Oozy juices splashing all over him, the hyena held back the urge to gag. Mineral juice, absolutely disgusting. Shaking off the damp garbage like a soaked dog, the hyena resumed cutting.

Juices soaking him once more as the cuts kept on going, the soldier let out a scream. Did this mineral have a mind of its own? Rock dissolving into nothing after a few minutes, the hyena removed his winter coat, for a moment. Shaking it out upon the wind, the vile liquids removed themselves from his body covering.

Moving along towards the cave off in the corner, nothing of particular note stuck out to the soldier. Geo Crystalflies flapping their wings about on the rocky air, the early adult studied everything in front of him. Coming across a small room in the corner filled to the brim with rubies, sapphires and emeralds galore, the next cutting session took the stage.

As the red, blue and green jewels popped out of their sockets, the fears from prior came back to haunt the hyena. The miscellaneous jewels he had been cutting, could they have contained toxins, too? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he thinking? He really needed to stop letting his fears take him over.

Evening clouds soon kicking themselves in, the early adult shook like a maraca. The cooking competition, it could start any minute. He needed to get out of this forest right this instant. There was no more time for cutting minerals. He had to return to the city right away.

Dashing out of the cave and leaving the stone forest behind, a realization had washed over the soldier. The competition, the Agent hadn't told him where it was taking place. How could he have forgotten to mention that part? But, he supposed he was quite used to him being vague all the time.

Sprinting south as fast as his human legs could carry him, the early adult's heart beat harder as faster as he kept on going. The cooking competition, he was going to be late. Would he get points docked off for tardiness? There was no way he could possibly win if such were the case.

City getting closer with every single step, the soldier's thoughts popped like a bubble. Sun long gone, the early adult sped his movement up a smidgeon faster. Evening was almost here. He was doomed, a loser, Her Majesty's biggest disappointment. She had to have regretted stealing him from his family many years prior by now.

Dashing across the harbor's bridge, the early adult could feel his breath die as reached the other end of the walkway. Agent waiting for him on the other end, the hyena broke out into a deep pant. Air returning to him, the early adult prepared all his apologies in an invisible compensation box. He was about to get shouted at for sure.

But, no such screams ever came. Agent's mask gazing at him in silence, the hyena gave unseen eye contact. Had he not been cross with him for being late? Hadn't he told him this morning he should aim to win? Subordinate looking ready to speak, the early adult gave him his full attention.

"Right on time, soldier," the Agent said, slight pride evident in his voice. "The competition is in the Wharf. Get going."

Nodding, the early adult rummaged through his pockets, for a moment. Spoils handed off, the soldier swore the Agent said something about the power jewels being useful. Hearing such, the young soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. Was he about to turn yellow and gain superpowers from them? What a riveting experience.

Knowing he had no more time to waste, the early adult dashed off towards the wharf. Finding a large booth with stoves where the fishmongers usually were, the hyena sped up his running speed, for a moment. Breath becoming a zombie as he approached the competition, the chimera's mouth whistled as he calmed his beating heart down.

Moving towards the competition scene, the hyena studied the competitors for a moment. Panda chimera adorning a pink outfit with golden flowers on the sleeves and near the waist, the early adult blinked. Was he in his competition clothing? They had to have been fired up right about now.

Turning his head towards the other competitor, the early adult blinked. Spotting the chef at Wangshu Inn ready to remove everyone from the competition, the hyena attempted to put on a game face. There were only two people competing? Maybe he stood a chance at placing second. But, as the panda chimera looked towards him, his nerves lost their steel.

Seeing Siorc in the corner looking nervous, Yínlóng placed their hands upon their chin in a slow manner. Was he competing in the Jade Ladle competition, too? What a strange turn of events. Was he here to win? They could feel butterflies begin to rumble in their stomach. The wharf was about to be on fire.

"Oh, hey, Siorc!" Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "You're competing too? Good luck!"

Judges seating themselves at the table as Yínlóng finished speaking, the soldier turned his attention towards the trio seating themselves. But, what awaited him was a world of surprises. Liyue's legal advisor seating herself on the left chair, the early adult's teeth chattered. She's a judge? If anything was amiss, blame would be pointed towards him, for sure.

Generic elderly woman in the middle seat, the early adult tilted his head. Who has this person been, exactly? Hearing the legal advisor refer to her as her master, the soldier shrugged his shoulders. It was best to not judge the judges. Turning his head towards the third person, he examined them, as well.

Seating himself on the third and final seat had been a short young man with brown hair that went down to about his shoulders. Small ponytail up on top, red streaks towards the bottom and tiny headband poking out, the early adult gazed at the stranger's clothes, for a moment. Green opened jacket revealing his solid red shirt a small lion keychain held his horrifying Pyro Vision in place. Auburn eyes full of life, the early adult could not help but wonder. Who was this person, where could they have possibly been from? He had never seen them before in all of Teyvat. But, as he kept thinking, a voice rumbled.

"Welcome to the Jade Ladle competition," the generic elderly woman announced. "Your theme is seafood."

"Your time limit is an hour," the legal advisor added. "Feel free to make use of any of the ingredients left out."

Hearing he only had an hour to cook, the early adult flinched. He only had sixty minutes? How was that enough time? But, he knew that he didn't have time to think, he had to get ready to cook now. Spotting a recipe for Golden Shrimp Balls, the hyena swiped it. He supposed that would do.

Grabbing the ingredients listed, the early adult dashed off towards the stove in the corner. Wangshu Inn chef and panda chimera already cooking up their dishes, the early adult dialed the stove to seventy degrees celsius. Dropping the fishes in one after another, the soldier could feel his fingers get slippery as the frying started itself up.

Dropping down a bucket load of seasoning, the chimera's eyebrows twitched, had he put in too much? It was going to taste terrible, for sure. Reaching for the potatoes, the hyena sprinkled the spuds in, as well. Flame sizzling underneath, the early adult frantically flipped the seafood over as they broiled.

Hands slipping and sliding as his frantic frying of doom continued on, the early adult flipped the shrimp onto their backsides. But, as he had done so, the hyena whiffed up a scent of smoke. Potatoes charring at the ends, the hyena held back the urge to scream. The stove, had he made it too hot? He was going to lose for sure.

Dropping a bucket load of oil, the chimera could feel tears stream down his face as the ends of the shrimp burned away. The seafood, it was shriveling up, dying for the second time. Timer reaching the twenty minute mark, the chimera could feel time wrap coils around him. The hourglass was dropping. It was almost over. He was done for.

Lowering the level of the flame a smidgeon, the soldier flipped the shrimp like they were patties on a grill in an undersea eating established with a singular fry cook on duty. Dead creatures inside the pan looking ready to scream at him to stop, the soldier dashed off towards the table once again.

Knowing the dish needed some spices, the hyena laced down the salts aplenty. Condiments sizzling as he kept going, the soldier flinched. Why was he letting himself continue to mess up like this? He was a failure as a cook. Pressure was his worst enemy. Dropping in the saucy juices, more ends soon had become black.

Timer soon hovering over the five minute mark, the soldier turned the stove off in a frantic manner. Arrange the dish onto a plate, he had to arrange the golden shrimp in a circular pattern before it was too late. Dragging a plate onto the table, the worst possible food arrangement had begun.

Slightly charred seafood arranged in a circular pattern, the soldier placed a flower in the center of the plate. Timer soon popping off, the early adult's back was crawling with ants. There was absolutely no way he would win now. It was over, done, finished. Last place, disappointment central.

Dishes soon presented to the judges, the hyena watched in silence as the legal advisor chowed down on her dish chosen amongst the three. Watching as she bit down on a creamy fish dish with a boatload of sauce, the soldier swore he could feel the young antler woman strip inside her mind.

Elderly woman biting slowly into some ricey fish dish with panda ears, the soldier blinked at the wise lady of many years commentary. Hearing her say she liked the creativity behind the dish, the hyena waved the white flag above him. It was over, he had definitely lost now. His next destination, disappointment city. Population: death.

Brunette soon munching away on his dish, the hyena could feel spark of fear drop down his spine. Loud crunches overtaking the area, the chimera closed his eyes. He was going to get the negative comments of a lifetime, guaranteed. Young man looking ready to judge, the soldier prepared for negative judgement.

"Shrimp's a little too crispy," the brunette said. "Were they burned?"

Hearing such comments, the soldier deflated like a balloon. It was over now. He was done, finished, a definite loser. Her Majesty, why did she want him to compete in such a competition in the first place? There was no way he would make the Fatui look good at all in this situation whatsoever. Unsure what to say, the early adult bowed an apology.

Tuning out the rest of the judges as they discussed the winner with each other, the soldier could feel the disappointing aura loom over him. There was no way he would be declared the winner. He was going to be given third place for sure, without a shadow of a doubt. Discussions soon wrapping themselves up, an announcement soon made itself clear.

"And the winner is," the legal advisor announced, leave suspense in the air. "Yínlóng!"

Seeing a slow smile creep up on Yínlóng's face, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of pride flow through him. A well deserved win to be had, for sure. But, the hyena did not hear any cheers from the panda. Realizing such, the hyena tilted his head. Were they not happy for being crowned the victor? But, his thoughts were soon quelled as they walked towards the Wangshu Inn cook.

"You did very well, Mr. Yanxiao!" Yínlóng exclaimed, words slow. "Want my prize?"

Jade ladle handed off to the cook, the early adult could not help but smile. The panda chimera was such a nice person. But, as the celebrations kicked off, the soldier had been dragged out of the arena at full force. As the escort away stopped, the hyena swore he could see steam popping out of the Agent's mask.

"How could you burn the shrimp, soldier?"! the Agent asked in an irritated tone. But, a surprising immediate answer had come his way.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'll try harder tomorrow!" Siorc responded, bowing his head.

"You'd better, soldier," the Agent responded in a firm tone. "I've entered you into a race tomorrow. Go back to Snezhnaya this instant!"

Ordered to return to the permafrost north, the early adult removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. Walking through the icy cold hallways, fear swallowed the soldier whole. The Agent was definitely cross with him, it was over for him now.

Wave of heavy tiredness flowing through him, the hyena removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed as well, the soldier slumped into the rock hard bed. Glasses put aside, as well, the chimera closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. World of tormented dreams ready to call him back in, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

He had to try harder tomorrow, or he was a goner.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic fatui life. The cycle was a spiral, circling out of control with every night passing by. The circular motion was an optical illusion, tricking every single person that fell for it. The trap would lay itself down again in the night before him, as well.

Before him had been a field of edelweisses. But, such flowers had lost their innocence. Spiky traps aplenty surrounding them, the hyena's currently human knees buckled. Were the fields a trap? He needed to step around him to the best of his ability. Stepping off towards the side, the dodges had begun.

But, such attempts to side step were a failure upon arrival. Peculiar spiky torture device popping out of nowhere from behind him, the chimera's eyes had opened wide as he turned around. What in the world was there an Iron Maiden doing here? Had he been transported into a Fontaine dark ages crime novel? Dream body frozen in place, there was nowhere to run.

Death device closing him in, spikes clamped down on the soldier one after another. Feeling a simulated sense of pain, a pool of red liquid plopped down underneath him. Crunches continuing as the spikes clamped down further and further, the early adult let out a pained scream. Was this what characters in books felt like when they were in a chokey? Dream life ready to drift away, the hyena's dream thoughts raced.

Spikes clicking in further, the hyena flinched. Surely, there had to have been a way out of this box of danger. But, no such exit existed. Feeling a lock on the door, the soldier could feel the holes within his subconscious skin only get deeper. Strength collapsing further, an invisible white flag had been waved.

Whiffing up a simulated scent of fire, the chimera could hold on no longer. As the torture device had set itself ablaze, the hyena closed his dream eyes. Body burning to cinders, the soldier's dream life swept away. As his final dream moments saw themselves out, one final thought crashed through the early adult's fading dream brain.

It was a trap, indeed.


"This is making no sense to me.
How can there still be mine to ore? Did
Everything grow over night again?

Really, this isn't making
Any sense to me, whatsoever.
Can't quite get this.
Even a singular night away and

I have more mining to do.
Nothing makes sense.

Just how many places shave I missed?
Unless I am completely mistaken, I must go north today.
Even more amber awaits me.
Yet, I don't quite
Understand. Why am I still doing this? Do I
Not have to race today? I don't

Know. I guess I will find out.
After all, my days are always
Rather busy.
So, I suppose I'll have
To see."

Upon waking up the next morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. What was that dream he had just now? But, the soldier immediately shook such off. There was no time to get himself wrapped up in the world of fantasy. He needed to get himself ready for work right now.

Agent informing him once again he needed to mine more ore, the soldier swore he could hear him whisper Her Majesty would like more of the pink jade especially. Hearing such, the early adult blinked. She wanted more of the not green jade? He supposed he would serve her what she asked for.

Reaching Liyue Harbor through the teleport waypoint, he had soon been informed the race would be at Jueyun Karst in the evening. Agent leaving towards Northland Bank, the hyena allowed a sigh to escape the esophagus. It was debt collecting day. He could feel a wave of pity for whoever was daring enough to borrow from a Fatui owned bank.

Placing his temporary axe onto his uniform belt as the smither sharpened it for him, the soldier could see the tall brunette strutting on by with an important air to him beside the fence. Seeing such, the hyena stepped off towards the side. Was he going somewhere? He needed space to walk, for sure. But, as he had done such, eyes were on him and his weapon.

"Ah, Mr. Siorc, if you are going mining again, I would suggest heading northward," the tall brunette suggested. "But, I must give you a word of caution. It is possible danger awaits you. Proceed carefully."

Giving the wise man a nod, the hyena prepared to stage his exit. Heading towards the wharf, the chimera stepped onto the bridge at the city's exit. As he readied to leave the harbor behind, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could possibly await him today? Would there be more pink jade to collect? He needed to make sure to look for some.

But, almost immediately upon leaving the area, something of peculiar note stuck out to the soldier. Bright crystals peeking out of rocks seating themselves upon the land like they were the area's king, the chimera tilted his head. What in all of Teyvat were these? Dens where special elemental monsters fought against a team of four? But, the hyena threw such thought away. This was not a fantasy world, it was reality.

Placing the axe in front of him, the chimera had begun hacking away. But, as he had begun to do so, a blinding green light overtook him. What was this? Where was this power coming from? But, the early adult attempted to put on a brave face. Minerals dropping from their home, the chimera picked the spoils of crystal war up.

Crystals glowing with a bright green aura, the hyena could not help but wonder. Did these minerals have some sort of elemental powers? Maybe it was best to keep some to give to Her Majesty later. Deciding upon such, the chimera slipped the cut gems into his pockets.

Continuing to head north, another bed of crystals awaited him. Readying to cut some more, the soldier prepared himself for another blinding light to engulf him. Objects cut, orange and blue lights practically melted his eyes into nothing. Was this the caution the tall brunette meant? Giving him a warning about such was definitely necessary.

Guili Plains inching closer with every given second, an entire army of crystal deposits kept the soldier further away from such area for hours on end. Seeing the bed before him, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Just how many of these mineral deposits awaited him? But, he knew complaining would get him nowhere. It was time to get back to crystaljacking.

Multiple blinding colors threatening his eyeballs with permanent damage worse than it had already been, the early adult held back the urge to scream. But, the early adult continued to close his lids. Don't look, don't peek. He needed to keep cutting. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

Pockets rumbling as he moved forward, the hyena crooked his head downward, for a moment. Just what had these crystals powers been? He could not help but continue to wonder. But, he supposed he would find out sooner or later. It was best to keep moving along, for the time being.

Minerals adding themselves up in his pockets as he continued, the chimera let out a huff. Was it just his imagination, or had the crystals been harder to break apart from their stone houses? Surely, he had to have been imagining it. Perhaps, just maybe, his axe's blade had gotten duller.

Golden crystals struggling to fall out from their house for minutes on end, the chimera tilted his head. Were these really crystals? Why had they been so sturdy? But, he supposed different types of minerals had different levels of hardness. He would need to study up on such in the future, for certain.

Final crystal bed cut into, the hyena had staged his arrival upon Guili Plains. Taking a deep breath as his pockets shook, the hyena let out a tired sigh at the sight laid out before him. Amber deposits everywhere the eye could see, the chimera cracked his knuckles. It was time to get to work once again.

But, as the soldier cut away the amber, a returning guest had given the soldier an audience. Large bugs with their stingers equipped and ready, the chimera's heart skipped more than four beats. The monsters were back with a vengeance, armored in full. He was done for.

Singular creature buzzing about, the soldier took his claymore out from behind him. His flower friend, there was no way he could summon them into this battle. Didn't insects eat plants? The power of Dendro had to take a back seat. Physical prowess was his only tool, for the time being.

Swinging his greatsword with all his might, the chimera let out a scream. But, as he had done so, a repeat kicked into overdrive. Creature diving itself into multiple pieces, the soldier's eyes opened wide. The multiplication had begun. He was done, toast, dinner.

Putting his fears aside, the soldier swiped his greatsword further towards the minions. But, as he had done so, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Lesser insects diving themselves as well into whole new creatures, a wave of defeat flowed through him. The numbers were growing. It was ten versus one.

Creatures buzzing about as if they were mocking him, the chimera placed his greatsword in front of him. Spinning the blade like it were some sort of top, the chimera screamed with a fury. These bugs, they had to be stopped. They had to go down, disappear, remove themselves at once.

Monsters slowly running out of ways to divide as their rampage continued, the early adult reached for rocks in the corner. The stones, those were his only chance at victory, for sure. Tossing them one after another, the enemies slid down upon the ground on after another.

Leader bug becoming a pancake, the soldier let himself set sail. Where in the world had these creatures come from? He had never seen them anywhere in Teyvat. Did they only come around when there was a sudden influx of minerals? The hyena did not know, but he did not want to find out.

Taking a deep breath, the soldier readied to head towards the Dihua Marsh. Knowing many more minerals awaited him, the hyena steeled himself for the trip north. Knowing a possible onslaught would soon await him, the chimera dropped courage into his pocket. They were just insects. There was nothing to fear.

As the chimera approached the marsh, his thoughts had begun to race. The abyssal gazelles, this definitely had their name written all over it. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away again. He needed to stop accusing them. Surely, this was merely a natural occurrence of Liyue; it was the nation of Geo, the land of rock.

Reaching Dihua Marsh, the chimera's jaw dropped open at the sight before him. Lakes and water beds completely stoned over, the early adult backed four steps away. What happened here, why was the water all orange? He could hardly contain himself with the inquires flocking by. But, such had not been the end of the oddities.

Spotting diamond and pearl deposits, the soldier titled his head. How was he supposed to cut diamonds? Weren't they the hardest mineral of all time? This was impossible, for sure. But, he supposed he would have no choice but to try. Focusing his attention on the possible orange ice, the soldier's axe was ready and waiting.

Bed of orange rock axed away, the chimera focused his attention on the bed of diamond and pearls in front of him. Minerals refusing to budge for minutes on end, the soldier wiped the sweat off his brow. Diamonds were the hardest mineral in the world, indeed.

Everything eventually removed from their encasing after hours of work, the hyena's face had been bathed in sweat. Pocketing the diamond and pearls, the chimera moved forward. Her Majesty would definitely, without a doubt want a piece of these. Moving along, the soldier prepared himself to head off towards Bishui Plains.

Reaching Stone Gate after an hour of walking, the chimera swore he saw the abyssal gazelles dash on by through the area. But, the early adult shook such off. There was no way. That simply wasn't possible. If they were around, he had no time for them or any of their shenanigans.

As the soldier moved towards Bishui Plains, an entire army of amber awaited him. Knowing that was his cue to start cutting, the cutting kicked into full swing. Readying to unbury the hatchet, the attacks upon the mineral soon began. Chafing away with all his might, the hyena resisted the urge to yell timber for the third time.

Forest boars running out of their amber prison, multiple slammed their bodies into the soldier's hips. Sides stinging as such went down, the early adult clicked his tongue. Was he being roughhoused? The animal kingdom was Not to be messed with, for sure. Continue to cut the minerals, he had soon become a hog magnet.

Soreness laid throughout, the chimera let out a groan. Bishui Plain, a boar's paradise to behold. Moving forward for the time being, the hyena readied himself to step foot into Wuwang Hill. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena prepared himself. Would something scary await him? Now was the time to numb himself to everything.

Reaching the spooky woods of legends galore, ghostly rocks stared at the soldier. Seeing such, the early adult gulped. These boulders, had they always been here? Something had definitely been off about them, for sure. Axe shaking in his hand as he stepped towards them, everything froze.

As the hyena hacked away at the ghastly rocks of terror, a surprise visitor broke through the stone. Seeing such, the chimera's knees buckled. Unusual monster with a transparent layer surrounding it, the hyena swore he could see it smack its translucent lips.

"A chimera? Tasty!" the otherworldly creature exclaimed.

Knowing he had to fight, or he would be eaten, the early adult placed his claymore in front of him. Any minute now, and he would be the ghost's food. He could not allow himself to become food for the former lives. Striking his blade with a fury, the soldier let out a battle cry.

But, no such attack ever came. Blade phasing through the enemy, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Just how dumb was he, trying to attack a ghost with a weapon? There was no way that would work. Had his braincells rotted? He had picked the worst time to walk into stupid town.

Taking a deep breath, the chimera threw down a flower friend. Windwheel Aster friend dancing upon the battlefield, the soldier provided silent command to the plant brought to life by his Dendro Vision. But, such vines phased through the enemy, as well. Seeing such, a wave of uselessness flowed through the hyena.

Nothing doing for minutes on end, the hyena could feel doom loom over him. This monster, was it immune to Dendo, as well? If such were the case, he was done for. Nothing could be done. He was finished, over, a meal for the undead. It was best to surrender, let himself go, be munched on. As such thoughts raced, however, the soldier swore he could hear grunting.

Yaksha dashing onto the scene, the soldier swore he could hear the short banisher of evil scream disappear, boring, useless and many other words in between. Hearing such, the early adult's knees buckles. The mountain demon, had he meant him? He needed to apologize to him for his incompetence right away.

"Get out of here," the yaksha grunted. "I'll banish this evil."

Not wishing to get in the mountain demon's way, the soldier dashed out of Wuwang Hill as if his life depended on it. It was best to not cross the Yaksha while he was banishing evil. Moving back onto the path westward, the early adult prepared himself for the next mineral trip.

Reaching Qingce Village after an hour of walking, the early adult took a deep breath. The amber, could it have already made its way in the area? If such had been the case, he needed to get rid of it as soon as possible. Allow and an inconvenience for the elderly to go unchecked was not on the agenda.

Wise elderly woman soon informing Siorc the minerals he was looking for were in the mountains up north, the early adult prepared himself. The rest of the rocks were not hiding around Qingce Village? Such was a miracle to be had, for sure. Readying to head for the mountains, the chimera braced himself.

Tough minerals awaiting him almost immediately, the hyena's eyes pulsated at the sight before him. Entire mountain encased in amber, the soldier could feel himself about to break into hundreds of pieces. How was this even possible? Inconceivable. There was no way this was cuttable at all.

Axing away for hours on end, the chimera could feel his sweat bathe him deep. Minerals dying in a blinding light, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Why did everything enjoy exploding like this? But, he supposed they could have been bombs disguising themselves as rocks.

Minerals vanishing as if they had never been there, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Did the mountains just cleanse themselves? The Geo Archon, he had to have been lurking right around the corner. But, the hyena knew he was making too many assumptions. Evening sky soon kicking in, the soldier returned back towards the elderly village.

Knowing he had to make haste towards the Jueyun Karst, the chimera had begun to dash south. Reaching the area after about forty minutes of running, the early adult gazed at the competition standing beside the bridge. But, what awaited of the competition were some unfriendly outliers.

Spotting Kelebek and Izzet standing beside the panda chimera, the hyena lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. What had those two been doing here? They most certainly were not here for a fair race. They were definitely up to something sinister, without a doubt. Generic nobodies making up the rest of the participants, the chimera let out a gulp. This was about to be a heated competition, guaranteed. Yínlóng soon turning their head, eyes were on him.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "You're competing, too? Good luck!" But, as he said such, a cackle cracked on through.

"You'll win!" Kelebek shouted, smirking. But, confusion soon looped.

"Me?" Yínlóng asked, point to themself. But, confusion only continued for minutes.

"Nyahaha, you think we met you?" Izzet asked. "We're the ones who shall win this race!"

Yínlóng looking as confused as ever, the soldier shook his head. Placing his fingers into a cross shape, the early adult mouthed off to not mind them. Nod coming his way, an unusual face poked out from the middle of the bridge. Young woman with long purple hair and bonnet, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Why was Yínlóng's boss here?

"There's a lot of faces here," the opera singer said, smiling. "Methinks you're all eager to earn a spot in the opera troupe."

Opera singer reminding everyone the person who made it to Mt. Aocang first would win a spot in the new opera troupe, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. He had been entered into a race for something that he would not have any time for? In the unlikelihood he would win, he knew he would have no choice but to decline such position.

Race soon on, the early adult shook his head. Did Her Majesty even check before entering him into this run? Why was she interested in having him compete in a position for an opera troupe? This had to have been the most ridiculous order he had ever received in his near eight years of being a member of the Fatui.

People zipping past him, the early adult placed his hands upon the ground. What was he doing, allowing himself get distracted? He had to head for Mt. Aocang as fast as possible. Running faster as the seconds unraveled, multiple generic nobodies had been passed by at the speed of a military training regimen.

Outpacing at least eight of the competitors, but not in first place by any stretch of the imagination, the early adult sped up his running speed yet again. Qingyun Peak was almost upon him. He had move faster, swifter, quicker. Speeding by the halfway point, the chimera swore he had been third place.

Such placement had been short lift. Kelebek and Izzet zooming by in the blink of an eye, the early adult attempted to reach the highest speed possible. Barely able to catch up, the early adult swore he could see some sort of machine tied down to their legs, realizing such, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint.

The abyssal gazelles, those cheats.

Speeding up his running speed dialed up past eleven, the early adult let out a scream as his heart beat hard and fast in his chest. There was no way he could let these cheaters reach Mt. Aocang first, no way. This was a running competition, not a robot race. Who did they think they were fooling with their disingenuous tools to speed themselves up?

But, such had been a failure upon many proportions, entire body screaming at him, the early adult could feel his breath become a corpse upon the battlefield. Why had running become so difficult all of a sudden? Huffing and puffing up a storm as Mt. Aocang slowly approached, multiple people soon passed by him.

Attempting to snap himself out of it, the chimera took a long, deep breath. But, such had not been enough, limbs screaming out to him as he kept running swifter, the finish line blurred as he moved forward. But, as he had almost been there, the world spun around him.

Reaching Mt. Aocang after five minutes of running, the soldier's heart practically fell out of his chest as he crossed the finish line. Abyssal gazelles declared the winners, the hyena could feel himself fall backwards. World dimming around him, he swore the saw the hooded strangers smirking. Land of unconsciousness ready to take him away, one final thought cracked the glass.



Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult life. The cycle was a wheel, landing on dead end every single night. Wheel giving itself a spin once more, the unlucky spot had been picked once more. Game always rigged to lose, the night before him had been no different, as well.

Beneath him had been a bed of lava. Seeing such, fear swallowed the soldier whole almost immediately. The dream had already given him a world of terror? Such was not a good sight to be had, for sure. Continuing to fall, the early adult attempted to shift his weightless dream body towards the left.

Unable to move away, even a singular centimeter, the soldier kept falling as if it were his destiny. Magma chamber ready to eat him alive at any given second, the early adult surrendered himself to the Pyro Archon. Murata, was this his punishment from so many years prior for angering her? He supposed he deserved it, if so.

Falling faster as the dream seconds moved onward, the chimera closed his eyes as the simulated sense of heat broke him down into hundreds of pieces. This was it. It was game over. Any second now, and he was about to become volcano food. Becoming as hard as a rock, the early adult accepted his fate.

Clothes melting away faster than the soldier could keep up, the hyena could feel himself burn up. Entire short body nothing but melted flesh, the early adult's dream life flashed before his very eyes. Bone peeking out of his fingers as he breathed his last, one final thought broke through his subconscious.

This was a bad omen for things to come, for sure.


"The curse,
Has it come for me yet?
Everything still feels normal,

Could it be it didn't not work?
Unless, it is one that will devour me slowly.
Really, I am quite unsure.
Should I expect my demise any day now?
Everything still feels normal, maybe

I am overthinking. But,
Something tells me

I should still remain on high alert,
That much is key.

How can I be absolutely certain nothing will happen to me?
Everything still feels normal, maybe it'll
Reap what it's about to sow while I am sleeping.
Every moment right now is absolutely terrifying."

Finding himself back in his bed the next morning, a wave of confusion flowed through him. How did he get back to Snezhnaya, who took him here? Agent nowhere to be seen, the young soldier stepped towards the door. Note left for him, the early adult read over it carefully.

Instructions informing him he would need to continue mining, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. He had to cut amber again today? The cycle continued. But, something of peculiar note stuck out upon the sheet of paper. Scribble scrabble informing him he would need to participate in a boxing match, the world stopped turning, for a moment.

He had to do what now, brawl people? There had to be some kind of mistake. Reading the note over again, the hyena blinked. There was no way he had read that correctly. His glasses were on upside down, for sure. Gazing at the words again, they did not change, in the slightest. Giving up, the early adult read the location, for a moment.

Brawling tournament being held in Guyun Stone Forest, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. He supposed he had no choice but to compete. Knowing his chances of wining were close to zero, the hyena removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Liyue Harbor waypoint highlighted, the chimera steeled himself.

Tall brunette informing him upon entry the mineral deposits were in the eastern and western areas in Liyue today, the soldier made haste. Knowing it was in his best interest to head off towards Mingyun Village first, the early adult dashed off towards the bridge on the other side of the harbor.

Speeding through Mt. Tianheng, no surprising returns awaited the soldier. Or, at least the soldier thought. Spotting extremely eerie stones of amber here puss*ng with gross goop, the early adult held back the urge to turn away. What was going on here today? Something was not right.

Spending over three hours cutting the peculiar crystal the soldier swore he could feel a chill in the air as everything had been cut into hundreds of pieces. But, the soldier snapped himself out of such line of thinking. Why was he letting himself be influenced by such? There was no malice to be had here. But, things had only begun to get worse as he reached Mingyun Village.

Almost completely abandoned area upon him, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Everything here could spout out mold any second if he blinked. Spotting multiple deposits of black crystals in the area, the chimera cracked his knuckles. No more dawdling, it was time to get to work.

Crystals putting up a fight for hours on end, the hyena let out a grunt. What were these minerals made out of, platinum? But, the hyena kept on cutting. Surely, eventually, the gems would break free from their prison. Hacking away for another hour, the chimera let out a shout.

Minerals eventually breaking free, the soldier pocketed the crystals almost immediately. Pockets glowing, for the moment, the early adult slapped the holders. What in the world were these things doing? He would stick out like a Slime in a tribe of Hilichurls like this, for sure.

Covering the crystals up with a sheet of paper, the hyena kept moving forward. Dashing off towards Yaoguang Shoal, a surprise awaited him on the beach. Entire body of water encased in amber, the soldier folded up his jacket sleeves. It was time for rock fishing, round two.

Peculiar mineral deposits layered on top of the icy amber rock, the soldier continued with all his might to hack away at the orange bed in front of him. Eventually breaking on through to the other side after about twenty five attempts, the hyena broke through the odd crystals, as well.

Everything pocketed, the early adult could not help but wonder for the fifth time. The abyssal gazelles, were they responsible for this? If it was them that had done this, they should not have picked something so Liyue like. But, he supposed if they were indeed the ones that unleashed such chaos, they cared not what it was that they let down.

Continuing to chafe away, an entire army of boars had been broken free from their prison. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder again. How did so many creatures get trapped in the amber? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Why was he wasting time thinking about such a thing? He needed to move on.

Heading north for quite awhile, the soldier swore he could feel a tap on his shoulder. Cicin Mage glaring at him, a quiet whisper had been delivered. Told to go to the cave in Sal Terrae, the hyena rose an eyebrow. Why there, of all places? Fish were falling out the sky right about now.

Taking the discarded boat in the corner, the hyena paid a visit to the secret cave in the corner. Spotting pink Cor Lapis, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. Was this what he needed to cut? There was no time to waste, if such were the case. Axe in hand, the cutting soon began.

Every single unusual Cor Lapis cut up and put away, the early adult exited the cave. Figuring it was best to head west for now, the soldier had begun running. Reaching Lingju Pass after about two hours of travelling, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky at the sight before him. What a surprise, more petrified amber. Color him purple.

Throwing his sarcasm out, the hyena resumed amberjacking. Boars quickly removed from their prison, the creatures made a run for it. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had the unknown culprit been saving all of these animals for dinner? How awful. They had no reason to hoard all these innocent beings for himself. One was enough.

Moving onward to Tianqiu Valley, everything had been exactly the same. Boars freed from their prison, the soldier let out a tired sigh. Had the entire population of hogs been held hostage? He swore he had seen over two hundred of them in the past three days. But, he supposed he was exaggerating the numbers just a little.

As the early adult headed towards Nantianmen, the hyena stared off into space. Had he saved all the boars from entering the garden of eaten? He knew there had to have been something he had done right. Soon reaching the western area the hyena's heart skipped four beats at the sight before him.

Large block of diamond encasing the entire tree near a sealed off area, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. Who do this to such a beautiful piece of art? Whoever had done this would pay for such a crime against nature. Clenching his, the soldier hacked away harder, and faster with every given second. But what awaited him as the minerals broke was a sight to behold.

Large butterfly almost seven times its size with metallic antennae flapping its wings with arrogant glory, the soldier placed his greatsword in front of him. This robot, who did it think it was, hiding amongst the diamonds? It was going down right here, right now.

Creature decimated after about thirty strikes, the hyena let out a huff. Was it just him, or did this enemy sap his energy away? But, as he caught his breath, another insect soon emerged. Flapping away towards the norther stone forest, the chase was on, in an instant.

Creature soon caught up to within Mt. Hulao, the opponent soon slammed itself against the rocky walls. Creature breaking into hundreds of pieces, the early adult shook his head. This creature, did it not have a mechanical brain? But, he supposed such was a given for inorganic life forms.

Double and triple checking every single area he had visited over the past few days, absolutely no surprises awaited him for hours on end. No more mineral deposits left, daytime soon shifted over to evening. Sky tinted a deep midnight blue, the soldier ceased operation like a certain lady who flied herself to the moon.

Reaching Guyun Stone Forest after about an hour of walking, the Agent awaited the soldier. But, what he had said to him made the chimera do a triple take. Informed this tournament was for visionless people only, the chimera backed two steps away. Why was he participating? He was a vision bearer. There was no way he would be allowed to compete.

Agent demanding he hand over his vision until he was kicked out of the tourney, the early adult sighed. Was this really a good idea, handing over his Vision? His former practice partner had told him to always keep it on his partially human person, no matter what, or strange things would befall him.

Handing the yellow-green orb over, nothing changed. Moving onwards towards the registration booth, a tall woman with long black hair, an eyepatch and scantily clad red outfit was seated at a table in the corner, arms folded on top. Area full of muscular men nobodies, the early adult let out a gulp.

Everyone triple as built as he could ever hope to be, doom loomed over the hyena's shoulder. There was no way he could win against these people. He was less than half their size, for sure. He was a toothpick to them, an easy target. He would be out after round one, for sure.

Spotting an empty vision not lit up, the soldier tiled his head upwards towards the sky. Was this supposed to be prize for winning, a vision without an element? What a worthless piece of junk, who would even want such a thing? But, as he got himself lost in his thoughts, a voice called out to him.

"Kid, take your gloves," the eyepatched woman said. "The show's about ready to start."

Grabbing his gloves, the soldier readied for the worst pummeling of a lifetime. What was the point in trying? These muscular nobodies would beat him to a pulp in a singular second. Eyepatched woman announcing the prize for winning the tournament was a masterless vision, every single person cheered. Hearing such, the early adult crossed his arms around his waist. Did none of the people here have a vision? He supposed he did not blame them for trying to win one that could light up one day, if so.

First opponent giving him a chuckle, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. This man thought he was an easy opponent to knock out of the park, for sure. Placing himself into a fighting stance, the soldier prepared himself. It was time to get ready for a boxing match.

Gifted multiple bruises for minutes on end, the early adult uppercutted towards the enemy. Burly man whining that his punches hurt, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. What was with the sudden theatrics? Absolutely ridiculous behavior. Black and blue marks soon granted to his cheek in kind, the early adult remained focused.

Punches aplently given back to the opponent, the muscular man soon surrendered after ten strikes. Seeing such, the soldier blinked. Did he just win? Impossible, there was no way. But, he supposed he had enough military training over the years to gain a backbone of his own.

Moving onward to the next opponent, the early adult swore the person did not put up a fight at all. Second burly man surrendering after seven uppercuts, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Were his opponents going easy on him because he was small? Absolutely ridiculous. None of this was fair at all.

Breezing through the third, fourth, fifth round and the semi-finals with ease, a wave of irritation flowed through the hyena. These generic nobodies, were they just going easy on him? Who did they think they were? Just because he was far smaller than them all did not mean he was weak. How disgusting. If they were holding back due to the size differences, they were wasting their time with such.

Finals soon upon him, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. Generic nobody puffing a cigar as he gave him a glare, the soldier swore he could see the man's eyes glow red. Menacing look adorning his face, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Had he been transported to another world with muscle for brains who only cared about fighting? But, he had soon been brought back to reality as his opponent called out to him.

"All those guys may have gone easy on you 'cause you're a girl," the opponent said as he curled his fingers. "But I ain't gonna do none of that!"

Siorc blinked as the words bounced off his inhuman eardrums. He sees now. All these opponents thought he was a girl. They all went easy on him because of such? How infuriating. Male, or female, what did it matter? He was neither one, nor the other. Why did some men think those perceived as women were weaker than the opposite? What backwards way of thinking. Any woman could fight just as well as any man could. This generic nobody was going down. He was about to show him how wrong he was, for sure.

But such declaration fell flat on his face in a matter of seconds. Big man finding every single one of his weak spots and then some, the soldier had been on the ground in minutes. Hearing a countdown reach zero, the soldier had been defeated. Muscular nobody declared the winner, as he laid down upon the ground, he had soon been picked up on his feet.

Agent shaking his head, the early adult could feel his life ready to fade away. He had lost, Her Majesty was going to be disappointed in him, for sure. He could kiss his life goodbye. Any second now, and he would be sent to the palace, cut to ribbons and discarded of. But, his fears were never realized. Agent sifting through his pockets, for a moment, all the minerals within were grabbed one after another.

"Do not worry about your loss, soldier," the Agent said, shaking his head. "The minerals you have provided make up for you unsatisfactory performance." He then pointed off in the corner. "You are dismissed. Return to Snezhnaya within an hour."

Dismissal granted, the early adult took a deep breath. He supposed now would be a good time to go for a small stroll. Walking towards the cave in the Guyun Stone Forest, the hyena absorbed all the scenery into his very being. But, such moments of joy were killed with a sniper rifle in seconds.

Abyssal gazelles appearing right in front of him, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. These two, what was it that they wanted from him anymore? Hadn't they satisfied with their last stunt? Enough was enough. Surely, their revenge had already been satisfied by now.

The revenge had only just started.

"You've got another gift for him!" Kelebek shouted. As one said such, a large piece of Noctilucous Jade had been lunged towards the hyena.

Jade chucked the soldier's eyes, the early adult's body froze up into immobility. Jade dropping itself inside him, a wave of doom flowed through him. The abyssal gazelles, what did hey just do to him? The Noctiucous Jade, there were two of them inside him now. The poison, was it going to take him away? Words bubbling out of him, he could no longer hold back any inquiries.

"What did you do to me?!" the hyena blurted out. An immediate answer had come his way.

"He'll find out!" Kelebek shouted.

"Nyahaha, you'll see tomorrow!" Izzet shouted. "Enjoy our gift!" As they said such, they were gone.

Heart beating hard and fast in the soldier's chest, the early adult highlighted the waypoint towards the military barracks. Running through the hallways, the soldier reached the soundproof room after about four minutes of running. Walking around in a circle frantically upon immediate entry, the early adult's thoughts sped through him.

Circle about only getting worse, his thoughts continued. The abyssal gazelles, what did they do to him? The Noctilucuous Jade, there had now been two inside him. He would turn into stone, become jadeite, be swallowed whole in no time. The curse was here, it was coming.

Wave of tiredness overtaking the hyena after two hours of pacing, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses set aside, the hyena closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. But as the world of tormented dreams invited him back in, one final thought wrapped vines around the soldier.

He's cursed now, without a doubt.

Chapter 22: Poisson's Treasure, Rock Hydras, Hunting Fairies, Conspiracy


Thus, the "curse saga" truly begins. This is the third of possibly four Poisson (cast) focused chapters. In this section, Siorc must chase "fairies" (seelies), fight rock hydras...and investigate conspiracies. Feat: Kaiser, Malika, Earl, Baron, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Vidame, Domini, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Hu Tao, Hase (in nightmares), Furina, Chiori, Neuvilette and Navia.


You've been warned things get wild past this point.

Chapter Text

"Why is this
Happening to me?
Ah, no the
Tips of my fingers, they are black.

I don't know what's going on,
Something isn't right.

How could one
A little bad of jade
Poison me?
Partially change me? Is
Everything going to become jadeite?
No, this can't be
I'm scared.
No. I cannot let fear
Get to me.

That is what the gazelles want,
Obviously. Don't let the fear get to

Me. Surely,
Everything will clear away.

It is only temporary.

After all, there is no way
My entire body will become

Stone. Medusas are only fantasy.
Cannot see this
At all being eternal.
Right, don't panic,
Everything will be alright.
Don't panic. Everything

Will be okay. I
Have to keep working
And keep myself going
Time is ticking

Do not worry myself over a little stone
I have a job ahead of me
Do not worry myself over

The tips of my fingers, they are not a
Hindrance. I can move.
Every single one. I

Guess I can try washing it off,
Ah, yes. Stone upon the tips of my fingers you have reached your
Even so, will trying to wash the
Little bit of stone off?
Likely not, but it is worth a try.
Even if it does not work, I
Suppose it is worth a try. If it

Does not, hyena claws
Out. Surely,

The stone does not go
Over my paws, when transformed. But,

Maybe I am overthinking.
Eat my fears away,

Why am I still thinking about this?
Her Majesty will be disappointed in me,
All and all,
This is nothing.
Everything will be fine, their
Vengeance against me will
Evidently fail. I am not
Ripe for the picking.

This will not become a pickle. No matter what
Happens, I mustn't falter.
Even if the stone spreads, I shall not
Yield. Keep going

Don't let them win.
I need to combat this.
Don't let them win.

I need to
Take deep breaths, and not let this

Hinder me.
All of this is just a test of
Something to come.

Be that as it may,
Everything will be fine
Get to work, do not let this stone
Unleash its final form.
Nothing like that can happen

I mustn't let it,

For that is what they want,
Even if it starts hurting, they can't win.
Even if it starts hurting, I can't show pain. I know they're
Listening, lurking, the

Abyssal gazelles are

Still causing problems, so
Even if they're trying to take me out, I must
Not let them.
So, I must remain strong,
Even if they're trying to end me.

Obviously that is key
For successful living.

Do not let them win,
Or I will be a statue. Do not let them win,
Or I will be a goner.
My fight is just starting. Resilience is key."

Dreaming had still been a never ending cycle of anguish within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The loop would reverse and repeat, resetting back to zero as late evening cycled into the late midnight hours. Such pattern was relentless, holding onto dear life without any singular stopping point. The night before him would continue the cycle, as well.

Before him had been a field of Pluie Lotuses beside some stray daffodils beside a lake. Seeing such flowers, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had the dream world taken him to Fontaine this time? Seating himself beside the bed, the early adult let out a blissful sigh. Perhaps, just maybe, nothing bad would happen within the not reality before him.

Dream water soaking his toes, for a moment, the hyena stared off into dream space. Everything had felt so peaceful. Was nothing going to happen within the dream world today? Such had to have been the case, surely. Continuing to let himself settle, nothingness looped on repeat.

Nothing happening for dream hours on end, the dream world laid silent. Everything remaining calm, the soldier let out another blissful sigh. Was torment taking a backseat today? The not reality before him was silent; surely, the peace would remain for the rest of his time in the land of sleep.

Peace was never meant to last.

Hearing a peculiar noise of fluttering, the hyena turned his attention towards the noise. But, what awaited him from afar was a surprise to behold. Spotting green hair and green eyes he'd recognize anywhere, the early adult had to do a quadruple take, for a moment as his observations continued.

Spotting Hase in a peculiar black and brown outfit next to a group of shadow people beside a door, and the Funeral Parlor Director, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Why was she wearing the Wansheng Funeral Parlor uniform? This had to have been some sort of mistake. His subconscious mind was playing tricks on him, for sure.

"Oya oya, so these are the people that have been following you around lately?" the Funeral Parlor Director asked.

"Yes, -- ---," Dream Hase responded. "Can we have their souls depart? They're evil spirits, right?"

Siorc backed three dream steps away upon witnessing such conversation. He was able to hear what Hase was saying? But, his dream mind soon wandered. Where in the world had he been? Had he been transported towards some river in Liyue? But, such subconscious thoughts were swiftly abandoned as the conversation continued.

"Nope. Still alive," the Funeral Parlor Direction responded, sighing. "A pity."

The early adult could hardly believe his ears. Did the director of the funeral parlor just say the unknown people still being alive was a pity? But, such thoughts were cut in half with a sawblade. Shadow people's hands laying themselves down upon Hase, a scream broke out.

Funeral Parlor Director taking out a bright red spear with a fiery tip, the soldier dashed towards the action. The monsters, he had to save Hase from them. Real or not, danger was not welcome. He needed to join in as soon as possible, no matter what. Running towards the battlefield, the soldier prepared himself.

Big mistake, on the hyena's part.

"Chi!" the Funeral Parlor director shouted.

Flaming butterfly soon surrounding the Funeral Parlor Director, the early adult had been caught in the crossfire in a matter of seconds. Flames soon coming his way, the hyena's dream eyes had opened wide. Just how small had the range of the funeral parlor director's attacks have been? But, such was not the end of the flames.

Funeral Parlor Director screaming out her battle cry again, a sea of fire had soon engulfed the soldier. Finding himself lost amongst the sea of flaming butterflies, the chimera's body burned to a crisp, ready for devouring. Attacks continuing to bounce his way as the insects of doom seared him further, his body was charcoal.

Dream body tilting backwards towards the ground, the hyena waved the invisible white flag. Safety had left him behind, torment hugged him from behind, the world of fire was here to stay. Feeling himself ready to expire within the land of the subconscious, one final thought looped on repeat.

Accidents could be lethal.


"Am I hearing things correctly? A what now? A

Fairy treasure hunt? Your Majesty,
Are you being serious? This
Is absolutely
Ridiculous. I am hearing things.
You can't possibly be serious right now.

This is a joke, a prank. I
Really cannot fathom this. What
Even is this order?
Am I to seriously believe this is
Something she'd request of me?
Unbelievable. No way, this is
Rubbish. Garbage.
Everything in between.

How could she even ask for something this crude?
Utter garbage.
Nothing makes sense
Today. Is she just making up

Wild orders while she plans something further?
How strange, I'm being left
An order like this?
This fairy treasure hunt,

I don't quite get it. There's absolutely
No way this will matter, for anything.

There are no fairies in Fontaine,
How can she send me on a
Erroneous chase like this

With no golden eggs in sight?
Oh, Your Majesty, you are just making up things, aren't you?
Really smooth of you!
Look, pick something else, a
Different order.

I'll do anything you tell me,

As I have no choice, but listen, Your
Majesty, this one order just doesn't

Cut it. I really don't understand.
Of all things, this one is the most
Nothing of them all. Diplomatic Affairs?
Fine. The Agent takes over anyway.
Unleashing me upon the business affair world?
Sure. The Agent takes over, anyway.
Every single one of these makes more than
Demanding I go on this fairy treasure hunt.

I suppose I do not have a choice. I

Don't have any ability to say no.
Obviously. So, I suppose,

No matter what I have to go
Out and hunt for
These so called 'fairies'.

Ultimately, that is key.
Nothing can be
Done, I have to do
Everything she tells me.
Right, a treasure hunt.
Sure, Your Majesty. Right on
That. Immediately.
All and all, I have to remain obedient and silent,
No matter what.
Diligence is key."

Four days had passed since the hyena had continued his career as the worst phantom of all time. Singular day of business affairs occurring around the Blackcliff Forge, nothing of note happened for twenty-four hours. But, the next three days were far from mundane under any circ*mstance.

Dealing with rather unusual happenings in Liyue including a strange brawling tournament the soldier had been forcefully roped into, everything had been peculiar. Abyssal gazelles moving forward with their revenge on the third and final day of odd jobs, his fear was high profile.

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steels. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, such was not the only horror that awaited him as he pulled the covers back. Fingertips on his right hand a greyish black, the early adult had begun to shake.

Fingers feeling rocky for a moment, questions shot off one after another. What's happening to him? Why were his fingertips so dark and hard? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Surely, if he were to wash them in a river, the blackness would go away. Returning his focus to work, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the chimera's uniform melted onto his partially human person, the soldier could not help but wonder. The abyssal gazelles, just what did they do to him? The Noctilucous Jade they tossed inside him, how far had it travelled? But, the hyena shook his head. There was no way he'd ever know.

As the early adult snapped his buttons shut, a thought threw itself into the mix. Would transforming his human hands into hyena paws erase the current from existence? Light bulb glowing above him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Surely, that had to work.

Greyish black remaining on his paws, as well, an overwhelming sense of doom loomed over the chimera. Was there no escape from the stony darkness? Closing his eyes once more, his hyena paws returned to human form. Returning his focus towards the getting ready, the early adult removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching blue stars adorned his hair and ears. But, no wave of calmness flowed through him. Unease swallowing him whole for minutes on end, the doom chime tolled. Rapidly shaking his head, the chimera kept his attention forward. He had to keep getting ready. There was no time for this.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the countless questions kept coming back to haunt him. What was going to happen to him? He could not help but fell an intense wave of terror flow through him. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it once more. Enough was enough. No more doom and gloom.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the hyena took a long, deep breath. Everything will be fine. Absolutely nothing would happen to him. Surely, if he washed his hands by a river, the stone upon him would go away. Right, his digits were merely dirty. A nice clean would fix that, guaranteed.

Hearing the louder than ever before sound of militaristic boots marching about with a militaristic beat, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. There was no more time for thinking about any of this, whatsoever. He was about to be on the nonexistent clock. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena turned his face towards the door. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be engaging in a fairy treasure around Poisson today." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "Collect the dust they trail behind, and grab any treasure from chests they might fly towards." Another day, another distraction.

The chimera jumped five steps back. Was he hallucinating? Did he really just hear the words that came out from underneath the Agent's mask correctly? A treasure hunt? No way, he was hearing things. There had to have been stone inside his eardrums blocking sound out.

The hyena turned his head towards the steel walls. A treasure hunt, really? How in the world was that a job? There was absolutely no way the Agent was being serious right now. Was he trying to play some kind of joke on him to get him on the top of his toes? That had to have been it, surely.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be hunting fairies in Fontaine!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "Stop dawdling, and get a move on!"

The chimera flinched. Right, it didn't matter. A job was a job, and he had to do it no matter what. Taking a long, deep breath, the early adult placed his hand in front of him. There was no more time to be thinking about these things whatsoever. He had a treasure hunt to get to.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Serious or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter. But, as the Agent readied to grip him into a lock, an invasive question came his way.

"What happened to your fingers, soldier?" the Agent asked.

Question stinging him in the back, sweat poured down the hyena's backside. Why in the world was the Agent asking him about his fingers? Weren't questions forbidden of the Fatui? There was no way he would answer such a thing. Perhaps, just maybe, if he gave an untruthful answer in return, the subject would drop down on the floor like a hot potato.

"Nothing, sir!" the hyena exclaimed, eyebrows twitching. "I burned them while working yesterday!" He let out a fake laugh. "Isn't it time to go? It would be shame if we were late."

The Agent rose an eyebrow underneath his mask. Why was he dodging the subject? But, it was best to not press on about such if he did not wish to answer. "Alright, then soldier, if you insist," the Agent responded. "Let's go." Wrist gripped into a slightly less tight squeeze than normal, the chimera closed his eyes. As the escort soon began, a thought threw a pebble around in the hyena's mind.

He needed to buy gloves.


"Yay, yay, yay, I saw
Another little fairy fly by today!
Yay! I think they want

A treasure hunt! Ooooooooooooooooh,

That's so much fun!! I'm
Ready to go collect some doubloons!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, I should tell Sissie
And sisser! And Captain Vert!
Surely, they'll approve of these fun times!
Up I go! I will
Relay the message to them!
Ehehe. Ah!

Huh, right, they're still working today!
Ugh, and sisser's pet is watching me! I'm
Not allowed to leave
Today! Guess I'll have

To wait until later!
Hours pass,
And now, it's bedtime!
Tomorrow, it is!

It's tomorrow now!
So, today, it's time to hunt

Some treasure!
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh, I am so excited!

My hunt will be so awesome!
Ugh, they're still sleeping?
Come on, sissie, sisser, wake up!!
Hah, how much longer? I'm itching for a

Fun day! I'll just to sit and wait.
Until they wake up!
Noooo, that'll be forever!! But, patience, Aigre!!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Not feeling anything out of the ordinary, a wave of relief washed over the soldier. But, such thoughts were immediately cut short as the chimera had been dragged down the hill.

Boat summoned like always, the early adult had been placed in the vessel. Air pressing against his cheeks, the hyena stared off into space. Why was it so nice out today? But, he supposed he was overthinking it. Vessel soon cruising forward, the chimera kept himself focused.

As the vehicle of human movement kept pushing onward, the hyena could not help but ponder. Why of all orders, did he have to go on a treasure hunt? He did not quite understand this order, under any circ*mstances. But, he supposed it was some sort of distraction for what was about to come.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after about fifteen minutes, the soldier had been dragged towards the stairs, like usual. Knowing he was about to hear the same infuriating lines, as usual, the chimera braced himself for the annoyance about to come his way any given second.

Agent informing him what felt like the octillionth time that he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. Anything else obvious that needed to be stated? The sky was blue? Fish could swim? He was quite tired of hearing the same nonsense over and over again.

Satchel soon slammed onto his backside with a loud thud, more useless information had soon come his way. Told he would need to head for Palais Mermonia to gather more information involving the fairies, the early adult nodded. He had to head for the Iudex's office again? How peculiar.

Subordinate soon gone, a commotion had begun to gather around the harbor. Multiple generic nobodies formed a gigantic crowd around the area. Seeing such, a puzzle piece dropped down onto the ground. What were all these people doing here all of a sudden? But, his question had soon been answered.

Hearing a very familiar haughty laugh, the chimera crooked his head upward. Hydro Archon standing high up above on a platform, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why did she enjoy being in such high places all the time? Did she think the entire world was beneath her? Eyes on her audience, she soon announced herself.

"My lovely people, I have shown you to myself today!" the Hydro Archon exclaimed, hands in the air. "You may all rejoice in this!"

Multiple citizens cheering the last case was amazing, the soldier shook his head. Was that legal battle against the blonde person still ongoing? Just how many more times was she going to brag about such accomplishment? But, he supposed some legal battles had more than one part to them.

Knowing he had to head for the Aquabus station right away, the chimera ascended the staircase. Knowing he had to proceed with utmost caution today, the early adult stepped upon the glass lift. But, as he kept moving forward, a crowd engulfed everything. Long line stretching from right near the elevator, the hyena placed himself in the back of the wait.

Aquabus arriving almost immediately, everyone barreled on one after another. Melusine screaming one at a time, not a single person listened. Seating himself on the floor of the vessel as each and every seat had been taken, chatter filled the rows, the early adult attempted to tune everyone out.

As the vessel of automatic movement droned past the Poisson Tunnel, the chimera could not help but wonder. The Hydro Archon, why did something feel different from her than other regional gods? He did not know why, but she had something about her that felt quite off.

But, the chimera shook his head. She just had a flamboyant personality with a lot of bravado. Surely, there were other gods that were exactly the same. But, his thoughts were cut off as the chatter about the most recent epic court battle drowned his thoughts out to sea.

As the capital city awaited, the early adult could not help but wonder once again. The Hydro Archon, could she have been nothing more than just a celebrity? She had done nothing about the current constant cycle of crisis occurring throughout the region. But, the early adult tossed such thoughts out of the boat. Why we he questioning the region's deities existence? He needed to stop.

Crowd in front of him exiting the boat all in a flurry, everyone was soon gone. Readying himself to head for the Palais Mermonia, the chimera removed himself from the vessel, as well. Everything growing quiet as quickly as it had been loud, the soldier prepared himself to head towards the information station.

But, as the early adult had begun to step through the streets, something of peculiar note caught the early adult off guard. Spotting a kamera off in the distance and hearing shouted words like action, cut, do it again, the chimera tilted his head. Had there been a movie shoot in the city? Why today, of all days?

Kamera getting closer with every step as he walked through the northern streets, the soldier attempted with all his might to try avoid stepping near such device. Knowing that, at any given moment, he would be caught in one-hundred-forty-four-p, the early adult lowered his walk into a tiptoe. Surely, if he walked slower, he would be able to avoid the obstacle easier.

Adventurer Guild receptionist stating she had been rebooting as she laid still behind the counter, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just what kind of meka was she? Those mechanical clones of her he had come across in recent times, were they related?

But, the early adult pushed such thoughts away as he kept moving. What was he doing? If he kept getting lost in thought, he would be caught directly in front of the obstacle he was actively trying to avoid. Turning his thoughts off, the hyena kept pushing forward.

Multiple citizens complaining that this shoot in the city is taking too much time, the soldier tilted his head. Had this been going on for hours? Some people were quite the busy creatives. Citizens going about their walks, however, the lens from afar continued to be avoided.

But, such avoidance of the lens had only gotten harder. Spotting an entire row of kameras the hyena grit his teeth. Why were there so many? Hadn't one been enough? But, he supposed he did not understand enough about technology to comment. Attempting with all his might to walk behind them, the soldier steeled himself.

Such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Lens spotlighting him as he walked around it, a face he did not wish to see cast its bewitching eyes of irritancy on him. Kaiser adorning a very fancy dress acting like he was Teyvat's Top Model, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left.

Spotting the owner of Chioriya boutique looking especially unamused by his entrance onto the streets, the hyena let out a gulp. He had gotten in the way, he was about to get an earful for sure. But, the soldier could not help but question as eyes laid upon him. Why were the pesky penguin and she working together? Hadn't they been business rivals? But such thoughts were closed out as if he were hit by a rock.

"You ruined my beautiful photo shoot!" Kaiser shouted, squeaking. "How could you!"

"We'll have to restart it," the Chioriya Boutique owner said, moving her right hand outward.

Giving the duo an apology, the soldier dashed off towards the western street. Why was Kaiser doing a photoshoot now, of all times? How incredibly annoying. There was no way he would be able to reach Palais Mermonia any quicker if the entire street was his domain.

Seeing even more kameras off in the distance, the chimera let out a sigh. Who else was recording something in the capital city today? Weren't there rules about blocking street traffic? There had to have been. But, he supposed it was best to just keep attempting to avoid everything as much as possible. Perhaps, just maybe, the further he went, the less kameras there'd be.

But, as he continue onward throughout the western streets, such had been far from being the case. Spotting Baron and Malika many meters away performing their own sort of photo shoot, the hyena held back the urge to groan. Why was it that wherever he were to walk today, the penguins were everywhere?

Knowing he had to try his best to avoid the spotlight, the chimera attempted with all his might to lower his walk into a tiptoe. Surely, if he were to step around the device, he would not be caught on any sort of tape. Trying to step behind it once more, the hyena approached slowly.

But such had once again been a failure. Surprise kamera from behind shining upon him, the soldier let out a yelp. Did there really need to be so many devices for the sole purpose of catching shots on film? This was quite ridiculous. They only needed one. Technology was baffling.

Baron's eyes soon on him, the early adult held back to urge to slap his palm across his forehead. Was he going to receive yet another unsolicited lecture from them? Whatever it was they were about to say to them, they could save it. He could not care less what they were about to say.

"Could you not?" Baron asked, irritated. "We're shooting something here, don't you see?" But Malika soon added her two mora coins.

"Darling, it's fine, we're not using this take, anyway," Malika replied, shaking her head. As she said such, she covered each and every kamera with a stopper. "There's too much sunlight."

"That's the third time you've said that now," Baron responded, deadpan. "How will anyone be able to see your products in this video if it's too dark? Isn't it unrealistic to expect the light to be accurate?"

The early adult titled his head towards the sky. Just what was going on here today? Why were there so many photoshoots going on all at the same time? Was there some sort of competition split between the Chioriya and Congele boutiques? How unusual for Kaiser to come out on the other side, if such were the case.

Putting a pin in such thoughts, the early adult kept heading towards the southern streets. What did any of this matter to him, anyway? He had nothing to do with any of this whatsoever. He needed to stop getting himself caught up in thoughts about unrelated things.

Attempting to speed his walking up a smidgeon, the early adult groaned as he readied to head near the Aquabus Information Station spotting even more kameras up ahead, the soldier let out a deep throated groan. Was this lens nightmare ever going to end? Who else could have possibly been performing a photoshoot now?

Reaching the area near the fountain, the chimera let out an even deeper groan. Earl parading around dual kameras, a wave of annoyance flowed through him. Why was he doing one, as well? He had hit a triple whammy on inconveniences today. He needed to avoid the worst of the obstacles, at all costs.

But, such was absolutely impossible. Entire area filled to the brim with lenses galore, the hyena surrendered himself to the footage underworld. Earl with an annoyed look on his face, the hyena braced himself for impact. This was it, it was over. The pesky penguin's grating voice will bite his ear off.

"Excuse me! I'm filming something!" Earl exclaimed, annoyed.

But, as Earl turned his head towards the annoying person, everything deep within him changed course almost immediately. Siorc was the one stepping in front of his kameras? He can ruin his photoshoot any time. Maybe he could invite him to join in? He could feel their future wedding photo right about now.

"Oh, hi, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Didn't see you there!" He let out a giggle. "You'd be the perfect model for my shoot! You should join me!"

The early adult's eyebrows twitched. Join the pesky penguin on his photo shoot? Absolutely not. He didn't have time for this sort of thing. But, he knew he should not be rude. Wouldn't telling him no hurt his feelings? He supposed he could let him off gently and give him the closed window of eventually.

"Next time, sir," the hyena responded, back turning. But, he knew he had made a huge mistake using such words.

"Great, I'll let Malika know!" Earl exclaimed.

Holding back the urge to shake his head, the chimera stepped inside the Aquabus Information Station. Heading towards the glass lift in an instant, the hyena stepped inside. Pressing the button for the fourth floor, the soldier waited for the glass box to reach its destination.

Destination soon upon him, the soldier exited the building. Readying himself to move towards the Palais Mermonia, the hyena took a long, deep breath. What kind of information was about to await him when he stepped inside the Iudex's office? He did not know why, but a heavy sense of doom flowed through him.

Melusine at the counter saying the Iudex was expecting him, the early adult blinked. Why did he feel like he had been told that far more often lately? Stepping inside the office, expectant eyes were immediately on him. Seating himself upon the couch, the most important man in Fontaine soon set his paperwork aside, for a moment.

"You are dealing with the fairies around the Belleau Region, no?" the Iudex asked.

Hearing such a question, the early adult could not help but notice the heavy sense of exaggeration used around the word fairies. The Iudex, was he being sarcastic? But, the young soldier threw such thoughts out the window. There was absolutely no way. The Chief Justice was a serious man. Giving him a nod, he soon continued.

"Those 'fairies' are not what they might seem," the Iudex said, shaking his head firmly. "They might get hostile and attack you. Proceed with the utmost of caution."

The early adult's legs shook with a fervor. Why did everything have to always be hostile? He did not quite understand this at all. Couldn't there ever be anything that didn't have the possibility of turning out violent? But, he supposed he should have been used to this by now. Such was the life as a member of the Fatui.

Iudex handing him a rather peculiar looking claymore as a defense tool, the early adult bowed a thank you. Knowing it was time to head back towards the Aquabus, the chimera descended back towards the first floor. Dodging the kameras with all his might, the chimera returned towards the Aquabus station.

As the Aquabus headed off towards the halfway point, he could not help but think. These fairies, they had the abyssal gazelles written all over them. Did these two ever know when to quit? Hadn't they been satisfied enough at this point? But, he supposed evil never sleeps.

Reaching the halfway point at breakneck speed, the early adult jumped off the ledge, like always. Knowing it was go time, the chimera placed his stoning hands upon the ground. Seeing a strange round blue fairy with what appeared to be rabbit ears a cape flying by, the hyena was off to the races. It was time to collect some dust.

Finding a small mason jar in his satchel, the early adult placed the object on the side of his pocket. But, immediately upon placing such object upon his belt, the creature made a fly for it. Creature heading for the beach, the hyena's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Had he been spotted? He needed to catch the creature right away.

As the fairy headed towards the beach, the young soldier let out a scream as he sprinted forward. Why was it already flying away? Did these fairies have some sort of people sensor that scared them? Absolutely ridiculous. He was not out to harm them. He needed to catch up and get their dust right away.

Round creature zipping by the beach, the hyena kept the chase going. Why was it still flying so quickly? Hadn't there been certain types of fairies in Teyvat that acted as guides to adventurers? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. That was merely a story from his stolen childhood. Not all myths and legends were reality.

Fairy zipping around in a circle upon the beach near the water, the soldier blinked. What was this creature doing? Why was it circling the ocean nearby? But, it soon dashed out of the area. Resuming his dash about, the early adult held back the urge to snap his fingers. Was this fairy messing with him?

Sprinting out of the beach, the fairy let out a dust cloud as its flight of fancy only got quicker. Seeing such, the hyena let out a howl. This creature was definitely messing with him. If it was a race that it wanted, it was a race that it would get. Placing his hands upon the road once more, he brushed his currently human leg on the ground as if he were one of the missing horses in Mondstadt.

But, the opponent did not take kindly to such challenge. Creature speeding up even further, the early adult swore he could hear the fairy say it's going to win. But, the early shook his head. No way it just said that. He was hearing things. Fae creature only getting further away, the soldier sped up his running speed.

As the chimera stomped on through the west slopes, the fairy would not let up the chase even for a second. Realizing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. Did it not want its dust taken from him? He supposed he understood such, but he needed to gather it, no matter what. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

Clawing his way through the west slopes for minutes on end, the opponent in the chase ahead picked up the pace even further. Breath dying as he kept sprinting, the early adult halted his movement, for a moment. Panting up a storm, the chimera performed his breathing exercises, for a moment.

Getting back into gear, the hyena kept the chase going. This fairy, he would collect its dust and gather its spoils of war even if he had to beg for it. Poisson getting closer and closer with every sprint ahead, the soldier shouted. He would catch this fairy. The dust would be his, for the taking.

Fae creature zipping around in a circle as the west slopes were further left behind, the hyena reversed the position of his legs. Perhaps, just maybe, if he ran towards a ledge, it wouldn't know what hit it. Resolute on his decision, the chimera adjusted his movement.

But, such had been an utter failure. Fairy seeing his ploy from a kilometer away, the soldier's jaw dropped open. What was this creature, psychic? What a formidable opponent, indeed. But, the soldier would not give up hope. The boat, surely, if he ran towards the boat in the corner, it would be caught in a trap.

Such had been a failure, as well. Fairy not flying near the inactive vehicle, either, the hyena snapped his fingers. This creature was far too smart for him. He was outmatched, bamboozled, one upped. Creature flying around the boat, the soldier swore the fae creature blew a raspberry at him.

Creature not letting up the chase, the chimera headed off towards Poisson. Surely, it would get tired eventually. It had to have barely any energy left. Chase opponent lowering itself towards him, a shocking sight to behold soon played out in front of the hyena's very mismatched eyes.

Fairy flying off towards Aigre, the hyena halted his run, for a moment. Why was it running towards the childish sea lion, or mermaid, rather? But, he supposed mermaids had their ways of bewitching other creatures. But, the early adult popped such thought with a pin. What was he thinking? There was no way she had the power to do such a thing.

"Yay!! A fairy!!" Aigre exclaimed. She then turned towards sissie, sisser and their boss. "See, sissie, sisser and boss lady, I told you there were fairies!!"

The hyena blinked of bewilderment as the fairy sat in Aigre's hands all docile. What in the world was going on here. Why did the fae creature let itself be caught by her so easily? Bain and Kali shaking their heads at one another, the chimera did so in tandem. Had they had enough of their sister's constant shenanigans? He supposed he didn't blame them.

Demoiselle placing her hands on her chin as she pondered something for a moment, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had she always been in Poisson? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. It was none of his business under any circ*mstance. He needed to stop letting his mind wander. But, an inquiry soon brought him back to Teyvat.

"There was a treasure hunt, right?" the Demoiselle asked.

"You mean the one the adventurer's guild posted, -----?" Bain asked. A name had been said, but the chimera could not hear it.

"Um, what treasure hunt?" Kali asked, eyebrows rose. But, chaos soon broke.

Seeing Mauve holding a jar against his belt, Aigre's face beamed like the sunlight. Was Mauve going on a treasure hunt, too? He needed to go with her! Eight eyes were better than four. This was a match made in Celestia. It was time to go on a treasure hunt with her crewmate!

"Yay, treasure hunt!" Aigre cheered. She then grabbed Mauve's hand. "C'mon Mauve, let's go!!"

Aigre dragging him towards the ladder, the hyena let out a sigh. No matter how many times he were to be in Poisson, the youngest sea lion sister, or mermaid, rather, would drag him down into all her shenanigans. But, he supposed he already had to hunt for treasure anyway, he may as well just go with the flow. But, as he had been dragged along, feet chased after them.

"Aigre, stop!" Bain exclaimed, huffing. "Don't get a stranger you barely know involved in your games!"

"Aigre, he um, has better things to do, I think!" Kali shouted, huffing. "Please, um, let go of his hand!"

"He's looking too, sissie and sisser!" Aigre called back. "It's fine!"

The hyena let out a sigh. He knew that if he let go of Aigre's hand, she would probably make a scene. He knew, he could not allow for such to happen under any circ*mstance. Placing his free hand out in front of him as he turned his head back, he curled his fingers into an okay symbol. Sea lion sisters shrugging in unison, the group moved forward.

Aigre saying Monsieur Azul would give up some of his dust before they chased after his friends, the soldier opened up his jar. Glittery nonsense dropping down into the container, sweat poured down the chimera's back. Was this thing a glitter eater? How peculiar. Closing the lid, the group was off to the races.

Spotting another fairy off in the distance, everyone had begun running. Fae creature flying off like the last one, the soldier let go of Aigre's palm. He had to chase it before it got too far away, without question. Legs breaking off into a sprint, the soldier let out a battle cry.

Creature looking ready to fly towards the West Slopes, the chimera prepared himself for the run of a lifetime. Why did these creatures like flying away so quickly? The Iudex had to have been wrong about them being not what they seemed. They were just a nuisance.

Hearing Kali from behind him ask why are they moving so fast, the early adult could not help but agree with such inquiry. Why had they been moving so quickly? But, he supposed the creatures just did not wish to be caught under any circ*mstance. But, he knew it would be caught eventually.

Quartet getting closer towards the West Slopes with every single step, the creature soon flew around in a circle. Seeing such the hyena readied for action. Was it slowing itself down? Now was the time to make his move. Placing himself on the ground, the chimera prepared himself to roll around into a ball like a certain blue hedgehog from another universe.

But, such action never came. Aigre getting a running head start, he swore he could hear her tell the fairy to come over to them. Fae creature being surprisingly obedient, the hyena's eyes opened wide. Did she have some sort of magic powers over small beings? Chase opponent immediately tamed and flying towards him, the mermaid's alluring voice kicked in.

"Okay, Monsieur Bleu, put the dusty in Mauve's jarry!" Aigre said to the fairy.

Fairy surprisingly obeying Aigre's every command, the soldier backed six steps away as golden dust had been dropped into his mason jar. Did Aigre and these creatures have some sort of special connection with one another? The pirate's life was quite the unusual one, for sure. But, as the creature finished its dusting, something came up from underneath the dirt.

Treasure chest popping out of nowhere, the chimera jumped six further steps back. Where in the world had this trove come from? Walking towards it, the hyena opened up the container. Spotting rusty old coins alongside a robotic core, the hyena tilted his head in bewilderment. When did this get here, and how? Was the fairy a compass, or something?

Knowing Her Majesty would rather have the robotic core over the worthless pieces of copper, the soldier placed the treasure in his satchel. Aigre telling her invisible pirate crew she had found doubloons, they had been scooped up into her pockets. Blue fairy soon flying off towards the distance as the trove vanished, another soon appeared out of nowhere.

Fae creature flying off towards the south, everyone had sped up their running. But, as everyone had done so, the soldier could not help but wonder. Why did these fairies enjoy being chased so much? He could not help but feel the warning he had received many hours prior had fallen on deaf ears. There was absolutely nothing hostile about these race opponents whatsoever.

Opponent looking like it was heading off towards the beach, the soldier swore he could hear Bain tell Kali to prepare themselves to transform at any given moment. Hearing such, the early adult prepared himself to dive down to the ocean below. Fairies could go underwater? He was definitely in trouble, if such were the case.

Aigre picking up more speed as she ran, Bain and Kali sped up towards her. Seeing them tell her to slow down, the fairy isn't going anywhere, the soldier broke out into a sweat. What would happen if it did go somewhere? But, he knew they were just saying that to attempt at quelling her.

Beach getting closer with every single step, the soldier picked up the pace. But, as he kept running, questions flowed through him. Why did Her Majesty need this useless gold dust for, anyway? But, he supposed that was her problem. He knew he wasn't allowed to question Her Majesty's orders.

Reaching the beach, the soldier swore he could hear static coming from the fairy. Hearing such, a wave of bewilderment flowed through him. What was that he heard just now? He had to have been hearing things. But, such tricks had only continued as an unknown voice played out upon the sands.

"Kids, why are you chasing me?!" the fairy asked. Its voice was very grizzly.

"We're on a fairy treasure hunt!" Aigre called out with naivety.

"You what?!" the fairy asked with disgust. But, static soon kicked in.

"Play along!" a very faint voice cried underneath static.

Siorc scratched his ears for a moment. Did the fairy just talk, or was he in a daydream? He could have sworn he had heard another voice on top of such. But, he supposed he heard youkai talking the other day, faceless fairies with capes being able to talk as well wasn't too farfetched.

"Ugh, fine!" the fairy shouted. It then turned its eyeless head. "You, there, open up your jar and I'll give you my dust!"

Fairy acting as if it was demanding him to open the lid up, the soldier did as instructed. Creature breathing nasty choice words under its breath as it laid down its golden dust inside his jar, the hyena held back the urge to drop his jaw open. What an incredibly rude creature. Was it that much of a bother to drop down the golden particles?

Chest appearing as the fae creature flew off into the distance, Aigre soon looted the dough. Everything collected, a surprise kicked itself up into overdrive. Multiple fairies colored pink, green, yellow and purple flying off towards the eastern direction, everyone had begun the chase.

Creatures only getting faster as the hyena attempted to approach them, the chimera could feel a target painted upon his back. Why were they flying away quicker upon him coming near them? Were his stoned fingers a magnet with only negative poles that drove creatures away from him?

Fairy trail getting longer the further east the quartet went, the soldier blinked. When had there been more of them? Did these fae creatures have the ability to multiply? But, the early adult threw such thoughts out the door. They were not insects. Perhaps, just maybe, more were hiding.

Dashing through the east slopes, the trail did not grow in numbers for several minutes. Aigre calling out to the fairies to wait for her, she sped up her walking speed. Army of creatures flying slower as she said such, the soldier attempted to catch up as the young lady's calls kept on going. Eventually catching up, the army stopped.

But, such quick halt of movement led to a disaster. Metallic barricade popping out from underneath the ground, the soldier could feel himself being pulled towards it. Fairy army soon laughing, the door soon shut on him. Lock shackled on, another surprise soon awaited.

Fairies soon wiggling their ears, a hare monster that looked like a night creature soon appeared. Seeing such, the hyena's eyes opened wide. What did this creature just do?! Banging on the cage, the shut door rattled. Creatures crying out if he wants to get out, their friends have to be beat first, the soldier slumped down onto the ground. He was a prisoner of the fairy wars, a hostage of the fae. He was doomed.

"Meanies!" Aigre cried.

Aigre taking out her scythe, the hare monster had soon been cut to ribbons. Bain and Kali cleaning up the mess as they joined in, the hyena removed his glasses. Was such combat necessary? But, it was not fair to judge how other people fought. Cage soon opening, the early adult crawled out from his temporary imprisonment.

Entire army of chase opponents soon admitting defeat an entire sea of dust had been added to the soldier's jar. Troves of robotic cores and coins collected, as well, the chimera gazed at the container, for a moment. Jar about halfway full, he shook it, for a moment.

Spotting some creatures flying off towards the eastern island in the corner, more questions arose within the soldier's mind. These creatures, could they even swim? He did not know why, but they did not look like they were able to traverse water very well. Would this chase even be worth it?

Singular fairy flying over the water, Aigre soon transformed. Swimming across the lake without any effort, the soldier clicked his tongue. How unfair, she was going to swim across? But, he threw such thoughts away. She was a semi aquatic chimera. He needed to let it go.

Bain and Kali swimming ahead, as well, the early adult placed his heelless shoes in the water. He supposed he had no choice but to hop across. Fairy flying around a circle once more, the chimera had begun his submerged leap of faith. Surely, this game of chase would soon end.

Aigre able to tame the fairy for what felt like the tenth time today, most dust had been added to his collection. Creature flying shortly after, the soldier blinked. How was she still able to do all this like it was absolutely nothing? Whatever power she had, it was beyond his recognition. But, as he kept thinking to himself, a voice brought him back to reality.

"The last treasure is underwater!" Aigre cried, pointing. "Let's go!"

Aigre diving as soon as she said such, the soldier sifted through his bag, for a moment. Removing his diving equipment, the hyena prepared to be absorbed into his fat suit of blubber. Commotion kicking up in speed as he had done so, the chimera turned his head towards the cacophony.

"Aigre, slow down a little!" Bain shouted.

"Um, Bain? She's already gone?" Kali said in a questioning tone.

"We have to catch to her!" Bain shouted. She then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, sorry! We're going ahead!"

Sea lion sisters diving downward, the soldier shook his head. It was only treasure. What was the worst that could happen? But, he supposed it was better to be safe than sorry. Everything on, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. Mind and suit synced up, he took the drop downward towards the seabed below.

Sea lion trio already quite far ahead of him, the early adult had the diving suit thrust him westward on turbo mode. How could they have already swam so far away? But, he supposed those who had natural capabilities in the water world saw their speed as completely normal.

Party of three heading off towards Salaica Plain, the chimera pressed harder on the turbo button, jet stream kicking up speed, the early adult held back the urge to scream. His suit had been going too fast, he had to have been making far too much noise. The fish were definitely disturbed right about now.

Soon catching up to the sibling trio, Bain shook her head back and forth. Soon told he didn't have to try so hard to catch up, they would have waited for him either way, a fairy soon came out of hiding. Bain soon halting her words as Aigre dashed off again, another chase soon began.

Creature swimming away on the stream, the early adult attempted with all his might to have the diving suit thrust him towards it. But, such had soon proven to be difficult as he kept going. Whiffing up a rancid scent upon the water, the chimera's breath grew tight. Where had this nasty stench come from all of a sudden? Had the frog chimera been out of Annaipausis again? But, the early adult threw such thought towards a window. It was rude to jump to such conclusions and assume things.

Peculiar metallic trail of bubbles appearing behind the fairy, a wave of suspicion flowed through the soldier. What was this creature? He couldn't help but recall what the Iudex said: the fairies were not what they seemed. This one, could it be one of those forest boar's in Hilichurl's clothing? He needed to prepare himself for anything that was about to happen.

But, such chase up north had been halted by a sight he did not wish to see. Undersea penguin duo swimming onto the scene towards the Thalatta Submarine Canyon passageway, the soldier steeled himself for violence to be awarded to him for his presence underwater.

Seeing Ritchie Rich bewitch those annoying sea lions from the surface world and bring down a fake little Seelie to boot, Vidame was seeing red. How dare this fiendish villain think he can bring down his dirty little minions down here. His faux fairy creature was not welcome down here, and neither was he. It was time to once again remind him he wasn't allowed down here.

Watching as Ritchie Rich swimming across the water bed playing games with his stupid little fake robot fairy pal, Domini was about to let loose all of his pent up rage and then some. How dare Ritchie Ritch think he can bring down even more of his pollutants down here with him. He'll pay for such disgusting crimes.

"Ritchie Rich, how dare you bring down your disgusting garbage down here!" Vidame screeched. "You'll pay!"

Hearing Vidame's words, the early adult tilted his head towards the seabed ceiling. What in the world was this angry penguin talking about? What garbage? If they meant him, he would not stand for such. But, he knew that was not what they meant. Turning his head for a moment, he gazed at the fairy in the corner.

The thorn in his side, did she mean the fairy? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. It was not his garbage. It had floated down here itself. But, he knew it wasn't worth wasting his breath over. He wasn't about to let them attack him today for something he did not do.

"Idiot Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted. "Helooooooooooo, it's right next to you! That trash over there!" He pointed his flippers towards the fairy. "That little fake fairy of yours! It's a fraud! How dare you bring that toxic waste down here!"

Hearing the words toxic waste, the hyena scratched his head. These two, were they messing with him? He knew they both despised him with all their being, but if this was a joke to have him meet his end, this was going too far. But, such thoughts were wishful thinking.

Blinding light soon engulfing the fairy, a transformation took place before everyone's very eyes. Meka oozing out poisons aplenty, the rancid scent had become tenfold. Lungs tightening up as the scent only got stronger, a battle broke out from around him. But, his participation immediately rescinded.

Oxygen levels dropping, the world around the soldier spun. His air tank, had Domini punctured it? Stench overtaking him, the soldier's view in front of him soon turned black. Gasping for breaths as he fell backwards, the land of unconsciousness took the soldier away. Everything going silent and dark, one last thought took the hyena away.

What was that horrible stench?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The cycle would loop and repeat, flipflopping itself over the rewind and fast forward in constant motion as the evening slipped into the later hours. The night before him would only continue the torment fourfold.

Before him had been the basket of a hot air balloon. Floating away on the wind, the soldier could not help but wonder. Where in the dream world could he have been this time? He had never been airborne in a balloon before. What was going on? But, there was no room for answers in the land of the subconscious.

Hearing a loud boom, the hyena turned his attention towards the simulated noise. What was that just now, where did that racket just come from? But what awaited him was a sight of horror. Hilichurls in a balloon adjacent to his with cannonballs aboard, the chimera's dream body had become as hard as rock.

Hilichurl lighting up the wick underneath, doom loomed over the soldier. It was already over, he was about to become a victim of the sky any dream second now. He was toast, cooked, done for. Flaming ball of doom coming towards the vehicle's head, the soldier prepared himself for his dream life to be extinguished once more.

Flaming ball decimating the balloon within seconds, the basket fell backwards. Removed from the shelter within seconds, the hyena let out a scream. Had he been transported into a hot air balloon warzone? He had lost the battle, the game, everything. Hilichurls soon getting their crossbows ready, the one sided fight kicked into overdrive.

Flaming arrows coming the soldier's way one after another as his dream body fell downwards, the soldier closed his subconscious eyes. It was over. He was about to become a shooting star. Flaming arrows baking him deep, the early adult's body had begun to fall faster towards the ground.

Uniform burning faster as the ground kept getting further away, the soldier waved the invisible white flag. He was burning too brightly, he was going to become a white dwarf and die out any second now. Flames soon becoming blue, the chimera let out a scream that could have penetrated into reality.

Dream wind thrusting him downward, the chimera let out another sea of shouts. What was this? Why was the dream world always fighting against him. Hilichurls bringing down their flaming arrows once again, the soldier swore he was about to explode as a neutron star and become a black hole.

Feeling himself burn out as the ground around him caught on fire, the early adult closed his dream eyes. Subconscious energy reducing itself to nothing, the world around him had begun to fade. As the weight around him collapsed, the soldier could feel himself become a white dwarf. Everything within him about to burn out, the chimera embraced the dream death about to take him away.

He will never fly.

Why was this happening to him?


"It's getting worse now.
These stone finger of mine.

I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared.
Something is happening to me.

Every day I wake up now, I am
Very terrified.
Every day I wake up
Now, I fear there will be more stone upon me.

Why is this happening to me? I am becoming
Obsidian. No. Noctilucous Jade.
Really, it doesn't matter,
Soon, I will be a statue.
Everything is breaking. No. I am

Taking this too seriously. I am
Overthinking. Surely, it'll go away if I wash my hands. Yes, Yes, I am just
Dirty. That's it. Unclean.
All I have to do is scrub this all away!
Yes, that's it, scrub it all away."

Waking up in a place unknown to him, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Where was he? What happened when he had been knocked unconscious? But, he knew he couldn't ask such questions. Such was forbidden. He needed to get up and out of bed and get ready for whatever workday were to await him.

But, as the soldier pulled the covers off of him, the horrifying event from yesterday gained its less acclaimed sequel. Left fingertips black now as well, the early adult let out a loud scream. What was happening to him? Why was his left hand rocky now, too? He needed to find a sink right now, this instant. But, he could soon hear loud footsteps run towards the room of the unknown.

"Siorc, is something the matter?" Bain asked, concerned.

Immediately realizing he had been in the sea lion's home, the soldier bowed an apology. Shaking his head, the early adult placed his hands behind his back. Bain giving him a look of suspicion as he had done such, the hyena mouthed the word sink. Told there had been one in the kitchen, the early adult headed towards it. This was his chance to be cleansed of the dirt and grime.

Twisting the nobs upon the sink, the chimera placed his palms underneath the geyser. Swishing his hands underneath with soap and water, the rush took the soldier away. But, such quick cleanse had done nothing. Fingertips remaining as greyish black as night, fear creeped up on the hyena.

Kali soon setting down the breakfast plates, fish awaited the party of four. Everyone guzzling down on their meals, the hyena munched away. But, as he had done so, the hyena flinched. Was it just him, or did everything taste like crystal? Eyes on him, the chimera finished the meal, sharp taste burning. Wasting foo someone worked hard to make was a crime.

Everyone's meals finished, a knock soon hit the door. Bain saying she'll get it, the Demoiselle and a ginger Fatui waited from the other side of the entranceway. Seeing such, the soldier stood to his feet. Was it time for work? He needed to prepare himself for his orders, no matter what.

"Your friend's boss was looking for him," the Demoiselle said.

"Friends?" Bain asked. "Ah, no, Demoiselle, we barely know him. But, I'll go get him." Running towards the kitchen table, she turned around, she then lowered her voice into a whisper. "Your boss is over there."

Bain coming over to him, the soldier ran towards the door. How did this ginger Fatui know where to look for him? His proxy map he wasn't allowed to use in Fontaine, did it have some sort of tracking device in it? But, he knew there was no time to get lost in thought. Eyes soon on the woman's mask, she soon spoke.

"Stone hydras have appeared everywhere!" the ginger Fatui exclaimed. "Your boss couldn't make it here today, so he told me to pass along a message to you to go fight them!"

Ginger Fatui telling him he would be fighting stone hydras, the hyena's eyes opened wide. How was he supposed to fight a dragon? His heart skipped a beat as he thought about such. There was absolutely no way he could do that. Not a chance. He was far too weak in his current state. But, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Oooh! Dragon slaying!" Aigre exclaimed, awestruck. "Count me in!"

"Aigre, leave this to the grownups!" Bain scolded.

"Um, Bain, don't you, uh, think this job is too much for grownups, too?" Kali asked. But, the Demoiselle soon added herself to the conversation.

"Actually, from what I've heard these dragons are weak to Geo," the Demoiselle said. "She should go. I have to go to Fleuve Cendre to help someone out." An apology had soon been added to the end of her sentence.

"Alright, Aigre, you can dragon slaying, I guess," Kali said reluctantly. She then turned towards, what was his name, Skirt? Skirt, right. "Uh, Skirt, right? Don't exhaust yourself this time, okay?"

Bain insisting she and Kali go with Aigre and he, the early adult shrugged. He supposed the power of four was better than the power of two. Everyone exiting out of the house, the Ginger Fatui whispered in his ear that a few appeared beside the beach. Knowing that was his cue to head back towards that area, the chimera readied to exit the seaside village.

But, as the soldier had begun walking behind the party of three in front of him, an intense sea of worry washed him away. His body, was it going to be turned to stone soon? His fingertips had already been gone. What was next? Would everything become rocky? It was only a matter of time before he was a statue.

As the party of four walked through the west slopes, another intense wave of doom flowed through him. The Agent, if he found out about this, would he have his fingers removed and replaced with robots ones? His knees buckled as he thought such. There was no way he could let anyone find out what was currently afflicting him. He had to keep it to himself.

But, the hyena's thoughts only continued to intensify as the sand drew closer. What if he was contagious? Bain, Kali, Aigre, the Agent, the Demoiselle and everyone else that had gone near him, were they about to have their fingertips become rocky, as well? If such were going to happen, it was his fault.

Beach only a mere seventy meters away, his thoughts intensified. The abyssal gazelles, did they curse him? While such was outlandish, he knew such possibility existed. The curse, could it affect others? Everyone around him was in jeopardy if that were the case. But, his thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud roar.

Finding a large serpentine dragon made entirely out of stone and crystal bits, the hyena backed ten steps away. This dragon, had it been afflicted with the Noctilutcous Jade, too? He needed to get rid of it and end its suffering. Sifting through his bag, for a moment, the soldier removed his borrowed greatsword from his satchel.

Peculiar pitch black claymore seated in his hands, doom loomed over the hyena. Had his blade been turned to stone, as well? He was spreading his rocky influence on everything, for sure. But, he immediately snapped himself out of it. What was he thinking? He needed to start fighting right now.

Aigre letting out a battle cry as she released her scythe, the power of Geo compelled her. Rocky attacks thrusted towards the enemy, Bain and Kali brought their scythes to the table, as well. Combined efforts of the trio in front of him causing shields to explode aplenty, multiple openings had created themselves.

Terrifying Pyro, Electro and Geo shaking hands with one another, the hyena placed his greatsword in front of him. Slashing forward with full force, the early adult let out a battle cry. Stone breaking away, the dragon let out a pained roar as the fight kept going.

Aigre letting down the final blow, the creature had become nothing but a pile of rocks. Minerals falling down in the ocean, she let out a cheer. But, such celebrations were cut short. Hearing a rather loud disturbing noise off in the distance, the party of four had begun running north.

But, as the quartet had kept running on ahead, a shocking sight awaited everyone. Multiple hydras slinking around the area at high speed, the soldier sped up his running speed. Why were these dragons slithering so fast? But, they soon stopped themselves as Aigre approached.

Aigre screaming it was time for some dragon slaying, every single hydra let a roar one after another. Hearing such, the early adult backed four steps away. What in the world was she saying that for? She was going to rile them all up in no time. Creatures coming towards her, the chimera shook his head. She had gotten herself into quite the pickle, for sure.

Hydras attempting to twist themselves up to become a six headed dragon, the early adult's eyes opened wide. These monsters, were they able to fuse together and become one? He needed to make sure such was never able to come to pass. Readying himself for the fight ahead, the chimera placed himself into a battle stance.

Aigre focusing her attention on the furthest away hydra and the sea lion sisters dashing off towards further serpentine monsters, the chimera steeled himself. These dragons, would he even be able to defeat them without the power of Geo on his side? He knew he had to try it.

But, as his greatsword swiped towards the Hydra, the soldier swore he had hit a wall. Attempting to strike again, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. This dragon, was its stone as hard as a sheet of metal? If such were the case, he was done for, finished. There was absolutely no way he would be able to win such a fight.

Attempting with all his might to break through the metal shields, the soldier let out a grunt. Just what kind of stone were these creatures made out of, White Iron Chunks? Surely, his claymore would be able to cut such a thing. Harder, he needed to swing harder. Surely, that would do it.

But, such had proven to be the wrong move, as well. Nothing happening whatsoever the harder he swung, the chimera could feel his will float away. Had this creature been made of platinum? There was no way his sword would be able to penetrate through such if such were the case.

Hearing Aigre scream out a battle cry from the distance, a large rock attack overtook the battlefield. Every single Hydra locked into some sort of stun, a slaying for the century took the area by a firestorm. Horrifying anchor of flames soon summoned from Bain's vision of terror, the soldier closed his eyes.

Group of dragons burning away as their rocky bodies melted, the soldier charged forward. Enemies defeated one after another as the group of four ganged together, piles of rocks fell to the ground in succession of one another. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. These serpentine creatures, had they just been rocks who had come alive? He could not help but feel that had to have been possible.

Hearing even louder roars off towards the east, the quartet ran off as fast as their currently human legs could carry them. Spotting multiple rocky hydras once again trying wreck havoc upon the neighboring Morte Region, Bain soon aired out her grievances for everyone to hear them.

"What's going on here lately?" Bain asked out loud. "This is tiring."

"Um, weren't you saying 'leave this one to the grownups' earlier?" Kali reminded her. "You're, um, not setting a very good example right now."

"You're right, sorry," Bain responded, shaking her head. "Let's get rid of these creatures."

But, the hydras before the group had multiple screws loose upon their head. Creatures spitting out a large amount of water upon the ground, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What in the world were these creatures doing? Whatever attack they were trying to do, it was quite ridiculous, for sure.

Foolish dragons slipping and falling into their own trap, the chimera crossed his arms across his waist. Where in the world did these creature's intelligence go? Wherever it was, it had definitely left the building. He hardly would need his blade to take these ones out, for sure.

Closing his eyes for a moment, his stony hands had soon become rocky hyena paws. Greasy minerals clamping down hard, the soldier flinched. The texture, why did it feel so different all of a sudden? But, the hyena attempted to numb such. He couldn't let the pain devour him. He had to take these creatures out and return them back to the rock piles they once were.

Hydra soon attempting to sneak up on him from behind, the soldier let out a high pitched scream. Tail brushing up against the creature, the chimera's claws had soon done the rest of the talking. Creature as wet as rain, his talons had not met their match. First creature returning to its rocky form of nothing, the hyena's dragon slaying continued.

Sea lion trio from afar doing their own battles, the soldier's slaying continued for minutes on end. Claws as mighty as the sword, the soldier wondered as the second creature had been slain. These dragons, had their defenses been destroyed by their own pitfall? Just how many braincells did they have? They had to have about as many as a rock.


Moving towards the third hydra that was slippery abound, the chimera's claws and tails had soon done their bidding. Rock piles falling down upon the ground one after another, the early adult let out a tired sigh. Slaying dragons was quite the tiring business. Bain, Aigre and Kali slaying the rest, as well, another roar had been heard near the ruins further east.

Trio in front of him running off towards the island to the right, the hyena had begun to straggle behind. Closing his eyes, for a moment, his hyena paws returned to rocky human form, but as he attempted to catch up with everyone, a sea of dooming thoughts overpowered him.

His stony hands could they have been laying their curse upon the monsters? If that was indeed the case, there was no way he could let himself win in such a way. Was that a fair battle? It couldn't have possibly been, in the slightest, for any given reason. But, his thoughts only continued to worsen as he continued.

How much longer would it take for him to become stone? Days, weeks, moments? He did not know, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread loom over. He would become a Noctiluctous Jade statue. Any day now, any second now. His moments were numbered.

But, the soldier's thoughts were cut short as Bain called after him. Hearing such, the soldier flinched. What was he doing, allowing himself to get lost in thought like this? He was on the nonexistent clock right now. He had to get ready for the next battle. He needed to stop thinking about his body's future possible state. Surely, at some point, this would all go away.

A brand new building awaited the soldier.

Humongous hydra the size of two buildings stacked up on top of one another, the early adult backed ten steps away. What was this creature, the God of all Hydras? This creature looked like something straight out of an Inazuman light novel like a certain gigantic lizard monster from another universe.

Creature letting out a roar that shook the world beneath them, the early adult's eyes twitched. Was beating this monster even possible? The soldier could feel his will begin to sway. There was no way this could be possible to beat. But, his thoughts were cut short as the serpentine creature's crooked its head towards the sky.

Rock storm coming up front and center, the early adult jumped from left to right. Meteoric rise continuing for minutes on end, the soldier kept on leaping. Placing his blade out in front of him, the chimera prepared himself. This creature had projectile attacks. Surely, he could knock them back towards their owner.

Stoney projectiles coming the quartet's way, everyone else soon had their weapons out in front of them. Multiple rocks raining down from the heavens, the soldier jumped seven steps back. Swinging his greatsword as if it were a bat, the minerals went charging back.

Creature reaping what it had sewn, Bain, Kali and Aigre to copy such actions. Rocks hurdled back, as well, the soldier swore he could hear some peculiar noises in the background. Monster regaining strength far faster than he accounted for, high speed boulders had come down from the sky one after another. But, as such went on, a shout filled the air.

"Captain Vert, it's too powerful!" Aigre shouted. "Please, give me strength to continue!"

Small boulder hitting him from behind, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. But, when he opened them again, the soldier swore he could see a green haired man adorning an eyepatch and pirate hat. Seeing such, confusion nibbled on the hyena's ear. Aigre's imaginary friends, could he see them?

But, as the soldier closed his eyes and opened them once more, such figure was gone. Had he been seeing things? The projectile thrown his way must have made him tired. Surely, that had to have been it. Attempting to regain focus, the chimera placed his greatsword out in front of him once more.

Rocky onslaught continuing to press on, the soldier bounced back as much of the attacks as he could muster. Creature looking weaker as the bounces kept on going, the soldier ready to aim for the lower body. Slashing through the rock with every amount of energy that remained, the hyena grunted up a storm. Opening finally there, he pressed on. But, as his efforts continued, a battle cry took the stage.

"I am a pirate!!" Aigre cried. "Hear me roar!!" As she said such, she let out a roar.

Aigre leaping up in the air, scythe tilted, her weapon sliced and diced as if she were transported into a world where grey ravens were punished. Curved blade quickly infused with the power of Geo, she soon called herself the dragon slayer once more as the final blow dealt itself in spades.

Cut of the lamb done and over with, a rocky rain dropped down from the sky. Stones looking ready to decimate him, the soldier dashed away from the area of debris. Bain and Kali doing so as well, no casualties of war had been delivered. Aigre celebrating her victory with her invisible pirate crew, the soldier stared off into space.

But, as his thoughts passed through him, an intense wave of fatigue flowed through him. Feeling such, the soldier's body sagged forward like a lumpy pillow. Where had this sudden tiredness come from? The art of battling was quite energy draining, indeed. Knowing he would drop like a fly at any given moment, he attempted to pick himself back up.

Such, however, was impossible. Energy dropping to an all time low, the hyena could feel himself begin to wobble. Bain catching him as he stumbled, the soldier blinked. Had he ever been this tired after a battle before? Maybe he had used far more energy than he had bargained for today.

"Are you alright?" Bain asked. But no such answer ever came for minutes on end. "We're talking you home. Alright. Bear with us."

Bain grabbing ahold of him, the soldier could feel himself fade away. Why were they taking him back to their home? Shouldn't he just teleport back to Snezhnaya? But, the soldier's fingers would not move towards his back pocket. His palms why weren't they moving in the direction he wanted them to? Unable to break free from the grip, the escort continued. Placed into a guestroom bed, the early adult closed his eyes immediately. World of sleep almost immediately taking him away, one final question let itself out.

What's happening to him?


Dreaming continued its never ending cycle of torment within the soldier's subconscious mind. The pattern would reverse and repeat, looping backwards and forwards with every single successful day passing within his lifetime. The loop would continue in the night before him as well.

Before him had been nothing but the sky. But what awaited him below was a world of terror all its own. Feeling a simulated sense of heat, the chimera creaked his head downward. Magma chamber down below growing closer and closer with every given step, the hyena's dream heart beat harder and faster.

Almost fifty meters away from the pit of doom, the soldier could not help but wonder. The dream world, why had it already been terrifying? Surely, there had to have been some sort of timer before the terrors were to take center stage within the not reality presented before him. But, he supposed there was no such things as rules in the land of the sleep.

Attempting with all his might to escape the clutches of the sky, the hyena attempted to push his dream body towards the opposite direction. But, such had been an utter failure for dream minutes on end. Trajectory towards the heated pool of death streaking closer, his pathway to freedom had been locked.

Body burning up like a meteorite in the sky, a scream almost penetrated into reality. It was over. He was about to become one with the fiery mountain's center. Any second now, and he would be melted, gone, a corpse amongst the dead. It was too late, he was doomed, a goner, as good as dead within the dream world.

Closing his eyes as he continued to tumble down, the soldier accepted his dream fate. This was it. He was about to be burned, like he always was. The dream world, why couldn't it ever be kind to him? But, he supposed that had been asking for too much. Such would never happen, not even if he begged for it.

Simulated sense of heat eating him alive, the soldier's currently human legs had become the first sacrifice of many. Bone melting away as the magma scorched him, the hyena let out another scream that penetrated into reality. The pain, why did it feel so real. Was he truly dreaming? The lines, they were blurring together.

Entire body readying itself to become a sacrifice, the soldier's dream thoughts had begun to race. Heat laughing at him as entire dream being had begun to burn away, the flames ate the soldier up like a plate of caldou. The world was melting, burning disappearing before his every dream eyes.

Currently human hands melted away to bone, the soldier could hear the final trumpet call for him. Dream eyes closing shut as his dream body perished for what felt like the third night in a row, everything within the dream world had grown black. As his final moments within the dream snuck up on him from behind, one final thought melted with him inside the fiery mountain of doom.

Dreams are terrifying.


"It's getting worse,
This curse, it

Has begun to get worse.
And I am scared. What is happening?
Soon, I'll be completely hardened.

Get to work while I still can before I am a statue.
Oh, who am I kidding? When I am one, I will have
To work through it.
That's right, I won't have a choice.
Even if I am a statue, I know I'll
Never stop being Her Majesty's pawn.

Why did the Abyss Gazelles do this to me? Revenge,
Obviously, but. This can't be. Please, exact a different kind of
Revenge. This is terrifying,
Scary. This Noctiluctous Jade, it's
Eating me.

I am being consumed by this toxic crystal.

And soon, I
Might be no more. No, no, no, don't

Say that. Don't think that. This
Curse, yes, this curse, it'll go
Away when the gazelles are satisfied! When their
Revenge is fulfilled. Yes, that's it. That's it!
Everything makes sense. Surely, that's the answer.
Don't panic, this'll all soon be over."

Waking up the next morning, the horror of reality awaited him once more. Lifting himself up from the covers, the early adult almost fell off the guest bed at the sight before him. All ten of his currently human fingers pitch black with tiny bits of blue jade in them, the hyena's heart skipped more than ten beats. What was happening? Why was it continuing to grow? He would be a statue any day now.

But, the soldier shook such fears away. He didn't have time for this. He had work ahead of him, for sure. Surely, once the gazelle's revenge was satisfied, the stone upon him would crumble away. That had to have been it. He needed to stop letting himself get so worried about a temporary problem. Stepping towards the door, Bain awaited him.

"There's a reporter waiting for you by the door," Bain said arms across her waist. "I would hurry. They seem? Impatient."

Knowing he had to make haste, the soldier stepped outside the door. Seeing a person in a brown suit with a hat to match, the soldier blinked. He was in the presence of a reporter alright. This person, what could they possibly want from him? If they wanted to interview him. No comment, next question.

"Siorc, right?" the reporter asked.

Hearing a very familiar voice, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. The ginger Fatui? Who in the world did she think she was fooling pretending to be a reporter? He wasn't buying it, not one bit. She needed to get better at disguising herself before she even stood a chance at not getting caught. But, despite such holes, he gave her a nod.

"Great. I have a job for you!" the 'reporter' exclaimed. "There's been some conspiracies reported! We need a young person to do some myth busting!"

The soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. This Fatui, just what was she hiding. Go myth busting? This couldn't have been anything but a cover up for something else. Whatever that might have been, she was doing quite the poor job of hiding it. Kamera soon handed his way, she soon leaned over his ear to bellow a whisper.

"Some dumb rookies misplaced some beacons," the Ginger Fatui whispered. "Go to the places listed on the paper, and go get them." Paper soon tucked into his pocket, she put on a fake smile. "Thank you so much for your help, young one! Enjoy myth busting!" She then bellowed a whisper once more. "Just write up whatever about these conspiracies. I don't care."

The soldier could hardly believe his ears. He had to go on a pretend myth busting mission? What in the world was happening, was this some convoluted excuse to say he had no work today? But, he supposed he'd play along and gather the lost beacons along the way. Removing the paper tucked into his pocket, the soldier read the first so called conspiracy upon the sheet.

"Ghosts in the eerie underwater cave in the Morte Region?!" the headline stated.

Reading such headline, the soldier shook his head. Ghosts, in an eerie cave? Such would be extremely easy to disprove, for sure. Knowing he had to head for the cave, the hyena left Poisson behind. Figuring the mission had a time limit, the soldier had begun running.

But, such sprint had ended before it could even begin. Feeling a wave of malaise take over him, the hyena's energy flew away. Why was he feeling less than optimal today? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. He was spewing nonsense. His nightmare from the evening prior was just messing with him. He needed to shake it off right away.

Soon finding himself near an eerie hole, the soldier jumped downward. Finding himself in the mysterious cave in question, a cannon fired off all by itself. Seeing such, the soldier leaped upward. Could there have been a ghost in here after all? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Ridiculous. There was absolutely no way. Snapping a photo anyway, the hyena soon located the beacons necessary. As he had done such, however, water engulfed the chimera.

Current dragging the soldier away for minutes on end, the hyena had soon found himself in a room slightly familiar to him. Turning his head towards the right and left, for a moment, a realization had overtook him. Had he drifted off towards the Orthant of Memory? The soldier did not know, but he felt like it had to have been one of those domains. Water draining away, he soon gazed at his next order of business.

"Ghost mirror spotted?!" his instructions exclaimed.

Reading such note, the soldier shook his head. Ghost mirror, really? Who even wrote these headlines? Her Majesty was certainly making a story out of his recent adventures into the looking glass. Moving himself towards the pink mirror, the soldier threw himself in.

Nothing but the same wolves from last time awaiting him, the chimera snapped a photo. There was no way any of these stories he was being tasked to pretend to report on would even be interesting to a real journalist. But, he supposed he was not one in such field of profession and never would be.

Left behind beacons all collected shortly, the soldier shook his head. How could the Fatui who placed these leave them in such obvious places? Wasn't this job supposed to be about stealth? But, he supposed that's just how the cookie crumbled. He wasn't quite great at stealthing either. Conspiracy dealt with, the chimera read over his next one.

"Ghostchurl at the mysterious tower!?" the instructions exclaimed.

The soldier shook his head. A ghostly Hilichurl? Did anyone ever think before submitting these sorts of things? There was no way anyone would ever believe something like this. But, he knew he had no choice but to head here and see for himself. He wasn't truly investigating the so called conspiracies anyway.

Reaching the tower after about an hour of walking, the chimera stepped foot upon the tower. Spotting beacons everywhere, the early adult almost did a triple take as he brought himself down to the bottom floor. Gwendolyn and Lonan holding crossbows in their hands looking ready to hunt something, the soldier could see eyes turn.

"Babe, I dunno, there's nothing here," Lonan said, but he was immediately elbowed.

"You're giving up way too easily!" Gwendolyn shouted.

"Ow! Okay, you're right, sorry, babe," Lonan responded. He then turned off towards the opposite direction. "Black fish steak bro! Here to investigate the ghosts, too?"

Knowing his real mission to collect the beacons, the hyena held back the urge to shake his head. Knowing he had no choice but to affirm, the hyena nodded. Right, he was myth busting. That was his objective today. He was going to see once and for all if there were truly spirits here.

"Cool, bro, wanna join us?" Lonan asked.

Giving Lonan another nod, the party of two had soon become a team of three. Everyone looking throughout the tower from to bottom, absolutely no ghostly Hilichurl awaited anyone. But, such did not sway Gwendolyn, for even a moment. Watching as she demanded Lonan search harder, everyone soon had their work cut out for them.

Picking the beacons up on the floor as the continuous loop of searching had kept going, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. This conspiracy had to have been the worst one yet of them all, for sure. Whoever made this one up was clearly a fool with the tarot card flipped in the wrong position.

Gwendolyn soon suggesting everyone should head for the inside of the tower, there had to be some of the ghosts in there, everyone went inside. Lonan's disbelief completely shutdown as they entered, the chimera held back a groan. There she went again disregarding the black fish steak hawk's feelings.

Nothing at all on the first floor of the tower, the soldier pocketed any beacons he could locate. But, as the search continued, nothing of note stuck out to the hyena. Whoever wrote this attempt at a conspiracy had definitely made something up for the sake of making it up. How annoying.

Cruising through every single floor around the inside world, not a singular undead Hilichurl soul awaited Gwendolyn, Lonan or he. Everything completely empty from corner to corner, the hyena shook his head. These two had definitely been duped, without a doubt. Lonan dragging out a sigh, he soon saw himself out of the mythbusters. But his words could not come out as Gwendonlyn stole the show.

"This man who told us about the ghost Hilichurls is a liar!" Gwendolyn shouted. "Men really are useless!" But, she soon covered her mouth. She wasn't supposed to blurt that last one out.

"Gf, maybe they all just left," Lonan replied. "I'm sure he really saw it."

"Just like a man to defend another man!" Gwendolyn shouted.

"Babe, I wasn't?" Lonan responded in a questioning tone. He then turned towards black fish steak bro. "Sorry, black fish steak bro, no scoop for you."

Calling it a day for such conspiracy theory, the soldier exited the tower. Reading over the next conspiracy, however, the soldier's eyes practically rolled out of his head. There was an apocalypse time piece tucked away inside a secret room in the Natural Institute of Philosophy underwater? Yeah, right, sure. He'd believe when he sees it.

Reaching the beach after about an hour of backtracking, the soldier's head pulsated for a moment as he put on his diving equipment. But, the chimera tuned out the pain. He had no time to allow such a thing to take him over. He had to go grab the final set of beacons and move on.

Moving down towards the hidden research facility, multiple beacons soon awaited him. Soon coming across the hidden room he had been transported to a couple of months prior, absolutely no world ending time piece awaited him. Seeing such, the hyena shrugged. He supposed the key point of myth busting was to destroy the fake news and stamp it dry. If such were what had to be done, such had been successful, indeed.

But as the early adult returned to the surface world, he could not help but start to think. Why was he given this assignment in the first place? He could not help but feel how incredibly fake it felt. But, he snapped himself out of such thinking. Why would another Fatui try to trick him into thinking he had been given a false order? That was going far too low. Reading the final conspiracy upon the paper, the soldier read the words carefully.

"Crying voices heard in the Fountain of Lucine?!" his instructions explained.

The soldier blinked of bewilderment. This again? Hadn't he already investigated this? He couldn't help but feel a senses of dejavu. Returning towards the Aquabus near Poisson Tunnel, a special trip towards Marcotte Station had soon been made. It was time for the final myth of the day to be busted.

But, as the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the soldier's thoughts raced. Could he have been tricked? He could not help but feel he had definitely been duped today. But, the hyena shook his head in a rapid manner. What in the world was he thinking? There was no way that was true. He was overthinking it.

Reaching Marcotte Station after about a fifteen minute ride, the soldier hopped off the vessel. Knowing he had to make haste towards the Fountain, the soldier made a break for it. Reaching the area after about five minutes of running, the soldier could feel his breath begin to die. Catching it as fast as he could, he stepped towards the so called crying Fountain of Lucine.

Reaching the fountain, the soldier could hear the tears of the fountain clear as day. Someone still asking how much longer just like last time, the chimera jumped eight steps away. Who was saying that? Who had been weeping inside the fountain? Had he been hearing things? The last time he had been taken here, his mind had not been the sharpest. But, as he kept on investigating, a surprise took the soldier away.

"Who goes there?!" a loud booming voice asked. "Stay away from this fountain!"

But, as the soldier attempted to move away, nothing happened. Movement dead and gone, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. What was happening to him, why couldn't his legs move? Had he turned to stone already? Voice raising up a ruckus, their shouts only got louder as the seconds unraveled.

"You asked for it!" the voice shouted.

Runaway experiment robot dancing Siorc's way, the early adult took out his borrowed greatsword. The icewind suite doll escaped her arena? This fight would be over before it even began. It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, monsters had a fixed range of movement, and if they got out of their own little bubble, their original position would reset and go back to zero.

Closing his eyes for a moment, the soldier's currently rocky hands had soon become rocky hyena claws. This mechanical doll, surely a few strikes with his claws would end it. It did not have its dance partner, this would be done and over with before the magician's assistant could have her afternoon tea.

Hyena claws decimating the machine after twenty-five slashes, the robot fell as quickly as the soldier predicted. Letting out a deep huff as the battle ended, the soldier's thoughts had begun to race. Why was he out of breath from one singular battle? Something wasn't right.

Knowing he had been duped, the soldier returned to the Aquabus. There was no reason for him to continue pursue these myths. None of them were true. But, he supposed he had already succeeded in obtaining all the beacons. There was nothing left to do. Soon returning to the Court of Fontaine, the self proclaimed reporter soon located him. Satchel ripped off his back and kamera snatched, she soon looked at the photos.

"These photos aren't good enough! We can't use these!" the 'reporter' shouted. "I should have never hired you!" She then bent down beside the soldier's ear, bellowing a whisper. "Good job gathering the beacons. Go home. You are done."

Departure from work for the day granted, the hyena removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the soldier closed his eyes. Walking through the icy cold hallways, a wave of doom flowed through him as he stepped foot into the soundproof room.

As the soldier stepped foot into the steel walled room, a realization washed over him. The abyssal gazelles, he hadn't crossed paths with them a single time over the past three days. Just what were they planning? They had to have been up to something behind the scenes.

Wave of heavy tiredness soon overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the chimera slumped into the rock hard bed. Glasses soon removed as well, the soldier buried his stoned fingers deep underneath the covers. World of sleep taking him away as soon as his head hit the pillow, one final thought crashed waves around the hyena.

What are those gazelles up to?

Terror was eating him alive.

Chapter 23: Shrooms in Sumeru: Stoned Spores. Poison Roulette.


And thus, the "curse" only gets worse. In this section, Siorc must do a various assortment of tasks in Sumeru, but faces various difficulties as the "curse" consumes him. Feat: Parisa, Waiola, Bogart, Dahlia & Hase (in his nightmares), Nilou, Dori, Tighnari, Collei, and Dehya.



Chapter Text

"How can this be?
Everything hurts, please don't
Look at me.
Please, don't peek at

My body, please, please, please
Everything is pitch black, jade.

I'm hurting.
This brings me so much pain.

How can this still be happening? It's
Uncomfortable, everything is burning. Abyssal gazelles, was your
Revenge worth it? I bet
They're laughing!
So much jade in my as,

It hurts
To breathe,

It hurts to move, it is
Spreading. The Agent has been

Gazing at me
Every single day,
Telling me
The same thing:
I burned myself.
No matter what I say, I
Guess he doesn't buy it.

Why not, I don't know. I suppose my constitution is too
Obvious, at this point.
Right, my lies are completely
See through, should have known.
Even so, I cannot sit around. I

Must work, or she'll kill me. Please, don't tell
Your Majesty. This

Has to have a time limit.
Ah, yes, a time limit.
No way this will last eternity.
Don't let this curse win. I'll
Soothe my pain,

And push on working,
Really, if I waver for
Even a moment, I'll be a disappointment.

So, I have no choice, I have
To keep working.
Ore inside me or
Not, that is key to successful living.
Even though it burns,

I can't let it stop me.

And Her Majesty
Mustn't find out.

I'll be considered useless.
No way can I let

Such happen.
Obviously, she is watching

My every single move.
Unless I am mistaken.
Can't let this curse win,
Her eyes are on me.

Please curse, disappear,
And free me from this pain,
I am burning,
No. I am mistaken,

Here's to another work of anything,
Everything. I won't
Let this affliction win.
Please Agent, look away.

My arms are no concern.
Everything is fine.

Please, look away
Look away,
Everything is
Absolutely fine.
So don't look.
Everything is alright.

Please, look away
Look away,
Everything is
Absolutely fine.
So don't look.
Everything is alright.

Please, look away
Look away,
Everything is
Absolutely fine.
So don't look.
Everything is alright."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The cycle was a wheel, spinning backwards, forwards and upside down to reveal a prize of misfortune every single time it did a loop around its board. The night before him was no different, as well.

Before him had been a field of hyacinths with sakura trees dense enough to create an entire forest. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had he been transported into Inazuma with in the dream world? There was no way that could have been possible. He had hardly been there enough to have such place stick deep enough into the roots of his memory.

Seating himself beside the flowers, an immediate wave of doom flowed through the soldier. The soldier did not know why, but he knew that, any dream second now, everything would flip backwards. Remaining seated for various dream minutes on end, the early adult awaited for torment to take him away, like it always did.

Nothing happening for dream hours on end, the early adult could not help but wonder. What could possibly be awaiting him in the not reality this time? He knew, whatever it might be, he needed to stay alert at all subconscious times, no matter what. Turning his dream head towards the right and left, emptiness slurped in his ear.

As the dream hours continued to drone on, a peculiarity soon overtook the area. White light engulfing the corner, a strange face he had never encountered within the mortal waking world presented itself to the hyena. Lowering his dream eyes into a squint for a brief moment, the chimera studied the possibly nonexistent person before him.

Standing in the unreal open had been a strange young man slightly taller than him. The young man had short light pink hair that went down to about his chin. Black hat covering his scalp and dark brown church coat covering his white shirt and pants, a red cape the man's backside. Tassel dangling from his shorts, and leg bracelets aplenty, the hyena examined the person's eyes, for a moment. Left eye a light purple, and right eye, grey, questions flowed through him.

Taking note that the young man adorned fangs, as well, the soldier could not help but wonder. This stranger, could he have been one of those vampires he had heard about in stories from his stolen childhood? Just who was this person? He had never encountered him at any point in the mortal, waking world. Was he here to suck on his blood? If such were the case, he could find another victim. But, his thoughts were soon cut off.

"Follow me," the possible vampire said, curling his gloved fingers.

Young man starting to walk ahead, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the soldier. Just where was this person taking him? Attempting to resist, the early adult remained still. But, such had been an immediate failure as the chimera's dream legs forcefully moved him forward. Letting out a sigh from the dream esophagus, the hyena stepped forward.

As the chimera stepped through the trail ahead, sakura petals kept falling downward onto the ground below. Seeing such, the early adult could feel a momentary amount of bliss. Trail continuing onward for dream hours on end, the empty road ahead of him droned onward.

But, as the stroll ahead continued, terrors were soon afoot. Footprints ahead of him trailing blood upon the pathway, unease at the chimera up like a plate of Katsu sandwiches. Had someone died when he wasn't looking? But, the early adult shook his dream head. Perhaps, just maybe, the young man had bitten someone.

Red footsteps only getting more crimson as the walk kept going, fear had begun to hug the soldier from behind. This stranger, just what were they up to? He could not help but feel something had been happening he could not see with his own two dream eyes. Young man soon turning around, his fangs glinted for a split dream second.

"Just a little longer!" the possible vampire exclaimed. As he said such, he turned around once more.

Trail soon getting shorter as the dream minutes sped themselves up, a guest of terror awaited the chimera from afar. Gigantic whale soaked in gallons of blood, the soldier attempted to turn around. He had to run, get away, leave this place. But, a force of wind thrusted the early adult forward. Sea creature getting closer with every second the young man soon pointed fingers at him.

"Your dinner's here, master!" the young man screamed, pointing.

Young man vanishing without a trace, the large sea mammals eyes laser focused on the soldier. Pupils glowing a deep red, the soldier could feel every drop of will die like a soldier on the battlefield. Creature raising itself upward and scooping down, the hyena closed his dream eyes. It was over. There was no escape. He was done for.

Nom nom nom nom nom nom munch.

Swallowed whole without a single chew in sight, the chimera tumbled down the whale's gigantic tongue with full force. Rolling down on repeat for dream minutes on end, mortification flowed through him. How could he allow himself to become food for another creature? The land of the subconscious was quite the unpredictable world of many unknown terrors.

Tumbling down further, stomach acid readied to melt the soldier into a puddle of nothing. Oozing away, the early adult let out a pained scream. Everything burned with an intensity hotter than anything in the mortal, waking world. Such, however, had only been the beginning of the torment.

Field of flames introducing themselves into the whale's belly regions, the soldier's dream eyes opened wide. Did it just eat fire? He was in trouble, for sure. Flares circling around the chimera, the hyena's body had soon been set ablaze. Dream life about to extinguish itself as the flames and acid got their last hurrah, the not reality before him turned black. As his final subconscious moments ticked, one final thought burned away, as well.

Don't bite the hand that feeds.


"How can this be happening?
Everything is turning black, my
Legs, there's something
Pulsating on them,

My arms are completely dark,
Everything hurts, help me,

Please someone help me.
Look at me, I'm breaking,
Everything is becoming jade.
And it hurts, someone please,
Someone please save me.
Everything is becoming jade.

I am becoming Noctilucous Jade.
There is nothing left of my

Hands, they are black. They have
Ultimately been sacrificed, I cannot
Remove this, it cannot be cleansed.
The jade has taken me away,
So little of me is left,

Soon, I will become Noctilucous Jade,
And it is rapidly consuming me,
Very little of my arms remain.
Everything is becoming jade.

My body, it will soon be nothing.
Everything will become jade. Please,

Free me from my suffering.
Remove this curse from me.
Everything will become jade
Everything will become jade.

My body, it's hard as stone,
Everything will become jade. Please,

Free me, free me, free me!
Remove this curse from me,
Or I will perish.
Maybe I am overreacting,

That's it. I am overreacting. That
Has to be it. Surely,
It will clear itself out
Soon. This

Curse, surely, it will go away. Deep breaths, deep breaths, do not let this be my
Untimely demise.
Right. I have work, this
Shall not be my downfall.
Everything will not become jade."

Four days had passed since the hyena collected treasures and obtained beacons around the Belleau and Morte Regions in Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Diplomatic affairs in Liyue droning on, mundaneness bubbled into overdrive.

Curse continuing to spread as the days went on by, waves of unease stayed behind the chimera at all times. But, despite such, the soldier remained on his toes. He knew that, if at any given moment, he stopped working, Her Majesty would end him. Nothingness looping on repeat, the hyena remained loyal.

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the early adult attempted to shake such away. Dreams weren't real. But, as he lifted the rock hard covers off of him, terror was ten centimeters deep.

Both arms completely greyish black with blue jade pieces poking out in the center, the soldier let out another scream, rocking back and forth for minutes on end. What was happening to him? The curse, was it spreading further? Taking a long deep breath, a brief wave of calmness flowed through him. He bought gloves days prior. Covering such affliction was simple. Lifting himself upward, the time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier placed his uniform over his partially human body, an intense wave of heat emanated from his cheeks. But, the hyena tuned such feelings out. There was no way he could let a tiny little bit of heat stop him. Keeping himself focused, the chimera snapped the buttons shut.

But, as the soldier removed his bed pants, a horror soon awaited him. Disgusting bright pink boils pulsating as they populated his legs near the thighs, the soldier jumped more than twenty steps back. Seating himself against the steel wall, the tears streamed down the hyena's face as his head rocked back and forth, body shaking up a fury. What was happening to him? Where did these boils come from, all of a sudden? Ooze puss*ng out, the early adult tears kept going.

Snapping himself out of it, the soldier stood back up onto his feet. What was he doing, letting himself cry at a time like this? He was about to be on the nonexistent clock. He needed to throw all his emotions away. Pants would could cover up the issue in seconds. He needed to get over it, and get back to getting ready. No one would see them, they were merely acne. Surely, chimeras were not immune to the world of breakouts.

Problem covered up a buried dead body, the early adult placed long white gloves over his currently human hands. Soft cloth soon over him, the soldier stared down at his palms. Perhaps, just maybe, this would hide his black hands entirely. Surely, this had to work.

Extra steps done and dealt with, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching roses in his hair and ears, the soldier prayed to the Dendro Archon he was not supposed to worship his prized possessions would take away the heat emanating within him.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier could not help but wonder. What would happen if he were to overuse the powers bestowed to him by the gods? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he thinking? There was no way something like that would ever be possible. He needed to get rid of such thoughts right away.

Heelless shoes on, the early adult bit down into his flavorless rations. But, as he had done so, the soldier burst into a shiver as tears rolled down his face. His meal, why did it taste like Noctilucous Jade? Everything was hard, cold, stony. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. He needed to turn off his emotions, this instant. Perhaps, just maybe, he had gotten an expired batch of gruel. Taking another deep breath, the work mode switch flipped upward. No more fear. It was time to focus.

The louder than ever before militaristic boots marched onward with a fervor. Hearing such, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be collecting mushrooms in Sumeru today." But, the Agent stopped himself from continuing further. Subordinate's cheeks bright red, the Agent squinted underneath his mask. Something was not right. Gazing downward, a wave of suspicion flowed through him. "Your face is very flushed, soldier. Perhaps I should tell Her Majesty you are in no condition to work day." A sick soldier was a useless soldier.

Siorc jumped three steps backwards upon hearing the Agent suggest he should tell Her Majesty about his current condition. The Agent was onto him. A lie, yes, he needed to tell a convincing enough untruth to get him off his back. Surely, that would work. Words blurting themselves out, the room got louder.

"What are you talking about, sir? I just got sunburned the other day!" Siorc exclaimed, uncharacteristically loud. He then stumbled upon his words. "And, stop looking at my hands. I burned them, remember? We're going to be late, sir! We need to go!"

The Agent's squint only got deeper from beneath his mask. He wasn't buying what his subordinate was selling. The soldier was being very articulate today. Such was three red flags forming into a huge banner of crimson. How very unlike him. He was always the quiet one. He needed to let the soldier know he was in no shape to work today.

"You are in no condition to be working, soldier," the Agent responded. "Her Majesty needs to be informed about your current condition." A weak soldier was a useless soldier.

The soldier broke out into a meek laughter. He was in no condition to be working? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. The agent was exaggerating. Collect mushrooms? No problem. He could gather them in no time. Another laugh escaping the chambers of his throats, words blurted themselves out once more.

"Really, I am fine, sir, I can work!" Siorc exclaimed uncharacteristically. "We need to go! Her Majesty would be disappointed if we're late!" There was a deep amount of desperation in his voice.

"If you insist, soldier," the Agent responded, sighing. Grabbing his wrist lightly, the escort was ready to begin. "But, if anything happens to you, you will be sent to a medical facility." Wrist gripped into a lighter squeeze than normal, the chimera closed his eyes. As the escort towards Sumeru began, one final thought poked the chimera's partially human brain.

He could not falter.


"She wants me to collect mushrooms,
How is this a job, Your Majesty?
Really, I don't quite get it, this is
Obviously just a distraction
Of whatever she's planning next. Or,
Maybe, she is trying to gather
Some sort of power from them.

I do not understand,
No, I do not get this one bit. Her Majesty is

She trying to go on a trip?
Unless I am utterly
Mistaken, don't some mushrooms cause
Eerie hallucinations. What is this order? I
Really don't
Understand. This makes absolutely no sense.

Please be real with me, what kind of
Order is this?
Is she running out of jobs to give this?
Something isn't adding up.
Or, perhaps, I am mistaken.
No, this still does not make any sense.

But, I suppose I do not have a choice. I must follow
Orders. I must collect the mushrooms. Peculiar
Or not, I have to
Go get Her Majesty
All the shrooms she desires. I do not
Like this, but that's how it has to be.
Obviously, I cannot disobey
Orders, or she'll kill me."

Upon reaching the capital city of Sumeru through the teleport waypoint, a paper list of locations had been handed off to the soldier. Wooden basket placed on his backside, as well, a repeat reminder had come the hyena's way. Agent once again informing him that if anything were to happen to him, he would be taken to a clinic, the soldier held back another laugh. Such would not be happening.

Agent soon vanishing towards the Akademiya, the hyena gazed down at his notes, for a moment. But, as he read through such, the early adult did a quintuple take. There had been shrooms in the city just lying around, waiting to be collected? How incredibly odd. Had they just been been in the area, ripe for the picking? He could not help but feel the workday ahead of him had been highly calculated.

Figuring the best course of action was to head northward, the soldier prepared to stage his exit. Heart pitter pattering as he descended downward, the chimera performed his breathing exercises, for a moment. He needed to get it together. Moving forward, the hyena kept his eyes peeled for any fungus among him.

Red and white shrooms rooted into the sidewalk, the soldier bent his knees downward. But, the chimera swore he could see black eyes in the center of the future feast for the Cryo Archon. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. What was he thinking? He was imagining it, surely. Scooping them up, the spores dropped themselves into the basket.

Moving onward, blue shrooms stood out amongst the crowd of generic nobodies. Everyone moving on with their day, the chimera crouched downward once again. But, as he picked up the food of future feast, the soldier swore he could see them glowing. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. He was seeing things. There was no way they were doing that.

Continuing along the path, plain brown toadstools awaited the chimera in a bed of grass beside a house. Generic citizens glaring at him as he picked them, sweat dropped down the hyena's brow. Did he look strange picking such things? Stumbling out an apology, the crowd turned back around, business minded.

Finding even more colorful mushroom once again, the soldier blinked as he scooped up the next batch. The shrooms, they had eyes, indeed. There was no mistake. Head spinning as the batch had been dropped down, the early adult brought himself back to reality. He needed to stop allowing his mind to wander.

Tens upon twenties of shrooms collected one after another, multiple colors adorned the basket. Seeing such, the early adult blinked. These mushrooms, weren't they a little too colorful? Something smelled like fish. But, he supposed fungus had come in many different shades, surely, there was nothing to worry about.

But, as the chimera kept going, the various shades aplenty stuck out to the soldier. Green shrooms collected the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. The toadstools had to have been glowing, there was no way he was mistaking it. Throwing the next collection down, the early adult remained focused.

Grand Bazaar getting closer with every single step, the hyena backed four steps away at the sight before him. Rainbow colored mushrooms looking ready to take anyone on a trip with one bite, the soldier almost walked away. Were these even edible? There was no way even a god could eat these things.

Scooping the shrooms up anyway, the soldier tilted his head towards the sky. Why did Her Majesty want him to collect these mushrooms for? Did she think she would gain some sort of powers from eating them? He did not quite understand. But, he supposed whatever she wanted with them was not his business.

Final set of toadstools picked from the area, the hyena took a deep breath. Just how many had he picked so far? Over one hundred? List telling him to pick all the ones within the Grand Bazaar, the chimera shook his head. There was no time for thinking. He had to continue his journey of fungus gathering.

But, as the soldier stepped foot into the secret shopping area of art and various other activities, a cacophony overtook the area. Multiple people asking one after another what is happening at the dance theater, the chimera tilted his head. The dance hall, had something been going on there? He had to check out what's going on immediately.

Crowd of people forming a flesh wall, the early adult tried to squeeze his way through the group of people. Children with the same faces asking in unison where did these mushrooms come from, the hyena scratched the back of his ears. Was he hearing things correctly? Hadn't mushroom growth been a common occurrence in Sumeru?

Chatter continuing for minutes on end, the soldier gazed at the stage up ahead. Red haired dancer gazing at a sea of toadstools sitting on the stage gathered around a potted plant, multiple students soon said they did not feel comfortable dancing on stage today with those things down. Passerby Akademiya students asking in disgust if anyone bothered to clean, frantic words had soon dropped into the area.

"Of course we keep it clean!" the red haired dancer exclaimed frantically. "We wash the stage after every show!"

Multiple academics claiming those who indulged in performing arts were filthy waste, the early adult could hardly believe his ears. These Akademiya students, what nonsense were they spewing just now? Absolutely vile of them to denounce the dance theater over a small bit of fungal activity.

Stepping onto the stage as if he was about to storm the front, the early adult grabbed the shrooms in front of him. Rainbow colored toadstools attempting to root themselves onto the dance theater floor, the hyena grabbed them as if he were pulling radishes out of the ground.

Crowd of people calling him various choice words with a sprinkle of asking if he was mental as he cleaned up the stage of its fungal issue, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Did people have to resort to saying such rude things? Humans were rather annoying towards things they did not understand. Future food basketed, the red haired dancer soon looked his way.

"Thank you for taking care of the mushrooms," the red haired dancer said. She soon continued. "But, I could have taken care of them just fine."

Shaking his head, the soldier placed his gloves out in front of him. Signing it was his duty for the entire public to see, heads titled at such. Stepping off stage, eyes followed him as he exited the area. Hearing people call him a weirdo as he exited, the chimera attempted with all his might to tune the far away insults out.

Bazaar soon exited, the soldier could not help but wonder. The mushrooms, they were far too colorful for their own good. Something was off about them, for sure. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. The toadstools were fine. He was overreacting, for sure. Nothing was wrong with them.

City soon left behind, the early adult gazed at his next order of business upon the sheet of Dendro creation. Area near Gandharva Ville listed, the early adult tilted his head. The treehouse village? Why would he need to collect mushrooms around there? But, he supposed he had no choice in the matter.

Heading towards the southern exit of the area, walking across a bridge, the soldier swore the sky above him was spinning as he gazed upward towards it. Focusing his attention downward, the world was a top. But, as the hyena kept moving southward, a new disturbance hit the force.

Sweating up a storm, the chimera could not help but wonder. Had it gotten hotter since he had been teleported here? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Why should he let a little bit of heat stop him? He was in the rainforest. Humidity was the jungle's best friend.

Cracking his knuckles through his gloves, the chimera prepared to press onward. Surely, there weren't that many spores of doom to collect. Ghandharva Ville, he would be in and out in no time. Moving across the bridge a smidgeon faster, the early adult was ready for the next round of food collecting.

Reaching the southern area within Chinvat Ravine, the grass in the corner had been littered with possible hallucinogens, the chimera bent downward, for a moment. Brightly colored shrooms aplenty staring back at him with angry looking black pupils, the early adult could feel his chest leap. Was the Cryo Archon's future food staring at him? How terrifying.

More magical diamonds adorning colorful patterns as he picked them up, the hyena's brow had been bathed in sweat. These shrooms, had they been baked with something? He could not help but feel something had been far more off about these than the rest of the ones he had picked so far.

Eremites staring at him as if he had more than three screws loose as he pocketed pink shrooms shaped like a heart, the early adult gaze at the onlookers from the corner. Why did he have so many eyes on him today? Couldn't people just mind their own business and let him be?

Mercenaries choice words to each other asking to one another if he was mental, the early adult clicked his tongue. Just how many people would going to talk about him while he was around to hear it? If there were fungus among him, he had no choice but to collect them. Tuning their comments out, the soldier walked off towards the left.

Hearing feet parading around as the next group of toadstools had been collected, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Eremites calling him various versions of the word crazy as he kept picking, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Why were they still watching him? Didn't adventurers all the time collect mushrooms for cooking? They could keep their eyes to themselves.

Heat beating upon his face as Ghandharva Ville grew closer with every given second, the early adult wiped his brow, for a moment. The rainforest, had it gotten hotter since he stepped foot here? But, the hyena threw such thought into the river. Of course it had been hot here. He was in a rainforest. The land of Dendro was never a cold one, for sure.

Regaining focus, the soldier soon stepped foot into Gandharva Ville. Body wobbling as he made his entrance, the hyena attempted with all his might to get balanced. Limbs soon steady, the early adult prepared himself for the next food collection session.

Spotting a goldmine of toadstools adorning various colors and shades, the early adult readied himself for the next course of action. Knees bent after what felt like the twentieth time for the day, the chimera swore the future food he had picked was glowing with an intense green aura.

Moving onward upon the pathway, multiple glowing mushrooms had soon been scooped up, and collected. Continuing along the path, the soldier swore he could hear the sound of furry ears flopping around. Hearing such, a wave of unease flowed through him. Were more people about to watch his every move? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense.

Multiple sets of iridescent spored wonders collected one after another, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Just what were these shrooms? How did they get to be so many different colors? Dropping them into the picnic basket of doom, the chimera kept moving along.

Hearing running footsteps coming after him as his picking kept racking up the speed, the early adult kept the momentum going. Surely, it had just been workers around the area investigating disturbances around the forest. He need not concern himself with the strangers patrolling.

Glowing shrooms in the shape of a star soon picked and put away, the early adult swore the running steps had only begun to get louder. But, the hyena kept his shoulders cold. Whoever it might have been attempting to run after him, he would not give them any attention they so desired.

Gloves covered to the brim with dirt as he kept gathering the hallucinogenic diamonds of possible edibility, the early adult swore the sound of running feet had suddenly stopped. The patrollers, had they finally changed their course? But, noise soon overtook the area.

"Excuse me! What are you doing?" the voice scolded. "Those mushrooms are poisonous!"

The early adult flinched as shouts had come his way. Where had the voice come from? The people patrolling, hadn't they already left the area? How could the voice be talking to him? Creeping his head upward for a moment. Eyes giving him a sharp glare, the soldier's heart skipped more than two beats.

Ears bouncing, the chimera turned around further. Furry eared man giving him an irritated look, a wave of confusion flowed through him. The mushrooms were poisonous? What did he mean? What in all of Teyvat did he mean by that? He had to have been pulling his legs.

Wave of dizziness soon overtaking him, the soldier blinked. The Forest Watcher Leader, was he talking to him? Head continuing to spin for a few moments, the early adult pointed his gloved index finger towards himself. Tilted his head towards the left, the hyena swore, he could see an eyeroll awarded to him.

"Yes, you big lummox," the furry eared man responded, annoyed. "I'm talking to you." He let out an irritated sigh. "You can't use those mushrooms, they're toxic."

The hyena held back the urge to laugh. Who did this guy think he was, telling him what to do? What was he, an expert of mushroom, a fungus encyclopedia? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. He didn't have time for these lectures from a stranger. No way was he going to listen to him any further.

"Don't lecture me, sir," the hyena responded characteristically. As he said such, he had begun running.

As the soldier dashed away for minutes on end, a realization washed over him. He had been rude to the furry eared man. Why in the world did he just say that? His parents always told him to not talk back to people. Had he lost complete control over his mouth? He needed to be quiet. Such language was unacceptable.

Heading north for the time being, multiple shrooms of many different colors and patterns awaited the hyena. Seeing such stretch from side to side as he kept going, the early adult could not help but wonder. What could have possibly made these toadstools toxic? The furry eared man was just making stuff up, guaranteed.

Hallucinogenic diamonds only gaining more colors and shades as he kept walking, the questions kept piling themselves up one after another. These shrooms, just how many different types were there? Had there been new species overnight? He supposed such had to have been a possibility at his currently stony hands.

Spored wonders aplenty getting wilder and more extravagant shades as he continued picking them, the hyena could feel sweat pour down his back. Had these shrooms been hotter than the other ones he had picked? Wave of intense nervousness sneaking up on him from behind, the soldier threw them into the basket as fast as possible. They were out of sight, out of mind.

Everything soon collected, a peculiar cave soon appeared within the hyena's heterochromatic field of damaged vision. Gazing at it, for a moment, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could there have been more fungus inside the cave? One quick look through would most certainly not hinder his progress.

Spotting shrooms forming a little forest for themselves in the area, the early adult almost took a quadruple take. Had he been transported off to some Mushroom Kingdom? Sumeru had quite a lot of secrets waiting to be discovered. Readying to move the next future garden of eaten, the chimera's legs erupted into a sprint.

But, as the chimera headed off towards the hallucinogenic paradise, the heat soon readied to to take the soldier away. This cave, where had all this humidity come from? There was no sunlight here. But, the early adult tuned such heat out. He needed to stop complaining. He was on the job right now.

Falling onto his knees as the collection of shrooms kept going, heat collected itself into the palm of the hyena's hands as the fungus sat down within his gloves. Intense burning feeling overtaking him as more pooled into his palms, confusion nibbled on he cartilage of the hyena's ears.

Collection session picking up speed, the heat only continued. Feeling such, the soldier flinched. These shrooms, were they made of fire? But, the hyena kept pressing onward. Fiery fungus or not, he knew he had to keep picking them. If even one mushroom were missing, Her Majesty would be disappointed, without a shadow of a doubt.

Hot shrooms of doom warming his palms in a continuous loop, the questions kept flowing outward. Had Hilichurls been cooking the toadstools before he had arrived here? If such were the case, he would be considered the enemy, in no time. Dropping the future food back into the basket, everything had soon been collected.

Removing himself from the hidden cave of secrets, the early adult read over his next order of business. The early adult scratched his head at the name written upon the leaflet. He had to head to Lokapala Jungle? Where could that have possibly been? Taking out his proxy map, for a moment the early adult dragged his finger towards the minus button in the corner.

Lokapala Jungle off in the northernmost corner of the map, the early adult steeled himself. What kind of mushrooms awaited him in the jungle ahead of him? Walking upon the northern path, the soldier sauntered onward. But, he swore as he kept walking along he could hear someone telling him to come back to the village.

Not giving the voice what it desired, the soldier's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Why should he listen to the screams coming towards him? He was on the nonexistent clock. Whoever was calling out to him was wasting their breath. Gandha Hill soon passed by, a cliffside soon awaited him.

As the soldier ascended the small mountainscape, the early adult could not help but wonder once more. Her Majesty, why did she want these mushrooms in the first place? Did she want to go on a nice trip? He couldn't help but feel such was not a healthy outlet, even for a god.

Moving through the area at breakneck speed, the chimera shook his head. Why did it matter why she wanted them for? If she wanted to go to Acid Land that was her own business. Dashing along, a peculiarity stuck out as Lokapala Jungle grew closer. Observing the area ahead of him, his eyes were forward.

Spotting a peculiar forest with tall blue mushroom like trees stretching towards the sky, more questions than answers flew the hyena for a loop. Those tall fungi, were they the ones he had to pick? There was no way he would be able to do such. They were much taller than three of him standing on top of each other.

Forest of many peculiarities soon reached, the early adult's eyes grew wide at the sights before him. Was it just his imagination, or did this jungle have some sort of magical properties to it? Spotting multiple shrooms lying around beside the trees and inside them, as well, the early adult prepared himself for the climbing sessions of a lifetime.

Ascending the first shroomy tree, the early adult crawled into the space between the unleaved top. Coming across bright blue fugus, the hyena added the future food to the collection. Descending the unusual plant, the early adult prepared himself for the next ascension.

Moving onward towards the next blue pasture, a singular shroom awaited the soldier inside a nest. Seeing such, the early adult blinked. Had the birds been planning to feast on this? Clapping his hand in apology, the soldier soon committed grand theft toadstool.

Climbs continuing for hours on end, multiple shrooms added themselves to the collection one after another. But, as he continued to do so, the soldier could not help but wonder. Were these ones poisonous, too? The rainforests were full of so many unknown toxins and dangers.

Moving back towards the ground, the hyena kept his eyes open for any other shrooms that remained. Scooping up the ones on the ground, not a single one in the area looked any different from the last. Coming to such realization, the soldier scratched the side of his head. Had everything been the same here? How peculiar.

Everything picked up one after another, the soldier could not help but ponder. Could there have been any mushrooms upon the tops of the mushrooms domes? He supposed it was worth a look for. Preparing himself for the return of the climb, the hyena took a long deep breath.

But, as the early adult observed the damp heads above, the edge of the area snuck upon him. Feet slipping upon the ledge for a moment, the soldier caught himself. But, what awaited him down below was a can of worms waiting to be opened. Jumping down, the chimera studied the space below.

Peering downward for minutes on end, the hyena blinked. Was there a space deep enough to crawl into? He knew it was in his best interest to check it out. There had to have been some secret mushrooms waiting for him down below. Readying for the dive of faith, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment.

Finding himself in a large cave underground, a multitude of surprises awaited him. Familiar burgundy haired backside gracing him, and small looking creature beside them, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. The gazelle, what had been standing next to them?

Creature asking about zola mushrooms, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. The critter, was it talking? But, as he thought such, the hyena swore the extra body vanished. Seeing such, the chimera slapped his cheeks. Had he been seeing things? He had to have been, for sure. Gazelle bending down next to nothing, they soon spoke.

"I know," Parisa said, irritated tone of voice. "I'm collecting them, alright?"

Knowing he had no choice but to move past the fawn, the chimera slipped past her. Whatever zola mushrooms were, he needed to take a few. Moving through the cave, for a moment the early adult kept his eyes open for any fungus lurking. Spotting plenty ahead, the hyena started running.

Coming across multiple colorful toadstools adorning various different shades, the hyena blinked as he scooped them up into his palms. Had the shrooms been stickier than the last batch he had collected? He swore they had glued themselves upon his gloves. Ripping them off, they soon fell into the basket.

Moving from area to area, the hyena scratched his head at the sight in front of him. The fungus were they glowing? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Why was he letting his mind wander again? He needed to stop getting distracted. There was nothing amiss about the fungi, for certain.

As the soldier crawled through the cave crevices, the early adult could hear graceful footsteps from afar. Knowing he had to leave some hallucinogenic diamonds behind for her, the chimera moved forward. Next batch soon obtained, the steps only got louder as he kept going.

Rainbow edible fungi glaring daggers at him, the soldier gazed down at the sticky shrooms down in his palms below. What in the world was this spongey material? Were these normal here? Something about them felt rather off about them. But, common sense had been as dead as a fallen Hilichurl upon the battlefield.

Sticky, slimy shrooms soon dropped into the basket. Moving further into the crevices the early adult could feel gloved hands grab ahold of his shoulders. Feeling such, the soldier flinched. Why had someone been touching him? Turning around, a chill dropped down the chimera's spine.

Gazelle holding his right arm hostage, the soldier blinked. Had he taken too many fungi? If such were the case, he needed to apologize for such. Words of remorse on the tip of his tongue, the soldier readied himself to bow downward. But, as he prepared to do so, her words kicked in before his could.

"What are you doing?" Parisa asked, no grace to be had in her voice. "Do you not see what you are picking? Those mushrooms are poisonous."

Hearing Parisa's words, the hyena tilted his head towards the ceiling. These fungus among him were toxic, as well? Had any one he had collected so far been nontoxic? The world of mushrooms was a bitter world of poisons he had not been prepared for in any capacity.

Seeing the Fatui worm collecting multiple highly poisonous mushrooms, Parisa shook their head. Did he not know the difference between fungi that were toxic and nontoxic? Just how unintelligent was he? But, she supposed all the soldiers of the north had an intelligence quotient of ten. He could use a reminder of his idiocy.

"Do you not know which ones are nontoxic?" Parisa asked, no grace to be had in her voice. "Do not pick those, they are poisonous."

Fawn sounding far away, the soldier slapped the backs of his eardrums. Had there been some sort of wall planted between the gazelle and he blocking out sound? Whatever it was she had just said, it did not reach him. Moving along, the shroom hunt soon continued.

Sound dimming around him as the collections kept on going, the soldier rubbed his eyes, for a moment as the next set of shrooms were in his palms. Was it just him, or was there an intense aura surrounding the golden diamonds before him? He had to have been imagining it, surely.

Multiple other fungi assuming the same aura as the others, the chimera blinked. This cave, just what kind of energy did it contain? Whatever it was, he couldn't help but feel the strong intensity of it. Continuing onward for minutes on end, hands soon grabbed him once more.

Fatui worm continuing to collect the toxic mushrooms despite her warning, Parisa locked eyes with the unintelligent soldier. Did he not hear what they just said to him? If he was trying to go out of her way to make her cross, it was certainly doing the trick. Did his subordinates need a reminder from her spear for him to get the picture? But, she perished the thought. Maybe reminding him again would give him a few braincells back.

"You're not a very intelligent Fatui worm, are you?" Parisa asked, tactless. "None of those are safe for consumption." But, she soon clicked her tongue. "Forget it. You're a lost cause." But, as she said such, she could feel a tug on her sleeve. "Could you wait just a minute, please? I'm going." She then turned her attention back towards the Fatui worm. "If you wish to poison yourself, be my guest. I will not stop you."

Fawn soon gone without a trace, the soldier turned back around towards the direction he came. Hearing coming back from the grave as she had spoken to him a second time, the hyena tilted his head. Had the gazelle just called him unintelligent? He supposed he did not blame her, if he had taken the incorrect fungi.

As the hyena returned to the surface, the chimera could not help but ponder. The graceful Parisa, or the violent Parisa, which one had he encountered today? But, he supposed it did not matter. There was no way he would run into her again today. Reaching for the sheet of instructions, the soldier read over his next order of business.

Leaflet informing him his final location was near a den beside a monstrous flower, the chimera could feel his blood turn cold. Flowers in Sumeru were considered monsters? What a horrible classification, for such. But, he supposed some creatures could disguise themselves as innocent things to lure adventurers into a trap. Keeping such in mind, the soldier searched for the cave in question.

Moving upon the eastern path, a chill shot down the soldier's spine at the sight before him. Pathway crackling with electricity, the soldier attempted with all his might to dodge the static everywhere. Shrooms everywhere the eyes could see, including in the walls, the chimera's knees buckled. How did so many of Her Majesty's future food find themselves wedged in such a place?

Knowing he had to make haste, the Mushroom Collection Agency was back in business. Spotting nothing but yellow mushrooms in the shape of a star, the soldier wondered. These shrooms, were they poisonous, too? But, a wave of heat cut his thoughts in half.

Multiple fungi scorched to the touch, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Had the monsters in the area burned everything to a crisp? How very rude of them to do something like that. Picking the burnt toadstools up, the soldier studied them for a moment.

Shrooms looking cooked enough to eat, the early adult shrugged. How could these possibly be toxic? Dropping them in the basket, the early adult's collection rounds soon gained momentum. Not a single fungus among him unburned, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Had the monster inside the den set everything on fire? He needed to proceed with caution, if such were the case.

Scooping up a few fungi that were zapping up a storm, the early adult flinched. Had the cave's electricity been causing some of the food within to become a conductor of its own electricity? Could they be about to burn away at any given moment? How incredibly terrifying.

Closing his eyes as he picked the scorched shrooms up, the early adult dropped them down into the basket. If they were about to catch on fire, the future flames were out of sight, out of mind. Opening his eyes once more, the chimera prepared himself to head upon the battlefield.

So called monster flower nowhere to be seen, the soldier turned his head to the right and left. Whoever said there had been an enemy here to watch out for, they had been on the wrong track, for sure. Stepping foot onto the arena, the next order of shroom collecting had soon begun.

Multiple fungi zapping his palm aplenty as he picked them up, the chimera flinched. The battle ground had it been conducting electricity? What a pain such had been if such were indeed the case. But, he knew he had to bear with it, and move on. The static would vanish after awhile.

Edibles picked up one after another, static clung to his uniform for minutes on end. Becoming a zapping magnet, the soldier let out a deep throated scream. These shroom, why had they been so electrifying? Had there been a lightning storm in Sumeru? The Dendro Nation of Wisdom, had it attracted the gaze of the Electro Archon? He knew such had not been the case, but he felt like it had to have been, at the moment.

Picking up the final set of zappy badness, the early adult took a deep breath. Whoever had made these fungi a lightning magnet, they had picked a terrible place for such. But, as he readied to put all the final set away, a loud roar overtook the arena. Looking upward, the soldier's heart dropped into his stomach.

Monster flower appearing out of nowhere, the soldier ran away as fast as he could muster. The monster, when had it returned from hiding? He needed to run, get out of here, get away before it were to catch him. Legs erupting into a speedy sprint, the early adult hightailed it out of there as fast as his limbs could carry him.

Running faster and faster towards the southern path, the early adult panted up a storm. Why had he been so out of breath from a short run? But, he knew he couldn't let such stop him. Picking up speed again, his chest screamed for minutes on end. Evening soon poking its head in, the hyena accelerated his sprint.

Head spinning faster as his dash about continued, the soldier halted his sprint. Perhaps, he had been running far too fast. Entire rain forest looping in a circle, the hyena had begun to stumble once more. Feet wobbling as Gandha Hill approached, the early adult kept walking.

Knowing he had to return to the city and deliver the shrooms, the early adult kept moving forward. But, the challenges kept on taking the early adult for a loop. World of fuzz soon entering his mind, sweat bathed the soldier as if he had taken a shower in smelly waters.

World continuing to spin as he kept going, the hyena tilted his head towards the moving sky. Had it gotten hotter since he had been here hours prior? He did not know why, but everything felt far more sweltering than before. It had to have just been his imagination, surely.

City only getting closer with every step, the early adult kept swaying back and forth. But, the early adult attempted to snap himself out of it. He could not let the sudden increase in atmospheric temperature eat him alive. The city, he had to get back there, right now. He knew, that if he were even a second too late, the Agent would be furious with him.

But, such entrance towards the city never came, fuzziness hitting its peak, the hyena's vision had become starry. Everything a blur, the chimera could feel himself fall backwards. Backside landing upon the grass, the world spun around three-hundred-sixty-five degrees. Consciousness slipping away, one final dazed thought broke through.

Was it summer?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult life. The cycle was a never ending circle of doom, flipping the panels back to the torture side upon the board game every single turn. The cards never yielding a positive result, rigged from the beginning. The night before him would rig the game even further.

Before him had been a field of anemones. Seeing such flowers, a wave of unease flowed through him. Those flowers, hadn't they been a symbol of death? Doom bell tolling in his head as he gazed at them, the soldier would not sit beside them. His dream life, would it end if he were to stand beside them? But, such had not been the only thing that awaited him.

Standing off in the corner had been a face he would never forget. Green hair and green eyes he would recognize anywhere. Hase in the corner, adorning the clothes from his stolen childhood with the widest grin on her face, a wave of confusion flowed through him. His sister, what was she doing here? Something was off, for sure. Eyes soon on him, she soon spoke.

"Let's go pumpkin picking!" Dream Hase exclaimed, smiling.

Hearing such, the soldier followed behind his subconscious kin. But, as he continued to follow her, the waves of unease would not cease, even for a moment. Hase, why was she here in the dream world with him? Why did she wish to go pumpkin picking with him? Surely, such event not longer carried fond memories. But what awaited him was no fruit to speak of, whatsoever.

Seeing a large wooden machine with a blade at the top looking ready to cut a head it were to fall upon, the early adult's dream body froze. Hase, just where was she taking him? That device, if she were to take him there, his life would end, in an instant. What was going on, why was she leading him to this? He knew he needed to ask her where she was taking him.

"Hase, where are you taking me?!" the early adult screamed, anxious tone of voice. Volume picking up, he soon repeated himself. "Hase!" But, a laugh soon came his way.

"So, I really do look like your sister, don't I?" 'Hase' responded, giggling. "You're so easy to fool!"

Blinding light soon engulfing the dream world, a tall Hilichurl with a blood red cape, grabbed ahold of the hyena's shoulders. This monster, why was it pushing him towards the blade machine? Hase, had she ever truly been here at all? It was almost if a god had been pulling the strings of his life, determining every factor of what happened moment by moment.

Hilichurl dropping him down into the wooden device, the hyena swore he could hear the creature laughing. Hands holding the rope, a blade came crashing down from up above. Sharp weapon soon coming for his neck, the early adult let out a scream as the world went black around him. Dream life slipping away once more, one final thought crept through.

He was quite gullible, indeed.


"It hurts, everything hurts.
This curse, it is spreading. It

Is spreading. It's
Spreading, it's spreading, it's spreading, it's spreading.

Getting worse. My toes, they have succumb.
Everything hurts, please help me!
This is painful, someone, please, help me!
This is painful. someone, please, help me!
I am becoming Noctilucous Jade. I am becoming
Noctilucous Jade. Someone, please
Get rid of this curse, I am hurting. The gazelles,

Why did they do this to me? Revenge?
Obviously. Why couldn't they have been satisfied at their first attempt at
Revenge against me? I cannot
See how this is a feasible way to
Eliminate me.

How could they do this to me?
Everything hurts, please, someone, help me!
Liquidate my suffering,
Put it into bankruptcy.

My hands, my arms, they are stone completely.
Everything hurts, someone help me!

Someone, please, anyone, help me!
Oh, but I mustn't complain. I
Mustn't say anything.
Everything I am feeling must stay in the jar. Do not
Open my mouth, there's work to be done.
No complaining, no crying, no nothing.
Everything may hurt, but I have no choice but to keep working. Or

She'll kill me.
That's right, I am just a pawn
On the chessboard. A
Pawn, ready for the checkmate. My current condition?

That does not matter. I
Have to keep going.
I have to keep working. This
Stone, it won't be here for all of eternity.

My body will heal,
And the pain will die.
Do not complain, do
Not falter. I have to keep working.
Every single day I am assigned
Something, that's how it has to be.
So, stop complaining. Get to working."

Coming to somewhere unknown to him, the soldier placed his glasses over his eyes. Where in the world was he? But, he knew where he had been did not matter. The Agent, he had to go look for him right away. Lifting himself up from the covers, a new horror let itself be known.

Toes pitch black and boils pulsating even worse than yesterday, the early adult let out a scream. The curse, had it spread even further? Breaking into a puddle of tears, the questions kept rolling. Why was this happening to him? The abyssal gazelles, what did he do to deserve this revenge blow from him? But, as his tears kept falling, his head pounded like a jackhammer.

Slipping socks over his blackening feet, the early adult placed his uniform over his partially human body immediately. It was fine. Everything was alright. Surely, he was just dirty. He just did not have a chance to cleanse himself. Surely, a nice long wash, and everything would go away.

Agent studying him for minutes on end as he stepped outside of the room unknown, the soldier broke into a sweat. Why was he looking at him like that? Look of suspicion plastered all over him, the hyena's heart skipped more than six beats. Could he stop staring into his soul? Wasn't there work to be done?

"Stay right here, soldier," the Agent said in a serious tone. "One of our subordinates has gone to Sumeru City to fetch you a doctor. You look far worse than yesterday."

The soldier flinched. The Agent told another member of the Fatui about his current condition? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Hadn't he informed him yesterday he was sunburned? Ridiculous. He shouldn't have gone blowing the whistle to someone else. The lie, he had to bring it back to haunt him right away.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday, sir? I'm just sunburned!" the hyena exclaimed uncharacteristically. "Stop concerning yourself over it!" But, the soldier soon covered his mouth. Did he just blurt that out? He was in trouble. Legs shaking, he bowed an apology. "I'm sorry for talking back to you, sir!" But, as he lifted his head back up, a freezing hand had soon been upon his forehead. Feeling such, the soldier flinched. The Agent, why was he touching him? He needed to keep his hands to himself. But, his thoughts were soon interrupted as a response had come his way.

"Soldier, you're burning up," the Agent responded. "You're in no condition to be working." But, as he had done so, his hand had been swatted away.

"Stop touching me, sir!" the hyena responded in an uncharacteristically loud tone. "I'm just sunburned!" Clapping his gloved hands together, desperation kicked in. "Please, just give me work! Her Majesty is going to kill me!"

The Agent shook his head from behind his mask. His subordinate's worth ethnic was too good sometimes. Would making up an order satisfy him enough? He knew everything would go in circles if he rejected such. Letting out the first order that came to him, he returned his attention towards the weak mess in front of him.

"Fine, soldier, since you're so insistent, go hunt Specters and collect their nuclei," the Agent responded. "But, if someone discovers you unconscious again, I am taking you to the hospital in Sumeru City." An ill soldier was useless soldier. "Buy yourself a bag and information about the Specter's whereabouts in the alleyways before departing."

Orders coming his way, the soldier nodded. Observing the area, for a moment as he walked around, the early adult had come to an immediate conclusion. He had been in Port Ormos. The scammy merchant, would he have to deal with her again? Head continuing to pound as a generic nobody said he would take him to the big d, the early adult scratched the back of his ears. What did this person just say?

Pink haired petit merchant woman telling the generic nobody to not call her big d, the escort soon left the area. Scammy lady giving him the biggest of grins, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Just how much Mora was she going to rake out of him now? However much it was about to be, he knew he needed to prepare to empty his wallet for her.

"Hello, dear customer," the scammy merchant greeted. "If you have Mora, my doors are always open!"

Scammy merchant giving the same exact greeting as last time, the soldier let out a groan. Did she have to announce herself in such a way? She was basically just telling everyone she was out for their wallets. Pointing at the bag with a claymore and scroll poking out of it, he gave the lady a sharp look.

"You want the Adventurer's Guide to killing Specters?" the scammy merchant asked. "That'll be one-hundred-fifty-thousand Mora!"

Hearing such a number, pain nibbled on the early adult's brain. She was asking for how much now? One-hundred-fifty-thousand Mora for a bag with a claymore in it? Absolutely outrageous. What a ripoff. But, he knew he had no choice but to buy it. Head spinning in circles as he handed the coins off to her, he swore he could hear her singing about the Mora she just robbed off his person.

"The bag is yours!" the scammy merchant exclaimed. "Come back soon, dear customer!"

Placing the bag on his backside with a heavy struggle, the early adult huffed and puffed. Was it just him, or had lifting things become extremely difficult all of a sudden? Bag secured upon his shoulders, the chimera exited the alleyways. Seating himself at a table, for a moment, he gazed at the scroll.

Scroll informing him the Specters had been all along the pathway towards some place he had never heard of before known as Yasna Monument, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Had he been reading that right? He only had to head north? But, he supposed the scroll wasn't lying.

Exiting the port city, the early adult prepared himself for any monsters that were about to come his way. Immediately spotting a group of specters up ahead, the early adult's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. But, as he had done so, his head spun cycles. Closing his eyes for a moment, the soldier could feel heat flow through his face once more.

Shaking everything off, the soldier kept moving. Why was he letting himself let his current weakness win? Absolutely ridiculous. He could not allow for such to happen. Sprinting ahead, the early adult prepared himself for battle. Floating monsters soon in front of him, the hyena reached for the greatsword in his bag.

But, as the early adult reached for the claymore, his arms did not move for minutes on end. Stone locking him into place, a wave of terror flowed through him. The jade biting down on him, had it soaked into his veins? Move, he needed to move. Why wasn't he moving?

Hands remaining stuck in place for minutes on end, the soldier let out a scream. The curse, was it spreading further? He was on the job right now, he could not allowed this to happen. Taking multiple deep breaths, the tears soon fell. Everything was falling apart.

Muscles kicking themselves into shape after half an hour of immobility, the soldier grabbed the greatsword from his back. Large claymore in the shape of a machete lugged into his hands, the hyena flinched. His weapon, why had it been so heavy? But, he knew he had to bear with the weight, no matter what.

Specter creatures blasting balls of water on him as the heavy glorified killer kitchen knife swung forward. Weight throwing him for a loop, not single strike hit the monster for even a moment. Creature floating towards him with a fury, the power of Hydro soaked him a new one.

Monster floating the right and left with every struggled swing, the early adult let out a grunt. This creature, was it flying away to taunt him? He was not amused in the slightest. Weakly jumping to the left, the early adult swung and missed for what felt like the fifth time today.

Forces of Hydro drenching him further, the chimera broke out into a shiver as the jets let themselves loose once more, with feeling. Uniform a sopping mess, the hyena grit his teeth. Why was he failing at such an easy task? A specter, hadn't it been nothing more than a different species of Slime? He needed to get it together, right this instant.

Attempting to shift his weight for minutes on end, the early adult swung the blade with all his might. Creature floating towards the left and right for minutes on end, the hyena kept his wild swipes about going. Weapon eventually connecting, the tables turned as minutes soon became hours.

Creature eventually reaching its demise, a slimy drop bounced onto the rainforest floors. Collecting the drops, the early adult winced. What in the world was this disgusting ball of slime? But, he knew he had no choice but to bag it. Ready to move on, the hyena kept heading north.

Multiple enemies trying to float to the hills as he approached them, the early adult got his blade ready once more. But, as he had done such, the rapid floating movement took over once more. Attacks of wind, ice, and rock coming his way with every float about, the early adult could feel his energy begin to leave him.

Creatures continuously gaining the advantage, the early adult could feel his energy drain further with every given second. Blade heavier the further he swung it, tears soon streamed down the chimera's cheek. Had he become nothing more than a useless pile of rocks? If Her Majesty had seen him now, she would be disappointed in him, for sure.

But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, giving up now? He had to move. He couldn't let the stone take him away, no matter what. Such could not happen. Attacks continuing to throw him for a loop for minutes on end, the early adult begged to the Dendro Archon he was not supposed to worship to place a zipper on the curse, just for a moment.

Movement returning from the dead after about twenty minutes, the soldier swung the large glorified knife forward. First Specter sent back to its grave after about fifty strikes, the early adult broke out into a pant. Was it just him, or did every single battle feel like he had been running a marathon?

Final set of monsters in the area taken out of their misery, the soldier readied to move forward. But, as he kept heading north, the world spun in loops. Rapidly shaking his head, the chimera kept walking. He did not have time for any of this. Yasna Monument, he had to reach it, no matter what. Whatever malaise was knocking on the door, it was not welcome at this point in time.

Moving ahead to the best of his ability, a peculiar path awaited the soldier. Spotting a strange area that looked like a greenhouse, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had he found himself near a gardening city? Perhaps, just maybe, if at any point in the future, he had a day off, he should check it out.

Spotting multiple students walking around the premises, another set of questions broke through him. This area, had it been some sort of facility for Akademiya students? If such were the case, he needed to leave, right away. Slinking past the students possibly studying, the chimera headed upon the northern path.

But, as he had done so, a group of obstacles soon awaited him. Panther twins and the mercenary bodyguard fighting multiple monsters together, the enemies had fallen to their knees in one fell swoop. Seeing such, the soldier backed two steps away. Had these three been in the middle of some sort of commission? He needed to get out the way. But, as he had done so, he swayed downward.

Opening his eyes once more, the soldier flinched at the sight before. Finding himself upon Bogart's shoulder, the chimera backed multiple steps away. What just happened, why did he let himself fall? He needed to apologize right away. But as readied to do so, a commotion kicked itself into overdrive.

"Did another monster just hit me? Bring it on!" Bogart shouted. But, it soon turned around. Spotting Siorc in the corner, it swiped its finger across its nose. "Wowza! Siorc, was that you? You trying to fight monsters, too? The more the merrier!" But Waiola soon interrupted.

"I don't think you should be encouraging he joins us, Bogart," Waiola said, shaking her head. "He looks rather unwell." She then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, are you alright?" She then turned towards Bogart. "Bogart, we should take him to Gandharva Ville."

Waiola attempting to bring up Gandharvha Ville, the soldier turned his head off towards the opposite direction. What business was it of hers what his current condition was? They happened to stumble upon one another. Giving Waiola a defiant shake of the head, he turned his attention towards Bogart.

Bogart adorning a bright blue patterned dress with golden embroidery and beautiful headdress, the early adult swore he could feel his cheeks catch fire. Was it just him, or had the rainforest gotten even hotter just a second ago? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, admiring his outfit? Recalling his question, his words bled out of his mouth.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded, voice uncharacteristically audible. "I am fighting monsters, too."

"Awesomesauce! There's more where that came from for both of us!" Bogart shouted with a goofy grin plastered on his face. But, he had soon interrupted.

"We're going with him," Waiola demanded. But, a complaint had been filed almost immediately.

"Come on, Waiola, we're with ----- right now!" Bogart shouted.

"I don't want him going alone," Waiola responded, shaking her head. "Can't you see how he looks, Bogart?" She then turned towards Siorc. "We're helping you out, and then taking you straight to Gandharva Ville. Got it?" As such commotion stirred, another voice added itself to the mix.

"Xerxes, it's cool, go help your pal," the mercenary bodyguard said. "Business is business. Us desertfolk gotta take what we get."

Waiola demanding she join him on his Specter battle mission, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Who did she think she was, barging into his mission? He didn't need any sort of assistance whatsoever. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Why was he getting so snappy? How unlike him. Taking a deep breath, he gave the taller panther chimera a nod. He supposed he appreciated their assistance.

"Aww, yeah, let's get down and dirty!" Bogart exclaimed.

Waiola soon taking the lead, the soldier swore he could hear her say there had been a cave up ahead that had more Specters to take care of. Hearing such, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had they gotten a commission to fight the same monsters as he? Coincidence was quite the contagious disease, indeed.

Soon escorted to a peculiar underground cave with multiple floors and domain in the corner, Specters flew around the area as if they owned the place. Seeing such, the early adult's legs shook. Just how many floors was this place? He could not help but feel he was about to have his work cut out for him.

Waiola getting her bow ready as Specters had appeared from afar, multiple enemies had been removed from the equation before the hyena could even blink. Seeing such, the soldier turned towards the panther chimera. Just how far was her bow able to reach? Archers were the strongest amongst them all, for sure.

Specters soon floating towards him, the soldier placed his blade in front of him. Swinging with a heavy amount of struggle, the early adult let out a scream. What about this claymore made it so heavy? He needed to get used to the weight, or he would be no more than a useless hunk of junk.

Specters destroyed with the hyena and shorter panther chimera's combined efforts, the party of two moved on ahead towards the next floor. Specters flying around all over the place, the chimera's legs erupted into a sprint. Breath dying the faster he were to run, the chimera kept going.

Panther twins decimating the floating monsters in front of him, the soldier could feel sweat bathe him deep. Just how powerful were these two? He needed to step up his game before they were to take all the glory. Soon reaching the third floor within the secret underground cavern world, the chimera placed his blade in front of him.

Specters channeling the power of Electro in front of him, the early adult placed his blade in front of him. Charging forward, the hyena let out a battle cry. Swiping left, right, upside down, not inside out, and center, his screams continued. Monster from the possible afterlife looking ready to blow, he kept the momentum going.

Creature letting it rip, the soldier jumped three steps back. But, such dodge had almost been too late. Electricity decorating his uniform, the early adult flinched. Had his legs been struggling to move now, too? He was quite the useless paperweight upon this battlefield of elements.

Soon reaching the final floor, Waiola and Bogart soon dished out the final set of attacks within the cave's crevices. Seeing such, the early adult let out a meek sigh. Had he not been doing enough? Her Majesty would be disappointed in him, without a doubt. But, as he thought such, he could hear the next round of demands.

Waiola soon informing him they would be heading to Yasna Monument next, the group of three exited the area. Panthers walking ahead of him, the early adult followed behind in silence. Long traverse south for almost an hour, a wave of fuzziness overtook the hyena as he kept going.

Briefly blinking out of existence, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. What was he doing again? How did he get here? But, the soldier snapped himself out of his dazed stupor. Right. He was fighting Specters, how could he possibly forget? Soon reaching a short cave with filled water, multiple specters awaited his attention.

Waiola and Bogart knocking out multiple floating monsters after ten strikes together, the soldier blinked. Teamwork was the dreamwork, indeed. How had these two been so in sync with one another? He swore even their breathing was on point? But, he supposed twins were synchronized with eachother since the day they were born. He would never know what such felt like.

Creatures ramming their rocky bodies into him, the soldier let out a yelp. Blade clanging with the enemy, the early adult's legs shook with a fervor. This enemy, its body was cold, hard, rocky, slimy. Fighting back with all his might, the monster's minutes were about to become numbered.

Monster fading into the ether after about twenty strikes and twenty counter hits back, the early adult could feel his breath weaken. Forcing himself to do his breathing exercises, the party of three headed off towards the shallow waters within the unknown area. But, as he pressed on further, the army had been done and dealt with.

Bogart pressing his spear into every single enemy, the soldier blinked as the Specters had becoming nothing but dust upon the wind. Hearing the shorter panther chimera let out a cheer, the early adult blinked again. Had he been enjoying himself? But, the soldier threw such questions away. If that was what he enjoyed, there was no reason for judgement.

Waiola once again informing Bogart and he they had one final cave to head towards, she soon took the lead. Straggling behind the duo in front of him, the hyena's mind wandered, for a moment. Did Waiola always like being charge of the situation? The early adult did not know why, but he could sense of leadership flowing through her.

Heading south for over an hour, the panther twins had soon lead him towards an area with multiple ruins. Party of two climbing upwards towards a hole in the corner, the early adult readied for his ascent upward, as well. Such, however was met with immediate difficulties.

Stone hands freezing in place as he attempted to climb upward, the soldier let out a grunt. The curse, why did it decide to strike now, of all times? Stuck in place for minutes on end, his grunts continued. Panther twins running towards him, they gave one another sharp glances.

"Bogart, I think he's stuck," Waiola said. "We need to pull him up."

"Oh, golly, gee, Waiola, where did you get that idea from?" Bogart said sarcastically.

"Bogart, why are you getting fresh with me?" Waiola asked, irritated.

"Jeepers, Waiola! Can't you take a little bit of a joke?" Bogart exclaimed. But he soon read the room. "Aww, jeez, never mind." Placing his right claw onto Siorc's right hand, he readied to pull. "Alrighty. I'll take his right one, then. Come on, Waiola, grab his left! What are you waiting for?"

Waiola and Bogart pulling him upward, the soldier swore he could hear Bogart saying he's a lightweight. Hearing such, the chimera's cheeks grew red enough to invent an entirely new shade of crimson. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. It was time to move forward, arms usable or not.

Reaching a particularly deep underground cave, multiple Specters added themselves to the battle table full course meal. Waiola and Bogart getting down and dirty in front of him, multiple enemies had been taken out of the picture one after another. But, easy street did not last long.

Specters wielding the powers of Electro and Hydro almost exclusively, neither Waiola watery arrows, nor Bogart's rings of electricity were able to get the job done. Duo attempting to swap enemies, as well, the opposite's elements did not do anything, either.

Twins bickering for a moment as their attacks did nothing, the soldier's ears rung. Why were they fighting now? Head spinning as their arguments only got louder, the hyena attempted to tune their arguments out. World around him silent, the soldier brought his blade in front of him. Movement coming back from the dead, he swung forward.

Blade doing its duty, the panther twins added their physical prowess to the battle, as well. Elementless arrows and spear without electricity adding themselves to the equation, the hyena kept pressing onward. Multiple Specters decimated with the power of teamwork, the fights soon returned to easy street.

But, easy street had soon become pain city as the battle's climax had come out of the woodworks. Entire body burning, the early adult's head pulsed as if his heart had been moved up towards his brain. But, the hyena attempted to numb such. This was no time to allow his weakness to win.

Greatsword swinging and landing a base hit, the last Specter had been taken out of the picture. Waiola and Bogart celebrating with one another in loud unison, the pulse soon returned. Head pounding as if he had been hit by a hammer, the world burned again. But, as the pain grew stronger, another emerged.

Chest getting tighter as the seconds sped themselves up, an intense wave of fuzziness overtook the soldier. Head pounding harder with every given second, the chimera could feel himself fall backwards. Everything was burning, melting, heating up. Land of unconsciousness taking him away, one final thought took him away as the blackness ate him up like a snack.

Why is his body fighting him?


Dreaming continued its never ending cycle of anguish within the soldier's subconscious mind. The wheel would spin and land on misfortune every single time, with every positive space upon the game board removed ages ago. The wheel would land on the double misfortune spot in the night before him with a chance of decupling the torment odds to the maximum capacity.

Before him had been an entire field of sawblades with roses decorating them. Seeing such obstacle, the soldier attempted with all his might to dodge them. But, such had been a failure before it could even begin. Dream forces pushing him forward, torture had become his only friend.

Arms and legs shredded to smithereens, the early adult's dream body had begun to fall over. But, such had been the biggest subconscious mistake of the century. Landing himself right into the trap, the blades circled around him, in a split second. Doom looming over him, the hyena said his dream goodbyes.

Saws soon devouring the soldier, the early adult closed his eyes. The blades were deep, sharp, the final death tool in the no longer being alive in the dream coffin. Back sliced up to ribbons, the early adult embraced the end. Sharp edges hugging him from behind for dream minutes on end, the timer ticked down to zero.

He was pushing up daises.


"It hurts, I am becoming Noctilucous Jade. It hurts, I

Am becoming Noctilucous Jade.
My leg, it is black now, too. The

Jade, it's consuming me.
Abyssal gazelles, are you happy now? Look what you've
Done to me. I am become Noctilucous Jade.
Everything hurts, I feel like crying. My

Tears, will they become stone, too? I feel so
Hot, I'm burning.
Everything hurts. I am becoming Noctilucous

Jade. Someone, please help me!
Ah, who am I kidding?
Don't ask for help.
Everything is fine. Everything

Is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.
So stop complaining. I'm not allowed. Her

Majesty is watching me.
Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine everything is fine.

Coming to the next morning somewhere unknown to him, the soldier let out a scream. Finding himself in a room alone, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Where was he? Had he been taken back to Snezhnaya? Wherever he had been, he did not recognize it, whatsoever.

Lifting himself up from the covers, terror awaited the soldier. Left leg a stony greyish black all the way up to right below his knee, the soldier let out a deep wail. The curse why was it spreading further? The gazelles hadn't they been satisfied by now? Tears bursting down onto his cheeks, everything was waterworks.

Knowing he had to leave and bring the Agent the nuclei, the soldier steeled himself. He could not stay here for a second longer. Removing himself from whatever bed he had found himself in, the soldier stood to his feet. Readying to exit the area, the chimera prepared himself for takeoff.

But, immediately upon standing, the soldier's energy had become a carcass in a casket. Dead and gone, with no one coming to the funeral. Everything burning, the early adult stood still. Why was he just standing there? Where did his energy go? Forcing himself forward, the chimera readied to bolt for the door. Such attempt, however, had been a failure.

Forest Watcher Leader and his trainee stepping through the door, sharp eyes had soon been on him. Seeing the duo, it had come to the soldier immediately. Had he been taken to Gandharvha Ville? Realizing such, the early adult's head spun in cycles. How did he get here? There was no way he could stay here a moment longer. But, a challenge kicked off as he once again attempted to leave.

"Go back to bed, you are ill," the forest watcher leader demanded. "Waiola and Bogart brought you here, you're welcome." As he said such, his hands had been behind his furry ears. He then turned to his trainee. "------, grab the thermometer."

"On it, Master ---------!" the trainee replied.

Hearing such demands, the early adult shook his head in defiance. He was ill? What a ridiculous statement. Such had been far from the truth. He was cursed. Absolutely, positively, without any semblance of a doubt, there was nothing wrong here. Words bleeding out they released himself.

"What are you talking about, sir? I'm not ill! You're making that up," the soldier responded, laughing. "I don't have time for this. I have to go back to work." But, as he said such, a glass rod had been forced into his mouth.

Cold, germy rod's mercury rising, the early adult gazed at the red moving past thirty-five. Blood water tracing past thirty-six, thirty-seven, and thirty-eight as well, the soldier's heart skipped a beat. Why was it still going up? He was cursed. This tool was broken, for sure. Number hovering towards thirty-nine and halting, the early adult repeated such thoughts. That thing was broken, for sure. Furry eared man grabbing the gross, slimy object, he immediately shook his head.

"No," the furry eared man said sarcastically. As he said such, he placed the man back into the bed. "Now, be quiet while we get you a doctor."

Forest ranger trainee going with him, the soldier waited ten minutes after their departure. No one stepping inside the room of the unknown, the soldier made a run for it. Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. He could not stay here. What did those numbers matter anyway? He was a hyena chimera, not a human. Surely, whatever human illness they perceived for him to have, he did not have such.

Finding the Agent relatively quickly, concerned eyes were upon him as he handed over the bag of Specter Nuclei. Agent telling him he looked worse today, the soldier held back the urge to talk back. Begging of giving him orders coming his way, a sigh released from his subordinate's covered throat.

Agent telling him to go fight lost dolls and gather their wind up keys, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What in the world did he just hear him say? He couldn't help but feel this job was just invented out of thin air. Informed they were in Gandarvha Ville and in the forest up north, the soldier let out a groan. Back into furry eared man territory. He would need to avoid him at all costs.

Leaving Sumeru City behind once again, the early adult could not help but wonder. His job, why had it sounded fake? But, he early adult shook his head. That couldn't have possibly been the case. Her Majesty, she always wanted spoils from him. Surely, if he got such for her, no disappointment would come her way.

But, as the soldier headed towards Chinvat Ravine, a feeling of stone engulfed him. Body stuck upon the bridge for minutes on end, a wave of doom flowed through him. The curse, had it taken his legs with it, too? Move, he needed to move. He needed to return to the village and head off to the jungle up north right away.

Legs moving once more after about ten minutes of immobility, a sea of tiny dolls with the appearance of the Fontaine fashion designer danced around in a circle. These monsters, they were no big deal, he would be done with them in the blink of a bespectacled eye, for sure. Greatsword in front of him, the battle soon begun.

Easy mode never came, strange dolls fighting him with the strength of a real man, the soldier let out a grunt. These dolls, where did they get their strength from? Wherever they had obtained it, they were a formidable opponent, indeed. Slicing and dicing for hours on end, the enemies soon fell.

Heading through the northern path, the chimera's fights versus the dolls kept on going weak. Wind up keys dropping down onto the ground one after another, the soldier tilted his head as the object landed into his gloved hands. Was it just him, or did the tool to turn the dolls on feel lighter than a normal switch?

Continuing to fight upon the northern pathway, the early adult's blade kept pressing on. More oddly feminine dolls dropping dead, the plastic wind up keys dropped aplenty. Pocketing every single one of them, the chimera kept the momentum going for minutes on end. But, as he moved through Gandharva Ville, a disturbance added itself to the force.

Feeling a sudden tickle scratch his throat, the soldier had begun to cough and hack as if he had been around smoke. Cough only continuing, a wave of malaise flowed through him. As such had gotten out of control for minutes on end, jade poked his esophagus for the entire duration.

Ignoring such feeling, the early adult slapped his chest. Had he gotten such disgusting action out of his system? It was time to go. There were more dolls to destroy. But, as he kept on fighting, he could feel his mind flutter away like a butterfly on the wind. Blade swinging with far less precision, his thoughts flew completely off course.

Sense floating away, as well, the soldier could not help but wonder. The rainforest, had it always been this fluffy? The grass beneath his heelless shoes, had it become snow? Everything was white, soft, as cloudy as could be. But, as he had been lost in his own little world, a voice dragged him back into reality.

"Why did you run off?" the furry eared man scolded. "I told you to stay put while--." But his words were soon interrupted.

"Leave me alone!" the hyena blurted out, running as fast as he could.

As the soldier dashed through Gandha Hill, the soldier returned to his senses. Why did he say that to the furry eared man? Where were his manners? The jade living in his throat, had it been forcing him to blurt things out? He had been saying hundreds of words too many.

Continuing onward, multiple dolls danced around the area with all their might. Enemies dropping down after what felt like a hundred strikes, the soldier's thoughts had continued to wander once more. What would it be like to be a windup doll? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Wrong universe. He was not some struggling song-writing teenager with a dark blue haired android girl as his only company in a dollhouse world.

Continuing north for hours on end, the enemies soon spotted him. Puppets heading towards a hidden cavern, the soldier placed his blade in front of him. But, such had been an action too soon. Dolls running away through the strange mushroom forest, the early adult picked up the speed. He needed to catch them right away.

Enemies running as fast as they possibly could with their stubby feet, the soldier had begun to run faster. Although, his speed had not been enough. Creatures of human creation running off further throughout the area, the chimera kept the momentum going. He had to catch up to them before they were to get too far away.

Moving faster with every given second, the early adult could feel the tickle engulf his throat once more. Such occurrence coming back to haunt him, the soldier stopped running. Hacking up a storm, the soldier swore if he were to cough any harder, his lungs would fall out. Taking a long deep breath, the chase continued.

Running after them upon a western path, the hyena had soon been front and center with the enemies. Blade doing its bidding for about one hundred strikes, the chimera had begun to pant up a storm. First set of dolls decimated, the chimera went in further into the cave of many hidden mysteries.

As the soldier kept the battles going, green arrows out of nowhere, and a hooded cat figure had invited themselves to the party. Seeing such assists from an invisible benefactor, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Victory coming from anonymous, the last puppet soon fell. Letting out a huffed breath, the chimera readied to exit the cave.

However, as the chimera prepared to turn back, the largest tickle of them all took the chimera away. Hacking uncontrollably for minutes on end, a wave of dizziness flowed through him. Feeling an uncomfortable liquid travel upward towards the esophagus, the soldier bent over towards the cave ground.

Red liquid dropping down onto the cave floor, the ground around him shook. But, as the early adult kept coughing, another surprise added itself to the mixture below him. Sea of red pouring out further, bits of Noctilucous Jade dropped down into the crimson puddle below. Head churning and spinning, his body fell to the cave floor.



Coming to in another bed unknown to him, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Where in the world had he been taken to this time? He did not have time to sit around here. He needed to leave right away. But, he had soon been foiled as the trainee stepped in.

"Oh, good, you're awake," the forest ranger trainee said. "Master -------- is getting a doctor for you in the city. Please don't run away, this time!"

But, such pleads had been unheard. Slipping out from the bed, the hyena made a run for it. A doctor? Unnecessary? He did not need such a thing. The curse, surely, it would go away on its own. Dashing back towards the capital city of Sumeru, the Agent's mask was soon on him. Plastic wind up keys snatched, his gloved hands were soon pointing at his back pocket.

"Enough, soldier," the Agent responded. "Go back to Snezhnaya." There was a serious tone in his voice.

Hearing such, the early adult removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. What was with the serious tone in his voice, of all sudden? But, he knew he could not disobey his orders. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the icy cold hallways soon awaited him once more.

Reaching the soundproof room after thirty minutes of struggled walking, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had everyone been acting as though he was diseased? He was cursed. There was no illness to be had here. It would run its course, surely once the abyssal gazelles had been satisfied. But, as such thoughts poured in, the tickle returned.

Cough taking full control of him, the early adult bent over. Pools of crimson coming out of him as the fit had taken away his freedom, a lump of Noctilucous Jade released itself from his throat. Seeing such, fear swallowed the soldier whole. What was happening to him? Why was he releasing bloody jade? Entire body shaking, another cough overtook him.

Another lump of jade into the crimson pool below, the early adult let out a shout. The curse, it was consuming him. His insides, would they all soon become jade, too? Fears breaking him apart, he could feel another tickle in his throat ready to control him. Slapping his chest for minutes on end, the chimera scrubbed the icy cold floors for minutes on end.

Wave of extreme tiredness immediately overtaking him as such had been finished, the early adult removed his weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed as well, he crawled into the uncomfortable bed. As the hyena closed his eyes, his thoughts raced on repeat. The curse, surely, it would come to pass. It had to, surely. Surely, the hooded stranger's revenge would soon be realized. The curse would pass eventually, surely. Thoughts continuing to loop, the tickle readied its last hurrah.

Warm cough breaking through, the soldier shook up a storm as his bed had been given a bloody jade gift. Letting out a scream, the hyena tossed the mineral away. Eyes fluttering shut, the hyena could feel the dream world almost ready to invite him back in. Breaths getting shallower with every given second, the soldier attempted to steady his breathing. World of sleep finally taking him away for the evening, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

The curse, it would come to pass soon, surely.

Surely, this would all be over soon.

Chapter 24: Seirai's Maple Pile of Chaos! A Leafy Youkai Adventure


And thus, the curse saga only gets worse from here. In this section, Siorc is given nonsense jobs around Inazuma as the curse only gets worse from here. Feat: Egor Tegne, Rede, Neko, Sayu, Yinlong, "M", Wriothesley (in a nightmare only), Itto, Xiao, and Zhongli. Here we go.


Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Palamon - 原神 (1) .

Made by Chibiratsu btw

Chapter Text

"Help me, help, me, help me, help me
Everything hurts,
Look at me, see what's happening,
Please, someone help me, help me, help

Me, help me, help me,
Everything is black, tipped with jade,

Please, someone, help me,
Look at me,
Everything is jade now
Someone, help me, help me
Everything is jade now

Help me, help me help me
Even my insides have been consumed
Look at what's happening to me!
Please, help me!

My body is gone,
Everything but my head and upper chest are greyish black.

It hurts it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
This curse, is it going to end me?

Utter annihilation,
Really, at this point, just end me.
Take all this pain away. No,
Stop it, stop it, stop it.

I cannot perish here, I

Cannot perish here.
Absolutely not. No way.
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way. Get
Over it, stop dooming and glooming.
Take my mind out of this gutter. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Inhale

Exhale, inhale, exhale.
Ah, that's right, I can't even breathe.
That's right! The curse took that, too.

I can barely take any more, end me! No,

Cut it out, stop it,
Abdicate this doom and gloom,
No more, no more, no more.

Bring my thoughts to
Another place
Right this second
Everything will be fine
Listen to that inner never
Yielding soldier

Brain. Everything is fine.
Right, right, right,
Everything is
Absolutely, positively fine.
There is no reason to
Holler, whatsoever.
Everything is absolutely fine.

What kind of job awaits me today
Here in this cold breeze,
A moment of weakness,
That will only lead to disappointment.

I have to keep going,
So, stop screaming,

Halt everything,
After all, I cannot say anything.
Place that zipper on
Place thar zipper on deep.
Everything is fine.
No more crying,
No more screaming.
I am fine
Nothing is wrong here
Get ready for work.

That's the key to successful living.
Obedience is key.

My pain doesn't matter.
Everything will be fine.

The Cryo Archon
Hardly cares, so
Everything is fine, everything is fine.

All of this will go away.
Right, all of this will go away
Crack, disappear, so stop
Howling. Get to work,
Or Her Majesty will kill me.
No more complaining.
Such is not allowed, anyway.

Here is to yet
Another day of work.
Vaminos, whatever that means.
Everything is fine.

Look the other way,
Everything is fine, everything is
Fine, everything is fine,
There is nothing wrong with

Me. My curse will go away, surely.
Everything is fine. Everything is fine."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic adult life. The cycle was a hammer of misfortune thrown upon a dart board that never failed to hit the target. The wheel of misfortune would continue onward on in the night before him, as well, quadruple fold and then some.

Before him had been a field of gladioluses. Seeing such flowers, an immediate wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Hadn't those been something one would see in a bouquet at a funeral? Was he about to be thrown into a coffin? He knew, whatever was about to happen, something terrifying was going to await him, guaranteed.

Knowing letting doom take him over would do him no good, the soldier seated himself beside the fields of possible death. But, such had been impossible. Despair looming over his shoulder, ready to come in for the chokehold, the early adult stared off into dream space. Any second now, he would burn away, combust, become ashes upon the wind.

But, there was nothing. No one.

Only silence.

Silence looping on repeat for dream hours on end, a heavy wave of unease flowed through the hyena. The chimera did not know why, but he could feel a heavier sense of terror flow through him than usual. Not a single soul stirring within the not reality before him, the early adult awaited for his doom to come.

Wind not even stirring, the soldier continued to become a sitting duck. When will he meet his fate of doom? Glaring at a distant flower field in the corner, the chimera dropped himself down onto all fours. Those flowers from afar, could they have been different ones? He needed to take a look, and see with his own mismatched eyes, right this instant.

Crawling for dream minutes on end, nothing but more gladioluses awaited him. Seeing such, the early adult allowed a sigh to escape the dream esophagus. Did he waste his subconscious time coming here? But, as he kept trudging on closer, a surprise had come up right from under him.

Hole dropping from underneath him, the hyena tumbled downward. Pitch black darkness engulfing him for minutes on end, the chimera closed his eyes. Was this it for him? Had he already reached the end of the dream world? Regret filled the early adult. He should not have ventured further, for sure.

Falling for hours on end, the soldier soon dropped downward onto a hard, cold, metal floor. Feeling boxed in, the early adult observed his surroundings. But, what awaited him was an entire new world of uncertainties galore. Finding himself behind metal bars, another presence made the possibly nonexistent room feel even smaller.

Turning his head, the soldier observed the person who might have not existed within reality. Standing towards the steel bars had been a short young woman slightly taller than him. The girl had extraordinarily long silver hair that went down to about her waist pulled back into braids with what appeared to be handcuffs tied at the ends of them. Pitch black ribbons tied towards the end, the hyena studied her outfit, for a moment. Black hat on her head, light yellow eyes with a face mole beneath the left one, her red button down outfit with a lock black fluffy skirt barely looked fit for prison. Red boots with ribbons on the end of them, Siorc ended his examination.

Young lady soon looking his way, the early adult returned a look in kind. Just who was this person, had they ever met? But, the hyena perished the thought. He had seen far too many faces in his lifetime to ever remember every single person he had ever encountered. She had been no different, in such regard.

"A new death row inmate," the prisoner girl said. "Pleasure to meet you, cellmate."

Hearing such line, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Just who was this girl? Had she been a prisoner in the real Fortress of Meropide? If such were the case, why was he dreaming about her? He had never bothered to remember the crowd of people who lived there within aside from the duke, the nurse and otter chimera duo.

Woman calling out he was on death row, the early adult blinked. Death row? Was that a real punishment in the prisons? He did not know why, but that sounded very unlike Fontaine. Had he been awake right now? Slapping himself, the hyena shook his head. Nothing, no pain; he was most certainly in the dream world. But, a laugh soon came his way.

"You're a funny one!" the prisoner girl chuckled. "So, what got you on death row, buddy?"

Given such question, the chimera drew multiple blanks. What would be something that would put a person on the chopping block of life? He did not know. Had he assumed the identity of someone else while in the dream world? He supposed, such could have been the case. Lips moving on their own, no sound came out of his throat.

Look of shock on the prisoner girl's face, the early adult blinked. What did he say that would paint her with astonishment? Whatever it must have been, it had to have been an unforgivable crime. The person whose identity he was possibly assuming, had they taken someone's life? If such were the case, he wished to wake up, right this second.

"You stole Lady ------'s cake five times?!" the prisoner girl asked in astonishment. "Wow, you belong in here! What a brave soul!"

But, the time had come.

"Time to go," the duke soon said.

"Wow, that was fast! She just got here!" the prisoner commented in the background.

Prisoner bars opening themselves up, the hyena had soon been grabbed by the wrist. Escorted towards his doom, something he could never imagine awaited him. Extremely large ship standing over piping hot seething waters, the early adult let out a gulp. Was he about to be boiled alive? What kind of death sentence was that? The Fortress was a peculiar place.

Duke dragging him aboard, the chimera had soon been over the edge, pushed off shortly after, the early adult closed his eyes, but as he opened them once more, something of utter terror awaited him. Shark hopping out of the water, the early adult fell further backwards as the sea denizen's mouth drew closer. Dropped in, the mouth of the creature soon closed. Life slipping away, the hyena surrendered himself to the subconscious gods above. Nibble, nibble, nibble, nom, nom, nom. Energy draining away further, the soldier let out one final thought as death awaited him.

Really? A shark? Is this how this one ends?

He was in disbelief.


"No, this curse, is getting worse. Bad
Omens, bad omens everywhere.

This is painful, someone, please
Help me, please, someone
I am begging! Someone please,
Someone please, save me.

Can't anyone here me?
Am I to remain suffering.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, Archons, how much of
This jade has consumed me? No. I have to

Breathe. I need to
Ease my thinking. No

I can't. It hurts to breathe. It

Hurts to breathe, it hurts to breathe.
Ventilation dying.
Everything hurts, I

Really cannot take much more.
Everything hurts
Can't someone save me?
Help end this
Eternal feelings of suffering? The gazelles, why
Did they do this to me? They have been surprisingly

Absent lately. Did

They run away to absolve themselves from responsibility?
How much longer until this curse consumes me? I feel like I am going in
Retrograde. I will become nothing but stone.
Everything hurts,
Someone, please save me.
How much longer until this curse consumes me?
Oh, but I mustn't complain. I must
Look the other way.
Don't complain, don't complain, don't complain.

Soon, it will be time for work,
Obviously I do not have a choice.
My health does not matter.
Even if everything hurts, if I cannot work,
Obviously, Her Majesty will kill me.
No skipping, get to work.
Everything will be fine, as long as I hide it.

Perhaps, that's what I have to do. It is
Likely I will get questions about my arms again,
Even so, I have to keep hiding it
And act like everything is fine.
So get into action.
Everything is fine.

How much longer this will last, I do not know,
Even if it could end me, I must not
Let myself skip.
Perhaps, this will end soon. Perhaps, just

Maybe, the curse has reached its climax. Right, right, right,
Everything is fine. I

Have absolutely no right to complain about anything or
Everything. So, I need to stop,
Look ahead. This is not
Permanent, never will be.

My body will soon return to normal, surely.
Everything hurts, but I cannot complain.

Halt myself from feeling anything; numb myself.
Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine.
Look the other way.
Please do not ask anything.

My current hands black from jade will vanish, surely.
Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine."

The sound of morning alarm bells screeched out as if someone had been hitting a loud gong somewhere in Liyue. As the alarm bells kept their cacophony going for minutes on end, countless Fatui soldiers groaned in a discordant echo. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But despite such complaints, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Lifting himself upwards from the pillow, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He hardly had any time to think about such things. He needed to get ready for work now. Lifting himself up from the bed, the soldier readied to begin the morning routine of dressing the body. But, something of terrifying note soon awaited him.

Heavy wave of heat emanating through him, the early adult fanned himself. Why was it so hot? He could fry himself on the sidewalks of Liyue, for sure. But, such had not been the end of the unease. Entire right leg pitch black with a colossal amount of jade in it, the hyena let out another scream.

But, such had only been the beginning of his discoveries. Lifting his sleepwear up, for a moment, the early adult's tired eyes pulsated. Entire waist pitch black as well, the early adult jumped backwards towards the wall, tears streaming down. Receding into fetal position, the chimera rocked back and forth upon the floor. The curse, why was it getting worse? How much more could it possibly take from him?

Wiping his tears, the early adult let out another scream. He needed to snap out of it, right this instant. He needed to get ready for work now. Why was he letting this get to him? He needed to stop, and focus on the workday at hand. But, the terrors soon continued to roll the dice.

Legs not moving for minutes on end, the early adult let out another series of shouts. His legs, why were they stuck upon the ground? Limbs feeling as heavy as rocks, the tears kept on falling. Why was this happening to him? He didn't have time for this. Time was ticking away. Any second now, and the agent would see him not dressed and give him a yell of a lifetime.

Room spinning to and fro, the early adult waved a flag of surrender. If walking were not possible, he knew he had no choice. Placing his hands upon the floor, the early adult dragged himself towards his uniform drawers. Feet of stone screeching across the cold floor, a wave of humiliation flowed through him. Had he become a full blown hyena, at this very moment? He knew that hadn't been the case, but he felt like it was, at the moment.

Movement in his legs returning as the uniform drawers neared, the early adult leaned upon the wooden edges, for a moment. Head pulsing, the early adult took a long, deep breath. His body, why was it fighting him right now? Swiping the containers open, the soldier reached for his winter jacket. Head continuing to spin cycles, the side of his dresser was his best friend.

But, as he attempted to dress himself, struggles took the early adult away. World around him moving as fast as a tiger in Sumeru, the early adult fell backwards upon the ground. Uniform dropping multiple meters away from him, the early adult clicked his tongue. Why did he let go of it? How pathetic of him.

Lifting himself upwards again, the early adult attempted to get ready once more. Uniform soon splitting into two, the hyena squinted. Was he seeing double? Everything falling flat, the jacket had not been placed over his short body. Shaking his head rapidly, the world soon became single again.

Winter jacket finally placed over his layered shirts, the early adult let out a deep, heavy breath. However, upon doing so, an uncomfortable feeling consumed the soldier. Had there been something in his stomach? He knew he could feel something in there, for a moment. But, the hyena ignored such feelings. He needed to stop letting himself get distracted.

Collecting himself, the early adult clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Matching roses adorning his hair and ears, the hyena prayed to the Dendro archon he was not supposed to worship for the flowers to give him the first wind he needed for the day. Surely, this would give him the boost he would need.

Such was immediate wishful thinking. World spinning faster and faster, the hyena body soon shook hands with the floor for the third time of the day. Cold, hard tiles beneath him, the hyena let out a screech. Why was his body continuing to fight him? This curse was quite the aggravating inconvenience.

Lifting himself up, the early adult hooked the Dendro Vision onto his uniform belt. But, as he gazed at his uniform down below, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Why had there been another vision lying there? Did someone leave it here? How incredibly strange. But, he soon snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he saying? This Vision was his. Hooking it down even tighter, he broke down into a teeming sweat.

Staring at the top of his uniform drawers, a world of fuzz consumed the hyena, for a moment. What was this gem doing here on the top of his drawers, how did it get here? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. What's gotten into him today? That was his Delusion. There was no way he would use it today.

Buttons barely in the correct holes, the early adult dragged himself towards the edge of the room. Heelless shoes finally on, the young soldier returned towards his uniform drawers. Bowl of rations soon in his hand, the young hyena bit down. Although, upon doing so, a sense of rockiness devoured his throat.

Placing his hands over his mouth, the early adult bent over onto the ground. Flavorless gruel travelling backwards, everything came right out. Floor absolutely rancid, jade dropped down onto the floor as well, everything kept going. Acids tickling him, the early adult's tears stained him as the disgustingness reached its climax.

Taking a heavy breath, the soldier grabbed cleaning products in the bottom compartment of his uniform drawers. What in the world is he crying so much for? He's a hyena chimera. He hardly had to eat as much as a normal human person did. Scrubbing the floor profusely, the scent of ammonia overtook his nostrils. Holding back the urge to let loose again, the hyena tuned the stench out.

Continuing to scrub even harder, a false seed planted itself downward into the hyena's dizzying mind. Nothing was wrong with him whatsoever. It was the curse. Absolutely nothing was amiss with him. Right. He was cursed. There was nothing wrong. Floor squeakily as clean as a whistle, the early adult wiped his brow. Standing upward, and adjusting his glasses, the soldier had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing soft footsteps, the early adult tilted his head. Who was coming by today? That sound, he hardly recognized it. Had his hearing been muffled? Slapping his ears, nothing changed. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, an unexpected faceless appeared on the other side of his door.

Former practice partner wearing a dragon mask, a wave of heavy confusion flowed through him. Why was his former practice partner standing the door, and what was with that ridiculous face covering? What an embarrassing look for him. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. It was time to get into work mode. No more allowing his mind to wander.

"Let's go, Ingne," his practice partner said in a serious one. "I'm taking you to Kawu."

Siorc backed ten steps away. He sees now, his former practice partner was sent here to be annoying. That won't do. Who did he think he was, deciding that for him? He did not need to go see the jackal chimera in her office. Absolutely ridiculous. He didn't have time for this ludicrous nonsense. Mouth moving, words blurted themselves out.

"Who do you think you are? I don't have time for games," Siorc accidentally blurted out.

Ingne bearing him the gift of rudeness, the former practice partner shook his head. It was just as his subordinate had told him. Something was incredibly wrong with him, without question. Ingne never talked back to anyone. Whiffing up a strong scent of acid as well, everything clicked together. He needed to see Kawu, no ifs and or buts about it. He knew he would need to be as gentle as possible when addressing such.

"This room smells like acid," the former practice partner said. "You need a doctor, Ingne. You are unwell."

Hearing such, the hyena let out a laugh. The room smelled like what now? Acid? This man was pulling his leg. Was this supposed to be some kind of joke? It was a funny one, if so. He should become a comedian for the Opera Epiclese and depart from the Fatui. He would sell tickets aplenty.

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir!" the hyena responded, laughing. "Must be next door." His chuckles broke wind, continuing onward. "We can't keep Her Majesty waiting! Give me a real job!"

The former practice partner let out a sigh. This was far worse than he thought. Why was Ingne so stubborn all the time? Such mentality was doing far more harm to him than good. Would giving him a ridiculous gag order satisfy his itch to work? He supposed it was worth a shot.

"In that case, Ingne, I'll take you to Seirai Island. Go clean up maple leaves and youkai there," his former practice partner said. As he said such, he seized the young man's hand. Escort towards Inazuma starting, the soldier's mind raced.

It's go time.


"Wait. Hold on now.
Hold up. Hold it right there.
Am I to seriously believe
These are my duties today?

I have to do what now?
Say that again, Egor.

This makes absolutely no sense.
How is this an order?
I have to do what now? Clean up maple leaves.
Something about this feels like an excuse.

Unless I am mistaken.
This has to be some kind of mistake.
This has to be some kind of prank.
Everything feels like some sort of
Rather, cruel, sick joke.

Ah, Your Majesty, did you really order this?
Be serious with me right now.
Something feels incredibly
Off about all this. Ah,
Look, there I go overthinking again. My
Ultimate down fall. Stop
That. Cease this downward spiral immediately.
Even though it seems ridiculous, I do

Not have a choice, in the matter.
Obstruct this long line of
Negative thinking. It's time to work.
So, drop the feeling of uncertainty.
Enter the stormy island.
Nothing should be holding me back.
So, start raking.
Every single leave must be

Cleansed. I mustn't
Let the youkai wander freely,
Either. My second round of banishing them from whence they came
Accelerates. Everything speeds itself upward.
Now, where could these creatures be hiding?
I suppose I am about to find out.
Nothing makes sense, but
I need to stop letting my mind wonder.
No more of that.
Get to work. That is the

Ultimate kept to living.
Place my mind back where it belongs: working.

Maybe this will be a simple, easy day,
And nothing bad will await me.
Please, Archons, if you can hear me, give me the energy I need.
Look, honestly, I shouldn't rely so heavily on my faith.
Everything will fall into place naturally.

Likely, this job will not take too much
Energy from me.
Ah, well, I suppose, one can only assume. This could be
Very taxing. What am I saying? It's just raking! That barely requires any
Energy from me!
So, stop overthinking,

How could I keep looping back
Around in circles like this?

I have to get raking.

Be quiet, thoughts.
Unleash work mode.
Stop wandering, everything besides
The mission at hand must leave me.

Ah, enough. Go.

Get moving.
Unleash the hyena beast
That is inside me.

Listen to nothing
And get myself in the zone.
Utter no more thoughts
Get on with it.
How many leave piles await me today?
I do not know, I believe it is
Nearing late autumn now, for the rest of the world.
Guess it'll be leave aplenty. That's

Just how it is, I suppose.
Unleash the beast.
Slash away these useless tiles of
Taking up space. Right here, right

Now. It should not take much time.
Or so, I hope.
World of maple, here I come."

Teleport Waypoint taking him to Amakane Island, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Why did his former practice partner take him here? Wasn't this area quite far away from Seirai Island? He didn't understand this one little bit. But, a disturbance soon entered the force.

Shivering up a storm, the soldier grit his teeth. Why was it so cold here today? Was it about to snow? Practice partner already hundreds of meters away from him, the hyena attempted to move forward. But, such movement never came. Remaining frozen in place for minutes on end, the soldier's rocky feet kept him grounded.

Practice partner soon turned around back towards the opposite direction, the absent sun in the sky lifted him upward. Taken in a bridal carry, the soldier's cheeks grew red. What in the world was this man doing, carrying like he was his wife? Put him down, right this instant. Such thoughts, however blurted themselves out.

"Put me down!" Siorc shouted, squirming.

"Ingne, you're so snappy today, it's so unlike you," the former practice said. "Sorry, I'm not putting you down."

Carried off towards a wooden boat, the hyena had been put into a laying position. Placed into a laying position, his former practice partner told him to rest up until reaching Seirai Island. Hearing such demand, the soldier let out a sigh. Was he being serious right now? They were on a moving boat. Falling asleep would be impossible, for sure.

As the wooden vessel left Amakane Island, the early adult's thoughts wandered. He had to clean up maple leaves today. He needed to become a lean, mean cleaning machine. Not a single fallen debris from the trees could remain whatsoever. The word must be scrubbed of such garbage about.

Boat sailing right along, the soldier could not help but wonder. Where had this sudden influx of youkai reports suddenly come from? This was his second time being ordered to do something about them. Had that portal he found himself in opened up and let some of the younger ones out to do some mischief?

Closing his eyes for a moment, the early adult jerked his head. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions. That other world he went to, there was no way that youkai escaped from there. Perhaps, these ones had been from a different place entirely. Hadn't the Electro Nation of eternity been known for its eccentric mythological creatures?

Feeling himself about to drift, the early adult opened his eyes once more. What did it matter if some of them were eccentric. Youkai, hadn't they been like what the Adeptus were to the people of Liyue? There could have been bad eggs in both groups of sacred beasts, for sure. Such was the flow of life.

Seirai Island still far off, the early adult closed his eyes once more. He supposed he would be dealing with another round of tanuki today. That would hardly pose any sort of problem for him, surely. They would do nothing more than play games with him. Maybe such was for the best, at the moment.

Lifting his head upward, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just his imagination, or had it been getting extremely misty all of a sudden? Lowering his head back downward, the hyena could feel his eyes get heavy all of a sudden. Had his eyelids gained weight? He could keep them open no longer.

Feeling gloved arms on his shoulders, the early adult lifted himself upward. Former practice partner informing him they had arrived at Seirai Island, a heavy wave of fear flowed through him. What was he doing, falling asleep like that? How long had he been out? He needed to apologize, right this instant.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep, sir!" the hyena exclaimed, bowing his head. The apologies soon repeated themselves multiple times.

"It's alright, Ingne, I told you that you could," the former practice partner responded. As he said such, he placed a bag onto his backside. "I will be back in the evening for you. Remember to hide your Vision. The Vision Hunt Decree has intensified."

Eerie warning coming his way, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. The Vision Hunt Decree had gotten even worse now? How was that even possible? But, he knew it wasn't in his place to question other country's practices. He knew nothing about the Electro Nation of Eternity, it was best to keep his judgement at bay.

Former practice partner soon leaving, the early adult placed the bag onto his front side. Undoing the zipper as his fingers barely bent, multiple tools had been seated within the container. Seeing a rake for leaf destruction, the early adult prepared himself. It was time to get youkai sweeping. But, what else awaited him inside through the soldier for a loop.

Long, iron pointed spear, the soldier's heart skipped more than six beats. He had to use a polearm today? He was toast, done, finished. Such weapon type was not in his blood. He was about to fail at every single battle thrown his way, for sure. Was this lance placed in here on purpose? It had to have been, without a doubt. But, one final surprise soon awaited at the bottom of the leather container.

Note at the bottom, the soldier read the words carefully. Instructions reading out he must go towards the bottom of Amakumo Peak, the early adult titled his head towards the stormy sky. Was he reading this right? There was something at the bottom of the mountains? Such did not make sense. But, the confusion only continued.

Note reading that he had to seek out a pirate ship in Seiraimaru, the early adult titled his head. He had to do what now? What in the world had he just read? This had to have been something completely made up, for sure. But, he supposed he had done far wilder jobs in the past. It was no different than the usual odd job.

Knowing it was time to move on, the early adult had become to head westward. But, as he attempted to do, nothing moved. Legs as hard as rock, a wave of doom flowed through the chimera. Why was this happening already? It was far too early for the curse to strike now. He needed to move, this instant.

But such did not happen, even slightly, whatsoever. Stuck in place, the soldier swore the jade stuck within him had begun to glow. Seeing such, the soldier let out a scream. Why was it glowing? The curse, was it spreading right here right in front of him? Throwing himself onto the grassy ground beneath him, the chimera dragged himself forward.

Moving forward with a crawl, the soldier could feel monsters eyes from afar glare at him. Hilichurls letting out a confused grunt, a heavy wave of humiliation flowed through him. Were the monsters looking down on him? He had to have looked extremely pathetic to them right about now.

Limbs still as stuck as they were before, the early adult kept crawling. If walking were impossible, reducing himself down to all fours was the only option. His former practice partner was gone. There were no more free rides. Surely, after some time had passed, the ability to walk would come back to him.

Spotting leaves off in the distance, the hyena tilted his head. Was it just him, or did the pile look as though it was moving? It had to have been his imagination, for sure. He was lower to the ground, his perspective had been off, putting such thoughts to bed, the first order of business loomed closer.

Reaching the first pile of leaves after about an hour of crawling, the early adult stood to his feet. Feeling a jolt down beneath him, the hyena flinched. Had his limbs finally decided they existed? How tiresome. Removing the rake from the bag, the soldier bent his knees.

Pile of maple leaves making a loud buzzing noise, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Was there a mob of Cicins hiding inside this pile of foliage? If there were, he wasn't ready whatsoever for what was about to befall him. But, as he reached further into the bag, something he had missed previously presented itself to the soldier. Piece of paper with a flaming delusion inside a flask, the chimera read the note over carefully.

"A present for you, my lovely chimera, the note in Snezhnayan writing said.

Pyro delusion looking ready to burn the world to pieces, the early adult shook like a leaf. Her Majesty, why did she gift him with another delusion? There was no way he would be able to use something like that right now, in his current state, there was just no way. He would be out like a light, in seconds, for sure.

Attaching the sinister flask of terror upon his uniform pants, the chimera let out a sigh. He knew, he had absolutely no choice in the matter. If he were to use a Vision here, he would incur the wrath of the Electro Archon, for sure. If such were to occur, Her Majesty would be disappointed in him. Such could not happen, for any reason.

Pressing the button upon the flask with a heavy amount of struggle, the soldier closed his eyes as he let the flames run loose. Hearing something scream in pain as he did so, the chimera kept his eyes shut, for the time being. Had there really been something hiding underneath the pile of maple? He was about to be thrown into the heat of battle, guaranteed.

"Hey, you, you're burnin' my butt down he'e! Stop that!" a voice shouted.

Hearing such, the early adult could not help but question. Was he hearing things? Perhaps, just maybe, he was. Opening his eyes, for a moment, nothing awaited him. Shrugging his hard as rock shoulders, the chimera prepared himself for the final burning of doom for the pile of leaves in front of him.

Continuing to burn the pile eyes closed, more shouts kicked into overdrive. But, the early adult tuned them out. He was not about to let his mind play further tricks on him today. Letting the flask do its duty for the last round, the hyena opened his eyes. But, what awaited him was a bucket of rage.

"Dat's it, onii-chan! I've hadda enoufa ya!" a youkai shouted. "Fight me!"

Small young male with blue hair, duck mask and cap on his head fuming up a storm, the hyena could feel his blood turn cold. He had done it now, he had enraged a kappa. He would pay the ultimate price for such from the gods. Masked creature holding his fists out, the fight squared itself off into cubes.

Youkai lunging forward, the kappa's legs brushed against the hyena's waist. Kicks ramping up in speed, the early adult attempted to reach for the spear in his bag. But, the enemy refused to yield. Webbed feet brushed up against his rocky waist, the soldier swore he could hear the mystical being laugh.

"What'chya made outta, onii-chan, rocks?" the youkai asked, laughing? "Yer pathetic, and weak!"

Removing his spear from the bag, the hyena stared at the weapon, for a moment. How was he supposed to charge this thing at the enemy? Holding it in the wrong direction, the early adult swung the polearm as if it were a sword. Slashing air, a wave of embarrassment flowed through him.

Youkai letting out a giggle, his feet soon met his torso once again, kicks gaining speed with every round, the legs moved upward. Arm caught into the mix, the weapon was soon upon the ground. Energy vanishing, the hyena rose his hand up towards the sky. Whispering the word mercy on repeat, the soldier's hops swayed.

"Yer surrenderin' onii-chan, hehe, yer sucha weaklin'!" the youkai said. "K. Bye 'den, I'm outta here." As he said such, he leaped into the waters far off.

Knowing he had to continue onward and continue cleaning the leaves, the soldier kept going. Just how many youkais were hiding underneath these piles of foliage? He supposed he would find out the closer he were to get to Seiraimaru. Keeping his eyes open, the hyena remained focused.

Feeling a sudden chill in the air, the soldier shivered. Had the stormy island gotten colder? But, the soldier shook his head. He was imagining it, surely. It was just the wind, for sure. Spotting the next pile of leaves up ahead, the attempted to erupt his legs into a sprint, but such was never able to started. Surrendering, the early adult kept walking.

Next pile of leaves upon him, the chill had only gotten worse. Had it been winter in Inazuma? How strange. But, he supposed seasons worked differently from nation to nation. Clutching the flask, the next round of burning soon begun. Foliage giving off a nasty charred scent as he kept going, the early adult flinched.

Leaves continuing to burn with a fury, the soldier swore he could see sleet drop down from the sky. Seeing such, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Since when did it snow in Inazuma? Such felt incredibly unnatural, for sure. Letting everything burn, a new opponent released itself from the foliage.

Small young woman with a kimono adorning snowflakes and long, flowing blue hair, the early adult swore she could hear the lady laugh. Scratching the back of his ear, the early adult looked at the youkai, for a moment. Was he imagining it, or was there a sinister feeling foreboding throughout?

"I'll turn you into my popsicle!" the youkai shouted in a singing voice.

Icy attacks coming his way, the soldier continued to shiver. This youkai, was she one of those mythical beings known as a snow woman? He did not know why, but she definitely had to be one. Cutting his thoughts off, the early adult removed the spear from his back once more.

But, no matter how hard he tried, attacks never connected. Youkai dodging every which way, a wave of uselessness flowed through the chimera. Why couldn't Her Majesty have just left him a claymore? Spears would never be his forte. But, he knew he had no choice but to keep trying.

Snow woman continuing to dodge his every single move, the early adult let out a grunt. Was she doing this on purpose? She was moving far too fast for her own good. Moxie taking the stage, the soldier let out a huff. It was impossible. This youkai was far too quick. He had been bested.

"You're boring!" the youkai exclaimed. "I don't want to play with you anymore."

Youkai soon leaving the area, the hyena scratched his head. What could he have possible done to be found boring? Had his poor performance made the enemy want to find another popsicle victim? Moving forward slowly, a question dug a hole within the hyena's mind.

As the next pile of leaves quickly approached, the hyena could not help but wonder. If more youkai were to become bored with him, would they leave him be? Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to not play around with their games in the way they wished. Next pile of foliage ready for burning, the hyena prepared himself.

Small creature with an oni mask over their face and horns on the top of their head, the early adult shook his head. Was this really a youkai, or just a lost kid caught in the lightning storm of Seirai Island? He could hardly tell, almost everything looked exactly the same the further he walked.

Creature putting up a fight, the soldier's polearm missed the mark multiple times. Spinning the object around, the enemy let out a laugh. Weapon grabbed as he kept on trying, the hyena held back the urge to shout to get their paws off. But, the early adult swallowed his words. There was no way he could say that. Failures mounting up, a scream had been brought his way.

"You're in Inazuma, and you can't even use a polearm?!" the masked person asked in confusion. "Fraud! This fight is over!"

Youkai running off, the soldier let out a gulp. Right, he must have looked like the worst of scum right about now. The art of the spear, it had to have been important to the people and youkai of Inazuma. Was he ruining it? Maybe it was best to forgo using such weapon. Putting it away, the early adult moved on.

Multiple piles of leaves soon done and dusted away with, the chimera could feel the world spin, for a moment. Blobby figures looking at him from afar, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Was something looking at him? No, he must have been mistaken. It was time to move onward.

"Onii-chan, play hide and seek with us!" a youkai shouted.

Turning his head towards the right and left, the early adult's head spun cycles. Was someone talking to him? What was happening? Hide and seek? Had he fallen into the dream world? Everything felt so unreal. Cluster of voices chanting hide and seek over and over, the hyena nodded at nothing.

"Kaaay, onii-chan! We'll hide," the voice of nothing exclaimed. "And, you'll seek! Count to thirty, okaaaaaaaay?"

Hearing such, the hyena titled his head. He had to do what now? Closing his eyes, the soldier had begun counting. Rapidly saying the numbers one through ten, a bolt of lightning soon struck the area. Legs shaking, the early adult kept counting. Blazing through eleven through twenty, shouts soon came his way.

Voices telling him to count slower, the hyena sighed. Wasn't the point of this game to hide quickly? Slowing down the count, the remaining numbers had been dragged out far slower. Reaching thirty after thirty seconds had passed, the early adult had begun the hunt.

Looking everywhere throughout the stormy mountains for minutes on end, not a single person had been discovered. Hunt going on without anyone found, the soldier could feel juice leak out of his brain. Just where had these youkai been hiding? Spotting multiple boxes laid out everywhere, the hyena shook his head. That was definitely not it. Those were leftover crates from a past visitor.

Looping around in a circle for minutes on end, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where did that noise come from? Peering around the rocks not a single soul had been located. Laughter continuing, frustration threw the soldier across the path. What was so funny? Boxes soon becoming humanoid creatures with fox tails, fingers were pointed his way.

"Onii-chan, you stink at this game!" the fox tailed youkai exclaimed. "You didn't find any of us!"

"You're so bowin'!" another youkai exclaimed. "We don't wanna pway with you anymore!"

Youkai exiting the area, the hyena blinked. Was he about to become Boredom Archon? That had to have been the thirteenth time he had been told today he was boring. It was what it was. It was not his fault the creatures had disguised themselves as objects. How was he supposed to know such a thing?

Multiple youkai continuously beating him at his game, many rounds of being told he wasn't any fun had kept coming his way. He knew already. He was boring. Did the youkai keep having to say that to him? They had bested him today, there was nothing he could do.

Continuing his slow walk, the world around him had begun to blur. Everything becoming colorful blocks before his eyes, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Had he dropped his glasses somewhere? Moving his stoned arm across his face, the glass made itself known to him. Feeling such, a wave of fear flowed through him. What was happening? Had his specs been useless now?

Stumbling along the path, visibility had been reduced to zero. As he kept moving, the hyena could not help but think. Had he been going the right way? He did not know; everything was a ball of fuzz. But, he knew he had to keep going. The so called pirate ship, he had to find it.

Blobs of orange everywhere the chimera could feel himself move automatically. Leaves burning away, the hyena kept ramping up the speed. Moving forward, everything vanished as if it was never there. Zoning out, the early adult shook his head back and forth, what was he doing? Why was he zoning out like this? He needed to focus, no matter what. Or, he would be onslaughted, any second now.

Blurry leaves sent away, the soldier let out a huff. What was going on? He did not know, had everything truly been cleared? The soldier did not know. Everything had been too fuzzy to tell. Continuing onward, a new light green blob awaited him. Reaching for his rake, the hyena prepared himself.

But, as he pressed the foliage destruction tool forward, the early adult could hear a loud bonk. What in the world was that just now? Had these leaves been made out of rocks? He needed to keep going. Dropping the leave's weapon, the young soldier swore he could hear shouts close by. Was the foliage talking to him? Almost as quickly as such occurred, a voice he did not wish to hear soon broke the sound barrier.

"Ow! Rede, did you just hit me?" Tegne screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Why no, Tegne, I'm over here," Rede responded, chuckling. "Did an acorn perhaps hit your head?"

"Uh, hello, Rede? We're not in Mondstadt anymore!" Tegne shouted, leg raised upward. But, his shouts had immediately been ignored.

Rede turning around towards the opposite direction, something of immediate alarm caught his attention. Kid in the corner, face pale and cheeks flushed looking completely out of it, he stroked his goatee for a moment. Something wasn't right about this. Not in the slightest.

"Never mind that, dear," Rede responded, pointing. "Seems like that kid ran into you." Partner turning towards him, more shouts took over.

"Woah, kid looks like he's about to fall over and croak, or something!" Tegne shouted, pointing. "We should take him to a medic!"

Loud, annoying voices of the ram and goat chimera gnawing his ears off, the early adult balled up a fist. Could these two pests ever stop being annoying at any given point? No matter how many times he were to run into them, it was always the same. They needed to go away from his presence, right this instant.

"Move it, ram. You're in my way," the hyena blurted out. "Don't you see I have work to do? Get out of my way." But, a realization had immediately washed over him. Was that too rude of him? He needed to apologize, right now. "I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive my rudeness!" The world spun as he said such, and words continued to bleed out. "I need to go."

Running on over, Rede crossed his arms across his waist. The kid just flipflopped on his words. Was this normal? His words and body language were not adding up. Something wasn't right about this. He could not just let him go off on his own like this. While his partner's choice of words were a bit exaggeratory, he was right. He needed to say something.

"No can do, kid," Rede said, grabbing his wrist. "Are you ill?" But as he grabbed ahold of his wrist, he had been on high alert. What was this coarse feeling? But, he soon continued. "If you're stamping out youkai, we will help you." But, an immediate response had come his way.

"Butt out," Siorc blurted out. "I don't need--" But a finger had been pressed to his lips.

"Sorry, not an option, kid," Rede said, speaking over him. But, Tegne soon interrupted further.

"He could be contagious, Rede!" Tegne shouted, pointing. "Look at him! His hands are black!"

"We'll get ourselves tested for Black Hand Disease later, dear," Rede responded. "Time to go." But, pushback stormed in once more.

"Shh! Don't say that word!" Tegne screamed in a loud whisper. "Isn't your pops around? Drop it now!"

Voices drowning everything out, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where was he, anyway? But, he snapped himself out of it. Right. He was in Koseki Village. How did he get here? But, he snapped himself out of it again. Why was he continuing to fall back into Dazeville? It was time to move.

Ram and goat chimera refusing to leave him be, the soldier surrendered. It was no use trying to tell them off anymore, he knew he would get silenced. Could the part of his brain that wasn't working fix itself already? He needed to stop talking, for sure. Trudging along, his vision remained fuzzy.

Party of two in front of him blasting leaves away with their Dendro Visions, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Why were they doing that? Wasn't there a Vision Hunt Decree going on? Lightning crackling up above, the soldier gulped. The Wrath of the Gods was about to come any second now.

Party of two stopping towards the next leafy blob, the soldier pressed the button almost as if ones and zeroes had taken him over. Blotchy figure jumping out screaming that his bottom is all crispy now, the hyena swore he could hear Tegne say they'll race him. Colorful figure disappearing, everyone, sans the hyena had begun playing the game of chase.

Ram and goat chimera duo winning the race, the soldier swore he could hear them call out to him to catch up. Legs as hard as stone, the early adult dragged his feet. Everything continuing to blur around him, the hyena could feel sweat pour down his back. When had it warmed up here? What was wrong with Inazuma today? Climate was a disaster.

Slowly cruising through a slightly less stormy area, sand crunched underneath the soldier's heelless shoes. Soon finding himself in front of a wooden brown blob, it had come to the soldier's attention. He had reached Seiraimaru. Had the ram and goat chimeras been on the same mission as he? How convenient, if so.

Hearing wheels turning aplenty, the sound of a wall cracking in the corner overtook the area. Hearing such, the soldier moved forward. Towards such. Shaking his head in a rapid manner before entering, he could see clearly now, the rain was gone. Observing the area for a moment, oddities arose.

Finding himself in a large wooden room with multiple floors and puzzles, the hyena scratched his head. Why did Her Majesty what him to come in here? Was it for useless treasure again? Whatever it was, he knew he had to make haste before it were to disappear.

Duo in front of him turning their heads to the right and left the soldier slammed his rocky hand across his face as the ram pointed at multiple objects in the room. Did he always have to do such a thing? This man was about as annoying as the penguin family, for sure.

"There's youkai in here, Rede! Lots of them!" Tegne shouted at the top of his lungs, pointing. "That Guji-sama! She lied! She said there would only be one or two in here!"

"You know Guji-sama, Tegne, she never likes to give the whole truth," Rede answered. " Best we just move on for now and face them head on."

Chimera duo in front of him heading off towards an open door, the early adult staggered behind. Coming across a room with multiple wheels, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. What were these here for, exactly? Hearing Rede state all four of them need to be turned in a certain direction, the puzzling began.

Tegne turning the first wheel clockwise ninety degrees, the soldier mirrored such movement. Hearing a comment that the needles all had to face one another, the hyena could not help but feel a wave of doubt. Was that really it? He couldn't help but feel there was an error in such logic.

Rede turning another wheel in the corner, the needle soon faced the opposite end. Ram running towards the other end of the room, the next wheel had been turned. Door opening itself up, everyone continued onwards towards the next room. But, what awaited as the entrance caved was a battle amongst the wood.

Multiple youkai looking ready to throw fists on the edge of the opened door, the ram and goat chimeras had removed weapons from their pockets. Enemies taken out of the picture almost immediately, a rotting wooden floor had soon been reached. Using whatever energy he had left to jump, the other side had been reached.

Room with a peculiar unusable mechanism, the soldier swore he could feel the goat chimera push him out of the room. Informed that this just looped back to the entrance, everyone jumped downward onto the floor below. Multiple youkai decimated, a new puzzle awaited.

Strange light up tiles upon the floor, everyone stepped on the objects one after another. Everything lit up, in a certain pattern, the wooden floor gave out, in a matter of moments. Falling downward, an identical floor puzzle awaited the party of three. Slimes appearing as such occurred, a fight roared.

Closing his eyes for a moment, the hyena's currently stony hand had become a rocky hyena paw. But, as he attempted to fight the Geo Slime, not a single dent had been brought to the table. Seeing such, the early adult froze in place. What was going on? Had he transformed into the Geo Element?

Slimes decimated, the tiles had soon been lit up in a continuous pattern. Blinding light engulfing the area, the soldier wandered off towards the side, mind numbing, confusion took him over. Had he come to the wrong place, what was he doing here? Moving towards the hole in the wall, he straddled. But, his wrist had soon been grabbed.

"Woah, kid, that's a hole," Rede said, squeezing him tight. "What are you doing?" But a shout had soon come his way.

"Rede! Why are you touching him without gloves?!" Tegne shouted, leg raised. "Do you want to catch his disease?"

"Don't be mean, Tegne," Rede said to Tegne. He then lowered his voice, for a moment. "He seems to be in some sort of state of delirium, hmm." But, he cut off his whisper. "It's time to go to Asase Shrine."

Treasure collected from the various enemies, the hyena had been escorted out of the area. Group moving southward for the time being, the hyena could not help but wonder. Could he have been contagious? If his curse were to spread to others, it would be his fault, without a shadow of a doubt.

Backing ten steps away as the shrine drew closer, the soldier created a gap between the ram and goat duo in front of him and he. Maybe it was best to keep his distance from them. Even though they were heavy thorns in his side, he would never wish a curse upon anyone. Reaching Asase Shrine after about an hour, a black cat soon spoke.

"Nya, You three, please leave," the head shrine cat said at her desk. "Isamu-san will be here soon. He'll take care of the youkai."

Banishment from the shrine soon set into motion, the soldier could hear the goat chimera say the next stop was the area below Amakumo Peak. Hearing such, the early adult rose an eyebrow. How had their locations of work lined up to the exact same point? But, he supposed coincidences were always possible.

Reaching a hole in the ground in the deepest depths of the mountain range after about an hour of walking, a heavy wave of dizziness overtook the soldier. But, he attempted to snap himself out of. He had no time for his body to fight him right now. He needed to jump down.

Taking the leap of faith, a heavy wave of heat overtook the hyena. Was it just his imagination, or had it been sweltering down here? World spinning harder, and faster, everything had begun to blur. But, the hyena pressed on. He needed to cleanse Amakumo Peak of the youkai. The choice was not his.

Seeing an array of colorful, bright lights, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where was he, some secret underground idol ring? Hearing dying out as he pressed onward, doors opened themselves up, seeing such, the chimera flinched. Did he just break the entrance open with his mind? Fascinating.

Heat getting to him as multiple puzzles were cleared with his mind, words garbled around him. Everything silencing, the soldier could feel his head spin harder and faster. Head beginning to blank, his thoughts had become soup. Sweating up a storm, the early adult had begun to sway.

Another door soon opened and closed, multiple mechanisms had been done away with in a matter of moments. Staggering forward, the soldier blinked. World blurring further, he could feel himself begin to fall backwards. Back hitting the ground, fuzz swallowed him hole. Blobs soon surrounding him, a pulse shot through his head.

"Man down, man down!" Tegne shouted.

But, the soldier could not hear it. World becoming snow, the chimera could feel himself slip away. Becoming one with the floor, the soldier closed his eyes. He could hold on no longer. Garbled noises looping on repeat, the soldier could feel himself lose the fight. Land of unconsciousness taking him away, one last thought broke through.

Chimera down, chimera down.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal for the hyena. The pattern was a saw-blade seated in the middle of a peaceful room ready to cause destruction. But, the night before him would only prove to make everything hit an all time high on the torture scale. The dial had reached eleven.

Before him had been a field of lycoris radiata. Seeing such flowers, a heavy wave of fear flowed through the soldier. Those flowers, didn't they represent death? Lying down in the bed of spider lilies, the soldier stretched his dream arms out in disbelief. Is this it? Is this how he will perish? As the soldier thought such, another surprise awaited him.

Enormous pair of orange scissors coming out from underneath him, the soldier's eyes opened wide. Body sliced into two identical pieces, the early adult let out a pained scream. What in the subconscious world was happening? Cutting tools striking twice, he had soon been divided into four.

Cut enough small enough to become piles of jelly, the soldier gave up the fight. Dream life slipping away thrice over, the soldier's dream soul expelled itself from his disheveled body. Feeling himself about ready to fade away, an army of pained subconscious thoughts flowed through him. It was over, he was gone, finished. Monsters looking ready to eat the jelly gift left behind, one final thought broke through as he was no longer a part of the subconscious world.

He wasn't tasty.


Am I dying is this it?
Help me, help me, help me, help me, it hurts!
Ah, that's right, you can't help me. I'm not real.
Hahahahahahhahahaha. Right, right, that's right.
After all, I'm not real.
Hahahahahaha, right, right, right. I
Am just God's little plaything!

Hahahahaha, that's right, that's
All I am, God's little play thing.
And who am I to say anything? It's true.
Hahahahahahahaha, right, right. I
Am at the hands of someone else, and
He's deciding everything for me!

Ah, I see now, I see now, right.
How could I forget?
All of my life is just a game.
Hahahahahahahahaha, right, right, that's
All this is, a game.
Ah, brilliant, that's right. That's
How it is. Someone's pulling
All the strings. I see now, I see, I see. I see now.
Hahahahahahahahahaha, it's
All just a game. I get it now.

Hahahahahahahaha, that's how it is.
All this pain I have incurred, it's all just a game!

Hahahahahahahahaha, those
Abyssal gazelles, they're twiddling their thumbs right now aren't they?

Hahahahahahahaha! I'm just everyone's little plaything!
Ah, that makes sense now! I'm just everyone's little plaything.

Hahahahahahahahaha, everyone's little plaything!
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Everyone's little plaything!"

Finding himself back in Snezhnaya upon waking up the next morning, the soldier swore he could feel something tugging on his chest. Feeling such, the early adult blinked. Was something tickling his lungs? Erupting into a cough for minutes on end, tears rolled down the soldier's face.

Hacking away for more than a minute, red trickled down the chimera's lips. Pieces of jade dropping out of him adorning such liquid, the early adult let out a scream, tears falling faster. What was happening to him? Had the curse spread further? Slapping his chest, he lifted himself upward from the covers. There was no time for this, he had to get ready for work.

But, immediately upon standing, the chimera's body and the floor met one another once more. Walking an impossibility, the chimera placed his hands upon the floor. Crawling towards his uniform drawers, a sight to behold dialed the horror meter of to eleven, in a matter of moments.

Entire stomach and torso pitch black with pulsating jade pieces, the hyena let out another scream. His entire lower body had been claimed, barely any of him remained. Upper chest the only section of him with flesh left, the tears soon returned. He will soon be gone, nothing but Noctiluctous Jade.

Snapping himself out of it, the soldier frantically placed his winter jacket over his stoned body. Snapping the buttons into the incorrect holes, the early adult continued onward. Breath cutting out, further coughs interrupted his morning routine. Hitting his chest once more, the early adult crawled off towards the edge of his room.

Heelless shoes soon on, the hyena's arms shook as he held onto his bowl of flavorless gruel. Attempting to munch through the only meal of the day, everything immediately came back up, decorating the floor disgustingly. Attempting to bit once more, jade tickled the soldier's throat for the second time.

Nothing going through the pipes, the soldier shook with a fervor. The gruel, why was his body rejecting it? Cleaning up the mess, the early adult kept on shivering. Telling himself over and over a few days without food was no big deal, the mess had been cleansed out of existence. But, as he finished cleaning, a new obstacle soon arrived.

"Ingne, let's go," the former practice partner said. "I'm taking you to Kawu today."

Hearing such demand, the early adult let out a laugh. Who did this person think he was, his boss? He had no authority over him. He would not go with him no matter what. He wasn't his subordinate, nor his training partner on the training grounds anymore. Words bubbling over to his tongue, everything escaped.

"Could you stop deciding things for me?!" the hyena accidentally exclaimed, words far louder than normal. "You're not my boss. I'm not going with you." He crossed his arms around his chest in defiance. "Quit poking your business where it doesn't belong." But, a glass rod weapon had soon been placed into his mouth.

Hearing Igne's defiance and rudeness, the former practice partner shook his head. Ingne was not acting like himself at all. He needed immediate medical attention. But, he knew how stubborn he could be. But, he knew what to do in this situation. He needed to take action. Placing a rod underneath the young man's tongue, he spoke against the defiance.

"Let's see what the thermometer has to say, Ingne," the former practice partner said, tone firm. "Please stay still, for a moment."

Cold, disgusting rod touching his tongue, the soldier squirmed. Not this again. They weren't accurate anyway. He probably placed it under a fireplace before coming here to have the numbers ready to shoot up at any given notice. Gloved hands holding him steady, the early adult could feel the urge to bite. Why were there hands on him? Hadn't he had enough already?

Red liquid moving upwards past thirty-six and thirty-seven rapidly, the early adult held back the urge to laugh. There it goes, the stupid little liquid, and its lies. His former practice partner, he definitely warmed this glass rod up before coming here. This was a trick, for sure. He was being fooled.

Liquid going past thirty-eight and thirty-nine degrees rapidly, the early adult held back the urge to laugh. Yeah, right, he was warmer than thirty-nine degrees. This was a trap, wasn't it? He had fallen straight into it. Liquid raising to forty and stopping, he chuckled in his mind. That thing was broken, for sure. It was wrong. Rod removed, the obstacle studied it.

"Forty degrees, Ingne," the former practice partner announced. "I'm taking you to Kawu." But, defiance fired back immediately.

"That thing is broken!" Siorc shouted back., laughing. "I'm a hyena, remember? I'm hotter than humans!" He kept on laughing, cheeks burning. "Who cares, anyway?" But, a hand had soon been on his forehead.

"Ingne, you are burning up, do you really expect me to believe that?" the former practice partner asked, sighing.

"Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about!" Siorc fired back. "Just give me work to do!"

Hearing his former practice partner's rudeness, he let out a sigh. How stubborn this man could be sometimes was quite troublesome. Would giving him a gag order satisfy him enough? He supposed he would have to do so. He wasn't going to listen to him no matter what he said.

"Alright, Ingne, then, you'll go to Tsurumi Island and pick some mushrooms," the former practice partner said reluctantly. But, he soon turned around. "You really shouldn't be working in your state. This is an emergency situation." But, a glare had come his way.

Removing his teleport waypoint proxy map from his back pocket, the former practice partner soon highlighted something upon the map. Unsure of what, the chimera dissipated the map back into orb form. Blinding light soon engulfing him, the early adult closed his eyes.

Reaching an area beside a domain isolated by a large body of ocean, a young girl in a tanuki costume had been rolling around the island over the water at high speed. Oceans getting icy as she had done so, the chimera tilted his head. What in the world is happening? Girl soon running into the former practice partner and he, she clicked her tongue.

"Darn, you two are in the way of my training to get taller!" the pint sized hoodie girl exclaimed.

Former practice partner apologizing to her, the soldier had been guided towards a boat. Placed into a laying position, he had been once again told to rest. Boat leaving the shore, the early adult held back the urge to laugh once again. Emergency situation? Yeah, right. He was cursed. Why couldn't he understand that?

Intense wave of heat plaguing him as the boat cruised forward, the soldier broke down into a sea of sweat. But, as such happened, words repeated themselves in his mind. Emergency situation, yeah, right. He was a hyena chimera, his core body temperature had to be warmer than that of a normal, human, for sure. His former practice partner was exaggerating.

Closing his eyes as the boat beneath him had begun to get soaked, the early adult turned off towards the side. Was he going to cause a flood? Feeling the world fade away, the soldier soon could feel himself drift off into absolutely nothing. Dreamland calling him back in, the world was numb.

Feeling something tug on his sleeve, the early adult rubbed his eyes. When had he fallen asleep? He needed to apologize for doing so right away. Raising himself upwards from the sticky boat, the chimera clapped his rocky hard hands together, in an instant.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep, sir!" the hyena cried.

"It's alright, Ingne, I told you to rest," the former practice partner responded. As he said such, he placed a basket onto his backside. "For now, go pick those mushrooms I asked you for. Head for Mt. Kanna. I'll wait for you here until you're finished."

Hearing such, the hyena tilted his head. He could not help but feel a sense of dejavu. Had he said the same thing yesterday? He needed to stop talking. Whatever part of his brain was fried, it needed to unfry itself right away. Moving forward through the misty world the chimera staggered west. But almost immediately upon doing so, a group of faces he did not want to see blocked the path.

Goat chimera holding a notepad and ram chimera standing on the tip of his toes next to the one and oni, the soldier swore he could feel himself blush. What was this attractive oni doing here again? But, he snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, getting all warm over this stranger? He needed to go. But, the comedy act was about to begin.

"Wow, you're just as attractive as the last time we met!" Tegne shouted. "Let me draw you in multiple poses! Like that!"

"I know muchaho, I'm the most handsome oni around!" the oni exclaimed, flexing his muscles. "But, you don't wanna make your boyfriend feel like chopped liver, do you?"

"Don't say that word in public!" Tegne shouted, leg raised. "There's old people here!" But, an interruption soon paved through.

"Okay, you two. Let's not forget why we're here," Rede said, hand held out in a stop position. "We're here to observe the mist beetles on the island for our next poem."

Feeling a wave of dizziness, the soldier could feel a pulse drop in his head. Mist beetles, wasn't that what his former practice partner asked him to go look or on Mt. Kanna? Right, that was it. Mist beetles. What was he doing here standing around? He needed to gather those right now. But, as he moved forward, he swore he could feel himself fall towards the oni. Shaking his head rapidly, he soon attempted to exit the scene.

But, the wind was soon caught.

"Woah, woah, woah, little man, where are you going?" the oni asked, oddly concerned tone of voice.

Hearing the wave of concern, the soldier let out a groan. Who did this very handsome oni think he was trying to butt into his business? He wasn't about to have any of that whatsoever. Head pulsing, his thoughts broke through towards his mouth. This oni needed to hop off his back.

"Leave me alone, mind your own business," the soldier blurted out.

"Sheesh, little man, sorry!" the oni exclaimed, palms raised in the air.

Staggering past the group, the soldier swore he could feel eyes on him. It was time to go hunting for mist beetles. Moving forward, the chimera sifted through his mind, for a moment. Mist beetles, wouldn't they be called moyakabuto in Inazuma? He was not sure if his Inazuman was correct, but the name stuck like glue.

Pushing onwards towards the west, the mist engulfed the soldier. Turning his head towards the right and left, the soldier could feel pulses in his head one after another. Mist beetles, where would mist beetles be. Feeling something nagging him from inside, the hyena ignored it. Right, they were near Mt. Kanna. Keep going northwest.

Spotting a beetle upon a tree, the soldier pinched his fingers upon the bug. Creature retreating into its shell, the early adult dropped it into the basket. Feeling more sparks pop off into his brain, the hyena titled his head. Was this what his former practice partner asked him to gather? Maybe he had been mistaken.

But, the soldier shook his head. That had to have been what he told him to get, for sure. There was no way he was mistaken. He had to keep heading towards the mountains, and grab the moyakabuto, or Her Majesty would end his life, for sure. Continuing upon the path, more bugs were dropped into the container.

Moving forward, the soldier's vision faded away. Colorful blobs in front of him, the chimera forced himself into a sprint. Legs moving faster than they had been in the past few days, the hyena kept blazing through the misty paths of nothingness. Grabbing everything along the way at breakneck speed, the soldier soon stopped moving.

Heart beating thrice as hard, the soldier broke out into a deep pant. Tickle decimating his throat, a cough erupted from within. Jade dropping down upon the foggy ground, the soldier turned his back. His body can fight him all it wanted, he cared not. He had to collect the moyakabuto. The choice was not his.

Large blurry brown beetles that felt woody against his stone palms, the early adult titled his head towards the sky. Could beetles camouflage themselves as objects? He supposed that had to be the case. Throwing the object down, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was someone watching him? Hearing voices from afar, he kept moving towards the west.

"Kid put sticks in there!" an annoying voice from afar shouted. "We gotta stop the kid!"

"Just keep following him for now," another annoying voice said.

But, such words had gone unheard by the chimera. Cruising through the blurry memorial site, white blobs floated around the early adult's field of gone vision. Had he dropped his glasses somewhere again? Everything was snow. He supposed he would have no choice but to navigate the world blind, for the time being.

Moving out of the memorial site, the chimera had begun to head north. Picking up anything and everything he could find, the hyena could feel his eyes begin to become jelly. World around him jiggly, as well, his brain had begun to become mush. But, he attempted to regain focus. Right, mist beetles. He needed to find mist beetles.

Blurry bug in the corner, the soldier bent down onto his knees. Dropping the creature down, the early adult panted up a storm. Was it just him, or had it suddenly gotten more difficult to breathe? But, he threw such thoughts away. He was heading off towards a mountain range; there was less air here.

Army of bugs everywhere, the chimera picked everything up one after another. Feeling absolutely nothing crawl into his hands, the basket continued to get filled to the brim. Trudging forward, the soldier kept the rounds of collections going. But, as the mountains grew closer, something stopped him.

Vision returning to full, two large beetles clanged their huge horns together. Seeing such, the early adult could feel everything collapse. Why was there a wooden table in the middle of the road? Where did it come from? As he continued, he swore he could hear commands shouted out.

Disembodied voices shouting get him, crusher, smash him thruster, the hyena backed two steps away. Why were people fighting beetles in the middle of the street? What was going on here? Wouldn't the mist dispel anyone not worthy? It had to have a time limit. Folding his arm into a fist, he lunged towards the large insects.

Hand phasing through them, the early adult titled his head. These beetles, were they some sort of ghosts? How strange. Creatures falling onto their backsides, the early adult's head had begun to spun further. Did the moyakabuto burn into flames when getting defeated? How terrifying.

Moving forward, the soldier's winter jacket had been soaked to the bone. But, the soldier kept ignoring such. He had reached Autake Plains, he needed to keep going and find Mt. Kanna. There was no time to worry about such right now. Moving forward, further beetles had been collected.

Turning his head towards the right and left, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Was someone still following him? He swore he could hear chatter in the distance say something about Naku Weeds. Shrugging, the early adult kept on picking aplenty. There was no way he had collected those purple plants. There was none of those around here.

Reaching the plains after about two hours of hunting and gathering, the soldier prepared himself. Right, he had to drop down to Mt. Kanna, it was time to climb. But, as he prepared to do so, he flinched at the sudden drop in air pressure. Everything getting thin, the soldier's chest tightened. Wicked cough taking control over him, the early adult had begun to fall backwards. Short body soon hitting the pavement, blackness claimed him as a prize. As the world of unconsciousness readied to invite him back in, one final thought threw him for a loop.

Wait. He had to gather mushrooms. What was he doing?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the chimera's adult life. The cycle was a shipwreck, lost deeply at sea with absolutely no land in sight, nor any chance of rescue. The night before him would drown him further into a sea of pain, as well, quintuple fold, carry the two.

Before him had been a field of lycoris radiata, and one singular lily in the center of the field. Seeing such flowers, the soldier laid down upon the groves, accepting his fate. This was it, this was the end. The grim reaper would soon come for him and take him away. He was going to perish, why fight it? White lily between his legs, he laid motionless. But, chaos took the streets, in an instant.

Feeling a push from behind, the early adult stumped backwards. Peering downward, fear swallowed the soldier whole. Large machine with a hole on the side with sharp bristles down below the mountain, the early adult's eyes opened wide. That device, wasn't it something that crushed meat? Falling faster and faster, the early adult closed the dream eyes.

Rrrr, rrrr, creak.


Everything chopping up into little stringy pieces, the early adult surrendered himself. He was a goner, this was it. He was food, chopped, hyena salad. Dream life slipping away faster and faster as the subconscious seconds ticked away, the early adult let his final thoughts out upon his dream deathbed.

He won't be tasty.


"We heard a loud crash up ahead. So we
Especially made haste. And
Looks do not deceive. The kid is
Lunged over on the

Ground, unconscious.
Oh, to be honest, it's a good thing we followed him. This kid has been acting quite
Odd. He's been going around collecting sticks, twigs and Naku Weeds.
Don't think that's what he's supposed to be doing.

Tegne soon runs towards the scene, yelling,
'He's unconscious, Rede! Help me lift him!'
I help him lift him.
Now, maybe I am mistaken, but kid's definitely scorching me, a bit.
Guess I'll deal with it. My partner then says, 'So, you lifted him, but

Where we taking him?'
Err, right. Where? But, that's when the Oni said.

'Fellas, it's fine, there's some dude waiting
On a boat by that statue thing!' I turn to
Look at Tegne. We're both in agreement.
'Let's take him to that guy!' Tegne exclaimed.
Of course, I nod. And, off
We go. Sure enough there is some man waiting he. He says his name is
Egor? Hmm, how curious, he is wearing a dragon mask. I
Do not know why, but I do not trust him. I stroke my goatee. And I say to

Him. "Are you this kid's boss? We found him unconscious by Autake Plains.'
I somehow doubt at this point I have the wrong person. But,
Man these vibes are just not setting. 'For today, yes. Thank you for bringing Ingne to me.'

Right, this kid is one of those Fatui.
I almost forgot. I
Give him back to
Him, and he tells me he will not forget
This. We pass our regards and turn around, boat leaving.

I am starting to think we might not have

Done the right thing.
Or, maybe I am overthinking it.
Nah, mind out of
The gutter. I

Know following the kid was the right thing to do.
Now, I suppose it's back to
Our mission with the beetles. But, my mind blanks
Will I be able to write? I am not sure. Worry consumes me."

Coming to in an unknown hotel room, the early adult reached for his glasses. Where in the world had he been taken to this time? He had no idea, but he knew one thing for certain. Wherever he was, he could not stay here, no matter what. But, as he lifted himself up from the bed, silver eyes glared daggers at him.

Generic nobody face giving him a death stare, the early adult rolled his tired eyes towards the sky. His former practice partner masked off? Did he think showing his face that looked the same as everyone else would convince him on anything? He was mistaken, if he thought so.

"I have informed Her Majesty about your condition, Ingne," the unmasked man said in a stern tone. "I'm taking you to Bubu Pharmacy right away."

Hearing such, the early adult covered his eyes with his face. Her Majesty knew about his current weakness. He's dead for sure now. She knew everything, she was going to find him useless, guaranteed. It was over, he was done, toast, finished, a party would be thrown in his honor over how thoroughly cooked he was.

Hearing the nobody mention Bubu Pharmacy, Siorc lifted himself up from the covers. Bubu Pharmacy? Absolutely not. There was no way he was going there, period. Why waste his time? Her Majesty was going to order his departure from this world at any given moment. He was wasting his time. Words flowing out without a filter, a salad erupted.

"No! Leave me alone!" Siorc blurted out. "We're not practice partners anymore! Mind your own business!" But, he soon covered his mouth. Why did he say that? Why is he talking so much lately? Was his brain even working anymore? "Sir, I'm sorry. Please, just give me work. I'm fine." He clapped his hands together into a pleading position.

"You're not, Ingne," his former practice partner retaliated. "There's something wrong with you, and you need to be examined by a doctor."

Hearing such line again, the soldier gave his former practice partner a glare. This again? He was quite tired of hearing this garbage over and over. It was a curse; there was nothing wrong with him. Surely, once the abyssal gazelles were satisfied, it would clear up.

Ingne giving him that glare again, the former practice partner sighed. He wasn't going to give up this charade, was he? He was always so stubborn, it had been quite the troublesome trait. But, he supposed he would give him a gag order for about an hour or two.

"If you insist, Ingne, go towards south Liyue and grab Sigils of Permission left lying around," his former practice partner said. "They're near the southern beach in Yaoguang Shoal."

Former practice partner giving him a bow in gratitude, Egor let out a sigh. While such gag order about there being Sigils of Permission around was a fib, such was a necessary step. Strings set up everywhere, he watched as he stumbled away. Everyone had been informed of the current situation. This was the final straw left out to dry.

Leaving the inn, the soldier's head spun as the order replayed in his head. He had to do what now? Collect left behind Sigils of Permission? He did not know why, but something about that felt like a fake order. But, he shook his head in a rapid manner. Why would he be given a mission that wasn't real? He was jumping to conclusions.

Everything twisting and turning aplenty, the soldier had begun to trail off towards the wrong direction. Staying within the inn establishment, the early adult ascended the staircase. World around him zoning out, he kept ascending with all his might. Panting up a storm upon reaching the top, everything blurred together.

Continuing to catch his breath, the soldier swore he could hear someone walk by. Hearing such, the early adult could feel a chill drop down his spine at the sight before him. Yaksha looking his way with a serious look glued onto his face, the hyena's rocky knees shook. The mountain demon, why was he looking at him like that? What did he want?

"I sense evil in you," the yaksha said in an ominous tone.

Hearing such, the hyena's heart had begun to beat five meters a minute. The mountain demon, had he just discerned his identity. He's done for now. A goner, finished, taken completely out of the picture, for sure. He needed to apologize right here, right now, without question.

"I'm sorry, sir! Please don't kill me!" the hyena shouted, words slurring. But confusion soon came his way.

"I'm? Not going to?" the yaksha responded, confused tone of voice. "I sensed some miasma in you." But, another apology came his way.

"I'm sorry, sir!" the hyena cried, words slurring. "I'll go!"

Dashing down the stairs, the soldier continued to run off towards the opposite direction. But, as he had begun running, the yaksha chased after him. Seeing such, the early adult kept dashing away. Reaching Dihua Marsh, the soldier swore he had begun to dash off faster towards him.

"You're going the wrong way?" the yaksha called out to him in a questioning tone. "Didn't that human of yours tell you to go south?" He then turned around. "Apologies. I was mistaken about the evil I sensed in you. Bye." As he said such, he poofed away.

Yaksha soon gone, the early adult tilted his head. What was that all about? Was there evil in him, or not? This yaksha couldn't make up his mind. Turning himself around, the early adult readied to head back towards the southern path. But, as he attempted to walk, his legs remained frozen in place for more than ten minutes.

Movement impossible, the hyena dropped himself down onto all fours. He had no choice. Hands acting as his feet, his limbs dragged behind him as he pushed through the Marsh. Moving through the bridge, he swore multiple people and monsters gave him glares of a lifetime.

Moving onwards towards Guili Plains, the early adult kept his eyes open. Spotting Hilichurls in the corner, the soldier crawled towards them with all his might. His former practice partner said the Sigils of Permission were left lying around. Surely, they had to be with some monsters.

But, such had been far from the case. Not spotting a single piece of paper with Liyuean sealed writing on it, the hyena's head spun. Surely, there had to have been one that strayed away from the path on Yaoguang Shoal.
Leaving the area behind, the soldier readied himself to head for the beach.

Teyvat's most common enemies looking at him funny, the early adult blinked. The Hilichurls did they feel pity for him? How annoying. But, he supposed he was exaggerating. There was no way those monsters had any complex emotions. He needed to move onwards towards the eastern area.

Still spotting not a singular Sigil of Permission, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. The beach was nearing, how could there not have been a single one out there anymore? But, he supposed he would come across some of them soon. Crawling forward, the sand soon crunched underneath his crystalled hands.

But, as the young soldier approached the sand's edges of Guili Plains, the soldier had begun to teem with sweat. Why was Liyue so incredibly sweltering today. Wasn't it autumn? Or, had it been summer? The chimera did not know. Everything had started to blend together into a soup.

Taking a long, deep breath, the early adult attempted to stand up. Blood rushing back to his legs, the soldier had begun to stumble as he walked. The world was burning, boiling, melting. Zoning out as he walked upon the beach, the hyena sauntered onward. Sigils of Permission, he needed to locate Sigils of Permission.

Swaying further, the early adult slumped over. Hitting something, the chimera flinched. Had he just bumped into someone? Whoever it was, he needed to apologize for such right now. Picking himself upward, he turned his head towards the person affected. Panda chimera looking his way with heavy concern, the early adult's ears grew hot. He sees now. He was sent to Yaoguang Shoal as a trap. This was a setup, guaranteed.

Feeling a rocky shoulder bump up against her, Yinlong placed her hands on her pocket. Had there been a Hilichurl nearby throwing arrows at her? But, what awaited her upon turning around was far worse than finding herself in monster territory. Siorc rubbing against her for a brief moment looking ready to collapse, she could feel everything sink around her. Arms and legs completely pitch black with stone and pieces of blue mineral picking out of them, warning bells sounded inside her. Something wasn't right. But, she knew she had to act natural, at least for a moment.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yinlong greeted, suspiciously fast. "You don't look so hot. Let's go see Mr. -------."

Hearing Yinlong mention the tall brunette, the chimera could feel a vein pop inside him. So, the panda chimera could be annoying sometimes too. How unfortunate. What would the tall brunette be able to do? He wasn't needed here. The panda chimera should just mind his own business and go back to running.

"No, Yinlong. Please, go back to running," the hyena accidentally blurted out. But, such point was shut down immediately.

"But, Siorc, your arms and legs are covered in stone!" Yinlong cried, words oddly fast. "I don't think that's normal! Let's go see Mr. -------, he knows everything about rocks and minerals!"

Raising his hands up towards the air, the soldier waved the invisible white flag. He supposed it wasn't nice of him to be defiant towards a friend. Giving the panda a nod, his hand had soon been pulled into a light squeeze. Escorted upward, the party of two had soon reached Sal Terrae.

Tall brunette studying the salt of the area, the hyena lowered his eyes into a glare. What was he doing, exactly? If he were busy, they really ought to not disturb him. Attempting to let go of the panda's hand, the soldier trudged forward. But, such had been a failure. Yinlong not budging, the two waited. Wise man soon turning towards them, he broke the silence.

"Miss Yinlong, is something the matter?" the tall brunette asked. "You look quite perturbed about something." As he said such, his eyes wandered off towards the hyena chimera.

"Apologies for disturbing you while you're researching Mr. -------," Yinlong apologized, bowing. "But, there's something wrong with my friend! His arms..." But as she said such, she had begun shaking.

"Your friend has been consumed by toxic Noctilucous Jade," the tall brunette said in a matter of fact tone.

"What?" Yinlong responded, face full of tears. "Will he be okay?" Tears continued to fall while the question left her and the man shook his head.

"I am afraid I have never seen a severe case like this before," the tall brunette responded. He then turned towards the young man. "If one were to keep pressing on and ignoring the issue, it will most certainly be fatal."

Hearing the chatter, the hyena slumped down onto the ground. Toxic poisoning? Fatal? A severe case? No. That couldn't be true. This had to have been some sort of joke. Right, this was a curse. Fatal? Fatal. What a funny word. Laughing, the word set in. Toxic poisoning, fatal. The abyssal gazelles, they had done it now. He was a goner. But, as the doom spiral kept going, he had been lifted up like a princess.

"Alright, Ingne, enough wandering around," the former practice partner said in a serious tone. "Let's get you back to bed." But, as he reached into his back pocket, an interruption kicked in.

"You're his big bad boss that came to me earlier, right?" Yinlong asked. "Take him to Miss Loba. He's--" But her words had been cut off.

"It has been arranged, Jinzi," the absent sun in the sky responded. "Thank you for cooperating with me."

Teleport Waypoint proxy orb soon ceased, the early adult shook like a maraca as he laid still in his former practice partner's hand. Did he just say what he thought he said? He sees now, this was all a setup. All of this was planned. Why hadn't he seen it coming? His brain was fried to a crisp for him to have not have, guaranteed.

Waypoint towards the military barracks soon highlighted, the early adult could feel himself continue to shake. The poison jade inside him, it was consuming him. It was fatal, deadly, the final death knell in the coffin. Dizziness overtaking him, the world spun. This was fatal, it was over, it had been his fault it had reached this point. He had done this to himself.

Former practice partner carrying him through the hallways, the soldier could feel himself drift away. But, his thoughts soon reigned supreme. The abyssal gazelles, why would they do something like this to him? Were they proud of themselves? They got what they wanted, revenge. If he were succumb, they would celebrate.

Placed underneath the bed covers, the generic nobody soon stepped out for a moment. Returning ten minutes later, the early adult could feel a shiver drop down his spine. Second heavy weighted blanket brought in rolled, and cup of water in the man's left hand, the hyena attempted to reject the offerings. But, he had been silenced almost immediately.

"Ingne, no more fighting. Your battle is done," the former practice partner said in a matter of fact tone. As he said such, he placed the blanket over him, tucking it underneath the lighter one. "I've brought you some water." But, he soon changed his tone. "Can you swallow? Don't bother trying to lie anymore. It's not going to work anymore."

Hearing such, the early adult blinked in a daze. Egor, just how much had he figured out by now? He knew everything. Staring at the water, he could feel the jade in his throat ready to drop out another piece of itself. Giving a head shake, a sharp and serious look soon appeared on the generic face in front of him.

"I suspected as much, Ingne," Egor responded, shaking his head. "I will be informing Kawu of everything." As he said such, he removed the young man's glasses. "I apologize, Ingne, I know you do not want this, but it has to be done." Reaching for his hair, his hands had been on his hair charms, but he soon recoiled at the look of despair on his face. "Do you wish for me to not touch the charms in your hair?" He asked, moving his hand back. "Apologies for breaking boundaries, Ingne."

Hearing his former practice partner's salad of words, the early adult could feel the world crack. He was going to inform the jackal chimera of everything? It was over, for sure. Her Majesty would order she euthanize him, guaranteed. A dog ready to put down. Generic nobody moving his hands away from his hairpins, the hyena removed his prized possession from his hair and ears. Attempting to apologize, the hyena opened his mouth. But, everything hurt too much to say anything.

Former practice partner gently taking his jewelry and accessory he squirmed, for a moment. Someone other than him had put them away. But, there was nothing that could be done about such. Training grounds soldier returning his way, his blankets had been adjusted. Feeling a sense of comfort, the hyena readied to close his eyes.

"Ingne, it's alright," the former practice partner said. "Just get some rest." As he said such, he turned around. "See you tomorrow. Try not to stress yourself out, alright?"

Former practice partner soon exiting the area, the soldier closed his eyes. Thoughts racing for a moment as he prepared to doze off, the tormenting world of dreams was ready to call him back in. Land of sleep dragging him down, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

The toxic jade inside him, it would soon proof fatal. Could anyone save him?


It was too late. The curse was fatal.

Chapter 25: Fontaine Flower Scavenger Hunt: Health Intervention Mission


This is what would be considered the climax/peak of the "curse saga" Siorc is told to go on a scavenger hunt in Fontaine. Feat: the entire Fontaine chimera cast excluding Robin & Raven and Lyney, Chiori, Navia, Neuvilette, Siegewinne, Baizhu, as well as Loba, Aega and two new characters: Marquis and Esquire.


The climax is here

Chapter Text

"It hurts, I can barely
Take this anymore.

Hahahahaha, fatal toxic poisoning. This is the
Ultimate death sentence.
Really, how am I
Truly going to survive this?
Something tells me it's too late.

Everything hurts, I
Look like I sorry case.
Please, take this all away from me.

Maybe I don't have that much time left,
Every moment could be my last, so

I must ask:
The Abyssal gazelles:

Is this the revenge you wanted?
Something tells me that it was.

Oh, archons, why? I do
Not believe I deserved this
Look, I know I am a member of the Fatui.
Yes, I know I

Get that, truly.
Everyone in society wishes
That we disappear, I understand
That. I know that, I know that
I get it, I know. But,
No poisoning is the answer. I
Guess this is punishment.

Well, it is what it is
Obviously, this is my fate.
Right, it's my fate. It's been
Sealed. It's been destroyed.
Everything is unraveling.

I can't take it no more.

Why is this happening?
'Should one ignore

This it could most certainly be fatal.'
Oh, that's right it is my fault.
Look at what I've done to myself. I
Did myself in.

It's all because of me.
That's the case,

Well, I am not allowed to
Stop working, I am not

Permitted, I know that, had to keep going
Or Her Majesty would kill me, well,
I guess that no longer matters
Since I am now in a critical state.
Oh, Archons if you're listening
Now would be a good time

For you to free me from my suffering.
Ahahaha, wait, that's right,
That's right. They can't hear me
Ahahahahaha, they're not
Listening. They are

Turning a blind eyes and ears.
Obviously they would not look upon someone with abyssal energy. I am
Xeric; dry, stony.
It's the end for me. I
Cannot eat, breathe.

Please, just end me.
Oh, please just end me
I am hurting
So much more than ever before
Oh, please just end me
No more of this pain,

No more of this pain, no more
Of this pain,

No more of this pain. No more
Of more of this pain

No more of this pain, no more
Of this pain!

Hahahahaha. Hahaha,
Onwards towards the end,
Will her Majesty tell me to

Continue working until the end?
Or will she feel pity?
Ultimately, I don't know.
Looks like it could be either outcome.
Don't let myself die here in

This cold breeze, I refuse to yield in this place.
Hahahahahahahahaha, as
If that is up to me,
So much is decided for me. I

Bet that even my
End has been too.

Hahahahaha, right, right,
Ah, right. How could I forget? I'm a
Pawn. Nothing more than a
Piece on the chessboard.
Everyone knows I am
Nothing more than an object
In war. I know that.
Nothing matters I
Get that by now.

After all, it has almost been eight years since I was
Removed from my home
Converted into a soldier.
How could I forget?
Onwards towards my end,
Nothing convinces me more that I
Soon will outlive my usefulness.

No, no, no, I am
Overthinking. I am overthinking.

Stop dooming and glooming, stop
All these thoughts. The
Venom inside me is breaking me,
Everything is negative.

Maybe there is still a chance
Everything will be fine.

Pray to all the archons for a
Light speed recovery.
Everything will be fine
All of this will go away
So stop dooming and glooming.
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine. Everything will be fine."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult life. The cycle was a never ending whirlpool that spun in the oceans, swiping boats away without any chance of survival. The ships would break apart, turning into pieces of debris. The night before him was no different as well.

Before him had a been a field of glowing Lycoris Radiata. Seeing such flowers, a wave of heavy unease flowed through the soldier. Why were the flowers glowing so brightly? He did not know why, but the soldier could feel the urge to run away right this instant. He knew, if he were go near such plants, he would be lifeless, in an instant.

Such action was cancelled before it could even begin. Feeling an invisible force pull him closer, getting away was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Attempting to break free, the early adult let out a grunt. Force only getting stronger with every dream second, the hyena surrendered himself. The spider lilies were only getting closer; it was too late.

Dragged towards the edge, but what awaited him here was a world of terror. Flowers dancing like they were in a fantasy land, the early adult grit the dream teeth. Were the spider lilies asking him to dance to his death? No way, not a chance. He refuses; veto. Attempting to turn towards the direction he came, the hyena tried with all his might to run once again. But, such continued to remain impossible.

Legs moving on their own, the chimera had begun to dance against his subconscious will. Flower's vines grabbing his hand, the soldier had begun to do the tango. Forced to spin and dive down, the hyena swore he could hear the plants begin to laugh at him. Vines soon on his arms, a gift had been left behind.

Lilies caressing his arms, the chimera's veins had begun to glow with a fervor. Veins dyed a bright crimson, tears streamed down the early adult's subconscious face. What was happening? What did the flowers just do to him? Plants continuing their embrace, the scarlet only grew deeper.

Every single visible vein coursing with red after about two dream minutes, the hyena let out a scream. He had been laid with the curse of the spider lily. Was he about to become one with the flowerbed? But, such had only been the beginning of the terrors that loomed in the depths of his inner world.

Person rising up from the ground as if razing from the dead had been a short young woman with light brown skin. Short black and white hair that went down to about her chin held together with a golden safety pin, the chimera shivered as he observed her pupils. Red eyes that looked as dead as the night, the chimera attempted to look away. Was this the look of death? Something wasn't quite right with this girl. White dress with bandaged arms, blue tassels everywhere, bare toes with golden jewelry and white leggings, the hyena ended his examination.

Seeing such a person, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had he ever encountered this person before in the mortal, waking world? He could not help but feel he had never seen them before in all his life. But, he supposed he had to have if she were appearing in his subconscious mind. He couldn't be bothered to remember every single face he had encountered in the mortal, waking world.

Young lady taking out a set of bandages, the soldier broke out into a cold shiver. This woman, was she about to turn him into some sort of mummy? Attempting to turn towards the opposite direction, the hyena tried to bolt once more. But, a nonexistent adhesive locked the chimera's currently human legs into place. He was doomed, done for, about to bandaged up to the wazoo.

Woman soon coming closer, the bandages had been unraveled. Arms gone, a simulated sense of stickiness overtook the hyena. Girl swinging around the back, nothing remained of his four limbs. Torso soon decimated as well, the early adult could feel a wave of doom flow through him. What's going on, why is she wrapping him up so tightly? Was this the world of mummification in action? His thoughts, however, were cut out by loud guffaws.

"Lord of Sand, your sacrifice is ready!" the girl shouted.

Hearing such, the early adult flinched. He was being sacrificed to some god? How could this be happening? Coffin soon appearing out of nowhere, the chimera had been picked up off his taped feet. Dropped into the bed of death, darkness overtook the soldier. Everything around him invisible, not a single speck of light remained.

Feeling himself spun around for dream minutes on end, the early adult shook with a fervor. What was this, some sort of party game? Why was such action necessary? Laughs only getting more maniacal as the seconds went on, the young soldier could feel himself break. Something terrifying was about to happen to him, guaranteed.

Coffin dropped downward, a sea of spikes poked through the casket. Spiky points slicing through to the other side, Every single needle of doom missing him, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. Was that all? Perhaps, just maybe, this dream was letting the torment end here.

An astronomically, incorrect assumption on his part.

Rotten hands opening up the casket, the chimera had soon been in the palm's clutches. Disgusting, black limbs grabbing him from the neck, the hyena could feel his dream breath fade away as he had begun to dangle from the ground. Loud, powerful laughter soon overtaking the world, the early adult gasped for air.

"You have chosen the right sacrifice," a powerful voice said.

As the hands pressed further down into the soldier's neck, the early adult could feel a the world around him begin to break. Air beginning to leak out, the early adult kept gasping. Head being shook in a rapid manner, the chimera swore he could feel a simulated crack in his throat. World darkening around him, one final set of thoughts flowed through him as his subconscious life fell to ruin.

Why him? Why was he the sacrifice?


"I don't understand. I truly

Do not get it. I have to do what now? Look for flowers?
Oh, honestly, none of this is adding up.

Not one bit. Not
One little bit.
This makes absolutely no sense.

Utter nonsense. I do not get it.
No, not at all, to any single
Degree. Is this supposed to be a job?
Even I know at this point this is
Really not a good idea.
Surely, this has to be some sort of trick.
This can't be real.
Ah, who am I kidding?
No way Her Majesty truly cares about me.
Don't forget, I am nothing more than a pawn.

That much will always remain at a constant.
How could I forget that?
I know I will always have to work, no matter how
Stable or not I may be.

Ah, it is what it is.
Nothing surprises me anymore.
Yes, there might be poison in
Me, but it
Obviously doesn't matter to Her Majesty.
Right, how could I forget? I'm nothing more than a pawn.
Everything besides work doesn't matter.

I know that. I am fully aware of

That. That's how it always is.
Right, I mustn't forget the
Ultimate thing. I'm Her Majesty's tool.
Little else matters.
Yes, that's how it is.

Do not question anything.
Or I'll be killed, guaranteed.

No. Maybe this is some sort
Of setup. My former practice partner,
The previous

Night, he said he would see me again tomorrow.
Or, maybe I just misheard.
That could very much be the case.
How could this be happening?
I do not know, how could someone set this flower hunt up? I do
Not know. Nothing is adding up.
Guess I have no choice but to do as

I am told.
So, off to Fontaine I go.

Maybe this will go quickly,
After all, it's merely a hunt. I do
Know what today might entail, but
I know I have to work,
No matter what.
Get ready for the

Scavenger hunt. Whatever this might
Entail? It's a mystery.
Nothing is adding up to two,
So, off I go to Fontaine.
Everything is strange, truly."

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave the chimera's partially human mind. The poisons, had they affected his nightmares, too? He did not know, but he knew he could not sit here, lying in bed. The day had begun. But, as he rose himself from the covers, disturbances came into the force.

Feeling an intense wave of heat emanate through him, the chimera stood still. Wave of stony discomfort overtaking his throat and stomach, the hyena attempted to take a long, deep breath. But, such attempt was futile. Hacking up a storm, the early adult's airwaves had begun to tighten. Hitting his chest, the early adult forced himself to raise from the bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

Lifting up his bedwear for a moment, the early adult observed his body. Not spotting any new stone sprouting up anywhere, the soldier tilted his head. The jade, had it stopped spreading? He could not help but feel a heavy wave of confusion realizing such. Knowing he could not sit in his bed any longer, the soldier attempted to step forward.

Such movement was a carcass in a casket. Dead and gone, with no one coming to the funeral. Wave of intense dizziness immediately taking him over, the chimera fell backwards onto the icy cold floor. Breath cutting out, the early adult huffed and puffed up a storm. Why did it feel like he had just run three marathons back to back?

Attempting to get up once more, everything remained still. Legs nothing but a statue, the chimera placed his hands on the ground. Knowing he had no choice but to drag himself forward, the soldier crawled towards his uniform drawers as if he had reduced himself back to infancy.

Heart beating harder and faster in his chest as his crawl about kept on going, a sea of questions flowed through the chimera. What was going on? Why was it getting even harder to breathe? But, the hyena numbed himself. There was no time to ask such questions. He needed to get ready right away.

Clinging to the edges of his dresser drawers, the chimera opened the container meekly. Winter jacket and layered shirts out in front of him, the soldier prepared himself. Lifting his head up, the early adult removed his sleepwear slowly, but surely. Layered shirts soon upon him, the hyena dragged a breath as if he had been smoking his entire life.

As his uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could possibly be awaiting him today? He no longer knew. Her Majesty, she had been aware of his current condition. Would she still order he perform work anyway? He knew, no matter how fatigued he might have been, such was a possibility at hand.

Clasping his buttons shut, the soldier shook his head. Of course he would be working today. Her Majesty, why would she care about his current condition? He was nothing more than a pawn, a chess piece upon the board to move forward. His health was always the last priority. If he could move, he could work. That had to have been how she operated.

Numbing himself further, Siorc clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching windwheel asters in his hair, and ears, the world spun in circles. Feeling himself begin to fall backwards once more, the hyena's eyes fluttered closed. Opening them once more after a few minutes, the chimera flinched. What in the world was he doing, falling asleep at a time like this? The Agent would kill him if he saw he wasn't ready by the time he were to arrive.

Picking himself up once more, the curse of unsteadiness soon returned with a vengeance. Why was everything trying to fight him today? He didn't have time for this, in the slightest. Leaning against his dresser edges once more, the early adult reached for the top of his drawers. Dendro Vision secured, the orb had been hooked onto his uniform pants.

Staring down at the yellow-green orb, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could he even fight any battles today? He did not think so. There was no way he could wield a greatsword with any sort of accuracy. Gloves slipped on, and buttons slightly adjusted, the early adult dragged himself towards the corner of the room.

Heelless shoes on, the soldier dragged himself back towards his uniform drawers. Bowl of gruel seated in his hands, the chimera gulped. Would he even be able to eat this today? Stealing himself, the soldier darted the spoon down into the saucer. Fingers shaking, the utensil shook hands with his mouth.

But, as the food travelled down the esophagus, the feeling of jade tickled the hyena's throat. Gloved hands over his mouth, the early adult leaned downward towards the ground. Everything reversing back upwards, the hyena let out disgusted noises. Ground decorated, a rancid scent invaded his nostrils.

Floor gifted with a disgusting present once again after a few seconds, a wave of tears flowed through the hyena. Why couldn't he eat, even just a little? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. He was a hyena chimera. He could go months without eating if push came to shove.

Removing the cleaning supplies, the early adult had begun scrubbing with all his might. Ammonia taking over, the soldier tried with all his might to tune the stench out. Why was everything so much stronger than him today? If there was a strength scale, he would be at the bottom of such, without a shadow of a doubt.

Pool of disgustingness cleaned up without a trace, the chimera stood to his stony feet. Any minute now and the Agent or his former practice partner would stomp on by. He knew, no matter what order were about to grace him, he had to be ready for anything. Taking a labored deep breath, the early adult waited.

But, no such footsteps ever came. Nothing happening for five minutes, the early adult shook with a fervor. The Agent, was he not coming today? Surely, that couldn't have been the case. He knew he had to keep waiting, no matter what. Remaining still, the soldier kept his patience.

Fifteen minutes soon passing, silence overtook the area. No one walking by his door, the early adult slapped his ears. Had the world gone completely silent? But, he knew that could not have been the case. His ears were working, for sure. Surely, any second now someone would come by to relay his orders.

No one coming as the time had begun to hover around the half-an-hour mark, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Had he woken up late today? Not hearing a single groan upon waking up, the hyena shook harder. If he was tardy, he was done, finished, as good as dead.

Snapping himself out of it, the early adult headed towards the door. Surely, someone had to have been coming. Late, or not, he had to have work to do. There was no way anyone would ever allow him to sleep in. But, what awaited him as he walked towards the door was a puzzle piece too many.

On his door had been a note. Words written in Snezhnayan writing as usual, the early adult adjusted his glasses. Why was this here? Knowing he did not have any more time to waste, the young soldier gazed at the spaghetti in front of him. Lowering his eyes into a squint, everything soon became clear.

"Fontaine Flower Scavenger Hunt!

I hereby agree to enter the Fontaine Flower Scavenger Hunt occurring the day this notice has been read.

the note in clear Snezhnayan writing had said.

Signature forged at the bottom of the paper, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Who signed this on his behalf? Wasn't forging a signature against the law? Whoever did this was about to get in so much trouble, for sure. He did not consent to this, not at all. Who signed him up for a scavenger hunt, at a time like this? What did any of this hve to do with being a part of the Fatui?

Reading the note over again, the soldier's head had begun to spin. He had to do what now? Go on a flower scavenger hunt? Why? None of this made any sort of sense, whatsoever. There had to have been some sort of catch. Everything smelled like fish. Had there been something secret hidden on the backside of the sheet? Flipping it over, more words awaited him.

"Teleport to the edges of the Sumeru Desert. Do not teleport anywhere else after this," the note in clear Snezhnayan writing said.

Reading through such once more, the soldier let out a sigh. What was all this? A scavenger hunt in Fontaine? Was this some sort of trap set out for him? He could not help but wonder. Her Majesty, just what in the world was he thinking? What did she want flowers for? What use would they be to her?

But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. None of that mattered. Whatever Her Majesty orders goes. Taking a long, labored breath, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Highlighting the desert edges waypoint, the hyena pressed the teleport button. Action confirmed, the chimera closed his eyes as the fast travel towards the border to Fontaine began. But, as it was about to reach its end, one final thought slipped outward.

A scavenger hunt, really? Why this?


"I simply cannot believe this! I

Esquire, have been roped into
Something stupid and
Quite ugly! My brother and I came to Fontaine to
Unleash new business strategies with our cousin, but
It's been halted! How
Retched! This turn of
Events is quite ugly, if you ask me! We didn't

Come here by boat just to hear
All talks are off!
Nope, I'd rather go straight back home and cancel this two month or so long excursion! But,
Nope, when we entered out cousin's home she had to
Open her mouth, and say, 'Ah, Marquis, Esquire, I am afraid
That all current business talks between us are off. There's

Been an emergency.' An
Emergency? The only emergency here is me! Moi! The one who came here to expand our business? Hello!
Look, if it has nothing to do with our family,
It can wait! Whatever this so called
Emergency it, it's most certainly not urgent! It is
Very much so not urgent! So, I
Esquire, say, 'Nothing seems

Wrong here.'
However, it would seem I should have even said that!
As our dear loving cousin
Then told us. 'Darling, nothing

Is wrong with us. This involves someone else.'

And that's when some woman with long light blue hair came stomping in.
Marquis looked ready to throw some

Hands! I know he's done with all of this, too.
'Esquire, apologies. I know in your letters you said something
About expanding your fashion business, but it
Really must wait.' Our cousin paused, for a moment.
'I was going to write a letter to tell you two to
Not come. But, I
Guess that never came.'

I cannot believe this! This is ugly! What

Could be so urgent that our visit was cancelled? Kaiser
Again? He's ugly right now! That's not
My fault. But, it would seem this
Emergency or whatever, involves someone else.

This woman. I guess her name is Loba
Or something. She started

Flapping her stupid gums
Out and about with this
Nonsense. 'Are you are the one
That stupid human
Asked me to meet?'
I, what. What did I just walk into.
Now our cousin said. 'Apologies, darling. I don't know who you speak of. Could you refresh my memory?'
Every second here, wasted.

'The stupid human in the dragon mask,' the woman name Loba soon replied.
Oh, this is rich. Guess what happens next! This

Distraction of a woman
In medical uniform
Said the one who
Came by the evening before.
Utter nonsense and trash!
Surely, whatever this is
Should wait!

But no, this rich garbage continues. Our cousin soon
Uttered. 'Right, him. This
Is about Siorc, right?'
Siorc, whoever that
Is, who cares? We have business to attend to!
No more of this cheap nonsense. But,
Everything stops when I hear the
Stupidest of garbage. This doctor woman,
She says something absolutely

Wild, and out of left field! 'That would be correct, Miss Malika.
I need you to assist me with something. Is
That alright?'
How can this be? Utter ridiculousness!

My stars, this can't keep getting more ridiculous.
Yield, yield! Stop the brakes!

Can you believe what she
Opened her mouth
Up to say next? She
Said, 'Of course, Miss Loba. What
Is it that you will be
Needing us to do?'

But, oh, just wait, it gets worse!
Utterly worse, I tell you! I cannot
Take any more of this nonsense! So,

It goes like this. This woman she said, this dude named Siorc

Has been inflicted with a
A deadly, severe case of toxic poisoning. Fatal
Venom, or whatever. The whole
Enchilada of death looming right

Beneath him, or something.
Eh, sorry for your loss, I guess.
Everyone gets there eventually. But,
Nope, this doctor said, she needs help to stage an intervention.

Really, now? He's dying, isn't he?
Or something. I don't know, lost me at the first few words.
Please, get on it with it. Go on.
Even so, this
Dumb conversation continues.

It went like this. 'An intervention? I would be able to, but you
Need to fill me in on
The details, Miss Loba.' And
On and on this woman goes.

And guess what she says? This Siorc dude is stubborn, and there's
No way he would agree unless

It's passed off as some kind of job for his work.
Nah, like, honestly if
This dude is that stubborn, just let him die from his own stubbornness.
Everyone goes on and on and on,
Rambling on about this forever. This is
Very annoying! The one time I thought
Everything would be fine this time,
Nothing is! Now our big break in
The fashion business is put on hold over this
Infinitely annoying problem, that might I add has nothing to do with
Our family. But, of course our cousin, she couldn't say
No. She had to agree. Why is she

Playing this game? All of this is so hideous, ugly.
Looks like they're going to be setting up some flower scavenger hunt
Or whatever. Count me out, but no!
That door was closed, too.

Soon, our cousin asked for both
Of us to cooperate with this plan!

Ugh, whatever!
Guess we aught to! Woe is me!
Look, I will not be doing any of this willingly!
Yikes, everyone is just so ugly. Putrid, annoying!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the world spun around the chimera as he trudged off towards the edge of the mountainsides. Blinking out of existence for a brief moment, the soldier slipped off the edge. Dropping swifter than his mind could follow, the early adult closed his eyes. Carefulness was a dead soldier upon the battlefield.

Cold hands grabbing ahold of him, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. What was his former practice partner doing here? Placed onto the ground for a moment, a cool hand had been over his forehead. Flinching, the early adult tried to shake it off. But, no energy remained. Former practice partner shaking his head, he soon spoke.

"You're worse than you were yesterday, Ingne," the former practice partner said, shaking his head.

Hearing such words regarding his condition, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. If he was in worse shape today, why had Her Majesty ordered him to go on a scavenger hunt today? One plus one was not equaling two whatsoever. Energy dying out, the chimera could feel his words about to break out of his control.

"Then why are we doing a scavenger hunt?" Siorc accidentally blurted out.

Hearing Ingne's question, the former practice partner gazed at the young man's flushed face. Ingne was certainly far more talkative lately. He knew he could not tell him the truth about the intervention that had been plotted. While lying was an awful action to convene to, he knew he did not have a choice, or there would be no cooperation rom the other end whatsoever.

"It would seem there was a mix up in your schedule, Ingne," the former practice partner responded. "But, it was too late before Her Majesty noticed to cancel it."

Hearing such obvious lie, the early adult rose an eyebrow. That excuse sounded so fake and forced. But, the hyena could feel his energy die further. It was no use trying to argue it. Shrugging his jade covered shoulders, the chimera surrendered. Orders were orders, truthful or not. Soon picked up off his feet and placed on the former sun in the sky's back, more words soon came his way.

"I will be taking you to the Court of Fontaine," his former practice partner said. "Try and rest up until then."

Placed into a laying position within the wooden vessel, the hyena eyed his former practice partner, readying the lasers to beam. This man, he was hiding something for him, for sure. Absolutely nothing was adding up about any of this whatsoever. Words flowing out without his control, the world halted, for a moment.

"Sir, what are you hiding from me?" the hyena accidentally blurted out. But, an instant apology had come his way.

"Apologies, Ingne, I am not allowed to talk about this mission any further," his former practice responded, remorse evident in his voice. "Please forgive me." Placing the rudders in his hands, he prepared himself to move forward. "Get some rest until we reach the harbor, alright?"

Former practice partner pushing the wooden vessel forward, the early adult stared off into space. Everyone was being so incredibly sneaky today. What in the world was going on? Why were things being kept from him? This was quite below par, even for the Fatui.

As the boat kept cruising forward, the early adult surrendered. He supposed, everyone had their secrets. It was best to not ask about anything that was not his business. He knew better than to stick his nose in where it was not welcome. Head spinning cycles, the young soldier closed his eyes.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, the hyena opened his eyes once more. Finding himself in Romaritime Harbor, the early adult shook like a leaf. How long had he been out. Trying to let out an apology, a finger had been placed by his lips. Former practice partner telling him to not apologize, he had soon been brought onto the ground.

Former practice partner soon placing a bag on his back, a heavy wave of bewilderment flowed through the chimera. Why is there a satchel on his back? What's going on? Where did this come from? Questions flocking in one after another. Where was he, anyway? How did he get here. But, a hand had once again been plastered to his forehead.

Look of confusion on Ingne's face, the former practice partner could not help but feel wrecked with worry. Had he been experiencing delirium from his alarmingly high body temperature? Keeping his hand upon the young man's temple, heat threatened to give his hand a first degree burn.

"Your temperature has definitely gone up, Ingne," Egor said, shaking his head. "And don't give me that same excuse from the other day that you're hotter than humans. That's not going to work this time."

Hearing his former practice partner catch his forthcoming excuse purple handed, the early adult kept himself silent. He supposed it wasn't worth trying to say anything in defense. Shrugging, he had soon been placed into a bridal carry. Realizing such, the chimera could feel his cheeks grow hot. Why couldn't he carry him the normal way? He was not his wife ready to be taken down the aisle.

Former practice partner informing him he'll be going with him on the Aquabus, the button at the station had soon been pressed. Absolutely no one around, a wave of unease flowed through everyone. Where in the world was everyone? Why was it so quiet here? He could not help but feel a wave of unease cling onto him.

Aquabus arriving shortly, the soldier swore the Melusine on board if there was some kind of emergency. But, the soldier's hearing soon fuzzed out. Feeling himself begin to drift away as the former practice partner took his seat, the chimera could feel himself move back into the dream world.

Waking up as the automatic vehicle reached the Court of Fontaine, the soldier could feel a wave of embarrassment flowed through him. How could he allow himself to fall asleep yet again? If Her Majesty were watching him right about now, she would kill him, for sure. He needed to apologize to the Melusine tour guide right away.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep, miss!" the hyena exclaimed, words labored. But, she shook her head, in an instant.

"It's quite alright," the Melusine said, shaking her head. But, the former practice partner soon tagged himself into the ring.

"Don't worry about it, Ingne," the former practice partner said, shaking his head. As he said such, he reached into his back pocket. "Here are your instructions. Have fun with the scavenger hunt." As he said such, he placed the soldier onto the ground.

As the early adult readied to move forward, the soldier swore he could see the former practice partner sprinkle something upon his uniform. But, the hyena shook such off. What was he thinking? He had to have imagined it. Dragging his feet towards the capital city's entrance, the soldier read over his instructions, for a moment.

Notes informing him to look around the city then head off towards the Beryl Region, the chimera's knees buckled. If he had to dive today, at least he could have his equipment move for him underwater. Folding the instructions and placing them into his pocket, the early adult readied to move himself forward.

Knowing he would have to return to the Aquabus later, the chimera had begun dragging his feet towards the northern pathway. But, something had been incredibly off. No one on the city streets nor coming in and out of the city, the unease nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. Why was everything so quiet? What was going on today?

As the chimera kept walking upon the northern path, a strange set of flowers glared daggers at the hyena. Peculiar looking closed up roses adorning many different colors, the chimera scratched his chin. What were these doing here in such a place? Crouching downward, the early adult plucked the plants from their abode.

Moving forward, the early adult could feel his chest tighten itself up. Feeling such, the early adult attempted to take a deep breath. But, a thick, hoarse cough hacked away for no one to hear. Slapping his chest, the hyena kept moving. He couldn't let his current state delay his mission for even a moment.

Dragging his feet readying to curve west, more flowers awaited the chimera. Closed, colorful buds everywhere, the early adult yanked them from the ground. Studying them, for a moment, the young soldier tilted his head, for a moment. Was it just his imagination, or did something feel like paper?

But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. What in the world was he thinking? There was absolutely no way that could have possibly been the case. He was confusing himself, without a doubt. There was no way that these plants were made out of paper. How would they be able to stick into the ground?

Moving himself along, even more pieces to the puzzle added themselves to his flower collection. Plants still feeling rather papery, the soldier could feel his head begin to spin. Had the poison begun to shift his sense of touch, as well? Nothing was making any sort of sense, whatsoever.

Pulse in his head only getting stronger, the chimera could feel himself begin to sway. But, the soldier attempted to snap himself out of it. It was way too early for him to show any weakness. The scavenger hunt had only just gotten started. Pushing himself onto the northwestern path, the early adult kept looking for items for his hunt.

Multiple flowers gathered, the chimera huffed and puffed. Why did it feel like every step he was taking was equivalent to three marathons being run in a row? He knew that wasn't the case, but it most certainly felt like it was, at the moment. Woozy world coming back to haunt him, the city blurred.

Pushing himself forward, more papery plants had been in the hyena's possession. Breath shortening even further as he dragged himself along the path, the swaying soon continued. Control dying faster than a Slime at the lowest possible strength, the chimera dropped downward towards the ground.

Feeling himself crash into someone, the early adult lifting himself upward. But, whose shoulder he knocked into was a terror to be had, for sure. Malika standing in the corner with the ever annoying Earl, Baron and two complete strangers that looked very similar to the familiar, a spark popped off in the chimera's brain. Great, just what he needed right now, the penguin family and their annoying mouths to run.

Malika giving him an angry look, the soldier's entire body shook. Can the poison just turn his entire body to stone right here, right now? He knew, any second now he was about to face her wrath whether he liked it or not. Street blocked off, an invisible white flag waved itself. There was no way to avoid her, he was done for.

Feeling a rocky shoulder brush up against her Malika turned her head. Seeing Siorc in the corner of her looking incredibly ill, a wave of rage flowed through her. It was just as that man with the dragon mask and Fatui doctor had told her. He had been gravely ill. How could he allow himself to get into this kind of shape?

"You look like death. Why are you not in bed?" Malika shouted, voice low. "Is your job more important to you than your health?" But a loud whisper had come her way.

"Malika, do you know how stupid you're being right now?" Baron asked, whispering. "You're going off script!" But, defiance soon came his way.

"I don't care!" Malika shouted. She then turned towards Siorc. "How careless can you be? Stop throwing yourself away like this!" But, even more people threw their voices into the mix.

"Malika's showing her ugly side right now!" stranger number one said.

"Indeed. Her rage makes her look hideous," stranger number two said.

Commotion kicking up, the early adult blinked. How did Malika know about the current situation. Who in the world even informed her? None of this was any of her business. But, he knew he couldn't say such a thing. Earl soon looking his way with a heavy look of concern, the hyena held back his urge to groan. Great. More annoyances were about to come his way. He didn't have time for this. He needed to move onward with his scavenger hunt.

Seeing Siorc with a sickly look on his face, Earl could feel his heart sink into his stomach. Energy dying, he held back the urge to tear up. How could he let himself get this bad? He should let him take care of him like a good wife would. But, he knew the plan. He had to leave him alone and stick with the script.

"Oh, hi, Siorc," Earl said, energy gone. "I'll leave you alone. Get better soon." Turning his back, he prepared himself to leave. But, a nagging voice kicked in once again.

"Malika, Earl, you're both going off script," Baron nagged, twirling their hair. "You're supposed to be leading him to the flowers. Stick with the--" But, they had soon been interrupted.

"You three are all so ugly today!" stranger number one said. But, the stream of voices kept on going.

"Come on, kid, I'll take you to the next flowers," stranger number two said.

Voice coming his way, the chimera turned towards the strangers. Eyeing the one on the left, the chimera could feel a wave of heat flow through him. Standing in the corner with their arms folded around their waist had been a tall feminine appearing person with long blond hair that went down to about their waist. Long golden penguin crests poking through their hair, and white Snezhnayan sweater accompanying a long orange skirt that matched their eye color, the early adult turned his attention towards stranger number two.

Standing off towards the right had been a tall feminine looking individual. Long, split blond hair that covered the person's shoulders draping over the arms a smidgeon, the early adult gazed at the person's face. Golden penguin crests that looked sparkly, the hyena backed three steps away. What was this person wearing a green shirt with a frilly white undershirt underneath and black pants, the young soldier looked into the person's bright orange eyes.

Penguins giving him gazes back, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Great, even more annoying penguins to deal with. Just how big was this family, and why couldn't he escape them? Were they in every single nation, Natlan and Inazuma included? Great. This day was going swimmingly. Party of two looking ready to speak, he kept his ears open.

"I'm Marquis" the stranger with the sweater said. As he said such, he moved on ahead.

"And I'm Esquire," stranger number two said. As he said such, he moved towards flowers. "Here are the flowers in the area."

Multiple paper flowers handed off to him, the soldier blinked. Where had he heard the name Marquis before? He swore it sounded kind of familiar. But, he knew there was no time to keep on thinking about this. He had to move onward through the city and keep going. Penguin duo encouraging him to move onward towards the southern streets, the hyena dragged himself forward.

As the early adult kept moving forward, the early adult swore he could see people running around the city as if trying to avoid him. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. Were people scared of him right now? He supposed he did not blame them if such were indeed the case.

Moving along, towards the southern street, the chimera staggered towards the fountain in the middle of the city. But, another obstacle soon awaited him. Magician standing by the fountain with the owner of Chioriya boutique, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Was there some sort of magic trick happening right now?

Flower soon appearing in his pocket, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. The magician, did he have something to do with all this? He could not help but feel he had to have something to do with the sudden appearance of closed up roses everywhere. But, he knew it had to have been a coincidence. He was jumping to conclusions, for sure.

"How did you like my trick?" the magician asked with bravado.

"That was a trick?" the owner of Chioriya boutique asked in a sarcastic tone.

Not giving the magician any sort of answer, the early adult attempted to move past him. But, a wave of dizziness soon overtook him. Swaying, the early adult swore he could feel hands catch him. Magician stating here's his second trick, catching a maiden, the soldier held back the urge to bite. Was he trying to be funny right now? It wasn't working.

Chioriya boutique owner telling him to head to Fleuve Cendre, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just how many people were in on this scavenger hunt? He could not help but feel more people were involved than they should have been. Giving the young woman a nod, the chimera trudged off towards the blacksmith, for a moment.

Dragging himself downward towards the underground city, a terrifying obstacle soon awaited him. Lengthy ladder glaring daggers at him, the soldier's knees buckles. How in the world was he supposed to climb right now? Body barely moving, the hyena let out a sigh. He supposed he would have no choice but to glide downward.

Trudging his heelless shoes off towards the edge, the chimera let himself go. Deploying his windglider, the hyena closed his eyes. Descent downward lasting minutes on end, the soldier opened his eyes as the ground neared. Staging his landing, a surprise awaited him within the underground world.

Spotting Gwendolyn, Lonan and the Demoiselle serving soup to multiple people, the early adult titled his head. Why did he have to come down here, exactly? These three looked as busy as can be. His presence here would be a hinderance, for sure. But, business soon died down quicker than a bug's lifespan. Pushing himself forward, eyes wandered off towards him.

"Black fish steak bro!" Lonan exclaimed. As he said such, he rummaged through his pockets. "Here's your flower." But, as he prepared to hand it over, he had been elbowed.

"Serve people soup, stop talking!" Gwendolyn shouted.

"Ow! Gf, you're going to make me spill some!" Lonan exclaimed. But, the commotion had been cut in half with another voice added to the force.

"Psst, young man," the Demoiselle whispered. "Come over here."

Demoiselle handing him a bowl of soup, the soldier took a sniff. He did not know why, but this bowl oddly smelled like medicine. Taking a singular sip of the soup, a sudden wave of tiredness flowed through him. Where did his energy go? But, before he could process his sudden fatigue, a new round of information had come his way.

Demoiselle informing him he has to go to the Palais Mermonia, the early adult tilted his head. He has to go where now? Why does he have to go to all these different areas? There was no way he would be able to make it there on foot now. Lonan looking his way, an offering threw itself into the mix.

"I'll fly you there, bro," Lonan said, bending his back. "Hop on." But, he had soon been elbowed once more.

"Just how stupid are you?" Gwendolyn asked, annoyed. "He's a man! I bet he's heavy!" But, as she said such, his talons swooped down.

"Nah, babe, light as a feather," Lonan responded. "Sorry, bro, hold on!"

Swooped into Lonan's big meaty talons, the chimera closed his eyes. Was this what it felt like to be carried by a stork? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. There was no such thing as storks carrying babies. That legend was made up. Hawk not breaking a sweat, the early adult let the wind lead.

As Palais Mermonia drew ever so closer, the chimera could not help but wonder. Was he heavy? He knew Lonan had said he wasn't, but he couldn't help but feel he had just been saying that to be nice. Reaching the next stop on his journey after a few more minutes, he had soon been guided towards the Chief Justice of Fontaine's office.

Iudex handing him a papery flower as well, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Just how many people were involved in this scavenger hunt? The hyena did not know, but he couldn't help but feel there had been almost too many people in on it. Just how many people did Her Majesty reach out to? This was ridiculous. Hawk ready to escort him out, one final bidding of farewells slipped past his eardrums.

"Be careful when heading to Merusea Village, young man," the Iudex warned.

Soon escorted to the Aquabus for the second time of the day, the young soldier stared off into space as the vehicle left the station. Just what in the world is going on, exactly? How many threads were left out hanging from this flower hunt? He could not help but feel the entire nation had to have been involved somehow.

Aquabus arriving in the Beryl Region before he even knew it, the early adult flinched. What was he doing, getting so lost in thought like this? Deploying his windglider, the hyena landed on the ground, knees first. Attempting to stand up, the chimera let out a grunt. But, such attempt was a corpse upon the battlefield.

Walking an impossibility, the early adult dropped his hands upon the grass. He supposed he had absolutely no choice but to crawl. Hands serving as his second pair of legs, a wave of humiliation flowed through him as he moved on. If anyone saw him in such a state, they would laugh at him and call him names, for certain.

Dragging himself along towards the north, multiple flowers awaited the hyena. Picking them out from the ground, many crumbled into nothing. Seeing such, the chimera let out a pained sigh. Who did anyone think they were fooling anymore? These plants were not real. Was this some sort of realistic paper art? Whoever did all of this had missed the mark entirely.

Heart beating hard and fast in his chest as he trudged onward, sweat soon poured down the chimera's face. Was it just him, or had the Beryl Region been much hotter than the Court of Fontaine? He had to have been mistaken, for sure. The heated pool of water was coming. Perhaps, just maybe, that was the issue at hand.

Further colorful paper plants taken out of the ground, the early adult swam through his head for a name, for a moment. What was it called when people folded paper into specific shapes again? Alphabet soup flowing through him, a name presented itself to the mix. Oragamy, oragami, origami?

But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Did it really matter what the name of the art form was called? It did not, at this moment. He needed to keep going and keep picking every single one he were to come across. He was wasting time. It was time to move on, right this instant.

Flowers in the corner looking ready to boil away, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Who in the world put those over there? What a terrible place to put flowers, real or otherwise. Jaded legs boiling as he crawled through the isles, the early adult let out a pained scream. Whoever put these here had made a grave mistake.

Crawling out of the heated waters, the early adult shook with a fervor. Had it suddenly gotten colder? The world was full of mysteries he barely understood. Dragging himself forward, he had soon been graced by two faces he did not wish to see as Merusea Village's entrance closed in.

Sea lion prankster duo poking their heads out of the water, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. What could these two possibly want from him today? Couldn't they just leave him alone just this once? But, he knew at this point that wasn't happening. They lived here, avoiding them was impossible. Duo looking ready to talk his ears off, the fourth white flag of the day had been waved.

"Bro, come here!" Eclater exclaimed. "There's flowers down here!"

"Yeah, dude!" Brume exclaimed. "Come on down!" He said such as if he were hosting some game where people listed the closest price of an object. "We'll help you get dressed!"

Sea lion prankster duo removing themselves from the water, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. These two were about to help him do what now? Removing his diving equipment, the two stared at the suit like it had grown six heads. Seeing such, the early adult let out a meek sigh. Why offer to help if they didn't even know what they were doing?

Sea lion duo eventually putting two and two together, the fat, blubbery suit had soon been over him. Group encouraging him to hop on down, the duo had been gone faster than he could blink. Knowing he had to drop himself down, the early adult dragged his feet towards the hole.

Synching his mind up with the diving suit, the hyena dropped himself downward. Suit swimming towards the bottom of the area for him, a wave of ease flowed through him. He couldn't believe he was thinking this, but having something move for him felt kind of nice, at the moment.

Suit continuing to push him downward, the early adult let the sea lead the way. Pushing forward, Merusea Village drew closer with every automated stroke. Melusine's abode reached after about half an hour, even more surprises awaited him as he pushed through the surface.

Melusines handing the hyena an entire bouquet, the early adult titled his head towards the ceiling. Why were there so many flowers down here? He couldn't help but feel someone had to have a lot of time on their hands. But, he supposed he was overthinking it. There was never enough flora in the world.

Sea denizens informing him to head off towards Poisson next, bewilderment continued to devour the chimera up. He had to head towards the Belleau Region now? Did he have to go anywhere and everywhere? Just how many of these paper flowers were there? None of this was making any sense whatsoever. This scavenger hunt, how long had it been in the works? It had to have been days, for sure.

Sea lion prankster duo guiding him back up towards the surface, the early adult lowered himself back down onto the ground. His energy was dead and gone. Walking was impossible. The only way to keep on going was to keep crawling. Getting down on all fours as if he had become the animal his dna was fused with, the humiliation within only grew deeper.

Uniform getting soaked as he moved knee deep through the oceans, the hyena shivered, then broke out into a sweat. Was he hot, or was he cold? He didn't know anymore. Everything had begun to blur together to the point of nothingness. Paper flowers everywhere the eye could see, the hyena prepared himself.

Picking every single paper mache he came across, the hyena held back the urge to rip the object apart. He knew that, if even one of these faux plants were damaged, Her Majesty would kill him, for sure. He needed to bring everything back in perfect condition, without question.

Poisson slowly getting closer, hundreds upon hundreds of faux plants had been added to the collection. Underground pirate boat city nearing with every second, the soldier prepared himself for any further annoyances to come his way. Who else was about to be in on this scavenger hunt? He could hardly contain himself with excitement.

Ladder obstacle in his way, the hyena deployed his windglider for the second time of the day. Staging his landing, the metallic floor from under him soon met with his feet. But, as he had done so, the early adult broke out into a sweat, breaths weakening even further. Was there something wrong with Poisson? World spinning around him, the early adult readied to wave the white flag. How much longer could he hold out?

Absolutely no generic nobodies around within the underground boat city, the early adult shook with a fervor. Why was the Hydro Nation of Justice so lacking with people today? Was there a big court case going on at the Opera House? Everything was too quiet. Nothing about this was normal, for sure. But, the silence soon threw itself in the garbage.

Spotting Bain and Kali stepping off the large ship in the corner, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Were these two involved in this event, as well? Just how many people were dragged into this? Too many, for sure. Girls coming towards him, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. Super Smash Sister's Ultimate; the gang's all here. Why had they involved themselves into this scavenger hunt. They barely even knew him. They said it themselves last time they were working together. Girls within three meters of him, concerned looks appeared on both their faces.

"Hello, Siorc," Bain greeted. "You don't look well today."

"I um, think?" Kali said, scratching her head. "You um, look awful."

Hearing the obvious, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Did these two think they were helping? They most certainly weren't in any possible way. They should have kept their comments to themselves. But, his thoughts were soon interrupted as Aigre had come along running. Producing weird noises with her mouth. Zooming right along like the child she was inside, a collision had soon been on course.

Heavy force rammed into him, the early adult rubbed his sides. This girl, couldn't she watch where she was going? But, he knew couldn't blame her for not seeing him. She was in her own little world at all given times. But, a loud scolding had soon stepped up to the plate to bat.

"Aigre! I thought we told you to stay inside today!" Bain scolded.

"But, Pilot Noir wanted to play outside today!" Aigre exclaimed. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Yeah, sis, get with da program!" But, she soon turned her head, gasping. "Aaah, Mauve! Sorry for being a silly little clumsy girl!" But another round of scoldings soon came her way.

"Aigre, please don't interrupt the grownups right now!" Bain scolded again. "Go play inside!"

"Okay, fine, sissie!" Aigre cried, running off.

"She's been much more defiant lately since meeting her, um, new friend," Kali said, she then turned towards Bain. "Should we?" But, Bain shook her head.

Seeing the sisters in front of him, the early adult tilted his head. Why was he here again? What was he doing here in the first place? Paper flowers handed to him, everything flowed back. Right. The scavenger hunt. How could he forget? Sea lion sisters sprinkling something down, confusion looped on repeat. Instructed to head off towards Erinnyes Forest, the soldier dragged himself out of the area.

Crawling towards the western area, the hyena huffed and puffed up a storm. Just how much longer was this scavenger hunt going to go? He did not know how much longer he could hold out. Tiredness increasing triple fold, the early adult clung on to the little energy he had left with all the might inside him that remained.

Reaching the foggy forest after hours of crawling, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was it foggy here, or was he seeing things? Raising himself to his feet, the mist only continued to worsen. Rubbing his eyes, everything blurred further. Were his glasses not working?

Dragging himself further in, a wave of suspicions had begun to flow through him as Rabiu strutted on through. Seeing him come ever so closer, fish threw themselves on the floor. This entire scavenger hunt, something was incredibly off about it. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. He needed to stop letting his mind wander off like this. Not everything and everyone was a suspect.

Seeing Siorc crawling around the forest with a face that looked like death and arms as pitch black as the nighttime sky, tears strolled down Rabiu's face. What had happened to him since the last time he had saw him? He knew what his cousin had told him, but seeing it for himself was stranger than fiction. Could he barely move? He needed to help him pick the origami flowers right away. Moving towards him, he lifted the man up, for a moment, shouldering him.

"Um, uh, sorry for touching you," Rabiu apologized. "I'll help you pick the flowers, okay?" He shook like a leaf as he said such. "And uh, then I'm taking you to the Research Institute."

Rabiu guiding him every step of the way multiple faux plants had been collected one after another. Nervous jackal attempting to place one inside his pockets, the early adult shrugged. Was he trying to perform a magic trick, too or something? He supposed, at this point, he was far too tired to care anymore.

At least hundreds of paper flowers collected for hours on end, Rabiu had begun to lead the way towards the research institute. Soon reaching the laboratory after an hour of guided walking, even more annoying faces awaited him from within the depths of abandonment.

Folu, Sani and Oluchi wearing the goofiest of grins on their faces, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Were they about to do that same old unfunny Rabiu was adopted schtick they adored repeating every time they were near him? If that's what they were about to do, they could drop it while it's hot. The joke was getting to be too much. Enough was enough.

"You brought the boy you like here again?" Folu asked, giggling. "Just marry him already!"

"Here comes groom walking down the aisle!" Sani added.

"You're adopted, so if you marry him, he won't be part of our family!" Oluchi shouted, giggling.

"Could you all be quiet, please?" Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Requin, El As, come here!" His voice continued to shake as he said such. "Scan his body for any abnormalities."

"Since when could your little toys do that?" Folu asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Quiet!" Rabiu exclaimed shaking.

"Come on, guys, leave him," Sani said, shaking his head.

Peculiar looking tiny shark shaped robots floating towards him, the early adult blinked as the metallic creatures beamed lights around his body. Did Rabiu name his machines after him? But, he perished such thought. He was giving himself far more credit than he should have. Those names could have meant something else entirely. Loud beeps overtaking the area, the soldier swore he could see the timid jackal break into tears.

"This is bad," Rabiu said, shaking. "We'd better tell ---- about this." But a triple triad scream had come his way.

"Loba!" the three siblings shouted in unison.

"Um, sorry, right, Loba," Rabiu responded, lips quivering. "Um, uh, anyway. Siorc, your next destination is Annapausis." He then turned towards Oluchi. "Um, uh, Oluchi. Could you bring him there with one of your modified gliders, please?"

"Okay, since you asked so nicely!" Oluchi said. "But, just this once!" As she said such, she grabbed the modified windglider, attaching it to the barely there thiefy. "Aren't I so cute helping you out, te hee?" Hooking him up, she pressed the button. "Okaaay, I'm going to press the button now in three, two one...zoom!"

Rocket wind glider going faster than he could keep up with, the early adult's thoughts raced a kilometer a minute. What was happening? Why was everyone involved in this affair? Wind glider speeding up as if it were about to catch on fire, it soon lowered itself towards the ocean at full speed.

Dropped into the underwater kingdom with a loud thud, the wind glider soon let go of the soldier like he was unwanted material. Frog and alligator chimera standing next to each other looking ready to cut one another's throat's, the early adult readied to cover his ears. Every single time, without fail, these two looked ready to bicker about something.

But, a peculiarity soon added itself to the mix. Vidame and Domini in human form standing around with their hands crossed around their waist, the early adult blinked. Was he seeing things, or were these two not angry? His eyes were playing tricks on him, for sure. He had to have fallen into some sort of dream, guaranteed. There was no way these two would ever get along with anyone they deemed a villain. Eyes soon turning towards him, a flower made its way into the frog and alligator's hands.

"Here you go, your flower," Peltro said. "That's what you came here for, right?"

Taking the paper flower, more had soon been handed off to the soldier. Zinn adding their's to the mix after a few minutes, the hyena stared down at the faux plant. How weren't these paper objects wet by now? Annapausis was deep underwater. Something wasn't adding up here. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted as the frog turned their head towards the penguin duo.

"Aren't ya two supposed t' say somethin' right about now?" Zinn asked the penguin duo. "Somethin' like, 'Ritchie Rich, how dare ya poison the water,' ribbit." They raised the pitch of their voice, attempting to mimic Vidame's voice.

"Wow, Zinn, wonderful impression," Peltro said, sarcastic tone of voice. But, the penguins soon tagged themselves in.

"It's not like we wanna help either of you on this mission!" Vidame shouted.

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich can die for all we care!" Domini added. But, he soon shook his head. "But, it's not satisfying to knock him down when he's in bad shape."

"Get with the toxic program, frog!" Vidame shouted at the top of her gills.

Penguin slapping something sticky on him, the early adult blinked. What did they just stick onto him? He was too tired at this point to care anymore. Whatever they had just done to him was beyond him. Hands soon on his back, he could feel himself pushed out of the area with full force.

"Bye Ritchie Rich! Get outta here! Go to Liffey now!" Domini shouted.

Pushed into an upstream, the hyena's eyes grew wide. These penguins did they just want to get rid of him so badly? Current pushing him towards the Liffey Region, the soldier's body was on fire. How much longer could this hunt possibly go on? He could feel himself begin to crack into a thousand pieces. He could hold out no longer. He was one crack away from breaking apart.

Diving suit thrusting him forward, more unwanted faces added themselves to the mix from afar. Huxian and Pixiu swimming around in otter forms, all confused, the early adult attempted to have the diving suit swim faster. But, the two soon blocked the pathway up towards the surface. As they had done so, however, they titled their round heads.

"Wait. What were we supposed to be doing again?" Huxian asked.

"Weren't we supposed to take purple up to shore?" Pixiu asked.

"Who?" Huxian asked, tilted his head. But, Pixiu soon pointed. "Him? Are you sure?"

"I think so?" Pixiu asked. "Don't remember the details." As she said such, Huxian swam forward.

"He looks purple enough," Huxian said. "You. Come on. Up you go." Flipper pressed against purple's hand, he swam upward.

Hoisted up to shore, the early adult had begun to trudge north. But, as the mountains had begun to drag on closer, the soldier's energy had reached zero. Chest as tight as handcuffs on the wrist, the early adult swore, that at any given moment, his lungs would fall out. Entire body burning, he could take no more. Feeling a switch inside him shut off, the chimera had become one with the ground. But, as the world of unconsciousness had readied to take him away, a realization had kicked in.

This was all a setup, wasn't it?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult soldier life. The cycle was never ending, never stopping once it landed back at the beginning of the board game. The game was ongoing, forever, with the chance of death being the stopping point at virtually zero. The dream before him was just like the rest.

Before him had been a field of lycoris radiata once again. But, the flowers had not been alone. In the center of the bed had been a monster. The monster had been a girl with a skull face instead of that of a human. Seeing such a visitor, the hyena's dream heart skipped more than twenty five beats. Was this it? Was he in his final hours of life?

"Mister, play with me!" the skeleton girl exclaimed, dragging the hyena towards the flowerbed. "Come on!"

Dragged into the field of spider lilies, the early adult could feel will leave his dream body. This was it. He was done for, through, curtains. These were the final hours left. Was this how it was going to end, in his sleep? He wasn't ready, if so. But, his dream thoughts were soon cut off as the skeletal being dropped him downward towards the flowers.

"Okay, mister, ready?" the skeleton girl asked excitably. "We're playing six feet under!"

Rotten hands coming from underneath the flowerbed, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the dream battlefield. This was it. Game over. He was about to be dragged six feet under, any second now. Pushed through the ground and becoming water to the soil, the early adult aired out his final thoughts within the land of the subconscious.

So long, farewell.


"Guess this is it. My end.
Obviously, this is my fault.
Obviously, I am to blame.
Don't ever
Be as stubborn as me.
Yes, this is all my fault. All of this is my fault for pressing on.
Everything hurts. Am I waking up?

Seems like that was all a dream after all.
Oh, Archons where am I?

Looks like the Fortress.
Oh, Archons. No.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why here?
Get me out of here, please!"

Coming to in the Fortress of Meropide infirmary, multiple objects had been attached to the soldier. Meropide nurse in the corner of the room, the early adult turned his head a smidgeon. Loba in the corner, as well, and a strange green haired doctor with a snake around his neck, the realization soon kicked in further.

The underground prison, someone had taken him to the Fortress of Meropide. Realization solidifying into place, tears streamed down the early adult's face as terrifying machines kept on beeping. Had he been arrested? He was in trouble now. This was it. It was over. He had definitely disappointed Her Majesty beyond repair. Loba soon running towards him, questions threw themselves his way.

"Siorc, what's the matter?" Loba asked. "Where does it hurt?"

Question coming his way, the early adult attempted with all his might to ask if he had been arrested. But, no such answer came. Words unable to flow out, the soldier tried with all his might to move his hands in front of him. But, such did not happen, either. Palms remaining completely still, the tears strolled down his face faster. Why couldn't he move his hands? What was happening? Only the first letter of arrested able to drag itself out, the waterworks kept going.

"You're not arrested, honey," Loba responded. "I'm sorry for bringing you to the prison infirmary, but there were no other facilities I could have taken you to." As she said such, tears soon streamed down her face. "We found lethal poison inside your organs and bloodstream." The tears kept on going as she continued. "And, if we don't act soon, you're going to die." But, her sob fest had soon been halted.

"Miss Loba, it's not professional to cry in front of the patient!" the Melusine nurse exclaimed.

"I know, I'm sorry," Loba responded, wiping her tears away. But, another voice soon tagged itself into the ring.

"Miss Loba found a high concentration of toxic Noctilucous Jade flowing inside you," the snake doctor explained. "I'm afraid the poisons have reached a point where it has entered into your vitals." There was a serious tone in his voice. "We will need to perform an intense surgery to remove it. And, unfortunately, there is a moderate chance it might not succeed.

Hearing the snake doctor's words, a heavy wave of shock flowed through him. He had to get surgery that had the possibility of killing him? Was this how it was going to end? No. There was no way it could end this way. But, he supposed this was his fault. He kept pushing onward, insisting it was a curse. He was to blame for allowing it to reach this point. But, the tears still fell anyway. He could reach the end of his mortality. Letting out a weak grunt, the waterworks kept going.

"Honey, I know you're scared, but we promise you, it'll be alright," Loba said in a low voice. "We will all try our best to make sure you survive this." She grabbed ahold of her patients hands, not letting go. "But, there's a chance the poison rewired your system to make you unable to function without its presence."

Hearing such fact, the hyena's heart skipped more than four beats. The toxic Noctilcous Jade could have changed the foundations of his insides? This was it, there was no way. It was over. He would have to bid this world farewell, soon, for sure. And he knew all of this was his fault. Everything that had lead up to this outcome was his fault.

"The surgery will be in a few hours," Loba said, tears streaming down her face. As she said such, a mask had been placed over the hyena's face. "Honey, I'm sorry, but we need to put you to sleep as preparation." Equipment locked into place, she attempted to keep herself together. "Sweet dreams."

Feeling gas pumping into him, a sudden wave of tiredness he had never experienced for took the soldier away. World around him beginning to fade away, the chimera's eyes fluttered closed. Drug induced world ready to take him away at a moment's notice, one final thought laid a crack upon the foundation.

Would this be the last thing he would ever see?


Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of anguish within the chimera's diplomatic Fatui life. The pattern would add three more beads every night, spelling out the word doom on constant repeat with each waking day passing. But, something in the land of the subconscious had been incredibly amiss.

Before him had been a long winding field of chrysanthemums stretching outwards towards the sky. Seeing such flowers, a question arose within the chimera's mind. Was this it? Had he reached the end of the journey? Moving forward, the hyena stared at the land around him.

As the chimera moved through the flower fields, he did not know why, but he could feel himself at peace. If this was how it was all going to end, he didn't mind if it were in a flowerbed. Such end was a fitting one, he supposed. But, as he kept walking through, the soldier saw two faces he thought he would never see again.

Mother and father standing on the edge of the world near a large, dark portal, the early adult blinked. His parents, what were they doing here? Why were they guarding the large black vortex? Wasn't that where he was supposed to be heading next? Attempting to press on, the early adult swore he could see invisible caution tape drop itself downward.

"Son, it's not your time yet," his father said. "Turn back."

Father soon holding a sword beside the large black portal, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Turn back? What did he mean? Wasn't he supposed to go through that door? He did not quite understand. Wasn't blocking his entrance against the rules? Wouldn't the God of Time come and bring down a harsh punishment for this? Sense was dead, and he was making none of it. Words bleeding inside him, a question blurted out.

"Will I make Istaroth angry?" the hyena blurted out.

Warm looks on his parents faces, confusion continued to eat the soldier alive. Why were they smiling? Did he say something funny? Hadn't his father researched the gods while he was alive? If he had said the name of the wrong god, he would need to apologize to them right away.

"No, son," his father said. "She won't be angry with you."

Hearing such, confusion continued to loom through the chimera. Mother now holding a sword and blocking the black portal as well, the inquires kept going. The vortex, was it really, truly alright to keep him away from it? Had it really, truly not been his time yet? What did that mean? Wasn't this breaking all the rules?

"They're calling for you, Siorc," his mother said. "You must turn around."

Mother telling him to turn around, as well, the soldier did as instructed. There was no way he could disobey his parents, even if it was only their spirits here with him. Right, he had to go back. It wasn't his time to go yet. He had to return. Bright white door soon appearing, the chimera turned the knob. Stepping in, one final thought threw itself out into the mix.

Here he goes.

Back into the cruel reality.


"We have begun to prep for the surgery,
Everyone is ready.

All the tools are beside us.
Right, we're going in. It is time to remove the poison.
Everything is down. We

Lead the suture downward. So far, so good.
Onward towards the problem, I feel
Sweat as I carefully operate.
It's all going well.
Now, to tackle the source of the noxious problem. We all
Go towards the route of the problem...

Huh? Heart rate going down.
It's hovering towards zero.
My hands shake.

'We're losing him!' I shout.
Everything is dropping. No, I

Cannot let this happen. I
Absolutely cannot afford to lose him.
No, no. I told Siorc we would make sure he would survive.
No, I absolutely cannot go back
On my world. I can't let
This happen. I can't

Let him die.
Everyone is counting on to make sure
The patient lives. I take a deep breath. We

Try again. We press on carefully.
Heart rate going up.
It's working. The poison, it hasn't
Seeped itself in. We keep

Hammering on.
And try our best to not make any fatal mistakes. We
Press on, sweating. We
Press on, working intensively.
Everything will soon be fine.
Now, for the final touches."

Coming to in a completely different room from the last one, the early adult turned his head towards the left and right. Where was he now? Had he been taken somewhere else within the Fortress of Meropide? Feeling a heavy, warm blanket over him, he weakly shook his head. No, that couldn't be it. The prison beds were cold, hard spring boxes. But, two blond haired visitors soon gave an answer to such question.

Marquis and Esquire strolling on in, the early adult held back the urge to groan. He had been taken to the apartment underneath the Congele boutique? How did he get here? But he supposed how, and when didn't matter. Anything was better than lying down in a cold, hard prison or military barrack bed.

"Looks like the little rascal is awake," Marquis said. "The doctors told us all that you're on strict bed rest." As they said such, they folded their arms across their waist. "We've heard you're a stubborn one. Don't be a rascal. Got it?"

"Don't give Malika any problems," Esquire said, arms around their waist. "We're going to call the doctor in. And just so you know, we have our eyes on you." As they said such, they cupped their hands around their lips. "Loba, he has woke up. You can come in now." As they said such, another chimera entered the battlefield.

"Thank you, brothers," Loba said to Marquis and Esquire. She then headed towards Siorc's bedside. "The surgery went well, honey." But, as she said such, tears strolled down her face. "But, we almost lost you. The poison had rooted itself deep inside your organs, as we all surmised." There was a heavy sense of tiredness in her voice as she continued. "We were able to remove it. The toxins won't be able to spread any more."

Hearing such, the early adult blinked. The chrysanthemum world, if he were to go through that door at the end, would that have been it? He supposed he was grateful he had not lost the battle, but he knew he couldn't just sit here, lying like a vegetable. He was alright now, wasn't he? Surely, he could return to work.

Look of desperation on the patient's face, Loba shook her head. She knew what that look meant, he wanted to go back to work immediately. Siorc's worth ethnic was far too strong for his own good sometimes. She needed to let the patient know he wasn't allowed to go back to work just yet.

"I know what you're thinking, honey," Loba said, shaking her head. "But, I cannot allow you to go back to work yet." She grabbed the patient's hand, holding it gently. "While the poison won't spread any further, your condition is far from stable yet." She took a long deep breath. The healing process might take awhile. And, there's a possibility you could relapse." She squeezed the hand a little tighter, not letting go. "Once you're deemed stable enough, we'll prescribe you with medication to aid with the healing process. But, until then, you must stay in bed and rest."

Loba telling him he wasn't stable, the soldier could not help but wonder. The poison had it truly been removed? Hand soon let go of, the hyena attempted to move his hands in front of him. But, such movement never came. Unable to move his palms even a centimeter, tears streamed down his face. His palms, why couldn't he move them still? Why were they stuck?

Seeing the patient cry, Loba tried to hold herself back from shedding tears, as well. Had Siorc been trying to sign something to her? Not being able to communicate in his preferred way must have been hard for him to handle. Was he worried about whether the poison had truly been removed? She needed to assure him it had been.

"I promise you, honey, we did our best to make sure the poison had been removed," Loba reassured him. "But, you could still have a relapse. It had worked its way deep into your lungs, stomach and esophagus. It might take some time for them to heal completely." Crossing her arms across her waist, she readied to let down a final warning. "So, until further notice, I am putting you on strict bed rest."

Knowing there was no way this ordered would be rescinded, the chimera sighed. Loba soon leaving, the early adult sat down in the bed, tossing and turning with all his might. He was going to be here for awhile, wasn't he? Eventually feeling fatigued after hours of laying, the hyena closed his eyes. Sleep ready to take him once again, one thought wrapped vines around him.

Let his days of being a vegetable begin.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's life. The pattern was a circle, constantly rotating over and over again. The circle would only get faster, and faster as the moments went on by, reaching its peak at the stroke of midnight. The night before him would continue the anguish, as well.

Before him had been a field of wolfbanes. Seeing such flowers, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had his dreams been poisoned, too? The soldier did not know, but he supposed a part of his brain had been infected, as well. Attempting to move away from the fields, the chimera turned his back. Such action was cancelled before it could even begin. Strange person adorning a bright white robe and grotesque muscly hands soon popped out of nowhere, giggling.

"Eat them!" the figure exclaimed.

Order demanded of him, the chimera rapidly shook his head. Eat them? Weren't wolfbanes a poisonous flower? There was no way. He couldn't eat them. Wouldn't he be as good as dead if he had done so? Shaking his head again, the flowers had soon been ripped out from the ground.

Person shoving the flowers down his throat, the early adult broke into tears. Plant travelling down the dream esophagus, the tears kept going. But as they kept on streaming, fire broke from his cheeks. Everything burning away, the hyena closed the dream eyes. Bidding farewell to the subconscious world, one last thought threw itself into the water.

Don't make him eat what he adores the most.


Waking up in the middle of the night, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. What is he doing here? Why is in the apartment underneath the Congele Boutique? He shouldn't be here, he needed to leave. Reaching for his glasses, the early adult studied the room around him. Spotting a window in the corner, the hyena dragged himself out of bed.

Opening the pane, the early adult attempted to make a jump for it. But, such action was halted before it could even begin. Marquis speeding into the room, he dashed towards the window, in a heartbeat. Opening his mouth, shouts had begun to enter the room for the entire apartment to hear.

"What are you trying to do?!" Marquis asked, voice raising.

Attempting with all his might to ask why he was here, no words were able to release from him. Throat burning, the early adult waved the white flag. He didn't need to talk, anyway. His throat could stay burning for all eternity. Knowing he could not stay here, he continued onward. Attempting to remove the screen from the door, the chimera placed his fingers on it. But, he had soon been grabbed ahold of.

"You're supposed to be on bed rest, remember?" Marquis reminded him, carrying the ugly stubborn fool back to bed. "Don't be ugly." Hideous fool placed back under the covers, he gave the ugly man a glare. "If you're in pain, you have to let us know. Got it? Now, go back to sleep."

Marquis soon leaving, the early adult closed his eyes. Right, he was a prisoner to the bed. He wasn't allowed to leave, under any circ*mstance. Heavy wave of fatigue overtaking him almost immediately, the soldier closer his eyes. Wave of sleep inviting him back in, the land of tormenting dreams took him hostage.

Waking up sometime unknown to him, the soldier swore he could hear something being hammered down. Eyes jolting open, the hyena reached for his glasses. Esquire in the corner mounting wood onto the window, the chimera tilted his head. Why was he doing that?

"Go back to sleep," Esquire said, hammering harder.

Ordered to go back to sleep, the soldier could not help but continue to wonder. Why was he boarding up the window, was there a storm coming? Throat burning, the chimera made a ton of noises. Penguin ceasing operations, he let out a sigh. Hearing such, the hyena could not help but feel a wave of discomfort. Had he annoyed him? He needed to apologize. Making further noises, everything boiled over.

"Don't worry about it, ugly," Esquire said, with emphasis on the last word. "Go back to sleep."

Hearing such word, the early adult lowered his eyes into a glare. Did this man just call him ugly? How dare he. He knew he did not look his best right now, but was such insult necessary? He didn't need to take this from him. Who did he think he was, saying something like that to him?

But, the soldier could feel his energy fade away. It was no use trying to argue with him. He was far too tired to even bother. Closing his eyes once more, the hyena could feel himself about ready to drift off once more. World of sleep ready to take him away, the soldier let out one final sigh as the dream world invited him back in.

He wasn't ugly.


Dreaming continued to be a never ending saga of agony for the hyena. The cycle was an agonizing board game, with no positive moves to drop onto. The story was incomplete, always getting further page counts as each and every single night kept pushing forward. The night before him was no different as well.

Before him had been a field of lilies. But, the flowers had some company. Young skull faced woman sitting beside them, she had soon begin to giggle as if one and zeroes had broken, leading to her laugher causing the outside force to be booted out of the situation.

"Eat them!" the skull girl exclaimed.

Skull girl bunching up the flowers into her bony hands, the chimera backed twenty steps away. Eat lilies, no way. There was absolutely no way he would munch down on any sort of flower, poisonous or not. This girl, why was she so dead set on making him eat them? But, as he though such, the lilies had dropped down his throat. Simulated sense of metal taking his dream throat away, tears strolled down the soldier's face.

Stop making him eat flowers.


Waking up archons knows when, Malika, Baron and Aega stood inside the room, exit door blocked as if they had been a bouncer at a party. Seeing such, the soldier blinked. Why were they so protective over the door? He knew, if he tried to escape, he would just be caught anyway. Aega coming towards him, a stern look had been on her face.

"Don't bother trying to escape," Aega said bluntly. "Malika and Baron will catch you if you try." Heart instrument soon upon her, she moved over towards the patient. "I'm here to check your vitals. So, don't cause any trouble."

Covers lifted off of him, cold, sterile medical tools invaded him like he was unclaimed territory. Aega instructing him to breathe in and out, a wave of heavy pain flowed through him as he had done so. Freezing tool moving towards his back, the exercise repeated itself further.

"You are in no condition to return to Snezhnaya yet," Aega said sternly. "So, do as you're told, and stay in bed." Pulling the covers back over him, she gave him a sharp glare. "Don't give anyone in here a hard time. We'll be putting you on the medication soon, alright? Once you're on it, you can go back home." She crossed her arms across her waist as she said such. "Behave yourself until then, or I'll have Malika tie you to that bed."

Threat coming his way, the soldier surrendered. There was no winning against Aega. Whatever she were to say goes. Malika walking towards his bed side, the hyena held back the urge to groan. Was she going rub salt in further to his current wound? He had had enough blows for whatever day it was.

"Please just bare with this a little longer, darling," Malika said in a gentle tone. "Just listen to the doctors. And, don't try to escape again."

Malika doubling down on his disallowing of his escape, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Earl nowhere to be seen, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where was that pesky thorn in his side? The apartment was oddly quiet without him. Had he been holding the fort upstairs? He knew he had to ask about it.

"Where's Earl?" Siorc asked, voice tired.

Hearing Siorc's stupid question, Baron rolled their eyes. Did he seriously just ask that? Hadn't Siorc despised Earl? Why did he care all of a sudden that he wasn't here? What was even the point of this question? Shouldn't he be more concerned about his current situation? What a waste of his intelligence.

"We sent Earl and Kaiser away to the Opera Epiclese for the remainder of your time here," Baron responded. "I do not know why this matters to you. Do you not despise my brother?"

Baron twirling their hair, the early adult blinked. They sent Earl away? Did they really have to go to such a length to ensure he could rest peacefully. While he found the penguin annoying, despise was quite the strong word. He could never think such a thing about him, even if he were the biggest pest of all time.

"Okay, Baron, enough about that," Malika said to Baron. She then turned towards Siorc. "Can you eat?"

Throat feeling sharp and rocky, the chimera shook his head. If he were to try to eat anything right about now, Malika's floor would become disgusting, in an instant. Penguin family stepping out, or a moment, a small bowl of broth with very few vegetables had been in it. Sipping the heated water, pain ate the hyena alive. It was still impossible to eat anything, even after he had been healed? The world was cruel. Wave of tiredness overtaking him after an hour, the early adult closed his eyes once more.

Waking up once again, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. How long had he been asleep this time? He did not know, but he couldn't help but think it had to have been a few days. How many yesterdays had gone by? The calendar on the wall in the corner had certainly jumped a few numbers.

Laying in bed for awhile, the soldier had come to immediately notice. The heat within him, it had been gone. His stomach, it no longer ached. His breaths hurt less than before. Was he dreaming? Pinching himself, he could feel a shock. He was most certainly awake, right now. Hearing some footsteps, two people soon came into the room.

Lonan and Rabiu coming through the door, the chimera tilted his head. What were these two doing here? Didn't the hawk have jobs to do with Gwendolyn? Wouldn't she be mad at him if he weren't there to do them? Nervous jackal coming forward with sharp shaped mini robots, confusion continued to loop on repeat. Was this some kind of health checkup? Why had the inventor brought someone with him.

"Sup, black fish steak bro," Lonan greeted. "We came here to keep you company."

Rabiu's robots moving towards him, the hyena moved the covers off of him. Tiny shark machines beaming lasers all over him, the early adult closed his eyes. What in the world was this technology? What kind of signals were the lasers going to send back to their owner? But, he knew that was not something for him to find out.

"Um, uh, your vitals are looking pretty good today," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "But, um, uh, I'll have to ask Loba about it before anyone can make a decision on this."

Hearing such, the chimera could not help but wonder. What happened to him while he was asleep? Just how long had he been out? Had the stone around his body disappeared? Staring at his hands, nothing had changed. Limbs still pitch black entirely, a wave of disappointment flowed through him. Why hadn't the jade cracked away yet? Wasn't he beginning to heal? But, he supposed it was a process that was not yet ready to reach that critical stage. But, as he kept on thinking, Lonan soon flowed on through.

"Isn't that great, black fish steak bro, Robby said you're doing better!" Lonan said, smiling.

"Um, uh, please don't call me Robby," Rabiu said, lip quivering.

"Oops, sorry, bro, forgot you don't like being called that," Lonan responded. He then turned towards black fish steak bro. "You must be bored sitting in bed all day. Wanna play a game? I brought some with me."

Lonan bringing out multiple board games. The soldier studied them, for a moment. First one entitled Elemental Crucible, the chimera tilted his head. What was that one about? Would he have to use his Vision on the table to move forward? Was that one even fair? Neither Raibu nor he had visions at their disposal. He knew he could not say yes to that one.

"Not Elemental Crucible?" Lonan asked. "Alright, bro. What about this one?"

Game board held out in front of him entitled Windtrace, the chimera blinked of bewilderment once again. What was this one about? Lonan offering him the manual, the early adult skimmed through it. A hide and seek board game where the players hid the pieces on a big map and the person designated the hunter would go look for them? That sounded quite tiresome and too easy to be seen through. Shaking his head, the next board game had been brought to the table.

"You don't wanna do Windtrace, either?" Lonan asked. "You're a tough sell."

"Uh, um, Lonan?" Rabiu asked. "Why are you saying that?"

"Just somethin' pops used to tell me when I wouldn't eat my veggies," Lonan said to Rabiu. He then took out another board. "How 'bout this one?"

Board game entitled, Moraoply, the soldier stared down at the piece of cardboard in front of him. Multiple spaces in front of him printed with number values and prizes, the chimera shrugged. He supposed this one would do. He knew if he kept on rejecting further ones, he would be wasting Lonan's time. Giving the bird man a nod, dice and board pieces had been taken out.

"Cool beans," Lonan responded. "Which piece do you wanna be?"

Tiny metallic game pieces presented to him, the early adult studied everything presented to him. Spotting a horse carriage, Slime, Ruin Grader, Hilichurl, dog, cat, rabbit, and flowerpot piece, the early adult's heart fluttered. He could play as a flower if he wanted to? This was the one. He needed to be that piece. Pointing at it, he made a small noise.

"Flowerpot? Alright, bro, here you go," Lonan said. "Guess I'll be the Slime." He then turned towards Rabiu. "And you?"

"I'll be the dog," Rabiu said, pointing at the dog piece.

Three pieces placed on the start square, the soldier had been given the first dice toss. Placing the knockers into the cup, the soldier dropped the two upon the board. Two sixes laid out in front of him, the early adult blinked. Was this real. Was he really allowed to move twelve spaces? This had to have been some sort of mistake.

Dragging his piece for twelve spaces, the hyena took a small card. Card reading there had been a bank error in his favor, collect one thousand Mora, Rabiu handed the chimera a fake gold coin printed with the number one thousand upon it. Placing the coin aside, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. What a very interesting game this was.

Lonan taking his turn next, he closed his eyes as he rolled the dice. Pieces dropping down on the board, a five graced everyone. Slime moving upon the board, a space entitled, property space had been landed on. Property card taken, the bird man read the card aloud.

"Hotel owner would like to transfer ownership to you. Will you buy it for five-hundred?" Lonan read out loud. "Rab, gimme the little housey over there." Rabiu handing over the house, the fake mora coins had been given in exchange. "Heh heh, this space is my property now. Better watch out."

Rabiu taking his turn next, the dice dropped down upon the board. Ten rolled, he moved the dog piece upon the cardboard. Informed he would need to take a chance card, he read the words on the paper thoroughly. But, as he had done so, a look of pain graced his face.

"You robbed the Northland Bank, go directly to jail," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "Um, uh, I would never do that, just so you know."

Rabiu's game piece sitting in the jail spot, the soldier flinched. There was a jail in this game? He could not help but feel that was a bit too realistic for a fantasy world on paper. He knew he would have to be careful with his rolls going forward. Eyes soon on him, he knew it was his turn to shake up the dice.

Placing the dice back into the cup, the early adult shook the holder, for about fifteen seconds. Dropping the objects upon the board, the numbers counted out to be around seven. Moving the flowerpot upon the board, a property piece had soon been landed on.

Reading the card he had been given, the hyena tilted his head. Buy a house in Springvale for three hundred, why so little? Just what were these games rules? But, he knew he had to buy it. Moraopoly, the rules of the game were to buy as many properties as possible to win as much Mora as he could. He knew he couldn't resist the urge. Nodding, a house piece had been handed off to him.

Game going on for hours on end, a wave of calmness flowed through him. Was this what it felt like to be at peace? Moraopoly eventually ending with a Lonan turn around, the party of two soon exited his temporary room. Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the chimera closed his eyes. World of dreams pulling him back in, a smile graced his face as the land of sleep claimed him for the night.

Waking up sometime unknown, the chimera blinked. How many days had he been asleep this time? He supposed it didn't matter. Loba soon coming into the room fully equipped with medical instruments, a full examination had soon taken shape. Cold, hard devices pressed onto him, everything soon ended with a smile.

"It is now safe enough for you to go on the medication," Loba said, tone soft. As she said such, a pill bottle had been removed from her pocket. "You may return to Snezhnaya now."

Hearing such, the chimera removed himself from the bed. He can go back to Snezhnaya now? Was work resuming? It was back to the permafrost north, back to work, back to being a pawn upon the chessboard. But, as he thought such, another set of words had come his way.

"No, honey, you can't go back to work just yet," Loba said, shaking her head. "While you are no longer in danger, you're still recovering." As she said such, she pointed at the pill bottle handed off to him. "You must take one of these capsules a day. And, you will be monitored while on this medicine. There could be side effects. But, the jade covering your body should slowly disappear once you have started taking it." She gave the patient a sharp glare. "When you're completely stable, I promise you, you can return to work."

Bowing a thank you, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Waving one last farewell to the penguin family, the early adult opened the orb into map form. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Cruising through the icy cold hallways, the early adult reached the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking. Placing himself on the frozen floor, the soldier stared off into space for hours on end.

Wave of tiredness taking him away as night soon dropped, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpin and earrings. Uniform soon removed, the chimera slipped into the uncomfortable bed. He did not miss this rock hard sleeping quarters, even for a moment. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

He would soon be jade free.

Chapter 26: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 1: Forced Recovery Excursion.


This is the first of three Chenyu Vale chapters. In this section, Siorc is told to go on a recovery excursion in Chenyu Vale. Various activities ensue. Feat: Yinlong, Loba, Zhongli, Yun Jin, Xiao, Baizhu, Gaming, Hu Tao rapping, and a drug manifestation: Aunty Dote.


I wrote this saga bc this entire book occurs from 4.0-4.7. so.

Chapter Text

"An excursion?
Now, I just don't get this,

Exactly? I am no longer cursed. The
Xeno object has been removed.
Can't I just go back to work?
Unless there's still more in me.
Really, I don't know,
So I guess
I am stuck doing this excursion.
Obviously, I am rather
Not interested in any capacity.

Though, I suppose I
Owe Loba and the other doctors for saving me, so it's

Best I listen to any and
Every suggestion thrown at me.

However, I am just not sure why. An
Open walk around Chenyu Vale? I have
Never been here.
Everything seems like
Some sort of ploy
To gather information from me.

Though, that's just what it is, and
How it's always been.
I'm used to being used as a pawn.
So, this excursion is nothing more than a

Cheap ploy to get information from me.
Oh, Your Majesty, do you
Not ever learn? Eh,
For now, I have no choice but to take this break.
Ultimately, I must listen,
So don't disobey,
Even if I don't agree or
See the point, I

Must remain loyal, that is key.
Even so, I was asked

Something rather unusual. The Agent,
He told me to go find someone to go with
On this excursion.
Uh, am I hearing things?
Looks like I am not. I
Do not quite understand.

I have to take a person with me?

Nothing makes sense.
Of all times, you want me
To take someone on a mission with me now? I don't

Get it. This feels rather fishy.
Or, perhaps I am overthinking.

Be that as it may,
A person to go with. I
Can only think of one person. I do not
Know if he will go with me,

Though, it will not hurt to ask.
Of course, being told no is a high possibility.

Well, lives are not an
Open door. I am
Rather quite aware of this by now. But,
Knowing Her Majesty

If I go alone,

A punishment will be waiting for
Me for disobedience.

No, I am definitely, without a doubt,
Overthinking. But, I will

Look for the panda chimera.
Obviously, there is a chance of being told
No, negatory. I
Guess I need to
Expect such outcome. It is
Relatively low, but I

Cannot rule it out.
Unleash myself upon Liyue,
Round the positive and negatives down to one.
So, off I go on this
Excursion. This
Dropped in on me vacation.

It's unavoidable that I have
To recover, I suppose.

I do not know long this
Should take, but

Whatever was said,
Has to go. I
Am the silent, obedient soldier.
That's how

It should be.
This is merely a quick reprieve.

I know I will be back to work
Shortly. For now,

The mountains await me. I do not know
How many, but this is Liyue.
One of the northern places
Upper Vale is where I am headed, I'm
How far north? I don't know,

Though I believe it borders Fontaine.
Of course, I will not be going there.

Cannot see my excursion
Hiking me towards that area.
Everything will be
Nowhere but the never
Yielding mountains. The
Ultimate peak, the

Valleys aplenty.
All and all, I am ready.
Let's go, onto the
Excursion. Will Yínlóng join me?

I hope so, but there's no

Guarantee. I'll
Open the invitation silently."

Four days had passed since the soldier had performed various different empty activities around Sumeru that were next to nothing in value. Curse continuing to spread its plague upon him further, the hyena kept on working, despite protest from various parties otherwise.

Tasked with an odd job in Inazuma, an influx of maple leaves and yokai were dealt with one after another. But, haze had begun to eat his memory as the days went on further. Scavenger hunt overtaking the third day, interventions had cancelled everything out without a moment's notice.

Intervention deleting work from the occasion, days had begun to blur together. Hours missing from his memory, layers of confusion sliced themselves up like pieces of cake about to melt out in the sun. But, despite such blurs, the hyena remained a silent, loyal soldier.

The sound of morning alarm bells blared out their loud sirens five times as loud as they normally had done so. As the alarm bells kept going with their piercing sound of doom, countless Fatui Soldiers groaned in a chorus louder than everything anyone has ever heard before. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Heavy wave of fatigue looming over him, the hyena rubbed his eyes, for a moment. Such trick not working, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why was he feeling so tired today? Hadn't the source of the poison within him been removed? But, as he thought such, memories flowed back to him.

Recalling the jackal chimera had told him healing might take awhile, the hyena let out a sigh. He supposed, he would have light work for the next while. Knowing such would be the case, without a doubt, the early adult rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the soldier gazed at his hands and arms. Both still as black and full of Noctilucous Jade bits, the chimera could not help but ponder. Just how long will it take for everything to return to normal and reverse back to way it used to be?

Taking a moment, the early adult peeked at the other affected areas. Legs still pitch black, as well, the hyena lifted the layers upon his middle body. Stomach stone chipping away a smidgeon, a wave of hope flowed through him. Perhaps, just maybe, soon, everything would crumble off of him.

Taking a deep breath, the chimera resumed getting ready. It was pointless worrying about such a thing. The multiple doctors who had seen him told him it would take some time. Throwing his thoughts away, the chimera snapped the buttons on his uniform shut. No more time for thinking. Time was running out.

Buttons in the correct holes, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Matching black hearts adorning his hair and ears, the hyena stared at the other weapons lying in the jewelry and accessory box. Turning his prized possessions into weapons, was this truly what he wanted? Regret flowed through the soldier. It had already been too late to reverse such decision.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the early adult stared at the Geo Delusion adjacent to it. The sinister orb, should he return it to Her Majesty? But, the hyena shook his head. There was no need to return her gift. One day, when the time was right, he would make use of it, guaranteed.

Heelless shoes on, and rations in front of him, the hyena bit down into the gruel. Food still tasting like jade, but much less so, tears strolled down the chimera's face. Recovery was going to be a long battle ahead of him, without a doubt. Glasses adjusted, white capsules swallowed, and everything soon in order, the chimera had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

The louder than ever before sound of Fatui boots marched onward inexorably, the soldier turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his day of absolutely anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be going on a recovery excursion in Chenyu Vale." A mysterious red envelope had soon appeared in his gloved hands. "Here is your holiday bonus. Take someone with you on your trip." Turning towards him, the masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "It will last three days."

The early adult tilted his head towards the ceiling. He was doing what now? Going on a recovery excursion in Chenyu Vale? Why was this his order for the day? This sudden vacation, why was he being awarded such? Shouldn't be he going back to work today? The poison had left him.

The early adult stared downward at the red envelope gifted to him. This mora out of nowhere, did he really deserve such a thing? He had failed to perform his jobs well over the past couple of weeks. This money, there had to have been some sort of catch to it, for sure.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc, are you alright?" the Agent asked in a worried and oddly gentle tone. "You definitely need this recovery excursion."

Siorc flinched. Does he really need this recovery excursion? He supposed he couldn't argue with whatever facts were being laid out to him. It was only a three day trip. After all this, surely, work would resume as it normally did. Placing his arm out in front of him, the early adult took a deep breath.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Fully recovered or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good. Let's get going, soldier," the Agent responded. "We will be heading to Liyue Harbor first." Arm out in front of him, he gripped the limb into a softer squeeze than normal. "We have hired a bodyguard to protect you and the guest you bring with you." Escort starting, one last bidding of words leaked out. "Try to relax and not to push yourself." Teleportation about to begin, the chimera's mind wandered, for a moment. It was strange to see the Agent act like this. But, as he thought such, another thought kicked in.

He will invite the panda chimera to the excursion.


"Well, to be quite
Honest, I am still rather confused. I do not
Yet understand the purpose this mission. An excursion through

Chenyu Vale. Is this really necessary?
How will this help me recover?
Everything about this is stumping me. I do
Not understand anything.
Your Majesty, is this just another ploy you are
Unleashing upon me? That

Very much so could be the case.
Ah, I see, disguising a mission as a holiday.
Looks like I am onto something. Ah, no I am
Exaggerating. There is no way

That could even be remotely close to it.
How could I jump to such a conclusion?
Obviously, she would not to something like that.
Unless that is her plan, in the end.
Guess that is something I really should expect.
Her Majesty always wants me to go everywhere. I bet even

Over to the moon, if she wanted me to.
For that is uncharted territory,

Ah, who am I kidding? No way would she send to the
Lunar plane. No way would she ask me to
Leave this place.

Perhaps my imagination has gotten a
Little too colorful since the poisoning incident.
Ah, yes, I am overthinking.
Come on, Siorc, stop overthinking.
Everything is on pause,
So stop overthinking.

Don't let my thoughts wander.
Or they will
Eat me up,
Swallow me whole.

I need to stop assuming
That everything is part of

Her Majesty's plans.
A vacation is a
Vacation, no matter how small.
Even though I did not expect it and

Hadn't seen it coming, I suppose I have
Earned a moment of reprieve.
Ah, Yínlóng, will he want to go with me?
Little do I know, he could be working.
I do not know what I can do if I cannot go with him.
No other person in Liyue comes to me. I do not know many other Liyuean chimeras who would
Go. So, it is best I stick to the

Chase and only
Ask those of which I am familiar.
Perhaps, that is for the best.
As I would rather not task a nobody.
Be that as it may,
I suppose, having
Little options of people to choose from
Is a good thing.
There is not a long list of people
I will need to ask.
Everything is ready,
So off to the beaches I go."

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the teleport waypoint, a reminder had come the soldier's way. Told he will be receiving checkups from medical staff periodically throughout the excursion, the Agent soon staged his leave. Given such order, the soldier off duty shook his head. Did he really need to be monitored in such a way still? Surely, there was no chance whatsoever of any sort of relapse.

Knowing it was best to head for Yaoguang Shoal right away, the early adult had begun heading upon the northern pathway. City incredibly quiet without the usual levels of hustle and bustle, the hyena tilted his head as he kept walking. Why was it so dead today? Had he arrived at the point in time where the city was asleep?

As the hyena kept moving forward, the soldier off duty could not help but ponder. The panda chimera, would he even want to go with him on this excursion? He knew there was a possibility at hand that he would not wish to go and would reject his proposal entirely with the two letter word of doom.

Continuing along the path, the hyena stared off into space. The panda chimera, if he did not wish to go with him, who could he possibly invite? But, the hyena shook his head. Why would Yínlóng reject his offer? Surely, such outcome would not even be within the realm of any sort of possibility.

But, the early adult's mind kept wandering towards such possibility. The panda chimera, if they were to tell him he could not go, was there any other options for him? There had been barely any other chimeras he had known in the Geo Nation of Contracts to even consider inviting.

As the early adult continued to cruise through the streets, other names rotated around in the chimera's partially human mind. The otter chimera duo, could they be an option? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. Why was his mind wandering towards those two? He barely knew them. There was no way they would ever agree.

Other names floating around in his mind as half of the harbor city had been walked through, the chimera kept on juggling. Waiola, and Bogart, would they be willing to go if the panda chimera was unavailable? He supposed such open could have been one that wasn't impossible.

But, the hyena threw such possibility out the window. The panther twins were in the desert. There was no way they would wish to go with him on a journey to the mountains of Liyue. Why did he even allow his mind to jump to such option? The desert was way too far from the Geo Nation to even be considered.

Option tossed out the wayside, the chimera kept the other options open. Was there even anyone else he could even ask? Sifting through his head for names, one last ditch effort idea threw itself onto the table and stuck to it like a wad of gum left behind. Loba and Aega, maybe they would go with him.

But, the early adult shook his head as the city's exit was about to be reached. No. There was no way he could ask either of them. The jackal twins, they both had to have been busy taking care of patients. He could not interfere with their work, no matter what. Such would be quite inconsiderate of him, for sure.

Reaching the Wharf, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. Why was he thinking so hard about this? If there was no one that could go with him, the guard that was hired could easily be his plus one on this excursion. Drawing a line in the sand on such, the soldier readied to exit the area. But, as such was about to occur, a peculiarity stuck out to him.

Group of generic nobodies setting up a large stage, two very familiar backsides stuck out amongst the crowd of same faces. Long brown ponytail and brown suited backside, and plum hat and dress square pegs looking at the commotion, the early adult titled his head as his mind veered off course.

Hearing the opera singer from the backside talking, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just what could possibly be going on here? Had it been time for Lantern Rite? But, the early adult shook his head. No, that couldn't have been possible. Such event had already passed for the year, as far as he was aware.

Seeing a crane get hoisted upwards by many generic nobodies, the early adult had come to a quick conclusion. Liyue Harbor's Wharf was hosting some sort of opera in the near future. Come to such conclusion, the book had been closed upon such case. Readying to leave, the early adult turned around. But, faces turning his way soon stopped him in his tracks.

Tall brunette turning towards him, the soldier blinked. Why was he looking at him? But, he shook such feelings off. This wise man of many wisdoms was always everywhere across Liyue at any given time. Maybe he wasn't looking his way. But, words coming his way threw such thoughts for multiple loops in a matter of moments.

"Ah, Mr. Siorc, how are you faring?" the tall brunette asked.

Hearing such a question, the early adult blinked. How was he doing? He could feel a blank card drawn inside his mindscape as the inquiry came his way. Had he been doing well? He knew that was not true, at the moment. Had he been doing unwell? He knew that was not an answer he could provide, either.

Placing his right hand in front of him, the soldier flipped his palm upside down then right side up again. Gesture of feeling somewhere in the middle passed onto the tall brunette, the early adult placed his arms into a cross shaped position, fingers on shoulders. Digits soon curled, he then placed his tips next to his eyes, for a moment. Panda signed on display for everyone in the area to see, he looked into the man's eyes.

"You are asking about Miss Yínlóng, no?" the tall brunette asked, arms folded across his chest. "She is currently in Bishui Plain." But, another voice chimed in.

"Yínlóng seemed rather tired, as of late," the opera singer added. "So, we gave her some time off."

Hearing such information from the opera singer, a heavy wave of concern flowed through the chimera. Had something happened to them recently? Bowing a thank you towards the two, the hyena changed his destination. The bamboo trees would be his next stop.

As the early adult traversed the bridge, thoughts of doom flew through him. Yínlóng, had he fallen ill, too? The poison within him, was it contagious? He knew if the toxins had spread to him, he would need to apologize for such, immediately. Such outcome was his fault, without a doubt.

City soon left behind, the soldier shook his head. There was no way the jade poisons within him could have inflicted anyone else. The Agent, he seemed fine. There were no contagions to be had here. He needed to stop jumping to the worst possible conclusions imaginable.

Reaching Guili Plains, the thoughts of concern kept on going. The panda chimera was he alright? What could have possibly been making them so tired? Their life was always on easy street. A simple day of running and serving tea. But, the early adult popped such thoughts with a pin. Customer service was definitely a tiring job. He shouldn't water it down.

Continuing onward, the early adult let out a sigh. Why was he assuming the worst? He needed to stop doing that. Perhaps, just maybe, the panda chimera had been receiving more work lately. Why would he let himself think such negative conclusions? Enough was enough. No more, or he would have to change his name to Nancy.

Plains pushed through, the early adult took a long, deep breath. No more negativity. It was time to reset his chakras. Whatever chakras were, anyway. He did not know. Entrance towards the Inn upon him, the hyena hiked up the stairs, for a moment. He needed to throw the pessimism off the roof before departing further.

Ascending towards the rooftop of the temporary accommodation establishment, the soldier took a moment of reprieve. But, as he had done so, the early adult could hear someone coming up from behind him. Turning around, the Yaksha had been five meters away, arms crossed.

Look of disdain on the Yaksha's face, the hyena could feel a wave of fear flow through him. Had he been disturbing him with his presence? He needed to apologize for such right away. Bowing an apology, the hyena signed he was sorry for disturbing him. Repeating the sign a second time, his fingers quivered.

"You're not disturbing me," the yaksha answered. There a hint of hesitation in his voice and a long pause that followed after. "I no longer sense evil in you." But, he soon shook his head as he said such. "Nevermind. Farewell."

Mountain demon soon disappearing, the early adult scratched the side of his head. What an incredibly awkward exchange. Could this yaksha sense poison, or death inside people, or something? But, he supposed he did not wish to know that answer. Some things were better left unknown.

Knowing it was time to leave, the soldier exited the area. He would soon be in Bishui Plains, there was no time for any further thinking. He should be in vacation mode right now. Distractions were a contagious disease with a simple cure. Attempting to get himself back on track, the early adult readied to head towards Dihua Marsh.

Traversing across the swampy bogs and hopping over the broken bridge, the hyena let out a pant. Jumping towards the other side, as well, his panting about only got louder. His energy to do basic tasks was still a work in progress, for sure. Veering off towards the west, the soldier resumed walking.

Pushing through Stone Gate, the early adult prepared himself. Any moment now, and he would be beside the bamboo trees, the panda's former daily resting place. If he were to reject him, he would have no choice but to go alone with the guard. Surely, Her Majesty was not watching his every move.

As the bamboo trees drew closer the soldier prayed to the Geo Archon he was not supposed to worship the panda chimera had been around. Moving further west, the soldier kept himself on the lookout. Boars running away ready to slam into him, the hyena swerved off towards the right.

Turning his head towards the right and left, the panda chimera had soon been spotted. Yínlóng only laying down but not sleeping, the hyena placed himself beside him, back stretched out upon the grass. Closing his eyes for a moment, the chimera waited. It was their meeting all over again.

Seeing Siorc come over towards the bamboo trees, Yínlóng gazed towards him. Was he here to lay with him? That was a little unusual. But, he recalled what a regular at the teahouse told him. Was he alright? Maybe it was best to ask him how he was doing. Lifting himself up, he put on a tired smile.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "Here to lay with me?" A solemn expression soon appeared on his face. "Sorry for not being at the beach. Work has been tiring me out lately."

Lifting himself upward as well, the hyena blinked. Why was Yínlóng apologizing to him? He should not have been the one saying sorry. Placing his hands out in front of him, the hyena signed don't apologize on private display. One day of not following the exercise regimen was most certainly not a bad thing. But, a lemon soon dropped on the ground.

"I heard about what happened recently," Yínlóng said, giving the soldier a long embrace. "Are you okay?" Tears rolled down his face as he said such. "Miss Loba said there was a chance she could have lost you..."

Arms gently wrapped around him, the soldier off duty could not help but ponder. If he were to depart from this world, Yínlóng would be devastated. He needed to keep on living for the few and far between that cared an ounce about him. It was far too soon for him to lose the fight of life.

Inquiry coming his way about whether he was doing alright, the soldier turned his head off towards the opposite direction. There was no way he could lie and tell him he was completely fine when such was not the case. Turning back around, he looked the panda chimera in the eyes.

"I am not quite there yet, sir," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. "I am sorry."

Hearing Siorc apologize, Yínlóng's brows furrowed. Why was he apologizing for? He had no reason to apologize, either. If he was still not at his best, he could rest here all he'd like, for as long as he wished. He needed to let him know there was nothing wrong with being not alright.

"Hey, no need to apologize!" Yínlóng exclaimed, waving his hands about. "Just take it easy, okay?" He then proceeded to compose himself. "You're here to rest, right? You can rest here all you'd like."

Panda chimera asking him if he were here to rest, the hyena shook his head. The excursion in Chenyu Vale, would he even want to go with him? They seemed just as tired as he was. But, he supposed asking him would be worth a shot. Steeling himself, the words fluttered outward.

"I will be going to Chenyu Vale for a recovery excursion," the hyena responded. He then took a deep breath, fingers crossed behind him. "I would like to invite you, sir."

Siorc extending out his hand, Yínlóng's cheeks grew as pink as his eyes. He was inviting him to go to Chenyu Vale? Was this kind of like a date? Face burning, he slowly shook his head. Why was he jumping to that? This was the same as previous times alone with him. Composing himself, they gave Siorc a glance. He just happened to have free time right now. Accepting his invitation was a given.

"An excursion in Chenyu Vale?" Yínlóng asked, words speeding up. "Sure, I'll go with you." He tilted his head, slowly pondering. "Do you need Mora? Grandpa is at Qingce Village today. I could ask him to lend me some."

Panda chimera's inquiry about Mora coming his way, the hyena shook his head. There was no way he could allow them to spend on anything today. Removing the red envelope from his back pocket, he pointed at it, for a moment. Returning the money holder to his cloth pits, the soldier signed the word bodyguard and find.

Watching Siorc's hands for a moment, Yínlóng placed their hands on their chin. Was Siorc saying he was trying to find a bodyguard? Hadn't there been one at Qingce Village right now where his grandfather had been at the moment? He couldn't help but feel a bit of a disappointment at such. He could protect him in his moment of weakness if needed. But, he knew he couldn't say something like that.

"You're looking for a bodyguard?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "I believe there's one at a Qingce Village right now from the Sword and Strongbox agency." His two index fingers touched. "Did your big bad Fatui boss hire them?"

Hearing the slight hesitation in Yínlóng's voice, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. Was hiring this guard truly necessary? If there were any monsters, he could fight them himself. But, he supposed he didn't have the energy to go about battling quite yet. Giving the panda a nod, he stood up from the grass.

Yínlóng soon standing up as well, the party of two moved forward upon the western pathway. Calm breeze flowing through as the two walked forward, the early adult could not help but feel a moment of bliss. The autumn wind was such a lovely feeling. Hopefully, the rain would stay away for awhile to come.

As the duo kept walking through the plains, the chimera kept his eyes open. The guard, what did they look like? He had never heard of the Sword and Strongbox Agency before. Where had they come from? Why had he never heard of them before? But, he supposed they were only recently established.

Moving past Wuwang Hill, the soldier turned towards the panda chimera. Yínlóng, is he going to enjoy this trip? He could not help but feel he might not. But, the hyena threw such negativity out the window. Why is he letting himself think the worst? Of course they would enjoy themselves. He needed to stop assuming the worst.

Elderly village area stroking closer, the soldier could not help but leap to a couple particular conclusions. The guard, could they have just been a lower ranked Fatui sent here on duty? He knew such had to have been a possibility. Such had been the case in Fontaine, the possibility of such applying to Liyue as well had higher odds than others.

Reaching Qingce Village after about an hour of slow walking, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Spotting a young man with brown hair and red ponytail peeking through a black hoodie with green accents look turning his head, the chimera shivered. Was this the guard that was hired? Had he been kept waiting? Turning towards him the hood soon dropped.

Face clearly visible, the hyena flinched. This young man, he was one of the judges at the cooking competition weeks prior. He was the guard that the Agent hired to go with him on his excursion in Chenyu Vale? He did not know why, but he felt bamboozled by such reveal. Smile on the guard's face, pleasantries dropped down upon him.

"Nice to meet you," the guard greeted, hand moving up and down as he spoke. "You are Siorc, right? I will be guarding you while on your photo excursion in Chenyu Vale."

Hearing the guard's words, the hyena tilted his head. He was going on a photo excursion? Where did that come from? The Agent never told him such a thing. Was he hiding such information? Why would he not alert him to something like this? But, he supposed he was used to his subordinate being vague with him on everything.

Giving the guard a nod, the soldier turned his face towards the opposite direction. How was he supposed to embark upon a photo excursion without a kamera? Absolutely ridiculous. The Agent really ought to not leave important details out. But, he had soon been dragged back to reality as a question tipped the scales.

"I see you brought someone along with you," the guard said, smiling. "Is she your date?" But, a flurried answer soon came his way.

"Date?" Yínlóng asked, blushing up a storm. Their two fingers then touched. "It's not a date, I swear! He just invited me to come along!"

"Got it, it's not a date," the guard responded, laughing. "We'll be going by raft. Is that alright? Leave all the battles to me!"

Knowing that normal citizens in Liyue did not have Teleport Waypoint proxy orbs to beam them anywhere, the soldier nodded. Was such question necessary? Panda nodding as well, the guard led the way. Moving northwest for a short amount of time, a generic nobody with a hat waited beside a bed of water.

Faceless no one welcoming the guard back asking if he found his client, a resounding yup had come his way. Everyone hopping on the raft, the soldier seated himself furthest away from the duo. Man in front pressing onward, the lake engulfed the wooden boat.

No one saying anything to one another as the journey had begun, the early adult observed the area coming up towards him. Spotting mountains from afar, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Had Chenyu Vale been a mountain range? How would anyone be able to take pictures in a place like this?

Water beds getting further and further away as the minutes droned on, the soldier grinned from ear to ear. Spotting lush green areas ahead of him, a wave of calmness flowed through him. Had there been forests in the area, as well? He needed to explore while still on this vacation, for sure.

Guard asking the panda and he if either of them had kameras on them, a double head shake had come his way. Young man saying he thought so. His employer gave him a couple, so he'll hand them over, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. He had been far too left out of the dark about this, for sure.

Spotting a boat docked on the other side of the waterways, the chimera could not help but wonder further. What kind of place was Chenyu Vale, exactly? Had it been a harbor area, too? He supposed he would soon fight out. But, his thoughts were soon cut short as an offering had come everyone's way.

"Would you two like some Dim sum?" the guard asked. "My treat."

Hearing such offer, the soldier stared off into space towards the opposite direction. Dim sum, could he even eat something like that right now? Everything still tasted like jade. Maybe it was best to not eat anything too heavy or meaty right now. It would not have any flavor to him, anyway. But, the panda's voice soon interrupted his food cart of thought.

"Oh, no, you don't have to go to all that trouble!" Yínlóng exclaimed.

Guard saying he insists, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. This guard was certainly very friendly, perhaps too friendly for his own good. But, he supposed a guard that wasn't good with the average folk was not fit for such line of employment. Being a people person had to have been one of the requirements for such line of work.

"That's really nice of you," Yínlóng responded. They then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, are you able to eat dim sum right now?"

Inquiry coming his way, the hyena shrugged. Could he eat something like that right now? He was not sure if he could provide a yes or no answer to such a question. Guard saying they'll order him some Jewelry Soup when they reach Qiaoying Village, the early adult held back the urge to apologize. This young man really did not need to go to such trouble to accommodate him.

Eventually reaching the docks, kameras with special zoom lens had been handed off to the hyena. Guard reminding them that they should leave the fighting to him and to enjoy themselves, the excursion was ready to begin. Guard moving himself off towards the side, the game was set.

Spotting peculiar brown furred creatures in the corner with bags on their backs, the hyena fired up the kamera. Was this something he would need to take a picture of for this excursion? He did not know, but he supposed it was best to capture anything and everything around him just in case.

Moving through a dirt road with lush green grass aplenty, the hyena could feel a wave of calmness flow through him. This place, how had he never been here before during his various days in Liyue? It was almost as if an outside force prevented such place from being accessible to the general population until recently. But, such fact was unknown to the soldier off duty.

Finding himself beside a quiet area filled to the brim with shelves holding multiple pots, the soldier off duty snapped a photo of such phenomenon. Had this been someone's pottery grounds? How very interesting. He hoped whoever had resided here did not mind him snapping a few photos.

Panda snapping a photo of the tower off in the corner, the hyena could not help but wonder. What kind of secrets was this area hiding? He had never been here before. There had to have been a lot of hidden things just waiting to be be discovered. Readying to continue on, the soldier kept his finger on the shutter.

But, as the group moved towards the lake in the corner, slimes with icy barriers came out of hiding before the soldier could even blink. Guard stepping up to the plate, a battle, party of one shook the area to its very core. Young man bringing out a bright red Claymore straight out of Blackcliff Forge, the fight soon began.

Guard slashing forward with all his might, the soldier watched the fight in silence. This person was a member of the Sword and Strongbox Agency alright. What would he fight with if not some sort of sword? But, his fighting style soon took a turn for the peculiar.

Young man summoning a lion, he soon hopped upwards towards the sky, creature spinning in a circle as he plunged downward. Bits of fire coming through, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. This man had a pyro vision? How incredibly terrifying. Eyes remaining shut, the flames were out sight, out of mind. Enemies soon removed from the equation, fascination soon filled the hills.

"You're a wushu dancer?" Yínlóng asked, words faster than normal. "I always wanted to be one!"

"You can join my troupe, if you'd like," the guard replied.

"You have open spots? I'd love to, but," Yínlóng responded, pausing for a moment. "I can't right now, sorry."

Guard letting the panda chimera know he's free to join whenever he wants to, the early adult gazed at them, for a moment. If he wanted to join a dance troupe, he should, if the opera won't ever take him in. But, the soldier kept himself quiet. There was no way he could say something like that under any circ*mstance.

Moving right along, a peculiar object stuck out to the soldier. Spotting weird looking unlit lamps on the lakeside, the early adult grabbed his kamera. Taking multiple shots of them one after another, the hyena could not help but wonder. What did these things, do exactly? At a later point in time, he would need to investigate them, for sure.

Spotting green lit up tiles in the area as well, the hyena snapped a photo of such next. Seeing such, wanderlust continued to eat the hyena alive. Just what kind of mysterious things were about to await him here? How fascinating. What a nice place to be forced to go for a recovery excursion.

Only way to continue being to climb up the mountain, the party of three ascended upward. Spotting a strange green light up above, the hyena could not help but wonder further. What had that thing been in the sky? Were they fireflies buzzing around during the daytime? How very peculiar, if such were the case.

Reaching the top of the cliffsides, the trio moved forward. Moving towards a lake with a small hut in the corner the hyena could not help but notice a table with a tea kettle on top of it. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had something like that been left here?

Snapping a photo of such, the hyena turned his attention towards the lake in the corner. Spotting a turtle by the river, and beautiful pink flowers the chimera snapped ten more photos than necessary. What were those beautiful river flora? He had never seen such a thing before.

Squirrels seating themselves beside a weird owl statue, the early adult backed six steps away. Zooming the kamera lens in from afar, the snapshot of the ages had soon been captured. Waterfall on the other side caught on film, as well, the group moved along towards a stone bridge.

Young woman staring off at the water greeting the guard asking him if he were on a job, a resounding yes had come the lady's way. But, a peculiar question dropped in, as well. Asking if she saw his folks, a head shake had been returned to such question, for a moment.

Guard looking pleased, for some reason, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Why was he so happy over his family not being here? Did he not get along with them? But, the early adult cut such thoughts up with a knife. Whatever was going on with this person was no business of his. He was a stranger to him. It would have been quite terribly rude of him to poke his nose in where it did not belong.

Soon brought towards a rural village with tea leave fields and multiple houses, the early adult could not help but smile from ear to ear. Chenyu Vale was absolutely gorgeous. If he were to ever leave the Fatui, he would move here, in an uneven heartbeat. But, he knew such point in his life would unfortunately never arrive.

Guard soon announcing they're in Qiaoying Village now, and he'll order the dim sum like he promised, the young man guided the panda and he towards a wooden table in the corner. Orders of the dumpling dish and soup given to a generic elderly nobody, questions had come the panda and he's way.

"How are you two enjoying your excursion so far?" the guard asked.

Not wishing to give the guard a verbal answer, the early adult gave the young man a thumbs up. Warm smile coming his way, the hyena returned such face in kind. This man, he seemed like the kind of person who was friends with anyone, and everybody. He would need to watch out for people who might take advantage of him in the future, for sure.

"And, how are you enjoying the excursion, Miss Panda?" the guard asked. "Sorry, I just realized I never asked for your name." He let out a tiny laugh.

"Oh, you're right, you didn't! I'm Yínlóng!" Yínlóng exclaimed, words slow. "I'm having a great time. This place is pretty calming." He then turned his heads off towards the opposite direction, whispering something that went unheard.

Order of dim sum and Jewelry Soup soon placed on the table, the hyena watched as the panda chimera and guard chowed down on the soft, meaty steamed dumplings. Party of two looking like they were having a grand old time, the chimera stared at his soup bowl for minutes on end.

Glaring daggers at the bowl of broth in front of him, a question threw itself out onto the food battlefield. Could he even swallow anything right now? His throat, it still had jade in it right now. Taking a long deep breath, the spoon hovered over the water, for a few more moments.

Vegetables dropping down his throat slowly, the feeling of jade broke through the chimera's esophagus as he kept devouring. Feeling such, the early adult held back the urge to cry. Would food ever not taste like cold, hard crystals? Recovery was only half the battle. Trying his best to not choke, he ate slowly.

Yínlóng and the guard still eating their dim sum, the soldier could not help but feel left out. But, he knew he would not be able to eat such a thing right now. The meat would get trapped in his throat, for sure. It was beset to stop staring at other people's food. Such was very rude of him. But, as he looked away, eyes wandered towards him.

"Siorc, do you want some?" Yínlóng asked.

Shaking his head, the panda and guard soon finished up their meal. Questions coming his way about if he were able to eat everything alright, the early adult gave a nod. While such had been a half truth, it was best to not give them anything further to worry about. Everyone standing, the next part of the excursion was ready.

Spotting fish statues outside a house, the hyena snapped a photo of such, for a moment. Seeing such a thing, he could not help but feel some sort of holiness radiating from it. Did fish in Chenyu Vale have some sort of special meaning to them? Perhaps, just maybe, he could ask the tall brunette about such at a later date.

Taking a photo of the tea leaf fields in the corner of the area, the hyena could not help but wonder further. Had this part of Liyue been a tea village? How commendable to grow everything naturally for their beverages. Perhaps, just maybe, Yínlóng could gather the plants here to make his tea even higher quality than it had been before.

Soon informed their next stop would be heading towards the Wharf northwest of here, the party of three readied to depart the village. Exiting the area, more lush greenery awaited from every angle. Seeing such, the beauty of the world absorbed the chimera's entire being. If only he could never leave here.

But, such moments of peace were cut short as Hilichurls blocked the pathway outside the abodes of many. Guard taking out his claymore once more, the soldier off duty watched in silence as the young man went about his unlimited blade work for minutes on end.

Lion dance added to the mix as the fight went on, the soldier closed his eyes. Fire here, fire there, fire everywhere. Why couldn't he avoid seeing such a terrifying thing at least during his vacation? Turning his back as the fight continued, the sound of Hilichurls falling one after another echoed in his partially human eardrums.

Moving onward, mesmerizing views took the soldier by storm. Mountains aplenty calling out to the hyena's lenses, the early adult snapped multiple photos of the area's various points of interest. Attempting to make multiple angles of the cliffs, the early adult let out a sigh. This place was almost too perfect. How was he supposed to get everything on kamera that he wanted to?

Yet again coming across the peculiar orange lamps floating across the water, a much large fixture caught the soldier off duty's attention, in a matter of moments. These objects, were they some sort of puzzle that needed to be solved here? He would definitely need to look further into this again later.

Panda chimera snapping photos of the wooden rafts upon the water, the hyena snapped a photo of such, as well. Maybe getting a photo of some of the unnatural occurring phenomenon would be good for the excursion, as well. Taking multiple, the trio kept heading west.

Spotting interesting looking jade deposits by the rivers, the early adult flinched, for a moment. Had there been Noctilucuous Jade here, too? If such were here, he needed to get away from it, right now. Feeling the urge to shrivel up and wither away, fear ate the soldier up in a matter of moments. But, his fear had soon been noticed.

"Are you worried about the Clearwater Jade?" Yínlóng asked, concerned tone of voice. "I promise you, this one isn't toxic." As he said such, his panda ears moved around on the top of his head. "But, if any are laced, I will protect you!"

Snapping a photo of the not poisonous jade, the soldier's knees buckled. Toxic or not, the fear would not leave him, even for a moment. But, he knew he had to get over it. There was nothing noxious about it. He had to move on from his feelings of deep seeded fear. Such incident that occurred would never happen again.

Various photos of the scenery soon took, the party of three kept moving forward. Spotting a large port off in the distance, the guard soon informed the panda and he they had been halfway through towards the wharf. Hearing such, the soldier could not help but feel a slight wave of disappointment. It was all almost over already? What a shame.

Passing through a lush green area for a long while, multiple angles one after another had been taken in quick succession. Yínlóng snapshotting some things, as well, the group kept moving right along. Spotting groups of generic nobodies also taking their own set of photos, questions soon floated through the early adult's mind.

This photo excursion, had it been some sort of competition with multiple people involved? Realizing such had been a possibility, the chimera could feel a wave of defeat flow through him. But, he supposed whoever won did not matter. He had been told about this event only the day of. Whether he were to win or loss was not important.

Spotting a long wooden bridge leading towards the port area, the soldier off duty took a photo of such. But, as he did such, he could not help but wonder. What kind of photos was he going to be submitting to this competition? But, he guessed he would find out once he reached the wharf.

Moving forward, the soldier took a photo of the architecture from afar. Seeing wheels turning off in the distance, a wave of fascination flowed through him. How incredible, this place was. Liyue had so many hidden beauties he had never been able to witness.

Guard soon informing the panda and he that they had arrived at Yilong Wharf, the hyena scratched his cheek. What was this place called again? Name echoing, the chimera could not help but wonder. Yínlóng, had he been named after this area? He could not help but noticed the similarities in the two.

Seeing a group of people walking through the area kameras in hand, the guard kept the escort going. Guard soon explaining he will be taking them to the office now, the group of three moved through the wharf. Large boat side town walked through, the soldier snapped a few more photos.

Spotting wooden photo boards in the corner that were currently empty, the soldier turned his head towards him. There would be pictures upon the displays soon, without a doubt. Moving past the area, a small in like establishment had soon been reached. Spotting multiple stairs the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time for more climbing.

Ascending three rounds of staircases, a woman behind a desk soon presented herself to the generic nobodies in front of him. Group of unimportant people dropping their photobooks on the desk one after another, the hyena snapped his fingers. He didn't have such a thing with him.

Dropping the multiple photos onto the desk, the lady up front shook her head at such. Bowing an apology, she took the photos anyway. But, such apology had been a waste of time. Woman behind the counter telling him it was fine, sweat poured down the chimera's face. Was it really alright? He couldn't help but feel his group had broken a rule.

Woman behind the counter saying everyone took wonderful pictures, and that she will be putting them in the photo board outside, the chimera held back the urge to let his jaw drop to the floor. What was this, a kid's game where everyone was considered a winner? He did not know why, but he wished to pretend he did not hear that.

Everyone clearing out of the area, the lady at the counter soon left the area. Hearing her say the Wharf would have so many wonderful pictures now, the early adult shrugged. He supposed he never saw this as a competition anyway. Everyone being a winner did not matter, in the slightest. Guard soon looking his way as she left, the hyena gave eye contact.

"Your boss told me that I'll be guarding you for the next two days," the guard said. "So, I'll see again tomorrow. Same time?"

Placing his pitch black hands in front of him, the soldier signed the word earlier for every onlooker to see. Guard giving him a nod, he had soon exited the area. Panda chimera soon looking his way as he left, the chimera gazed into their pink eyes as they gazed at his mismatched ones.

"I have to go home and ask my parents if it's alright to go with you again tomorrow," Yínlóng said in a whisper. "Meet me here again tomorrow?"

Giving the panda a nod, he soon exited the area, as well. Everyone away, the soldier descended the staircase. But, as he moved past the photo board that had just been set up, a generic nobody in plain Liyue clothes stood in the pathway with their arms crossed around their waist. Attempting to step around them, they kept blocking his way.

"Soldier, your boss has booked a room for you," the generic nobody said. "Follow me."

Coming to a quick realization the person in front of him had been an undercover Fatui, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Had this person been sent here on the Agent's behalf? Why did they need to go to such lengths to hide themselves amongst the common folk? What an unnecessary level of heeded caution.

Escorted to a private room, a reminder had come the hyena's way. Disguised Fatui informing him a doctor would be coming here in the morning to look at him, the chimera gave the soldier a nod. Told to wake up early, the early adult nodded once more Person soon leaving, the hyena stared at the wall, for a moment.

Late evening soon dropping in, the soldier crawled into the temporary bed. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the hyena closed his eyes. World of dreams ready to drag him back in for the taking, the land of sleep was ready to take the chimera away. But as he drifted off, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

How much longer until he would be fully healed?


Dreaming had still been a tormenting ordeal within the soldier's adult life. The wheel would spin, and turn, always landing on the worst possible result imaginable. But, the night before him would prove that landing on the lucky spot was possible once in every thousands dreamscapes.

Before him had been a bed of daisies. But, the flowers had been accompanied by someone he had never seen before. Blinking, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had he been seeing things? He knew, however, that was not possible. He was in the dream world. Whatever was in front of him right now was there in the not reality.

Taking a closer look, the chimera studied the foreign visitor for a moment. Standing beside the daisies had been a strange fairy creature he had never seen before in the mortal, waking world. Fae creature adorning bright pink hair with triangular looking buns on the top of their head and braided buns below their ears with long, dangling side burns, the hyena gazed at their clothes for a moment. Pink Liyuean style dress with pill capsules printed everywhere, her outfit glowed against their fuchsia eyes. Translucent, sparkly moth wings behind them, as well, the hyena ended his examination.

Seeing such a person, a wave of bewilderment flowed through the chimera. Just who was this person, or fairy, rather? He had never come across them in the mortal, waking world. The imagination was a mysterious phenomenon with many intricacies. Fae creature waving at him, he gave them subconscious eye contact.

"Hello there! Don't mind me," the fairy greeted. "I'm just here keeping that evil poison away from you."

Hearing such, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. They were doing what now? Just who was this person, exactly? Is he really, truly dreaming right now? Everything felt so real. Attempting to ask who they were, the chimera attempted to open his dream lips. Words, however, escaped him. Fae creature giving him a warm smile, they soon spoke.

"I'm not anyone, really," the fae creature responded to his wordlessness. "But, you can call me Aunty Dote, if you'd like. You won't remember me once you're better, anyway."

Hearing such, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was this fairy some sort of subconscious manifestation of the medicine he had been taking to neutralize the poison that had been coursing through him? How strange. This was quite the trip. Maybe the does he had been given was a little too strong.

Seating himself by the daisies, absolutely nothing happened for many dream minutes on end. Gazing at everything around him, calmness flowed through him. The dream world, it was peaceful, for a change. Such was a nice change of pace from the usual torment underneath the sheets. Fairy soon embracing him, the chimera swore he could feel her nonexistent warmth.

"It'll be okay now," the fairy said in a gentle voice. "Aunty Dote will do her best to make you better."

Fairy soon leaving and dream world crumbling to bits and pieces, the soldier readied himself to return to the mortal, waking world. As everything cracked into pieces one after another, a realization soon blazed through the early adult's mind as his eyes were about to open.

He sees now.

She's the antidote.


"I don't quite understand
Today's order of business. I have to do

What now? Build a kite for a competition?
Of all the thing I can for a vacation, this one seems kind of
Unusual. I have never flown a kite. Nor have I built one.
Looks like this is some sort of important thing in Liyue culture. I
Don't understand, but I

Shouldn't knock something before I have tried it.
Every nation's culture is important,
Every nation's culture should be celebrate.
Maybe this will be something fun.

Though, maybe it might be insulting to treat this like it's some sort
Of game. Wouldn't the Liyue citizens be mad at me?
Don't water this down
As if it's some kind of toy to play with.
Yes, it is an important symbol.

I have to remind myself of that.

Will I be able to make a sufficient kite?
I do not know. It
Looks like I will have to try my best. This will
Likely be the only time I will ever

Build one, so I have to make it count.
Even so, it seems I will have to gather the

Kite materials.
I don't quite understand
This. Well,
Either way, after they're collected, I'll hopefully be able to make a

Fine kite, that is Rex
Lapis approved.
Yeah, that's probably not going to happen.
I don't believe the Archons are watching this out of
Nowhere, sudden kite flying competition.
Guess I still have to give it my all. To the next round of my vacation."

Waking up early for the morning, the Fatui disguising themselves as a herbalist from Blackcliff Forge brought the doctor in. Tall man with long green hair, glasses and a terrifying snake on his neck, the chimera turned around for a moment. This scary medical professional again? Seating himself upon a wooden stool in the room, the chimera's eyes wandered off towards the wall as he spoke to him.

"I will be checking your vitals, alright?" the doctor said. Whatever else he had to say, the hyena had tuned such out.

Giving the doctor a nod, the chimera reluctantly lifted up his shirt. Ugly scar on display, the chimera closed his eyes. Cold, sterile medical instruments pressed upon multiple spots on his chest and gloves pressed against his stomach, the early adult flinched. Everything was ice.

Doctor informing him he needs to look at his throat for a moment, the hyena opened wide. Information coming his way that some of the jade inside throat and vitals were chipping away, the soldier held back the urge to puff a sigh of relief. Would food finally not taste like rocks soon? Medical professional handing him his next round of medicine, orders had come his way.

"Your condition is improving, but I can't clear you to go back to work yet," the doctor said. "This medicine might make you a little drowsy, but you should soon see a drastic decrease of jade on your body over the course of the next few days." Snake hissing for a moment, he continued. "Take care, and make sure to get ample amounts of rest."

Scary snake doctor soon taking his leave, the hyena took a moment to check himself, for a moment. Lifting up his layered shirts, a slight surprise awaited him. Stomach no longer covered in jade, relief washed over him. Had the medicine been doing its job? He supposed he owed the tablets for his life going back to normal.

Arms and legs still covered in the black jade entirely, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed, some areas would heal slower than others, and there was absolutely nothing that could be down about it. Twisting the cap off the medicine bottle, plain white capsules sat in the soldier's hands.

Downing his next dose of medication for the day, the soldier prayed to the Geo Archon he was not supposed to worship for a speedier recovery. How much longer would this jade stay stuck upon him? He did not know the answer to such, but he hoped no more than three days, at most.

Exiting his temporary accommodations, the panda chimera had been waiting outside. Seeing such, the soldier bowed an apology. Had he kept him waiting for too long? Such was unacceptable if so. Eyes soon on him, the hyena retained eye contact. Was he about to hear good news, or bad news?

"Papa and mama told me I can join you on your vacation until you get better," Yínlóng said, words slow. His two index fingers soon touched. "Boss told me I can take off work, too."

Guard soon coming along giving a friendly greeting and energetic good morning, the hyena gazed at the young man. This person sure had a lot of energy in the morning. Some people should learn from his example. Pleasantries exchanged, strange information had soon been revealed.

"Seems there will be a kite flying competition today," the guard explained. "Will you two be competing?"

"I don't mind," Yínlóng responded. He then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, would you like to?"

Giving the panda chimera a nod, the question had soon been turned towards the guard. Guard turning such request down saying he's not very fond of kites, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Wasn't that sharing a little too much information? People who could make friends the easiest were a little scarier than he thought.

Guard soon informing the panda and he that they would have to gather the kite parts because he did not have them on him, the early adult let out a sigh. He didn't have the kite parts on him? Where had they gone? How unprofessional. But, the chimera threw his judgement away as the next line of words had been presented to him.

Young man stating the kite parts had been taken to the south mountains, the hyena's eyes twitched. Had he just implied the components had been stolen? Some people were the lowest of the low, nabbing things that were for a competition. The life of a criminal was one of no boundaries.

Knowing it was time to head south, the guard led the way. Yilong Wharf soon exited, the chimera kept his eyes open for anything that looked like it could be used for a kite. Nothing sticking out as the seaside dwelling had been left behind, the party of three kept moving along.

Moving onwards towards the south, a beautiful, lush green area filled with mountains awaited the soldier off duty. Seeing such scenery again, the chimera placed his hands on his chest. Nature was always so beautiful. How could he have ever decided to break up with it at any point in time?

Moving through the southwest area for awhile, nothing of especial use for kite making appeared anywhere. Realizing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how far had these pieces been taken? Wherever they may have been hiding, they couldn't have gone too far.

Soon spotting a peculiar teapot that poured its own tea into a cup nearby, the hyena jumped five steps back. Had there been a ghost in the area giving itself a drink? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. No. There was no way that could have possibly been the case. He had to have been imagining it.

Hostile Hilichurls soon coming a running, hostilities had been thrown towards the trio in a matter of moments. Monster waving his club around with full force, the early adult readied to leap into action. Although, such jump into the fight never came. Guard on duty reminding him to leave all the battles to him, the chimera stepped back.

Lion dance doing the honors, the Hilichurl faded into the ether quicker than the soldier should blink. Leave all the battle to him, indeed. There was no way he would have been able to get any battles in if he even were given the opportunity to do so. This young man was definitely a guard, for certain. He protected and attacked.

Kite pieces soon collected, the chimera stared at the components, for a moment. There seemed to be quite a lot of complicated things that would be needed to make such a thing. Such was the price of having to do everything on one's own. Pieces pocketed, the time to move on had came.

Pushing towards a small mountain range, more pieces for the kite had soon been gathered. Hilichurl bodies piled up a plenty, the chimera backed two steps away. Some people were far too powerful for their own good. Other supplies for the building process taken into the guard's hands, the pursuit continued.

Next round of pieces soon collected after a tussle with a slime or two, the chimera swore he could see the guard huff and puff for a little. This young man, was he tiring himself out? He should let the panda and he fight alongside him, if such were the case. But, he knew he would tell him no if he said such, so he kept his mouth shut.

Guard soon saying there's still more kite pieces to collect, the soldier let out a barely audible groan. What was this, some sort of toy brick set with three thousands pieces that once done, made a building? But, the hyena threw such thought away. What was he going on about? He was exaggerating the issue, for sure.

Young man telling the panda and he to let him know if they'd like to take a break, he'll treat them to something, the panda chimera soon fired back they should be the one treating him to a meal, he had been working so hard, insistence soon looped on repeat from the opposite party.

Hearing the guard continuing to insist that he doesn't mind treating his new friend, the early adult held back the urge to shake his head. This young man was quite the people person. He couldn't ever be like that, even if he tried his hardest to force himself to talk to others.

Moving onwards towards the southwest area, a peculiar sight awaited the soldier. Spotting strange devices across the way with green smoke inside them, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What was this thing? Chenyu Vale had quite the assortment of statues.

Party of two in front of him moving forward faster than he, the soldier got absorbed into the scenery. How did this place grow to be so beautiful? Panda chimera calling out to him, the hyena removed himself from the land of the imagination. Why was he letting himself drift off now? He didn't have time for that.

Pathway soon blocked off by a multitude of Hilichurls, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance. There was ten of them here? That was way too many for the guard to fight by himself. He couldn't just sit by and watch in silence as he were about to do so. Yínlóng taking out a golden spear, the chimera attempted to transform his human hands into hyena paws. His entrance into the fight, however, was cancelled before it could ever arrive by a slow shout.

"Siorc, no! Please, don't join this fight!" Yínlóng shouted, words slow. "You're still recovering from your illness. Just leave this to us, okay?"

Forced to sit out of the fight, the soldier stood and watched as the guard and panda fought the Hilichurl army in front of him. Biting his lower lip, the early adult let out a loud, visible hmph. Recovering from an illness, smecovering from a zillness. They were just the primitive common enemy. There was no way he would strain himself from such a thing.

Hilichurls soon dropping the next kite parts, the guard soon pocketed them. Young man informing everyone they had to keep going south, for now, the early adult followed behind in silence. More battles taking place as they kept moving along, a wave of uselessness flowed through the hyena. He was a paperweight.

Soon reaching a large mountain scape, the party of three scaled the cliffs. Spotting strange statues that brought out wind when going near them, the hyena leaped upward. Moved further up the mountain from such ascent, more kite pieces had soon been gathered.

Moving further up the mountain, an owl statue soon spoke about being moved onto its pedestal. Hearing such a thing, the soldier off duty tilted his head. Had he been hearing things? How peculiar. Pressing onward, more peculiarities awaited quicker than they had before.

Finding multiple pots in the area, the guard soon hit them. Pieces soon dropping out from the containers, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Had there been secret treasures inside those hollow spaces? He would have to check later if such were the case. But, the oddities would only keep going.

Reaching an area with a strange statue, a floating golden carp stood beside it. Creature soon talking, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was he hallucinating, or was this fish talking to him. Panda looking confused, as well, he put a pin in such thought. Maybe he wasn't, or they both were.

Carp informing them that there were more kite pieces around an area known as Jademouth, the soldier mouthed words of gratitude towards the mysterious creature. This area sure had a lot of interesting mysteries to it. He could feel the deep itch of further exploration begin to bite him. Maybe next vacation he could do so.

Readying to move onwards towards Jademouth, the group of two in front of him had begun to walk southward. Straggling behind, a sea of thoughts flooded the chimera's mind like a rainstorm that lasted over forty days in some fable book claimed to be written by the gods.

Continuing to straggle, the chimera could not help but ponder. Had Chenyu Vale been governed by a different God besides Rex Lapis? He did not know why, but he couldn't feel the presence of the God of Contracts anywhere here. But, the hyena shook such feelings off. He was thinking far too deeply about this.

Questions continuing to eat him, the chimera stared off into space as he kept on going. Could this region's god have been a carp? Recalling he had seen multiple fish statues in the village he had been taken to, the possibility had not been writing on the wall. Whatever that meant. He would often hear his father say such in his stolen childhood while going over his research in his study at night.

Soon reaching Jademouth faster than he could keep up, the chimera snapped himself out of it. Why was he letting himself get so distracted by his thoughts like this? He needed to stop doing that. Shaking everything off, another place of many beauties awaited him from a glance.

Stepping towards the grass beds in the corner, more Hilichurls added themselves to the party. Guard taking out his claymore and panda chimera taking out their polearm, the hyena once again tried to join the fight. But, his participation had not been granted. Told to once again to relax and let them fight, the soldier curled his lip into a pouting face.

Fight over rather quickly, the final set of kite pieces had been gathered. Guard soon informing them there was enough pieces between the two of them to make their own kites, another offer had come his way to join in on the festivities. Although, such invitation had quickly been declined.

Laying down the parts upon the grass, the chimera took four sticks and formed them into the shape of the letter t. Shorter stick placed below the current four, the hyena tilted his head was this how a kite was made from scratch? He hoped he was doing it right. Panda chimera doing the same, he moved onto the next step.

Sticks soon attached together by a sturdy string, the soldier tied them shut. Sticky white solvent clinging them together further, scissors had been handed off to the panda and he. Notch made on the top stick, the next order of business was ready to begin. Hands on the string, the duo wrapped the rest around the frame.

Told they would need to think of a nice design for both their kites, the soldier could not help but wonder. What kind of design did he want his kite to have? He did not have the drawing capabilities to do so. Signing that he cannot draw towards the guard, and offer had come his way.

"I can help you draw it if you'd like," the guard said. "What design would you like?"

Whispering in the guard's ear low enough for an audience to never be able to hear, the drawing had soon begun. Doodle perfectly made, the chimera had begun cutting according to the young man's instructions. Hearing a somber tone in his voice as he had done so, a wave of guilt flowed through him. Right, the guard didn't like kites that much. He should have just drawn a stick figure.

Outline done and ready, the chimera attached his design onto the strings. Adding a little bit of glam and sparkle as he finished, the hyena stared at his possible disaster. Would this kite be able to fly? He sure hoped so. Panda finishing his kite, as well, the soldier off duty turned to look at their creation.

Panda shaped kite looking nearly finished, the chimera put on a soft smile. Yínlóng designed his kite after himself? How adorable. Head turning towards his, as well, praise had soon come his way towards his Glaze Lily kite. Asking if he had drawn it, he shook his head. Pointing at the guard, he had soon been told to think nothing of it.

Informed that the competition would be taking place in Qiaoying Village, the final escort of the day had soon taken the stage. Long trip back east moving forward, the early adult put his game face on. A kite flying competition? He had to have to stood at least a small chance of winning this time.

Reaching the scene of the competition, the rules of the game had been laid out to everyone. Announcer stating the kite that flew the highest would be determined the winner, multiple children, generic nobodies, and one white haired person from afar he could barely see shouting they were ready, a whistle soon blew.

Everyone letting their kites go upwards towards the sky, the hyena whirred the string up with a storming fury. Multiple other competitors with their carp, bird and various other shapes, the early adult pushed the string further. He needed to fly higher, soar to further heights, reach the top.

Multiple other kites tapping out of the race, the panda kite soon ascended further. Spotting an otter kite look like it was about to touch the moon, the chimera let more of his string go away. That otter competitor in the clouds, he needed to beat it right here, right now.

More kites soon tapping out of the race entangling themselves into trees, the soldier dropped out more strings. Inching higher than the top competition for only a few seconds, the otter kept beating him. Panda riding steady, the chimera let loose. It was game on. He could not lose here.

Announcer saying there was two minutes left, the hyena let the string trickle down further. Barely any left, the soldier screamed. This otter above him, he would show it who was the boss here. Letting out a battle cry, the final string brow away. Feeling a tug, the hyena swore if he let it go any higher he would fly away, too.

Such effort was futile. Announcing counting down to zero, the winner had soon been announced. Someone named Qiongqi winning, the early adult sighed. Maybe he had gotten too heated there. He supposed he deserved this loss. Humbling himself, the soldier off duty accepted defeat.

Leaving the village before he could even meet the crowned victor, the guard soon left for the day. Knowing he would likely see him again tomorrow, the soldier again could not help but wonder. Had the guard had some kite related trauma? He knew even if he did, it was not his business. Panda chimera soon looking his way, he returned a look in tandem.

"There's something I want to get you," Yínlóng stated. "Come with me to Yilong Wharf?"

Giving the panda chimera a nod, the soldier followed behind him. Reaching the wharf after about an hour of walking, he had been guided towards a generic nobody running some sort of shop in the corner. Small, edible tea dessert purchased, the two seated themselves. Splitting the dessert between one another, the hyena had begun to dig in.

As the chimera ate the rocky tea sweet, the chimera turned his attention towards the panda chimera. Yínlóng, had he been named after Yilong Wharf? Hearing the name again, he could not help but feel that had to have been the case. The names were far too similar to be a coincidence.

"Did you want to ask me something?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "You look as though you have something on your mind." As he said such, he took out a notepad. "Write it down?"

Notepad handed to him, the early adult turned towards Yínlóng. He knew he was thinking deeply about something? The panda chimera was always so perceptive. Nothing ever got past him. Bending the cover back, the soldier wrote down, were you named after Yilong Wharf? Dotting the question mark, he returned the book to its owner.

"Was I named after Yilong Wharf?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "No; my name means silver dragon." Their two index fingers then touched. "Mama told me it's a tradition in our family to be named after dragons so that we grow up strong." A slow smile creeped on their face. "What does your name mean?"

Question coming his way, the hyena placed his hand on his chin. The meaning of his name? He had never been asked something like this before. Notebook returned to him, the chimera wrote down that his name meant shark. But, as he wrote such down, he turned towards the panda chimera. Naming someone after a dragon so they would grow up strong? He wanted to hear more about that. Adding a line reading he would like to hear more about his family culture someday, he returned the notepad to its owner. But, as he had done so, he had been pulled into a warm embrace.

"Thank you for being so interested in my culture," Yínlóng responded, tears streaming down their face as their embrace continued. "You're so sweet." But, he then proceeded to let go. "I have to go home now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Panda chimera soon leaving, the evening rolled in as if it had come to haunt the soldier. Fatui in disguise telling him it was time to go back to his room, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. Did this person have to ruin the calm mood he had going? How annoying.

Feeling a heavy wave of drowsiness overtake him as he had been escorted to the room, the soldier remembered. Right. The scary snake doctor had told him this would happen. Maybe it was time to call it a night and get some sleep. Fatui shutting the door behind him, he slipped underneath the temporary covers. World of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought took him for a ride.

Yínlóng looked so happy.


Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of tormenting within the soldier's life. But, the wheel of torture halted itself in the night before him. Everything put on pause, a temporary wall blocked the harmful monsters out, bubble locking away any hazard that would try to let anything in.

Before him had been a field of posies. But, the flowers had not been alone. Spotting Aunty Dote twiddling her lacy feet, the soldier walked towards her. She was visiting again? Maybe these drugs he had been taking were a little too potent after all. But, he supposed anything beat the constant cycle of burning and death.

"There you are," Aunty Dote said in a sweet voice. "Come and sit with me."

Sitting himself next to the fairy, the hyena turned towards her, for a moment. Fae creature wearing a light pink hanfu, the soldier could not help but wonder. Would she appear in different forms the weaker or stronger the dose he had? The early adult did not know. The world of medicine was an intricate one.

Relaxing beside the posies for the time being, nothing but the gentle breeze in the not reality blew about. No monsters or flames to worry about, the soldier could not help but wonder. How much of the poison had still been within his system? He knew it would be a bit before he was fully healed. Fairy looking at him once more, he gave her eye contact.

"I am working every hard," Aunty Dote said, voice full of energy. "The poison should be gone soon."

Hearing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. Once the poison removed itself from his system, would this fairy visitor be gone, too? He knew he would have to prepare himself for the world of nightmares to come crawling back to him shortly. But, as if she could read his thoughts, the fae creature spoke once more.

"Indeed. Once my job is done, I will be gone," Aunty Dote replied to his thoughts. "You won't remember me."

Waking world ready to pull him back in, the hyena let out a somber sigh. Right. Once the drug's job was done, he would be back to normal. The fairy would be no more. He supposed he already knew that. Dream world crumbling around him as he was ready to wake up, one final thought let itself out as he was about to come into consciousness.

So, he'll be cured completely.


"My last day of vacation is here.
Yes, after this moment, it

Looks like I can finally go back to work.
Although, apparently, the
Stone will still take awhile
To clear away. I guess that's just how it is. This will be a

Day by day case.
After some time, it will all go away.
Yes, it will soon fade.

Obviously, I should remain patient.
For, it will crumble when it's ready. For now,

Vacation awaits me.
Ah, to be honest, I don't really know what
Could be in store for me today.
As I seem to be treading down some sort of plan.
That is fine,
I suppose. I have no idea what I wish to do, honestly. I have no
Open guides to tell me where to go. So, for
Now, I'll just ride the wave."

Waking up the next morning, the Fatui in disguise brought the next doctor in. The scary snake physician was he going to examine him again while his terrifying pet looked at him? But, he soon had been sorely mistaken. Loba stepping in with a full bag of medical supplies on her, a gentle, but serious look appeared on her face.

"Good morning, honey," Loba said, sweet tone of voice. "I will be examining you today."

Jackal asking him how he was feeling, a notepad had been slid his way. Writing down he had been feeling better, just tired, the chimera tried to sit straight. Loba instructing him to lift up his shirt, the early adult did so. Thorough examination done over the course of half an hour, a surprising wave of words had come his way in full force.

"Enough of the poison has left your system now that you are no longer in danger," Loba said in a serious tone. "You're well enough to go back to work starting tomorrow." As she said such, she looked into the patient's eyes. "But, please don't push yourself too hard, and continue to take your medication as instructed." A smile as sweet as sugar grew on her face. "I'll let Her Majesty know."

Alerted he could go back to work, the soldier bowed a thank you. Placing his hands in front of him, the soldier signed for the jackal to take care on private display. But, he swore he could see her shake her head when he had let the words out through his finger tips.

"You take care of yourself too, honey," Loba responded to his wordless communication. "Enjoy your last day of vacation."

Jackal soon exiting the area, the panda chimera soon tagged himself into the ring. Yínlóng wearing a nice red suit, the soldier could not help but smile. What was with the sudden fancy get up? He was looking pretty handsome today. But, what awaited him was surprises aplenty.

"Siorc, boss wants me to go mountain climbing today," Yínlóng said, words slow. "She told me, 'Yínlóng, methinks you're not in shape again. Why not go mountain climbing with your friend.' I hope that's alright with you." He folded his hand into a pleading position for a moment. "Oh, right. The guard said he wasn't coming today. Let's have some nice boy time alone together."

Hearing such, the hyena tilted his head off towards the ceiling. Yínlóng's boss wanted him to go mountain climbing? He did not know why, but something about that did not feel right. But, he supposed he was thinking too much. Maybe the guard had been hired by another client that needed urgent attention. As his thoughts wandered, however, the panda chimera spoke up again.

"There's also going to be a show tonight at Liyue Harbor," Yínlóng added. "Want to come? It's an opera with some Wushu Dancing."

Hearing such, the hyena nodded. Did the guard convince someone in Liyue Harbor to allow him to join in on the opera? Being friends with very important people sure opened up the possibility for many collaborations out there. Maybe watching the opera with the lion dancing show wouldn't be a bad idea.

Mountain hike about ready to begin, the panda chimera's elbow and his had been linked together. Leaving the wharf behind, a gentle walk across nature soon took place. Spotting more owl statues gathering around the area of multiple pedestals, a wave of fascination flowed through the soldier.

Seeing flying carp as the panda and he had begun ascending upward. Fish soaring along with them, the soldier could not help but feel a heavy sense of longing. He would need to come back here in the future to further explore the phenomena hidden throughout.

Climbing the mountain further, the soldier turned his attention towards the owl statues littered throughout. Some glowing some not, the hyena's eyes practically had stars in them. This region was beyond mesmerizing. If he were a talker, he would have no words right now, for sure.

Panda chimera asking him if he wanted him to take some pictures, the soldier nodded. Take photos of all the things around? Absolutely, positively. Panda granting his request, multiple photos had been taken as their slow journey upon the mountains soon continued.

Eventually reaching the top of the mountain, the panda chimera seated himself upon the peak. Tea desserts taken out, a question regarding whether he wanted any had come his way. Accepting the offer, the two chowed down, for a moment. More photos snapped, the next part of the quest was upon them.

Party of two readying to go on a long, quiet walk towards Jademouth, the descend back towards the ground had begun to take shape. Moving slowly through Mt. Liameng and so on, the early adult absorbed all the nature into his very being. Her Majesty should station him here instead of Snezhnaya.

As the stroll continued, the soldier could not help but wonder. When his father was still alive, had he ever come to Chenyu Vale? If he were still alive, he wish he could inquire about his various trips around the world as a historian. Perhaps, just maybe, he could ask the tall brunette about it someday.

Spotting a teapot pouring itself its own tea, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Had he seen this already recently? How unusual. Did this teapot just pour its liquid into the cup on an indefinite loop? This region had to have been enchanted in some way, for sure.

Moving forward for awhile, a pool of golden carps swimming graced the chimera's damaged field of heterochromatic vision. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but wonder once more. Could such fish have been the god of this place? While he did not think that was true, he knew it was possible.

Walking for hours on end, evening soon arrived. Panda chimera informing him it was time to return to Liyue Harbor, a lengthy walk back soon took place. Generic nobody waiting at the area's entrance with the raft ready, Qingce Village had soon been returned to.

Bishui Plains walked through, and Dihua Marsh skipped over, the party of two kept heading south. Guili Plains passed through as well, the soldier prepared himself. It was now the final countdown of his vacation. As he thought such, he swore he could hear epic guitar music playing in the distance.

Soon reaching the Wharf, a crowd soon formed near the stage. Seeing the funeral parlor director up on stage with a microphone, the early adult could feel sweat pour down his back. Why we she up on stage? Was she trying to sell her funeral services to everyone? This performance was about to have a departing audience any second now.

"One client, two clients, three clients," the funeral parlor director said as she tapped the microphone. But a crowd of people booing took over. "Oya? Tough crowd." But, she soon got serious.

Funeral parlor director dropping out a ton of rapped out rhymes one after another, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. He never thought he'd live to see the day of the owner of the funeral parlor rapping it up. But, he supposed he had seen far wilder events in his lifetime thus far.

Guitarist strumming away as the rap session soon continued, the soldier blinked. This guitarist solo, it felt a little too fast of a beat for the poetry being whipped out. But, he knew he could not say anything. She had worked very hard on these lyrics, and the musician worked very hard on her guitar solo. He needed to keep his thoughts inside.

Rap performance soon coming to an end, the next part of the show soon began. Group of drummers getting on stage alongside multiple people holding large lions over their heads, a synchronized dance of beauty overtook the stage. Seeing such, the early adult could not help but feel a heavy wave of fascination. So, this was wushu dancing? Absolutely beautiful. He would watch it again if he ever could, in the future.

Wushu dance coming to an end, an intermission soon took over, for a moment. Break lasting for about fifteen minutes, the opera singer soon came on stage. Stage all set and ready, everyone's eyes were soon glued onto the performance played out for hundreds to see.

Opera singer weaving a tale about a crane who wanted to marry a human, but couldn't, so she drank an elixir to appear as one, the early adult blinked. Such tale sounded familiar. Hadn't that been one of the legends his father had investigated back during his stolen childhood? He knew he had heard it somewhere before.

Play soon reaching its overture, the chimera burst into an eruptive clap. What an absolutely beautiful, and moving play. The opera singer had outdone herself in presentation. He had hoped, one day, when Yínlóng were to become a part of the troupe, he would be able to put on such a spectacular show, too. Crowd soon clearing out, he soon felt a tug on his uniform jacket.

"I have something for you," Yínlóng said, words slow. "Come to the tea house?"

Yínlóng guiding him, a small plate of Jade Parcels waited for him upon the table. Seeing such, the soldier tilted his head. Did the panda chimera make these? Tall brunette seated in his usual spot, as well, confusion continued to loop on repeat. Why wasn't he at the performance today? But, he supposed he had his own busy work to attend to.

"You look well, Mr. Siorc," the tall brunette said as he sipped tea. But, Yínlóng soon tapped himself into the ring.

"I wanted to surprise you with this," Yínlóng said, wiggling back and worth slowly. "I know Jade Parcels aren't the same as Dim Sum, but I felt bad the other day when you couldn't eat any." A small frown appeared on his face. "I know they're not quite the same as Dim Sum, but I promise I'll learn to make them next time!"

Jade Parcels staring back at him, the early adult grabbed ahold of the chopsticks in front of him. First Jade Parcel in between them, the chimera readied to take the first bite. Not tasting any jade in his throat as he swallowed, the hyena burst into tears. Everything tasted normal. The poison mineral within his throat was no more.

Continuing to eat the food in front of him, the tears kept flowing. Was this was food tasted like? He had nearly forgotten since the curse had overtook him. Finishing the last bit of his meal, the early adult stood up from the chair. It was time to return to Snezhnaya. Vacation was over, work would soon return to him. Turning towards the panda chimera he readied to bid him farewell, for the time being.

"Thank you for the Jade Parcels, sir, they were delicious," the chimera said, bowing. "I had fun spending time with you on vacation." As he said such, he took out his teleport waypoint proxy orb. "Take care of yourself."

Seeing Siorc take out that fancy orb gadget again, Yínlóng's panda ears drooped a smidgeon. He was leaving already? But, he knew the life of the Fatui was quite the busy one. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell him before he left he wanted to spend time with him again, in the future.

"I had fun spending time with you, too," Yínlóng said, words getting slower. "See you soon." Waving, he let out one final set of words. "Let's spend some boy time alone again in the future!"

Waving back, the chimera opened up the proxy orb into map form. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the soldier closed his eyes. Reaching the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking, a wave of tiredness immediately overtook the hyena. Letting out a yawn, the soldier stepped towards his uniform drawers.

Uniform removed, the chimera soon took off his weaponized hairpins and earrings, as well. Everything put away, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, the early adult closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought swam through the soldier's fading human brain.

He would soon be poison free.

Chapter 27: Meropide Odd Jobs: Leviathans and Sea Beasts


And this is the final chapter in the "curse" saga. In this section, Siorc must repay the Fortress for the surgery he had. Horrifying things ensue. Feat: Esquire, Earl, Marquis, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Huxian, Pixiu, Rabiu, Sani, Vidame, Domini, Neuvilette, Wriothesely, Sigewinne, Chlorinde and Freminet.


It ends. Bye curse saga.

Chapter Text

"Repay the fortress? Okay, what?
Even I am unsure why this has been given to me.
Please, explain?
Am I hearing things?
Your Majesty, are you asking

This of me?
How could this be?
Everything is making

Far little sense.
Obviously, I will do it, but what am I
Repaying, exactly? For
The surgery?
Right. I suppose that's it.
Everything makes very little
Sense to me.
Sense is dead.

But, I don't have a choice really.
Yes, repay the fortress.

Well, suppose I do
Owe them for saving me.
Right. I owe them. I
Know that, really.
I know that's how it is.
Now, working here, this
Gives me some fear, honestly.

This is a prison.
Here, criminals are always
Ever and always
Roaming. Well, I guess they will not harm me.
Everyone down here

Will apparently rebirth, or something.
How, I do not know.
Yet, I am sure I'll learn.

To be honest, I don't know
Or, rather, I would not like to learn.

But, I am sure I will
Even if I am uninterested.

How does this rebirth
Occur? Who even knows it is
Nothing I will
Ever get to witness, I am
Sure. I'm quite certain
That I will be helping

In the fortress behind the scenes.

Unless I am mistaken. I am
Not able to figure out Her Majesty's
Dubious lines of thinking.
Everything makes far little sense.
Really, it's just best to
Stop thinking about it and do as I'm
Told. There's nothing to question,
And there are absolutely
No answers. She just wants me to
Do them favors.

Be open to everything. That is the
Ultimate key.
Take work for

The Fortress? Sure, fine.
Hamper everything on me.
I'm sure I have disappointed her
Since the poisoning incident.

For now, it all begins again
Everything restarts
Everything restarts.
Likely, this is just the beginning of
Something else she wants from me.

Likely, this is just the beginning of
Intricate odd jobs awaiting me. I
Know that's how it is,
Especially considering how my routine

Is dying, lately.
There is nothing to predict.

So, I must be ready for everything.
Here in this cold breeze.
Obviously I won't be training
Ultimately, it's all the
Long list of odd jobs, so
Down the list I go.

How long is it?
Ah, how should I know?
Very long. I bet
Everything has begun to pile up. Everything

Has begun to trail down longer.
After all, I don't know how long it's been.
Perhaps days?
Perhaps weeks?
Everything blurs together,
Nothing is a clear answer.
Even so, I must remain
Diligent and loyal.

Every order, I must buckle down
And focus now that I am beginning to
Recover. I'm healing.
Likely, it will all be normal soon,
I will be jade free.
Everything will be back to normal soon, the
Roots will die shortly.

It's all just pent up jobs,
Nothing that wasn't planned,
So let's go, onwards
To the fortress.
Each and everything they tell me
All of it will be
Done. Everything.

Of course, everything.
For, I have no choice.

All will be done.

Right, left, front and center.
Everything. All that they ask.
Close a valve?
On it. Remove any
Viscous monster? On it.
Even dealing with
Rather dangerous criminals,
Yes, I will do it.

Everything. All of it. Put on a
Xenial smile. And
Cross paths with the
Underground world.
Really, I have no choice,
So do as
I am told,
Or suffer deadly consequences.
Now, off I go. Work resumes."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult life. The cycle was a pair of future goggles that only showed the worst possible outcome. But, the night before him would crack the and pave a pathway towards safety. The pattern had gone temporary dormant, dial ticking slowly back.

Before him had been a field of calendulas. The flowers were bright yellow, like a dandelion that had just sprouted its buds. Seeing such plants, the hyena could not help but wonder. What was he about to witness in the dream world today? The soldier did not know, but he knew he had to proceed with caution.

However, such had not been the end of the sights before him. Off in the distance had been a peculiar looking tree with bright red leaves. Wooden house up above it, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Had he been taken to Sumeru? Treehouses only existed in such area.

Walking through the flower fields, the soldier could not help but wonder. The dream world, why had it taken him to the Nation of Wisdom? He had hardly come to such region enough for it to stick deeply in his memory. But, he supposed, the world of nature always rooted itself the deepest within him.

Moving right along, the early adult could feel a wave of doom loom over him. Any minute now, and something terrifying would happen within the not reality before him. Flower field only beginning to stretch further and deeper, the soldier kept moving right along. Caution was mandatory.

Treehouse quite far off, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Was no one here? The dream world had been so quiet, almost too quiet. But, he knew he had to keep on walking. He did not know why, but he could feel the tree up ahead calling out to him. Calendulas engulfing him, the pathway only got shorter with every dream second.

Possible monster abode's distance closing in, the hyena blinked. Was it just him, or had the dream world been warm? But, the hyena shook his head. There was no way that could have been possible under any circ*mstance. He was not awake. Feeling temperature was simply not possible. But, such had not been the only feeling puzzling him.

Feeling an odd wave of peace flow through him, the early adult shook his head. Maybe it was the medication doing its work while he slept. He was overthinking this, for sure, that had to have been it. Deciding such had to have been the case, the chimera had begun to walk faster.

Speed walking for two dream hours on end, the treehouse had eventually been reached. Spotting a paper invitation floating on the dream wind, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Was someone trying to pass out invites to some sort of party? Throwing it on the air was not the way to go about such, for sure. Voice soon calling out to him, the hyena kept two ears open.

"Come on up, dear," the voice said. "Come home."

Hearing such, puzzle pieces fell down upon the floor. Come home? He had never, in all his life, lived in a treehouse. But, he supposed the subconscious world designated this area his home, at least for today. Voice enchanting him, the chimera climbed upward upon the wooden ladder. Keeping himself on high alert, the hyena prepared himself for the chance of a trap awaiting him at any given dream second.

Reaching the top after about two dream minutes, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. The treehouse was empty. Was this really his home? But, as he stepped inside, a person had been sitting down upon the wooden floor, waiting for him as if they had been waiting for years.

Aunty Dote seated in the center of the treehouse in an Akademiya uniform, a laurel sat in the palms of their hands. Seeing such, the soldier wondered. Was she waiting for him here? Warm smile on her face, the soldier gave the lady that existed nowhere in reality eye contact.

"Sorry I'm so far away today," Aunty Dote said in an apologetic tone. "There is less for me to heal."

Aunty Dote stating there had been less for them to heal, the soldier gazed at her, for a moment. Just how much longer would they have together within this subconscious space? But, he soon shook his head. No matter how much time remained within, he knew he wouldn't remember her anyway once she left. Medicine manifestation looking ready to speak once more, he kept his eyes on her.

"Have a seat," Aunty Dote said in a warm tone. "And, don't worry one little bit about those monsters. As long as I'm here, nothing can hurt you."

Seating himself, the dream setting around him had begun to change a smidgeon. Daises with smiling faces appearing beside him, he had soon been informed they wanted to keep him company. Flowers gently caressing him as he sat, a wave of warmness flowed through him. Why couldn't every dream be like this?

Laurel soon placed upon his head after about a dream hour, Aunty Dote's warm face had soon grown somber. Seeing such, a slight wave of uncertainty flowed through the chimera. Why was she wearing that look? Had something been disturbing her? He knew he would need to ask, if such were the case. But, the other party soon acted first.

"Have I been doing a good job?" Aunty Dote asked in an uncertain voice.

Hearing such layer of uncertainty, the chimera blinked. Why was she doubting herself? She had been doing her job of healing him quite well. But, he supposed anyone would have a hit to their confidence every once in awhile. Giving her a nod, he had soon been brought into a warm embrace.

"It's time for you to go," Aunty Dote said. "But, Aunty Dote will see you next time." As they said such, they ended the embrace, waving farewell.

Waving goodbye in tandem, the soldier exited the treehouse. Walking back towards the way he came, the dream world around him had begun to crumble. Reality ready to call him back in within a moment's notice, the soldier let out a long, tired sigh. Time had run out.

It was time to wake up.


"I think, that I have begun to heal

A little faster now. Or,
Maybe I am simply mistaken.

Be that as it may, this is a good thing.
Every single piece of jade is
Going away. Vanishing.
I am no longer poisoned,
No longer in critical condition,
No longer on death's door.
It feels rather freeing
Now, all that is left for all the jade to
Get off of me.

That might still take some time,
Obviously. It will not happen overnight.

However, it really might be happening faster.
Even if it does not look like such is the case.
After all, I am now stable enough to return to work.
Looks like more than half of it is

All gone.

Looks like these will be the last few days
I will be stricken with this jade.
Time to celebrate my freedom from
This terrible mineral.
Less I have to deal with it, the better.
Every second is one second closer

For it to all fade
Away. Each bit,
So, today, is another workday,
Today is the reversal back to normalcy.
Even though I am still
Rather tired, I have no choice in the matter. It's

Now or never. It's now
Or never. It's time for the
Workday to begin. I am ready."

Upon waking up the next morning, a heavy wave of tiredness flowed through the soldier. He did not know why, but he had felt far more tired than usual today. Remaining in the cold, hard bed for minutes on end, the hyena could feel himself about to doze off once more. But, the chimera immediately snapped himself out of it. He has no choice but to remove himself from his bed. Forcing himself out from underneath the covers, the early adult had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

Stepping onto the cold, hard ground below him, the early adult stared at his legs, for a moment. Left leg entirely free of jade except for his foot, the hyena let out a fatigued sigh. Healing would still take quite awhile, it would seem. Knowing he could not halt himself any further, the chimera walked towards his uniform drawers.

Gazing at the prescription bottle up on the top of his uniform drawers, the chimera could not help but wonder. Why were these tiny little pills making him so tired? But, the early adult threw such thought away. It was merely a side effect of them doing their job. Unscrewing the cap, the chimera swallowed the drugs as per instruction.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself into place, the questions continued to roll the dice inside him. Just how much longer would he be covered in jade? He would like to be jade free. But, as he thought such, the early adult's head slumped downward. Sound cutting out, the young soldier closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes once more, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, trying to fall asleep again? He has to get ready for work. If he were caught dozing off on the job, he would in serious trouble, guaranteed. He needed to wake himself up, full stop, before time were to run out.

Slapping his cheeks, the hyena removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box. Clicking the weaponized jewelry and accessory into place, matching roses adorned his hair and ears. Taking a deep breath, the soldier hoped his prized possessions would give him the push he needed to gain his first wind for the day.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared down at the orb below him. Would he even need to bring such a thing with him today? He hardly had any energy to battle. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. He knew, if he were to leave such object behind, he would be a shell of himself.

Gloves slapped over his currently jade hands, the soldier let out another tired sigh. Soon, the time would come to retire such garments. Could such moment come a little faster? His hands, how much longer would they be covered in minerals? But, he knew he had to remain patient. The time would come before he knew it, for sure.

Heelless shoes on, the chimera bit into flavorless rations. Not a single bit of jade tasted, tears streamed down the soldier's face. Food had been completely normal again. Such suffering was finally gone forevermore. Finishing his only meal of the day, the early adult adjusted his glasses. Everything in order, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots marched onward inexorably, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. It was time to put himself into work mode. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the work mode switch flipped itself upward. It was time for his first day back on the job to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent started to say, but his words soon changed course. "Soldier, are you alright? You look pale. Do you need your time off extended?" A weak soldier was a useless soldier.

Hearing the Agent's suggestion, the chimera's heart pounded like a hammer hitting a nail, the hyena shook in place. Extend his vacation? There was no way that could possible be allowed. He had to return to work today, Or Her Majesty would kill him, for sure. He needed to work today, no matter what.

"No, sir," Siorc responded autonomously. "I am sorry. I am just a little tired." But, the soldier could soon feel a heavy wave of suspicion coming towards him.

"Alright, soldier. Try not to push yourself too hard," the Agent said in a slightly concerned tone of voice. But, he soon changed direction. "In any case, you will be working with the Fortress of Meropide as way to repay them for taking you in during the incident." As he said such, he placed a satchel on his subordinate's back. "Here is your supplies and uniform."

Hearing he would be heading for the Fortress of Meropide today, the hyena simply nodded. He supposed he did owe them for taking up their time in the infirmary. Placing his gloved out in front of him, the early adult waited for the gripping prison to take him away like it always had.

"Let's go, soldier," the Agent said. Arm out in front of him, he gripped the gloved limb into a light squeeze. "Tell the nurse in the infirmary if you are feeling ill." Escort towards Fontaine soon beginning, the soldier stared at the icy cold walls.

He supposed he did owe the Fortress.

An eye for an eye, as one would say.


"Maybe it's
About time I end this fake relationship with Gwendolyn.
You know, she's always saying men suck,
But, I never have
Ever questioned it.

I know she's right on one hand, but on
The other, lately,

I feel like she just despises me
Straight up. I dunno.

That she just doesn't wanna put up with me.
I suppose I have
Made plenty of Mora now, but still not
Enough. So, I shall continue

The charade for just a little longer,
Or just return home,

But I dunno, would
Really like my own place,
Escape the poor life with Ma and Pops.
All and all, it is time to spread my wings, I
Know I will have to leave the nest someday.

Or so the saying goes,
For what it's worth, I
Forever have somewhere to return to. But,

My savings will soon reach the requirement to get me the home I
Yearn for.

For now, best to keep on going,
And earning my
Keep. Day by day, year by year,
Even. I know it will take a while.

Right, gotta chase that dream.
Even so, Rabi also suggested I
Leave this fake relationship
As he claims
There is nothing of value for me nor Gwen.
I get what bro is saying,
Or, the point behind it, but right
Now, my mind is muddied,
Shuttered. I can't really decide.
He is right, though,
It's true. There is no value in this fake relationship.
Perhaps, I always knew that.

Well, this was never meant to be permanent.
It was always going to be a temporary
Thing. Time is ticking, and
Honestly, I think

Gwendolyn's patient is getting thinner
With me.
Every day, I think she might despise me even more.
Nah, maybe not, but I feel like that's how it is."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, droplets plopped down upon the hyena's hair. Feeling such, the chimera turned his head upwards towards the sky. Downpour making itself known, the soldier let out a sigh. There was definitely a court case going on today.

Dragged down the mountain, as usual, the the soldier felt like a wet dog as he had been placed within the wooden vessel. Agent moving forward with gusto, the soldier kept himself still, the boat cruised forward across the increasing water levels. Oars pressing on, the chimera stared off into space.

As the human powered vessel cruised forward, the early adult kept staring off into space. Would he even be useful today? He supposed probably not. He had barely been at fifty percent. But, as his thoughts wandered, the destination had already been reached. Seeing such, the soldier flinched. They had reached the harbor already? Time was moving far faster than it should have been.

Dragged towards the stairs, the soldier had been reminded for what felt like the one septillionth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine. Hearing such repeated line once again, the early adult resisted the urge to bite. Not this line again. How many times was he going to hear it? He knew already. But, useful information had soon come his way.

Informed he would be heading down to the fortress upon the lift below Opera Epiclese, the hyena nodded. He supposed, such was better than cutting through Mt. Esus East and incurring the wrath of the hawk chimera. But, a surprise soon swung a punch and landed a critical hit.

Agent sifting through his pockets, gauntlets and various other gear. Subordinate informing him to make use of it while down in the underground prison, the hyena studied it, for a moment. But, as he had begun to do so, the hyena face almost went blue. Sinister, purple orbs resting in both gloves, doom loomed over the chimera. He was being asked to use delusions today? He was a goner, for sure.

Subordinate soon exiting the area, the soldier ascended the staircase. Silence looming through the area, a wave of nervousness flowed through him. Where was everyone? Why was the harbor so quiet? Had everyone been at a court case? The chimera did not know, but he could tell something was off, for sure.

Taking the glass lift as usual, the chimera's soaked feet dripped downward upon the floor. Reaching the top floor after about a minute, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Absolutely not a soul anywhere to be seen, the hyena shivered. The silence was deafening.

Pressing the Aquabus station button, the soldier waited. Nothing but the rain above him pouring down, the hyena could not help but wonder once again. Had there been a trial going on at the opera house? But, the quiet soon died as the automatic vessel soon reached its destination.

Pesky, fancy shirt wearing penguin removing himself from the boat, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Why did he have to run into this annoying family no matter where he were? How incredibly annoying. They were everywhere. Why could he avoid them? The archons were laughing at him, guaranteed. Pesky fly walking towards him, the chimera attempted with all his might to tune him out. But, his voice was far too loud for such to occur.

"Excuse me, but could you move? Your hideous face is in my way," Esquire complained. But, he soon stopped himself. "Oh, it's Mr. Stubborn. You doing good now?"

Dubbed Mr. Stubborn, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. The penguins from up north were still here? How tiresome. He could never escape them anywhere, no matter how hard he were to try. Why couldn't they have gone back home to Snezhnaya already? But, he knew he had to keep such thoughts to himself. Giving him a nod, he had soon been on his way.

"Good," Esquire said. "I'll get out of your hair now, bye bye."

Pesky penguin soon leaving the premises, the soldier placed himself upon the Aquabus. Melusine greeting him saying it's been awhile since she's seen him, the hyena nodded. He supposed, it had been quite some time since he had hopped on aboard. Seating himself, the vessel cruised forward.

As the vehicle of automatic movement moved past the Poisson tunnel, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could possibly await him down in the Fortress today? The chimera did not know, but he could feel a heavy wave of uncertainty flow through him. Anything was possible, down in the world unseen.

Court of Fontaine inching closer with every second, the early adult broke out into a deep shiver. He did not know why, but he could feel a heavy wave of fear flow through him. Would he have to deal with criminals? If such were the case, he was a twig. There was no way he would be able to deal with them, in any capacity. But, his thoughts only continued to rumble.

The delusion gauntlets, would he even be able to use them? They would do him in, guaranteed. There was no way he would be able to handle using them today. But, he knew he would have no choice but to do so, if it came down to it. He had not been given any other weapon. The choice was not his.

Reaching the capital city before he even knew it, the hyena disembarked the vehicle. Rain only pouring harder as he entered the city, the early adult nearly froze in place. Just how strong had the storm been today? Court cases, how long did they go on for? But, he knew he had to stop worrying himself over such things. He had to get ready to leave towards the next Aquabus.

Knowing he had to head for the city's fourth floor, the chimera pressed onward. Citizens in the streets holding umbrellas, the big green monster reared its head. How lucky were these generic nobodies to have something to protect them from the elements. But, he knew envy would get him nowhere.

Sideways droplets coming down upon him, the green monster kept walking alongside him. Why couldn't Her Majesty ever provide him with something to keep the moisture away? But, he supposed there was no way to know ahead of time how the weather might have been in other nations.

Continuing upon the northern path, the early adult turned his attention towards the Adventure Guild's assistant. Seeing her, he could not help but wonder. Was she waterproof? But the early adult snapped himself out of it. Why was he thinking about that? He would never interact with this person under any single circ*mstance. He needed to tune such thoughts out.

Continuing to move onward, the soldier swore that at any given second, the sidewalk would flood. Heelless shoes soaked to the bone, the early adult tried with all his might to not allow for any splashing to occur. Such could not happen, or attention would be called to him, without a shadow of a doubt.

Moving through the western pathway, the early adult held back the urge to scream the Fontaine rain be gone chant. Was it just him, or had it been getting worse? He had to have been imagining it, for sure. Moving right along, the chimera attempted with all his might to ignore the world above him.

Moving past the rival boutique advertisem*nts galore about rain gear roared about. Multiple customers flocking in as such had been announced, the chimera moved out of the way. Business was booming, as usual. Everything was the same as always, in the Hydro Nation of Justice.

Crowd dying out within the city, the soldier prepared himself to head for the Aquabus information station. Just a little further, and he would soon be on his way. Away from the rain, down in the underground world; no moisture to bother him. Accelerating his walking speed, street passed by.

But, an interruption soon broke the sound barriers as the nearby restaurant had been multiple feet away. Spotting multiple equipment set up out in the open, the soldier tilted his head. Was there some kind of movie being filmed here? Not spotting any kamera on display anywhere, the chimera shrugged. Maybe the local owner of the eatery was trying to put a sign up on the roof, or something.

Such, however, had been far from the truth. Spotting Gwendolyn in the corner cupping her hands around her mouth, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. Turning his head upwards, an immediate wave of shock had soon flown threw him. Why was Lonan on the roof? What was going on here? Screaming soon pushing through, the early adult remained still.

"Just jump already, idiot!" Gwendolyn shouted. "Why did you take this job? You can fly!"

Gwendolyn stating the obvious, the chimera studied the hawk chimera, for a moment. What had he just walked into? Whatever job was going on right now, it had to have been catching the attention of everywhere. Upon his back had been a specialized windglider. But, he did not know, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness. What if it was defective, wouldn't such object harm him?

"Babe, who better than to test a new wind glider but me?" Lonan asked. "Kay. Coming down!" But, more shouts soon added them to the equation.

"If you fall, I'm not catching you!" Gwendolyn shouted.

Lonan landing on his feet perfectly, the early adult swore he could hear Gwendolyn click her tongue. Hearing such, the early adult could not help but feel a wave of irritation. Was she hoping he would fall and hurt himself? Why was she like this? Did she enjoy the pain and suffering?

"How disappointing, you didn't land flat on your face," Gwendolyn said in an irritated tone. "I wanted to see you humiliate yourself for everyone to see."

Hearing Gwendolyn's commentary, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. The soldier could hardly believe what he was hearing. Why would she say something like that? What a cruel thing to say. Turning towards Lonan, the soldier placed his hands out in front of him. Signing was he alright on private display, a nod had come his way.

"I'm good, bro," Lonan responded. "Are you doing better?"

Question coming his way, the soldier nodded. He supposed he had felt about fifty-fifty enough where such action had not been a lie. Small smile appearing on the hawk's face, the early adult knew it was time to leave the area. But, one last set of words had come his way.

"Cool," Lonan replied to his wordless communication. "Rabi misses you, by the way." As he said such, he moved out of the way.

Moving along towards the lower city level, the chimera could not help but wonder. Did Rabiu like him? He could not help but remember the names he had given to his health robots the last time he had encountered him an unknown time prior. But, surely, that had to have been a coincidence.

But, as the early adult kept on moving, his cheeks had been tinted a bright shade of pink. But, he snapped himself out of it. Even if such were the case, there was no way he could reciprocate his feelings. Entering into a relationship with anyone had to have been breaking Fatui protocol. His life would be over, if he were to enter any sort of partnership, guaranteed.

Throwing such thoughts away, the soldier kept heading for the aquabus information station. Why was he allowing his mind to wander like this? He needed to snap out of it. He had a mission to get to. There was no more time to allow his thoughts to race off. Work mode switch flipping upward once more, the early adult kept moving forward.

Rain finally dissipating, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. Had the court case finally been over? Sun peaking out from the clouds, the early adult shook the wetness away. It was over. He was free from the elements. Accelerating his walking speed, the information station grew ever so closer.

Stepping foot in the information station, the early adult headed towards the glass lift. But, such mechanism had not yet returned to its designated spot. Knowing it was best to remain patient, the hyena waited. But, what awaited him when the box returned was more annoying faces he did not wish to see.

Earl and the ever annoying sweater wearing penguin stepping out of the glass box, the hyena let out a groan. Why couldn't he ever escape the penguin family? No matter where he went, they were there. Was he about to meet another one while in the Fortress, as well? He wasn't about to deal with that if such turned out to be true. Shorter penguin looking ready to whine to the other one, the chimera attempted to tune him out.

"Marquis, I'm tired," Earl whined. But, as he turned his head, he soon changed his song and dance. Siorc was here? Was he doing okay now? He needed to ask him right away. "Oh, hi, Siorc!" His tone had been extremely chipper, at this moment. "Are you doing okay now?" But, his voice soon went back to sounding tired. Such paths crossing however, had soon been met with a drag from the backside.

"Don't bother him, ugly," Marquis interrupted. As he said such, he dragged him towards the door. "He's working now." Door zeroing in, however, the shorter penguin got one last laugh.

"Bye, Siorc!" Earl managed to shout out. But, his presence soon disappeared.

Earl hauled out of the area completely, the hyena blinked. He supposed he was grateful to Marquis, at this particular moment. Moving onto the glass lift, the chimera stared off into space. His final moments within the over world were about to befall him any moment now.

Moving through the city's fourth floor quickly, but assuredly, the soldier reached the second Aquabus of the day. Melusine greeting him, the early adult seated himself. Sea denizen telling him he had taken this line enough times, she won't be doing the tour, the early adult shrugged. How many times had he rode this line? He had no idea, but he supposed returning riders didn't have to hear the tour.

As the vehicle of automatic movement headed off towards Marcotte Station, a wave of unease flowed through him. What could possibly await him today down in the world underground? What sort of favor was he going to have to repay? He knew there had to have been a lot of possibilities of what was about to come.

Vessel reaching the halfway point, a wave of uncertainty flowed through him. If he had to deal with violent prisoners, would he have to fight them? There was no way he could do that. He was in no sort of shape to be able to fend off any sort of criminal, in his stony state of being.

Melusine informing him to keep his hands and feet in the vehicle at all times, the early adult remained still. Had he been moving around too much in his seat? He needed to cut that out, right this instant. Keeping himself seated, the vehicle soon arrived at its destination.

Arriving at Marcotte Station after about three minutes, the young soldier removed himself from the Aquabus. Taking a long, deep breath, the hyena walked through the area in silence. Multiple generic nobodies all around talking about a court case that just occurred, the hyena resisted the urge to snap his fingers.

Hearing a young girl talk about making her own magic troupe as he traversed further through the walkway, the chimera held back the urge to shake his head. Why would anyone ever want to join the world of fake magic tricks? But, he supposed it was not in his place to judge.

Opera house getting ever so closer, the soldier stared off towards the building up ahead. How many of Fontaine citizens witnessed the trial today? It had to have been hundreds of people all inside watching in fanfare at the sentencing of an accused. Shrugging, he moved past the large fountain.

Couple beside the fountain wishing for a child, the early adult tuned such chatter out. Whatever was happening here was absolutely no business of his. He heard nothing. Soon reaching the steps nearby, the soldier kept on heading towards the back of the area.

Long winding path in front of him, the Chief Justice of Fontaine stood at the edge of the area with his hand upon his chin. Seeing such, a chill dropped down the chimera's spine. Had he kept him waiting? He would need to apologize immediately, if so. But, no remarking of his tardiness had come his way.

"Are you ready to head down?" the Iudex asked.

Question coming the chimera's way, he soon nodded. Guided towards the glass lift, a button had soon been pressed. Lift slowly dropping towards the underground world, the early adult could feel his thoughts begin to race for multiple kilometers a minute. Glass inside cracking, the inquiries leaked themselves out.

What kind of orders would he be given today? The underground world of Fontaine, it was far different from the surface world above. He knew anything could have been possible. Cleaning gutters, dealing with prisoners; nothing had been off the table, for sure. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself.

Lift soon reaching the bottom, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment. Goodbye, surface world. He would not see it again for quite awhile. Doors coming open, he pressed onward. His duties within the prison were about to begin right here, right now.

Huxian, Pixiu, and the Melusine nurse waiting for him beside the prison's entrance, the chimera tilted his head towards the ceiling. Why was there so many people waiting for him here? But, he supposed, the trio had to have been the ones in charge while he was here. Otters turning towards another, confusion ate their faces.

"He's here," Huxian said, monotone. He then turned his head towards the opposite direction. "What did we have to tell him again?"

"I don't know?" Pixiu said in a questioning tone. "I don't remember." But, a reminder had soon come their way.

"The Duke wants to see you," the Melusine nurse said to the hyena. "You should probably get changed first, though." But, as if eureka was his middle name, Huxian voice soon crashed at bay.

"Oh, right. I remember now," Huxian said, monotone. "We have to guide him to his room while he's working here." They then turned their back. "Follow us."

Otter duo leading the way, the early adult resisted the urge to shake his head. Huxian and Pixiu were forgetful as always. Some things never changed, he supposed. Guided towards his temporary quarters, the party of two waited outside. Removing his uniform, the early adult prepared himself.

As the chimera's Fortress Guard uniform melted onto his partially human person, a wave of unease flowed through him. Was he going to have to fight rowdy prisoners now? He was a stick ready to blow away on the wind, if so. But, he knew he had to stop worrying about it. Whatever was about to happen, would. He had no control over anything. Stepping out, questions threw themselves out once again.

"Monique, what's next again?" 'Zack' asked, tilting his head.

"We have to take him to the Duke's office?" 'Monique' responded.

"Right," 'Zack' responded, doubt evident in voice. "By the way, my name is not Zack, and hers isn't Monique."

Same speech given again as the otter duo in front of him pressed onward, the soldier followed behind in silence. Why did Huxian always repeat the line about his name not being Zack and their sister's not being Monique? Hadn't those been their prison aliases? But, he supposed it wasn't in his place to ask.

Soon reaching the Duke's office, the grizzly man had been sipping away a cup of tea. Seeing such, the chimera blinked. He certainly wasn't keeping himself busy right now. But, he kept such thoughts to himself. Moving towards the desk, his eyes were soon wandered towards the Fortress's leader.

"Siorc. Well met. Thanks for teaming up with us," the duke said with a grin on his face. "Head for the Production Zone and test the machines for us. Prisoners have been complaining they've been rusty lately."

Hearing such, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He had to do what now? Test some machinery? He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment. Was he about to just run thousands of errands? How incredibly pointless. Exiting the office, the soldier headed off towards the lifts within the Administration Area.

Tempering his expectations, the early adult had soon arrived at the highest level of the production zone. Guard here informing him to investigate the robots on the line first, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Why was he needed for this? Anyone could do this just fine. But, he knew he could not say such a thing. Stepping towards the area, the early adult readied for the count.

Multiple mechanical beings coming through, the early adult observed the rails, for a moment. Everything coming down at a normal rate, the chimera kept a count going in his head. More than a triple dozen clockwork meka coming down the line, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint.

Some mekas looking ready to spark up aplenty, the hyena could feel his heart begin to sink. Had there been something wrong with the mechanical beings? The production line should stop immediately. But, the buckles kept on going along the production line for minutes on end.

Alerting the guard some of the mekas had been sparking, a whistle soon overtook the area. Assembly line stopping, the soldier swore he could hear the man say something had been off with the belt. Hearing such, the hyena flinched. What was going on here?

Informed he would need to test some of the other machines around upon the top floor, the soldier steeled himself. What kind of mechanical objects would he have to inspect now? Finding a blue gear machine turning in the corner, the early adult prepared himself for the next line of business ahead of him.

Gear soon pressed, something rather peculiar had soon took place. Gear calling attention towards a wall, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. What in the world was this mechanism doing? Moving the object around, the early adult could not make sense of anything. What was this thing up to? What was he supposed to be testing?

Prison guard in the corner telling him to aim the wheel's beam towards the red siren up on the wall, the hyena blinked. He had to do what now? Pushing the beam towards the wall, the next set of instructions had come his way. Told to shoot it so it would turn blue, further bewilderment ate the hyena up like a plate of barbeque ribs.

Alert object soon glowing blue after a button press, the next order of business had soon been upon him. Told to test the speakers next, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What was he, Machine Inspector Gadget? But, he threw such complaints away. He was on the nonexistent clock right now. He mustn't complain.

Turning on the speakers, advertisem*nts blasted themselves out into the open. Hearing such, the hyena shut the first one off immediately. Why had it been so incredibly loud? Why would anyone buy anything underground anyway? It's not like stuff from the outside world had been down here.

Testing the second speakers, even more aggravating advertisem*nts awaited him. Speakers screaming about new flavors of Fonta, the early adult clicked his tongue. What was the point in any of these announcements? They meant absolutely nothing down here.

Third and final advertising playing, the soldier sighed. The speakers were definitely working alright. Guard praising him or his work, he soon rolled his eyes. He had done nothing spectacular enough for such praise. One final machine awaiting him upon the upper floor, the early adult took out his gauntlets.

Told to test the mechanical punching machine, the soldier's gauntlets did the talking. Delusional electricity knocking back multiple times, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. This was how he would repay the fortress? Nothing was making sense. But, he knew he had no right to complain.

Moving towards the lower floor of the Production Zone, the early adult had been guided towards a pressing machine. Informed once again it had gotten rusty, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Couldn't someone just oil the thing rather than relying on temporary hires? But, he knew he needed to keep himself quiet.

Placing his feet upon the pedals, the chimera had begun to jump downward. Machine squeaking as he had done so, the soldier's eyes twitched. Had something been broken? Nothing of immediate note sticking out to him, he kept on going, for the time being. But, thing had taken an immediate turn for the peculiar.

As the early adult kept the testing going, tentacles dropped out of the machine. Seeing such, the early adult backed six steps away. How did these get in here? Did a rogue prisoner jam them inside? They would get their sentences extended for vandalism, guaranteed, if such were the case.

Continuing to press downward, even more tentacles had come out from the devices. Limbs looking ready to squirm around, the early adult grit his teeth. Just how many of these things were in there? How did they get down here? One wasn't adding up to two, in any capacity.

Six more tendrils popping up, sparks had begun to fly within the machinery, seeing such, a wave of panic flowed through the chimera. Had the equipment broken? If he had done something to make them stop working, he was in trouble now. Zaps keeping up the pace, the program kept itself on track, despite such interruption.

Sparks flying even further, the hyena held back the urge to scream. Just how much damage had these hidden tentacles done? He was in for a world of pain if they had been broken further than the already were. But a series of screams soon cut off his thoughts, in an instant.

"What are squids doing down here?!" a worked shouted.

Six legged sea creatures coming towards him the soldier's body shook like a maraca. How did these squids get here? Where were they hiding? Creatures looking ready to pick him up and throw him out, the chimera placed the gauntlets over his currently jade hands. It was time to square off with some monsters.

Tendrils coming towards him, the early adult let out a scream. Swinging his fist, his gauntlets and the enemy soon met. Sparks popping upon the enemy, the creature flinched, for a moment. Machines responding in kind, they soon added their own sparks to the mix.

Sticky suctions looking ready to take him, the soldier trusted forward. Uppercut soon landed, the squid practically flew off towards the ceiling. Creature soon dropping off towards the ground, a roundhouse kick had been awarded to the creature. Sea denizen fading away, more soon came.

Trio of squids crawling out from underneath the machinery, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance. Just how many of these creatures were hiding in here? Punches landed, and kicks given, he let out a shout. It was time for these six legged creatures to swim with the fishes.

Final set of squids knocked into the dirty waters down below, the machines sparked up one after another. Seeing such, the hyena let out a sigh. These creatures had to have caused major damages to everything around. Bowing an apology to the employees around, words had soon come his way.

Employee telling him to not concern himself over the damages, his next order of business had come his way. Told to head for the Abandoned Production Zone and test the machinery down there as his last order in the work areas, the soldier took the final lift to the world down below.

But, the soldier was in for a tentacle surprise.

Army of giant squids moving around the area as if they owned the place, alarm bells sounded inside the hyena's mind. Something was not right. How did these creatures get down here? It was almost as if, a word of a god determined such moment to come into being. But, the early adult was none the wiser to such.

Squid soon spotting him, the game had soon been set and match. Tendrils scooping him up, his short body had been tossed against the metallic walls with the hardest possible force imaginable. Second creature soon grabbing him, his body had been held prisoner by the tendrils, in a matter of moments.

As the squid held him hostage, the soldier's neck had been claimed as a prize. Appendages digging deeper, the hyena could feel his oxygen begin to cut off. The underwater sea denizens, why were they pressing down so tight? Air continuing to die, the early adult's head begun to spin. Everything was blurring, the world was breaking.

Chest getting tight, sparks had begun to flow upon the soldier's body, unable to scream for any reason, everything tingled. Throat only getting tighter as the seconds got faster, disgusting noises broke from the chimera's mouth. Any minute now, and he would lose consciousness.

Blinding white light soon engulfing the area, the soldier closed his eyes. Was this it? Had he been done in? But, such had been far from the truth, blurry figures appearing in the corner of his eyes, garbled echoed shouts soon overtook the lowest level of the production zone.

"Focalors condemns you!" Huxian's voice shouted.

Squids fading into the ether as quick as a snap of the fingers, the soldier had soon begun to drop downwards towards the ground. Coughing up a storm, Pixiu had soon caught him bridal style. Hacking and woofing continuing, sharp eyes had soon been on him, in an instant.

"Are you alright?" Pixiu asked.

"Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Huxian asked.

Placed down upon the ground, the soldier shook his head. A small injury or two was nothing to worry about. He needed to keep on going and check the other machinery around. But, as he turned towards the strange gear device in the corner, Huxian soon spoke up once more.

"There's more hiding inside the shafts!" Huxian shouted. "We need to kill them!" He then pointed at purple. "Purple, activate that device in the corner so the doors open!"

Moving towards the turning gear device, the soldier gazed at it, for a moment. When the doors open, more squids would be released from their hiding spots. Pixiu instructing him to turn the device towards the left, the early adult took a long deep breath. Right, turn it to the left. On it.

First door opened up, the party of three raced off towards the newly opened door. Squid on the ceiling, crawling around as if it were trying to perform a heist, it soon threw itself downward upon the ground with a loud thud. Huxian and Pixiu taking out their holy crosses, blinding lights shook the walls.

Squids letting out high pitched screams, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Did these creatures despise the light? How unusual. Were they vampires, or something? Shaking his head, he readied himself for actions. Vampires weren't real. Perhaps, just maybe, they were weak to unexpected brightness.

Second shaft opened, the trio dashed off towards the next opened door. Six legged creature jumping down, the hyena got his gloves ready. Thrusting forward for minutes on end, the creature soon met its end. Tentacles rotting away with full force, everyone moved onward to the third chamber.

But, the battle soon had become one sided. Squid's tendrils locking themselves upon Huxian's body, screams one after another had kicked into overdrive. Tendrils wrapping themselves in deep, the world stopped turning. Bleakness making itself known space cut itself off, as well.

"No! Not now!" Huxian shouted. "I won't reverse to zero here!"

Otter removing a seashell like blade from his pocket, the creature had soon been slashed to ribbons like it was no one's business. Monster becoming one with the air, heavy breaths had been taken one after another. Screaming ringing in the soldier's head, questions threw themselves out.

Hearing Huxian say he couldn't reverse to zero here, the soldier tilted his head. What did that even mean? But, he shook his head. Why was he trying to make sense of this? It probably did not mean anything. Why was he trying to make sense of something the forgetful otter said? He would forget in a second, anyway.

"Huxian, don't you remember?" Pixu asked in an extremely loud whisper. "You are not supposed to say something about the condition of our bodies within earshot of people!" But such words had been interrupted a loud noise.

"You can lecture me later," Huxian said. "Quick, we have to head through the secret passageway north!"

Running out of the area and towards the Abandoned Production Zone's exits, multiple peculiarities struck gold in the hidden mining area one after another. Hilichurls squirming around with squid bodies down below them, a wave of shock flowed through the chimera. What in the world had been going on in the confines of the Fortress? Something wasn't right here.

Hilichurls making noises that sounded like garbled speech, the early adult stared off into space. Had that wretched doctor made these monsters, or something? He knew he had a thing for tinkering with monsters. This had his name written all over it, guaranteed.

Creatures beating their chests and letting out a shout from underneath their masks, the soldier slapped on his gear, for a moment. If it's a fight these creatures wanted, a battle was what they were going to get. Everything in place, the chimera prepared himself for action.

Swinging and a hitting delusional bolts of lightning released themselves through the gloves upon him. Tendrils locked into a stun, the early adult's legs soon added themselves to the shocking mix. Zaps one after another closing in, one Squidchurl soon bit the dust.

Holy light engulfing a Squidchurl trying to run away, the early adult skid his feet upon the floor. Did these creature seriously think he would let them get away into the outside world? No way. They were going down. Pixiu cutting off the creature from the back side, the soldier's legs did the talking.

Creature thrown against the strange green crystals, the monster melted into nothing. Group of enemies running around in circles the party of three had soon cornered the remaining group. Huxian raising their cross upward, a battle cry released itself out into the open.

"With the power of the gods in me, I condemn you!" Huxian shouted at the top of his lungs.

Entire army of Squidchurls fading away one after another, the early adult's eyes grew wide. Just what powers were contained within the otter's crosses? He didn't know, but whatever was inside them had to have rivaled the powers of the Archons. One final Squidchurl ready to croak, oddly fluent speech had come everyone's way.

"It's not over!" the Squidchurl shouted as it faded away.

No more monsters awaiting, the otters soon moved themselves towards the hidden zones exit. Huxian saying it was time to eat, the soldier dragged himself behind the two. Was that really it? He couldn't help but feel there had to have been some monsters hiding elsewhere.

Soon reaching the Administrative Area, three tins of food had been grabbed. Film peeled off, the soldier could feel a wave of disgust wave through him. Had he gotten a bad meal? He had heard the welfare meals were randomized, but he never believed such chatter whenever he passed through the area for work.

Nibbling on the prison food, the early adult stared at the robot in the corner. The fortress, just what was going on down here in the underground prison? Something wasn't right. Disgusting dish travelling down his throat, the hyena broke down into tears. This prison food was rancid.

Huxian and Pixiu soon tell him they were heading home, the soldier flinched. They were going? How much time had passed? Knowing he had to report to the duke, the early adult headed off towards his office. Man flipping through a book title the Art of Negotiation, the chimera quietly tapped on his desk.

"Oh, it's you," the Duke said, words delayed a smidgeon. "You can clock out for today."

Clocking out for the day, whatever that meant, the soldier headed off towards his temporary quarters. Placing himself in his prison bed, the early adult closed his eyes. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain as the dream world dragged him back in.

Where did those squids come from?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the chimera's life. But, the night before him would shoot the anguish with a sniper rifle from afar, bullets reloading themselves one after another. Every source of discomfort deleted, nothing stood in the hyena's way.

Before him had been a field of jasmines. They were white, and glowing against the dream sky. Seeing such flowers, the soldier could not help but wonder. Where had the dream world taken him to this time? He had never seen such plants within the mortal, waking world.

Spotting Aunty Dote in the center of the flower bed, they soon jerked their fingers towards the hyena. Following the signal, the chimera gazed at her, for a moment. Adorning a Mondstadt church goers outlift, he blinked. No matter what outfit they were in, she had always been beautiful no matter what.

"Tough day?" Aunty Dote asked.

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier nodded. Fighting squids, dealing with the unknown, he supposed that would sound rough to unsuspecting person. Warm, and gentle smile soon appearing on Aunty Dote's face, the early adult turned towards the opposite direction. Why was this nonexistent person so kind?

"Come sit down," Aunty Dote said, tapping on the ground.

Seating himself down in the flower bed, the soldier had soon been pulled into a warm embrace once again. Accepting such action, the hyena let out a sigh. Why couldn't his dreams be like this all the time? But, he knew this wouldn't last. Once he was healed, it would all end.

"You work so hard all the time," Aunty Dote said as she embraced the hyena. "You're not alone out there."

Aunty Dote soon disappearing after about two dream hours, the hyena stared off into dream space. Had that been true? He had truly not been alone? He had always felt like that he was been alone in this world, as a member of the Fatui. But, maybe they were right. Maybe he wasn't truly alone. Dream world collapsing around him, one last thought existed the land of the subconscious.

Maybe he wasn't alone.


"Well, things aren't going too well down here. I,
Huxian, may have a bad memory
And all, but
Things just seem very off

In the Liffey Region lately. Great. More problems for me to deal with.
Score. So many annoying issues for us to deal with.

Great. Fantastic. Amazing.
Of course, the Grand Duke
In the Fortress, as usual expects us to do something about it.
Now, this was fine yesterday. I
Guess I did not mind dealing with those squids. No big deal. But,

Of course, he expects more
Now. Thought he hired purple to do all that?

Well, no matter.
Huxian and Pixiu to the rescue, I guess.
Yes, those are our names. Not Zack, not Monique.

I hardly remember who named us those when we reversed back to zero last time,
So I will continue to reject my current life's name.

Ah, well. It is what it is. I will
Likely forget all this again, anyway. Pixiu will
Likely forget all this,

Too. Our memories
Have begun to get only worse.
I suppose were are eroding.
So, who knows

How much time we have left
Ah, I do not know, I'd rather not think about it.
Perhaps, this demand will be the last one for awhile.
Perhaps, this demand will be the last one for awhile.
Eh, Pixiu, what do you mean I just said that?
No, I didn't. Well, maybe
I did. I already do
Not remember. Eh,
Guess I repeat myself constantly.

Sometimes, I just
Open my mouth and say the same things.
Meh. I am aware. I know.
Every day, I repeat myself. At
This point, I
Hardly have control over my depleting memory.
I am hundreds of years old, despite my appearance.
No matter how many times I reset back to zero, I don't
Get any different, appearance wise once

I reverse back towards my adult body.
So, it is

What is is. I quite
Rather just ride the wave
Or reverse again.
No. Don't say that.
Get on with it. I'm far from that point yet."

Waking up the next morning, the Meropide nurse had been in the room with him. Saying something along the lines of Humans make the most interesting faces when they sleep, the early adult flinched. Was she watching him sleep? This nurse was quite weird. But, a reminder had soon raced his way.

"Make sure to take your medication," the Melusine nurse reminded him.

Prescription bottle handed to him, he blinked. Right. His medicine, that's why she was here. Removing his dosage for the day, the hyena swallowed the cold, hard capsules. Holding back the urge to shed tears, the soldier attempted to put on a brave face. How much longer would he have to take these? He longed for freedom from these capsules.

Melusine nurse soon leaving, the early adult stared off towards the wall. The jade, how much of it had been gone at this point? Surely, most of it had to have chipped away. But, as he had been lost in thought, small footsteps soon entered in the room. Turning his head towards the noise, a strange visitor awaited him.

Short child with pitch black hands staring at him from the other side of the room, the hyena tilted his head. Why in the world was there a child inside this prison? Had he been here to visit his mother? Were people allowed to accept visitors here? That did not sound like a custom down here. But, a warning soon brought him back to reality.

"You ought to stop what you're doing," the black handed child warned. "It's dangerous here."

Shaking his head, the soldier exited the sleeping quarters. This kid, who did he think he was telling him to stop what he was doing? He was on the job right now. He didn't have to listen to him to some child who knew next to nothing about the world. Running towards the administrative area, the warning went in one ear, out the other.

Reaching the Duke's office, the man slapped his papers down on his desk for a moment. Eyes soon on him, the soldier returned eye contact. What kind of job would await him today? Whatever orders he were to receive, he needed to be ready for anything. Duke looking ready to speak, he steeled himself.

"You're here. I'm gonna need you to head out underwater today," the Duke said. "Something's been going on out there." As he said such, his hand moved up and down. "Zack and Monique should be waiting for you out there."

Hearing his orders, a bundle of nerves wrapped coils around the hyena. What was going on in the ocean bed? Whatever could be going on, he knew he needed to hurry. Removing his diving equipment from his satchel, the soldier's fat, blubbery suit soon devoured him. Eyes soon on him, his next instructions bounced towards him.

"Go through the secret passageway," the Duke said. "Be careful out there."

Nodding, the soldier ran through the dormitory area. Moving through the one of the passages, a mossy room soon awaited the chimera. Ascending the ladder, the early adult gulped. What could possibly be awaiting him out there? Whatever it was, he knew he needed to proceed with caution. Opening the valve, the sea soon awaited him.

But what awaited him in the ocean bed was terror aplenty. Rancid scent in the water, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Sea monsters everywhere dropping down their toxic ink, the early adult grit his teeth. What was happening? But, as he had begun to get lost in thought, Huxian and Pixiu swam by in otter form.

"Purple. Go solve the puzzles and find secret caves!" Huxian shouted. "Leave the fights to us!"

Demands coming his way, the soldier's jaw dropped open. Had Huxian remembered his job for a change? Was the sky falling? He supposed he could leave the fights to them, for the time being. Having his diving suit thrust him towards the northeast, the first puzzle dropped itself down with an iron fist.

Pressing a button, strange balls of puff appeared out of nowhere. Banner across the sky reading, destroy the puffballs within the time limit, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. He had to do what now? Timer ticking past fifteen seconds, he let out a shout. Why was there so little time? There was no way to do this.

Timer reaching zero quickly, the mission soon failed before he could process it. Eyes twitching, the soldier let out a shout. How in the world was he supposed to do this? Had hardly had any time. But, he knew he had to try harder, no matter what. Letting out a scream, he threw down a jellyfish explosive.

Fruits exploding one after another within the time limit, the chimera let out a sigh. The pressure was on. Time was wearing thin. Having his diving suit thrust him forward once more, another pufferball puzzle awaited him. But, a rancid scent soon overtook the area as he pressed the button.

Banner informing him to destroy the balls of poison, the hyena flinched. He had to do what now? Destroy balls of poison? That didn't sound right. But, he knew he had to act fast. There was no time to think about these things. He had to get rid of them right here, right now.

Balls of toxins destroyed within twenty seconds, the soldier kept going. But, what awaited him the further in he got, even more mysteries arose. Message on his wrist telling him to oil the machines, a bucket of lubricant dropped down from the sky. Seeing such, the soldier flinched. Where in the world did that come from? It was almost as if such convenience had been created to push a story along.

Catching the oil, a rag soon dropped down from the sky. It was raining materials, hallelujah. Rubbing the lubricants upon the machine, the early adult swore it had made a ton of clicking noises. Hearing such, the chimera backed away. Where was it going? Gear machine heading upward, the hyena moved onward towards the next area.

Next mechanical object oiled up, the hyena let out a sigh. Was this really a puzzle? Maybe Huxian had forgotten what that word truly meant. But, as he finished up the oiling session, something of utter terror soon came behind him. Creature screeching, the early adult turned around to face it.

Sea monster with eight tentacles stretched out, the chimera's eyes opened wide. This creature, its tendrils had swords in them. Creature flipping itself towards its behind, ink fired in the hole. Everything had soon gone black. Blade pressing into his diving suit, the hyena froze in place.

Cold, black world in front of him, the early adult let out a scream. The world of ink was blinding, freezing, rancid. Attempting to shake it off, the land of nothing took over. Eight sword style carving through him, the fight remained in favor of the enemy for minutes on end.

Soon removed from the ink world, the hyena's palms shook. How was he supposed to beat this thing? It had far more power than he. But, pressed down upon the shield button upon his diving gear. He couldn't surrender here. He knew he had to at least to try fighting back.

Defensive attacks doing absolutely nothing, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Why wasn't it working? Trying once again, nothing happened. Cycle continuing, the hyena let out a grunt. Was this enemy immune to the underwater attacks? If such were the case, he was done for.

Pressing the jellyfish button, the hyena aimed the explosive towards the enemy. Surely, this had to have been the one that would work. Taking a deep breath, the soldier let the head denotate itself. Praying to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship for the attack to work, false hope clung to his coattails.

But, luck and the Archons were not on his side. Sea creature remaining strong, the chimera let out a grunt. Why was this monster still alive and kicking? Just how many immunities did it have to outside forces? He needed to try everything possible, no matter what.

Aquatic blade at his side, the soldier let out a battle cry. Such attempt had been an even worse failure, however. Creature eating the attack right up, a torrent of ink soon overtook the area. Nothing working out, the chimera let his shouts be sent upwards towards the surface above. None of his attacks were working? How ridiculous.

Blinding light engulfing the area, the hyena closed his eyes. Monster letting out a scream, the rancid air dissipated. Opening his eyes once more, the soldier turned his head towards the racket. Pixiu floating upon the sea bed with a tired look on her face, the chimera broke out into a sweat. Had she overdone herself? She hardly had to push herself so hard over this.

"Leave the monsters to us. Your glove thing won't be able to do anything to these monsters around here," Pixiu said, voice tired. "Go stake out the caves."

Nodding, the early adult headed off towards the first cave. But, what awaited him was a peculiar sight to behold. Bowl headed jellyfish adorning every adorning every single color of the rainbow, the early adult tilted his head. What in the world were these things? Whatever they were, something had felt incredibly off about them, for sure.

Creatures swimming towards him, the early adult dropped down the stingy head of explosive doom. But, the monsters named after a liquid food placed their tiny little stingers towards them. Ball soon popping, a sea of toxins flowed through the area. Nothing doing, attack broke into pieces.

But, the soldier kept on trying. Pressing the sonar wave button, an advantage had presented itself amongst the crowd. Creatures falling one after another, iridescent jelly dropped down onto the seafloor. Seeing such, the early adult's jaw dropped open. Would he see a yellow sea sponge trying to put the liquids into a jar next?

Moving onwards towards the cave, the sea otter duo soon joined him. Multiple toxic jellies joining the party, the chimera prepared himself. Was it time for round two? If so, he was ready to aim and fire. Ready to drop down the ball to end them all, a series of screams soon interrupted his flow.

Vidame and Domini swimming right in with angry looks on their faces, the soldier let out a groan. No matter where he went, the penguins would soon follow. Why could he, just this once, not have to deal with the underwater pests? They were going to attack him any second now, and there was nothing he could do to prevent their wrath.

Seeing Ritchie Rich in his annoying suit of many expenses standing near the highly toxic jellyfish, Vidame flipped her fins upward. How dare Ritchie Rich think he can get away with this. Whenever he was around, new problems would follow. Unforgivable, he was going down this time.

Ritchie Rich floating by the jellyfish with a guilty look on his face, Domini attempted with all his might to fold his fins into a fist. This loser, how dare he bring down his toxic problems down into their home. Hadn't he had enough of ruining everything? What a freak. He was getting what's coming to him this time!

"You! How dare you bring down your little poison friends!" Vidame shouted, pointing. "You'll pay!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich! Say goodbye!" Domini shouted. As he said such, his chain whip was up and running.

Chain whip slapped onto his uniform, the early adult let out a growl. Did these two ever have anything better to do than blame him for every little problem that occurred down in the oceans below? Absolutely ridiculous. They should have known by now he was never responsible for any of this chaos. He needed to give them a nice little reminder once again.

"I don't know why you two always assume I'm responsible for every little inconvenience in your life," the hyena said voice low. "But, I am not. Stop blaming me for everything. Just because I am down here right now, doesn't mean you can pin the blame on me." His face was dark, hairs about to split. "Work on your own problems instead of turning me into your little harbinger of all things evil."

"Fuggedabout it!" Vidame shouted. "Domini, drop your chain whip."

"Whatever!" Domini screamed. As he said such, he aimed it at the jellyfish. "There, we killed them! Happy now?" But, a scream soon had been returned in kind. Turning his head, he grit his teeth. Ugh. The underwater idiots were here now, too? Great, this day was going swimmingly! But, his sister practically read his mind.

"Ugh, not these idiot guards who can't do their jobs!" Vidame shouted, with venom.

"The Fortress should fire these losers already!" Domini shouted.

But, as the penguins ranted and raved, a rancid scent threw the chimera for a loop. Was it just him, or did the water have a metallic scent to it, forcing himself out of the cave, utter terror awaited him. Water pipes spewing with toxins, alarm bells rung in the chimera's head. What is going on, how did this happen so quickly?

Party of five rushing to the scene, mask and drainers had been thrown everyone's way. Otters swimming off towards the right, and penguins swimming towards the left, the early adult headed off towards the pipes near the Fortress. This gas, he couldn't let it escape out into the underground prison. He had to take care of the problem before it was too late.

Noxious gases ready to cut his nostrils off, the early adult tossed the drainers into the metallic containers. These foreign toxins, they had to go before it was too late, or everything was at risk. Twisting the valves right and left, panic bubbled inside him like a sand dial.

Second round of pipes done and dealt with, the soldier had his diving suit turbo itself towards the third round, cleaner tossed down, the early adult rotated the valves. The gases had to get out, be removed, die on arrival. Twisting them faster, even worse news had soon come his way.

"Purple! Hurry to the smelting factory!" Huxian shouted. "That nurse told us the pipes have gone bad there, too!"

Hearing such, the early adult was off to the races. The poison had spread all the way into the smelting factory? This was bad. Who was doing this? This had to be stopped right now before it was too late. Reaching the entrance, something of peculiar note greeted him.

Smell of bitter almonds wafting in the air, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What was going on here? Was the person responsible here toasting nuts over a stove? How peculiar. But, what awaited him while stepping inside the factory, the chimera's entire body froze.

Samachurls with tentacled bottoms singing as they dropped toxins into the pipes, the early adult could feel himself about to become stone once again. These monsters, what were they doing? Bag with a skull on it soon deflating, a loud shout had soon released from Pixiu's throat.

"Purple, why are you sniffing the air?!" Pixiu asked in an exclamatory tone.

"Don't sniff anything!" Huxian added. "It's cyanide!"

Hearing such, the soldier swore his body was about to freeze into ice. That almondy scent, it was cyanide? Cyanide, hadn't that been a deadly gas that could kill? He whiffed it. Was he about to return to the land of being poisoned again. No, not again. Not again. He had made a mistake. He should have plugged his nose.

"Who cares?" Vidame asked. "Let Ritchie Rich die!"

"Here ye, here ye!" Domini added.

"Okay. My memory might be going, but even I know that it's not just us that are at stake of dying here," Pixiu said in a dire tone. "You could die, too! And, so could all the prisoners if this leaks out into the fortress!" As she said such, she had begun to shake. "Quick, we have to defeat these monsters now!"

Pixiu shouted she can't reset back to zero now, the hyena blinked. There it was again, that set of words. Reset to zero, what did that even mean? But there was no time to think. He had to fight right now. Dashing off towards the Squidchurl, the early adult let out a scream.

Bitter stench overtaking him, the early adult attempted with all his might to tune it out. He couldn't sniff that. He had to stop. Turn it off, not get a whiff of it. Legs round housing the Squidchurls, the early adult huffed and puffed up a storm. Was it just his imagination, or was it getting harder to breathe? But, further terrors soon awaited him.

Hearing something break from afar, the hyena's heart skipped more than six beats. Gigantic whale like serpent dropping in, everything broke. What was a leviathan doing down here? Peculiar stuff releasing from its pores, Huxian and Pixiu dashed off towards the creature.

Holy light bathing the monster deep, it had become one with nature. Everything looking ready to break, shouts had come his way. Otter duo telling him to smelt a neutralizer now, the leviathan increased the toxicity, the soldier nodded. Time was running out, he had to act fast.

Neutralizer soon made, everyone ran off towards the pipes, stoppers put in, the soldier's chest grew tight. The poison was being removed, why was it so difficult to breathe? Final pipe twisted with the neutralizer, everything reversed. Otters gazing at him, he had soon been pulled away.

Otter duo bringing him back towards the prison, everything felt tight, constricted small. Soon back in the fortress, the early adult swayed. Where had all this sudden pain come from? Surely, the noxious gases hadn't baked themselves in too deep. Falling backwards towards the ground, the hyena's eyes soon shut tight.

Cyanide and sadness.


Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of anguish within the hyena's life. But, the night before him would continue to break such pattern. The wheel was broken; stuck on the fortune phase spot for days on end. The evening before him would continue the stroke of luck, as well.

Before him had been a field of lilies of the valley. Aunty Dote standing in the center, an apologetic look appeared on her face. Seeing such, a wave of concern flowed through him. Had something been wrong? Seeing her with such a look, he could not help but feel a wave of despair.

"I am sorry, I will be leaving soon," Aunty Dote said in a somber tone. "You won't remember me after I go."

Somber tone in her voice, the despair within the deepest trenches of his subconscious only grew deeper. She was going to leave soon? He would miss the soft dreams. Did it really have to stop? But, as if his mind was ready, Aunty Dote soon answered his internal questions.

"I know you don't want me to go," Aunty Dote said. "But, Aunty Dote has to leave eventually, or you won't get better."

Hearing such, the early adult's head sunk. Would he really not heal from this poison if she stayed? How much longer would she be here? Was tonight the last night? Inquiries facing through his mind he let out a sigh. Was this really close to the end? Healing was a quite fickle with time.

"Tomorrow is my last night," Aunty Dote said, frowning.

Hearing Aunty Dote's departure date, the soldier stared off into dream space. Tomorrow was the final night? The day after, his terrifying dreams would return. Everything would go back to normal. Continuing to gaze into the nothingness of the subconscious world in front of him, one last thought threw itself into the ring as the mortal waking world called him back in.

It was almost over now.


"This just doesn't make any sense.
How could I be asked to do this?
Everything makes little sense.

Be real with me right now. Please, be
Real with me.
Accept favors for the
Well behaved prisoners? Is this really happening?
Looks like this isn't a joke.

This is real.
Okay. Alright. This isn't a dream.

Everything about this makes
No sense. Not at all. I just
Don't get it. Who decided

This? Does the Fortress
Have some good behavior program?
Even if this is the case, why
Me? I am only

A temporary employee down here. Well,
Looks like I have no choice. Orders are order.
Looks like yet another annoying, thankless day awaits me."

Coming to in the infirmary, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. How did he get in here? Melusine nurse coming towards him, the early adult stood up. What happened? But, his memory failed him. Why had yesterday been such a blur? Where did this gap come from?

"I'm glad you're awake. You had a mild case of cyanide poisoning," the Melusine nurse said. "But, I took care of that for you."

Prescription bottle handed off to him, the early adult examined himself, for a moment. Only remaining jade upon his hands, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. Very little mineral remained upon him. Everything would soon return to normal. But, as the capsule travelled down the esophagus Huxian stepped in.

"Purple, when you're done, the duke would like to speak with you," Huxian said, monotone. But, a question had soon come his way.

"Zack, are you doing okay?" the Melusine nurse asked, concerned tone of voice. "You went to that factory too, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Huxian asked, tilting their head.

Huxian seeing himself out, the hyena removed himself from the infirmary, as well. Moving onward towards the Duke's office, the man's hand had been folded onto the top of his desk as if he had been watching a crybaby teenager piloting a robot in another universe. Giving him eye contact, his orders had soon come his way.

"Go do some favors for the well behaved prisoners," the duke ordered.

Hearing such, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He had to do favors for the well behaved prisoners. What was it, On Good Behavior Day? Was this some sort of holiday in the Fortress of Meropide? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Was this some kind of prank? The duke had to be pulling his leg.

Duke asking him why was he still in his office, get going the early adult dashed out of his office. Heading towards the administrative area, the hyena held back the urge to laugh. Surely, this had to have been a joke. Do favors for the well behaved prisoners. Was this some kind of joke? It had to have been. There was no way this was serious, in any capacity.

Spotting the first well behaved prisoner of the bunch, the hyena asked what kind of favor he could do for him with as many gestures as he could possibly muster. Prisoner laughing, the early adult rolled his eyes. Did this person think he was playing games with him? He was mistaken.

Prisoner informing him he wanted a tournament in the Pankration Ring, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint now. That boxing arena? That's all he wanted? How peculiar. He didn't quite understand any of this whatsoever. Giving him a nod he moved onto the next prisoner.

Next well behaved inmate asking for the same thing, the early adult rose an eyebrow. Why was this person asking for the same favor? Was this some kind of joke? Something wasn't adding up. But, he supposed everyone wanting the same thing was not a bad thing.

Multiple other inmates telling him the same song and dance, the early adult blinked. Was this real life right now? He had to have still been dreaming. Pinching himself pain flowed through him. Nope, he was most certainly awake right now. How could everyone wish for the same thing? How bizarre.

Final prisoners on good behavior also asking for the Pankration Ring tournament, the soldier moved himself towards the room in question. Informing the man in charge of everything buzzing about, the owner of the ring had been in agreement. Loud speaker announcing there will be a tournament in three hours, multiple prisoners dragged the hyena towards the upper level of the production zone.

Inmates demanding he practice with them, the early adult let out a groan. Why him? Why did he have to practice? Multiple prisoners saying he had a Dendro Vision, he was an easy little pansy, the early adult folded a fist behind his back. Did they think he was a weak twig? He would prove them wrong, triplefold.

Taking out his gloves, the practice matches begun. Prisoners evenly matched with him, multiple claimed they were going easy on him because it was all just a warm up. Hearing such, the soldier rolled his eyes. Sure, they were. They would be trembling on their feet if learned he was actually a member of the Fatui.

Three hours soon passing, the tournament was ready to fire itself up. Owner of the ring forcing him to watch, the early adult let out a tired sigh. Why did he have to oversee it, also? But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. Prisoners lining themselves up into the ring one after another, the hyena kept his eyes forward.

Multiple inmates squaring off with one another in a fair matter, the soldier blinked. Was no one trying to cheat? He didn't know why, but that felt kind of strange. These prisoners were found guilty for their crimes, since when did they follow rules? But, he soon shook his head. These were the ones on good behavior, right.

First round coming and going, multiple prisoners had advanced and been removed from the rankings one after another. Quarterfinals soon looming, confusion looped on repeat as one of the contestants dropped in. Kid with the pitch black rotting hands fighting on the field, the chimera backed three steps away. When did he get here? When did he even enter?

Pint sized child sweeping through the competition, the hyena's eyes practically bulged out of his face. This child, how was he beating grown adults more than twice his size? He did not know why, but he could feel hundreds of years of knowledge soon leak out of him in the span of a second.

Final around about to kick off, the chimera had been ready to judge. But, as he prepared to do so, the duke dashed into the scene. Seeing him, the hyena could feel a heavy wave of doom flow through him. Serious look on his face, the waves only got stronger. Something wasn't right here. Not one bit.

"Go to the Research Institute and borrow some tools from them!" the duke demanded. "We found poison in the pipes!"

Nodding, the early adult returned to the surface world almost immediately. Elevator returning him to the area behind Opera Epicelese the early adult dashed off towards the northern pathway. There had been more poisons in the air supply? Why was this happening again? This was a never ending cycle of doom.

Running towards the north, the soldier let out a scream. He had to hurry. There was no time. If he wasn't quick, everyone in the prison would suffer deadly consequences. No one deserved to have to deal with poison, not even detained criminals down below the surface of the world.

Reaching the laboratory ruins after ten minutes of extremely swift running, the soldier attempted to catch his breath. Running was a cardiovascular exercise, indeed. Spotting Rabiu and Sani in the corner, he dashed towards him, breath dying once more. Worried look on the brunette's face, the hyena prepared himself for needless questions.

"Um, uh, Siorc, are you okay?" Rabiu asked, lips quivering. "Why are you running?"

"Poison in the pipes," Sani said.

"Uh. You mean, the thing Folu went to go fix?" Rabiu asked.

"Yup," Sani responded nodding. As he said such, he scratched his closed eyelid.

Sani cutting to the chase, the soldier placed his hands in front of him. Signing he needed tools for pipes right now, Rabiu soon handed them over. Bowing a thank you, the early adult dashed back towards the passageway near the Opera House. He needed to hurry, before it was too late.

Returning to the fortress in breathtaking speed, the hyena dashed off towards the pipes. Giving everyone a neutralizer, it was off to the races. Throwing himself towards the first set of pipes, the early adult threw the anti-poison tool down. But, as he did such, a visitor dropped by.

Squid removing itself from inside the pipes, the early adult's jaw dropped open. These sneaky squids, how did they hide themselves everywhere? Creature ready to fight him, the early adult squared off with it for minutes on end. Creature eventually slain, the soldier let out a huff. Was that the last of them? Surely, this time, it had to have been.

All other six legged creatures defeated by everyone else, the Pankration Tournament had soon resumed. Black handed child declared the winner, eyes soon turned towards the hyena. Young boy demanding a match with him, the early adult pointed at himself. Him? Was this really happening right now? Attempting to say no, the kid ripped up his refusal ticket.

"Did I say you could refuse?" the young boy asked.

Refusal not an option, the hyena threw himself into the ring. As he had done so, however, a blinding light overtook the area. Peculiar Hilichurl with a cape on its back soon appearing on the battlefield in place of the child, the soldier's thoughts raced one after another. Was this real life? Nothing was adding up.

Hilichurl speaking fluently, the early adult the confusion only continued to loom over him. Slapping his gloves over his hands, the brawl was on. But, he had soon realized he had met his match. Creature outdoing him every step of the way, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the fighting ring. He was doomed from the start, for sure.

Monster vanishing after being declared the winner, the soldier blinked. Had he fallen into a daydream? Pixiu soon stepping by to tell him he was done for the day, the early adult returned to his temporary quarters. Slipping himself into the prison beds, questions threw themselves down into the dream world with him.

Why had there been a Hilichurl in the Pankration Ring?


Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of pain within the hyena's subconscious world. But, the night before him had been a deep, and somber dreamscape filled with nothing but farewells. Somberness looming throughout, a feeling of pins and needles took the chimera for a ride.

Before him had been a bed of roses. Aunty Dote sitting in the middle, a bright red flower had been placed in the soldier's pocket. Somber look on their face, the soldier frowned in tandem. Tonight was the last night he would ever see her. This was it. The time to say goodbye.

"My job here is done," Aunty Dote whispered. "Be well."

Aunty Dote waving goodbye, the early adult broke out into tears as the final farewell broke through. Lowering himself onto his knees, his waterworks had done numbers to the flowers below him. But, as the dream seconds passed, a wave of confusion flowed through him.

Why was he crying?


"I am free. I

Am jade free. I am healed. No
More jade, no more pain.

Finally, I am free. The time has come. I am
Really free. This is it, forever and always, I am free. No more jade.
Everything is free from the curse.
Everything is free from the shackles."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier could hear a multitude of screams. Hearing such, confusion threw him for a loop. What was going on, why was everything so loud here? Entire room flooded up to his toes, the soldier shook. Had the window at the entrance of the Fortress cracked? Tall, purple haired Hydro Archon bodyguard soon stepping into his temporary quarters, information had soon come his way.

"We're going to the ship," the duelist said, monotone.

Champion duelist grabbing his hand, the world had begun to move faster than he could keep up with. Gloves slipping off as the dash about picked up speed, the early adult peered at his palms, for a moment, jade completely gone, he held back the urge to cheer. He could celebrate later. Now was not the time.

Reaching the huge ship, the hyena's eye practically fell out of his face. Large, leviathans about the size of a tall adult male, the chimera could feel himself to fade away. This creature. Where did it come from. Why was it so big? Creature looking ready to scream about abyssal nonsense, the early adult prepared himself.

Huxian and Pixiu soon adding themselves to the mix, the monsters soon let out a loud hiss. Firing the hole, everything had gone off the rails, in an instant. Large icicles the size of a mining cart dropping down upon the battlefield, the hyena jumped upwards towards the top of the ship.

Greatsword soon thrown his way, the early adult leaped upwards in the air. Dropping himself down towards the creature's hole, the hyena slashed with a fury. Holy light from the otter's crosses joining the mix as well, a white staircase had soon been placed near the ship of wonders.

Champion duelist shooting bullets from afar, the Duke's gauntlets added themselves into the ring. Serpentine creature showing signs of weakness, the chimera ascended the staircase. It was losing steam. It was time to end this once and for all. Blade in hand, he dropped himself down towards the enemy once more.

Seated upon the enemy's back in a matter of moments, the early adult's blade and the creature's hole shook hands with one another. Icicles attempting to release themselves, the soldier kept on slashing. This creature was going down. Enough had been enough. No more of these noxious creatures.

Bullet and cross warfare taking over for a few moments, the hyena swore he could hear the Duke tell the leviathan to have a safe trip. Creature soon a frozen block of ice, the chimera's blade was ready. The final blow, the last hurrah, the kicker. Blade tapping the ice, a shattering sound pierced through the entirety of the prison.

First serpentine monster soon slain, the pattern returned for the second round. Harpoon coming out of nowhere halfway through the fight, the sea creatures faded into the ether. No other monsters coming, the hyena puffed a sigh of relief. The threats had been removed, defeated, out of the picture.

Flooded Fortress returning to normalcy as if the water levels had not risen at any point, the soldier blinked. The problems had already fixed themselves? Self healing modules were a forced to reckoned with, for sure. Duke turning towards him, the chimera gave eye contact.

"You have repaid the Fortress in full," the Duke said.

Duke telling him to go back to the surface world, the soldier nodded. It was bet to take the offer while it was still hot, or Her Majesty would make him stay here for far longer, for sure. Otter duo telling him to take care as he headed towards the glass lift, waves had soon been exchanged with one another. But, as he returned to the surface world, two faces waited for him up above.

Diver boy and the ginger Fatui standing in place, the soldier turned towards him. Did he still have some work to do? Whatever else it was he had to do, he would get to it right away. Diver giving him nervous glances, the chimera turned towards him. No matter what he had to say, he knew he had to listen.

"The situation underwater," the diver boy stuttered out in a nervous tone. "How is it?"

Signing the situation underwater had improved, the hyena swore the diver boy put on the slightest of smiles. But, the early adult pushed such thought away. He was imagining it for sure. Ginger Fatui's mask turning towards him, an immediate demand broke through his eardrums.

"Go back to Snezhnaya, soldier," the Ginger Fatui demanded. "You're done here."

Hearing such demands, the early adult removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Orb opened up into map form, the young soldier highlighted the military barracks waypoint. Reaching the soundproof room after about ten minutes of walking, an immediate wave of tiredness flowed through him.

Letting out a deep yawn, the hyena removed his temporary uniform. Weaponized hairpins and earrings removed as well, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Waves of peace flowing through him, a smile grew on his face from ear to ear. He was jade free, forever. No more poison, no more minerals. Words repeating themselves as the dream world pulled him back in, such thoughts looped one final time as sleep took him away.

He was jade free forevermore.

Chapter 28: Ludi Harpastum's Foreign Visitors


This is a Mondstadt chapter that takes place during Ludi Harpastum in which Siorc has to do some things to keep Mondstadt safe during Ludi Harpastum. Silly stuff ensues. Feat: Konig, Regina, Hollander, Savon, Eau, Yinlong, Kelebek, Izzet, Jean, Lisa, Diluc, Xiao, Gaming, Amber, Eula and Kaeya.


The one Mond chapter ig

Chapter Text

"Looks like I am fully healed,
Unless there is still stone I
Don't see.
I guess things are going back to normal.

Huh? Wait,
Are you kidding me, Your Majesty? I have to work during Ludi Harpastum?
Really? Is this reality?
Please, tell me this is
A joke.
Surely, it has
To be. Does she not remember?
Ugh. She has to have forgotten.
Maybe she has.

Your Majesty, I am from Mondstadt.
Or, am I supposed to pretend I am the
Ultimate soldier from Snezhnaya.
Right, that's probably what she expects of

Me. I was supposed to leave
All that behind.
Just, I have to ask.
Even if that is the case, why is
She doing this to me? Why is she
Telling me to work during this holiday?
You know, I never got

To experience it. Ludi
Harpastum. Not
At all, not even once. All
The times when

It had come around, I
Stayed inside.

Now, I would never blame mother
Or father for this.
They did their best

For Hase
And I to be safe. But
I long to experience the holiday. But, I've been
Removed from Mondstadt.

Well, I guess I don't
Have a choice.
Your Majesty, This is cruel.

Don't do this to me.
Oh, who am

I kidding,

Honestly? She doesn't care,
And I need to follow along loyally.
Very loyally.
Even if it hurts, and

This pains me,
Obviously, I have no choice

Well, it is what it is
Or so, I say. I'm
Rather upset, but I
Know I'm not allowed to have an opinion.

Don't be bothered by this.
Unleash my work mode and
Remove these feelings
Inside me.
Now breathe, breathe
Get my mind out of the gutter

And start working.

Find out what has to be, turn my
Emotions off and
Stop being so
Ticked. This
Is not a holiday for me anymore, I have
Very much reached my
Adulthood in this cold breeze.
Likely, even if

I get a moment to breathe, there will be

Nothing for me to
Enjoy. Such is life. I am a
Victim of time.
Everything is constantly moving
Reaching heights

Going forward forever.
On and on and on
That's just how it is

That's how it will always
Obviously. Time doesn't

Ever flow backwards
Never has never will.
Just like it doesn't loop. I think.
Oh well, it what it is.
Your Majesty, I am ready

Make this worth my while.
Yes, it is what it is.
So, I have to do
Everything I can to
Lead to making the
Festivities safe. That's the

Ultimate goal. The
Goal for me, at least.
How she sees it.

Perhaps, we're on the same page,
Likely not.
Even so I have to do
All she says.
So it's time,
Even if I disagree.

Maybe this will be quick
And it'll be over before I
Know it.
Everything will be quick, surely.

This will be a blink and I'll miss it.
Ha, well maybe not.
I wish it were,
So all set

And done, it's time.
Send me to Mondstadt.

Quickly, swiftly.
Ultimately, though
I know there's ulterior motives.
Cannot see it as just helping. I
Know that.

Ah, well, that's how it always is.
So, it is what it is.

Perhaps this won't be an
Overtly obvious attempt to
Swoop in and take over the world, or
Something. Maybe
It is just a normal job,
But I know it's not.
Look, it is what it is.
Everything has ulterior motives in this cold breeze."

Four days have passed since the hyena went on a recovery excursion in Chenyu Vale with the panda chimera. Being deemed stable enough to resume working, a rather peculiar order had been given to the soldier. Told to work for the fortress as a way to repay them, the chimera had been given various tasks of many oddities.

Multiple jobs taking him outside the fortress to deal with rumors circulating around the prison, the soldier's journey had taken him throughout the abandoned production factory. Virus bouncing about multiple legendary sea beasts, multiple days of high octane chaos overtook the underground rebirth facility.

Completely healed on the fourth and final day, the soldier had become jade free. Last day of the prison favors taking him down towards the deepest depths of a large pirate ship, a large sea monster had been decimated into nothing. Meropide odd jobs reaching their conclusion, normalcy was ready to come back from the dead.

Normalcy would remain a corpse today.

The sound of bitter wind screamed about like a monster letting out a loud battle cry out into the open wilderness. Shouts only getting harsher as the minutes dragged onward, the wind continued to rattle the windows as everything had begun to tick faster. As the month long blizzard returned with a vengeance, hundreds of Fatui soldiers shouted their protests to the gods above.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Complaints continuing for minutes on end, the early adult added his own growl to the mix. Yet another snowstorm had invaded the permafrost north. Knowing he could not just sit here, or he would suffer deadly freezing, the young soldier rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier readied to put on his layered shirts, he stared down at his short, scarred body. No jade remaining anywhere, the early adult puffed a sigh of relief. He was finally free from jade forevermore. But, he soon shook his head. The abyssal gazelles, they would definitely try something again.

But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Why was he wasting his time thinking about them? He knew, that if they occupied his brain space, they would try something even worse. Throwing such thoughts away, the early adult slapped on his layered shirts. Winter jacket placed over his body, as well, he snapped the buttons shut.

Taking a deep breath, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Gazing at the rest of his prized jewelry within the box, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was turning his prized possessions into weapons truly what he wanted? Perhaps, just maybe, it was time to buy some new ones that weren't weaponized. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. It was already too late for that. His decision was irreversible.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena gazed down at the yellow-green orb. When will he resume training? He wants to get stronger, more powerful, a formidable soldier. Spark popping off in his brain, the thoughts repeated. He wanted to get stronger, more powerful, cause bloodshed. Destroy all his enemies in one fell swoop. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. What in the world was he thinking? Bloodshed was the last thing he wanted to engage in.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. He knew that when Her Majesty wished to assign him training, she would do so. Patience was a virtue; he knew he had to keep on waiting for the time to come once more to be upon the practice battleground.

Wind slamming the window once more, soldier walked towards the barricaded pane. Gazing outside, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Snow about thirty-six centimeters, the hyena let out a sigh. At some point, it would be higher him upon the ground. So, he supposed he was grateful for training being nonexistent in the current state of time.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp onward with a fervor, the hyena turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be clearing out foreign creatures in Mondstadt to keep the region safe during Ludi Harpastum to remain on good terms with the Knights of Favonius." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Mondstadt would soon be Her Majesty's to take over. "You will also be negotiating with Dawn Winery about wine."

Siorc could feel his blood drain from his body as his orders reached his inhuman eardrums. He has to help Mondstadt during one of the most important festivals of the year? Letting out a sigh, his head slumped downward. Ludi Harpastum, he had never gotten to experience it at any point in his life. He could feel himself about to turn green.

Ludi Harpastum echoing in his head once more, the early adult head slumped further. How he wishes he could enjoy the festival. But, no, he has to work. How unfair his life could be sometimes. Her Majesty was she doing this on purpose? She should just rub salt on him at this point.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "What are you so angry about? Get over it!" There was an irritated tone in his voice.

The soldier flinched. Right, he was a soldier. He had to turn off all his emotions. He wasn't allowed to have anger flow through him, how could he forget? Taking a long deep breath, the chimera placed his hand out in front of him. He had already been an adult, anyway. He had surely aged out of the festivities by now.

"Sorry, sir," the chimera responded autonomously. Festival or not, he knew he had no choice but to work.

Arm out in front of him, the Agent soon recalled something. Hadn't his subordinate hailed from Mondstadt? Would his anger subside if he left a window of opportunity to join the festivities if he had done a decent enough job? He supposed he could allow for such window of opportunity.

"Soldier, if you do a satisfactory job, I will allow you to join the festivities," the Agent responded. As he said such, he gripped the hyena's wrist into a tight lock. "We are leaving now." Escort to Mondstadt soon beginning, the early adult stared off towards the icy cold walls.

There was no way he would get any chances to participate.


"Quite sure something
Utterly crazy has happened here.
Ah, no, I shouldn't say that word,
Crazy is a bad word. I don't
Know what's happening. I don't

Quite know anymore. I heard some quacking.
Unless I am mistaken?
Am I dreaming? Maybe, I
Could be. Ah, no, maybe not. I
Know I am wide awake right now.

However, something is
Especially off today.
Really, I cannot put my finger on it.
Everything just feels peculiar.

Cannot help but feel this Ludi Harpastum will be
Off the walls. Ah, no
Maybe I am just mistaken.
Even ducks can be distressed
Sometimes. Perhaps, just

Maybe, it is merely mating season.
Ah, no, perhaps not.
Couldn't be. That
Has to be during the winter.
It is not yet that time of year.
No, perhaps I really, truly am hearing things. Maybe my
Ears still have jade in them. Well, I

Guess not. I suppose my imagination has just
Unleashed itself upon me.
Now, I do not know what I will be dealing with today. I

Do not know what is in store,
Ultimately, it could be pretty much anything.
Could I be fighting ducks? I do not
Know. Could I be fighting monsters? I do not know.
Yet, I feel like it's still going to be both possibilities. Ah, no,

Quiet my thoughts. I haven't the foggiest.
Ultimately, I am about to find out,
And, whatever it might be, I have to press on.
Cannot see what's ahead of me. I am on my
Knees of the possibilities Well, not

Quite. I suppose I am exaggerating.
Unleash the beasts. I
Am going in. Whatever awaits me, I
Cannot falter. I
Know her Majesty is watching me.

But, that's a give, she's always
Observing me. She's always
Opening her eyes to watch
Me. I am never alone,

That much is a given.
Here's to another day of working with the knights.
I do not know what assisting with keeping the city
Safe will do to keep the Fatui's reputation in

Place. Don't most people find us untrustworthy? Very
Likely. I know that's how it'll
Always be. I am just a worm, as usual.
Crawling around.
Everything is jut a movement upon the

Game board. Getting closer to checkmate
Over in this cold breeze.
Now is just one step closer.
Now is just pushing such further.
Ah, well, it is what it is.

Bring it on.
Let's go, to the
Open wilderness.
Wild monsters are going down. I am ready."

Upon reaching the capital city of Mondstadt through the teleport waypoint, the early adult let out a sigh at the sights before him. City already kicking up with the festive atmosphere, the big green monster let itself out. It was festive season, and he couldn't celebrate. Why could he have been sent to work elsewhere?

But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Orders were orders. He had no control over them. Whatever says, goes. Soon removed from the gripping prison, the Agent stepped off towards the diplomats in the corner. Rumors buzzing about for minutes on end, the chimera attempted to tune the talks out.

Diplomats discussing Natlan and how something had occurred there, the early adult could feel a wave of shock take him over. What in the world happened in the Pyro Nation of War recently? But, his thoughts had soon been cut off. Agent ordering him to get going, the soldier nodded.

Told to head off towards Knights of Favonius Headquarters, the early adult prepared himself for the most painful journey of the ages. Festive atmosphere gnawing on his ear, the hyena heaved a sigh of disappointment. Ludi Harpastum, he had never gotten to experience it, not even once.

As the early adult walked through the city streets, the hyena turned his attention away from the balloons sitting downward. The Mondstadt children, they were about to have the times of their lives, for sure. Games aplenty, fun for weeks to behold. Green monster walking right behind him, the early adult attempted with all his might to tune everything out.

Moving past multiple booths setup, the chimera tried to continue to ignore everything around him. He needed to get over it. He was on the nonexistent clock right now. He should not let the surrounding atmosphere get to him. He was an adult now. He had surely aged out of this festival anyway.

Turning his head off towards the opposite direction, the chimera held back the urge to sigh as the grocer appeared in his heterochromatic field of damaged vision. Generic woman advertising Ludi Harpastum specialties, the hyena resisted the urge to bite his hand. It was inescapable. Every single square of the city was celebrating.

Slapping his cheeks, the early adult pressed onward. He needed to let go. He was supposed to leave Mondstadt behind. He was no longer a citizen here, and would likely never be again. He should not allow himself to be bothered by working during festivities. Such had happened various times prior in other nations, for sure.

Throwing the green paint away, the early adult hook his head. He knew that, in his stolen childhood, his parents were only trying to keep him safe. He was a hyena chimera. He was an anomaly, an abnormality, different. He never questioned mother for keeping him hidden. He knew, it was for the best.

Ascending the staircase, the hyena held back the urge to sigh once more. He knew, no matter how many years were to pass, chimeras weren't fully welcomed in society. His hyena appendages were hideous, he needed to hide them; they were unsightly. Why would he be allowed to partake in festivals, anyway?

Throwing such thoughts away, the early adult kept ascending the staircase. He needed to stop dooming and glooming. Surely, not everyone found chimeras hideous. He was overthinking, for sure. He needed to focus on work. There was no time to get lost in thought.

Reaching the final step, the soldier grit his teeth. Annoying penguin knight standing outside knights headquarters, irritants entered the hyena's short body. What was the biggest thorn amongst them all doing here? If he was going to send insults his way, he was not going to let him get a single word in.

Moving towards the entrance to headquarters, the chimera could hear boots tapping upon the concrete. Hearing such, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. Here comes the impatient screams. Why was this low ranking knight standing here? He should get out of here and do his job. Eyes soon darting his way, the screams began.

"You're late!" König shouted, tapping to a mysterious object on his wrist. "Could you be any slower and girlier?!"

The soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky once more. This man could have easily fought the monsters by himself instead of just standing here waiting. Not dignifying the pesky fly with a response, he soon opened the doors behind him. Escorted towards the Acting Grand Master's office, yet another annoyance soon awaited him.

Flirty librarian seated in the corner sipping tea, the hyena held back the urge to groan. Why was she in here? If she was about to drop down some pickup lines, he was going to explode. Acting Grand Master drowning in paper work in the corner, a wave of concern flowed through him. Wasn't there anyone who could help lessen her workload? But, his thoughts were immediately cut off by the aggravating penguin's voice.

"----, I brought the Fatui in," König said in a commanding tone.

"Thanks, sweetie," the librarian said, as she sipped her tea.

Hearing such word, the early adult tried with all his might to not burst out into laugher. König, a sweetie? More like a sourie. Who in their right might would call this man such a word? He was quite undeserving of such moniker. But, the hyena buried such thought deep in his head. If he were to say such, he would be insulted triple fold in return. Acting Grand Master eventually turning towards him, the chimera gave eye contact.

"Thank you for coming," the Acting Grand Master said in a tired voice. "Sorry to spring such a request on you, but there have been many strange creatures spotted around Mondstadt lately. Could you clear them out?" As she said such, she moved aside from her desk. "Your boss left a weapon here for you."

Acting Grand Master handing him the weapon, the hyena studied it, for a moment. Large, two handed golden greatsword glowing with a strange energy, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why couldn't anyone else have fought the monsters with this weapon? But, he knew he could not say such a thing.

Annoying, flirty librarian soon handing him a list of monster sightings, the early adult's eyes twitched at the names in front of him. Was it just him, or had the entire region been listed on this sheet? He knew he would not have time to go everywhere today. Spotting a notepad in the corner, the early adult pointed towards it.

Leaflet handed and feather quilled pen handed off to him, the chimera scribbled upon the paper. Writing down he would only be able to get to around half today as he had to head for Dawn Winery in the evening, the chimera returned to object back to owner. Eyes on it, words had soon reversed back towards him.

"If you have other priorities, that is fine," the Acting Grand Master responded. "Don't push yourself too hard."

Giving the Acting Grand Master a nod, the soldier exited the office. Leaving knights headquarters, the hyena sheathed the sword behind him. Removing the locations list, the chimera double checked everything. Placing his finger beside the first area stated, a wave of confusion immediately flowed through him.

Bridge near Cider Lake listed at the top of the page, the early adult rose an eyebrow. If there had already been danger so close to the city, why hadn't anyone already done something about this? Weren't the Knights the nation's first line of defense? But, he supposed everyone had been too busy with festival preparations to deal with such outside forces.

Descending the staircase, the soldier prepared himself. Just what kind of monsters were about to await him, a Hilichurl, or Slime or two? If such were the case, anyone could handle them. They did not need the Fatui forces to assist them whatsoever. Moving towards the city's exit, the battle mode switch soon flipped upward.

Moving through the city gates, the bridge was a few meters away from him. Cracking his knuckles, the hyena steeled himself. Hilichurls, come out come out wherever they are. Surely, this would be over before he knew it. But what awaited for him on the crossing was a terror to behold.

Large, bright green faced duck tall enough to tower a small building, the soldier's heart skipped two beats. How did this bird get so big, what was it eating? But, such had not been the end of the peculiarities. Creature holding a gigantic Snezhnayan machine gun underneath its wings, the chimera's heart had begun to leap.

Duck looking ready to let the weapon blow, a heavy wave of shock dropped down the soldier's spine. Why was this duck so huge? Why does it have a gun, where did it get that from? Creature's eyes soon on him, it co*cked the weapon. Seeing such, the hyena could feel his soul about to fly out of his body. It was over. Machine Gun Ducky was coming for him.

"Quack!" the duck shouted.

Gun spinning and turning, hundreds of bullets had come the soldier's way. But, as it had begun afiring its laser, a child had soon been within the crossfire, seeing such, the early adult dashed onto the bridge. A young boy was within range of lethal weapons, he needed to get out of here, before he were to get hurt. Knowing he had to get his attention, the soldier spread his arms out.

Arms spread out in front of him, the hyena hopped up and down upon the bridge in front of him. Making various amount of frantic noises, eyes were soon on him. Pointing at Machine Gun Ducky, the early adult made rocket noises and stuck his tongue out, eyes closed. But, not a single sense of danger radiated from the boy as he had done so.

"Why are you pointing, Mr.?" the boy on the bridge asked. "Mr. Gun Duck is so cool!" He then pumped his hands downward. "I wanna send him onto all the people that scare the pigeons away!"

Kid saying he wished to form a partnership with Machine Gun Ducky, the hyena could hardly believe his ears. Was this boy out for blood? How terrifying. Knowing he had no choice but to defeat the creature, the chimera placed his greatsword in front of him. Taking a deep breath, he let out a scream.

"I'm sorry, young man!" Siorc screamed. As he said such, he brought the greatsword up towards the duck's legs.

Swinging the greatsword forward, the chimera aimed for the legs. But, such action had proven to be useless. Bird jumping backwards, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. This creature could dodge backwards, too? How formidable. He was about to have his work cut out for him, for sure.

Duck letting out another loud quack, the tips of its feathered wings let the magazine loose. Pellets speeding out of the gun's head, the early adult jumped right, left, front, center and back. This creature, just how many bullets did it have on it? There was no way this would be a clean or easy fight, guaranteed.

Attempting once again to aim for the feet, the soldier placed the blade beside his waist. Dashing forward, the early adult swung with full force. But, such attack never connected. Duck flying upward, the distance had become greater than he could imagine. Creature looking ready for some skyfire, the chimera gulped.

Bullet rain dropping itself downward, the hyena leaped towards every direction once again. Bridge boy in the corner cheering the bird on, the chimera grit his teeth. Which side was this kid on? He had to have been the bird's biggest fan, for sure. He should join a bird watcher's club. But, he quickly threw such thoughts away. There was no time for this nonsensical thoughts. It was go time.

Machine Gun Ducky swooping downward, the creature's beak and the hyena's face soon met. Cheeks almost immediately decimated, the soldier let out a scream. How dare this creature Give his cheeks a beating. It would pay. Greatsword back out in front of him, the soldier aimed for the torso.

Duck belly wide open, the early adult struck with a fury. Feathers going flying, the soldier kept going. This creature, it should watch where it's fighting. His face was not open fire for holes today. Feathered down cut away, a look of shock soon painted the enemy's face.

Enemy pressing a rapid fire button, its ferocious quacks had only begun to get louder. Jumping on endless repeat, the soldier attempted to send the bullets back towards their owner. But, as he had attempted to do so, a discovery let itself be known to the early adult.

Bullets made almost entirely out of water, the chimera rose an eyebrow. Had the weapon suddenly run out of steam? What was going on? Had the duck just given up? But, he knew it was best to not underestimate the enemy in front of him. There could be a secret final attack that could take him out, without a doubt. But, as he readied to bring out his defensive a game, words added themselves to the battlefield.

"Mr., why are you so afraid of Mr. Gun Duck?" the bridge boy asked. "He's not scary!"

Hearing such, the early adult turned his attention towards the battlefield. Was this kid not seeing what was in front of him? There was a huge duck the size of a building with a deadly weapon from a foreign nation. How was he not afraid? Children were such a mystery. Enemy letting out another quack, the chimera returned his focus to the fight.

Water bullets coming his way in rapid fire, the hyena placed the claymore in front of him, projectiles sent backwards towards the enemy, a pained grunt released from the bird's beak. Creature flapping in protest, the chimera prepared himself. This was it. The final countdown.

Raising his claymore, the hyena let out a loud battle cry for the entirety of Mondstadt to hear. Beak looking wide open, the soldier aimed for the talker. Blade and squawker shaking hands with one another, a blinding light soon engulfed the area and surrounding vicinity.

Enemy looking ready to throw in the towel, the soldier cracked his knuckles. This was it, the last stretch, preparing the last blow, the duck soon had been one with the ground. Blinding light soon engulfing the area once more, a surprise soon came out the other end of the whiteness.

Abyss Mage standing where the duck once was, a heavy wave of shock flowed through the hyena. The robed denizen creatures, did they have the ability to transform into other creatures? If such were the case, he was done for, for certain. Monster waving its wand, the second round of fighting soon took the stage.

But, such battle barely lasted a moment. Singular swipe of his greatsword knocking the creature out, the early adult's eyes flickered. What in the world just happened? Was this real life, or was he dreaming? Pinching himself as the robed creature disappeared, a sense of pain flowed through him. He was awake right now, without question.

Knowing it was time to move onwards upon the eastern path, the chimera exited the bridge. Pigeons flocking downward aplenty, the early adult flinched. The birds had come back already? They had acted fast. Turning back around, the soldier kept going. He had more fights to take care of. No looking back.

As the hyena had begun to head towards Windrise, loud quacks overtook the area as if they owned the place. Placing his currently human hand upon his temple, the chimera scouted the area. Ducks flying around everywhere looking ready to go in for the kill, the soldier let out a groan. What was he, the protagonist of the new hit horror film in Fontaine called The Birds? It was time to go duck hunting.

Birds dropping down upon the ground, swords in their beaks, the chimera prepared himself. These enemies were armed to the teeth. Whoever had given these creatures their weapons was definitely laughing at him from afar. Ducks charging towards him, their swords flew upon the wind.

"Quack quack, quack!" the ducks shouted, with gusto.

Excalibur coming acharging, the early adult jumped towards the left. This creature had spirit. Sword missing for many meters the soldier grabbed the weapon. It liked its blade, did it? It was time to send it back as a return gift. Sword now his, he tossed it back towards the owner.

Bird catching the weapon in it beak, the hyena's eyes opened wide. He should have known ducks were flexible creatures. Army soon joining the party, the early adult switched the position of his legs. Did these enemies think making it three versus one would outdo him? They were about to become Sweet Madame if they thought so.

Swords tossed his way once more, the early adult kept his dodges going. Blade caught in his right hand, the soldier had come up with a solution to answer them all. Placing the blade in his mouth, the soldier swore he had become a green haired pirate in another universe.

Swiping the teeth blade forward, a look of bewilderment had graced the duck's faces. Seeing such, the hyena kept going. Had they not expected their moves to be copied? What a perfect opportunity. They were going down. Fang swipes continuing, the creatures looked ready to fall flat.

Final swing soon coming, the real villain returned once more. Mages replacing the birds, the soldier let out a sigh. Was every single bird really a masked abyss denizen in disguise? How annoying. Throwing the creature's weapons back at them, they were soon out of the picture.

Further enemies circling around the pathway as Windrise neared, multiple rounds of defeats overtook the area for minutes on end. Army of mages falling, the soldier huffed and puffed. He had his work cut out for him today. Large tree within distance, the early adult's legs erupted into a sprint.

But, such dash forward had been a huge mistake. Robed denizens blocking the pathway adorning full bodied armor and large shields, the early adult backed six steps away. The enemies weren't even bothering to disguise themselves this time, he was doomed. Everything looking ready to get him, the chimera gulped. It was him versus the world.

Shielded enemies dashing towards him, the early adult let out a scream. They were all going to come at him, all at once? He was toast, outnumbered, a goner. Enemies towards the trees readying the first strike, the chimera shook with a fervor. Every centimeter and corner around him was blocked. Any second now, and he would be dust upon the wind.

Such defeat, however, never came. Shield practically as light as paper, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. These shields were so weak. He did not know whether to feel pity or to laugh, but the soldier withheld from busting a gut. He needed to focus. Making fun of the enemies would only make it worse for him, guaranteed.

First army of enemies fading into nothingness after fifteen strike, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Why were these shielded robed denizens so weak, what happened? Had they been out of strong weaponry? He didn't know, but he supposed he was relieved he wasn't in for a challenge.

But, easy street had soon switched over to hard mode. enemies shields only getting tougher, fifteen strikes had soon become fifty. Defenses getting further strengthened as the fights went on, the chimera clicked his tongue. Complacency was a disease to be avoided at all times.

Enemies beginning to counter, the hyena adjusted the direction of his blade. Perhaps, just maybe, if he aimed for the center, the fight would go back towards him. Giving it his best shot, he let out a battle cry towards the sky. Robed denizens mocking him, the world was on fire.

Shields cracking after another fifty strikes, the army soon retreated. Portals appearing out of nowhere, every single trace of the army had been as gone as the winter wind in Snezhnaya. Silence looping on repeat, the early adult removed the list from his back pocket once more.

Seeing Falcon Coast underneath, the early adult prepared himself. Was he about to see large crabs on the beach ready for a round or two? He needed to keep himself on his toes at all times, no matter what. Anything was possible. Walking onto the no longer blocked off path, a sea of questions soon raced through him.

As the hyena kept heading east, he could not help but wonder. The abyssal gazelles were the behind this sudden invasion that came out of nowhere? They had been quite absent lately. This had their names written all over it, for sure. This was their plan all along; their next big stunt.

But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. Why was he allowing himself to jump to such conclusions? There was no way they were responsible for this. He hadn't seen the two villains in a few weeks now. Perhaps, just maybe, they had grown tired of their revenge ploys.

The soldier shook his head as the coast inched ever so closer. The abyssal gazelles, give up on their revenge plan? There was absolutely no way that was the case whatsoever. They were just plotting something more extreme behind the scenes where he couldn't see them.

But, upon reaching Falcon Coast, a sight repeated itself from hundreds of meters before. Multiple duck giants stomping upon the sand running around with swords in their mouths, a heavy wave of fear flowed the soldier as he observed the area. Sea lion sisters on the scene, weapons in their hands, the early adult's heart skipped a beat as blades had come flying towards them.

Terrifying trident of fire gracing the battlefield, the hyena closed his eyes. The flames were out of sight, out of mind. Taller sea lion bringing out its diamond blade, the soldier squeezed himself into the fight. Bringing his greatsword to the mix, the chimera invited himself to the party.

Sword soon caught, the chimera tossed the weapon back towards its owner. Savon bringing down terrifying spells of fire from her magical tome the early adult flinched. The flames were close, in his face, ready to burn. Backing away, the soldier held back the urge to scream.

Eau slashing with diamonds, the hyena kept on inviting himself into the battle. Ducks looking quite weak, the soldier slashed forward. But, as he had continued to do so, heads turned towards him. Sea lion sisters giving him sharp glares, the soldier raised his hands towards the air. He had been noticed, he was about to get the shouts aplenty.

Fatui inviting himself into their battle, Eau lowered its eyes into a glare. Did this man know anything? The beach was her hunting ground. These ducks were its prey. He was not welcome here to come around and take it for himself. If he thought for even a second she would allow that, her blade would be turned towards him.

Seeing the Fatui forced into the army's stronghold adding himself to their battle, Savon huffed a breath. What were they doing here? This was their prey. He had no right to swoop in and take it from them. Maybe he wasn't as innocent as she once thought. A villain was a villain. Her sister and she should give him a reminder on how things work around here.

"Hey, you! Who said you could join us?!" Savon exclaimed, irritated. "This is our prey!" Her sister soon interjected.

"I don't know how much you know about Mondstadt, but clearly don't know that going after someone else's prey if forbidden," Eau said in a blunt tone. "Please leave. Don't interject yourselves into our game."

Knowing that if he stayed here for even a moment longer, he would become the sea lion duo's next prey, the soldier had begun running towards the beach's exit. Right, this was not his fight. He had to get out of here right away. Speeding off as fast as he possibly could, the sands were soon out of sight, out of mind.

Halting his run, the early adult caught his breath, for a moment. Running was a cardiovascular exercise, indeed. Slowing himself down back to walking speed, hundreds of questions raced through the soldier's mind as if they were all running a marathon with a golden chalice prize.

As the chimera continued upon the northern path, the inquiries ran around in circles in the hyena's fading human brain. Southeastern Mondstadt, had all of it been sea lion territory? If such had been the case, he knew he had to be careful going forward, or he would make more enemies.

Feet crunching through the grass, the questions kept piling in. Chimera territory, how did it work, exactly? Could any claim any area as their own and fight any who try to enter? He knew he should have known better than to not proceed with caution. He should have learned the rules of the other chimeras by now.

Thousand Wind Temple getting ever so closer, the hyena could not help but pondered. Could he have claimed an area as his territory if he so desired? But, the chimera immediately threw such thoughts away. Why would he do such a thing? Her Majesty would kill him if he were to claim territory on his own. This was not his world to take over.

Reaching Thousand Wind Temple after about twenty minutes of walking, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Ducks and swans wearing big brown hats holding pistols in their wings, a tumbleweed blew across the field. Creatures looking ready to fire at one another, they let out their battle cries.

"Quack!" the duck army shouted.

"Honk" the swan army shouted.

Birds firing off at one another, the early adult leaped ten steps backwards. What had he just walked into? An avian duel for territory? What in the world was going on today? Had he been transported to a world known as the wild west? He knew such wasn't the case, but he felt like it had to have been, at at the moment. Bullets flying everywhere, the young soldier dashed around the area. He needed to put a stop to this, right away.

Bullets flying everywhere, the early adult did a somersault. This duel, how could he put a stop to it fast? These creatures had to have been disturbing the peace. He couldn't allow this to continue. Spotting barrels in the corner, the hyena grabbed them. These would have to work, surely.

Barrels soon placed, the duels kept on going. But, the obstacles had soon begun to serve their many purposes. Swans ramming straight in, their honks of confusion echoed on the wind. But, such had not been enough to end the fight. Swan shaking off the attack, the duel only picked up the speed.

Obstacle failing, the soldier snapped his fingers. How did this fail him? He needed to try something else right now. Spotting crates in the corner, an invisible lightbulb popped up over his head. Rocks, surely, filling the crates with boulders would be the answer. That would stop the fight.

Booby trapped soon set, the early adult dashed off into the audience area. Birds pecking the crates, the avalanche of rocks came tumbling down. Army falling, a blinding light soon overtook the area. Mage rearing their unwanted masked heads shortly after, the hyena slapped his palm across his forehead. What was with these monster's fixation on birds? What a strange enemy group.

Spotting a prison in the corner, the early adult opened the gate. Mages looking as weak as a piece of paper, the young soldier stretched his leg back. Punting them forward, their robed bodies were soon airborne. Creatures tumbling down towards the cage, the enemies had soon been locked inside. Shouts coming his way to let them out, they had soon gone ignored.

Next order of business listed as Starsnatch Cliff, the early adult took a long, deep breath. The entirety of Mondstadt had been invaded by strange foreign visitors, indeed. Was this trail ever going to end? But, the hyena threw his complaints off a cliff. What was he doing, letting himself get tired now? He still had work to do.

But, upon reaching Starsnatch Cliff, a fight he did not wish to partake in soon swept him from underneath his feet. Large dandelion with a glowing face, large leaves that acted as its hands and feet, the early adult froze in place. He was going to have to fight a large flower? No way. There was absolutely no way he could bring harm to the world of nature.

Dandelion monster dropping down seeds of doom, the young soldier attempted with all his might to run away. This flower, it was best to let it roam free. Bringing harm to it was not on the agenda whatsoever, for any reason. Trying to dash off towards Stormbearer Mountain, the early adult readied to make a leap. Such action, however, was immediately cancelled.

Flower grabbing him his nose had soon been flicked. Thrown onto the ground, the soldier's uniform had become a pile of dirt. Abyss Mage floating on by, laughing at him, various insults had flown his way. Magical attacks aimed at him, the early adult dashed towards the monster.

Mage struck, an unfortunate miscalculation caught the dandelion monster into the mix. Flower sliced in two, the masked creature laughed manically. Plant slain, the chimera dropped down onto his knees. The flower had been slain, he was a terrible, horrible, plant murderer. How could he commit such a crime? Unforgivable.

Dandelion soon becoming an Abyss Mage, the early adult let out a sigh. Just how many of these creatures about were these magical beings in disguise? He had had quite enough of this tomfoolery. Couldn't they just fight them as they were. This had to end. The games should reach its conclusion.

But, upon reaching Stormbearer Point, an even worse state of affairs had taken over the area. Short, masked people adorning bright blue abyssal clothing, the early adult scratched his head. Had his wishes been heard for the game of transformations to stop? Masked people turning towards in, they soon curled their fingers.

"Yew wook way too stwong fow us mista," one of the robed denizens said. "Wet's pway a game!" As one of them said such, they pointed their gloved hands towards the edge of the mountainside. "If yew weach dat spawt over there within da time wimit, we'll weave!"

Hearing such, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. The enemies wanted him to do what now? Run to the end of the mountains within the time limit? Was that even a challenge? Surely, something like that would be over in less than a minute. But, he supposed he knew better than to allow himself to get complacent. But, before he could finish such thought, a pistol sounded.

"Go!" one of the robed denizens shouted, shooting a starting pistol.

Number on his wrist reading two minutes, the early adult let out a scream. He had to reach the edge of Stormbearer Point in two minutes? How would that be possible? There was no way. He was done for. He would have to fight another army guaranteed. Timer blinking past one minute and fifty five seconds, the early adult had begun running. There was no time to waste. He had to get out of here.

Sprinting as fast as his human legs could currently carry him, the hyena let out a scream. But, a new challenger had soon added itself into the mix. Robed denizen screaming watching him run is boring, higher the stakes, Anemo particles soon dropped down from the sky. Words on his wrist stating to collect the particles within the time limit, the timer reset itself.

Forced back to the starting point, the chimera let out another scream. Collect the Anemo particles and reach the destination within the time limit, did the abyss enjoy watching people crack under the pressure? Feeling wind blast through him, the early adult kept running. Time was ticking away faster, he had to keep going.

Strange obstacles soon adding themselves to the mix, the chimera jumped towards the right and left. Did those abyssal denizens just add Hilichurls targets to slow him down? How had that been fair? Changing the game as they went along, what a dirty trick. He wasn't about to let them rig this.

Dashing faster and faster, the finish line had begun to get closer with every second. Timer ticking towards the halfway point, the early adult's legs burst. He was almost there. He had to keep going. The end of the mountains would soon be upon him. He needed to win, no matter what.

Particles attempting to curve upwards towards the sky, the early adult deployed his windglider. These particles, did they have a mind of their own? Upcurrent pushing him upward, the soldier let out a loud scream. He would become the master of the particle collection, there would be no more battles today.

Timer soon hovering off towards thirty seconds, and twenty of forty particles collected, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Where did time go? Why was it going down so much faster now? He needed to pick up the pace right away. Leaping forward, three more particles had soon been in his possession.

Ten seconds coming and going, the hyena's legs twitched. There was seven particles left, he was going to lose. Brushing his legs against the grass, he flared his nostrils. Not yet, it wasn't over yet. Twenty seconds was better than none. Running at the fastest possible speed imaginable, the war against the Anemo particles kicked into full swing.

Five more particles soon collected ten seconds remained upon his wrist. Throwing himself towards the finish line, the early adult growled. He was almost there. This was the final stretch. He had to make it. Blue glowing spot out in front of him, the two final particles had soon been scooped up.

Destination soon reached as the timer reached three seconds, the early adult huffed and puffed up a storm. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. Robed denizens coming towards him, he swore he could hear them snapping their fingers all in unison.

"Dwat, yew actually won," one of the robed citizens said, snapping their fingers. "Kay, mistaw, we'll yield. Bye byeee." As they said such, a portal opened up.

Abyssal denizens soon gone, the early adult tilted his head. What in the world just happened? What a peculiar group of people. Were the people he just played a game with children? What were children doing in the abyss? His head spun as he tried to make sense of it all. Shaking himself off rapidly, he threw such thoughts away. He was wasting his time thinking about it. There was no answer.

Turning his head towards the sky, the early adult studied the lighting up above, for a moment. Sky tinted a deep shade of orange, the chimera let out a sigh. Had it already been evening? I was time to stop fighting monsters for the day. Knowing he had to negotiate with Dawn Winery, the chimera steeled himself. The time had come for the worst wine deal in the entire history of Teyvat.

Descending the mountainside, the early adult stared off into space. Would the people at Dawn Winery even be willing to negotiate with him? Wine business was tough business. He knew this would not go well. He was not the Agent. Persuading people was not up his sleeve. Why couldn't he have taken over this diplomatic affair? He always had done so ninety-nine-point-ninety-nine percent of the time. This point one percent had to have been an error in the calculation, for sure.

As Dawn Winery approached ever so slowly, the hyena kept on staring. The owner of Dawn Winery, didn't he despise the Fatui? There was absolutely no way he would ever be willing to work with him. He knew if he were to try to ask him to add Snezhnayan wine to a Mondstadt festival, a fiery hot retribution would be gifted to him as a present.

Hour soon passing, Dawn Winery had been fifty meters away. Knowing he had no choice but to negotiate, the early adult took a long, deep breath. It was time to get this over with. This would go poorly, without any shadow of a doubt. Stepping foot upon the mansion, orders had come left, right, backwards and center.

Owner of the mansion yelling at the people in the courtyards to bring the wine crates to Mondstadt, the hyena broke out into a cold sweat. It had been busy here? There was no way he would be able to work in his negotiation at a time like this. Maybe it was best to turn around and leave the scene before the fiery phoenix of doom were to burn him up. But, his hopes of not being spotted were dashed, in seconds. Redhead turning towards him, eyes were glued to him.

"What do you want, Fatui?" Angel Share's owner asked. "Ask your question, and then leave the premises." As he said such, his arms had been crossed around his waist.

Eyes glued to him every step of the way, the early adult's knees shook with a fervor. Why was he staring at him like that? His eyes, they were lasers, ready to shoot him into the ground. Lips quivering, the soldier attempted to say the words fire water. But, such failed with spectacular proportions. First letter repeated over and over, he kept on shaking.

Scion rolling his eyes, a notepad and feather quilled pen had soon been handed off to him. Taking a deep breath, the soldier had begun the wordless negotiation. Writing down, 'we would like to propose a business deal of including Fire Water into Ludi Harpastum,' the chimera's legs kept on shaking as he handed the notepad back to its owner.

Angel Share's owner shaking his head and letting out a loud tsk, the early adult could feel a shock drop down his spine. Did he just click his tongue? His request, had it annoyed him to such a degree to allow for such action? He knew he needed to apologize right this instant. But, as he prepared to do so, an answer had come his way.

"No," the Dawn Winery owner said bluntly. "I will not allowed any Fire Water anywhere near the festival site."

Heavy rejection coming his way, the early adult's body shook harder. Negotiation failed. Slumping himself downward, the day flashed through his eyes. He was not able to get Fire Water into Ludi Harpastum, the Agent would be disappointed in him. He would tell Her Majesty and order his extermination right away, for sure. Why couldn't he handle all the negotiatory stuff? He was not cut out for this, whatsoever. But, a sigh had come his way.

"We'll make a look alike filled with distilled water, alright?" the Dawn Winery owner said, sighing. "Please depart the premises, Fatui."

Middle ground created, the early adult exited the premises. Was this truly alright? The Agent would definitely know the difference. If such were to be found out, he would be in trouble, guaranteed. Nightfall soon coming in like a lion, the early adult prepared himself to head back towards the capital city.

As the chimera kept heading east, he let out a tired sigh. There was no way that he would not be found out that the negotiations would fail. He would be counting the seconds towards his demise soon, guaranteed. Fear eating him alive, the world soon blurred around him, for a moment.

Reaching the capital city of Mondstadt after about an hour of dreadful thoughts, the hyena prepared himself for screams and shouts. Agent seated beside Good Hunter, the early adult dragged himself forward. Mask soon on him, he soon returned faceless eye contact.

"Good work today, soldier," the Agent said. "Head for the Goth Grand Hotel and rest for today."

Agent dismissing him, the soldier blinked. Was he not bothered by him only doing half the work today and failing negotiations? Perhaps, just maybe, word had not reached him yet. He knew such was for the best. One more disappointment, and he would be dead and gone, a tombstone upon the ground.

Reaching the Fatui owned hotel after about fifteen minutes of doomed walked, the soldier checked himself into his room. Hotel room soon upon him, a wave of tiredness immediately overtook the hyena. Weaponized hairpins and earrings put aside, and uniform soon removed, the hyena slumped into the temporary hotel bed. Sleep about ready to take him away, the chimera closed his eyes. Land of tormented dreams claiming him for the night, one last thought had begun to crash at bay.

He'll definitely be in trouble in the morning.


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the chimera's life. The cycle was a roulette, spinning back and forth in constant repeated motion. The wheel would always loom over the worst punishments, never yielding a positive result to speak of. The night before him had been no different as well.

Before him had been a large wheat field. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but wonder, had he been in someone else's property? If such were the case, he had to leave this place right this instant, or he would face his next death in the not reality before him. But, as he prepared to stage his exit, a surprise threw itself down onto the ground.

"Quack!" a voice shouted.

Gigantic ducks with machine guns stomping onto the scene, the early adult let out a growl in the land of subconscious. These ducks, how did they get here? They needed to get out of his head and go away. How dare they disturb his sleep like this. But, his subconscious thoughts were soon interrupted in a matter of dream seconds.

Ducks lowering their powerful killer weapons towards him, the hyena's eyes opened wide. Even in the sleeping world, they had been armed to the teeth. How was this possible? He hadn't even been thinking of such creatures, at the moment. But, he supposed, the thoughts had been buried deep enough inside him, he would dream about them.

Bullet rain coming down towards him, the early adult attempted to dodge them. But, such skillset was dead in the water before it could ever happen. Nonexistent adhesive gluing his currently hyena legs into place, doom loomed over the chimera. This was it. He was about to become Machine Gun Ducky's next victim.

"Quack, quack, quack!" the duck screamed.

Flaming bullets soon joining the party, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the battlefield. The duck had overpowered him. Nothing could be done. Barrage colliding with him, everything had begun to burn up one after another. Chest soon on fire, the early adult fell towards the ground. But, the onslaught was far from over.

"Quack a doodle doo!" the duck screamed once more.

Fiery bullets burning him to a crisp one after another, the early adult closed the dream eyes. Had he been transported to an alternative timeline where he had lost the battle? Feeling his dream life about to slip away, the early adult let the subconscious reaper come for him. Breathing his last, one final thought dropped down from the dream depths.

Machine Gun Ducky Strikes back.


"For real, Your Majesty?
I have to go and get what now?
Really, this makes absolutely no sense.
Everything is falling apart.
Why do I have to gather fireworks?
Oh, this will go so poorly.
Relocating explosives, this will go so poorly. I
Know it will. What about Mondstadt
Screams fireworks? They are an

Inazuman thing, I believe. I

Do not think this will bode well. No, I'm
Overthinking again. I am definitely overthinking.

No more of that. Maybe they're going to be exploded in a safe place.
Obviously, I am overthinking
This. Maybe Mondstadt is trying something new. I

Guess that's it. Although, I am getting this
Eerie feeling that this won't go poorly.
The Pyro Elf Girl of doom

The moment she sees there's fireworks
Here, she'll be let on the loose.
I am afraid of what
She'll do.

Will entire mountains be destroyed? I have
Heard some rumors she has done such before.
Yes, I believe I have heard

That so many now.
Her various deeds of menacing.
Everyone should just lock her way for all eternity.
Your Majesty, I don't understand you.

All and all, this is quite a
Retched idea. There has to be another thing I can go obtain.
Eh, oh well, that's that, I guess.

Don't really have a choice in the matter.
After all, I a
Nothing more than a chess piece. Time to
Get this over with.
Every second counts
Right. Here I go
Onward towards collecting the fireworks, the
Ultimate dangerous festival activity.
Something is about to go wrong, most certainly."

Upon waking up the next morning, a sudden wave of despair flowed through the soldier. He did not know why, but he couldn't help but feel a wave of darkness flow through him. Doom hugging him from behind he stared off towards the ceiling. Today was going to be a terrible day. He couldn't help but such was going to be the case.

Knowing he had to get out of bed, the soldier removed himself from his temporary quarters. But, as he headed for the door, doom continued to loom over him. He was going to have to work once again during a festival he never got to experience. Why were the archons so cruel? They had it out for him, for sure. Throwing his doom and gloom away, the chimera headed for the door.

But, what orders graced his eardrums were not at all what he had been expecting. Informed he would need to head to Liyue and import some fireworks for Ludi Harpastum, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. He had to go and do what now? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. What in the world was Her Majesty thinking?

Order to import fireworks repeated to him once more, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Did the Agent seriously have to repeat it? He heard him the first time. Go to Liyue and import fireworks. He knows already. He heard him loud and clear. How annoying.

Exiting the hotel, the early adult let out a sigh. Fireworks, what did that have anything at all to do with Ludi Harpastum in any shape or form? Hadn't those been something used exclusively in Liyue and Inazuma festivities? Who approved of this? Something about this felt incredibly off.

Such feelings had soon been calmed, however. Acting Grand Master informing him a certain bard had wanted to incorporate other nation's customs into this year's Ludi Harpastum, the hyena shrugged. He supposed he could get behind that. But, surely, there had to have been a less dangerous custom to adopt. He knew, if there were explosive sparklers involved, the pyro elf girl of doom would add her bombs to the mix.

Knowing he had no choice to take on this task, the soldier accepted his fate. Current head of the knights telling him to head or Liyue Harbor and then off to Chenyu Vale, the early adult removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. But, a head shake had soon come his way in a swift manner.

Acting Grand Master telling him his boss said he was not allowed to teleport, the chimera held back the urge to growl. He couldn't use his proxy map in Mondstadt anymore either? He had been quite spoiled rotten by it, indeed. Putting the quick travel device away, he soon exited the Knights headquarters once more.

Exiting the city and readying to head towards the western path near Stone Gate, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had proxy maps been made illegal, or something? Why wasn't he allowed to teleport? His job would be over far quicker if such were allowed to him. But, he supposed life was never that easy. Rules were rules, and he needed to abide by them.

Walking past Springvale, the festivities nibbled on the soldier's ear. Ignoring everything he could, the chimera kept moving forward. The activities were out of sight, out of mind. He needed to reach Liyue as soon as possible. Pushing through, Stone Gate grew closer with ever step.

Heading upon the southern pathway towards Dihua Marsh, the early adult stared off into space. Why fireworks, of all things? If handled by the wrong person, they could have the most disastrous of consequences. An accident would happen, without a shadow of a doubt. Why couldn't he go collect something safer?

Silence looping on repeat as he pushed through Wangshu Inn, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. He supposed if something happened, it wouldn't be his mess to clean up. Would such blame be aimed at the Fatui? If such ended up being the case, it was well deserved for allowing such thing into the country.

But, as the hyena continued to traverse south, a wave of discomfort flowed through him. Was it just his imagination, or had there been darkness looming in the air? Shaking it off, the chimera moved onward. He had to have been imagining it, surely. Perhaps, just maybe, it was just the breeze.

Such had not been a breeze. Creatures exuding sinister aura parading around Guili Plains like they owned the place, the early adult could feel the blood drain from his face. What were these creatures doing here? Was something terrible about to happen in Liyue? But, almost immediately upon thinking such, he could hear a familiar voice scream boring, useless, and grunt.

Yaksha fighting the monsters in front of him breathing extremely heavily, the early adult's eyes opened wide. The mountain demon, had he been pushing himself? Continuing to fight everything in his way, his breaths got heavier by the second. Mountain demon soon swaying towards the ground as the monster's fell, a wave of nervousness flowed through the chimera.

Mountain demon on the ground looking ready to lost consciousness, the early adult eyes grew small. What was happening? Was the yaksha alright? He knew he had to head for Liyue Harbor, but he couldn't help but feel something terrible would happen if he left him by himself.

Eyes fluttering towards him, the early adult's hands shook as he placed them in front of him. Pointing his index finger towards the yaksha, the chimera flattened out his left palm towards his chest. Placing his right hand on top of his left facing the opposite direction, he rubbed the right one on top of the left one. Inquiry of whether he had been alright asked on private display, a grunt had soon come his way.

"I'm fine," the Yaksha said, grunting. "Worry about yourself."

Yaksha picking himself and wobbling away, a wave of concern continued to flow through him. Was the mountain demon truly alright? But, he knew if he were to follow him he would only get shouted at. It was time to move onwards towards Liyue Harbor. He needn't concern himself with strangers he barely knew.

Reaching the Harbor after about twenty minutes of walking, the soldier could hear someone whistle towards him. Following the sound. Strange person in extremely gaudy clothing, a heavy wave of suspicion flowed through him. Who in the world was this person? He had never seen them before at the Harbor, were they new here? Stranger bellowing into a whisper, exchanges came his way.

"Here's the goods," the weird person whispered.

Box of tubes handed off to him, the chimera tilted his head. What in the world were these tube devices? Were these supposed to be something to shoot fireworks out of? He didn't know. Whatever they were, he couldn't help but feel they were unsafe no matter the situation.

Small bomb like items inside the box as well, the early adult's eyebrows continued to twitch. Were these really fireworks? Something was wrong here with this entire picture. Stranger whispering in his ear once more that these were the good ones, the hyena's legs shook. The good ones? What did that even mean? They were definitely, most certainly, without a shadow of a doubt, dangerous. But, reassurance had come his way.

"Relax, 'buddy', they're perfectly safe," the fireworks dealer said. "They've been tested, I assure you." He then bent down, whispering again. "But, if I were you, I'd go grab yourself a bodyguard. Somethin' really strange is happenin' around Liyue. But, you ain't hear nothin' from me 'bout it. Got it?"

Giving the man a nod, the soldier tilted his head as he walked away. Just what was going on in Liyue today? Had there been foreign visitor monsters walking around here, too? If such were the case, perhaps it was best to hire a bodyguard after all. Thoughts swirling in his mind, he combed through his mind, for a moment.

The panda chimera, would he be willing to serve as a bodyguard for the day? He knew it was a longshot, but he supposed it was worth a try. Moving off towards the exit, the soldier set his sights upon Yaoguang Shoal. Perhaps, just maybe, he would agree to another Chenyu Vale journey, at least for today.

Exiting the Harbor back towards the direction he came, heading back through Guili Plains once more, a surprise had soon taken over the streets once more. Yaksha knocked unconscious on the road, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. The mountain demon, something was wrong here. He needed to wake him right away.

Attempting to speak, the early adult opened his mouth. But, no words would release themselves from the chamber of his throat. Why bother? It's not like he would be able to hear him in unconscious land. Placing his hands onto the man's sides, the early adult shook him gently. Eyes fluttering opening, eye contact came his way.

"What do you want?" the yaksha asked grunting weakly.

Yaksha grunting, the early adult could feel sweat drop down his brow. Was he angry with him? He supposed he didn't blame him; he had disturbed him twice today. Bowing an apology, the chimera placed his hands out in front of him. Signing he had found him unconscious by the road, he again silently inquired about the mountain demon's condition. But, a brush off soon came his way.

"Do not concern yourself over me, mortal," the yaksha said, standing up. "I took in too much Karmic Debt. Bye." As he said such, he faded away.

Mountain demon weakly fading away, the soldier blinked. He did not know why, but he couldn't help but feel the yaksha and he were very similar in nature. Moving onwards towards the eastern path, the hyena kept moving forward. If he were to see him again, it was best to leave him be.

Shoal getting closer with every given step, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Would the panda chimera agree to be his guard for the day? He knew there was a possibility such wouldn't happen. Keeping the dice roll as low as possible, he soon stepped onto the sandy world in front of him.

Spotting the panda chimera far up on the beach already, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint. Catching up to him after about three minutes, the chimera huffed and puffed up a storm. Why did that take up so much energy today? Catching his breath, the panda chimera slowly turned towards him.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "Here to run with me?"

Question coming his way, the soldier shook his head. Placing his hands out in front of him, the chimera signed the word guard on private display. Gazing into the panda chimera's eyes, he repeated the sign a second time. Fireworks signed next, he kept going. But, rejection had almost come his way immediately.

"You're asking me to guard you while getting some fireworks?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "Sorry, Siorc, I have to leave for work soon, I can't help you out today." Would telling him he could not disappoint him? Maybe letting him know he could next time would soften the blow. "But, I promise I'll help you next time!" He waved his hands about in front of him. Would telling him about the guard they were with last time help matters? He sure hoped so. "I saw that guard you hired last time in Qingce Village again. Maybe he could help you?" He then clapped his hands together into an apologetic stance. "I'm really sorry I can't help! It's been busy lately, so I've had to come in earlier!"

Bowing a thank you, the soldier exited the beach. Figuring it was in his best interest to head for Qingce Village, the soldier had begun to head south. But, as he had begun to do so, a sea of thoughts had thrown him out into the ocean. Lines blurring together, he could feel himself drift away.

Zoning out as he kept moving forward, the chimera could not help but wonder. What was so dangerous that he would need to hire a bodyguard for? Teyvat had always been full of monsters every single moment of every single day. What was so different about today that he should have a guard?

Boars running away as he pushed through Bishui Plain, his thoughts continued to rumble. Liyue, just what was going on lately? Had it just been unsafe? He supposed everything lately had been a step towards danger lurking everywhere. He supposed it was for the best to hire someone to fight along aside him, for the time being.

Qingce Village reached after about an hour of walking, the lion dance guard had been standing in the dead center of the area. Moving towards him, the hyena tapped on the young man's shoulder. Eyes soon on him, he placed his hands in front of him. Signing he needed his services again, a warm smile appeared on his face.

"Sure," the lion dance guard said in a warm tone. "Where to?"

Placing his finger into a pointing stance, the soldier pointed at Chenyu Vale off towards the corner. While he knew such gesture was rude, uttering words to someone was not in the cards. Guard scratching his head for a moment, the hyena titled his head. Had he not made himself clear enough? He supposed such had been the case.

"You are gathering fireworks, right?" the lion guard asked.

Nodding, a wave of hard hitting information had come the soldier's way. Lion dancer guard telling him Chenyu Vale had been full of thieves today, the soldier's legs shook with a fervor. There had been criminals on the loose? How could this be? Perhaps, just maybe, hiring a guard was the best course of action.

Mora handed off to the guard, a raft had soon come towards the shore. Guard and he seating themselves, the man powered raft pushed itself forward. Middle aged individual pushing the boat, forward, the soldier kept himself as still as possible. One wrong move, and he would be in the ocean forever. Ride going steady, a suggestion had soon come his way.

"If you're coming here for a fireworks deal, it's best I take you to Yilong Wharf," the bodyguard said. "Before we go, would you like some Dim Sum? My treat."

Food offering coming his way once again, the hyena shook his head. This guard, why was he so nice to everyone all the time? If he were a person with ill intentions, this young man would be taken advantage of for his kindness, for sure. Someone needed to treat him every once in awhile.

"Alright, but let me know if you change your mind," the bodyguard said.

Soon reaching the destination, the party of two had begun to head west. But, as they had begun to do so, the soldier could see multiple Treasure Hoarders parading around the area like they owned the place. Seeing such, the chimera kept himself on guard. Attempting to tune such out, everyone kept going.

Criminals coming closer with every given step, the hyena swerved off towards the opposite side of the path. Perhaps, just maybe, if he headed towards the other side, they would not see him. Such, however had been wishful thinking. Masked bandits coming towards him, their hands had soon been on his fireworks equipment.

"Look at this little girlie here!" the Treasure Hoarder shouted, picking up a firework bomb. "She's carrying fireworks with her itty bitty fragile hands!"

Hearing such insult, the hyena balled his hands into a fist. Who did these criminals think they were, calling him fragile? These men, they thought all women were fragile, did they? What a disgusting way of thinking. How low of them. Such line of thinking was the bottom of the garbage pit. He was neither one, nor the other. They could take their backwards thoughts and throw themselves in the trash. A woman was just as strong as a man could ever be.

Treasure Hoarders continuing to sift through the box behind him, the early adult readied to give the criminals a good hard punch. Aiming for the legs, the hyena blew low. But, as he prepared to keep dishing out the damage, the lion dance guard stepped himself up to the plate.

"Knock it off!" the lion dance guard shouted.

Group of thieves not yielding, even for a moment, he had soon been up in the air with his lion dance techniques. Dropping himself downward the criminals had soon been out of the picture faster than the hyena could blink. This bodyguard was so skilled. Where did he get that power from? Stolen fireworks returned shortly after, the party of two continued to move forward.

Qiaoying Village slowly creeping upward, the soldier observed the area around him. Could there have been more thieves on the prowl in the area? He knew he would need to keep himself on high alert no matte what, even if he had hired a guard. Pushing forward, silence loomed.

But, as the duo kept moving forward, a peculiar group of Whopperflowers with foreboding aura overtook the area. Creatures looking ready to fight, the early adult unsheathed the greatsword from behind him. Guard doing the same, the fight had soon been on. Creatures blasting icicles his way, the chimera's claymore did its bidding.

Whopperflowers decimated, sharp eyes had soon been on the hyena. Seeing such, the soldier could feel his blood turn cold. Had he done something he should not have? The Whopperflowers, they seemed far tougher than normal, there was no way he could let the guard do all the work himself.

"Hey, it's my job to guard you," the guard said, in protest. "No need to get your hands dirty."

Shaking his head, the hyena signed that he insisted. Guard telling him back try not to push himself, the duo moved forward. Moving past the village, the bodyguard had suddenly requested they sneak around the area. Doing such, the soldier studied the young man's body language, for a moment.

Young man looking as though he wanted to avoid as many people as possible, the soldier turned his attention towards the subject of the people being skipped over. Entire group of people in the corner shopping, a sea of questions flowed through him. Why did they have to sneak around these people? But, he knew it was not in his place to ask. Soon being away from their gaze, an apology had come his way.

"Sorry, those were my folks," the bodyguard apologized. "I'd prefer it if they didn't see me."

Hearing such, the chimera blinked. Why was the lion dance guard avoiding his family? One's family should always be the most important people in their lives. But, he supposed not everyone's family were good people. Throwing th subject out the window, the party of two kept moving towards the next destination.

Multiple Whopperflowers along the way decimated with the power of jumps and dodges, compliments had come the hyena's way about his skillful evasion. Hours passing with battles aplenty, Yilong Wharf had finally been reached. Guard guiding him towards a mystery man in purple robes and sunglasses, and an afro, the early adult scratched the back of his head. This was the fireworks dealer? He couldn't help but feel he had encountered the wrong person.

Man introducing himself as Lieben going on an on about his marvelous merchandise, the hyena rose an eyebrow. Was this really the person who had fireworks for him? Stumbling multiple times, negotiations had taken a turn for a circle for hours on end. Deal eventually going through, the crate had soon been filled.

Guard dismissed from his duties for the day, the soldier returned to the capital city of Mondstadt after four hours of walking. Late evening kicking in, the chimera gulped. If he had been even a minute late, Her Majesty would hear about it, for sure. Agent grabbing the box of fireworks, the hyena swore he could see a smirk appear underneath his mask.

"Excellent work, soldier. You're dismissed for today," the Agent said, pride oddly leaking in his voice. "Keep up the good work tomorrow."

Dismissal soon granted, the early adult headed back towards the hotel. Checking himself back into his room, the early adult slipped into the temporary bed. Heavy wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the soldier closed his eyes. World of sleep ready to take him away, one last thought bounced a ball around in his fading human brain.

All this work for a festival he can't take part in.


"Sculpting. Sculpting, really? The
Cavalry Captain, he's just
Using me for free
Labor, I bet.
Please, find someone else
To do this job!
I can hardly even draw, there's
No way I could make a statue.
Get someone else!

Of all collaborations with the
Knights, this one has got to be the worst.
And, for the record,
You really should

Not employ me for anything artistic.
Obviously, I have never been artistically inclined.
Why me? I was never

Taught how to draw during my formidable years.
How could I expect to make a statue?
I can't! This is ridiculous!
So ridiculous!

I swear to the Anemo Archon, this
Should not be something I should be doing!

Please, find someone else. I implore you.
Ultimately, though, I have no choice.
Something is ordered of me, I
Have to do it, no questions asked.
I have to do my job,
No questions asked.
Get ready for the worst sculpture Mondstadt has ever seen!

It will be terrible, horrible, not great to look at,
Trust me."

Waking up the next morning, an unfortunate person stood outside his hotel room door. Cavalry Captain waiting outside, the hyena held back the urge to slam the door on his face. What was he doing here? If the captain of the missing horses had something to say to him, he wasn't at all interested in what he was selling. Fake smile on his face, he soon ran his annoying mouth.

"You're wanted in Springvale!" the Cavalry Captain exclaimed vaguely.

Hearing such, the soldier flinched. He's what now? What did he mean by wanted in Springvale? Had he been a criminal to them? What a shame. He had always lived right nearby the area. Had someone warned the village about his status as a member of the Fatui? But, the Cavalry Captain's annoying laugh soon broke glass.

"I'm just joking," the Cavalry Captain said laughing. He then got serious. "The Knights would like you to make Sculptures in Springvale for Ludi Harpastum."

Order coming his way, the soldier's ears twitched. He had to do what now? Build a sculpture for Ludi Harpastum in Springvale? Was he hearing things right? Surely, this had to have been some sort of mistake in wording. He was nowhere near artistically inclined enough to make a statue. Why him, of all people? There was no way he would do well with this.

Knowing he had no choice in the matter, the soldier let out a sigh. It was time to make the world's most horrible looking statue. Exiting the hotel and leaving the capital city, the soldier walked off towards Springvale. Thoughts releasing junk out in front of him, garbage floated around him at all times.

Garbage continuing to flow, the early adult let out another sigh. Statues, sculping a statue, really? Of all the orders he had ever received in his near eight years of being a Fatui, this one had destroyed the cake and then some. How would this help Her Majesty with anything? Nothing about this made sense.

Reaching Springvale, the trash continued to flow throughout him. Spotting Regina and Hollander out in the open of the area sculping a statue together, the chimera tried with all the might that remained to not rip out strands of his hair. The pesky penguin family, why was it that, no matter where he went he couldn't escape them? Today was going to be a long day.

Seeing a spot in the corner with his name written on in, the early adult let out a groan. Great, he was right next to the penguins, too. Could his day get any more aggravating? If they had anything to say to him at any given point, he would tune them out. The thorns in his side could suck on eggs if they wished to annoy him. He had work to do. But, almost immediately, the voices soon grated cheese.

"You came after all, Mr. Fatui," Regina said, slight sense of impatience in her voice. "You need to make a sculpture of the Anemo Archon since we did Venessa already." But she had soon been interrupted.

"Regi, my hands are like, totally dirty right now," Hollander said, hands completely grey as she held them up.

"All part of the creative process, Holly," Regina said to Hollander. She then turned towards the Fatui. "Do you need help getting started, Mr. Fatui? We're almost done, I don't mind."

Rolling his eyes towards the sky, the soldier shook his head. Allow a penguin to help him with the artistic process? No way. Not a chance. He could get the sculpture done all by himself. Huge, thick guide handed off to him, the early adult could feel himself about to shrink as he read through the instructions.

Everything about sculpting sounding like complete gibberish to him, the early adult gazed at the block of grey clay in front of him. How was he supposed to make this oozy liquid into a statue? How were artists able to turn such a thing into the object of which they desired? He was none the wiser.

Instructions informing him to construct the shape of thing he wished to sculp, the soldier stared at the block of clay in the corner. An Anemo Archon statue, how was he supposed to construct such a thing. Turning towards the penguin's statue, a tall woman warrior made of clay stood out. But, he soon threw himself back towards the opposite direction. No looking at the enemy. He was on his own.

Taking a lump of clay, the soldier stared at the photo of the Anemo Archon statue. Should he start with the legs? He supposed that was a good place to start. Attempting with all his might to shape the modelling paste into limbs, the soldier broke into a cold sweat. Making absolutely nothing that resembled such, he could feel his winter jacket get bathed deep.

Clay nothing but balls of garbage, the early adult let out a groan. How in the world was he supposed to do this? Who in the world sculpted with soft clay? There was no way these statutes would even look good if he were the one handling it. The Cavalry Captain had made a grave mistake telling him to sculpt.

Attempting over and over again to make legs, the limbs had soon been crafted after about twelve failures to do so. Placing the walkers upon the base of the statue, the early adult wiped the sweat off his brow. The life of an artist had definitely been a thankless career. Why did anyone put their whole soul into these sorts of things? It had to have been the most difficult career in the universe.

Spindrift Knight soon walking onto the scene inspecting everyone's statues, the early adult could feel his heart skip a beat as she approached his. Comments with a ton of salt said to every other person, he knew his moment of pepper would be washed upon him any second. Eyes sizing up the clay legs, the chimera swore he could hear the woman give him a loud hmph.

"These legs are all crooked! How dare you think these are worthy of Ludi Harpastum!" the spindrift knight exclaimed with an arrogant tone in her voice.

Hearing such, the early adult bowed an apology. The legs had been crooked? He had been far worse at this than he could have ever imagined. Attempting with all his might to fix the problem, nothing looked any better no matter how hard he tried to do so. Waving the white flag, the chimera knew it was time to move onto the body. The clay had already hardened, nothing could be done.

Moving back towards the clay, the soldier prepared to sculpt the body. Surely, making such would not prove to be difficult. Staring downward at the clay, the chimera could not help but wonder. How had it not dried out yet? Hadn't it been sitting here all day? Some things within Teyvat were truly a mystery to behold.

Attempting to shape the body multiple times, the middle section of statue failed to come together for hours on end. Clay falling apart, the early adult let out a frustrated scream. What was he doing wrong here? Why was the clay coming apart like this? Continuing to pat it through, it kept on ripping away.

Body soon finished, the early adult groaned. This looked so terrible, it had to have been an insult to the Anemo Archon. Sticking the body onto the legs, the chimera grit his teeth. Any second now, and this statue would fall apart, without an ounce of doubt. Attempting to pat it down until it hardened, another knight soon walked by.

Outrider on the scene, the soldier could feel himself about to float away. The Gliding Champion of Mondstadt was here? If she were to see his statue, she would most certainly despise it with every single fiber of her very being. Stepping in front of it, he tried to keep it as hidden as possible, but such action failed. Young woman and statue already far taller than him, she moved right past his attempted trick.

"Hmm, your statue looks good, but it needs some wings!" the outrider exclaimed in review.

Hearing such, the soldier snapped his fingers. How could he forget to make wings? This Anemo Archon statue was definitely a disaster amongst everything. Attempting or another hour to make the objects of flight, the early adult let out a huff. Crooked flights of fancy placed on the statue, the soldier turned his back towards them. This was getting more awful by the second, for sure.

But, as the hyena kept the sculpting going, a loud explosion soon overtook the area. Multiple generic nobodies breaking out into confusion, and pesky penguin duo running off towards a tree to hide, the soldier jumped six steps back. Had someone shot off fireworks somewhere? Surely, that had to be it.

Agent soon running onto the scene to inform him the noise had come from Brightcrown Mountains, the chimera had soon been sent to deal with such mishap. Abandoning the sculpting project, the early adult had begun running. False hope looming through him for minutes on end, the soldier kept on running. Surely, someone had to just have been blasting fireworks. That had to have been it.

Such, however, had been wishful thinking. Reaching the halfway after about an hour of running, the explosions had only gotten more potent. Turning his head up toward the sky, black energy engulfed everything around him. Seeing such, the early adult kept himself on guard. There was danger afoot. Caution was mandatory.

Reaching Brightcrown Mountains after about an hour of further running, the most predictable sight of them all overtook the area. Abyssal gazelles summoning multiple black portals attempting with all their might to take Stormterror's Lair down with them to t heir humble abode, the chimera let out a scream. Why were they still trying these dangerous things? Didn't they know the consequences of erasing landmarks off the map? Villains turning towards him, fingers had been pointed his way.

"How could he still be alive!" Kelebek shouted, clicking one's tongue. "You thought your present god rid of him for good!"

"You dare stay alive and continue to meddle with our plans!" Izzet shouted, pointed.

Giving the abyssal duo glares, the early adult folded his left hand into a fist. How dare he stay alive? How dare they place poisonous Jade inside his body. These two, didn't they ever know when to quit with their revenge plot? Attempting to ask why they were still doing this, his lips moved, but a zipper had soon been upon his lips.

"This world belongs to the abyss!" Izzet shouted in desperation. "Get out of our way, unless you want another present from us, nyahaha!"

But, the hyena would not budge. Enough was enough. He would not stand by any longer and allow them to go on with their plans. Folding his second hand into a fist, the chimera lunged forward. Fists slapped upon the villain's faces, the blows kept on going. No more of these games from them. They had to be stopped. But, the duo soon teleported backwards.

"Dear Lector, help up wipe old Monstadt off the map!" Kelebek shouted. As one said such, a robed denizen stepped onto the scene.

Robed denizen trying to destroy the old former Mondstadt starting point, the soldier soon unsheathed his claymore. Were these two still trying to wipe the area off the face of the continent? Ridiculous, not happening. Greatsword glowing a blinding light, the hyena swiped forward. Enemy bathed in such, he melted, in an instant. Everything soon crumbled, the early adult blinked. What just happened? What did the blade just do? Abyssal duo snapping their fingers, they jumped back towards their loser portal, as well.

"You will have revenge!" Kelebek shouted. But, one was soon gone.

Abyssal duo gone without a trace, the early adult returned to Springvale. Anemo Archon Statue already completely redone, the early adult sighed. So much for being able to partake in Ludi Harpastum. But, a surprise had come his way. Agent allowing him to partake in the festivities, the chimera did a triple take. Was this really happening right now? This had to have been some sort of trick.

Returning to the capital city of Mondstadt, the soldier had begun partaking in the festivities for hours on end. Multiple games played, tears streamed down the hyena's face. So, this is what Ludi Harpastum felt like. Celebrations, games, enjoying oneself. He felt like his stolen childhood had been returned in the span of four hours.

Nightfall soon arriving, orders for him to return to Snezhnaya had come his way. Wave of disappointment flowing through him, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. All good things must eventually come to an end. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, he soon closed his eyes.

Reaching the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking, the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. The abyssal gazelles, what kind of revenge would they cast upon him this time? His life, would they just take it this time for good? He knew everything was only going to get worse from here.

Wave of tiredness eventually overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform put away as well, and glasses put aside, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him. One last thought wrapped vines around him as he drifted off to sleep.

He's never safe, is he?

Chapter 29: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 2: Miasma Aplenty


This is the second of three parts within the Chenyu Vale saga. In this section, Siorc must deal with Miasma in Chenyu Vale. Feat: Yinlong, Krysi, Rys, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xinyan, Gaming, Xiao and Zhongli.


Yeah idk lol nothing to say

Chapter Text

"Maybe something bad
Is happening
All around Teyvat
Something isn't right. But,
Maybe I'm overthinking.
Ah, that's it, that has to be

It. I am absolutely overthinking.
No. I am probably not.

Can't be. I
Have to be on the right track, surely.
Everything has been quite
Noticeably worse lately
Yes, sea monsters outside the
Underwater world. This is

Very concerning,
And to be honest, it
Looks like it all about to get worse
Everything, every single thing. Just

What is happening? I
Honestly don't know
Yes, I do not know, I

Don't know anything, honestly.
Oh, well,

I know will be dealing with it.

For, Her Majesty will send me to fight
Everything. Deal with
Everything. All of it. It's
Likely, without a shadow of doubt.

Likely, and
I know I'll have no option to say no. I
Know that.
Even if I do not have

Any interest in dealing with this

Large amount of chaos,
Or dangerous happenings,
There is no choice.

Obviously, I have no choice
For, I am a chess piece.

Ha. What a situation, an
Overt high amount of
Rather vicious monsters
Really, now that
I have seen monsters disguise themselves I
Bet I will have
Look or investigate
Everything and anything.

That's probably about to
Happen, where will
I be going? I have
No idea. But, I
Guess I will find out.
So much has been

Happening, so fast,
And I quite
Very much know
Everything will be on me

And only me to
Look further into this,
Listen, Your Majesty, why only me? Is it

Because I am your multi region pawn?
Eh, probably. I'm sure
Everyone knows.
Not a single person probably

Hasn't heard what my role is.
Ahahaha, I'm just a
Pawn. Just a
Piece on her chessboard.
Every day, she's a
Notch closer to checkmate.
It's getting closer and closer, to a
Notion to
Get through this world

Ah, I see how it is,
Looks like that's it.
Looks like that's it.

After all, I know
There's no

One else she will send to deal with this.
Nope. Only me, but I
Can't complain. I have to be quiet about
Everything. It's better this way.

Look, Your Majesty, I'll do
All you ask me, but
This problem is getting out of hand
Everything is. But, I will not be able to
Leave it be.
Yes, I know

All that, obviously.
Looks like it's going to be another
Long, painful series

Of days. Battling these
Viscous influx of strange monsters.
Eh, it is what it is,
Really. I have to

Take on whatever is
Expected of me.
Yes, do all I am told, I
Very much have to do
All that's told of me. Obedience and diligence.
That is key to successful living."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The cycle was never ending, looping and repeating constantly, without a single blip in the pattern being present. The night before him was no different, as well, continuing the circle of doom for all of eternity.

Before him had been a field of Small Lamp Grass. The flowers were blue, and bulbous, brightly glowing against the nighttime sky. But, something had been off about them. Plants seated near a bed of snow, nothing was right within the dream world before him.

Staring at the plants for a moment longer, a heavy wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Small Lamp Grass, didn't it grow in warm places? Why had there been a crop of them in the snow? Something had been incredibly off about all this. The world was all wrong, opposite, reverse of how it should have been.

Attempting with all his might to avoid the snow, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where had the dream world taken him to this time? He could neither make heads nor tails of where he had been. But, he knew one things for certain, and one thing only. He had to stay away from the snow, no questions asked.

But, luck and the archons were not on his side. Short body dragged towards the bed of frozen water, the world forced him to sit downward. Hearing something laughing at him from afar, the early adult let out a sigh. Was there someone here? Whoever it had been, they had better show themselves. But, he knew he had no control over anything occurring in the not reality before him.

Such had not been the end of the disturbances. Feeling a wave of chilliness, the soldier turned his dream head towards the right and left. Why was the dream world so cold? Something wasn't right here. Had he actually been awake right now? Pinching himself, there was no pain. Shaking his head, the hyena let out a sigh. He was most certainly dreaming right now.

Staring off into dream space, the chimera could not help but wonder. What's going to happen to him today, something tormenting? What could possibly be about to happen to him? He hadn't the foggiest of ideas, but he knew, any second now, a world of pain would come out of hiding.

The oddities, however, had only just begun. Flowers sticking out of the ground, and gaining faces, breaking into song and dance, an even heavier wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. What was happening here? Why were they performing a musical number? Plants singing the world was so wonderful, the chimera made himself comfortable. Perhaps, just maybe, this dream would be a normal one, for a change.

An astronomically, incorrect assumption, on the hyena's part.

"Let it burn! Let this entire world burn!" the flowers sang in unison.

Hearing such, the early adult let out a scream. What did those flowers just say? Who had been controlling them? There was no way they would ever say such a thing. He needed to get out of here, right this instant. It was not safe here, he had to get out of here, before he were to become fuel to the fire. Seating himself upward, the early adult attempted to make a run for it once again.

Such had been a failure before it could even begin. Hearing someone fly by, the early adult tilted his head upward. But whom he saw was a shock for the ages. Hase floating upwards upon the air on a broomstick, a million questions flowed through the chimera's mind all at once. What had Hase been doing here, on a sweeping tool? How was she flying? Had he been transported into another world where witches were real? But, he shook his head. He had already been in such a world in reality, hadn't he? He did not know anymore. Witchy sister laughing, she soon let out a chant.

"Let it all burn!" Witch Hase chanted. "Let everything burn!"

Magic wand waved upon the air, the snow around him burned to a crisp in a matter of dream seconds. Seeing such as her laughs continued, the early adult grit his teeth. This wasn't Hase. There was no way. She would never do anything to bring any sort of harm to him. Who was this person, and why were they wearing this disguise? He needed to call out to them now. Bravery on full display, he let out his urge to shout.

"You're not Hase!" Siorc shouted out in the dream world in front of him. "She would never hurt me! Stop assuming her appearance!" But, he soon covered his mouth. Did he just raise his voice? He can't believe he had just done that.

"Beautiful deduction!" 'Hase' responded. "I am indeed not her!" As she said such, she undid her transformation. "I am your worst enemy!"

Green Robed Abyss Mage taking Hase's place, it laughed with a ferocity. Commanding the fire around it with a little dance, the hyena's dream eyes opened wide. What just happened, why would an Abyss Mage assume his missing sister's identity? Why was his brain always doing these things to him? Safety was dead, and gone without a trace, a Mission Person upon the billboard.

Flames coming for him almost instantly, the early adult's body had been cooked, toasted, finished. Mage's laughs only continuing, the rain of fire would not end, for any reason. Everything soon charred into nothing, the early adult fell upon the dream grass. But, the attacks had only just begun.

Enemy snapping its fingers, even more flames soon engulfed the soldier. Feeling himself ready to become nothing, the early adult closed his dream eyes. Defeat hugging him from behind, doom sang a sea of songs one after another. It was over, he was done, finished, a corpse upon the battlefield. Breathing his last dream breath, his final thoughts slipped out into the open.

Looks can be deceiving.


"Maybe I am overthinking, but.
All that has been happening lately has only worsened.
Yes, it has all gotten worse.
But, I guess that's what happens when
Everything has gotten so far out of control.

This is just strange.
How could this have all evolved to this point?
I do not know. I do
Not know anything, truly.
Guess all of this has been getting out of control
Slowly. Or, maybe I

Am still overthinking.
Right. I'm just overthinking.
Everything will reverse back to normal, surely.

Only time will tell.
No, Perhaps it is far too soon to tell.
Likely, this is all the beginning of the collapse.
Yes, that's what the abyssal

Gazelles are planning
Over in their heads.
I know, since they failed to get rid of me, they are onto their
Next plan. I have to
Gather all my strength and ensure

That never happens. But, I know that I cannot just go
Over and look for them. I have a job to do, and if I were to wander, my life will be

Given away to the world of the dead.
Everything has to remain in
The background for now.

Why risk anything?
Obviously, I have to keep on doing work. Don't
Risk anything.
Sooner, or later, they will be taken down, and
Each end everything they tried to do will be tried

In the Court of Fontaine.
No, perhaps not,

That probably will not happen, I do not think.
Even so, they have been far too bold, lately.
Yes, too bold.
Very much so.
Ah, well, portions of
The last month or so

Are beginning to blur.

Though, I mustn't let myself remain unwary.
How much have they done? Or
Rather, what are they about to do?
Everything is cracking.
Something is
Happening. Or will be, shortly.
Of all the things they have attempted,
Looks like they'll never be satisfied.
Don't they think their revenge at this point

Has reached a point of no return?
Ah, who am I kidding? People like that
Don't have any reasoning in

Their brains. They just want revenge,
Oh, why am I even thinking about them? I bet they can

Hear my thoughts. They're
Always listening, peering into the privacy of my own
Vacant head. They're listening, they're watching my
Every move. I

Bet they're in Snezhnaya somewhere,
Eyeing me from afar. Listening at
Earshot. Well, they'll
Never get anything out of me.

Could they be hiding amongst other Fatui?
Really, at this point, they could be up to anything. But,
Other members of the Fatui haven't
Said anything about a strange
Soldier amidst the ranks lately.
Even if they had, I
Doubt I would have heard about it.

Because I am nothing more than a lowly soldier.
Yes, nothing more than a lowly soldier. There is

No way I am ranked any higher than the lowest
Of the low tiers.
Well, who knows,

At this point? I do not know anything.

Because I never hear
Anything. Maybe it is better that way.
Don't think too deeply,

Or everything will haunt met.
Now, breathe, breathe.
Everything is fine. Don't think about it too deeply. Everything is fine. It's time to get onto working."

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. Dreams are not real. He should not let such a thing bother him. Shaking it all off, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the early adult's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but wonder. Abyss Mages, did they have the ability to transform? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. He would never see them again. They had to have been a special case of abyssal denizens, for sure. He needed to stop thinking about the dream world past moments, and throw himself into the present.

Taking a long deep breath, the hyena clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching blue stars in his hair and ears, a wave of calmness flowed throughout the hyena's short body. But, such feeling barely lasted for even a moment. Unease returning as quickly as it vanished, the chimera walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor.

Circle about continuing, the soldier could not help but wonder. The Abyssal Gazelles, what had they planned to do next? Why couldn't they have been satisfied with their last stunt? Whatever that might have been. He did not know why, but the last four weeks or so before Ludi Harpastum had begun to get rather fuzzy. Pace about only going further, the questions continued. Just what could they be planning this time? He knew that they would be up to nothing good.

But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. Why was he thinking about them? They could probably hear his thoughts. Throwing everything away, the early adult moved back towards his uniform drawers. No more of this. He had to finish getting ready. Work mode switch flipping upward, everything else had muted itself inside him.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared down at the yellow-green orb below him. The gods, could they take Visions away if it were to go unused for too long? But, the early adult tossed such thoughts out the barricaded window. That won't happen. He is just not ready to commit himself to using it all the time. There was no way the Gods would ask for it back.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the soldier stared off into space, for a moment. Just how many chimeras could have possibly been in the Abyssal Gazelle's revenge plot? He knew, he was far from the only one that had been one of their targets, for sure. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away once again. The hooded strangers, they could most certainly hear him. They had to have put a chip in him somewhere to hear every single thing going on in this confines of his brain. He needed to remove any other pondering he had about them, right this instant.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward with a fervor, the early adult flinched. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Removing every other remaining thought inside him, the work mode switch flipped upward. No more of these nonsensical thoughts. It was time to get to work. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, he turned his attention towards the door. It was go time.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent shouted in an irritated one. "Fix yourself this instant! Your tail is out!" What a hideous sight to behold.

Hearing such, the chimera flinched. When did he transform? Hyena arms, legs and tail sticking out, he took a long, deep breath. Right, get rid of them, right this instant. Closing his eyes, for a moment, his tail retracted from behind him. Hyena hands returning to human form, the early adult clapped his hands together, bowing downward.

"I apologize, sir!" the early adult accidentally exclaimed in an apologetic tone.

"Don't let that be seen in public," the Agent responded. "In any case, soldier, you will be going to Chenyu Vale and clearing out Miasma." The Masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "Find someone to assist you, if you are able. This force is quite dangerous."

Hearing such, a bundle of nerves wrapped the hyena up into a present box. He has to clear out miasma? Why here, and why now? How was he supposed to accomplish such a thing? He hardly had the power capable to get rid of such a thing, Vision bearer or not. Staring off into space, the thoughts continued.

Word miasma echoing in his mind, for a moment, the early adult kept staring off into space. Miasma, in Liyue. How had something like this come into being? He had no idea, but he knew this could not go on. Hadn't such a force been noxious to living creatures of all kinds? This could not stand.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be clearing out miasma in Chenyu Vale today!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. What could he possibly be thinking about besides work? The Agent could never fathom it. "Quit dawdling, and get a move on!"

The early adult flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for any sort of thinking whatsoever. Turning back towards the Agent, he placed his hand out in front of him. It was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. Any second later, an he was a goner, for sure.

"Yes, sir," the chimera responded autonomously. Dangerous, or not, he knew he had no choice but to face it.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. "Head for the blacksmith before departing. Have a special weapon made for you." Arm out in front of him, the early adult stared at the icy cold walls. Yet another difficult day was about to await him. Escort towards Liyue about to begin, one final thought threw itself out into the snow.

Liyue was in danger, as well.


"Find someone?
I don't know who I could even ask.
No way anyone would
Dare to help me out on

Something like this.
Once they hear
Me ask about miasma,
Everyone will most certainly flee.
Of course, I know that.
No one would
Ever dare step food near such a dangerous force.

Looks like, I'll be on my own.
I would rather not involve people I barely
Know. I mustn't get strangers involved.
Even if this is a very dangerous uptake I

Will not involve normal, everyday citizens.
Here, it is just best to
Open my eyes and realize I

Will be doing this all solo.
How hard could all of this possibly be?
Oh, really, I don't know. It

Won't be all that hard,
Obviously. I have a Vision. I can
Unleash the powers of Dendro, and
Let whatever awaits me go
Down with the power of my flower friends.

Even though I am still unskilled in the power of
Visions. Surely, it will all go well.
Everyone is up to me. I do
Not need to waste my words on asking for

Help. It will all be fine.
Everything will be alright. I know for certain.
Look, it's just Miasma.
Perhaps, it won't all be that bad.

Maybe, I can do this all alone.
Every moment wasted

Is another moment of disappointed.

All and all, it barely
Matters. In the end, it'll

All be up to me.

For, I am Her Majesty's pawn.
A piece on the chessboard.
The one closest to the
Ultimate checkmate. Any moment now. She will
Unleash the beast.
She will let the lion out of its cage.

And I will be front and center
No, perhaps, that's just an exaggeration. I
Doubt that she

Is planning anything especially that

Deep. Most likely not. I am
Overthinking, exaggerating.

No more
Of that nonsense. No more of
That ridiculousness.

Wipe all those thoughts
Away. These are thoughts of
Nonsense. No more of
That. It's about

Time I start working.
Oh, what kind of

Impossible tasks await me
Now? No. Do not think that way. It is
Very much not impossible to remove miasma, so
Onward I go to Chenyu Vale.
Look at what's ahead of me. Cleanse the
Vale of its impurities.
Every single one must be purged.

Yes, every single one that exists.
I cannot allow for any to remain.
None, whatsoever.
Lead myself
Onto the path of victory. Leaving
Nothing dangerous behind.
Get myself ready for

Intricate dealings, this
Noxious, and dangerous force

Solo. No one. It will be difficult,
Unrelenting, but I
Cannot bother anyone. I
Have to say silent,

And do this by my lonesome. I

Doubt Her Majesty
Actually wants me to find allies.
No. That had to have been a slip of the tongue. A
Great big slip, if you ask me.
Everyone knows that Fatui are despised,
Regarded as pests. It is best I remember that. So,
Off I go, getting that weapon made.
Unleash the beast.
Stay in my singular lane.

Maybe it is better that way
I know she would rather I
Stay solo, do anything
Singular. It is what
It is. All
Of this is what I am used to.
Nothing will ever change for me, as long as am I a member of the Fatui."

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the Teleport Waypoint, instructions had come his way almost immediately. Told to ask for a rather specific Claymore, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Why had this all sounded so complicated? Bag of supplies slammed onto his back, the Agent had soon exited the area.

Knowing he had to head for the blacksmith right away, the soldier had begun heading upon the northern pathway. City bustling with a heavy amount of activity, the hyena could not help but allow his thoughts to wander. What was going on in the city today? Why had there been so many people? But, he supposed he had been overthinking it. Liyue Harbor was almost always busy, at any given time.

Staring off into space as he continued walking, the hyena could not help but think. Who could he possibly ask to help him with the Miasma issues occurring within Chenyu Vale? He could hardly think of anyone that would be willing to do so. Why did the Agent mention such a thing in the first place?

The early adult threw such thoughts away in the garbage. Why was he thinking about any of this? Finding someone to assist him was definitely optional. Surely, he would be able to take care of the miasma by himself. It couldn't have possibly been difficult enough to need another person on his team.

Moving forward at a snail's pace, the soldier's thoughts continued to wander. The panda chimera, could he ask him to lend him assistance? But, the early adult immediately shook his head. Maybe it was not a wise idea to get him involved. This was a dangerous mission, was it not? It was in his best interest to do this solo.

Multiple people walking towards the Wharf, the early adult's thoughts had begun to wander once more. Just what was going on here today? Was there some kind of event happening around Liyue? The early adult hadn't the foggiest, but he knew it was best to not think too deeply about it. Time was ticking.

Attempting to regain focus, the soldier kept moving towards the blacksmith. He hardly had time to think about any of this. He had to move on and have his weapon made, and head for Chenyu Vale. Enough of this nonsensical thinking. Whatever had been happening here was no business of his whatsoever. He would hardly be here long enough to find out.

But, as the early adult moved closer towards his next locations, his body quickly collided with another. Force taking him out, for a moment, the hyena backed two steps away. Where had this person come from? Turning his attention towards them, a generic faced man with brown hair, a red streak and glasses stared back at him. Who was this person? He had never seen him before. Placing his hands out in front of him, the chimera sent out his wordless apology for no one to hear.

"No need to apologize, mortal," the strange man said.

Man moving out of the way, the hyena tilted his head. Just who was this man? But, he shrugged. What were the chances he would ever see this person again? He was a stranger. He would forget this encounter by the end of the day, for sure. Resetting all his thoughts, the chimera walked up towards the blacksmith.

Handing the employee the blueprint paper for the claymore, his eyes darted through the paper, for a few moments. Man asking him if this was the weapon he wanted? It might be complicated to make, the hyena nodded. He knew that he had to follow instructions, without question. The choice was not his.

"I can make this for you, but it might take me about thirty minutes," the blacksmith said. "Why not order Chop Suey while you wait?"

Shaking his head, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him. Signing he had already eaten, the blacksmith prepared the tools upon his smithing stage. Gazing at the fruits of his labor, the chimera kept his eyes upon the prize. Heat kicking itself up into overdrive, everything moved along.

Blacksmith beating a hammer upon a heated object, the early adult adjusted his glasses. So, this was the art behind making weapons. How very interesting. Materials placed near the fireplace, he backed himself off towards the fence. Being a smithy had to have been a job a very heated job.

Base of the greatsword soon made, the early adult held back the urge to clap. How very fascinating this all was. This was the art of weapon making, in the flesh. Bangs continuing, for the time being, sweat mounted up on the smithy's brow. What an arduous process this must have been for him.

Large, two handed sword with a bright, dark blue casing and many black bolts screwed into it, the early adult payed the man a handsome sum of Mora. Informed almost immediately it would help him deflect Miasma, the hyena bowed a thank you. Everything done, he knew it was time to leave for the northern mountain range.

Sheathing the greatsword behind him, the early adult readied to head off towards the Wharf. Heading off towards the northern path, the soldier stared off into space. Would this claymore really help him deflect Miasma easier? He supposed it was best to take his word for it. This person had to have made weapons all the time. He knew what he was talking about.

But, as the chimera pushed himself towards the Wharf, he swore he could hear a deer trotting around somewhere. But, he threw such thoughts away. There were no deer in Liyue, what was he thinking? Perhaps, just maybe, some of the children in the Harbor were just making a ruckus.

But, his suspicions had soon been confirmed. Spotting a deer from afar along with two birds moving something onto one of the beats afar, the soldier backed three steps away. What in the world he he just witnessed? Maybe he had been daydreaming. But, the oddities only continued further.

Hearing the bird person up ahead say this won't do, move it closer to the hull, the hyena was absolutely dumfounded. Just what was he hearing? But, the early adult regained focus, tuning out everything that did not matter. It was just another day. He needed to focusing and nothing else.

Stepping foot into the wharf, the area had been bustling with activity, as well. Pushing on through, the hyena could hear a heavy amount of noise drown everything. Hearing such, the early adult attempted to tune everything out. Why was everyone and everything so loud today? But, he had soon found the source of the noise.

Spotting the blue haired bookworm, his icy exorcist companion and the guitarist girl talking amongst one another, strings had been strummed for the entire world to hear. Seeing such, the soldier shook his head. Were they putting on a concert in the middle of the day, or something? No one seemed interested in such. But, conversation soon kicked in through the strums.

"The iridescence tour got cancelled again," the guitarist said. "It's kicking my rhythm completely outta whack." As she said such, she strummed her guitar.

"I do not know much about music," the exorcist said. "But that sounded out of tune."

"It does indeed," the blue hair bookworm commented.

Tuning the three's conversation out, the soldier moved along. Why was he eavesdropping? It was none of his business what any of them were talking about. Walking towards the bridge, the chimera readied himself to finally exited the area. But, as if the Archons were laughing at him, another interruption threw him ten further steps backward.

Hearing loud, powerful footsteps, the chimera let out a groan. What was happening now? He hardly had any time for this. Masked Fatui soon catching up to him, he surrendered himself to whomever was the god of distractions. At this rate, he would never make it to Chenyu Vale before evening.

"Soldier, head over to the bank, now," the masked Fatui said, out of breath.

Hearing such, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Head to the Northland Bank? Why did he have to head here? Wasn't he supposed to be moving on from here and heading off to the next destination? But, he knew he could not disobey orders. Turning back around, the hyena prepared himself.

Heading towards the red staircase, the chimera could not help but wonder. Just what was about to await him? What was so important he had to go to the bank? Unforeseen circ*mstances were the worst victim of any distractions. Barreling up the stairs, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint.

Pushing past the book booth, the chimera kept running. He needed to be limber, he needed to be quick. If there was a candlestick, he would need to jump over it. Dashing on through, the chimera slowed himself down as the door to the banking establishment awaited him.

Taking a deep breath, the soldier opened the doors. Agent waiting for him, the chimera walked towards him. What could have possibly been so important to call him back here? Mask soon on him, the soldier gave eye contact. Had plans suddenly changed? He supposed he was about to find out.

"Soldier, I forgot to give you a very important thing," the Agent said. "Give me a moment."

Hearing such, the soldier blinked. What could it have been that he had forgotten to give him? How very unlike him. But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. What did it matter? Everyone forgot something every once in awhile. Agent soon returning, the very special object had soon been in the palm of his hands.

Hydro Delusion with a menacing aura placed into his hands, a wave of unease flowed through him. This was the very important thing he had forgotten to give him? Such should have remained forsaken. A delusion. He would be out of commission very quickly, guaranteed.

"Should you not come across anyone willing to aid you," the Agent said, arms crossed around his waist. "This tool should assist you further in the elimination of miasma."

Delusion heating his hand up, the young soldier shook with a fervor. Why is this happening? Something was off about this sinister orb, something different, eerie. This one would knock him out of the park quicker than any other, for sure. Fear swallowing him up like a plate of almond tofu, everything froze.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "What are you so concerned about? This one is special. It will not harm you."

Clipping the sinister orb onto his uniform, the early adult exited the bank. Knowing it was time to head to Qingce Village, the soldier dashed back off towards the Wharf. It was time to make haste. Crossing the bridge, the work mode switch flipped upward. Harbor city left behind.

But, as the hyena moved towards Guili Plains, something of peculiar note stuck out to the soldier. Spotting a Hilichurl army marching along the road, the early adult tilted his head. What was going on? He had been witnessing quite a ton of odd things one after another today.

Leaving the monsters be, the soldier moved right along. They were not bothering him, so it was best to not disturb them. He hardly had any time to waste. Multiple slowdowns had already occurred today. He needed to get back on track. Tuning out everything around him, the soldier pressed on through the area.

But, as the soldier kept moving along, more monsters joined the march of doom. Seeing such, he could not help but wonder. Just where were these monsters headed? He had no idea, but wherever it was, something was quite off about it. Had these creatures been brainwashed?

Turning his attention away, the chimera kept his eyes on the road. What did it matter if the monsters were brainwashed? That was hardly his problem. He needn't concern himself with the monster world. I was unimportant. Nothing that was happening was any of his business.

Pushing through Wangshu Inn, the Hilichurl Army soon followed, group only getting bigger, the hyena could feel a wave of irritation clung onto his backside. Were these monsters going everywhere he was? Absolutely ridiculous. Spark popping off in his brain, the greatsword was unsheathed behind him. Aiming at the creature closest towards the back of the line, he was armed, and ready. Time for a a quick little warning.

But, such warning fell flat on its face almost immediately. Bubble protecting them as if by a unicorn guard creature, the hyena surrendered. Why was he wasting his time attacking them? He had far more important things to do right about now. Ignoring the parade, the chimera readied to move through the marsh.

Moving through Dihua Marsh, the cacophony of songs overtook the entire area. But, the early adult tuned such out. He would continue to not pay any of this any mind. Parade moving off towards the opposite direction, the chimera dashed through the wetlands to the best of his ability.

Reaching the halfway point towards the elderly village after half an hour of speedy running, the early adult heaved a heavy breath. Slowing his sprint back down into a walk, the chimera pressed through the edges of Stone Gate. Feeling an intense dark aura on the air, the chimera's knees buckled. Something was amiss here.

Bishui Plains finally upon him, the soldier steeled himself. What was about to await him in Chenyu Vale? Would the miasma take on some sort of physical form? He knew such had to have been a possibility. There was no way it couldn't have been. Whatever he was about to witness whenever he were to reach there, he had to be ready.

Reaching the halfway point through the area, a disappointing sight to behold caught his attention amongst the bamboo trees. Spotting the panda chimera snoozing off in the grass, the chimera shook his head. Had Yínlóng gone back to being lazy? What a sad sight to see.

The soldier quickly through such thoughts away. It was not in his place to judge people. If he did not wish to exercise today, that was their choice. Making assumptions was quite rude of him. Knowing it was best to leave him be, the chimera readied to move along. But, a loud yawn took him out of it almost immediately.

Lifting herself upward, Yínlóng let out a yawn. She did not know why, but she could sense a familiar presence. Turning their head slowly, intuition had been right on the Mora. Siorc standing in the corner looking as though he was in a hurry, a tired smile appeared on their face. They knew he was here. Perhaps a brief greeting would not hurt.

"Oh, hey, Siorc, I could sense you were here," Yínlóng greeted. "Sorry for not exercising on the beach. I've been having a lot of extra work to do lately."

Sorry sent his way, the early adult looked into the panda chimera's eyes. Why was he apologizing? Such was not necessary. Rescinding his disappointment, the early adult shook his head. He was working hard at other things. He needed to let him know there no need for concern over not doing the fitness regimen, at the moment.

"Do not worry about it, sir," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. But, he soon turned around. "Sorry, sir, I have to go." But, a voice soon called out to him.

"Where are you heading?" Yínlóng asked slowly. "Do you have some job with the big bad Fatui?"

Giving the panda a nod, the soldier wondered. Should he let him know he was dealing with miasma in Chenyu Vale? But, the early adult popped a pin into such thought. He should not do such a thing. Yínlóng had more on his plate right now. It was best to not get him tangled up into it. Keeping himself silent, one final set of words had come his way.

"Good luck," Yínlóng said, words slow. But, as he said such, let out a yawn.

Panda knocked back out, the soldier moved along. He would definitely need all the luck he could get today, for sure. The miasma would be a tough opponent, without question. Stepping through the path, unease nibbled on the cartilage of his ear. Any second now, and he would be at the mercy of miasma.

Continuing upon the westward path, the fear only continued to swallow the soldier whole. What dangers were about to await him in the northern mountains? Whatever was about to cross his path, he had do get rid of the issue as soon as possible. Time was ticking faster with every given second.

Reaching Qingce Village faster than he could keep up with, the early adult walked towards the edge of the area. Elderly citizens allowing him to borrow the rat, the chimera placed himself on the vessel. Wise man of many years telling him it was dangerous out there, the soldier heeded such warning. Rowing forward, the waves roared.

Dark aura only getting stronger the closer he got to the next destination, doom loomed over the soldier's shoulder. What was this foreboding feeling he was getting? Keeping his attention forward, the early adult tuned such out. Focus on the raft, focus on moving forward.

As the soldier's rowing continued, the chimera braced himself. Just a little further, and he would be in the mountains. Any second now, and he would be fighting something sinister. Reaching land after about half-an hour of rowing, the chimera disembarked from the human powered vessel.

Overwhelming eerie feeling looming over him immediately upon reaching the southern vale, the early adult scouted the area. Spotting something quite peculiar on the skyline, the early adult headed off towards the southwest direction. What could that have been up ahead? Whatever it was, he needed to investigate it right away.

Spotting a strange blue tree immediately upon reaching the area, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Was this the miasma he had to deal with? How peculiar. He did not know why, but his expectations were far higher set than they should have been. It was time to get weed cleansing. Unsheathing the claymore from behind him, he was ready for action.

Slimes hopping onto the scene with a bright blue aura, the early adult swung the claymore with all his might. Gelatinous creatures coming his way, their hard bodies slapped into the soldier's hips like they owned the mountains, the hyena jumped ten steps back. Something was not right here, for sure.

Blade throwing the creatures backwards, the monsters got right back up again like they were a toy that could never fall down. Monsters bouncing towards him, a layer of metal had become one with the enemy. Rolling right along, the ground shook with a fervor. Knocked to his feet, the enemy's army tripled in size in the blink of an eye.

Raising himself to his feet, the hyena dashed off towards the enemies. Blade clashing with the lesser gelatinous creatures. Three of the singular dozen had bit the dust after about twenty slashes combined. Taking a breath, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Would this deplete the miasma?

Trees remaining in place, the early adult resumed the fight. He supposed, he would have to get rid of all the enemies before the issue would be fixed. But, as he kept swinging forward, difficulties aplenty arose from the ashes. Slimes closing themselves into a metallic wall, his blade had become a useless hunk of steel in a matter of moments.

Nothing doing, a wave of frustration flowed through the soldier. What in the world was going here? Had the slimes evolved into a whole new kind of creature? Throwing such question out the window, he kept his focus on the fight. These creatures were being influenced by the environment, nothing more.

Greatsword strikes blocked one after another, the early adult clutched the sinister dark blue orb. He had no choice. It was time to use the Delusion. Taking a long deep breath, a wave of energy flowed through him. Feeling himself floating upward. Intense heat flowed through his hands.

Scalding waters pulsing through his hands, a steaming eruption had washed down upon the enemies. Metal melting the chimera let the delusional waters do their bidding. Shields tagged out of the race one after another, the army's numbers decreased from six of the nine remaining melting into a pool of nothing, the fight continued.

Deluge cranking itself up to eleven, geysers flowed downward from the ground. Final three Slimes knocked out of commission, the tree glowed with a fervor. Jumping towards it, the branches wilted into nothing. Area cleared out, the early adult stepped down onto the ground. This delusion was special, alright.

It was special indeed.

Uncomfortable feeling of heat immediately overtaking him, the soldier let out a scream at the sight before him. Arms boiling as if he was being cooked over the stove, the early adult's shouts had reached their climax. Everything was burning, simmering, heating up.

Arms tinted pink, the onslaught ended its rampage. Pain throwing him around, the soldier stared at the delusion clipped onto him. This one wouldn't bring harm to him? What a bold faced lie. But, it was what it was. Why should he have expected honesty? Every single delusion had its side effects.

Spotting something peculiar off in the distance near the valley in the west, the chimera cracked his knuckles. It was time to move on. No more concerning himself what was the truth and what was a falsehood. Curving downward, the soldier prepared himself for further action.

But, as the soldier had ran towards the abandoned camp with pottery shelves and carrot crops, a Sumpter Beast with an intense aura jumped out from the ground. Creature's head ramming into him, the hyena yelped. Had he trespassed on someone's territory? He needed to leave straight away, if such were the case.

But, his exit had been cut off quicker than he could ever hope to anticipate. Multiple creatures closing in upon him, the early adult could feel walls build up around him. Where did these creatures come from all of a sudden? Power of rock flowing through them, everything had begun to go downhill fast.

Intense energy overtaking the creatures, the soldier dropped down onto the ground with full force. Hooves breaking him down aplenty the soldier had been a sandbag. Kicks serving up the just desserts, the early adult could feel his vitality break. Where had these beasts gotten such strength from all of a sudden?

Creatures running around in a circle, the early adult rose back up onto his feet. Unsheathing the blade from behind him, regrets tapped on his shoulder. He knew he had no choice but to defeat the monsters in front of him. Running up towards the creature's behinds, the defenses were in.

Blade doing its duty after about forty-five strikes, a ton dropped itself onto the chimera's back. He should have just left the creatures be. Abandoned camp quieting down, the early adult moved onward. He had no choice in the matter, it was merely in self defense. He had to move on.

Jumping across the bed of water, the soldier ascended the cliffsides in front of him. Reaching the top, another set of enemies swooped down upon him. Gigantic birds with metallic wings, the early adult jumped four steps back. Where had these avian creatures come from? But, his thoughts were soon cut off as they swooped down once more.

Knowing he had no choice but to fight, the hyena's blade came into the picture. But, such hunk of metal proved useless. Wings cutting loose, the chimera's legs had become the cutting edge victim upon the food chain. Enemies cutting loose, everything stung for minutes on end.

Closing his eyes, the soldier sighed. The delusion, it was his only hope. Dark aura flowing through him once again, scalding geysers overtook his hands in a matter of moments. Creatures looking almost boiled enough to eat, the fight reached its conclusion with delusional proportions.

But, the fight within was far from over. Intense burning sensation coming center stage, the early adult burst into tears. Arms boiling themselves up once more, everything cracked. What was happening? Deluge eating him away, white patches decorated his skin like they were party favors.

Calming himself down, the soldier kept marching forward. Why was he letting the sinister orb's gift bother him? He needed to numb himself and move onward. He had Miasma to fight. Attempting to turn himself off, the chimera jumped towards the next destination.

Cryo Slimes blocking the pathway towards the valley, the chimera swung the greatsword with a heavy fury. Creatures popping like balloons after six strikes, a wave of confusion flowed through him. These creatures, why had they been acting like the Anemo variant? Had the miasma changed the monster's constitutions? He supposed he would find out the further along he were to go.

Reaching Yaodie Valley, the next round of miasma soon awaited him from the shadows. Larger than normal slimes coming out of the woodworks, the early adult jumped four steps back. Creatures adorning sharp metal wings, the early adult grit his teeth, What element were these creatures, Ingoto? But, he shook his head. There was no such thing.

Slimes flying upward, large pieces of metal had been gifted to the early adult's shoulders. Feeling such, the hyena let out a growl. What were these creatures doing? Ironed spit ramping itself up, the young soldier jumped towards the right and left. Steel bar caught after five attempts, the chimera tossed the object back towards the way it came.

Such defenses proved to be as useless as the last. Slimes remaining supreme, the soldier halted the throwbacks. Right, he nearly forgot, the gelatinous creatures were immune to the their own ability. What point was there in trying to use their powers against them? Snapping his fingers, the early adult let the delusion take him away once more.

Enemies scalded into nothing, the early adult jumped towards the invasive branches. First layer of miasma rotting away, the next storm crashed on it like a tidal wave. Second army of slimes joining the party, the hyena closed his eyes. It was Delusion time again. Snapping his fingers, the heated geysers removed the monsters from the equation one after another.

Second layer of miasma soon decimated, a chill crawled up the soldier's spine. Burning sensation coming back to haunt him, the glass of pain cracked further. Everything cooling shortly after, the early adult let out a huffed breath. This delusion was special, it would bring no harm to him? What a scam. But, he supposed anything was better than arrhythmic destruction.

Spotting a peculiar glowing light up up north beyond the waterfall, the soldier leaped off the edge. Had there been a miasma spot upon Teatree Slope, as well? It was best to head over to such an area if that were the case. Windglider soon behind him, the soldier let the wind lead the way.

Staging his landing after about ten minutes of gliding, the early adult had begun walking towards the slopes. Fears eating him alive, questions had begun to devour the soldier. This delusion, what was wrong with it? Why had it been burning him like it had the enemies? But, as he thought such, he recalled a principle some Fatui Agents would die for.

This delusion, had it fallen under the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth fallacy? He supposed such could have been the case. If such had been the way it was, nothing could be done. Accepting his fate for the day, the early adult moved forward. Damage given, damage received.

Reaching Teatree Slope, a surprise awaited the soldier. Snake creatures slithering around like they owned the place, the early adult backed multiple steps away. Where had these creatures come from? He could not help but feel these creatures did not belong here. Reptiles slithering upon him, the early adult attempted to shake them off him.

Such had been an immediate failure. Serpents clinging to him as if they were strong adhesive, their fangs swooped downward. Feeling such, the hyena closed his eyes. The teeth with sharp, metallic, cold. Body a reptile paradise, the hyena shook harder. What was he, the temple of eaten?

Reptiles dropped back onto the ground, the early adult's blade kicked into overdrive. Such, however, had barely been enough to quell the beasts. Delusion finishing the job, the steeled himself for the reversal to take him away. But, the tooth for a tooth bit back twice over.

Burning sensation intensifying, the early adult's heartbeat quickened. The geysers, they were worsening, intensifying. Everything feeling ready to melt away, the soldier attempted to unclip the delusion upon him. This tool was causing nothing but issues. The time had come to rescind the gift.

Such rescinding never came. Delusion locked firmly into place, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Just how tight had this object of doom been clicked in? Attempting to undo the lock once more, nothing happened. Sinister orb letting its dominance be known, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the battlefield. Nothing could be done. It had pinned itself upon him.

Miasma up and second snake army up ahead decimated into nothing, the delusion kept striking its double edged sword upon the soldier. Everything only getting hotter with every single fight, the chimera could feel his energy begin to crack. White marks transforming into a shade of brown, everything throbbed. But, the early adult shook such off. He could not falter. He had to keep going.

Moving back towards the southern mountains, invasive roots had been taken out of the picture one after another. Consequences kicking themselves into overdrive, the early adult attempted to numb himself. He needed to get used to it, and move on. There was still far more miasma to take care of.

Cracking his knuckles, the early adult readied himself to head for the southern mountain range. Dragging his feet forward, the world weighed a ton. Had gravity suddenly gotten denser? But, the hyena shook his head. The was impossible, for sure. He was leaping the farthest reaches of conclusions.

Halting his walk for a moment, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Just how far had he been from the southernmost mountain range? Orb folded out into map form, he studied the blue triangle upon the map. Pointer a long way off from Xuanlian, the early adult prepared himself for the long walk ahead.

Spotting Mt. Aocang in the distance, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had there been miasma in other corners of Liyue, as well? But, the chimera shook his head. Even if such were the case, he could not veer off course. Her Majesty could be watching from anywhere in Teyvat.

Curving off towards the southwest, an intense boiling sensation overtook the hyena. But, the soldier numbed himself. Not now. He couldn't let himself get taken away. Pushing onward, a few Slimes here and miasma branches there were delusioned into oblivion. Arms charred aplenty, the early adult repeated to himself on a loop. It did not hurt, he felt nothing. It did not hurt, he felt nothing.

Southern mountain range only getting closer, the soldier's energy had begun to sap further. Weight heavying the playing field, the world around him was as dense as a rock. Or, perhaps two. Pressing onward, a surprise from behind soon diluted everything further.

Snakes tossed the soldier's way, the early adult flinched. Where had these serpents come from? But, his question immediately had an answer. Familiar wooden towers surrounding him, the early adult unsheathed the greatsword from behind him. He had stepped foot upon Hilichurl territory, how had he not seen this area coming? Perception was dead soldier upon the battlefield.

Blade doing absolutely nothing as the snake onslaught continued, the soldier huffed a weak breath. This claymore was nothing more than a paperweight. Why wasn't it able to fight much of anything? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, every weapon obtained abided by a levelling system between the numbers of one and ninety, and this blade had been at the lowest possible point upon such scale.

Claymore not pulling its weight for minutes on end, the soldier tried with all his might to summon a flower friend. But, such had been an utter failure. Spotting a number on his wrist that read six-hundred, an intense wave of uncertainty flowed through the chimera? Six-hundred? Six-hundred what? Snapping his fingers, the delusional geysers took over. Nothing could be done, the power of Dendro was out of commission.

Primitive monsters and their snakes pals decimated after five geyser strikes, the chimera could feel himself begun to wobble. Body feeling like a sandbag tied down like cinderblocks as a tooth came for another tooth, a wave of dizziness had begun to devour the soldier.

Swaying back and forth, Mt. Xuanlian grew ever so closer. Dragging his feet forward, the heaviness intensified. But, the chimera pressed onward. Surely, this weight would be lifted upon him once the sinister orb removed itself from him. Surely, that had to have been the case.

Arms pitch black as he kept moving, the early adult held back the urge to laugh. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, indeed. The delusion, had he been using it far too much? Numbers upon his wrist beginning to blur, the world around him had only begun to spin further.

Reaching the southern mountains, the world of fuzz had begun to take the chimera for a ride. Ground beneath him heavier, the hyena swayed back and forth. Why had everything felt so hard and dense? But, his thoughts were soon mud. Becoming one with the ground, the early adult's consciousness slipped into nothing.

Coming to a few hours later, an unusual face loomed over him. Yaksha giving him an intense stare of indignance, a wave of confusion flowed through him. What was the mountain demon doing here? Hadn't he preferred to not be around mortals? Did someone call his name? If he thought he had done so, he was mistaken. He needed to tell him he had not called.

But, no such words released from the chambers of his partially human throat. Energy a carcass in a casket, the soldier kept himself silent. Raising himself upward, sharp eyes still remained on him. Why was the Yaksha still staring a him with such intense rage? Whatever he had done, he would apologize in full.

"You. Don't throw your life away like that," the yaksha grunted in a slightly loud tone.

Hearing such, the hyena tilted his head meekly. Don't throw his life away? He most certainly was not throwing his life away. What was he talking about? Why was he saying such a thing? Who even called him here? Whoever it was, they should not have done so. Perhaps it was best to send the yaksha on his way. But, he could not get any words in as the mountain demon moved on ahead a smidgeon.

"I'll help you fight the vermin," the yaksha said reluctantly. "Don't use that evil thing on your uniform."

Hearing such, the early adult placed his finger on his chin. What evil thing on his uniform? But, the soldier had quickly come to his senses. The delusion? He supposed to a vanquisher of demons, such object was the bane of all villainy. Nodding, the chimera surrendered usage of the object, for the time being.

First batch of vermin vanquished by his blade and the Yaksha's spear, the soldier blinked. The mountain demon was used a polearm? He did not know why, but he could not help but feel such did not match up with his expectations. But, he tempered such, for now. Did it matter what weapon he used? He supposed it did not.

Yaksha informing him the miasma within the area had three branches, the chimera could not help but wonder. Had some miasma had more or fewer branches to deal with than others? But, there was no time to think about such things. The fight had to continue. Icy Slimes coming out of hiding, the mountain demon let out his usual battle cries.

Mountain demon screaming boring and useless, the early adult attempted to put in as much weight as he could muster. Charred arms stinging with every swing, the soldier held back the urge to scream. Numbing himself, the hyena kept on slashing forward. He could not give into the pain, not now.

Monsters demolished, the first branch of the miasma disintegrated into nothingness. But, the fight had been far from over. Small dragon creatures coming out to play, the early adult backed three steps away. The miasma, had it attracted reptilian monsters towards it? Malicious forces were an opponent to be reckoned with.

Combined efforts taking the dragon out for a loop, the soldier could hear a second series of screams come his way. Miama's source pinpointed, the chimera's blade cruised forward. Enemy fading into nothingness, the yaksha grunted as he leaped towards the tainted branch in front of him.

Second branch rotting away, one remained supreme. Slimes jumping onto the scene, the early adult turned towards the yaksha. Did he really need his assistance for this? He could take down these creatures easily, having energy remaining within him, or not. Sources of the malicious energy's problems soon taken care of, another leap had been made towards the invasive branch.

Final seed of the miasma gone, the yaksha's backside had soon been turned. Mountain demon looking ready to poof away back to his rooftop, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. Questions from before repeating themselves, he stared at the short man's backside. Just who called for him? But, he supposed he would never find out. But, a set of words had soon brought him back to reality.

"Your boss wants you to head to Wangshu Inn now," the yaksha said. As he said such, blackish-green energy surrounded him. "Bye."

Yaksha gone as if he was never here, the chimera blinked. He sees now. Someone from the Fatui sent him. He did not know why, but something about such did not feel right. But, the hyena shook his head. He supposed, it did not matter. He would never get an answer to such inquiries.

Reaching Wangshu Inn after about an hour of walking, the boss of the area handed him the keys to his room. Young woman informing him his boss had already arranged everything, the soldier dragged himself towards his temporary accommodations. Reaching his room after about ten minutes of walking, he closed the door behind him.

Uniform soon removed, the soldier stared down at his arms, for a moment. Limbs charred up until the wrist, the early adult could feel himself shake like a leaf once more. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, indeed. This delusion, he needed to stop using it before his entire body was ashes.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Glasses put aside, as well, the chimera crawled into the temporary bed. Wave of tiredness almost immediately overtaking him, the hyena closed his eyes. But, as the land of tormented dreams prepared to take him away, one final thought latched onto him like a leech.

Why did the Yaksha help him?


"Can't believe Her Majesty sometimes,
Right as we were heading
Out to the factory, that Dragon Masked Fatui
Prances on over to us,
Saying to us.

'Ah, there you are Zavod,
Razem. Her Majesty would like a word with you two.
Everyone looks at us, and I let out a squeak. Please

Don't say my surname out loud like that.
You know, to be honest,
I have never quite understood our factory boss.
Neither does Ryś. He never addresses a single worker by their first name.
Guess he is doing it to be polite? Or as some sort of

Working relationship? I don't have
Any clue. Either way, I do not comment on it.
Though, my factory partner, she says, 'Meow,
Every time you call me by my last name, boss, it feels so weird!'
Ryś exclaimed.

I'm with her on that one, but the factory boss
Says, 'Razem, I address everyone by last name.' He then said, if she has a

Problem with it, she is free to submit something about it in writing, but no
One does that here.
I have heard if a Fatuus is complained about, they get
Severe punishment, or something.
Oh, just thinking about that scares me. Well,
No matter. We are merely factory workers.
Encounters with the Cryo Archon are few and far in between.
Don't know what this might entail, but Ryś and I

Strut towards the palace with our factory boss.
Every time we're in here, I always feel
Nervous. She only seems to want us when she can't find any weak soldiers to
Deploy. Which, I do not quite understand. If

There's anything I have learned living my whole entire life in Snezhnaya, it's a
Harsh world out there. Perhaps
Even harsher than

That of the Sakoku Decree. Ah, nah, perhaps not. Well, anyway, this is what Her Majesty
Relayed to us. 'Head for Chenyu Vale, my lovely rat and bobcat.'
Oh, now, just wait a second, here. Chenyu Vale? She hands a Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb that can
Only teleport us to Wangshu Inn and back to her
Palace. I would like to ask why
She is sending us out on this mission, but

I know better than to question a god's authority.
Now, Ryś, says, 'Chenyu Vale? Okay, Your Majesty, we'll go there for you, meow!'

Now, she doesn't even tell us what we're doing, so I
Open my mouth, to ask. 'Your Majesty, forgive me,' I said. My lips are quivering right about now, I bet.
'Why are we being sent on this mission?'

Those eyes
Of anger, I want to roll up into a ball.

Though, she answers. 'My lovely chimera is struggling out there, my dear rat. Go assist
Him.' Huh. I see, so this is about Siorc again. But, why do I feel this
Eerie feeling that

She's leaving out a lot of information? I
Can't be certain, though,
Even though that is what my gut is telling. Well, that's
Not always right. I bow my head, 'Yes, Your Majesty, right I away," I respond, resisting an urge to
Eep. We teleport to Wangshu Inn. Here goes everything."

Waking up the next morning, a shocking group of visitors awaited the chimera in front of his hotel door. Rat and bobcat chimera waiting outside the entrance, the early adult scratched the side of his head. What were these two doing here? Had Her Majesty sent them?

"Hi again, Siorcy!" Ryś greeted. "Her Majesty told us you were struggling, meow!"

"So, we were called here to help," Krysí added. "The Agent informed us the water and crops around Chenyu Vale are tainted, at the moment. We'll be working together to clean that up."

Hearing such, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Her Majesty, she had definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, been watching him. But, he soon returned to the situation at hand. Did he really need assistance? He did not think so. Surely, fixing fixing up problems with the water and soil did not need a team of three. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. Giving the girls a nod, Ryś looked ready for action.

"It's off to Chenyu, meow!" Ryś exclaimed, practically purring.

Exiting the hotel, the party of three moved towards Dihua Marsh, but as everyone prepared to do so, the Hilichurl parade had made its second march around. Seeing such, the soldier slapped his hand across his face. This army of untouchable Hilichurls had come back for a second round?

Ryś attempting to land an attack upon such creatures with her cat claws, nothing happened. Large bubble of defense protecting them once more, the hyena shook his head. They were still protected? How was this even possible? But, he supposed it was best to leave them alone. They were not harming anyone. Ryś surrendering as well, the group moved towards Bishui Plain.

Panda chimera nowhere to be seen, the early adult shrugged. Maybe the panda chimera had gone back to his exercise regimen. Krysí and Ryś already farther up ahead, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint. If he were to get lost in thought now, he would quickly be left behind, for sure.

Reaching Qingce Village after about twenty-five minutes of fast walking, the raft had been borrowed once again. Ryś moving the oars forward, the chimera seated himself. Krysí transforming herself into rat form, the early adult had been informed of the situation immediately.

Rat chimera informing him they would cleansing the tainted waters as they headed upon the northwestern path, the hyena steeled himself. Were they heading towards the mountainous area northwest of Yilong Port? He supposed that wasn't too difficult of a task to fulfill.

Ryś cruising the raft forward, he could not help but wonder again. Her Majesty, why had she sent these two out here in the first place? If it was merely cleansing some waters, he could do such himself, for sure. But, he supposed it had already been decided. His input on the matter was not allowed.

Reaching Chenyu Vale's southern areas, the early adult could feel a chill in the air. Was it just him, or had it suddenly gotten a lot colder? But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. He was imagining it, surely. Bobcat chimera reminding him they were heading off towards the northeast, the chase was on.

But, immediately upon moving upon the southern pathway, peculiarities stuck out to the soldier. Water everywhere tinted a dark purple, the chimera shook with a fervor. The water in the southern regions of the vale had already been tainted? Running off towards the pier, a Fontaine monster soon hopped out of the water.

"A Hydro Phantasm, meow?!" Ryś exclaimed in astonishment.

"It would seem so," Krysí responded. "We need to defeat it."

"On it, meow!" Ryś shouted. As she said such, here spear had been out in front of her.

Ryś bring out a long, two handed spear, and Krysí taking out her claymore, the hyena removed his greatsword, as well. Would it be of any use to him today at all? He did not know. He supposed he was about to find out one way or another. Peculiar ovular shaped water creatures standing by and doing nothing, the fight had been on the side of the allies.

Bobcat chimera's terrifying fists of fire overtaking the battlefield, the spherical water creature looked as though it had flinched. Seeing such, the early adult readied his claymore. Creature getting bigger and gaining the power of hands, it let out a tainted water punch of doom.

Creature soon becoming dust upon the wind, a rather peculiar set of instructions had come the chimera's way. Ryś informing him they would be performing a spell to cleanse it, the hyena did a triple take. He had to do what now? He wasn't following any of this whatsoever.

Bag of powder handed to him, the soldier tilted his head. Told to toss the powder into the water, the chimera could hardly believe his ears. He had to do what now? Wasn't this littering? This would bring on the wrath of any of Chenyu Vale's gods, if there were any that resided here. Taking a long deep breath, the powder had soon been dropped into the lake.

River soon cleansed of its impurities, the soldier blinked. Just what kind of powder was this? Was it some sort of cleansing salts? The chimera supposed that could have been the case. But, as his thoughts wandered, he could hear something hop out of the water. Turning his attention towards it, shock painted his face a brand new color.

Huge frog with a giant dragon tail behind it, the early adult jumped four steps back. Where had this amphibian come from? Creature swinging its spiky tail forward, everything cracked. Claymore out in front of him, the fight was on once again for no one to witness whatsoever.

Krysí summoning her water rats, confusion soon painted the frogon's face. Attempting to attack the minions, it had soon been slowed down, for a moment. Ryś laying down her terrifying claws of fire, the chimera added his blade to the conversation. Amphibian turning its backside, it was ready to swing again.

But, such swing had been cancelled before it could even begin. Ryś lunging forward with her polearm, the creature had become one with nature. Everything cleared up, the party of three prepared themselves to reach the halfway point amongst the places around. Krysí stating they would be cutting through Qiaoying Village first, everyone headed back upon the pathway.

Moving along the pathway, a new challenger had arisen from further tainted waters had been found upon the northern walk. Weak monsters thrown away with the power of three combined, the next layer of so called cleaning dust had been thrown onto the waters. But, another challenger had soon arisen.

Huge black rabbit the size of a small shrine soon appearing on the scene of the water impurities, the early adult ears burned. Where had this creature come from? Had these waters been portals to another world, or something? Puddles beneath turning purple once more, questions threw themselves around.

"Rabbits, I don't think a creature like this should be in Liyue," Krysí said in a nervous tone.

"Meow, really?" Ryś asked. "Rabbits don't live here."

"They don't," Krysí replied, shaking her head. "The poisoned waters are drawing them near." But, another consideration popped up in her head, a worse outcome. "Or, maybe someone created them." Her voice shook as she said such.

Rabbit hopping upward, a shockwave overtook the area. Tumbling down onto the ground, the soldier grunted. Already on the ground, how annoying. Picking himself back up, the chimera placed himself into a fighting stance. This creature was drawn to tainted waters, was it? Krysí was definitely onto something. Someone created this creature.

Wild, possibly manufactured creature fading into dust, the cleansing ritual soon resumed. Readying to return to the path of heading towards the village, the party of three marched onward. Such had been a short lived attempt, however. Assortment of occurrences lining themselves up, obstacles added themselves to the mix.

Water levels rising themselves upwards towards the elevated hillsides, the soldier could feel his heart skip three beats. How was it possible for the oceans to reach this high up off the ground? But, the rat and bobcat chimera had thrown down the cleansing dust before he could think further about such a thing.

Miasma coming out of the woodworks as the village drew closer, the chimera let out a groan. There had been more miasma? Where had all of it come from? Had he forgot to clear some out yesterday? Branches pulsating, the chimera threw his thoughts away. What was he doing, allowing himself to get lost in thought? He had work to do.

Enemies decimated by the trio's combined efforts, everyone kept moving forward. Delusion not seeing any uses, the early adult let out a silent puff of relief. He supposed, working with a team was far better than dealing with these phenomenons solo. Nearby village only a few paces away, the soldier took a deep breath.

Crossing the bridge, the nearby tea leaf village had soon been reached. Multiple people in the area buying a multitude of products, the party of three attempted to move past them. It had been yet another busy day here, as expected. Generic nobodies moving out towards the opposite direction, the trio readied to head off towards the pathway near Yilong Port.

Heading towards the village's exit, the soldier could hear a fourth pair of footsteps following them. Hearing such, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Who was tailing him? Whoever it was, they were not doing a good job of stealthily doing so. Their steps were louder than ever.

Pushing through the village's exit, the fourth set of footsteps had only gotten louder. Keeping himself on guard, everyone readied to move on. But, the sound of the steps just kept going. Ryś' ears on the top of her head bopping up and down, she had caught onto the situation as well.

Follower no longer hiding, the early adult crossed his arm across his waist at the sight before him. Lion dancer guard revealing himself as the footstep owner, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why was he sneaking around? If he had something to say, he could have just said it.

"Sorry for following you three. Couldn't help but notice you were heading towards the mountains," the lion dancer guard said. "You probably shouldn't. It's pretty dangerous out there right now."

"I appreciate the warning, but I'm a big kitty, meow!" Ryś responded in an energetic tone. "We'll all be okay!"

"Alrighty," the lion dancer guard responded with hesitation. "But, if you need my help, feel free to holler."

Moving along, the chimera broke out into a shiver. Was it just him, or had it been chilly here? Shaking his head, the chimera kept moving towards the northwest. It had to have been his imagination, surely. It had been the season of autumn, at the moment, of course it was a little cold out right now.

But, the further the trio moved, the odder things had gotten. Area foreboding with a sudden layer of mist, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Was this normal weather in Chenyu Vale? He couldn't help but feel it was not, for any particular reason. Visibility reduced to eighty percent, the world was a blur.

Such only continued to worsen the more west the group traversed. Mist getting thicker, the early adult's knees buckled. Had he secretly been transported to Tsurumi Island? He knew such had not been the case, but he felt like it had to have been, at the moment.

Mist soon at its thickest possible point, absolutely nothing could be seen from within in. World a blanket of nothingness, the chimera tried with all his might to not bump into anything. Had someone from Inazuma come here and anger a Chenyu Vale god? But, the hyena threw such assumption away. He was just making up stories now to fill in the gaps. That was not the way to go. Ryś bumping into him, the early adult flinched. Zero visibility was the worst enemy of them all.

"I have night vision!" Ryś exclaimed like she was stating the obvious. "Why can't I see right now, meow?!"

"Ryś, this is fog," Krysí corrected her. "But, this fog is definitely not normal. Something created it." As she said such, her rat tail coiled up behind her. Feeling such spiky behind her, she then yelped. "Found the source." As she said such, her voice shook. Tiny fingers pointing at the culprit, she let out one last hurrah. "It's this."

Fog moving away, a spiky growth revealed itself to the party of three. Everyone's weapons out, the soldier prepared himself. Another one of those strange random growths appearing out of nowhere? Whoever had placed this here wanted to watch the world burn, for sure.

Weapons clashing the growth, spikes fell off the object one after another. Strange spiky ball of doom barely budging after fifty strikes combined from the trio's weapon, battle cries had soon been added to the mix. Shields kicking in one after another, nothing moved, fog included.

Spear and claymores not cutting it, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed he would have to rely on his delusion once more. Channeling the dark energy, the delusional water geysers had come out from his palms once more. Inorganic enemy boiled, a smidgeon, the defenses dropped themselves.

First layer of the growth removed, the party of three pressed onward. Core looking exposed, the might of the weapons kicked into overdrive. Pyro, Hydro shaking hands with one another. Heated vapor overtook the battlefield. Seeing such, the chimera could not help but wonder. How did the element react with one another?

Core weakened further, the weapons versus the growth's center returned for the second round. Shields dropping down to almost nothing, Ryś readied the final blow. Krysí transformed into rat form, the bobcat chimera lunged upward. Plunging downward, the dynamic duo's team synergy kicked into overdrive.

Polearm and rat teeth delivering the final blow served cold, the fog dissipated into nothingness. Pathway visible again, everyone had begun to move forward. Ryś wiping the sweat from her brow, she moved on first. Continuing to head west towards the wharf, peace had been with them, for the moment.

Peace was a fleeing moment never meant to last. Multiple Fontaine water creatures jumping out of the tainted waters, the chimera slashed the creatures into a group of puddles. Moving forward, more had come onto the pathway shortly after the first group made their presence known.

Army of monsters lined up everywhere, the soldier gulped. Had these creatures been attracted to the poisoned water? But, he knew there was no time to think. They had to be dealt with right here, right now, before the lakes were to gain further toxins. Rat and bobcat duo spreading themselves out, water creatures versus had reached the second stage.

Spherical water creatures proving difficult to defeat, at least one hundred strikes had been blown onto the enemies before their defeat had been finalized. Dust tossed upon it all, the cleansing ritual had soon begun. But, such had not been enough to quell the dangers throughout.

Pathways towards Yilong Wharf flipped sideways, backwards and upside down, a heavy wave of fatigue flowed through the chimera. Had the effect of gravity bent itself out of shape? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Whatever these tainted waters had done, they were too powerful.

Mountainscape sideways, the early adult tumbled. Picking himself up again, the soldier kept trying to move forward. Everything bending towards the side once more, the chimera's buttocks had become one with the ground. Growling, the hyena refused to surrender. Who, or what was pushing him? How aggravating.

Rys dropping down the cleansing dust from her upside down position, the chimera rolled his eyes to wherever the sky could have been. Where was he supposed to toss it, sideways upon the air? There was no way that would work. This was an impossibility to be had, for sure.

Hearing Krysí from afar telling Ryś to drop the dust in the same direction the area's orientation had been in, the early adult held back the urge to scream to pick another method. But, the chimera withheld from doing so. Telling someone how to do something would make him look bossy. Tossing his words away, the early adult sighed. Throwing the dust sideways, it is.

Tossing the cleansing dust sideways upon the air, the pathway soon corrected itself. Tumbling onto the ground like he was a ball on a hill, Krysí and Ryś had soon joined the world of rolling. Picking himself back up again, the party of three headed off towards Yilong Wharf. But, upon reaching here, an inquiry threw itself out into the open.

"Can we take a break, meow?" Ryś asked. "I'm all tuckered out."

"Sorry, Siorc, is it alright if we sit for a bit?" Krysí asked.

Nodding, the party of two sat in the corner. Letting the two take their break, a sea of questions washed the soldier out to sea. Just what had been going on in Chenyu Vale for the past couple of days? Something had been incredibly off about this situation. Thoughts continuing, he stared off into space.

These odd occurrences, could the abyssal gazelles be involved somehow? But, the chimera threw such thoughts out into the floods outside. Why was he always jumping to such a conclusion? Not everything was related to these two. Perhaps, just maybe, this had been a natural occurring phenomenon in this area.

Krysí and Ryś nibbling on tea biscuits, offers had come his way. Declining, the duo soon finished their break. Rat chimera reminding her bobcat partner they would be heading to Mt. Mingyuan was there even any water out in the mountains for there to be anything else to cleanse? But, he supposed he would soon find out.

Not seeing any spots with water anywhere, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was there really any further water to cleanse here? Maybe there had been some sort of mistake. Moving along, the chimera kept his expectations close to zero. There was surely nothing else out here that would post as a reason for concern.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

Hearing a loud splash off in the distance, tainted water creatures added themselves onto the pathway. Dual claymore attack from the rat and he doing them in, the hyena let out a sigh. Was the water near Yilong Wharf manifesting as monsters now? They all had their work cut out for them.

Multiple monsters taken out of the picture one after another, the hyena peered downward towards Yilong Wharf, for a moment. Bed of water looking as though it has eyes, the soldier turned back around. Surely, that had to have been his imagination. There was no way what he just saw was real. Further enemies decimated, the mountains were nearing.

Party of three heading outward to Mt. Mingyuan, the ground had begun to shake underneath him. Feeling such, the soldier attempted to hold his feet steady. Quakes only getting stronger, the early adult fell backwards. Aquatic monster in the shape of a person soon emerging itself from the shakes and quivers, the soldier placed his blade in a leftward position.

Spinning around with the greatsword like it was a top, not a single attack landed, from any angle. Taking a deep breath, the party of three tried once more with all their might to take down the liquid creature. Weapons clashing one after another going nowhere fast, the soldier's eyes had begun to twitch. Was this monster impervious to damage from weapons? Clutching the delusion, one final choice remained.

Scalding geysers removing the creature from this world, the rest of the waters cleansed themselves from harm. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of confusion. Had that been it? Had all the poisons truly been removed from the waters? Everything back to normal, the rat and bobcat chimera turned towards him.

"We'll be going now!" Ryś exclaimed. "See you later, meow!"

"Take care of yourself, alright?" Krysí asked.

Nodding, the rat and bobcat were soon gone without a trace. Tilting his head upwards towards the sky, the moon beamed over him. Seeing such, a wave of shock flowed through him. It had been night already? Just how long had these battles taken? Time was such a fickle instrument of measure.

Returning to the inn, a burning sensation soon overtook the hyena. Holding back the urge to scream, everything stung. Numbing himself, the dragged himself through the inn floors. Agent soon dismissing him for the evening, his feet continued to drag. Reaching his temporary accommodations after fifteen minutes, the hyena dropped himself into his bed. Everything continued to burn, Tears strolling down his face as the land of sleep took him away, one last thought escaped out into the open.

Why was everything so strange lately?


"Please, tell my I am dreaming.
Oh, please, now, this has to be a dream.
Unless, I am in a dazed
Reality. The Agent wants me to do what now?
Investigate something odd in Chenyu Vale?
Now, another day of nonsense is upon me.
Guess the Agent just has no real orders

To give me. How can this
Even be? Her Majesty
Always has something for me to do.

Ah, well, whatever this investigation entails,
Looks like I don't have a choice.
Right, whatever
I am am requested to do
Goes. I do not
Have any choice, or say in
The matter. I already know that.

Eh. There's
Nothing I can do about it.
Obviously, I have to.
Unleash the beast. Time to
Get to work.
Here's to another day of nonsense."

Upon waking up the next morning, no traces of any burns were upon the soldier's arms anywhere to see. Seeing such, the soldier blinked. Was this what the Agent meant when he had claimed the delusion was special? The hyena did not know. He supposed such could have been the case. Exiting the hotel room, the Agent had been waiting by the rooftop.

"Soldier, I have no idea what is going on," the Agent said in an uncertain tone. "So, go to Chenyu Vale and investigate further oddities occurring there."

Hearing such, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the sky. He was in for yet another day of peculiar nonsense, wasn't he? Dashing off towards Qingce Village and taking the raft out upon the riverbank, Chenyu Vale had been upon him once again after about an hour of rowing. But, something peculiar soon happened the moment he stepped foot here.

Space around him warping, the soldier had soon found him transported out of the southern vale. Finding himself in a place unknown to him, a carp soon appeared within his damaged field of heterochromatic vision. Golden fish looking right at him, the chimera rubbed his eyes. Had he fallen asleep? Where was he? But, the creature in front of him soon flapped its lips.

"Sorry for pulling you away," the carp said, bowing its head. "My name is Fujin, and I need your help. Could you light some lanterns for me?"

Golden carp talking to him, the early adult jumped ten steps back. He has to do what now? Light some lanterns? This had to be a dream right now. There was no way any of this was real. Pinching his wrist, the early adult clicked his tongue. He was awake. Perhaps, jut maybe, this fish was an adepti. He did not know, but he knew he could not refuse orders from anyone. Shrugging, he nodded.

"Thank you so much!" Fujin cried out in gratitude. "The lanterns are in Jademouth right now. Please help me! I'm running out of power!"

Hearing such, the hyena blinked. Were the adeptus able to run out of power? How strange. Weren't they illuminated beasts? If his father were still a member of this world, he would have asked him about such research. But, he knew that wasn't possible. Moving towards Jademouth for hours on end, one question looped on repeat.

Who was this carp named Fujin? He had never recalled hearing about an adepti like that in any of his father's books from his stolen childhood. But, he supposed there had been many things he had not been able to study, even while in his lifetime. Jademouth soon reached, the lanterns screamed out to him.

Spotting amber colored lamps across the water floating around a big one glowing the soldier grabbed it from the pool below him. All he had to do was light them up, and then his job was done. Dropping the lamp back into the water, none of the smaller ones lit up.

Smaller lamps floating away, the early adult groaned. What was this nonsense? Taking a deep breath, the soldier reset the large lamp. Lights soon shining upon the water after about ten attempts, the lamp stayed upon the water as he finished the first part of the fish's requests.

Lighting up lamps across the rest of Jademouth, the early adult kept the groans going. What was the point in doing any of this? Every single one around the area added to the mix, the carp soon appeared out of nowhere like a ghost attempting to scare an unsuspecting person.

"You're doing great!" Fujin exclaimed. "I need you to light more. Can you head to Qiaoying Village for me?"

Giving the fish a nod, the soldier headed back upon the northern path. But, as he had done so, he let out a sigh. Why in the world was he helping out a talking fish? This was quite the ridiculous turn of events. Reaching Qiaoying Village after about two hours of walking, he had soon reached one of the many lamps to light, the carp soon reared its head again.

Fujin telling him she needed these lights lit up to, the chimera nodded. But, such fixtures had taken forever to light correctly. Such had only been the start of such problems, however. Reaching the next set of lamps, multiple had been far apart from one another. Failing to light them up on multiple occasions, the soldier prepared the white flag.

But, a tip had soon come his way. Fish telling him to summon her spirit carp ability, the soldier crossed his arms across his waist. The what now? Had he really been awake? Staring at a bright green light in the sky, the possible adepti requested for him to close his Eyes. Doing so, he could soon feel himself floating on air.

Carp instructing him to drop the big lamp now, the chimera did as he had been told. Every single fixture lit up, the chimera soon readied himself to head back towards the village. But, as he had reached closer, the early adult let out a sigh. He was getting quite tired of all this ridiculousness. But, he buried such thoughts into the trenches. He was forbidden from complaining.

Coming across yet another annoying lamp puzzle, the soldier completed it after two attempts. The early adult huffed a heavy breath. Was that it? Could he go now? But, he shook the negativity away. If his job was over, the carp would tell him such. Fish soon returning, praise had come his way.

"You're doing great!" Fujin exclaimed. "But, could you do one more thing for me? Could you help me pour some tea?"

Hearing such request, the soldier let out a groan. What was with all these adeptus favors today? Knowing he had no choice, the soldier nodded. Sure, pour tea, what's the worst that could happen? Carp creature telling him to head to Mt. Mingyuan and Teatree Slope, the early adult turned back around towards the village's exit.

Reaching Mt. Mingyuan after about an hour of walking, the floating teapot soon awaited him. Carp telling him to instruct the teapot to pour itself a cup, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Did this fish even need him to do something like this? She could have easily told it to pour it herself. Letting out what felt like the hundredth sigh today, the soldier motioned his lips to speak.

"Pour," the chimera spoke out reluctantly.

Tea pouring itself into the cups around it, the soldier turned back around towards Qiaoying Village once again. Just who was this tea for, anyway? Was it for the carp herself? Could fish even drink tea? Perhaps they could in Wonderland, maybe. But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. Why was he going off about this nonsense?

Reaching Teatree Slope after about an hour of walking, the next teapot awaited him. Carp once again instructing him to tell the teapot to pour, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. Telling it to pour, tea had soon entered all the cups one after another. Fish practically glowing with excitement, she soon spoke with her annoying voice once more.

"You completed all the favors I've asked of you," the carp said. "You're done now."

Told his job was done, the early adult headed back towards his borrowed raft. As he cruised through the water, he could not help but wonder. What was that all about? What was this all for? But, he supposed he was wasting his time trying to make sense of any of it. Moving past Qingce Village and heading back to Wangshu Inn, the Agent soon waited for him.

"You did well, soldier, you are dismissed," the Agent said. "Head back to Snezhnaya within two hours."

Dismissal coming his way, the Agent soon rescinded the Delusion from him. Staring off into space for a moment, a desire threw itself out onto the floor. He did not know why, but he suddenly had the urge to drink some tea. Removing his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket, he folded out the orb into map form.

Liyue Harbor waypoint highlighted, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Teahouse adjacent from him as he opened them, he ascended the wooden staircase. Tall brunette in his usual seat, but opera singer nowhere to be found, the soldier seated himself in his usual spot. Panda chimera soon coming towards him, the soldier could feel a wave of tiredness flow through him. Yínlóng looking ready to greet him, he plastered a smile over his face.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted slowly. "You look like you had a long day. I'll brew you something easy."

Panda chimera brewing the usual bamboo shoot tea, the soldier stared at it, for a moment. What was that sweet scent in the air? Sipping the tea, Yínlóng's pink eyes were soon meeting his mismatched ones. Did he have something to ask him? Whatever it was, he would listen carefully.

"What kind of big bad job did you have to do today?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "Sign it for me?"

Putting his tea down for a moment, the soldier placed his hands in front of him. But, he paused himself from doing so. Would the panda chimera even believe him? He knew it was better to tell the truth. Signing he had to help a carp in Chenyu Vale, looks of confusion had come his way.

"A carp?" Yínlóng asked. "Do you mean Fujin? My grandfather always told me there was some god in Chenyu Vale with that name."

"Sounds like quite the series of coincidences," the tall brunette said in between sips of his tea. "There indeed was once an Illuminated Beast named Fujin."

Tall brunette explaining the history of Fujin, the soldier continued to sip his tea. Perhaps the wise man was right, this carp named Fujin had to have just been a coincidence. Panda chimera soon bringing out a plate of almond tofu for him, the early adult dug in. Sweet vegetarian dish travelling down his throat, the soldier resisted the urge to strip inside his mind. Finishing the last bit of his meal, he stood upwards from the wooden chair. It was time to return back to Snezhnaya.

"Thank you for the tea and tofu, sir, it was wonderful," Siorc said, words slightly more audible. "And thank you sir, for the history on Chenyu Vale, it was very interesting." As he said such, he removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Time to return to the permafrost north, his forced upon him home. "I have to go. Take care."

"You take care of yourself, too," Yínlóng responded, waving. "I'll keep up with my exercises, promise!"

Highlighting the military barracks waypoint, the soldier closed his eyes. Icy cold hallways soon upon him, the soldier reached the soundproof room after about ten minutes of walking. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform put away as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Everything else put aside, as well, Siorc closed his eyes. But, one last thought looped on repeat as the world of sleep claimed him for the late evening.

Could there have been a god a in Chenyu Vale?

He would need to investigate the area further at a later date.

Chapter 30: Research Institute Phantom Thief 3: Harpoons, Sea Gazelles


And thus, the phantom thief saga comes to an end. In this section, Siorc must perform another heist, and investigate "the legend of the sea gazelles" but sea monsters ensue. Feat: Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Chrlorinde, Chevreuse, Kaiser, Earl, Baron, Robin, Raven, Brume, Eclater, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi and Damla, Firat, Kelebek and Izzet.


This ended so abruptly rip

Chapter Text

"Huh? No. You're joking. So,
Everything has gone back to this
I cannot believe this, Her Majesty, why is
She sending me on
This mission again?
I do not understand, I do
Not get this. I don't
Get this at all.

At all, not one bit.
Get real, Your Majesty.
Another heist? After
I've failed all the previous ones?
No, no, no. This has to be a prank.

Why, Your Majesty?
How come this again?
You really ought to stop this.

Every single time, I fail,
No matter the circ*mstances.
Obviously, I am not cut out for stealing stealthily.
Ultimately, you should know that.
Guess she doesn't.
How can she keep asking?

Oh, who am I kidding?
For all I know,

The fact I am
Horrible at
It doesn't matter to her, not even a
Smidgeon. She just wants something.

Please, make this the
Last time I have to do this,
Each time I feel even more guilty,
And I just want this to
Stop. No more, please.
Every time, I just feel worse.

So please, make me do something else.
This cannot go
On anymore.
Please end this, Your

Majesty. Please, I
Am begging. But, I
Know what will happen
If I disobey, so that is a
No go. I cannot
Go wander off. I

Must do my duties, or
Everything will end.

So, stop complaining. Do as I am
Told. Do all I am ordered.
Even if I don't agree
And I will feel guilty, I
Likely cannot say no

For, I will be extinguished.
Right, I am a chess piece
On the chessboard,
My feelings don't matter.

I know that already.
Nothing I feel matters
Nothing I think matters
Of all that I must do, though, I
Cannot justify this one as a good thing. The
Equipment I am stealing, those jackals
Need it. So,
This is unfair to them.

Well, all I can do is
Offer my sincerest apologies.
Right. That's all. I
Know I have to steal
Everything she asks for.
Robots, machine, everything
She demands.

I know that by now,

She'll end my life next time I
Have a moment
Of disobedience. I am the
Ultimate obedient soldier.
Look at me
Doing everything I can to prove my worth.

No stains. No holes
Observe me doing all
That you ask of me.

Bring myself to numbness
Everything should feel like nothing.

Don't think, don't complain,
Or I am good as dead.
I am probably on my last warning.
No, I am overthinking.
Get my mind away from

The negatives. I
Have done nothing that would disappoint her.
I am nowhere near my last warning
So, don't fear.

And don't despair.
Look around the
Research Institute and
It's time to
Get to the stealing, time to start
Heisting. It's time to
Turn myself off

Heist like I
Am nothing more than a machine.
Like a device
That only answers

To orders. Nothing more, nothing less.
How will this go?
I do not know.
Should go well

Or might go poorly.
Really, it's rather
Difficult to tell
With way.
Relay my stealth tactics. Leave

No room for errors
Or issues abound.
Wipe out everything around. Diligence is key."

Four days had passed since the hyena had to do work while Ludi Harpastum was on the high tide. Nothingness dying out like an endangered species, the soldier had to return to Chenyu Vale for various high stress inducing activities. Occurrences in the area getting difficult rather fast, the soldier feared for the area's safety.

Heavy miasma engulfing the entire area, the early adult went from place to place within the northernmost area of Liyue to clear out such harmful substances. Other peculiar occurrences happening as well involving carps and tainted water to cleanse, a heavy, stressful three days came and went in the blink of an eye.

Final day involving business affairs of nothing within Dornman Port, monotony had become the closing act upon the performance stage for not a single soul to see. Mundaneness taking over the twenty-four hours, ninety-six hours dashed on by as if the world was rushing itself towards the exit door.

The sound of morning alarm bells screamed out towards the frozen sky above for everyone in the entire country of Snezhnaya to hear. As the sirens kept their rampage going, hundreds of Fatui soldiers begged for the archons above for five more minutes. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal within the military barracks.

The protest about was more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the hyena stretched, for a moment and reached for his glasses. Raising himself from the uncomfortable bed, the time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the early adult placed his uniform over his layered shirts, the soldier could not help but wonder. The abyssal gazelles, could they have been the ones behind the incidents in Chenyu Vale? They had been absent from the picture almost entirely, as of late, something had been rather fishy about such, for sure.

But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. What was he doing, jumping to such a conclusion? He needed to stop assuming they were the ones behind all the horrific happening in every single nation. Throwing out such thoughts into the snow outside, the soldier resumed getting ready.

Work mode switch flipping upward, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching windwheel asters in his hair and ears, the hyena gazed at the rest of his prized possessions seated within the box within damaged eye distance. Turning his jewelry and accessories into weapons, was this truly what he wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret flowed through the soldier.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared at the Geo Delusion upon the top of his uniform drawers. The sinister orb, should he make use of it? But, the hyena turned off towards the opposite direction. He should not do such, or his heart will be in danger once more. Turning off towards the side, the early adult continued getting ready.

As the soldier prepared to place his heelless shoes over his currently human feet, a loud explosion disrupted his rhythm. Second boom coming with a vengeance, the chimera ran towards the barricaded window. But, what awaited him upon observing was confusion served cold.

Keeping his eyes glued to the world outside, Hilichurls had been shot up one after another by a masked Fatui soldier as if he had been attempting to hold up the Northland Bank at gunpoint. Second soldier dragging the dead bodies across the snow like they were rag dolls, the early adult blinked. Was he supposed to be unnerved by this or unfazed? But, he shrugged his shoulders. It was none of his business what went on around here.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the soldier looked out the paned glass once again. What could possibly be happening here? He knew so far little about the nation he had been whisked away to nearly eight years prior. Turning away from the window, the hyena shook his head. Perhaps, just maybe such was a good thing. The less he were to know, the better.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp about in a loud chaotic rhythm, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. There was no more time to think about such things. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, he turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be performing another heist in the Research Institute." He soon extended his hand, for a moment. "But, it is recommended you priorities recording data about regarding the Legend of the Sea Gazelles and investigate this rumor."

Siorc jumped five steps back upon hearing he would be resuming his phantom thief duties. He has to perform yet another heist? Why did he have to go inconvenience the jackal chimeras by stealing from them for the third time? Can't he just leave them alone? Stealing is incredibly unethical.

The early adult stared off into space. He has to investigate a legend? Why did he have to go and do such a thing? What did this have to do with anything currently at hand? But, as he thought such, yet another loud explosion overtook the area. Hearing such, the early adult flinched. Couldn't people learn to put silencers on their guns? Noise was a drowning sea of surprises no one asked for.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Pay that no mind! Lord Dottore is conducting some experiments."

Hearing such information coming his way, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Of course that had been it. Anything violent involving Hilichulrs was always about that malpracticing malicious doctor. How could he forget such a thing? Taking a long deep breath, the soldier placed his hand out in front of him.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. He knew it was best to just leave such about what went on here out of his mind.

"Good, let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the agent gripped the limb tight enough to bruise. Escort towards Fontaine soon beginning, the soldier let out a sigh as the fast travel began.

Why does he have to investigate a legend now, of all times?

This is quite fishy.


"The other day, Rabi came up to me,
Offering something to me. He told me, 'um, uh, don't

Bring Gwendolyn with you.' I give him
Eye contact. And I tell

Him, 'Kay. I won't bring Gwen with me.'
Oh, hmm. He's blushing. Does this dude like me?
Not gonna lie, I do not oppose to that. I don't really care if my future lover were to be a man, woman, or neither.
Eh, that's not what this about, I am
Sure of that. His heart is set on another man. Black Fish Steak bro. He
Then immediately resets himself.

Interestingly enough, he drops all
Those ums and uh stammers he always does all of a sudden:

'I would like us to go investigate
Some 'legend' going around lately.' But, the

Noises almost immediately returned. 'Um, uh, would you be
Open to doing
That? Um, I will pay you a handsome reward.' He fidgets rather nervously.

Guess I did tell him I'm looking to move
Out. If this is for Mora,
I guess I do
Not mind doing some investigations.
Gather some clues about some legend?

Well, I have time.
Even though, to be perfectly honest, I have a
Lot of doubts. This is nothing more than a
Legend, right? Chances are,

This might not be real. Best to be
Honest about my feelings. 'Sure, bud
I'll join you. Count me in.'
Something tells me Rabi

Isn't confident this legend is real, either. Hmm.
Nah. I am just imagining it. I
Very much could be.
Even so, it is best to pursue a lead while it's
Still hot on the trail.
This could go cold almost
Immediately. So, it's time to
Gather information while we still can
And find something
That could be a lead. While
I don't think I have ever heard the full story
Of this legend, Gwendolyn always just stops at the part where they apparently eat people. So, I know
Next to nothing.

Huh. Will that come back
And bite me that?
Suppose it might.

Guess I should learn more when appropriate.
Or, maybe I will
Not need to concern myself with learning such.
Even if we do find these sea gazelles there

Are factors of concern.
Will they even talk to us?
Really I don't quite know.
Yet, it doesn't hurt to try, does it?"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, something of immediate concern caught the chimera's attention. Spotting large crystal balls the size of a tiny ball drop downward from the sky with speedy velocity, the soldier flinched. It was hailing? Since when did such weather occur in the Hydro Nation of Justice. He could not help but feel confused.

Agent dragging him downward upon the sandy mountain, he had soon been told to watch his head. Placing his free hand over the top of his hair the balls of icy hard doom bounced off his head, for the time being. Placed in the wooden vessel, the vehicle of human powered movement cruised forward.

As the harbor got ever so closer, multiple balls of hail plopped onto the top of the soldier's head for minutes on end. Pellets of doom dodging his protective measures for minutes on end, the hyena let out a scream. Why were they so hard and cold? Further obstacles slamming down onto him, his shouts kept going.

Reaching the harbor before he even knew it, the chimera let out a deep breath. If only he had a hood on his uniform, his hands would not have to do all the work. But, he had soon been dragged across harbor before he could think anything further. Balls of icy doom dropping on the ground as such occurred, caution had been exercised.

Told for what felt like the octillionth time he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine whatsoever, the early adult held back the urge to scream. Tell him something he doesn't know for a change. How many times is he going to repeat this same sentence over and over again? He can hear just fine. He did not need the constant reminder. But, he knew he could not utter such a thing.

Satchel soon placed on his backside, useful information had soon come his way. Agent informing him he will send someone tomorrow to provide him with hail protection, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. By this moment in time twenty-four hours later, this storm would have finished by then.

Agent soon exiting the area, the soldier stared upwards towards the sky, for a moment. Ball of doom continuing to fall, the early adult shook as more drop downward. Some being about as big as a tiny slime, the caution switch inside him flipped upward. Knowing he had to make haste, the chimera ran up the stairs at lightning speed.

Taking the glass lift towards the top floor, a heavy amount of noise overtook the area. Spotting multiple rich people with umbrellas waiting by the Aquabus Station, a heavy wave of envy flowed through him. How lucky these people were to equip with protection from the elements.

Generic rich nobodies buzzing about asking one another why the Hydro Archon hasn't done anything about the outbreak, the hyena flinched once again. An outbreak? Outbreak of what? But, before such thoughts could swim around his in his mind any further, the Aquabus had quickly arrived.

Rich people all barreling on one after another, overhead parasols up, the soldier seated himself the furthest away from the crowd. Melusine tour guide telling everyone to watch their heads, this hail could go through head coverings, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Just how strong was this weather? Something wasn't right with this whatsoever.

Automatic vessel cruising forward towards the capital city, the early adult could not help but wonder. This so called outbreak. What could it possibly be? An illness? But, the chimera shook his head. That could not have possibly been it. Perhaps, just maybe, the incorrect words had been chosen.

As the Aquabus pushed past the Poisson tunnel, the hyena could not help but wonder. What could possibly be awaiting him today? Whatever it could have been, he knew he needed to prepare himself for anything. Sifting through his satchel, for a moment, he had come across a piece of paper in one of the various pockets, the chimera looked it over, for the time being.

Leaflet of Dendro creation informing him of places where the sea gazelles had apparently been spotted, his directions told him to investigate each area listed below thoroughly. Mt. Esus East, the Beryl Region and Belleau Region all listed the chimera could feel glass inside him break. He had to go into the hawk's territory again? He would be in harm's way almost immediately, for certain.

Vehicle of automatic movement soon reaching its destination, the chimera disembarked the vehicle. But, what awaited him immediately upon stepping foot in the city was dangers all around. Hail far bigger the chimera placed his left hand over his head. It was time to move onward.

Knowing the best course of action was to head towards Mt. Esus East first, the soldier had begun moving. Heading upon the northern pathway, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just his imagination, or had something felt terribly wrong here?

As the hyena kept walking, he turned his head towards the right and left. Was something hiding in the bushes? He did not know why, but he could sense a heavy sense of malice in the air. Someone had to have been hiding off around the corner. But, he threw such disturbance away. He hardly had time to think about such things. He had to keep going.

Hail pelting the ground hard and fast with every given step, he jumped towards the right and left. How had the storm not let up yet? Shouldn't such weather have ended by now? Something had been going on in Fontaine, without a shadow of a doubt. But, as he kept walking, conclusions were jumped.

As the balls of doom kept falling, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could this storm have been brought on by the sea gazelles? But, the soldier threw such thoughts off a bridge. Why was he allowing himself to jump to such assumption? Perhaps, just maybe, multiple elemental dragons had been angry at the same time. That had to have been it, surely.

Multiple icy stones dropping down on him from every single angle, the soldier let out a scream. How much more trash was going to fall onto his head? This had been getting quite annoying. But, he knew he had to bear with it. Nothing could be done. He had no protection from outside problems.

Moving past the Chioriya boutique, the soldier swore he could hear someone announce hail styles, now in season. Hearing such, the chimera shook his head. Really? Hail outfits? When would those ever be useful at any given point? This storm would be over by the end of the day, for sure. This sale would drop cold and die as soon as it were to hit.

Tuning the noise out, a second wave of malice hit the ear. Feeling such, the early adult attempted to tune such out, as well. He needed to keep his attention on the mission, and nothing else. There was no time to concern himself with anything else. He had a legend to investigate.

But, the feeling of darkness did not leave, even for a moment. Hearing a roar up ahead, the chimera's knees buckled. Had there been something up ahead? He needed to proceed with utmost caution, if there was something amiss further up along on the city pathway. Steeling himself, the chimera sauntered onward.

Roar breaking out once again, the soldier's legs erupted into a sprint. Something had been going on in the city, for sure. There was no way he could ignore it any longer. Walking towards the Adventurer's Guild Receptionist desk, a scene with voltage watted up to one-thousand took the stage.

Baron adorning a feminine sailor suit like outfit punching a gigantic squid and hail with their other gauntlet not being used for combat, the early adult had come to an immediate realization. Could this have been the outbreak the generic nobodies had been whispering about?

Punches continuing onward, everything had begun to take a turn for the strange. Aquatic creature spinning around with blades upon its tendrils, the soldier shook with a fervor. This monsters from the oceans were armed and ready? They had to have escaped from the Fortress, for sure. But, as he kept observing, eyes turned towards him.

Spotting Siorc in the corner gawking at their battle Baron pumped the brakes, for a moment. Why was he standing in the corner, watching them? Didn't he have work he had to get done? How crude of him. His audience was not needed here, whatsoever. Punching the indignant beast, they sent a glare towards the Fatui.

"Do you know how crude you are being right now?" Baron asked, annoyed tone of voice. "Do not stare at me. Move along."

Irritated words dropped his way, the early adult moved right along. Why was he staring at them, anyway? He was wasting his energy on a penguin chimera. He should never do that, or any reason. Continuing to move upon the western path, even more questions threw themselves into the ring one after another.

As the early adult slowly moved through the western points around the city, the early adult could not help but wonder. These sea beasts, had the problem only gotten worse since he had last been in Fontaine a week prior? He supposed, anything could have been possible while he was away.

Jumping towards the right and left once again, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Today was going to be a rough, long dodgy day without a shadow of a doubt. Jumps repeating themselves for minutes on end, movement had been a long puzzle with missing pieces.

Multiple generic nobodies running into their houses, the early adult moved out of the people's way. He supposed there were some obstacles he had not prepared for. Many people continuing to run upon the pathway in front of him, a fear storm was brewing. Population: every nobody.

Storm of humans clearing out, the soldier kept moving. Why was the Aquabus information station still so far away? Had time been moving slower? But, the hyena shook his head. That couldn't have possibly been the case, for any reason. That had to have been it, surely.

But, as time kept crawling, yet another pesky obstacle had soon gotten in his way. Even more sea beasts upon the pathway, the chimera held back to urge the groan at the sight of people fighting them ahead. Earl dropping down leafy punches, and Kaiser barely putting in his weight, two further guests had been added to the mix. Magician and his assistant along for the right, as well, the early adult held back the urge to growl for the second time. This street was far too crowded for its own good.

"Let's get this show on the road!" the magician shouted. As he said such, he faked a disappearing act, cat hat prop dancing around towards the monsters.

"Be amazed!" the catgirl assistant shouted. As she said such, a bobblehead cat had been summoned in the streets. But, another scream threw itself out into the open.

"I chipped a nail!" Kaiser screamed at the top of his lungs. "How ugly!"

Kaiser screaming about beauty, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. The original penguin thorn in his side had been back to his normal self? How annoying. Why was he even out here fighting if he had no intention of actually doing so? But, as his thoughts kept cruising forward on autopilot, the magician's eyes were soon on him.

"Oh, sorry. Are we in the way?" the magician asked. "We are performing a magic trick, as you can see! Making a leviathan disappear!"

Magician snapping his fingers, the leviathan had soon disappeared. Seeing such, the chimera rolled his eye. Oh, boy, what a clever form of misdirection. What a waste of time pretending his performative arts had really done the job. Bologna would taste good right about now. But, even more eyes were soon on him.

Seeing Siorc off in the corner, Earl's eyes practically had stars in the them. Was he watching his fight? Maybe he would like to join the magic troupe again. It definitely wouldn't hurt to ask. Look on his face as if he had somewhere to go, the sparkles faded. Was he in his way? He would move, if so.

"Oh, hi, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "Sorry, are we in the way? I'll move!" He then proceeded to blush. "Would you like to join the troupe again?" He then blushed again. A romantic act for two? They should marry on stage during a show!

The soldier clicked his tongue at the pesky fly's suggestion. Join the magic troupe again? No way. Not a chance. He was not doing that again, whatsoever. Never. Not in a million years. Not even if he were to perish and reborn again as a different person. Absolutely not. How dare Earl even suggest that. He was getting further points taken off of his tolerance level.

"Do not invite him," the catgirl assistant responded to Earl, deadpan.

Disdain thrown his way, the early adult shook his head. The assistant still despised him, he sees. Group moving out of the way, the early adult moved onward. Knowing it was time to head southward, the early adult rushed about. Legs erupting into a sprint, the crawl of time had begun to speed itself up.

As the soldier kept on running towards the fountain, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just what was going on today? He could not make heads or tails of anything that had been occurring. Just how long had this storm been brewing? He did not know. It had to have been going on for awhile.

Sky only beginning to get darker, hail dropped down upon the soldier's head. Letting out a shout, the early adult had begun to run faster. Why was this still happening? He needed to get out of here as fast as he possible could. Head a continued target, the early adult let out a growl.

Hearing a gunshot off in the distance, the soldier's heart skipped more than two beats. Just what was going on here? But, he soon had his answer as he ran towards the fountain. Noises only getting louder, sense had soon been made of the racket within a matter of moments.

Champion duelist shooting a kraken within the fountain with her pistol, the soldier dashed off towards the entrance of the information station, hail pelting him aplenty. There were more sea beasts here? Could this get any stranger? Taking a deep breath, the chimera prepared himself to leave the city behind. But, yet another obstacle stood in his way.

Leader of the special surveillance patrol guarding the door, the soldier held back yet another sigh. Why was she standing here in his way? Had there been monsters inside the room? He hardly had time for this. He had to head out to Mt. Esus right away. Sharp eyes on him, demands threw themselves towards the door.

"Hey. You can't go in there. This area is closed," the special surveillance patrol officer said in an authoritative tone.

Hearing such, the soldier sighed. The station was closed? Even if that was so, he had to head in the building. Surely, she could make an exception. If he were to teleport there, the judgement of the Hydro Archon would hammer down upon him without fail. Placing his hands out in front of him, the early adult's palms moved frantically. Signing he needed to go in there, he held back the urge to shout. Drawing an invisible triangle as well, he threw the screams inside him away.

"Alright, I'll let you through," the special surveillance patrol officer said with uncertainty. "You're not trying to cause trouble, are you?"

Shaking his head, the officer soon moved out of his way. Pushing on through towards the room, not a singular soul stirred within, not even the Melusines who had usually been inside. This building had been closed, alright. Had the lift even been on? Dragging himself towards it, he prayed to the Hydro Archon above it had not been inoperable.

Glass lift operating as normal, the chimera stepped upon it. Doors slamming themselves shut, the hyena stared off into space. Silence was deafening, cold, suffocating. But, the noise soon returned as the elevator had reached the fourth and final floor of the city. Stepping out, the early adult had once again prepared to stage his exit.

Moving himself towards the city's exit, the early adult turned his head towards the exit. Continuing to observe the area in front of him, he tilted his head towards the sky. Something had definitely been wrong up here, as well. Could there have been even more sea beasts around? If such had been the case, he would have to fight every single one of them, for sure.

Multiple Melusines ducking for cover as icy stones of doom came towards them, the early adult blinked. The Melusines, where were their hats? Not a single one had been wearing any today. But, he supposed such was not something he had the time to concern himself over.

Dashing off towards the next glass lift, the soldier kept his dodges going. The weather was one step close from becoming a monster. He needed to keep his evasion at the topmost condition, no matter what. Multiple generic nobody's parasols dying, the corpses of fabric piled up one after another.

Throwing himself into the glass box, the city had soon been left behind in the dust. Reaching the outskirts after about two minutes, the hyena shook with a fervor. Was it just him, or had the pressure only begun to get worse here? But, he shook his head. He had to have been imagining it, surely. That was far from the case.

Slapping his cheeks, the hyena stepped upon the grass in front of him. There was no time to concern himself over these sorts of distractions. He had to get to investigating the sea gazelle legend. Moving through the area, for the moment, the chimera kept his eyes open. If he were a sea fawn, where would he be?

But, such thoughts were immediately halted by the sound of a loud roar. Multitude of sea beasts crowding the area, the soldier took out a notebook seated at the bottom of his satchel. Quickly scribbling down his findings, sworded aquatic appendages slapped him around as if he were a paperweight.

First of many creatures throwing multiple layers of hostilities towards him, the early adult jumped ten steps back. Why had the monsters been over here, as well? Just how far did this problem extent? He was in for a tiring day, for sure. Creature looking ready to take him out at any given moment, the chimera shifted through his satchel, for a moment.

Feeling a sharp object in the confines of his satchel, the soldier quickly removed it from its encasem*nt. But, what weapon had been removed gave him the shock of a lifetime. Long harpoon uncovered, the hyena jumped two further steps back? This was his weapon today? That was a spear. This was bad. He was going to lose every single battle, guaranteed.

Kraken crawling towards him, the early adult placed the spear in both his hands. Blades from the opposite end looking ready to slice him into cut cheese, the soldier let out a scream. He had his work cut out for him. There was no way this would be an easy fight.

Blade coming for his sleeves, the chimera's shoulder had been claimed as a prize. Letting out a scream, the soldier spun the harpoon around as if it were about to become a spinning top. Attacks not connecting whatsoever, the chimera studied the monster for a moment.

Sea beast pausing its attacks every fifteen seconds, the early adult could feel a eureka moment coming out of the woodworks. Perhaps, just maybe, only striking when it had a down period would be the best course of action? He knew it was worth a try, but he soon had come to another realization.

Harpoon looking as though it could extend from its pole, the early adult snapped his fingers. Bingo. This was it. His only chance for victory. Jumping back ten steps further the chimera threw down a flower friend. Confusion painting the monster's face, the slimy appendages scattered themselves.

Windwheel Aster falling after three hits, the soldier studied the creature further. Monster pausing movements once again, the hyena jumped three steps further back, button upon the spear pressed, its extension had kicked into overdrive. Distance between he and the creature shortened, the fight was on.

Creature slain after twenty five strikes, the hyena let out a tired sigh. If he were to not be able to hit these creatures, it would be a disaster, for sure. Keeping such fact buried deep within his mind, the chimera readied himself to move northward. Discoveries written down as he moved, no sea gazelles were in sight.

But, as the soldier kept pushing forward, even more seas beasts blocked the pathway in front of him. Large fish with shark tails adorning multiple daggers on the edges, the chimera heart had begun to race. How did theses creatures get so big? Where did they get these weapons from?

Weapons tossed his way, the early adult jumped towards the left. But, such had not been enough to dodge the onslaught. Further weapons coming his way, his shoulder had been claimed as a prize once again. Creatures spinning, the weapons circled upon the air.

Daggers clinging themselves to the hailstones above, the early adult grit his teeth. These fish, did they have bigger brains than normal ones? They were capable of inventing strategies, the entire world had been flipped upside down. Clutching the harpoon, the hyena prepared for a counterattack.

Harpoon doing its duty after six attacks, the early adult kept going. Spotting electricity crackle in the sky, a wave of doom loomed over him. The hawk and falcon were definitely here. If he were to be spotted, he would be their next bounty, guaranteed. Pressing on, the shark tailed fish blocked the pathway for the second time of the day.

Course, sharp tail slamming into his stomach, the hyena let out a scream. What were these creatures made out of, metal? Had mechafish been modified and brought onto the surface world? But, he had soon been slapped by a tail once again. Small pool of red dropping below him, the early adult huffed and puffed.

Enemies turned into sushi after about sixty strikes, the early adult wiped the affected area. Jotting down fish hybrids with shark tails had been spotted near Mt. Esus, the hyena puffed a weak breath. None of this information had been relevant to the investigation. Why was he writing it down in the first place?

But, the hyena shook his head. Surely, recording about this sudden guests would mean something to someone. Perhaps, just maybe, there had been an ecologist within the Fatui ranks that would find this information useful. Putting the note log down, for the time being.

Beach nearing, further obstacles soon kicked in. Hilichurls with sea creature like features upon them, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Were these the malicious malpracticing doctor's escaped experiments, or something? How incredibly annoying. Why should he have to deal with his leftover scraps?

Creatures soon spotting him, the early adult threw down a flower friend. Silk flower friend dancing in place, the primitive sea creatures ran towards it. Wooden clubs pummeling it into nothing, the flower brought to life by his Dendro Vision crumbled into dust.

Element proving to be useless here, the early adult placed the harpoon within his hands once more. Spear extending the creatures on the other side had gotten their little bubble action on. Icy balls of doom freezing them solid, the soldier kept his dodges going.

But slipups soon kicked themselves into overdrive. Ball of ice raining down upon him, the hyena shivered. These Hilichurls how were they able to do such a thing? Had the Tsaritsa granted them her blessing? But, the chimera shook his head. No. That wasn't possible. Monsters could not gain visions, nor did the Archons give them.

Ice attacks slowing down after twenty strikes blown between himself and the monsters, the hyena put his weapon away, for the time being. Would he come across any further enemies of this type as he kept moving forward? He would need a strategy going forward. Beach getting closer, the hyena prepared himself to become target practice.

Hitting up the sands, Electro and Dendro warfare engulfed the skies up above. Hawk and falcon chimeras upon the battlefield, the soldier attempted with all his might to head towards the northern path. But, sharp eyes had soon been on him. Hawk readying his bow, the hyena attempted to keep on moving. Such, however, had soon been impossible.

Arrow barrage raining down upon him, the heads of the weapons decorated him deep. Tips engulfing his arms, in an uneven heartbeat, the soldier held in a scream. No matter how often he were to traverse through here, he was target practice, the next bounty. But, the third party would soon mediate.

"Hon, stop it," Raven demanded, arms stretched outward. "He's just passing through."

"No, Raven!" Robin cried, voice echoing. "He needs to learn how things work around here and whose territory this is!" But, as he shouted such, a powerful force sucked him downward. "Fatui! What are you doing? Cease your villainy at once!" As the vortex kept going, he pointed his hawk talons at the villain. "See, Raven! This monstrous fiend up to no good!"

Sandy vortex filled in with water sucking him in with full force, the hyena's eyes opened wide. When did this obstacle get here? How did this obstacle get here? How could he have possibly caused this to appear? The hawk, he was as bad as the underwater penguins always accusing him of everything. Words bubbling onto his tongue, he readied to prove his innocence.

Such moment never came. Energy destroyed the words died a dishonorable death. Vortex claiming him as a snack, the chimera closed his eyes. It was too late to escape. He was done, finished, dinner, being pulled into wherever the pool of aquatic sandy portal were to take him.

Hawk and falcon sucked into the spinning pool of doom as well, the hyena surrendered himself to the archons above. This was it. He was about to be transported somewhere else. Was he about to reach another time? Another world? Closing his eyes, his thoughts raced. No. This was not a transported into another world story. He was not about to become an overpowered generic spiky haired self insertion character.

Feeling himself fade away, sound had become nothing, the soldier surrendered. He had been swallowed, eaten, a sandy dessert. Everything slipping away, the early adult clung onto his thoughts as a long fall of darkness and silence took him over. Where would he end up when he reached the bottom? Another world? The abyss? Somewhere else?

Opening his eyes as his legs touched a spiky ground, the early adult flinched. Had he been caught in some sort of large bear trap? Jumping off towards the side, he observed the area around him. Large, spacious room with spike traps on the walls, upon the floors, the early adult let out a groan. What was he? A ripped, brown hat wearing adventurer who was a temple explorer? Was a big ball going to come out of nowhere and chase him, as well? But, another rather peculiar object soon caught his eyes.

Robotic penguin with a sword in its right hand, the early adult titled his head. What in the world was going on here? Maybe he had been transported into another world and had been reincarnated into a self insertion product of an author's imagination after all. Spikes dissipating after a twenty seconds, the bird duo had soon come crashing down.

Hawk's eyes soon on him, the soldier let out another sigh. He was about to be the target of another arrowed attack any second now. Robin turning his backside, he soon dashed off towards the door. Seeing such, the early adult shook his head. Did this man really despise him this much? He needed to find a better hobby than hunting prey all the time. But, the soldier kept such thoughts to himself.

"Let me out!" Robin shouted. "I refuse to be near this criminal!" As he said such, he banged on the domain door.

"Hon, looks like we can't get out of here until we clear this story with that little penguin over there," Raven responded. As he said such, his loose hair upon his head twitched about. "Call a temporary truce?"

"Only for you!" Robin exclaimed. He then pointed at the vile Fatui. "But, as soon as we're out of here, if this fiend steps anywhere on my territory, he's asking for it!"

Reluctant truce coming his way, the soldier rose an eyebrow. This justice hawk would only do things if his partner said it. If he told him to drop his hostility permanently, would he do that? But, the chimera shook his head. That would never happen, for any reason. A delusion would fall out of the sky for such line of thinking any second now.

Dark blue thinking robot tapping its toes near the spike traps, the hyena tilted his head. Was this mechanical bird trying to communicate something? Whatever it was trying to say, he was none the wiser. Bouncing about clicks and low frequency beeps hit the floor for minutes on end.

"This creature, what's it doing?!" Robin asked in a defensive tone. "If it wants to pick a fight, it's going to get one!" As he said such, he dropped his talons towards it. Mechanical bird jumping up in fear, Raven stepped up to the plate.

"Ah, no, hon. It's talking in code. Let me translate?" Raven stated as a question.

"Go ahead," Robin responded, cheeks red. As he said such, more mechanical beeps kicked through.

"Salut! Je m'appelle Prince Thelxie. Ça va?" Raven translated. "Pouvez-vous m'aider a terminer mon historie?"

"What do you mean this thing wants us to complete its story?" Robin asked in disgust. "How do we not know this thing is a villain in disguise?"

"Hon, I highly doubt Prince Thelxie is capable of that," Raven said. He then turned towards the Fatui. "In any case, we cannot leave until we complete its story. Fatui, you don't mind cooperating with us until we all escape do you?" He then turned his eyes towards his lover. "I will ensure my boyfriend will uphold the temporary truce."

Robot penguin speaking in Fontainan morse code, the early adult could feel a wave of defeat flow through him. Two languages he had not yet studied. He would be incredibly useless here, for sure. Knowing he had to go on with the story, the soldier pressed onward.

Raven translating that the first hurdle was clearing the path of its traps, the hyena backed six steps away. They had to clear out the traps? How was that going to even be possible? But, he supposed he would have to look around the room and find something to get rid of it.

Finding a strange tile puzzle on the side of a hallway, the chimera pressed a button. Banner on the ceiling informing him to align the tiles in a certain pattern, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. How would something like this stop traps from activating? But, he supposed he would have to mess around with it and find out.

Hopping on top of the first of nine tiles, a sun image appeared. Seeing such, the early adult hopped upon the second tile. Moon image appearing, the hyena moved onto the third one star image showing up, he tilted his head. Did the sun, moon and star have to match, or align? He was not sure. But, he knew he had to figure out a solution.

Every single tile flipped to present an image, the puzzle down below let out a grating sound. Squares flipping back around to show nothing, the chimera flinched. Had he gotten the pattern wrong? What was he supposed to do? Taking a deep breath, he tried again.

Pattern not the correct one once more, a random button rose upward from the ground. Text on the button reading hint in bright bold letters, the chimera pressed it. Two tiles flipped over with the same shape, the soldier jumped four steps back. The symbols had to match in the row they were in? Was that the answer?

Every single tile flipped over in a triple pattern, a loud ding overtook the area. Announcement screaming out deactivating one trap, the early adult clapped his hands together. Bowing his head at the hint button, his gratitude had been sent upward towards the archons above.

Traps cleared out from both sides, the mechanical penguin hopped along the cleared out path. But, what awaited in the next room had been a surprise for the ages. Robotic enemies looking ready to smite everything around them, the soldier prepared his harpoon. Prince hopping around, its prop sword launched at the enemies.

"It would seem we have to fight to continue the story," Raven explained. As he said such, the loose hair on the top of his head moved.

"That's it?" Robin asked. "Let justice be served upon an Electro platter!"

Robin flying upwards towards the ceiling letting down his electrified arrows, multiple mechanical enemies had been zapped out of existence one after another. Not even getting a chance to get a single attack in, the soldier waved the white flag. This was the hawk's prey. He should not involve himself, or the truce would end, instantly. But, Raven soon let his shouts be known.

"Hon, let Prince Thelxie have a turn?" Raven stated a question.

"Fine! It can have two attacks!" Robin shouted. But, the mechanical penguin hopped in protest.

"Dix," Raven translated.

"Ten? This prince is getting greedy!" Robin shouted.

Robin letting Telxie have its ten attacks of justice, he soon tagged himself back into the ring. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but sigh. Why did this man always insist on being the star of all justice? Couldn't he let others be the star for once? Raven soon joining in on the fight, the hyena threw himself into the ring, as well.

Mechanical canines and other beings becoming one with the ground, the next room had soon come open. Next corridor with a broken pathway, the hyena could not help but wonder. What was this legend anyway? Did it have something to do with the sea gazelles? Still not seeing anything of the sort, he put a pin in such thought, for now.

Falcon chimera soon stating the only way to continue to was rotate stone blocks into the correct orientation to continue, he put himself to work. Bridge soon formed the penguin prince grossed valiantly. Group of three traversing, as well, the next hurdle threw itself into the mix.

Another room with traps everywhere that needed to be dispelled, multiple peculiar puzzles had been solved from one end to another. Spike traps dead in their tracks, the prince's accompanists pushed forward. But, as the group kept on going, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Was it just him, or was he sensing the presence of a dangerous creature here?

Pushing forward, multiple other puzzles had been done and dealt with. Looming feeling of doom only getting stronger as the domain's final rooms loomed ever so closer, the chimera prepared himself. What would await him in the next room up ahead? He supposed he was about to find out whether he liked it or not.

Final room soon reached, a monster of many terrors awaited the soldier. Large shark with metallic teeth letting out a roar, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. What was this creature doing down here? Was this the final hurdle to complete the story? But, a comment had soon come his way.

"Hold on, that's not how this legend goes," Raven said. "There was never a shark in the original story."

"Villainous interpretation, I bet!" Robin shouted. "Better kill it so we can get out of here!"

Robin flying upwards towards the ceiling, his bow glowed a bright shade of purple. Arrow of lightning dropped down upon the enemy, nothing happened. Hawk trying again once more with Electro arrows in a flurry, nothing happened. Anger mounting a coordinated barrage, nothing happened.

Raven stepping upwards towards the plate a book of spells had soon floated underneath his hands. Basic Dendro spells thrown at the large carnivorous fish, nothing happened. Attempting to hold his attack for a moment before trying again, nothing happened. Throwing a strange weapon made out of rose thorns, a triple whammy of nothing overtook the battlefield.

Neither birds attacks working, the hyena tossed down a flower friend. But, such had proved fruitless, as well. Windwheel Aster not able to form a dent upon the shark, the chimera snapped his fingers in defeat. Was this creature immune to Electro and Dendro? He was useless on all fronts, if such were the case.

Robin not giving up, nothing happened. Arrows soon eaten by the shark as if they were a midnight snack, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Was this creature hungry? What a disaster. Every single one of the hawk's arrows eating, the hyena readied to wave the white flag. If it would eat anything, they were all done for.

No solutions coming through, the soldier stared at the penguin prince in the corner. Perhaps, just maybe, this was its fight and not theirs? Hopping upward, the mechanical creature turned towards him. But, no understanding had been reached. Raven speaking in Fontainian shortly after, the creature moved forward.

But, no dents had been made. Mechanical penguin's sword unable to do anything, the chimera sighed. Was nothing going to work? How could this be? Would he be here forever until the story were to come to a conclusion? Text on the wall stating the heroes were struggling, the soldier sifting through his satchel, for a moment.

Harpoon taken out, the soldier took a deep breath. He did not know if using such weapon would work, but he knew it had to be worth a try. Holding the weapon crooked, the pole soon extended. Weapon reaching the shark, the creature let out a scream. Enemy sparking up a storm, the penguin prince had soon been on the frontlines.

Weak spot exposed for the entire world to see, the chimera trio and Thelxie took a bow as the shark vanished from existence. Large banner on the ceiling reading story complete, the exit door had soon appeared in the center where the enemy once stood. Raven gazing at his partner, the loose hair on his head wiggled once more.

"See?" Raven asked as if he were about to say he told him so. "Isn't working together better than working against as enemies?"

"I'll only work together with you, not the Fatui!" Raven exclaimed, pointing at the Fatui. "Next time I see you in my territory, justice will be served to you!" As he said such, he and his partner exited the domain.

Exiting the domain as well, the soldier heaved a sigh and lowered his head towards his shoulders. He was forever the Hawk's bounty on the top of his hitlist. Some things would never change. Tilting his head towards the sky, for a moment, the chimera jumped three steps back. It was already evening? He needed to go perform the heist now. Removing a slip of paper, the soldier read over the first location.

Paper demanding he head for the strange laboratory ruins with floating water cubes, the hyena shook with a fervor. He had to head where now? The Central Laboratory Ruins? How in the world was he supposed to pull of a heist inside cubes of water? This was getting ridiculous. Why did Her Majesty want him to do this?

Knowing it was best to head to this location through Marcotte Station, the early adult dashed off towards the bridge. But, as he kept running, he could not help but wonder. Just what point was there in making him perform heists? He had not succeeded in enough of them for this career to ever be feasible.

Dashing across the bridge, the soldier had begun to run northward. But, the thoughts kept on rolling in. Surely, there was nothing of value to steal upon these floating cubes. Why even bother? He knew this would not end well. Hail pelting him as he kept on running, the chimera accelerated his sprint.

Storm still going, the early adult could feel a wave of confusion tag him from behind. Was it normal for hail to last this long? Something wasn't adding up. But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. Maybe it was just a natural disaster. Surely, it would end by the time midnight rolled itself around.

Reaching Marcotte Station after after fifty minutes of walking, the soldier hopped into a nearby bush. Switching over to his heist uniform, the early adult prepared himself for failure. This would end in failure, for sure. There was absolutely no way he would succeed in any capacity.

Reaching the scene of where he would be forced to stage his crime, the hyena took a deep breath. Gazing upward at the floating water cubes up above, a wave of shock flowed through the hyena. The cubes were high off the ground. How in the world was he supposed to get up there?

Finding the jet wind glider he had stolen last time inside his satchel, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Why was this in here? But, he supposed he was grateful such had been left for him. Mechanical wind glider locked onto him, the wind would lead the way. Reaching the first cube up top, the chimera stared at the objects in front of him.

Spotting monitoring robots the chimera stared off into space. Why did he have to steal such a thing? Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Pocketing the object, guilt flowed through him. Why did he have to do this? This wasn't right. Weren't these research bots? This was wrong, and he knew it.

Moving towards the second cube, the chimera took a long deep breath. Spotting more robots, the soldier prepared himself. But, as he jumped towards the commodities Alarm setting off, the early adult jumped five steps back. These things were armed with an alarm? He was getting caught, without a doubt.

Hearing shouts in the background, the early adult had his wind glider push him towards the next cube of water. It was over. He was finished, caught purple handed. Any second now, and he would would be shot down, thrown to the sharks, seafood. Any second now and everything would be over. Why was he being told to heist again? He was never successful.

Reaching the third cube, the hyena could hear someone jetting towards him. It was over. Any second now and the heist would fall apart, like always. He was the worst phantom thief of all time. He would go down in the history books as the how to not go on a stealth mission, for sure.

Folu soon up in the air with a look a disdain on their face, the hyena sighed. One of the researcher jackals was here the entire time. He should have known. This was a big mistake of an order, for sure. What did Her Majesty need these machines for? She had plenty of her own technology. Well dressed jackal shaking they head, he let their voice be heard.

"Tsk," Folu said, clicking his tongue. As they said such, they grabbed ahold of Thiefer's stolen wind glider that was not rightfully his. "What are you doing, thiefy? Stealing again?" He then lowered his eyes into a squint. "You are robbing us of so much of our research! Why are you so dead set on doing this?"

Folu lowering his jet glider towards the ground, not a single word released itself from the confines of his throat. What could he possibly say at a time like this? He was being forced to steal? He was being ordered to? He knew, whatever he could have said would only make matters worse. Keeping himself silent, the jackal and he had soon reached the ground.

Sharp eyes soon on him, the chimera's face sunk. Were they expecting an answer? Arms soon crossed around their waist, the soldier's head sunk towards his chest. What was he supposed to say in a situation like this? He knew no matter what he were to explain, he would be shouted at, but a surprise soon hit him across the plate.

"Alright, fine, thiefy, take them all," Folu said, arms still crossed around their waist. "Got plenty of backups anyway."

Hearing such, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Why was he letting him go? Was there some sort of catch? If they had planned to tell the special security patrol, he would be thrown away in the fortress, guaranteed. Tilting his head, the early adult gazed at the researcher jackal. Surely, there had to be a catch.

"You look like you're gonna ask me what's the catch," Folu said, shaking his head. "There's no catch, thiefers. Go ahead, and take them. I'm not going to tell anyone."

Folu whistling as they walked away, the early adult blinked. Was this really happening right now? Surely, there had to have been a catch to all this. But, he supposed he should be grateful that he was being let off easy. Job done for the day, the chimera prepared for his return to the Court of Fontaine.

But, as he pushed onward, the hail transformed itself into oil rain. Golems coming out of nowhere, as well, the hyena made a run for it. Nope. His job was done for today. No more battles, no more heisting, no more of anything. Jumping onto the aquabus, the enemies were out of sight, out of mind.

Reaching the Court of Fontaine after about half an hour, the chimera could hear someone yell at him from afar. Voice echoing near the hotel, the soldier walked towards it. Ginger Fatui waiting for him, the soldier gave her a glare. Did she have to shout soldier for everyone to hear?

"A room has been reserved for you. Head to it now," the ginger Fatui demanded in a loud tone. "Your job is far from over, soldier." As she said such, he had been dragged inside.

Pushed into his hotel room, the door had been slammed behind him. Hearing the loud booted footsteps get quieter as the second marched about, the chimera let out a yawn. Weaponized hairpins, earrings and heist uniform soon removed, the chimera slipped into the hotel bed. But as the world of sleep readied to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Something is off.


Hearing a loud knock on his door in the stark of night, the hyena rubbed his eyes. Removing himself from the bed, he opened the entrance a smidgeon. Seeing the ginger Fatui on the other side of the door, the chimera rubbed his eyes. What was going on, did he have to perform another heist? It was too late for this.

"Soldier, we're going to Snezhnaya now," the ginger Fatui said, grabbing the soldier's hand. "A little squealer was caught."

Hearing such, the soldier tilted his head. A squealer had been caught? But, before he could think any further, a blinding light soon engulfed him. Why was teleporting still such an ordeal tough on the eyes? Soon in front of the palace doors, the hyena let out a gulp. Stepping foot in the palace, an ocean awaited him.

Thousands of Fatui standing in the palace from floor to floor, the chimera's knees shook. What was going on here? Why were there so many people in the audience? Young male Fatui in front of Her Majesty with a look of fear on his face, the chimera's eyes pulsated. This soldier, he had to have been around two years his junior.

"Your Majesty, I humbly beg for your forgiveness!" the unknown soldier pleaded, lowering himself to his knees.

Twisted look growing on Her Majesty's face, the hyena could feel a memory from the past flash through him. There was about to be blood spilled. There was no worse crime than disobeying the Cryo Archon. Tsaritsa letting out a haughty, the next stage of the humiliation soon began.

"It's too late for forgiveness, my lovely soldier," Her Majesty said, words cold. "You blabbed. I don't need you anymore." As she said such her left leg had been crusted into her right thigh. "My lovely soldier, grab the rifle."

Masked Agent passing off the sniper rifle towards the Cryo Archon, a heavy wave of shock flowed through the soldier. What was going on here? Wasn't this far too strong of a punishment for blabbing a secret? Surely, it had to have been an accident. Gun soon raised, a tea party was ready to start the banquet.

As the tea party readied the signal, bullets invited themselves to the table. Present received by the squealer, the weapons shook hands with the receiver. Cups raised in lieu, the rain continued onward. Bright red juice pouring out onto the carpet below, the festivities were over.

Former soldier no longer of this world, the soldier's heart had begun to race four kilometers a minute. Right. This was what happened to people who disappointed Her Majesty. If he were to ever fall out of line, this would happen to him next. Exiting the palace, his chest was a jackhammer. Wave of dizziness flowing through him, the hyena had soon become one with the ground. Consciousness fading, one last thought slipped in.

Obey, or die.


"It seems that we aren't haven't
That much success with finding these sea gazelle. Um, uh,

I don't know. Maybe I
Shouldn't have suggested we do this.

Sea gazelles. I don't
Think they'll be easy to locate. But
I am on a mission, I offered to pay
Lonan after all. Um, uh,
Lean a little closer? Yes, you.

No. Who am I talking to?
Oh, well, um, uh.
To be perfectly honest, I asked Lonan to assist me to

Get him away from Gwendolyn. I do not like how she treats him.
Oh, uh, um,
I know it is not in my place to do that. I could
Not just do nothing. He's been telling me he's thinking of
Going to live in Petrichor, so you know, I ought to offer him a

Way to get some
Extra Mora, right?
Lonan, even if we don't find these gazelles, I will still pay you, so
Let's keep looking, alright?"

Finding himself back into his hotel room, a wave of bewilderment flowed through him. Shaking with a fervor, the scenes prior flashed through his mind. Had he just woken up from a nightmare? Reaching for his glasses, the early adult rose from the bed. He supposed it didn't matter either way. It was time to get ready for work.

Ginger Fatui standing by the door, the early adult shook once more. He did not know why, but he could feel a heavy wave of indignance radiate from her. Had he done something to make her cross with him? What could he have possibly done for such an outcome to occur?

"Fainting after seeing a little rat die! You're pathetic, soldier!" the ginger Fatui shouted.

Words coming his way about being pathetic, the soldier remained silent. What was he supposed to say in a situation like this? There was nothing he could say. The ginger was right; he was pathetic. He should grow a pair of skin. Ginger letting out a sigh, the early adult's heart skipped a beat. What now? Did she have more insults to gift him?

"Just continue on with your investigations for now until evening," the ginger Fatui commanded. "Then continuing your heist from there."

Orders given, the ginger Fatui sighed. He has to continue the heist? Why is this still happening? He had to keep stealing from the jackals? This has got to stop. No more of this. Surely, by now, Her Majesty had plenty of stolen goods. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

Figuring the best course of action would be to head for the Beryl Region, the soldier exited the hotel. Walking towards the city's entrance, he seated himself upon the Aquabus. But, as the automatic vehicle left the area, multiple thoughts muddied together all at once.

As the vessel cruised forward, the chimera could not help but ponder. Why did he have to witness a public execution? He did not wish to see that for any given reason. But, he knew choice was not allowed in his life for any given reason. If Her Majesty wanted him to watch someone be removed from this world, he had to.

Thoughts continuing to roll, the soldier stared off into space. That soldier, what could he have possibly squealed about that could have cost him his life? Whatever it was, it must have been something grave. Say one wrong thing, and blood would be spilled. Such was the life of the Fatui.

Stares continuing, a pebble rolled around in the soldier's brain. It was best to remain silent. Never saying anything. It was for the best. Why risk his life saying the wrong things to the wrong people? It was always better to remain quiet, silent, diligent. The less he were to say, the better.

"We've reached your destination!" the Melusine suddenly called out.

Loud voice interrupting him, the hyena flinched. Huh, he was near Poisson tunnel already? When did that happen. Moving towards the ledge, the soldier deployed his windglider. Landing upon the sands of the Beryl Region, the soldier prepared himself for takeoff. It was time to continue his investigation about the sea gazelles.

But, immediately upon landing, a scene awaited him. Sea monsters with sharp string ray bodies and look of an amorphous blob with a raindrop shaped head looming around everywhere stretching from end to end, the soldier could feel the world stop, for a moment. Hail returning with a vengeance, as well, the chimera let out a groan. Not this again. The storm wasn't over?

Monsters all the way across the mountains and down below, the hyena shook with a fervor. Why had there been so many sea beasts here? What in the world was going on? Had something happened overnight? But, he already knew this location had been listed upon the paper the day prior.

Monsters coming towards him, the soldier let out a grunt. Had he already been spotted? Every single creature below and at the peak of the mountain pouncing towards him, the hyena jumped six steps back. They were rapidly approaching him. There was no space to attack, he was doomed.

Creatures laying down their claws the soldier had become one with the ground. Large creatures slashing every portion of him with all their might, the hyena could feel his energy drain away. Squirming the early adult attempted to break. Why were these monsters so hostile today? Something wasn't right here.

Eventually breaking free, the early adult released the harpoon of doom. Creatures fading to dust one after another as the fortieth and final attack had been let loose, more had soon come out of hiding. Harpoon continuing its rampage, the early adult swore he could see a hit counter pop up towards the sky. What was he, a big breasted valkyrie with pistols currently in training? But, the chimera shot such thought down the mountains. Wrong universe.

Enemies slain, the soldier ran off towards the western path. But, as he continued to do so, questioned raced inside him. Just what was going on here today? The atmosphere was thick. He could not help but feel something had gone terribly wrong. Could someone have been behind this? Shrugging, the early adult kept the investigations about the sea gazelles going.

But, absolutely nothing regarding the legend had been come across the further northwest he were to travel. Not a single trace of their existence yet uncovered, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Had there really been gazelles spotted here? He couldn't help but feel the traces of their existence had been wildly exaggerated.

No traces of any sort of fawn like sea creatures anywhere, the early adult could not help but wonder. Perhaps, just maybe, he could attempt to track their scent? Realizing such, the hyena's cheeks grew red. Why would he even think such a thing? He is not a bloodhound. His sense of smell might have been stronger than one, but there was no way he would ever try such a thing.

Rescinding the never, the early adult sniffed up a storm. But, no notable scents stuck out to the solder. Smelling nothing but the sea water on the air, the chimera huffed a sigh. Of course this wouldn't work. Why did he assume it would? Not all creatures had a scent to follow. How ridiculous of him to even draw such conclusion. Ending his whiffing, the soldier kept heading northwestward.

But, the further west he travelled, the stronger of a scent that came his way. Gigantic army of sharks with metallic teeth charging his way, floating upon the air, the chimera's eyes opened wide. What was going on here? Why were there sharks following him? He had to get away now.

Running as fast as his legs could currently carry him, the early adult huffed a breath. Tail drenched in sweat behind him, the early adult let out a scream. When did his tail pop out? How embarrassing. Sharks nibbling on down upon the appendage, the hyena kept his screams going? First it was out, now it was bitten, how humiliating.

Sharks shaken off, the early adult's tail slapped down upon the enemy. But, such had barely done anything. Harpoon soon removed, the soldier dashed off toward the beaches. Perhaps, the further he got away, the less interested they would be in continuing the fight.

Such had been a grave mistake. Sharks cruising towards him, the early adult kept running. Right, how could he possibly forget? They could track his scent? How dumb of him to forget such a thing. Teeth shimmering upon the sun, there had soon been a target upon the hyena's back.

Metallic tail rammed into his stomach, the early adult hissed. These sea creatures, why were they trying to fight him like this? Were they programmed to go after anything that had a pulse? Further members of the army closing in, he was cornered. Space was a dead soldier upon the battlefield. Gone, without a trace.

Enemies continuing to zero in, the soldier was a punching bag. Metallic ends continuously slapped into him, the early adult could feel his will begin to sway. These monsters were too much. He was outnumbered. He was going to lose, for sure. But such attacks had only just begun. Jaws dropping, snack time would soon begin.

Multiple sharks nibbling on the hyena's sides, the hyena closed his eyes. The teeth were sharp, invading, intrusive. Bites of doom continuing, the chimera attempted to shake the sharks off, one after another. But, such only resulted in further bite downs. Teeth only getting deeper, an invisible white flag had been raised upon the battlefield.

Sharks eventually letting go, the early adult took a deep breath. What was he doing, giving up? Such could not happen. Harpoon soon extended, and ready, the ruffian sea beasts had been poked to smithereens after fifteen attempts. Fifty-two strikes administered to the army together, they had soon become nothing but scrap metal.

Red juice flowing downward, the soldier fell down on the ground. Feeling his blinks getting slower, he laid down on the ground, motionless. Was this what it felt like to other people when he bit them? It had to have been excruciating. Trying to hold on, the chimera weakly clawed through his satchel, for a moment.

Coming across bandages and first aid in a small compartment deep within the pits of the container, the early adult meekly patched himself satisfactory enough to halt the further dripping. Raising himself back up towards the ground, the soldier readied to continue the sea gazelle investigations further.

But, as the chimera kept on going, the hail had only continued to get worse. Placing his hand over his head, the hyena had begun running. This storm, would it ever end? Although, such had only been the beginning. Hearing a loud roar across, a surprise soon kicked itself into overdrive.

Dark blue dragons flying across the sky with a menacing aura to them, the hyena backed six steps away. Where had these creatures come from all of a sudden? Weren't dragons a rare sight in Fontaine? Those flying lizards up above, could it have been the legendary Hydro Dragon? No. There was no way. He had to have been seeing things.

Dragon soon spotting him, a sight to behold caught the hyena's attention. Creature staring at the hail falling, the hyena tilted his head. Why was it observing the weather like that? Was something wrong here? Creature flying towards him, the early adult's harpoon was ready and waiting for action.

Such usage of his weapon had been cancelled before it could even begin. Dragons opening their mouths up wide, the hail had soon been devoured like an afternoon snack. Creatures smacking their lips, a wave of bewilderment flowed through him. What was going on here? Why did they just eat the icy rock stones?

Flying lizard swooping down towards him, the balls of hail had been fired at him like he was a their prime target, the hyena attempted with all his might to dodge. Such had been a failure of many spectacular proportions. Obstacles appearing left, right and center, moving away had been all but impossible.

Next attack looking ready to destroy him, the early adult prepared his harpoon. Surely, this would end this fight once and for all. Extending the spear towards the sky, the chimera let out a loud battle cry. It was time to perform some dragon slaying. Hydro Dragon or not, this creature had to be vanquished.

Such vanquishing never came. Enemy completely unfazed by his weapon, the hyena's eyes twitched. Were these creatures immune to the power of the whale hunting materials? He was doomed. It was over. He was as good as about to lose the battle. This was about to be his downfall. The end of the road, his defeat.

Large hail stones the size of a big slime coming towards him, the early adult attempted to dodge. Cold, hard balls of ice slapping down on him, the early adult broke into another shiver. Attempting to strike with the harpoon again, nothing happened, no damage, not a single scratch.

Pelted left, right, upside down and center, the hyena fell to his knees. What was with these monsters. What was happening? Taking a long deep breath, the early adult attempted to shake everything off to the best of his ability. He couldn't give up now. Switching the position of his legs, the chimera held the harpoon as if it were a sword.

Preparing himself once more, the hyena focused his attention on the hailstones. Perhaps, just maybe, if he deflected them, he would stand a chance. Resolute on his decision, the soldier kept his eyes on the prize. This had to work, surely. It was the only option that remained.

Hailstones sent back flying towards their owners, the winged lizards had soon dropped towards the ground, iced aplenty. Creatures fading into the ether, the early adult huffed a tired breath. The dragons had been slain, for now. But, as he attempted to catch his breath, frantic voices drowned out everything.

"Bro, you g-gott-a c-com-e t-to M-M-Me-r-u-ssss-eaaaa V-V-Viiiil-ag-eeee noooow," Brume wheezed, coughing up a storm. "S-S-Soooooo-me-thin-ggg w-w-waaack-y iii-ss g-g-gooo-ingggg on t-h-eeeeere." He continued to wheeze. "Archons, air is still painful."

"Yeah, bro, t-t-tooooo-ttalllll-y koo-kooky," Éclater added. "Archons, we're gonna die, we're totally gonna die."

Alarm bells ringing in his head, the early adult had begun running as fast as humanly possible. The sea lion pranksters came all this way without water tanks to tell him something was wrong? They didn't need to risk their lives for something like this. Sea lion brothers crawling behind, a second ton had dropped itself upon his back. If they were to fall here, he was to blame.

Reaching Merusea Village after about five minutes of extremely speedy running, the hyena rushed to put on his diving equipment. Brume and Éclater immediately dropping back into the water, the chimera mind and diving suit synched up with one another. Dropping himself downward into the deep expanses of the sea, a wave of confusion flowed through him. It was dark down here. Almost too dark. Had something changed since the last time he was here?

Spotting the diver boy in the corner, the hyena turned his head towards him. What was he doing down here? Was he on some underwater mission? Eyes soon glued to him, the young man blinked. Did he have something to say to him? Whatever it was, he hardly had any time. He had to deal with whatever was going on here, pronto.

"It's you," the blond diver boy said, emotionless. "It is best you turn back." But, he hesitated before continuing. "The monsters down here are dangerous. I thought I told the brothers to not let you know. Maybe they didn't hear me?"

But, the hyena refused. Turn back? No way. The Melusines could be suffering. Why turn a blind eye now? Not happening, there's danger an underwater foot. Turn around? He would do no such thing. He would clear out any monsters he had to. Having his diving suit thrust him forward, the sea lion prankster duo swam towards him.

"Bro!" Brume exclaimed. "Go to a Very Bright Place!"

"Yeah, bro!" Éclater added. "That's where the kooky monsters went!" As he said such, he soon uncovered a portal. "Enter this shortcut, dude!"

Pushing himself through a strange pink portal, he had soon been in a Very Bright Place. But, what awaited him inside was many fears aplenty. Hearing a loud buzzing noise, the hyena jerked his head towards the left and right. Gigantic hornet making a nest within, the chimera's heart skipped four beats. This was the threat looming underneath here? This was not good. If these creatures were to sting anything, poison would be in the water, guaranteed.

Pressing a button on his glove, the aquatic ray blade had been equipped. Turning his attention towards the monster, the chimera aimed with precision. Only two attacks connecting, the bug had begun to fly away at the speed of a samachurl. Creature soon looking like it had tripled, everything froze.

Attempting to once again hit the creature, such attempts failed almost immediately. Creature dividing itself, the early adult grit his teeth. What was he, on some sort of large space ship with wasps that could divide themselves onto the battlefield to drag it out longer? But, the chimera shook his head. Wrong universe.

Continuing to fight with all his might, the soldier placed down a jellyfish head bomb. He had fought these creatures before in Liyue. Surely, they would be simple to destroy. Aquatic explosive deployed, the creatures soon let out a loud hiss. But, the coin soon flipped itself once more.

Strong force pulling him elsewhere, the soldier attempted with all his might to break free. But, such had been an utter failure. Pulled towards a domain up ahead, the hyena surrendered. He had lost against the force. There was nothing that could be done. Hornets falling as the water absorbed them, the early adult closed his eyes. He was about to go to the unknown once again.

Finding himself in the mysterious world once again hidden deep within the Merusea Village, the chimera blinked. Why was he here again? But, what awaited him inside was utter chaos. Kraken seating itself upon the building, everything flipped sideways. Readying to fall, the chimera growled. Where was he, the Distortion World? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. There was no such place. What was he even thinking?

"Fix everything, and I'll skedaddle!" the kraken shouted.

Hearing such, the early adult made a run for it. Fix what? Fix this domain? How was he supposed to do that? But, an answer had come far sooner than he thought it would arrive. Multiple tile puzzles lining themselves up on the floor, the early adult let out a sigh. Not this again. Not another patterned tile puzzle. Was time repeating itself? But, such had only been stage one.

Rotation puzzles also adding themselves to the floor, the hyena groaned. Even more difficulties had been presented to him now. Figuring it was best to deal with the patterned tile puzzles, the early adult moved towards the first many hurdles. Hopping upon the floor, the chimera almost fell into the void.

First tile puzzle solved after two attempts, the soldier carefully approached the second one. Pattern figured out after about four attempts, the slew of answers kept going for hours on end. Orientation of the land fixing itself with every single success, the soldier hopped on top of the area's roof.

Multiple rotation puzzles waiting for him, everything soon begun multiple tiles rotated one after another, multiple components had been placed in the wrong position. Message alerting him to make sure the tiles create a picture, the soldier readied to pull his hair out. Why was this one so incredibly specific?

Taking a moment to breathe, the early adult prepared himself. Right. he had to solve this. He had no choice. Rotating the cubes on what felt like endless repeat. The picture slowly, but surely, came together. First one done and over with, the early adult hopped on over to the next rooved peak.

Next rotation puzzle waiting for him, the hyena's eyes spun as everything continued. One more spin, and his eyes would be jelly. But, he knew he couldn't give up. He had to solve this, or he would have to fight a sea monster right here, right now. Such could not happen. His energy was going the way of the ancient races.

Second rotation puzzle soon solved, the soldier readied for the third and final one. But, struggles soon arose one after another. Multiple complicated components screaming at him, the early adult clicked his tongue. Of course the last one would be the hardest. That's how it always was. Taking a deep breath, he soon reset his concentration.

Final rotation puzzle taken care of, the kraken surrendered itself. Taking one for the team, it had exited the scene. Exit door soon appearing, the soldier jumped out. Merusea Village brighter and better than ever, the chimera returned to the surface world up above.

Spotting a dragon flying towards Elynas, the early adult's legs erupted into a sprint. There had been more of them here? Chasing the creatures all the way to the edges of the area, a long, arduous fight took the soldier away, for a moment. But, such had soon come to an end. Coming across a bony boomerang, the chimera borrowed it, for a moment.

Evening soon rolling around, the early adult let out a deep sigh. It was time to perform another heist. Why did he have to do this yet again? It was clearly not ever going to be pulled off by him. Heist outfit on, he soon looked over the next location of which he had to steal from.

Location listed as the northern mountain within the research institute, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. He had to do what now? Perform a heist on the top of the mountains? No way. That had to have been some sort of mistake. Reading it over again it was not a mistake. What was going on here? This was quite ridiculous for sure.

Running through the research institute, the hyena sighed. Why is he doing this? He should just let himself get caught. Feeling a lightbulb appear above his head, he rose his index finger upwards towards the sky. He should, definitely, certainly, without a doubt, let that happen.

Reaching the next place after about an hour of walking, the early adult prepared himself. It was time to get caught. Climbing up the mountain as loud as possible, the soldier attempted to ramp up with all his might. Surely, this would lead him to getting spotted. It had to be the opportunity.

Laying down smoke balls at the absolutely worst time, the early adult stared at the objects he was told to steal. Seeing mountain beacons, the early adult shook his head. Why did Her Majesty want these? Absolutely ridiculous. Touching them with the palms of his hands, he could soon hear shouts as he grabbed them.

"It's our favorite little thief again!" Sani and Oluchi shouted in unison.

Pretending to be shocked, the hyena snapped his fingers. Oh no, he had been caught. Whatever shall he do? Jackals looking at each other in brief confusion, the early adult played up the theatrics. Whispering he, the Research Institute Phantom Thief had been caught again. Foiled. But neither researchers were buying what he was selling.

"Sorry, thiefers, you can't take our seismic graph tools," Sani said, shaking his head. "You need to put them back down."

The soldier could feel a shock drop down his spine upon hearing such facts presented to him. Her Majesty wanted him to steal tools to measure nearby earthquakes? How could she suggest he do such a thing? How dare she. Putting it down, Oluchi soon pumped her fists downward. Was she enjoying watching him put them back? He supposed he didn't blame her.

"Atta boy!" Oluchi cheered. "Putting back our cute little tools!"

Jumping down the mountain, the soldier headed back towards the Aquabus Station. But, as he prepared to do so, he stared off into space. This wasn't right. This had been getting out of hand. This heisting, he wasn't even good at it. It needed to stop, halt, cease. This could not go on anymore, no matter what.

Aquabus soon reached, the soldier repeated such within his mind. Enough was enough. Why couldn't Her Majesty stop ordering him to do things that could directly harm people's livelihoods? Didn't she want the Fatui to remain on amicable relations with every single important group figures? She was jeopardizing her standing with the Research Institute, guaranteed.

Reaching the hotel after about an hour and a half, the early adult checked back into his temporary room. Immediate wave of tiredness overtaking him, the hyena threw himself into the hotel bed. Everything put away, the chimera closed his eyes. But one last line looped on repeat as the land of tormented dreams readied to take him away.

Enough was enough.


"New big lead today on the sea gazelle case, there's some
Eerie noises coming from the Foggy Forest and
Weeping Willow of the

Lake. The sounds are kind of
Enrapturing. I dunno is that the word.
Ah, I tell Rabi: 'Think there's something around here somewhere.'
Don't know why, he seems kinda nervous

Today. Like something is
On his mind? I
Dunno what that could possibly be, but I would rather not pry.
'Ah. Um, yeah, I think so, too.
You're probably right,

Lonan.' Hmm, something is wrong here. So, I
Enter my concerns into
The conversation.
'Something bugging you?' I asked.

Guess he felt a little bugged by this question. He flinched.
'Oh, sorry, bro. Don't want to talk about it?'

Rabi then shook his head.
'Ah, uh, uh, no. It's not that. Uh. I'm just a
Bit tense today. Uh, um, sorry. Does that bother you?'
I shake my head, and tell him, 'Nope. Not at all.'
Unless I am mistaken, he smiled. Maybe I should let myself be his ears. We continue investigating."

Waking up the next morning, music had soon been sung in his ears. Ginger Fatui telling him he will no longer be heisting, the hyena almost cheered. No more stealing? That was it, he was free from his forced path of dazzling criminality? Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom freedom.

His thievery days were over.

Just like that.

Gone, done he was free.

"What's with that goofy look on your face soldier?" the ginger Fatui called out. "You still have work to do. Continue your investigation on the sea gazelles." She spun a mora coin on the tips of her fingers. "And go deal with the problem in Belleau that you left out yesterday! Then, head to the Weeping Willow of the Lake for your final mission."

Hearing the Belleau region mentioned, the hyena flinched. That's right, he nearly forgot. That was one of the regions listed as somewhere with sea gazelles sightings. Giving his Fontaine boss a nod, the early adult exited the hotel, heading off towards the Aquabus station, the Melusine guard told him to keep himself seated at all times.

As the vehicle of automatic movement rode again, the soldier stared off into space. What could possibly be waiting for him in the Belleau Region? More sea monsters he left unattended? Just how much more of this would he have to deal with at this point? Why couldn't there be other soldiers to clean up some of this stuff from time to time?

As the vessel passed by the view of the Opera Epiclese, the chimera continued to stare off into space. Would another surprise await him today? If such were the case, he could hardly stand it. No more surprises. No more battles. He had had quite enough of all that nonsense this week.

Gazing at the world around him, the soldier sighed. He recalled hearing something two days prior. The generic rich nobodies, they had posed a question: why hadn't the Hydro Archon been doing anything? Question simmering, the early adult repeated it. Why hadn't she been doing anything about the ongoing problems? Something wasn't right.

"Hey! We've reached your destination!" the Melusine called out to him. "You've been spacing out a lot lately."

Bowing an apology, the early adult placed himself on the ledge. Wind glider soon deployed, the chimera could hardly believe the sight playing out in front of him. Bain, Kali and Aigre chasing a large dragon up in the sky, the hyena crooked his head upward. Abyssal gazelles on the back of the flying lizard, the young soldier let out a groan. Of course it was these two again. Why did he even think for a moment he wouldn't see them again? Sea lion trio running faster, shouts had come their way.

"Get back here!" Bain shouted.

"You two um, set fire to things in Poisson!" Kali shouted. "Take responsibility for what you did!"

"You meanies!! Get off Mister Seahorse and go into the timeout box!" Aigre exclaimed. "You two did a very bad thing!!"

"Aigre, now's now the time for that!" Bain shouted.

Catching up to the sea lion sisters, the early adult let out a growl. Getting a closer inspection upon the dragon, the early adult folded his arms into a fist. What were these two doing, riding around on a large seahorse? They burned things down to ashes in Poisson? What a brand new low for them. Outrageous.

"That's right, you did it!" Kelebek shouted. "And you'll do it again!"

"Nyahahaha, we'll take your precious little home down into the abyss with us!" Izzet shouted. "Enjoy Poisson while you still can! When we're done here it'll be Poigone!"

"You'll be the ones Poigone!!!" Aigre shouted. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Aigre, we'll lend you our assistance and grant you a speed boost. She then changed the pitch of her voice again. "Wow, thanks Navigator Blanc! Let's gooooo!"

Aigre zooming off with her imaginary friend, the abyssal gazelle duo had only gotten faster. Bain and Kali demanding she slow down, the soldier sped up his running speed, as well. The mermaid had the right idea, running faster. These no food fawns had to be caught right away, no questions asked.

Dashing across the west slopes, the soldier swore he could say Izzet they would never catch them. But, the soldier sped up his running speed. None of them would ever catch them? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Who did they think he was? He was a hyena chimera. If he were to transform his legs, he would catch up in no time.

Moving through the east slopes, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. Human legs soon becoming hyena ones, the early adult dashed off as fast as possible. Everyone else straggling behind, the soldier kept running. He couldn't let them get away, no matter what. But, their next turn was the worst turn.

Gazelles stopping at the mysterious tower upon the bottom floor, the early adult feet skid across the grass. What were these two up to now? Sea lion trio catching up, the villainous party of two dropped themselves from their sea dragon. Heinous grins of wickedness plastered on their faces, a suggestive threat had come the sea lion sister's way.

"Fight our little friend if you want your precious home to live!" Izzet shouted. As they said such, the seahorse snorted.

"One wishes her luck!" Kelebek shouted. As one said such, the two fawns vanished into thin air.

Seahorse snorting once again, the chimera let out a puff of air. What in the world was this nonsense? Fighting a seahorse? Would that really be any sort of challenge? The soldier did not think so. There was no way this would prove to be a challenge. But, he had soon been proven wrong almost instantly.

Seahorse snorting air, large hailstones had come out of its mouth. Seeing such, it had clicked immediately. He sees now. The days long hailstorm. It was the abyssal gazelles doing once again. Why was everything always tied to them in some way? How annoying. This couldn't get any worse, could it?

But, the worst had soon come. Seahorse unleashing multiple icy attacks, the hyena fell to his knees. What was this? Why was this monster so strong? The abyss was a formidable opponent indeed. Bain and Kali falling to their knees as well, the odds were stacked against everything.

Soon, the best card would be pulled.

"Here you go, little horsey!" Aigre shouted at the top of her lungs. "A gift from Pilot Noir!"

Large, metal anchor tossed on the seahorse it had soon been crushed into tiny little pieces one after another. Creature shattering into little nothings, the abyssal gazelle duo soon returned from the ashes. Snapping their fingers, both of them grit their teeth at the exact same time.

"You will get your revenge!" Kelebek shouted pointed.

"Just you wait, meddler, our next plan will wipe the floor from under you!" Izzet shouted. As they said such, they hopped into a portal.

Sea lion trio soon gone as well, the soldier exited the tower. Knowing it was now time to head for the Weeping Willow of the Lake, the early adult could feel his body begin to freeze. The gazelles, they had exacted their revenge on him again. What would happen the next time he meets them? Doom loomed over him as he continued to push onward.

Weeping Willow only getting closer, the doom only continued to eat the chimera alive. What would they do to him next time? Give him even worse poison that'll surely kill him this time? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. They could probably hear his thoughts. He needed to stop thinking about them.

Reaching the Weeping Willow of the Lake a surprising sight soon caught his attention. Spotting Rabiu and Lonan working together, the soldier tilted his head towards the sky. When did these two get so close? But he supposed that would never be his business. Walking towards them, Rabiu's eyes darted off towards him, in an instant.

"Siorc, um, uh, you're here now, too?" Rabiu asked. The hyena swore he could see him blushing. "Did you come here about the legend?"

Question coming his way, the early adult gave the health researcher jackal a nod. Was it really alright to tell him he was searching, too? Did this count as giving information to someone that wasn't supposed to know? If Her Majesty was watching, he would be killed for sure. But, Lonan soon interrupted his food cart of thought.

"Cool beans, black fish steak bro," Lonan replied to his wordless communication. "Rabi and I are looking, too."

"Um, I uh, told you not to call me Rabi," Rabiu said, shaking his head. "If you're going to address me with a nickname. Uh, please just call me Rab." His voice was shaking as he said such. "Rabi reminds me of what my siblings call me when they act like I'm adopted."

"Sorry, Rab, I'll try to remember to not call you that again," Lonan responded, crossing his index fingers. "Well, anyway, bro, we haven't checked the underwater lake yet. We should probably head there next."

Lead given, the early adult put on his diving equipment. Everyone dropping down to the world underneath the lake, a wave of unease flowed through him. Was it just his imagination, or had the atmosphere been heavy here? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. He was jumping to conclusions, surely.

Moving through the area, the soldier could not help but feel an overwhelming presence in the area. Someone, without a doubt, had been living down here. Recording such information in his waterproof notebook, the soldier prepared himself. The sea gazelles, where could they be hiding themselves?

Moving along the path, the feeling of someone being here had only gotten a lot stronger as the soldier headed towards a pink seashell. This feeling, why had it been so overwhelming? Could the sea gazelles be inside this shell? Taking a deep breath, he kept himself from lifting the object. Maybe he should look around a little more first.

Rabiu and Lonan heading off towards the opposite end of him screaming the eastern side of the lake underneath the willow tree had nothing going, the soldier remained in place. If there had been nothing to discover on the eastern side, he was definitely wasting his time. There was no need to go over there, for sure.

Making a lot of noises as he headed back off towards the shell, the jackal and hawk chimera prepared to do the heavy lifting. Everything counting from one to three together, something of immediate shock caught the early adult's attention. Two humanoid people laying down inside the seashell like it was a bed, the two soon opened their eyes.

Observing the duo, for a moment, the soldier turned his attention towards the left laying person. Laying down upon the seashell from the leftmost point had been a feminine appearing person with spiky orange hair that went down to about their ears, orange eyes with peculiar triangular pupils, and gazelle horns to match. Red outfit not covering their entire gazelle lower half, the soldier could not help but wonder. Was a transformation like this normal? He had never seen a chimera with their entire lower half as the animal their dna had been fused with before aside from Krysi in her rat form. But, such had been a different case.

Turning his head towards the next person, the chimera had observed them, for a moment. On the right had been a masculine appearing gazelle person with short orange hair parted in a fancy manner off into the left side of their head. Hanging sideburns covering their pointy ears, orange eyes with triangular pupils, the chimera stared at their face. Why did their face look like it had been cracked glass. What was going on here? Green outfit barely covering their entire lower half gazelle body, confused glances had come everyone's way. But, one other thing had soon caught his attention.

Both gazelles having extremely sharp black nails that were much longer than normal ones, the soldier tilted his head. What in the world were those? Whatever they were, he could feel a sense of doom flowing through them. Something was not right about those nails, for sure.

"Is this Celestia?" gazelle number one asked. "Did we finally die?"

"No, Damla," gazelle number two asked. "Still alive." But, confusion soon added itself to the mix as they turned their head towards the faces in the corner. "Huh? Intruders?" They could feel their rage build. "Die! Die! Die!"

Sea gazelles suddenly throwing their hostilities into the ring, everyone had sprung into action. What was going on? Why had they suddenly thrown their hats into the ring? Claws glowing the gazelles let out a scream. Everyone fighting back for minutes on end, the opposing force soon tired themselves out after thirty strikes.

"Sorry for attacking you three," gazelle number one with the spiky hair said apologetically. "I am named Damla."

"And, I'm Firat," gazelle number two said. "Apologies for telling you three to die. Didn't mean it."

"It's all cool, bro. I'd be mad, too if someone woke me up while I was sleeping," Lonan responded. "Are you three the legends of this lake?" But, there was a brief moment of hesitation as he asked such.

"Guess cos and I are?" Firat responded in a questioning tone. "Huh. When did that happen?" But Damla soon added cos voice to the mix.

"What se means to say is, we are. But, we do not know why," Damla added. Co then let out a sigh. "We have been asleep too long for this. Can't we just die already?"

Hearing Damla say co just wanted to die, the soldier's heart skipped a beat. Why did co want to end cos life? But, he supposed that was not his business. He barely knew anything about these two to know. But, his thoughts had quickly been interrupted as another voice kicked in.

"Could you please let us go back to sleep?" Firat asked in a tone of desperation. "Neither of us want to be awake right now."

Nodding, everyone soon respected their wishes. Sea gazelle duo crawling back into their pink seashell, it soon closed itself up tight. Everything returning to the surface, the soldier sat down beside the weeping willow for a moment. Recording all his findings one after another, the hyena prepared himself to return to the Court of Fontaine.

As the soldier rode the Aquabus back towards the capital city, the soldier stared off into space. The sea gazelles, something was definitely wrong here. These two, someone had to have done something to them. Fawns could not breathe underwater. Something was amiss.

Ginger Fatui demanding he hand over his research log, the early adult handed off his satchel to her. Soon told he was dismissed, the early adult took out his teleport waypoint proxy orb. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Cruising through the hallways, he reached the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking.

Immediate wave of tiredness overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But, as he had done so, his thoughts raced to the finish line. The sea gazelles, just how much had they been suffering? Land of tormented dreams dragging him back in, one final thought wrapped vines around the soldier.

Something was off about the sea gazelles, for sure.

Chapter 31: Chenyu Vale Rumblings 3: Lion Beasts and Partings.


And this is probably the final chapter in the Chenyu Vale saga. In this section, Siorc must record data in Chenyu Vale. Who knows for what purpose, however. Feat: Regina, Zhongli, Yanfei, Chongyun, Gaming, and Xiao.


No more Chenyu Vale


Chapter Text

"So let me get this straight,
Her Majesty wants me to
Enter Chenyu Vale and record data.

Why, Your Majesty?
Are you doing this
Now, of all times?
This hardly makes any
Sense. I don't really understand.

Maybe she just wants to see
Everything accounted for?

This is nothing I'm not used to,
Obviously, she's always demanding I

Run on over to
Every single area.
Can't help but see that I am
One of her worms,
Right. That's how it's always has been.
Don't ever forget,

Don't ever forget what I truly
Am. I'm a worm,
That's how it's
Always been.

Always will be, I need to
Get comfortable in that
Always constant.
I am nothing more than a pawn,
Nothing more than a chess piece.

Her Majesty is always
Using me, of course I know that.
Her Majesty is always

Watching me. I am
Her little rook.
Even though I have
Not gone on a mission

Where I have to record
Anything in a year or
So. So, what's with

The sudden order?
Haven't I been in Chenyu Vale plenty already?
Eh, must not have been enough.

Look, Your Majesty, I'll do
All you ask, but you really
Should have asked me
To do this ages ago. I have been

There about four times now,
I think. Or
Maybe it has been less. I haven't
Ever paid attention to the count.

It is what it is, I

Have to do everything and
All she says. I mustn't
Disobey. I wouldn't dare

To. I have to
Obey, or she will kill me.

Do I see the point
Of this mission? Do I understand why

This late after I
Have already been to this
Area? No, of course not.
Though, I guess, don't question

That. I really shouldn't.
Here's to yet another
Especially long recording session.

Hah, I'm just
A little pawn
A little
Rook on the chessboard!

I get it, Her Majesty,
She wants me to have everything
Laid down in my book
As a way to get information out of me.
Nothing I'm not used to!
Do I have anything to
Say to that? Of course

I don't. I wouldn't dare

Say anything.
Ultimately, silence is key.
Perhaps this mission will go quick,
Perhaps this
One won't be a month long.
Something like this
Evidentially might not take as much time.

I am sure of it.
Though, perhaps I am too optimistic.

However, since I have been here
At least three times,
She won't require me to

Be here as long,
Even so, I have to do my best.
Even so, I cannot falter.
No half baked work, I

Quite already know she will
Unleash violence on me
If I half bake anything.
This has to perfect.
Everything has to be perfect.

Ah, well. That's how it is.
Why would I do sloppy work?
Her Majesty is watching me
I know she's constantly
Looking, listening in the
Eaves. Everywhere, everything, all at once.

Well, maybe I'm
Exaggerating, there's no way she's
Looking. There's no way she's
Listening. Ah,

No, I am not exaggerating, not
Overthinking. She's always watching.

My actions, they're
Always seen.
That's always the case,
That's always how it is.
Every second, minute, hour.
Right, I know she's always

Looking, listening through the
Eaves. Always, every second.
There's always eyes on me
She's always looking. So,

Get to work
Every second counts
There is never a moment

That I'm not being watched, if not
Her Majesty,
It's probably someone else.
She has thousands upon thousands

Of soldiers. I am
Very aware of this fact.
Eyes are everywhere,
Retinas are everywhere.

Well, it is what
It is. I'm quite used
To it. Well,
Here goes nothing. Back to the Vale.

The sound of bitter wind roared like a frozen wolf in the forests of Wolvendom. As the icy world outside kept making its presence known, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in an echo. A month long blizzard had just restarted itself in the permafrost north. But, despite such complaints about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Hearing the roar outside, the soldier added his own to the mix. Yet another month long blizzard was right around the corner. Could he get five more minutes? But, the soldier knew he could not just sit around, or he would suffer painful freezing. Lifting himself upwards from the bed, the hyena had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the early adult's uniform melted onto his partially human person, a million thoughts raced around in his mind at once. The gazelles residing in the deep depths of the waters below the Foggy Forest, did something happen to them? Fawns were not typically creatures that resided underwater.

Buttoning his uniform, the thoughts kept throwing themselves around. The sea fawns, something was incredibly off about them, for sure. How did they end up under the lake? Why were they regarded as some sort of legend? But, the early adult shook his head. There had been various local mythos in Fontaine. They just happened to be one of them.

Adjusting his glasses, the ponderings would not cease, even for a moment. The abyssal gazelles, could they have been behind these two strangers residing underwater. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away again. There was no way to find out such for sure, under any circ*mstances.

Taking a deep breath, the early adult removed the cover off his hairpin and earrings box. Although, as he was about to pick them up from the encasem*nt, the entire room shook as if the wind had been raging at one-hundred-fifty miles per hour. Tremors intensifying as the seconds raged onward, the chimera's balance was a dead soldier upon the battlefield.

Dropping down onto his buttocks, the soldier's body drifted towards the steel wall, backside slamming into it with a soft thud, the quivers kept their rampage going for a few seconds further. Various soldiers screaming in the other room for minutes on end, the chimera kept himself against the wall, for the time being.

"Earthquake?" one soldier shouted.

"What's going on?!" another soldier shouted.

"Hang on!" one other soldier shouted.

Shakes increasing in intensity for an extra few seconds, a heavy wave of unease had begun to flow through the hyena. What was going on here? He had no idea, but his thoughts had soon been cut off as objects dropped down upon him one after another. Trying not the scream, the early adult remained as still as a statute.

Tremors coming to an end, the chimera stood up once more. Although, as he had done so, a generic nobody soldier dashed towards his door. Man with the same face as every no one in the entirety of Teyvat, the early adult blinked. What was this person doing here? Had it been time for work already?

"Soldier, are you alright?" the generic nobody asked.

Question coming his way, the early adult gazed at the person from afar. Why was this soldier checking on him? None of them in the other rooms had ever cared to do so before. Placing his hands out in front of him, the early adult folded his hand into a face, bobbing back back and forth, yes had been signed on private display.

"Good," the generic nobody responded. "By the archons, I have to check on everyone else!" As they said such, they ran off.

Generic nobody running away as fast as they could, the hyena shook his head. This soldier would most certainly not last long in Her Majesty's ranks. Walking back towards his uniform drawers, the chimera took a long deep breath. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching black hearts adorned the early adult's hair and ears.

Ground briefly shaking again for about ten seconds, the early adult attempted to keep his balance. Taking another deep breath, the soldier hooked the Dendro Vision upon his uniform pants. Staring at the steel walls, a thought threw itself into the ballpark. The abyssal gazelles, could they have currently been in Snezhnaya?

But, the early adult threw such thought outside. Even if they had been, it would not be his battle to deal with. He had no reason to concern himself over such. Had they been here, it would be for someone else to worry about. Thoughts tossed aside, the early adult walked towards the edge of the room.

Heelless shoes on, the soldier let out a sigh. His rations had been decorating the floor, there was no way he could eat them like this. Cleaning them up and discarding of them, he held back the urge to sigh for the second time. His only meal of the day had been completely cancelled. But, the chimera shrugged. His stomach was half hyena. He could go longer times without eating than a normal human could.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march about in a cacophonous rampage, the early adult t turned his attention towards the door. It was time to focus on the day at hand. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera had put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday to begin.

"Soldier, are you alright?" the Agent asked, concerned tone of voice. "That earthquake was quite strong."

Hearing the artificial concern in his voice, the soldier lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. There was absolutely no way he was worried about him in any given way. But, he supposed it was best to give him an answer swiftly before he could get any chance to raise his voice. Nodding, he awaited his instructions to come his way.

"Alright, good, soldier," the Agent responded. "In any case, you will be heading to Chenyu Vale today to document various phenomenon around the area." A bag shook behind his back with a fervor. "But, before that, there is something else you must do. There is something that must be dealt with in Blackcliff Forge. Get to it swiftly, soldier."

A heavy wave of bewilderment ate the chimera up like a plate of blini. Why Blackcliff Forge, of all places? There had been a lot of fish in this statement. He had rarely been to this place aside from occasional business affairs here and there. Why now, of all times? One was not adding up to two, whatsoever.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the agent called out. "Did you hear me? You will be heading to Blackcliff Forge then Chenyu Vale! Quit dawdling and get in gear!"

The chimera flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was absolutely no time for thinking. He had to just accept his orders as they were, without question. Taking his third deep breath for the day, the early adult placed his hand out in front him, waiting for gripping prison to take him away like it always had.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Unusual or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good, we're leaving, soldier," the Agent responded. "Be careful while in Blackcliff Forge. The rogues you will be marking are quite hostile." Escort towards Liyue soon beginning, the hyena stared at the frozen walls, for a brief moment.

He has to do what now?


"I do not understand. No, I

Don't get it. What do I have to do, exactly?
Oh, man, hold on a second, what?

No, I still don't get it. Go
Over to Blackcliff Forge
To deal with rogue soldiers?

Quite confusing, if I'm being honest.
Unless the definition of rogues
Is monsters, or something.
This is not an order I have
Ever received.

Uh, so Your Majesty, why
Now? This hardly makes sense.
Don't really see the point in this.
Even though I don't not, I
Really have no
Say in the matter.
That's just how it is.
And, it is not like I am allowed to question it.
Not one bit.
Do I think this means anything?

Well, not really. I guess she just wants me to go
Hammer down something upon these rogues.
Are soldier starting
To rebel against Her Majesty?

I don't know.
That's not any of my business.

I shouldn't question it.
So, it's better I just do as I am

Told and move on with my day.
Hopefully, this is not something I have to deal with
Again. Hopefully, this is nothing more than a one
Time thing. Surely,

It has to be. This is not
Something I should be sent out to do.

But, I mustn't complain,
Every single thing
I might be thinking might be heard.
No, perhaps I am
Getting too close to exaggerating.

All and all,
Something just isn't right here. I
Know something is just off,
Eerie, and I
Don't know what it could be, but

Of all times to deal with rogues,
For this to happen now, it just feels strange, truly.

Maybe I am mistaken.
Eh, I don't know.

Well, it is what it is.
Here's to dealing with
A ton of rogue soldiers before
Taking on Chenyu Vale for the third time.
Something tells me this
Order is just serving as a distraction.
Eh, but what do I know? It
Very well could or couldn't be.
Every time, it's all the same. Sprinkle, and
Repeat. Same order, different day."

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the teleport waypoint, a satchel had been slammed onto the soldier's back. Reminder coming his way to deal with the rogues first, then proceed to Chenyu Vale after, the hyena nodded. Right, head for Blackcliff Forge first, then the northern mountain range.

Agent soon leaving, the chimera prepared himself to exit the area. Knowing Blackcliff Forge had been in the southern area within Liyue, the early adult prepared himself to head towards the western exit of the city. But, as his walk through the the city soon began, thoughts soon clumped together.

As the early adult sauntered onward, he could not help but wonder. These Fatui rogues, why hadn't he ever heard about this before? This had to have been the first instance of such occurring during his approaching eight years as a forced member of the Fatui. Such had been almost unheard of, for certain.

Dragging his feet, the hyena kept his thoughts going. Had a rebellion been near? He knew that, no matter what the circ*mstance, not everyone stuck within the ranks. But, he supposed, whatever happened outside of what he knew was not his business. He knew he had not been nearly high ranked enough to know anything beyond what knowledge had been supplied.

Thoughts changing course, the early adult stared at the fence in the corner of the area. The Fatui, just how many soldiers were unsatisfied within the ranks? The chimera had no clue, but knew the number had to have been miniscule, or immeasurable. There couldn't have possibly been an in between.

Moving past the toy sales booth in the corner, the soldier could not help but question. Which side of scale would he be on? Dissatisfaction, or the opposite spectrum? But, the early adult threw such thought off a bridge. It had been neither. He was not allowed to have an opinion on such, whatsoever.

Pushing through the business district, the hyena turned his attention towards the red staircases. Just how many people willingly offered themselves to the Fatui every day, week, or year? Shrugging his shoulders, no answer came to him. How should he know? It had to have been thousands per year. It had to have been the same for every other group of power within Teyvat.

Jewelry store pushed past, the soldier tossed the thoughts away to the best of his ability. He supposed, it did not matter to him how many people were to join the ranks of the seven countries armies. Every single one, including the Fatui had to have benefits that outweighed the cons.

Curving off towards the left, another set of thoughts threw a pebble upon the water. The frontlines, what was so great about them, anyway? They had been filled with the most danger amongst all positions. He could never imagine himself throwing himself away to the front of the line in an army.

But, the soldier knew, all of his years of training, they had to have been to prepare him for the frontlines someday. He supposed if that were truly the case, there was no way around it. He was a pawn on the chessboard, a rook upon the battlefield. Should warfare break out between the regions of Teyvat, the choice would not be his position in the battlegrounds.

Distractions kicking in one last time, the huffed a breath. Why in the world was he letting these thoughts press on? There was no way he would be sent onto the frontlines. He was hardly skilled enough in the use of either his Vision, nor his gifted Delusion. There was no way he would be put out on a battlefield between other nation's armies.

But, as the chimera readied to pass through the city's western most exit, his body soon collided with another. Clothes pressing against his, the early adult backed three steps away. Bowing an apology. Moving his head upward, the tall brunette appeared within his close range vision. Seeing such, the chimera bowed a second apology. Why hadn't he been watching where he was going?

"It is quite alright, young man," the tall brunette responded to his wordless apologies. "You were merely lost in thought."

Hearing such, the chimera bowed a third apology. Momentary doom looming over him, the chimera's thoughts wandered once again. Would Rex Lapis curse him? He had bumped into one of the most knowledgeable people in Liyue. Accidentally whispering such inquiry aloud enough to be heard, the chimera placed his hands over his mouth.

"Fear not, Mr. Siorc, Rex Lapis will not curse you," the tall brunette responded to his slightly audible whisper. As he said such, he moved out of the way.

Hearing such, the soldier flinched. The wise man had heard him? He had definitely whispered far too loudly. Moving along, the hyena pushed through. It was time to move onto Blackcliff Forge and deal with the rogues as instructed of him. Time to get whatever it was he had to do over with.

As the early adult had begun to head west, another set of questions threw themselves into the ring. Geo Archon gracing his mindscape, he could not help but think. Rex Lapis, Morax, the Lord of Geo, just what kind of god could he have possibly been? But, mind soon rolled off towards the past tense.

Rephrasing the question inside him, the chimera inquired within himself again. What kind of god was Rex Lapis? He did not know why, but as of late, he had been hearing rumors the archon had passed on. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. That had merely been a rumor. Surely, it had to have been.

Pushing through the southern path towards Mt. Tianheng, the chimera stared at the various statues laid out everywhere. Rumors were merely just sprinkled information with half truths. There was no way such a thing could have possibly been true. He knew it couldn't have been.

Memories of his father's notes pushing through his mind, the chimera recalled a particular passage from his stolen childhood. If an Archon were to die, there would be widescale devastation. Remembering such, he shook his head once more. He had not heard anything of the sort, in recent memory.

Curving off towards the western path, the chimera attempted to once again, throw such thoughts away. He needed to stop getting so lost in thought lately. Rumors were just tales that had spread too far from mouth to mouth. There was no credence to any of them whatsoever.

Moving on, the early adult stared off towards the sky. Liyue had been a nation with quite a lot of sacred beings. Surely, over the countless centuries, many had come and gone. Such had been the cycle of life, even those with extended lifespans. He knew that, everything without fail, would one day reach the end.

Qingxu Pool coming within his field of damaged vision, the early adult swore he could see the sky turn green, for a brief moment. But, the early adult shook his head. No, it had to have been his imagination just now. He had to have been mistaken. A trick of lighting; some adventurer with the power of Anemo at their side.

But, as the early adult ran towards Qingxu Pool, something of particular note stood out to him. Yaksha using his wind power screaming, boring and useless and grunting aplenty, the soldier gazed at him. Multiple demonic looking Hilichurls taken out of the picture one after another, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Just what had happened to these monsters?

Continuing to study for a moment, the hyena's thoughts had begun to wander. Had there been some monster illness going around? He did not know why, but something had felt incredibly off about these creatures the Yaksha looked as though he had been fighting these creatures for quite some time now.

Yaksha's side eyes soon on him, the early adult's knees buckled. Why had he been gazing at him with such contempt? Had he disturbed him while he had been fighting? If such had been the case, he needed to stay out of his way right now, or he would become the next person destroyed, guaranteed.

"Get out of here," the Yaksha grunted.

Sounding like a demand, the early adult had begun running. Right, get out of here. He was in the Yaksha's battlegrounds. He should not have looked; he should not have passed any glances. He had other things to get done. Mountain demon looking like that, at any given moment, he would shout again, the soldier had begun running.

Dashing southward, the soldier's legs erupted into an even speedier sprint. Not a single monster in the area to speak of, the early adult kept on running. It had been so quiet around here, almost too quiet. Had everything within southern Liyue been wiped out of existence? Something had been dealt with when he had been away without a shadow of a doubt.

Sprinting even faster, the soldier prepared himself any second now, and he would be near the entrance of Blackcliff Forge, near the rogues, doing the absolutely most unusual things. He needed to prepare himself, no matter what. There was a deep chance for violence coming any second now.

Heart pounding like a jackhammer, the hyena halted his run, for a moment. He had been far outside the reach of the yaksha's gaze at this point. Huffing a deep breath, the early adult reduced his sprint back down into a slow run. There was no need for speed, he was not a red queen with stickers named Lightning.

Preparing himself, the hyena pushed through the abandoned southern edges of Liyue. These rogues, just what was about to be in store for him? Whatever it was about to be, he knew it was entirely possible he would be dragged into battle. If combat were at all avoidable, he wished for such option to be the case.

Hearing various screams and accented shouts in the corner, the chimera had resumed running. Hearing various unholy words said in a span of a minute, the early adult blinked. Were those words allowed to be said, even if they had not been directly stated for an audience to hear? That had to have been breaking every single rule laid out from a god beyond Teyvat. Not like he would know such a thing.

Legal Advisor in the corner of Blackcliff Forge's entrance called many nasty names no one was allowed to bear witness to, the early adult flinched. Word freak casually thrown onto the playing field, the shock only continued to grow. These two, whoever these rogues were, they needed to roll up some Naku Weed and eat it.

Two teenage Fatui with sharp pickaxes in their hands, the soldier could not help but feel a heavy wave of confusion. What was going on here, exactly? These were the rogues he had been tasked with dealing with? They had been nothing more than angry adolescents in soldier clothing. Surely, a little convincing would put a stop to their shenanigans.

"I already told you two," the legal advisor said in a stern tone. "You are mining here illegally. You need to stop this."

"Deal with it, woman!" the first rogue exclaimed.

"Yeah, deal with it!" the second rogue shouted.

Defiance coming the legal advisor's way, the chimera could hardly believe his ears. How could they say something like that to her? That was incredibly rude of them. These rogues would be quite the stubborn brats to deal with, for sure. Sifting through his satchel for a moment, he found the object of marking. Stepping towards the rogues, he prepared himself. But, as he had done so, a scolding had been sent his way, as well.

"Excuse me, young man," the legal advisor said in a stern tone. "But, you need a mining license to be here."

Shaking his head, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Singing he's dealing with them, the early adult took out the notebook left to him. Would giving these rogues a word of advice convince them to stop lollygagging around and causing problems for people? He knew he had to give it a shot.

Flapping the cover back upon the tome, the soldier wrote down, do the jobs you were assigned in big, bold Snezhnayan letters. Tapping the paper with his fingers, he called attention to it. Rogues gazing towards it, he swore he could hear them give him a deep rebellious huh.

"Look at this loser telling us how to work!" rogue number one shouted. "Look here, buddy, we don't care about all that. We only joined to intimidate the weak!"

"Ya heard that, buster!" rogue number two exclaimed. "We only joined within yer ranks to haze people! Ya got that?"

Hearing such, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. He sees now, they only joined for the status symbol. What a horribly misguided reason to join the Fatui. He knew that they had usually been regarded as quite the hostile group of people, but this had to have been pushing it.

"Yer still standin' in our way, pal?" rogue number two asked. "Aight. You just askin' for a fight at this point!"

Rogues doing strange martial art poses as if they were in a game where people fight in the street, the hyena flinched. A fistfight right here, and now? He had hardly been prepared to throw some punches. Couldn't this have been resolved without violence? There was no need to resort to such.

But, peace had not been an option for the rogues. Party of two gifting him with punches and kicks aplenty, the chimera let out a scream. They were doubling down on their rogue activities. What was this, a fight club? But, he threw such thought away. If it were, he wouldn't be allowed to talk about it. Bringing his fists out, he prepared himself.

Lunging a punch the soldier's ways, the hyena recoiled as he had been a kicking target for minutes on end. Heeled, spurred soles brushing up against him, the early adult grit his teeth. What were these two, cowboys, or something? They had sure spoken like them. Knowing he could not back down, he placed his fists in front of him.

Soft punches thrown the rogues' way, the early adult hardly left a dent on either of them. Soldier's laughing up a storm that he was pathetic, the hyena let out a sigh. What were they expecting, to be knocked out in one singular punch? He wasn't nearly powerful enough for something like that.

Two against one continuing on for minutes on end, the hyena attempted to surrender. Why bother with the rest of this fight at this point? He had been outnumbered and outmatched. It wasn't worth continuing this. Jumping back, the early adult attempted with all his might to put a stop to this. But, as he had thought such, the legal advisor stepped forward.

"I'll help you out," the legal advisor said.

Legal advisor telling the two rogues they really shouldn't gang up on someone, the two laughed at such lecture. One of the soldiers dropping a punch on her, as well, the early adult swore he could hear her say they would face the wrath of the flame. Hearing such, he could not help but wonder. Had that truly been a thing?

Large object tossed upon one of the rogue's head, they had soon been knocked out of commission, in a matter of moments. One singular rogue remaining, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. If they weren't fighting fair, than he shouldn't either. Hyena claws out in front of him, he let out the scratch of a lifetime.

Hyena claws sinking themselves into the enemy, the rogues let out a shout. Enemy screaming he ain't playing fair, the chimera rolled his eyes to the ceiling. He wasn't playing fair? Look who was talking. They had ganged up on him two against one before the legal advisor had joined. That had hardly been the case.

Final round of justice laid upon the remaining enemy from the legal advisor, they had hightailed it out of here. No more enemies remaining for any given reason, the early adult turned his feet off into the opposite direction. It was time to move onwards towards Chenyu Vale. There was no time to waste, he had to get out of here.

Returning towards the northern path, the chimera stared off into space for quite some time. Did people only join the Fatui as a way to intimidate others? Why was this even an option for some people? He hardly understood the thought process behind what some people considered.

Moving past Mt. Tianheng after about half an hour, his thoughts kept on rumbling. Intimidation, was that truly a reason why some people would enlist themselves within the Fatui stronghold? He couldn't get behind that. Why would anyone want to do such a thing? No one would be getting anywhere with such aggression.

Heading towards the northern direction, the early adult's thoughts continued to wander. Why did people enlist in the Fatui, anyway? The chimera had no idea, but he supposed the world of Snezhnaya had been far different from the rest of the world. Or, perhaps it wasn't. He did not know enough to come to such conclusion.

Guili plains pushed through, the hyena could not help but wonder further. Just what kind of ranks had there been within the Fatui anyway? While he had known there had been harbingers, Agents and some other forms of diplomatic soldiers, he knew that couldn't have possibly been all there was.

Dragging himself through Wangshu Inn, the early adult could not help but wonder. Where would he rank amongst the Fatui? But, the early adult shook his head. He had to have been nothing more than a low ranking soldier. He most certainly had not been anywhere within the ranks to be considered a threat.

Trudging through Dihua Marsh, the early adult claps his hands together. Why was he concerning himself over these things? Absolutely none of this mattered. He should not have been wasting his time thinking about any of it. What did any of this matter? Whatever rank he was, it hardly made a difference to him.

Preparing himself to walk through Stone Gate, the early adult took a long, deep breath. Enough was enough, it was time to stop worrying about these sorts of things. Why had he been concerning himself about any of this? Those rogues, he would never seen them again, guaranteed.

But, as the hyena pushed through the gate, a surprise had soon caught him off guard. Stone frog statue letting out a loud ribbit, the early adult jumped six steps back. What in the world was going on here? Had the mages been up to their tricks again? He hardly had any time to deal with such a thing. Not here, not now, not today.

"Spiritblade, attack!" a voice shouted.

Stone frog destroyed in a matter of moments, the hyena turned himself towards the back. Icy blue haired exorcist with multiple talismans surrounding him, the early adult blinked. Was there some sort of exorcism going on around here? If he was in the way, he would leave right now.

"Sir, are you alright?" the exorcist asked. "There's a lot of evil spirits around here."

Hearing such, the chimera flinched. There were evil spirits here? What was going on around Liyue lately? Something had not been right about all of this. Giving a frantic nod, the soldier prepared himself. Any second now, and he would be told to get out of here.

"If you are going on ahead, you need to be careful, sir," the exorcist warned. "There's more up ahead."

Heeding the warning, the early adult kept moving. Where had all of these sudden influx of unusual monsters been coming from? Whatever had been going on while he had been away dealing with other things around Fontaine was completely beyond his control.

Hearing loud ribbits up ahead, the hyena steeled himself. The exorcist was right. Up ahead, there had indeed been more of the moving frog statues. Icy blades from afar taking the creature out of the equation, the hyena kept moving forward. He did not need to worry himself over such things.

Every single stone frog destroyed as he passed through Bishui Plain, the early adult kept moving forward. He supposed, whatever the reason might have been that all these sudden influx of peculiar monsters appeared, it wasn't something he would be employed to deal with. Pushing such thoughts away, the young soldier's legs erupted into a sprint.

Running through Bishui Plain with all his might, the soldier dashed northward. He was almost there. Qingce Village was nearing. It was time to buckle down and focus, he had a recording job to do. No more nonsense, no more overthinking. It was time for action, and nothing else.

Reaching the elderly village, the lion dancer bodyguard stood by the edge of the river, waiting. Seeing him, the soldier blinked. Had he been heading to Chenyu Vale, as well? I such were the case, he supposed it couldn't be helped. Guard turning towards him, the chimera gave eye contact.

"Hey, there," the lion dancer bodyguard greeted. "You heading out to Chenyu Vale today?"

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier simply nodded. If the guard and he were heading towards the same place, it was best to not interfere with such. He had people to guard and work to attend to. He was not about to get in the way of his career, for any given reason.

"Cool," the lion guard responded. "Is it alright if we share the next raft? I have a client I'll be protecting who will be heading to Fontaine through here."

Client confidentiality broken, the hyena simply nodded. Why would he ever say no to such a thing? If he had someone he had to protect immediately, it would be awfully cruel of him to refuse to share a raft. Lion dancer guard clapping his hands together into a position of gratitude, more words had soon come his way.

"Great. Thank you so much, sir," the lion dance guard responded. As he said such, the raft had arrived.

Allowing the bodyguard to take the front seat, the chimera seated himself in the back. Straw hatted middle age men pushing the paddle forward, the early adult kept himself as still as possible. One wrong move, and he would be at the bottom of the river for the fish to eat.

Bodyguard asking if his client was waiting for him at the entrance, the hyena attempted with all his might to tune the conversation out. Whatever it was they were discussing was no business of his whatsoever. Hearing the word she uttered, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just who was his client? But, he knew that was not something he would ever be allowed to know.

Reaching Chenyu Vale after about an hour of rafting in near silence, the hyena let out a barely audible groan at the sight before him. What was Regina doing here? Why had the client been her, of all people? Couldn't he have been free from the penguin family at least in Liyue? How incredibly annoying. They were everywhere, and there was no escape.

"Are you my bodyguard?" Regina asked. Man giving her a nod, she soon bowed. "Thank you for answering my letter. I've heard Liyue has gotten to be pretty dangerous recently." She then turned towards her left, Fatui standing in the corner with an annoyed look on his face. "Are you guarding Mr. Fatui, too?"

"No, miss Regina," the lion dancer bodyguard replied. "Just you."

"Mr. ------, if he needs help, I don't mind waiting," Regina responded.

Hearing such back and forth for a moment, the early adult held back the urge to yell. Didn't she just hear what her bodyguard just said? He was protecting her, not him. He did not need his assistance today, whatsoever. Did she need some sort of reminder? He would give her one, no problem. She definitely needed one.

"I do not need escorting, miss," the hyena responded, annoyed tone of voice. "Move along."

"Alright, then," Regina responded. As she said such, she moved out of the way.

Party of two exiting the area, the early adult removed his research log from his satchel once more. Ripping out the page about telling the rogues to do their job, the chimera placed the torn sheet back into his bag. Littering was a crime he would never commit, no matter what.

Everything out of the way, the early adult prepared himself. Not seeing anything of immediate interest along the coastline, the soldier prepared himself for writing action. He knew, even if it might have looked insignificant, he had to write down anything he could possibly muster.

Standing beside the wooden pier beside the river, the chimera seated himself, for a moment. Writing down that Chenyu Vale seemed to be a raft and boat transportation heavy area, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Water everywhere across the way, he shrugged.

Raising himself back upward, the early adult had begun walking. Lush greenery from every angle, the soldier held back the urge to let out a blissful noise. This place was so nice and lovely. How had he never been asked to come here before having to go to Fontaine? It was almost as if, Chenyu Vale had not been accessible to the general public until recently. But, the hyena had been none the wiser to such.

Moving right along, nothing but green and the sidewalk in front of him graced the soldier's field of heterochromatic damaged vision. Notebook out in front of him, the chimera had begun to record once more. Writing down Chenyu Vale had a similar feel to that of Sumeru, the hyena dotted his pen.

Continuing to head upon the northern path, the chimera kept going. Perhaps, just maybe, for now, it was best to head towards Qiaoying Village before deciding where to record next. Resolute on his decision, the early adult moved forward. Such was the best course of action, for sure. There would be a lot to record here, guaranteed.

Adding another entry in his notebook about how Chenyu Vale had felt quite different from the rest of Liyue, the soldier tapped the feathered quilled pen upon the paper. Would any of this information even be useful? None of this felt like they would be of any use to Her Majesty.

Qiaoying Village approaching ever so swiftly, a wave of unease flowed through him. Her Majesty, should he be summoned to her palace and looked over his notes, he would be stabbed on the spot, without a shadow of a doubt. He knew there was a close to one hundred percent chance of such happening.

Throwing such thoughts away, the early adult moved through the quiet plains. He was jumping to conclusions, for sure. There was no way that would happen. The rest of his notes would balance out the less than useful information, for sure. That had to have been the case.

Reaching the village after about an hour of walking, a less than pleasant sight appeared within his field of vision. Lion dancer bodyguard and Regina eating dimsum together, the chimera tuned them out. The pesky penguin was out of sight, out of mind. Moving away, he prepared himself to get recording.

Spotting an entire crop of tea plants in the corner, the soldier had begun recording once more. Writing down that Chenyu Vale had been rich with bushes through of tea leaves, he could not help but wonder. Had Qiaoying Village been a tea village? He knew it had to have been a high possibility.

Moving onward towards the northern portion of the village. Finding a place of particular note that dealt with tea and the sales of some dessert known as adeptea bites, the early adult seated himself, for a moment. Writing down that the area had definitely been a tea village, he closed the notebook, for the time being.

Walking around the village for awhile, the chimera had come across the bodyguard business in the corner. Multiple generic nobodies standing around in the corner looking as though they were waiting for clients, the hyena removed his notebook from his satchel once again.

Writing down that Qiaoying Village had a large quantity of bodyguards, the soldier wrote down something he knew he would regret, in an instant. Adding a paragraph about how it would be integral to worm a Fatui into the guard's system, the hyena resisted the urge to scribble his pen over such words. Why did he put this down here? He was about to give Her Majesty sinister ideas, for sure.

Not finding much else of note, the chimera headed out of the area, for the time being. Ascending the staircase, multiple pelicans graced the area. Seeing such, he could not help but wonder. What kind of birds lived around here? But, the hyena shook his head. This sort of information wasn't important, in the slightest.

Lotus lamps in a nearby lake calling out to him, the soldier took the glowing object in front of him. Knowing he had to make sure all of them were lit up, the chimera studied all the lamps, for a moment. Bright white light appearing within the small lake, the hyena prepared himself.

Lamps all lighting up, the soldier wrote down information about the phenomenon. Paragraph about how Chenyu Vale had small lamps that float in the water that needed to be light up by the biggest one, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Would this be something that would even hold any water?

Not finding anything else of note in the village, the chimera exited the area. Figuring it was in his best interest to head towards the west, the soldier kept his eyes open for anything of interest. Not finding anything of interest as he had gotten further away from the first inhabited area, he kept on going.

Still not finding anything of interest, the soldier stared off into space. Had there had really been nothing here? He knew that couldn't have been the case. Not a single monster in the area, as well, the hyena couldn't help but wonder. Had everything been defeated since the last time he was here?

Spotting a light up in the sky, the early adult leaped towards it. Shortcut taken into the equation, the early adult recorded his findings. Writing down that getting around Chenyu Vale was made much easier for travel by jumping towards the golden lights in the sky, the early adult wrote further about such phenomenon.

Writing down one had become a carp to leap towards the golden lights, the hyena resisted the urge to erase everything he had just written down. Couldn't this have been read as complete nonsense? He knew that there was a chance everything he had just written down would have been regarded as garbage.

Adding a paragraph that such result of the carp travel might vary from person to person, the soldier shook his head. What would any of this matter whatsoever? He couldn't help but feel he would have to cross these out at a later point. Shrugging, the chimera kept moving along. If it weren't information that had any use, he supposed it did not matter.

Not seeing much anything of note as he pushed through the mountains, nothing but tall mountainscapes awaited the chimera. Seeing such, the early adult stared at them, for a moment. This was yet another area in Liyue, indeed. Reaching for the golden carp ball in the sky, the next shortcut had been upon him.

Moving through the area, something of note stuck out to the soldier. Spotting a light blue light in the sky, the early adult placed his hand on his chin. What in the world had that been? He didn't know why, but something about it felt quite important. Raising to the tip of his toes, he studied it, for a moment.

Blue light in the shape of a star, the chimera could feel a holy energy coming upward from the sky. Feeling such, multiple hypotheses flowed through him. Had this been some sort of adeptal power spread through the sky? He did not know why, but something about it felt godly.

Hopping towards the golden carp energy, the hyena studied it up closer. Seeing a star shape in the center of the blue light, the chimera jumped back downward towards the ground. Seeing it from a further angle, the early adult opened his research log for what felt like the tenth time of the day.

Writing down that the blue energy might have been the local adepti, Fujin's lost power, the early adult slammed the book shut, for the time being. That had to have been enough information about the western mountainside for now. But, as he continued moving through the northern area, something of peculiar note stuck out to him.

Spotting an elderly man advertising some special temple with challenges that would lead to treasure, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. He did not know why, but that sounded like a ton of bogus. Wise man of many years turning towards the soldier, he had soon begun to pitch his sale.

Elderly man again trying to sell to him there was treasure down in the temple, the early adult sighed. He supposed he would give this so called treasure filed temple a look through. But, he knew more than anything that there was absolutely nothing down here of note. How many people had this man ripped off? He did not wish to find out.

Letting the possible scammer take the lead, an eager look appeared on the elderly individual's face. Descending the staircase, the early adult swore he could hear him say he had found his next victim. Hearing such from under his breath, the chimera shook his head. Did he really think he'd be fooled by such obvious lie?

Apparent owner of the temple informing him to move on forward, he will have to finish some challenges or puzzles, the early adult's ears perked. Did he just sound unsure about all this? His act was slipping up already. If he were anyone else, he would have called it out by now, but the hyena kept himself quiet. It was best to let him think there had been another victim until the very end.

Finding himself in a large room with a wet floor, and many bookshelves, the chimera blinked. Was this just this man's underground study? Just who out there had been falling for any of this? There was definitely nothing here that mattered whatsoever, let alone treasure. Burying his thoughts, the hyena sauntered onward.

Finding even more bookshelves in the area with many colored books on the incorrect shelves, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just him, or had these books been radiating some sort of energy? But, the hyena shook his head. He had to have imagined it, for sure.

Spot with the books glowing, the soldier stared at the gleaming spot. Could the books be removed? Maybe it was within his best interest to take them off the shelves of which they did not belong. Resolute on his decision, the hyena attempted to do so. Every single book removed from the incorrect shelf, the chimera studied the room further.

Figuring that each and every glowing book had to be moved onto the correctly colored shelf, the chimera prepared himself. Seeing a rather peculiar looking glowing cloud symbol off in the corner, the early adult took the first book towards the glowing shelf with all his might.

Object soon moved, the soldier prepared himself for the second one to be arranged into the spot of which it needed to be. Colors soon matched as if it were a game, the chimera listened to all the sound around him. He swore he could hear the elderly man rub his hands together in the opposite room, but the hyena ignored such, for the moment.

Placing the next book on the shelf, the soldier could not help but wonder. What would any of this do? But, he already knew what such answer might have been. It would have lead to absolutely nothing, for sure. Why had he been bothering to entertain the thought it could have been something? He knew for certain it would not, but it was best to entertain the fraudster while he was still around.

Third and fourth book aligned onto the correct shelves, the chimera took a long, deep breath. Would this last one do something? Placing it, absolutely nothing happened. Elderly man clapping like he had done the most spectacular thing of all time, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Was this something he had told everyone who dared fall for what he had to offer?

Apparent owner of the temple telling him he's solved the puzzle, it's time for the tournament, the early adult wrinkled his nose. The what now? This was getting more ridiculous by the second, for sure. Standing in the arena, the hyena held back the urge to scream that he knew there wasn't any treasure, but the hyena withheld.

Multiple Hilichurls running onto the battlefield, the chimera pretended to act surprised. What an amazingly thrilling challenge, Hilichurls. How would he ever hope to beat these creatures? How terrifying he was absolutely outnumbered. He stood no chance against these ravagers.

Cutting his internal sarcasm short, the chimera rummaged through his satchel, for a moment. Coming across a Faui issued greatsword that looked strikingly similar to the Favonius Greatsword, the hyena placed the blade into his hands. This weapon would do for now. Primitive masked creatures beating their clubs, the soldier placed himself into a fighting stance.

First batch of Hilichurls defeated in a span of two minutes, the soldier crossed his arms as the elderly man in the corner clapped. Hearing such, the early adult continued to withhold any comments he might have had. What did he expect, for this to be a challenge? He was sorely mistaken, if he thought such. Even an adventurer who had just started their journey could defeat a Hilichurl.

Round two soon starting, the early adult placed his palm on the side of his temple letting out an exaggerated sigh. Oh, no, a Mitachurl army? Whatever shall he do? He was but a little damsel who had never fought before in his life. Sticking out his tongue, he threw the sarcasm away. Maybe he was getting too into the sarcasm right about now.

Mitachurl army defeated after about twenty strikes, the soldier blinked. Look of confusion on the temple man's face, the chimera cracked his currently human knuckles. Man saying under his breath most adventurers by now would have backed out, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. He would be here for the whole ride.

Final army running onto the battlefield, the hyena let his blade do the talking. Every single masked creature defeated one after another, there had been one final piece of the puzzle that threw itself into the mix. Ruin Guards dropping onto the arena, the chimera's eyebrows twitched.

Robotic creatures spinning around, the early adult jumped towards the left. Circular motion continuing for seconds on end, the hyena kept the dodges going. Bullets soon coming his way, the jumped back. Swinging his greatsword, the weapons had been sent back to their owner in a matter of moments.

Challenge coming to an end, the elderly man clapped like he had watched the best performance in his life. Seeing such, another eyeroll had been awarded to him. He said that to every adventurer who didn't back out, he bet. Fraudster then proceeding to say the treasure is completely locked up, better luck next time, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him.

Spelling out the word fraud for the man to see, a look of shock had soon decorated his face aplenty. Seeing the look on his face, the early adult took out his research log. Tome opened up to a clean page, the chimera wrote done an especially long entry about the tourist trap down below.

"In the depths of Mt. Liameng, there lies a so called secret temple lead by a man going on in his years claiming there is treasure hiding down there. But, from what I can see, it is nothing more than a tourist trap used as a mean to waste anyone's time. The person behind this scheme is nothing more than a fraudster. It is best to watch out for this individual at all costs." Dotting the last sentence with a period, the early adult glared at the elderly man. Giving a look of he could easily get away with it, the chimera signed the word fraud once again. Look on his face like he was an egg about to crack, his lips soon quivered.

"Alright, fine, I'll let you have the treasure!" the fraudster exclaimed.

Key thrown his way, the early adult opened up the secret room. Finding next to nothing but a room filled with books and a singular treasure chest, the chimera opened the trove. Finding a black sword that was made of out of iron, the hyena closed the case. There was nothing of use here.

Removing himself from the temple, the chimera stared off towards the west. He supposed, his next order of business should be Yilong Wharf. Resolute on his decision, the chimera sauntered onward. Elderly man in shambles over two callouts in the span of three minutes, no guilt graced the soldier. Maybe if he hadn't been so keen on wasting unsuspecting adventurer's time, he wouldn't have let his disdain be known.

Not spotting much on the way towards Yilong Wharf, the early adult added an addendum in the Qiaoying Village section. Writing down the area seemed to be the most densely populated with quite a lot of tea recipes to offer, the chimera shook his head. His notes were starting to sound like a poorly written magazine.

Reaching the quarter waypoint towards the boat city, something of particular note off in the corner stuck out to the hyena. Spotting a large turtle by a gravestone, the early adult dashed off towards the scene. Reptile adorning jade stones on its shell, the creature swam near him.

Creature offering its minerals, the early adult declined. Take this possibly toxic mineral? No way he could do such a thing. Not a chance. Reptile swimming away without any of it claimed, the hyena wrote about such phenomenon in the notebook. Entitling the entry, gravestone secrets, the chimera held back the urge to tear it out.

Seeing even more turtles adorning brightly colored jade in their shells, the early adult added another few sentences down below the first. Hypothesizing that the reptiles here grew minerals on their back, the chimera headed into the second largest port in all of Liyue.

Spotting multiple waterwheels everywhere, and boats docked in the corner, the early adult opened up the once more. Writing down Yilong Wharf had been a large port area where a majority of the boats in Chenyu Vale docked or left, the chimera shook his head. None of this information would have been of any use to anyone, for sure.

Finding barely anything else of interest, late evening had begun to loom in the area. Letting out a yawn, the early adult supposed it was best to stop here, for the night. Knowing it was in his best interest to return to Liyue Harbor, the hyena turned off towards the opposite direction.

But, upon reaching Qiaoying Village, the chimera could hear someone whistle towards him. Hearing such, the hyena could not help but feel a slight wave of disgust. Who was trying to get his attention? They could have achieved such in any other way. But, the chimera let it go.

Guard apologizing for the whistle, the chimera supposed he would forgive such apology. Generic nobody alerting him some man in a mask demanded he be allowed to stay in the guards sleeping quarters, the early adult let out a groan. What kind of violent persuasion tactics did the Agent use? This was not going to give the Fatui a good image, for sure.

Allowed inside, the early adult let out a groan at the sight before him. Regina sleeping in one of the beds in the corner, the annoyance itch begged him to scratch it. Wasn't she supposed to be in Fontaine? How annoying. But, the early held his contempt in. She would be gone by the morning, for sure.

Letting out a yawn, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Winter jacket unbuttoned, as well, the chimera slumped into the temporary bed. Glasses set aside, the early adult's eyes closed as soon as they hit the pillow. Wave of sleep about to take him away, one final thought wrapped vines around the soldier.

Is this mission even worth it?


Jolted awake deep into the middle of the night, the hyena let out a tired groan. Who had chosen to disturb his slumber? Reaching for his glasses, he held back the urge to let out an aggravated bark. Ponytailed penguin woman gazing at him with a serious look on her face, he kept holding his annoyances in. This pest, what did she want? Couldn't it have waited until morning?

"Sorry for waking you, but," Regina said in an apologetic tone. "One of the kids here seemed like they wanted to talk to you."

Hearing such, the chimera lowered his eyes into a suspicious squint. What kids? He didn't see any here. Had this pesky thorn in his side had some bad dream, or something? She should keep her fantasy world to herself and not involve him. But, such had been proven wrong in a matter of moments.

Singular kid with a blue headband and face paint soon making his presence known, the soldier blinked. Why was this young boy awake right now? I was way past his bedtime. But, the hyena threw such comments in the trash. If he had something important to say, he knew it was in his best interest to hear him out.

"Mr. And Miss, please help!" the young face painted boy exclaimed. "Bluey is acting weird!"

Hearing the term bluey, the early adult scratched his head. Who now? Such name did not sound Liyuean. Was that the name of his pet dog, or something? But, the young soldier perished such thought. He seemed quite troubled in his tone. Maybe it had been best to not brush it off as a pet being ill. But, Regina soon added her annoyance to the table.

"I'm sorry, young man, I am not Liyuean," Regina responded, shaking her head.

"But, Mr. And Miss, you both have visions!" the kid exclaimed in desperation. "Please help!"

"Alright, young man, I'll see what I can do," Regina replied.

Face painted boy screaming Bluey had been in Chizhang Wall, the early adult followed from behind for the time being. Running south for quite awhile through the mountains and then some, the early adult could not help but ponder. This had been quite too far to just be a normal pet.

Taken to a large blue cat creature, the chimera scratched his cheek. This was the aforementioned Bluey? How rather peculiar. Kid calling out the feline's name and stating he brought two grownups here to help, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. Help with what exactly?

Cat creature coughing out multiple pieces of jade on the ground, the early adult flinched. Another trio of minerals dropping down from its furry esophagus, the hyena's knees buckled. This creature, had it been poisoned? Something wasn't right here, in the slightest. Young child crying, the feline soon spoke.

"Go back home," Bluey said, voice weak. "I am fine."

"Don't listen to Bluey, Mr. and Miss!" the kid exclaimed. "Bluey doesn't look good!"

Sifting through his satchel, not a single tool had sat within. Seeing such, the chimera shook his head. What was he supposed to do about all this? There was nothing that could be done. Regina stating aloud she didn't have anything that could help with this, either, the hyena threw his inability to do so into the ring, as well.

Young boy apologizing to his possible pet pal that he can't do anything, but he'll try and find something, he soon lead the party of two back to Qiaoying Village. Kid dashing back to wherever he came from, Regina entered the quarters first. Watching as the young man vanished, the soldier stepped inside after a few moments.

Regina out like a light within seconds, the soldier crawled back into the bed. Glasses put away, the early adult's eyes closed once more as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep ready to take him away in a moment's notice, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Is Clearwater Jade toxic now, too?


"Could the Clearwater Jade of Chenyu Vale be toxic?
Last time I had heard, that wasn't the case.
Even so, it seems that could have changed overnight.
Ah, but maybe that truly isn't the case. Who knows,
Really? I most certainly don't.
Well, I suppose I should proceed with utmost caution.
All and all, that incident it has become a blur.
Those days I spent in an
Endless daze, I don't
Remember them.

Just bits and pieces here
And there, nothing more. But, I
Don't think I should ignore this.
Everything about all this

Is quite fishy.
Something isn't right here.

I should try my best to investigate
This later. But,

Perhaps I am overthinking. Yes, I am
Overthinking. That has to be
It. Maybe Clearwater Jade isn't toxic, but it's
Something else. Maybe that's it.
Or, perhaps, I am just mistaken.
No. I don't believe I am.
Obviously, something is going on. Proceed with the
Utmost caution.
Something just

Isn't right here.

Though, I am unsure what that might be.
However, for now I think
It is best I head for the southern mountains. There is
Nothing I can do for this Bluey creature. I
Know I should not step away from this

Issue, but what is it
That I can do? I don't know. I will have to

Come back to this at a later point.
Or, maybe it will be solved already.
Ultimately, I haven't the foggiest of ideas.
Let's just put a large pin into this for now.
Do I think that this will simply resolve itself overnight?

That's impossible. It definitely will not.
However worse it may get in the time gap
At this point in time,
There's nothing I can really say.

In any case, the
Southern areas of the vale are upon me. I believe there is a few mountain ranges,

No, a lot of mountainous regions
On the southern part of
The vale. Mt. Xuanlian?

Guess it is best I aim for this
Open area for now.
Or at least try to head here.
Don't know what's in store for me here, but I mustn't falter."

Upon waking up the next morning, a loud snore removed him from his slumber. Hearing such, the early adult let out a groan. Regina popping multiple nose bubbles in her sleep, the chimera groaned. Wasn't this pesky thorn supposed to be in Fontaine by now? But, the early adult shrugged. Why should he care about her circ*mstances?

Removing himself from the guard's sleeping quarters, the early adult had begun to head towards the southern exit of the village. Figuring it would have been in his best interest to head off towards Mt. Xuanlian for the day, the hyena cracked his knuckles. It was time to go to Teatree Slope first, and record everything he possibly could muster.

Qiaoying Village soon far behind him, something of peculiar note immediately caught the soldier's attention. Spotting a floating white teapot again pouring itself a cup, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was Fujin up to something again? Whatever it was, he wanted absolutely no part in it.

Writing down that some teapots in Chenyu Vale had been hit was adeptal energy, the early adult stared at the leaflet in front of him. Adding a sentence that these teapots could contain the powers of an ancient god, the chimera tried to not rip the leaflet up and throw it out. What in the world was he writing down? That couldn't have possibly been even close to true.

Moving along for quite some time towards the slope, a new challenger had added itself to the mix. Finding many large pots spread out almost everywhere, the chimera tilted his head. What could these have possibly been? The soldier did not know, but something about them seemed quite important.

Hitting the pots, food had begun to drop out of them. Seeing such, the chimera jumped three steps back. What were these, a mystery box out in the middle of nowhere? Who put carrots and wheat inside here? But, he supposed random vegetables and plants could appear anywhere in Teyvat without any sort of explanation.

Tapping another pot, metallic trinkets had begun to drop out of multiple other holes at once. Seeing such, the chimera ignored such spoils of war. What were these? Bandanna then dropping out as well, the hyena did not pocket a single one. These were far from meant for him to see.

Flowers dropping out of the last pots in the area, the early adult let out a growl. Who was shoving flowers in these things and damaging them like this? How cruel of them. Whoever did this was a menace to the plant world and should be punished for their herbal crimes.

Floral criminal not standing up, the early adult wrote down his findings. Writing down that there had been strange pots everywhere that contained a random assortment of items, the hyena let out a sigh. What use would any of this have for Her Majesty? None of this at all, for any given reason, would mean anything to anyone.

Reaching Teatree Slope after about an hour of walking, quite a lot peculiar things stuck out to the soldier. Spotting bubbles in the corner of his eye sitting and doing not much of anything, the soldier could not help but wonder. What was that all about in the corner over there? But, such had not been the end of the oddities.

Spotting multiple owl statues lying around with an extremely sharp gaze on their faces, the chimera tilted his head. What were these doing lying around like this? Picking one up, he soon dropped it back down on the grass, but as he had done such, the stone bird called out to him.

"This isn't my spot," the owl statue said with discontent.

Hearing such, the early adult backed two steps away. This wasn't its spot, what did that even mean? Lifting up the creature again, he placed it on the ground once more. But, such line about it not being its spot had been repeated once again. Letting out a groan, the hyena recorded such entry in the tome of knowledge.

Adding an entry stating there had been odd owl statues that seemed to abide by some sort of placement system, the soldier prepared to move on. Whatever the puzzle might have been, he could figure it out later. He had to head off towards Yaodie Valley and Mt. Xuanlian.

But, everything had soon taken an immediate turn for the worse. Miasma glowing a bright blue deep within the Teatree Slope, the chimera's heart skipped two beats. The problematic growth had grown back already? What an awful state of affairs. He needed to hurry and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Slimes coming out of the woodworks with an extremely fierce aura, the chimera's knees buckled. Was it just him, or had these gelatinous creatures been far more menacing than normal? Knowing there was no time to waste, the chimera unsheathed the greatsword from behind him.

Monsters blasting bits of metal onto him, the early adult let out a pained scream. Not this attack again. Just what in the world had happened to these enemies? Where had they gotten the power of metal from? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no time for thinking. He had to get on with the battle.

Enemies immediately shielding themselves from his claymore, the chimera's eyes twitched. They had been going on the defensive already? Surely, it had to have been far too soon for this. Attacks doing absolutely nothing whatsoever, the early adult stared off into space. He was doomed, for sure.

Tossing down a flower friend, the windwheel aster brought to life by his Dendro vision had been disintegrated into nothing in a matter of moments. Seeing such, doom loomed over the soldier. Both physical prowess and elemental powers were useless. He was doomed, done, finished.

But, such had immediately been far from the truth. Regina running onto the scene, armed aplenty, her sword had soon been infused with bright yellow energy. Sword attacks doing next to nothing for a few minutes, the early adult shook his head. She should just give up. She wasn't doing much better at this than he was.

Vision glowing on her waist as her blade had been infused with her own element after the fifth strike of her sword, the slimes had soon been hit by a blind spot. Shields down after about three further five strike combos, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. This was working? What was the secret?

Opening soon created, the early adult's claymore had soon joined the party. Running towards the Miasma, the branches had begun to wither. Other slimes vanquished with Regina's penguin sword work, the hyena rescinded his disdain, for a brief moment. Her strategy actually worked. How commendable. But, he soon returned such thorns into his side. He didn't need her help whatsoever. Surely, with a little more effort, he would have won on his own. But, he had soon been handed a whistle.

"Blow this if you need my help, Mr. Fatui," Regina said. "And, I'll come right over."

Pesky penguin soon leaving, the early adult let out a tiny laugh. Blow this toy if he needed help? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. How incredibly unnecessary. He would do no such thing. He won't be needing her assistance anymore. Didn't she have to go to Fontaine? She needed to focus on her own mission.

Thoughts bearing bitter tea leaves, the chimera kept moving forward. Not finding anything of interest for quite some time, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Had he already located everything of interest within the southern vale? But, he had soon come across another peculiar area.

Spotting more of the hollow pots he had discovered earlier, a cave off in the distance caught the hyena's attention. Seeing such in the corner, the early adult stepped towards it. But, what awaited him inside had soon been a whole never layer of confusion served cold over rice.

Walking past an owl statue on top of some glowing green square, the early adult crouched downward. These bird objects, were they supposed to go on top of pedestals? Writing down his findings, the hyena had soon been in for another surprise, demands served hot over sautéed fish.

Owl statue demanding he catch butterflies for it, the hyena tilted his head. He had to go and do what now? Creature not even asking nicely, the chimera groaned. This statue had quite the attitude. Attempting to leave as if nothing happened, the rocky creature of not flight yelled back at him.

"Aye! Who said you could leave!" the owl statue screamed. "Go collect my butterflies scattered around here and put them in the jar!"

Hearing such, the hyena sighed. He supposed he wasn't getting out of this one, was he? Knowing he had to do as he was told, the chimera turned around. Whatever was ordered of him, goes. He had absolutely not choice in the matter whatsoever. Spotting red butterflies in the corner, the soldier dashed off towards them.

First set of butterflies caught, the owl let out a scream. Stating the pot had been on the ceiling, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. The pot was on the ceiling? Why there, of all places? But the golden carp balls in the sky had soon come to the rescue. Insects soon entering the pot, the soldier returned to the ground.

Orange and yellow fluttering creatures tossed into the pot, as well, the soldier huffed a breath. Just how many more of these would he have to collect and return to the ceiling? But, he had soon come to a realization. These small beings, they had all so far been the colors of the rainbow. Did only seven exist? He supposed he was about to find out.

Green and blue butterflies returning themselves to the pot immediately upon capture, the early adult could not help but begin to ponder. Could there have been some sort of connection between Chenyu Vale and fluttering creatures? He knew there had to have at least been a small connection.

Indigo and violet flittering creatures returned to the pot, the owl statue said he had fulfilled his task. Told to get out of its home right now, the early adult exited the area. Knowing such phenomenon could not go unrecorded, the hyena wrote down the happenings within the secret cave.

Writing down the possible connection between Chenyu Vale and butterflies, the soldier headed towards Yaodie Valley. Spotting multiple peculiar owl statues with a red marker over them, the early adult walked towards it. Challenge starting up immediately that told him to collect Geo Particles, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. He had to collect them here and now?

Spotting another odd owl statue that created golden carp ride spots with the touch of a button, the early adult did such. Only able to create three at one time, the chimera had been pushed towards the particles upon the sky. Every single one collected within the time limit, the early adult added an entry into his notebook about such phenomenon.

Further puzzles with abnormal conditions, the hyena stared off into space for a moment. Some of these challenges, they did not feel natural, in the slightest. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. He had to have been overthinking it. There was no way that was the case.

Finishing all the challenges and puzzles galore, an unfortunate guest awaited him in Yaodie Valley. Miasma standing out in the open, the early adult clicked his tongue. More of these harmful growths had appeared in Chenyu Vale? He needed to put a stop to this right away.

Regina already on the case destroying vines aplenty, the early adult held in the urge to distract her. She had already been fighting the miasma? He needed to do his part to stop it. Pesky penguin already having knocked their shields out of the park, the hyena's greatsword added itself to the mix.

Miasma gone without a trace after about forty strikes, Regina had soon run off once more. Nothing of especial note present within Yaodie Valley, the early adult wrote down the situation with the miasma. Adding a note that it seems destroying it all depends on defeating mobs of enemies then destroying the branches, the hyena closed the tome.

Reaching Mt. Xuanlian, the chimera could not help but feel a rather strong energy exuding from the area. Feeling such, he could not help but feel a sea of questions drown him at bay. What was this sudden sense of foreboding he was getting? Turning his head towards the right and left, something new caught his attention.

Spotting strange floating teapots and an energy device in the corner, the hyena ran towards it. What was this? Seeing a glowing symbol in the corner of the empty object, the soldier tilted his head. Was this yet another puzzle he had to figure out? He supposed it was worth a shot.

Pots high off the ground, and moving platform in the corner, the early adult could feel a gust of wind. Wind glider soon deployed, he had been lifted upward. Three teapots sitting on platforms, the hyena prepared himself. Did he have to fill them with energy? Cloud in the palm of his hands, he knew it had been time to try his luck.

Teapot exuding a pool of green smoke, the soldier practically fell off the moving platform. What was it that he was doing, exactly? Attempting with the best of his ability to aim the next layer of energy, the soldier closed his eyes. Missing by a kilometer, the chimera tried again.

All three kettles filled, the chimera jumped back downward towards the ground. Writing down such phenomenon in the notebook, the hyena added an entry upon the pages that Chenyu Vale, even down to the mechanisms had been all about tea. Closing the tome, further tea puzzles awaited.

Tea kettles given their green smoke one after another, the soldier had soon been accompanied by an unfortunate force to be reckoned with once again. Miasma creeping up from behind him, the early adult prepared himself for battle. Such fight, however, had only begun to bend the scales.

Slimes with suctioned tendrils crawling out from the miasma branches, the early adult froze. Where did these creatures come from? Slimy appendages parrying his attacks for minutes on end, fear nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. Had the slimes evolved? What was going on here?

Slimy limbs of doom wrapping him up and spitting him out into the ground, the soldier let out a scream. Having new arms to play with had to have been the biggest curse of them all. Attempting to fight back, the soldier let out a scream. But, his blade had soon proved useless.

Absolutely nothing doing for minutes on end, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Surely, his flower friends could do the job. Such had been far from the case, as well. Silk flower friend disintegrated into nothing, the chimera reluctantly blew the whistle. Ending the blow, regret flowed through the chimera.

Regina coming speedily quick like she was some road running bird creature, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What an incredibly fast young woman. He was a lady of her word, for sure. Penguin crushing the tendrilled slimes into oblivion in no time, the early adult bowed a thank you. But, she had soon admitted something of utter irritation.

"You seem as thought you're wondering why I'm not in Fontaine yet, Mr. Fatui," Regina responded, shaking her head. "Well, to be honest with you, I've delayed my trip to meet up with Kai. I couldn't just leave what's going on alone."

Hearing such, the early adult blinked. Maybe he had been too judgmental of Regina. She had been nothing more than a helpful young woman. Penguin exiting the area shortly after, the soldier walked around Mt. Xuanlian for hours on end. But, as he had done so, not many discoveries had been made.

Absolutely nothing of particular note except further surprise pots, the early adult threw a towel upon the ground. Had that been all there was here? He couldn't help but feel a major wave of disappointment the further he had traversed through the area. Preparing himself to head to the southern most area, the soldier tempered his expectations.

Finding an entire assortment of owl statues across a strange bed of water that could be walked on, the early adult wrote down such findings. Even more lotus lamps floating in riverbeds, some far out of reach from the others, the chimera wrote down further conclusions within the confines of his information log.

Coming across nothing else of note, evening had soon come back to haunt the soldier. Turning back around, the early adult let out a yawn. It was time to call it a day and return to Qiaoying Village. Nothing further discovered on the way back, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had Chenyu Vale even had anything of interest to spot during the night?

Knowing such could have been left for another time, the chimera kept walking. Why was he wasting his time thinking about such? If there was something that could have been awaiting him during the night hours, he could look at a later point. His day was done for now. He was clocking out. Whatever that word meant. He had never seen such a device in his life.

Reaching the village, the early adult let out yet another yawn. Taking another good long look around the area, nothing further screamed out to the soldier. Blue face painted kid again looking distressed over something, the hyena gazed at him from afar, this boy, something was different about him from the other children in the village. What could it have been? But, he shook his head. There was nothing peculiar here. Face paint wasn't a reason for concern.

Entering his temporary quarters, Regina had already been out like a log, snoring loudly. Hearing such, the chimera placed the pillow over his head as he had placed himself in the bed. He took back what he thought earlier, she was a mild pest, for sure. Attempting to tune out the racket, the hyena closed his eyes. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought looped on repeat.

What was going on in Chenyu Vale?

He did not know, but something was incredibly off here.


Jolted awake in the middle of the night once again, the early adult let out a groan. Whatever it was, couldn't it have waited until morning? Reaching for his glasses, Regina's penguin flippers tugged on his layered shirts. Not letting go, he rolled his eyes to the ceiling. What was so important it couldn't wait until daylight hours?

"Sorry for waking you again," Regina said in an apologetic tone. "But, the kid wants to speak to you."

Young boy with blue face paint standing in the room with his hands behind his back, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why hadn't this kid been in bed? His parents had to have been worried sick about him by now. But, he threw such thoughts away as the child had begun to scream at the stark of night.

"Mr., Miss, please help Bluey!" the young kid pleaded. "Something's wrong." But, Regina soon interjected.

"I thought I told you yesterday I'm not from Liyue," Regina reminded him.

"Please, miss, you have a Vision!" the boy pleaded.

Knowing it would be cruel of him to reject the boy's request, the young lad lead the way back to Chizhang Wall. But, what awaited him inside had been yet another surprise for the ages. Feline creature coughing out jade once again, the chimera had been on high alert, at all times.

Feline creature attempting to say something, the minerals had soon become monsters of their own. Regina raising her blade, the chimera took out his greatsword. This creature, had it just given birth to jade babies? Unbelievable. What in the world was happening here? This had to have been a dream.

Tiny infant sized jade creatures defeated one after another, the early adult remained on high alert. Would more monsters soon grace his presence soon? He needed to be ready at every opportunity. But, such opportunity never came. Large blue cat creature telling her possible pet owner to go back home, Regina soon added her thoughts into the mix.

"This Suanni doesn't seem all that well, but, I'll do something about it," Regina said, back turned. "Mr. Fatui, young man, I'll take care of this. You two should go back to sleep." As she said such, she immersed herself in research.

Shrugging the early adult headed back off towards Qiaoying Village. If Regina thought she could do something about this, he didn't see why not. Returning to his temporary bed, the soldier threw the covers over him. Feeling himself doze of almost immediately, one final thought looped on repeat.

What was happening in Chenyu Vale?


"The penguin chimera is gone, I'm free! I am
Overjoyed. She's nowhere to be seen!

Could she have finally left?
Here's a letter. 'Sorry, Mr. Fatui,
I have to go to Fontaine.' My time with a thorn in my side has reached its
Zenith! No more penguins, no more books, no more creature's dirty looks!
Huh, why did I just sing that?
Ah, forget it. She's gone
Now, off to Fontaine. Stop being so
Glad about all this. She's not nearly as bad as Earl, nor Kaiser.

Well, no matter. Today, I will be heading towards Chizhang Wall
Although, to be honest, something just isn't right. I am
Likely overthinking, but I don't know. It's also
Likely I am not.

It's somewhere in between.

Guess I'll move
Onward towards Chizhang Wall. Let's go."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier slapped his cheeks. Today, he would head off towards Chizhang Wall and tackle the last area he had yet to cover in his notes. Buckling down on such, the early adult prepared himself. It was finally time. Perhaps, just maybe, along the way he would find out more information about the Suanni creature.

Regina nowhere to be found, a letter had soon awaited him on the table in the corner. Regina informing him she had to leave for Fontaine after her younger brother had come by to give her a stern lecture about timeliness, the early adult threw the letter away. Did she really need to tell him about all this? He thought not.

Moving out through the village, a brand new challenger had added itself to the battlefield. Group of light blue wildcats lunging towards him, the chimera flinched. Where had those creatures come from? Whatever hole they had crawled out of, he needed to take care of this situation right away.

Fights becoming one sided in a matter of moments, the early adult had hardly broken a sweat. What was going on here, why had these creatures been so weak today? Something wasn't right here. Had something been wrong with them to lead to their current state of meekness?

Next set of feline creatures coughing out bits of jade and throwing them the chimera's way, the chimera blinked. These monsters weren't putting up much of a fight, either. Had all of them been poisoned? He did not quite understand. Something was off about this whole situation.

Further feline creatures falling to their own mineral coughing fits, the early adult had begun to lose the will to fight. Why was he battling clearly ill creatures? This wasn't a fair fight whatsoever. Maybe it was best to just leave them as they were, for the time being. Raising the white flag, the chimera pushed onwards towards Yilong Wharf.

Writing down his various encounters with weakened Suanni like beasts, the soldier wrote down a theory. Recording that he suspected the jade had been poisoned in some way, the hyena wrote down, but, that's just a theory, a soldier theory. Cheeks growing cold, he immediately erased such flavor text. Why did he write down that stupid sentence? Her Majesty would have him killed for goofing off, for sure.

Running through Yilong Wharf and out towards the mountain range around it, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Not finding anything of immediate interest, the hyena let out a sigh. What was the point of the mission again? He was starting to not know.

Spotting multiple owl statues along the pathway that demanded they be placed in their rightful spots, the chimera attempted to place them on top of the jade plates upon the ground. Succeeding upon doing so, multiple treasure chests had begun to pop out of nowhere one after another.

Ignoring all the treasures laid out, the soldier had soon reached Mt. Mingyuan. But, what awaited him here was a whole entire can of worms ready for eating. Owl statues moving towards him at breakneck speed, the early adult threw down a flower friend in retaliation.

Bird monuments falling one after another, the early adult let out a weak huffed breath. What was that all about? But, he shook his head. Perhaps it had just been abyssal energy again. Nothing he couldn't take care of. Multiple other owl statues destroyed one after another, Jademouth had soon be reached.

Solving multiple puzzles one after another, the soldier had been taken to a small hidden spot deep upon the large monument floating upward. Golden carp energy soon dragging him through a sealed off wall, the next order of business was upon him. Owl statue turned to is rightful place, further things of interest called out to him.

Another blue star shaped object floating above the water, the early adult attempted to grab it. Doing so after a short while, the chimera could not help but feel a slight wave of bewilderment. What had that done just now? Feeling a miniscule layer of energy inside him, the chimera grabbed his notebook once more.

Writing down everything he had suspected about the blue star object, the hyena threw himself out of the secret walled area. Everything within Jademouth soon handled shortly, the soldier prepared himself for one last final hurrah within his Chenyu Vale log of research.

Reaching Chizhang Wall after about two hours of walking, a rather peculiar set of instructions had soon come his way. Multiple stone pillars in their incorrect places, the early adult sighed. He had to repair some architecture? He should not have been the one on the job to do this.

Placing the stone pillar down on a spot with an arch and a tinier one that had been next to it, one of the puzzles had soon been done right. Rain coming down fast as he had done such, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Where had this sudden shift in weather come from?

Terrifying fire in the corner undoing itself, the chimera turned towards the pits of former heat. Did having those lit up with flames mean the doors would remain locked? Such, however, had been far from the case. Gates proceeding to open, the soldier prepared himself to set down the rest of the architecture.

Finishing up the last layers of the large building puzzle after about hours of working, the early adult swore he could smell incense burn from afar. Feeling such, he couldn't help but wonder. Where had that scent come from? But, the early adult shrugged. He hardly cared. There was no time to think about that.

Secret room soon opened as all the architecture had been in the right places, the hyena brushed his currently human hands together. He had finished all the building requirements. There was absolutely nothing else left to do within this area. Writing down multiple details about the area, the early adult's thoughts soon wandered.

The Suanni at the underground domain, how were they doing? Maybe it was best to check up on them before looking over his notes one last time. Running through strange ruins that were empty with nothing but a broken Ruin Grader, the soldier made the leap of faith. But, immediately upon getting here, the creature soon coughed up enough Clearwater jade to help a certain glasses woman to become stronger. Snapping themselves out of their hacking fit, the cat creature soon spoke.

"It's you again, you know what, I'll just tell you the truth," the Suanni said in a weak voice. It then dropped more pieces of Clearwater Jade from its throat. "I am not the real Lingyuan." But, as they said such, their coughs had only gotten stronger.

Hearing such, the early adult could feel alarm bells go off in his head. What did they just say? They weren't the real Lingyuan? What did any of that mean? He did not understand a single that had just been said to him. But, the next line had thrown his socks off into the abyss.

"I'm going to leave this place," faux Lingyuan said. "Could you assist me in creating a parting ceremony?"

Requested in a polite tone, the early adult nodded. Help with a parting ceremony? Was this really the right course of action? But, he supposed he should at least lend them a hand. Moving from place to place setting up multiple incense mantels around Chizhang Wall, the early adult could not help but wonder again. What did they mean by they weren't the true Lingyuan? But, his questions soon had answers.

"Truth be told, young one, I am a clone of Lingyuan created by a certain someone," the fake Lingyuan said, but as they said such, more jade had been coughed out. "A failed clone."

Hearing such, the early adult could feel a shock shoot down his spine. This feline creature was a clone of the real thing? Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone do such a thing? Whoever had done so was quite strange, for sure. Who could have done it? His mind was drawing blanks as he thought about such. Nothing was coming to him.

Parting soon all set up, the early adult had been informed to head to Qiaoying Village. Faux Lingyuan telling him to get all the kids in the village to help send them off, the hyena could feel his heart turn to stone. Every single child in the village? Why all of them? He was hardly prepared for this.

Convincing all the children to come with him to Chizhang Wall, the roundup of small heads had soon took off. Sea of small feet trailing behind him, multiple questions had come his way. Three kids asking is Bluey sick, the chimera froze in his tracks. What could he say in this situation?

Giving a slow nod, multiple kids said in unison they had to send Bluey off so they could get better, the early adult shrugged. Could a clone get better? He did not think so, but he knew there was no way he could tell the children the truth about the matter whatsoever. There was no way he could. It was best to leave the part out about the cloning shenanigans.

Parting ritual soon ready to begin, the early adult lit up the incenses one after another. Intense smell on the air, the early adult held back the urge to gag. What was this burning scent? But he soon tuned it out as multiple children had begun to scream in tears one after another.

"Bluey, please don't go!" one child shouted.

"We don't wanna say goodbye!" another child shouted.

"Please stay! We'll help you get better together!" a third child shouted.

"Sorry, kids, I am too ill," the faux Suanni said. "I have to go to Celestia."

But, as the parting ritual had been about ready to wrap up, a surprise appearance added itself to the mix, gigantic butterfly dropping down flapping its wings with a fervor, the entire ground shook with a fervor. Children remaining unscathed, a human formed Fujin with bright black hair and a forehead jewel soon appeared in front of Siorc.

"This butterfly could poison all of Chenyu Vale!" Fujin shouted.

Hearing such, the early adult immediately sprung into action. This creature would be able to do such a thing? He could not let that happen. Creature soon vanquished after one-hundred strikes, the parting ceremony resumed in an area known as Chiwang Wall after a brief cleanup, a large glowing light surrounded the clone.

Parting soon finished, the children cried one after another. Intense sorrow overpowering him, the chimera added his own tears to the mix. With greetings, there had always been farewells, hadn't there? What a bitter taste. Children all going home to their mothers, the hyena prepared himself to leave Chenyu Vale. Motivation was dead and gone.

Tears rolling for hours on end, the chimera had soon reached the capital city of Liyue, Agent's mask looking at him with confusion, the chimera gave him a confused glance as well. Had he come back from the job too early? He would apologize immediately if so. But, a question had come his way he had been ill prepared for.

"Soldier, why are you crying?" the Agent asked.

Wiping his tears, the early adult shook such emotions away. Why had he shown weakness in front of the agent? He was dead now, for sure. Agent soon demanding his notebook, the early adult handed it over. Question repeated a second time, the hyena sighed. Would telling him it was nothing get him off his back?

"Nothing, sir," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. "Apologies."

Agent flipping through the notebook, a wave of unease had begun to flow through him. Had he not written enough notes? He was going to get a gift to his stomach any second now, if that was the case. Tome slammed shut, the hyena yelped. Did he have to be so loud about it?

"Excellent work, soldier," the Agent responded. "You're dismissed. Go back to Snezhnaya this instant."

Dismissal soon granted, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint soon highlighted, the soldier closed his eyes. Reaching the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking, the chimera paced around on the icy cold floors for hours on end. Thoughts about cloning monsters looping on repeat, a yawn overtook him as sixty minutes had soon become three-hundred-sixty.

Heavy wave of tiredness flowing through him, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the early adult slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, as well, one final thought poked the active shark grooves of his brain as the tormented world of dreams dragged him back in.

There's clones amongst him.

Chapter 32: Liyue's Labyrinths of Danger: Corridors of Chaos


In this section, Siorc must deal with sudden domain labyrinths that came up out of nowhere around Liyue. This is the chapter that happens after Siorc Attempts to Find Hase 8 & Liyue Fashion Walk from the side story collection. Feat: Yinlong, Jiaolong, Qiulong, Shenlong, Feng, Linggui, Keqing, Ganyu, Xinyan, Tartaglia,Yun Jin, Zhongli, Kelebek (in nightmares) and Izzet.


Siorc in Wonderland yay

Chapter Text

"No, this just doesn't add up
Or maybe I'm mistaken
What's going on in Liyue?

There is just so much
Happening everywhere
I really don't know what to think.
No, I suppose it's just all
Getting to be too much
So much chaos.

All too much for me to handle, but I need to
Remove this line of thinking
Everything I have to do I

Just have to do it. No complaining
Utter not a single word
So, it hardly matters
That it is

Getting to be too much
Everyone knows
That I can't refuse work
That I can't say no
I am not allowed to refuse
Not allowed to stray.
Good thing I am labelled, 'the quiet one.'

Well, I guess I am
Ever the quiet one
It is best to stay silent
Rather than speaking
Don't waste my time saying anything
Even if I have
Rhetorical question.

All is better left
Never said. It's better this way.
Don't say anything don't

Weep out a complaint.
Everything will be fine
If I just do as I'm told.
Right, so
Domains in Liyue
Everything about this
Reeks of the abyssal gazelles.

They seem to be doing everything linked to
High Octane Chaos.
Even though the past five days were
Relatively calm aside for some
Erroneous hiccups

In Chenyu Vale, I know they're up to
Something. I highly

Doubt these
Ominous domains don't have their
Malicious names written
All over it.
It's always them
Never anyone else.
So, they are an

Easy suspect. They are repeat
Villains upon this
Ever growing battlefield. I'm
Reaping what they're sewing.
Yet, I know the
Will continue to do this
How are they not satisfied?
Each and every time they exact
Revenge again and every time they
Exact it, there is something

I am left wondering:

Are they just going to
Move onto their next

Viscous plot? It's an
Endless cycle of doom.
Really, at this point, I have
Yet to come to any sort of

Conclusion. For what do they seek revenge
On? I doubt it's all because of me.
No. I'm not special,
For I am not their only target.
Ultimately, I know that
So many people have been
Egged into this, I think.
Do I know how many?

Well, no.
However, it has to be a large quantity
Of chimeras.

Obviously, Earl is a member of their
Revenge club.

When he and Rabiu
Had leapt up on stage
And tried to fight
Them, or fought their

Controlled monsters, they were
Added. And that's my fault. They are
Unrelenting, I think there's
Some others, too. Parisa?
Each and every single
Denizen underwater?

There is so many factors I
Have yet to realize.
I think this web is
Starting to get deeper

Is it going to get further entangled? I

Have no clue.
Ah, well. I
Very much do not have any time to deal, my
Efforts must go to

All the domains that have spread.

Bring it on,
All of these
Domains are going down.

For, I am her majesty's pawn
Each and
Every single
Labyrinth? Gone. All of them?
I will deliver the biggest of battles.
Nothing shall remain,
Get ready, for

Action. So,
Bring on the traction.
Open the door to counteraction.
Unleash the beast,
Take me to the place

I need, diligence is key.
That's the way to successful living."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a never ending wheel of doom, circling over and over on repeat. The elliptical was a jagged oval, dancing in the shadows with only demons in the audience. The night before him would add more spikes to the broken circle, as well.

Before him had been a field of alabasters. The flowers were soft, and white in the shape of a bowl. Seeing such flowers, the hyena could not help but feel a heavy wave of confusion. Where in the dream world could he have possibly been right now? He had never encountered white lotuses in the mortal, waking world.

Seating himself by the flowers, the early adult stared off into space. But, as he had done so, something peculiar had appeared within his distanced dream vision. Spotting a castle from afar, a sudden itch took the soldier away. That palace, he had to check to it out. Standing himself upward, the soldier had begun walking.

Spotting a large red carpet in the corner, the early adult a second wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. What was this doing here? Stepping foot upon the rug of nothing, the early adult kept walking. Black castle imbued in a heavy amount of windy waves, the early adult blinked. Why had it been windy? How unusual.

Dragging his dream feet across the carpet, the chimera could not help but start to wonder. Just who could have possibly owned this castle? The only palace he had ever been aware of within Teyvat had been Her Majesty's. Could there have been others hiding in plain sight? But, the early adult shook the dream head. That wasn't it. This was a dream. Fake locations existed within the mindscape for the sake of existing.

But, the thoughts kept rolling. This palace in the subconscious land had to have been owned by someone. Continuing to walk upon the carpet, the early adult shrugged. He supposed he was about to find out whose castle it was. There was no way it did not belong to someone, even if the person was a fictional product of the imagination.

Entrance looming ever so closer, a heavy wave of foreboding flowed through the soldier. Would something tormenting be about to await him? Any second now, and the floor would be lava, guaranteed. Reaching the gate after about fifty dream minutes, the soldier gulped. Tilting his head upward, the soldier studied the dream palace, for a moment.

In front of him had been a pitch black castle with a foreboding aura radiating throughout, the sound of thunder rolling overtook the area. Hearing such, the hyena let out a tiny yelp. Were there a group of mice in a cage in here plotting to take over the world? But, the chimera shook his head. That was incredibly unlikely, for sure. There was no way that would happen, even in a dream.

Castle door dropping down looking ready to release the trojan horses, the soldier stepped inward. Hearing the sound of an organ playing in the distance, the hyena let out a gulp. Observing the area around him, the uncomfortable feelings only grew. Finding himself in a castle foyer with bright red carpeted stairs going up towards a second floor and towards a basem*nt, the chimera prepared himself for the illusion of choice.

But, such choice never came. Organ only getting louder for minutes on end, the floor beneath him cracked into a thousand pieces all at once. Dropping downward for a brief dream second, gravity threw the chimera for a loop. Falling downward faster and faster, an unfortunate face awaited him down in the palace basem*nt.

Spotting Kelebek from the backside slamming one's fingers upon the organ in front of one, the early adult grit the dream teeth. Of course it was one of the abyssal gazelles. Who else could it have been? Even in his dreams, he could never escape their constant wrath. What was one planning this time? He knew nothing good certainly was about to await him. Chaotic discordant tune only getting louder as the minutes grew faster, a side eye had soon been awarded to the hyena.

"He is finally here!" Kelebek shouted, playing the organ even louder. "You have a gift for him!"

Chaotic tune of doom only getting louder as the dream seconds marched onward, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. What kind of gift was one giving him this time? But, his question had soon been answered, in a subconscious instant. Whiffing up a simulated scent of fire, the early adult's dream eyes opened wide.

Multiple explosives dropping themselves out of the organ's pipes one after another, the early adult tried to turn around. But, such action never came. Feeling a nonexistent adhesive glue his currently hyena legs in place, the soldier shook with a fervor. It was done, he was about to become an explosive target for the eyes to see.

Kaboom, whammo.

Explosive gift coming his way, the early adult's chest had been given a charred present. Uniform melting away, the chimera dropped onto the dream ground. Second commodity coming his way, the chimera flinched. Why did this feel so real? Was he even dreaming right now? Looming in and out of dream consciousness, the hyena awaited for defeat to take him away, but a shout had soon ruptured his subconscious eardrums.

"You're just getting started!" Kelebek shouted, hand raised up above one.

Second wave of explosives decorating his short body, the early adult had become flat as a pancake, served cold. Barrage of red bombs raining down on him, defeat loomed over the soldier's shoulder. World around him going black, the chimera let doom shake his hand. Safety was dead, the world was falling, the sky was rotting. Feeling himself fade away, one final thought of regret threw the soldier into the nonexistent grave.

Curiosity killed the hyena.

He should not have attempted to walk over to that castle.


"I am starting to think that the

Abyssal gazelles revenge
Might extend past Teyvat.

Something is telling me
That this is just the beginning
And they will be
Ready and able at any given moment
To go other places beyond this continent. Or, maybe
I'm overthinking.
No. I most certainly am not. These
Gazelles are without question planning something.

There is absolutely no way they aren't. Or, maybe I am
Overthinking. That's an

Especially high possibility. Are these two even from the abyss? I don't know they feel
Xeno. But, I shouldn't judge.
Perhaps, the abyss is full of creatures similar
Enough, or are equal to
Chimeras. After all, I have never been
Told the origins of chimeras or where

They originated from. Mother
Has never told me either. I never asked her,
Either. Even if she were still with me, I would never

Relay such question. It will
Ever remain a mystery to me. It
Very much so should remain that way. An
Eerie mystery. It is
Nothing I'd ever need to know.
Guess if my mother wanted to have told me in my stolen childhood, she would have.
Everything is better left unknown.

Perhaps it is best I never
Learn. But, I suppose, were I to, nothing would change.
Or, I suppose, whatever
The origins are supposedly would not surprise me.

Even if I am a
Xeno creature
To most people, I already know I am abnormal.
Even though there are other animal humanoid species, I am
Not regarded with the same respect as them in society.
Don't think too deeply about it.
Stop thinking about it.

Be that as it may, I still am suspecting something.
Every time I encounter the abyssal gazelles,
Yet another chaotic thing has happened because
Of them. Lately, aside from one singular happening in Chenyu Vale
Nothing else has not related to them.
Do they want to see the world burn? I am sure

They do. They want to see the world simmer.
However, I mustn't let them succeed, I need to pour
Everything in ensuring they fail.

But, if I am not told to go
Over to them and
Really, at this point I am used to this
Doom and gloom. They are always planning something.
Every day is one step closer to them completing whatever
Revenge they are seeking. And
Something telling me they are close.

Or maybe, I am overthinking
For that's always a possibility. But,

That is enough thinking.
Enough letting them crowd my mindscape.
Yes. I have a
Very long workday
Ahead of me. So, I have
To throw this all away. Get ready."

Five days have passed since the chimera's phantom thief duties had come to a sudden halt and the undersea gazelle discovery had been made. Everything almost immediately changing course, a repeat location had graced the hyena's eardrums. Told to go return to Chenyu Vale to record data, the odd job took northern Liyue by a carp storm.

Solving puzzles and researching phenomenon, the days had a wave of mystery to them. But, things had begun to take an unfortunate turn as seventy-two hours marched onward. Multiple children witnessing a parting within the southern portions of the vale, the third and final day of the investigations came to end bearing bitter fruit.

Two day vacation coming out of nowhere on the fourth day, the soldier took a moment to resume his one member search party. But such had only ended in failure. Not a single lead found, and very important Liyue businesswoman informing him he had not seen his sister, the one member search party had been put on pause once more.

Final day off spent with the panda chimera, the soldier had been made aware of a new game. Card battles taking place, and fashion walk followed soon after, the hyena had met the panda's entire family with bitter results. Vacation coming to an end, the days had readied to reverse themselves back to normalcy.

Today, everything would reverse back to being chaotic.

Upon waking up for the morning, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his fading human mind. But, the soldier knew he had to let it go. Dreams were nothing more than a product of the imagination. Lifting himself upward from the cold, hard covers, the early adult had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier put on his uniform, the chimera could not help but think. The abyssal gazelles had been awfully absent lately. He had almost forgotten they had existed entirely. Had they given up? Were things about to return to normal? But, the early adult rapidly shook his head. These moments of peace were just a quick calm before the storm.

Taking a deep breath, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching blue stars in his hair and ears, a wave of calmness flowed through him. But, the soldier soon made unreturnable eye contact towards the rest of his prized possessions. Was turning his jewelry and accessories into weapons what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, a wave of regret flowed through him. He never wanted this. But, the hyena placed his two index fingers into a cross shape. It was too late, the deed had already been done. Reversal was impossible.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier gazed at the Geo Delusion lying about. The sinister orb, should he finally make use of it? But, the hyena pushed the object away. He should not. Now was not the time to make use of such a thing. He was far from ready.

Heelless shoes on, the chimera stared at the steel walls as he devoured his rations. Hase, why doesn't she want to be found? Had she grown to dislike him over the years in her absence? But, the hyena shook his head. That couldn't have possibly been the case. Even if she did not wish to be located, he would still try again on his next day off. Final bite of his flavorless gruel done and dealt with, the chimera took a deep breath.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp onward with a fervor, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be investigating strange domains that have appeared throughout Liyue." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "Get information about where they might be located, and save some room for Lord Tartaglia. He wishes to see you fight again."

Siorc let out a groan at the information sent his way. Not the eleventh harbinger, why did the Agent have to bring him up? He wanted to watch him battle? He does not wish to have him be a witness to anything, whatsoever. This had to have been some sort of setup, for sure. No thank you, he was good. He was closed for renovation.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Do not concern yourself over the Eleventh. It is highly unlikely he will show up."

The soldier flinched as the agent said the eleventh out in the open. If he wasn't going to show up anyway, why mention him in the first place? Shrugging, he turned towards the agent once more. Arm out in front of him, the hyena waited for gripping prison to take him away like it always did.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Eleventh watching him or not, he knew he had to perform to the best of his ability.

"Good, let's go soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, he gripped the limb into a squeeze tight enough to bruise. "Do not waste time asking any unimportant Liyue citizen about the domain's locations." Wave of nervousness flowing through him as the escort towards Liyue began, the chimera stared off into space.

Right. Don't ask generic nobodies.


"Maybe I saw something
I shouldn't have.
Going out of Mingyun Village today with Linggui, we both might
Have seen something
That I don't believe we were supposed to

Have been a witness to.
A person in some hood was causing
Various amount of troubles
Everywhere within my line of

Sight. Warping something. I'm getting an
Eerie feeling. But, I try to not
Eye them. Maybe they're just some witch in training? Maybe
Not. Linggui

Soon proceeds to ask, 'Watcha lookin' at, Fèng?'
'Oh. Nothing
Much, really, just that little
Eerie fella over there.'
That's when
He proceeds to look over and shrugs at
It. 'Probably just a witch in trainin'.
Nothing ya gotta worry yerself over, Fèng.'
Guess he's right.

I don't know why I am

Staring. They're probably just some witch,
Hexenzirkel, maybe?
Oh, not like I'd know, I have never encountered a witch. I
Utter no more, and we get ready to
Leave this place behind. I
Doubt it's anything to worry about.

Not right now, anyway.
Okay. My mind is clear,
That's more than enough thinking.

Hexenzirkel or not, I
Aught to look away. Unless they're some
Villain or something, I will avert my
Eyes for now. "

Upon reaching Liyue Harbor through the teleport waypoint, an annoying reminder had come the soldier's way. Agent telling him once again to not ask generic nobodies on the street about the domains, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Did he really need to be reminded of this again? He knew already. Why was he reminding him again?

Agent soon exiting the area towards the bank, the chimera stared off into space. Where in the world was he supposed to begin with asking someone where the domains had been? He could hardly think of anyone within eye distance that had not been a generic nobody to inquire.

Knowing he had no choice but to find someone to ask, the soldier pressed onward. Perhaps, just maybe, someone without the same face as everyone else would appear somewhere within the main city streets? He supposed it was worth a shot. Cracking his knuckles, the hyena prepared himself to head upon the western streets.

Moving past the teahouse, not a single important person stood out to the soldier. Generic nobodies walking around around like a flash mob, whatever that was, the chimera avoided them like the plague. He was not wasting his time asking faceless no ones. That was not in the cards whatsoever.

Strutting past the elderly toy saleswoman in the corner, the soldier shook his head. She was not the one. Children begging their parents to buy them toys one after another, the soldier moved on. It had already been busy enough over here. It was best to not add more fuel to the fire, for sure.

Whiffing up an intense smell of roses, the early adult jumped ten steps back. Perfume lady in the corner mixing up beautiful perspirant brews, a wave of jealously flowed through him. How he wished he could afford such nice scents to spray upon himself. Scent only getting stronger, the hyena resisted the urge to buy the entire shop out.

Regaining focus, the soldier moved forward. Nothing of especial note sticking out to him, the hyena kept going. Generic nobodies blurring together, the early adult's will had begun to sway. Would he ever come across anyone that was not a nobody? He was starting to think he would not.

Figuring it was in his best interest to head over towards the boardwalk, the soldier moved through the wooden overhead. Turning his head towards the right and left, Surely, there had to have been someone in the area who had not been a of little importance, but luck and the archons had not been on his side.

Not a single person near the docks, the soldier let out a deep sigh. He should have known there wouldn't have been anyone here that could lead him to the domains in question. Pirates galore, and nothing ashore, the early adult turned around. He was wasting his time here, without a shadow of a doubt.

Reversing back towards the path he came, the early adult's will had begun to sway. Why was he wasting his time looking for someone when he could just try to seek the domains out himself? Just because the Agent had told him to do so? It was time to move on and start looking by himself.

But, as he had come to such decision, a non generic face had popped up out of nowhere. Qilin appearing beside the docks looking ready to nod off, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. What was she doing here? He could not help but feel something had been out of place. Tapping her shoulder, she soon flinched.

"Huh?" the Qilin asked in an astonished tone. She then calmed herself. "Oh, it's you. How can I help you?"

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could the qilin have known about the location of the domains? He supposed, asking her was worth a shot. Giving her a look in the eye, he placed his hands out in front of him. Deep breath taken, he prepared himself.

Words dungeon, labyrinth and domain spelled out with his fingers, the soldier drew a door upon the air. Looking the qilin in the eyes, the chimera could see a look of confusion on her face. Was she not understanding what he was trying to convey? He supposed such had to have been the case. Whispering the word domain quiet enough to just barely be heard, he kept looking forward.

"Oh, you're asking about a domain?" the qilin asked. "I believe a mysterious one appeared in Wuwang Hill?" She then let out a deep yawn.

Bowing a thank you, the soldier prepared to head for the wharf. There had been a domain in Wuwang Hill? He supposed it was in his best interest to head over to such area. But, he knew he had to ask around about whether or not there had been any others that had cropped up around Liyue. Resolute on his decision, the chimera prepared himself to head for the second most populated area within the city.

As the soldier moved towards the wharf, he could not help but wonder. Just how many domains could there have been out there that mysteriously appeared overnight? The chimera could not fathom the many possibilities, but he knew he was about to find out one way, or another.

Not a single other important person near the wharf, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Had there really been no one else around to ask? It was best to just make his way towards Bishui Plain and see for himself if there had been any other on his own. He had encountered one person who had known, such had been sufficient enough.

Descending the staircase, the hyena prepared himself to exit the harbor city. But, as he descended, a familiar face had stood out amongst the crowd of nobodies. Spotting the spiky haired guitarist in the corner without her instrument on her, a longshot added itself to the mix.

Walking towards her, the hyena could not help but ponder. Could she have any information about sudden domain appearances? She seemed like the type of person who would be in the know about these sorts of things. Excusing himself, eyes had soon been on him in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, there, purple," the guitarist greeted. "What's up?"

Overly familiar greeting coming his way, the early adult once again placed his hands out in front of him. Spelling out the words domain, labyrinth and dungeon with his fingers, he quietly whispered all the words under his breath quiet enough for a singular person to hear. Young woman looking as though she had a eureka moment, she soon put two and two together.

"A domain, you say?" the guitarist asked. "Yeah, I saw one at Qingce Village. Scared the livin' daylights outta me. Why do ya ask?"

Question coming his way, the early adult signed the words for a job on private display. But, he soon buried his face a smidgeon. Why was he telling this person that? But, he supposed he was thankful for her insight on where another domain had been. But, caution had soon hit the wind.

"I'd be careful if I were you, purple," the guitarist responded to his wordless language. "Somethin' 'bout that domain is a little fishy."

Heeding the guitarist's warning, the soldier prepared himself to exit the area. Something was fishy about it? Such was nothing he couldn't handle. Surely, it was hardly as bad as she thought it was. Dashing off towards the bridge, the chimera prepared himself for the worst dangers to come.

Harbor City quickly left behind, the caution switch flipped upward in the hyena's mind. These domains, could they have been dangerous? He supposed he would find out whether he liked it or not. Staying on the pathway in front of him, the chimera prepared himself for any monsters that could have been lying in wait.

Surprisingly quiet walk ahead of him, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of relief. Were there no Hilichurls out and about on the prowl today? Such was a relief to be had, for sure. Not having a weapon on him, battles would be hyena claw reliant, for certain.

Speeding up his walking speed, the hyena put a spring in his step. The faster he were to walk, the faster he would reach the ghostly hill of departed spirits. Dashing past the rock pond and upwards upon the ramp in the corner, the early adult had been filled with determination. He swore, as he thought such, a red pixelated heart appeared on his uniform.

Dashing off towards Guili Plains, the soldier attempted to make haste. He needed to make haste and get out of here before the dangers proposed within the domain were to come true. Could ghastly spirits have already made themselves at home within the dungeon? There was hardly any time to waste.

But, as he kept running through the plains, his head had soon collided with another. Rubbing his temple for a moment, the early adult looked upward. But, whom he had clashed with was a person to not be messed with. Yuheng rubbing her temples, as well, sharp eyes of indignance had been thrown his way.

"Watch where you're going!" the yuheng exclaimed in an irritated tone.

Heavy wave of irritation evident in her voice, the early adult bowed multiple apologies one after another. Right. Watch where he was going. He should have been more careful. Arms crossed around her waist, a heavy wave of suspicious had soon rode the air. Feeling such, the hyena shook like a leaf. Was she about to tell him to get out of here?

"What are you up to, Fatui?" the yuheng asked, suspicious evident in her voice.

Side eyes glued to him, the early adult flinched. Did she think he was up to no good? He supposed he did not blame her for thinking such a thing. He was a member of the Fatui. He knew most citizens and important figures within Liyue would automatically assume he was a reason for suspicion.

Giving the yuheng a glance, he could not help but wonder. Would she have any information about any sudden domain appearances? He supposed it was worth a shot asking her. But, he knew, even if were to ask, there was no way she would answer him without being irritated. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself.

"I am searching for suspicious domains, ma'am," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. He then dropped down the forbidden inquiry. "Are you aware of any, miss?"

Look of indignation on her face once again, the soldier's heart skipped a beat. Had he struck a nerve? His question had to have hit quite a few of them, for sure. He didn't know why, but she had a look on her face as if she wanted to scream to not waste her time. He would need to apologize right away, if such were the case.

"And, why should I tell you?" the yuheng asked in a suspicious tone.

Bowing an apology once again, the soldier moved out of her way. Right, she didn't owe him any sort of answer. No one did. Yuheng leaving the area the early adult continued to head north. If there were any other domains in the area, he would have to seek them out himself. Wasting the time of the wrong person would put him in a world of pain.

Getting himself back on track, the soldier had begun to head northward. Knowing Wuwang Hill had been northwest of Stone Gate, he had a long walk ahead of him. But, as he dragged himself through Wangshu Inn, multiple questions raced through his head all at once, running laps inside him.

As the chimera moved walked through the inn walkway, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just what had other Fatui done in Liyue to have made them such a despised group of people? Had there been a deep history of aggression he had been unware of? Exiting the inn, the thoughts drowned him further as Dihua Marsh approached.

Thoughts clustering inside him, the early adult let out a sigh. He supposed, whatever other Fatui had done, he would have to accept such as fate. He was a part of this organization against his will, any hostility or feeling of abhorring towards him were valid. Throwing such thoughts away, the early adult pushed through the marsh.

Jumping across the broken bridge, the hyena tried his best to not slip. Not spotting a single monster along the way, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Where in the world were all the slimes and other monsters? He couldn't help but feel a heavy wave of unease over the heavy amount of emptiness throughout the area. Something wasn't right here, for sure.

Leaving the marsh behind, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Could the multiple monsters in the area have thrown themselves into the sudden domains that had appeared throughout the area? He supposed that was something he should have been on the lookout for. Anything was possible in the world of Teyvat.

Pushing through Stone Gate, a heavy eerie feeling latched onto the chimera like a tub of paste. He did not know why, but there was a sense of malice in the air. Why was it whenever he passed by this area there was a foreboding sense of doom? But, the early adult attempted to shake such off. Surely, it was nothing.

Overwhelming sense of doom eating him alive, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left as he pushed on through the border between Liyue and Mondstadt. The domain, it had to have been close to here, for sure. There was no way it couldn't have been.

Foreboding doom continuing to loom over him, the early adult prepared himself for whatever was about to await him. What would await him within the ghostly world? If spirits were inside the dungeon, he knew fighting them firsthand would be outright impossible. He would need a soup thermos to trap them in, or something. But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. There was no such thing. What was he even thinking? He needed to get himself out of fantasy land.

Bamboo trees looking a little brown today, the early adult jumped four steps back, the aura had it been doing something to the nature nearby? What an awful state of affairs, if true. Keeping a note about possible damages, the early adult ran upon the northern path. Wuwang Hill was close, just a little father.

Soon in front of a dark blue door in front of the entrance of Wuwang Hill, the early adult could feel his heart race a kilometer a minute. No, not one of these, anything but a random subspace domain out in the open. Would he be given a delusion that would eat his mind up for dinner again? No way. He's not going in. It's time to turn back.

But, the early adult performed his breathing exercises. There was no way he could turn back now. He had a job to do. Strange greatsword dropping down from the door, the early adult picked it up. Claymore with a skull like design on the covering, his heartbeat sped up a smidgeon he was getting a bad feeling about this.

Ascending the staircase, the early adult prepared himself. What was about to await him inside this domain? Stepping through the blue door, the chimera prepared himself. Blinding light soon engulfing him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Opening them once again, many surprises awaited him.

Finding himself in a large brown wooden floored dungeon that looked massive enough to suck everything into a black hole the chimera backed four steps away. What in the world in the world was this place he had just been transported to? He would be stuck here for days, for sure if luck had not been on his side.

Spotting multiple rooms up ahead that looked like they had puzzles to solve, the chimera had begun walking. He knew, going forward, he would need to be careful, or he would get lost within the corridors. Reaching the first room, the first oddity appeared in front of him.

Spotting a group of festival drums in the center of the first corridor, the chimera tilted his head. What were these doing here? Spotting a button beside one of them, the soldier clicked it downward. Message on the ceiling informing him to play the drums according to the score, the soldier blinked. He had to do what now? He's never played an instrument in his life.

Paper falling from the ceiling with mysterious symbols he couldn't read, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Chickens and eggs all over the leaflet, the early adult's mouth dropped open. What kind of musical score was this? He knew he wasn't musically inclined, but there was no way this was readable to anyone.

Drum glowing, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. What was he supposed to do here? How was he supposed to play a chicken on a drum? Hearing a doom toll, lightning tickled his uniform. Zaps continuing to tickle him, he let out a scream. Failure would lead to an electrifying conclusion.

Staring at the score once more, further peculiarities took him for a ride. Second line of the score showing chickens with eggs over their heads, the hyena rubbed his hands over the sides of his head. What in the world did any of this mean? Whoever made this puzzle was definitely eating nails for breakfast.

Zapped aplenty for minutes on end, the early adult's hair stuck up. These symbols, what could they have possibly meant? How was he supposed to figure out gibberish? Attempting to figure out the puzzle multiple times with no success, the young soldier had become an electro magnet.

Message on his wrist reading that he had failed the puzzle too many times, the answers shall be revealed, the soldier jumped fifteen steps back. Was there an archon of messing around? He knew there wasn't, but he sure felt like there had been at the moment. Did this god of games live under a bridge and have horns, too? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no time for frustration, he had to solve the puzzle now.

Chicken underneath printed with the word plunge in Mondstadt writing, the soldier studied the letters underneath the eggs. Spotting the word skill underneath, the chimera tilted his head. Skill? What kind of skill? Rest of the words reading windglider, plunge, charge, the hyena shrugged. He supposed he would have to figure it out as he attempted.

Pressing the button once more, a wind current soon appeared out of nowhere. Leaping upward, the soldier grabbed the skull faced claymore, plunging downward, he swore he could hear a ding ping off the distance. Drums glowing again, the chimera could not help but wonder. Would throwing his flower friend do something? Tossing down his windwheel aster friend, another ding pinged throughout the room.

Air current coming back with a vengeance, the early adult jumped upward, windglider soon deployed, he plunged downward, charging his claymore into the drum for final measure, the words challenge complete appeared on the ceiling. Sweat decorating his brow, the soldier moved onto the next room.

Large room with tiles in it everywhere, the chimera stared off into space. What was he supposed to do this time? Pressing a button, a message appeared on his wrist. Instructions telling him to light up the tiles a wave of relief flowed through him. Light up tiles? That sounded simple enough.

But, as he lit the tiles up, lighting struck from up above. Falling to his knees, the early adult let out a growl. He had done what the instructions said, didn't he? Running through the tiles again, another bolt had been struck down from the heavens. Egg boiling inside him, he let out a second grunt. What in the world was he doing wrong here?

Attempting to light up the tiles in various different ways, multiple shocks of electricity had been descended upon him one after another. Turning himself around, the early adult attempted one last resort amongst them all. Dashing across the tiles backwards, a ding soon pinged across the room.

Walking off towards the next room, the early adult could not help but ponder. Just what was with this domain? Everything had been so peculiar. But, what awaited him in the next room had been confusion wrapped up in a present box for everyone to see. Corridor full of Millelith inside, something had been quite off.

Millelith in uniforms that looked like they had to have been from various centuries before, the chimera placed his spooky claymore in front of him. Soldiers coming towards him, archaic spears the battle of old vs new kicked into overdrive for an audience of no one to see.

Blade and spear fight going on for minutes on end, the army had soon depleted itself of its resources. Group of enemies fading into nothing after about fifty hits between them, multiple questions dashed through him like a bird about to take off to fly. What had just happened? Not single thing had made any sense whatsoever.

Another batch of Millelith in archaic uniforms decimated in the next room over, the hyena stared off into space. Had he been fighting ghosts from eras long gone? He knew such could have been a possibility at hand. He had still been in Wuwang Hill at the moment, dungeon or not. But, as he approached the next room, he could hear a voice call out to him.

"Follow me!" a voice shouted.

Ball of light in the center of the corridor, the early adult's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Follow what, exactly? He had no idea. Chasing the ball, into the next room, screams imploring him to continuing following it looped on repeat. Orb bouncing through the third area, the early adult jumped as well.

Ball continuing to hop higher, the soldier attempted with all his might to leap as high as it had. Did he need to raise his hands up to the sky, as well? But the ball of light soon shouted at him again. Screams of demands to not jump, just run, the chimera's red bird movements stopped in their tracks one after another.

Ball of light soon stopping, a large, fat dragon soon took its place. Gazing at it, the chimera stared off into space. This domain was full of surprises. Creature folding its arms across its waste, the early adult repeated such gesture. But, a look of irritation had grown on the creature's face.

"Purple, stop copying me!" the dragon exclaimed.

Winged reptile speaking to him, the hyena jumped six steps back. This dragon, was it talking to him? He had to be dreaming right now. But, he knew that wasn't the case for any reason, at all whatsoever. He was awake right now. Living, breathing. Everything right in front of him was reality, for sure. Clapping his hands together, the chimera bowed an apology.

"Aaaaaaaaanyway, purple, it's time to play a game!" the dragon shouted, clapping its talons together. "You're going to be quizzed! Any question you get right, your stats will be boosted!" It then placed its smallest talons into a cross position. "But, any you get wrong, I'm taking something from you!"

Hearing such, Siorc scratched his head. What in the world were stats? This dragon, what was it talking about? He had never heard of such a word in his entire life. Shaking his head, the word left his mind. It didn't mean anything; it did not matter. But, as he kept on thinking, words brought him back to reality?

"Are you ready, purple?" the dragon called out.

Words sending him up a waterfall, the chimera flinched. It was time to play already? Slapping his cheeks, the chimera nodded. Whatever this game was, he had to do his best to get every single question right, or something would be taken from him. Dragon grabbing a microphone out of thin air, the game let itself begin.

"Alrighty then! First question!" the dragon announced. "Who is the director of the funeral parlor!?"

Question coming his way, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What kind of question was that? Sighing, he turned towards the reptilian winged creature. This had to have been a trick question. Almost everyone who had visited Liyue for an extended period of time knew this. Preparing himself, he let the name be known to absolutely no one.

"-- ---?" the hyena responded, voice barely audible.

"That's correct!" the dragon exclaimed. "Buuuuuuuuuuut, try to speak up next time, purple!" As it said such a spotlight had plopped over him. "Congratulations on getting the first question right!"

Feeling a sudden increase in strength, the chimera tilted his head. Where did this sudden boost come from? Second question asking him where would one go to to consult someone about buying a coffin, the early adult rolled his eyes to the ceiling. This quiz couldn't be made any easier if they tried.

Getting three questions right and two questions wrong afterwards, the final round of the quiz had soon took off. Dragon asking what are the elemental dragons around Liyue called, the early adult paused for a moment. What were they called again? Fuzz swam through his memory the early adult gave an answer he knew was far from being correct.

Dragon taking something unknown from him, the quiz had reached its climactic ending. Reptilian creature dropping itself into a hole, the early adult shrugged. Was the game over? If such were the case, it was time to move onwards towards the next rooms, for the time being.

Racing through multiple rooms with enemies aplenty, the hyena could not help but notice the sudden increase in strength flowing through him. Had the dragons boosted his combat capabilities? Whatever that word stat meant, it must have gone up a considerable amount, for the time being.

Multiple enemies slain one after another, the early adult let out a deep huff. Barely any rooms left, the young soldier prepared to stage his exit. It was all almost over, he could exit this wild house of wonders. But, as he reached the next corridor, a draconic visitor waited for him once more.

"Welcome to the second round of you quiz, Mauvelous!" a pink dragon shouted. "Get these questions right, your stats get boosted, get them wrong, and they get lowered! Let's go! One, two!"

Dragon initiating a count, the early adult placed his hand upward. They were doing a quiz right here, right now? This was moving too fast. He had only just arrived into this room. But, the dragon kept on counting. Counter reaching three, a spotlight had soon shone over the hyena.

"Question one!" the pink dragon exclaimed. "Why is it called the Skyrider Greatsword?"

Question coming his way, the early adult's heart skipped more than three beats. Why was it called the Skyrider Greatsword? How was he supposed to know? He had never cared enough to learn the history behind weapons. What did he look like, the Sword Encyclopedia, Your Friendly Guide to Sword Names? He was not. Far from it.

Shrugging, the early adult abstained from answering such question. But, as he had done such, the spotlight from up above him had soon glowed a deep red. Seeing such, the chimera's knees buckled. What stat was about to be lowered? Whatever a stat was, he had no idea.

"Sorry, shrug is not the correct answer!" the pink dragon announced. "Attack lowered by two hundred!"

Feeling a sudden drain in his strength, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. These dragons, were they some sort of gods? But, before he could think further about such, the next question had come his way. Inquiry about where the Messenger got its name, the early adult blanked out. How was he supposed to know something like that?

Every single question answered incorrectly, multiple waves of disappointment had come his way. Reptilian being dropping into a hole, the early adult moved onward to the next corridor. Nothing but a candle on the ground with a sign below it stating walk by candlelight, the early adult let out a sigh. Time for another test of patience.

Pressing onward through five rooms with the candle, the soldier had reached the final room of note. Three dragon seating themselves in chairs, the chimera gazed at them. What did they want from him this time? Creatures slapping their claws together, he held back the urge to groan. What were they about to do?

"You've reached the end, Mauvelous!" the pink dragon exclaimed. "It's time to test your skills!" As it said such, its eyes glowed.

Laser beams coming his way, the early adult jumped ten steps backs. They were doing what now? Testing his skills? What in the world was this domain? Unsheathing the claymore from behind him, the early adult prepared himself. Dragon versus hyena? Bring it on. He had defenses for days. But, the fight was far from what he expected.

"Purple, sword down, sword down!" the dragon exclaimed. "It's time for the final quiz!"

Putting the blade down, the hyena let out a sigh. Another quiz? Question coming his way, the hyena tossed back answers one after another. Multiple inquires about the names of flowers, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Something was fishy here. But, the quiz kept on going.

Question about what violetgrass could be used for, the early adult stared off into space. Violetgrass was a plant that could be crushed up and turned into medicine, wasn't it? Submitting such answer, further inquires had come his way one after another. Final question soon reached, the dragon soon summoned a door.

Exit in front of him, the chimera jumped through. Back in Wuwang Hill as if nothing happened, the soldier rubbed his eyes. What had he just experienced? The chimera had absolutely no idea. But, he knew he had no time to think. He had to head for the next on in Qingce Village right away.

Reaching Qingce Village after about an hour of walking, a blue portal door had awaited him once again. No elderly villagers anywhere within sight, the chimera puffed a sigh of relief. There was no one around to stumble in here. A miracle to be had, for sure.

Taking a deep breath, the hyena readied himself for the next unknown destination. Blinding light overtaking him, the early adult closed his eyes. But, what awaited him upon opening them was a wonderland of many questions. Large factory with spinning gears everywhere, the chimera's eyes turned to goop. Where in the world was he, Siorc Sandiego? But, he shook his head. No more thinking. It was time to get moving.

Gears underneath his feet rotating the chimera spun around and around counterclockwise. Whatever that direction meant, he had never heard of a clock in his life. Soon tossed onto a conveyer belt, a message rained down from the sky at lightning speed. Trying to read them, the early adult pushed up his lenses.

"Catch the apples within the time limit," the message said.

Fruits raining down from the sky, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Catch what now? Apples falling towards him rapidly, the chimera grabbed the fruits one after another as if he were a performer in a circus. Strange black automated floor moving forward as he did such, multiple fell onto the ground.

Timer ticking past the thirty second mark, the soldier kept the rounds of collecting going. Final forbidden fruit of eden collected, the challenge had soon been completed. Such, however had only been the beginning. Words falling from the sky, the early adult read the next set of instructions carefully.

"Destroy the targets with the apples in one-hundred seconds," the words floating around said.

Seeing such, targets dropped down from the ceiling one after another. Seeing such, the early adult leaped ten steps back. What in the world was this domain? It was stranger than the last, for sure. Easily spoilable fruit in his hands, the hyena whirred up the pitch for the class to no one to see.

Fruit spinning like a ball on the playing field, the stick plopped onto the target at lightning speed. Floor underneath him speeding up, the hyena tried to keep his balance. Any second now, and he would fall off and land in the abyss. Second apple in the palm of his hands it had been lunged across the room.

Challenge reaching its conclusion, the chimera huffed and puffed up a storm. Moving floor tossing him over to the next corridor, the soldier dashed towards the next room. Rabbit waiting for him screaming it was late, so late for a very important date, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Another rabbit? This region's critter population had certainly grown aplenty in the past month.

Cookies dropping on the floor reading follow them, the hyena could hardly believe what he was reading. Follow the white rabbit running? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Sugary garbage continuing to plop down on the floor demanding he chase the creature, the chimera let out an exasperated sigh. He supposed he had no choice but to do so.

Rabbit continuing to repeat it was late for a date, the early adult covered his ears. How many times was this creature going to repeat that? He gets it. They're not on time for something. Cookies demanding he continue to follow, the hyena kept on running. Rooms getting smaller and smaller, the next room had soon been upon him.

Critter hopping away, the soldier shrugged. Had it finally reached its date? Good luck with its romantic number with the floor. But, the early adult threw such snide remarks away. Moving along, the hyena kept moving forward through the geared up factory.

But, nothing happened for rooms on end. Next six rooms empty as a blank slate, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. What was the point of having so many rooms with nothing in them? Whoever made this domain had to have given up halfway through. If such were the case, what a boring state of affairs.

Such emptiness, however, had come to a screeching halt. Rabbit popping out from the ground once again, it repeated the same phrase from before. It was late, for a very important date. Hearing such again, the soldier held back the urge to scream. He knew already. Hadn't this creature said that enough already?

Hole forming from underneath him, the chimera could feel his body drop downward. World of darkness soon engulfing him, the early adult swore he could feel his clothes grow hot, for a moment. Closing his eyes, the wind took him for a ride for minutes on end. Buttocks soon hitting the ground, he opened his eyes.

Finding himself in a large forest, the early adult looked at himself downward. Bright blue dress with a white apron over it, the hyena blinked of bewilderment What was this, Wonderland? He hadn't a clue, but he supposed such could have been the case. Searching the ground for his winter jacket, he turned his head towards the right and left. Where did his uniform go? Blinding spotlight soon over him, the white rabbit had soon been on its hind legs.

"Falling through the rabbit hole, Princess Aster found themselves lost in the forest!" the rabbit exclaimed. "Will they find the door to the exit?"

Hearing the word princess used on him, the early adult's cheeks grew red. Princess Aster, princess, princess, princess. Hands over his cheeks, he tried with all his might to giggle. Princess, what a lovely word, it had a nice sound to it. If he had a ring, he'd put one on it.

Snapping himself out of it, the princess moved forward. What was he doing, letting himself get distracted by a word? This was nothing more than a story. Surely, if he were to play through it, he would be able to get out of this domain. Cracking his knuckles, the Chronicles of Princess Aster soon begun.

"Stepping through the forest, Princess Aster walked on sharp eggshells!" the rabbit announced. "Will our hero be able to overcome such peril?"

Eggshells dropping down on the ground, the princess yelped. He had to do what now? This was a weird story, for certain. Raising onto the tip of his toes, the sound of multiple shells cracking simulated through the area. Yolks spilling out on the grass, the hyena held back the urge to gag. This was wonderland, alright.

Shelly walk soon coming to an end, the chimera could see a cat grinning up in a tree with a bright purple tail. Feline giving him a suspicious smile, a pitch black cookie had soon been dropped into his hands. Frosting reading out to eat it, the princess tilted his head. What was this?

Rabbit announcer asking the audience of no one if Princess Aster would eat the cookie gifted to them, the hyena stared at the sweet temptation of doom. Should he eat it? There was a lot fish in this little square bitable. But, he knew he was bound by the laws of the story. Biting into the object, a blinding light soon engulfed him.

Wings sprouting up on his back, a wind current had soon been behind the princess. Brought upward into the sky, the early adult could feel a wave of bewilderment. Wasn't he supposed to shrink down to the size of a mouse? Maybe he was remembering the story wrong. But, the next order of business had soon been upon him.

Multiple targets soon in front of him, apples had been thrown the chimera's way. Catching them, the rabbit had soon been upwards in the sky upon a soft cloud. Seeing such, the princess let out another sigh. Who in the world wrote this story that he was forced into playing out?

"Cookie giving them wings, the targets screamed, 'hit me, hit me!' Huh, what's this? They've been given apples!" the rabbit announced. "Can Princess Aster hit all the targets within the time limit?"

Timer ticking down, the early adult sighed. Another apple darts challenge? This would go by in the blink of an eye. Throwing all the apples onto the target well before the timer had reached zero, he had soon been dropped back downward onto the ground. Maze popping up out of nowhere, the creature gave one last announcement.

Rabbit screaming about a hedge maze, the early adult ran from corner to corner. Finding himself getting lost with every corner turned, sweat mounted on the hyena's brow. He did not know why, but every single twist he made, his energy felt like it was being traded away to an unseen being up above.

Reaching the end of the hedge maze after about hours of running, the door had soon been reached. Rabbit exclaiming Princess Aster has found the door to home, the hyena pushed himself through the exit. No more of this game of wacky hijinks. Blinding light engulfing him for what felt like the fifth time today, the early adult closed his eyes.

Back in Guili Plains as if nothing happened, the domain was nowhere to be seen. Peering downward, the soldier's uniform had been on him as if it had never left. Gazing up at the sky for a moment, the early adult's heart had begun to race. It had already been evening? When did that happen? He needed to return to Liyue Harbor right away.

Dashing through Bishui Plains, the soldier kept on sprinting. Just how long had he been in those two domains? Time was quite the fickle instrument of measurement. Running faster as the seconds raged onward, Guili Pains had been reached after ten minutes of speedy running.

Reaching Liyue Harbor after about ten minutes of sprinting, the chimera attempted to catch his breath. Agent standing behind a counter in the wharf as if he were doing business, the soldier walked towards him. Mask soon on him, he soon gave eye contact towards the faceless holes.

"What did you discover, soldier?" the Agent asked.

Writing down his findings in a notepad, the soldier passed the leaflet off to his subordinate. Confusion painting his mask, the early adult shook with a fervor. He was going to be told to take this seriously, for sure. But, such words never came. Notepad slammed shut, the mas had soon been upon him once again.

"Good work today," the Agent said, but there was a slight hint of hesitation in his voice as he said such. "Your job is not done yet. Find somewhere to sleep for tonight."

Orders coming his way to find somewhere to sleep, the chimera headed back towards the bridge. Reaching Wangshu Inn after about twenty minutes of walking, the early adult reserved a room for himself. Keys given, the chimera dragged himself off towards his accommodations.

Closing the inn door behind him, the early adult let out a yawn. Weaponized hairpins and earrings soon removed, the young soldier threw himself into the uncomfortable bed. World of sleep ready to take him away, the early adult closed his eyes. Land of tormenting dreams dragging him down, one final question wrapped vines around him.

What are these strange domains?


"Where are these domains coming from?
How suspicious and
Ominous they are. I have no clue anymore.

Oh, these adventures are
Rather peculiar.

Who, or what made these?
How or when did they
Appear? I don't know.
The abyssal gazelles have been absent for

More than six days now.
As such, I cannot blame them.
Did they do this?
Even I don't

Think they would make something like this.
How could they?
Each of the two domains I ventured through
Something was different about them, but neither of them
Ever gave me a sense of

Dooming energy.
Of course, this could just all be a hoax,
Maybe this is just
A strange event
I am being told to test.
No, perhaps not. To be honest, I don't know.
So, I will continue the investigation for now."

Waking up the next morning, the soldier reached for his glasses. What kind of nautical nonsense would await him today? Exiting his temporary quarters for the moment, the chimera readied to head back towards Liyue Harbor. But, the second he had returned toward the city streets, faces he did not wish to see again had stood in his way.

Red, pink and silver haired panda trio gazing at him as if he was a two headed dragon, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What did these three want from him? If he was in the way, he'd gladly move off to the side. But, the pink haired panda had soon pointed a finger at him.

"It's that guy in the dress from the other day!" Qiulong exclaimed pointing.

Hearing such, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. This panda in pink, did she have to scream that out for every single person to hear? How immature of her. But, the early adult kept such thoughts to himself. Angry panda next to her grabbing her elbow, she soon let her shouts be heard, as well.

"Ugh! You stopped walking because of that? Who cares about him!" Shenlong shouted. "Qiulong, Jiaolong, let's go! We're late to our business meeting at Xinyue Kiosk!" But, a set of words had come her way.

"Ah, you two go without me. I'm not coming," Jiaolong responded.

"Huh?" Both Shenlong and Qiulong said in unison.

"I have some prior engagements to attend to," Jiaolong responded to their collective question.

"Hmph, whatever, Jiaolong! Sounds like an excuse to me!" Shenlong shouted in an irritated tone. She then turned towards her sister. "Let's go, Qiulong!"

Two of the three pandas soon gone, the early adult held back the urge to sigh as the tall panda turned towards him. What did this chimera want from him? Whatever it was, he had absolutely no interest. He could feel a sour taste in his mouth as the eyes kept themselves glued to him.

"Why, hello there. Apologies, we might have gotten off on the wrong foot the other day," Jiaolong said, introducing himself. "I am Jiaolong, herbalist at Bubu Pharmacy. I would again like to extend my sincerest apologies for our prior meeting. Yínlóng's inaction can be quite troublesome sometimes."

Apology coming his way, the early adult blink. Why was this man apologizing to him? But, he supposed he would accept it. He had barely known this chimera. It was best to get on the correct footing with him. Making enemies was not in the cards whatsoever, for any reason. But, the words that had been thrown his next blindsided him.

"My cousin talks about you quite a lot. I can get behind that," Jiaolong said, hand on his chin. "You're kind of cute, actually."

Hearing such, the soldier had become red as a tomato. This man, did he just call him cute? Was he flirting with him? Consider himself flirted with, because it was working. Words ringing in his ears, he placed his hands on his cheek. He misheard him, right? Surely, he had to have.

Flustered look on Yínlóng's friend's face, Jiaolong let out a chuckle. He was this easily flustered. How adorable. But, maybe he should let him now he was simple playing around. It would have been such a shame if first impressions were soured from this moment.

"Oh, my! You should see the look on your face!" Jiaolong laughed. "I am merely teasing you." His hand moved up and down as he spoke. "In any case, you are exploring domains, no? Would it be alright if I come with you? My boss would like for me to investigate them."

Question coming his way, the soldier simply nodded. The taller panda chimera was investigating these domains, too? He supposed he could allow him to join for the time being. Surely, his mission would not overlap with his. Smile soon growing from ear to ear, the conversation continued.

"Excellent. Let's work hard together," Jiaolong responded. "Boss has informed me the first one is in Dunyu Ruins. I'll be your guide."

Jiaolong leading the way, the soldier followed behind him. Heading through the path in the western most point of the harbor, the soldier's stared at the tall panda's backside. He had been an herbalist? Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. The thorns were dying one after another.

Moving through Mt. Tianheng, the soldier could not help but wonder. What could have been going on in Dunyu Ruins? Whatever domain was about to await him, he knew a series of anything could be awaiting him. Westward path winding every once and awhile, the early adult attempted to keep his attention forward.

Feeling a sense of heavy darkness in the air the closer Dunyu Ruins had been, the soldier's heart skipped four beats. What was this sudden doom in the air? Something terrible would await him any second now, guaranteed. He knew he would need to proceed with utmost caution going forward.

Reaching the area of interest after about an hour of walking, the taller panda chimera soon turned around. Eyes on him, the soldier returned eye contact. What did he want to say this time? He was not ready for another flirt pie so early in the afternoon. But, the crumpet soon crumbled.

"If you, at any point injure yourself, please let me know," Jiaolong said in a serious tone. "I make medicines at my job all the time." He rose his index finger upward as he said such. "However, I am not yet a doctor, so I can only provide you a basic level of care."

Nodding, the early adult kept such fact in his mind. Was the taller panda chimera studying to be a doctor? But, the chimera quickly flicked such thought away. Such was hardly any business of his. Jiaolong stepping into the domain first, the soldier followed shortly after.

Peculiar brown wooden floored room waiting for the taller panda chimera and he, a paper doll had been floating out in the open in the shape of a tiny person. Studying the room for a moment longer, the early adult turned his head towards the left. Mat on the floor with Inazuman writing, the early adult scratched his head. Where had the entrance taken him to. Jiaolong's hand soon on his chin, as well, he had soon added his own comment to the mix.

"Oh, dear, how very strange," Jiaolong said, finger on his chin. "It would appear this domain is ruled over by a Shikigami."

"A Shikigami?" the paper doll asked, confused tone of voice. "Is that what you humans call me?"

"Ah, no, I am not a human, I am a panda," Jiaolong responded shaking his head. "You would be the guide of this place, no? We are counting on you."

Paper doll creature leading the way, a large maze with multiple dead ends had begun to stretch out from side to side with multiple ends twisting from one end to the other. Seeing such, the soldier's knees buckled. What kind of place was this? This world was a labyrinth with many echoing hallways.

Jiaolong asking the paper doll creature if there were any herbs in this dungeon, the soldier could hear them say there had been some at the end. Hearing such, the soldier attempted to turn around. He would leave the panda to his own thing. But, a scream had come his way almost immediately.

Guide informing him there was no other way to go, the soldier stayed put. If there was no other way to go, he supposed he did not have a choice in the matter. Jiaolong stepping in the thick maze of doom first, the chimera stared at the so called Shikigami. He did not know why, but the paper doll felt as though it had a living, breathing soul in it.

Pushing through the with all his might, the sound of monsters roaring from every dead end echoed in the soldier's ear. Mightachurls and Samachurls beating their hands upon their chests one after another, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Human hand becoming hyena claws, he was ready for action.

But, such course of action never came, Jiaolong removing a bow from his side pocket, and arrow had soon been placed on the string. Shot held for about five seconds, the hyena closed his eyes as the tip glowed a fiery orange. Jiaolong had been bestowed a pyro vision, how terrifying. He needed to look away.

Enemies from afar defeated, the party of two-and-a-half soon continued onward. Traps laid out everywhere that looked like they would trigger if stepped on, the early adult hopped over them. He was not falling for that one again, nope. Not this time. Taller panda chimera leaping over it, as well, the two kept moving forward.

Multiple traps jumped over one after another, the maze had only continued to get stranger the further in. Walls beginning to warp, the early adult's eyes had become jelly. Was it just him, or had the air begun to get thinner the further within the maze he were to get? But, the hyena tried to keep his focus forward.

Multiple other traps waiting down upon the floor beneath, the soldier jumped towards the right and left. Why had there been so many? Whoever had made this domain was trying their best to win the record for most traps in any place imaginable. Throwing any distractions thought away, the curves continued.

Jiaolong's fiery arrows of doom demolishing any other monsters within, the maze's end soon loomed. Preparing himself for the next areas further up ahead, the chimera cracked his hyena knuckles. What else could be lying within this labyrinth? He supposed he would soon find out.

Final stretch of the maze cruised through, the paper doll creature had continued to lead the way, for the time being. Multiple empty rooms with nothing but forced upcurrent tiles, the hyena had been blown away. Plunging back downward upon the ground, the early adult held back the urge to scream. Who in the world designed this place? It was far too random.

Final room reached after another maze had been cruised through, the taller panda chimera had picked the leaves from ground below him. But, as he had prepared to do so, a monster emerged from the spot where the spoils had been found. Disappointment decorating Jiaolong's face his bow had soon been deployed.

"A mere Whopperflower," Jiaolong said, placing an arrow upon his string. "Not to worry, I will take care of this."

Flower monsters decimated in a matter of moments, the taller panda chimera soon pocketed the herbs beneath him. Labyrinth exit soon located, the duo watched as the door crumbled into dust upon the wind. Seeing such, a wave of disappointment flowed through him. That was all there was, a maze? What use would information be to anyone? But, as his thoughts wandered, a voice took him out of his mind dungeon.

"There is another one of these domains in Lingju Pass," Jiaolong said. "If it is alright with you, I'll guide you to it."

Giving the panda a nod, the hunt for the next labyrinth was on, moving onwards towards the west, the soldier could not help but wonder. What did Jiaolong need herbs for from an unknown place anyway? Couldn't they have had poisons in them that could bring harm over a cure?

Staring at the panda man's pockets, his thoughts continued to wander. The herbs, if they carried toxins, wouldn't his boss be cross with him? But, the chimera threw such thoughts off a bridge. Why was he assuming the worst? Surely, the panda chimera knew what he was doing.

Reaching the next domain before he could even blink, the chimera flinched. He had reached Lingju Pass already? Just how close had these two locations been to one another? Taller panda stepping in first, the soldier followed soon after. Although, what awaited inside an even stranger place than before.

Large labyrinth with nothing but rocky corridors everywhere, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Just what was this place he had found himself in his time? He could sense a chaotic feeling deep within. Jiaolong telling him to stay close, or he'll get lost, the duo moved forward.

Floor covered up entirely with traps, the early adult jumped towards the right and left with every step. Daggers coming out of the walls, as well, the soldier made a run for it. What was this place, some sort of temple with treasure guarded highly with traps? Ridiculous. Whoever had made this labyrinth watched too many garbage Fontaine films.

Pushing on through every trap thrown at him, the early adult huffed and puffed. Traps beginning to blend together with every step, something of particular note had soon caught the chimera's immediate attention. Strange elemental totems everywhere, the hyena's body shook with a fervor. There were mostly pyro ones here. He was done, toast, dinner.

Taller panda chimera guiding him towards the opposite direction, the totems had soon been out of sight, out of mind. Hearing the words Theater Mechanicus, the soldier tilted his head upward. This domain, had it been like that board game? How unusual. Whoever had made this place had to have been a sucker for games.

Traps soon avoided, broken bridges stretched through the area for kilometers. Told to watch his step, the taller panda chimera took a leap of faith without any wind glider present. Seeing such, the early adult adjusted his glasses. Had he really just witnessed that? Surely, he had to have a set of plastic wings somewhere.

Taking a deep breath, the early adult leapt over the broken bridge in tandem. Barely reaching the other side, multiple other gaps had been crossed. Walkways cracking one after another the further they got, the chimera could not help but feel a wave of bewilderment. Had this been how Theater Mechanicus worked? Maybe he had missed some context a moment ago.

Final room soon reached, an army of monsters with shields had overtaken the area. Seeing such, the soldier prepared his hyena claws, but he had been held back from fighting. Taller panda chimera informing him normal damage would not work here, he tilted his head. What did that even mean?

"Ah, I see, have you perhaps not heard of Theater Mechanicus before?" Jiaolong asked, perplexed. "We cannot fight the monsters, those machines are the key to winning." He then pointing at the terrifying Pyro totems. "These mechanisms should be able to defeat them. Quite refreshing, no?"

Devices one after another defeating the shielded creatures, the soldier closed his eyes as the flames grew. What about letting machines do all the work was refreshing? Herbs dropping downward upon the ground, the taller panda had soon dashed around to collect them. Exit door soon appearing, the party of two had soon be expelled from paradise.

Panda chimera informing him there had been no more domains, at least to his knowledge, the party of two had begun to turn back towards Liyue Harbor. But, as they had reached the bridge, two irritated faces blocked the pathway towards the capital city. Tilting his head upward, the chimera bowed himself out of the drama race about to befall everyone.

"Jiaolong, where were you?!' Shenlong asked in an exclamatory tone. "Your prior engagements couldn't have possibly taken you eight hours!"

"Yeah, Jojo, I'm with Shena!" Qiulong exclaimed.

"I already told you two, I had prior engagements to attend to today, did I not?" Jiaolong responded, scratching his eyebrows. "I was taking care of some abyssal energy."

"And that took you all day?!" Shenlong asked in an exclamatory tone.

Argument looking ready to start, the early adult stepped out of the way. Whatever family drama was about to be incurred was no business of his. Stepping through Guili Plains, the wharf soon awaited. Agent yet again in the generic Snezhnayan merchant's spot, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. What kind of lies was he selling today?

Writing down all his findings in the notebook, the soldier watched as the Agent studied his findings. Mask shaking from side to side the early adult broke out into a cold sweat. Was he about to be told his efforts weren't good enough? He would apologize for his lackluster performance immediately, if so.

"Keep investigating these domains tomorrow, soldier," the Agent said in a commanding tone. "You are dismissed. Head back to your temporary quarters for now."

Returning to Wangshu Inn, an immediate wave of tiredness flowed through the hyena. Everything soon removed, the soldier slumped into the temporary bed. World of sleep ready to take him away at any given moment, one final thought looped on repeat for minutes on end.

Why did Jiaolong mention abyssal energy?


"Well, we've been tryin ta ignore that
Eerie little witch feller, but
I don't think we can anymore.
Right as we were plannin' on asking Katheryne for a
Different job, she went an' told us to go
Over and deal

With some weird domains popping up everywhere!
I try and tell her we ain't gonna do all
That, but she tell us both to take this job, or leave it. Aww,
Come on, Katheryne, what's with the 'tude today,
Huh? Eh, not like I am any better. Hmm, wonder if we're gonna run into that witch

Dude Fèng spotting
Unleashing spells the other
Day. We tried ignorin' them, but it seems like we can no longer.
Eh, he's probs a small fry.
There's nothing about
This witch that's all that threatenin'.
Oh, how do I know that? 'Cause ya know I'm an otter mage, right? Ah, ya don't. Kay. Well, it's my turn t' be in the story. Watch carefully!"

Waking up the next morning, the soldier had been given information immediately upon emerging from his slumber. Agent informing him someone had found domains north of Cuijue Slope, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Where had these other domains been found? Subordinate demanding he take out his map, the hyena did as instructed.

Pin dropped on his map, the chimera studied it, for a moment. There had been domains in the nameless areas upon the map? How unusual. But, he supposed the further in the middle of nowhere it was, the better. Leaving the inn behind, the early adult had taken the southern road. Curving towards the west shortly after, the next order of business had soon been upon him.

Finding the first domain at a relatively quick pace, the early adult threw himself in. But, whom awaited him inside was quite the unexpected pair. Spotting Fèng with bun covers over his hair and a cherry pink dress to match, and Linggui wearing a turtle print male Liyue style outfit, the hyena prepared himself for choice words to come his way.

Hearing someone else come into the domain, Fèng soon turned around. Seeing who it was, a cheeky smile grew on his face. Look who it was, Yínlóng's boyfriend! Had he come in here to try and plan out a nice date spot? How romantic of him. He could use a little bit a tease right about now.

Yínlóng's boyfriend walking straight in, a cheeky smile grew on Linggui's face in tandem. It was this fella again. He supposed he could drop the caution. Fatui smatui, this dude looked like a fun guy to tease. Waving, he readied for his performance of the ages for no one to see.

"Yer Yínlóng's boyfriend!" Linggui exclaimed pointing. He then placed his hand in front of his mouth, belting a chuckle. "Did ya make a wrong turn on yer date?"

"You won't have any romantic getaways in here!" Fèng added. "It's an abyss heap."

The soldier rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. These otter twins, they were still at this shtick? He was no one's boyfriend. Placing his hands in front of him, the soldier signed he had been here for work, not play, a serious look decorated his face. Bright looks soon leaving the duo's faces, they cleared their throats.

"We're here for work, too," Fèng responded. "Would you like to tag along with us?"

Shrugging, the soldier supposed working with a team would not hurt. What could possibly go wrong? But, he had regret thinking such almost immediately. Abyssal denizens on the prowl everywhere, Multiple fights one after another had broken out to the point of cacophony.

Combined efforts of Electro, Hydro and hyena class taking the denizens out of the picture, the fights looped for hours on end. Enemies removed from the equation, the soldier prayed the door would appear within the labyrinths soon, but such had been immediate wishful thinking as the next corridor had been reached.

Coming to a room with multiple mirrors reflecting a message flared within the mirrors. Reflection reading crack the mirrors to reveal the truth, the chimera jumped six steps back. He would have to break these things? Hadn't shattering a mirror been the harbinger of bad luck? But, he supposed he didn't have a choice in the matter. Before he could go about such sin, however, voices interrupted him.

"Feng, are ya alright with lookin' in a mirror today?" Linggui asked.

"I'm cute and wearing makeup today, so I should be fine," Fèng responded.

Everyone gazing at their reflection, glass flew everywhere as the mirrors had been decimated one after another. Onslaught of glass continuing, the soldier let out a battle cry. Was this about to be the domain's final boss? He was ready, if so. Bring on the shards of doom.

But, what awaited him as the final mirror cracked was a shock of the ages. Mirror image of himself with a reverse color pallet, the soldier backed six steps away. Who was this staring at him? Almost identical face glaring back at him, a polearm had been lunged his way. Jumping back, he had soon come to a realization.

He had been looking in a mirror, indeed.

Mirror him talking his ear off saying nonsensical garbage about fire being the most lovely thing in the world, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. Reverse him, how annoying. Was this what it would have been like if he had a Pyro Vision? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat and beyond there were multiple versions of oneself with the same face but different personalities. But, the early adult threw such thoughts out. There was no way this could ever hope to be him.

Fèng and Linggui destroying their mirror selves, the early adult picked up a large glass shard. Reflection him shattered with own materials, the group kept pressing onward. Abyssal denizens vanquished in the process, more than twenty rooms of battles had been done and dealt with.

Reaching the final room, a robed denizen had soon awaited the party of three. Abyss Mage creature demanding a fight, the battle was on. But, such fight had barely lasted a minute. Linggui's Hydro tome deleting the creature's shield from existence, in the blink of an eye, the mage was no more.

Exit door soon appearing the party of three exited the area. Fèng explaining there had been two other domains further up north, the soldier ran behind the otter twins. What other trouble was about to be brewed further in? He knew, whatever was about to await him, he had to prepare himself for anything.

Second dungeon reached after about fifteen minutes of running, a long winded corridor with abyssal puzzles and enemies soon awaited the trio. Mirrors everywhere, as well, the hyena shook his head. This person who made this labyrinth, were they vain? Coming to such conclusion, he let out a groan. If a penguin chimera made this place, he was leaving right away.

Puzzles involving shooting Abyss Mages from a certain distance, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. What in the world was this domain? Robed denizens enjoying being the targets aplenty, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Was this place some monsters sick and twisted fantasy world? Who in the world enjoyed getting hit?

Second challenge being more or less the same, the soldier had been handed a strange pistol in the shape of a large peanut. Banner across the sky stating to defeat the Abyss Mages with no more than fifteen nuts, the early adult could hardly believe he was reading. What kind of ridiculous labyrinth had he been dragged into this time?

No more than seven peanuts shelled out to the enemy, the enemies crumbled to dust in a matter of moments. Next round of monsters gone as well, the early adult slapped his hand across his face. This had to have been the most ridiculous domain yet. What a nutty adventure.

Mirror versions of themselves defeated in more than ten corridors in a row, the soldier let out a tired huff. This domain, there was something fishy about it. The abyssal gazelles did they have a hand at creating this? But, he threw such thoughts away. Why was he assuming this was their doing? There was far too much chaos for such to even be anywhere near the case.

Reaching the final room after about three hours of fighting, a strange boss awaited within the last room. Large mermaid creature with a metallic knight helmet, the early adult rose an eyebrow. What did this have anything to do with peanuts? This domain's story, if there was one, was as thin as ice. But, he had soon been thrown back into reality as a comment had released itself into the wild.

"I wish I was a mermaid," Fèng said, sense of longing in his voice. "That way I'd have nothing down there..." His words dragged as he said such.

"Feng, ya know we're otters," Linggui responded. "We can just transform anytime we want."

"Oh, right," Fèng replied. "Let's teach Miss Mermaid here a lesson she'll never forget!"

Hyena, and otter twins bringing out the big peanut guns, nuts flew around the area one after another in full swing. Multiple exploding in the merfolk's armor one after another, not much of a challenge had been presented to the strange creature. Hearing something rip as the fight reached its end, a blinding light engulfed the area.

Finding themselves in another domain the early adult blinked. Where had he been taken to? Otter duo soon flocking in, as well, they added their own confusion to the mix. Heavy wave of dark aura looming throughout, everyone proceeded with caution. Tiny little Abyss Mages floating around, the peanut guns were ready.

Monsters defeated in one fell swoop, the hyena scratched the side of his head. These Mages why were they so tiny? Spark popping off in his brain as he thought such, he clutched the tip of his peanut cannon. These creatures were weak, pathetic, losers, a bug to his shoe. They deserved to be erased from this world.

But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. Why did he just think that? Surely, these creatures were just smaller than normal ones, there was no need for such violent thinking. Every single other tiny robed denizen destroyed along the pathway, one final room awaited. But, the person that was inside was of no surprise.

Izzet all by their lonesome seated upon a pitch black dragon, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Of course these domains were the abyssal gazelles doing, who else could have made these things? Not seeing Kelebek anywhere, the chimera placed his arms across his waist. Were they acting alone today? How peculiar.

"Nyahahaha! You've fallen into our trap!" Izzet exclaimed. "Dragon queen, get them!" As they said such, they hopped off their dragon.

Such dragon, however, had been nothing more than a mere toothpick upon the ground. Barrage of peanuts taking the creature out in a matter of moments, Izzet grit their teeth. Seeing such, the chimera slapped his palm across his face. Were they about to exact revenge again? How predictable.

"We will get our revenge, just you wait!" Izzet exclaimed. As they shouted such, they threw themselves into a black portal.

Abyssal gazelle and their weak dragon gone, the chimera shook his head. What was next, they'd say looks like they're blasting off again? But he threw such thoughts out. Wrong universe. Exit door soon reached, the party of three had soon been kicked out of the clutches of the corridors. Goofy grins soon on him, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. What did these two have to say to him now? If they were going to unleash more teases his way, they were going to get something back.

"Bet yer boyfriend misses you right 'bout now!" Linggui exclaimed.

"Yínlóng's been waiting for you for forever!" Fèng exclaimed, laughing. "You'll make them sad if you're a ghost for too long!"

Comments coming his way, the early adult let out a sigh. Fine, he'll go get some tea. Taking out his teleport waypoint proxy orb, the hyena prepared to highlight the Liyue Harbor waypoint. But, another annoying interruption had soon overtook the area. Annoying Eleventh Harbinger running on by out of breath, his grating voice overtook the area.

"Where are the dungeons?" the eleventh harbinger asked, out of breath.

Eleventh Harbinger looking eager to battle, the soldier shook his head. He should have come by days ago by now. Placing his fingers out in front of him, the soldier signed the word gone for the entire population of three in front of him to see. Dejected look on his face, the chimera held back the urge to give him some words about first come, first served.

"Drat," Tartaglia whimpered. "Should have come earlier."

Otters throwing the harbinger a pity party, the soldier highlighted the Liyue Harbor waypoint once more. Pressing the teleport button, the Agent had soon awaited him at the wharf once more. Writing down his findings, he swore he could see his subordinate shake his head.

"Your mission is done, soldier," the Agent said. "You are dismissed. Head back to Snezhnaya within an hour."

Dismissal soon granted, the chimera headed over towards the teahouse. Tall brunette in his usual seat and Opera Singer performing a show with some storyteller, the early adult placed himself in his usual chair. Panda chimera soon walking over, a warm smile soon appeared on the hyena's face.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yínlóng greeted, words slow. "Here for some tea?"

Giving the panda a nod, slight herbal blend soon coming his way, the early adult sipped the beverage. Minty aftertaste taking his throat for a ride, the early adult attempted to not cough. But, the flavor soon switched over to a sweetness. Pink eyes soon on him, the chimera gave eye contact.

"So, what kind of job did you have today?" Yínlóng asked, words slow. "Is it true you went exploring those weird domains?"

Giving the panda chimera a nod, a look of worry appeared on their face, seeing such, the chimera placed his hands out in front of him. Signing they were just mere fantasy adventures created by someone, the soldier stared off into space. Did that sound like a lie? He knew it might have, but he knew he couldn't say he had fought with the abyss order.

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure," the tall brunette chimed in, sipping tea.

"Indeed," the opera singer added.

Sipping his tea, the soldier blinked. Had this really been an adventure? He did not quite see it the same way. Such had been nothing but chaos, but he knew he couldn't say such. Sipping the final portion of his tea, the soldier stood upward. Bidding his farewells to the panda chimera and tall brunette, the military barracks waypoint had soon been highlighted.

Walking through the icy cold hallways, the soldier had reached the soundproof room after about ten minutes of walking. Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. But, as the world of sleep was ready to take him away, one final thought dragged the soldier down to the depths of the nightmare ocean.

Why had Izzet been alone in that final domain?

The abyssal gazelles, had their plans been expanding?

Chapter 33: Undersea Fontaine Legends: Frogs, Gators, Fawns; Blue Fog


This is the second chapter regarding the underwater sea gazelles. In this section, Siorc has to go around Fontaine's underwater areas to investigate "legends". Feat: Malika, Earl, Baron, Marquis, Esquire, Robin, Raven, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Eclater, Vidame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Rabiu, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Kelebek, Izzet, Damla, Firat, Neuvillete, Navia, and Chiori.


This one is bs sorry

Chapter Text

"Blue what now?
Listen, Your Majesty,
Unless you're completely
Exaggerating, I don't understand this one bit.

Fog is a colorless weather,
Odorless. Could it actually be
Gas? Perhaps so.

It has to be.

As I am sure that
Maybe the case. Ah,

No, what do I know?
Obviously, I have never
Taken any initiative to study gases.

Quite honestly, there's no time.
Ugh, had I known
I would have
Taken the moment to study.
Either way, whatever this is

Something is quite fishy.
Up to this point, I
Really do not think I have
Ever seen something like this. Ah, wait

I have. I remember now.

Uh, there was cyanide in the pipes once.
No. That's completely unrelated, well, actually
Doubt that.
Everything about that is not unrelated.
Right. How could I forget?
Something about
This is
Absolutely related
Nothing about this isn't.
Don't think for a second it's not.

Though, I don't
Have a clue what
Is truly going on here.
Something just isn't right.

Where could any of this
Have possibly come from? The
Abyssal Gazelles, I doubt even
They have the power to change the weather.

It has to be impossible.
Not even they can do

That, I am absolutely certain.
How could they?
Even I know that's something not

Within their capabilities.
Or, is it? How should I know?
Right. How should I know?
Look, I really
Do not know what they are capable of.

If they can do
Something that can remove entire areas,

How could I possibly know
Anything else they're capable of? They're
Probably capable of ending worlds, they're
Probably capable of anything.
Nothing at all is
Impossible for them.
No, no. That can't be. Stop
Giving them so much credit.

They aren't all that powerful,
How could they be?
It's not like they're Archons.
So, I should not

Make these
Absolutely wild suggestions. I
Know they are not gods.
Even I know that
Should not be the case. It is

Not, or perhaps it shouldn't be.
Oh, well, it is time to close this case.

Something tells me this is just the beginning of
Easy battles becoming more difficult.
No, perhaps not, but
Something tells me
Everything is about to break.

Why is everything like this?
How could this be?
As the days go on
There is never a peaceful moment.
So much is always happening.
Or, rather I guess
Everything is always happening at once.
Very much so.
Eh, that's how it's always been
Really. And how

Everything always will be.
Very much like this
Even if they're absent I must
Remind myself: my life is chaotic.
Yes, I'm a soldier
That's just
How it always is
It'll always be like that.
Nothing will change, so
Get ready. Get up

It's time to clear
Some blue fog.

Just go with the flow.
Unless it's all gas, it
Should not be
That much of a problem. I

Guess, anyway.
Each and every moment could
Take a turn, a
Twist. That's always possible
It's always possible
Nothing is ever a dull moment. Is that a
Good thing? Not really?

Or, rather, it is better
Dull moments exist.
Does that sound
Especially strange? Probably.
Really, it hardly matters.

All of this is
Nothing that truly matters.
Don't think for a moment it means anything.

Oh, well. I am a soldier.
Dull moments don't exist.
Dull moments are
Especially uncommon,
Rare. Completely unheard of.

How could I ever hope for an easy day?
Obviously, it is
Not happening.
Everything happens all at once.
Something is wrong with
This fog, but
Looks like I have no choice.
Yield my thoughts. Time for action."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The anguish was a white carpet, dyed black with every single night passing. The carpet would only continued to be tainted as the evening continued onward. The night before him had been no different as well.

Before him had been a field of chocolate cosmos. The flowers were bright red with a piney brown corolla in the center. Seeing such flowers, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just where in the dream world could he have been? The early adult had been none the wiser. He had never seen these flowers before in the mortal, waking world.

Seating himself by the plants, paradise had immediately been ruined. Feeling something sticky underneath his possibly human rear, the hyena let out a gagging noise. What was this slimy gross feeling? Lifting himself upward for a moment, the early adult studied the ground around him.

Gooey white slime underneath his buttocks, the hyena let out a growl. Who in the world put down this disgusting layer of trash? He needed to move away, right this instant. But, such had been the beginning of his problems in a matter of moments. Sticky trash following him around like a stalker, the chimera's seconds of safety were numbered.

Slimy garbage continuing to follow him around as if it were a person, the hyena grit his teeth. Attempting to run away with all his might, the goop clung onto his wrist. Feeling such, the early adult allowed another growl to escape the dream esophagus. What was this disgusting, goopy and dirty garbage? Whoever put down this layer of trash would pay for such dream space crimes.

Speeding up his running speed a smidgeon, the soldier let out a scream within the dream world. Surely, he could outpace this trash. It had to have been possible. Accelerating his sprint within the not reality before him, the garbage kept on following. Slimy trash gaining momentum, the early adult kept sprinting.

Goop gaining arms and legs as he kept on going, the hyena held back the soldier kept on running. This thing could change shape? How awful. If trash could gain sentience in the real world, he was done, over, finished. But, he knew he still had a chance to outpace it. Dragging his foot across the grass, his running speed had reached maximum capacity.

But, such had not been enough. Monstrosity gaining momentum, the early adult could feel droplets pour down upon his head one after another. Coming to such realization, the hyena raised his head upwards towards the unreal sky above him. But, what awaited him had been worse, twentyfold.

Sticky white droplets teeming down from the sky, the soldier attempted to run once more. It was raining garbage now, too? Why couldn't this trash disappear already? He needed to get away from here, right this instant. This vanilla rain had to go take a hike up the mountains, and stay there.

Such did not happen, even for a moment. slime coming from behind him, the early adult had become one with the ground. Arms and legs glued to the ground, the soldier broke out into a teeming sweat. Was it just his imagination, or had the dream world been hot, all of a sudden? Surely, he had to have been overthinking it. Feeling sensations had been next to impossible in the subconscious world.

Heat climbing upward, the soldier's sweat bathed his clothing deep. Everything ready to burn, he let out a yelp at the noise around him. Hearing laughter for minutes on end the chimera turned his dream head towards the right and left. Who was that? But, he had soon gotten an unfortunate answer.

Abyss Mages floating around in the sky laughing on repeat, a slight bit of rage flowed through the soldier. What were these creatures doing here? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. He supposed he had been thinking a lot more often lately for them to invade his dreams.

Mages dancing around, fear took the soldier or the ride. These robed denizens, what were they up to? Whatever it was, torment was waiting for him right around the corner. He had to break free from this glue, this instant. Such continued to be an impossibility, however. Adhesive only getting stronger, the hyena had to sit and watch as the dances had only begun to intensify.

Robed denizens singing songs gleefully, the soldier had been lifted upwards from the ground. Floating suspended upon midair, fear nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. What was going on here? Something was not right. Mages laughter only getting stronger, they soon enchanted incomprehensible spells.

Flaming hammers seated in their hands, the early adult's dream eyes opened wide. Where did they get those weapons from? Mallets immediately set ablaze, glass shattered around him. It was over, he was about to be burned, toasted, roasted, a mole to be whacked upon the ground.

Weapons coming towards him, the soldier tried with all his might to dodge any incoming strike. But, such was an impossibility to be had, for sure. Multiple coming out at him at once, he closed the dream eyes. It was over, there was no escape. He was about to struck by Bludgeon Angel Mage-chan. Whatever the phrase -chan, mean. The soldier had no idea.

Hammers hitting him all at once once after another, the early adult had no longer been airborne. Slamming down head first into the ground, blunt contusions had knocked him out of the park one after another. Mallets pummeling him on repeat, the hyena's strength had been sapped away.

Mages letting out a laugh, the final round had been signaled upon the dream air. Mallets set ablaze, the chimera's uniform had been burned up into nothing. Backside charred to a crisp, the chimera surrendered. His energy was a corpse upon the battlefield. Dead and gone, with no one coming to the funeral. Everything pitch black in a matter of moments, the hyena closed his eyes. As his final seconds ticked, one last thought poked the dream brain.

Glue was the enemy.


"I uh, um

Am beginning to suspect something
Might be about

To happen around Fontaine. I,
Rabiu have been getting
Unusual signals a
Lot lately.
Yet, whenever I bring it up to my brothers and

Sister, um, well
They just laugh
At me. And they tell me:
'Robby, ya know
That thing of yours
Is broken!' Um,
No it isn't? But, I
Guess they have never

Truly thought that highly
Of me. After all, they're always calling me adopted,

So why would I think they'd ever tell me anything positive?
Usually, it's always the same thing they
Say. That thing is broken,
Please fix your silly broken invention,
Everything you make has a few screws loose. Um, uh,
Can I get positive feedback at least once in my life?
That's wishing upon a star,

Though, I think.
Hmm, Lonan tells me
I shouldn't listen to them, and you know what?
Now's the best time to follow that advice.
Guess what, um, my machinery isn't broken,
So take that

All of you!
Right, as if I could
Ever say that

As I already know, they'd just fire
Back: I'm adopted.
Oh, well, they
Usually say that to me anyway.
They always say that. But,

This time, I know they're wrong about my machinery
Oh, um, well, I

Think they are always wrong
About it being broken, I
Know they are. I am no hack.
Even so, there was very big readings today,

And I cannot just ignore them.

There is something going on, and
Uh, I need to go find Lonan to investigate.
Right, um, he'll help me.
Now just to step outside the research institute, and huh? What is this

Fog I am seeing?
Oh, no, it's blue. That is
Rather strange.

This mist is pretty thick. I employ my anomaly detecting robots,
Hai and Morgi, and
Every reading is off the charts! Um, uh

What's going on here?
Oh, no, this isn't good.
Right, this is bad, um,
Something is definitely not right here.
Everything in Fontaine has been getting so much worse lately.

Fog this blue, there must be some sort of gas in it.
Ah, um, yes, I really
Should investigate
This further. This is not good!"

Four days have passed since the hyena investigated the labyrinths that had appeared around Liyue. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs of nothing taking place in Dornman Port, ninety-six hours passed by rather slowly. Nothingness engulfing him, absolutely nothing happened for days on end.

The sound of morning alarm bells struck with a bombastic fervor. As the alarm bells continued making their rampage known for minutes on end, hundreds of Fatui soldier groaned in an echo. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Raising his body upward, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, he knew he had to get over it. Dreams were not real. Taking a deep breath, the chimera rose from the uncomfortable bed. The time had come to begin the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the soldier's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the early adult could not help but wonder. Could things be about ready to go back to normal? Not a thing had occurred whatsoever for a half-week. But, the hyena shook his head. Dornman Port had no reason for abyssal activity to thrive.

Buttons in the correct holes, the early adult removed the cover off his jewelry and accessory box. Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, plain cross shaped ones adorned his hair and ears. Letting out a sigh, bitterness brewed a thick tea inside him. He should not get too comfortable with abyss's absence. Any day now, and they would return.

Memories of the week prior flowing back in the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Izzet had been working alone the last time had encountered him. Realizing such once more, a sea of thoughts had begun to drown the soldier into the frozen oceans.

Not encountering Kelebek at all in the past week, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had the abyssal gazelles begun to split up and cause chaos in areas separate from one another? The soldier did not know why, but that sounded far more dangerous than them working together.

But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, letting his thoughts wander towards the hooded strangers? They hardly mattered. If he wasn't dealing with them, he had no reason to think about them any further. Ending his circular motion about, the early adult headed back towards his uniform drawers.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier's Geo Delusion glared daggers at him. Gazing back at it, the hyena could not help but wonder. The sinister yellow orb, could it be the tool he needed to defeat the abyssal gazelles once and for all? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. That would not happen. He knew they had to have been more powerful than the strength of two-hundred delusions combined.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the hyena took a long, deep breath. Whether or not he would be up against the abyssal gazelles today, he had to be ready for anything. Glasses adjusted, and thoughts tossed aside, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomping onward with a fervor, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult turned his face towards the door. It was time for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be investigating a few underwater legends for the next few days." But, the Agent paused for a brief moment. "You will also be investigating a blue fog that has appeared in the area." The masked agent gave unseen eyes contact with his subordinate in arms. Solving the problems of neighboring nations would make it easier for Her Majesty to take over the world.

The early adult jumped six steps back upon hearing his orders. He has to go investigate legends around Fontaine again? He did not understand. Why did he have to look into legends once more? What would any of this do for Her Majesty? This made absolutely no sense.

Words blue fog echoing in his inhuman eardrums, the hyena jumped three further steps back. Since when did Fontaine have a blue fog problem? Just what had happened while he had been away for so long? The soldier did not know why, but something about that had felt quite off.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be investigating legends underwater and attempting to find a source for blue fog around Fontaine!" What could have possibly been on the soldier's mind besides work? The Agent could hardly fathom it.

The chimera flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. It was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. Taking a long, deep breath, the early adult placed his hand out in front of him. Investigate legends? Surely, nothing would go wrong. Turning to face the Agent, the work mode switch flipped upward.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded. Peculiarities or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter but to deal with it.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, he gripped the limb into a squeeze tight enough to bruise. "But, I must warn you, before we depart. The fog might be poisonous. So, wear a mask, soldier." Escort towards Fontaine soon beginning, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. The fog could have possibly been poisonous? No, why was this happening? Not again. Why now, of all times? Fast travel towards the Hydro Nation of Justice about to end, the thoughts repeated themselves.

Not poison again.

Anything but poison.


"I usually ignore Rabiu's silly little requests, but

He's insisting I test the
Air for acidity! Me, moi? Test the air for
Venom? No, I'm way too cute for that,
Eek! So, I go and

Tell him he's adopted, like usual,
Ehehehe, but he's insisting again! Aww,
Sheesh, okie dokie,
Then, I will!
Ehehe, just for all this I'm forging adoption
Documents with my typewriter!

Take that, Robby!
Hehe, well, anyhoo!
Every little amount of data counts!

For now, I take to the skies,
Oh man, this fog is really thick!
Good gravy, is it so thick! And blue! Blue

Fog? Um, huh, hold on here!
Oluchi doesn't wanna deal with any of this, nopers!
Really can't believe

This silly little adopted fool!
Oh, but, I tell him I'm not gonna do it, he'll cry or something!
Xaaaa, fine!
I guess I'll go and
Check the toxin levels. I fly up above the fog and take my cute little

Machines with me,
And mayday, mayday!
There's highly concentrated levels of poison in the fog!
Eeek! Better wear a mask!
Roar, ha, maybe Rabiu's machines aren't broken after all! Ah, wait, not
It was thanks to me
And in no way shape or form him!
Look cute little me
Staking out all the problems

And find a solution! That was my doing,
Not his! Hehe, I'm taking all the credit!
Don't stop me! Ahem!

In any case,
This fog is not safe to breathe in!

Right, I came to that conclusion all on my own!
Everyone knows that! Better
Go get my mask!
It is pretty
Strange, though! I don't
Think I have
Ever seen blue fog before! Was gonna
Rule out gas since a majority of those are colorless and odorless, but not
Every single gas is like that, you know?
Don't know what kinda gas it is,

And I don't want
To know, but

This stuck came out of nowhere!
Ha, well, it'll clear.
Ehehe, I'm so smart, pretty and cute! I

Doubt this stuff is lethal,
And thus, I'll be continuing my work,
Not without a mask thought, of course, hehe.
Get the cutest one out of my drawer, and presto! I am protected from that
Eerie little foggy weather!
Robby may have been the one to suggest it, but he's not getting credit! None

Zilch, nada! "Olu, don't you think you're being a little too cruel to Rabiu lately?"
Oh, you're saying that's cruel, Folu? What do you know? This is my story! "You've been bullying poor Robby a lot more lately."
Nah, Sani, you're wrong
Ehehe, bullying? Not at all! Don't be silly!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the soldier had immediately been handed a plain white clothed face mask. Fabric placed over his mouth and nose, and itching sensation overtook him. But, the hyena stopped himself. Wearing this was for the best. It was best to let his discomfort go.

Dragged down the mountain like usual, the chimera had been placed in the wooden vessel. Boat cruised forward in a matter of moments, the soldier could not help but wonder. Just how bad could the fog possibly be? Surely, the Agent had been exaggerating when he said it had been poisonous.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the hyena stared off into space. What's the worst that could happen? It was just fog. But, he knew if he thought something like that, something bad was bound to happen at any given moment. It would no be wise of him to brush off every single concern.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he could even think about it, the early adult had been dragged towards the staircase. Agent reminding him for what felt like the nonillionth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine. Hearing such, the early adult resisted the urge to bite. He knew already! How many times was he going to say it before it had been enough? He could hear him perfectly fine.

Bag soon slammed onto his backside, interesting information had come his way. Told he would be investigating the legend of the frog and alligator of Annapausis, and the mythos of Mary Anne and her villa, the Agent soon exited the area. Silence soon kicking itself in, chimera readied himself.

Ascending the staircase, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Why had there been fog so low towards the ground? But, the chimera shook his had. He was imagining it, surely. Taking the glass lift, the hyena pressed the button to summon the aquabus.

Not a single soul stirring within Romaritime Harbor, a wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Where was everyone today? But, he supposed the citizens were trying to better safe than sorry. Waiting for the Aquabus to arrive, the hyena attempted with all his might to tune out the silence around him.

Aquabus arriving after about twenty minutes, a surprised look had appeared on the Melusine's face. Or, at least the soldier thought so. Her lips had been practically invisible. Melusine informing him no one had been riding the Aquabus for days, a shock shot down the soldier's spine. No one had been riding it for that long? Something was not right here.

Placing himself on the back seat, the vessel soon moved itself forward. Melusine informing him it might be a bit of a bumpy ride today, the soldier kept himself seated. A bumpy ride? Had there been rocks on the way? If such were the case, he supposed it could not be helped. Nature was quite unpredictable.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised past Poisson Tunnel, the early adult stared off into space. Where in the world did all this blue fog come from? He knew there was no way any of this could have been normal. Fog had been white, usually. Could there have been some sort of gas inside it making it blue?

Sky barely visible, the early adult gazed at it. What could have been causing this unusual weather? Hadn't fog been something that rarely occurred in other nations? The hyena supposed he didn't know enough about the Fontaine weather patterns for it to matter.

Melusine explaining the fog just showed up one day completely out of nowhere, the early adult broke out into a deep cold sweat. It just came out of nowhere? If that were the case, it had to have been an issue for days on end, at this point. Why hadn't he been called over to deal with it sooner?

Aquabus tour guide not offering him any useful information regarding the fog, the early adult placed his hands on the base of his chin. None of what she had been saying was helpful in the slightest. But, he knew he couldn't say something like that to her. Keeping himself quiet, he listened in silence to the sea denizen's claims.

Reaching the capital city of Fontaine after about after about half an hour, words of caution had soon come his way. Informed it had been very dangerous out there, the soldier nodded. Proceeding in a careful manner was the only way to go forward, for sure. Stepping towards the entrance, the chimera prepared himself.

Stepping into the Court of Fontaine, something of immediate note had caught the chimera's attention. Multiple Fontaine citizens walking around the streets with fancy face masks, the chimera shook his head. The rich sure adored their expensive fabrics didn't they? Those mouth and nose coverings had to have been made out of silk, for sure.

Knowing he had to head to the fourth floor of the city to head over to Annapausis, the soldier had begun walking upon the northern pathway. Multiple generic nobodies complaining the fog was too thick, the early adult's eyebrows had begun to twitch. Just how thick could it have possibly been beyond this overpass?

Such question had been answered in a matter of moments. Deep blue fog everywhere nearly touching the ground, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. This mist, why was it so low to the ground, was that normal? But, he knew he had to move onward. The choice was not his.

Attempting to move forward with all his might, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of confusion. Was he even going the right way at all? The chimera did not know. Absolutely nothing was visible in any shape or form. Pressing onwards towards the pathway in front of him, the early adult relied on muscle memory to the best of his ability.

As the soldier kept walking through the void, he could not help but ponder. Just how long had the Nation of Justice been plagued by this sudden occurrence? The Melusine tour guide had mentioned it had been like this for days, but could it have been like this for far longer?

Pressing on, the chimera shook his head. How was he supposed to know how long this fog has been here? He hadn't been in Fontaine for about two weeks now. So much could have happened in the period he had been away. There was never a way to know for sure. Everything was unpredictable.

Absolutely nothing in front of him visible, the early adult hopped upward. Had he still been going north? He could not tell. The area's visibility had to have been no more than five percent at best. Rich people glaring at him asking why was this poor eyesore jumping, the hyena's cheeks grew red. He was an eyesore? How rude.

Less rich people around to act like he was poor filth beneath their fancy shoes, the early adult leaped upward again. Was that the Adventurer's Guild up ahead? He had hardly been about halfway through the city at this point. He needed to speed up his walking speed, for sure.

Slow walk sped up into a moderate stroll, the early adult could not help but wonder again. Where could this fog have possibly come from? Something had been quite off with it, for sure. Nothing was natural about it whatsoever. Could someone else have created it to cause problems?

But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. Why was he jumping to such conclusions? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. There was no way anyone would be able to change the weather, just like that. Such force of nature acted on its own. Trying to shake such thoughts away, the early adult sauntered onward.

The thoughts, however, kept going. Could the Hydro Archon have been angry? Maybe the fog was her doing. But, the hyena tossed such thoughts down the stairs. Fog had to do with Anemo, not Hydro. He was making far too many assumptions. There was no answer. He needed to stop thinking about the why or how.

Moving on, the soldier swore he could hear someone scream fashionable masks for sale. Scratching his ears, the early adult had begun to make assumptions. He had been near Chioriya Boutique there was nothing to see here. But, as he had attempted to pass through the area, he could feel hands upon the back of his uniform collar.

Dragged off towards a building, the hyena held back the urge to scream. Who had grabbed him, and why were they dragging him off somewhere? If he was about to be held for some sort of Fatui ransom, he bites. But, the soldier's thoughts were soon interrupted in a matter of moments.

Spotting displays of kimonos, suits and dresses in a small room, the early adult's back collar had soon been freed. Owner of the Chioriya Boutique standing a few meters away from him with a dry look in her eyes, and arms crossed around her waist, the soldier did such action in tandem. What was the Chioriya Boutique owner doing forcefully dragging him into her store? She wouldn't be getting any customers like that with such heavily exuded force, guaranteed.

"Your mask sticks out like a sore thumb," the Chioriya Boutique owner said in a dry tone. "Buy a better looking one." As she said such, a table with patterned face masks had been revealed.

Demands coming his way, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. This boutique owner dragged him into her shop just to tell him his mask wasn't good looking? Why did that matter? It should not have, in the slightest. The one he had been provided was sufficient enough.

Turning his head off towards the opposite direction, the early adult placed his hand on his cheeks. He couldn't be seen here. I the penguin pests saw him walking out of Chioriya Boutique, he would never hear the end of it. Their annoyance level would increase by ten if they knew he had bought anything here. A lie, yes, he had to tell something untruthful to get him kicked out of her store.

"I'm sorry, ma'am! I am a costumer at Congele boutique!" the hyena lied.

"That woman has no face face masks for sale," the owner of Chioriya Boutique said. But, the hyena swore he could hear her let out a snide laugh as she said such.

Bowing an apology, the soldier exited the boutique. There was no way he could buy one of the Chioriya Boutique face masks. The penguin family were the last people he wanted to make enemies with. Employee outside once again shouting her fashionable face masks for sale, the hyena had begun running. He had to get out of here before he was dragged back inside.

As the hyena had begun to run upon the westward path, the questions inside him had begun to soar. Why did he lie to the Chioriya Boutique owner? He shouldn't have done such a thing. Lying was wrong. But, as he thought such, something clicked inside him. Was that the sound of someone puffing a cigar telling another person not to smoke? He knew he had been guilty of telling white lies every once in awhile.

Running through the fog, the soldier let out a tired huffed. He supposed it wasn't entirely a lie. He had been going to Congele Boutique more often than he was willing to admit. But, had he been a customer? Perhaps not. Maybe it would have been better to just say he had not been interested.

Fog only getting thicker, the early adult attempted with all his might to keep on going. Was he still going the right way? The soldier hardly had any idea. Everything had been invisible. Dashing forward on the westward path, the young soldier pressed onward. He would reach the information station eventually.

Continuing to run, the early adult attempted once again to not stray off the path. Just where was he going? He had no idea anymore. Everything had been hard to see. But, he couldn't give up. He had to keep going, no matter what. Fog or not, he knew if he waved the white flag now, he would be in trouble, for sure.

Surprising lack of people around the area, a wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Where had everyone gone? The silence was deafening. But, the early adult tuned such thoughts out. Whenever disaster struck, most of the rich nobodies cooped themselves up in their houses. Today had to have been no different.

Coming across a staircase, the soldier barreled downward. The information station was close, any second now, and he would be there. One stair slipped upon, the early adult let out a barely audible yelp. Slowing his pace down, the chimera prepared himself for the next order of business.

But, as he had moved away from the stairs, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just him, or had the fog gotten lower to the ground? Everything was blue. How was he supposed to get through here anymore? The world was invisible. Taking a deep breath, he prayed to the Hydro Archon he was not supposed to worship muscle memory would aid him towards the right path.

Struggling to get around for minutes on end, the early adult could feel another body brush against his. Feeling such, he held back the urge to squeak. Had he just run into someone? Whoever he had run into he had to apologize right away. But, he could hear an aggravating groan in a matter of moments. Had he bumped into one of the pesky penguin chimeras? Let the aggravation begin.

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the hyena let could feel a thorn poked into his side. Seeing Earl through the fog with a bag full of face masks behind him, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the invisible sky. Why was it no matter how many times he were to traverse through Fontaine, he had to run into someone from the penguin family? This man was a virus with no known cure.

Feeling someone bump into his hips, Earl let out a groan. Who had just bumped into him while he was working? But, he soon rescinded his annoyance immediately. Siorc was here? Was this the bump of love? He could hear the wedding bells already. But, he stopped himself from getting carried away. It was dangerous here right now. He needed to warn his future husband right away.

"Hi, there, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "It's dangerous out here! You should turn back and head somewhere safe!"

Hearing Earl's suggestion, the soldier rolled his eyes towards wherever the sky was supposed to be. Turn back now? No way he would do that now. Absolutely not. He had a job to do, and there was no way he was backing out now. He had to tell this pesky thorn in his side off.

"I will manage, sir," the soldier responded in an icy tone. As he said such, he turned off towards the opposite direction.

"Be careful!" Earl shouted.

Pressing onward, the early adult held back the urge to let out another groan. Why wouldn't he be careful? He always knew to exude caution, no matter what. Her Majesty was always watching from somewhere in Teyvat. Dragging himself towards the Aquabus information station, the early adult prepared himself.

Not a single soul within the area, the soldier's knees shook. Why was no one in here? The place was a ghost building. Not even the employees had been around. Had this place been closed? But, the soldier shook his head. Closed or not, he had to use the glass lift. Teleporting was not an option.

Moving towards the glass box, the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time to get out of here and head of towards the beach. Would the hawk and falcon chimeras be around the corner? If they had been around, there would be no way to avoid them whatsoever.

As the elevator had reached the fourth floor, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just how dangerous could it have possibly been out in the open wilderness? Surely, it wasn't that bad. But, he knew he needed to remain cautious. The fog could have been poisonous.

Reaching the fourth floor, the early adult walked off towards the eastern path of blue nothing. But, as he had prepared to headed past the Palais Mermonia, the Iudex adorning a dark blue face mask had appeared within his impaired vision, the soldier swore he could hear the Chief Justice of Fontaine call out to him.

"Monsieur Siorc, apologies for my forwardness," the Iudex said. "But could you bring these poison neutralizers to Merusea Village?" As he said such, he removed some tubed objects from his suit.

Turning towards the noise, the soldier scratched the side of his head. The Iudex had a request for him? He probably should lend him a hand, shouldn't he? The Melusines were quite important to him, the soldier ventured to guess. Giving the man a nod, the devices had been handed off to him.

"You have my gratitude, young man," the Iudex said. "Apologies for not being able to fulfill such myself."

Iudex disappearing within the mist, the early adult once again had begun to head off towards the eastern city exit. Blue fog only getting thicker, the soldier let out a sigh. Visibility at around two percent, the hyena sauntered onward. He had been here far many times before. Surely, reaching the city's exit would not be too difficult.

Not a single soul outside in the city's outermost area, the early adult's legs shook. Not even towards the exit had people been around. Just how cautious had the people of Fontaine been? But, the chimera supposed he could not blame them. Being cautious was mandatory.

Unable to tell where he was going for minutes on end, the hyena let out a deep sigh. If only he had a compass to be able to point him off towards the right direction. Striding onto the eastern path, illegal desires kept leaking themselves out. If only there were people around he could ask to point him towards the right direction.

Bumping into a wall with his forehead, the soldier rubbed his temple. When would this extreme weather go the way of the ancient dragons from eras long gone? Lowering his eyes into a squint, the soldier could see the elevator in the corner of his bespectacled eyes. He had finally made it. It was time to get out of here.

Glass lift taking him upward, the soldier stepped onto the cold, hard concrete. Knowing he had to head off towards Annapausis as fast as he could muster, the early adult attempted to move his way towards the grass. The ocean beside the underwater temple had been northwest of here. Surely, he would be able to avoid the hawk and falcon chimera from such a distance.

But, such had only been the beginning of the impossible. Fog even thicker in the northern region in the Court of Fontaine, the early adult heaved a sigh. The world versus the weather had to have been the most boring thing for an audience to watch, ever. Not like he would know. It's not like anyone was narrating his life, or anything.

Entire world in front of him blanketed in layers of nothingness the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where was he going? Had he been going right, or left? Everything looked exactly the same. It was hard to tell. Grass crunching underneath his feet, the hyena veered off towards the left. Wherever that was, the world was blue.

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the early adult attempted to make heads or tails of the road in front of him. But, as he had attempted to do so, he swore the fog had only increased its potency. Seeing such, the hyena was ready to rip out entire chunks of his hair. If this weather was a person, it was definitely mocking him right about now.

Closing his eyes, the hyena attempted to rely on muscle memory to the best of his ability. Why bother relying on his eyes anymore at this point? They were incredibly useless here. Moving forward, the world was pitch black. Surely, any second now, and he would be out of this nightmare.

Muscle memory had been a total and utter failure. Finding himself back in the same spot more than three times, a wave of heavy confusion flowed through him. Had he been walking around in circles? How embarrassing. Letting out a sigh, the early adult kept his eyes open.

Switching the position of his legs, the early adult ran off towards the western path. Surely, after some time he would reach the area near the ocean. Continuing to dash about he pressed onward, the hyena could hear the familiar sound of electrified arrows hurled upon the wind.

Hearing a battle upwards towards the invisible sky, a shock shot down his spine. The hawk and falcon chimera were here? He had to get out of here as soon as possible, or he would be spotted. Bird chimeras could see through the elements for sure. Fight only getting more intense, the hyena's legs erupted into a sprint.

Soon reaching the water, the early adult let out a deep huff. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. No longer hearing any sort of battle, the chimera attempted to catch his breath. Had he outpaced them? But such had not been the case. Arrow coming his way from nowhere, the hyena jumped four steps backwards. But, as he had done so, shouts had come his way.

"Cease your villainy at once, Fatui!" Robin's voice shouted. But another voice soon kicked in.

"Hon, I highly doubt the Fatui is here," Raven's voice said to Robin's voice. "Drop your arrows."

"Only for you!" Robin's voice shouted. "But, I know that fiend is here somewhere!"

Bird chimeras growing silent, the hyena flipped his satchel towards his frontside. Diving equipment on him, the early adult's fat, blubbery suit absorbed him in a matter of moments. Walking towards the ocean, the hyena climbed upwards towards the barely visible pillar in the corner. Placing himself into a planking position, the chimera's mind had been synched with his diving suit.

But, as the diving suit had taken him downward towards the deep depths of the ocean, the fog struck back with a vengeance. World beyond the surface as invisible as the land up above, the hyena let out a groan. How in the world did this get down here? Whatever this was, it had to have been something far more potent than anyone could have possibly anticipated.

Knowing he had to have his diving suit thrust him even deeper downward, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. Suit struggling to move, for a moment, a wave of shock flowed through him. What was going on here? Why wasn't his suit moving? Had it been broken? If such were the case, he was finished.

Attempting to sync up his mind with his diving suit once more, the soldier had moved downward once more. Suit continuing to struggle, a heavy wave of frustration flowed through the hyena. Why had this been such an arduous task? This fog was getting quite aggravating, for sure.

Finally reaching the halfway mark after about an hour of attempts, the soldier let out a sigh. There had to have been a way to dispel the fog, for sure. But, he knew he would have to deal with such later. Dealing with the legends first was the top priority, without a shadow of a doubt.

Seeing a barely visible, but familiar area down below, the early adult kept having his diving suit thrust him towards the southern direction. Just a little longer, and he would finally be in Annapausis. Any second now. Bumping into a wall after a few minutes, the early adult prepared himself.

Entrance towards Annapausis nearing, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had the frog and alligator chimeras been regarded as legends? This had to have been the first time he had ever heard this before. Was someone spreading false rumors to Her Majesty? Whoever had done so would be killed for such, guaranteed.

Readying to push himself through the wall, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. Who cared whether or not this had been the truth? He was about to find out, either way. Throwing every single thought away, the soldier leaped through the barrier between Chemin L'Espoir and the underwater kingdom.

Finally in the underwater kingdom, relief soon washed over the chimera at the sight before him. Not single speck of fog anywhere, the chimera held back the urge to cheer. He was finally free from the wretched horrors. Surely, everything from here on out would be easy street. But, such had been an astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

Feeling a heavy wave of foreboding doom, the early adult flinched. He did not know why, but he knew something bad was about to happen. Attempting to shake it off, the soldier kept moving forward. He had to have been imagining it, or sure. Perhaps, just maybe, Zinn's toxins had just been in the air.

But, as the early adult kept pressing on, the malicious feelings would not cease, even for a moment. Had someone been hiding here? He couldn't help but feel there had been someone else lurking here besides the usual residents who resided within the area. But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. Maybe it was just a rogue monster or two. Surely, it had been nothing to worry about.

Such feelings of foreboding had only gotten stronger. Someone had to have been watching him, for sure. Shaking it off, the hyena kept running. Perhaps, if he were to go off towards the opposite direction, the eyes on him would vanish. Resolute on his decision, the chimera flipped the script.

Gaze dying upon the battlefield, the early adult's heart beat hard and fast in his chest. Slapping his right palm over his left one, the hyena took a moment to breathe. He had been running far too much today, for sure. Slowing down his walking speed, on question loomed as he could see the frog and alligator duo within his line of damaged sight.

Zinn and Peltro, why had they been regarded as legends in the first place? What legend could they have possibly been? The Legend of the Poisonous Frog and Alligator? That had hardly sounded like a myth in any capacity. This had to have been a gag order, for sure.

Gap closing, the early adult tapped on the alligator's scaly shoulder. Party of two turning towards him, the early adult gave eye contact. Zinn looking ready to blow a gasket, the hyena backed two steps away. Had he come at the wrong time? But, they soon cooled their jets. Whatever that meant. He had heard some drunkards say such phrase in Mondstadt from time to time.

Stranger walking around for over an hour, Zinn could feel a vein pop inside them. Why had there been someone here right now of all times? Had Vidame and Domini banished someone they did not like here again? But, they soon cooled their jets. Oh. It's just that dude again. Whatevs. They would rescind their momentary anger for now.

"Oh, it's just you again, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking. "Ya here to investigate something?"

"Obviously, Zinn!" Peltro exclaimed. "Why else would he be down here?"

"Ya never know, Peltro!" Zinn responded. "He could be down here for somethin' else, so I gotta ask, ribbit!"

Frog and alligator chimeras arguing amongst themselves for a moment, the early adult let out a groan, for a moment. Some things never changed. If he knew one thing, and one thing for certain in life, it's that these two fought every single breathing second of their lives.

Shouting matches soon ceasing, eyes had soon been on him once again. Giving the siblings a nod, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him. Gloves out in front of him, the soldier spelled out the sentence, do you know anything about the legend regarding the poison frog and the alligator? But, immediately upon ending such sign, the duo looked as though he had grown two heads. Had they not understood what he was asking? He supposed such could be the case. Not everyone knew, or cared enough to learn sign language. But, he had soon been proven wrong in a matter of moments.

"Yer askin' us if we're underwater legends?" Zinn asked, annoyed. "Get outta here with 'dat nonsense! We ain't no such thing!"

"For once, I agree with Zinn!" Peltro shouted, irritated. "Archons, can't believe I said that. If the sky falls tomorrow, I called it!" It then let out the fakest cough in the world. "Anyhoo, who told you that? Whoever told you that is wrong. We might be highly toxic, but that is hardly the grounds for a legend. So, shove it."

Anger coming his way, the early adult shook with a fervor. He could shove it? If he had asked them something that bothered them, he would apologize right away. Had they been asked this question before? Bowing his head in apology, the hyena kept his head downward. But, he had soon been told to cut it out.

"Geez, ya can stop apologizing now, kay? Lift yer head already!" Zinn exclaimed, croaking. "Is dat da only reason you came here, croak?"

Shaking his head, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Spelling out Mary Anne's name with his fingers, the duo both let out a collected sigh. Had he said something to annoy them further? He had definitely struck multiples nerves in the span of a few minutes that would never heal.

"You want to see Mary Anne?" Peltro asked, sighing. "Fine, we'll take you to her. But, if this is about another one of your so called 'legends', she'll likely have the same answer as we do."

Zinn and Peltro standing in front of him, the party of two had begun to lead the way. Opening the door to the palace, the soldier prepared himself. Would Mary Anne truly have the same answer as the frog and alligator chimeras? He hoped such would not be the case. If he were to fail to gather any information, he would pay the price for it, guaranteed.

Dropping through the door as if it were an invitation, the familiar ruins had soon been reached once more. But, the hyena did not know why, but he could feel a sense of foreboding doom once again. Had there been someone else around the area lurking? He swore he could hear strange mechanical footsteps somewhere.

Moving through the first floor of the ruins, the hyena turned his head towards the right. Where had those extra footsteps been coming from? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He had to have been imagining it. Why would there be anyone else here? This kingdom was barren, desolate.

Pressing on through the second floor, the soldier shivered. No matter how hard he tried, the sense of doom would not leave him. Someone else was here, guaranteed. But, he shook his head. It was nothing more than a monster or two. He needed to stop thinking about it. Pushing such thoughts away, the traversal continued.

Cruising through the third corridor and beyond, the party of three had soon been right back where they started. Mary Anne's house not reached, the soldier tilted his head. They were back in the library again? Had Zinn gotten everyone lost? How typical of them. But, he supposed that's how it usually ended up down in the secret palace.

Staring over once more, the soldier could not help but ponder. The real Annapausis, did it change locations every single time one were to come into the labyrinth? Perhaps, just maybe, that was the case. Keeping such fact in mind, he kept following the frog and alligator behind in silence.

Looping back around for the second time, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Just where had Mary Anne's house been? Why had it been so difficult to find again? Something had been wrong with this picture. But, the chimera kept going from room to room. Surely, after some time, they would reach the right path.

But, such never came. Coming back to the same entrance time and time again, the early adult could feel a wave of frustration flow through him. Why was this happening again? Hadn't Zinn and Peltro been acquainted with Mary Anne? Surely, if they wished to visit her, they would allow them to come.

Fourth loop coming in clutch, the early adult prepared the white flag. What was the point in trying to reach her anymore? No matter how many times he would try with the duo's guidance, they would never reach there. The looping corridors, maybe that was the true legend of Annapausis. But, as he prepared his surrender, Zinn interrupted his food cart of thought.

"Mary Anne probably doesn't want visitors, ribbit," Zinn said, croaking.

"Oh, really is it that obvious, Zinn?" Peltro asked sarcastically. "Well, I'm not playing this game anymore." As it said such, it cupped its alligator hands around its mouth. "We'll just have to demand she let us see her."

"Peltro, are ya crazy?!" Zinn asked. "That won't work!"

Zinn and Peltro arguing amongst themselves once again, the hyena covered his ears. Here they go again, shouting at each other. Why couldn't these two ever stop and just listen to one another for once? But, he knew that would never happen. These two would never be civil. Did they get a thrill off arguing? But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted by an even louder shout.

"Mary Anne, it's us, Zinn and Peltro!" Peltro screamed. "Let us in!" And, as if by magic, a water current soon appeared.

Ring of water out in front of them, the early adult rose his eyebrow. How did this get here? How peculiar. Zinn and Peltro hopping in almost immediately, the chimera backed two steps away. Frog and alligator chimeras thrusted forward through a large jet scream, the jelly was kicking in.

Taking a long deep breath, the early adult leaped into the ring of water. Body propelled like a firework hitting the sky, the early adult closed his eyes for a moment. Had he reached a new stream? But, the hyena perished the thought. Mary Anne had just created a pathway, nothing more.

Reaching Mary Anne's house, the blue haired woman had a disconcerting look on her face. Seeing such, the hyena's heart skipped more than two beats. She must have really not want visitors. Perhaps, just maybe, it was best to turn around right now before it was too late.

"I told you two the other day that I don't want any visitors," Mary Anne said, arms crossed around her waist.

"Yer right, and we apologize, for 'dat," Zinn replied in an apologetic tone. "But, this fella has a question for ya." They pointed their frog hand over at the hyena.

Mary Anne's eyes soon on him, the soldier let out a gulp. Would Mary Anne even know about the legend of the hidden forest house? Maybe she wouldn't. But, he knew he had no choice but to ask her. Taking a deep breath, the hyena prepared himself to ask the forbidden question.

"Do you know the legend of the real Annapausis, ma'am?" the hyena asked forbiddingly. But, he had gotten a quick answer that shattered walls.

"No!" Mary Anne shouted. "If that is the only of which you came, get out!" As she said such, the soldier could feel himself be pulled away.

Pushed outside the forest houses walls, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was that about just now? The chimera did not know why, but she had seem incredibly irritated the entire time. Zinn and Peltro exiting, as well, he had soon been informed they would escorting him out.

But, upon returning to the ruins, a thick deep blue fog had reached the area. Seeing such, the chimera let out a groan. Why had the fog come back to haunt him? Couldn't it have left him alone? Great, just fantastic, now he would be lost for hours. But, such had been only the beginning.

Hearing the sound of wooden footsteps as the party of three moved through the thick blue mist, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. What were those unusual footsteps? Whatever they were, they were close by. Party of two in front of him stopping their tracks for a moment, the early adult gazed at their backsides. Had they heard it, too?

"Great, da fog came here, too, croak!" Zinn shouted. "We should tell it to eat a toadstool!"

"And what's that going to do?" Peltro asked. "It's not like fog is alive!"

"Whatevs, Peltro!" Zinn shouted. "We need ta get outta here!" But as they said such, there had been a new visitor. "What's dat puppet doin' here? I'm growin' warts all over my back!"

"Zinn, that's disgusting! I don't care about your stupid warts!" Peltro shouted. "Anyhoo, it's about to attack! Get your poison ready!"

"On it, ribbit!" Zinn exclaimed.

Large wooden puppet with the face of a man on it dangling from the ceiling letting out a giggle, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Where had this monster come from all of a sudden? But, he knew he hardly had any time to waste. He had to battle this creature right now.

Gloves making it impossible to grip the claymore provided, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed he would have no choice but to use his underwater powers, for a moment. Pressing the aquatic blade button, the early adult readied himself for action. But, as he had done so, almost nothing happened.

Aquatic blade barely doing anything, the early adult's eyes twitched. His underwater powers, had they been useless here? How terrifying. He was a useless piece of battle waste. Attempting to use the jellyfish head explosive next, nothing happened once again.

Attempting to use every single power bestowed upon his glove, not a single option work. Waving the white flag, the early adult stepped back. There was nothing he could do. He was absolutely useless here, for sure. Zinn letting down their poison, the puppet had disintegrated into nothing. Fog moving away a little, indignant eyes had come his way.

"Get outta here!" Zinn shouted. "Mary Anne, open up da exit towards da surface! We want dis dude gone!" As they said such, a water ring appeared. "In ya go!"

Pushed into the upstream, the early adult let out a scream. What was happening? Why were they kicking him out of here all of a sudden? Surrendering himself, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Returning towards the surface, the world of blue fog returned to him once more.

Recalling he had to head off to Merusea Village to give the poison neutralizers to the denizens down below, the early adult prepared himself for the leap of faith. Sudden aquatic wall appearing out of nowhere, the early adult sighed. He supposed he could make use of this blockade to reach the other side.

Jumping from one side to another, the Beryl Region had been reached after about twenty minutes of jumping. Blue mist about as bad as it had been in the previous area, the chimera prepared himself to get lost once again. Powering his way through the south for awhile, the visibility had only begun to get worse.

Reaching the entrance towards Merusea Village after about an hour of getting lost, the chimera's diving suit and mind had soon been synched together once more. But, it had not been clear waters down below in the village, either. Mist following him wherever he were to go, the hyena let out a growl.

Village covered in fog as well, the soldier could barely see the sea lion prankster duo turning their heads. Moving towards them, they misty figures turned towards him. Preparing himself for any unintelligible questions, the early adult kept his ears open. But, if either of them were about to pull a prank, he would listen no further.

"Dude, what's going on?" Brume asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, bro, what's up with this smoky stuff?" Eclater asked, even more puzzled.

Letting out a momentary sigh, the early reached for his back pockets. Tubes placed into their flippers, the party of two looked at one another like their hand flippers had switched places with their tail. Gazing down at the disaster mitigation words printed down below, the hyena shook his head. Were they unable to read what it said?

"Bro, what are these?" Brume asked puzzled. "We can't read big human words very well!"

"Yeah, bro!" Eclater chimed in. "You gotta give it to us straight!"

Shaking his head, the early adult made a loud boom noise for almost everyone to hear. Crossing his two index fingers into an x-shape, he shook his head again. Would this be enough to convey to them the concept of disaster mitigation? He had hoped so. Using his voice for these people was almost out the question.

"So these thingies will get rid of that blue smokey stuff?" Brume asked. A nod had immediately come his way.

"Great, if it can get rid of they kooky smoke, we gotta use them right away!" Eclater exclaimed.

Sea lion pranksters looking like they were about ready to work, the early adult prepared himself to head back towards the circus. These two would be fine. He needn't stay here a moment longer. Returning to the surface, the chimera gazed upward, for a moment.

Fog looking about as dark as the nighttime sky, the hyena's knees buckled. It had been nighttime already? He had to go back to the Court of Fontaine right away. Dashing off towards Marcotte Station for hours on end, he had soon reached the capital city once more. But, an annoyance like no other had awaited him in the fog.

"There you are!" Earl exclaimed, out of breath. "Mademoiselle Ginger told me that if I see you to take you home!"

Dragged towards the Congele boutique, the early adult let out a groan. Why was Earl waiting for him? He could go pay for a hotel room and sleep there. But, he knew if he let go of Earl's hand he would grab it right back. It best to not start any fights. Taken down the stairs and into the apartment, everyone had been waiting. Seeing such, the chimera sighed. Did he really need this many eyes on him? He did not.

"You finally found him?" Marquis asked.

"In that ugly outfit?" Esquire asked. "Get him out of my sight!"

"Sorry, Esquire! I'll take him to his room right away!" Earl responded. As he said such, the chimera had been hauled off to his temporary room.

Door closed behind him, the early adult let out a yawn. Fat, blubbery suit and uniform removed, the early adult crawled into the uncomfortable bed. Weaponized hairpins and earrings put aside, as well, the hyena's eyes closed as soon as his head hit the pillow. But, as the world of sleep readied to invite him back in, one final question looped on repeat.

Why was the fog so thick?


"This is not good. According my
Hypothesis charts, the fog is
Evidentially getting worse. I,

Folu, have no idea what to do about this.
Onwards towards the data.
Ghh, my, my, there

Is some errors in the calculations.
Shucks, I did them as Rabiu said the anomalies were structured.

Guess I am not quite well versed in strange weather patterns.
Even so, I really aught
To learn more about them.
These patterns of the fog are not normal.
I also highly suspect they might be gas.
No, mayhaps not. I have heard most
Gasses do not have any color, or odor and cannot be seen.

Why am I getting this sense
Of dejavu? Strange, I do not
Recall saying this before.
So what is this rather overwhelming feeling I am
Experiencing? I do not know, and whatever it is, I do

Not like it one bit. Well, I guess
Oluchi had said the same thing as I did.
Well, Rabiu also did, but he usually makes the most errors out of all of us!

Uh, maybe I really aught to stop bullying him before it
Gets to a point where there's irreversible damage to
His self esteem. Well, that's mostly
Oluchi's fault, anyway. She's the one who is constantly picking
On him the most out of all of us, you know? Well,
Oh, well, we tried to get her to stop. Que sera, sera."

Waking up the next morning, hands had been shaking him through the covers for minutes on end. Jolted awake, the early adult reached his glasses. Marquis and Esquire letting go of him, the chimera let out a groan. Could this family be any more annoying? Why couldn't they let him sleep for five more minutes?

"That ugly boss of yours is here!" Esquire shouted. "Tell her to brush that disgusting ginger hair of hers!" But Marquis soon jumped.

"Hurry up and go talk to her!" Marquis shouted. "She isn't welcome here!"

Party of two stomping out, the early adult rolled his eyes to the ceiling. And why were these two still here? Weren't they supposed to be gone by now? Putting his uniform back on and grabbing his satchel, the early adult returned to the main room in the apartment. Malika drumming her fingers on the table, and Baron messing with their monocle, a racket soon kicked up.

"Hurry up and say what you need to tell him, and get out of my apartment," Malika said in a cold voice.

"Apologies, sir, right away," the ginger said in an apologetic tone. But her collar had soon been grabbed.

"You weren't listening at all when we spoke to you, did you?" Baron said in a low voice. They then squeezed the Fatui's collar even tighter. "That is ma'am to you. Or do you have selective hearing? Typical of an unintelligent soldier like yourself." As they said such, they twirled their curly strand of hair.

"My utmost apologies s-, I mean ma'am," the ginger Fatui responded, bowing her head on the table. She then lifted herself up. "Soldier, go to Elton Trench right away and look into the legend of the undersea penguins!" She slapped her hand on the table. "Look for a domain discovered down there, as well!" Her collar had then been grabbed once more.

"Are you done?" Baron asked.

"I'm done," the ginger Fatui responded, voice shaking.

"Get out of our apartment," Baron said, grabbing ahold of her collar even harder. "Now."

Ginger Fatui exiting the area, the soldier blinked. Baron was not a person to be messed with whatsoever. If he were in their presence, he needed to be on his best behavior, for sure. Malika turning towards him with a concerned look on her face, the chimera blinked. Why was she giving him that look?

"You don't have to go down to Elton Trench if you don't want to, darling," Malika said in a soft tone. "I know it's been pretty difficult out there."

Shaking his head, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him. Did he have a choice in the matter? He did not. Signing that he had to go, warnings had come his way to proceed with caution. Exiting the apartment, the soldier headed back towards the Aquabus. Tour guide again informing him it was dangerous, the chimera sighed. He already knew this. Did he really have to hear it again?

Aquabus reaching the halfway point after about twenty minutes, the heavy fog had settled in in a matter of moments. Seeing such, the soldier groaned. How could this weather have still been here? How annoying. He was going to have to deal with this again. Melusine telling him the fog is toxic, the hyena gulped as he readied to drop himself downward towards the ground below.

Wind glider deployed behind him, it had come to the hyena's attention immediately. Had the fog been deeper and bluer here? What a mess. Why had it been even worse today? He needed to find a way to clear it out as soon as possible. But, he supposed, try as he might, that would take awhile.

Reaching the ground, the early adult swore he could see Bain, Kali, Aigre, the Demoiselle and her bodyguards running around the area near the beach. Seeing such, a hundred questions raced around in the chimera's head. What had this group been running towards? Why were they chasing someone? Girls all masked, the soldier followed them for a moment, but what awaited was a shock to behold.

Party of four chasing some army of puppets, the chimera backed ten steps away. What was going on here? Where had these marionettes come from? Had the magician been doing some sort of trick? But, the hyena shook his head. Why was he thinking of him at a time like this? But, as he had been lost in thought, he had accidentally brushed up against Aigre. Such, however, had been cut out by other screams.

"We have to fight these puppets!" Bain shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Um, yeah, we probably should, um, do that," Kali responded.

"These meanie puppets are going down!" Aigre shouted. But, she had soon felt something smack into her, whammo! "Owie!" Turning around through the thick meanie fog, she could feel this itching sensation of bugs flowing. "Mauve!!! Watch where you're going, okay?!?!" But, the Demoiselle soon added her own voice to the mix.

"Hey, Aigre, that's a little rude, don't you think?" the Demoiselle asked. "No one can see anything right now!"

Bowing an apology. The entire crowd of ladies, sans Aigre had told the chimera to be careful. Heeding the warning, the soldier put on his diving equipment. But, he knew before he were to take the trip down, he had to prepare himself for the worst. Vidame and Domini, there was absolutely no way they would cooperate with him. And, he knew they were give him a whole new world of violence any second now.

Mind and diving suit synched up to one another, the early adult dropped downward. But, immediately upon reaching the ocean, the blue fog struck back. Seeing such, the early adult grit his teeth. Not this again. Why was it back? Where had this trash come from? He was quite tired of seeing it. It needed to be cleansed right now.

Having his diving suit thrust him northward, the early adult let out a groan. Why hadn't he had some sort of equipment to light the path for him? Unbelievable. This had to have been his worst mission yet. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Why was he complaining? Such action was forbidden.

Moving towards the left, the soldier let out a sigh. Why did he have to look for the undersea penguins? In what world would they ever agree to do anything, let alone confirm a rumor stated about them? It was simply not happening. Whoever made up these legends had to have been thinking about something else, for sure. This one was far from it.

As the soldier's diving suit kept thrusting him forward with automatic movement, the early adult turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just his imagination, or had something else been following him? Shaking his head, the hyena kept going. There was no one else here, for sure. He was overreacting.

But, as the early adult kept heading off towards the northern direction, his suspicions had been correct. Multiple wooden marionettes soon surrounding him through the fog, the soldier backed multiple steps away. What were these doing down here? He needed to take care of them right away.

Dropping down a jellyfish head explosive, the first puppet had been blown to smithereens. Fog clearing away a smidgeon, the early adult had come to a quick, but haphazard conclusion. These marionette creatures had been tied to this toxic fog. There was no way it couldn't have been the truth.

Coming across another wooden doll, the soldier let out a sigh. And, where had this one come from now? But, he supposed the fog had continued to obscure their existence from him. Dropping down another jellyfish head explosive, the next enemy had become scattered pieces across the water.

Attempting to move along, further wooden doll armies had soon stopped him in his tracks, seeing such, the hyena dropped down the denotator for what felt like the thirtieth time today. But, the soldier shook his head. Maybe there had been an extra zero in that number. Pressing the button, a few members of the army still stood.

Final denotator dropped, the last of the doll army had been out of the equation. Fog clearing up ever so slightly, the early adult puffed a breath of relief. The waters were clearer. He could see what was in front of him again. A miracle to be had, for sure. Diving suit thrusting him further north, the hyena swore he could hear familiar angry shouts up a head.

Pressing the turbo button, the hyena's body had been thrusted forward at lightning speed. Spotting Vidame and Domini beating the living waters out of multiple wooden puppets one after another with their scythe and chain whip, the soldier attempted to turn off towards the other direction. Oh, no, they were boiling with rage. He was done for.

Puppets all destroyed one after another, eyes of pure rage had come his way. Seeing such, the chimera's heart skipped more than three beats. Why did they look even more angrier than usual today? He was about get what's coming to him, guaranteed. Domini whirring up his chain whip, the chimera surrendered. He was about to be slapped down hard by Bludgeoning Angel Domini-chan. Whatever -chan meant, he had only heard such a word used in Inazuma.

Seeing Ritchie Rich waltz down here like he owned the joint, Domini whirred up his chain whip. How dare Ritchie Rich think he can come down here after all the problems he's caused. This fog is his fault. These crimes would not go unpunished. Ritchie Rich would pay for these crimes with his whole body.

Ritchie Rich coming towards them as if he thought he was allowed a friendly space to just chat, Vidame got her scythe ready. Who did Ritchie Rich think he was coming down here, acting all innocent? He was responsible for this fog, and he was one million years ahead of himself if he thought she, in any universe, would ever let him get away with this villainy. That was it. He's getting a nice little reminder on why he's not welcome down here!

"How dare you send your puppets down here, Ritchie Rich!" Domini shouted. "You'll pay for what you did!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich!" Vidame shouted. As she said such, she swung her scythe. "How dare you act all innocent!"

Penguin duo swinging their weapons at him, the hyena had his diving suit move in a rapid manner. Here these two go again, blaming him for every single thing. He had done nothing of the sort. Why were these two always blaming him for everything? Continuing to dodge their every attack, the hyena turned out the rest of their shouts. Question accidentally blurting itself out, he swore heads would roll any second.

"Do either of you know about the legend of undersea penguins?" the hyena accidentally blurted out. But, he soon stopped himself from speaking further. Why did he say that? There's no way they'd ever answer him.

"Why would we ever tell you anything, Ritchie Rich?!" Vidame shouted, swinging her scythe. "Fuggeddabout it. We ain't telling you a thing!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich! Don't ask us anything, ever!" Domini shouted. As he said such, he whirred up his chain whip. "Go find something else to destroy!"

Having his diving suit go on turbo, the soldier had begun searching for the domain. Why did he think for even a moment these two would ever cooperate with him? He knew that would never, not even in alternative universe version of himself where he had been a Fatui Harbinger. But, the early adult threw such thought away. Where was he getting these wild ideas from? There was no way that would ever be a pathway that existed. Not even in a different timeline or world.

Coming across a strange door peering from one of the shipwrecks after four hours of searching through the fog, the soldier took a long, deep breath. Was this finally it, the domain he had been searching for? Blinding white light overtaking him, he had come to the quick and immediate conclusion such had been the case.

Finding himself in a large destroyed temple, the early adult tilted his head. Where in the world was he? The soldier had no idea, but wherever the domain had taken him to, this place had to have been long forgotten and ancient. Knowing it was his best interest to go forward and explore, the area.

Locating a long bridge upon the walkway, the early adult prepared himself for the long walk ahead. Moving forward, the soldier swore he could feel something unsteady beneath his feet. Bridge crumbling as he moved, the hyena jumped towards the left. The crosswalk was breaking off? He needed to hurry.

Jumping off towards the next bridge, the early adult ran as if his life would give out. Crossing also breaking apart, he leaped from side to side. Why was this place so fragile, what was going on here? Something wasn't right here, in the slightest. But, everything would continue to go south fast.

Spotting an entire room with an army of wooden marionettes dancing from their strings up above, the early adult let out a sigh. There more of these monsters down here? Where in the world did they come from? How strange. Whoever put these creatures in here had to have quite the puppet fixation.

Snapping himself out of it, the gloves were off. Fatui issued greatsword in his hands, the hyena slashed the blade forward with full force. Puppets one after another becoming nothing but dust upon the wind, the early adult let out a huff as the fights continued.

Final set of puppets soon destroyed, the early adult had begun running. Floor trying to crumble, the chimera leaped. He needed to reach the end of this temple before it was to see total collapse. There was not much time left. He had to run, speed, kachow. But, the early adult threw such last word away. Where did that last one come from? He wasn't thinking straight right now. It was almost as if, a god from outside Teyvat determined what he was thinking. But, he knew that was impossible. He wasn't some character in a horror adventure story.

Soon reaching a very peculiar room, multiple plagues had been hung up upon the wall. Seeing such, the early adult stepped towards them. Observing the first one for a moment, the picture of the Hydro Archon weeping on her throne appeared within the chimera's damaged field of heterochromatic vision.

Seeing such object, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. Why was the Hydro Archon weeping on here throne? But, he soon looked at the next one. Lifted up by her own people, the scratched his diving suit. None of this made any sense at all. What was going on here? But, the last one had been even more confusing.

Spotting a plaque with a flower on it with runic writing, the early adult could not make sense of anything at all. What did this have anything to do with the other ones? Not able to come to any sort of conclusion, the early adult stepped towards the domain's exit. It was no use, he wasn't coming up with anything. It was time to go. Blinding light soon engulfing him, he closed his eyes.

Cruising through the fog, the early adult sighed. If only there was a big starling that could flag its wings and blow all this fog away. But, the hyena shook his head. Why would something like that ever be possible? That was something that only existed in fantasy and magic world transportation stories.

Reaching the Aquabus after four hours of walking, the hyena reached the capital city of Fontaine slower than he could have ever anticipated. But, the early adult knew such was show it would be for quite awhile. He needed to get used to it, for the time being. Stepping foot in the Court of Fontaine, yet another penguin waited for him. Malika adorning a face mask with a strawberry print, gloved hands had been linked to his arm in seconds.

"You were out pretty late, darling," Malika said in a tired tone. "It's dangerous out here. I'm taking you back home."

Escorted back towards the boutique, information had come his way. Malika informing him the air quality has gotten so low the toxins could penetrate masks, the early adult's heart skipped a beat. How could it have gotten so bad so quickly? What was going on in Fontaine? Not a single thing was adding up here.

Guided to his temporary room, the door had soon been closed behind him. Letting out a yawn, the soldier removed his weaponized hairpins and earrings. Diving suit undone, and everything else put away, the hyena placed himself under the temporary covers. But, one last thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain as the tormented land of dreams dragged him back in.

How much worse has the fog gotten?


Waking up in the middle of the night, the soldier's heart had begun to beat hard and fast in his chest. Rhythm beating out of control, the soldier let out a scream. The bat, it was racing, leaping, doing bounds. Chest as hard as a rock, the tears had begun to stream down his face. Loud feet stomping in, shouts had come his way.

"What's wrong, ugly?" Esquire asked annoyed.

"And why are you shouting in the middle of the night?!" Marquis asked, groaning. "That's very hideous of you right now!" But, Malika soon stepped in.

"Don't call him ugly. Could you two leave the room, please?" Malika asked. She then headed towards Siorc. "Is your heart beating too fast, darling? I am not a doctor, but I'll try to help calm it down, okay?" She then placed her hand upon his chest. "Try to take deep breaths with me darling, okay?"

Hand on his chest, the early adult attempted to match the pace of Malika's breaths. Feeling a wave of calmness flow through him shortly after, the soldier closed his eyes. Heartbeat dissipating into normalcy after about ten minutes, the world of sleep was ready to claim him once more.

Deep breaths, deep breaths.


"I, Sani have some very
Terrible news to share with everyone.

It has come to my attention
Some poisonous fog has

All but poisoned the air.
This isn't good. And,

It gets even worse.
There might be
Some lingering effects.

Perhaps I should have researched this sooner.
Everything could have been
Avoided. Well, guess that's my fault. But, I
Know Oluchi and Folu will blame Rabiu. But, I will

Not be doing that.
Oluchi and Folu, you both need to stop
With that joke. And, I should, too. Ah, oh well, time to clean up this fog."

Waking up the next morning, demands had come his way almost immediately. Ginger Fatui commanding him to head for the lake underneath the Weeping Willow tree, the chimera let out a sigh. Not again with this. Hadn't he already investigated the sea gazelle legend? What was the point in looking into that one again? But, he had soon been visited by three others.

Rabiu, Gwendolyn, Lonan standing by his bedside, the hyena removed himself from the covers. Why were they here? He didn't want to deal with anything else right now, except for the fog to clear out. But, he threw such thoughts away. That was a rude thing to think. Whatever these three wanted, it was best to listen.

"Morning, black fish steak bro," Lonan greeted, waving. "We were about to ask you the same question your boss did just now."

"Um, uh, yeah, we were going to ask you to come to the lake underneath the willow tree too, actually," Rabiu added. But Gwendolyn soon interrupted.

"Who cares about that rumor the sea gazelle have gills instead of lungs?" Gwendolyn asked, rolling her eyes. "You men care about the stupidest trash."

"Um, Siorc's boss does?" Rabiu asked, lips quivering. "You're free to leave if you don't care, though."

"I will, then!" Gwendolyn screamed, storming out of the apartment.

Removing himself from underneath the covers, the early adult turned towards Rabiu. Had the researcher jackal gained a backbone? Good for him. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but feel proud of him, at this very moment. Uniform soon on, Lonan's eyes had soon been on him.

"We're heading through Foggy Forest Path, black fish steak bro," Lonan explained. His wings lost a few feathers as he said such. "We've got a job to do! Don't worry 'bout the fog. My wings can clear some of that away."

Lonan informing him he would be passing through Foggy Forest Path with Rabiu and he, the hyena shrugged. He supposed he didn't mind working together with these two. Rabiu warning him he needed to double mask, the chimera had been handed a strawberry print cloth. Seeing such, he let out a sigh. If only he had brought the matching hairpin and earring set. Getting ready to depart, a series of pouts had come Rabiu's way.

"You're taking my future husband on a date again?" Earl pouted in a joking tone. "No fair!"

"Um, uh, who said he's your future husband?" Rabiu asked in a serious tone. "Uh, this isn't a date, um. Siorc, Lonan and I are working."

"I want to come, too!" Earl exclaimed. But, he had soon been halted in his tracks.

"How boorish are you?" Baron asked, rolling their eyes. "It's highly toxic out there."

"I'll be poisoned with love, it's worth it!" Earl barked back.

"Um, Earl, I don't have enough health robots to fix you in an emergency, so please don't come along," Rabiu said in a serious tone.

Earl pouting, everyone had been off to the races. Fog even thicker and more potent than the day prior, the early adult held back the urge to gag. What was that stench? Something was wrong here. Tough ride upon them, the group had only begun to run faster as Marcotte Station had been left behind.

But, as the trio continued to move, the fog had only gotten colder. Where had this draft come from all of the sudden? It was a warm autumn day. How very unusual. Reaching the Foggy Forest, a surprise amongst everything took the woods by a cloud storm.

Army of puppets everywhere the eyes could see, the hyena could feel his heart drop into his stomach. The puppets were still here? Who, or what was controlling them? Creatures dancing, Rabiu's daggers and shield, and Lonan's feather made crossbow were ready. Claymore out in front of him, the fight was on.

Army of puppets destroyed after about one-hundred-thirty strikes, the party of three dashed off towards the Weeping Willow Tree. Fog beginning to fade, the hyena blinked. He sees now, his hypothesis was correct. These strange puppets were behind all this. Diving equipment on, everyone went down towards the underwater cave beneath the willow tree.

Reaching the deep depths of the area, the underwater sea gazelles stared at the party of three as if they had thirty heads. Letting out a scream, their antlers had been charged and ready. Lonan sighing, he grabbed ahold of such appendages. Rabiu grabbing ahold of the opposite chimera's horns, the early adult's eyes grew wide as they grew weaker. Had that area been their weak spot?

"Apologies, we're alert now," Damla apologized in a tired tone. "Let me guess, you three are here to ask about the legend about us, right?" As co asked such, co let out a sigh. "We'll tell you about us, but tell us about the fog that cleared out just now first."

"Oh, uh, um? I think I can explain a little?" Rabiu responded in a questioning tone. "Those were some poorly made abyss puppets. They were programmed to summon fog, I think."

"I see, so, abyssal puppets, you say?" Firat asked, voice tired. "Well, fine, have at it. We'll tell you about ourselves. Ask away." As se said such, se let out a loud yawn. "But, please be quick. We want to sleep again. Forever, if possible."

Hearing what Rabiu said, the hyena groaned. Of course this was the work of the abyss again. When was it ever not? Were the gazelles behind this one, too? But, the chimera shook his head. These puppets were far too small for them to do such a thing. Maybe it had been someone else from the abyss this time. But, his thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Are you the two in the legend about the fawns who had their lungs changed to gills?" Lonan asked. But, what answer came was to the surprise of no one.

"Mhm, that's us," Damla said, yawning. "But I don't have anything else to tell you. Please, let us go back to sleep forever now."

"Sure, droplet. Nighty night," Lonan replied.

Hearing what Damla said, the early adult's mind raced a kilometer a minute. Co said what now? Cos lungs had been replaced with gills? He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How was this real? He had to be dreaming right now. But, he knew he wasn't. This was real. But, the soldier had soon heard a loud splash up above. Returning to the surface, not a single surprise awaited.

Kelebek and Izzet riding atop a huge blue dragon, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the sky. Of course they had to show up now of all times. Did they ever stop to think for once this was pointless? They had to have enough fun messing around by now? Dropping the reptilian creature down below, they both let out a shout.

"You have one last gift for him!" Kelebek shouted.

"Nyahahaha, have fun with this gift!" Izzet shouted.

Dragon oozing poison, the party of three sprung into action. Dragon not defeated after one-hundred-fifty strikes, the soldier huffed and puffed. Just how much vitality did this creature have, eight vitality bars stacked upon each other? Ridiculous. This had to end right now.

Enemy not slain from the daggers, arrows nor his claymore, the soldier groaned. This was a forced to be reckoned with, for sure. But, the early adult could feel determination flow through him enough to have a red heart appear in the battlefield. He could eliminate this dragon, mark hiss wordlessness.

Throwing his blade with all his might, the dragon had soon been slain after about forty more blows combined between the party of three. Abyssal gazelle duo waving their fists, the hyena rolled his eyes. Oh, boy, here it comes, time for revenge round thirty. A riveting experience.

"We will have our revenge!" Izzet shouted. But, as they said such, an arrow had been gifted to their stomach.

"He will get it for doing that!" Kelebek shouted at Lonan. As one said such, something clicked.

Abyssal gazelles gone, the fog had been completely gone. Seeing such, the early adult sighed. It was their doing all along again. When was it ever not? Lonan saying he knew it was their doing, the party of three readied to head back towards capital city of Fontaine. But, as they did such, the soldier's thoughts wandered.

As the capital city drew closer, the hyena could not help but wonder. Why were the gazelles constantly doing these dangerous acts? If they kept this up, Fontaine would be uninhabitable. Was that what they wanted? He knew that had to have been the case. What a horrible goal to strive towards, the lowest of the low.

Ginger Fatui dismissing him shortly after arriving at the Court of Fontaine, the soldier highlighted the waypoint to the military barracks, he had reached the soundproof room in ten minutes. Pacing around the room, for a moment, his thoughts wandered. Why were the abyssal gazelles doing something like this? This wasn't right. Should this get any worse, and the entire population of Fontaine could face extinction. But, he knew he had to tone his thoughts down. That was a bit overdramatic, for sure.

Letting out a yawn, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Closing his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow, the land of tormented dreams readied to pull him back in. But as the world of sleep claimed him for the evening, one final thought wrapped vines around the hyena.

The abyssal gazelles are getting worse.

Chapter 34: Fashion Week! Congele Versus: Trends, Corruption and Rivals


This is a branch off chapter in which Siorc helps Congele Boutique out during Fashion Week. Rivals and various other wacky hijinks ensue. Feat: Kaiser, Malika, Earl, Baron, Marquis, Esquire, Brume, Eclater, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Lewod, Nathair, Chiori and Neuvilette. + Many Melusines.


Written during 4.5

Chapter Text

"Wait hold on.
Am I hearing this correctly?
I don't think I am.
This doesn't make sense.

How can this be?
Unless I am
Hearing this incorrectly.

What does the Agent mean work is cancelled?
How can this be?
Am I still dreaming.
That has to be it. That

Has to be what this is. A dream.
Or, maybe not
Looks like I am very awake. I
Do not understand.

Of all times to have
No work to speak of, this is

Weird. I am not ill, or anything, so what
Happened? Something came up? I
Am having a hard
Time believing that, to be honest. I

Don't know what happened
Oh, something came up?

You know, that's the first time I've ever heard
Of something coming
Up. So, it's a

Mystery to me.
Every day, everything is
Always unpredictable.
Now it's gotten harder.

What should I do?
One half week away, I'd
Rather have something to do. I
Know I can't just go back to sleep

If I do, Her Majesty will kill me
So, I mustn't be lazy, but I

Cannot think of
Anything I want to do.
Nothing is
Coming to me
Everything is blank.
Let me think of something,
Let me think of one thing.
Everything is blank I
Don't have a clue

What I wish to do with this sudden
Holiday! Think of something.
And nothing.
There is absolutely nothing

I can think of at this point of time.
Should I just go and look for

Hase? No. I have put that to
A halt. Right now, I
Probably should not search for her.
Perhaps there is something
Else I can do.
Now, what that might be
I don't know,
Nothing is coming to me
Guess it would be best to

Wander around Fontaine and find something to do.
However, maybe it's just to just
Aptly move on.
There isn't really much I

Can find to do
Ah, well,
Maybe I can look for some flowers.
Eh, I think I found all the ones Fontaine has to offer.

Ugh. Well, I guess,
Perhaps if I keep looking I will find something.

Everything will happen as is.
Ah, I feel like I'm short
Circuiting. What is
There to do when
Left out to dry?
You know what?

I will just wander.

Do I believe I will find something to do?
Obviously not, well

Not immediately,
Or anything, but I'm sure
There is something. I

Know that there is something somewhere.
Now, I suppose I should head
Over to the Court of Fontaine.
Will I find something to do? Doubt it,

But. It's best to keep looking.
Upwards and onwards.
There could be a show

Though, theater
Hasn't really been something
I find myself all that interested in?
No, that's not it.
Guess I just haven't ever had time to
See any shows.

So, for now I wander.
Even if I find nothing, and
Even if it's dull
Maybe I will find something. I

Know I will if
I keep looking.
Now, to the capital city I go.
Down the main street

Onto the land of the rich.
For now, I

Flee my nonexistent responsibilities
It will all be back
Shortly. So time to spend my non working
Hours wisely.
Yes, I must use them wisely. That is key."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a heavy burden, carrying the weight of the entire dream world's shoulders in one fell swoop. Such weight to bear had only gotten heavier as the years droned onward. The night before him was no different as well.

Before him had been a field of marigolds. They were bright, and gold, just like their name suggested they were. Seeing such flowers, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. Where in the dream world could he have possibly been? He had never seen marigolds in the mortal, waking world.

But, such had not been the only peculiarity. Odd device surrounding the flowers, the hyena studied everything, for a moment. Tall instrument with golden pipes and white keys in multiple rows, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had these marigolds been the audience for a symphony or something?

Spotting a chair beside the flowers, seating himself, a note that read out, play me, the early adult tilted his dream head. Play it? Play what, exactly? If he had to play a musical score, there was no way he would be able to do such a thing. He was not musically inclined whatsoever. This was impossible, for sure.

Knowing that knowledge carried over to beyond reality, the early adult took a long, deep breath. Perhaps, just maybe, if he maneuvered around the keys, subconscious knowledge would flow through him. Piece of paper flopping down onto the floor, multiple points of terror screaming out at him, the young soldier's dream eyebrows twitched.

Multiple notes at on the page looking rather intimidating, the early adult could feel tension mounting. What did any of those notations upon the paper mean? Black unlettered gibberish staring back at him, the chimera scratched his head. Why hadn't there been any labels anywhere upon this sheet of Dendro creation? The dream world had been quite unkind, as usual.

Nothing there had a symbol in the corner with three fs, the chimera placed his fingers upon the keys. He has to play the piece very loudly? Why was that the case? Making a racket was not his forte. But, the soldier slapped his hand over his forehead. Did he just make a horrible pun? If there were a pungeon, he should be locked up in it, right away.

"Hurry up already!" the instrument shouted. "Start playing!"

Scream coming his way, the chimera flinched. Right, he was at the mercy of the dream world right now. He was bound to the rules; he had no choice but to comply. Score glowing, the chimera's fingers shook. Nerves bundling him up into a present, the world had become sketch and skewed like an abstract painting.

Dream hands squishing like jelly, the early adult fidgeted in place. What key was he supposed to press? Why were there so many rows of them? Instrument looking ready to scream at him once again, the chimera took a long, deep breath. Just go with the flow. Everything was water.

Hitting random keys one after another, cacophonous nonsense overtook the dream world. Continuing to hit multiple upon the board in front of him, nothing had been played in coherence. But, as he kept doing so, the soldier swore he could hear a loud clap of thunder from up above him.

"Wrong!" the instrument shouted.

Flames soon engulfing his index finger, the early adult let out a scream. Getting the score wrong had a consequence? If such were the case, he had to learn the right But such had not been the end of the terror. Circular blade coming down from the top of the pipes, a new racket overtook the area.

Circular blade vanishing, the charred digit plopped down into the hyena's lap. Main finger upon his hand a sacrifice to the instrument, tears streamed down his face. One finger down, nine to go. But, another shout had soon commanded the situation like an officer upon the battlefield.

"Stop whining, and try again!" the instrument shouted. As it said such, the pipes whistled.

Body shaking like a maraca, the hyena placed his hands back on the instrument. He had no choice, in the matter. He had to play the piped device's score, no matter what. Fingers hovering over the keys, everything blurred together into nothing. Random keys pressed again once more, shouts had been awarded to him for the third time of the dream day.

Circular saw blade claiming his middle finger as a prize next, the early adult shook. Two down, eight to go. How many more tries did he have left? He needed to play the notes on the score perfectly, or he was finger food. Eaten, spit out, garbage upon the floor. Trying again once more, the chopper returned with a vengeance.

Ring and pinky finger removed from the equation, doom loomed over the hyena's shoulder. Six fingers left. His chances were numbered. Instrument yelling at him to take this song seriously, the chimera flinched. Right, he had to take this seriously. What was he doing, playing whatever random key he wished? He was going about this all wrong, guaranteed.

Attempting once more, the early adult's right hand was chopped meat in a matter of dream seconds. Trying again, the cycle looped and repeated. Charred left thumb dropped onto his lap, a puddle of red stained his dream clothes. Subconscious world blurring, the early adult let out a pained huffed. His chances were numbered. Six down, four to go.

Errors piling themselves up, the chimera's pinky was the last digit standing. Finger twitching, the hyena's subconscious thoughts raced to the finish line. Nine fingers down, one to go. Final pinky soon dropping into the grass below, the early adult's dream eyes quivered. He had to keep playing, fingers or not. Head slamming down on the keys, a booming voice broke the sound barrier, in a matter of dream moments.

"Too bad! You failed!" the instrument screamed in a booming voice. "You will pay for your crimes against music!"

Instrument playing itself a tune of doom, a loud whistle shrieked. Large pitch black humanoid puppet dropping down upon the rows of keys, a scythe soon appeared in the creature's rotted palms. Weapon set ablaze, the early adult's dream heart skipped multiple beats. It was over, done, finished, the performance was ending.

Scythe swiping forward towards the soldier's stomach, the hyena's uniform had been set ablaze. Puppet continuing its rampage for minutes on end, the hyena fell backwards upon the nonexistent grass beneath him. Final blow soon delivered, the chimera's dream life flickered out of existence. Taking his final subconscious breath, one last thought played itself out.

Play correctly, or suffer the deadly consequences.


"So, we are still
Here in Fontaine at the moment,
Our moment in the spotlight has come.
Usually, Esquire and I are in Snezhnaya during this time of year, but
Looks like we're staying behind for a few weeks longer.
Do either of us mind? To that

I say no.

Because, at this particular moment
Everything has been quite rough back in our little

World of snow. But,
Of course, such is life living in subzero temperatures. World going in
Retrograde! Well, whatever.
Really, if you must know the truth, Esquire and
I have closed up shop back at home for awhile.
Earl and Kaiser may
Despise our presence here, but we lost

An entire week or so of
Business when that ugly Fatui had his
Obnoxious poison problem going on! Well, he is
Unpoisoned now so,
There shan't be any more distractions!

This will be the last week or so we are
Here. And after this, unless there
Is an intense blizzard, we
Shall return to our boutique back up north.

Yes, the last few weeks here in Fontaine are coming up
Eerily fast,
As you can see! We shan't
Remove ourselves
So quickly. We came here to help Malika

First and foremost!
As most business
Savvy people know, running a business
Has never been a cheap endeavor!
It is expensive! And
Opportunities of our beautiful selves coming they almost
Never come a knocking! But, more than that

We are here to compete with
Everyone else all the same! Last year, apparently, there had been
Eight boutiques across the entire continent
Knowingly competing with one another for some sort of

Prize. Now, what is that prize, might you ask?
Eh, I hope this doesn't sound too ugly, but
Recognition, of course! "Marquis, that's hardly a prize on its own."
Hah, Kaiser, what do you mean by
All that? Who needs a
Physical prize when people will be
Singing my name is praises? Marquis,

The beautiful penguin man, winner of this year's Fashion week!
Hah, is what I would say if I were competing against.
Even so, this is the opposite I and
Renting out my hand. "Renting out your hand?" Kaiser asked again. Did I just hear another annoying and ugly
Eep? How hideous of him!

I also don't come cheap!
So, you'd better prepare yourself!

Ah, I'm just kidding.

Look, I'm not some cheap
Old rent a cousin, or whatever.
That's not the case.

Obviously, I am helping out completely
For free. No Mora necessary. I

Can't charge for my assistance, how
Obscene to even think such a thing!
My and Esquire's outfits however, those have a
Price put on them!
Even though we will not be
Taking our outfits on the floor,
I will be sewing whatever
There is to sew. That,
I shall keep my word
On. There's a competition about to roar, and
No one else is winning!"

One day had passed since the chimera had investigated the underwater sea legends of Fontaine. Nothing of especial happenstance had occurred. Diplomatic affairs of nothing overtaking the day, twenty four hours passed without any incident having a chance to unfold.

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked out like a banshee for almost everyone ears to fall victim to. As the alarm bells continued their rampage for minutes on end, hundreds of Fatui Soldiers groaned in a chorus for five more minutes. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially tormented slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the hyena quickly snapped himself out of it. There was no time to sit around in despair. Lifting himself up from the uncomfortable bed, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform melted onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but wonder. What was with the musical themed dreams lately? He hardly knew anything about music world to ever be able to play a single one. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. It was just a dream. It was not real. He needed to stop thinking about the fabrications of his mind while in the world of sleep.

Work mode switch flipping upward, the early adult clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching black hearts in his hair and ears, the early adult stared off into space. Was turning his prized possessions into weapons truly what he wanted? Shaking his head, the early adult closed the lid. It was too late to go back into the past and change what had happened.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena stared down at the yellow-green orb. Should he start making use of his Vision more? Turning towards the steel walls, he threw such thought out the window. Such was not the best idea, for sure. The seven elements had to have finite uses. It would be best to not use up his remaining chances.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the early adult stared off into space. Just what would work entail today? Would he be doing diplomatic affairs of nothing once again? Diplomacy should die a dishonorable death. Adjusting his glasses, and buttons fixed, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

Hearing the louder than ever before sound of Fatui Agent boots stomped onward with a militaristic fervor, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. His workday of absolutely anything was about to begin. But, a wave of confusion flowed through him as the steps continued. Was it just his imagination, had the Agent been running? Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera put on the most diplomatic face possible. There was no more time to think.

"Soldier, something has come up!" the Agent shouted. "Work has been cancelled for the next three days."

The hyena jumped five steps back upon hearing he was no longer working today. What did the Agent mean work was cancelled? Was this some kind of prank? It was a joke, it had to have been. Was he just trying to see if he was alert and attentive? That had to have been it, surely.

"This is not a prank, soldier, if that's what you're thinking," the Agent called out not on cue. "Do as you wish for the next few days. But, just know, at any given point, this could get rescinded." He then handed him a satchel. "Here are you supplies in case you head for Fontaine."

Agent soon leaving, the chimera walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Where had this sudden time off come from? This had come out of left field and then some. What in the world should he do? His workdays had never, in his eight years of being a member of the Fatui been suddenly cancelled. His days off were planned, calculated, scripted with a capital t.

Continuing his pace about, ideas bounced around like a game of temari. Should he go look for Hase? But, the chimera shook his head. Perhaps, it was best to not do such, for the time being. She did not wish to be found. It was best to keep the one member search party on halt for now.

Mind wandering, the soldier stared at his rocky bed in the corner. He had nothing to do for the next few days. Perhaps, just maybe, he could catch a few zs. But, the hyena slashed such thought into bits. No way, absolutely not. His job being cancelled did not mean he could laze around in bed. He was the picture of health at this point in time.

Turning his attention back towards the wall, the early adult let out a sigh. Perhaps, it was best to walk around Fontaine for awhile to find something to partake in. Resolute on his decision, the soldier turned back around towards his uniform drawers. He should dress down for the occasion.

Uniform soon removed, the chimera reached for the final set of clothing upon the bottom of the wooden container. Silk shirt plopped into his hands it had soon covered his hideous scars. Day off outfit soon upon him, the hyena placed the satchel upon his backside. Teleport waypoint proxy orb opened into map form, the desert edges waypoint had soon been highlighted. Blinding light soon engulfing him, one thought wrapped vines around him.

What to do?


"I have come to a decision. I

Have decided!
At the end of the month, I will be moving to Petrichor. It is coming up
Very soon, my departure from the world of the poor and
East Slopes where I temporarily resided.

Maybe this was always for the best.
As I am starting to realize more and more, Gwendolyn
Doesn't like me.
Even though I am used to her constantly elbowing me

Maybe I should not have been. Eh, I'm a man,
You know, I can take her knee jerks just fine. You know, I

Don't say a peep about her doing that. I don't
Even say anything about her
Constantly talking about her problems with men.
I don't utter a word.
So, I guess it is time to start
Collecting my things.
I already told pops as the
Old saying goes: leaving the
Nest. Did that sound like a pun?

I am a hawk chimera, after all.

Well, anyway, I have made my decision. While
I am leaving the East Slopes and Fleuve Cendre behind, I will not completely
Leave altogether. I will still assist those
Left without any Mora.

Because I have been there, done that.
Everyone is born with nothing. No

Mora, on that scale, we are all equal.
One in the same. Circ*mstances do
Vary, not saying that
Is not true. Since
No two lives are ever the same,
Guess you could say mine has had its ups and downs,

Though, don't we all share that sort
Of experience? No one's life is

Perfect. Mine never was.
Every of my formidable years, I wished
To be normal. Not these wings,
Right as I say this,
It should be know that I have since grew out of that.
Can't control that I am a
Hawk chimera. My cousins cannot, either.
Our bloodline was already
Ruined sometime ago five hundreds years back

I know next to
Nothing about my bloodline and I never ask pops

To tell me. It is
Heretic knowledge, or something.
Eh. If I am better off not knowing, I

Could care less to learn further.
Okay, well, to be honest,
Maybe I am a little bit curious.
I shouldn't be, though.
Nothing ventured, nothing
Gained from learning the origins of the many generations before. I know very

Well all future descendants in my bloodline will never,
Ever be without wings. We will never,
Ever, not be bird people. I don't
Know why this is, and I
Shouldn't ever learn such forbidden knowledge.

Well, that's enough of this heavy
Introspective. So, as I said, in a couple weeks
Time, I will be moving.
Hmm, am I satisfied with how things turned out? I dunno, to be honest. It was per

Rab's suggestion that I considered getting
As far away as possible from my old life,
But, I could be
Straying too far away.

However, I am
Especially unbothered by this upcoming change.
Looks like Rab will be helping me
Pack. Maybe I should offer him a

Ticket into my new place?
He probably won't accept it, though.
Or, maybe it's just that I am not black fish steak bro.
Uh, not that I seem like that, or anything.
Going on a limb and saying
He doesn't either.

Oh, well, no prob, no prob.
For now, gotta focus on moving.

Can't be thinking about the world
Of attraction. Though, I feel like an
Utter fool still for asking Gwendolyn to pretend to be my girlfriend.
Right, well, that
Should be ending soon. And she will be
Ever free from me, like she seems to want. Kay, back to work."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, there was a beam of sunlight peeking through the streak of clouds. The Agent would not be nagging in his ear today to not teleport anywhere. The storm clouds were fading. But, he knew he could not break the rules, no matter what.

Walking off towards the edge of the cliff, the chimera deployed his wind glider from behind him. Dropping downward upon the ground beneath him, the soldier placed himself in the wooden vessel. Paddles awaiting him, the pushed the vehicle of human movement forward.

As the early adult pushed the vehicle of human power through the water, the hyena's ears perked. Was it just him, or had he been hearing a lot of noise from afar? But, the early adult kept his focus forward. He could not let his mind wander, or he would be outside the boat and floating across the water, in seconds.

Racket only getting louder as he reached Romaritime Harbor, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Was there some kind of party going on here? What an unusual place to host one, if so. Attempting to tune the noise out, the chimera walked off towards the stairwell.

But, as the hyena had done so, further noise overtook the area. Dark letting out a bark, the chimera jumped back. Had all this loud volume angered the poor, innocent creature? Humans had so little regard for their actions and what other species they might be harming.

"Apologies, young man," the dog's owner said. "Baguette's just hungry."

Hearing the dog's owner state his companion was hungry, a storm cloud puffed on by over the chimera's head. Had it not had something to eat? Maybe he could go pick up some raw meat from somewhere quickly. Had there been any stores at the harbor he could purchase food? The soldier off duty did not know. Perhaps, he could take a look.

Turning back around, the early adult looked around the harbor, for a moment. Not locating any stores to speak of, the early adult lowered his head towards his shoulders. There had been nothing here. Stepping back towards the staircase, he prepared himself to be the bearer of bad news.

Such words never came. Man and his dog nowhere to be seen, the soldier shrugged. Maybe it wasn't his job to feed someone else's pet. Leaving such thoughts behind, the hyena ascended the staircase. Noise increasing almost immediately, the chimera kept tuning everything around him out.

Taking the glass lift, like usual, the early adult could not help but wonder. Could there have been a party going on here? Why would someone host a get together at a harbor? The people of Fontaine were quite strange. Reaching the top floor, the soldier off duty steeled himself for the loud volume suffering to come.

Line towards the Aquabus stretching from end to end, the chimera placed himself behind the crowd of generic nobodies. Why was it so busy here today? Everyone chattering in a high pitched tone, the early adult continued to keep his ears to himself. Nothing that was occurring was any business of his whatsoever.

Aquabus arriving after two minutes, everyone in front of him barreled onto the vehicle as if it were about to disappear. Melusine tour guide up front begging everyone to come on one at a time, no one listened, as usual. Crowd seating themselves, the hyena placed himself on the furthest seat possible.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the excitable chatter kept on going. Not hearing anything of particular note that mattered, the soldier stared off at the scenery around him. Focusing his attention on the Opera House from afar, questions rolled pebbles around in the chimera's fading human brain.

Could there have been some sort of highly popular theater troupe performing at the Opera Epiclese tonight? The hyena supposed such could have been the case. But, did there need to be so much fanfare surrounding it? Surely, discussing it quietly was not that difficult.

But, the hyena shook his head. There was no way one singular show at the theater would cause this much vocal chaos. Not a chance, in the slightest. There had to have been something big happening somewhere within the Court City. That had to have been it. There had only been rich nobodies upon the vessel today. Money had lips.

Reaching the capital city after about thirty minutes, everyone had once again disembarked the vehicle in an disorderly fashion. Melusine once again asking everyone to get off one at a time, her cries had gone unheard. Keeping himself seated until the crowd dispersed, the soldier lifted himself upward in a slow manner.

Melusine thank him for listening, the early adult nodded. No matter how much of in a rush he would be put under, it was selfish to cause the working sea denizens any trouble. He could never allow for himself to do such a thing. Removing himself from the vehicle, the hyena peered upwards towards the sky, for a moment.

Sun shining so brightly, the hyena let out a blissful sigh. What a nice day to have no work to do. Changing into the silk blouse was the right decision, for sure. City streets as busy as ever, the soldier off duty turned his head towards the right and left. What should he do today? He supposed looking around the city for something would be a good start.

Large crowd circling around the entire city, the soldier could hardly believe what he was seeing. Just how many people were here today? It had to have been hundreds of rich nobodies walking around everywhere. Taking a long, deep breath, the early adult steeled himself for hyena versus the rich army.

Multiple people crunching together upon the streets, the chimera attempted with all his might to avoid the foot traffic. Why was everyone walking so close to one another? Were they getting ready to do some sort of fusion dance and combine into one? He knew that wasn't the case, but it felt like such, at the moment.

Sea of rich nobodies continuing to pool together, the chimera tried with all his might to continue to avoid the crowd. But, such continued to be impossible. More people continuing to flood in one after another, the hyena's arms were about to be as good as pancakes.

Not a single person minding their manners, the chimera flinched. Couldn't the masses at least try to walk in an orderly fashion? What in the world was going on here today? More people squeezing by him, his arms continued to be about ready to be squeezed flat into absolutely nothing.

Crowd running rampant, the soldier once again attempted to brave the sea. But, such was a failure before it could even begin. People speeding past him one after another, the chimera's possibly human rear and the ground soon met up with one another. Feet continuing to brush by him, his pants had almost been toppled over.

Lifting himself upward, the early adult tried with all his might to keep himself from boiling over the edge. Couldn't these people watch where they were going? But, the early adult let such go. He was wasting his time. He knew that no one was paying attention. Such was life of a rich person who only cared about themselves.

Finally braving out a portion of the crowd after about ten minutes of trying, the early adult huffed a weakened breath. Why was it so busy here today? Was it Rich People Day? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. If he keeps on going, sooner or later, he will find out the mystery of the crowd, for sure.

Readying himself to move through the western streets, the chimera placed his hands upon the ground. If this was a race against the crowd, then he would have to prepare himself. Adventurer's Guild receptionist within the corner of his damaged eyes, a goal point was set.

Tens upon twenty of people blocking the pathway towards the desk, the soldier off duty could hardly believe what was being played out in front of him. Many rich people demanding uniforms, the mechanical woman in front had said words he had been all too familiar with.

Black haired receptionist telling everyone to wait on line in an orderly fashion, the hyena could feel the questions continue to roll themselves out. Why was there a sudden influx of people aligning themselves with the world of adventuring? Something wasn't adding up here. The truth, however, soon came out.

Rich nobodies yelling they'll be taking these uniforms to the Chioriya Boutique the chimera blinked of bewilderment. That was allowed? Why would someone demand a uniform and then have it modified to be something else? Absolutely unfathomable. Nothing was making any sense today.

Peace and quiet kicking in for a few moments, the early adult stared off into space. What could he do today with day of nothing? Rolling around thoughts in his fading human brain, one thought came on through from the other side. Perhaps, he could help out the less fortunate that resided within Fleuve Cendre?

Decision made, the hyena prepared himself to head for the staircase. There was absolutely no chance he would make it past the crowd. Sea of nobodies yanking the green uniforms out of the receptionist's hands, the chimera placed himself from the backside of the crowd.

Party of plenty dashing off towards Chioriya boutique, the soldier swore he could hear owner say she would turn those drab outfits into something befitting of Fontaine. Hearing such, the early adult scratched his ears. Did she really say that just now? Maybe she was just an imposter in a costume.

Double dozen people dashing into the boutique, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. There was never a dull moment in Fontaine, was there? Crowd finally starting to disperse, the chimera placed himself upon the middle of the road. Fleuve Cendre, here he comes.

Reaching the stairs after about two hours of struggling, the hyena descended downward. No more rich people taking up space, the chimera could feel relief wash over him. There had no longer been a crowd in his way. He was free. Walking past the blacksmith, the ramping pathway was inching ever so closer. But, an annoyance soon took the stage.

Malika soon walking by the blacksmith, the early adult held back the urge to growl. Why was it that no matter where he were to go in Fontaine, he always had to run into the pesky penguin family? They were a permanent virus, spreading throughout the land. Eyes soon on him, he tried to look away. Great, he was spotted. It was all over now.

Seeing Siorc in one of Kaiser's hand sewn outfits, she had come to a quick conclusion. He had not been working with the Fatui today. Maybe she could convince him to join her team for Fashion Week? It would not hurt to try. Eyes on him, she excused herself.

"Hello there, darling," Malika greeted. "I couldn't help but notice you are wearing one of Kaiser's designs. Forgive my forwardness, but are you of duty?"

Question coming his way, the soldier swallowed his sigh whole. Why couldn't he be left the alone by this family at least for one day? But, he supposed he did not have anything to do. Maybe helping out with fashion week would give him busy work. Giving her a nod, he swore he could see sparkles in Malika's eyes.

Siorc giving her a nod, Malika placed her finger on her chin. So he was very much indeed not working today. Perfect, maybe this would work out just fine. Maybe enticing him with letting him wear whatever dress he chooses would give him an extra push? She could not help but feel bad for making him wear a suit during the court case debacle.

"If you are off, I have something that may be of interest to you, darling," Malika responded to his affirmation. "Would you like to assist us with Fashion Week? I'll let you wear whatever dress you'd like from the shop."

Hearing such, the early adult's ears perked. He could wear any dress he chose? There wasn't a catch to this, was there? If he could earn such reward by putting in his own weigh for some fashion competition, he was on board. Sold, a product ready for shipping through express delivery. Giving her a nod, he kept his eyes on her.

"Glad to have you aboard, darling," Malika responded. "I need you to find some models and some extra volunteers for me. Could I trouble you to head to Merusea Village? According to ----------- the Melusines are hosting a birthday party. I would like to make some dressed for them for the upcoming show."

Suggestion coming his way, the hyena nodded once more. He supposed if he wanted that dress, he would have to work for it. Figuring it was in his best interest to go to Merusea Village before searching for extra volunteers to assist with Fashion Week. Ascending the staircase once more, the chimera readied to head back towards the Aquabus.

Crowd all cleared out, the chimera breathed a sigh of relief. There was no longer a battle in the streets to conquer. Hearing the receptionist at the Adventurer's Guild say error, the hyena moved on through with caution. Could she just turn herself back on and off again? If she were about to short circuit, someone needed to deal with that right away.

Moving back past the western streets and towards the area of which he came, the chimera could not help but wonder. What was about to be in store for him for fashion week? Was this some sort of big modelling gig that happened every single year? He supposed that could have been the case.

Aquabus station almost three meters away the questions kept on rolling. If this were nothing more than some sort of modelling competition, who was she competing against? He knew that Chioriya Boutique was the Congele Boutique's biggest rival, but could there have been more out there besides those two?

Seating himself upon the Aquabus, the early adult stared off into space. Was he about to become one of Malika's models? Such option possibly existing, the hyena placed his hands on his cheeks. Him, as a model? Was he even right for such a job? He almost never had a chance to put on makeup, or have smooth skin. Vessel looking ready to leave the station, he could hear a voice call out to him.

"You look really happy about something!" the Melusine exclaimed. "Did something good happen."

Hearing such question, the soldier flapped his hand outward with a smile on his face. Had he made it too obvious? He had to have looked like an open book right now. Remaining silent, the vessel of automatic movement cruised forward towards the south direction.

As the vehicle passed by the view of the opera house, the soldier gazed at it. The competition stage for Fashion Week, where was it going to be taking place, anyway? Would it be held in the confines of everyone's boutiques? Surely, something as high scale as this wouldn't be so scattered around.

Reaching the halfway point towards Romaritime after about twenty minutes, the chimera gazed at the Melusine tour guide, for a moment. Would she be interested in modelling for Malika? Aeval soon informing him he had reached his destination, the chimera placed his hands out in front of him. Signing the words fashion week and model on private display, he tilted his head.

"Hmm? A model for a fashion show?" Aeval asked. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave my post!"

Hearing such, a wave of disappointment flowed through the soldier off duty. He supposed he saw this coming. Multiple Melusines integrated within human society had their own careers they had to worry about. He was no different, in such regard. His forced upon him career was all he knew.

But, the chimera shook his head. The Melusines were willing workers under the Iudex. He was on the opposite of such spectrum. Walking off towards the edge of the area, the soldier leaped off the edge. Wind glider deployed behind him, the soldier prepared to stage his landing.

Upon reaching the ground, however, something of immediate note made alarm bells go off inside the hyena's mind. Spotting multiple machines that looked like they were ready to blow at any given moment, the soldier off duty jumped ten steps back. Tail becoming stiff from behind him, the early adult studied the foreign objects, for a moment.

Large mechanical devices with meters moving from side to side ticking more and more for minutes on end, the hyena let out a yelp. What were these things? He knew, whatever they were, they were too dangerous to ignore. He had to get rid of them before heading down to Merusea Village, for sure. They were a danger. They could not remain here.

Resolute on his decision, the soldier sifted through his satchel, for a moment. Finding a Fatui issued greatsword, the hyena let out a sigh. Even though his work had been sidelined, there was never a weapon too far away from him. Placing his legs into a fighting stance, the readied for the destruction to take shape.

Machine beeping, the early adult thrusted the blade forward. But, upon doing so, he swore he could hear a toll of doom add itself to the mix. Large metallic fist coming out of the woodworks, the chimera let out a shout. What were these, poorly placed training dummies? No adventurer would waste their time out here attempting to fight these.

Beam across the sky informing him to hit the machine when it glowed, the early adult blinked. That's all he had to do to destroy this thing? Who made these things? Someone from the Research Institute had to have abandoned them here, or forgot all about them. That had to have been the case.

Hitting the machine in the rhythm allocated, the object counted down from three. Device looking to blow its nonexistent brains out, the soldier jumped six steps back. Were these explodaramas? He couldn't let any more of these remain here, if such were the case.

Moving on, another device soon awaited the soldier. But, what had bee laid out in front of him created even more questions than answers. Strange pipe machine with white keys across a large board, the hyena scratched the side of his head. What was with this? Did someone decide to discard their trash out here?

Hearing yet another ticking noise, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. He had yet another explosive object on his hands? This was not good. He had to do something about this, or devastation would overtake the area. Such could not happen. Cracking his knuckles, the chimera seated him by the piped machine.

Paper falling from the sky, the chimera read the note that came practically out of nowhere. Lowering his eyes into a squint, the early adult read the words carefully. Note stating, pressing the glowing keys in the time limit, the hyena flinched. He had to do what now? He didn't sign up for the role of a doomed musician.

First key glowing, the early adult slammed it downward. Pipes letting out a loud screech, the early adult added his own to the mix. But, he quickly sapped himself out of it. He needed to hurry, or he would fail the challenge. More keys glowing one after another, the soldier off duty pressed them in quick succession of one another.

Piped machine blowing to smithereens, the soldier ran as fast as his currently human legs could carry him. Multiple machines in the pathway looking ready to decimate everything around it, the hyena threw himself into mechanical warfare. Multiple devices throwing themselves out with a bang, the chimera dashed off towards the boiling hot waters.

Every single machine destroyed the early adult let out a tired huff. What was that all about? Had some researcher decided to place their rejected devices here? How annoying. Could this have been what had come up to cancel whatever work he was supposed to do today? If such were the case, this was nothing he could not handle.

Knowing he had to keep his eyes open for any further anomalies, the hyena kept moving forward. Turning his head towards the right and left, no other machines caught the chimera's attention. Nothing else of particular note, the boiling pool of water had soon been left behind.

Reaching the area right before Merusea Village after an hour of walking, the soldier closed his eyes, for a moment. Tail retracting from behind him, he soon removed his diving equipment. Fat, blubbery suit absorbing him, the chimera dipped his toes into the water. Mind, and suit synched up to one another, the early adult dropped himself downward.

As the early adult had the diving suit thrust him downward, the early adult gazed at the secret underwater world in front of him. Would the Melusines even want to model for Malika? He knew there was a high possibility they would not. As the village drew ever so closer, a backup plan threw itself into the mix.

Brume and Eclater, would they be willing to model for Malika? He supposed asking them would not hurt, if all else failed. Resolute on his decision, the hyena kept having the diving suit thrust him downward. Reaching Merusea Village shortly, the hyena could hear a song in the background.

Multiple Melusines, and the prankster sea lion duo seating themselves at a table singing a birthday tune, the chimera excused himself, for a moment. This was a private party he had no business involving himself in. It was to wait for the celebration to reach its conclusion.

Fish cake eaten, and celebrations coming to an end after some time had passed, eyes were soon on him from afar. Had he come at a bad time? Maybe he had. This was a time for celebration amongst family. Sea lion prankster duo especially giving him the stink eye, the early adult shook with a fervor. He definitely should just come back later, shouldn't he?

"What's up, bro?" Brume asked, in a puzzled tone.

"Yeah, bro, what's up?" Eclater asked, in an even more puzzled tone. "Did our kooky boss send you? Well, tell him we're not working on our sister's birthdays!" As he said such, he placed his flippers in cross shaped position.

"You heard him, dude!" Brume said. "Tell that kooky old man it's a rest day!"

Hearing such, the soldier broke out into a sweat underneath his diving suit. He was absolutely certain, without a shadow of a doubt, every single day was a rest day for them. If there had not been a party just now a few moments ago, he wouldn't believe them, for a second.

Shaking his head, the early adult gazed at the prankster sea lion duo. These two, would they even want to serve as models? They did not seem like the type of people to have any interest in fashion. But, he knew it was in his best interest to include them in the conversation. Melusine soon looking his way, as well, the soldier inquired about modelling for fashion week for only the sea people. But, in a matter of moments, multiple answers threw themselves into the ring one after another.

"Me, be a model for some wacky fashion show on the surface world?" Brume asked in disgust. "No way, bro! I don't even like wearing those things humans call clothes!"

"Yeah, bro! Pants are totally kooky!" Eclater shouted.

"Totally whack!" Brume added in. "How do you humans deal with that suffocation all day? Couldn't be me!" But, the next challenger soon interrupted the ebb of the flow.

"Miss Malika wants us to model for her?" one of the Melusines asked.

One of the Melusines referring to Malika by name, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment. Had the penguin family been acquainted with the folks within Merusea Village? He supposed such could have been the case. Giving them a nod, multiple sea denizens all at once told the hyena they would definitely model.

"Where do we need to model, Monsieur?" on the melusines asked.

Spelling out Congele Boutique with his no longer gloved fingers, the small group of Melusines had given him their own personal go ahead. Inquiries coming his way about when they should head there, the chimera wondered. How long would fashion week be going on for? Signing the day after tomorrow, he could feel a clap of thunder drop over him. If he was wrong about this, he would be in trouble with the Iudex for spreading false information, guaranteed.

Returning to the surface world, the soldier removed his diving equipment. Seating himself upon the grass for moment, he recalled the penguin chimera's request. She had asked him to find other volunteers to help out with fashion week. Combing through his mind for a moment, nothing came to him. Who could he possibly ask to help lend their assistance to for this?

Frog and Alligator chimeras floating around in his mind, the hyena popped such bubble with a pin. Why were those two the first that came to mind? Neither of them could breathe on land. They were out of the question entirely. He could not impose such on them, not a chance. He could not do that to them.

Sea lion, or mermaid sisters rather, floating through his mind next, the chimera shook his head. He could not ask them, either. They had far more important matters to attend to. None of which involved helping out with a fashion competition. Throwing such pin out, he prepared himself to move onto the next floating point.

Throwing the bird bounty hunters names out immediately, the soldier grabbed a hold of multiple strands of his hair. Why did he even think about those two for even a second? The Justice Hawk of Fontaine despised him with every fiber of his being. He knew, the moment he were to even ask, he would be turned into target practice.

Every other unnecessary name unrelated to Fontaine thrown out, the hyena's mind soon wandered towards the machines he had defeated hours prior. Image of Rabiu floating around in his head like an apple, the chimera blinked. The nervous researcher jackal, would he be willing to join team Congele?

Lifting himself upwards towards his feet, the early adult nodded. The researcher jackal, he would, without a shadow of doubt lend his assistance. Cards not stacked against him, the chimera prepared himself to head off for the research institute. But, what awaited him as he ran northward threw him for two loops.

More of the explosive machines from before appearing in the pathway, the hyena shook with a fervor. What were these doing here again? Hadn't he already taken care of this issue? There had to have been someone hiding in the shadows, placing their devices of doom somewhere.

First of many devices decimated, the chimera let out a huff. If a researcher was doing some experiment, they shouldn't leave their work unattended. Whoever this researched might have been, they were doing quite the terrible job of cleaning up their mess.

Five more mechanical devices biting the dust after multiple strikes, the chimera pressing onwards towards the north. Not seeing any person around, the early adult could feel himself leap to a conclusion. Maybe the abyssal gazelles were just messing with him from afar.

But, the early adult threw such thoughts out into the ocean. Why was he thinking about the hooded strangers at a time like this? They had nothing to do with this, for sure. Not every single minor inconvenience had to do with them. Surely, some trainee researcher had just been messing around.

Seven further explodaramas blowing themselves up to smithereens after they had been struck from in front, behind, and every angle imaginable, the hyena had reached Marcotte Station after two hours of walking. Nothing else unusual, the hyena sauntered onward.

Station passed through, the soldier headed off upon the westward path. Main research facility coming up fast, the early adult prepared himself. Would Rabiu have time to work with the Congele Boutique? He could feel doubts bubble up inside him like boba. Maybe this was a mistake.

Entire jackal family working hard on some sort of machinery with peculiar metallic tools, a wave of nervousness flowed through him. Had they been the ones who placed those machines in the Beryl Region? But, the chimera cut such thoughts with an invisible pair of scissors. There he goes again, jumping to conclusions. Eyes soon on him, he could hear the sound of tools plinking as they hit the ground.

Seeing Siorc walk into the research facility, Rabiu could feel his cheeks grow pink. What was he doing here? Taking note he had been adorning a bright white silk blouse shirt, he fanned himself. Was it just him, or was it hot in here? Picking up his wrench he held in a nervous laugh. Archons, was he cute today. There was no way he could work under these conditions.

"Um, uh, what are you doing here, Siorc?" Rabiu asked. "Do you, um, need help with something?" His eyes wandered for a moment. Where was he supposed to look? Act natural, act natural. "Um, just so you know, I'm not busy right now, or anything, so, um, ask away."

Rabiu sweating up a storm, the hyena blinked. Why had he been staring at his outfit? Was the silk distracting him from his work? Maybe he should take his shirt off. But, he knew if he did that, he would only make matters far worse. Attempting to walk his mind back to the subject. Did he need help with something? Giving the researcher jackal a nod, he gave him eye contact.

"Um, so? What do you need help with?" Rabiu asked. "If, um, it's about those machines in the Beryl Region, we, um, we uh--" Losing grip on his words for a moment, he tried to restart his sentence. "We have nothing to do with any of those, okay? Um, please don't ask about those."

Hearing such, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of suspicion. Was Rabiu lying to him? If he was, he wasn't very good at it. But, the early adult shook his head. That was far from important right now. He had other matters to attend to. Acting himself out walking down a runway, the word assistant had been spelled out with his fingers, as well. Looking the jackal researcher in the eyes, he mouthed the words, just in case.

Siorc acting like some model on the runway, Rabiu studied the cute man's movement carefully. What was he asking, exactly? Studying his mouth movements for a moment, it had soon come to him. Had he bee asking him to assist with some fashion competition? Maybe he could lend a clawed hand.

"Um, uh, sure, I'll help," Rabiu responded. But, another person soon stepped up to the plate.

"I shall help, as well," Sani said, left hand on his chest, taking a chivalrous bow.

"Um, that's not up to you?" Rabiu responded in a questioning tone.

"And, here I went and kindly offered my assistance. My utmost apologizes for inviting myself, then," Sani responded in a sarcastic tone. But, he soon cooled his jets, a little. "Either way, Monsieur, would it be alright if I join team Congele? Although, my utmost apologizes if I don't show up right away I have half the vision I used to." As he said such, he placed an eyepatch over his permanently close eyelid.

Sani inviting himself to join the party, the early adult shrugged. He supposed he did not mind, but he couldn't help but feel there was some sort of agenda behind this. Accepting the two volunteers, the soldier readied to stage his exit. But, as he prepared to do so, he could hear laughter fill the room.

"Oh, look at Robby, joining forces with a fashion boutique," Folu laughed. "You're going to scare customers away with that gross orange outfit of yours, so, I'll be joining a rival boutique and competing against you!"

"Me, too!" Oluchi exclaimed. "Cute little me is going to join Chioriya Boutique's fashion week crew! We're guaranteed to win with my adorableness!" As she said such, she stuck out her tongue.

Rabiu shriveling up like a dying snow trillium, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. Why were his siblings always picking on him like this? Weren't siblings supposed to depend and get along with each other? But, he supposed all families fought with one another. Researcher jackal eventually getting himself back together, he turned towards the hyena.

"Um, you should ask Lonan, too," Rabiu said, lip quivering. "Um, uh, I believe he's in Fleuve Cendre this week, but um, uh, he seems fond of you. So, um, it's uh, worth a shot?"

Taking the researcher jackal's suggestion into his clipboard inside his mind, the chimera prepared himself to return back towards the Court of Fontaine. Running south for quite awhile, the soldier blinked. Lonan had been quite fond of him? That sounded a little too farfetched to be true.

Reaching Marcotte Station after about an hour of walking, the hyena's thoughts had begun to wander once more. Would Lonan agree to do this? He could have been quite busy in the underground city helping the less fortunate. Maybe he should not disturb him during such trying times.

Aquabus taking him back to the capital city of Fontaine after about twenty minutes, the early adult prepared himself for the possible rejection to come his way. Would the laid back hawk chimera even have time to lend his assistance? Perhaps it was best to turn back now.

But, the soldier walked through the doors to Fleuve Cendre. He could not give up so soon. He knew he would have to at least ask. Climbing down a series of ladders, the world without sun soon engulfed him once more. Secondary hawk and falcon duo carrying boxes to the top of some high off building, the hyena waited. Party of two returning back towards ground level, golden eyes wandered off towards him.

"Sup, black fish steak bro," Lonan asked. "Did Malikers send you?" But, he had soon been elbowed.

"Can't you ever address someone by their normal name?" Gwendolyn asked, tone annoyed. "If she heard you call her that, she'd do much more than elbow you, and good luck with that, because I'm not helping you in the event of retaliation."

"Ow, what was that for, gf?" Lonan asked Gwendolyn. "Malikers doesn't care when I call her that." He then turned towards black fish steak bro. "So, what do you need from me, bro?"

Hands out in front of him, the chimera had signed the words fashion week for every single person of Fleuve Cendre to see. Forbidden question whispered quietly for no one to hear, the turned towards Lonan once more. Would he even agree to this at all? He knew the odds were stacked against him.

"Fashion Week?" Lonan asked. "Sure, bro, I don't have much going on the rest of the week." But, a wave of defiance had thrown itself into the ring.

"If you're helping Congele Boutique, consider me your rival!" Gwendolyn shouted, pointing. "I'm helping Chioriya Boutique!"

"Kay, babe, whatever," Lonan said to Gwendolyn. He then turned back towards black fish steak bro. "I'll come by the shop tomorrow. For now, got some boxes to lift."

Two new aids gained, the soldier gazed upwards at the sky. How had it only been mid afternoon still? The day was still young, how was this possible? Moving on, the hyena supposed it was in his best interest to let Malika know everything went well. Heading off towards Congele Boutique, the information was on the tip of his fingers.

But, immediately upon entering the downstairs apartment the early adult had been dragged into a chair. Esquire telling him he needed to sew a series of dresses, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. He had to go and do all that now, on such short notice? Malika nowhere to be seen, only Kaiser, pesky Earl, Baron and Marquis remained.

"You need to sew the hem of these dresses for Fashion Week," Esquire demanded. "Chop chop!" As he said such, he clapped his hands loudly together.

Kaiser, Earl and Baron working hard in the corner of the room, the early adult held back the urge to let out a sigh of relief. The pesky thorns in his side were too busy working to notice him. This would be a nice quick and quiet afternoon, for sure. Esquire soon shouting at him to think less and work more, the early adult placed the needle between his fingers.

Staring at the hole in the needle, the early adult blinked at the thread in front of him. He had to sew the skirts onto the waistline? Did he have what it takes? He had never sewn anything before at any given point in time. Taking a deep breath, he placed the thread through the barely visible hole.

Needle and thread becoming intertwined with one another, the early adult poked the end end of the sharp object into the skirt. Bottom edges hanging quite loose as he pulled it through, the hem had been sewn farther up than it should have been Marquis soon walking by, shouts came his way, in an instant.

"Hey, ugly, why did you sew the skirt up that high?" Marquis complained. "Do you want the entire stage to see the model's undergarments?" As he said such, his finger pointed at the stitches. "Undo them and try again!"

Undoing the stitches, the soldier could feel his skin about ready to crawl off of him. He had to sew it all again? Surely, it hardly mattered where the hem was located. But, he had soon been yelled at to hurry up once again. Right, he was on crunch time. He had to sew swiftly and efficiently.

Attempting the stitches once again, the hyena had been yelled at for hours on end. Told the stiches were too loose, the scissors had ben awarded for the second time of the day. Trying again, he attempted to stich even harder. But, the further he attempted, the worse it all became.

Marquis and Esquire nagging him for hours on end, the hyena broke out into a sweat. Why was sewing so complicated? There was far too many rules to all this. Bossed around on loop for multiple dresses, the early adult could feel his head begin to slump onto the desk in the corner. But, he could feel his shoulders slapped from behind.

"Who said you could sleep right now, ugly?" Esquire asked in a demanding tone. "Not I. Get back to work." He then turned towards Earl. "You too, Earl! Stop slacking off."

"Let me sleep a little, it's almost tomorrow morning already," Earl said, slumping his head on the table in the corner.

"You can sleep when you're dead!" Esquire shouted. "Get back to work!"

Kaiser and Earl letting out collective tired groans, the early adult closed his mouth up tight. There was no way he would stoop down to their level. Complaining was not on the menu, no matter what. Forcing himself to get back to work, the young soldier continued stitching for hours on end.

Head dropping down on the table as the hours of work droned on by, the hyena could hardly keep his eyes open. Slumping his head onto the dress he was working on, he could feel himself begin to drift off into the world of dreams once more. Land of the subconscious about to drag him in, he drifted off. But, he had soon been brought back to reality.

"Let's get you to bed, darling," Malika said in a tired voice. "You can't sleep here on the table like this."

Malika guiding him into the guest room, he had soon been placed in the temporary bed. Covers soon placed over him, he could feel himself about to drift off almost immediately. Land of the subconscious inviting him back in, the hyena's eyes stayed shut. But, as the dream world dragged him back in, one final thought looped on repeat.

Fashion is hard work.


"I'm probably wrong, and I'm definitely

Thinking far too
Hard about this, but
I think there's something fishy that's going on with some of these other boutiques.
No. I shouldn't say that. I
Know I am far from correct. I

Shouldn't be judging
Obviously, I am very wrong. But,
Maybe not. While
Everyone does seem genuine.
There are a few of the rival boutiques I
Have this heavily
Intense feelings of suspicious. Those two other boutiques competing. I have
Never heard of either of them. But, I
Guess they could have just started up.

I'm not suspicious of Pristine Designs, however, but
Something tells me I should be.

All of a sudden, the chimeras that

Look so similar to me from the Haar
Islands are joining
The competition? To be honest, somehow, I find
That maybe just a
Little too hard to believe. How did they
Even get here? That dragon companion

Of their's doesn't really take them very
Far usually. And, as
Far as I know, Fontaine is quite far from Mondstadt, and the

Haar Islands are so far isolated from the rest of the world
Even I am puzzled how they came here.
Regardless, I suppose there's a third rival group to the Congele Boutique. Malika told me, though
Eight different boutiques usually participate every year,

But, there seems to be a lot less this year.
Uh, well, my eyes are open since I don't
Trust some of these groups.

I feel like there will be someone out here ready to sabotage us

All, and thus, coming out on top through
Malicious means.

Unless I am mistaken. Or, maybe I am
Not. I don't know,
Some of the other boutiques just seem suspicious. Like they're looming around for some
Untimely demises.
Right, well, that's not happening.
Everything can be,

Will be, and is at stake
Here, so I cannot
Accuse anyone of anything
They haven't done. I have to focus on the day at a hand."

Shoulders shook on repeat, the early adult let out a tired grunt. Who was disturbing his slumber so early in the morning? Couldn't he have five more minutes before he had to return to kingdom needle and thread? Reaching for his glasses, another groan had been added to the collection.

"Don't you know time is sensitive right now?" Baron asked in an annoyed tone. "Go to Palais Mermoina. The Iudex had asked to meet with the competitors." As they said such, they twirled a strand of their curly hair. "Get going before Esquire gets impatient. Or, he'll drag you there by force." They then adjusted their monocle. "I cannot assure he will not do this. So, go on and get out of here before that happens."

Flopping out of bed, the chimera had soon been handed a clean Fontaine styled brown shirt. Placing it over his layered shirts, the hyena let out a sigh. Why was Esquire so impatient? What an annoying penguin, for sure. Patience was a virtue he needed to stick by.

Ascending the staircase, the chimera could not help but wonder as he prepared himself to head off towards the glass lift in the Aquabus Information station. Just who could it have been that could have been competing for Fontaine Fashion week? Had there been multiple parties involved?

Moving towards the bottom floor of the city, the early adult shrugged. There had to have been at least, bare minimum, three boutiques competing. Folu, Oluchi and Gwendolyn had dispersed themselves to the rival competitors. There had been one other boutique he had never heard the name of hidden of in another part of the capital city.

Stepping into the glass box, the soldier stared off into space. Was heading to the Palais Mermonia even necessary? This was wasting a lot of time he could be using to get some sewing in. Surely, this meeting the competition was hardly something that was necessary.

Door of the elevator soon opening, the chimera removed himself from the room of quick floor travel. Taking a deep breath, the soldier off duty moved onwards towards the Palais Mermonia. Who else could have possibly been in this competition? He supposed he was about to find out.

Iudex calling out to everyone to come on into his office, a heavy wave of shock flowed through him at the sight presented to him. Chioriya boutique and her assistants for Fashion Week with her letting down their buckets of haze, the chimera's eyes wandered off towards three faces he thought he'd never see.

Spotting Lewod, Pira and Nathair in the corner all dressed up in fancy dresses, and uncomfortable looking suit, the early adult rubbed his eyes multiple times. Had he really been seeing things correctly now? His near mirror image had been here. What was going on? Had he been dreaming? But, the competition just kept on coming.

Spotting two groups of generic looking men adorning black top hats, a wave of suspicions flowed through him. He did not know why, but something had felt quite of about the nobodies in the hats. He did not know why, but he could hear them click something multiple times with their tongues. But, he had soon been brought back reality as the Iudex's voice doomed.

"Thank you all for coming," the Iudex said in an important tone. "As you all are very much aware, late tomorrow evening, you will all be presenting your fashion onto the stage of the Opera Epiclese. So, it is in your best interest to have everything ready by then."

Hearing such, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. He only had until late evening tomorrow to finish sewing the outfits to present onto the stage? How could there be so little time? Surely, that wasn't all there was to it. Who has Fashion Week only last three days? One wasn't adding up to two whatsoever.

Everyone soon aligning themselves with their sides, the chimera studied whom he was competing with, for the moment. Spotting Gwendolyn and Oluchi on the side of Chioriya Boutique, the hyena shook his head. Neither of these two had chosen wisely. But, he supposed that they had already made their decision to compete against.

Spotting Folu siding with the Haar Island chimera's team, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. Why were they siding with someone that had no idea who they were? But, he supposed Folu had a similar taste in fashion to Nathair. Leah adorning a gigantic bow in their hair that looked ready to catch fire from the competition, the hyena tried to look away. But, purple eyes soon on him.

"Mirror image on the wall, I have a message for you!" Leah shouted. As she said such, she played with her hair ribbons. "It's Pristine Designs versus Congele Boutique! Get ready to be stomped out of the competition!"

"Woah, there, kiddo," Pira said in a stern tone. "This is going to be a fair competition. Don't use childish tactics to win."

"Dearie, I'm going to win anyway," Nate said wagging xer finger. "Might as well not even waste time holding Leah back." But, as xe announced such, some weird noise sparked.

Turning his head towards the other competitors beeping in the corner, the soldier rose an eyebrow. Just what was with those last few contestants? Something was quite terribly wrong here, and he knew something bad would happen at the competition tomorrow, for sure. But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted by a hand soon grabbing his.

"Darling, it's time to go back, we have work to do," Malika said, dragging him back to the boutique.

Returning to the boutique, the soldier could see a closed sign upon the door. Rabiu, Lonan, and Baron on the top floor sewing up a storm, the hyena had been returned to the bottom floor where the apartment had been. But, as he placed himself at his work station, a realization washed over him.

Sani nowhere to be seen, the early adult could not help but wonder. Had he just been joking when he claimed he would help with the competition? Maybe he was, but he supposed if such were indeed the case there wasn't much he could do about it. Some people were dishonest, and nothing could be done.

Marquis, Esquire, Earl and Kaiser all hard at work, the hyena could hear the door upstairs close with a loud thud. Malika had gone back out again? She had quite the busy days ahead of her before the competition tomorrow. Kaiser soon looking up from the dress that was being sewn, the chimera let out a groan. Did he think there was time to talk here? They all had work to do. There was no time for talking.

"Malika told me you were wearing one of my outfits," Kaiser asked in a tired voice. "Do you like it?"

Giving the penguin a nod, the hyena swore he could see color return to Kaiser's eyes. Seeing such, the early adult held back the urge to groan. Maybe he shouldn't have responded. The original pesky thorn in his side was about to revert back to his annoying self any second now.

"Great," Kaiser responded, tired tone of voice. "Glad you like it." But, shouts had soon come his way.

"Less yapping, and more sewing!" Marquis shouted.

Knowing that, if he did not start sewing right this instant, he would get yelled at, as well, the soldier prepared the clothing components in front of him. Laying out the blouse in front of him, the early adult prepared the needle and thread. Sleeves sewn on crooked, he swore he could hear a collection of groans come his way.

Marquis yelling at him to take this more seriously, this was a competition, not a playground, the early adult undid the stitches. Right, this was for a competition, not something for fun. He had to work harder to get everything precise, or he would cost the Congele Boutique a win.

Continuing to sew the sleeves on incorrectly, a heavy wave of discomfort flowed through the hyena. Baron screaming at him that he had been stitching it all wrong, the hyena's eyes twitched. All of the stitches were wrong? How was that even possible? He could feel his intelligent quotient drop down five points, in a matter of moments.

Attempting a few times more, he could feel the icy cold criticisms coming for him from multiple meters away. Baron asking him how couldn't he do something as simple as sewing, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. As if the art of stitching up clothes was easy. It had been far from so.

Trying one last time, the soldier took a long deep breath. He needed to stitch precisely and carefully. That was the key. Sloppy work would go noticed, he could not do such a thing. But, such insult had come his way once more. Baron once again asking him how could he continue to fail such simple stitches, the soldier rolled his eyes to the ceiling. Excuse him, sewing clothing parts together was not as easy as it seemed.

Sewing session continuing for hours on end, the soldier could see Earl ready to remove himself from the room. But, in a matter of moments, he let out a sigh. If the pesky thorn in his side were to get up now, he would be yelled at to oblivion, guaranteed. Heading towards the stairs, he soon let out a shout.

"Oops! I just remembered I have to go gather materials in Liffey, gotta go!" Earl shouted. As he said such, he ascended the staircase, but feet soon chased after him.

"Get back here, ugly!" Esquire exclaimed.

"You're hideous for trying to escape!" Marquis shouted.

Marquis and Esquire running out of the area at full force, the soldier shrugged. This hardly concerned him. He had far more important matters to attend to right now. Big pile of Melusine dresses dropped down in front of him, the chimera resumed sewing, for the moment.

But, with every stitch he made, criticisms washed him out to bay. Baron telling him the garnishes had to go in the open holes and be sewn on tight, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Why was there so many rules for sewing? Baron demanding he start over, the chimera's brows continued to twitch. Start over? Now? There was hardly any time left before tomorrow night.

Kaiser teaching the chimera the way of the needle, the early adult broke out into a sweat. Instructing him to sew everything in the gaps slowly, but with precision, the chimera did as instructed. Eventually learning the way of the needle, six dresses were done in five hours. But, his work had soon been interrupted.

Earl, Marquis and Esquire panting up a storm, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What was going on here, exactly? Why had everyone been so out breath, all of a sudden? But, everyone had soon learned the truth for the population of six to hear from up and below.

"We found some hideous domain at the bottom of the ocean!" Marquis shouted. "And, I just know it's stealing people's dress designs down there! Someone, go deal with it! With a vision preferably!"

Hearing such, the hyena stood upward from his chair. There was some domain down below the ocean that could have been stealing designs? That would not do. He had to take care of it before it were to pick itself off the ground. There was hardly any time to waste. But, as he prepared to head for the door, Earl chased after him.

"Huh, Siorc, you're heading to the secret factory?" Earl asked. "I'll take you there!"

Attempting to refuse, Earl refused such refusal. Knowing he was stuck journeying with them the domain, the soldier let out a groan. Couldn't Earl allow him to do this by himself? He was fine on his own. But, the pesky penguin chimera kept holding onto him as if he had an invisible leash.

Eventually reaching the Liffey Region after about three hours of running, the soldier placed his diving equipment over him. Dropping downwards towards the bottom of the ocean, a peculiar blue door soon appeared beside the Fortress of Meropide. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of suspicion. Who would willingly perform operations of mass costume copying so close to a place to lock criminals up?

Finding themselves in a large factory with multiple machines everywhere, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes at what was presented before him. Robots everywhere stealing multiple designs from many other competitors, the hyena let out a barely audible gasp. How could someone do something like this?

Robots immediately getting hostile, the soldier prepared his Claymore out in front of him. But, such had been cancelled before it could get its first chapter in the spotlight. Earl's rage boiling over immediately, his gauntlets had been slapped over his fists, in a matter of moments.

"How dare you steal our designs!" Earl shouted. "You'll pay for this!"

Earl's gauntlets slapping multiple robots out of existence, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. What in the world had he just witnessed? Earl continuing to cause destruction for minutes on end, the chimera dropped his claymore. This chimera was not to be messed with when angry.

Armies of robots soon defeated, the early adult had soon uncovered a large document on the floor. Folder entitled claim victory through fraudulence, the hyena's lip quivered. Who could ever do such a thing? Whoever had the goal to steal designs and claim everyone else was fraud had more than ten screws loose, for sure.

Earl reading over the documents, his face was soon a bright shade of crimson. Screaming they'll have to prove these rival boutiques are planning to cheat later. Nodding, the party of two exited the domain. Returning to the boutique as the later hours soon chimed, everyone soon dispersed for the evening.

Dinner served, the soldier could feel the blood drain from his face. Why would someone do this? Try and steal designs? Some people were far too cruel in this world. This could not be allowed to happen. Late evening meal soon finished, the early adult rolled into the temporary bed. But, as the dream world was ready to drag him back in, a thought threw a pea at his brain.

Was there a corruption scandal on the horizon?


Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's diplomatic Fatui life. The cycle was a never ending circle of doom, creating strange mazes that never had an exit in them, for any given reason. The night before him had been no different, as well.

In the dream, he had been on stage, spotlight forced over him. Strange woman with long white hair that went down to her backside and pitch black hands, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. Who was this woman? He had never encountered her before in his entire life. But, he supposed he had to have seen her somewhere. The dream world could not invent new faces.

"Dance for me," the woman demanded.

Hearing such, the early adult shook his head. Dance for this stranger? Why should he? He was not some show hyena that could used for fun and games. But, a super heavy metal object had soon been dropped upon the back of his head. Feeling such, the chimera let out a pained screamed.

"I said dance for me. You have no right to refuse!" the voice boomed.

Letting out a scream, the soldier had begun dancing. Right. He was the mercy of the dream world, he wasn't allowed to disobey. Continuing to dance, the early adult screeched. Simulated scent of fire whipped up the screams got louder at the sight before him.

Fire beneath his feet, the early adult let out another shout. He had to dance with the flames? Legs set ablaze almost immediately, the chimera let out another scream that penetrated back into reality. Why was this happening? Feeling his body turned to cinders, the soldier off duty fell to the ground. Dream life about to be extinguished, one final thought tossed itself out into the dream world.

Why this?


"Tonight is the night, and
Huh? More domains have popped up.
Even more factories came up. I

Don't quite get what's happening here
And, to be honest, I have
Yet to understand any of this.

How could so many people band together only to find
A group of others playing foul?
So much for having

An original design to wear since those
Really untalented hacks are
Ready to steal everything.
I can't believe this. I
Very much this is the worst. Well, not
Exactly the worst. But it's
Definitely up there. I need to take care of this."

Waking up the next morning, multiple screams bounced off the walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. Hearing the sound of people running towards the room, the early adult took deep breaths. Marquis and Esquire with beauty masks on their face, they soon let out a sea of shouts.

"Stop screaming ugly!" Marquis shouted.

"It's early in the morning! We're sleeping here!" Esquire shouted. But, another shout had soon been added to the mix.

"My designs have been stolen!" Malika shouted.

Marquis screaming at Malika that was just one of her stupid dreams she just woke up from, she soon barked back. Shouting all her equipment was gone from right under her nose, the soldier could feel the world crash around him. Something wasn't right here. There was absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, foul play evident here.

Removing himself from the bed, the early adult tossed on a black blouse thrown his way. How could someone steal the dresses overnight? Was there a phantom thief on the loose? He did not know why but, everyone felt suspicious. He needed to head over to the competition and see if anything had been taken.

Running out of Congele Boutique, the early adult dashed around the Court of Fontaine like a decapitated chicken. Who could have possibly gone around in the dead of night and stolen everything like this? Hadn't the windows been locked? Something wasn't adding up.

Finding a small rented building in the corner, the soldier barged into the building like he owned the place. Lewod, Pira, Nathair running around the joint with Folu up in the front in charge, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Folu, perhaps they were the culprit in all this. Hadn't they despised Rabiu? They would definitely find a way to make him lose if he were to get down and dirty. Earl soon slamming the door, he threw down the questions.

"You four, fess up! I know you're stealing designs!" Earl shouted. But, protests had soon flocked in.

"Stealing other people's designs?" Leah cried. "I would never do that! I'm a good girl!"

"Why, I never!" Folu exclaimed. "I know I joined this team because I wanted to compete against Rabiu, but I would never steal designs to try and win. That's just petty!"

"Dear, you should know I pride myself in my own original work," Nathair said, shaking xer head. "So, I would never steal anyone's design. You have the wrong person."

Pira demanding they leave their base of temporary operation, everyone had been thrown out. Group of two spreading themselves out through the city, the hyena stared off into space. Why would anyone try to steal people's designs for the competition the day of? But, as he thought such, he could feel bricks fall all over him.

Answer coming to him, a spark popped off in his brain. He sees now. The thieves wanted to win so badly they would resort to taking everyone's equipment for the big event. Heading over to Chioriya Boutique, the results had been the exact same as seconds prior.

Gwendolyn claiming she would never steal designs, nor equipment, especially if used by some pathetic man. The soldier could see Lonan's face sink. Hearing such, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. Could she ever tone it down a notch? But, he supposed that was impossible for her. Owner of the Chioriya Boutique taking out her two swords, threats had soon come Lonan's way.

"You dare accuse me, the owner of this boutique of stealing?" the owner of Chioriya Boutique asked deadpan. "This is slander." But, as she looked ready to go in for the kill, Kaiser soon added himself to the party.

"I found the thieves!" Kaiser shouted. "They're ugly for their crimes!" He then turned his attention towards the Fatui. "How dare you just stand there and look pretty like me! Deal with the crimes to beauty!"

Hearing such demands, the soldier rolled his eyes to the sky. Kaiser was back to his old self again, he sees. Small digital map handed off to him of the domain's location, the early adult had begun running. Dashing onto a long, winding trail, the early adult could not help but notice some peculiarities that had occurred of over the past few days.

Sani not anywhere to be seen helping out at the boutique for the competition, a heavy wave of suspicion flowed through him. He had been not on the scene almost the entire time. Something was incredibly fishy about all this, for sure. Continuing to run, the hyena had soon reached the first domain. But, a wave of suspicion flowed through him at who was at the entrance.

Spotting Oluchi at the entrance with a guilty look on her face, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. What was she doing here beside this crack within subspace? Something was up with that. She had to have been the culprit. Whispering the word thief, her ears perked.

"Cute little me, a thief?" Oluchi asked with a loud gasp. "No way! I'm way too cute to steal anyone's designs!"

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the soldier stepped into the domain. Multiple dresses stolen from their makers seating themselves in an avian style domain, the squints only got lower. How very suspicious. Oluchi had to have done all this. But, she had soon defended herself once more.

"No way! These are super shotty aviators! Couldn't have been me!" Oluchi shouted. "You gotta believe me, I'd never do anything like this! I'm too cute to commit crimes!"

Taking Oluchi's word for it, the party of two went through the domain. Multiple designs discovered that had been copied upon some assembly line, the soldier withheld trying to gag. Who would do something like this? It was almost as if, in the world outside Teyvat, an artificial intelligence was trying to overtake the creative sphere, but had failed miserably.

Stolen property soon retrieved, and everything else claimed, everyone prepared themselves towards the next domain, but whom had been waiting by it raised the chimera's suspicion levels even higher. Sani standing outside tapping his foot and whistling, the early adult could feel a punch ready to come on. This man was the reddest of the flags.

"I know I might seem the most suspicious right now, but I assure you I did not do anything," Sani said. "Been working behind the scenes for the past couple of days. Something just isn't right here. Sorry for not helping at the boutique I just had to go with my gut."

But, the soldier was not buying this one bit. How could he expect to trust him if he hadn't been around whatsoever? For all he could know, he could be the mastermind behind this all. The master of the thieves. But, Sani soon shook his head again, attempting to let his innocence be known.

"I'm sorry for being absent, and I know this makes me look guilty, but I assure you, I have just been tracking the enemy," Sani said, shaking his head. "If you do not believe me, this is what I discovered. Someone had made big humanoid like dolls to go around stealing people's designs and copy and them one after another quickly and cheaply to claim plagiarism to win by default.. He let out a cough, for a moment. "This is their last stop. I've taken photos and recorded their crimes on an experimental technology. Let's confront them."

Entering the domain, the two rival boutiques had been caught blue handed. Photos presented to them of their crimes, they soon attempted to send some robotic goons after them. But, the one eyed jackal chimera destroyed them all in one fell swoop. Sparks flying after about ten strikes, Sani blew on his rungu.

"Busted," Sani said. "Now, let's get you back to the boutique for modeling."

Brought back to the boutique, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Melusines all in the dresses he sewed together, the soldier could hardly contain himself. These young sea denizens, they would most certainly shine on stage. But, there had been one last surprise on the wall.

"Darling, your dress is done, too," Malika said. As she said such, the clothing had been handed off to him.

Beautiful, bright pink silk dress embroidered with roses on it, the soldier broke out into tears. This was his dress? Was he dreaming? Pinching himself, he could feel a sting. He was most certainly awake right now. Soft, silky dress soon over him, the soldier off duty twirled around and giggled like a schoolgirl. But, the fun was soon interrupted by a grating voice.

"Wow!" the melusines all shouted. "So pretty!"

"Wow, he really likes it!" Earl said. "We should walk down the aisle and get married right away!"

Rabiu and Lonan both blushing as they gazed at his dress, the early adult added his own pink cheeks to the mix. Why were they staring at him like that? Didn't Lonan have a fake girlfriend? Maybe he had secretly become his fake girlfriend. But, he didn't care. Let the people stare.

"Uh, I sewed the roses on, black fish steak bro," Lonan said. As he said such, his cheeks grew redder. "Every single one of them." But, he stumbled upon his words.

"And, I, um, uh, did the hem after Malika made it," Rabiu said, voice quivering.

Evening soon arriving, the party of ten plus Melusines headed for the Marcotte Station one after another. Reaching the Opera House after fifteen minutes of slow walking, the early adult twirled around in his dress once more. Why couldn't he wear silk every day?

Iudex informed of the anonymous crimes, everyone had begun to head backstage. Annoying magician acting as the announcer, the soldier let out a groan. Why did it have to be him, of all people? How annoying. Pristine Designs getting up on stage first, the soldier headed out towards the audience, for a moment.

Multiple outfits up on stage adorning colorful sequins and flashing lights, the early adult took off his glasses for a moment. These outfits, weren't they a bit too gaudy? But, he supposed he didn't know hardly enough about the fashion world to have a proper comment.

Audience screaming it's so bright, bold, and beautiful, and chanting Pristine Designs over and over again, the soldier held back the urge to sweat. But, he knew he could not do so, or he would ruin his makeup. The competition was about to get super fierce, any second now. Annoying fake magician soon announcing Chioriya boutique next, the hyena gazed at them from the audience.

Chioriya boutique presenting some bright blue magical looking outfits, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. Did Congele boutique even stand a chance at this point? The competitors had two legs up above everyone. There was no way he would stand a chance here.

"This is real fashion!" the owner of Chioriya boutique shouted.

Fake magician soon calling for Congele Boutique, the early adult sprinted backstage. Everyone soon getting on the runway, spotlights hit his dress. Eyes on him, the hyena spun around and did a twirl. Melusines copying him, he swore he could hear the audience cheer. Magician saying the rivals will be presenting everything one more time, an encore kicked in. Feeling a candle inside him burn out, the chimera placed himself in the back room once more. But, as he had done so, Rabiu tugged on his dress.

"Um, your boss is demanding you leave right now," Rabiu said, lip quivering. "Uh, um, here's the clothes you came with. He wants to see you now."

Feeling time stroke towards midnight, a wave of bitter marmalade flowed through him. He couldn't stay for a little while longer to see who won the competition? But, he the soldier knew his orders were absolute. Nothing could be done. Makeup washed away, and dress removed, the soldier slumped out of the Opera House, shoulders drooped. Agent soon waiting for him outside the Opera House, his mask was soon on him.

"Alright, soldier, your cancellation of work has been rescinded," the Agent said in a commanding tone. "Go back to Snezhnaya this instant."

Knowing he had no choice but to obey, the soldier removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the early adult slumped through the icy cold hallways. Reaching the soundproof room after ten minutes of walking, the hyena could feel a chill in the air once more.

Energy depleting quickly, the early adult removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Everything already removed, the chimera threw himself into the uncomfortable bed. Heavy waves of disappointment throwing him for a loop, the early adult closed his eyes. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, one thought looped on repeat.

The magic is over.

Chapter 35: Poisson's Deepest Seeds, Pirate Aigre, Treasure Bleeding


And, thus, the Poisson saga comes to an end. In this section, Siorc must deal with sudden growths that appeared in the Belleau and Morte regions. Meanwhile, something is off with Aigre... Feat: Earl, Bain, Kali, Rabiu, Lonan, Damla, Firat, and Kelebek, Izzet, Neuvilette, Furina, Freminet and Chevreuse.


Warning, death.

Chapter Text

"Alright, Your Majesty,
Look this is
Really getting out of hand here.
I don't quite
Get it. My orders aren't making sense.
How am I supposed to deal with sudden growths?
Though, I suppose this is

Nothing I haven't already dealt with. They're
Over in the Belleau Region
Why here? I don't know

There is always something somewhere.
Hah. Guess I got my work cut out for me.
It's another one of those
Noxious growths I suppose, haha
No more of this poison nonsense,
Stop with

All of this, please.
Right, right, no complaining.
Every order I get is absolute.

Just deal with things as they are,
Ultimately, I know complaining is forbidden.
So, don't utter any.
Take a moment to

Get familiar with my order.
Eh. So, what are
These growths anyway? Where did
They come from?
I don't know.
Nothing makes sense anymore
Guess I haven't been around Fontaine enough lately.

Something about this feels off.
There is something
Rather strange
About all this, and
I am starting to suspect it's all
Getting worse.
How much worse?
This remains to be seen.

Up until now, it has been
Pretty chaotic.

Really chaotic. And,
It's just starting to
Deviate even worse.
I don't know I
Can hardly fathom this at all.
Ugh. Well,
Looks like everything is just
Out of control
Unless I am mistaken?
Something tells me I might be.

Get with the new normal,
Relatively speaking,
Over the years
Wild happenings have
Truly been escalating.
How much, and when?
Since I reached adulthood,

I suppose. Or,
No. Perhaps not.

Far longer than that.
Or maybe it was the domain incident.
No. Before that.
This all started
After the Natlan
Incident. Before that,
Nothing quite mattered much.
Everything was nothing.

All I did was a whole lot of
Nothing. Deliveries around Dragonspine.
Yes, absolutely nothing.
Obviously, I remember that.
No, perhaps I am merely.
Exaggerating. Perhaps I am.

Even so, it is difficult to deny the
Long amount of time I have
Stuck in this Fatui world.
Eight years, almost and

Counting. I have far been
Over the time of anything being normal.
Uh, well, that's how it is.
Look. I guess my life has never been ordinary.
Do I look ordinary? I am a chimera.

Do I blame my parents for the way I was hidden? No, not
Especially. I know they had
A lot of reasons.
Listen, it's fine really.

Why question any of
It? I am grateful for
The life my parents gave me.
How could I ever not?

So much will always change
Obviously, I know
My chaotic fatui life will be full of
Eccentricities. Forever, and always.
There is
Hardly any time for me to have an
Inkling over what any of these
Noxious, possibly toxic
Growths might be.

Looks like they're only
In Belleau, anyway. But, I
Know they'll start spreading
Everywhere. Or, will

They? I guess I will
Have to see
And deal with
Them as they are

So, here's to everything
Obviously, I know it

Will be difficult.
How difficult? I have
Yet to determine any outcome.

Maybe it will be simple.
Everything starts out such a way.

Eh. Well. It is time to deal with it, so
Here I go.

Will these growths attack me?
Hard to say, but I
Aught to prepare for
That possible outcome.
Everything could quickly go
Vile. I know that.
Everything could quickly go
Rogue, I know

That. This
Is nothing I am not used to.
Maybe it will all go fine.
Everything will be fine.

This is nothing I cannot handle
Onward to Belleau

Get ready for growth extermination.
Onwards towards the Morte Region

I am ready for everything.

Get ready,
Unleash myself upon
Each and every weed.
Say nothing, and work hard.
Silence is key."

Four days have passed since the hyena dealt with underwater legends around Fontaine. Fog not returning at any given point, one day of business affairs of nothing overtook twenty four hours. But, something rather peculiar had taken over the next days following the previous.

Workdays out of nowhere cancelled for the next three days, the world cracked a smidgeon. Not having any responsibilities, the hyena had no clue on what to do. Not wishing to search for Hase, the soldier proceeded to head off to Fontaine with absolutely nothing in mind.

But, such nothing had immediately turned into something. Fontaine Fashion week being in full overdrive, the penguin family required the soldier's assistance to defeat her rivals of Chioriya Boutique, it was off to the races. Three days of high octane chaos, the soldier uncovered foul play, corruption and stolen equipment. Winner determined on the third day, the early adult learned how the fashion world worked.

The sound of bitter wind roared out like a wolf howling upwards towards the moon. As the windows kept on rattling up a storm, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a chorus. The month long blizzard was about to make itself eight times worse. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Windows continuing to rattle, the early adult added his own groans to the mix. Yet another month long blizzard was about make the mornings less bearable. But, the early adult knew he could not sit around, or he would suffer dangerous freezing. Lifting himself up from the stone hard covers, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

Wind roaring once more, the early adult turned his attention towards the window. Seeing an aurora in the sky, the early adult scratched his chin. Why was the sky so colorful today? It was morning. This should not be happening. But, the early adult shrugged. What did he know? He knew absolutely nothing about the permafrost north. Moving away from the window, the soldier moved himself towards his uniform drawers.

As the soldier's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the soldier could not help but wonder. The abyssal gazelles, could they have been in Snezhnaya right now? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. Why would those two ever come here? If Her Majesty were to bare witness to cause chaos to her land, she would have them be killed almost immediately.

But, the early adult shook his head. The abyssal gazelles, dying? That had to have been impossible. They had to have changed the way their bodies functioned to make themselves beyond mortal. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. Why did it matter? He was overthinking it. There was no way that was possible at any given point.

Work mode switch flipping upward, the hyena removed the cover off his hairpin and earring box. Clicking the weaponized jewelry and accessory into place, matching black hearts adorned his hair and ears. Staring at his others within the container, the chimera sighed. Was turning his prized possessions into weapons what he truly wanted? Rational brain on at the moment, regret flowed through the hyena. What's done was done. He could not go back in time and reverse his decision.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the early adult's Geo Delusion glared daggers at the soldier. Staring back at it, the early adult glared back. The sinister yellow orb, should he make use of it? But, the soldier pushed the object away. The time had not come yet to make use of it. It had been far too early, for sure.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the early adult shrugged his shoulders. Whenever the time were to arise to make use of the delusion, he would do so. But, he knew how was not the time. Using it could wait, for sure. But, he knew if he were ordered to, he would have no choice. But, for now, the stars had yet to align themselves in the sky.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp onward with a fervor, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You must go around the Belleau and Morte region and clear out mysterious invasive tree growths. Make sure you exterminate every single one of them to remain in good graces with the Hydro Archon." The masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. Another day, another separate affair.

Siorc jumped ten steps back upon hearing he would have to get rid of trees around Fontaine. He has to go engage in deforestation? No. Why did he have to do something like that? How incredibly cruel. Was this a punishment for not performing well on some missions? If such were the case, a different penalty should be picked, for sure.

Words exterminate and tree ringing in his ears, the early adult stared off into space. Destroy trees, get rid of invasive growths that looked like a tree. No way, there was absolutely no way he would do something like that. How could Her Majesty give him such an order? He was not nature's enemy.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be exterminating invasive tree growths around the Belleau Region today!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this dawdling! Get a move on!"

The soldier flinched. Of course he had heard him, he wished he hadn't. Right, he had to go exterminate some invasive trees, he didn't have a choice in the matter. He knew, that if he disobeyed orders at any given point, Her Majesty would kill him. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult turned towards the Agent.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. Arm out in front of him, the chimera waited for gripping prison to take him away.

"Good. We're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him the masked Agent gripped the limb into a tight lock. Gripping prison as tight as a shark not letting go of its prey, the early closed his eyes as the escort towards Fontaine soon began.

Getting rid of trees?

Why? Why did he have to go around and do such a thing?

He wanted no part in this.


"This is one of the worst weeks of my life.
Ha, why is that? Well, to put it simply.
Everything happened on this day some years

Ago. And because of that,
Now, Aigre is mentally back into her terrible teens? Terrible twos?
No one knows.
It has been
Very difficult to determine for quite awhile now.
Every year since the incident, we
Ready ourselves to pray to the Hydro Archon
So Aigre could perhaps go back to
A state of normalcy. But, we
Rarely try to push her.
Yet, we never lose hope that

One day, she will recover
From what cause her reverse back to her childhood days.

Obviously, we know we cannot force to behave like an adult,
Ultimately, I now we cannot.
Right, well, it's about to get a lot worse. I cannot

Place my faith in any
Archon during this time of year.
Really, wish I could, but
Everyone knows you
Need to make an appointment with
The Hydro Archon or
Something like that. I am

Doubtful she would
Ever glance at Kali or
Aigre, or even I.
There's no way, I don't think we
Have barely any Mora.

I just do the occasional odd job here and
There. She would most likely just say,

'I do not want to breathe the
Same air as poor people!'

Apologies for being poor. I

Don't have any control over the status of our wealth,
And it'll likely never improve.
Yes, I know that

This is not necessarily true,
Or it will be the same forever,

Maybe something will improve,
Or maybe it won't,
Until then, not much will
Really change.
Not much will get better.

Aigre will always be the same. And now things

During this period of the year
Are about to get worse. I want to do something
Yet, I know during

This time, she can't ever hear me
Or Kali. Always locked into her imagination.

Could it be worse than last year?
Relatively speaking, it is,
Yes. But, all and

All, both Kali and I know it's
Not easy to break her out of her imagination, so we
Don't know where to tread. We usually

Yield, and let her wander, but lately,
Everything has been far more dangerous lately.
There has been quite a long of things

I cannot even begin to describe happening.

Cannot fathom anything.
All that has been happening I have
No words. None, whatsoever.
None that would be able to make sense
Of any of this.
There's been quite a lot of

Strange occurrences lately. And, I think
Even Aigre, deeply buried in her own imagination is starting to notice.
Eh, but, what can I do?
Maybe it is best

To just ignore it,
Or something.

For the most part, I don't think
I can really do anything
Not much of anything, anyway. This is far too
Dangerous for us.

Even though my gut is telling me I
Need to deal with it.
Eh, or, perhaps not.
Right, well, to be honest, these oddities are
Getting far too out of hand.
You know, some people have been rumbling

Throughout the land saying
Our Archon must be angry. Could

She be? Well, what would I know?
How could I know something like this?
Eh. You know, let me be real for a moment.
Do I find the Hydro

Archon reliable? No.

She hardly does much of anything.
I have heard she almost
Never solves any crisis. Or maybe that's just jokes. I don't
Get that, if so.
Look, I am trying to fathom it. But,
Even as I try to, I just don't cannot. But,

That is not something for me to worry about.
Eh, it is what it is,
And there is not much I can
Really do. Rumors are rumors, and they'll always fly high. That's just how it is. It is difficult to deny."

Teleport Waypoint taking him to the desert edges as usual, the hyena gazed upwards towards the sky. Feeling a chill drop down his spine, the chimera's will dropped down to nothing. Why did he have to go and destroy trees? This was the worst possible order he could ever receive. But, he knew it could have been worse.

Dragged down the mountain, the early adult closed his eyes, for a moment. He knew he had to get over his disdain right here, right now. Agent yelling at him to focus as he had been placed in the wooden vessel, the hyena flinched. Right, he had to stay focused. He was on the nonexistent clock.

Vehicle of human movement cruising forward, the young soldier could not help but wonder. Why did it have to be trees? Couldn't the growths have been something else? Surely, that had to have been the case. Or, so the hyena hoped. Perhaps, just maybe, the growth had been something else entirely.

Boat drifting ever so closer towards the harbor, the chimera stared off into space. He knew, no matter what he would have to face, he would have no choice but to deal with it. Disobeying orders would equal his death. He could not allow for such outcome to ever arise.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after about fifteen minutes, the soldier had been dragged off towards the staircase, as usual. Agent reminding him for what felt like the undecillionth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the hyena wished to bite that hand that fed. Just how many times could the Agent repeat this? He knew already. Could he ever stop repeating this every single time he was taken here? But, the annoyance had soon switched to information he never expected to hear.

Agent soon informing him the Hydro Archon has requested an audience with him, the early adult tilted his head towards the sky. Who wished to have an audience with him? He was not quite sure he had been hearing that correctly. Placing his hand over his ear, the hyena blinked.

Words repeated to him the Hydro Archon requested an audience with him in Palais Mermonia, a satchel had soon been slammed onto his backside. Agent soon exiting the area, the chimera held back the urge to sigh. He had to go do some sort of diplomatic work as well? How tiresome. He was hardly fit for such a role.

Hearing a lot of noise as he headed up the staircase, the hyena jumped two steps back. What in the world was all that racket? Taking a deep breath, the early adult attempted to tune everything out around him. Taking the glass lift, as usual, the cacophony had only continued to increase as the second moved onward.

Entire area covered to the brim with people head to toe in fashionable outfits buzzing loudly about many other boutiques all at once, the chimera covered his ears. Why were so many people talking so loudly all at once? But, the early adult knew he had to bear with it.

Multiple people discussing that Congele Boutique was having a discount sale, the soldier's ears perked. What in the world was going on? A sale already? But, the early adult shook his head. Maybe business had increased by quite a lot since the competition had wrapped up one day prior.

Aquabus arriving shortly, every single rich generic person barreled on like a pack of wolves who hadn't eaten in days. Everyone racing ahead, the soldier had nearly fallen off the ledge. Melusine tour guide telling everyone one at a time, absolutely no one listened. Seating himself on the furthest edge of the vessel, it soon moved forward.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the buzzings had reached their maximum capacity. Everyone talking about fashion for minutes on end, the chimera stared off into space. Maybe he hardly knew anything about the fashion world to know how much of anything worked.

As the vessel reached the halfway point, the soldier's mind had begun to wander. Why had he bene the one who had to negotiate with the Hydro Archon? He was hardly the person for the job whatsoever. Couldn't someone else have been assigned this mission? But, the hyena shook his head. His orders were absolute. There was nothing that could be done.

Reaching the capital city before he could even fathom it, everyone up front barreled off the vessel all at once. Melusine once again telling everyone to calm down, one at a time, her shouts had gone unheard. Chaos unfolding, the soldier remained seated, for a moment. This Melusine had to have had the most stressful job of all time, for sure.

Noise dying down, the early adult removed himself from the wooden vessel. Hustle and bustle hitting the streets as he stepped off, the hyena let out a sigh. It was a busy day, wasn't it? There was absolutely no way he would be able to slink on by without being spotted. But, he supposed that's how it was a majority of the time. Avoiding such was simply impossible.

Knowing he had no choice but head off towards Palais Mermonia, the soldier attempted with all his might to blend in with the crowd. But, such had been impossible, in a matter of moments. Almost everyone wearing the fanciest of all clothing, the soldier stuck out like a Slime in a tribe of Hilichurls.

As the early adult walked upon the northern path, the questions had begun to roll around deep within the chambers of his partially human brain. Why had he been the one chosen to have an audience with the Hydro Archon? Something wasn't quite right with this. Surely, there had to have been someone else that had to have been told do deal with negotiations.

But, the early adult shook his head. He was the one who had to deal with the diplomatic affairs. How he felt on such matters wasn't important. He was nothing more than a pawn, a chess piece upon the board. Something to use and discard once dissatisfied.

Snapping himself out of it, the hyena kept walking upon the northern path. What in the world was he thinking? He would not be discarded of. There was no way that would happen. His imagination had been running far too wild. If such were the case, he would have been tossed out a long time ago.

Getting himself together, the early adult drowned his thoughts out. He hardly had time to be worrying about such things. He needed to move along or the Hydro Archon would cross with him for being late to her meeting. She had been quite the dramatic person, or god, rather. If he were even two seconds late, he would never hear the end of it, guaranteed.

Crowd continuing to chatter for minutes on end, the early adult kept tuning them out. The city was far too busy for its own good. Just how many rich people lived in Fontaine? The chimera did not know, but it had to have been reaching around the thousands, for sure. The world of Mora had been beyond his understanding.

Curving towards the westward path, the the soldier could not help but ponder. What could the Hydro Archon possibly want to speak to him about? He had never interacted with the Gods of other nations before. But, he supposed he would soon find out upon reaching the area.

Hearing the sound of multiple people shouting there had been a seventy-five percent discount at Chioriya Boutique, the soldier jumped six steps back. Three fourths of a one hundred percent off? Hadn't that been far too much? But, the soldier threw such thoughts out. What did he know? He had been far removed from the world of retail business.

Screams only getting louder, the early adult's eyes twitched. Why was everyone so incredibly loud today? Shouts ramping up the pace, the hyena sighed. The advertisem*nts would keep going, wouldn't they? He needed to tune it all out. He was not the target audience for the fashion.

"All styles seventy-five percent off!" one of Chioriya Boutique's employees shouted. "Unlike Congele boutique!"

Hearing such, the the early adult let out another sigh. He sees now. This was all just a competition. It was nothing he hadn't already known. Couldn't the Chioriya and Congele boutique find a middle ground? But, the hyena knew he would never understand how things were between them. It was time to move on. It was best to not involve himself in this clothbath.

Moving upon the westward path, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. He did not know why, but the fear was baking him into a pie. This meeting, what would it entail? Every single order lately had been so vague. But, he supposed he had been used to it. Such was the life of a Fatui soldier.

Nervous energy flowing through him even further, the soldier could feel his will begin to sway. He was not suited for the art of negotiation. No matter how many times he had to deal with diplomatic affairs, the Agent would always take over every single time, without fail. His voice was dirt upon the wind.

Moving towards the southern path, the hyena attempted with all his might to calm his nerves. It would only be a brief meeting, for sure. It wouldn't even last more than fifteen minutes. He needed to get it together, and move forward. No more fretting over it. Moving past the blacksmith, the soldier threw his fears away.

Aquabus information station coming up close, the hyena's legs erupted into a sprint. It was time to hurry. He had to get to the meeting before it was too late. Dashing off towards the fountain, the soldier could hear a grating voice in the background. Sliding his feet upon the concrete, an unsurprising face awaited him.

Spotting Earl in the corner advertising all outfits at the Congele Boutique were half off, the hyena stared at the fountain in front of him. Only fifty percent off? No wonder Chioriya Boutique had been doing better in most of the Fashion Week sales. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. What did he care? It hardly mattered to him. Pesky penguin looking his way, the hyena let out a barely audible groan. Why couldn't he ever be free from this family, even for a day?

Seeing Siorc walk on by, Earl could feel hearts form in his eyes. He's back in Fontaine again today? It was so nice to see him here again so soon! Had he, perhaps come here to take him out on a date? He could feel himself about to fall backwards. He was single, and ready to mingle. It was time to break today's ice.

"Hi there, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "You're back already? It's nice to see you again today!"

Earl's grating voice ringing in his ears, the hyena could feel a blood vessel about to pop inside him. It was not nice to see him again at all. He needed to hold all his nonexistent horses. It had only been twenty four hours. When would he finally learn he would never have interest in him? He would need to brush him off gently.

"Sorry, sir, I have an important meeting with Focalors," the hyena responded, voice barely audible. But, as he said such, screams had come his way.

"Wow, the Focalors?" Earl asked in astonishment. "My future husband is about to be famous!"

Turning his heelless shoes off towards the opposite direction, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. Would this pesky penguin give it up already? He would never marry him, not even if he was the last surviving person in all of Teyvat. But, he knew he would never get the picture.

Heading towards the information station, the soldier wondered. Why had Earl been so infatuated with him? It hardly made any sense to him. He had never shown any interest back. Shouldn't feelings that had not been returned fizzled out by now? He had not, even once in the past five months responded to his feelings. How annoying.

But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. He hardly understood how the heart worked. He was a soldier. His ring was forced to his job. He knew, that's how it would always be, no matter how long he were to remain under Her Majesty's ruling thumb. But, another name soon combed through his partially human mind as he pushed towards the stairs.

Nervous jackal chimera floating around in his mind shore, the soldier could not help but wonder. Rabiu, did it annoy him that he was also interested in him? But, the hyena shook his head. He supposed it did not really bother him as much. The researcher jackal was not aggravating, in the slightest. But, the early adult knew he would never be able to start a relationship with a non Fatui. A target would be placed on his back for sure if he were to do so.

Taking a long deep breath, the chimera pressed onward towards the Aquabus information station. It was best to stop thinking about such things. He would never be allowed to experience the world of romance while being a member of the Fatui. He was Her Majesty's property. If he were to at any given moment see someone, he would be given one fast ticket to death city.

Station as busy as ever, the soldier blinked. Was it just him, or had it been far busier than normal here today? Multiple people far and wide asking for Aquabus hours the chimera adjusted his glasses. Had it ever been this packed before? The chimera did not believe so, but there was no time to think about such things.

Moving towards the glass box, the early adult prepared himself. Any moment now, and he would be in the presence of another nation's god. Stepping towards the elevator, the hyena took one final deep breath. It was time to get his meeting over with once and for all.

But when the glass doors opened themselves, a face he did not expect to see hopped out. Head of the special security patrol musket out in front of her, the early adult could feel a shock shoot down his spine. What was going on, why was her pistol out? Had she just fired it at someone? Eyes soon on him, the chimera grit his teeth. What could she possibly wanted from him? He wasn't guilty.

"Sir, have you witnessed any crimes committed by masked individuals?" the leader of the special security patrol asked.

Hearing such inquiry, the soldier placed his hand on his chin. Had he seen any masked individuals committing any crimes? He had seen far too many generic faces to notice anything unusual. Words continuing to float around for the moment, he had come to a realization. She had to have been inquiring about the Fatui. If he were to squeal, it would be game over.

Bowing an apology, the early adult shook his head. Masked individuals committing crimes? He had never heard of such a thing in his entire twenty years of existing. Nope. Never. Special security patrol glaring daggers at him, the soldier could feel sweat pour down his back. Shaking his head once again, the woman let out a sigh.

"Is that so?" the special security patrol officer asked, uncertain tone in her voice. "Well, let me know if you see anything suspicious."

Nodding, the officer soon stepped out of the way. Pressing onwards towards the glass lift, the soldier stared off into space. There had been more criminals around Fontaine lately? Just what was going on here? There had never been a moment of peace in the Hydro Nation of Justice, was there?

Glass box passing through the second floor, the hyena's mind kept on wandering. Everything had been quite off kilter lately. But, he supposed it had always been the same as ever. Chaos had been normal, and expected at this point. Nothing had been out of the ordinary.

Reaching the fourth floor, the soldier sauntered onward. Melusine awaited his presence near the Palais Mermonia entrance, the hyena let out a gulp. Sea denizen staring at him, sweat poured down his brow. Had he been late? If such had been the case, he would need to apologize immediately.

"Monsieur Siorc, there you are," the Melusine said. "Please, come to Sir -----------'s office right away."

Melusine escorting him into the building, the soldier swore hundreds of eyes were staring at him all at once. Multiple rich people whispering why was a Fatuus getting an audience with the Iudex? Multiple people laughing, or suggesting probably hazing the early adult could feel icicles ready to freeze him.

People continuing to whisper as the door drew ever so closer, the questions returned themselves to the hyena's brain. Why him? Why did he have to have an audience with another nation's god? Everyone was staring at him. Door opened to the Iudex's office, the chimera took one final deep breath. But, what awaited him was a brand new level of confusion unlocked.

Hydro Archon seated on the couch in a cross legged position eating a cake tower in front of her, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it dessert time? Maybe he should turn around and let her have her snacks. But, the Iudex's eyes had soon wandered towards him.

"He is here, Lady ------," the Iudex said in an important tone. But, a complaint had come his way.

"I'm eating my cake right now!" the Hydro Archon complained. "Our little meeting can wait!"

"Do not waste the diplomat's time, Lady ------," the Iudex responded.

Knowing how important cake was to the Hydro Archon, the early adult placed his hands up in the air in a stop position. Maybe the meeting could wait for a few more minutes. Patience was a virtue no other Fatui had. Shaking his head, the soldier put his hands out in front of him. Signing let her finish her cake for only the Chief Justice to see, the early adult swore the man's face shifted, for a moment.

"Monsieur Siorc, are you sure?" the Iudex asked. "I know you are a very busy man."

Question coming his way, the early adult blinked. Was it really unusual for him to be fine with waiting a moment? But, he supposed the Fatui were known for their impatience and violence. Giving the Iudex a nod, he had soon been told to take a seat. Doing so, the early adult stared off into space, for a moment.

Watching as the Hydro Archon wolfed down multiple little confectionaries one after another, the soldier could feel a sweatdrop pour down his cheek. Focalors should be the cake archon instead. But, the early adult kept such thoughts to himself. There was no way he could ever say such a thing, or he would be thrown in the Fortress of Meropide forevermore.

Cake tower getting smaller, the soldier swore he could hear her yawn. Stretching her arms outward, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Did she forget she had requested an audience with him? He supposed he didn't blame her. He had not said a word. But, a shout had soon come the Hydro God's way.

"Lady ------!" the Iudex shouted. "Remember, you're in a meeting with a diplomat right now!"

"Ugh, fine!" the Hydro Archon whined. She then turned towards the diplomat in question. "This is the diplomat they sent?!"

"That would be correct," the Iudex responded. "Is that a problem?"

"Yes, Monsieur -----------!" the Hydro Archon exclaimed. "He looks weak!"

Hearing such, the early adult held back a groan. So what if he looked weak, what did that matter? He didn't need to hear that from a god who almost never dealt with any of her nation's problems. But, the early adult knew he couldn't say that. One wrong word, and all relations between the Hydro and Cryo Archons would be shattered to pieces.

"Lady -----!" the Iudex scolded. "That comment is quite unnecessary!"

"Ugh, fine! I'm sorry!" the Hydro Archon exclaimed in a inflammatory tone. She then turned towards the soldier. "There's been some ridiculous crimes committed in the Belleau Region by some masked criminals! Go find them and bring them down!"

Hearing such, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. That's it? That's all she wanted to say to him? He had already heard about this. Couldn't she have asked the bird chimera bounty hunters? But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He had no choice in the matter. Giving the Archon a nod, her gloves clapped together.

"Then, get right to it!" the Hydro Archon exclaimed. "Chop chop!"

Iudex soon calling him over to this desk, the soldier removed himself from the opposite couch in the corner. Apology coming his way, and an axe handed off second, a wave of confusion flowed through him once more. Why was he being handed such a weapon? If he had to completely chop the trees from their stump, he would do no such thing. Surely, a light hit would be more than enough for extermination.

"Proceed with caution, young man," the Iudex warned. "It is quite dangerous in the Belleau Region, at this particular moment in time."

Heeding such warning, the chimera nodded. Exiting the Palais Mermonia, the soldier had begun walking back towards the glass lift of which he came. But, as he had done so, multiple questions had begun to race around in his head like the floating points were running a marathon.

The Hydro Archon, why wasn't she doing anything about the so called problematic growths that were spotted in the Belleau Region? Wasn't it her job to keep her citizens safe from any danger? But, the soldier shook his head. These issues were probably far too little for her to allow for godly intervention.

Taking the elevator downward towards the first floor, another set of thoughts dragged him downwards into the sand. The chimera did not know why, but he couldn't sense any sort of power radiating from the Hydro Archon whatsoever. But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. Maybe she was just hiding her powers from everyone until she was needed in times of crisis.

Reaching the Aquabus once more after about ten minutes of walking, the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward. Staring at the Belleau Region from afar, the chimera shrugged. The Hydro Archon was far too busy with other matters to ever deal with whatever else might be going on around the region. That had to have been it, surely. She had been a celebrity, after all.

Reaching the halfway point towards Romaritime Harbor after about half an hour, the early adult deployed his wind glider. Jumping downward towards the ground, the wind roared up a fierce storm. Hearing such, the chimera's legs shook. Where was he, in Mondstadt? Where in the world had this sudden gust come from?

But, as the chimera staged his landing, a peculiar tree like growth appeared in the corner of his eye. Spotting an island on the top of it, the early adult scratched his head. That was supposed to be a tree? Whoever had told the Agent such had been so incorrect, they needed glasses twice as much as he did.

Lowering his eyes into a squint, the early adult could hardly believe his eyes. That so called tree had to have been a beanstalk, without question. He supposed he did not mind having to exterminate such a thing. He recalled in a storybook he read in his stolen childhood such had been a highly invasive growth hosted by violent giants.

Staring at the beanstalk from afar for a little while longer, multiple questions fired off one after another. Where in the world had these large vined planes come from? He did not know why, but this did not have the Abyssal Gazelles written all over it. This kind of interruption in the ecosystem of the world was far from something they would ever do. There was nothing destructive about it whatsoever.

Moving along, a thought of terror wormed itself around the hyena's inhuman eardrums. That beanstalk looked like, that, at any given moment, it would come alive and release snakes from its deepest pits. He needed to proceed with as much caution as possible, or he would be reptile food.

Hearing screams off in the distance, the hyena's heart skipped two beats. Why did he hear Aigre just now? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. It was nothing, surely. She was just playing her childish games like she always was. There was no reason for concern.

As the beanstalk had begun to get ever so closer, a commotion had begun to break out for the population of absolutely no one to witness. Hilichurls making terrified noises one after another, the hyena blinked. Just what game was the youngest sea lion, excuse him, mermaid, doing? Was she playing tag?

Monsters continuing to run away in terror, the early adult turned towards the primitive creatures for a moment. Just who or what were they running from? Aigre nowhere to be seen, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was there some invisible enemy somewhere? Wherever they were, he supposed he would find out shortly.

Hilichurls only running faster, the soldier could see their backsides get sacrificed one after another. But, what he had soon bore witness to was the shock of he ages. Multiple beans shot out of nowhere, many Hilichurls bodies had been offered as sacrifices to the tall stalk of doom up above.

Monsters fading into the ether one after another, the chimera shook his head. What were these beans made out of to stop an entire army of enemies in their tracks? Beans coming his way, as well, the early adult jumped off towards the left. He would not become the next victim of bean warfare.

Reaching the beanstalk after an hour of evasive dodging, multiple monster corpses laid down upon the ground near the new growth. Taking a long deep breath, the early adult prepared himself. What could possibly be up on top of this vined island? He supposed he was about to find out.

Hearing shouts once again off in the distance, the soldier almost lost his grip upon the vines. But, the early adult kept his focus forward. Whatever Aigre was screaming about up ahead, it was no business of his whatsoever. Why focus on it? He had far bigger fish to fry, at the moment.

But, what awaited the soldier upon the top of the beanstalk had been nothing at all what he expected. Large bean creatures up on top with a large amount of hostile energy going about them, the soldier tilted his head. This was the master of this invasive group? Was he some star in some gag story about locating nose hair, or something?

Beans with button eyed faces about the size of a full grown adult male adorning bazookas aplenty and large pairs of paints and red boots, the early adult backed four steps away towards the edge of the invasive growth. These creatures, what in the world were they? Objects of many oddities looking ready to go in for the kill, the chimera sifted through his satchel, for a moment.

Fatui issued Greatsword seated above his diving equipment, the chimera placed himself into a fighting stance. It was time for bean versus hyena. Beans screaming about a new victim, the soldier let out a sigh. Was he in some sort of child's storybook, or something? But, his thoughts had soon been cut off as the sound of a magazine loaded itself up.

Beans shooting his way one after another, the soldier jumped to the left. Beans making a loud plink as they hit the ground, the early adult's jaw dropped straight open. What were these things made out of, metal? This was far more ridiculous than anything the abyssal gazelles ever created on a daily basis.

Projectiles coming his way one after another, the early adult placed his blade out in front of him. Beans coming his way in rapid fire, the soldier jumped three steps back. Weapon swung with full force, the objects had been sent flying back towards the direction of which they came.

First bean taken out of the equation, the early adult huffed a breath. Who was responsible for this? The chimera did not know, but whoever it had been must have been extremely hungry, or something. Second enemy looking ready to fire projectiles his way, the chimera was ready for action.

Steel inedibles fired back towards the enemy another bean soon bit the dust. Rest of the army's legs soon quivering, the early adult's blade swung with a fervor. It was time to put these creatures out of the picture. Slashes picking up the pace, nothing stood a chance of survival.

Final set of enemies put to rest, the early adult let out a huff. What was that all about just now? These enemies were quite the unusual bunch. There had been no abyssal energy flowing through them whatsoever. Who, or what made them? He could sense a heavy wave of uncertainty flow through him.

But, as his thoughts had begun to roll, the young soldier could hear the sound of something raise upward somewhere. Hearing such, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. What in the world was happening now? Noises only getting louder, the hyena turned towards the cacophony.

Large, blue glowing door out in front of him, the early adult flinched. No, not another labyrinth. Anything but another labyrinth. Why had these still been popping up? He swore he had finished dealing with such in Liyue already. Had the problem spread to Fontaine? How bothersome. But, he knew he had no choice but to deal with it. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

Stepping towards the door, a blinding light soon engulfed the solder. Closing his eyes, the soldier steeled himself. What kind of world would await him beyond the door this time? Whatever it was, he needed to deal with it as quick as he could possibly muster. He had a beanstalk to chop down.

Opening his eyes once more, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. Finding himself in a large expansive forest, he tilted his head off towards the green sky. Where had he been transported to, Sumeru? Knowing he had to find the exit right away, the early adult moved forward through the grass. But, as he had done so, something of peculiar note caught his attention.

Feeling a heavy wave of sorrow in the air, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Something was not right here. Why did it feel like he had been at the scene of someone's funeral? But, the chimera shook such feelings off. That couldn't have possibly been it. He had to have been imagining it, for sure.

Shrugging, the soldier proceeded through the labyrinth. Grass getting longer and more unkempt the further he went, the hyena let out a disgusted noise. Couldn't someone maintain the nature in here? Absolutely awful. But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. No one lived here. Who could possibly be able to maintain it?

Moving through the area, the soldier could hear pirates laughing off in the distance. Hearing such, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. There were other people in this space? He had to have been transported into another world where the only people that existed were criminals upon the high grasses.

Grass crunching beneath his feet, the early adult could hear swashbuckling aplenty. Egos firing themselves up like a rifle on the air, the hyena could feel three of his braincells die all at once. Were these people talking about who could pop the biggest bubble? How incredibly childish. What children's storybook had he fallen into? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense.

Pathway soon blocked by a red haired man with a hook for a hand and pitch black pirate hat, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was it just him, or had this man been staring directly at him? Redhead cracking his knuckles, the hyena gulped. What was with that side eye he was getting?

"Arrg matey, how dare ye intrude upon the holy land!" the redhead screamed. As he said such, the hook upon his hand shook.

Hearing such accusation come his way, the early adult crossed his arms around his waist. He was intruding upon what now? What about this place was a holy land? If it were some land of the gods, it was most certainly unbefitting of such title. Staying put, he swore he could see steam come out of the pirate's ears.

"Arrg, matey, yer askin' for it!" the pirate shouted.

Pirate's hook hand soon turning into a sword, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. What was happening? Had he stepped into some world of fiction? Just what was going on here? He could hardly fathom any of this at all whatsoever. Hostilities coming his way, the chimera placed his blade out in front of him.

Swords clashing with one another for minutes on end, the chimera broke into a cold sweat. Intense red light overtaking the fight for a portion of it, the hyena closed his eyes. Did this pirate have the power of light within him, or something? How annoying. But, he supposed he should not have expected a high seas criminal to play fair.

Multiple attacks taking him for a ride all at once, the early adult let out a scream. What in the world was all this nonsense? This had to have been the strangest fight he had partaken in in quite awhile. But, he knew he had to give it his all no matter what. Looking for an opening, the hyena remained vigilant.

Pirate letting down his guard after about three clashes of blades, the chimera aimed for the hips. Pirate's defenses down after about seven strikes, he had soon surrendered. Told to continue through the holy land, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the green sky. What holy land? This place had been far from that, for sure.

Continuing onward, multiple other pirates had challenged him for the unholiest land of them all. Army of ruffians defeated after about two hours of fighting, the chimera held back the urge to roll his eyes once more. He did not know why, but this domain had felt like something a child would wish up.

Realization coming through, a wave of shock flowed through the chimera. This subspace area, could the child who wished it up have been Aigre? If such were the case, everything made sense, in a matter of moments. Continuing onward, multiple empty corridors with golden coins had been moved through.

Many pirates slain one after another, the hyena huffed a breath. He did not know why, but the battles had begun to get tiring. Knowing he could not stop to rest, the soldier sauntered onward. Surely, the exit would soon be up ahead. He needed to keep going and look for it.

Reaching a room with a thick, red door and a large light brown treasure chest locked by some red runic symbols, the early adult blinked. Was this the treasure of the pirate proclaimed holy land? Sense being made, he snapped his fingers. He sees now. He understood everything. Walking towards the treasure chest, the chimera prepared to open the trunk, but a new visitor soon rose up to the challenge.

Large creature slithering onto the scene, the chimera backed six steps away. Snake the size of a chair hissing, the early adult's heart had begun to beat hard and fast in his chest. Was this the guard of the area? He should have known there were other enemies lurking in wait.

Snake creature growing a pair of pitch black hands, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. What was going on here? Since when did snakes have hands? This had childhood storybook written all over it. Attempting to run towards the wall, the chimera's legs broke out into a speedy sprint. But, such had been cancelled in a matter of moments.

Slimy, black hands grabbing him, the soldier's neck had been claimed as a prize for the taking. Palms locking down onto him tight, the early adult's air had been removed. Everything getting tight, the chimera let out a pained gasp. World getting tighter with every given second, the world blurred.

Spun around in a circle upon the air, the chimera's damaged eyes had soon been jelly. Airborne, the chimera closed his eyes. What in the world was this strength? He had never seen this before. Back of his head gifted a heavy slam, the early adult could feel himself about to fade away as crimson jelly dropped onto his lap.

Snapping himself out of it, the early adult stood back up onto his feet. What was he doing, letting a tiny bit of blood knock him out of commission? What was he doing? Dashing back towards the snake, the young solder's feet were armed and ready. Swift punts administered, the creature had gotten a taste of its own medicine.

But, such had hardly been enough to stop the beast. Hands soon upon the soldier's ankles, he had become an attraction for no one to see. Wall and backside soon becoming one, the early adult stood upward. Body stinging, the hyena attempted to tune out the pain. Not yet. He couldn't let this creature beat him.

Axe out in front of him, an oil bulb had popped up over the soldier's head. Weapon tossed with full force, a look of surprise appeared on the enemy's face. Chopping session taking place as if he were on some cooking competition, the serpentine monster had been taken out of the equation after twenty hits.

Runic language vanishing from around the chest, the chimera undid the lock upon the trove. But, what awaited him inside removed any remaining sense within him. Pitch back pirate hat printed with the name Mauve on it, the early adult adjusted his glasses. Was that really what that said? He had to have been reading that wrong, surely.

Still seeing the word Mauve on it, the early adult picked the article of clothing up. Was this hat his? But, the hyena had perished the thought. It had to have been just a coincidence. There had to have been thousands of people in Fontaine with such a name. Dropping the treasure into his satchel, the early adult moved towards the exit.

Exiting out of the domain, the chimera hopped down towards the ground. Blond diver boy soon coming onto the scene, the hyena gazed at the young man for a moment. Why was the diver boy here? How very unusual. But, he supposed he had been heading on his way back from some sort of underwater mission. Eyes soon on him as well, he swore he could feel something off once again.

"Mr. Siorc?" the diver boy asked nervously. "Um, your boss told me you need to chop these beanstalks down." His head lowered a smidgeon. "My apologies. He believes you might have forgotten the mission."

Hearing such, the chimera blinked. Why in the world was this boy apologizing to him? Diver boy mentioning the Agent, the soldier held back the urge to let out another sigh. Had he not been working fast enough for him? He supposed he would have to pick up the pace, or Her Majesty would be disappointed in him.

Axe out in front of him, a wave of unease flowed through him. If he were to chop down this beanstalk, would a giant come out of nowhere and decimate him? But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was no way that would happen. Not in a million years. Stories like that were fictional.

Chopping tool hitting the vined contraption, the chimera swore he could hear some hissing noises. But, the hyena tuned such out. He had to have been imagining it, for sure. Continuing to hammer away, the noise had only begun to get louder for minutes on end. Tuning it out, the extermination had been at its peak.

Beanstalk ripping itself apart, a surprise guest had added itself to the enemy roaster. Metallic snake letting out another hiss, the hyena's heart skipped three beats. How did that get inside here? Was this some game of random encounters in tall grass? But, the hyena shook his head. What was he saying? That wasn't it at all. Blade soon in front of him, the diver boy's voice interrupted his flow.

"I'll deal with this," the diver boy said, mechanical claymore out in front of him. "Uh, I would go ahead if I were you. You wouldn't want to make your boss angry." The hyena did not know why, but he sounded like a robot when he had said such.

Knowing the diver boy was right, the early adult moved out of the scene. There had to have been another beanstalk that he had to deal with up ahead. There was no time to deal with other distractions that might have the ability to pop up at any given point. Running towards the east, the hyena observed the area from afar.

Spotting another invasive growth somewhere past the West Slopes, the early adult prepared himself for action. Dashing upon the eastern path, the early adult swore he could see Aigre running somewhere up ahead. Seeing such, the chimera picked up the pace with all his might.

Sea lion, or mermaid rather still within his line of sight, the chimera kept on running. Seeing the young woman looking about ready to scream, alarm bells had rung in the hyena's head. Something was off here. Why had she been so far away from her sisters? Something wasn't right here. Why had she been so far from Poisson?

Running as fast as his legs could carry him, Aigre kept wandering. Eventually catching up to her, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at the sight before him. Young lady dragging her feet like a zombie, the early adult observed every oddity presented to him like his life depended on it.

Aigre dragging herself on the pathway with dead looking eyes the soldier could hear some rather unusual things let themselves loose from the sea lion, or mermaid rather's, mouth. Hearing her say multiple of the same word on repeat for minutes on end, further red flags sprouted up from the ground.

Multiple imaginary friend's names mentioned on repeat, and Aigre repeating on a constant loop she knows, the reddest of the red flags added itself to the mix. Something was not right here, but he could not make out what it could have possibly been. Girl soon running away, the hyena had begun the chase in tandem.

Chase only getting faster, far more peculiar things had been said one after another. Hearing nonsense about treasure she could never obtain, the chimera blinked. Was she playing some sort of game? But, the soldier knew that was not it. It couldn't have possibly been. Continuing to chase her, the mumblings had only become louder.

"Your sisters told you not to wander off today," Aigre said in a weird voice. She then changed the pitch of her voice. "Rubis, stop lecturing me!"

Aigre running faster, the early adult's legs had erupted into an even speedier sprint. Continuing to scream she knows over and over again, the soldier blinked. What did she know? Almost near a ledge, a shock shot down the hyena's spine. If she were to run any further, she would fall to an untimely death. He needed to call out to her and put a stop to this, right away.

"Aigre?" the hyena asked in an almost loud tone.

Aigre not hearing him, the soldier's face grew talk. Had he not been loud enough? He knew he had to speak up, no matter what. Any further, and she would all of the ledge. He couldn't allow such to happen. This could not go on. Would announcing himself as one of her pirate crew members wake her up? He knew he had to try. Pirate hat upon his head, he rose his voice to the loudest he would allow himself to.

"Aigre, it's me, your new crewmate, Mauve!" Siorc shouted.

But, his words had gone unheard once more. Aigre soon looping off towards another direction, she had been gone like the wind. Unable to find her after twenty minutes, the chimera shrugged. He supposed as the saying goes, children had too much energy. Raising the white flag, the early adult headed off towards the next growth.

Beanstalk within his field of damaged vision, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just what was up with Aigre today? She did not seem like she was there today. But, the early adult threw such thought out into the ocean. She was just playing a game of chase with her imaginary friends. Nothing to see here.

As the next growth was swiftly approaching, the early adult gazed at the enemy right in front of him. Could there be another secret snake inside this creature? Climbing upward upon the thorny island, more bean monsters with their shooters awaited him. Enemies looking ready to take him out hook, line, and sinker, the defenses kicked themselves into overdrive.

Creatures taken out of the picture one after another, another door soon appeared out of nowhere. Moving towards the entrance, the early adult closed his eyes as a blinding light overtook him. Opening them shortly after, the soldier soon found himself in a strange place he had never seen before.

Finding himself in a reverse Poisson, the soldier backed five steps away. Where in the world was he? Why was he in a mirrored version of the boat city? How unusual. But, he supposed anything was possible in a subspace world. Monsters all around the area, the hyena prepared himself.

Spotting multiple sea monsters crawling around the area, the hyena unsheathed his greatsword once more. Slimy creatures aplenty decimated one after another, the early adult scratched his ears. Was it just his imagination, or did he hear Aigre's names bounced off the walls?

Multiple sea creatures turned into dust, the early adult could hear the creatures kept letting out names one after another. Hearing them cry out sissie and sisser, the chimera had to do a quadruple take. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? No, he had to have been imagining it.

Creepy crawlies one after another talking like the mermaid, the soldier's knees shook. Just what was going on here? Where in the world had he stumbled upon? Nothing was making any sense. Moving on towards the flipped world, more words that sounded familiar threw themselves out into the ring.

Young voice saying she wanted to play outside, the soldier blinked. Huh? Squid creature coming for him, he ran away at lightning speed. Bright red sea creature slithering towards him, the early adult huffed and puffed. Why did this creature have glasses? Something wasn't adding up here. But, the next sentence he heard threw him off a smidgeon.

Big pink squid shouting it was dangerous out there, the army slithered off towards him. Tendrils ready to cut him up and bake him into a pie, the soldier's axe was ready. Rapid fire defenses kicked into overdrive, the soldier could feel his energy begin to break apart. Suctioned creatures fading into the ether, one last scream had been let out.

"Sissie, sisser, you're always so mean to me!!" the red squid shouted. "Let me play outside by myself!!"

Red squid coming back to life full force, the hyena's jaw dropped straight open. It was regenerating? What was going on here? Creature squirming off towards the boat in the corner, the chimera followed it. Inky attacks of doom drenching his uniform, he let out a scream. What was he, some kind of art project? Ridiculous.

Windwheel Aster friend sent onto the battlefield, three final blows had been dealt to the squid. Enemy not returning, the early adult moved forward. Reaching the backwards boat at a rather quick pace, the treasure chest soon awaited him. Undoing the lock, an unfortunate thing soon appeared in front of him.

Multiple pieces of pirate treasure in front of him, the soldier let out a groan. What were these golden rings doing here labelled with his esteemed pirate name? One was not adding up to two. Pocketing the objects for the time being, the walls crumbled around him one after another.

Knowing he had no choice but to chop down the beanstalk, the early adult hopped downwards towards the ground. Axe doing the honors, the early adult could smell a sickeningly sour scent on the air in a matter of moments. Grip weakening, the smell had only begun to get stronger. Axe breaking free from him, the soldier fell towards the ground. Eyelids getting heavy, the chimera could stay awake no longer.


Why did it smell like lemons?


"I um, went to go look for Aigre with Bain, and, uh

Guess who I saw?
Uh, what's his name again, um.
Eh, it's coming to me.
Skirk? No. That's not it.
Scoot? Not. It.

Uh, it's coming to me, it's coming to
Me. I'm terrible with names.

There it is. Skirt. Yeah, that's it.
Huh? What's that terrible scent?
It's very lemony.
Now I see. This
Guy, um, excuse me
Soldier was caught up in

Aigre's imagination transcending
Reality, or something.
Eh, so.

Where do I begin?
Oh, um, so here's the deal.
Right, so, it's the anniversary of
Some date neither of us want to look back on. And
Eh, uh. How do I say

This without sounding like I have a screw loose?
Oh, um. Uh. Give me a second.
Don't look at me like that, um, I'm thinking.
Ah, yes, thinking.
Yes, it's coming

To me, it's coming to me I swear.
Huh, well, okay,
Alright, so. Some, uh, how do I put this without sounding
Nasty? Some nerd. Ah, no. No.

Yes, you know what um, nerd is fine. Sticking with that.
Ehem, okay. Anyway.
Some nerd came by one day from
The research institute. He had one
Eye, or something. He said, um:
'Right, sorry, but it seems there's a
Dangerous level of warped subspace around here,
And I would like to investigate, is that alright with
You lovely ladies?'

And? To be honest this
Nerd? Maybe that is a little too nasty of me, um. This
Dude. No, um, too casual,

Um. You know what? Sticking with nerd.
Meh. So, anyway,

That's when I say, 'Uh.
Huh, why are you asking us about this. Um, we
Are just residents here, and stuff.'
That's what I said, but that's when he

Said back: 'That might be so, and forgive me for saying this. I
Know I may get slapped, but
It would seem one of you three is
Radiating a high amount of energy
To warp the area.' I can hear a

Grating ding. And
Uh, this nerd just keeps going. He asks something, 'There was a labyrinth that popped up recently that had some treasure go missing. Do either of
You ladies know anything about that?'

I do recall that Aigre recently wandered off into
Some domain and came out with something, but

I never saw it, so I uh, assumed she returned it? Anyway, I tell the
Nerd, 'Uh, you probably have the wrong person, sorry.' I
Very much regret saying that. Because the next day, beanstalks sprouted up everywhere.
Oh, and, don't
Look at me, I don't know why. Well, anyway. Seems Skirk? No, Skoot? No, ugh. I
Very rarely remember people's names, bear with me, alright?
Eh...I'll just call him Skirt, whatever. So, Skirt is involved in this now, too.
Don't know why he's exploring these beanstalk catacombs. But, he should, um, stop that, I think."

Waking up somewhere unknown to him, the soldier let out a scream. Where was he? Where had he been taken to? Hearing feet run towards him, the soldier reached for his glasses. Bain in the corner of the room, he let out another shout. Where had he been taken to?

"Siorc, what's wrong?" Bain asked. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Turning his head towards the right and left, it had come to the soldier immediately. Had he been in the sea lion sister's abode? Bowing an apology, the chimera shook his head. Maybe he should not have let out such a shout. The walls had to have been much thinner paper.

"Good, I'm glad," Bain said, relief evident in her voice. "Did you kill the beanstalks for us?"

Hearing such inquiry, an even heavier wave of confusion flowed through the chimera. What did Bain have to do with any of this? Surely, this had to have been the work of someone else. The sea lion sisters did not seem to exude any powers beyond the seven. But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted as the other sister came in.

"Um, I think it happened again," Kali said, with a tone of confusion. "Bain, uh, did you feel that energy just now?"

"I did," Bain responded, nodding. She then turned towards Siorc. "Siorc, did you come across Aigre yesterday?"

Hearing such question, the soldier nodded. Removing himself from the bed, the girls looked at one another with a serious look on both their faces. Seeing such, the hyena blinked. What in the world was going on? No matter how he looked at it, something was not right here. But, the chimera threw the red flags out. It had to have been his imagination, surely. But, in a matter of moments, such suspicions were at their peak.

"About Aigre," Bain said. "We need to talk to you about that. Do you mind?"

Inquiry coming his way once again, the early adult scratched his chin. What did they have to say to him? He knew it had to have been something dire. Giving the duo a nod, they had soon escorted them into the kitchen. Girls seated themselves at the table, eyes were glued onto him.

"So, the truth is, it's the anniversary of our parent's death," Bain said in a somber tone.

"Uh? Should we be telling a stranger that?" Kali asked.

"Since he destroyed the beanstalks," Bain responded in a tired voice. "He's now involved in this whether we like it or not."

"You're right, I guess," Kali said reluctantly.

Somber words coming his way, the soldier blinked. Why did Bain share such a personal matter with him? Kali was right, they were all strangers to one another. But, if the beanstalks had really been related to this family, there was no avoiding it. He had been entangled into their mess now. It was too late to back down.

"Did Aigre ignore you when you called out to her?" Bain asked, face growing dark.

Inquiry coming his way, the early adult searched through his memories of yesterday. Aigre not responding to him, the chimera nodded. What use would it be to lie here? He knew he had to tell the whole truth. Eyes glued onto him, the sea lion sisters faces only grew darker.

"I knew it. She's trapped in her own little world," Bain said, voice cracking. "Around this time of year, Aigre gets much worse. Kind of like she shuts herself off. We need to find her! She could fall off a cliff if she's not paying attention!"

Exact fears played out right in front of him, the hyena nodded. Right, that's exactly it. If they don't find her, she could a corpse somewhere. He could not allow that to happen. He knew he owed these two a helping hand for not being able to stop her yesterday. But, a strange inquiry had soon come out of left field.

"Um, maybe we should unbury that treasure?" Kali asked.

"I guess we should do that first," Bain replied.

Hearing such, the chimera could hardly believe his ears. What did uncovering a treasure have anything to do with finding their sister? But, the hyena shook his head. These two had to have known Aigre better than anyone. Perhaps, just maybe digging up a trove would break her out of her stupor.

Meals devoured, the party of three had soon exited Poisson. Not hearing Aigre's screams anywhere from afar, the soldier's knees buckled. Had she not been anywhere nearby? If such were the case, that was not good news. Spotting more growths up ahead as well, the chimera sighed. There were more beanstalks to deal with? Lovely.

Bain and Kali commenting Aigre was definitely nearby, the soldier kept his ears open. Right, there was no chance she wasn't around. These beanstalks had everything to do with her. Aigre soon taking out a light blue compass a golden beam pointed off towards the west. Seeing such, the hyena rose an eyebrow. Didn't those instruments always point north? How unusual.

Bean monsters all across the road, the early adult took his greatsword out from inside his satchel. But, he had soon been halted in his tracks. Sea lion duo telling him to leave the battles to them, the chimera surrendered. Right, leave this to them. It was the least he could do.

Lentil creatures destroyed one after another, the soldier could hear Bain mention Aigre's imagination. Hearing such, questions rolled themselves around like a pebble on the beach. Had all of this really been Aigre's imagination? He was starting to think that was the case.

Beans tossed into their gassy grave, the hyena could hear Bain and Kali huffing and puffing up a storm. Did they really intend to do all this by themselves? Surely, they wouldn't mind he lend his assistance, even if it's for a brief moment. Enemies getting their bazookas ready, the hyena attempted to throw himself into the ring.

Sisters telling him no, the chimera sighed. If they did not want his help, then so it shall be. This was their battle. Monsters decimated one after another, the pathway had soon been cleared. Light blue compass still pointing west the group had soon kept going.

As the duo in front of him kept destroying the monsters, the early adult could not help but wonder. Was everything he was witnessing right now a part of Aigre's fantasy world? He could not fathom why, but he felt like he had been sucked into one big dream.

But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He was most certainly not dreaming. He had definitely been caught up in Aigre's fantasy world. But, the more he thought such, the less sense it made. How could someone's imagination world penetrate into reality? That made next to no sense.

Bain and Kali commenting these monsters were only getting tougher, the soldier tried once again to step up to the plate. Kali demanding he put his sword away, the early adult did so. The last thing he would wish to do is make someone cross with him right now. Such could not happen.

Beanstalk getting closer, the early adult's mind wandered off towards another option. Could this have just been another abyss plot? But, the soldier threw such thoughts out. No way that could have possibly been the case. There was no dark energy to speak of. Perhaps, just maybe, just this once, someone else had dealt the cards with this one.

Soon hearing a loud beep interrupting everything, the soldier tilted his head. Why was the compass making all those obnoxious noises? Treasure device pointing downward towards, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Was that compass even accurate? It was saying the treasure was underneath the beanstalk. That could not have been right.

Bain booting up the treasure compass again, the arrow continued to point downward. Seeing such, the chimera climbed upwards towards the island above the beanstalk. It looks like he would have no choice but to clear out the labyrinth up above. Bain and Kali soon following, the chimera closed his eyes as the blinding light overtook him.

Finding himself in a large room with a dock and pirate ship, the soldier blinked. Had he reached another place that had been a fragment of Aigre's imagination? He could sense a heavy off feeling in the air. Moving forward, something of particular note had soon stuck out to the soldier.

Spotting a small, short shadow person with a pirate hat on the chimera swore he could see glasses over their invisible eyes. Young voice making various pirate noises and hook soon on their hands, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. What is this? Just how deep did this imagination go?

Knowing he had to press on, the soldier moved forward. Voice of a little girl calling out pirate was her favorite game she wanted to play it forever, the early adult's knees buckled. This shadow person, she sounded so young. How far into Aigre's mind had they gone? The chimera did not know, but he knew it had to have been deeper than he could have ever bargained for. But, as they moved forward, a wave of worry flowed through the hyena.

Deep look of pain on Bain's face, the soldier's heart skipped more than four beats. Why did she look like a broken bird on a pedestal? But, the chimera threw such question away. Of course she wouldn't look in the tip top pristine shape right now. Her sister had been in some sort of danger. He would look the same if his own had been in a terrible mental state. Dragging himself forward, he stared off into space towards what lied ahead.

Seeing shadows of Aigre all around this subspace area, Bain held back the urge to break down into tears. All this time, she had been in so much pain, hadn't she? She knew Kali always told her to just let her think she was still a child, but was it really alright to let things go on like this? These memories seemed broken, jagged. But, she pulled herself together. She could get emotional in the privacy of her own room.

Bain looking about ready to cry, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Was this domain affecting her in some way, too? He supposed such would be the case. Moving right along, the shadow people had only begun to dig themselves deeper. Multiple scenes of pirate games playing out with one another, the next one took the rotten cake.

Shadows getting older, there had soon been more added to the picture. Two pitch black dolls floating in midair off the edge of a boat, the early adult could see Bain and Kali cover their hands with their faces, for a moment. Seeing such, worry plastered the chimera deep. Was something disturbing them?

Main shadow looking to be around the age of eighteen, the chimera blinked. What could be happening out in front of him? Something wasn't right here, in the slightest. Loud shouts coming from the boat in the corner, the hyena turned his attention towards it.

"Mom, dad!" the shadow screamed, hiccing and sobbing. But, through the sobs, a shell dropped onto the floor. "Mommy, aren't you a mermaid? Can't you swim, mommy?"

"Not anymore Aigre," the pitch black figure of the lady said. "I lost my ability to swim sometime after I became pregnant with you."

"What do you mean you can't swim anymore mommy?!" the shadow of Aigre asked. "You told me mermaids could swim forever!"

"Sorry, baby, mommy never told you this," the lady figure said in a somber tone. "But mommy's nerves got very sick when you were ready to come out. You know that cane I'm always using?"

"You mean that cool pirate cane?" the shadow of Aigre asked.

"That's right, sweetie," the lady figure responded. "The cool pirate cane."

Hearing such, tears streamed down the soldier's face. Aigre's mother went through all that? He could hardly believe all this. He could hardly imagine the pain and suffering a healthy natal pregnant female must have to go through to bring a child into this world and become differently abled as a result. Did his mother suffer something similar when she gave birth to him? Those who were able to give birth, despite difficulties were the strongest soldiers in the world.

But, the early adult wiped them away as fast as he could. What in the world is he doing, crying right now? He needed to snap out of it. There was work to be done. He had to find the exit to this place and help the sea lion sisters uncover the buried treasure. Shadows soon speaking again, the chimera turned towards them. Figures beginning to struggle deeply in the water, the world froze.

"Aigre, you'll always be our little girl," the male figure in the water said while struggling.

Figures sinking down to the bottom of the ocean like rocks, Aigre's shadow had soon let out a pained screamed. Black tears falling down into the ocean the soldier once again tried to hold himself back. Was this the reason for Aigre's current behavior? He couldn't help but suspect such words were the catalyst to it all.

Turning towards the sea lion duo, an intense wave of darkness loomed over him. Bain and Kali hugging their knees, tears strolling down their faces, the early adult turned towards the opposite direction. These two definitely needed their privacy right about now. Right, he should probably look the other way. But, they had soon spoke through the sea of somberness.

"This was um, our parent's trip to Petrichor," Kali said, voice cracking. "Neither of us were able to go on this vacation. We." But she paused for a moment, letting out a loud pitched whine. "We had a job at that time with some trade commission. So we couldn't go, and, um, sorry, give me a second."

But, a second never came. Kali crumbling into a million wet pieces, the soldier placed his hand on his chest. Did she blame herself for her parents death? He definitely did not blame her for such. Bain lifting herself up from her knees, she soon attempted to finish her sister's cut off sentence.

"That vacation, we couldn't go. Our client told us we had to do some trades in Mount Esus West," Bain said, voice cracking. "You know, I think we should have gone. Then, mom and dad would still be alive right now!" As she said such she let out a wail. "Sorry. I'll stop We should probably move on."

Shadow woman moving through the domain as rain fell, the soldier swore he could hear her say multiple things under her dark breath. But, the hyena could not make out what that might have been. Moving through corridor after corridor, the end of the domain was nearing. Exit door soon about to be upon everyone, the pitch black girl let out one final utterance.

"Right," the shadow girl said in a somber tone. "I'll always be mommy's little girl..." She let out hicks and sobs once again. "Mommy's little baby."

Feeling a switch click upwards inside him, the soldier stared at the shadow on the submerged floor. Was this the cause for Aigre's childlike behavior? It had hit him like a food cart rolling out uncontrollably in the open. The mermaid had regressed back to the good old days of her childhood. He sees now.

Shadow soon summoning a monster, Bain and Kali sprung into action. Black figures reduced into nothing but a pile of ashes, everyone soon exited the domain one at a time. Door soon vanishing, the hyena had begun axing away. Beanstalk disintegrating into a pile of nothing, Bain had begun digging.

Treasure chest found underneath the hole below the grass, the early adult could not help but wonder. What could the spoils have possibly been? Trove soon unlocked, the pink haired sea lion removed a small locket from the tiny trunk. Seeing such, the hyena scratched his head. What was that tiny little trinket? False back soon taken off, the real piece revealed itself to the word.

Small necklace with Aigre's name on it uncovered, the chimera gazed at it for a moment. Bain and Kali, why would they bury something like this? But, he supposed they had their own reasons for doing something like that. Tears dropping on the grass once more, the next piece of the puzzle revealed itself to the world.

"This is something we hid from Aigre," Bain said through her tears. "If she knew about this necklace, I know she'd tell us, 'I want to go to the sky where mommy is.' So, we can't give this to her." But the sound of a loud scream off in the distance interrupted everything.

"Um, Aigre's off towards the boardwalk east of here," Kali interrupted. "We have to uh, chase her."

Aigre dashing off across the east slopes, everyone had begun running. Speeding off faster and faster, the distance between everyone had only gotten shorter with every given second. But, the gap had only begun to get wider once more. Sea lion, or mermaid rather, increasing her running speed, shouts had soon come her way.

"Aigre, please stop running!" Bain shouted.

But, her words went unheard. Aigre's dash reaching peak speed, the soldier could not help but wonder. What was she running for? Everyone continuing to chase after her, shouts kept coming her way. East Slopes completely left behind after about an hour of running, the hyena attempted to catch his breath. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed.

Spotting another beanstalk beside the board walk in the Fort Charybdis Ruins, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. How was it even possible for an invasive plant growth to appear somewhere soil never existed? The world had no sense, and he wasn't making any of it.

Aigre soon running off into the domain, Bain and Kali dropping in, as well, the soldier followed in shortly after. But, what awaited everyone within the confines of the labyrinth was a violent world of terror. Large room with intense battles holding Bain and Kali into a tight headlock, the hyena's eyes opened wide.

Bain and Kali neck and torsos locked away by some large, eight legged creatures, the early adult readied his claymore. What was going on here? Where did these monsters even come from? Nothing working for minutes on end, the chimera could feel something crack inside him. Were these creatures immune to blade attacks? If such were the case, he was useless piece of trash upon the battlefield.

Sea creature remaining supreme, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. But, his hyena claws promptly did nothing, as well. Tail and flower friends proving even more useless, the soldier waved the white flag. Why couldn't he do anything? Turning towards Aigre, he swore he could hear the sound of glass breaking all around her.

Sissie and sisser taken away by some big meanie monster, Aigre let out a scream. No, no, no, no, this can't be happening. Faces all blue, the tears broke like broken glass. No, no, no, this can't be happening. She can't lose them, too. She had to do something. She can't lose them, too. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Glass breaking, the tears kept going. She had to go back to the present. Back to the present, back to the present, back to today. Back to the current time. Chandelier of doom falling around her, her screams continued. No, no, no, no, no, no, she can't lose her sisters, too. Who would she have left. No, no, no. Go back to the present Aigre. Get back to here and now before it's too late. Now, now, now, now, now. Today. Not yesterday. Her grownup self.


"Bain, Kali, no!" Aigre cried, summoning her scythe. "I can't lose you two, too!"

Aigre swinging and hitting, every single monster had been decimated in a matter of moments. The soldier's heart skipped a beat. What just happened? Did the enemy get blown to smithereens in one single shot? The power of emotions was the most powerful force of them all. Aigre dropping down to her knees, the quakes soon rolled.

"Bain, Kali, I'm sorry for acting like a kid all the time," Aigre said, tears streaming down her face. "And causing you so much trouble."

"Huh?" Bain asked in confusion. "Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, uh," Kali added. "Uh, it's fine. We don't mind." But, as she said such, Aigre's body had become limp.

Exiting the domain, the soldier stared at the unconscious Aigre placed onto Bain's backside. Had she just woken up? That must have been quite difficult for her. Kali soon digging up the final treasure beside the river, more mementos that weren't his business had soon been uncovered.

Beanstalk soon chopped down, the harsh lemony scent had been wafted through the area once more. Zestiness overtaking him, the soldier's eyes grew heavy. Falling backwards, blackness overtook the chimera. What was going on? Why was he tired all of a sudden? World growing silent and dim, one last thought took him away as everything disappeared.

Aigre woke up in that domain, didn't she?


"Maybe all of this is going over my head
A little. I don't think I am quite grasping this.
Yes, I really am not understanding,
But I suppose I don't have to.
Even though

I know what I saw, I

Just don't quite
Understand how other chimera's minds work.
So, I guess Aigre woke up briefly?
Though, maybe I am wrong. I

Don't know. Well,
Oh, well, it looks like she's

Now back to normal. I awoke
Once again in Poisson
Today, and she's back to her

Childlike self. I guess it was just
One brief moment a
Momentary blip.
Perhaps, I just dreamt all that.
Right, I probably did.
Even so, what a strange dream.
How did I
End up back in Poisson? And
Now, it also seems those beanstalks are all
Done. Maybe it was

All just a dream. I really don't know.
Look, I am trying to think, but it
Looks like nothing is coming

To me. Well, I suppose my job
Here is done. But did I do anything?
I don't know. These past two days
Seem a little fuzzy around the edges now."

Finding himself back in Poisson the next morning, the early adult rubbed his eyes. He did not know why, but he felt like he just had a very long dream Aigre had reversed back to being an adult again. Hearing a lot of scoldings coming from the other room. Mermaid the same as she ever was, the hyena shook his head. Maybe it was a dream after all.

But, it was not a dream. Bain and Kali once again thanking him for getting rid of the beanstalk problem, the chimera tilted his head. Had he really done all that? He didn't know why, but everything felt like such a blur. Bidding farewell to the sea lion, excuse him, mermaid trio, the hyena exited the building.

Not knowing what the day ahead of him might entail, the soldier prepared himself to head back towards the Court of Fontaine. There had been no more growths to deal with, his job had been done. But, as he passed through the West Slopes, two familiar faces caught him off guard.

Rabiu and Lonan with very peculiar gear, the early adult stared off into space. What were these two wearing? He did not know, but something had been off about them. Had there been more invasive growths in Fontaine the he had missed? If such were the case, he needed to hop to it right away. Eyes on him, he had soon been informed on everything.

"Just in time, black fish steak bro," Lonan said in an urgent tone. "Rab and I were just about to go look for you."

"Um, uh, something strange is happening in the Foggy Forest Path and Weeping Willow of the Lake," Rabiu said in a nervous tone. "So, we, um, uh, are going to investigate again." His lip continued to quiver. "We um, are, uh, sorry to bother you, but would you like to investigate with us?"

Sense of urgency in Rabiu's voice, the soldier nodded. Something had been going on in the Foggy Forest again? He supposed it would be in his best interest to go along and see what might have been going on with that. Group of three running off towards Marcotte Station, he had soon learned the real meat and potatoes of the situation.

"Glad you're on board with us, black fish steak bro," Lonan said as he had begun running. "Overnight in the foggy forest some really weird mushrooms overtook the area. Rab's worried 'bout Damla and Firat."

"We, um, think it's possible some of the toxic material leaked underwater," Rabiu added. "We have should um, check up on them."

Hearing even more points of danger dropped out everywhere, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. There was no way this could go on any further. Even if the undersea gazelles did not wish to live in this world anymore, they needed to be safe, as well. Dropping down the second key, everyone ran past Marcotte Station at lightning speed.

Reaching the Foggy Forest Path after about an hour of running, multiple tall growths had intoxicated the area with their noxious gasses. Mask handed off to the soldier, the chimera covered his mouth and nose. Mushrooms of doom soon spreading out their spores aplenty, Lonan had gotten his crossbow ready.

Shrooms of doom decimated one after another, the soldier could see masked strangers running away as fast as they could possible muster. Seeing such, the early adult's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. It was those criminals that the special security patrol and Hydro Archon mentioned the other day. He needed to catch them black handed right away.

Every single poisonous object destroyed one after another, the chase was on. Everyone running around in circles for hours on end throughout the deepest edges of the forest, the early adult tried with all the energy that remained to grab the strangers. Why were they so fast? What were they trying to hide.

Party of three splitting up upon the paths in front of them, the group dispersed themselves towards multiple exits. Perhaps, just maybe, if they moved erratically, they would be able to catch them before they could get away. Weeping Willow of the Lake nearing, the jagged lines had been set.

Masked criminals soon cornered into a wall after two hours of chasing, Lonan unmasked the culprits. Hoods coming down, as well, the soldier rolled his eyes towards the sky. Of course it was Kelebek and Izzet again. When was something dangerous not tied to them?

"Not cool, bros, trying to poison the air and water," Lonan said, shaking his head. But a defense had come almost immediately.

"So what if we are?" Izzet asked in a maniacal tone. "Nyahahaha, those two need to be taken care of!" As they said such, a chatrakam had been summoned.

"Um, Lonan? Go all out," Rabiu said to Lonan.

"Got it, you're the boss, boss," Lonan replied to Rabiu. He then turned towards Siorc. "You, too, black fish steak bro!"

Rabiu soon adorning his integrated dagger and shield, a battle had soon broke loose. But, as everyone had begun fighting, the soldier could see Izzet throw something towards the lake. Seeing such, the early adult readied his claymore. But, as he had done so, Kelebek placed one's finger below one's eyelid.

"He thinks he's all that!" Kelebek shouted. "You'll show him how powerless he is!"

Huge mushroom with wings summoned, Rabiu's daggers had been ready. Bulb up above swelling, the hyena's eyes grew wide. This shroom, just what was it about to do? Something wasn't right here, and it needed to be dealt with accordingly. Spores popping out, the fungus among him tried flapping upward. But, such had been halted by the sound of an arrow barrage.

"Nope. Not today!" Lonan shouted. As he said such, hundreds of arrows rained down upon the shroom.

Abyssal gazelles summoning more shrooms, Lonan repeated the line once more. Hundreds of arrows fired in quick succession of one another, the obstacle had soon been defeated. Nothing else up their sleeves, screams had hit the wind at a rapid pace. Fingers pointed, the soldier rolled his eyes. Here it come, the line of revenge.

"We could have been rid of them!" Izzet shouted. "We've already replaced them anyway!"

Hearing such, the early adult's lowered his eyes into a squint. They did what now? Replace who? When? But, his questions remained unanswered as Kelebek's index finger pointed at him with a loud fury. Rolling his eyes again, he knew what phrase was about to grace his eardrums once more.

"He dared interfere!" Kelebek exclaimed, jumping towards the portal. "You will get your revenge!"

Abyssal gazelles gone without a trace, the early adult's head had begun to spin. The Abyssal gazelle, who did they replace? What was going on here? He did not understand a word of what had just been said. But he had soon been dragged back to reality. Rabiu reminding him to get his diving suit on, the soldier did as instructed.

Dropping down to the undersea lake, something of particular note stuck out to the soldier almost immediately. Damla and Firat struggling the breathe, the chimera's heart skipped more than five beats. The poison, had it already reached the undersea world? No, it had been too late, hadn't it? Rabiu deploying a defuser, a look of confusion had soon been on Damla's face.

"Why?" Damla asked. "We could have been asleep forever, hadn't you intervened."

"We could have been asleep forever," Firat also said. "You should have let that happen." But, a stream of words soon changed their song and dance.

"Um, uh, but your cousins did this," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "We thought you wouldn't want to go out that way. Um. Sorry for interfering." But, a sigh had come his way.

"So, you know, don't you?" Damla sighed in a tired tone.

"Know what?" Lonan asked.

"That Kelebek and Izzet switched our lungs with gills?" Firat asked in a tired tone. "So they could replace us within the Saber family."

Hearing such, the soldier could feel his soul about to depart from his body. The abyssal gazelles did what now? They were capable of changing the structure of someone's body? How was that possible? How could they be capable of something so vile? This could not be. No way, something wasn't adding up. This had to have been some sort of prank. Nothing was real. But, as his thoughts clustered, worried looks had come his way.

"Um, Siorc?" Rabiu asked in a concerned tone. "You don't looks so good. Um, you should go back home."

Thoughts racing the soldier ascended back towards the surface. Dragging himself towards Marcotte Station, the soldier stared off into space. Changing someone lungs into gills, how was that possible? Why would someone do something like that? Reaching the court city after about an hour, the questions repeated themselves.

Ginger Fatui telling him he looked terrible, go back to Snezhnaya and get some sleep, the soldier removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Dragging himself through the hallways, the hyena's thoughts muddied together. The abyssal gazelles, just how much were they truly capable of?

Reaching the soundproof room, the early adult walked around in a circle upon the icy cold floor. Replacing people's lungs with gills to replace them in the family. Why would someone do something so irreversible? Heart racing, the soldier broke out into a sweat. The abyssal gazelles, just what else were they capable of doing? Could they replace the heart with another organ? He did not know, but he knew they were more dangerous than he once thought.

Wave of tiredness overtaking him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Thoughts racing for hours on end, hyena closed his eyes as he felt himself wear down. World of sleep about to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

The abyssal gazelles will do anything they can to gain power, won't they?

Chapter 36: Northern Fontaine Mysteries: Creepy Crawlies


This one is a little strange, if anything. In this section, Siorc is tasked with dealing with problems around the Northern section of Fontaine. Peculiarities ensue. Feat: Kaiser, Malika, Earl, Baron, Marquis, Esquire, Folu, Sani, Rabiu, Oluchi, Kelebek, Izzet, Tartaglia, Lynette, Freminet, Furina and Clorinde.


Final branch off lol

Chapter Text

"Hmm? What is going on here?
Ugh. Why is someone pushing my shoulders?
Huh? Ugh, it's the Eleventh.

What does he want from me doesn't
He know how late it is?
You know, I don't think he does.

Ah, well, well
Maybe he's

In the wrong room.

Bring yourself out of here. It's
Extremely late into the morning
It's past midnight.
No way am I
Getting up for him, goodbye.

Why isn't he leaving
Of all the Harbingers, they had to send him. I don't
Know why, but
Every time I see him, I feel
Nothing but fury.

Ugh. Maybe if I just
Pretend to sleep he will leave.

It's definitely going to work. Goodbye. I'm asleep.
No way. He's still

Tugging my shoulder.
How can he still be at this?
Exit my room please.

Maybe he does not know
It's after hours.
Does he not know?
Did he not realize?
Look at those dead
Eyes of his, is he blind?

Okay, that was quite rude of me.
For the record, I know next

To nothing about
Him. What would I know?
Everything about him is a mystery to me. And I

Never wish to learn.
I care nothing about him.
Guess he will not be going away
How can he be
This stubborn? Well,

Takes one to know one,
However, I will say
Absolutely nothing
There is nothing

I can say.
So, I lift myself

Up. He's looking right at me.
Now, I cannot believe the words he
Unleashed upon the cold air.
So, Her Majesty wants an audience with me.
Uh, Eleventh, excuse me?
As you may or may not have noticed, it's
Late. Way past midnight.

After hours.
No way this was

An order he received.
Undo this order, if you'd please!
Does it look like
It's time for this?
Eh. Well, I know I have
No choice in the matter.
Cannot say no.
Even though I

Wish to do so,
I cannot, whatsoever.
That word is not allowed to me.
Her Majesty, what does she want?

How could she ask for me this late after
Evening? Is it urgent?
Regarding whatever this is,

Now is hardly the time.
Oh, well. I have no choice.
Whatever could it be she

Wants, and why now?
Hahaha, listen
Your Majesty. You

Shouldn't wake up people
Haphazardly. I do not have sleep rage
Or anything, but some might and might
Unleash their wrath upon you.
Look, I am not saying that will happen
Do not take my word for it. Maybe I'm being
Nonsensical. Probably. I am just
Tired, I suppose. That's how

It all goes. Well, it is what it is.
Tired or not, I must seek this audience.

Why not wait until morning?
Ah, well who knows?
I cannot even begin
To fathom what Her Majesty is

Usually thinking. There is
No way to ever predict
That. She's quite the
Intricate god, if you ask me.
Look, it hardly

Matters. I know it doesn't.
Onward to her palace.
Remove myself from bed.
No more dawdling.
It is time to leave.
No more dawdling. It's time to
Get ready."

It had been the stark depths of the night hours within the permafrost north. Feeling a tug on his shoulder, the early adult had awoken from his especially deep slumber. Rubbing his eyes, for a moment, nothing but colored blobs awaited him. Wave of confusion flowing through him, he could not help but question. Who had removed him from his slumber? But, such inquiry had an immediate answer as a grating voice ruptured his inhuman eardrums.

"Hey, buddy, get up," the annoying voice demanded.

Reaching for his glasses, a wave of disgust flowed through the soldier at the face in front of him. Eleventh Harbinger standing by his bedside bundled up in a white coat, another wave of confusion flowed through him. What was this pesky Harbinger doing here? Was he being ordered to change rooms again within the military barracks? But, such had far off course.

"Her Majesty has requested an audience with you," the Eleventh said. "Come on, get up."

Eleventh demanding he get up, the bewilderment only continued to eat him. Her Majesty requested an audience with him now, of all times? It had been after midnight. He had still been in his bed pants; he was hardly presentable to appear in front of the Cryo Archon. What a terrible time for such news.

Words ringing in his head, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. Why couldn't this meeting wait until morning? Surely, whatever it is she she wished to say to him could wait until daytime hours. But, he supposed orders were orders. Whatever says, goes. Nothing could be done if such were the case.

"Hey, why are you spacing out?" the Eleventh Harbinger called out again. "You need to wake up!"

Snapping himself out of it, the chimera let out a barely audible groan. Of all the soldiers to send, why did it have to be him? White coat handed off to him, the winter world soon engulfed him. Barracks soon exited, snow crunched underneath his feet as the eleventh harbinger led the way off towards the palace.

Long walk ahead of him, the chimera stared off into the white space in front of him. What could possibly be going on here? Why had he been summoned now, of all times? When was the last time he had been in front of the Cryo Archon? The hyena did not know. It had to have been quite some time ago.

Moving forward through the snow, the question repeated itself. Why was he summoned so suddenly? Had something bad happened to require an audience? The chimera did not know. Her Majesty requesting an audience with him had been quite rare. He could count the amount of times such had occurred on one hand.

But, the chimera shook his head. He had answered orders directly from her, dripped through an Agent grapevine. He supposed, such summoning should not have come as a surprise to him. But, he still could not help but ponder. What could have this been all about? It had to have been important if it could not wait.

"Hey, buddy, try to keep up!" the Eleventh Harbiner's distant voice shouted. "Unless you want to freeze to death, you have to keep moving."

Flinching, the soldier had begun running. Right, this was Snezhnaya. If he were to stay still for too long, the ice would bite him, guaranteed. Such could not happen, for any given reason. Continuing to run, the hyena attempted with all his might to catch up with the annoying tall man far ahead of him.

Reaching the palace after about an hour of walking, the soldier took a deep breath as Tartaglia opened the doors in front of him. Time was up, the time had come for him to appear in front of Her Majesty whether he liked it, or not. Stepping across the carpet, a fearful sight soon awaited him.

Her Majesty's right leg crusted into her left thigh, fear ate the chimera up like a plate of beef stroganoff. Was a punishment about to await him? Bowing in submission, the soldier pledged loyalty to the Cryo Archon. Raising his head upward, a cold face adorned Her Majesty's face.

"My lovely chimera, it was so nice of you to join me," Her Majesty said, tone cold. "I have been made aware of the trash getting in your way."

Hearing such, yet another wave of confusion flowed through him. What was Her Majesty talking about? What trash could she have possibly been talking about? Had there been a traitor amongst the Fatui? He had no idea. Not a single thing was coming to him. But, a laugh had soon brought him back to reality.

"Do you need a refreshed, my lovely chimera?" Her Majesty asked. As she said such, treated paper waved around in her hand. "Perhaps this will remind you." As she said such, she threw the sheet like it was a shuriken.

Catching the photo with his right hand, an instant wave of shock flowed through the soldier. Image of the Abyssal Gazelles staring back a him, he turned his head towards the right and left. Where did she get this? But, he threw such thoughts away. Her Majesty was always watching him. She heard all, she saw all. How could he forget such a thing? Hearing something metallic jingle in her fingers, the hyena turned back towards the Cryo Archon.

"I have a present for you, my lovely chimera," He Majesty said, her tone was cold. Her index finger then jerked. "Come over here."

Stepping towards her, the chimera's eyes opened wide at the gift seated in her hands. Rose staring back at him, he tilted his head as he received the presented to him. What was this for? He did not quite understand. Metals eating his palms, he broke out into a shiver. Whatever this could have been, it was most certainly not a good thing.

"Press a button, and that trash will be dealt with accordingly," Her Majesty said in a low voice. As she said such, she caressed her property's cheek.

Her Majesty's cold, hard hands upon his cheek, dry ice decorated his face. Legs quivering, he gazed at the god of the frozen north. Right, he had to do as she said. He had to get rid of the abyssal gazelles. This gift, he had to use it, no matter what. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the hyena responded, bowing his head. "I will take care of them." As he said such, a finger pointed towards the door.

"Get out of my sight this instant," Her Majesty said, tone cold.

Removing himself from the palace, the soldier dashed back to the Military Barracks. Reaching the soundproof room after a short amount of time, the hyena placed the white coat upon his door. Wave of tiredness taking him away once more, one final question readied itself to rip him apart.

What was that all about?


"Ah, Your Majesty, you have put in quite the predicament. There is
No way I can truly
Defeat the Abyssal Gazelles.

How do you expect me to do such a thing?
Of course I cannot do that.
Why would I be able to?

As you know, they are far
More powerful than anything that has ever been seen.

It is downright impossible.

So, how will this rose be able to do anything?
Unleash something upon them?
Please, enlighten me.
Please, tell me how any
Of this is supposed to work.
Something just isn't adding up here.
Especially this rose.
Did Her Majesty put something inside it?

That has to be it, surely.
Or, perhaps not. I don't quite

Get this at all.
Even if she has her ways,
This something I am

Rather puzzled about.
It can't quite be this simple.
Does Her Majesty really think

One little black rose could take them out? She's
Fooling herself if so.

There is absolutely no way that could be possible.
How is this
Even something she has considered?

And, if she had a tool all this time?
But, I guess this is a brand new development.
Yes, that has to be it,
Surely. This is a brand new development.
Something that hadn't happened
At any point before.
Looks like that's the case. I

Guess that's it, that's
All this is. So, these chimeras messing with the order of everything, it's about to reach its
Zenith. Ah, so I see how it is. The
End is here.
Listen to the sound of the end,
Listen to it calling out.
Everything will
Soon reach its climax.

This is the end of the road for these
Horrific villains that I have seen
Across Teyvat.
This is the end of the road, and

I will be putting a
Stop to all this,

Perhaps, it will go
Round and smoothly,
Or maybe it will go poorly.
But I don't know,
After all, they are a force to
Be reckoned with. I might have defeated their playthings, but I have never won against them. Will I
Lose to them?
Yes, that is possible.

I know that it is the
Most likely outcome. But,
Perhaps I will be able to
Overcome them.
Surely, this rose
Shall be the one that'll defeat them.
I am far from confident,
But it is what it is. I know it is
Likely they have already prepared.
Eh, well, it's not like I have a choice in

The matter. I
Have to take care of them,
Even if I am unable to.
Yes. I have to take care of the

Abyssal gazelles. Or, I'll be
Ripe for the picking.
Eaten alive, it'll all be over.

All of it will be over if I
Lose here. I cannot
Lose. I have to defeat them.

Please, rose seated
On my uniform
Will you lend me your power?
Even though I say that, this
Rose, just what kind of powers does it have?
For all I know, it could be completely
Useless. That outcome is very
Likely. I know that. But, I mustn't falter."

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked out a yodeler at the top of the mountains. As the alarm bells kept their rampage going, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in unison. The alarm bells had been right on time, as usual. But, despite such protest about every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the hyena lifted himself upwards from the bed. There was no time to waste. He had to get ready for the day at hand. Removing himself from the covers, the time had come for the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself onto his partially human person, the chimera could not help but feel an extremely heavy weight of confusion drop onto his back. How did Her Majesty learn of the abyssal gazelles? But, the chimera shook his head. She was watching him from everywhere in the Teyvat.

Staring at the pitch black rose gifted to him, the chimera scratched his cheeks. What could this metallic flower possibly do? But, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. He supposed, when the time were to come to use it, he would find out. Clipping it upon his chest, he took a long deep breath.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching sunflowers adorned his hair and ears. Gazing at the rest of his prized possession within the container, he kept staring off into space. Was turning his jewelry and accessories into weapons what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret filled the hyena.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, his mind wandered back towards the black rose. This black rose, what could it possibly be capable of? But, he supposed it could be a customized Delusion. Gazing down at the yellow-green orb below him, the questions rolled themselves around once more.

His vision, should he make more use of it? But, he threw such thoughts away. He should not waste the finite uses of his elemental energy. It had to have some sort of limit that was ready to tick down at any given moment. It would be unwise to speed such countdown up.

Heelless shoes on, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. What did he know, anyway? He hardly had his vision long enough to have any knowledge about the ins and outs. But, he supposed as time were to go on, he'd learn more about the way of the seven elements.

As the chimera ate his rations, a repeat question rolled a pebble around in the hyena's partially human brain. Kelebek and Izzet, just how much did she know about them? But, the chimera shook his head once more. She was aware of everything, for sure. Weren't gods all knowing beings? Leaving such at that, the chimera adjusted his glasses. Everything else fixed, and bowl set aside, the hyena had finished the morning routine of dressing the body.

The louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots marched onward inexorably. As the steps readied to break glass, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the early adult put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be investigating paranormal activity reported around northern Fontaine and Lumidouce Harbor." The masked agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "As well as investigating clues left behind about your enemies."

The hyena jumped six steps back upon hearing his orders. He had to do what now? Investigate paranormal activity? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Is this even real? The Agent had to be messing with him right about now. Was this some sort of prank to make sure he was paying attention? It had to have been.

The chimera stared off towards the steel walls. Paranormal activity, his butt. And, how would he deal with such a thing? He did not have the ability, in any capacity to see the unseen. What was he supposed to do? He was useless, in every single way. There was no way he could do anything.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be investigating paranormal activity spotted around northern Fontaine and Lumidouce Harbor!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this dawdling! Get a move on!"

The soldier flinched. Right, he was on the nonexistent clock. There was no time for thinking. He had a job to do. Able to see the unseen, or not, he knew he had no choice in the matter. Turning back around, he placed his hand out in front of him. He supposed he would just have to wing it, for the time being.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. He knew, no matter what, he had no choice in the matter.

"Good, soldier. Let's go," the Agent responded. "But, you must be cautious. There might be something toxic lurking about." Arm out in front of him, the Agent gripped the limb tight enough to bruise. Escort towards Fontaine starting itself up, the chimera stared off towards the icy cold walls in front of him.

Why was it always been poison?

He's tired of dealing with it.


"No way, this this isn't good,
Oh no, oh no.

What are those thingies?
Aaaaaaaaah, I was just knocked out of the sky!
You can't be serious!

This is scary, sooo scary!
Help! Oh, gosh, oh, Archons
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, there's bug people everywhere!
Roar, I Oluchi, despise buggies!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeek, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

I want no part of this! Hehe,
Should I send them after Robby? Hehehehe, I totally

Should. I'm way too cute to
Play this game!
I'm not dealing with these
Dumb little buggies, no way!
Remove these
Sick little creatures from my sight!

Hehehehe, Robby, you'd better watch out!
Every single little spider will
Roll towards you!
Eeeeek! Hehe,

That's what you get for
Having the galls to tell me off.
And since you went and did
That, this is your punishment!

I'm never wrong about anything!
So, here's your punishment for opposing me!

No more of that silly stuff, I
Oluchi am the cutest person in all of
Teyvat, so I'm right about everything, tehee!

Get with it, or you will be so
Over! Ehehehehe,
Over, over, over, over! And
Done! These silly little

Ugly spideys, this will be your last
Moment in life, but it will have

Nothing to do with me, nope! I
Oluchi wouldn't dare
Touch these

Gross little things!
Oh, boy, hehehe,
Oh, boy,
Don't you see?

All of this is his fault
This is something he went

And did, so I'll
Leave him to deal with these
Little bitty buggies!

I'll go my to my research now,
So, bye byeeeeeee!

I won't be dealing with those
Silly foolish little spideys, so

Bye byeeeeeeeeee, off I go.
All of this will be
Dealt with while I'm away!"

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, the soldier broke out into a shiver. He did not know why, but he could sense heavy danger in the air. But, such thoughts had been thrown out almost immediately as he had been dragged down the mountain.

Placed inside the wooden vessel, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Why did the air feel so thick? Something was definitely wrong here, for sure. But, he didn't know what. Boat about to leave for the next destination, the soldier kept himself still.

As the vehicle of human movement headed off towards the harbor, the chimera broke out into a sweat. This heavy atmosphere, could it have been some sort of gas? If such were the case, he would need to proceed with utmost caution. Covering his nose, the hyena filtered everything out around him.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor after about fifteen minutes, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just him, or had the atmosphere here only gotten heavier? But, he knew he had to shake such feelings off. Work mode switch flipping upward, he tuned such feelings out.

Dragged towards the stairwell, the Agent told him for what felt like duodecillionth time not to teleport anywhere within Fontaine. Hearing such, the hyena resisted the urge to bite the hands that feed. How many times was he going to repeat such a line? He knew already. Couldn't he tell him something useful, for a change?

Satchel soon slammed onto his backside and list handed off to him, the Agent had passed off an unusual set of orders for him. Told to got find himself a detective outfit, the early adult tilted his head. He had to do what now? But, the Agent soon exited the area. Left with more questions than answers, the soldier shrugged his shoulders. Whatever the Agent said, goes. He supposed he would head for the Congele Boutique and buy one.

As the hyena ascended the staircase, and took the glass lift, he turned his had towards the right and left. Why was it so quiet here? It was almost too quiet. Not even the waves had been moving. But, the hyena shook such feelings away. He needed to focus on the mission at hand.

Pressing the button to summon the Aquabus, the early adult shivered up a storm. There had been absolutely no one here, not a soul. Where was everyone? But, the chimera threw such questions off a bridge. It was hardly important. There had been next to no one at Romaritime Harbor various times prior.

Aquabus shortly arriving, the Melusine tour guide had a fearful look in her eyes. Or, so the soldier thought. It had been quite difficult to tell. The sea denizen's face had been quite different from that of a person. Seating himself on the furthest edges of the vessel, the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward.

As the vessel departed from the station, the early adult gazed at the list in front of it. Paranormal sightings spotted written at the top, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the sky? Paranormal sightings? His foot. This couldn't have possibly been the case whatsoever. These were some choice words, for sure.

Reading the first order upon his list, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes at what he was reading. Investigate respawning zombie-likes in Lumidouce Harbor? What absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had to have been a major misunderstanding of some sort. It had to have been.

Reaching the Court of Fontaine before he even realized, the Melusine soon called out of it. Flinching, the early adult stood up from the vessel. He had reached the capital city already? How was this even possible?
Disembarking from the vehicle, the chimera readied himself to head off somewhere he knew he would regret going to.

But, as the chimera stepped foot into the capital city, the streets had been practically empty. Seeing such, he couldn't help but feel a heavy wave of unease. Where had everyone been today? He did not know why, but the lack of people around was incredibly terrifying.

Knowing he had to head to Congele Boutique to purchase himself a detective outfit, the chimera snapped himself out of it. So what if there wasn't anyone here? Why should something like this matter to him? It was not important. Perhaps, just maybe, everyone had been busy and off the streets.

As the hyena pushed through the northern streets, the soldier stared of into space. Were his orders serious? This had to have been some sort of gag order. There was no way zombies were real. Who would ever believe such a thing? This had to be some sort of miswording, on Her Majesty's part.

Moving right along, the chimera could not help but wonder. Could these so called zombies that had been reported been the reason for the generic nobody's absences? But, the early adult knew such had been a huge jump to conclusions. The apparent undead group had been in Lumidouce Harbor. Why would anyone need to hide themselves so far away?

Not a single soul around whatsoever, the chimera attempted with all his might to quell the fears deep within him. Perhaps the real paranormal activity had been the ghost town right in front of him. Holding back a laugh, he kept moving forward. That may as well have been the case, at this point in time.

Spotting a few people lurking around the western streets with a look of fear on their faces, the soldier scratched his head. Had word reached the rich people that there had been something spooky going on? He supposed such could have been the case. Ignoring them, he kept moving forward.

But, the oddities had only continued to pile themselves up as he walked past the Adventurer Guild's booth. Generic nobodies speaking incomprehensible garbage, the hyena blinked. Why were these people speaking in code? What kind of nonsense was this?

Code speech only continuing, the early adult gazed at the rich nobodies. Had the people of Fontaine been replaced by aliens, or something? But, the hyena shook his head. What in the world was he thinking? There was no way such a thing could be the case. This was not science fiction. This was reality.

Gibberish threatening to gnaw his ear off, the chimera attempted to tune everything around him out. What did it matter if these people were extraterrestrial or not? That was hardly his problem. The generic nobodies most certainly meant nothing to Her Majesty.

Pushing towards the stairs, the chimera swore he could see a water creature floating around the city. Blinking and missing it, the hyena disregarded such. Maybe he had just imagined it. Why would there be monsters in the city? There was no possible way they could even get past the door long enough to live.

Congele boutique inching ever so closer, the chimera swore he could see another water creature hopping on by. But, the hyena turned away. Maybe it was just a costume for some stage play for one of the acting troupes. That had to have been it, surely. Keeping such assumption at the top of his mind, he dragged himself forward.

Penguin fashion establishment front and center, the hyena took a long deep breath. It was time to get this over with. The quicker he were to depart from this place, the better. Placing his hands upon the door, he braced himself for the aggravating penguins to bite down on his nerves.

Door jingling as he opened the entrance, the early adult allowed a sigh to escape the esophagus. Why was there a bell on the door now? When was that added? Absolutely wonderful, whenever he were to come here now, the entire world would know of his presence, how annoying.

Boutique incredibly quiet with barely any customers to speak of, a heavy wave of unease flowed through the soldier. Why had there been next to no one here? How incredibly unusual. Something wasn't right here. But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. It was normal for business to have some slow days.

Malika's head lowered onto the counter in the corner, the hyena almost turned back around. Had she been sleeping? If she were, maybe he should leave. Did it even matter if he were in a detective outfit? Perhaps not. But, such turn around had been cancelled. He had to follow orders, no matter what. Penguin woman raising her head, he once again turned his attention off towards the bells on the door.

"Welcome to Congele Boutique. How may I help you?" Malika asked in her business voice. Turning her attention towards her customer, she placed her finger on her chin. Siorc staring at the bells on the door, she pondered. Had the alarm disturbed him? She should say something about this new addition to quell such feelings within. "Hello, darling. Apologies, did the bell on the door disturb you?" As she asked such, her acrylic nails pointed off towards the door. "Sorry about that, there have been a lot of thieves around here lately stealing this and that. So, I had Esquire install a bell on the door to hear when people are coming in and out." She folded her arms on top of the counter. "So, what can I help you with, darling? If you're looking for Earl, he's at the Opera Epiclese along with everyone else."

Malika mentioning there had been no Earl here to disturb him, the hyena puffed a barely audible sigh of relief. The pesky thorns in his side weren't here to bother him with their presence. He was free. He could see the storm clouds fade away from above his head. Peace and quiet, what a nice feeling.

Shaking such off, the chimera focused his eyes on the prize. Placing his hand out in front of him, the soldier folded every digit except his index finger inward. Pointing, he rubbed his mostly closed palm onto his chest. Opening his hands once more, he placed his palms off towards the side, Hands moved downward twice, the words detective outfit had been signed for only one person to see.

Watching Siorc's hands carefully, Malika placed her fingers on her chin. He was looking for a detective outfit? Had he been looking to investigate the paranormal activity that had been reported recently? It was nice to see him so fashion minded for the occasion, if so.

"Sure, darling I can do that for you," Malika responded, nodded. "What color outfit would you like?"

Question coming his way about what color detective outfit he would like to purchase, the hyena shrugged. Did it matter what color the outfit was? He was not quite picky. Pink, blue, white? None of that mattered to him in the slightest. He would accept any thrown his way, even the wretched purple, if necessary.

Malika stepping towards the back for a moment, the soldier waited in silence. Standard brown detective outfit handed to him without a hat, a question had soon come his way. Inquiry about whether he wanted to borrow some detective themed hairpins and earrings, the soldier nodded. Why waste such an opportunity? This was a once in a blue moon offer.

Tall penguin woman stepping in the back again once more, the hyena removed the hairpins and earrings. Malika soon returning with a matching magnifying glass set, the chimera reached for his wallet. Undoing the zipper, he removed some Mora from deep within. But, a headshake had immediately come his way.

"No need to pay me, darling," Malika said, shaking her head. "You're just borrowing this for work, right? I'll cover the rental fee for you."

Guided towards a changing room, the soldier closed the curtains behind him. Undoing the buttons on his uniform, the soldier placed the checkerboard brown shirt upon him. Matching pants slipping off his waist a smidgeon, he tied a small rope upon the bottom region. He had been given the incorrect size, but he supposed he had ways to remedy such error.

Clicking the magnifying glass hairpin in place, he could feel a wave of relief wash over him. For once, he had accessories that had not been weaponized. Such was a momentary relief, for sure. Earrings slipped into the holes in his ears, the magnifying glasses dangled downward.

Leaving the changing room, the soldier placed his uniform into his satchel. Heading towards the door, the soldier took a long deep breath. It was time to take the Aquabus and head off towards the southernmost harbor in Fontaine. Knowing he had to make haste, the temporary detective's legs erupted into a sprint.

As the soldier headed upon the eastern path, he could not help but wonder. What should he be looking for? He did not know. He supposed the zombies could come in any shape or form. Could they have been people afflicted by poison with their minds shut down? He supposed that was a possibility.

Moving through the city at lightning speed, other ideas threw themselves out in the open. Could the zombies have been just a new type of monsters that had gone undiscovered that had unusual movement? If such were the case, there was no way there was anything supernatural about it.

Soon reaching the Aquabus, the usual Melusine tour guide had been aboard with absolutely no one. Sea denizen stating this line had been next to dead for the past few days, the soldier blinked. Had there really been next to no one heading to Marcotte Station lately? Something had been quite off with that, for sure.

Seating himself on the furthest seat once again, the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward. Melusine informing him she wasn't in the mood for a tour, the soldier blinked. Was Elphane alright? He did not know why, but such had seemed quite unlike her. Was a storm about to cloud over Fontaine?

Melusine tour guide up front talking about zombie spottings and how they are a danger to Fontaine, the soldier blinked. She had known about the issue as well? If she did, then it had to have been true, surely. He had been far too skeptical about this. He had to keep his mind open to the abstract and impossible.

Aquabus reaching Marcotte Station, the young soldier leaped off the vehicle faster than his legs could keep up with. Melusine telling him to watch his step, the chimera regained his balance. Stepping off towards the eastern pathway, the hyena prepared himself for the possible zombie crisis ready to overtake the Hydro Nation at any given moment.

As the hyena prepared to leave the theater world behind, false hopes flittered in a layer of sprinkles. These so called zombies, surely they were nothing to worry about. Didn't Melusine see things differently than humans did? Maybe that was it. Something that looked normal to him could have been an entirely different story for sea dwellers.

Continuing to run off towards the southern pathway towards the Foggy Forest, the temporary detective stared off into space. What was the worst that could possibly happen? All of this had to have been a deeply rooted misunderstanding. It had to have been. Repeating such over and over, the soldier continued to move eastward.

Moving through the dense forest with haste, the early adult let out a short laugh. Surely, there had been absolutely nothing haunted to worry about in the harbor. Repeating such over and over in the recesses of his mind, the hyena kept running. No matter what the case was, he had to deal with it, full stop.

Lumidouce Harbor getting closer with every second, a heavy, foreboding atmosphere grabbed the soldier from behind. Feeling such, the hyena's legs were jelly. Where was this sudden sense of doom coming from? But, the chimera threw such thoughts away. He could not let such eat away at him.

Hearing loud screams off in the distance, the soldier's sprint had soon reached maximum capacity. Had someone been in trouble nearby? He needed to spring into action before something terrible could occur. Harbor reached at lightning speed, something of immediate note caught the hyena's attention.

Puppets almost looking indiscernible from humans adorning swords from every angle, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. These were the so called zombies He had to deal with? Such had to have been some sort of mistake. They were nothing more than dolls. This report was wrong, for sure.

Doll faces incredibly disfigured, the soldier shook his head. Was such the reason for their labelling? He supposed he did not blame them. Cracks across their porcelain cheeks and eyes, the chimera shook his head. Paranormal activity, his foot. Surely, this was just the scene for some film for some upcoming festival.

People around the harbor covering in fear screaming don't eat them, the soldier tilted his head. Surely, this had to have just been the scene of a film. These were nothing more than props being moved by a director nearby. This report was bogus, for sure. But, the table soon turned.

Puppets swinging their swords with a ferocity, while making incomprehensible noises, fear continued to eat the harbor up like a plate of croissants. Generic nobodies continuing to scream don't hurt them, miss zombie, he swore he could hear them laughing nonstop.

Menacing aura flowing through the creatures, the temporary detective leapt towards the possibly inorganic undead creature. Did they intend to harm a completely powerless person? He needed to put a stop to this, right this instant. Sifting through his satchel, he had soon come across a weapon of unusual factors.

Spray bottle in his hands labelled as the spookinater, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. The what now? Who in the world named this thing? They had been buying too much into this so called paranormal problem. Twisting the cover off the spray, the chimera ran behind the puppet.

Nozzle letting itself loose, green stringy liquid released itself upon the air. Puppet soon locked into place, the soldier stared at the spray bottle. What was this material? He had never seen it before in all his life. Spotting more puppets off in the corner looking ready for terror, the spray was ready.

More disfigured dolls locked into place, the hyena let out a sigh. What was he supposed to be, some sort of ghostbuster? But, the early adult shook his head. Wrong universe. There was no way he had been such in any shape or form if other versions of him existed in other worlds.

Puppets held back for a moment, the chimera investigated the area. Spotting nothing of especial note throughout the harbor, aside from the unwanted puppet visitors, the hyena could feel wave of doubts flow through him. Had there really been anything of note here? These dolls had been greatly exaggerated.

But, as the soldier kept observing the area, something unusual had caught the chimera's attention. Mechanical being rolling over a button on constant repeat beside a tree, the soldier blinked. What was this meka doing? Inorganic being continuing to press the clicker for minutes on end, the chimera sifted through his satchel once more.

Finding a large greatsword in the shape of an umbrella with a face on it, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. What in the world was this thing? This was supposed to be a blade? But, he supposed umbrellas had sharp bits on them that could take something out of the picture. Placing himself in a fighting stance, the hyena prepared himself.

Mechanical being turning to face him, the soldier blade had begun to do the talking. Bright red aura surrounding the weapon, the soldier let out a battle cry. Unusual noises coming from the claymore as he kept swiping, the soldier stared off into space. Is this thing supposed to be a toy?

Blade continuing to make noises as he kept swiping forward, the chimera jumped two steps back as a comical ghost creature popped up from the umbrella tip. What in the world was this thing? If he had been given a toy sword, this battle would fail spectacularly, guaranteed.

Machine soon lifting its mechanical parts upward, rocks had been sent the chimera's way. Jumping three steps back, the chimera swung the umbrella sword backwards. Minerals sent back towards the enemy, its movements had halted. Dashing back towards the enemy, pieces had come undone one after another.

Rust bucket looking ready to bite the dust, the chimera flipped the blade backwards. Pointy tip making its rampage known, the monster faded into the ether. But, such defeated only lasted mere moments. Monster returning from the world beyond, the hyena grit his teeth. Why in the world was it regenerating? How was that even possible?

Generic nobodies around the harbor shouting the loose zombies are heading off towards the cave up ahead, the chimera's heart skipped more than two beats. Had there been some hiding he forgot to imprison? How careless of him. Machine whirring itself up once more, the chimera concentrated everything on taking it down.

Such permanent defeat never came. Enemy continuing to respawn for minutes on end, the chimera stared at the blade bestowed upon him. Had he been doing something wrong here? This monster, why was it still regenerating? How annoying. Did it have some sort of repair feature? He needed to find a way to disable it right away.

Mechanical being continuing to revive itself on constant loop, the hyena backed four steps away. How was this thing still able to repair itself like this? But, he supposed he hardly understood enough about machinery to come to any sort of conclusive answer. Loop of strikes continuing, everything was a never ending cycle of disarray.

Such chaos had only begun to reach its peak as the minutes had begun to unravel themselves. Puppets freeing themselves from their slimy prison, the early adult dashed off towards them. Did they think they could get away? No way, absolutely not. He could not allow for that to happen.

Dashing towards the doll army's backside, the creature's blindsides had been within reach. Swiping to and fro for minutes on end, the soldier let out a shout. First puppet taken out of the picture, the chimera let out a huff. Just how weak had these monsters been? But, he knew he had thought too soon.

Dolls coming back from their mechanical death, the early adult's jaw dropped open. These creatures had been able to repair themselves, as well? How was this happening? Who in all of Teyvat had designed these puppets? He needed to find a weak spot right away.

Charging at the enemies with all his might, the soldier kept the momentum going. But such defeats had still lead to nowhere. Respawn loop speeding itself, the questions kept themselves coming. Just how many times could these creatures regenerate themselves as if nothing happened? There had to have been a limit to such.

But, such limit could not be found under any circ*mstance. Creatures continuing to go back to the way they had been since second one, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What was the point of trying to become the victor in such fight anymore? It was not possible, in any capacity whatsoever.

Monsters turning their synthetic bodies off towards the water, the soldier attempted with all their might to follow them. Mechanical beings moving on their own, the soldier pushed himself through the waterbed beneath him. Where were they going? Sea in front of him, the chimera leaped across the water like his life depended on it.

Puppets moving faster than he could keep up with, the chimera attempted to put a spring in his step. Just who was controlling these beings? There was no way a human could make them move so fast? Had the Abyss been behind this? Something felt quite fishy here.

Beings only beginning to move faster, the soldier kept his sprint going. How could they still have the energy to move like this? How ridiculous. Surely, their mechanical insides had to have some sort of limit that had to have bene reached at this point. He needed to strike the nonexistent iron while it was still hot.

Lunging across the remainder of the lake, the early adult was locked and loaded. Ghastly greatsword leaving its mark from behind for what felt like the hundredth time today, defeat continued to be nowhere to be seen. Cave about to be upon him, the chimera could hardly believe what he was seeing as he strayed forward.

Spotting a target on the wall with the words hit me painted directly in the center, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Hit it? This had to have been some sort of trap that would swallow up people unintelligent enough to listen to it. He was not about to fall for this whatsoever. Not a chance.

Puppet creatures pointing at the obvious ploy, the hyena held back the urge to sigh. Did these so called zombies think he was easy to fool? He was not about to fall for this trap. Not a chance. If these brainless creatures thought that they could tempt him, it was not happening, no matter what.

Enemies demanding he hit the button already, the early adult grit his teeth. Was that a threat? He wasn't about to listen to this, not a chance. But, he had soon been given no other choice. Mechanical beings soon forcing his hands, the target had been decimated into nothing.

Robotic monster emerging itself from the destroyed target, the chimera let out a groan. This was never going to end, was it? Whoever was behind this mechanical chaos had put too much into it, for sure. Enough had been enough. It was time to end this immortality right here, right now.

Bucket of bolts reduced to nothing but scrap metal, the hyena swore he could hear a mechanical voice scream out in the open to surrender themselves. Hearing such, the soldier blinked. Had he just heard that correctly? But, he soon shook his head. No. It had to have been his imagination, surely.

Puppet army reversing their weapons back towards their torsos, the soldier's eyes opened wide at the sight before him. Sharp ends shaking hands with the mechanical necks, heads rolled one after another. Overpowering voice demanding they hurry up, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Where were these shouts coming from?

Self destruction hitting its climax, it was raining doll parts, hallelujah. Sacrificial lambs out of the picture, the early adult blinked. What was that all about? How unusual. Whoever had control over this army had been a little bit too bent on destruction, for sure. Nothing remaining within the seaside cave, the chimera read over the next apparent paranormal sighting.

"Behind the waterfall in the Liffey Region lies a mysterious cave that remains completely uncharted!" the note in clear Snezhnayan exclaimed.

Reading over such line a second time, the chimera clicked his tongue. There was a cave behind a waterfall? Yeah, right, sure there was. This wasn't a role playing game! Whatever that was, he had no idea what that even meant. But, he quickly snapped himself out of it. It was time to go. There was no time to waste.

As the soldier had begun heading off towards the westward path, he could not help but laugh. Yeah, right, there was a cave behind a waterfall. Who would ever believe such obviously manufactured tall tales? This was complete and utter nonsense. Did Her Majesty ever double check the trash she wrote down?

Dashing off towards the north, Marcotte Station had been upon him once again. Preparing himself to brush himself towards the research institute, he stared off into space, for a moment. Just how legitimate were these claims? There was no way any of this held any water to speak of.

Research Institute straying ever so closer as the hours dragged on by, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. He did not know why, but had the sense that something was glaring at him. But, he quickly shook such feeling of. Of course someone had been. Eyes were always on him everywhere.

Continuing along the pathway, the chimera kept himself on his toes. Could there have been more quote on quote zombies lurking in the shadows? If there had some he had forgotten to take care of, they would be brought down to their inorganic graves in an uneven heartbeat.

Reaching the northern most edges of the Research Institute, the hyena could hear a familiar sound of a flaming jet from up above him. Hearing such, the chimera could not help but let out a groan. Had Oluchi been around here? If such had been the case, he was out of here, without question. But, he had soon been spotted, in a matter of moments.

Uncute bully of a researcher jackal landing right next to him, the chimera attempted to leap across the water. But, his pathway had soon been cut off. Pesky partially human person looking ready to laugh at him, the soldier prepared to turn the other cheek. Whatever she had to say, his ears were closed.

Seeing purple hair from down below, let out a giggle. It was Rabiu's crush. He looked like quite the delicate little flower. He looked like he would be fun to bully. Maybe she should rub it in his face his was nothing more than a thief. That's all he'd ever be, after all, a silly little criminal who deserved to hear it twice over.

"It's Mr. Thiefers again!" Oluchi exclaimed, letting out an annoying giggle. "You're so uncute, stealing from people all the time!"

Attempted insult going in one ear and out the other, the soldier hopped across the water once more. Whatever she had to say to him, he wasn't listening under any circ*mstance. She should turn to a wall and talk to it. It would definitely give her something as valuable as her to do.

Spotting a waterfall off into the distance, the soldier prepared himself for a whole world of nothing to await him. There had been a cave behind the towering waters? Sure there was. He'll believe it when he sees it. All of this had been utter nonsense. This was the oldest trick in the book.

But, upon reaching the area near the waterfall within the eastern most layer of the Liffey Region, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Was it just him, or had the gap that had been much wider from behind the falls than previously? But, the chimera shook his head. There was absolutely no way that was the case.

Heading off towards the waterfall, the chimera peered through the liquid bed, for a moment. Had there really been something behind here? He could feel a heavy wave of doubt flow through him as he continued onward. There was absolutely no way there was anything behind here. It was a trick of light, for sure.

Knowing he had no choice but to investigate, the temporary detective forced his way through the falls. Strong force attempting to push him back, the chimera braved the storm. Did this force of liquid think it could hold him back? It had thought wrong. Pushing himself through, something eerie awaited him.

Eerie cave awaiting him upon the other side of the waterfall, the soldier shook his head. There had been actual cave back here? Surely, this had to have been one of those mirage spots. There was no way any of this was real. But, the chimera shook his head. Wrong universe. This was not some creature collecting story.

Looking over his notes again, something he had missed prior screeched at him upon the paper. Smudged handwriting underneath the second point, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Reading it as carefully as he could possibly muster, the temporary detective almost did a triple take at what had been scribbled down in a haphazard manner.

"Inside the waterfall cave resides arachnid people," the note in sloppy Snezhnayan writing had said.

Reading such, the early adult flinched. What did Her Majesty mean there had been arachnid people within this cave? Surely, this had to have been some sort of mistake. It had been scribbled in the margins. There was no way it was true. But, he had soon been greeted with terror upon the walls.

Arachnid army climbing upon the wall the chimera placed his hands over his head. Pitch black eight legged creatures with smiley faces on their abdomens, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. Great, just what he needed right now, insects to slow him down. But, such had only been the beginning.

Long, black haired feminine appearing individuals sticking themselves out of the spider bodies, the hyena let out a shout. These insect people, where could they have possibly come from? Turning towards their backsides, their stingers had been sharp and ready. Seeing such, the soldier's heart skipped more than two beats. Any second now, and he would be struck with toxic threads, guaranteed.

Hearing footsteps approaching the cave, the soldier held back the urge to groan. Who had chosen to disturb him this time? Oluchi running into the crevices with her goggles downward, the hyena placed her arms across his chest. Whatever it was she had to say to him, he wasn't interested in the slightest.

"Wait a sec, stop right there! It's dangerous in here!" Oluchi cried, huffing. "You see those spideys? They might not be attacking now, but once they lock eyes with you, you'll go splat! On the wall!" She waved her hands around as she said such. "When Folu went inside that domain inside the cave, these spider ladies ran in right after them and beat them up!"

Siorc rolled his eyes upon hearing such nonsense. There was no way Oluchi had been telling the truth here. She was trying to mess with him. Why should he take her word for it? Did she really think he was falling for her obvious dishonesty? Absolutely not. He wasn't buying what she was selling one bit. Stepping towards the entrance, he could hear shouts call out to him.

"Mr. Thief, are you listening to me?" Oluchi asked in a frantic tone. "I said it's dangerous in there you can't go i--" But the fool had not listened to her. "Man, he's more hopeless than Robby! I'd better follow him!"

Blinding light soon overtaking him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Opening them once more after about a moment, a forest soon awaited him. Spider women crawling in right with him, the chimera's umbrella blade had been beside him. These creatures were dangerous? His weapon would take care of them plenty.

Oluchi soon following in right after, the soldier out a groan. Did she follow him in here? How annoying. What did she want from him? Hadn't she already said her piece? If she had anything else to say, he would not hear of it. He knew already. These spider people were dangerous? He did not need to hear it again. Once was already too much. Jackal girl huffing, barely useful information had come his way.

"Thiefy Mc Thieferson, I told you it's dangerous in here!" Oluchi exclaimed. "These spideys are super poisonous! If they lock eyes on you, wham! Game over!"

Spotting strange stone tablets off in the distance, the hyena tuned Oluchi out. Did she ever stop talking? When would she realize he wasn't buying what she was selling in any capacity? She could stop trying so hard to get his attention. He wasn't listening whatsoever.

Moving right along through the thick of the woods, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Where could the stone tablets have been? But, the soldier shook his head. When he were to be near it, he would surely know. Pressing on, he had soon be in the presence of the first stone tablet.

But, what awaited the hyena had been no words he could understand to any capacity. Staring at the large stone carving, a wave of regret flowed through him. How he wished he could read the Fontaine language. He would need to teach himself how to read it in the future. Oluchi running up to him, he held back another groan. She was still following behind him? Why couldn't she tread down her own path? How annoying.

"You can't read it can you, thiefers? Hehe, let me translate it for you, then!" Oluchi exclaimed. As she said such, she shoved Mr. Thief aside, Fontainan language right in front of her. "Méfiez-vous du papillon et de la gloire. Ils ont des pouvoirs de déformation de la réalité." Reading such aloud, she let out a giggle. "Hehe, it says be wary of the butterfly and the glory. They have reality warping abilities! Aren't I such a little cutie for translating that for you?"

Spider soon crawling behind her, Oluchi let out a little shriek. Dual axes seated in her hands, one arachnid after another had been squashed silly. Seeing such, the soldier's jaw dropped straight open. All it took to vanquish them was a blunt contusion? He supposed she had been a forced to be reckoned with, but the soldier knew he could never admit to such. Keeping such to himself, the duo kept moving forward.

Multiple arachnids destroyed one after another upon the pathway, the chimera's blade had been one contusion away from being the bludgeoning queen. But, as he moved himself forward, something had felt incredibly off. Was it just his imagination, or had the atmosphere gotten much thicker?

Thick, foreboding fog engulfing the forest, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. Had he been transported back to the Foggy Forest in Fontaine? But, the chimera promptly shook his head. No, that couldn't have been it, surely. He merely had been sent somewhere very similar to such.

Oluchi saying she would fly upward to scout ahead, the chimera shrugged. If that was what she wished to do, he supposed he no reason to oppose her. Barely visible figure floating upward beyond his sight, he shook his head. What would she hope to be able to locate from up there?

Flight capable jackal telling him from up above to head east for awhile, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was she, some sort of compass? If she was, she was most certainly not a good one. Compasses only pointed north. She was far from being accurate. But, he had soon been guided towards the next stone tablet.

Multiple arachnids wringed out to dry as the stone tablet had been approached, Oluchi translated the piece in front of her. Such statue reading, the little butterfly dethroned the abyss queen, questions threw themselves around the hyena's brain. Who was this butterfly that had kept being mentioned?

Next stone tablet reading, crowned the faux leaders of the abyss, the glorious butterfly spread their wings and shook up everything, a heavy wave of questions flowed through him. What story was he being told just now? He did not know, but he knew it had to relate back to someone.

Moving right along upon the forest pathway, the soldier repeated such thought within him. This story, it had to relate back to someone But, who? Why did he feel like the butterfly had been someone heinous he had knew in the outside world? But, the chimera shook his head. It was just a story, a work of fiction. It was in no shape or form real, for sure.

Multiple arachnids taken out of the picture one after another, the soldier swore he could smell a rancid stench in the air. Plugging his nose, he tried with all his might to ignore it. But, such had been an utter failure. Putrid stink making its presence known, it had become impossible to ignore.

Forest's end soon reached after about an hour of walking, the soldier's eyes practically fell out of his face at the sight before him. Large arachnid lady whose spider bottom almost looked like that of a horse, the soldier's legs shook with a fervor. Stench only worsening around her, everything soon broke.

Oluchi's dual axes and hyena's claymore finishing the job, another stone tablet had entered the equation. Rocky piece written in Snezhnayan writing for some reason, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. Words reading they knew of the old world, he tilted his head. What old world? None of this was making any sense.

Domain exit soon upon him, the horrible stench had soon come out with him. Finding himself back where he started, a sudden wave of tiredness overtook him. Feeling himself fall backwards, the chimera's eyelids drooped. Eyes closed, he could feel himself about to drift away.

Why was he so tired all of a sudden?


"Please tell me this is some kind of joke.
How am I supposed to believe something like this?
Eh, so can you
Repeat that please? Because I am not understanding this,
Obviously. Please, enlighten
Me. What do you mean those spider ladies have a lot
Of toxic pheromones.
No way. That's ridiculous. I
Especially don't believe
Something like this.

Aren't pheromones
Like some sort of attraction thing? I smelled something
Rancid. Honestly,
I quite highly doubt it had any sort of effect on me.
Guess it's not what really all that
Hard to attract over creatures
To your pheromones, but

What would I know? I
Haven't ever really experienced such
A thing. And,
To be honest, why would I?

Those spider ladies,
How could I ever be
Attracted to such pheromones?
There's absolutely positively without a shadow of a doubt now way. I

Could have just hit my physical limit.
Ah, yeah, that's it. It has to be.
No way it's linked to pheromones.
No way that's even remotely close to possible.
Of course it isn't.
There is just absolutely no shot of that.

Because, to be perfectly honest, I don't
Even see the logic here. So, I

Regard all this as
Egregious nonsense.
All of this is just a
Little too much for me

To take in. So, I
Hardly believe it.
Ah, well,
To be honest, it is what

It is. What happened happened.
So little of what I was told

Make any sense.
And I am just not having it.
Do I understand this at all?
Eh, to be perfectly honest, no. I far from

Understand any of this.
Perhaps it'll more clear to me later, but for

Now, none of it makes a lick
Of sense. I have
Never heard of
Spiders having pheromones. But,
Eh, what do I know?
Nothing, absolutely nothing.
So, I should stop letting my mind wander.
Eh, anyway, it's time for work. That's all that matters."

Coming to somewhere completely unknown to him, Rabiu had been beside him. Seeing such, the chimera scratched the side of his head. Where was he, and how did he get here? Worried look on the researcher jackal's face, the soldier blinked. What was he so concerned over? Whatever it was, he needed to quell them.

"Um, uh, Siorc, are you okay? I found you passed out outside that cave that popped up, so I, um, uh, took you to my home," Rabiu said, explaining the situation. "Those spiders you fought, um, they have strong toxic pheromones that can knock anyone out if exposed to it enough."

Inquiry coming his way, the soldier blinked. He had been affected by spider pheromones? How unusual. He didn't feel any different. Maybe they had already worn off while he had been in a deep dreamless slumber. Giving Rabiu a nod, the soldier lifted himself up from the blanket upon him. Readying to exit the area, a warning had come his way.

"Um, uh, try to be careful out there," Rabiu warned.

Nodding, the temporary detective soon removed himself from the unknown. Soon finding himself in the main research facility, the hyena removed his so called paranormal sightings paper. Reading what awaited him next, the soldier had winced up a storm for absolutely no one to see.

Third order of business upon the supernatural list informing him to go to the workshop and get rid of rogue bots, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Was this supposed to be a paranormal activity spottings list, or just a bunch of errands Her Majesty didn't want to take care of? The soldier did not know. Maybe it was a little of both.

Knowing he had no choice but to head off to the hidden workshop, the soldier had begun to head off towards the northwest. But, as he had done so, multiple questions flocked through him. What was the point of all this in the first place? None of this seemed to mean a thing, so why bother?

But, the chimera shrugged as he kept moving forward. He had no choice in the matter. Whatever his orders said goes. No matter what it said he had to do, he had to get it done. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living. Workshop getting closer with every breath, the chimera prepared himself.

Moving himself along, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. He did not know why, but he could sense a heavy feeling of someone watching him. But, the chimera immediately threw such thoughts away. He was overreacting, for sure. There were no eyes on him anywhere.

Preparing himself for the inevitable robotic monster battles, the hyena tossed himself towards the workshop entrance. Just what kind of mechanical beings would await him inside? Whatever they were, he new he had to defeat them all as fast as possible. Her Majesty was definitely watching him today, guaranteed.

Reaching the secret workshop after about an hour from the main research institute, the early adult took a long, deep breath. It was time to get the next stage over with and move on. But, what awaited him inside the ruins had been an annoying obstacle he had no interest in being in the same room as.

Spotting Folu up upon the top floor breathing rather heavy, face flushed, the chimera backed thirty steps away. Was the fancily dressed jackal chimera ill? He had seen enough here. It was time to go. But, the chimera stopped himself from turning around. He could not just leave. He had a job to take care of. Pesky jackal looking his way, their hoarse voice bounced around in his inhuman eardrums.

"Oh, it's just you, thiefy. Please excuse my disposition," Folu said, voice hoarse. As they said such, they let out a cough. "Those silly spiders did me in with their even sillier poison."

Hearing such, the early adult crab walked off towards the opposite direction. They had to have been contagious, or something. Whatever disease the spiders gave him, he didn't want any of that. Walking off towards the opposite direction, he had soon come across the first set of rogues to send to their metallic grave.

Oddly humanoid looking robots out in front of him, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. These were the rogues he had to deal with? Something wasn't adding up here. Creatures slithering towards him, he shook his head. Robots came in many shapes in sizes. These had been no exception whatsoever.

Metallic creatures slithering towards him, the soldier grit his teeth. What were these things supposed to be, snakes or humanoid? The temporary detective did not know. Maybe he should test out their patterns of movement a little before gifting them with the very first strike.

Creatures continuing to slither about, the soldier studied the robot further. Human face but metallic snake body, nothing came to him. Was this supposed to be some supernatural building? Where could it have truly been? Maybe if were to dig through a lost and found box, he would locate it.

Serpent robot looking ready to get on the offensive, the hyena responded in kind. Umbrella greatsword doing the honors, not a single dent had been provided to the serpentine robot creature. Seeing such, a wave of surprise flowed through the chimera. Had he not been hitting in the right place? Maybe he should try again.

Cracking his knuckles, the early adult kept the momentum going. But, as he kept on trying over and over again, not a single thing happened. Serpentine robot monster letting out a hiss and laughing, the pressure had begun to mount up against him. Trying once more, nothing clicked together.

Defenses of the opposing team remaining supreme, the soldier could feel the world around him crack into a thousand pieces. What was this creature, protected by some sort of impenetrable barrier? How aggravating, if so. But, perhaps, just maybe, the umbrella sword could break on through to the other side.

Swiping for minutes on end, the hyena swore he could hear something crack. Mechanical beast toppling itself over, the hyena ran off towards the backside. Behind slashed up a storm, a wave of shock soon flew threw him as the creature stood up once more. Did this enemy have regeneration powers, as well? He was done for, toast, a sitting duck. There was no way he was winning this battle.

Fight going on for hours on end, the soldier huffed and puffed. Just how much vitality did this creature have, one million hit points? Whatever a hit point was, the chimera had no idea. It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, and even beyond, everything had a vitality system which went from zero to varied numbers.

Knife soon thrown the monster's way, a metallic head had soon rolled. Looking upward, the soldier blinked. What had Folu done just now to be able to achieve such a victory from afar? Was the only way to beat these rogue bots to remove their cranium from the equation? Cough interrupting everything, he looked upward.

"You probably shouldn't try too hard to beat these things," Folu said. But, as he said such, he let out a cough. "You'll get yourself hurt." But, viscous coughs kept interrupting his speech. "Please excuse me, I will go isolate myself down in the furthest chamber. Do not follow me."

Folu soon out of the picture, the soldier headed off towards the next area within the factory. Army of roguebots ready to attack right left, and center, the soldier let out a sigh. What did any of this have anything to do with paranormal activity? This was far from it. Did Her Majesty need a dictionary? She probably did. But, he knew he had to keep such a thought to himself, or she would kill him.

Peculiar looking bots that had been shaped like a spider, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. What was with all these creepy crawlies everywhere? Disgusting. He was quite tired of seeing these four legged creatures, no matter what form they were to take. It was time to put these rogues out of their misery once and for all.

Knowing his best course of action was to aim for the head, the soldier braced himself. Would this help eliminate the arachnid bots? The chimera sure hoped so. Crouching downward, the sword toppled the creature's craniums like they were underneath a guillotine ready for judgement.

But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. Maybe that had been far too morbid. Arachnid bot army continuing to strut out, the chimera let out a sigh. Just how many of these pitiful creatures were here? He had to get rid of the rest of them right here, right now, before the population could pile up.

Final set of bots vanquished for an audience of no one to see, the chimera huffed a weak breath. Had it finally been done and over with? Surely, that had to have been it here. He did not wish to stay in this dungeon of contagions for a moment longer. It was time to move onto the next order upon the list.

Next order of business being a crystal investigation within the Hydro Tulpa battlefield, the soldier tilted his head upward. What did any of this have to do with the paranormal or supernatural? It definitely did not. He had been bamboozled quadruple order. This order had been four for four on the absolute nothing scale.

Knowing the Hydro Tulpa domain had been all the way on the other side of Fontaine, the chimera let out a sigh. Why did he have to investigate this, of all places? Hadn't it been only accessible from the world underwater? What was paranormal about crystals? This had to have been a gag order, for certain.

Heading back towards the south for quite awhile, the soldier headed off towards Marcotte Station. Aquabus taking him back to the capital city of Fontaine, a wave of unease flowed through him as he had begun to walk through back towards the fourth floor northern city exit. Was it just him, or had there been even less people around in the city since yesterday?

Shaking his head, the early adult moved off towards the Aquabus Information Station. Reading his next order of business ahead of time, the chimera tilted his head at the information laid out in front of him. At midnight, Fonta floated around by itself? Yeah, right, sure they did.

Glass lift soon taken to the fourth floor, the early adult shook his head. Sure, Fonta floating around at midnight. There was absolutely, positively, no way that was true. Someone was passing around a rumor and passing it off as real on this one, for sure. He didn't believe this one for a second.

Heading off towards the city's exit, the chimera let out a gulp. Any second now, and the hawk chimera would arrow him down, guaranteed. But, as he pushed forward, such action did not occur whatsoever. Robin and Raven nowhere to seen, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. He did not know why, but the absence of those two had felt very wrong.

Reaching the deepest edges of Elynas after about an hour of walking, the chimera's fat blubbery suit had eaten him alive. Closing his eyes for a moment, a spark popped of in his brain. Mind and diving suit synched up to one another, the chimera dropped himself downward.

Soon finding the seabed that connected to the Hydro Tulpa, the chimera prepared himself. What kind of so called paranormal activity was about to await him? The chimera did not know. But, whatever it was, he knew he had to take care of it right here, and right now. Stepping foot upon the battlefield, two unlikely faces soon appeared within his vision.

Diver boy and catgirl magician's assistant fighting the Hydro Tulpa together, the soldier could see the crystals stashed in the corner. Hearing them both shout out battle cries, the chimera attempted to excuse himself. He was definitely not meant to be here. He needed to make this trip quick. But, the diver boy's eyes had soon been on him.

"It's you again," the diver boy said, voice monotone. "Are you here about the crystal spiders in the corner?"

Hearing such, the early adult let out a groan. There had been more spiders here? No, no, no, no. Why was this a never ending battle? Couldn't these spiders go away already? He had had quite enough of them at this point. But, he knew he had no choice but to do as he is told. Giving a nod, sour words had soon come his way.

"Why is he here?" the catgirl magician's assistant asked, irritated.

"-------, something wrong?" the diver boy asked.

"I smell a rat," the catgirl replied, finger pointed at the hyena.

Catgirl her usual self, the chimera shrugged. He supposed that not everyone could like him. He had his fare share of fans and detractors, and everything in between. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, dawdling like this? He had some crystal spiders to fight.

Crystal spiders soon awakening themselves from their dormant state, the soldier unsheathed his umbrella sword once more. Attempting to slay the beasts, such had been an impossible task from the start. Creatures dividing and conquering, he swore he could once again feel a rancid scent in the air.

More spiders than he bargained for, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. What was going on here, why were they multiplying so quickly? Something wasn't right here. Attacking to fight on with all his might, the chmera let out a battle cry. But, as such continued to go down, the struggle showed itself.

Crystal spiders spraying him with something, the early adult wobbled. Instant wave of tiredness overtaking him, the early adult could feel his body get heavy. What was this all of a sudden? Why had he been so sluggish? Spray taking him once more, his consciousness soon slipped into nothing.

Coming to sometime later, Rabiu appeared in the chimera's fatigued field of vision. Seeing him, a wave of confusion flowed through him. Where was he? Why was he down for the count? Had something happened? Researcher jackal lifting him upward, concerned inquiries had come his way.

"Um, uh, those spiders you faced have toxic chemicals in them," Rabiu said in a concerned one. "Did you, um, uh, get struck anywhere?"

Concern coming his way, the chimera shook his head. Had he been struck anywhere? He hardly recalled. Maybe he did, but he didn't feel especially out of the ordinary. Researcher jackal soon asking him it were alright to scan his bodies for abnormalities, he soon nodded. What was the worst that it could tell him? Health robots soon doing their scan, something rather unusual had come his way.

"Um, uh, this rather unusual," Rabiu said in a nervous tone. "Um? There's a sack inside you that is bouncing off the spider venom."

Hearing such, the soldier blinked. Did he have some immunity sack sitting inside him? He supposed such could have been a possibility at hand, even if a slim one. Rabiu soon exiting the peculiar battlefield, the soldier placed himself back into a laying position. Maybe he could get some more sleep before midnight were to arrive.

Midnight hours soon arriving, the soldier had defeated multiple robots on the way back towards the main laboratory. Odd influx of hostilities coming his way, the chimera could not help but wonder. Were they trying to prevent him from finishing this day and finding out the truth?

Reaching the main laboratory after about twenty minutes of walking, an unusual sight had been played out before him. Fonta bottles floating around everywhere without any clear reason, the chimera could hear multiple researchers scream about there being a ghost amongst them. Hearing such, he shook his head. Surely, there had to have been a logical explanation for this.

Researchers running away as they screamed about ghosts, the soldier shook his head. A ghost? Yeah right. It had to have just been an Abyss Mage from afar wanting to mess with people. But, such had been the most incorrect answer upon a multiple choice quiz. Unusual person floating around, astonishment ate the hyena up.

Sani snoring away while floating on the air jugging Fonta with his finger, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. What was going on here? Something wasn't adding up. Removing the floating Fonta bottles from the equation, he swore he could see Sani open his eyes.

"Huh? Whoops! Sleep walking demons won again!" Sani exclaimed. He then lowered his singular eye left into a squint. "Huh? It's our favorite thief. What are you doing out here so late? Come, I'll let you sleep in our guestroom."

Dragged off towards the jackal chimera's home, the soldier stared off into space. Paranormal activity? His foot. Sani had just been using his anemomancy while he was asleep. That was hardly something supernatural at all. Comfy bed soon in front of him, the chimera closed his eyes. World of sleep readying to take him away, one last thought tossed itself down into the ring.

Paranormal activity? Yeah, right. Sure.


"At this point, I don't know.
These so called 'paranormal activities'

They are simply just
Hogwash. To be honest,
I can't even
See the supernatural, nor can I see

Phantoms of any kind,
Or spirits of any sort.
I just don't get it.
Nope. I really just don't understand
These orders. What

In in the world does

Any of this mean?
Maybe this was all

Some ploy to lure out the abyssal gazelles?
Uh, maybe not? I think they've
Removed themselves from all this.
Eh, or perhaps not?

There is just no way to know for sure,
Honestly, I don't know anything.
I really just know next to nothing,
So, that's just how it is.

Well, if this was just for the means of
Allowing the abyssal gazelles to
Stop hiding themselves

And cowering, I

Guess that's failed. Because
At this point, they have yet to
Grace me with their annoying faces.

Oh, well, so anyway. I have a
Rigid schedule, I guess.
Doubt anything
Even close to
Remotely supernatural will be happening.

Not at all.
Of course, I already knew that.

Why would anything happen
At all that is paranormal?
You know, I am just convinced now.

It was a gag order.
This was nothing more than a gag order. And,

I'm just one-hundred percent certain now.
So, after all this, I am done, finished.
No more of this soul searching.
There is nothing to see. I will be throwing in the towel shortly."

Waking up the next morning, the hyena clapped his hands together. Would there be more paranormal garbage awaiting him today to deal with? If such, today was the last day. He was tired of dealing with this nonsense. He would be retiring from this detective business as soon as possible.

Stepping into the jackal chimera's kitchen, the soldier could see a scene play out before him. Folu's face far more flushed than yesterday, the early adult backed ten steps away. Had he still been down with some sort of poisoning? It was best to stay away from him. He was not about to return to the world of toxins ever again, no way.

Soon seeing Rabiu place a hand on top of Folu's forehead, the soldier prepared himself to exit the home. Whatever was happening here at this moment was absolutely no business of his. He had some faux paranormal activity to deal with. He had to get away from here straight away. But, the researcher jackal had soon called out to him.

"Folu, um, you feel really warm, that's not good. I think the poison is lodged deep into your system," Rabiu said, words quivering. He then turned towards Siorc. "Um, Siorc, if you're heading out, um, apparently, there's this uh, hidden passageway at the bottom of the tower north of the central ruins."

Hearing such, the early adult's jaw dropped open. There was a what now? A set of secret ruins? What in the world was paranormal about that? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had gotten so far off track, he couldn't make heads or tails of anything anymore. Just what about this was paranormal? This secret passage could have always been there, for anyone could know.

Reaching the northern area within the Central Laboratory Ruins, some makeshift so called secret entranceway had been discovered. Seeing such, the hyena slapped his palm across his forehead? This was the supernatural entrance? Sure, it was. This was merely just vandalism, wasn't it? Nothing about it had be out of the ordinary.

Finding a strange purple mirror as he threw himself towards the entrance, a blinding light soon engulfed the hyena. But, what awaited him had been an eerie sunflower forest. Floating painting moving towards him, the chimera stared back at what laid in front of him.

But, as he attempted to look at the moving painting in front of him, robot creatures blocked the way. Seeing such, the hyena let out a sigh. Did they really have to get in the way like this? Ghastly umbrella sword doing its duty, the robot creatures had soon been slain. Pathway cleared, he looked at the painting with shock, and horror.

Abyssal gazelles inside the painting up to no good, the soldier let out a sigh. What were these two doing in these paintings? Watching as the party of two had been coronated upon the abyssal throne, the soldier placed his finger on his chin. What was this all about? But a worse painting had soon been played.

Blood splattering through the painting, the next scene played itself out for him to see. Bleeding robed bodies all piled up on top of one another, the familiar maniacal laugh had soon kicked off into overdrive. Abyss denizen begging for his life at the last minute, he swore he could hear Izzet say it was too late, they're taking the throne.

Final member of the abyssal counsel decimated in cold blood, the chimera's knees shook at the painting before him. Kelebek clutching the corpse's chest, a dark light engulfed one. Laughing, the early adult's heart skipped seven beats. What in the world was he looking at? What's happening here?

Monsters soon coming out of the woodworks once more, the soldier let out a sigh. Here it goes again. Did he have to fight in order to be able to witness the rest of these memories? Had he been in some former prison planet's grand theater or something? But the soldier shook his head. Wrong universe. What was he even talking about?

Enemies fading into the ether after thirty strikes, the next memory of terrors played itself out. Memory playing of the desert god, a wave of confusion nibbled on the cartilage of the hyena's ear. What did this have anything to do with the abyssal gazelles? But, as he thought such, a vortex blew him away.

Finding himself back in the Central Laboratory Ruins, the hyena blinked. Where had the secret passageway go? But, he shook his head. Maybe he had daydreamed the whole thing. Removing his instructions once more, the hyena looked over his next order of business, for the moment.

Told at the Opera House, the organ was playing itself, the hyena let out a laugh. What in the world was this? The organ had been playing itself. Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. This had to have been the worst one yet. It was faulty keys, guaranteed. What about this was supernatural?

Reaching the Opera House after about two hours of slow walking, the chimera had entered into a world of chaos. Loud organ screeching everywhere, the pesky penguin family, the Hydro Archon all cowered in fear. Tall bodyguard doing nothing but staring off into space menacingly, chatter hit the walls.

"It's moving!" Earl screamed, quivering.

"It's playing itself on stage!" Kaiser shouted pointing. "Hideous!"

"It's dancing and playing a tune all on its own!" Marquis chimed in. "How ugly!"

"Disgusting!" Esquire exclaimed.

"Okay, guys, let's not call my finest organ in all of Fontaine ugly," the Hydro Archon said in a holier than thou tone.

"Miss ------, forgive me for this, but are you seeing the same thing we are?" Baron asked rolling their eyes. "The organ is moving on its own, playing itself." As they said such, they adjusted their monocle. "Who would be calm in a situation like this?"

"Baron is right, however, you all must remain calm," the Hydro Archon's bodyguard said.

Everyone clamoring in fear, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. This was absolutely ridiculous. What in the world was this instrument doing? He supposed he would have to fight this creature to put a stop to it. Placing himself on stage, he forced himself to take a bow.

Hydro Archon trying to argue that this organ is her finest work, don't touch it, the chimera let out a sigh. He had no choice but to fight this organ. Instrument hopping towards him like it was some sort of chained up dog, the early adult's greatsword had been upon him.

Organ lunging at him, the instrument's keys flew his way. Letting out a sigh, the soldier bounced the projectiles backwards. But, what awaited him had been absolutely no surprise. Abyss Mage becoming visible in seconds, he lowered his eyes into a squint. Of course it was the robed denizens again, who else could have done this?

Paranormal activity, his foot.

Mage demanding a rematch, the chimera rolled his eyes. He'll get one, alright. Lunging at the creature with full force, it had soon been dropped onto the ground. Spinning it around like a circular washer device, the creature soon surrendered itself. Mage admitting defeat, the instrument stopped singing.

Acting troupe resuming activities, the hyena read the final order of business upon his list. Reading the cubes in the central laboratory ruins had dropped to the ground, the hyena blinked. Why even bother questioning any of this anymore? None of this was supernatural.

Reaching the Central Laboratory Ruins, something of predictable note played out in front of the soldier. Kelebek and Izzet toppling the high up water cubes and grounding them, the chimera rolled his eyes off towards the now visible sky. Paranormal activity, his foot. All this chaos was because of them, wasn't it?

Abyssal gazelles floating towards him, he let out a sigh. They were closing in on him. It was time to user Her Majesty's gift. Clipping the metallic rose upon his detective outfit, he prepared himself to press the button. But, such action never came. Party of two laughing at him, they let the facts be known.

"His silly flower won't be able to do anything!" Kelebek shouted.

"Your silly little present? We're gonna-" Izzet said, cutting themselves off. As they said such, their nails had soon grown long and black. Metallic rose out of the picture, they had once again, cut a useless object. "-Cut that little gift of yours up, nyahahaha! Can't do anything to us now, can you, meddler? Hope you had fun with our games! While you were going around and dealing with our little distractions, we set our poison all around Fontaine!"

Hearing such, the soldier could feel himself boil over like sunny side up eggs. The abyssal gazelles did what now? How dare they do such a thing. Poison all of Fontaine? Who did they think they are? That was the wrong move, and he would not stand for it. Just how many lives did they have to affect with their little revenge? This was a step too far. They were going down.

"Fight me!" the hyena accidentally blurted out.

"Nyahaha, you hear that?" Izzet asked in a mocking tone. "This weakling seriously thinks he can beat us!" As they said such, their pitch black claws sunk deep into him enough to carve through bone. Hole through his uniform, they let out a laugh. "You'll never beat us. You don't stand a chance."

"Consider this a warning, meddler!" Kelebek said. "He doesn't know what you're capable of!" As one said such, they jumped through the portal.

Red liquid painting the detective outfit, the soldier shook with a fervor. Great, he had gotten this outfit dirty, how was he supposed to return it to Malika now? Cubes reversing back to normal as if they had never fallen, the soldier dragged himself back towards the city meekly.

Detective outfit and temporary hairpins and earrings soon returned, questions had come his way about the red stains. Bowing an apology, Malika had soon shook her head. Informed she would just wash out the stains, he had soon exited the boutique. Dragging himself off towards the city's, the ginger Fatui soon awaited him.

"You're done now, soldier, this 'paranormal activity' mission is over," the ginger Fatui said. "Go back to Snezhnaya now, this instant. You are dismissed."

Dismissal soon granted, the chimera removed the teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Dragging himself through the icy cold hallways, the early adult's thoughts buzzed. The abyssal gazelles, they had poisoned Fontaine, what was going to happen? Was it lethal? Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, a wave of tiredness soon engulfed him.

Heavy wave of tiredness erupting inside him, the soldier returned his weaponized hairpins and earrings into the jewelry and accessory box. Uniform soon put away as well, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. World of sleep about to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Were the Abyssal Gazelles unstoppable?

Chapter 37: Fleuve Cendre Chronicles: Reverse Reaper


This one is a wild one. In this section, a majority of Fontaine has been thrown into a cube and some other small jobs on the side. Chaos ensues. Feat: (speaking roles) Earl, Bain, Vidame, Domini, Rabiu, Gwendolyn, Lonan, Damla, Firat, Kelebek, Izzet, Minor roles: Malika, Baron, Brume, Eclater, Zinn, Peltro, Sigewinne & Neuvilette.


This one was fun to write.

Chapter Text

"It's getting stranger,

Am I really supposed to believe
My orders aren't some ploy? This

Might be the most
Obvious ploy yet. Yeah,
Right 'get on the Archon's good side,'
Every time I hear something similar I

Can't help but notice the
Obvious manipulation.
No, perhaps not, but
For what it's worth I
Ultimately do not mind
Sometimes, it is
Easier to have lower stakes.
Do I see a point in

This? To be
Honest, not really.
All and all,
Nothing can be done I have to do

Everything I am told or
Violence will come from me.
Even if I do not quite
Really understand any of this, there is

Nothing I can do
Orders are orders.
What awaits me today?

Guess I will see. I have to be
Open to everything.

To everything.
One request, two? They'll be

Fulfilled. I will do them all. It's
Likely just going to be
Errands over and over again
Ultimately, that's how it usually is, I
Very much know that
Every single time it's always the same

Can't complain
Either way, doing so is forbidden. I
Never utter such things,
Don't want to awarded bloodshed as a
Result. So, silence is key
Everything must be done in silence

As it should be.
Get ready for
Anything and everything
I have no right to refuse
No right to say

Anything. So, just say
Nothing, utter nothing.
Don't question anything.

How long will this go on for?
Eh, who knows.
Likely a few days.
Perhaps more.

There is no such thing
Here as a predictable work day.
Everything is random, chaotic.

Likely always will be
Everything is always
So random,
So unpredictable.

For almost eight years
Of this world I've been
Roped into by force,
There has rarely ever been one
Ultimate path.
Nothing is ever the same
At a day
To day level.
Even diplomatic affairs or business affairs wildly vary.

I know nothing

About what each and every single day
Might bring. Especially in Fontaine.

Nothing has been normal there.
Or, perhaps I'm exaggerating.
That has to be it,

Surely. I have had patterns before,
Ultimate ones, though?
Rarely. Almost never.
Each routine of mine has

Warped into something else
How this can
Even be is beyond me,
Really, nothing quite
Ever makes sense.

Though, I suppose I'm used to that.
However, it matters very little
I'm am used to
Something, yet

I will also never truly be.
So, whatever orders

Come my way from the less fortunate,
Or underprivileged.
Maybe I don't know but about Fleuve Cendre.
I suppose I never learned anyway, I
Never ask questions. So,
Get to it

For I have a lot of
Ridiculous request looming
Over me. Ah,
Maybe I shouldn't say that.

After all,
That's quite a rude

Assumption of me.
Look, some request are quite strange, and I do not
Like that, be no

Opinions allowed. I
Have to everything

Without thinking about it
Everything without question.
Look, one wrong move and I'll be
Let out to dry. I'll

Likely be a corpse if I
Ever disappoint Her Majesty again,
There's a limit to this,
Surely, and I am

Getting close to reaching it.
One wrong move, and I'm a goner. I must do this job perfectly."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The anguish was a quark board, with many points strung together by a singular line. Such linearity was always attempting to diverge into opposite directions. The night before him would continue the pattern, as well.

Before him had been the large willow tree beside the lake surrounded by desert willow flowers. Seeing such, a wave of heavy confusion flowed through the early adult's subconscious. Why did the dream world take him to the Weeping Willow of the Lake? But, the hyena supposed he had been to such area enough times for it to stick within his memory.

Walking towards the tree, the chimera turned the dream head towards the right and left. Sensing something foreboding in the air, the hyena kept himself on his subconscious toes. Any second now, and horror would await him. Seating himself by the desert willows, the soldier stared off into dream space.

Nothing happening for dream minutes on end, the hyena huffed a breath. Perhaps, just maybe, nothing would happen in the dream world tonight. But, he had soon been sorely mistaken. Cold hands upon his backside, the early adult tumbled into a ball. Feeling his body drop downward, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment.

But, what awaited him upon opening them once more was quite the unusual sight to behold. Unfeeling sand crunching beneath his feet for a moment, the early adult scratched his dream head. Why did the land of the subconscious take him to the deserts of Sumeru? The Errinyes Forest had been quite distant from the Great Red Sand.

Such had only been the beginning of the peculiarities. People soon appearing out of nowhere, the hyena could hardly believe his dream eyes at the two strangers entering the scene. Spotting a young gazelle individual with long orange hair and a Sumeran style dress that looked no older than the age of five, and young gazelle person with short orange hair that went down to their ears, the early adult almost did a quadruple take. What were Damla and Firat doing here?

Spotting Kelebek and Izzet in the corner, as well, the hyena lowered his eyes into a squint. Why did they look almost exactly the same except or their height? How very suspicious. But, the chimera threw such thoughts out the window. This was nothing more than a dream. It was all fictional, it would all leave him when morning comes. Gazelle children speaking to one another, the early adult kept his ears open.

"Mommy says we're not supposed to leave Caravan Ribat," Damla said, shaking cos head.

"We're gonna be in so much twouble!" little Firat exclaimed.

Hearing tiny Kelebek and Izzet erupting into maniacal laughter, the early adult flinched. These two were about to do something sinister. He needed to put a stop to this before it was too late. But, such rescue never came. Cranium hitting a glass wall, the early adult grit his teeth. He had been a prisoner of war. All he could do was sit. Sit and watch as the chaos were to unravel.

"You won't be going home anymore," small Kelebek responded, laughing.

Small Kelebek continuing to laugh for dream minutes on end, the early adult banged his fists upon the glass wall. Why had he been locked in here? Let him out. But, the prison did not budge. Punches continuing with a fury, he let out a scream. He had to do something, anything, to prevent this from happening. Why had the glass been keeping him?

"What do you mean, Kerry?" little Firat asked in an innocent tone. But, a sinister laugh had soon come ser way.

"We're glad you asked, dear cousin!" small Izzet exclaimed. As the said such, they snapped their fingers. "Feel something different?" There had been a sinister look on their face.

Tiny gazelle pair's faces turning blue, in an instant, the early adult banged upon the glass prison harder. What was happening? Why was he being placed into the audience for something like this? This was not right. He should not have been here. He was bystander.

"Kerry, help, I can't breathe!" little Firat screamed, choking on every breath.

"H-h-elp u-s ppp-l-ea-se, i-it huuu-rt-s," little Damla choked out.

Abyssal gazelles laughing hysterically, the early adult's smacks intensified. Who was making him watch this? He should be in the audience for such a thing. Glass not breaking even a smidgeon, the soldier forced himself to sit. Nothing could be done. He was at the mercy of box world.

Kelebek snapping one's fingers, the little fawn's human legs had soon become lower gazelle bodies. Dream space around him warping, the hyena placed his hand over his mouth. His dream stomach had been jelly. Closing his eyes for a moment, everything steadied.

Finding himself back by the lake once more, a scene of utter terror had soon played out in front of him. Tiny fawn bodies dropping down towards the bottom of the lake like a rock, a wave of shock possessed the hyena like a ghost on Wuwang Hill. How could someone do such a cruel thing? The abyssal gazelles, they were far from normal, for sure. But, his subconscious thoughts had soon been interrupted as a voice called out to him.

"Do you see now?" a mysterious voiced asked. "These two have to be stopped." The voice, however, soon cut out.

Glass box cracking into a thousand pieces, the early adult's dream eyes opened wide. Fragments bursting into flames, the hyena attempted with all his might to run. Such, however, was an impossibility. Feeling a nonexistent adhesive lock his currently hyena feet into place, the chimera was a paperweight.

Shards speeding towards him, the sharp edges and his torso had soon become intertwined with one another. Flames engulfing him in no time flat, the soldier's dream energy had begun to dissipate into nothing. Flames travelling upward, his body had been charcoal. Dream life ready to fade away, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the dream battlefield as his thoughts raced to the finish line.

Stop them?

But how?


"I truly do not understand what I just witness. Was that

Real? The dream I just had? Maybe not, but I am getting this
Eerie feeling that it might have
Actually happened in reality. It is extremely
Likely. But, this doesn't make any sense to me.
You know, I am not

All that powerful, nor do I have power to see other people's lives in a dream.
Maybe this was someone else's doing? It

Just has to be. I could not have done this.
Unless I might have achieved
Such power in my sleep. No,
That cannot be it. It just

Cannot be. I am
Obviously jumping to conclusions. There is
No way I could have been the one to have.
For, I do not have that ability,
Unless I have always had it
Subconsciously. But, no I do not think so.
Even though I am
Dendro, that is probably not possible.

Ah. Maybe this was not something that truly happened.
But, I have this nagging feeling it absolutely did.
Oh, well. Dreams aren't real.
Ultimately, I know that.
They do not reflect reality

At all. It is just the brain being overactive when
Lulled into the sleep world. Perhaps, I was thinking about the undersea gazelles. Such is
Likely. I cannot quite

Think what else it could be.
How did I see younger version of themselves?
I do not know, I
Suppose my imagination has gone

Wild. It is never ceasing,
How I imagined them
All of that could be very inaccurate.
There is absolute, positively no

Way the undersea gazelles look like that in childhood,
And there is no way the abyssal gazelles were just
Smaller versions of themselves in childhood.

That makes
Hardly any sense
At all. I know that
There is no way they ever looked like that.

Definitely not. No possible way.
Right. Why would the abyssal gazelles look
Exactly the same, but shorter, that's
Absolutely ridiculous.
Maybe that might be the case for immortals,

And ageless beings, but the
Likelihood of such being the case for the hooded strangers?
Less than one percent.

Actually, what do I know? That's a
Baseless claim. There's is
Obviously no way to know such a thing.
Ultimately, I know that.
There is no way to know such

Information. And, even so if

They are beyond the mortal plane,
How would I know such a thing?
I do not.
Nothing about the abyssal gazelles makes sense. And, I
Know next to nothing about them.

I do not know what
They're after why they want revenge,

And more importantly, how deep it goes.
Cannot quite fathom it,
Though, I am starting to see things more clearly,
Unless there is
A missing piece to the puzzle, it's starting to
Look like I truly understand everything. There is
Likely just a few pieces still missing.
Yes, just a few that

Have to be filled in.
And, honestly,
Perhaps it is time I look more into them.
Perhaps, I should delve
Even deeper. Last time, I found out a little.
Nothing substantial but
Every bit of information counts.
Do I believe this will help me

In the long run?
Not really, no. It

Really will not do much of anything.
Even so, regardless of
All that. It is more
Likely than ever now they are planning something
Irreversible, and
There is very little time left.
Yes, time is ticking. I need to stop them before it's too late."

Four days had passed since the early adult dealt with the strange beanstalks and domains in the Belleau and Morte regions. Multiple rather horrifying and dangerous events had broken out in the Research Institute, the hyena had been tasked with cleaning up the messes left behind. Spill cleaned up after seventy-two hours, the abyssal gazelle's revenge had only begun to intensify. Business affairs of nothing returning for the fourth and final day, normalcy rose up from the ground like a zombie.

The sound of bitter wind let out a disturbing whistle upon every single window imaginable. As the windows and walls kept shaking, countless Fatui soldiers groaned in an echo. The month long blizzard was about to reach its final stages. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal in the permafrost north.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his tormented slumber. Lifting himself upward, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his partially human mind. But, the early adult snapped himself out of it. He needed to snap out of it. Dreams weren't real. Removing himself from the uncomfortable bed, the chimera had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the chimera placed his uniform over his layered shirts, he could not help but wonder. Had he just witnessed the undersea gazelle's past? But, the chimera shook his head. There was no way that could have been possible. Dreams weren't real. Emptying his mind, he took the cover off his jewelry and accessory box.

Clicking the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place, matching Windwheel Asters adorned his hair and ears. Clapping his hands together, the hyena prayed to the Dendro Archon he wasn't supposed to worship to be protected from any possible harm that might loom over his shoulder for the day.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared at the yellow-green orb below him. His vision, did having a Dendro one give him the ability to see other people's past in his dreams? But, the soldier shot such thought with a sniper rifle. That's not possible. Why was he jumping to such wild conclusion? There was absolutely no way.

Heelless shoes on, the chimera closed his eyes for a moment. Dream flashing through his mind, another scream bounced off and around the steel walls. Tears streaming down his face, the chimera could feel himself begin to break. Why did he have to be in the audience for such a tragedy?

Wiping his tears, the hyena could not help but wonder. Had Damla and Firat been trying to warn him about something? But, the chimera shook his head once more. Dreams were not reality. He needed to stop thinking about it. There was no way that could have happened.

Biting into his rations one singular time, the soldier put the bowl down. He did not know why, but he couldn't seem to find himself with an appetite. But, he knew it was horrible to waste food. His parents had always told him throwing out perfectly good food was not okay. Leaving the gruel where it was, the chimera stared at the steel wall.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp off with a loud roar, the chimera turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Soldier, is something wrong?" the Agent asked out of nowhere. "You haven't touched your rations."

The early adult flinched. Had it been that noticeable from afar the food bowl was full? Was that really a reason for concern? He was a hyena chimera. He hardly had to eat as much as a normal human did. But, he supposed it was in his best interested to apologize for such action.

"Sorry, sir," the chimera responded, voice barely audible. "I was not hungry."

"I see," the Agent said, scratching his mask. "In any case, soldier, you will be heading to Fleuve Cendre to help the less fortunate to remain in the good graces of the Hydro Archon." the masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "The Iudex wishes to speak with you, as well."

The chimera jumped four steps back upon hearing the Chief Justice's title. Why did the Iudex want to speak to him? Did he have to do more diplomatic affairs today? Why couldn't someone else handle such a task? He was not cut out for diplomacy whatsoever. The art of negotiation was beyond him.

Fleuve Cendre ringing in his ears as well, the chimera blinked. How would assisting the less fortunate help him to remain in the good graces of the Hydro Archon? There was no way Focalors would even notice him performing such a feat. Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. No such thing would ever happen.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Why are you more spaced out than usual today? Whatever it is that is bothering you, get over it!" There was an irritated tone in his voice. "We don't have time for this dawdling. You have a job to do, so get in gear!"

The hyena flinched. Right, he had a job to do. There was no time for thinking. Work was more important above all else. Taking a long, deep breath, the chimera placed his hand out in front of him. It was time to stop thinking, and get working. The choice was not his if he wished to keep on living.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. He knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Alright, soldier, we are leaving, then," the Agent responded. "But, you must be careful. Fontaine is not looks so good right now." Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as relentless as it always had been, the chimera closed his eyes as the escort towards Fontaine soon began.

What could possibly be going on in Fontaine now?


"It is finally time

At the end of this week, I'm
Moving away to Petrichor.

Far away from Fleuve Cendre, and my temporary abode in the East Slopes.
I won't be returning to poor country, at least
Not now. It's about time I leave the nest forever,
After all I,
Lonan am in my twenties now.
Leaving the nest behind is how it should be
You know? Rab told

Me he left his nest
Over a year ago. Or something. He tells me he used to live in the
Volcanic regions of Natlan.
I'm not judging here. Even though I've heard
Natlan natives can't leave.
Guess us chimeras really aren't welcome anywhere, are we?

Shoot, let's not get down in the dumps.
Out with the
Old, and in with the
New. I don't want this energy sticking with me.

I will be packing pretty soon.

Well, that's what
I should be doing right now, but
Looks like something's wrong again. There's been a
Lot less people around lately.

But I don't know why. I could
Easily say, this isn't my problem, but you know, I can't just

Look away. The stark drop in population is a bit
Eerie. I can't get
Any good
Vibes at all, and
It's throwing me off kilter.
Now and again, I hear people
Getting a little scared,

Bawling about being spirited away
Or something.
That's a little silly,
Honestly, I am not vibing with that. It's

Getting pretty dramatic. I
Would have thought a few days ago, this is all for a show at the Opera
Epiclese, but, that is seemingly
Not the case. People really are
Disappearing. It's been going
On for quite a few days now. I haven't been sent to deal with it. It's
Likely my cousin might have been.
You know, this is
Not quite what I'd describe

As a bounty that
Needs to be hunted, so I
Don't really get it.

Maybe I should try to at least understand.
Yet, I dunno is I ever will.

Perhaps I should go
Over and see what's going on, but I
Probably won't have the time to do
So. I got some packing to do.

But, I guess I am not moving yet. But,
Every day is one step closer to
Heading out of here, and
I can't waste any time.
None, at all.
Don't put off today what can't be done tomorrow.

So, I guess I'm going to just ignore all the
Overt chaos going on around
Me. I am inside, and it seems those
Eerie cubes
Only appear in outside areas.
None have appeared indoors. I am
Especially puzzled about this. But, I

Rather not question the complicated.
I am all about the easy, and
Chill life with some
Hard work here and there.

Perhaps it is just better this way.
After all,
I am not so good with the unknown,
Do not dealing with the extra terrestrial.

Mmmm, well, none of that stuff is real, anyway. Have I
Ever seen those

Aliens I read about in books? No. This is

Like, probably some
Open experiment from one of Rab's bullies.
Those three

Others in his
Family who always tell him he's adopted.

Maybe I really
Ought to consider having him move in with me. But
Rab will probably tell me no,
And all that.

Something about he can't move in with another man that isn't his boyfriend,
Or something. Well,

I don't know, I get all
That. It's not like

I'm about to ask him out, I know he's
Set his heart on Black Fish Steak Bro.

That's fine though,
I knew that for awhile now, but I don't now,
Maybe I just want to get him away from his bullies.
Every once in awhile, I see

The biggest root to all of those 'adopted' jokes,
Oluchi, and she's.

She's a nasty little thing,
And I'd like to get him away from her,
You know? I can kinda tell she's the one instigating all that. But, I

Get that he's probably not interested.
Oh, well, I'll still try. Because
Oluchi's just been getting much worse lately. I really
Don't know what's up with that chick, she's a
Bright inventor, and
Yet she's always so mean to Rab. And then
Eggs him on with she's cute, so she can say whatever she wants.

That's now how that works, but I'm not about to fight
Oluchi, I think if I did, she'd call

Me a reject, or something.
Yikes, if so.

Oh, well. I don't got the time to be
Letting my mind wander about all that.
Don't have the time.

Life will be going on and
I have to get myself ready
For my next step in life.
Even though there's a lot of chaos here, there's nothing I can do right now, unfortunately."

Teleport waypoint taking him to the desert edges as usual, the chimera broke out into an immediate shiver. Was it just his imagination, or had there been a heavy atmosphere? But, his thoughts had soon been cut off as he had been dragged down the mountain.

Placed into the wooden vessel, the chimera stared off into space. He did not know why, but the foreboding sense of doom would not leave him, even for a moment. Waves slapping the boat as it cruised forward, the hyena's knees buckled. Was there a storm coming on the horizon?

As the vehicle of human movement drew ever so closer towards the harbor, water splashed the chimera's lenses. World becoming the ocean, the hyena removed his glasses, for a moment. Debris rubbed off, he held back a groan. Why were the seas so rough today? Something wasn't right.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he even knew it, the hyena had been dragged towards the staircase. Agent telling him for what felt like tredecillionth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the chimera bellowed a growl. He knew that already. Hadn't he heard this enough already?

Satchel slammed onto his backside, one final set of words had come the soldier's way. Told to, once again proceed with caution, the Agent soon exited the area. Letting out a sigh, he soon shook his head. Just how dangerous could it be? Knowing it was time to leave, the early adult prepared to head for the Aquabus. But, something of terrifying note soon caught his attention.

Not a single soul anywhere to be seen within the harbor, fear nibbled on the cartilage of they hyena's ear. Where was everyone? Not even the man and his dog were anywhere to be seen. But, the early adult attempted to shake it off. There had been countless times when there had been no one around. This had been no different.

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass like like usual, not a single soul stirred within the area. Harbor devoid of life, the sense of fear returned like an unwanted wart. Not even the employees had been around. Had there been some sort of storm coming? But, the hyena pushed such thoughts away. He shouldn't distract himself.

Pressing the button to summon the Aquabus, the soldier waited. Vehicle of automatic movement arriving after twenty minutes, the usual Melusine tour guide did not await him. Rich generic nobody sitting in her spot instead, a heavy wave of confusion flowed through him. Where was Aeval? Seating himself towards the back, he gazed at the woman in front of him. Eyes on her, he placed his hands out in front of him.

Wagging his index finger back and forth, the hyena curled his fingers downward, thumb sitting over them, his pinky stuck upward. Pinky placed down for a moment, his thumb had soon been stuck upward, then down underneath his four other digits. Victory sign held upward for a moment, he closed his hand once more, thumb sticking upward. Shaping his index finger and thumb into an l shape, where is Aeval had been signed on private display.

"Aeval? She's ill, I'm fillin' in for her," the rich nobody said. "Don't expect a tour!"

Vehicle of automatic movement soon cruising forward, the early adult shook with a fervor. It was quiet here, too quiet. Generic nobody cracking open a book entitled the Art of Negotiation, the chimera blinked. They'd make books about anything, didn't they? But, the hyena turned away. It was not his business whatsoever what she was reading.

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, something of peculiar note caught the chimera's attention from afar. Spotting a strange black box off in the distance towards the Beryl Region, the hyena scratched the side of his head. What in all of Teyvat was that thing?

But, the chimera turned his attention away. He was imagining it, surely. There was absolutely nothing of concern to worry himself over. Surely, it was nothing. Keeping himself still within the vessel, the capital city of Fontaine was cruising ever so closer as the minutes moved onward.

Foreboding sense of doom still lingering right around the corner, the hyena slapped his cheeks. There was nothing wrong here. Surely, his mind had been playing tricks on him. Perhaps, just maybe one of those water cubes from the Research Institute moved itself to Elynas. That had to have been it, surely.

Aquabus soon arriving at the capital city of Fonaine, the soldier attempted to disembark the vehicle. But, as he attempted to do so, he could feel hands yank on his jacket with full force. Feeling such, the chimera let out a yelp. This rich woman, what was she doing? Remaining in his spot, her palm had soon been out in front of her.

"Pay up," the generic nobody demanded.

Demands of Mora coming her way, the early adult could feel a wave of disgust flow through him. Who did this woman think she was holding her palm out expecting money? This was a free ride. Did she think she was entitled just because she was sitting in the front of the vessel? Absolutely not. She hadn't done the tour. She did not deserve any compensation. Attempting to exit the vessel, his uniform had been grabbed once again.

"I said, pay up," the generic nobody demanded again.

Rolling his eyes towards the sky, the chimera took out his wallet. Dropping one thousand mora into her hand, the soldier disembarked the vehicle. Generic rich nobody attempting to demand more, the hyena would not give in. The Iudex would be hearing of this ill behavior. If she wanted more, she could heckle someone else.

Knowing he had to head for the bottom floor of the city, the chimera prepared himself to head off towards the southern streets. Keeping himself on his toes, the hyena pushed on through. Silence eating him alive, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left.

Almost no one walking around the city streets, a heavy wave of discomfort flowed through the hyena. Where in the world was everyone today? The walkways were empty. How could this be? Something was not right here. But, the soldier threw such thoughts away. Maybe the usual people were at the opera house right now. Court cases could happen anytime, anywhere, at any given moment.

Moving along, the soldier swore he could see a tumbleweed blow on through on the ground. Knees shaking, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. It was a ghost town here, for sure. The silence was deafening. But, the hyena kept pressing on. He should not let such a thing bother him.

Closed signs littered everywhere as he kept moving forward, the soldier could feel the world fall apart around him. Even the shopkeepers weren't around? Just what was going on here? Something was off. But, the early adult tried to throw such thoughts away. Maybe there was a holiday going on. Surely, that had to have been it.

Pushing through the northern pathway, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Windows boarded up, the soldier studied such, for a moment. Was a hurricane coming? He knew such strong winds had been powerful enough to shatter glass windows.

Gazing at the sky up above him, not a cloud had been in the sky. Rescinding such from consideration, the soldier kept moving forward. There was no way a hurricane was on the horizon. Anemo and Hydro would not shake hands with one another, guaranteed.

Shaking his head rapidly, the chimera tried to keep his attention on the workday ahead of him. Why was he letting himself worry over such a thing? There was nothing wrong here. He needed to stop focusing on what was going on around him. He had a job to do. If Her Majesty were watching him, she would kill him for taking too much time to get from point a from point b.

Speeding up his walking speed a smidgeon, the hyena could hear voices from afar. Robotic voice saying error, the early adult held back the urge to sigh. At least the receptionist at the Adventurer's guild was around. Did she ever leave her post? No one going over to her for work, the chimera moved along.

Hearing a lot of chatter up ahead towards the Chioriya Boutique, the hyena tilted his head. There had been people around after all? How unusual. But, he supposed they had been speaking at a frequency too low for his shark eardrums to pick up. Figuring such to be the case, he kept walking.

People frantically passing by, the soldier swore he could hear multiple generic nobodies say they were going to get spirited away. Hearing such, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. What was all this nonsense about? No one was going to get spirited away, for sure. This was Fontaine, not Inazuma.

Multiple people running into Chioriya Boutique screaming they needed disaster couture, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. They needed what now? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. Why would anyone panic buy? No one should go and do such a thing.

Moving through the western streets, countless generic nobodies dashed off towards the Chioriya Boutique one after another. Same thing about disaster couture repeated the early adult shrugged his shoulders. If the more fortunate wanted to waste their mora on clothes they would only wear once, that was their business.

Man at the café lowering the shutters screaming he wasn't getting spirited away, the words ate the chimera up like plate of steak tartare. Owner of the restaurant running away shouting he's not letting them take him away, the hyena's heart skipped a beat. Had there been a malevolent spirit on the loose?

Pushing through the western streets, a ton had been dropped on the hyena's backside. Could there have been an malicious spirit taking people away? If such were the case, he needed to proceed with caution, or he would be dragged away into the ghost world, as well.

Clearing his throat, the soldier prepared himself to descend the staircase. Why was he letting the generic nobody's words get to him? There was no way he would be spirited away. Surely, the nobodies were merely exaggerating. There was nothing wrong here.

But, as the soldier moved past the closed blacksmith, he could see a face up close he did not wish to see. Spotting Earl with a look of pain on his face, the hyena turned his face off towards the opposite direction. Why was it, that no matter what, he would run into the penguin chimeras in the Court of Fontaine?

Pesky penguin chimera's eyes turning towards him, the soldier again kept his attention off towards the opposite direction. There was only one thing certain in life. Mint, someone dying at the Northland Bank for their debts, and the thorn in his sides. Knowing he would not be left alone, the hyena gazed at Earl.

Seeing Siorc walking past the blacksmith without a care in the world, Earl could feel the alarm bells ringing in his head. Siorc had been here today? He should back and go back home right now. It was dangerous here. If one of the black cubes spirited him away, he could hardly live with himself. He needed to tell him to turn back right now.

"Hi, there Siorc, why are you here today?" Earl asked. "You should go back home so you don't get spirited away by those black cubes!"

Hearing such, the hyena rolled his eyes off towards the sky. Even this pest was talking about being spirited away? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense. He was not a Fontaine born person. Why would he be taken away by these so called black squares? Would telling this thorn in his side his concern was unfounded keep him quiet? He supposed it was worth a shot.

"I will manage, sir," the chimera responded, voice barely audible. "I am not from Fontaine." But, such had been met with immediate protest.

"I knew you would say that!" Earl exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. "Those cubes are sucking everyone in, no matter the region!" His hands kept on moving up and down as he spoke. "Malika and Baron were eaten up by those things, and we're originally from Snezhnaya!"

Hearing such, a shock dropped down the chimera's spine. Malika, Earl and Baron were from Snezhnaya? He did not know why, but he did not expect such to be the case. Shaking his head, he attempted to step by him. His concern was unfounded. Why would he be spirited away? He was being ridiculous.

"I'll manage sir," the hyena said again, voice barely audile. As he said such, he turned towards the opposite direction.

Moving past the empty blacksmith, the chimera prepared himself for the ramp ahead. Surely, all of this had to have been some sort of misunderstanding. Perhaps, just maybe, everyone had been pulled into some domain nearby. That had to have been the case.

Opening the doors towards the underground world, the chimera steeled himself. What kind of requests were about to await him today? He knew, whatever he was told to do, he would have to get it done, no questions asked. Ladder soon in front of him, the soldier prepared himself for the long descent downward.

But, upon reaching the bottom, chaos had been uprooted in a matter of moments. Feeling an even deeper sense of foreboding doom, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Was it just him, or did something feel incredibly off down here? Shaking it off, the hyena moved forward.

Multiple people mumbling under their breath that they were going to get spirited away, an alarm bell rung inside the hyena's mind. Even the people in the underground world had been worried about such a thing? Just how far did this terror spread? It had gone too far.

Children of the underground world running around in a panic, a wave of disappointment flowed through him. Even the younger groups had fallen prey to the nonsensical spirited away rumors. Why hadn't anyone told them there was nothing to worry about? Rumors were a disease.

Spotting Lonan in the corner attempting to tell everyone it had been safe here, not a single person had been swayed. Seeing such, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. Just how deep had the seeds gone? He could not help but feel they had been extremely deep. Head soon turning towards him, the bird man's pink eyes were soon stuck to him like glue.

"Black fish steak bro, you're here!" Lonan exclaimed. He then turned towards the very few people not panicking. "Malikers said if you guys got requests, you know what to do."

Flood of people crowding around him all at once, the hyena could feel himself shrink. Why had so many people been crowding around him? Just how many people needed things done around here? It was a swamp, and he was drowning in it. Dozens of people closing in the walls were dying.

"Woah, guys, chill, give the bro some space," Lonan said in a chill, but there was hint of aggravation in his voice. "Malikers said three at a time." As he said such his feathers dropped onto the ground. "If your request isn't priority, lay off the man, kay?"

Group of people leaving the vicinity, space returned to the soldier. Only three people left standing, the soldier backed two steps away. He supposed he was grateful to Malika for setting a ground rule. Taking a deep breath, he turned his attention towards the first person. Generic man with blond hair staring at him, his first order of business had come his way.

First person requesting him to take the air roger in the northern portion of the Court of Fontaine to the coast off of the Belleau Region to a client of his, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Surely, this was something he could do himself. But, the hyena threw such thought into a jar. The rumors about being spirited away had run too deep.

Giving the man a nod, a heavy crate crammed to the rim with alcohol deep inside had been handed off to the soldier. Strong, disgusting scent wafting into his nostrils, he bagged the filth immediately. This is what he had to deliver? Knowing he had no choice in the matter, an invisible white flag had been waved. Whoever wanted this devil's liquid, they had better appreciate it.

Second person gazing towards him, a predictable request had come his way. Tired researcher asking him to go to the northeast most tower in the Research Institute to clear out some rogue machines, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. He had forgotten some the other day? How could he do such a thing? He will clean that up right away.

Third and final person asking him to investigate the large black cube spotted in Elynas, fear nibbled on the cartilage of his ear. Someone wanted him to gather information about that sinister thing? Knowing he had no choice in the matter, the hyena nodded. Turning back towards the direction he came, multiple people told him to proceed with caution all at once.

Returning to the surface world, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Knowing it was in his best interest to head for the Air Roger first, the chimera ascended the ramp once again. City as dead as it had been earlier, the soldier could feel a chill drop down his spine. Could the people have truly been spirited away?

Gazing his head upwards towards the sky, the chimera knew he had to prepare himself for the hawk chimera to attack him at any given moment. Was he about to be blamed for something he had not a single hand in? If such were the case, words would be flung his way, without a second thought.

Reaching the Aquabus Information station after about twenty minutes walking, not a single soul stirred within. Employees gone fishing, the hyena flipped the sign over. Was now really the time for such humorous statements? Moving past the empty room, the soldier pushed himself towards the glass box.

Doors opening themselves upward, the hyena pressed the button for the fourth floor. As the vehicle moved itself upward, the chimera could not help but wonder. Just how many people had been spirited away at this point? Almost the entirety of the Court of Fontaine region had been empty.

But, the hyena perished such thought. Surely, this had to have been some sort of exaggeration. Humanity feared the unknown that's all it was, surely. Elevator passing by the second floor, the hyena waited. No one getting on, the machine started itself up again once more.

Glass box reaching the fourth floor, a reminder flowed back into the hyena's fading human brain. The Agent had told him the Iudex wished to speak to him. Recalling such, he placed his hands upon his chin. What could the Chief Justice of Fontaine possibly wish to speak to him about? If this were negotiative affairs, he was not the hyena for such whatsoever.

Walking towards the Palais Mermonia, a sudden wave of unease flowed through him. He did not know why, but he felt like any second now, it was going to rain. Placing his hand over his head just in case, preparedness had been shot in the foot with a crossbow.

Spotting the Iudex outside the office with a pained look on his face, the chimera's heart skipped two beats. Was something troubling him? The Chief Justice of Fontaine always had a serious and stern expression on his face. Something wasn't right here, for certain. Eyes soon on him, the hyena placed his hands out in front of him.

Folding his middle, ring and index finger downward, the soldier thumb and index finger had been sticking upward. Pressing his knuckles upon his chin, a concerned look soon appeared on the hyena's face. What's wrong signed for the singular person remaining in the population to see, the Iudex's fingers had soon been upon his brow.

"Monsieur Siorc, apologies for my current disposition. The meeting that has been arranged will be postponed," the Iudex said, trying to keep it together. "The Melusines have been sucked into the black cubes. When such incident is resolved, negotiations will continue."

Hearing such, a chill dropped down the chimera's spine. Had all the Melusines been spirited away into the black cubes? If such were the case, he needed to save them, for sure. He recalled hearing a rumor that the Melusines had been like the Chief Justice of Fontaine's daughters. Placing his hands out in front of him, the soldier signed he would help for absolutely no one to see.

"Excuse me for a moment," the Iudex said. As he said such, he stepped back towards the Palais Mermonia.

Silence looping on repeat for minutes on end, the chimera could not help but wonder. What was the Iudex going to grab? Doors soon opening once more, a scythe had been handed off to him. Pitch black dress given to him as well, the chimera tilted his head. What was this all about?

"You will need to swipe the scythe backwards to free the souls trapped within the cubes," the Iudex explained.

Hearing such, the soldier jumped three steps back. He had to do what now? Was this what people had been afraid of? Unfolding the dress, the chimera grit his teeth. Why was this dress so low cut by the chest area? There was no way he was wearing this. Folding it back up, he attempted to return to sender.

No such return ever came, however. Pained look remaining on the Iudex's face, the chimera surrendered himself. If this is how he had to dress to save the Melusines, then so it shall be. Stepping towards the entrance, he had soon been told to change in one of the vacant offices.

Stepping into the empty office towards the western side of the building, the chimera let out a sigh. Was wearing this outfit really necessary? Surely, his Fatui uniform would be fine. Shrugging, the solider undid the buttons on his uniform. Pants taken off, as well, the pitch black dress with a lethal skirt had been upon his short body. Undershirts covering his hideous scar, the hyena puffed a sigh of relief. He was grateful for the layers right now for sure.

Finding a hidden back pocket, the soldier rummaged through it, for a moment. Skull shaped hairpins and earrings accompanied by rubber bands, the chimera swapped the jewelry and accessories out with one another. Pulling his hair up into twintails, he stared at his reflection in front of him. Barely recognizable version of himself gazing back at him, he let out a sigh. Was this over the top outfit really necessary?

Removing himself from the Palais, the chimera headed off towards the eastern city exit. Silence continuing to loop on repeat, a heavy wave of unease flowed through the chimera. Maybe the entire city's population had already been sucked into these black cubes. He would need to free them from their prison as well, guaranteed.

Not a single Melusine out and about anywhere, the chimera could feel the storm clouds coming. Fontaine without Melusines just didn't feel right. He needed to get them back, at all costs. Moving back towards the city's exit, the glass box soon awaited him once more.

Reaching the city's outskirts after about five minutes, the chimera steeled himself. Were the bird bounty hunters around? If they had been, he knew he would be target practice in no time flat. Keeping his ears open, the soldier dashed off towards the grass fields.

As the chimera moved himself towards the Air Roger, the hyena looked upwards towards the sky. Not hearing any warfare up above, the hyena blinked. Could the hawk and falcon bounty hunters be away, at the moment? If such were the case, it was a relief to be had, for sure.

Veering off towards the east, the chimera kept his eyes open. Any moment now, and he would be in the presence of the automatically powered aircraft. Monsters nowhere to be seen, and no one else around whatsoever, the hyena could feel a wave of relief. Perhaps, just maybe, this would go as planned.

Air Roger spotted after about ten minutes of walking, the chimera sped up his walking speed. Engine glowing a dark purple, the chimera let out a sigh. He needed the power of Pneumaousia at a time like this? What an awful time for such to be the case. Turning back around, the early adult searched the area for energy cubes, for a moment.

Finding a yellow block in the corner, the soldier grabbed a hold of it. Running back towards the Airtime Roger, the chimera swung the scythe forward. Vessel ascending upwards towards the sky, the soldier stood still. Vehicle hovering off towards the east, the chimera crossed his arms around his waist. It was time for Siorc's Delivery Service, he supposed.

As the Airtime Roger cruised off towards the east, the chimera lowered his eyes into a squint. Spotting a large black cube, the early adult's knees buckled. Just how big was this thing? How many people, chimeras and melusines had it already swallowed up? It had to have been countless.

Beach coming up close, the soldier couldn't help but wonder. Who was the client he had to deliver the devil's liquid to? But, the chimera quickly shook his head. It hardly mattered who it was for. The identity of the client was hardly his business. Ride moving forward, Doom loomed over him.

Airtime Roger stopping in its tracks, the chimera tilted his head. Why had the Airtime Roger stopped moving? Air plopped onto the top of his head, the hyena clicked his tongue. Where had these Anemo Slimes come from? How annoying. Gust of air coming from behind him, the hyena deployed his windglider.

Multiple slimes swirling around in a circle, the soldier placed the scythe out in front of him. If defeating the obstacles was the only way to continue forward, it was time for his flower friends to get some rare action. Turning his attention towards the gelatinous creatures, the hyena attempted to summon his Windwheel Aster friend.

But, such moment never came. Windwheel Aster friend not coming out, the hyena could feel a change to his elemental energy. Attempting to toss them out once more, nothing happened. Attempting three more times, the hyena was flowerless. Nothing doing, the chimera placed his hands on the side of his head. Why was this happening now, of all times? Had his Vision been losing its powers?

Holding the scythe once more, the soldier swore he could see his vision glowing pitch black, for a moment. Large, green skull coming to his side tossing down explosive thorny rosebuds, the hyena's eyes opened wide as multiple slimes had been blown to smithereens. What was going on here?

Multiple Slimes soon directly in front of him, the early adult let out a scream as he swung his scythe forward. Monsters popping like a deflated balloon, the chimera swore he could feel his energy begin to deplete with every swipe forward. Enemies defeated with six additional strikes, the hyena let out a huff. Was it just him, or did it feel like some of his blood had been drawn by an invisible needle?

Obstacles cleared away, the Airtime Roger had begun to move once more. Placing himself into a sitting position, the chimera gazed at the scythe for a moment. Could there have been a Delusion embedded inside it? Seeing nothing of the sort, the chimera sheathed the object from behind him. There was nothing of note. Could the sinister orb be hidden sight?

Vehicle getting ready to land, the chimera prepared himself for the turbulence ready to make its rounds. Vessel descending downward at breakneck speed, the hyena held onto his nonexistent hat. Reaching the ground, a surprising client soon awaited him beside the ocean.

Spotting Bain in the corner waiting with her arms crossed, the chimera blinked. The sea lion sister had been the client who wanted a crate of wine? How very disappointing. Weren't chimera incapable of drinking the devil's liquid? But, the hyena threw such assumption away. Just because such had been true for him, did not it had been the same way for others. Throwing his judgement away, the crate had been within his hands. Box changing hands, a weight had been off his shoulders, in an instant.

"Thank you for this," Bain said in a tired voice. "Sorry, it must be strange to have to hand me of all people a crate of alcohol. We're disaster proofing."

Bain claiming she had been disaster proofing, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. How would wine help in a time of crisis? Keeping his mouth shut, the early adult pressed a button on the Airtime Roger. Vehicle heading back towards the direction he came, the chimera prepared himself for the next destination.

Figuring it was best to deal with the rogue robots next, the chimera turned his heelless shoes off towards the northern direction. West Slopes skipped over and ignored, the soldier continued northward. Edge of the Morte Region soon reached after about twenty minutes of running, a boat soon awaited the soldier at the end of the road.

Rowing with a fury, Marcotte Station had been reached after about fifteen minutes of rowing. Knowing he had to make haste, the hyena ran off towards the northeast as fast as his currently human legs could carry him. Dashing through the mountains, the chimera soon curved off towards the east.

Running past the gear monster's lair, the soldier could not help but wonder. Could there have been other clues lying around here about the abyssal gazelles wrongdoings? But, the early adult did not tempt fate. If he were to delve any deeper, Pandora's Box would be opened.

Continuing to head north, the soldier could not help but ponder. The abyssal gazelles, just who were they really? What were they really after? But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. Why was he letting himself think about them? They could be listening to his thoughts right about now.

Tower coming in close, the hyena sped up his running speed a smidgeon. Reaching the abandoned area at breakneck speed, the chimera huffed and puffed. Running was a cardiovascular exercise indeed. Stepping off towards the stairs the soldier placed the scythe into his right hand.

Rogue machines crawling around like spiders, the soldier held the scythe upward. First of many creatures turning around, the early adult swiped from behind. Creature sparking up like a Hydro and Electro, the inorganic creature leaped upward. Balls of static rode the stale air.

Jumping towards the left, the chimera swung forward once more. Enemy sparking up aplenty, the final strike had been delivered to the opposing force. Scythe glowing red for a moment, a wave of tiredness flowed through the chimera. Weapon continuing to glow, he could feel his vitality deplete further. This scythe, what was it doing to him?

Army of creepy crawly robots coming for him from every which way, the chimera kept the momentum going. Soulless objects departing from the world one after another, the hyena placed his hand on his chest. Heart beating slower in his chest, a puzzle piece threw itself onto the floor. What was going on here? Everything was flipping, turning, reversing.

Skull thorn creature aimed at the mechanical insects upon the ceiling, metallic pieces scattered themselves onto the floor one after another. Scooping the debris up, they had soon been tossed aside into a small wooden container. If he had left the debris out in the open, he would face the wrath of the researchers guaranteed.

Scythe doing all the dirty work upon the second floor, a momentary feeling of weakness overtook the hyena. But, he snapped himself out of it. There was still monsters to defeat. He needed to get rid of this moment of weakness right now. Shaking it off, the mechanical beings had soon been slain.

Stairwell in front of him, the hyena had been running. Out of breath almost immediately, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Why had it been so difficult to ascend the staircase? Slapping his cheeks, the fights soon continued for minutes on end. Final creature becoming nothing but scrap metal, the soldier leaped towards the window. Windglider deployed behind him, the ground and him soon met.

Knowing his next order of business was to head to Elynas, the chimera cracked his knuckles. It was time to break the trapped Melusines free from their cube prison. Dashing off towards the direction he came, the early adult could feel sweat drip down his neck for minutes on end.

Huffing and puffing up a storm as the Central Laboratory Ruins had been passed through, the hyena's eyes had become momentary jelly. Steadying himself, the early adult attempted to keep going. It was too early now to throw in the towel. Such could not happen.

But, as the hyena kept moving forward, the huffs of breath had only gotten weaker. Halting his movement for a moment, the chimera blinked. Something didn't feel quite right. But, the early adult threw such thoughts away. There was nothing wrong here. He had to keep moving.

Elynas reached after about an hour of walking, the big black cube stood in front of him. But, such had been over in a matter of moments. Feeling an overwhelming force drag him forward, the early adult surrendered himself to the unknown. Blinding light soon overtaking him, the soldier closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes once more, a strange world awaited him. Finding himself in a pitch black outdoor corridor and an even darker sky with statues galore, the hyena flinched. Why did these monuments look like the Melusines from Merusea Village and around the Court of Fontaine? But, he had soon seen something worse up afar.

Brume and Eclater encased into black stone at the end of the cubic world, as well, the hyena's knees buckled. Had the entire population of Merusea Village been stuck in this space? If such were the case, he had to save everyone right away. Walking off towards the first statue, he placed his hands upon it, for a moment.

Not feeling a singular stony texture, the chimera blinked. The Melusines, had they not been encased in stone at all? He could hardly wrap his head around all this. Scythe in his hands, the chimera recalled what the Iudex said to him. Turning himself towards his backside, the backwards swipes took the stage.

Soul dropping back into the first Melusine's body, the early adult stared at the scythe seated in his hands. What was this weapon doing? Weren't scythes supposed to remove souls from the body? How could the opposite be able to occur? But, he parked such thoughts, for the moment. There was no time to think. There were Melusines and two pranksters to save.

Multiple backwards swipes removing the Melusines from their suspended states, a wave of dizziness flowed through the chimera. Was it just him, or did it feel like he had just donated blood to the Church of Favonius? Shaking his head rapidly, the reversal strikes continued. Souls returning themselves to their bodies, the journey continued.

Tens of Melusines thanking him one after another for breaking them free, the soldier weakly stuck his right thumb upward. Shaking like a leaf, he had soon begun to wobble. This scythe, was it a vampire, or something? He did not know why, but he could feel even more blood drained out of him with every single slash administered. How many more seconds would he last? His moments were numbered.

But, the hyena knew he could not falter. Every single sea denizen of the underwater village freed except for the sea lion prankster duo, the chimera dragged himself off towards the end of the corridor. Brothers frozen with shocked expressions, his mind had begun to wander. What happened to them before the disaster occurred to be stuck with such a face?

Final backwards swipe taking the stage, multiple other Melusines had sent their gratitude his way. Sea denizens one after another leaving the cubical world of doom, the final two pieces of the puzzle dropped into place. But, something of immediate concern played out before the chimera's eyes. Sea lion prankster duo's faces blue, doom soon loomed over him.

"Water," Brume choked out. "Oh, Archons, air is painful.

"Bro, I caaaaan't breeeeeeeathe," Eclater choked out, coughing. "Hoooow diiiid weee-ee-ee ee-eeeeend uuu---up he--ere?" He let out an intense cough as he asked such.

Sea lion duo disappearing into thin air, the hyena flinched. What just happened, where did everyone go? Cubic world collapsing around him, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. He had been back in the exact same spot as before? Cube no longer anywhere to be seen, the chimera attempted to turn his heelless shoes back towards the opposite direction.

Such action never came into fruition. Body feeling heavier than a dumbbell, the early adult's body swayed downward. No energy remaining within him, his eyes closed tight. Where had all his energy gone? How strange. He could hardly move. Head landing upon the grass beneath him, the chimera could feel his consciousness slipping away. World of black overtaking him, one final question slipped itself out.



Coming to sometime later, a face he did not think he would see appeared in his tired line of vision. Lonan's head within eyeshot, a wave of confusion flowed through him. What was he doing here? Had he been sent here to deal with the cubes? Hand soon on his back, he threw such thought away. Maybe that wasn't the case.

"Rab sent me to check on you," Lonan said at a medium volume. "Can you stand?"

Attempting to do so, no energy had come to him. Remaining seated upon the ground, Lonan's Talons had soon been upon his shoulder. Claws locked in the chimera flinched. Did he have to press down so hard? Hawks were hunting birds indeed. But, another set of words threw him out of his thoughts, in an instant.

"Seems like you can't. Kay then, I'll fly you to the airtime roger, and then take you to my place," Lonan said in a quiet voice. "Hang on, black fish steak bro."

Lonan carrying him upward towards the sky, the early adult blinked. How could the bird man carry him so easily? Wasn't he heavy? There was no way he would be able to bring all the way to the Airtime Roger. Words bubbling onto his tongue, they soon exploded like a Fonta bottle that had been shook before opening it.

"Aren't I heavy sir?" the hyena accidentally asked.

"Not, really, bro," Lonan responded. "If I wanted to, I could fly you all the way back to my folks place."

Bird man explaining he had poor vision at night, the early adult blinked. If such were the case, why was he risking all this for him? But, his thoughts melted as his energy died once more. Airtime Roger reached after about forty minutes of slow flying, the chimera had been placed into a laying position. He could feel himself blink out of existence once more. But one final thought came with him to the land of the unconscious.

Was he truly not heavy?


"I don't know. This mission is a little too intense. I

Can't do this. I
Absolutely, positively cannot do this alone. But, there is
Nothing I can say.
There is no way I can ask for help. I

Don't think I am allowed.
Obviously, Her Majesty is watching me, And

There is no way I can ask for
Help. I have to do this alone.
I have to do this by myself.
So, I mustn't falter.

All and all, it is
Likely going to these cubes and
Observing them from the inside will be my only duty for awhile.
Nothing else. Not a single thing.
Everything will be the same from here on out,

But. I truly do not want this.
Ultimately, though it is not up
To me. I am not allowed to decide anything regarding my orders.

I already know that.

Cannot ask anything, complaints
Are forbidden, desires are
Not allowed.
That's how it's always been

And how it'll always be.
So, I have to press on alone. I
Know that.

For now, I suppose, I will limit the use
Of my scythe.
Right. That should do it.

How much will I be able to limit my usage?
Everything is rather unclear. But,
Looks like not much.
Perhaps it will all go better today. Who knows?"

Coming to somewhere unknown to him, the early adult rubbed his eyes. Where was he? But, he had soon heard a lot of racket in the another room. Reaching for his glasses, the chimera removed himself from the bed. Guiding himself towards the noise, a scene played out in front of him.

Lonan placing tape over a large cardboard box, the early adult had come to a realization. Right, Lonan had said he was taking him to his family's place. Turning his head towards the right and left, he placed his finger on his chin. Had he been here before? He couldn't help but feel this had not been the first time he had set foot in here. Lonan turning towards him, the chimera gave eye contact.

"Morning, black fish steak bro," Lonan greeted. "Don't mind the noise. I'm just packin'. Moving to Petrichor pretty soon."

Hearing such, the soldier blinked. Lonan was moving? He sees now. He understands, he supposed. He was leaving the nest. But, the chimera threw such thought in the garbage. Perhaps that had been a little too on the nose. He had been a hawk chimera. Maybe it was better to leave the bird pins to die.

"Oh, right, bro, before I forget," Lonan said in between taping sessions. "The folks outside all asked for the same thing. They want you to go deal with those black cubes eating everyone up." Slapping tape over another box, he soon continued. "Heard they're mostly in the northeastern seabed. I dunno who summoned these boxes. But, whoever did isn't cool."

Another day of reverse reaper action upon him, the early adult let out a sigh. Why did all the citizens of Fleuve Cendre collectively have the same order for him? How annoying. But, he knew his orders were absolute, no matter who were to give them to him. Preparing himself, he exited the bird's nest.

Same generic nobody operating the Aquabus today, eyes were on him like glue. Woman demanding more Mora than a measly one thousand, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the sky. Who did she think she was charging people for a ride that was usually free? She would get nothing if she kept demanding.

Reaching the Poisson tunnel after about half an hour, the hyena jumped off the vehicle. Rich lady demanding Mora once again, the early adult tossed a thousand mora again like a ninja star. Whatever a ninja was. The hyena had been none the wiser to whatever such a thing was.

Dropping down towards the ground at lightning speed, a wave of fear flowed through the chimera. He knew, at any given moment as soon as he reached the bottom of the ocean, the undersea penguins would attack him, like usual. Knowing he would have to avoid them at all costs, steeled himself.

Fat blubbery suit soon absorbing him, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Feeling a spark, his mind and the diving suit synched up with one another. Flopping towards the ocean bed, the suit automatically thrusted him downward. But, immediately upon reaching here, a wasteland awaited him.

Absolutely nothing swimming around at all, the ocean was nothing. Fish all gone, the early adult almost proceeded to head back towards the opposite direction. What happened here? Where had all the sea life gone? Had a gigantic whale devoured it all? Something wasn't right.

Spotting a large black cube off towards the northeastern side, the hyena had his diving suit push him through. Elton Trench ready to be left behind, a wave of nervousness flowed through him. All the sea life had been gone. How was this possible? Was he dreaming right now?

Vines slapping on his face with full force, the chimera flinched. He was most certainly awake right now. Cube of darkness approaching ever so slowly, he observed the area around him. The undersea gazelles had been nowhere to be seen, either. What was going on here?

Intense and overwhelming energy engulfing him, the chimera gulped. He did not know why, but he could sense a chaotic energy like no other around the block of doom. Taking a deep breath, he placed his gloved hand upon the partially solid object. Blinding light engulfing him, his eyes had been shut once more.

Finding himself in a pitch black outdoor corridor once more. But something had been off, as expected. Diving suit nowhere to be seen and black reaper dress, the soldier lowered himself onto the ground. The fat blubber, where had it gone? He was done for if it were missing, for sure.

Sea creatures and a multitude of people stuck in a frozen state, the hyena's heart leapt out of his chest. The fish had been dragged down into this mess, too? Who could do such a thing? These poor creatures had no idea what had happened to them. Scythe soon deployed, the first backwards swipe took the stage.

Fish freed from their frozen prison, the hyena could feel the blood leave his head. But, the chimera attempted to hold on. It was far too early to break now. He had to keep going, no matter what. Moving towards the left, the sight of multiple citizens stuck in place threw him for two loops.

Reverse swipes overtaking him, the early adult swore he could see souls reentering the body from up above. Generic rich nobodies gazing in bewilderment as they vanished from the scene, the chimera pressed on. Ocean of the same face locked in place playing their frozen swan song, he was ready to end it.

Next set of generic nobodies freed from their prison, the early adult flinched. This scythe, why did it feel like it was making a meal out of his blood every time he used it? But, he soon shook his head. That was impossible. There had been no blood shed for such to be the case.

Army of nobodies souls all returned, the reverse let out a huff. Was it just him, or had it been getting harder and harder to keep going in this large space? But, the hyena snapped himself out of it. He couldn't let such get to him. He had a job to do. But, in a matter of moments, the worst possible duo stood before him.

Vidame and Domini trapped in a state of frozen movement, the soldier clutched his sickle of doom. If he were to save these two, they would not address him with any sort of kindness guaranteed. But, he knew he could not leave them in this space to rot. That would be quite horrible of him. Turning towards his backside, the scythe was ready.

Undersea penguin duo moving one again, the cubic world around him disintegrated into nothing once more. Feeling his energy deplete by the second, his head plopped across the ocean bed. Shooting his eyes back open, the chimera blinked of bewilderment. He was back where he came already, diving suit included? But, he had soon been met with violent screams.

"You think this makes us even just because you saved us, don't you Ritchie Rich?" Vidame asked in an annoyed tone. "Well, it doesn't! You can forget about receiving any thanks from us!"

"Yeah, Ritchie Rich! We owe you nothing! Don't expect us to be grateful towards you!" Domini shouted, but he soon turned his head off towards the opposite direction, rubbing his hands through his hair. "This ain't right! Vidame, I know you always are like spit on the rich, but he didn't leave us to die in there!"

"Okay, so what, so he saved us from that dimensional corruption, big deal, Domini!" Vidame exclaimed. She then pointed her flipper at Ritchie Rich. "Fuggedabbout a thank you. I won't give you one!"

"Vidame, when did I say I was gonna thank this rich loser? No way am I ever saying that to him!" Domini shouted, teeth out. But, he soon putting him away. "I feel like we, like at least owe him our five seconds of assistance, at least!"

"Me help Ritchie Rich?! Did your brain get left behind in that cube?!" Vidame asked Domini, but she soon gave up the act. "Fine, whatever. I'll help him. But, only because that toxic frog freak is trapped in one, too." She then turned towards Ritchie Rich. "You hear that, Ritchie Rich, we're calling a truce for today! But you dare think for a second in your stupid brainless head that it'll last forever!"

Vidame mentioning the frog and alligator duo had been trapped in these black cube as well, a wave of shock had flown through him. Just how widespread had this phenomenon become? He did not know, but it had to have been far bigger than he could ever imagine.

Undersea penguins swimming faster than he could keep up with, the soldier pressed the turbo button upon his diving suit. Why were they moving so fast? Was even being three meters near him a crime to them? Pushing back through the Salacia Plains, his head pulsed, for a moment.

Feeling a moment of weakness, the chimera's face grew heavy. Why did it feel like he had donated another portion of his blood to the Church of Favonius? But, the hyena forced himself to press on. That was impossible. There was no way he had lost any of such vital. There had been no wounds anywhere to speak of.

Cube reached after about twenty minutes of automatic movement, Vidame and Domini entered before him. Closing his eyes for a moment, the hyena prepared for the next shift. Finding himself in cube world once more, he gazed downward. Diving suit gone once more, his legs shook. Where did it go this time? Holding his scythe in his left hand, he swore he could see Vidame glare daggers at his weapon.

"If Ritchie Rich is using a scythe, then so can I!" Vidame shouted. As she said such, her scythe had been out in front of her.

"Hmph! This rich loser is such a showoff!" Domini shouted. As he said such, his chain whip had soon been connected to a flailed mace. "My flail is ready!"

Observing the cube around him, a wave of shock flowed through the soldier. Almost half of the entire population of Fontaine trapped within the cube, Malika and Baron included, a heavy look of surprise engulfed the hundreds of faces. Zinn and Peltro looking astonished as well in their frozen faces, the chimera's scythe was ready. But, the tides had soon turned.

Domini drawing a mustache upon Peltro's face, and Vidame doing so upon Zinn's, the party of two chuckled their gills out. Continuing to laugh at their terrible attempt at a joke, the soldier let out a sigh. These two were just bullies to everyone, weren't they? Scythe moved towards his backside, the reverse reaper session was ready.

Generic nobodies released from their frozen state, the population of cubeworld had begun to dwindle. Feeling his vitality drain, the chimera let out a huff. Why had it been taking so much effort to breathe? Slapping his chest, the hyena prepared himself for the second round.

Rest of the nobodies souls returned with the assistance of the undersea penguin duo, the chimera blinked. Extreme wave of fatigue flowing through him he gazed downward. Could there have been an open wound somewhere upon him? But nothing of such existed. Shaking his head, he proceeded to ready himself for round three.

Malika and Baron soon released from their suspended movement prison, the chimera dropped down onto his knees. How much more of this would he have to do? His energy was dead, gone, erased. But, he stood back up again. It wasn't over. Two people remained.

Frog and alligator chimeras souls reverse reaped, the two had argued for minutes on end, the chimera plugged his ears. Couldn't these two, for once, not fight about something? Everyone soon released from cubeworld, he closed his eyes? Was it finally over? But, he had soon been told the worst possible news.

Undersea penguin duo informing him there was one more in the Liffey region, the ocean spun around him. There was still one more? He did not know how much more he could take of this today. But, he knew he had no choice in the matter. He had to break the people out of this dimensional corruption. Whatever that was, anyway. He had no idea. Surely, the penguin duo had made that up to sound like they knew what they were talking about.

Pitch black cube located beside the prison, the soldier hopped in. Entire prison population, Grand Duke and undersea otters included, the early adult's heart skipped more than two beats. The people of the Fortress were dragged down into this as well? How could this have happened? They had been so far cut off from the rest of the world. Something wasn't adding up. It was almost as if, in the world beyond Teyvat, such events occurring had been decided in advanced by some sort of god. But, the chimera was none the wiser to such fact being the case.

Feeling a strong force of intense energy, the chimera's fingers twitched as he held the scythe tight. What was with this heavy foreboding sense of doom? He swore he could see the Inazuman word for menacing in the air colored purple. But, he snapped himself out of it. What did he know? He couldn't read such language.

Scythe swiped in reverse multiple times in quick succession, not a single person had been freed from their prison of frozenness. Seeing such, the hyena closed his eyes, for a moment. Channeling all the energy that remained, his scythe burned a bright red, for a moment. Everyone soon freed, cubeworld died a dishonorable death. But, as it broke, an intense wave of dizziness soon devoured him.

Head drooping, the soldier swore he could hear the penguin duo yelling at the top of their gills. But, such had soon been cut out. Sound dulling around him, and vision becoming black, everything was silent, gone, removed. Consciousness readying to slip away, one final question threw itself out into the playing field.

What is this scythe doing to him?


Coming to sometime later, a wave of panic flowed through the soldier at the sight before him. Finding himself in the prison infirmary, tears streamed down his face. Why was he here again? Had he been arrested? If he was going to be behind bars, his life was over, for sure. Melusine head nurse running towards him, he had been put back into a lying position

"I know you're scared, but you need to calm down," the Melusine nurse said in a quiet tone. "That scythe of yours has stolen quite a lot of your blood. If Zach and Monique hadn't found you when they did, I don't know what would have happened to you."

Hearing such, the early adult could feel himself fade out once more.

The scythe did what now?


"I am getting dangerous reading about about
The lake underneath the Weeping Willow Tree and um, uh

I think we really
Should do something about this.

Could, um, it be those gazelles again?
Looks like it is.
Everything they um, do is
Absolutely incomprehensible to me. Um, uh, I
Really don't understand them.

They have no moral compass.
Oh, um, I don't

Mean to say they are
Evil, but I

Now am warming up to the word a little. Um, uh,
Or maybe not?
Well, to be honest,

That word should not be used here.
Huh, well,
Even so, they don't have any um, uh, standards,
You know?

Well, of course they don't
All these two seem to want is
Nothing but chaos,
Though, if I were

To mention that to
Oluchi, she'd call me

Krazy, yes, with a k, and
Insist I'm adopted,
Like usual.
Look, um, Oluchi I'm not adopted.

That bit she always does, she finds it
Hilarious, but I find it rather
Egregious and tiresome, but um,
Maybe speaking out is a waste of time. Um? Anyway, time for the next rescue."

Finding himself in Lonan's home once again, a wave of confusion loomed over the soldier. Wasn't he in the Fortress of Meropide earlier? But, the chimera shook his head. Perhaps that had just been a dream. Feeling a heavy wave of fatigue flow through him, the hyena could hear frantic footsteps come his way.

"Black fish steak bro! We have to go to the Weeping Willow of the Lake right now!" Lonan exclaimed in a frantic tone. "Damla and Firat are in danger!"

"But, uh, um, if you're not feeling well, we'll do it on our own," Rabiu said, two index fingers touching one another. "Don't push yourself."

Raising himself up from the bed, the hyena tossed on the black dress. Sit around in bed while Rabiu and Lonan did all the work? Absolutely not, he would do no such thing. Using fatigue as an excuse was not an option. He was working, no matter what. His tiredness could suck an egg. Slapping his cheeks, the party of three prepared for takeoff.

Aquabus taken, and money solicited, the party of three ran through Marcotte Station as if their lives depended on it. Dashing through the Foggy Forest, a familiar pitch black hood could be seen from the backside. Seeing such, everyone hurried their footsteps once more.

Darting off towards the Weeping Willow of the Woods, the soldier swore he could see the abyssal gazelles drop something into the undersea bed in the corner. Bearing witness to such event, the hyena shook his head. Of course they had been the ones behind this incident, too. When had they ever not been behind something going on in Fontaine at this point?

"Um, Lonan, get the kamera ready," Rabiu said, voice shaking. "They're about to make another one."

"On it, boss!" Lonan exclaimed. As he said such, a kamera flashed brightly.

Abyssal gazelles jumping down towards the lake, Rabiu and Lonan had soon followed soon after. Diving equipment soon upon him, the hyena's mind had soon been synched with his suit once more. Dropping down towards the world underneath the lake, something atrocious awaited him.

Abyssal gazelles swimming as fast as a shark chasing after its prey, Rabiu and Lonan attempted with all their might to corner the enemy. Seeing such test of speed playing out in front of him, the hyena pressed the turbo button. These two, they weren't getting away. Accelerating at maximum speed, the gap prepared itself to close.

Rabiu placing his hand out in front of him, magical stone spells had been cast from afar. Abyssal gazelles stopped in their tracks like it was nothing, the early adult's jaw dropped open. The power of Geomancy was amazing. Sharp, jagged rocks locking them in place, everyone sped up toward the locked enemies.

"You two have really done it this time," Lonan said in a low pitched tone. "Imprisoning nearly the entire population of Fontaine in corrupted abyss cubes? What do you two want? Messing with people's lives and putting them in danger is not cool."

"We're doing Fontaine a favor by speeding up the prophecy!" Izzet exclaimed.

"He should be thanking us for our service!" Kelebek shouted.

Kelebek and Izzet talking about some prophecy, the early adult scratched his ears. Was he hearing this correctly? What prophecy were they even talking about? But, the hyena threw such thoughts away. He supposed he knew far too little about such. What was Fontaine's prophecy anyway?

"Go on," Lonan responded in a chilly tone.

"Fontaine belongs to the abyss!" Izzet shouted. "We're taking back what's ours!" But, such point had been met with immediate backlash.

"Rab," Lonan said to Rabiu. "Sick 'em."

"Um, uh, sorry for this," Rabiu said, voice shaking. As he said such, they had been stonehenged in every possible degree.

Rabiu keeping the attacks going, the early adult had his diving suit thrust six paces backwards. He had ever seen the researcher gazelle this ready before. Had something set him off? He did not know why, but he couldn't help but feel proud of him, at this moment in time. But, the hooded strangers soon forced in their last laugh.

"Just he waits!" Kelebek shouted. "Soon, you will be in the grand finale!" As one said such, one freed oneself from the stone prison.

Abyssal gazelles throwing themselves into a portal, the soldier rolled his eyes to the lake ceiling. The grand finale? Did these two ever give up at all? Heading off towards the possible final black cube, the chimera placed his hands upon the partially solid object in front of him. Rabiu and Lonan doing the same, everyone was in.

Spotting Damla and Firat floating around in the cubeworld lifeless, the early adult could feel alarm bells ring in his head. What was going on here? Something wasn't right about this. Just what did the abyssal gazelles do to them? Whatever it was, it had been far worse than anything else they had done in the other cubes.

"Black fish steak bro, you don't have to worry about that blood debt anymore," Lonan said in a serious tone. As he said such, he removed a scythe from his backside. "The Iudex let us borrow some scythes, too that cancel the effect out."

"So, you, um, uh, will be fine this time to use yours," Rabiu tacked on to Lonan's words.

Placing his scythe out in front of him, the soldier took a long deep breath. Would that truly be the case? The chimera did not know. It had to have been too good to be true, for sure. Turning himself towards his backside, the first swipe had been done in reverse. Rabiu and Lonan joining in, as well, round two was ready.

Party of three continuing to swing in unison with one another, the hyena swore he could see them move a little further. Everyone letting out a shout, the reverse swipes continued. Energy only getting stronger as the seconds unraveled, one final round took over everything.

Undersea gazelles eyes opening once more, an intense look of rage entered the duo's faces. Seeing such, a sharp chill dropped down the chimera's spine. Why did they look as though they didn't want to be awakened? Had they made a mistake doing this? He felt like there could have been.

"Why do you keep trying to save us?!" Damla shouted at the top of cos gills. "Could you stop doing this already? You could have let that be the end for us like we wanted!"

"We're asking you this one last time," Firat said in a pleading tone. "Please let us go. We don't want to be apart of this planet anymore. Why can't you all understand that?"

"If you really mean that, then why did you ask us for help the other day?" Lonan asked. But, an immediate response had been fired his way.

"Ignore our half asleep ramblings," Damla responded immediately. "Neither us meant it."

"Um, uh, sorry we can't ignore this," Rabiu said in a sharp, but nervous tone. "And, Lonan and I will do everything we can to help you." But, his words had gone unheard as their eyes wandered off towards Siorc.

"Oh. It's you again," Firat said, sighing. "Young man, sorry for showing you our past. We didn't mean to have you see all that."

Apology coming his way, the hyena blinked. What in the world was Firat talking about? When had se shown him ser past. He had no recollection of that ever occurring at any given point. Memory not flowing back to him, he shrugged. He supposed he accepted their apology. Whatever it was meant for.

"If our cousins want to get rid of us, then so be it," Damla replied, shrugging. "Now, could you all please go away? Let us sleep forever."

Everyone nodding, the party of three returned to the surface world. Lonan saying it was time to take the evidence back to the Iudex, the soldier stared off into space. Returning to the Palais Mermonia with the kamera of the day's crimes, words had come the party of two's way to keep investigating. But, words had been sent his way, as well.

Iudex apologizing for the pressure he had put on him, the early adult shook his head. He was ordered to investigate the cubes. No apology was necessary. Scythe returned to him, and black dress given back, as well, his winter coat had absorbed him once more. Stepping away from Palais Mermonia, Rabiu soon departed. But, one final request had soon come his way.

"Siorc?" Lonan asked. "I have one more request. Could you help me pack?"

Inquiry coming his way, the hyena scratched the side of his head. Did Lonan just call him by his name without adorning him with some sort of moniker? How strange. Was Fontaine about to freeze over? But, he threw such thought away. That meant nothing, in the long run. He was just trying to get his attention. Giving him a nod, they had soon returned to Fleuve Cendre. Multiple boxes soon packed with teamwork, another round of shocks had come his way.

"I'm going to tell Gwendolyn I'm ending our fake relationship," Lonan said.

Hearing such, the chimera blinked. He did not know why, but that felt like it should have been for the best. Tugging on his sleeve, eyes were soon on him. Placing his hands out in front of him, the soldier asked where Gwendolyn was with his fingers for only two people to see. But, a confused looked decorated his face.

"Gwen? She's in the East Slopes," Lonan responded to his wordless communication. "Something up?"

"I'll go with you to break it off with her, sir," the hyena replied, voice barely audible. But, there had been a momentary pause. Had what he said been hard to process? He supposed such was probably the case.

"Really?" Lonan asked. "Alright, then, bro."

Reaching the East Slopes in the Morte region after about an hour of running, the target of the fake breakup had been zeroed in upon. Gwendolyn up in a tree dropping down Bulle fruit, falcon wings out, Lonan soon cupped his hands around his mouth, taking a deep breath, the shouts threw themselves out into the ring.

"Gwendolyn, I have something to say!" Lonan shouted. Fruit dropping onto the ground with a splatter, a shout had been returned in tandem.

"Lonan, can't it wait? I'm busy!" Gwendolyn shouted back.

"I'm ending our fake relationship!" Lonan shouted back louder. But, such had been met with cheers.

"Finally," Gwendolyn responded with a sigh of relief. "About time. I was getting tired of you." But, as if a bomb exploded, the volume soon raised.

"You know what, Gwendolyn? I try to be chill with you, but quite frankly, I've had enough of you," Lonan said, voice not wavering. "The entire time we were pretending to be a couple, all you ever did was show your nasty side to me. Kinda tired of that. Warps with my vibe, you know?"

"Well, you just annoyed me!" Gwendolyn retaliated. "Alright?"

"You do you," Lonan responded, back turned. "But, I'm done with your elbowing." But something had soon interrupted the flow.

"Gwennol, come inside already!" Gwendolyn's father shouted. But, defiance had soon come the voice's way.

"It's Gwendolyn!" Gwendolyn shouted.

Watching as Lonan stood up for himself, the hyena folded his left hand into a fist. Just how many hurtful things had Gwendolyn said to Lonan? Such was inexcusable? He was annoying? Hardly. She was wrong for saying such a thing. Enough was enough of this nonsense. She had elbowed herself off the edge.

"Hurting people just because you find them 'annoying' is quite pitiful of you," Siorc said, voice low. "Invest your frustration into a diary, rather than taking it out on someone else. Learn to keep your painful thoughts to yourself, or don't say anything at all." As he said such, he turned around. "Lonan, let's go."

Heading back towards the Aquabus, the soldier gazed at the bird man's belt. But, what he saw opened his eyes. Vision upon Lonan's pants, the early adult blinked. Had he earned such ornament from standing up for himself? If so, he supposed he could feel a wave of pride. Capital City of Fontaine finally upon them, he soon turned around.

"Black fish steak bro, you didn't need to go and say all that in the end," Lonan said, face dark. "But, thank you." Bowing, he soon vanished.

Ginger Fatui soon waiting for him, his dismissal had soon been granted. Permafrost North soon returned to, the early adult headed off towards the soundproof room. Pacing around for a moment, the chimera could not help but wonder. What was going to happen now? The abyssal gazelles claimed their revenge was reaching their finale.

Wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the chimera removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed as well, the hyena slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Glasses put aside, as well, the soldier closed his eyes as his head hit the pillow. World of sleep about to take him away, one final thought wrapped vines around him.

The gazelle's revenge was reaching its finale.

Chapter 38: Meropide is Drowning: The Otters Are Waking Up


And thus, the beginning of the end has come. In this section, Siorc has to deal with strange occurrences in the Fortress of Meropide. An array of unusual things occur. Feat: Earl, Lonan, Kali, Huxian, Pixiu, Neuvilette, Wriothesley, Chevreuse and Sigewinne.


The climax is coming.

Chapter Text

"I'm a little confused

How can the
Abyssal Gazelles be this dangerous? These
Villains, they
Even have the powers to trap people in cubes.

Nothing is
Out of the question now

Could they be
Looking to plot something
Eh. They definitely

Will. I know they
Have one more thing
At their beckon and call.
They are planning something

It's going to be irreversible
Something just isn't right

Here. This is
All happening at too fast a
Pace for me
Please, let this all
End this once and for all
Nothing is truly making sense
I just want this to stop,
No. I know it will never
Go with the flow

And just take them down
Nothing is ever over
Yet, I think the end
Might be near
Over all, it's time to
Remove the issue
Everything they do

Is horrible

And I
Might burst at this rate

Something just has become too
Chaotic for me
All and all there's
Rather a lot going on
Everything is collapsing,
Dying, breaking.

It's not long before

This all leads to
Horrific and nearly
Irreversible damage
Nothing makes sense and I feel a
Knot in my stomach

For, I know this is
One last trick before they go
Nuclear, as some people say.
To be honest,
All of this
Is going to make Fontaine
Never able to recover
Especially after this most recent

Incident. The cubes imprisonment
Something tells me this is

Just the ending
Unless I am mistaken
Something isn't quite adding up.
Though I suppose I

Don't know anything
Over all,
Nothing is
Ever set in stone

For those two
Once the current problem is
Removed, a slew of new ones

Comes in.
One after another
More and more is
Piling up. It's
Looking to be even worse than I could
Ever imagine.
This has gone too far
Each and every
Large crime they commit
Yields a far worse one.

And, now I
Need to be more cautious
Do they want to

Unleash the prophecy early?
Though I hardly know what
That's all about
Everyone born in Fontaine knows, or
Rather know it can't be avoided that's
Likely the true case here.
Yes, I see now. Fontaine is

Doomed. It's all
Over, done, finished.
No. It's not over this is still a tiny ounce of hope.
Eat that negative thought and

Fork in some
Optimistic thinking.
Remove all

The doom and gloom
Has to exit me
I have to
Stop being so negative. Eh

It's impossible right now to
See the glass half full

There is nothing positive
Here. It's all blowing up
Everything is dying

Everything is breaking there's
No room for positivity
Does this look like a time for

Optimism? These two gazelles are
Forming a dangerous plan

To hasten to prophecy. There's no
Hope, nothing at all
Everything is looking bleak

There is absolutely nothing
I can think of they
Might not be planning
Everything is blurring together
Something is

About to burst
Leak, explode
Leak, explode. I'm

Overthinking. Surely, I am.
For now, I have to

Take down all that
Has to be taken down
It has to be done
So here's to

It all.
Something will explode

Nothing will be simple
Of course it
Won't be easy I

Doubt I will return in one piece
Eh maybe I'm exaggerating
For now, focus all that
Is in front of me.
Nothing is out of sight
It's all
There out in front of me
Everything. I'm
Looking right at the never
Yielding, always growing

Issues. It's all
Reaching a boiling point, all
Reaching the climax
Everything is
Very much so
Ending, all of it
Reaching the end
Something will break
It's what it is
But, I mustn't falter, or
Let them win.
Even if they're

Far stronger, I have to win
Or, Her Majesty will kill me. They will be
Righteous no more.

So, here I go
Unleash the best
Rock the scales I'll
End this now."

Dreaming continued to be a never ending cycle of anguish within the hyena's adult life. The pattern was a black hole sucking everything in into a sea of nothing. The collapsed star would get larger and more expansive as the late evening continued onward. The night before him was no different, as well.

Before him had been long field of starflowers. The crop of plants had been grey, blue and purple star shaped flowers glowing as if they belonged to the nighttime sky. Seeing such flowers, a wave of bewilderment ate the hyena alive. Where in the dream world was he? He had never seen them before in the mortal, waking world.

Seating himself beside the flowers, the chimera stared off into dream space. What horrifying things would await him this time? He knew he had to prepare himself for anything. Turning his subconscious head towards the right and left, the soldier kept himself on his currently hyena toes. Any second now, and it would be over.

Nothing happening for dream minutes on end, the early adult scratched his ears, for a moment. It was quiet here, almost too quiet. Had the world of sound been engulfed? Everything going on in silence, a false seed of hope planted itself inside him. Was the dream world, for once, not going to be tormenting?

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

Space around him warping, a hole soon formed underneath the hyena's possibly human rear. Dropping down into the unknown, an invisible white flag had been waved upon the distorted dream air. Hearing a loud splash consume his subconscious eardrums, the chimera opened his dream eyes once more. But, what awaited him on the other side only confused him further.

Finding himself in the bed of a small river, the chimera blinked. Where in the dream world was he? Spotting a group of familiar faces, confusion ripped the soldier up a new wound. Huxian and Pixiu adorning unusual outfits he had never seen before, a sea of questions flowed through him like a river. What was he seeing here, exactly? The otter duo, however, had not been alone.

Unusual looking soldiers adorning armor he had never seen before armed to the teeth with swords, a group of pitch black foxes entered the stage as if they owned the place. Blades clashing with the creatures, the hyena had come to a quick realization. Had the dream world taken him to Inazuma? How was that possible? He hadn't nearly been in the area enough for it to stick in his memory.

Fight only getting more intense as the dream seconds went onward, the hyena could feel the world around him collapse as a second realization washed over him like a tidal wave. Hadn't foxes been a sacred creature in Inazuma? But, he supposed that could have not been the case. Shouts soon kicking in, he had returned to not reality.

"Kitsuo, Ryuka! Try to focus on the fox's malignant energy!" the samurai exclaimed.

Hearing such names, the hyena lowered his dream eyes into a squint. Could the otter twins in the corner be Huxian and Pixiu's distant relatives? But, he soon shook his head. That could not have been in it. But, he supposed their crosses could have been passed down from generation to generation.

Foxes putting up quite the fight, the tables turned themselves one after another. Creatures claws doing the bloody honors, the possible otter duo belted out a pained scream. Samurai doing their duties quite well, the soldier's dream heart fluttered as the duo kept losing momentum.

"Kitsuo, Ryuka, try and hold on!" the samurai cried.

"I'm sorry, we're trying," 'Kitsuo' responded, body shaking. "But, their power is far too great."

"It's too rough for us," 'Ryuka' responded, voice weak. As she said such, she let out a wicked cough.

Studying the foxes, for a moment, the chimera lowered his dream eyes into a squint. Black, furry creatures adorning four tails a piece, swords embedded in each appendage, warning bells rung inside the soldier's subconscious mind. These fox spirits, something was off about them.

Creatures turning towards their backsides the hyena placed his hands over his lips at the sight before him. Foxes going in for the kill, one of the possible otter twin's torsos had been the center of attention. Clean cuts delivered as if their bodies had been slices of fruit, 'Ryuka' had soon been taken out of the picture. Limp body dropping to the ground like a hollow rock, her blood was about to make the sakura blossoms a brand new shade of pink.

One otter down for the count, the early adult placed his hand over his nonexistent dream heart. The chest had been one of the most vulnerable areas of the body, indeed. But, such waves of terror had only been the beginning. 'Kitsuo' dropped down to the ground, as well. Identical scar appearing out of nowhere, the hyena's dream eyes opened wide. What just happened? The opposite twin hadn't been struck in any way.

Pool of bright red crimson joining his sister's the early adult could not help but wonder. Had the saying that twins were connected one another been true? But, the soldier threw such thought away. This was a dream; nothing in front of him was reality. Pool continuing to blend the grass a new color, the hyena let out a scream that did not penetrate into reality.

"Archons! They're bleeding pretty bad!" the samurai shouted. "You two, hang on, we'll go get a doctor!" But, such shouts had been met with defiance.

"Don't bother," 'Ryuka' said in a weak voice. "It's already too late."

Party of two closing their eyes one final time, something quite unusual happened in a matter of dream seconds. Bodies completely vanishing into thin air, the chimera tilted his dream head. What in the world just happened? Where did their bodies go? But, such had only been the beginning.

Soldiers of yokai war forgetting the past few minutes, the early adult blinked. What in the world just happened? Why did they have no memories of the people they just fought alongside? But, he knew it would be a waste to try to make sense of it. Hole forming around him once more, space continued to warp around him. Closing his eyes, another surprise caught him off guard in a matter of moments.

Bed of lava underneath him, the hyena tried with all his might to escape. But, such freedom from the boiling isles never occurred. Feet burning away, he could feel himself fade, time breaking apart, an anomaly appeared before his dream eyes in a matter of ticking moments.

Spotting a shrunken down Huxian and Pixiu looking to be around the age of one year old, the early adult's mind had been fried. What is happening here? He didn't quite understand. But, he supposed the dream world never made any sense. Dark skinned lady addressing them as Zorro and Nieve, confusion continued to loop on repeat.

Such bewilderment had been cut short. Body boiling away, everything had been pitch black, breathing his last dream breath, the early adult closed his dream eyes. Everything about ready to fade away into nothingness, one final thought brushed against his dead backside.

What was all that just now?


"Don't know what's going on, but I have had to
Relocate myself back to Fleuve Cendre at the moment so I
Am closer to Rab. So,
Get this. It would seem there's been
One or two dozen dragons spotted around the Research Institute.
Now, Rabiu tells me it's those rascals again,
So, I've temporarily halted my full move in. I would halt

Everything for him if it means he doesn't have to battle with his bullies of a family. As my cousin would say: those
Villains. Oddly
Enough, though, I haven't seen
Robin around today.
You know, that's honestly rather odd.
Where could he be?
Hmm, maybe on a date with his boyfriend? Heard they're inseparable, you know?
Even so this is a five star bounty.
Rambunctious little fellas as Raven will sometimes say,
Err, actually, he's never said that. I guess I made that up.

Well, well, well, looks like it's up to me to deal with it--
Huh? That's kinda
Eerie. The Iudex has told me I am not ready for this kind of battle. And to that I say,
Rab's gonna get hurt. But, he again tells me these dragons have dominion over the sky.
Eh, so what?

That's no problem for me, I am a
Hawk chimera. But, he stands his ground. Did I waste my time postponing my full move in?
Evidentially, it would seem so,
Yes. But, I'd like to be

Support for Rab, you know,
How can he exclude me from the fight? So, I say: 'If Robin
Or Raven were here, you would let them take the highest bounty for double the pay.' And, well, that
Unleashed a brand new dragon on me: the Iudex's rage.
Looks like I opened a wound with that one.
Don't know why. Is he still on edge after what happened to the Melusine? So, I

Nibble out an apology for my words and exit
Out of his office.
This isn't making a lot of sense to me,

But, if he says I'm not ready, guess I believe him. The Iudex has been
Eccentric lately.

Looks like he hasn't gotten time for his water tasting hobby,
Oh, man, I dunno what to do now. I
Can't fight the dragons
And I fear if I do
The opposite of what I am told, I will face the never
Ending wrath of the Hydro Dragon. So, I
Dunno. Better not go off and disobey, or I'll fall into disarray."

The sound of bitter wind roared like a manticore from the top of a cliff out in the open wilderness. As the month long long blizzard had returned with a vengeance hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a discordant harmony. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal in the frozen northern land.

The endless sea of complaints was more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially tormented slumber. Removed from his sleep daze, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had would not leave his fading human brain. But, the chimera snapped himself out of it. What was he doing, letting himself get bothered by a dream? He needed to get over it. Throwing fiction away, the hyena removed himself from the uncomfortable bed. Standing upward, the soldier had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform melted onto his partially human person, he couldn't help but wonder. Could the dream he had woken up from been real? But, he rapidly shook his head. No way that was the case. It was nothing more than a fabrication created in the subconscious world. Perhaps, just maybe, he had thought about the undersea otter duo seconds before drifting off.

Burying such thoughts deep down inside him, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching blue stars in his hair and ears, the soldier stared at the other sets seated in the box. Was this what he truly wanted, turning his final remnant of his stolen childhood into weapons? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret flowed through him. But, he knew it was his fault for giving into the impulse. There was no going back.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier gazed at the yellow-green orb, for a moment. His Vision, had it affected his dream world in some way? He had heard something quite some time ago that the element had connection to dreams. But, such thought had quickly been tossed out the window. Such could not have been the case.

Heelless shoes on, and rations devoured, the early adult stared at the steel wall. His dreams had been the same even before he had been granted the powers of nature. What had his vision even changed? Absolutely nothing. Not a single thing whatsoever. His life was a never ending loop of sameness with a different coat of paint. Throwing such thoughts away, the soldier took a long deep breath. He needed to focus and remove any unrelated thoughts right this instant.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots stomp on will full force, the early adult turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out, the hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena put on the most diplomatic face possible. The time had come for his workday of anything to begin.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "You will be working with the Fortress of Meropide to take care of some business in collaboration with the Grand Duke." He then slapped a uniform upon his pants loud enough for the entire barracks to hear. "Here is your uniform. Change into it quickly."

Dark violet Fortress of Meropide guard uniform seated into the palms of his hands, the early adult swallowed a groan whole. Purple, what a retched color. Couldn't Her Majesty ever give him a different pallet to wear? Knowing there had been no time to waste, the hyena walked back towards his uniform drawers.

As the hyena swapped his winter jacket with his prison wear, he could feel a wave of irritation flow through him. What in the world was this ridiculous and vague order? Take care of what business? Could the Agent be anymore cryptic? But, he supposed that was the way of the Fatui. Throwing such thoughts away, the chimera had finished the redressing of the body. Stepping back towards his subordinate his ears had soon been ready to be blown off.

"Fix your buttons this instant, soldier!" the Agent demanded. "Do you want your cover blown?!"

Turning back around, the hyena rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. What did it matter? His cover had already been blown during his first mission in the Fortress. The Duke already had known his profession. There was nothing to be revealed. Placing the fasteners into the correct holes, he turned around once more.

"I'm ready, sir," the hyena responded. Arm out in front of him, he waited for the gripping prison to take him away like always.

"Good. Let's go, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, the masked agent gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Gripping prison as tight as a fat head stuck through staircase railings, the soldier let out a sigh as the escort towards Fontaine began.

What business was he taking care of?

Vagueness should die a dishonorable death.


"I think this might be our last reversal.

After about, I've forgotten, I don't know,
Maybe five centuries, this time, it

Seems like it will be our last crusade.
This is the final countdown,
And I don't know how much time left. I hardly
Remember anything anymore.
There is so much
I have forgotten. I
Never know anymore, I
Get so confused every day,

That I feel like the
Only thing I remember some days is my name, Pixiu. No, not 'Monique', Pixiu.

Look, I am so far gone, sometimes I even question if that was ever my name.
One last reset
So, I have to make this one count,
Every day, I feel like I

Have forgotten more and more
Out with the old, out with the new.
Perhaps I will remember
Everything if I just

Try a little harder to not forget,
However, for me that hardly ever seems to work.
I wish I had a
Scrapbook to keep my

Memories on record somewhere, but
I doubt that would do me any
Good either.
How could I expect
To remember what the

Book would
Even be for? I don't know. It would quickly go

Obsolete. A completely and utterly
Useless piece of garbage. I will never
Remember what's been long

Forgotten. That's next to
Impossible for me and Huxian.
Nothing truly matters
Anymore, I am fading away,
Literally melting I

Rather despise that I that I barely remember anything,
Everything is always
So foggy, and
Empty, an endless sea of nothing.
This can't go on but,

There is nothing I nor
Huxian can do
Eh, I'm done fighting.

Each and every single
Reset has been worse than the last.
Our minds have begun to numb
So much at this point
I have just given up
Our fight is
Now reaching its end,

Huxian and I
Are on the final round.
Soon my mind will

Be completely gone, completely
Eroded away
Cannot say I am surprised,
Or anything, the last one hundred years or so,
Maybe that's when
Everything started to leave me

Ah, I don't know anymore. I am

Probably talking nonsense. I am just
Regurgitating my thoughts all
Over the place.
But, it is what it is. I won't
Look to the future, I don't have one I'll
Even know to look forward to.
My hope is dead. And, soon my brain will be, too. It's the final countdown. It's true."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint, a sense of doom flowed through the soldier. Was it just his imagination, or had the water levels been slightly higher than they normally were? Had Fontaine begun to flood? But, he had been dragged down the mountain before he could think any further.

Placed into the wooden vessel, the soldier stared down at the bed of water beneath him. It had quite high, hadn't it? Knowing he had to keep himself as still as possible, the hyena let out a gulp. Was this the beginning of the end for Fontaine? Throwing such thoughts away, he kept himself as still as possible.

As the vehicle of human movement pushed itself off towards its destination, the hyena could not help but wonder. Just what was going on with the Nation of Justice? Something had happened overnight, for sure. There was no doubt about it. Had the country been facing the wrath of the Hydro Dragon?

But, his thoughts had soon been cut off, in a matter of moments. Soon reaching Romaritime Harbor before he could even blink, a wave of surprise flowed through him. He had been here already? How was that even possible? Time always marched on inexorably. Getting himself together, he had soon been dragged towards the stairwell.

Agent telling him for what felt like the quindecillionth time he was not allowed to teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the soldier slapped his knuckle upon his left hand. How many times was he going to say it? He knew already. Tell him something he didn't know. He was getting quite tired of hearing the same rule over and over again.

Satchel soon slapped upon his backside, a sharp warning had been gifted to the soldier. Told there had been dragons spotted around Fontaine, words of caution had been thrown his way. Also told to meet with the Iudex before heading to the Fortress, the chimera flared his nostrils. Agent soon exiting the area, the early adult belted a guttural laugh. Dragons? Out in the wilds of Fontaine? Yeah, right. He'll believe it when he sees it.

Not a single soul on the ground level of the harbor, the chimera's knees buckled. Where was everyone today? There had been far less people around in Fontaine lately. But, he supposed everyone had gone into recovery mode after the cube incident the day prior.

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift like usual, a small bed of water submerged his heelless shoes. Braving the puddles, the chimera called for the Aquabus. No one around, the early adult's nerves were jelly. It was quiet here, too quiet. Silence was deafening.

Aquabus shortly arriving, a disgusting face soon awaited him. Rich nobody seated on the opposite end, the hyena glared daggers at her. Why was she on tour guide duty again? She didn't even do her job properly. Seating himself from the furthest seat away from her, she soon returned a glare in kind.

"You'd better pay me more for my services this time!" the rich nobody shouted. "But, don't expect a tour, 'cause I don't care!"

As the vehicle of automatic movement cruised forward, the early adult let out a growl. Who did this woman think she was demanding payment when she refused to do her job? He would do no such thing. She would be paid what she deserved: next to nothing. Maybe if she actually did her job, she would get more.

Vessel passing by Poisson Tunnel, the hyena stared off towards the boat in the corner. The underground fish city, could it have been alright? But, the vessel had soon passed by it too fast for him to think about it further. Rich nobody reading a book titled, The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saurian the soldier rolled his eyes towards the slightly cloudy sky. What a stupid book, just like her. Rich, and brainless.

Reaching the capital city of Fontaine after about fifteen minutes, the soldier prepared himself to disembark the vehicle. But, his uniform had soon been yanked with full force. Rich nobody holding her palm out, the chimera let out a deep growl. Was this woman being serious right now?

"Pay up!" the rich nobody demanded. "Sixty thousand Mora! Hand it over!"

Rich nobody demanding far more Mora than she deserved, the chimera rummaged through his pants pockets. Giving her six thousand, he waved in defiance. Woman daring to demand for more, her cries went ignored. Running as fast as his legs were to carry him, his wallet was closed. She could demand all she likes. She wasn't getting a single coin more.

Running towards the entrance, the chimera clicked his tongue. Who did woman think she was, charging people for the Aquabus. This time, for sure, he would be reporting her to the Iudex. Knowing he had to head to Palais Mermonia anyway, such thought stuck to his mind like glue.

Figuring he would need to request permission to use the glass lift in the back of the Opera House, the early adult prepared himself to head upon the northern pathway. But, as he prepared to do so, something of utter terror threw the soldier for a triple loop, and then some.

Entire city a ghost town, the soldier feel fear swallow him up. Where had everyone gone? Less and less people had been around lately. Such had been quite unnerving sight to see, for sure. But, the early adult tried to drown such thoughts out. Everyone was still recovering from the cube fiasco.

Small pool of water soaking his shoes, the early adult gazed upwards towards the sky. Sunny world blazing, the soldier scratched his head. Where had this flood come from? There was barely a cloud in the sky. The Hydro Dragon, perhaps it was angry. That had to have been it, surely.

Throwing such thoughts away, the chimera moved forward. It was just a tiny bit of water. There was nothing to worry about here. It was fine. Surely, this was not a sign of dark times to come. Soles soaked to the bone, the early adult let out a low pitched groan. The floodgates had opened.

Moving right along, the hyena could not help but wonder. The so called dragons, where could they have possibly come from? The hyena did not know. Surely, the Agent had just been exaggerating. A slip of the tongue. Why would there be dragons around here? There was no way.

Thoughts flowing like a river, doom drowned the chimera at bay. Was something even worse about to happen in Fontaine? There was no way this would end well whatsoever. This was the beginning of the end. The cube fiasco was the catalyst. Everything was breaking, collapsing, burning.

Streets still completely empty, the early adult shivered. Just how much damage had been caused by the previous events over the past several months? The soldier did not know, but it had to have been close to irreversible. The abyssal gazelles had flown too close to the sun.

Leaping off towards the side, the early adult attempted to throw his thoughts away. But, such had been impossible. It had already been too late. They had been ready to move towards their finale, the last saga. Whatever that might be, he knew he needed to prepare himself, or it would be too late.

But, the soldier remembered something of utter terror. The abyssal gazelles, hadn't they poisoned the air a week or so prior? Perhaps, just maybe, everyone had been hiding in their homes. But, the early adult shrugged. The hooded strangers had to have been bluffing. He needed to stop letting them waste his mind space.

Tuning his thoughts out, the soldier ran off towards the western streets. He was overthinking all of this, for sure. Surely, nothing else was going to happen. He needed to stop assuming the worst, or he would have to change his name to Nancy. Taking a deep breath, the next round of flooded thoughts soon took him away.

Not a single soul on the eastern streets whatsoever, silence looped on repeat. Melusines gone as well, the gears turned one after another. The sea denizens of Fontaine were nowhere to be seen as well? If such were the case, the Iudex would not be at his best right now, guaranteed.

Passing by Chioriya Boutique, a fancy sign had been on the door printed in cursive. Biggest fashion empire in all of Fontaine closed, the hyena blinked. Business was bust. Could the Congele boutique have their doors closed, as well? The retail world had shattered into a thousand pieces.

Staring at the clothing establishment one final time, the hyena had recalled something of particular note. Hadn't the owner of Chioriya Boutique been from the closed off nation of Inazuma? None of what was going on would have any affect on her. But, he supposed, if there were no customers to sell to, they had no reason to be open.

Not hearing the robotic voice of the Adventurer's Guild receptionist either, the chimera could feel everything ready to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Not even the inorganic life forms were around. The Court of Fontaine was dead through and through. Deceased, an oasis in the desert.

But, peace and quiet had soon been shot by a sniper rifle. Spotting a familiar pesky blond head from the backside, the soldier let out a groan. Why was Earl here? Why was it, no matter what the situation, he always had to run into this pest? He was every place, everywhere, all at once. How aggravating. He needed to avoid him at all costs.

Such, however, had been impossible in a matter of moments. Eyes wandering off towards him, the chimera held back the urge to bite. Great, he had been spotted, there was no escape. Perhaps he should run. But, he knew if even so much as attempted to do so, the pesky thorn in his side would chase after him.

Shaking his head, the early adult had begun running. He did not have time to deal with this fly's nonsense. No time whatsoever. It was time to go. Bombs away, he needed to get out of here. But, as he bolted off, a sea of shouts joined the race at like an uninvited guest at a party. Attempting to run faster, his breath weakened. What did this penguin have, eyes of a hawk? Absolutely ridiculous. He needed to give up the chase.

"I see you, Siorc!" Earl shouted. "Don't be a stranger!"

Siorc running away at the speed of light, Earl attempted to pick up the pace. Why was his future husband in such a hurry? Had he run away at the sight of him? What a silly thing to do. Seeing him in a prison guard uniform, his heart fluttered. He was working for the Fortress today? He was a keeper.

Hearing Earl scream out don't be a stranger, the soldier kept the steam inside him. How he wished they were strangers. When will he learn he had absolutely no interest in getting together with him? Just how dense was he? His brain was so heavy on romance, it would drown in the ocean. Would telling him he had a job to do get him to hop off his back? He most certainly hoped so.

"I have to head to the Fortress for work, sir," the hyena said, back turned. "Stop following me, and focus on your own work."

Prison job confirmed, Earl had recalled something sinister. Hadn't there some nasty bounties reported down there? The Fortress of Meropide was not safe! He needed to tell his future husband right away to turn around, or he would be chopped liver served cold. Warning on the tip of his tongue, he let out a scream.

"The Fortress is dangerous right now!" Earl screamed at the top of his lungs. "You should tell your boss to employ you somewhere else today!"

Shaking his head, the hyena's shoulder was ice. Did this thorn in his side ever stop talking? But, he knew he couldn't say such a thing. It was best to keep his mouth shut and keep his thoughts to himself. His concern was unwarranted. He was a soldier. He could protect himself just fine. But, a surprising set of words had soon come his way.

"Bye, Siorc," Earl said in a somber tone. "Keep yourself safe."

Earl heading back off towards the Adventurer Guild's reception desk, a wave of relief flowed through the hyena. Had he finally realized he was not interested in him? What an excellent outcome, if so. But, he knew that was wishful thinking every step of the way. That wasn't happening. He supposed he knew that all too well already.

Moving upon the southern path, not even the blacksmith was around. Seeing such, the soldier could feel everything crumble. The machinery was operating on its own, was that normal? The world of automation was a terrifying place. Running past it, the sound was grated cheese.

Staring off towards the entrance to Fleuve Cendre, for a moment the early adult could not help but wonder. How were the less fortunate dealing with all this? He did not know, but he knew that they would definitely be the group would be most affected by widespread devastation at such the scale it had been.

But, the early adult knew he had no choice but to turn a blind eye. If he were to disobey his orders and strive off course, he would be killed, for sure. One more instance of insubordination, and dead, for sure. He could return at a later point if he chose to do so. Turning back around, the hyena ascended the ramp.

Fountain nearing, the hyena puffed a breath. Would the Aquabus Information Station be empty, as well? If it had been, he knew he had to just let it go. He had to head to Palais Mermonia, no matter what. But, as he walked past the roaring waters, a surprise threw itself out into the open.

Spotting Lonan beside the fountain with Rabiu's integrated dagger and shield, a wave of heavy concern flowed through him. Had something happened to the researcher jackal? There were bad omens everywhere. But, another question soon stirred. Hadn't the bird man been moving? What was he doing here? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to bear a greeting. Eyes on him, the early adult waved.

"Sup, black fish steak bro," Lonan greeted. "Working hard, or hardly working?"

Shrugging, the soldier pointed at Rabiu's equipment. Tilting his head, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him, silent inquiries did a fusion dance with one another. Silent questions about the jackal chimera shot off at eyeshot he turned his head towards the right and left. Ha he asked too many questions? Maybe he should stop.

"Rab? He's doin' alright, bro. Just struggling a bit," Lonan responded to his wordless communication. "His equipment's broken, so I offered to fix it for him, but the blacksmith's out of town."

Hearing such, the chimera could not help but wonder. Just how close were Rabiu and Lonan? He couldn't help but feel they had to have been tight nit with an invisible red string around their fingers. Bidding the bird man farewell, the soldier walked off towards the Aquabus Information Station.

Station as empty as the rest of the city, the early adult took a long deep breath. Everyone was gone, missing, removed. A city was not a city with only two people around. How had this not been front page breaking story on all the newspapers in Teyvat? But, he supposed he was getting ahead of himself.

Moving towards the glass lift, the early adult attempted with all his might to put on the most diplomatic face possible. He needed to shut his worries off and focus on work. Pressing the button for the fourth floor of the city, the box moved upward. Fourth floor reached in a few minutes, the soldier steeled himself.

Fourth floor just as empty as all the others, the hyena could feel the world get bigger and emptier. Was there anyone else out there? Taking a deep breath, the soldier headed off towards the Palais Mermonia. Ascending the small staircase, he placed his hand upon the doors. There was no turning back now. It was time to go in.

Palais Mermonia silent and empty, a new worry had planted itself into the hyena's brain. Was the Iudex even in his office right now? Maybe he had been absent, too. Perhaps he should turn around and surrender to the void of nothingness. But, the hyena did no such thing. He could not turn around now. Heading towards the door, he knocked in a gentle manner.

"You may enter," the Iudex's distant voice said.

Puffing a sigh of relief, the early adult stepped into the office. Mountains of paperwork towering the man's desk the hyena blinked. The Iudex's work was never done, was it? Walking towards his desk, he excused himself. Eyes soon on him, he prepared to report the rich nobody.

"Monsieur Siorc, how may I help you?" the Iudex asked. His eyes soon wandered. "If you need to head to the Fortress of Meropide, feel free to use the elevator outside the Opera Epiclese."

Nodding the early adult, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Signing the words he needed to report something, a small pad and paper and pen had been handed off to him. Seating himself upon one of the couches, the early adult wrote down the crimes upon the leaflet of dendro creation. Rich nobody's extortion recorded for the entire population of one to see, the paper had soon been returned to the Iudex.

"I see, how very disappointing of her to illicitly take your Mora from you," the Iudex. "She will be dealt with accordingly."

Bowing a thank you, the soldier exited the Iudex's office. Heading off towards the glass lift once more, the box had taken him to the third floor in a matter of moments. Calling for the Aquabus, the early adult crossed his fingers. May there be no rich money grubbers on the Marcotte Station line.

Aquabus shortly arriving, a surprising temporary employee had graced the soldier's line of sight. Kali seated upon the vehicle of automatic motion in her sea lion form, the early adult did a quadruple take. Was he seeing things? But, he knew what he had been seeing right in front of him was reality.

"Welcome to the Aquabus, I guess," Kali said, voice monotone. "I will be your temporarily employed tour guide today." As she said such, she turned towards the guest in question. Seeing, what was his name again, Skirt? Skirk, Skoot? She couldn't remember, nor did she care. "Oh, it's just you. Uh, you don't need a tour. So, um, excuse me, I have some reading to catch up on."

Seating himself on the opposite end of the sea lion chimera, the soldier shrugged. She was right, he did not need a tour. Kali cracking open a book titled, The Art of Negotiation, the hyena let out a sigh. The prison book strikes again. But, the chimera knew he could not say such a thing.

Kali firing off multiple questions to herself about what certain words meant as the Aquabus moved towards the Marcotte Station, the early adult tried with all his might to tune out her inquiries to herself. Slamming the book shut stating she didn't get it, the soldier observed the area around him. Ground completely soaked everywhere the eye could see, the chimera held back a sigh. The flood was a never ending sea.

Reaching Marcotte Station after about twenty minutes, the soldier observed the area around him as he cut through the area. No one around whatsoever, the hyena shrugged, he supposed he would have to get used to the silence of the nobodies. Icewind Suite not even running, everything had felt wrong.

But, something had soon come out of left field as the early adult walked past the opera house. Hearing a loud roar from the sky above, the hyena titled his head upward. Did he hear what he thought he just heard? But, he shook his head. No, that could not have been it, surely. He had to have imagined it just now.

I had been far from his imagination.

Large dark blue dragon with bright azure scales swooping downward, the hyena's eyes pulsated. There had been a dragon in Fontaine, indeed. Why here, and why now? He wasn't ready for this whatsoever. Creature letting out its flaming breath of doom, the soldier let out a scream. He needed a weapon now.

Reptilian creature grabbing a hold of him from the ground, the early adult let out a grumble. This monster, what was it doing? Who did it think it was swooping him up like this? Satchel dropped down upon the ground beneath him, the early adult growled with all his might. He supposed he had no choice but to use his own claws to level the playing field.

Closing his eyes for a moment, the chimera's human hands had soon transformed into hyena claws. Swiping away with all his might, the reptilian creature let out a roar. Strong force soon taking him away, the soldier's small body had soon been a ball. Clinging onto the creature's tail for dear life, he had been shook off in a matter of moments.

Dropped down to the ground with a loud thud, the hyena rubbed his sides for a moment. But, he soon stood back up again. Attempting to reach for his bag, the chimera let out a battle cry. Such attempt had been a quick and immediate failure, however. Bag snatched up like it was a prize, the hyena waved his fist around in the air.

Reptilian winged enemy dropping down a sea of rocks, the early adult had gotten his defenses ready. Turning towards his backside, his tail had been on the case of the satchel caper. Minerals deflected back towards their owner, weakness twisted itself towards the opposite side of the battlefield.

Enemy becoming one with the sky after about twenty rock showdowns, the early adult wiped the sweat off his brow. So, that was the dangerous dragon the Agent warned him about? He supposed he should have taken his warning seriously. Returning his satchel to his backside, the young soldier headed off towards the glass lift. It was time to leave the surface world behind. Box dropping him downward, the chimera braced himself for impact.

Upon reaching the underground prison, the Grand Duke stood by the prisoner checklist area, arms crossed upon his chest. Seeing such, the early adult broke out into a deep sweat. Had he kept him waiting? Placing his hand into an apologetic stance, the soldier bowed his head. Grand Duke shaking his head, his finger had soon jerked towards the usual otter duo.

"He's here," the Grand Duke said to the undersea otter duo. "There's some dragons on the premises that seem to be targeting Zach and Monique." He then turned his head back towards 'Zach' and 'Monique'. "Care to explain, you two?"

Look of confusion painting the undersea otter twins faces, the soldier placed his hands on the side of his temple. Huxian and Pixiu forgot what he was even asking, didn't they? But, he could not help but wonder. Had this really been connected to them? Perhaps, just maybe, the Grand Duke was jumping to conclusions.

"What are you talking about?" Huxian asked, confused. "I don't--" But, he had soon been interrupted.

"You don't remember. I know, Zach," the Grand Duke interrupted. "Your memory's been worse lately."

Hearing such, the soldier stared at the undersea otter duo. These two, just what was wrong with them, exactly? Throwing such thoughts away, he focused on the workday at hand. There was no time to think about such things. He had a job to do. Hands out in front of him, inquiries about the dragons whereabouts had been signed on private display.

"All over the place," the Grand Duke said. His eyes soon wandered towards the otter duo. "Labyrinths, too."

Labyrinths brought up, the soldier let out a sigh. More domains? What was this, dungeons and dragons? But, the early adult popped such thought with a bubble. He bet the world literally had been printed on his forehead right about now. Knowing he had no choice but to deal with it, and usual weapon had soon been gifted to him.

Jousting javelin gifted to him, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. This was his weapon today? He was going to lose guaranteed. There was no way he would be able to use this weapon successfully. But, he knew he did not have a choice in the matter. This was his weapon today. He had to use it no matter what. Placing the weapon behind him, Pixiu's eyes had soon been glued to him for a brief moment.

"Purple?" Pixiu asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't you remember that there are dragons targeting you?" the Grand Duke asked.

"No?" Pixiu asked in a bewildered tone. "I don't remember that at all."

Hearing a roar close by, the hyena's legs erupted into a speedy sprint. Circling around the Administration Area, the source of the noise had been located in a matter of moments. Blinding white dragons with blue eyes soon pointing laser eyes at him, the temporary prison guard clutched the javelin. Here goes everything.

Tossing the spear towards the enemy, the weapon missed its mark, in an instant. Gritting his teeth, the hyena tried again. Enemy flapping off towards the opposite direction of the tool's reach, the endless loop of failures wrapped themselves up into a bow. Rubbing his hands across the sides of his hair, he tried again once more.

Dragon flying around in an elliptical, the early adult jumped seven steps back. Lowering his eyes into a squint, the soldier attempted to aim for the legs. Surely, this was its weak spot. Weapon airborne once more, his weapon dropped down to the ground once more.

Dragon dropping down a rocky gift the hyena jumped three steps back. Aiming the weapon towards the rocks, the early adult huffed a deep breath. Where had these dragons come from, Liyue? The power of Geo was within them. Mineral rain decimated, the next attempt to turns the tables cemented itself into place.

Javelin missing its mark once more, the chimera let out a sigh. Where in the world was he supposed to aim at this creature? Every attempt continuing to miss, the dice rolled a one every single time. Losses piling themselves up, only one last spot remained. Staring at the wings, the soldier took aim.

Wings taken out of the equation, the reptilian enemy had soon come crashing down. Enemy open, the early adult's legs erupted into a sprint, javelin mounted like the nonexistent horses, the first of many dragons had been slain after thirty-two strikes. But, the war lived on.

Huxian and Pixiu attempting to go after the flying dragons, the soldier shook his head, Had they remembered something? If they did, they had done so too late. Army of white dragon with azure eyes aiming for the twins, the early adult prepared the jousting tool.

Second set of reptilian creatures defeated, the soldier let out a groan as the fights throughout the Administration Area continued. Wings aimed at one after another to the fullest extent, the chimera let out a weak huff. Just how many dragons had been on this floor? It had to have been at least a dozen of them.

Creatures slain one after another, the early adult could not help but wonder. Why had these reptilian creatures been going after the otter duo in the first place? Something had not been adding up. Twins not providing any useful answers, the concrete broke down the center.

Figuring the next course of action would be to head towards the production zone, the soldier dashed off towards the glass lift. Huxian and Pixiu demanding he wait for them, the early adult rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Didn't these two remember they were being targeted by these creatures? Waving the white flag, the early adult headed off towards the upper level of the production zone.

But, immediately upon reaching such floor, the dragon struck back. Otter duo scooped up and soon airborne with blank expressions on their face, the soldier slapped his hand across his face. These two were hopeless, weren't they? Did they forget they had crosses at their side, too? The situation was bleak.

Knowing he had to try his best to defeat the enemies in front of him, the soldier aimed for the wings. But, such had been a mistake. Enemy flying around in a circle, the hyena could feel his blood boil. Could these enemies get any more annoying? Creature's elliptical only getting faster, his eyes were jelly.

Reptilian beast not slowing down for even moment, the soldier let out a sigh. What were these creatures, the speed demons? They should be called evil knievel. But, the early adult threw his snide remarks off a bridge. There was no time for this, he had to figure out a solution now.

Creature slowing down, the early adult tossed the weapon of doom off towards the enemy. But it had soon been dodged like it was nothing more than a paperweight. Failure soon looping on repeat, the soldier sighed. Surely, there had to have been another way to deal with this.

Snapping his fingers, an idea slipped itself into the chimera's mind. Climbing upwards towards the Meka production area, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. Taking the leap of faith, the spear and the dragon's stomach had soon become intertwined with one another.

Upper production level done and dealt with after about an hour, the soldier raced off towards the lower level production zone. But, what awaited him upon this level. Dragons with hideous metal plating everywhere upon their bodies, the early adult let out a groan. Their defenses were up and running? He was in trouble, for sure.

Javelin doing next to nothing for minutes on end, the early adult tired with all his might to crack through the armor. But, such had been next to impossible. Defenses iron tight, the soldier was ready to rip his hair out. There was no way to penetrate the armor, for sure. But, knew he could not give up. He had to keep trying, no matter what.

Such tries lead to nowhere fast. Dropping his weapon, he stared at the metal plating. Just how sturdy was their shield? It had to have been impenetrable. Javelin becoming a paperweight, the soldier rose his hands into the air. But, such action had soon been interrupted by a series of questions.

"Wait, purple, what are you doing here?" Pixiu asked, tilting their head. "And why are you fighting that dragon?" She then turned toward their brother. "Why are we in the Fortress?"

"Don't know," Huxian said, shaking his head. "I don't remember."

Hearing such, the hyena turned towards the forgetful otter duo. These two were too far gone, weren't they? How much worse had their memories gotten at this point? They had forgotten where they were. Such was a landmine upon the ground waiting to burst. But, he had soon been taken out of his thoughts as the otter's chatter continued.

"Oh, right, the dragons," Huxian responded. "I remember now, the Grand Duke said, 'Zach, Monique, wherever these dragons came from, you need to take care of them'." Placing their hands on their cross, they prepared themselves. "But, my name isn't Zach, and yours isn't Monique."

"That doesn't ring a bell," Pixiu replied, shrugging. "Did he really say that?"

"Don't know," Huxian said. "But, he's always yelling at us anyway." Cross glowing a blinding yellow light, he let out a shout. "Focalors, I call upon your power to banish these dragon invaders!"

Blinding yellow light engulfing the dragon army in a matter of moments, every single one had been bathed in the light. Creatures melting into nothing, the hyena blinked. How did Huxian always have the power of god and animals at his side? But, he shook such off. What was with that nonsense he thought up just now?

Huxian and Pixiu soon claiming they had remembered something else, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. How convenient for their brains to suddenly start working now. It was almost as if, such convenience had been created to push a word salad of a story along.

Party of two running off towards the glass lift that lead to the Abandoned Production Zone, the hyena chased after the trio. What were these two after? Snapping his fingers, he soon recalled. Right, there was a labyrinth somewhere within the prison; he had almost forgot. Had the otter duo's terrible memory disease rubbed off on him? Forgetfulness was a contagious illness.

Reaching the Abandoned Production Zone, a bright blue door soon awaited the party of three. Seeing such, the hyena let out a sigh. Not another domain, anything but a domain. But, he knew he had no choice but to deal with it. His orders were absolute. Otter duo stepping inside before him, the soldier took a long, deep breath.

Stepping towards the door, a blinding light soon engulfed the chimera. But, what awaited him on the other side of the entrance had been something rather peculiar. Seeing an ancient looking area he had never seen before, the chimera could not help but wonder. Where had he been, exactly? The chimera could not pinpoint it at all.

Finding himself by a river that stretched for kilometers, and rocks aplenty, the hyena scratched the side of his head. Just where had the domain world taken him to exactly? Had he been transported to an entirely different world? But, he shook his head. He was jumping to conclusions, for sure.

Staring off at the world around him, the hyena could not help but continue to ponder. This domain, just what purpose did it serve? There had been nothing here but the river and some rocks. It was time to find the exit and get out of here. But, the otter's voices soon interrupted his flow.

"I remember now," Huxian said as a declaration. "We must throw stones across the river."

"Are you sure?" Pixiu asked.

"Fifty-fifty," Huxian responded, shaking their head.

Hearing such, the hyena slapped his palm across his face. If Huxian wasn't certain, then why did he even bring the point up? But, he supposed it was in his best interest to toss a rock across this river. Surely, it would lead to an exit sooner or later. Or, perhaps it was all just nonsense. It had started to look like such.

Rocks skipping across the water one after another, strange bubbles with a reflective surface had soon appeared out of nowhere. Seeing such, the soldier could feel more questions than answers. What in he world was that thing? But, heh ad soon come to a realization as the bubble changed shape.

Tainted Hydro Phantasm appearing on the scene, Huxian and Pixiu's crosses had done the honors. Defeat coming for them before he could even blink the early adult could feel a wave of uselessness flow through him. Why was he even here? Otter duo telling him to leave the fights to them, he shook his head. They'd forget any second now why they were here. He could not leave it all to them.

Skipping another rock across the water, another bubble appeared. But, something had been different about it. Soapy object looking as though it had been another world, Huxian and Pixiu hopped in. Following shortly after, a long desert trail awaited him. Although, something had been unusual.

Messages in the sand, the soldier blinked. Words upon the sediment written out in all seven written Teyvat languages, the chimera gazed at the Snezhnayan writing. Reading it all the message screamed out, Two hundred fifty years ago, a healthy baby gazelle chimera had been born. Reading such, the chimera tilted his head. What in the world was this random information doing in a place like this?

Next message in the sand reading, Seeking greater powers, the two gazelles willingly sold themselves to the Ayss Order, the soldier adjusted his glasses. Why was the sand telling the story? But, he supposed there was no way to show the information to him.

Continuing onward through the sand, another message had soon popped up in front of him. Sediment writing out that the abyssal gazelles had overthrown everything, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the pitch black sky. Tell him something he doesn't know. He knew this tidbit already, but he had soon received something far more sinister.

Sand spelling out the gazelle had reality bending powers, the soldier slapped his knuckles upon his left hand. He knew all that already. Wasn't it obvious? Why was this information even here? It's not like he needed everything spelled out to him. He already knew. He wasn't dense. Last few bits of information seeded in, a new bubble had soon arisen from the ashes.

Huxian and Pixiu hopping, the soldier had soon joined them. Finding himself in what looked to be ancient Liyue, the chimera turned towards the otter duo. Were they sure this was the right place? Heading off towards the mountains, something unusual had begun to happen as the party of three ascended the cliffs.

Huxian's cross glowing, the early adult blinked. What was going on with their weapon? Something had been different. Seeing fox tails on the otter's back for a brief moment, the soldier straggled behind, for a moment. What was going on here? Something had changed.

Reaching the top of the mountain, nothing but two mirrors had been awaiting the trio. Huxian and Pixiu standing beside them, their reflections did not stare back at them. Seeing such, a multitude of questions raced through the soldier's mind. These two, just what were they really? Did otters not have reflections in mirrors, or something?

But, what stared back at them was something of another world. Fox creature and dragon creature in the mirror instead the soldier turned his attention towards the twins. Huxian and Pixiu, just who were they really? Had they been who they said they were or shapeshifting tricksters in disguise? He didn't know anymore.

"That's right, I remember now," Huxian said, voice slightly loud. "Inside our crosses are the souls are ancient Gods." Staring at the mirror for a moment he placed his hands upon the glass. "This reflection of them, it's all coming back to me now."

"That sounds familiar," Pixiu replied. "Isn't that what mother told us four hundred ninety five years ago when she gifted us our crosses?"

Hearing such, the soldier could not help but feel confused. What in the world were they talking about? Four hundred ninety five years ago? The souls of ancient gods? He couldn't make sense of any of this. This was a dream wasn't it? Wincing as he pinched himself, he shook his head. He was definitely awake now, no doubt about it. But, the otter duo soon continued their speech.

"Right. And we were named after those gods. And can call upon their powers," Pixiu said, voice drifting off. "Husen and Bixie." But, she soon shook her head. "But, such contract came with a heavy price."

Hearing such, the soldier blinked. He needed a quick refresher on what had been said just now. Huxian and Pixiu's crosses had the souls of gods in them? That's where their powers came from? But, he couldn't help but ponder. Did those powers truly belong to them? What kind of price did they have to pay to use it? But, he supposed he would find out soon enough.

"If you haven't figured it out, your funeral, but I guess I'll tell you," Huxian said, shrugging. "We are cursed." He then pointed at the next memory bubble. "If you'd like to know more, touch that memory bubble."

Nodding, the soldier stepped into the next memory bubble. But, what awaited him was something unexpected. Seeing memory scraps of Huxian and Pixiu looking to be around thirty, tiny little clones of themselves had been seated in both their arms. Husband and wives off in the corner, the early adult could feel a new wave of confusion.

Studying the memory for a moment, more questions rolled the dice. The undersea otter duo, why were they still together even after they had settled down with their own families? They had been married and had their own babies to look after, didn't they? But, perhaps he was overthinking it. Siblings lived together all the time.

"Why do you look like we grew second heads?" Pixiu asked. "Is something disturbing you?"

Shaking his head, the early adult kept studying the scene in front of him. Chimeras having children of their own, why did that seem like such a faraway concept to him? But, maybe he had been overthinking it. It's not like his entire race was created by alchemy, or something.

"I don't know. Maybe this is a stretch, but I guess purple doesn't understand why we are together in this memory bubble," Huxian said, shrugging. "Since you're so eager to know, I guess I'll tell you. But, I must warn you. You are not going to like what you hear. So, prepare yourself." They took a deep breath as they said such. "Pixiu and I are soul linked to each other. And, thus, we cannot be more than one hundred meters apart from one another, or something terrible will befall us."

Informed that the next part of the domain was through the next door, the soldier had begun to head off towards the unknown. But what had appeared on the other side was a terror show for an entire audience to see. Huxian and Pixiu looking to be around half a century old, a sudden ambush had taken the party of two by surprise.

Memory Pixiu falling to the ground, the fragments of Huxian fell as well. Seeing such, the hyena could not help but feel confused. Why had the other otter chimera been down, too? He hadn't been injured. But, such had soon been interrupted by a dragon attack. Otters vanquishing them in a matter of moments, the scene kept playing.

"As you can see, I 'died' that day," Pixiu said. "And, if I die, so does Huxian. But, that's not all. Purple, watch this."

Huxian and Pixiu's bodies reducing back to the size of that of an infant, the soldier blinked. What just happened. had they been reborn? What about that was a curse? Didn't most people hope to have the ability to start a new life? But, he shook his head. No, that wasn't it at all. It couldn't have been.

But, what awaited him next was a wave of bitterness. Memories skipping about a decade and a quarter, the early adult placed his hand over his mouth at the next revelation in front of him. Memory fragment Huxian and Pixiu trying to reunite with their offspring, icy cold words had come their way.

"You're my mother? Yeah, right. I never had a mother!" the memory fragment said. "Not once in my life, woman. Don't try to pretend you're my so called long lost mother!"

"Mommy, what's wrong?" a little kid asked.

"Nothing, ----," the memory fragment said. "Mommy's just ignoring a stranger."

Hearing such, everything had come to the soldier immediately. Huxian and Pixiu, were they under some sort of death and rebirth curse? That had to have been it. It couldn't have been anything else, and he knew that. But, such thoughts were interrupted, in an instant. Dragon dropping by, the memories cracked.

Huxian and Pixiu sending the monsters to beyond the world of the living, the slapped hyena blinked. Just how powerful were the god spirits inside their crosses? He didn't know, nor did he want to. Dragon dropping to the ground, a fiery message had been gifted to the soldier. Dragon burning into the ground, the fawns from the desert world have reality warping powers, the chimera sighed. Tell him something he didn't know.

But, he had soon been kicked out the labyrinth. Staring at the otter duo, he could not help but think. These two, every time they died, they were reversed back to infancy. How in the world did any of that work? He did not know, and he wasn't about to guess.

Otter duo dragging him to the cafeteria. Mystery food had been obtained. Disgusting dish handed off to him, tears strolled down his face. What was this awful gruel? Huxian and Pixiu obtaining tasty dishes, the tears continued to fall. Why was the food system in the prison a lottery?

Escorted to his temporary bed in the dormitory block, the soldier placed himself upon the rock hard prison bed. Heavy wave of tiredness overtaking him, the hyena closed his eyes. But, as he had done so, a heavy wave of questions flowed through him one after another.

Just how many times had the otters reversed back to zero already?


"I just don't understand this. I simply

Do not get it. Nothing is adding up here.
Or, maybe that's just not it.
Nothing is making sense.
That domain with all the information. I just really don't

Get it. The otter duo have gods inside their crosses?
Even after hearing all of that,
This just feels like

It's not true under any capacity.
There's just now way. How could there be?"

Waking up the next morning, Huxian and Pixiu had been by his bedside as if they were waiting for him. Seeing such, the soldier groaned. What did they want from him so early in the morning? If they had more stories to tell now, it could wait until later. Couldn't he have five more minutes to not exist? But, his shoulders had soon been shook.

"I may be forgetful, but I know you're not sleeping, Purple," Pixiu said, shaking the hyena's left shoulder. "Get out of bed. The Duke wants to see you."

"Why does he want to see him again?" Huxian asked.

"I don't know," Pixiu replied. "I can't seem to recall."

Grumbling, the early adult removed himself from the bed. Absolutely outrageous. It had only been the crack of dawn. Why did he have to wake up this early? There were too many fish in this pond. But, he supposed he had no choice but to follow orders. Leaving his bed, he headed for the Grand Duke's office.

Head of Special Security Patrol holding out her musket, the hyena jumped four steps back. Did she seriously have to have her weapon out at all times? He wasn't a wanted criminal. She could put her pistol of war away now. Eyes soon on him, his next order of business had soon been delivered.

"I've heard you have a good nose," the Special Security Patrol leader said. "Go hunt down a hidden crime syndicate that was reported in this prison for me, and I'll pay you handsomely."

Hearing such, the early adult blinked. What was that he just heard? There had been secret crimes being committed in the prison? Why was this something that could have been allowed? Weren't people who were arrested and sent here done so as a way to reflect? Nodding, he prepared himself to hunt down the worst of all problems.

Walking around the Administration Area, the early adult looked everywhere he could. Figuring it had been best to start with the cafeteria area, the soldier headed off towards that section of the prison. A crime syndicate, they usually hid themselves in plain sight, didn't they?

But, nothing out of the ordinary stuck out to the soldier. Inmates going about their jobs for credit coupons like they always did, he studied every single prisoner that stepped on through the area. But, nothing stood out to him. Everything had been normal. But, he soon lowered his eyes into a squint. Or, was it?

Prisoners selling hats to one another, a wave of suspicions flowed through him. Why were these people selling fedoras? How very weird and unusual. What were they doing with those? But, he knew he couldn't question it. If he were to call it out, they would be onto him.

But, the soldier shook his head. People were just using their credit coupons, right? Nothing to worry about, surely. It had to have been a normal occurrence down here, for sure. What was he so worried about? This wasn't the hidden crime syndicate, no way.

Not finding anything of note in the Administration Area, the soldier scratched his cheek. The Pankration Ring, maybe something suspicious was going on there. Resolute on his decision, the temporary prison guard headed off to such area. Cracking his knuckles, he tossed himself in.

Fighting tournament going on like always, multiple burly men were smacking each other around like they had been paperweights. Seeing such, the chimera shook his head. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Just the violence for sport. These people had to have paid a lot of their credit coupons for this. Nothing to see here, guaranteed.

Continuing to watch the fights, however, his mind soon wandered. Could this little club have been the secret crime syndicate? But, he shook his head. Why would hat be the case? If it had been, wouldn't the first rule have been one: do not talk about the Fight Club?

Burly men ending their punching matches, the chimera shrugged. He could feel it in his gut. This was not the secret crime syndicate. It couldn't have possibly been. Why was he even assuming that? It was terrible to jump to conclusions that simply were wild stretched of the imagination.

Crossing the Pankration Ring off the list of possible suspects, the chimera wondered. Could the secret crime syndicate have been in the production zone? The Abandoned One, it lead to a place with green crystals. Surely, there had to have been a hidden world behind there where secret crimes were being committed. No one ever went there. It was the perfect place for criminal activity.

Walking through the upper level of the production zone in a circular loop for hours on end, absolutely nothing of note stood out to the soldier. Usual guards patrolling, and robot production belt doing its duty, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Surely, there just had to be a secret room up here.

But, nothing at all of the sort had been the case. Looping around for a few more hours, it had all been the same. Nothing and no one here, he shook his head. Maybe the Special Security Patrol leader was mistaken. Why would anyone even dare to make a secret crime syndicate inside a high security prison? They'd be caught in seconds.

Dropping down to the lower level, the soldier kept looking. If he were a to go somewhere to do unspeakable criminal activity, where would he go? Feeling static his brain, the early adult rubbed the sides of his temples with a fury. How should he know? He was a Diplomatic Fatui Soldier, not a thief, larcenist or murderer. He hardly knew how a criminal thought.

Looking around the area some more, the soldier could not find anything of especial note. Keeping his eyes on the wall, he stared at the sides. Could here have been some hidden wall behind the work machinery or something? That had to have been it. A criminal would try to make a secret passageway, for sure.

No such secret passageway existed. Official Meropide guard demanding he stop fooling around and take his search more seriously, the chimera bowed an apology. Right, he had to take his job seriously, or his cover as a member of the Fatui would be blown.

Shaking his head, he shrugged. What was he even saying? His cover had already been blown on the first day of being disguised as a Fortress Guard. Everyone had already known the truth, hadn't they? Sighing, the chimera avoided the walls. There was nothing there to see.

Moving towards the abandoned production zone, the hyena placed the palm of his hand towards the top of his temple. Had all the dragons been taken care of? They had to have been, he hadn't heard any roars since yesterday. Surely, they were no longer a problem within the prison.

Think of the devil.

Hearing a loud roar of a dragon, the soldier let out a groan. Did he just will the dragon into existence? His mistake. He needed to take it out of the picture right here, right now. Throwing spear out in front of him, the chimera closed his eyes. If this were a normal polearm, it would be game over.

Dragons javelined back into nonexistence, the early adult dashed off towards the secret mining factory towards the back of the prison. Surely, there was something back here that would be darning evidence. Running through with all his might, he could feel a wave of determination. He swear as he thought such, he had become a bright red heart in a pitch black room.

No crime syndicate to speak of hiding off in the mining area, the soldier whiffed up an unusual scent. What in the world was that stench? Could there be something down here after all? Running towards the mines, something rather strange had been an otter's foot.

Spotting radioactive rocks, the hyena backed ten steps away. How unusual, when did these get here? Rocks pulsating for some reason, the confusion looped on repeat. What in the world were these things? Something wasn't right here. Minerals shaking, the chimera backed ten further steps back.

Toxic green minerals shaking, they had soon grown legs and walked away. But, they had soon summoned a huge rock beast. Seeing such, the hyena flinched. What was going on here? Was he dreaming? Pinching himself, he flinched once more. There was no way he was asleep right now.

Large green rock dragon shaking the ground, the hyena had become one with the ground. Quakes continuing, the hyena held on to the floor with the best of his ability. Tremors not ceasing for minutes on end, the hyena let out a scream. What in the world was this nonsense? This was too much.

Lifting himself to his feet, an opening had soon been available. Taking a long deep breath, the chimera threw down a flower friend. Windwheel Aster friend adorning stem like arms and legs dancing upon the battlefield, silent commands had been provided for the flower that had been brought to life by his Dendro Vision.

Rocky beast eventually slain with the power of nature and hyena claws, the soldier's heart sped up a smidgeon. This battle, why had it been so tough? But, he supposed it was his fault for barely ever making use of his Vision. That was on him, and he knew that. But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted by the sound of frantic feet.

"Purple! Come to the Dormitory Black!" Huxian shouted. "Now."

Wave of urgency in Huxian's voice, the soldier nodded. Had they found something in the prison sleeping quarters? Pixiu leading the way, he couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment growing inside him. How could he have not seen the most obvious place where trouble could have been lurking? He was the worst investigator ever.

Pushing through the Rag and Bone Shop, the usual employee had been nowhere to be seen. Multiple cases of merchandise pushed out, the hyena could hardly believe his eyes what he had seen behind the multiple shelves of goods being sold for credit coupons.

Spotting a group of prisoners making counterfeit sinthe in a makeshift lab behind a broken wall, the early adult crossed his arms across his waist. These criminals, why were they making the most dangerous Fontaine drug of them all behind the reward shop? Who was responsible for this?

Bald man with glasses and a short brown beard concocting ingredients the early adult sighed. This man was the ring leader in all this, wasn't he? Sinthe, the most dangerous Fontainan drug. Why didn't he think to search the dorms earlier? He was a brainless speck of dust upon the wind. Pixiu cupping her hands around her mouth, she soon let out a shout.

"---------, we found them!" Pixiu shouted. "The secret crime syndicate!" Shouts soon heard, booted footsteps took the stage.

"Making sinthe in secret," the Special Security Patrol leader scolded, clicking her tongue. "Not very smart, are you?"

"Time will be added to your punishments accordingly," the Grand Duke said in a cold tone.

Knowing a prison beating was about to come, the early adult dashed out of the dormitory block at the speed of light. Whatever was about to befall those prisoners, he did not wish to see it. Returning to the Administrative Area, the chimera munched on a terrible welfare meal.

Otter duo soon informing him they needed to go to the ocean, a couple more labyrinths appeared, the soldier let out a sigh. More? Hadn't he already done enough today? But, he knew he had absolutely no right to complain. He had a job to do. There was no complaints allowed.

Diving equipment soon upon him, the otter duo soon lead the way, Pixiu had soon informed him the domain had been on the northern most edges of the Liffey Region hearing such, the soldier put his diving suit on slow mode. It had been that far off from here? That was quite the trip, for sure.

Huxian and Pixiu transforming into their otter forms, the chimera kept his suit on slow mode for minutes on end. There had been a labyrinth at the edge of the area. How did one manage to appear there? How very unusual. Otter duo swimming past him, he could hear aggravated sighs come his way.

"Purple, did you make your tech go slow because you're afraid we'll forget how to swim?" Huxian asked, rolling his otter eyes. "Cut that out, please. You don't have to make it go so slow. Yes, we forget next to everything, but we're not going to forget how to swim."

"Quite frankly, it's a bit offensive of you to assume we need to guided like lost puppies, Purple," Pixiu said in an irritated tone. "We know where we're going, thank you."

Bowing an apology, the entrance towards the domain had soon been reached. But, what awaited him inside was something unlike anything he had ever seen before in subspace world. Land in front of him looking similar to Windrise in Monstadt, but ancient, the soldier blinked. What time period of Mondstadt was this? But, something else had been unusual.

Spotting a fragment of Huxian and Pixiu in highly religious black church outfits, the chimera blinked. A tall generic woman in a nun outfit staring at the phantom otter chimeras sitting down by the large tree in Mondstadt, the chimera blinked. Was this their mother? But he threw such thoughts away. No, that couldn't have been it. Nuns were all married to the Anemo Archon. There was no way they had any children. But, the memory flow soon interrupted everything.

"Tristan, Angie!" the nun shouted. "What are you two doing out here? You're supposed to be at choir!"

"My name isn't Tristan," Huxian's phantom said. "It's Huxian."

"And, 'mother,' we don't worship Barbatos, we worship?" Pixiu started to say, but she soon hesitated for an entire three minutes. "I can't remember. Who do we worship again?"

Turning towards the otter chimeras their eyes had been closed. Seeing such, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had this been a painful memory for them? Maybe they had suppressed it deep inside them. That had to have been it, surely. But, the taller otter chimera soon spoke.

"It was, I'd say around one hundred years ago," Huxian said, shaking his head. "We started eroding." But, he soon shrugged his shoulders. "But, we just ignored that for awhile. We didn't think it was a big deal."

Moving through the memories of Mondstadt long gone, the soldier had witnessed the Mondstadt Aristocracy in action. Multiple family clans existing, the soldier placed his finger on his chin. He recalled hearing something like this in some of his father's book he read in his stolen childhood.

Cruising through memory lane, something of unusual note stuck out to the soldier. Phantom Huxian and Pixiu speaking to a blond haired man, the chimera blinked. Why did he look so much like the Acting Grand Master? But, he supposed he could have been her great grandfather or something. Pixiu linking her hands together and putting them behind her back, the next curtain was called to the stage.

"That was our I guess you could call him our 'father' in that reset cycle," Pixiu said. "He was a member of the Gunnhildr clan. But, we refused call ourselves Tristan Gunnhildr and Angie Gunnhildr. Our 'parents' didn't like that. They thought we were ungrateful over our adoption."

But, the next scene that played twisted the walls and then some. Twins in bed faces blue and coughing up red ooze, the soldier backed seven steps away. What was he witnessing? Phantom Pixiu crying she was sorry, she shouldn't have been so cold, mother, the hyena could feel tears running down his cheek. Was this how they perished in this reset?

"Right, I remember now," Huxian said. "We were afflicted with a terrible plight in this reset." Covering his eyes with his arm, his words muffled. "There was water in our lungs and we didn't make it..." He took a deep breath. "I want you to remember this, Purple, even if we forget. Twins are connected." He crossed his arms across his waist. "Pixiu and I are soul linked."

"Huxian, didn't you say that yesterday?" Pixiu asked.

"Don't know," Huxian replied. "I don't remember." But, such trip down memory lane had been cut short.

Dragon letting out a roar, Huxian and Pixiu had gotten their crosses ready. Screaming out the holy scriptures of the archons, the reptilian creatures had soon been taken out of the picture. Every single dragon removed from the equation, Huxian soon turned back towards the hyena.

"Purple, you're still listening, right?" Huxian asked.

Question coming his way, the soldier nodded. How could he not listen? Everything that had been said was impossible to ignore. Why wouldn't he be hearing them out? He knew he should have been, it was better to do so. That's how it should have been. Signing the words go on, the otter took a breath.

"So, you are," Huxian said, deadpan. "You know, Erosion? It's the end all, be all, for those deemed immortal. This reset might be our last." A door then appeared in front of him. "This is the last corridor. Let's go."

Next domain upon him, another sand world soon appeared. Multiple messages about the abyssal gazelles had been written out in the sand. Learning what the fawn villains had truly been capable of, the soldier covered his mouth with his hands. He sees now, he knows everything. All there is to know. All the power that they possess.

But, such gathering of information had been cut off. Army of Abyss Mages coming out of nowhere, the chimera could see a spark in Huxian and Pixiu's eyes. Messages on the sky detailed the abyssal gazelle's rise to the top, the Mages laughed. But, they had soon been decimated in seconds.

Huxian adorning four fox tails from behind him, and strange dragon behind Pixiu, the hyena stared off into space. The otter duo had they just summoned the god spirits inside their crosses? He sees now. He understands. They have woken up now. There was no turning back.

Soon kicked out of the domain, a blinding light overtook the area. Sent back to the prison like nothing happened, a wave of tiredness flowed through the soldier. Plopping down into his temporary bed, the temporary prison guard drifted off into sleep, in a near instant. But, one last thought had been dragged down into the dream world.

Over simulation is tiring.


"This is it, there's no turning back now.
Huxian and Pixiu are awake. They have remembered
Everything. All there is to remember.
Yes, they have done it, they have remembered it

All. Everything. All of it. They
Remembered everything. All of it.
Everything. I don't think they

Are no longer eroding,
Whatever that means, but this is
All. That's the end now, I
Know it is, they're finally in a place of good memory, or maybe this is temporary.
Eh, I don't know. I can't say either way."

Feeling his shoulders shoved over and over again, the hyena awakened from his especially deep slumber. What in the world was going on? Couldn't he have five more minutes to sleep? But the screams and shouts kept going. Told he couldn't sleep this was an emergency, the hyena removed himself from bed.

Something going down in the Grand Duke's office, the soldier had begun running. What was going on down there? He had to investigate. But, what awaited him in the secret room had been something of utter horror. Hydro Phantasms squirming around the room, the Melusine Head Nurse let out a shout.

"Some of the Prisoners have become Hydro Eidolons after drinking the illegal sinthe!" the Melusine Head Nurse screamed. "I should have taken that stuff away! Humans can be so crafty sometimes!"

"Never mind that, Miss ---------, they're about to blow!" Huxian shouted. He then lowered his voice into a whisper. "I remember everything now. These Eidolons are really--" But he had soon felt an electric shock. "What was I trying to say? Never mind."

"That we have to fight these former prisoners," Pixiu said.

Hydro Eidolon creatures immune to everything for minutes on end, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. What in the world was going on here? Why couldn't he battle the water droplet creatures? Attempting to doss down his flower friend, his Silk Flower friend did absolutely nothing as well.

Nurse and Grand Duke's attacks proving just as useless, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. Even the power of Cryo was useless here? How could that be? One wasn't adding up to two. Trying once again, nothing happened. Realizing such, the soldier could feel defeat loom over his shoulder.

Duke commenting that the sinthe had made them invincible, the soldier's eyebrows twitched. The illicit materials had done what now? No way this was possible now. It was over, done, a sealed deal. It was the end of the road. Nothing was going to work. Attempting to wave the white flag, the Duke gazed at the hyena.

"Hey, don't give up," the Grand Duke said. "That boss of yours said you're stubborn. Show me some stubborn pride."

Hearing such, the early adult closed his eyes for a moment. Hyena claws replacing his human hands, he slashed forward. Right, he was stubborn. He couldn't lose here. Invincible, smivincible. Everything had a weakness. He would find it. He had to keep going.

Hyena claws barely doing a dent, the soldier let out a battle cry. These drugged up prisoners, he would return them to their senses. It wasn't over yet. There was a way. They could be broken free and returned to normal. There had to have been a chance, surely. Nothing working for minutes on end, another shout broke the sound barrier.

"Husen, with the power of Focalors at my side, I command you to teach these sinthe addicts a lesson!" Huxian shouted.

"Bixie, with the power of Rex Lapis at my beck and call, I commend you to give these filthy monsters a taste of their own medicine!"

Huxian and Pixiu glowing with energy, four fox tails had soon been behind he spiky haired otter's back. Dragon tail behind Pixiu's the soldier blinked of bewilderment. He sees now, these two have truly woken up. They were no longer the scatterbrained forgetful otters.

They had reached their final form.

Immunities destroyed in a matter of moments, shouts had come the soldier's way. Opening created, the soldier tossed down a flower friend. Providing silent commands to his Windwheel Aster friend, vines had been slapped upon the creatures in front of him. Seeds exploding one after another, the hyena snapped his fingers. He sees now, Hydro and Dendro reacted to one another. Battle drawing to a close, the two otters dropped down onto the ground like rocks. Seeing such the soldier recalled a terrible memory.

The otters, if they were to perish, everyone would forget they ever existed. Was this the end, were they going to pass away? He would forget them, wouldn't he? Fingers shaking, an accidental sign had been questioning. Wordlessly inquiring if they were dead, the Head Nurse shook her head.

"Silly, they're not dead. You humans are so funny sometimes," the Head Nurse said, giggling. "They're just unconscious. They'll be okay."

Hearing such, the soldier could not help but wonder once more. Huxian and Pixiu, if this would be their final breathing moments, would he forget them, too? He was a chimera. He was definitely not immune to the memory erasure of a curse, not a chance in Celestia.

Duke telling him his job is done, the soldier headed for the glass box. Heading back towards the Aquabus and to the Court of Fontaine, the chimera's thoughts bustled. He would forget them if they perished. He would forget all of this. That was a fate worse than death; being forgotten. Would the world forget him, too if he were to perish?

Accidentally bumping into the Ginger Fatui, he had soon been yelled at to watch where he was going. Fontaine boss telling him he's done for today, go back to Snezhnaya now, the hyena sighed. Right, his work was done. He was dismissed for the day. Removing his Teleport Waypoint proxy map from his back pocket, the military barracks waypoint had soon been highlighted.

As the soldier walked through the icy cold hallways, his thoughts raced. Memories were quite the fleeting thing, weren't they? The world could forget him. The world could forget everyone. Reaching the soundproof room after fifteen minutes of walking, the chimera let out a sigh. He supposed he knew that already. That's how it was.

Wave of tiredness immediately taking over him, the hyena removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Temporary Fortress uniform soon removed, the and glasses put aside, the chimera slumped into the uncomfortable bed. Wave of sleep ready to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Soon, Fontaine will be forgotten, too.

Chapter 39: Court Case Finale: A Whale Of A Case


And, we have thus reached the climax. In this section, Siorc must deal with some final issues around Fontaine, meanwhile, the prophecy is coming... fast. Feat: the entire Fontaine cast & Neuvilette, Furina & Skirk.


One more

Chapter Text

"It's almost over, I

Know everything
Now. There is not
One thing I don't.
Well, I suppose that's not true

Even after I have reached this
Variable, I know there's
Evidentially a slice or so of
Remaining information I have
Yet to learn.
Though, to be
Honest there
Is just a few things I
Need clarification on. Things I just don't quite
Get. And, now, well

Now it is time
Our time to put them down
Will I finally take them out?

I don't know,
That all depends on their strength

I guess. They are far
Stronger than me

Or, so I believe, they are
Very much more powerful than me.
Everything I have ever
Removed from them is monsters

From their various escapades
One, two, hundreds
Removed by countless.

They've been around two
Hundred fifty years, huh
Eons. No, no two

And a half centuries.
But, their crimes have been realized
Yes, every
Single one. Every
Single one has been catalogued. It's
All over, this is the end
Left, and center it's time to

Get behind bars
And their time here has reached its
Zenith. It all
Ends here. It's
Likely all ordained.
Likely all decided
Everything is decided
So, it's time to end

It. Time to destroy

All shall change
Maybe when this is

All over, this
Will finally be when
All goes back to normal.
Regular. It'll all be fine
Everything after this will be

Over. No more
Floating points.

All has been revealed, I'd
Like to think it a
Loss for

Them now.
How will Fontaine
Even hope to recover from this?
I don't know,I don't think
Recovery is possible

Could it take years?
Relatively speaking
I don't know.
Maybe recovery will take
Eons. Ah, no that's
Surely not it.

Aha, why would it be? Of course
Not. I highly
Doubt that it

Will take eons.
How could it?
Obviously not.

That's an exaggeration.
Ha, how many people were
Eaten by that thing I saw
Yesterday while on diplomatic affairs?

That force? How many were
Removed? I don't know,
Ultimately it's impossible to I
Literally know nothing
Yes, I know very little.

All and all, they will be
Removed, with all problems
Erased. It's over

The end of the road
Here's to their defeat.
I won't let them get away
So, line up, the

Time has come
I will win,
Mark my words
Everything finally

Is ending.

Why it took six months
I hardly know it's
Like a river,
Like a stream

Time is unfortunately
Always marching on, I
Know I have failed many times made many
Errors. So many mistakes

That's just
How it is
Even so, this is the climax.
Mark my words, they will meet their

Doom. This will all be
Over, soon it
Will all end
Nothing will remain. They

Might think they're
All that but they are
Retched trash.
Know this, Kelebek and Izzet, the

Millions of hours of crimes
You have done?

Will be judged. It's
Over. It's over,
Remove yourselves. No more
Deception. No more of your
Stains. It's over, here and now."

Dreaming continued to be a tormenting ordeal within the hyena's adult Fatui life. The cycle was a wheel of torture, flipping the board every single evening that was possible. Such spin would continue to reverse on an endless loop. The night before him would continue the pattern, as well.

Before him had been a field of forget-me-nots. The flowers bright blue, with a yellow center. But, beside them had been a sight of horror. Pool of blood spelling out, do not forget you are about to see the chimera could feel a heavy wave of nervousness. Don't forget? Don't forget what?

Seating himself by the unsightly stain, the chimera could not help but wonder. Just what exactly could he have possibly forgotten? Tilting his dream head, absolutely nothing useful came to him. Dream head completely empty, he stared off into nothingness. If he had forgotten, perhaps it wasn't all that important.

But, the messages soon continued. Grass bleeding once more, a new warning soon appeared out in the open. Message spelling out, don't forget what they did, the chimera scratched his head. Don't forget who what did? He was not quite following. As he thought such, however, something even more unusual happened.

Forget-me-not in the center of the field growing legs, a wave of shock flowed through the chimera. What was going on? Why had one of the flowers acquired limbs? What kind of dream was this? But, he supposed the land of not reality always had incomprehensible tricks up its sleeve. Steam puffing out of the plant's petals, the peculiarities cranked the dial up to five.

"Man, you're hopeless! You haven't figured it out yet?" the forget-me-not asked in an annoyed tone. "Follow me!"

Flower dashing up ahead, the hyena stood upward. Pitch black world of nothing in front of him, the confusion kept on going. Where in the world was this forget-me-not taking him? Walking through the pitch black world of nothing for quite awhile, a question repeated itself once more.

What could it have possibly been that he had forgotten? Was it something important? Surely, it was something he did not need to recall in the dream world. Flower shouting at him from afar to try and keep up, the chimera blinked. Keep up with where? The world was black.

Such darkness had soon dyed itself in blood. Abyssal gazelles off to the side holding Noctilucous Jade, the chimera's subconscious knees buckled. Chimeras glaring at him with a sinister look, the mineral had soon been inserted inside him will full force. As such occurred, a memory flowed through him. But, as such did, the questions flowed through.

Hooded strangers did that to him? How could they do such a thing, and why couldn't he remember? Had his brain erased such from from his cerebrum? He supposed such could have been the case. Memories were quite the fickle thing that faded over time. Scene soon vanishing, the forget-me-not glared daggers at him.

"Don't forget what they did to Fontaine," the forget-me-not said, moving forward.

Forget-me-not soon soon leading him off towards a long tunnel, the hyena's thoughts had begun to rumble once more. The abyssal gazelles, they had committed quite a lot of crimes, hadn't they? He did not know why, but everything had begun to feel quite hazy.

Tunnel getting longer, the chimera stared off into dream space. How could he allow himself to forget the things that the abyssal gazelles have done? They had done various horrific things. But, he knew the dream world and waking world were completely separate entity from one another.

Finding himself in front of a workshop, the chimera tilted his head. When had he ever been to a workshop like this? He could not recall coming to such a place at any point in any point at time. Could this have been someone else's past? Perhaps, just maybe, such had been the case.

Kelebek soon walking into the workshop, something of particular note screamed out to the hyena. Hooded stranger partaking in the alchemical arts, the soldier backed four steps away. What in the world was one doing? Fake Melusine soon beside one, a wave of shock flowed through him.

Villain sending one's creation out into the world, the hyena scratched the side of his head. Why was it beginning to get hazier? This scene, he hardly recalled it. Memories, they had to have worked differently here, for sure. Flower soon calling out to him once more, he snapped himself out of it.

"Keep following," the forget-me-not said in an irritated tone. "And try not to forget too much, alright?"

Following along, another scene of horror he hardly recognized played out in front of the chimera. Hooded strangers taking over an Adeptus, and wrecking all havoc imaginable, not a single thing made any sense. Just what were these two's goal? He could not quite figure it out.

Next scene showcasing the abyssal gazelles worming themselves into the Eremites, the soldier could feel the questions begin to intensify. These two just where were they really from? Not a single thing whatsoever was making any sense. Everything was dull, like a rusty pin.

Scene of intense bloodshed playing out in front of him, the hyena shook his head. Hadn't this all been in the past? Why did any of this matter now? They had acclimated to the top of the order many years prior. What did this mean to him? Absolutely nothing. It was not like he could go back into the past and change anything.

"Yes, it does matter," the forget-me-not said. "They have to be stopped."

Hearing such, the hyena flinched. This flower, it can hear his thoughts? How was that even possible? Throwing such thoughts off a bridge, the flower soon told him it could indeed hear his thoughts. Such fact confirmed, bewilderment threw the chimera for a loop. This was nothing more than a dream. Of course it did not make any sense.

"I have one more thing to show you," the forget-me-not said, walking off towards the side.

Moving towards the left, the final scene soon played itself out to the chimera. Kelebek and Izzet soon beside a large whale, he swore he could hear them both shout it was time for the prophecy. Falling to his knees, his inquiries rolled the dice. What were they talking about? What prophecy? What could they possibly be planning?

Whiffing up a simulated scent of fire, the chimera looked downward. Pants set ablaze, the doom chime tolled. Fire soon swallowing him whole, the the hyena's dream life halted in a matter of moments. Breathing his last dream breath, his last thoughts spelled out a charred message upon the grass beneath him.

Was he not supposed to see that last scene?

Forbidden knowledge runs deep.


"Every single one of my sister's customers has been
Vaporized. They're all gone.
Every single one,
Removed from existence.
You know, I am usually
One of the realists. I
Never truly believe in the delusions
Earl always seems to fall for.

However, even I, Baron when faced with the
Absolute unknown, you could
Say that my

Brain just isn't working.
Every single person today has
Gone and become a puddle,
Unless we are all in a collective dream. There must be a logical reason for this.
No, I guess that

This world right
Out in front of me is reality.

Malika has lost all hope.
Everything is
Looking to be hopeless.
There is no hope,

Is there?

How very unlike me,
At this point in time, I cannot
Verify anything.
Earl seems quite

Terrified. Even though were never truly from here, so
Of course, we are completely immune to this melting phenomenon.

Guess I just do not quite fathom this
Especially ridiculous outcome.
There is no sense to be here.

Of course, there has been a seemingly
Unlimited amount of nonsense going on around
The block lately.

Over the course of six months, we have been investigating.
For what it's worth, we

Have discovered an
Endless amount of evidence.
Revealing evidence.
Evidence that could

Soon be incriminating.
However, My portion in all this is hardly
Enough, nor will it ever be.
Look, I have uncovered a multitude of information,
There is a lot to say and
Endless streams of points
Relating to one

Singular group
Of people.
Maybe one will remember if I
Explain it just for a moment.
Would you look at that? It's those
Horned losers,
Everything that has happened
Relates back to them,
Everything that has occured

Comes back to them. There is
Likely not a single
Other party involved.
So, there is not need to go on an
Endless chase for answers that shall never come.

Until they are caught,
Perhaps I

Should lead them on.
However, it would seem they are
Perhaps that sounds unrealistic, but

There is some truth behind it.
How I reached this conclusion?
Eh. You shall see soon enough.

And, of course, I could,
Perhaps, be wrong, but I do not think I am.
Of course, I prefer to see things from a realistic approach.
Come on, by now
All should not that. I am a realistic, Earl is a dreamer. The waters are
Lukewarm. More people have begun melting,
Yet there is hardly a source to track back to.
Perhaps, hunting such
Source at this point in time would be ill advised.
Even so,

I really ought to.
Something is far from right

Here. Nothing is adding up. Nothing is
Equal. And, it should be equal,
Reality is cracking, and I cannot be realistic.
Everything is breaking, and I cannot be rational."

Four days have passed since the chimera freed the Fontaine citizens from their cube prison. Work only getting stranger, the soldier had been tasked with dealing with various tasks within the Fortress of Meropide and surrounding areas. But, the peculiarities had only continued to increase as the ninety-six hours pressed on.

Multiple labyrinths uncovered deep within the underwater trenches, various facts about the abyssal gazelles had been swallowed up by a sea of whirlpools. Countless point clumping together to reveal the whole truth, the soldier understood everything now. He knew all there was to know. Absolutely everything. But, the stream of information only continued.

Forgetful otter twins having an intense reawakening when the situation had reached a dire point of no return, the soldier had soon learned various facts about the Huxian and Pixiu, as well. Final stages throwing themselves out into the open, turning back had become impossible. Diplomatic affairs of nothing overtaking the fourth and final day, normalcy attempted to return.

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked for the entire country to hear. As the alarm bells made their rampage known, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in an echo. The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially tormented slumber. Horrors looping back and forth, a scream bounced off and around the steel walls. The dream he had won't leave his partially human mind. But, the chimera snapped himself out if it. Dreams were a fabrication of the mind. Removing himself from the uncomfortable bed, the soldier had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself to his partially human person, he could not help but wonder. The abyssal gazelles, just how much have they done to Teyvat in the past two hundred fifty years? How much damage have they caused to this world? But, the hyena threw such thoughts off a bridge. There was no way to ever determine such. They had committed various crimes. There was no way to know every single one.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, memories flashed through the soldier's mind. Multiple past events linked their hands together. Tears streaming down his face, the room blurried. Why couldn't this all just stop? Taking a deep breath, the soldier forced himself back on track. All of that was in the past. He had to move towards the present at all costs.

Taking one last deep breath, the chimera clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning his second favorite rabbit hairpins in his hair and ears, the chimera could feel a wave of nervousness flow through him. He did not know why, but, he definitely needed to wear this set today, no matter what.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the hyena stared at his Geo Delusion in the corner. The sinister orb, should he make use of it today? But, the hyena rapidly shook his head. Now was not the time. Pushing it away, the delusion was out of sight, out of mind.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the hyena stared off into space. What's going to happen today? The last part of the dream, it had been quite worrisome. But, the soldier snapped himself out of it. Dreams were a fabrication of the imagination. He needed to let this all go.

Hearing the louder than ever before militaristic boots march onward with a fervor, the soldier scratched his head. Was it just him, or had the steps sounded far more frantic than normal? Surely, it had to have been his imagination. Turning his face towards the door, everything continued to make little sense. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. What orders could possibly await him today?

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue, but his voice was frantic. "The prophecy is about to arrive in Fontaine. You must clean up the mess." His words then changed course. "You will also be finding evidence of the crimes of those who have been interfering with Her Majesty's plans."

The chimera jumped ten steps back upon hearing the term the prophecy. His heart was ready to leap out of his chest at any given moment. The prophecy is here? What prophecy? He did not understand one little bit. This was not good. Was the Nation of Justice collapsing? What was going on?

Dream flashing through his mind once more, the chimera flinched. Could what he have seen in the subconscious world have been a warning about the abyssal gazelles? That had to have been the case. There was nothing else it could have been. But, he had soon been dragged back into reality.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Did you hear me? You will be cleaning up that mess the prophecy is leaving behind! Get a move on!"

The hyena flinched. Right, there was hardly any time to waste. He was on the nonexistent clock right now. The hourglasses' sand had reached the bottom. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena placed his arm out in front of him. Right, no more dawdling. The time to leave was now.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded autonomously. He knew he had no choice in the matter.

"Good, we're going, soldier," the Agent responded. Arm out in front of him, he gripped the limb into a firm grasp tight enough to bruise. "You need to be careful, there are floods everywhere. Try to not get drifted away." Escort soon beginning, the chimera stared off into space.

There was a flood?

The final showdown was coming.


"I can't watch this

Anymore. I,
Malika, have reached a

Critical breaking point. I mustn't
Let anyone see me like this.
Onwards to boarding everything up
So no one can come
In. I write up a sign,
'No entry, the Congele Boutique is temporary closed.'
Guess that will do.

Up the sign goes. The wooden
Planks attempt to collapse,

So I screw them tighter. I
Have locked myself in. There is no getting
Out. It is better this way. I will not see all those
Puddles. It might be out of

Character for me to turn
A blind eye like this, but there is
Nothing I can do.
Nothing to prevent this.
Of course
There isn't, this has been a long time coming, and I

Keep hearing that the prophecy is here. It's the
End. It's all over.
Everyone in Fontaine will be reduced to water.
Perhaps I should have done something sooner.

Maybe had I, this would not have happened,
Yet, I know this is
Something that had always been far beyond my control.
Earl, Baron, and I were are not Fontaine natives. We will
Likely not be melted into puddles.
For now, I will

Close up shop.
Of course, I do not want to,
Maybe I really shouldn't.
Perhaps this is a terrible idea,
Of course, I know all that
Something just isn't adding up
Even if this is the prophecy I
Do not have the power

In me to deal with it. I am
Not saying, 'I am not from Fontaine,

This is not my problem, rather, 'I do not
Have the power to stop
It.' This force is far too
Strong for me.

Someone is going to tell me,
I shouldn't give up.
This is not like me. But, sometimes it's is better safe than sorry. I know it is
Unlike me,
And I know this is running away.
That's the only way to see this,
I know it is wrong, people are melting.
Of course I know it's wrong, but
Nothing can be done."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the Teleport Waypoint as usual, the hyena stared off at the lake in the corner. Water levels reaching a danger point, the hyena turned his head towards the right and left. What was happening here? The floods had already reached beyond the harbor?

Dragged down the mountain before he could think any further, the chimera closed his eyes, for a moment. Waves slapping his feet, he gazed upward. There had not been a cloud in the sky. What in the world was going on here? Nothing was at all adding up. Where could this flood have come from if there is no rain?

Agent demanding he pay attention, the chimera flinched. Right, he had to pay attention. Placed into the wooden vessel, the waves had begun to slap him on repeat. Keeping himself still, the soldier stared at the river at front of him. The river was too high. This wasn't normal, for sure.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he even knew it, another wave slapped the soldier into submission. Pants soaked to the bone, the early adult broke out into a shiver. But, he did not have time to shake such water away whatsoever. Dragged towards the staircase, an annoying reminder had come his way.

Agent telling him for what felt like the octodecillionth time to not teleport anywhere whatsoever, the hyena wanted to rip out entire strands of his hair. It had been a dangerous flood all around right now, couldn't there be an exception during such a destructive time? How many more times was he going to hear it before he got sick of saying it?

Satchel soon slapped onto his backside, another warning had come his way. The sound of silence engulfed the hyena. Not a single soul had been around whatsoever. Agent soon exiting the area, water soon engulfed his feet. But, something had not been right about the liquid.

Bed of water underneath him tinted a deep shade of purple, the early adult shook with a fervor. Something just wasn't right here. But, he knew he had to move along. There was hardly any time to worry about this. He had to move on. Taking a long deep breath, the hyena ascended the staircase.

Water following behind him, the early adult's legs erupted into a sprint. He didn't know why, but something about this water was wrong. Was it poisonous? It had to have been. Dashing off towards the glass lift, the door shut itself tight. But, the flood quickly struck back.

Flood up to his legs, the soldier attempted to brave the waves. How was this even possible? Wasn't Fontaine an elevated nation? Something wasn't quite adding up here. Pressing the button to summon the Aquabus, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. Would the vessel even come by in such conditions? There was no way.

Aquabus eventually arriving, there had been no Melusine tour guide to greet him. Seeing such, a heavy wave of unease flowed through him. Where was Aeval? Maybe he should just turn around. But, he knew he could not go back. He had a job to do. There was no turning back, no matter what.

Mechanical voice welcoming him aboard the Aquabus, the hyena grit his teeth. Robotic protocol asking him if he wished to hear the tour, a small screen had soon appeared out of nowhere. Pressing the no button, the chimera seated himself. The voice was cold, unwelcoming.

As the vessel cruised onward in an automatic motion, purple waves crashed onto the soldier with full force. Feeling such, the young soldier placed his hands over his knees. Just what was wrong with the water today? Something was off about it, for sure. What kind of toxins had been inside? He would need to investigate further, for sure.

Aquabus rocking back and forth, the chimera let out a scream. The boat, it was swaying, moving, ready to break at any given moment. But, the hyena kept himself as still as possible. If he were to move too much, he would be a floating corpse upon the river.

Reaching the capital city of Fontaine after a short while, the soldier swore he could hear screams coming from the background. Mechanical voice telling everyone to disembark the vehicle in an orderly fashion, the hyena hopped off with all his might. There was no time to follow the rules, he had to get out of here.

Knowing it was in his best interest to head off towards the northern exit of Fontaine, the chimera prepared himself for the worst. Streets almost completely submerged, the soldier winced as he walked forward. Just how far had the flood already reached? Hearing another scream off in the distance, the hyena made haste.

Moving along, the screams had only begun to worsen. Not seeing a single soul around, the chimera turned his head towards the right and left. Had there been a ghost here? But, the hyena shook his head. No, that could not have been it. Why would it have been? He had been making assumptions.

Screams only getting louder, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Where in the world were those shouts coming from? The hyena had no idea. The city had usually been calm. Purple liquids swallowing his legs as he moved forward, he had soon come across the source of the scream.

Rich nobody feet deep in the water, the soldier swore he could see the person's torso dissolving into absolutely nothing. Human being nothing but a gelatin blob in a matter of seconds, the early adult's eyes had begun to twitch. What just happened did that person just melt? No. He had to have imagined that just now.

Turning his head off towards the opposite direction, the soldier could feel his heart race. Did he really just witness someone melt? But, the hyena shook his head. No, that didn't happen. He's daydreaming. Human beings cannot dissolve into puddles of water. That wasn't possible.

Water only beginning to creep up higher, the chimera attempted with all his might to remain steady as the northern pathway dragged onward. Legs almost completely gone from sight, the hyena knew he had to hold on. He could not drift away like this. There was a job to be done.

Hearing more screams off in the distance, the early adult attempted to tune everything out from around him. There had been far too much unrest here. Didn't the rich nobodies have something to prevent them from dealing with the flooded world around them? But, he supposed not everyone had the time to prepare for imminent disaster.

Adventurer Guild receptionist blurting out short circuiting, the early adult dashed off past her. What was she even doing here? Couldn't she comb through her programming or something to avoid Fontaine? Whoever had made this robot had chosen very poorly. Sparks flying everywhere, the hyena jumped off towards the other lane.

But things had only begun to spiral the further he had gone. Very few people around screaming the apocalypse was here, they're all going to disappear, the chimera's ears burned. The apocalypse? He didn't sign up for this. Why were people being so overdramatic. But, he swore as he thought such, a pot somewhere had been calling the kettle black.

Possibly poisonous water submerging his knees the further he walked, the soldier turned his attention towards the Chioriya Boutique. Large sign outside in large bubble letters reading closed, the hyena did a quintuple take. Was he reading that correctly? There had to be some mistake.

Door completely boarded up, the chimera shrugged. Maybe he was seeing things correctly. Moving along, the hyena prepared himself for the worst case scenario. Legs feeling like they were ready to float away, the soldier closed his eyes. If he were to fall into this water now, it was game over. He would be dead, a goner, off to the next world.

Hedges completely submerged, the chimera could feel himself ready to wilt at any given moment. Hydro had overtaken Dendro, what a nightmare. Wasn't too much water catastrophic for plant life? He should have known such fact. Running, the hyena leaped forward. He needed to get out of here right now.

But, the further west he went, the more screams that followed. Watching as multiple generic nobodies dissolving into puddles of water, the chimera swore the water levels had only gotten higher. Why were people melting? What was going on here? Not a single thing was making sense.

More people melting into puddles of nothing, the soldier blinked. Why was this still happening? Was he dreaming? Nothing felt real. Maybe he had fallen asleep on the Aquabus. That had to have been it, surely. He was dreaming right now. This was all too ridiculous to be true.

Slapping himself, the soldier hissed. He was most certainly awake right now. This was all real, for sure. More people becoming nothing but a puddle as he moved along, he couldn't help but wonder. What was causing this? There had to have been a reason. He had to investigate before pressing on further.

Finding an unusual device seated in his bag practically begging him to use it, the soldier studied it, for a moment. Small object labelled the water tester in Snezhnayan writing, the chimera could feel sweat pour down his brow. The what now? Her Majesty was just making up names at this point.

Dropping the small robotic device in the water, the early adult shivered. This would not go well, for sure. Hearing a loud ding, the early adult read the message that appeared in front of him. But the words the appeared in front of him levelled the confusion playing field to the highest possible degree.

Seeing the words primordial seawater, the chimera read the words in front of him once more. The what now? What was that again? The chimera had no idea. Had he ever heard of such a thing before? He did not know why, but he couldn't recall. His memory was fuzz.

Another group of generic nobodies dissolving into nothing, the chimera's knees had become jelly. This primordial sea water, did it have the power to destroy a Fontaine native in an instant? How was that even possible? But, as he kept moving further ahead, another dooming question did a fusion dance inside him.

Fontaine born chimeras, and the Melusines, would this water dissolve them, as well? If such were the case, the entire country was in trouble, guaranteed. He knew if the Iudex were around in his office, he would have to inquire about it. There was not normal whatsoever.

Very few rich nobodies remaining crying about the temporary closure of Chioriya Boutique, the soldier could not help but wonder. Hadn't the owner of that clothing establishment been from the closed off nation of Inazuma? Would this special water even affect her? But, he supposed it was better to be safe than sorry.

Fashion deeply rooted into his mind, the chimera could not help but think. The Congele boutique, maybe he should check up on it, too. Water levels only beginning to raise the further he went, the early adult prepared himself to move towards the southern streets.

Multiple people continuing to melt away, the soldier turned his head off towards the opposite direction. He could not look anymore. Just how many people had he seen melt today? He didn't know. He had already lost count at this point. Shouts getting worse, the hyena drowned everything out.

Population dropping like flies, the city had soon fallen completely silent. Nothing stirring, fear ate the soldier up like a plate of macarons. Had everyone already been melted? If this water were the boss, it would definitely be the final one, for sure. Throwing such thoughts away, the penguin fashion establishment was drawing ever so closer.

Drifting away across the dangerous bed of liquid, the chimera flapped for dear life. Eventually breaking loose, the hyena huffed a breath. If the water level to raise any higher, he would need to change into his diving suit, right away. Pressing on, he had soon reached the Congele boutique, but disappointment soon awaited him.

"Gone fishing," the sign in front of him said.

Door boarded up, the soldier could not help but feel a heavy wave of disappointment. Wasn't Malika usually the type of person to help people in a time of crisis? Running and hiding was definitely unlike her, for sure. But, he knew there was nothing wrong with trying to keep herself and her family safe from harm. But, he had soon recalled something.

Memory flowing back as he ascended the staircase, the soldier stared off at the boutique once more. Wasn't Malika from Snezhnaya? What was she so afraid of? This water would not melt her. Throwing such thoughts away, the soldier shrugged his shoulders. It was time to move on and leave the city. There was no time to worry about the pesky penguin family.

Silence continuing to eat him alive as the aquabus information station drew ever so closer, the emptiness of the city readied to swallow him whole. The rich, the poor, no one was safe from the primordial seawater, were they? No furry creatures around as well, even more dooming questions threw themselves onto the playing field.

Fontaine born cats, dogs and birds, would primordial seawater erase them, too? Knowing such could have been a possibility, the chimera's heart had turned to stone. If any had survived and drifted away, he would need to rescue them even if it were impossible.

Fountain in the corner completely overflowed, the early adult watched in horror as the final person clinging on for life melted into a puddle of nothing. Taking a deep breath, the hyena ascended the staircase. He needed to get out of here as fast as he could. Time was ticking.

Not a single soul inside the Aquabus Information Station, the soldier moved through the emptiness. There was no around, so there was no one to give information to. Heading off towards the glass lift, the hyena prepared himself to bid farewell to the nothingness around him.

Glass lift doors closed, a face he did not wish to see under any circ*mstance soon emerged from the opened chambers. Earl hopping out of the elevator, the chimera let out a barely audible groan. Why was he here? Wasn't he supposed to cooping himself up in the Congele Boutique cowering with his family, or something? If this pesky penguin and he were the last two people alive in Teyvat, he'd rather melt in the primordial seawater.

Eyes soon on him, the chimera attempted to avert eye contact. Could this pest move out of the way already? He had no interest in dealing with him right now, whatsoever. Attempting to move past him he worse he could feel a hand grab him tight. Gritting his teeth, he had been forced to say put.

Seeing his future husband heading for the elevator, Earl could hear the death bells ring in his head. What was Siorc doing here right now? He should go back home base in Snezhnaya right away! It's way too dangerous to be walking around the city. He needed to let him know he should leave before it was too late.

"Hi there, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous! You need to turn back right now!"

The chimera rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. If he had the option to run, he would have by now. But, such was not an option. Prying himself free, he distanced himself. Would telling him he has to investigate the damage the abyssal gazelles caused make him go away? Stepping towards the glass lift, ice soon engulfed his shoulder.

"I have to investigate the fawns, sir," the hyena said in a serious tone. "Please, move out of my way." Stepping towards the glass lift, he readied to press the button, but further screams had come his way.

"Those fawns are responsible for this!" Earl cried. "You shouldn't go out there you'll fall right into their trap!" But his shouts when unheard.

Glass lift doors closing, the hyena pressed the button for the fourth floor. As the box went upward, the chimera rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. Of course they were the ones that caused all of this, could it have been any more obvious? Who else could have been responsible? He could not think of anyone else that could have been.

Water pouring into the elevator as it passed the second and third floor, the chimera jumped back towards the opposite door. Was the flood getting worse? This wasn't good, leaning against the glass he held in every single scream building inside him. He was going to get zapped guaranteed. Any second now.

Reaching the fourth floor, the hyena made a run for it. But, the world around him soon crumbled. Entire sidewalk flooded here like the rest of the city, the soldier could feel the confusion come full circle. How was it even possible for the seawater to come this high? Something was off here, very off.

Multiple generic nobodies melting as they tried running away, the chimera dashed off towards the city's exit. The ancient seawater, it was relentless, uncaring, deadly. Just what was in it that causing everyone to be dissolved? He didn't know. He would need to investigate it whenever he were to get the chance.

Wave following behind him as he walked through the city's exit, the chimera sped up his running speed. This water, something was wrong with it. Did it have a mind of its own? It had to have been. Speeding up slightly faster, the hyena leaped into the glass lift. But, the tidal wave was relentless.

Glass box sparking as it reached the northern outskirts of the city, the hyena's knees buckled. If the Iudex were to see the damages that had occurred, the Fatui would be labelled as responsible for such, guaranteed. But, he supposed that wasn't his problem right now. Tingling as he exited, static clung to his uniform.

Knowing that, at any given moment, the bird bounty hunter duo would pin him down as the perpetrator for the ongoing destruction, the chimera kept his eye and ears open. Any second now, and they would go after him. Stepping foot on the grass he took a deep breath. It was investigation time.

But, what awaited him in the northern Court of Fontaine area had been quite the disgusting sight to behold. Flooded waters a dark shade of toxic purple, trash floated around in the brand new lake. Hearing warfare up towards the sky, as well, the chimera proceeded with caution. If they were to see him, it was game over.

Spotting an army of Abyss Mages floating around from every corner, the early adult held back a growl. Why was the abyss everywhere he was? Had the abyssal gazelles commanded them to cause problems wherever they went? How annoying. He hardly had the time to deal with them right now.

Trashy bacteria screaming at him, the soldier searched high and low for a way to destroy it. No devices around for such possibility to exist, the hyena let out a sigh. Diving equipment gloved slapped on, the only option was upon him. Pressing the Xenochromatic Octopus button, he closed his eyes, for a moment.

Sharpshooting the bacteria with all his might for minutes on end, it did not get cleansed of its germs whatsoever. Seeing such, the soldier blinked. What was happening here? Why wasn't it going away? Maybe he wasn't pressing hard enough. That had to have been the case, surely.

Pressing the button down even harder, disgusting purple germ remained. Seeing such, the soldier remained vigilant. Was this really happening right now? Could the power of his glove be entirely useless here? If that was the case, nothing could be done. He had to move on.

But, the soldier refused to surrender. What was he doing, trying to give up already? How pathetic of him. He wasn't a quitter. There was no way he could give up that easily. He had to remove this bacteria, at all costs. If Her Majesty had heard he had given up, he was as good as dead. Disappointment could not reach Her Majesty's ears, no matter what.

Letting out a scream, the hyena kept going. Surely, if he kept trying, eventually, all of this would be cleansed. He knew he would have to keep going, no matter what. Such was the only option. Aiming at the center of the bacteria, it slowly had begun to turn green after ten attempts one after another.

First round of bacteria cleansed, the soldier swore he could hear the robed denizens laughing from afar. Hearing such, the hyena prepared himself for another upcoming battle. This had to have been their doing, for sure. There was no one else that could have possibly been responsible.

Struggle only continuing as the hyena's cleansing session kept going, the laugher had only gotten louder. These monsters, were they making fun of him from afar? They had to have been. Attempting will all his might to tune their guffaws out, the cycle continued.

Hearing an array of laughter coming from behind him, the chimera's back had soon been target practice. Elemental attacks hitting him one after another, the early adult jumped six steps back. But, he had soon been cornered from every single angle imaginable. Monsters pointing and laughing, the hyena let out a growl. Four against one? How incredibly obnoxious.

Arrow barrage coming from up above, the hyena ran off towards the next pathway. There was more than one opponent here. He needed to watch his head. Strangely shaped green weapons tossing them around as well, the soldier sped up his running speed. He had been spotted, he needed to move.

Mages screaming upwards towards the sky, the early adult sifted through his satchel for a moment. There was no way he could leave this all to the bounty hunters. But, absolutely nothing awaited him in the bag. No weapon to speak of whatsoever, the hyena flinched. He had no greatsword, no weapon, nothing.

Weapon barrage from the sky above continuing, the soldier kept running with all his might. Pressing the jellyfish head button upon his diving equipment glove, the hyena attempted to blow the creatures to smithereens. Surely, this had to work. But, the failures kept rolling the dice one after another.

Nothing coming out, a sea of questions threw the chimera for a loop. Why wasn't his glove working? Had most of the functionality only worked underwater? What a waste. Knowing his only option were to run, the chimera pulled a fast one. Germy waters soon returning full circle, the next cleansing session soon began.

Bacterial contamination slowly becoming easier to cleanse, the soldier swore he could hear the Mages scream in unison. But, the early adult tuned it out. Did these monsters think this would enough to throw him off? Such was far from the case. He would keep going, at all costs.

Final set of germs finally taken out of the picture, the enemies had begun to drop like flies. Paper soon dropping downward, the chimera could hardly believe what he was reading. Pieces of a map dropping downward the early adult rolled his eyes towards the sky. What was this, another gift from the hooded strangers? He wasn't buying what they were selling.

But, as the hyena attempted to rip the papers up, the destruction soon reversed itself. Seeing such, the soldier shook his head. What was this, immortal? Throwing the paper, he kept on moving. He had no time for these games. He had to keep cleaning the messes about.

Paper raining onto his head once more, the hyena let out a growl. Waving the white flag, he gazed at the leaflet of Dendro creation. Crude drawing of a door, and treasure crudely misspelled, the soldier lowered his eyes into a squint. What was this, a treasure hunt? He didn't have time for this.

Even more paper flittering into his hands, a warning message had soon been gifted to him. Paper demanding he seek out the treasure, the chimera shrugged his shoulders. He was at the mercy of the script. Bed of toxic liquid forming an array of arrows, the early adult forced himself to follow along.

Trail leading him off towards Mt. Esus East, the early adult let out a gulp. The mountains were the bird bounty hunter's territory. If he were within their line of sight, he was the next bounty, guaranteed. But, perhaps, just maybe, they would leave him be for today. Domain getting closer with every step, the soldier took a long deep breath. Mountains soon reached, the hyena could hear a ferocious wing flag from up above. But, what awaited him layered in a brand new level of confusion.

"Fatui, consider yourself lucky!" Robin shouted from up above, pointing. "I'm calling a temporary truce! But, don't get used to it! It won't last!" But, another voice soon followed.

"Fatui, I'd run if I were you, before my boyfriend changes his mind," Raven warned.

Leaping towards the door, a blinding light soon engulfed him, Closing his eyes, for a moment, an unusual place soon awaited him when he opened them once more. Finding himself in a desert temple in an empty world with not a single soul to speak of, the chimera scouted the area, for a moment.

Peering outside the entrance, for a moment, nothing but sand had been around for kilometers, seeing such, the hyena blinked. What treasure was about to await him? Whatever it could have possibly been, it had to tie back to the abyssal gazelles. There was no way that wasn't the case. It had to have been, for sure.

Weapon rack off in the corner, a desert greatsword soon awaited the hyena. Sheathing it from behind him, the soldier prepared himself. What treasure could possibly await him? Whatever it was, he it was definitely nothing good whatsoever. This had to have been a trap, for sure.

Moving right along, the hyena could hear the familiar giggles of the Abyss Mages up ahead. Hearing such, the hyena placed the claymore in front of him. Had they already been alerted of his presence? He had to have some sort of glowing target on his back, or something.

Doors slamming shut around him, the chimera flinched. Did the robed denizens just lock him in here? How annoying. Dashing off towards the door, it would not budge. Mage shouting from the other side to solve the puzzle to break free, to break free, the early adult rolled his eyes. What was he, the abyss's plaything? Absolutely ludicrous nonsense.

Large tile puzzle dropping down from the ceiling, the early adult backed ten steps away. Was this really happening right now? This was ridiculous. What did the gazelles want from him? Why were their annoying minions playing around with him? But, his thoughts had soon been cut off as the Mage yelled at him to hurry up.

Unusual symbols correlating to a certain pattern, the early adult studied the scribbles, for a moment. This puzzle, just how did it work exactly? He knew he would need to study it intently. But, such moment dried up in seconds. Timer soon appearing on his wrist, the chimera let out a shout. He was being timed? It was over. He was finished, in a loser battle before he could get far.

Banner across the sky informing him to step on the right tiles within the time limit, the timer had begun ticking. Turning his head towards the right and left, the hyena leapt towards the tile in the lower left corner. But, such had been a terrible decision. Sword swinging down from the ceiling, it soon shook hands with his knees.

Shaking, the early adult dashed off towards the bottom right, stepping towards the tile, the blade struck back. Joint decorated a bright crimson, the early adult let out a scream as the counter reset. Was this the treasure he was going to be awarded? If he were to get the pattern wrong again, the damage would progress further, guaranteed.

"You loser, are you that bad at solving puzzles?!" the Mage shouted from afar. "Fine, I'll give you a hint, tic tac, toe!"

Mage screaming nonsense at him, the chimera crossed his arms across his waist. Tic, tac what now? What in the world did that mean? That wasn't helpful at all. But, he had then come to a realization. The tiles, did he have to mark them before hopping upon them? That had to have been the case, surely.

Unsheathing the greatsword from behind him, an o-shape soon appeared in the center of the board. Hopping towards it, he could hear a ding off in the corer. Had he chosen correctly? Maybe he had. He knew the only way to find out for sure was to keep going. Slashing the space diagonal to him, he leaped towards it.

Hearing a ding, the soldier puffed a sigh of relief. Was it really that simple, doing the puzzle in a three by three pattern? Running back toward the first panel, he took a deep breath. This had to work, surely. Leftmost panel soon hit, it had been leaped on with full force, in a matter of moments.

Banner reading challenge complete stretching across the sky, the Abyss Mage had soon been in front of him. Creature soon demanding a fight with him, the early adult flinched. A battle now? Was this really happening? Fontaine was about to flood even further, he didn't have time for these games. Attempting to surrender, an attack had soon been gifted to him.

Bubble of water coming his way, the early adult threw down a flower friend. Silk flower friend dancing upon the battlefield, the mage screeched. Flower brought to life by his Dendro Vision locked into bubble prison, the hyena snapped his fingers. Plant familiar leaving the battlefield, the bubble rain continued.

Flower friend eliminated every step of the way, the chimera snapped his fingers once more. Right, what was he thinking? Small creatures would be trapped in a bubble prison. His only option was to rely on evasiveness. Creature soon taunting him, the hyena jumped towards the left.

Bubbles coming his way, the hyena soon jumped towards the right. But, as he did so, the mage growled. More balls of imprisonment awaiting him, he kept jumping towards the opposite direction. Enemy soon trapped in its own weapon, the chimera's blade soon struck gold.

Mage soon defeated in a matter of moments, a concrete tile had soon dropped from the creature's last remains. Seeing such, the early adult rolled his eyes once more. What was this supposed to be? The treasure he had won? Two more tiles dropping downward, a message soon burned itself upon the ground.

Message informing him that all the people born from Fontaine were born from sin that could not be removed, the soldier blinked. What in the world did that mean? Everyone that had been born in Fontaine was a sinner? Surely, that was merely an exaggeration. The mages were messing with him, for sure.

Second tablet reading that the waters in Fontaine would one day rise and all the sinners would dissolve into water, the chimera put two and two together. The prophecy had already started. The people of Fontaine had already been gone. Coming to such realization, Had it been too late?

Final tablet leaving a message that only the Hydro Archon would remain weeping on her throne, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. The Hydro Archon, where was she during all this chaos? Her people were melting. Why hadn't he come across her today at all? Studying the plaques again one more time, the questions piled themselves up against the wall.

The prophecy, if it had already started, why wasn't anyone doing anything about it? But, he supposed it had come far too fast for anyone to deal with it properly. Could that have been it? He supposed it could have been the case. Lines of the doom to followed, he could not help but wonder. Was everyone in Fontaine truly a sinner?

Leaving the room, an usual demand had soon come the hyena's way. Mages shouting at him to race them and they'll give up the next treasure, they dropped themselves down to the ground. Seeing such, the soldier scratched his head. These robed denizens were rather unusual, for sure.

Mages soon running through the desert temple at lightning speed, the hyena attempted to catch up to them. Speeding up as he approached them, the hyena let out a huff. Why were these robed creatures playing games with him? He did not have time for this. But, as he though such, they soon sped up their running speed.

Knowing he had no time to waste, the soldier brushed his feet across the sand. Max speed reached after about twelve seconds, the mages had soon been sped by. Enemies upon the running battlefield hitting a wall, they had soon surrendered. But, the treasure that awaited him at the end of the corridor was terror upon the sand stream.

Abyssal gazelles feeding a large blue whale with a purple underbelly and long, piercing horn, the chimera flinched. What in the world was that thing? He did not know why, but he could feel a heavy wave of unease flow through him. Hiding off towards the corner, the abyssal gazelles soon spoke their truth.

"Nyahahaha, once we unleash this All Devouring Narwhal," Izzet said, laughing. "We will finally have our revenge on those wretched sinners who think they own this country!"

"And, with this, Fontaine will belong to us!" Kelebek shouted, also laughing.

Abyss Mages laughing, the soldier did not feel a single wave of shock. That big horned whale was going to devour all? Color him completely not shocked. That was their plan all along? He had already stopped their plans to take the world with him so many times over. There was no way they would succeed this time, either.

Mages soon glaring at him, a door had soon appeared in front of him. Bolstered out the exit with a snap of the fingers, the soldier blinked as the domain disappeared into thin air. What was that all about? Something wasn't right here under any circ*mstance. Had he learned too much? Perhaps that was case.

Knowing he had to keep investigating, the soldier soon thought back to where he had learned more information about the abyssal gazelles. Recalling he had come across various facts about them around the Research Institute, the hyena moved towards the bridge. Perhaps this was the next place to begin the cleanup.

But, as the early adult had reached further into Mt. Esus, the entire mountainside had soon fell to the wayside. Everything flipping sideways, inwards, outwards and upside down, the chimera let out a scream. What was this, some penal colony planet with warped space around him? But, the chimera shook his head. Wrong universe.

Attempting to head off towards the bridge, the soldier stood to his feet. But, the sideways world won once again. Trying with all his might to dash off towards the opposite direction, the hyena let out a scream. Why was this still happening? Who was in control of the gravity here?

Lunging towards the bridge the chimera let out a scream. Wobbling as he landed upon the broken walkway, the hyena ran off towards the northeastern area. He had to get out of here and head for the Fontaine Research Institute before it was too late. The flips, however, soon continued.

Road ahead of him spinning and turning, the soldier grit his teeth. What was going on here, was he in some sort of distortion world? But, he threw such thoughts away. He needed to stop letting his imagination run wild like this. He had to brave it all, no matter what were to come his way.

But, another group of challengers had soon arrived on the battlefield. Ruin Guards coming at him fast, the hyena had begun running. Where did these mechanical monsters come from? Something wasn't right here. Hadn't these monsters been a rare sight in Fontaine? Something wasn't right here.

Ruin Guards soon spotting him, bullets had gone a flying. Weapons coming his way, the soldier had begun running. But, there had soon been far more targets on his back than he bargained for. Mechanical beings charging towards him, the chimera kept running. He couldn't let them catch him now, not like this.

As the hyena ramped up his running speed, the bullets had soon come for his backside. Back soon target practice for multiple minutes on end, the chimera could feel his vitality chip away. Continuing to run, the chimera let out a weak huff as his back had been an open dartboard from afar.

Attacks only getting stronger, the hyena could feel the world around him grow smaller. Why did today of all days have to be the day he did not have a weapon on him? The Agent, had he forgotten to arm him? Closing his eyes for a moment, he attempted to transform his currently human hands into hyena paws.

Such transformation never came. Human hand still in front of him, the hyena teeth chattered. He couldn't transform? What was going on here? He was weak, defenseless, target practice. Ruin Guards slamming their feet upon the ground, the chimera kept running. There was no time to hesitate, he had to get out of here.

Southern Research Institute nearby, the soldier could feel an idea hatch into his head. Would leading the mechanical monsters towards the wall be able to end this chase? Figuring such could be the case, he let out a scream. Surely, this would work. Some Ruin machines had a few bolts loose.

Attempting to run towards the mountains, the Ruin Guards leaped once more. Ground shaking, the hyena attempted to keep his balance. But, such failed, in an instant. Quakes continuing, the hyena had been a ball upon the ground for minutes on end. Bullet rain awarded to him once more, the robotic creature's movements had soon gotten far more unusual.

Ruin Guards shuffling their steps, a huge barrage of bullets had soon come the chimera's way. Seeing such, the hyena had come to a realization. The mechanical monsters, they had been acting in accordance to someone else's orders. How unusual. Had someone broken into their internals and been commanding them from afar?

Thoughts soon cut off by another bullet barrage, the early adult had begun running once more. But, such had soon been short lived. Left knee soon awarded metallic arrowheads from afar, the chimera attempted to remove such weapon from his joint. But, such had been a failure. Weapon twisting itself in deeper, the silver ends had soon been dyed red.

Dragging his feet, his right knee had soon been awarded the silver arrowhead, as well, tip lodged in deep, the sea of liquid crimson soon gushed like a fruit snack. Entire backside soon added to the mix as well, the chimera had begun to sway back and forth. Dropping down towards the ground beneath him, he could feel his consciousness about to slip away.

Game over.

He was nothing than target practice.


"Where in the world am I?
How did I get here? It's
Eerie here. Someone, please help me in
Regards to where I am right now.
Eh, what is this, where

Am I? And why are the
Melusines all tied up

Into some unusual position where

All their arms and legs are stretched out. That makes
No sense. I
Don't understand.

How did I even get here?
Oh, man the poor Melusines.
Why are they in such a position?

Did I do this? No, of course
I didn't. Why would I and how could I? I
Do not quite remember anything

In the past few hours.

Guess it probably isn't anything
Especially important.
There has to be a reason I am here,

However, I cannot pinpoint it.
Even so, I am suspicious, and I cannot
Rest easy.
Everything has begun to make

Next to no sense,
Of course I am not making any

Sense of any of this
Or rather,
Maybe I just can't because
Everything has gone off
Track for me. I shouldn't
Have let myself keel over.
I should have hung on.
Now, I really don't
Get what's happening.

I think this is just
Some sort of distraction before the climax of the gazelle's revenge, or something.

Why here like this? I
Really, truly don't know.
Of course I don't. I have
No way to predict anything.
Great, this

Has gotten so much worse
Even the unpredictable has
Reached a point of no return.
Even so, I cannot falter. I have to keep going."

Coming to somewhere unknown to him, the soldier observed the area. Soon seeing the familiar purple sky, the soldier blinked of bewilderment. He had been taken to the strange domain hidden deep within the Merusa Village? How did he end up there? Feeling an intense aura up ahead, the chimera threw such thoughts away. There was no time.

But, what awaited him as he moved through the area was a sight to behold. Multiple Melusines, included the nurse mounted up onto cross shaped boards with the words sinner written out in red, the hyena will crack his knuckles. The abyssal gazelles, this was their doing, wasn't it? What kind of punishment was this? Absolutely awful.

Melusines looking ready to shed tears as their legs and arms had been spread out upon the cross shaped wooden prison, the soldier could feel tears roll down his cheek. Who in the world considered Melusines sinners? They were not. Whichever abyss order member left this message here, they were wrong for sure. He needed to save them all, right here, right now.

Mages in Mondstadt churchgoer wear laughing at him, the early adult rolled his eyes. He knew it. This was their doing. What a cruel and unusual punishment. Glaring at the real sinners, the soldier wrote to free them upon the air. But, a laugh had come his way, in a matter of seconds.

Robed denizens demanding he pray and beg for forgiveness in exchange for the Melusines, the early adult's eyebrows twitched. He had to do what now? Pray and beg the Hydro Archon for forgiveness? He had done nothing wrong here. Was this some sort of prank? If so, it wasn't funny.

Abyss Mages soon waving their wands and singing, the early adult placed himself into a bowing position. Groveling at the monster's feet, the early adult whispered underneath his breath for barely anyone to hear for the Hydro Archon to forgive him, he had sinned. But he swore he could feel the monster bring out the whip.

"What was that, sinner?" the Abyss Mage asked. "I couldn't hear you! Speak louder!"

Sighing, the early adult kept groveling. Why did he have to say it louder? He had already begged the archon for forgiveness, hadn't he? No way. He wasn't going to say it louder. They could all back off with that nonsense right here and now. That wasn't happening whatsoever. But, he had soon been whipped again.

"I said I couldn't hear you," the Abyss Mage said in a sharped tone. "Speak louder!"

Whip soon cracked the Melusine's way, she soon screamed in pain. Seeing such, the early adult's fists shook, how dare these creatures do such a thing. It was his fault for not speaking up loud enough. Lifting himself upward, the chimera dropped himself down into a groveling position once more. Forcing his voice into a shout, he let out the words one final time.

"Forgive me, Focalors, for I have sinned!" the hyena shouted at the top of his lungs. He then placed his hands into a praying position.

First Melusine of many soon freed, she had soon exited the area. Forced to bow and beg for forgiveness multiple times, or the Melusines were about to get a nice violent present, the hyena kept groveling over and over again. Multiple sea denizens sent free from their imprisonment, the chimera let out a huff. Why did he have to beg a God he wasn't supposed to worship for forgiveness? He wasn't a Fontaine native. He had nothing to do with the prophecy.

Final set of Melusines soon freed as his groveling came to an end, the Abyss Mage crackled into laugher. Church robed denizen saying it can't believe he actually did it, the chimera let out a loud sigh. It's not like they left him with a choice. He knew if he did not obey, the most important citizens in all of Fontaine would lose their lives. He could not allow that, no matter what. But, another group of faces he did not want to se soon emerged from a hole.

Kelebek and Izzet pointing and laughing, the early adult let out a groan. Group of two mocking him every step of the way, the chimera let out a groan. Were they trying to taunt him into fighting them? If such had been the case, mission accomplished. Lunging towards them, he had soon been tossed towards the wall.

"Give up already!" Izzet shouted. "We have already won!"

"He has lost!" Kelebek shouted. "The prophecy has already come! And the precious Melusines are no longer here!"

Hearing such, the early adult cracked his knuckles. How could the Abyssal gazelles go to this length? They had attempted to remove the Fontaine's most precious and important citizens. How disgusting of them do so. Didn't they know anything? If something had happened to the Melusines, they would incur the wrath of the Iudex. Did they really think that they could win this? It was all over for them. Their downfall was a mere sentence away. Lip quivering, his words soon bled out of his mouth.

"How could you do this?!" Siorc exclaimed, words unusually loud. "The Melusines are precious to Fontaine!"

"Nyahaha! That doesn't matter anymore!" Izzet exclaimed. "They're sinners now! And they've been dealt with accordingly by the post of justice!"

"Quit meddling in your plan, fool!" Kelebek exclaimed. "He should know this entire world is full of sinners!"

Not a single care in the world over what they had done, the early adult placed himself into a pouncing position. These two, how dare they say such a thing. The Melusines were not sinners. Did either of these two have a brain? They definitely didn't in there. Pouncing towards the brainless monsters, they had soon vanished without a singular trace left behind.

Kicked out of the unusual space, the early adult stared off at the world around him. Finding himself at the entrance of the Beryl Region, alarm bells had soon rung in his head one after another. Flooded waters going all the way up to his knees, the hyena observed the submerged area around him further.

Bacteria blocks floating around everywhere, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. He had more of this nasty garbage to deal with, why? He hardly had the time to deal with this. He had to go after the hooded strangers before they could cause any more problems. The choice was not his if he didn't want Fontaine to be dropped down to the world of the abyss.

Raising the white flag up above his head, the chimera placed the diving glove upon his hand. Knowing he had no choice but to clean up the mess the abyssal gazelles had left for him, the hyena had begun squiring the bacteria way. Gross purple germs soon going from purple to green, the first layer of garbage and trash had soon been taken out of the equation.

Next layer of purple garbage taken out of the picture, the early adult huffed and puffed up a storm. Was it just him, or had this been taking a lot more energy than usual? He supposed that had to have been the case. Maybe his glove was more like a Hydro delusion up upon the surface world.

Bed of water soon up to his waist the further into the Beryl Region he went, the soldier could feel himself begin to drift away. How had the water levels gotten so high overnight? Something was incredibly off here. Was this the prophecy already at work? If so, he had already been too late. The prophecy was here. It was as all over for the Beryl region.

Hole leading to Merusea Village up ahead, the chimera had become witness to the most unusual sight of them all. Look of deep and utter pain on Brume and Éclater's faces, the soldier could feel everything inside him pop like a balloon. The prankster sea lion duo, they looked as though they had been out of jokes completely.

"All our sisters are missing!" Brume exclaimed in a pain voice. "Bro, you gotta help!"

"Yeah, bro, please! This ain't no joke!" Éclater added.

Hearing the heartbreak in their voices, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Signing he had already taken care of that problem, and then attempting to say they'd all be back soon, Brume and Éclater looked at the hyena as if he had five heads. Did they not understand sign language? He supposed such was the case. They did not need such form of communication in their day to day underwater lives.

"Bro, I don't know what kooky thing you're doing with your hand," Brume said in a clueless tone. "But, I think I get what you're trying to say!"

"Yeah, bro, I don't get it, either!" Éclater exclaimed. "But, thank you, bro!" He bowed as he said such.

Hearing a loud roar off in the distance towards the north, the soldier swore he could hear Brume and Éclater say there was something kooky going on in Elynas. Hearing such, the soldier had begun running the fastest his legs could carry him. What could have been happening in Elynas? He had to get there right now before it would be too late.

Roars only getting louder, the soldier sped up his running speed. There was no time to waste, he had to get to Elynas as fast as he possibly could. Leaping, the early adult kept on sprinting. Any second now, and the prophecy of Fontaine would eat the entire Beryl region. He could not allow that.

Loud splashes soon head in the distance, the early adult had kept on running. Why hadn't the abyssal gazelles been satisfied at this point? Didn't they know when to stop? Enough was enough. They had caused enough damage by now. But, he knew they would never give up. They had set their goals on destroying everything. Nothing could be done.

Reaching the edges of Elynas, a large whale had soon awaited him. Seeing such, the soldier let out a gulp. How in the world was he supposed to win here? He didn't have a weapon. He was a useless husk of nothing. He could not transform, his vision was not useful here. Nothing more than a leftover piece of meat.

But, as if his prayers had been answers, a bright pink Melusine had soon come to the rescue. Short sea denizen handing him a bow, she soon offered him guidance on how to take such creature down. Standing behind him instructions had come his way in quick unison.

Told to am for the belly, the hyena blinked. Was it really that simple? Surely, it couldn't have been. That had to have only been step one of many weak spots for sure. Closing his eyes for a moment, the Melusine behind him helped to be ready to aim, and fire. Arrow soon glowing a bright white color, it collided with the enemy.

Such only being the beginning, the Melusine kept the guide going. Continuously instructed to aim for the stomach, the Melusine adjusted his posture. Right, aim for the stomach. That was the only weak spot. Horned whale trying to get away, the soldier reset the arrows one after another.

Aquatic sea beast of many contradictions looking ready to fall to its nonexistence, the soldier let out a battle cry. Just a few more round, and he would reach the climax. Arrows riding the wind, the same weak spot had been as before kept getting hit on constant repeat. Creature finally showing signs of defeat, a suggestion had soon come his way.

Melusine shouting hitting it with Dendro could knock it out for good, the hyena blinked. Could that really work? He did not think so. That sounded far too farfetched to be the case. But, he knew he had to give a go, no mater what. Closing his eyes for a moment, the tip of his arrow glowed a bright yellow-green.

Power of Dendro compelling him, the arrow soon raced off towards the enemy. Whale that would eat all falling to the ground, it had soon faded into the ether. Seeing such, the soldier almost broke out in celebration. But, such momentary second of relief had been short lived. Melusine soon informing him the Belleau Region had been even worse, the early adult made a break for it.

Sea denizen soon telling him he has to hurry to Poisson, it's all reached its peak there, the soldier's heart skipped more than six beats, palms incredibly sweaty. The prophecy had already reached the boat city? If it had already gotten to there, he had to make haste. Time was ticking. He had to go no. If only he could teleport from point a to b, that would be wonderful right about now.

Running of towards the east, another roadblock had soon thrown the soldier for a loop. Contaminated blocks of purple bacteria in his way once again, the early adult burst into tears. Why was it here, too? These germs, couldn't they wait until later to stand in his way? Feeling a draft of wind, the chimera attempted to deploy his windglider.

But, such deployment never came. Bacteria standing in his way, the hyena let out a sigh. Was the only way to move forward to get rid of it? He supposed he had no choice in the matter. Octopus jet waters thrown upon the inorganic enemy, the hyena's hands were bathed in sweat.

Bacteria quickly growing back, the soldier could feel an intense wave of shock flow through him. What was happening here? How could it still be lingering here? Breaking down into a puddle of sweat, the early adult held his hand out once more. He had to get rid of this at all costs.

Everything eventually cleared out, the chimera had begun running. Mages laughing at him as he chased after them, the soldier let out multiple shouts. Creatures trying with all their might to bait him with low hanging fruits, the chimera prepared his temporary bow. No more of these monsters. He had had enough.

Arrowing them all done, a spark popped off in the chimera's brain. These mages they needed to be a taught a lesson, a toothy lesson they would never forget. Robed denizens kicked around like a game ball, he lunged at the monster with all his might. Opening his mouth, his canines sunk in deep into the mage's neck.

Abyss Mage begging for mercy, no such had been awarded. Sinking deeper in the creature's nape, pitch black ooze dropped down onto the floor. Monster continuing to beg over and over for him to let go, the chimera dug down deeper. This Mage would pay, this mage would pay, this mage would pay, the mage would pay, this mage would pay, this mage would pay.

Mage soon breaking free from him, the early adult snapped himself out of it. What in the world had he just done? How could he ever resort to such violent tactics? Abyss Mage soon informing him it was already too late the prophecy in Poisson had already begun, the early adult dashed off towards the boat city. He was running out of time. He had to move.

Hearing loud screams up ahead, the early adult's currently human legs erupted into the fastest possible sprint. Were the sea lion sisters in trouble? He could not just stand around. He had to become lightning speed right here, right now. Soon reaching the ladder of the boat city, he dropped downward. But what soon awaited him was a water war.

Entirety of Poisson flooded enough to create a brand new underwater area, something of utter terror was ready to write its next obituary. Demoiselle clinging onto the edges of her boat in the corner, the soldier gazed at the bed of liquid once more. Lake of issues entirely purple, the soldier shivered. It was too late, the Spina was next.

Spina's bodyguards soon melting into puddles, the soldier let out a scream. What was happening? Why were people still melting? Aigre attempting to run off towards the Demoiselle, the chimera swore he could see her tears combine with the seawater that plagued the area. But, such had only been the beginning. Whale soon behind the blonde, everything broke.

"Demoiselle!" Aigre cried. "Demoiselle!" As she cried such, she attempted to head towards her, but she had been held back.

"Stop, Aigre!" Bain shouted, holding her sister back. "You can't go over there!"

"Um, that whale will eat you!" Kali said. "Mermaids are their favorite snack!"

"You two, everyone's already gone bye bye!" Aigre cried. "We're next! We'll about to go bye bye!!" But, as she cried such out, the Demoiselle had gone bye bye. "No!! No!!! Demoiselle!!!!!!! Demoiselle!!!!!!!"

Demoiselle soon swallowed by the narwhal, the early adult prepared his bow. This creature, had it eaten everyone here? It would pay for doing such a thing. That was it. It was going down. He couldn't let this monster let the prophecy go any further. No more. He could not let this go on any further.

Firing multiple arrows in rapid succession, not a single one of them hit their target. Seeing such, the chimera's legs shook. What was going on here? Why weren't they able to be hit? This could not be happening. Lunging more arrows in quick succession of one another, the glass fortress revealed itself.

Seeing the impenetrable wall of glass, the hyena dropped to his knees. It had been in a glass castle. He couldn't do this. There was no way. But, he knew he could not give up. He had to win, or the whale would devour all. Raising himself to his feet, he tried again.

But, failure had soon been his mistress. Arrows bouncing off the glass, the chimera could feel his will waver. There was no way he couldn't do this. It was an impenetrable wall. This whale was impossible, perfectly protected, unbeatable. More arrows bouncing off, the chimera could feel all his nerves snap at once.

Heart beating hard and fast in his chest, the soldier leaped over the ladder and back towards the beaches. Tears streaming down his face, the layer of glass sunk into the deep recesses of his mind. It was over. He couldn't win, the glass wall was barriers to end all barriers. The wall to end all walls.

Dashing through the mountains, the sparking lift had soon been taken once more. Not caring one bit of the static clinging to his uniform, his tears pooled themselves into the flood below. He was useless, the glass was maxi. He couldn't do anything. Running towards the Palais Mermonia, his heartbeat climbed upward like a flight of stairs. Blurry figure of the Iudex in front of him, the chimera's words soon blurted out of him all at once.

"The narwhal," the hyena choked out, tears drowning out everything. "I can't!" Everything blurred and dulled, the question coming his way had been garbled.

"Monsieur Siorc, what is the matter?" the Iudex asked.

But, such words had gone unheard. Heart beating like a jackhammer, everything was gone, silent, removed. Feeling himself drop down to the rug beneath him, the soldier could feel his consciousness slip away. As the land of unconsciousness knocked on the door, one last frantic thought tossed him into the garbage.

He can't do this.

He can't.

He can't.

He can't.

He can't.

He can't.

He can't.


"It's about
To be over.

It seems that
So many over chimeras have collected evidence of

The abyssal gazelle's crimes over the course of their six months of
Invasive, dangerous and
Malicious crimes.
Everything is about to be over.

This is it. It couldn't be more over.
How could this have gone on for so long? No one knows,
Even so, this is it.
Yes, this is it.

All will soon be over for
Real this time.
Everything is about to end.

Great, it's finally time, the
Ultimate final nail
In the coffin, it'll
Likely all be over now
This is it.
Yes, this is it. This is

It. I can't make a mistake this time. I

Know I can't. There's
No way I can let them get away.
Of course I can't.
Well, this really is it.

This truly is the end.
How will they be judged?
Everyone knows.
Yes. Guilty.

All of Fontaine will has back. They'll be
Removed, sent to jail.
Everything they've ever done will

Be recognized and recorded as a crime.
Yes, this time for sure.
Everything will be recorded. It's over for them. Forever. May they rot in pieces."

Finding himself on the couch of the Iudex's office the next morning, a wave of confusion flowed through the soldier. What was he doing here? How did he get here? He doesn't know. What happened? He did not know. He didn't remember a thing between Poisson and now. But, the Iudex had soon gazed his way.

"I apologize for you having to deal with this all by yourself. I do suppose I am partially to blame for such," the Iudex said in an apologetic tone. "You will not have to face the All Devouring Narwhal alone anymore."

Iudex soon explaining there would be a court case held after the last narwhal is defeated, the hyena's eyebrows twitched. A court case today? Was now really the time for all this? This couldn't have been a worse time for such to occur. No one was around. Everyone had been dissolved into water. But, the Chief Justice of Fontaine quickly explained the people of Fontaine were still alive. That primordial sea water was a sham. Nothing like the real thing.

Hearing such, the soldier tilted his head. How did the Iudex even know the difference between real and phony primordial seawater? Wasn't he just the highest in the court of justice? He had to have been a normal human with a vision. But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted with the slam of a door.

"Black Fish Steak Bro, we have to hurry!" Lonan screamed, tone unsteady. "We need to go to the Weeping Willow of the Lake! That narwhal is about to eat Damla and Firat!"

"And, um, according to my uh, um, research," Rabiu said, lip quivering. "If the narwhal swallows them whole, everyone in Fontaine will be swallowed by um, real primordial sea water!"

Lifting himself upward from the couch, the early adult exited the Iudex's office. If Damla and Firat are swallowed by the narwhal, all of Fontaine could die? Hearing such, he couldn't help but wonder. Had the undersea gazelles had such dangerous liquid flowing inside them? He couldn't let them get swallowed up. Not a chance.

Reaching the Weeping Willow of the Lake after about thirty minutes, a realization had soon wriggled into his partially human brain. The entirety of Fontaine had now been underwater. How could this have happened? But, for some odd reason, he could still breathe. Something wasn't right.

Spotting Kaiser, Robin, Raven, Malika, Earl, Baron, Bain, Kali, Aigre, Brume, Éclater, Vidame, Domini, Zinn, Peltro, Huxian, Pixiu, Folu, Sani, Oluchi, Gwendolyn, Marquis, Esquire all out on the battlefield as the whale attempted to swallow Damla and Firat whole. Everyone, including his detractors here, he blinked. He sees now. He's not alone. But, there was no time to be grateful. The whale was on the loose.

Watching as Kaiser, Malika, Earl, Baron, Vidame, Domini, Marquis and Esquire took out their weapons, the early adult could hardly believe what he was looking at. What were the Snezhnayan penguins doing going around fighting battles with scissors? Were they that weak, or just weaponless?

Major blow soon dealt with the powers of the eight penguins combined, the sea lions added themselves to the battle next. Scythes all coming crashing down, the quintet let out a sea of screams. Bright yellow and dark purple lights engulfing the narwhal, the soldier added his arrow to the mix. But, everyone had soon been swallowed up.

Finding themselves inside the narwhal's odd domain, Zinn and Peltro attempted to slap down their poison upon the whale's masked head. But, such had been a poor move. Toxins doing nothing, Zinn snapped his webbed fingers. Nothing had been doing.

Otter duo screaming out their holy light attacks, the narwhal soon froze, for a moment. Secondary creature soon popping out from nowhere, Robin, Raven, Gwendolyn and Lonan flew upwards. Dropping down arrowed gifts one after another, and strange green weapon, the creature had begun to weaken.

Jackal quartet's weapons adding one last jab to the mix, the chimera had been handed a cross. Pixiu telling him to repeat after her, with the power of the archon of choosing within him, he banishes thee to the void realm. Taking a deep breath, the early adult shouted such for even Celestia to hear. Narwhal soon defeated, everyone except himself had soon been kicked out. But, one final player had soon been added to the mix.

Seeing a short young woman with glowing white hair going down to her knees, red eyes, and a deep blue cosmic outfit, the soldier tilted his head back upwards towards the sky. Had this lady been inside the whale. Who was she, and why had he never seen her before? Eyes soon on him, everything was ready to shatter.

"You. Kelebek and Izzet tried to overthrow everything. But, it all ends here," as the mysterious woman said such, she plopped something into the hyena's hand. "And if you see Tartaglia. Tell him he's weak and pathetic." As she said such, she was soon gone.

Opening up his palm, a rather unusual object had been seated in his hands. Porcelain butterfly in front of him, the soldier couldn't help but wonder. Who was that woman he just met now? She certainly knew a thing or two about the Eleventh Harbinger and how pathetic he was. Had they been connected?

But, his energy had soon ceased. Intense wave of dizziness swallowing him whole, the soldier closed his eyes. Upon opening them once more, he had been in the Iudex's office. Did what happen truly happen at all? He didn't know. But, the next words shook him to his very core.

"Apologies Monsieur Siorc, I know you just woke up," the Iudex said in an apologetic tone, but it is time for the final court case."

Reaching the Opera House after about an hour of transportation, the soldier could feel a heavy wave of nervousness flow through him. Was there really enough evidence to try them as guilty? Maybe this wouldn't be enough, he didn't know. Seated in the front row as a key witness, the Iudex soon banged his cane upon his seat.

"We will now begin the court case against the current Abyss Leaders, Kelebek and Izzet and their atrocities across Fontaine!" the Iudex shouted.

"That's right, Monsieur Neuvillete!" the Hydro Archon interrupted. "If I may present-." But she had soon been awarded a loud bang from a cane.

"Lady ------, I ask you to not speak out of turn!" the Iudex shouted.

"It's my turn now, and I'm speaking!" the Hydro Archon demanded. "As you may all know, these two fiends tried to have the prophecy happen early and dissolve all of Fontaine's citizens into water! Tell me, dear audience, do you see any humans here?"

"No, Lady ------, I do not!" Kasier shouted.

Hearing everyone's shouts, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. There was indeed no normal humans anywhere to seen in the Fontaine Courtroom. What an eerie sight to behold. But, perhaps, just maybe, once the gazelles were found guilty, they'd all return to normal.

"Your honor, we did no such thing!" Izzet shouted. "The Iudex is crazy!"

"That's right, he's crazy!" Kelebek shouted. "You would never do such a thing! You're innocent!" But, their dumb act didn't work as the penguin family stood up to testify.

"Iudex, if I may take my turn!" Malika exclaimed. "We have all the evidence you need to prove they've been behind everything!" She then pointed at Earl. "Earl, show him the evidence!"

"Yes, Malika!" Earl shouted. "This is a remnant from the cube sucking incident! A lingering object from their powers! They were behind that!" Earl then shouted towards Baron. "Baron, Kaiser, show them your evidence!"

"Your honor, these two ugly scoundrels are lying!" Kaiser shouted. "It's not just Fontaine they have committed such ugly crimes to! They have done this in Mondstadt and Liyue as well!" As he said such, he took out a kamera. "My younger sister and brother sent me this! It's full of pictures of their crimes in Dragonspine and Mondstadt! They are guilty!"

"That is right, your honor," Baron said, adjusting their monocle. "I have picture proof of their crimes. If I may present." Vidame and Domini soon tagged themselves into the ring.

"And, these evil scoundrels, they tried to wipe the ocean floor of the the face of the planet!" Vidame shouted.

"These freaks created their own little sea monsters to try and taint the oceans to make them unlivable!" Domini shouted. "Those fiends!" Marquis and Esquire then added their own accusation to the list.

"I concur with Kaiser, despite how ugly his words are!" Marquis shouted. "I've seen this ugly brutes in Snezhnaya. They're attempted to mess with our world of snow!"

"And, not the mention, this isn't their first rodeo!" Esquire shouted. "Iudex, have you ever heard of the Adeptus control incident?" But a cane had soon been banged.

"Silence!" the Iudex shouted. "Please, do not mention anything irrelevant to the case!"

Hearing all of the penguin's testimonies, the early adult's eyes opened wide. Had that all happened? How had they been capable of so much destruction? These two, they were guilty as charged, locked them away already. But, the abyssal gazelles threw their worms onto the judging panel.

"Those were clones!" Izzet shouted. "We'd never do something like that!"

"Clones!" Kelebek repeated, but the next group soon testified.

"Your honor, what these two are saying is a load of baloney!" Brume exclaimed. "Our sisters say they created fake versions of them to tarnish the reputation of your daughters!"

"Yeah, your honor!" Éclater exclaimed. "Our sisters are still scared that there might be more fakes among us!"

"Not to mention, your honor, they created various fake monsters to try and destroy Fontaine!" Bain shouted.

"Um, yeah, and we have proof of all that, right Aigre?" Kali asked.

"Yes! I saw them creating fake crystal deposits and much more!" Aigre exclaimed. But, the accused soon shouted once more.

"Liars!" Izzet shouted. "There's no proof of that!"

"Slander!" Kelebek shouted. "She has no proof!" But, the proof soon came.

"Oh, no proof you say, vile fiends?" Robin said. "Raven, present the evidence!"

"On it, hon!" Raven shouted. "Sir Iudex, if I may play this projection from my kamera for a moment?"

Projection of the abyssal gazelles creating various monsters in a frenzy, the soldier could hardly believe his eyes. Just how much danger had they brought to Fontaine? They had to have nearly decimated it to the ground at least three times over. Things were looking pretty guilty for them. It was almost over now. Evidence train continuing, the other bird duo slammed their hands on the table.

"They can pretend they're innocent all they want, but I just know they're guilty!" Gwendolyn shouted. As she said such, she and Lonan soon took out devices. "Ever since these two have been spotted here, the toxicity levels in the air have shot up! And, we have a few victims to these poisoning in the room with us right now."

"She is correct your honor." Lonan affirmed. "Folu, if you may recount your tale."

"Oh, silly me, I nearly forgot about that silly incident," Folu said, shaking his head. "But, it would seem these little criminals of ours were the ones responsible for the toxic spider outbreak a few weeks ago. I nearly died from that, I'll have you know!"

"Lies! You don't have proof!" Izzet exclaimed. But, such attempt at feigned innocence fell on its buttocks.

"Here is a report of the air quality, your honor!" Oluchi said. "Hehe, I'm so cute taking down the baddies!"

"As well as the toxicity report recorded in the pipes underwater," Sani said. "That was also them."

"And um, uh, the cube incident, they left behind crucial evidence behind," Rabiu added. "Um, uh, here's evidence." Zinn and Peltro soon added themselves to the mix.

"Yer kiddin' Peltro, we have to testify, too?" Zinn asked. "I ain't know nothing about these two!"

"Archons, Zinn, you do, remember?" Peltro asked in an annoyed tone. "That shard you have in your shirt pocket?"

"Oh, yer right, fergot 'bout dat, ya know?" Zinn asked. They then took out the shard. "Your honor, the evidence of when they tried to wipe the ocean off the map."

"Apologies, we also would like to add our own evidence," Huxian said, coughing. "The Grand Duke told us living conditions in the prison have gone downhill because of these fawns and their behavior."

"That is correct, their squids had caused collateral damage," Pixiu said, shaking her head. "Every incident involving unusual monsters is all them." But, the guilty soon testified.

"All lies!" Kelebek shouted. "This is a witch hunt!" As one said such, the hyena swore one looked like an orange haired freak.

"We are innocent!" Izzet exclaimed. "They were clones! We are innocent!"

Hearing the abyssal gazelle duo's pathetic lies, the chimera folded his hand into fist, shaking. No. He can't just sit by and say nothing anymore. They were guilty. He needed to say something. His own evidence, he had to present to the table. It was over for them. He had to do it. He had to break his silence. He had no choice. Standing up front from the front seat, he took a deep breath.

It's his turn.

"Monsieur ----------, I have something to say!" Siorc shouted. But, he had soon been interrupted.

"Shush, Fatui, it's not your turn!" the Hydro Archon shouted.

"Lady -----, let him speak," the Iudex said. Loud deep breath infiltrating the opera house, it all soon continued.

"Kelebek and Izzet are one-hundred-percent guilty of all these crimes they are desperately trying to deny!" Siorc shouted. He took a deep breath. "And, I won't be silent anymore! I was there for it all! They created all this chaos and the incidents that happened around Fontaine and beyond! It's all because of them!" He took another breath. "One of those poisoning incidents? I am one of their victims! And, the nurse in the Fortress of Meropide has the records to prove it!" As he said such, he unclipped the porcelain butterfly. "All of the evidence of their crimes over the past two hundred fifty years is recorded in here! Isn't that right, Damla and Firat?"

"Yes, it's all true," Damla said, voice shaking. "We were their first victims."

"The proof is all inside that butterfly," Firat said, voice shaking. "I am going to show the evidence."

Proof blasting on the theater walls of their two centuries worth of crimes, a wave of relief flowed through the hyena. This was it. It was about to be over. Iudex soon saying the Oratrice will cast its judgement, everyone waited quietly. Card soon spitting out, the Iudex read carefully.

"The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale declares Kelebek and Izzet," the Iudex said in an important tone. "Guilty of all charges. They will be sentenced to imprisonment in the Mare Jivari." But, there was soon protest about.

"Unfair! We demand a rejudgment!" Izzet shouted.

"We are innocent, that judgement is wrong!" Kelebek shouted.

"The Oratrice gave its fair judgement," the Iudex responded. "And it is never wrong in such." He then banged his cane upon the ground. "Gardes, take them away."

Meka Gardes escorting the abyssal gazelles away, the soldier burst into tears. It's over. They're finally gone. Fontaine was free, ready to heal, to go back to normal. Courtroom soon dismissed, all the chimeras left the area. Short party held at the Congele Boutique, the Agent dragged him out after about an hour.

"You are dismissed for today, soldier," the Agent said. "But do not get comfortable. There may be some loose ends still clinging around." the masked Agent gave unseen eye contact with his subordinate in arms. "For now, go back to Snezhnaya."

Nodding, the soldier removed his teleport waypoint proxy orb from his back pocket. Military barracks waypoint highlighted, the chimera closed his eyes. Icy cold hallways soon upon him, the chimera reached the soundproof room after about fifteen minutes of walking.

Wave of tiredness immediately overtaking him, the chimera let out a yawn that could pierce the heavens. Weaponized hairpins and earrings soon removed, and uniform soon put away, the early adult flopped onto the uncomfortable bed. But, he tossed and turned as soon as his head hit the pillow. What else could possibly be left? There couldn't have possibly been anymore.

Second wave of tiredness soon overtaking him, the early adult closed his eyes. Glasses soon removed, the land of tormented dreams was ready to call the soldier back in for the late evening. Drifting off into sleep, one final thought had come with him into the land of the subconscious.

What loose ends remained?

Chapter 40: Fontaine Finale: The Floods Seceded


And we have thus reached the finale of this saga. In this section, Siorc must "tie up some loose ends" in Fontaine, Sumeru and Liyue. Feat: the entire Fontaine cast, Parisa, Waiola, Bogart, Yinlong, Lynette, Wriothesley, Sigewinne, Tighnari, Collei, Sethos, Zhongli and Xianyun (properly this time).


Bye to the zero people reading this.

Chapter Text

"It's finally over
The abyssal gazelles have been taken down

I no longer facing them in a constant battle
Soon, it will all be

Over, and done with the damage these
Villains caused will all be
Erased. It will probably take a
Relatively long time for that, but even still. I

Just know once and for all this is the
Ultimate end. No more of their
Stupidity and
Troublesome problems I will

Likely never see them again, or so
I hope for the sake of Teyvat I
Know this for the best of
Everyone. Best for

The entire world
Huh, well,
Actually I don't know
They have influence outside

Teyvat. I do not quite know
However I know they are
Easily the most dangerous individuals in

All of Teyvat, maybe even
Beyond. I don't think anyone tops them
Yet, I know
Somewhere else out there
Someone worse might
Await me.
Look, I don't know anything about the abyss. And I

Guess I won't ever truly know
Anything at all, I might be
Zapped if I ask about it
Even still, it's looking
Like this is finally time for all to return to normal
Likely very soon
Everything will be
Solved, permanently. Or so I hope.

After all, there could be further damage. Not everything has been
Removed, I know there's some hidden dangers. The Gazelles are
Especially sneaky. The

Gazelles are especially crafty.
Of course, I know that
No, or rather,
Everyone is now aware of

It. I am certain I

Will be told to further deal with
It. And, from the
Looks of it, the final threats will
Level the playing field.

No, perhaps not
Eh, well, I already
Very much said that
Even so, it's time to
Remove their final

Set of quote on quote
Evil minions, as a certain hawk would say.
Even after

Their defeat in court their activities
Haven't ceased. They probably never
Ever will. Or
Maybe I'm exaggerating.

After all, they were sent to the Mare Jivari, I
Gather they
Are all likely melted away
I do not know much about that domain,
Next to nothing

And I will
Never know anything about it.
Don't want to know

That place sounds terrifying,
Horrific, worse than the
Abyss and
Then some. Or maybe

I'm overthinking. I
Still know next to nothing

And I shouldn't be

Going around and assuming anything.
Of course, there is
One thing I do know, though I
Doubt it just a bit, a

Tad. It is a world of
Hot lava, and
I have heard most people do
Not survive in there. If I had to
Guess, the worst of

The world's criminals are sentenced to death
Here, but I don't
Especially know
Yet if that's the case.

How could I?
All and all, I
Very much don't want to know.
Everything about this can

Be left in the dust forever and
Ever for all
Eternity. May the abyssal Gazelles ash in agony. And,
No, I do not feel an ounce of guilt for thinking they

Deserve this, all the
Endless damage they caused, this punishment was
Fair. I won't
Ever give these two the benefit of the doubt,
As there is no doubt
They were dangerous
Every step of the way.
Don't know why they wanted

Fontaine to be theirs, but it'll
Obviously never belong to them. Now that they're
Removed from the picture
Everything is fine and dandy, the
Villains are gone,
Rotting ashes in their new home.

All that remains
Now is cleaning up their final mess. It's all going
Down, once and for all

This is the final cleanup
Here's to never having to deal with the
Abyss again.
Though, I guess that

It's never truly over
So I should

Try and prepare myself for the worst.
However, with the main
Evil gone I doubt it'll be as bad.

Even so, no matter what, I
Need to be prepared for everything.
Don't let myself slip.

Or, I'll be dead
From the lack of preparation.

I know first hand
That I cannot ever

Falter. Not at all
Or I'll pay the price with my life. This world is
Relentless and there's always a chance for
Everything to break. I must remain
Vigilant. I must always keep my
Eyes open.
Right, so here's to the final cleanup. I'm ready."

Three days had passed since the hyena and the entire chimera population defeated the Abyssal Gazelles in court. Nothing of especial happenstance occurred. Business affairs in Morepesok dragging out slowly, but surely, the hyena learned next to nothing about the country he had been whisked away to.

The sound of morning alarm bells shrieked with a bombastic fervor. As the alarm bells continued their cacophonous shrieks, hundreds of Fatui soldiers groaned in a chorus The alarm bells were right on time in punctuality, as usual. But, despite such protest about, every soldier remained loyal within the permafrost north.

The groans in an echo were more than enough to awaken Siorc from his especially deep slumber. Never hearing any sort of alarm bells, the early adult let out a tired sigh. No matter how many years were to pass, some things would never change. Letting out a deep yawn, the hyena removed himself from the rock hard bed. Glasses placed over his damaged eyes. The hyena had begun the morning routine of dressing the body.

As the hyena's uniform glued itself to his partially human person, the soldier could not help but wonder. What was going to happen now? The great evil had been defeated in court. But, the early adult quickly shook his head. Perhaps such had been too strong of a word to use.

But, the soldier rescinded such thoughts. Such had been the perfect word to describe the abyssal gazelle duo. No substitution had fit. Shrugging his shoulders, the early adult threw such ponderings out the window. It was not like he would ever see them again, so why did it matter?

Taking a long deep breath, the soldier clicked the weaponized hairpins and earrings into place. Adorning matching strawberries in his hair and ears, the early adult stared off at the rest of his prized possessions within the box. Turning his jewelry and accessories into weapons, was this what he truly wanted? Rational brain on, at the moment, regret flowed through the hyena.

Dendro Vision hooked onto his uniform pants, the soldier stared at the Geo Delusion. The sinister orb, should he finally make use of it? But, the chimera pushed such thoughts away. No, now was not the time for such a thing. Dragging the object behind his jewelry and accessory box it had soon been out of sight, out of mind.

Heelless shoes on and rations devoured, the hyena stared at the steel wall. What now? What was going to happen in his Diplomatic Fatui life now that the Abyssal Gazelles had been taken care of? He did not know, but he knew he had to prepare himself for anything. His life as a soldier had been quite unpredictable.

Hearing the louder than ever before Fatui Agent boots march onward with a fervor, the soldier put on the most diplomatic face possible. It was time to stop thinking, and get acting. His workday of anything was about to begin. Volume of footsteps eventually reaching zero, the hyena turned his attention towards the door. Time had run out.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc," the Agent called out on cue. "Her Majesty has requested an audience with you."

Hearing such, a wave of confusion flowed through the hyena. Her Majesty wished to see him right now? What was going on? He did not quite understand. Had he done something wrong? He did not know, but he supposed it could have been possible. He needed to prepare himself for the absolute worst, guaranteed.

"Diplomatic Soldier Siorc!" the Agent called out again. "Get out of your head this instant! Do not keep Her Majesty waiting!"

The hyena flinched. Right, it was a crime to keep Her Majesty waiting. He was as good as dead if he were late to an audience with her. There was no time to space out right now. Placing his arm out in front of him, he took a long deep breath. Right, no more dawdling, get out of his head.

"Sorry, sir," the hyena responded autonomously.

Agent gripping his wrist into a tight lock, the hyena had been dragged out of the hallway at full force. World of snow soon awaiting him, the early adult stared upwards towards the sky. Aurora borealis screaming at him, the waves of confusion continued. Was this normal? He thought that such phenomenon only occurred at night. But, he supposed he knew far too little about the permafrost north to have an answer.

Dragged for minutes on end, the palace soon awaited the soldier. Agent informing him he must enter alone, the chimera let out a gulp. He had to go in alone? If Her Majesty were angry, he was toast upon her breakfast plate. Placing his hands upon the door, the chimera braced himself for possible punishment.

Entrance way soon opened, the hyena could feel sweat beat down his neck. Her Majesty's right leg crusted into her let thigh, his heart was a jackhammer. Any second now, and he would be punished. Walking across the carpet, the soldier bowed in submission to the Cryo Archon. Raising his head, the sweat continued to pour. Here it comes, any second now, the punishment.

"Since you took care of those obstacles for me, I have a present for you," Her Majesty said, tone cold. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands, my lovely chimera."

Doing as demanded of him, the chimera closed his eyes. Palms held out in front of him, he could feel something metallic plopped down into his hands. Commanded to open them once more, an icy strawberry necklace had been laid out in front of him. Seeing such, he could not help but feel a heavy wave of questions crash at bay. What was this gift or, exactly? But, he knew it was a crime to question Her Majesty.

"Use it wisely, my lovely chimera," Her Majesty said, tone cold. As she said such, she caressed her property's cheek, dry ice touching it. "It's got a limited amount of uses."

Hearing such, the soldier had come to a quick, but immediate revelation. This necklace, it had been a delusion disguised as jewelry, wasn't it? What a shame, its gem was beautiful. Why did it have to be the basis of sinister powers? Placing the locket around his neck, he bowed a thank you.

"Oh, and, I will be making arrangements to deal with another issue in Fontaine for you," Her Majesty added. "Now, get out my sight."

Turning around towards the door, the early adult twisted the knob. Right, get out of her sight. Running out of the palace, the chimera caught his breath. Agent's mask soon on him, the chimera made faceless eye contact. What could his orders possibly be? Whatever it was, he had to do them to the best of his ability.

"Alright, soldier, today you will be cleaning up leftover issues around Fontaine," the Agent said. As he said such, a bag shook from behind him.

Hearing such, the chimera blinked. There had still been issues going on in Fontaine? But, he supposed, there had been a ton of problems that could have cropped up even after the abyssal gazelles had been defeated. Placing his hand out in front of him, he waited for the gripping prison to take him away for the second time of the day.

"Yes, sir," the hyena responded, listless.

"Great, soldier, we're going, then," the Agent responded. "Try to be careful, the flood has yet to fully drain." Arm out in front of him, the chimera gripped the limb into a tight squeeze. Grip being as tight as a pair of chained handcuffs, the hyena closed his eyes as the escort towards Fontaine began.

What loose ends could possibly be left?


"I am finally going to

Ask him. I'm going to ask Rab to
Move in with me. My

Gut tells me he might tell me no,
Or possibly reject the idea all together. I am fine with being told
No, but to be honest, I want to get him away from his
Nasty family. I think they're
A group of horrible people.

And, I have been thinking for quite
Some time now it's best to get him away from them. I
Know by now how cruel they can be.

How can they treat their own brother like that?
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know.
My heart is telling me that

It's because he looks so different from them

And stuff. I know that
Might be a little off the mark, or I

Guess, an assumption
Of mine I know to
Never make assumptions, but the
Never in this case does not
Apply. They bully him

All because he has brown hair instead of blue,
So, I have to get him away from them, and fast. And, I
Know the perfect solution. Or,

Rather, something I know will work.
And, maybe this might
Be a little extra of me

To go this extra mile, but I might have gone
Off and decided to

Make a research lab or him.
Okay, so here's the thing. Pop's has told me to make a
Very big deal about asking someone to move in with me. An
Especially big deal about it.

I recall something he had told me when he married ma.
Now, mind you, ma left us

When she saw I had been born with wings
I haven't ever had a mother figure in my life,
Though, this is what
He told me had happened.

My pops said, he placed his spare key inside a wedding ring box. In the
End, ma was apparently shocked about all that. And I must say,

That's kinda extra of
Him to do that. But,
If I have to be
Super extra about it,

Then so it shall be.
I will do anything to get him away from his bullies.
Maybe I haven't known him for all that long, but
Even so, I kinda wanna spend the rest of my life with him.

I don't mean this in a romantic way, or anything.

As I know he has his eyes on another
Man. Black Fish Steak Bro. Or

Rather, he's always had his sights set on him. But, I've heard that
Earl guy sometimes competes with Rab for Black Fish Steak bro's
Affection, or something, but I
Dunno, Rab's told me that guy's too much,
You know? Of course,

I haven't really encountered him all
That often. Only Malikers, so

I only know what I have been told.
Since I do not know if he'll accept

This key, I do have a few backup plans.
If he does go and tell
Me no, I have a few counter points to provide. Well, not a few,
Eight or so. Half

A dozen, plus two. I have multiple other reasons prepared.
Now, what will I do if he says no to all of those?
Dunno. But, I really ought to convince him somehow.

I do not want him to get bullied any longer.

His sister, Oluchi is always laughing at him,
Always saying he sucks at every single invention he builds. That's rather
Viscous behavior, and you know,
Every time I see her, I want to

Pummel her. But that ain't cool of me.
Look, pops had raised me to be a guy who would only raise his hands
At monsters, and
Not a single person else.
Now, I would never,
Ever forsake this teaching. I wouldn't
Dare raise my hand to her even though she does deserve

A good little punch. But, I
Can't and shouldn't do that. And, of
Course I won't.
Or, the newspaper will start
Recording tabloids about me being some wild brute. I
Don't want that, and
I'm sure if I did raise a hand, that would happen in
No time flat. I
Get that the Steambird sometimes needs to print some sensationalized stories to get readership, but
Listen, this ain't it.
You know how those tabloids go. Whatever they think sells gets printed. But,

For all the fake news, there's always
One or two true stories
Recorded onto print.

And, and I am not about to add fuel to the fire.
Cannot allow for that to happen.
Can't have my image
Especially ruined. Well,
Perhaps, it wouldn't be,
Though, I would never, ever trust
A journalist. I
Never have, never will.
Cannot, for the life of me
Ever see myself trusting someone who spins the truth for

A printed article. And, I obviously
Never will. In any case, I
Do not, and never will like

Rab's siblings. And do not count on me
Ever changing my mind. I won't. If it were my cousin who had encountered her, he'd say
'Justice will be served to this vagrant.' But, I am not Robin, I am me.
Even though we are related through blood, I
Can't say that I particularly relate
To his way of living. It's always about justice with him.
It's always about being he hero.
Of course, that's his life, and his choice, and this is mine. And, I
Need to focus on mine right now, rather than his.

Eh, he is him, and
I am me. And, I have never quite
Gotten why
He is so driven by justice.
The heroic kind of justice, might I add, not the justice

System Fontaine is known for. Ah, well, time to
Curb all these thoughts.
Eh, you know, honestly?
Need to stop concerning myself over
All that. I very
Rarely am
In his presences at all,
Only sometimes,
So, I hardly care about that. Now,

I place the key in the wedding ring box and
Fly upward. I'm going to had to the Research Institute

Now, and and ask Rab
Once and for all: move in with me."

Upon reaching the desert edges through the teleport waypoint, the chimera gazed at the world from down below. Area still slightly flooded, the soldier held back the urge to sigh. Fontaine still had a long ways to go before it was fully healed from the most recent incident, didn't it? But, his thoughts had soon been cut off.

Dragged down the mountain like always, the early adult could not help but wonder. Just how long would it take for the Nation of Justice to fully heal? He didn't know, but he supposed it would take months, weeks, perhaps even years to heal from widespread devastation. His thoughts, however, had been tossed out once more as he been placed into the wooden vessel.

Vehicle of human movement soon cruising forward, the soldier stared down at the gift given to him. Her Majesty, why had she decided to reward him with something now, after all this time? Hadn't this been considered preferential treatment? If other Fatui had heard of all this, their skin would turn green.

Eyes continue to glare daggers at the necklace, he couldn't help but wonder. What kind of delusion is hiding inside it? Whatever it could have been, he knew he needed to be careful, or he would be out of commission in no time. He needed to use it as sparingly as possible, for sure.

Reaching Romaritime Harbor before he even knew it, the chimera had been dragged towards the stairwell. Agent telling him for what felt like the googolplexeth time to not teleport anywhere in Fontaine, the hyena rolled his eyes to the sky. Say it isn't so. He couldn't use his proxy map? He didn't now that. News to him. But, he curbed his sarcasm immediately.

Agent soon informing him he would have to go around all of Fontaine today to clean up the remaining messes, a satchel had soon been slapped onto his backside with full force. Agent soon exiting the area, the chimera scratched his ears. Had he heard that correctly just now? He had to go around all of Fontaine? How would he have time to do such a thing?

Ascending the staircase and taking the glass lift, as usual, the hyena could hear a lot of hustle and bustle. Hearing such, a wave of relief flowed through the soldier. Had the population been returned back to their physical forms? Everything had begun to heal, indeed. Voices only getting louder, he disembarked the elevator.

Long line stretching across the entire waiting area, the soldier blinked. It had been quite busy today, hadn't it? The ghost town had been no more. Everything had been reversing back to normal slowly, but surely. Voices pooling together as the Aquabus drove ever so closer, the early adult tried with all his might to tune out everything around him. But, such had been next to impossible.

Group of generic nobodies discussing the prophecy with one another, the hyena swore he could hear multiple people state the rich people say it had all been a false alarm. Hearing such, he could not help but wonder. What would happen to Fontaine if the real prophecy were to occur? Would it be irreversible?

Aquabus shortly arriving, everyone barreled on all at once. Seeing such, the hyena shook his head. Some things never changed, did they? Aeval begging for everyone to get on one at a time, no one listened. Waiting for the chaos to die out, the soldier seated himself furthest from everyone else.

As the vehicle of automatic movement exited the area, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had all of Fontaine's citizens been undissolved? He hope such to be the case. While the rich nobodies had been quite aggravating, the emptiness of the city days prior was a horrifying sight to see.

Vessel cruising through the Poisson Tunnel, the chimera could not help but wonder further. Fontaine's chimeras, why hadn't they been dissolved during the prophecy? He did not know. But, he supposed chimeras were an anomaly within the world. Throwing such thoughts away, the chatter soon kicked in once more.

Soon arriving at the Court of Fontaine. Everyone had once again barreled off the vehicle as fast as their legs would carry him. Aeval letting out a sigh, the hyena added his own to the mix. What a bunch of impatient people. Getting off in an orderly fashion, the chimera prepared himself for the hustle and bustle about to await him.

Knowing he should head for the Liffey Region first, the soldier prepared himself to head upon the northern pathway. Walkways still soaked, the soldier held back a sea of groans. Fontaine was the nation of Hydro, indeed. Attempting with all his might to ignore the submerged pathway, the chimera moved on.

As the chimera headed upon the northern pathway, he turned his head towards the right and left. City as bus as it had always been, he couldn't help but wonder. Had Fontaine truly been alright now? He knew it could have been possible something had still been lurking in the shadows.

Some citizens looking rather fearful over another prophecy. The soldier shook his head. Maybe Fontaine hadn't healed completely yet. The emotional damage had been done. Recovery would be quite the heavy task for those affected by the aquatic apocalypse. Emotional wounds were the hardest to recover from, for sure.

As the early adult kept walking along the northern pathway, he couldn't help but wonder once more. Had chimeras been immune to the world around them? He did not know, but he supposed it could have been possible. Such subject had never been taught to him whatsoever.

Throwing such thoughts away, the chimera moved right along. He needed to not think about such things. It hardly mattered what the answer to such was. He knew he would not find out at any given point in time. Asking questions was forbidden of him. It was best to throw such inquires away, for the time being.

Generic nobodies letting out a heavy series of squeaks over the prophecy, the soldier could hear multiple people begin to question their existence within the universe. Hearing such, the chimera could not believe what he was hearing. Multiple people questioning if they were really human, he blinked of bewilderment.

More people adding their concerns to the list as he continued to push on through, something particular had been repeated by many. Generic nobodies posing the question of whether they had Oceanids disguised as humans, the early adult lowered his eyes into a squint. Why had they been worried about such a thing? There was no way that was the case.

But, such inquiry ate away at the hyena. Could the citizens of Fontaine have been Oceanids disguised as humans? He recalled the past week in the Fortress of Meropide where a group of prisoners had become Eidolons. Maybe such possibility had been true. But, what did he know? He hardly knew the inner workings of the Hydro Nation of Justice.

Putting a cork onto such thoughts, the soldier prepared himself to head upon the western path. What was he doing, worry about such things? The citizens were just speaking nonsense. There was no way they seriously believed anything they were thinking right now. It had to have just been the nerves talking.

Noise dying down, the early adult scratched the side of his head. What was that all about just now? The existential crisis had been quite high throughout the area today. Surely, nothing bad would happen to the people of Fontaine. The crisis had reached the end of the road. Or, perhaps it hadn't. He hardly knew anymore.

Moving towards the western pathway, the chimera groaned as he could see a familiar face throw itself into the crowd. Thorn in his side skipping towards the western streets, as well, the soldier held back the urge to bite the hand that feeds. Why had Earl always been everyplace, everywhere, all at once? He was completely unavoidable, how annoying.

Penguin strutting towards him, the soldier tried with all his might to hightail it out of there. But, such did not occur at any any given point. Heelless shoes sinking into the water beneath him, the soldier had been forced to stay put. Why had nature been working against him now of all times? What a nightmare. Voice soon grating in his ear, the soldier sighed. The storm was coming.

Seeing Siorc with a pretty strawberry charm necklace, Earl's cheeks grew pink. What a cute accessory he was wearing. Should he purchase a matching one? He would definitely marry him if he found a pair to accompany it. He should head to the jewelry store right away after this chance meeting.

"Hi there, Siorc!" Earl greeted. "I like your necklace!"

Pesky penguin thorn in his side complimenting his delusional piece of jewelry, the early adult stared down at the trinket upon his neck. Great, this buzzing bee complimented this piece of weapon trash. He liked it even less now. Forcing out words of gratitude, the chimera hopped out of the flood in front of him. It was time to get out of here before he talked his ear off.

But, such had been an immediate failure. Earl chasing after him with all his might, the early adult tried to hold back a scream. Couldn't he see he was busy with work? He should learn how to take the hint already. But, he knew he couldn't say that. Being rude was out of the question entirely.

"Wait, Siorc!" Earl exclaimed, panting. "Come over for dinner tonight!"

Hearing such request, the soldier rolled his eyes. Why should he? But, he knew that if he dared to try to reject such invitation, a guilt monster would cling to his backside. He did not wish to deal with such a thing at any given point in time. Waving the white flag, the soldier nodded reluctantly. But, he regretted such almost immediately.

"Great!" Earl exclaimed. "See you tonight!" As he said such, he walked off towards the opposite side of the street.

Regret growing larger by the second, he could feel himself ready to back out at any given moment. Should he just become a no show? Surely, if he had done such a thing, the pesky penguin thorn in his side would finally see he had no interest in him whatsoever.

But, the chimera shook his head. There was no way he could do such a thing. That would be beyond terrible of him. Perhaps, it was best to just show up and leave after half-an-hour. That had to have been enough to satisfy him, surely. Pushing towards the western pathway, the regrets only grew deeper. Maybe he had been too nice for his own good.

Pushing through the western path, the soldier could hear the Adventurer's Guild receptionist say rebooting. Not a single person in the area stopping by the reception desk, the inquiries threw themselves into the ring once more. What did this mechanical woman do all day when no one had been around to give commissions to?

Passing by her the early adult swore he could hear the mechanical lady say error. Shrugging, he kept on moving forward. Why did she always say that out in the open? He would need to do more research on this mechanical being whenever he were to get the chance to. But, he knew such time would never come. His days off were next to nonexistent as of late.

Chioriya Boutique open for business once again, the early adult couldn't help but wonder once again. Where had the Chioriya Boutique owner been during the time of crisis? She hadn't been a Fontaine native. So, there was no way she had been dissolved into water.

But, the chimera shrugged. Perhaps she had preferred to be better safe than sorry. He did not blame her for such. It was better to keep oneself away from danger at all costs. Pushing past the fashion establishment, the soldier kept moving forward. It was time to move along and get out of here.

However, yet another obstacle had stood in his way as he readied to head off towards the southern pathway. Spotting Kaiser adorning heavy amounts of makeup and blinding clothes once again, the soldier let out a barely audible groan. He was back to normal, wasn't he?

"You're in that ugly uniform again?!" Kaiser asked in an exclamatory tone. "Can't you ever wear something better? You're an embarrassment to fashion!"

Original thorn in his side declaring him to be an embarrassment to all things fashion, the soldier his palm across his face. It was official, Kaiser was completely back to normal. How tiresome. It's not like he could do anything to his uniform to change it. He was stuck with this brown winter coat forevermore.

"Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said that," Kaiser said in apologetic tone. He then let out a fake cough. "Anyway, I'm heading back to Dragospine soon. You'd better come to my beautiful farewell party!"

Kaiser informing him he was returning back to the lesser permafrost north, the chimera could not help but form the faintest of smiles. He was finally leaving? What a relief. Shaking such thoughts off, the hyena prepared himself to descend the staircase. Puddles splashing upon his pants, the soldier took the leap of faith.

Blacksmith back in her station, the hyena stared off towards the moving parts, for a moment. The weapon smithing station, did it really need someone to operate? It had always moved on its own anyway. But, he threw such thoughts away. Why was he thinking about all this again? It was like his first day here all over again.

Moving right along, the soldier gazed at the entrance towards the Fleuve Cendre once more. Eye glued, the inquiries had only continued further. Had the underground city been safe from the flood? He supposed not. Turning back around, the early adult prepared himself to head off towards the Aquabus Information station.

As the hyena headed off towards the fountain in the corner, he could see familiar faces coming close. But, such face had been yet another one he did not wish to see at any given point. Gwendolyn and the catgirl magician's assistant dealing with a group of cats, the soldier resisted the urge to run over towards them.

The felines, however, had other ideas. Pink kitten pouncing towards him, his chest had soon been a fur magnet. Cat purring up a storm, the early adult's cheeks grew pink. What an adorable creature. Whose pet was this? But, the adorableness had soon come to a quick an assured halt as Gwendolyn removed the creature from his uniform in a rough manner.

"Macaron! I told you to stay put!" Gwendolyn shouted. But, a scream had come her way, as well.

"Gwendolyn, how many times do I have to tell you, don't pick her up that way," the catgirl magician's assistant scolded. "You're being too harsh with her!" As she said such, she handled the cat in a gentle manner.

Kitten let loose, it had soon jumped off towards the soldier once more. Paws on his necklace, the hyena let the feline do as they pleased, for a moment. He was just a cat magnet today, wasn't he? Magician's assistant picking them up from the scruff of their neck, further scolding had come the cute creature's way.

"Alright, Macaron, that's enough," the catgirl magician's assistant scolded. But, her tone soon changed course. "Ugh, it's you."

"-------, is something wrong?" Gwendolyn asked. But, she soon turned around. "Oh, it's just you." She rolled her eyes as she said such. "Tell Lonan he's stupid for getting a vision!"

Hearing Gwendolyn's complaints, the hyena shook his head in defiance. He would do no such thing. She could suck it up that she hadn't received a Vision and he did. Who did she think she was to say something like that? Lonan was better off without this bitter woman. No wonder he had made the decision to move away from her.

Stepping away from from the area, the soldier could hear a cat round up in the distance. What was a bird chimera doing with cats, anyway? Hadn't felines and birds been natural enemies? But, the soldier brushed such thoughts away. Surely, the food chain worked different amongst normal animals and chimeras.

Aquabus Information Station bustling with activity, everything had been as if nothing had happened whatsoever. Room filled to the brim with people, the early adult headed off towards the glass box in the corner. Doors closing behind him, he pressed the highest button upon the machine.

As the glass lift moved upward, the chimera could not help but ponder. What could it have possibly been that had was leftover for him to take care of? Whatever it was, it was best to deal with it quickly. Surely, there had not been much left to clean up. Doors soon opening, the soldier dispersed.

Melusines around on the premises skipping around merrily, the hyena could feel a weight lifted off his shoulders. Everything had gone back to normal. Perhaps, just maybe, the false prophecy had been nothing more than a dream he had misremembered to oblivion.

But, the hyena popped such thought with a pin. What absolute nonsense. It hadn't been a dream. Marching onwards towards the city's exit, multiple Melusines in a chorus whistled that it had been good to be back. Nodding, the chimera agreed in tandem. Fontaine was simply not right without the sea denizens around.

Heading eastward, the hyena took a long deep breath. Had the next elevator still been broken? If it were, there was nothing that could be done. A rule would have to be broken. But, the hyena shot such thought with a sniper rifle. No way could he do such a thing. Her Majesty was watching him at all times. Teleporting was out of the question, for sure. He would have no choice but to climb if it came down to it.

Glass box working as intended, a heavy wave of ease flowed through him. A climbing crisis had been averted. Reaching the city outskirts after about fifteen seconds, the soldier steeled himself. He was about to enter hawk territory once more. If he were to be spotted by him, he would be put back on the bounty list, guaranteed.

But immediately upon stepping upon the grass, something of immediate note caught the hyena's attention. Leftover loose ends coming out in droves, the early adult flinched. The orb creatures from Elynas has struck again? Why did the abyssal gazelles have to have one last laugh? How aggravating.

Knowing he had no choice but to defeat the army of spherical monsters, the soldier sifted through his satchel, for a moment. Coming across a pitch black great sword that looked like it came straight out of Teyvat's dark ages, the hyena broke out into a sweat. This weapon had been as dark as the abyss.

Spherical monsters coming his way, the hyena placed himself into a fighting stance. Creatures looking ready to eat him alive, the early adult prepared himself for action. Greatsword swung to and fro. First army going down after about four slashes, the chimera tilted his head. Was it just him, or had the monsters been much weaker?

Second round of the army getting on the offensive, the hyena struck in rapid fire as if his life depended on it. Next batch of orb monsters fading into the ether, the soldier could hardly believe what was happening. Why were the monsters going down so easily? Something was off here.

Onslaught of the circular creatures destroyed one after another as he headed northward, the chimera could feel theories churn in his head one after. Had these monsters grown weaker now that the main source of the abyss had been gone? Perhaps, just maybe, that had been the case.

But, easy street had soon switched to medium difficulty. Creatures shielding themselves, the hyena rescinded his previous statement. He had thought too soon. He was in for a world of pain any second now. Projectiles thrown his way, the hyena placed his blade upward.

Projectile shot back towards the direction he came, the soldier jumped two steps back. Had these monsters been immune to deflections? If such were the case, his options were numbered. How was this possible? Projectiles coming his way once more, the soldier jumped back for the second time.

Such deflections continued to remain a failure for the population of zero to see. Defenses doing next to nothing, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. What was going on here? Why wasn't this working? What had he been doing wrong? If Her Majesty were watching him right now, she would be disappointed in him.

Defensive strategy an utter failure, the early adult threw down a flower friend. Windwheel Aster friend dancing upon the battlefield, silent commands had been provided for the flower brought to life by his Dendro Vision. Vines slapped upon the opposing party, he swore he could hear a shield crack in the distance.

Vines doing their duty, the orb creatures had been slain as a half hour loomed over the chimera's shoulder. Pathway soon cleared, the soldier huffed a tired breath. What was that all about? The abyssal gazelles had purposefully made these creatures stronger, hadn't they? He knew there could not have possibly been anyone else behind this.

Moving along the northern pathway, the soldier stared off into space. If his had been what had been leftover for the past few days, why hadn't he Agent requested him to act on it sooner? But, he supposed he had known just about as much as he did. Information was not free.

Orb creatures soon coming back with a vengeance as the beach grew ever so closer, the soldier blade had been out in front of him once more. Just how many creatures had been in this army? Had had his work cut out for him. Cores looking about ready to expose themselves, the soldier let out a deep scream.

Monsters raining down a sea of rocks upon the battlefield, the early adult jumped four steps back. Since when had these creatures from the world of darkness been capable of such a feat? Nothing was making any sense whatsoever. Creatures floating towards him, the chimera threw his thoughts out the window. There was no time. He had to focus.

Creatures standing their air no matter how many strikes he were to deliver, the hyena let out a growl. What were these creatures made out of, steel? Claymore clanging against them for minutes on end, the early adult let out a huffed breath. These orbs had a new trick up their sleeve? Absolute madness.

Orbs receding into a a cube like steel fortress, the chimera's jaw dropped wide open. What in all of Teyvat was this? The hooded strangers had gone too far into their power trip. How was he ever supposed to beat such a thing? Staring at the necklace, one consideration threw itself into the ring.

But, the hyena removed his hand from the wicked jewelry. Use this necklace now? No way, not a chance. He could not allow himself to become out of commission so soon. Now was not the time. It could wait, for the time being. Surely, if he were to find a pneumaousia block somewhere, the tides would reverse.

Eventually coming across a pneuma block, the early adult let out a scream. This had to work, surely. He was not about to use Her Majesty's gift. Not now; not this early. It had to have very few uses. He needed to use them wisely. Shard of Fontaine energy swirling around him, the fight was on.

Shield soon vanquished after about seven attempts, the soldier puffed a breath. Never underestimate the abyss. Army dying down, the soldier pressed onward. It was time to move on towards the beach. Gazing at the necklace, a predictable question stirred the pot within.

This necklace, should he make use of it after all? But, the hyena discarded such thoughts into the garbage. No, he should not. Stepping across the sands, the soldier prepared himself. Any second now, and he would become target practice for the hawk chimera. He needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Bird bounty hunter duo vanquishing orb creatures aplenty, the soldier attempted to avoid the couple at all costs. But, such had been an impossibility before it even began. Eyes shooting towards him, the soldier rose his hands up in the air. It had been too late. He had been spotted. He would soon be a bounty worth one billion Mora, dead or alive.

An astronomically incorrect assumption, on his part.

"Consider yourself lucky, Fatui!" Robin shouted, pointing. "We're still on a temporary truce with you since you defeated the true villains with that speech of yours!" He kept on pointing with a ferocity as he declared such. "But, don't think for a second this truce is permanent! If you dare step in my territory again, you're going on my hitlist!"

"Come on, hon," Raven said, loose hair on his head moving about. "He's not that bad."

"A Fatui is a Fatui!" Robin shouted. "When he's on the correct side of justice, I'll take him off the list!"

Allowed to continue on, the chimera shrugged. He supposed, no matter hat, as long as he were a member of the Fatui, he would always be on the bird's bounty list. Nothing could be done about such. He had been stuck at this career until he were to perish, and that was the end of it.

Figuring the next course of action would be to head off towards the Research Institute, the soldier prepared himself to head off towards Mount Esus. Monsters left, right and center all coming for him at full force, the hyena's blade did the talking. But, luck and the archons had still not been on his side.

Creatures receding into their cube shaped shields, the chimera grit his teeth. Not this again. Why had all these monsters had a new trick up their invisible sleeves? This was so annoying. Should he use the necklace? Placing his hands upon the jewel, the consideration weighed themselves upon the scale.

Bird bounty hunter duo destroying the cube monsters in one fell swoop, the early adult had begun running. Enemies along the pathway towards the mountainside decimated, as well the soldier took his hands off the locket of doom. It was best to not give into the temptation of the delusional orb.

Reaching the mountain side, the soldier stared off into space. The Research Institute, could it also have an issue with the Breacher Primus army? If such were the case, there was absolutely no time to waste. Hopping upon the broken bridge, he could see the enemies ready to aim and fire.

Cores of darkness putting up quite the fight as he proceeded eastward, a heavy wave of frustration flowed through the hyena. Was it just him, or had their defenses tripled in numbers? But, the hyena rejected such possibility. No, nothing could have possibly been changed. It was the same as before, for sure.

Fights only getting more and more time consuming, the soldier stared down at his necklace for what felt like the tenth time today. The delusion, should he finally make use of it? Taking his eyes off it, he kept moving forward. No way would he use such last resort now. It was far too early for such.

Although the battles before him had only continued to ramp up in difficulty. Blade barely putting in its weigh, sweat poured down the soldier's back. Why had this only been getting harder? It was almost as if, in the world of Teyvat, the world had been eight levels, and these creatures were at the maximum possible one.

Enemies shields soon an impenetrable fortress of doom, the chimera clutched the necklace once more. Nothing doing for minutes on end, he took a log, deep breath. The time had come. There was no more avoiding it. The icy jewel, he had to make use of it. Channeling all his energy, the strawberry soon glowed.

Feeling a heavy wave of energy flow through him, the hyena called upon the power of the berry. Gigantic strawberry dropped down from out of nowhere, the army of spherical enemies had been crushed in one fell swoop. Creatures fading away into the ether, the chimera placed his finger on his chin. What in the world happened just now? This couldn't have possibly been real.

Strawberry jewel slightly muddy, the early adult held back the urge to laugh. He'd better find a grief seed quickly, or he would turn into a witch. But, the soldier brushed such thought underneath the invisible rug. Wrong universe. He wasn't some troubled teenager in a school with complicated architecture and an alien cat granting wishes.

Turning his imagination off, the pathway had been clear up ahead. Moving through the southern area of the Research Institute, the soldier turned his head off towards the right and left. Had there been enemies around that were in hiding? He had to remain vigilant, no matter what.

No monsters to speak of whatsoever, the chimera continued to head off towards the main research lab. But, he swore as he continued further, he could hear a commotion up ahead. Had there been a battle going on? Dashing off towards the main laboratory, an entirely different fight was unfolding before his very eyes.

Lonan in the corner of the laboratory holding a tiny cardboard black box, knees bent, the soldier had come to an immediate realization. Had he just stepped into some sort of proposal? He could hear the wedding bells chiming in the back of his mind. Rabiu standing six meters away, lip quivering, the hyena could hear a commotion up on the second floor.

"Look!" Oluchi exclaimed, laughing. "Bird man's proposing!"

"Definitely proposing," Folu said as well, pointing and laughing.

"I concur," Sani said, giggling. "He's about to ask for his hand in marriage!"

Studying the box once more, the soldier's eyes opened wide. Lonan holding a ring box in the palm of his hands, the early adult placed his hands on his cheek, jaw dropping straight open. Was the bird chimera really about to ask for his hand in marriage? Just how close were these two?

"Rab," Lonan said, pulling back the box's lid. "Move in with me!" But, the peanut gallery soon let their opinions be known.

"What? Bait and switch?!" Folu asked in an exclamatory tone. "Boo!"

"I thought you were gonna marry him!" Oluchi shouted. "Boo, booo! Uncute!"

"Goodness me, and here I thought that something juicy was about to happen," Sani lamented.

Peanut gallery booing up a storm, the soldier blinked. What just happened. Did Lonan just put a spare key inside an old wedding ring box? Someone had to have tricked him into doing something like this. Was this some kind of prank? He didn't know. It must have been. Rabiu's cheeks a bright shade of crimson, his heart fluttered, for a moment. This joke was not funny, in the slightest.

"Um, uh? You know that's a box for a wedding ring, right?" Rabiu asked, shaking.

"Pops said I should make a big production about it," Lonan responded. "Do you accept this spare key?"

"Um, uh, I need to live somewhere that has a laboratory available or me at all times," Rabiu replied, shaking his head. "So, uh, I don't know."

"No prob, I can build you one," Lonan responded, with gusto. "I know you like Black Fish Steak Bro, so I'm not going to take your hand in marriage, or anything."

Peanut gallery laughing up a storm, the soldier slapped his palm across his face. These three were enjoying this, weren't they? Did they enjoy picking on their brother that much? He could already see the steam of comments coming that he was adopted. And, if they were about to say all that again, he would not remain silent about such any longer.

"Come on, little birdy," Oluchi taunted, laughing. "Take my adopted brother away!"

"Shut your mouth, spawn of the abyss," Lonan responded, deadpan. "Every time you insult Rab, you get even less cute than you already were." He then turned his head back to see a surprise. "Oh, sup, Black Fish Steak Bro. Don't worry, I'm not gonna take Rab from you." But, another voice soon cut in.

"Um, uh, about the key, uh, I'll consider it," Rabiu replied, flustered. "If I get say in how the lab is built."

"Sure, bro," Lonan replied. "Command me however you see fit."

Nothing of note within the research institute, the soldier shrugged. He supposed it was time to head to Poisson and check to see how everything had been going there. Leaving the jackal and bird to their private business, the hyena had begun to head upon the southern pathway.

Circular orb creatures returning with a vengeance as the border between the regions had begun to close, the hyena could feel his head spin, for a moment. Had there been an endless supply of these monsters? This was a never ending cycle of doom. Why couldn't there have been a short moment of breathing room?

Swiping his blade, the soldier slashed the complaints up into thin air. What was he doing, there was no time for feeling overwhelmed by the army. He had to destroy them right here, right now before everything to completely out of hand. Slicing the creatures up as if they were fruit, the hyena let out a battle cry.

Groups of spherical monsters sliced up one after another, the chimera turned his head off towards the right and left. Was it just him, or had the fights reversed back to easy mode? The difficulty was a roulette wheel, always spinning over and over again with no stops in sight.

Fruit slices cut all up into bunches one after another as the soldier cut through the Foggy Forest. Monsters destroyed one after another through the word of mist and nothing, the hyena could feel a wave of tiredness flow through him. Just how many of these were there scattered throughout Fontaine? It had to have been hundreds.

Defeat coming every single creature's way necklaceless, the soldier hopped across the bed of water in front of him. Morte region skipped over, further Breacher Primus had been decimated across the ocean in front of him. Dashing off towards the boat city, the next order of business was upon him.

But what awaited him upon descending the ladder had been a huge mess of chaos to behold. Bain, Kali and the Demoiselle cleaning up the heavy flooded waters around them, the early adult stared off into space. Poisson had still been flooded? Had it been hit the hardest out of everything? But, his thoughts had soon been interrupted by a familiar sight.

Aigre running around the slippery floors giggling up a storm, the chimera shook his head. There the mermaid went again, causing trouble at every possible step of the way. Demoiselle trying to stop her, she kept on playing all the same. Placing his hands upon his temple, he let out a barely audible sigh.

"Aigre, I told you to stop playing!" Bain scolded. "It's slippery here!"

"Um, Bain, why bother?" Kali asked. "You, uh, know she's not going to listen." Further defiance had soon come everyone's way.

"I'm a mermaid, I'll be fine!!" Aigre exclaimed. "Come on, Noir, the high seas await us!!"

Shrugging, the soldier turned back towards the ladder in the corner. Everything was fine here, there was nothing to worry about. Returning back towards the surface world, the chimera turned his head off towards the left. Perhaps, just maybe, his next order of business to check up on the sea lion pranksters.

As the soldier had begun to head west, not a single monster had remained within the area. Realizing such, the chimera attempted to turn back towards the direction of which he came. Was headed for the undersea Melusine Village even necessary? Maybe it wasn't. Perhaps it was better to skip the trip down below.

But, the soldier kept moving forward. The Agent told him to investigate every area within Fontaine. If he were to leave even one behind, he would be in trouble, guaranteed. Such was not an option. Her Majesty could be watching him every step of the way. Pushing through Elynas, no enemies lurked anywhere.

Spherical orb monsters nowhere to be seen whatsoever, as he cruised through the upper regions of the boney region of the area, the soldier turned his head towards the right and left. Not a single monster had been around, how unusual. Nothing of especial note, the hyena dashed through the emptiness.

Reaching the area beside the large pool of water, the hyena put on his diving equipment. Placing himself beside the bed of water, the soldier closed his eyes for a moment. Mind and diving suit syncing up with one another, a spark popped off in his brain. Dropping downward, the undersea village soon awaited him.

World down beneath the surface as normal as ever, doubts hugged the chimera from behind. Should he have even bothered to come down to Merusea Village? Melusine humming tunes aplenty discussing a multitude of things, he prepared himself to head back towards the light.

Sea lion prankster duo soon swimming towards him as he had his diving suit bring him back towards the entrance of which he came, the early adult turned towards them. Had something come up? If it had, he would need to peddle to the meddle right away, without question.

"Bro, did you come all this way to see if something wacky was going on?" Brume asked, puzzled. "Merusea Village is doing fine, dude."

"Yeah, bro, it's all chill here!" Eclater added. "Dunno 'bout the Elton Trench, though. Somethin' kooky is definitely going on there!"

"Totally whack, bro," Brume chimed in. "We'd totally go if we could!"

"Yeah, bro, totes would," Eclater added once more. "But air is painful, so you gotta do it for us, kay?"

Nodding, the soldier returned to the surface world. He supposed it would be worth a shot to check out the ocean beds. Running off towards the beaches of the Belleau Region, the chimera dived downward once more. Trenches engulfing him, a small wave of fear flowed through him. Would the undersea penguins make him their next target once again? He needed to be nimble, he needed to be quick.

Spherical orb creatures making themselves at home underwater, the early adult let out a sigh. How did these monsters get down here? How annoying. Pressing the aquatic blade button upon his glove, the next saga of defeats had ran themselves dry one after another.

Diving suit automatically thrusting him off towards the northern pathway, the soldier kept the momentum going. Whoever had placed these monsters down here, they would face the wrath of the entire ocean, for certain. Abyssal creatures put out of their own misery, he swore he could hear a set of familiar screams coming his way.

Vidame and Domini swimming his way at lightning speed, the soldier placed his hands over his air tank. Any second now, and they would attempt to attack him, like always. But, such action never came, Penguin duo giving him death glares, the chimera flipped the alert switch upward.

Seeing Ritchie Rich waltz into the Elton Trench like he owned the place, Vidame waved her flipper on the air. How dare Ritchie Rich come down here thinking he was ever welcome here? But, she stopped herself from her default thought. Fuggedaboudit. Enougha this. He was hardly the real evil here. She knew that by now.

"I yield, Rit--," Vidame started to say, but she forced out a cough. "--I mean, Fatui."

"Me too, Fatui, I yield, aight?" Domini asked. "But, don't think this means you've won our trust! We know your kind is bad news!"

Moving along towards Annapausis, the rest of the spherical monsters had been decimated by the penguin duo off in the corner. Seeing such, the early adult kept going. Maybe there was nothing more to worry about down here. Pushing through the wet barrier of the castle world, a sight soon played out in front of him.

Frog and alligator chimera vanquishing the remaining orb enemies into oblivion the soldier turned back around towards the exit. He supposed these two were fine down here. Maybe he had wasted his time checking up on them. Poison duo dashing towards him, his thoughts had soon been said aloud.

"Whatchy'a doin' down here Fatui?" Zinn asked. "Yer input here isn't needed, ya know. We can poison everythin' just fine."

"You know what, for once in my life, I agree with Zinn," Peltro said. "I don't know why you came here for, but if it's about these monsters, no need. As you can see, we're more than capable of taking care of them ourselves." It crossed its alligator arms across its waist. "So, get going."

Pushing himself back through the barrier, the hyena stared off towards the Fortress of Meropide from afar. Should he even waste his time heading over there? Perhaps he should. Having his suit go into turbo mode, the hyena pushed himself through the prison vent. Dropping down towards the entrance, the Duke spotted him almost immediately. Suspicious glances coming his way, questions readied to roast him into a potato.

"Huh?" the duke asked in a suspicious tone. "Siorc, what brings you down here?"

Question coming his way, the chimera placed his hands out in front of him. Sighing 'Zach' and 'Monique' on private display, information had come his way, in an instant. Informed they had been in the Pankration Ring, the soldier headed off towards the martial arts competition area. These two, had they been alright? Otter duo punching spherical monsters in the ring, they soon both gave him a side glance.

"Purple?" Huxian asked. "Don't worry about us, alright?" As they said such, they rose their cross upwards. "We may forget everything, but we won't forget how to battle."

"So, if you're worried about us, don't be," Pixiu said, punching a monster. "We can handle ourselves just fine."

Shrugging, the soldier headed back towards the glass lift. Maybe he had been worried too much about Fontaine around him. Returning to the surface world, the hyena stared upwards towards the sky. Evening upon him, the chimera sighed. It was time to get this dinner party over with.

Taking the Aquabus back to the Court of Fontaine, the soldier moved forward. Reaching Congele Boutique after about thirty minutes of walking, the soldier crossed his fingers. Hopefully, the feast had already been over. But, no such luck was upon him. Everyone waiting for him, he held back the urge to sigh. This family was far too kind for its own good.

Banner hanging from kitchen reading, goodbye Kaiser, the soldier could feel sweat drop down his brow. What was this, his funeral? He knew it wasn't, but it sure felt like that had been the case. Meaty dishes served upon the dinner table, the early adult took a large bite. Why was he invited to this in the first place? He was not family. Hours soon passing, the departure was ready to kick off.

"I'm leaving now," Kaiser said, heading off towards the door. "Sorry for all the inconveniences I might have caused during my six months here."

"See, you Kaiser!" Earl exclaimed, waving.

"Take care of yourself, darling," Malika said in a warm tone. "And if you--" But she had been cut off.

"And if you think of doing something ugly again," Marquis started to say.

"You can come right here for that!" Esquire exclaimed, finishing his brother's sentence.

"Try to be realistic with your goals in the future," Baron said, adjusting their monocle.

Kaiser soon setting off, the soldier removed his Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb from his back pocket. Opening the orb up into map form, the chimera highlighted the military barracks waypoint. Cruising through the icy cold hallways, the hyena had reached the soundproof room in about fifteen minutes.

Heavy wave of tiredness flowing through him, the soldier removed the weaponized hairpins and earrings. Uniform soon removed, as well, the hyena slumped into he uncomfortable bed. Wave of sleep readying to take him away, one final thought poked the active shark grooves in his brain.

Had he tied up all the loose ends?


"No, this doesn't many any sense at all.
Of all the places I have to go to,
Why am I going back

To Sumeru ? What for?
How did his become the next place
I have to 'cleanse from
Some leftover problems?

I don't get this. I
Seriously don't understand.

Just so I am clear,
Unless I am completely mistaken. There's been Breacher Primus
Spotted in the Rainforest. And whilst all
That is said and done, I have to

Go out to some place known as the Temple of Silence?
Eerie, if you ask me. I don't
Think I've ever heard of
That place before, and
I know I haven't.
No way something like that is a real place. I don't quite
Get this, not at all.

Maybe this is some kind
Of mistake. Why Sumeru? If I
Recall correctly, there were never
Ever any reports of the Abyssal Gazelle's wrongdoings in here. How very

Unusual. I truly do not understand. I do
Not get it. Is the Agent just making up orders at this point?
Ultimately, I think that's the case, and I
Suppose it is. It has to be.
Unless this is yet
Another gag order used to fill up dead space.
Look, I do doubt that.

Because there's no way that is true.
You know, I had barely been stationed

To deal with whatever
Had been happening in Sumeru,
Even still, this caught

Me by complete and utter surprise.
It just goes to show you,
No matter where in Teyvat, the hooded strangers
Unleashed their doom along the way.
That's just how it is, and
Even after they're gone

It seems the aftermath

Has been felt everywhere imaginable,
And, I have no choice but to deal with the
Various problems they have left behind.
Everything, all of them.

The problems they have left behind are immeasurable at this point.
Of course, I have to deal with all this and

Go around and clean up all
Of the remaining scraps.

Why? Honestly, at this point,
How should I know? I know I can't say anything.
Every single order I
Receive is absolute,
Each and every one and I have

No ability to refuse.
Oh, well, so this is
What's next, huh?

To be honest, I
Have barely been to Sumeru. Less than
Eight times in my approaching eight years as one of

The Fatui. So, I guess this might be my next stop on my journey.
Eh, so, let
Me see if I am understanding my orders
Properly. Clean up all that's been
Leftover in Sumeru and head to the Temple of Silence.
Eh, nope, I am really not getting it.

Of course I'm not not.
For this makes absolutely no

Sense. What in the world
Is this elusive Temple of Silence?
Looks like it might be some sort of desert prison
Eh, not going to lie, I do
Not know. This was not something I had ever read about in my father's notes.
Cannot even begin to fathom what this is. Cannot
Even begin to think

One little bit about any of this. I really don't
Know anything, so how can this be?
Affiliate the Temple of Silence with the Fatui.
Your Majesty, I am terrible

With negotiative affairs.
How can you continue to send me to deal with these?
All and all, it's not like I have a choice in
The matter. I know I

Don't. Whatever my
Orders say, goes.
Nothing will ever change, in
That regard.

Because, I am Her Majesty's property.
Everyone at this point already knows that.
Likely, all of Snezhnaya knows
I am. I am nothing more than a pawn on the chessboard,
Erroneously placed on the board, ready for
Victory. But that remains an
Error for now, as

It's not coming, not now.

However, it will
All come soon, the so called
Victory she seems to be seeking.
Every day is one step closer to

Her Majesty landing her checkmate.
Every single day,
All of the
Rooks upon the board start to
Die. One after another, they're leaving.

One after another, they're
Falling. And, at

This point, one final piece
Hangs in the balance. And,
I can't let it break.
Something is about to go down, I am

Placed upon this checkboard,
Leaving the rooks to die
And break. I
Cannot help but think this Temple of Silence mission is
Evidence towards the movement towards the next stage.

But, perhaps I am
Exaggerating. I definitely am.
For, there is no way that this
Overly specific order will
Really amount to anything.
Eh, oh well. That's just how it is. Onward to the rainforest."

Upon waking up the next morning, an unusual set of orders had graced the hyena's inhuman eardrums. Agent telling him to head to the Sumeru's rainforest to clean up some leftover problems there, the soldier tilted his head upwards towards the ceiling. He had to do what now? Head for Sumeru? The Abyssal Gazelles, just how far had their reach gotten at this point?

Informed he would have to seek out the temple of silence and negotiate with the people there as well for some sort of upcoming project, the early adult blinked of bewilderment. He had to do what now? What in the world was the Temple of Silence? He had never heard of such a place. It had to have been made up, for sure.

Figuring it was in his best interest to deal with the rainforest first, the soldier had been given a specific area to cleanse of its issues. Informed the only known area where the problems had occurred being around Gandharva Ville and near Caravan Ribat, the hyena shook his head. Was that really it? What a waste of a workday.

Teleport Waypoint taking him to Sumeru City, the hyena pressed onward. Multiple scholars saying strange things had been spotted around Gandharva Ville, the hyena's ears perked. The Abyssal Gazelles, just how much damaged had they caused? He did not know anymore. I had to have been immeasurable at this point.

Heading off towards the city's exist, the hyena could not help but wonder. If Kelebek and Izzet had been causing problems in the Dendro Nation of Wisdom, why hadn't he been sent here to deal with it a lot sooner? He could hardly fathom it at this point. The damage had been done, and it was their fault.

City soon exited, the soldier headed upon the southern pathway. Knowing he would have to try his best to cleanse all there was, the early adult removed his blade from the satchel behind him. Where had these orb creatures been hiding? Wherever they were, it was time to exterminate them.

Breacher Primus' all around the Chinvat Ravine area, the soldier blinked. If the hooded strangers had been around in Sumeru causing problem after problem, why hadn't Her Majesty stationed him here sooner? Throwing such thought away, he moved along. He never knew what the Cryo Archon was ever thinking. She was too unpredictable for that.

Spherical monsters coming back with a vengeance, the hyena let out a sigh. They had been back for round two far too soon. Pack of circles surrounding him from every single corner, his blade had been ready for action. Surely, this would be a one and done fight, guaranteed.

He had lost the fifty fifty.

Spherical creatures shielding themselves into the iron cages, the hyena was ready to rip his hair out at any given moment. Not this again, they had their shields up already? He was done for, toast. Why did it have to be these ones again? How aggravating. He had his work cut out for him.

Trying with all his might to win with the might of the greatsword, nothing happened. Shields taking over every step of the way, the chimera's eyebrows twitched. These creatures, did they have some sort of sentience? How annoying. This was not what he bargained for.

Heaving a sigh, the soldier clutched onto his necklace. He supposed he had no choice. He had to make use of it. The delusion contained within his necklace. Jewel glowing, the weight of the strawberry tippled the scales once again. Shields cracked into nothingness, the hyena adjusted his glasses. Had he really witnessed that just now?

Orb enemies taken out of the equation in one fell swoop, the hyena stared down at the jewel upon his necklace. Fruity gem getting slightly cloudier, an assumption rolled itself into a ball. Would the necklace get darker every time he used the power contained within? He supposed such had been the case.

Rest of Chinvat covered in one fell swoop, the questions continued to wrap themselves into a bow. What could have possibly happened around Sumeru while he was in Fontaine? All he had known about the hooded strangers Fontaine exploits was that they had been Eremites. Could they have wiggled their way into further important positions?

Throwing such thoughts away, the soldier moved forward. Heart leaping for a moment, the hyena gazed at the jewelry upon his neck once more. The delusion, what harm was it going to bring to him the more he made use of it? He knew, going forward, he would need to proceed with caution.

Not feeling any side effects thus far, the soldier had begun to head off towards Gandharva Ville. But, he could hear a multitude of shouts up ahead. Hearing such, the hyena dashed off towards the racket. What was going on here? Had someone been attacked? But, what awaited him in this area was a surprise and a half.

Forest watcher leader's bow in hand launching arrows at multiple spherical monster's, the chimera blinked. He did not know why, but seeing the furry eared man fighting monsters did not seem like him at all. Had he been at this for awhile? Her Majesty really should have had him come here a lot sooner.

Furry eared man immediately looking as though he had been struggling to keep up, the early adult stared off into space. The shields were back at it again? Why couldn't they ever go away? Thorny boxes covering them up as if they were a present for someone, the hyena shrugged. Different environment, different defenses.

Lunging towards the boxy shield, the soldier's blade spun around in a circle upon the battlefield. Letting out a grunt as he had done so, the chimera swore he could hear the grassy shield of doom diminish slowly, but surely. As such had taken shape, an opening presented itself to the hyena.

Core broke through, the soldier could not help but feel a wave of unease. Could these circular cores have been puppet cores on a string? He could not fathom such. What was he in, some bubble world or something? But, he threw such thought away. Wrong universe. That was not the case, guaranteed.

Forest Watcher Leader struggling a smidgeon, the early adult continued to remain on the offensive. Final set of Breacher Primus taken out of the equation within the southern area of Gandharva Ville, the furry eared man's listeners bounced upon the top of his head. Eyes soon on him, he flinched. He was caught purple handed.

"I could hear you the entire time, you know," the forest watcher leader said. "We don't need your help, thank you. We have a handle on things here." As he said such, the Forest Ranger Trainee came out of nowhere.

"Uh, Master, I don't know," the forest ranger trainee said. "I have been struggling."

Shaking his head, the soldier stood his ground. Stop here? He had a job to do. There was no way he was turning around now. Going deeper into the forest, the hyena would not falter. The Forest Watcher Leader had a handle on things? Maybe he did, but he knew he could not back down no matter what.

Moving deeper within the forest, a brand new obstacle had soon cut the soldier off. Thorn trap coming out of nowhere, the soldier had soon been the prisoner of nature. Unable to move forward, the early adult's legs stung with a fervor. Where had all these traps come from?

Attempting to set himself free, the soldier let out a scream. These thorns were relentless, a prison, broken beyond repair. Forest impossible to move through, the chimera had been ready to wave the white flag. If this was the loose end he had to tie up, it was impossible for sure. But, as he struggled, he had soon come across an unusual face.

Familiar fawn chimera walking by, the hyena blinked. What had Parisa been doing in this side of the forest? Hadn't she usually been in the western side of the area? Gazelle talking to herself, he scratched his head inside his encasem*nt. Who was she talking to?

Seeing the Fatui worm stuck in a thorn trap, Parisa rolled her eyes. This little worm, he was hopeless, wasn't he? Removing a box of matches from her pocket, she struck it against the sandpaper. Vines set ablaze, she let out a chuckle. This Fatui was quite the unintelligent fool, wasn't he? What a pity.

"Are you Fatui so unintelligent you can't light a fire?" Parisa asked, laughing. "Pathetic."

Thorns burning all around him with a laugh, the soldier could not help but wonder. Had he been in the process of sour Parisa today? Mocking remark coming his way about not being able to light a fire, the chimera shrugged. Signing he did not have any matches, the fawn crossed her arms across their waste.

"Then get yourself some, fool. Don't expect other people to light a fire for you," Parisa said in an irritated tone. But, as she said such, something invisible pulled her. "Alright, I'm going. Can't you wait just a second?"

Parisa exiting the area, the soldier blinked. The fawn, did she have some sort of imaginary friend? He did not know why, but they had seemed far too mature for something like that. But, he knew he couldn't judge a book by its cover. He supposed anyone, no matter what mental maturity they were at had one.

Rainforest all cleared, the soldier readied himself to run off towards the west. The next order of business would soon be upon him: The Temple of Silence. Whatever that was, the chimera did not know. But, he supposed he was going to find out in a few minutes.

Dashing through the western rainforest, not a single monster awaited him on the pathway. Seeing such, he couldn't help but wonder. Had someone else taken care of the rest of the problems here? He supposed that could have been possible, he had not been in Sumeru nearly enough to deal with any of their issues whatsoever.

Reaching Caravan Ribat after about two hours of walking, the final set of spherical monsters had been the struggle of the century. Resorting to the strawberry necklace once more, the jewel had been half dark. Seeing such, the soldier turned the jewel around. Maybe he had been using it too much.

Moving through the rainforest border, the chimera kept his eyes peeled. Where could the Temple of Silence been? He had hardly been to the desert enough to ever know where such a place could have been. Could the locals have known? Perhaps, just maybe, they did. Pressing through the desert's entrance, he had soon seen two familiar faces.

Spotting the panther twins near the large desert wall, the soldier blinked. When had he seen these two last? He did not know why, but he couldn't seem to recall when he had. Had it been before he had received his Vision? Probably. For some reason, the last time he had encountered them was a blur.

Waiola in her usual outfit, the chimera turned the other cheek. Paying her absolutely no mind whatsoever, he gazed at Bogart's outfit. Shorter panther twin adorning a bright green lehenga, the soldier's cheeks were pink enough to look burned by the sun. Who was this beautiful person in front of him? Trying to hide his face, he had failed almost immediately to do so.

Seeing Siorc walk by, Waiola could feel a wave of suspicion flow through her. What was he doing out here? Had that boss of his sent him out of on some desert mission? He didn't look ready for something like that in a winter jacket. Why had he been sent here, dressed like that?

"Huh, Siorc?" Waiola asked. "Is that you?"

"Jeepers, Waiola, of course it is!" Bogart exclaimed, pointing. "Who else would wear a winter jacket in the desert." But, a sigh had come his way.

"You never know, Bogart, he could be an impersonator!" Waiola shouted. "I've been hearing some cases lately."

"Geez, Waiola, I thought you weren't that gullible! I'll prove he's the real deal!" Bogart barked back. He then turned towards Siorc. "Hey, Siorc, why don't you say something?" But, no words ever came for minutes on end. "See, Waiola! It's him! He didn't say a word! An impersonator would talk our ears off!"

"Alright, then," Waiola said, sighing. She then turned towards Siorc. "So, what do you need help with?"

Hearing such question come his way, the soldier placed his hands out in front of him. Signing the words Temple of Silence on private display he tilted his head. Attempting to ask where, he turned hi head towards the right and left as if searching for something. Twins giving him sharp looks, Waiola stepped up to the plate first.

"The Temple of Silence?" Waiola asked. "Why do you need to go there?"

"Wowza! Nosy today, aren't we Waiola?" Bogart asked. "Sure, we can take you there, but I'm fighting all the monsters!"

Shrugging, the panther twins lead the way. He supposed he could let him fight everything as compensation for guiding him there. Moving right along, Bogart's spear had taken almost everyone out of the equation in a matter of moments. Seeing such, the early adult could feel himself grow small. The panther twins were quite the impressive duo, for sure.

Invisible temple soon appearing completely out of nowhere, the hyena backed seven steps away. Huh? Why had this place been hidden so easily? What was that all about? Opening the door, a blinding light soon overtook the hyena. Finding himself in a huge establishment with various groups of people seated within, he couldn't help but wonder. Just what was the Temple of Silence anyway?

Bogart acting as his guide, the chimera had soon been taken to a young man with tan skin, long brown hair that went down to his backside. White desert outfit with a golden scarf, black pants with a purple symbol on them and white boots, his green eyes looked rather unusual.

"What do you want?" the brunet desert man asked.

Hands out in front of him, the soldier blinked. This young man, was he in charge of the Temple of Silence? Would he even want the Fatui affiliated with this place? Silently whispering what he had to do and the Fatui wishing to affiliate themselves with the building, a shocking set of words had come his way.

"Sure, whatever," the brunet desert man said, shrugging.

Hearing such, the chimera blinked. Had it really been that easy to be affiliated with the Temple of Silence? He did not know why, but such felt rather anticlimactic. Exiting the area, nightfall had soon taken the soldier by surprise. Removing his Teleport Waypoint Proxy Orb from his back pocket, the military barracks waypoint had soon been highlighted.

Cruising through the icy cold hallways, he soldier stared off into space. No way that could have been it, could it? There was something fishy about all this. Reaching the soundproof room after about ten minutes of walking, everything had soon been removed. Slumping into the rock hard bed, one last question threw itself onto the floor.

Is that really all?


"This seems to it for the
Horrible leftovers the abyssal gazelles left behind.
Even so, I guess this will not

Ever truly be over.
No, of course it won't be. I
Don't think their damage to this world has been

Overall fixed, or healed. No, in
Fact, I think there's quite a long ways

To go before all that.
However, I suppose
Everything does come to an end eventually. I've

Removed most of the problems they have caused.
Or, so I would think. And
Assume. But, it seems I have one final stop upon this journey.
Don't know why I hadn't seen this coming, but

It seems they have caused a lot of problems around Chenyu Vale, too.
So, I just don't know what to believe anymore.

However, it just seems like the
Enemies I have to face are
Relatively tame ones.
Eh, actually? You know what I might have to take that one back. Ah,

No, maybe I don't. I don't believe that it ever truly be
Over at this point. This
Will likely go on forever. Oh, well, well you know what? Time to head off to Chenyu Vale. This time I'll end it."

Upon waking up the next morning, the early adult's orders had only gotten more annoying by the second. Agent informing him he would heading to Chenyu Vale to clean up one last unusual happening, the early adult let out a sigh. The Abyssal gazelles had gotten to the northern Liyue area, too? Why didn't this surprise him?

Teleport Waypoint taking him to the entrance of the Vale, the soldier turned his head off towards the right and left. But, immediately upon reaching here, He had witnessed something of utter terror. Spherical orb creatures fusing themselves with the Suanni of the area, the early adult blinked. What in the world? How did this happen?

Breacher Primus broken apart from the Suanni, the soldier had recalled something of particular note. The Abyssal Gazelles, hadn't they tried to overthrow an Adeptus at some point? Which one could it have been? Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, Moon Carver? He had no idea. He would never be lucky enough to meet with such high respected creatures in Liyue.

Spherical creatures far too difficult to tackle with his blade alone, the soldier let out a sigh. He supposed he had no choice but to, once again, call upon the power of the necklace. Delusional strawberry called forth, he blinked at the monsters dropped underneath it. He may as well call himself the Strawberry Shark Queen right now. But, he poked such thought away with a pin. Wrong universe, again. Why was he letting imagination go wild like this?

Multiple monsters beaten by the fruit, the chimera gazed down at the jewel. Soon, it would run out of power, wouldn't it? There wasn't much time left. He had to stop using up its powers before it was all gone. But, he supposed there had still been a few uses left before it was dim altogether.

Struggling through Mt. Liameng for the time being, the necklace had been used once more. Had these been the leftover problems he had to deal with? He supposed that he should have come here a lot sooner. But, he supposed it had bee far too late for that now. Mountainside done, he prepared himself to head off towards Yilong Wharf.

Spotting a strange horse creature trotting off towards the western mountains, the soldier had begun to run. What was that just now? Horses? In Liyue? Absolutely impossible. No such things existed there. Worst of the monsters defeated by the strawberries of doom, he had soon caught up to the equine creature, but he had soon come to a realization.

Horse creature with a draconic body, it had come to the hyena immediately. Was this creature a Qilin? Coming to such conclusion, a wave of shock flowed through him. Could this have been the adeptus that the Abyssal Gazelles had tried to overthrow? Why, and for what purpose? Gazing at it, it soon stared back.

Qilin whispering what did he want? The soldier let his inquiry be known. Informed it had indeed bene the Adeptus that had been overthrown, but it hardly mattered, it was just a nameless, forgotten Adeptus, the hyena blinked of bewilderment. Had that really been the case, or had the Abyssal Gazelles just erased them from history? It had to have been the second case.

Everything all cleaned up, the soldier stared off towards the shoreline. Gazing at Fontaine from afar, the hyena had recalled something. The undersea gazelles, he hadn't checked up on them, had he? Perhaps, he should make his last mission for today to see what had become of them.

Finding a boat on the edge of the water, the soldier had begun rowing with all his might. As he had done so, a sea of inquiries flowed through him. The Primordial Seawater that had been implanted inside them, had it still been within them? He knew there had been quite a high possibility such had still been the case.

Reaching the Weeping Willow of the Lake after about two hours of rowing, the early adult placed the fat, blubbery suit over him. Dropping downwards towards the undersea world around him, something of utter surprise ate the hyena up like a plate of Steak Tartare. Damla and Firat were still awake? How odd. He did not expect that. Party of two staring at him, he knew what to expect, in an instant.

"What are you doing here this time?" Damla asked in a tired tone. "Can't you just let us--?" But, cos had soon been interrupted.

"No. Wait. Before you finish that sentence, you know we at least owe him some gratitude," Firat responded, deadpan. "You, whatever your name is, don't know, don't care, but thank you for getting rid of those terrible 'cousins' of ours." But, se paused for a moment. "Or, should I say ancestors? Whatever. Doesn't matter. What do you want?"

Question coming his way, the early adult placed his hands out in front of him. Inquiring about the Primordial Seawater inside him, the party of two looked at him as if he had grown thirty heads. Had he asked something wrong? He would apologize, if that was the case.

"Huh, you mean the Primordial Seawater?" Firat asked. "Don't concern yourself over it. That Natlan Doctor who's always bothering us with his bird boyfriend took care of it. Now, leave us alone alright? We want to go back to sleep forever."

Leaving them be, the early adult returned to the surface. All the loose ends had been tied up now. Removing his diving gear, he stared off into space. He did not know why, but he wanted some tea. Hitting the Liyue Harbor Waypoint, the teahouse had been in front of him, in an instant, but an unusual person had been in his seat. Strange tall green haired woman with glasses and an important seeming attitude talking to the tall brunette, the hyena seated himself where the opera singer would usually be.

Panda chimera soon arriving, a soft smile soon appeared on the hyena's face. It had been quite awhile since he had been here last, hadn't it? Pink eyes soon gazing at his mismatched ones, the soldier made eye contact. Grin returned in tandem, the usual greeting had come his way.

"Oh, hey, Siorc," Yinlong greeted, words slow. "I'll go get you some tea." Stepping away for a moment, the tall brunette soon tagged into the ring.

"I heard about your recent escapades in Fontaine, Mr. Siorc," the tall brunette said, sipping his tea. "Congratulations."

Congratulatory words coming his way, the soldier signed words of gratitude. How had the tall brunette heard about the court case in Fontaine? But, he supposed that it had made national newspaper headlines by now. Bamboo shoot tea soon placed in front of him, he sipped in silence, but another question had soon come his way.

"I heard you won a court case against a group of terrible people in Fontaine," Yinlong said, words slow. "Is that true?"

Nodding, the hyena could not help but wonder. The tall brunette, had he ever had a run in with the Abyssal Gazelles? Knowing he could not let such matter drop, the early adult silently inquired about such. Wise man informing him of many Liyue stories he had heard about such individuals, the hyena could feel his stomach sour. The rabbit hole had been too deep.

"One must not get too caught up in fiction," the bespectacled stranger said, sipping her tea.

Multiple denials coming his way, the hyena sighed. Maybe he shouldn't have bothered to ask. Yinlong soon studying his necklace, the hyena continued to sip his tea. Did he have something to ask about it? If he wish to do so, he may as well. What was there left to lose?

"Your necklace is pretty!" Yinlong exclaimed. "Where did you get it?"

Shrugging, the soldier signed his boss gave it to him. But, the Agent had soon interrupted everything informing him it was time to go back to Snezhnaya, goodbyes were forbidden from being exchanged. Told he had been assigned a new practice partner as he returned to the soundproof room, a spark popped off in his brain. Everything soon removed, the soldier crawled into the uncomfortable bed. Sleep taking him away, one last thought slipped out.

No more abyssal gazelles.

Time to get stronger.

Silence Is Purple: Fontaine is Drowning - Palamon - 原神 (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.