He who was Born with the Sunrise - belatinysun (2024)

“Em uma tarde despretensiosa de novembro

eu me apaixonei pelo sol

e pela maneira como ele cuidadosamente

tocou cada centímetro da minha pele à mostra

fazendo as sombras desaparecerem aos poucos

e o frio se tornar uma lembrança confortavelmente segura”

Meu Corpo Virou Poesia, Bruna Vieira


Standing at the door frame, Shoyo smiles sympathetically. The sun is now in full view on the horizon, butterscotch and orange streaming through the window and bathing the bedroom in warm colors. As a morning person, Shoyo stands there for a few seconds, just basking in the scent of a new day filled with a familiar aroma that reminiscences of home. The energy there is truly summery, mesmerizing; it's pleasant—perfect enough for the youngest members of Asas São Paulo to remain in a peaceful slumber.

As always, Shoyo is responsible for waking them up after they've stayed up late watching live streams and playing video games. He's already talked to all of them about the importance of self-care and personal maintenance, but his teammates still don't follow their routine well every day. Shoyo doesn't get angry or disappointed, though. He knows how difficult it is to create healthy habits, how difficult it is to swim against a river in which you are used to floating, so he's always around to help his friends whenever they need.

And that's exactly what he's doing now as he approaches the bed of the youngest member of the team with soft steps, the glimpse of an amused smile playing in the corner of his mouth.

“Ei, Marcos,” Shoyo mutters, slightly shaking the boy by the shoulders. “Bom diaaa, vamos levantar!!!”

It doesn't take long for Marcos to start grumbling, waking up from his deep sleep. Shoyo giggles and affectionately ruffles his hair, “Come on, buddy.” He turns to the next bed where the team’s starting setter, another young member of the group, is also buried under the covers.

“You too, Lucas!” Shoyo says as he steps firmly on the ground, pretending to be angry. “You guys cannot skip any meals. Besides, today is the day I travel so I want to say a proper goodbye to my dear kouhais.

The morning sun isn't enough to wake them up, but Shoyo’s words are. Slowly, the two boys begin to untangle themselves from the covers and rest their gaze on their senpai , eyes still half-closed but with sparkles of fondness. Shoyo beams proudly, understanding more how his mother felt when he developed the habit of waking up with the first rays of sunlight.


“And still some don't believe I'm their responsible big brother!” Shoyo’s tone is playful as he passes the ball back with a light bump. “Can you believe that?”

“Honestly, yeah!” Natsu replies, voice full of conviction. She raises her hands in a soft movement to set the ball beautifully, making Shoyo peek out his tongue in excitement. “I mean, not because I don't believe in you. It's just that you look wayyy younger, so they must think you're still a gremlin from a shenanigans squad.”

“If I'm a menace with a baby face you're like that, too. It's in our DNA!”

Natsu laughs, preparing herself for the impact. Shoyo’s palm meets the ball in a delightful sound that mixes with the rustle of leaves scattered in the yard. As expected, it goes at immense speed towards Natsu, who receives it with a smooth forearm pass until the ball arcs back towards him—a perfect dig.

“Wow,” Shoyo whistles. “You've improved a lot in just a few months!”

Natsu beams, scratching the back of her neck. “Thank you!!! I also realized that.”

Shoyo smiles fondly. “How are things going in Turkey?”

“Great! Everyone's sooo cool and compliment me a lot,” Natsu’s ponytail dances with the wind passing by, caressing her radiant face. “I think the hardest part is having to spend the weekends in my empty apartment.” She sighs, “I miss eating natto and cooking with someone by my side.”

Shoyo hums in understanding. “The first weeks are the most difficult,” his voice carries a sad nostalgia, remembering when he used to have meals alone in his early days in Rio. “But you can hang out with your teammates during the weekend or invite them to dinner. Plus, once you create the habit of cooking every day, typical food becomes your favorite. I don't know if I can live without baião, cuscuz or açaí now!”

Natsu smirks, “Are you saying that mom’s food is no longer your favorite?”

Shoyo rolls his eyes, giggling, “I didn't say that!”

“Well, I'll tell her!”

“Don't you dare!”

“Also, Nii-chan,” The mischievous glow in her eyes changes to an innocent gleam. “Are you and Tobio-nii ready for tomorrow’s interview?”

Ah yes, that interview. A few months ago, in December, Shoyo received a call from a Japanese magazine company, inviting him to give an interview once he was on vacation in Miyagi. The interviewers had said they want a glimpse into the players’ lives in their homeland, but they will also ask questions about what it's like to live in other countries.

Shoyo is very excited because for the first time in a while, he will be able to talk more openly about himself and his personal life, including what it's like to live on the other side of the world, about his routine and relationships. And when it comes to the romantic ones, Shoyo has been in a secret relationship for over five years, which only his closest friends and family know about.

Dating his best friend was one of the best gifts life has ever given him. Shoyo is very grateful to have him by his side, the other half of whom he sees as an inspiration, as family, as rival and as soul that drives him forward. It would be wonderful to be able to shout to the world how much Shoyo loves him, how proud he is of his partner’s journey, but because they have busy careers and are targets of paparazzi all the time, they decided to keep their relationship private. This way, the two can enjoy the life they have built together to the fullest, being the best partners on and off the world stage that they always dreamed of conquering together.

The moment to reveal their relationship may come soon or late, but the most important thing for Shoyo is that he is living a reality in which he plays his favorite sport and has the continuous support of everyone he loves.

“Yeah, we talked on the phone as soon as he got home today,” Shoyo’s aware of the calm expression he's wearing now, fondly remembering the conversation he and Tobio had on the phone. “I invited him to spend the night with us. I said it's okay if he can't come in case he's suffering from jet lag tho.”

“What did he say?”

“You know how he is,” Shoyo brings his hands to the top of his head, laying his unruly curls flat. He pouts, wrinkles his eyebrows and deepens his voice as he says, “I'm fine. I'm not a baby, dumbass. I'll be there for dinner. Wait for me. Dumbass.

“Some things sure don't change,” Natsu giggles. She seems to remember something because her expression lights up. “Oh! You know what else doesn't change? Your bom dia!”

Shoyo tilts his head to the side. “What? My bom dia? What about it?”

“It's just that I know how much your fans love it when you say that. And I saw that photo of you walking on the beach and waving at your friends. It's really cute.”

Shoyo scratches the back of his neck, blushing a bit. “What can I do if everyone loves me and I love everyone back?” He says bashfully. Shoyo feels flattered every time someone reminds him how much he's admired around the world. “I'm sure you'll have a cool catchphrase one day. How do you say good morning in Turkish?”


Wahhh, that sounds so cool!!! Maybe we can give an interview one day where our greetings are the way we say good morning!”

Natsu gets excited, the brightness of the stars now no match for the glimpse in her eyes. “Our interviews would be the best!”

“Let's practice then!” Shoyo inhales and exhales, gathering breath to raise his voice. With a mischievous smile, he shouts, “BOM DIA, BOM DIA, BOM DIA!!!!”

“GÜNAYDIN, GÜNAYDIN, GÜNAYDIN!!!!” Natsu mirrors his mischievous smile and loud voice, and soon, they are two giggling messes in that backyard.

Many memories were created there, many stories from when they were beginners in volleyball until they became the superstars they are today. The sport brings Shoyo and Natsu even closer nowadays and allows them to fly to different far-off countries, like dandelion petals that are carried by the wind and bloom in new soil. Even if they don't live together anymore, Shoyo knows they can still bond on that same olive green grass whenever they are at home. Shoyo also knows he'll do his best to take care of his sister from anywhere on the globe, and they will be forever connected no matter what.

“HEY, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING????” Their mother appears in the doorway, screaming as she leans over to take a good look at them. Hitomi Hinata has curls just like her children, but they're black instead of ginger. Her hair is messy tonight, strands a little damp from the winter humidity and honey-colored eyes shining with amusem*nt at seeing her son and daughter being goofy balls in their backyard. Shoyo and Natsu stop their silly shouting immediately to pay attention to her next words. “Sorry to interrupt this lovely sibling bonding moment but Tobio-kun is here.”

Like a red hurricane, Natsu runs past Shoyo until she disappears through the doorway. His mother also hurries to go back inside after winking at her son, leaving Shoyo alone in the cold night wind—the one who should've been the first to greet his boyfriend at home.

Shoyo follows them with light steps down the hallway, a tender smile on his face. He's always happy remembering how welcomed Tobio is in their home, how loved he is by all of them. Not only does Shoyo’s family approve of their relationship, they also care for Tobio like a member of the family. The inner peace that Tobio says he feels whenever he's around makes Shoyo want to get more smiles out of that sweet mouth.

He really loves seeing the people he cares about happy.

As he turns into the kitchen, Shoyo spots the three of them already immersed in a lively conversation. Tobio is wearing a white sweater and gray sweatpants, perfect for winter. The corners of his lips are subtly curled up as he talks to a beaming Natsu, who is spinning a volleyball on her fingertips. His mother is standing on her tiptoes to brush away some strands glued to Tobio’s forehead, him bending down a little so she can also stroke his soft locks.

The scene makes some low giggles escape Shoyo’s lips. Kageyama Tobio, a grown ass 27-year-old man who is over 188 cm tall, is standing in the middle of the kitchen with a serene expression, appreciating all the affection given to him. Seriously, he looks like a kitten ready to purr. And of course Shoyo appreciates how his family treats his partner, too. He loves to spoil Tobio all the time, even though Shoyo is greeted with hair pulling whenever he overdoes the amount of clinginess.

But that doesn't stop him from conveying his love daily.

“Oiii!!!” Shoyo sing-songs, making three pairs of eyes turn to him at the same time. “Aren't I the one who should welcome Silly-Yama?”

He notices the exact moment Tobio’s eyes hover over him, the bluish gray of his iris dancing over Shoyo’s features and exploding into thousands of stars. His eyes shine, his cheeks flush slightly and there is a hint of a wobbly smile on his mouth. Needless to say, Shoyo is completely mesmerized. He knows that Tobio isn't the type to express feelings in words, but his eyes at that moment scream everything he feels for the other man—all the love he feels for Shoyo, infinitely.

“No,” Tobio says, his voice a bit hoarse. It's a sign that he's just woken up, just as Shoyo imagined. Sleepy-Yama and his cute habits of sleeping a lot across time zones. “They're much better hosts than you.”

“What?” Shoyo puts a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. “I have a lot of knowledge in etiquette so I'm very polite as a host if you don't know!”

“You're such a dumbass,” Tobio scoffs. “And a liar.”

“And dramatic,” Natsu adds.

“And a crybaby,” his mother gives the final blow.

Oh yeah, here they are: the ‘How To Make Shoyo Embarrassed’ club. If it were years ago, teenage Shoyo would be sulking with all that teasing. He would be pouting like Tobio usually does. But Shoyo is a mature man now. He clearly sees the affection behind those words, behind his family’s and boyfriend’s eyes that rest on him with much tenderness.

So instead of complaining, he just peacefully approaches them to give Tobio a tight hug. “Less talking and more attention to your namorado, meu precioso,” Shoyo teases. “Come here, silly.” His arms curl around Tobio’s waist as he rests his face on his chest, the heat of his body and sweater making Shoyo chase for more of that warmth. Natsu and his mother say something like "Sappy-Shoyo” while laughing quietly but he doesn't mind. Shoyo just snuggles into that body he missed so much and smiles against Tobio’s heartbeat—a symphony he also missed hearing.

When the sound of soft giggles reaches his ears, Shoyo realizes that the other man is also smiling. Tobio murmurs some nonsense against the top of his head with a tone as sweet as melted sugar, his husky voice happy as he returns the hug and cards his fingers through Shoyo’s copper curls.

Shoyo hums in delight, feeling the urge to kiss that mouth to keep Tobio’s genuine happiness within him forever.

“Tobio-nii, I was preparing dinner for us!” Natsu announces cheerfully. “Wanna help me out?”

“Ah. Sure,” Tobio slowly tries to break away from the hug but is stopped by a tight grip on his waist.

“Wait a minute, pretty boy,” Shoyo orders. It's been months since they saw each other for the last time, so letting go of that embrace is still very difficult for him. “I'm sure Natsu wanna show you something else first.”

Natsu blinks twice. “Do I?”

“You do.” Shoyo points to his own shirt, sending a subtle signal.

“You really do, young lady,” his mother agrees, pointing to the red crochet sweater she's wearing.

“Oh.” Natsu gets the hint quickly, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “Right.”

At the same speed as she ran to see Tobio before, Natsu goes to her bedroom and returns in a blink of an eye. Maybe Shoyo was actually born into a family of energetic ninjas just as he was told in Brazil.

His sister approaches with a wobbly smile, hands behind her back hiding... something.

Natsu smiles big until some wrinkles blossom in the corner of her eyes as she says, “Ta-rammmm, surprise!!!!” She reveals a red jersey with golden, shiny details and white lettering of the name Hinata over the number 21. Birds are a trademark of Featherbahce , the Turkish team Natsu plays for, so the coat of arms printed on the fabric contains a small bird with red and black plumage, sparkling as radiantly as the girl’s smile.

When Natsu sent the photo of her first professional jersey to Shoyo, he felt a rainbow of emotions popping up inside his heart. Happiness, satisfaction, pride—Shoyo felt everything at once. He and Natsu were facecalling from different continents, but for him, it was as if they were in the same room. In the same home, side by side, with Shoyo ready to lift his sister off the floor and spin her in the air while vibrating together. It was as if he could reach out and play with Natsu’s ginger curls, a gesture full of playfulness but with sprinkles of love.

Shoyo shed some tears after hanging up but Natsu doesn't need to know that.

“I've seen this jersey sooo many times but my eyes still light up, little sis.” Shoyo frees Tobio from his hand, just so he can playfully pat Natsu on the head.

Natsu puffs her cheeks out and pushes his hand away, “You're such a sap, nii-chan.” She pushes the jersey towards Tobio as if to block Shoyo from seeing it, and he puts his hands on his hips, completely indignant. “So? It's really pretty, isn't it?”

“I like the colors,” Tobio nods, eyes hovering over the golden details on the red fabric. “Have you already worn it?”

“Of course I have!!!” She grins. “I barely got my hands on it and I was already wearing it. Oh, and I admit I started jumping on my bed with much excitement!!! I was so wahhh , you know?”

“A normal enthusiastic behavior of a Hinata,” her mother says, admiring her daughter with a sparkling gaze. “Shoyo reacted the same way when his MSBY jersey arrived.”

Shoyo blushes and turns his gaze away when Tobio smirks at him. “I was also really excited, okay?” He remembers that when he received his first #21 jersey, he stared at the dark fabric for several seconds with a ‘largely silly, wobbly smile’ (according to Natsu’s words) before jumping around the house dressed in it, showing it to God and the world. “Besides, I was super happy to have been accepted onto the team right away.”

His mother giggles, “Yeah, son. I know.” She starts to pinch his cheeks with both hands, her smile growing bigger as Shoyo’s skin turns a darker shade of crimson. “Natsu also joined the team on her first try. I'm proud of you both.”

“Now I know who Shoyo takes after in the sappy department,” Natsu teases with a sunny smile, the same one many say is similar to Shoyo’s. Apparently, their bright grin is also another trait they inherited from their mother.

“As I said earlier,” Shoyo’s voice comes all muffled, his cheeks still flat between his mother’s hands. “It's in our DNA, Nat-chan. You were always attached to me when you were a child.”

“That's true!” His mother frees one of his cheeks only to pinch Natsu’s. “Whenever your brother went to summer training camps, you would ask me how many hours left until he's back home.”

Tobio acquires a thoughtful expression as he hums. “So that's why you used to text me while we were training in Tokyo?”

“No! Enough with the Sappy-Natsu moments,” Natsu says, blushing slightly. She carefully folds the uniform and hands it to her mother, who hugs the garment against her body as if it were a baby. “I haven't finished making dinner and I wanted Tobio-nii to help me.”

“Sure,” he says, smiling fondly. Before Tobio can head to the kitchen counter, Shoyo pulls him down as if he were about to share a gossip.

“What about my kiss?” Shoyo whispers in his ear, still craving for more of Tobio’s touch.

“Not now,” he mutters.


“Maybe. It depends on my will.”

“What can I do to get a silly kiss from your highness?” Shoyo wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.

Tobio rolls his eyes, “Just stop disturbing me.” He ruffles Shoyo’s hair and tugs gently at his curls, seeming to also be craving more of his physical touch.

This time Shoyo is the one who rolls his eyes, giggling. He knows it's just their usual silly behavior. It's just Tobio and he being the usual dorks who barely know how to flirt, who barely know how to express themselves when asking for a simple caress. But honestly, they don't need to know how to do that—they've always been won over by the smallest details. Shoyo knows how unique their connection is, and he also knows that Tobio wouldn't deny him anything in this world, be it a set, a trip by his side or an exchange of warm caresses after months apart.

Shoyo sighs dreamily, already imagining that tonight he can fall asleep inhaling Tobio’s familiar scent, drinking in the sight of his serene features as if he were watching the gentle rustle of a flower’s petals. Shoyo’s dreamy mind leaves him distracted until he returns to the real world, where his mother sits at the dining table and tries to pull him closer.

“Sit down too, Shoyo,” she whispers.

“Maybe I can help Natsu and Yama?” Shoyo says with the same tone. “I want to annoy them a bit more.”

“No need to,” she smiles fondly. “You know how happy Natsu was to have learned this recipe. I think she wants to show both of us how much she learned in the few months she was away. You know how she is. You know how you two are.”

Shoyo pretends to be thinking deeply, “Hmmm… Stubborns who love doing things for those they love?”

“Pretty close,” his mother giggles. “You two also have food as a love language! So let your sister express herself through this recipe tonight.”

“Okay,” Shoyo gives in, smiling tenderly as he remembers a bright Natsu yapping about Turkish culture during breakfast. “She's been so excited with this new recipe. I think she got it from a teammate. What is it called again? Hmm…” He touches his chin as he thinks. “Marcim? Mercimk?”

“It's mercimek !!” Natsu corrects him from behind the counter. “I told you the name a thousand times already, nii-chan.”

“Dumbass,” Tobio mutters.

“I can hear you!” Shoyo sticks his tongue out, finally sitting beside his mom. “You said it's a lentil soup, right? Let's see if it's as good as the bean one I made yesterday.”

Natsu raises her eyebrows, “Is it a challenge?”

“Yeah, and he's gonna lose,” Tobio states without taking his eyes off the onions he is chopping. There's a hint of raisin-like sweetness in the air. Natsu uncovers a bowl with red lentils and starts mixing everything in a clay pot. The smell is already wonderful and the recipe isn't even ready.

Shoyo’s mouth waters. “Let's see who will be the loser,” he challenges. Yes, Shoyo is pretty aware he might lose this. But he likes to ignite that flame of determination within those he admires just to see what they're capable of. Even if it's just a recipe, Shoyo wants to be able to see all the love that Natsu puts into everything she does.

And feel proud of her for the millionth time in his life.

After half an hour of much conversation, the four find themselves seated at the dining table with bowls of mercimek in front of them. The soup has a medium orange color and is drizzled with olive oil, poured over the soup like the aurora borealis.

In the first spoonful, Shoyo can feel all the sweet notes combining with the numerous seasonings that were added there. Unable to suppress his satisfaction, he hums quietly, a sound audible only to the person seated next to him. Tobio looks at him sideways with a playful expression, knowing that his boyfriend lost the challenge. Shoyo intertwines their toes in a silly toe-wrestling competition, which turns into a much calmer, tender touch as they finish the soup.

Natsu’s recipe is very yummy, maybe better than his, Shoyo admits. Seeing her telling them stories of her travels in Turkey is wonderful. Shoyo feels the same emotions he felt when Natsu showed off the red jersey for the first time months ago. He understands her excitement about building enormous cultural baggage around the world. It's not just recipes or teams, all those achievements and learnings are part of their essence as a person. As someone who felt too small for the outside world but now believes they can conquer any unknown sky.

Once again, Shoyo understands how his mother feels. He now understands what it's like to be able to see a piece of himself growing and flying of its own accord. Natsu is that piece for him. She is the little red button that has been connected to him since her birth, the same one that makes Shoyo proud to this day and leaves him emotional every time he sees Natsu lighting her own path to the top, a promising star as bright as the morning sun.


Much to Shoyo’s delight, Tobio isn't making a point of hiding his clingy side tonight.

The two are in the bathroom brushing their teeth side by side, getting ready for bed. Shoyo is staring at him in the mirror, Tobio’s slightly downcast eyes making him smile big at how freaking adorable he looks. He bumps his hip against Tobio’s to catch his attention, and it's at this moment that he notices the goofy smile on Shoyo’s lips.

“What are you smiling at?” Tobio grumbles, voice muffled by the amount of toothpaste in his mouth. “Idiot.”

If Shoyo hadn't had a toothbrush in his mouth, he would have pouted. “Do you need to insult me ​​at the end of every sentence?” His voice also sounds muffled. And a little silly, honestly. “Can't I appreciate how cute your face looks when you're sleepy?”

Tobio growls as he proceeds to rinse his mouth and face. Then, he catches Shoyo by surprise by threading his damp fingers through his messy curls. He gives a few light tugs as he caresses his scalp and Shoyo hums faintly, Tobio’s fingers dancing over his head like feathers swirling in the sky.

“Who is the cute one now?” Tobio mocks, a mischievous smile painting that stupidly beautiful mouth of his.

Shoyo thinks about fighting back but he ends up just standing in place, focused on finishing brushing his teeth. And determined to appreciate every single touch from his partner. He isn't even fazed by the pink hue growing on his cheeks, proof of the effect Kageyama holds on him even after years together.

Yeah, Tobio can win for now, as long as he stays by Shoyo’s side during their whole vacation.

And during their whole life.

After heading towards Shoyo’s childhood bedroom with their hands clasped together, Tobio is the first to fall into bed, clearly exhausted. Shoyo approaches and chuckles at his sleepy face in the dim moonlight, blushing when he notices his boyfriend’s downcast eyes still twinkling over every detail of his face. Blue colors are Shoyo’s favorite because they remind him of warm mornings when he wakes up with the lightness of the ocean in Tobio’s eyes, they remind him of all the love that Tobio showers him with. Shoyo stares back with equally bright eyes, small points of light sparkling in his vision every time he notices something he admires about his man.

Yawing, Shoyo changes into his yellow pajamas with bunny prints (a gift from Natsu), ready to surrender to sleep. When he turns over to bed again, he finds Tobio already waiting with open arms, welcoming Shoyo to one of his favorite places in the whole damn world. Of course he doesn't think twice before throwing himself into that embrace: Shoyo quickly finds shelter under soft, strong arms, his cheek pressing against Tobio’s chest as he inhales the woody scent of his body spray. A large arm curls around Shoyo’s waist and heartbeats scream loudly in his ear—another soft melody that soothes his features and makes him sigh.

As always, Tobio feels like home to him.

“I can't sleep like this,” Tobio complains, but he pulls Shoyo closer anyway.

Shoyo buries his face in the crook of Tobio’s neck, brushing his nose against the heat of his skin. “How was your trip?” He asks lazily.

Tobio sighs, “Good.” He ducks down to place a lasting kiss to Shoyo’s eyelid. When he asked for a kiss earlier, that’s exactly the one Shoyo was craving for. He is very fond of kisses placed on other parts of his body other than his lips, and Tobio knows that more than anyone else. “Not as tiring as last time.”

Tobio kisses his other eyelid and Shoyo takes a deep breath. “But it was still tiring. I know you were sleeping before coming here. Aren't you still tired? We can sleep already if you want.”

“'M fine, dumbass,” he murmurs drowsily. “I know you still want to yap a little more in my ear.”

“Yeah,” Shoyo grins as he remembers telling Tobio on the phone how excited he was about their interview. How excited he still is . “I can't wait for that interview, Yama! I'm really excited, my insides are so gwahhh right now. But I think we should sleep so we won't be late tomorrow.”

The corner of Tobio’s mouth curls up. “We should sleep right away, then.”

“We should,” Shoyo agrees, but none of them close their eyes or stop caressing each other’s skin.

The air is snuggly around them, wrapping their bodies like a fuzzy blanket. Shoyo is a bit sleepy but also feels the need to remain still at that moment, enjoying Tobio’s warmth to the most. He plants a quick peck on his collarbone and tilts his head up to look into those deep blue eyes, smiling when he realizes the light pink dusting Tobio’s cheeks. As always, it's impossible for Shoyo to just watch, so he frames Tobio’s face with much care and starts to stroke his rosy cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” He asks under his breath, eyes hovering over every single detail of Tobio’s drowsy face.

“Yes,” Tobio sighs and closes his eyes, a glimpse of a smile still present on the corner of his mouth. “You?”

“Of course! Ready is my surname.”

“It's not. You're Hinata Dumbass only. That's your name.”

“Nah, I'm the suuuper amazing Hinata Shoyo, opposite hitter of Asas São Paulo, 27 years old and the greatest volleyball star in Brazil!!!”

“You're so stupid,” Tobio squeezes his cheek.

“Ei!!! You're stupid too if you're dating me!”

“Who said I'm dating you?”

You said it, meu querido ,” Shoyo pokes the tip of Tobio’s nose, making him pout. “I asked you out years ago after that match. You couldn't take your eyes off me, and then you pulled me by the hem of my jersey to—”

Suddenly, a large hand covers Shoyo’s mouth. “Why are you talking like I don't know what happened?” Tobio is pouting while the other man laughs, Shoyo’s soft giggles kissing his warm hand.

“You're so fun to tease,” he leans on his elbows to plant a lazy smooch on Tobio’s cheek. “My favorite in the whole world!!!”

Their faces are millimeters apart and Shoyo grins upon realizing that Tobio’s brain has just shut down after the compliment. “ Que homem mais fofo você é ,” Shoyo thinks out loud. He squeezes his boyfriend’s cheekbones and presses a chaste kiss to that pout, smiling when the arm around him squeezes his waist tighter. With fluttering eyelashes, Tobio leans up to capture his lips in a slow kiss that mingles with Shoyo’s giggles.

They continue muttering sweet nothings into each other’s mouth at a light, gentle pace, smiling between kisses. Shoyo moves his hands up to Tobio’s hair, threading his fingers in the smooth strands as he strokes his scalp. Tobio hums and tilts Shoyo’s head a little so he can kiss his eyelids again, his forehead, the tip of his nose and his both cheeks. Shoyo always loves when he does that, when Tobio caresses every spot of his body as a way to convey many unspoken words.

Just like a silent but at the same time loud declaration of love.

“Yama,” Shoyo reciprocates the previous gesture as he bends down to press kisses all over his face, making a wee smile shiny on Tobio’s lips. The sight of his smile is comforting and never fails to soothe Shoyo’s insides. “Missed you, dummy.”

“Hmm,” Tobio doesn't answer. He doesn't need to when his genuine, tiny smile is everything Shoyo needs.

“We're going to rock that interview. The title of power couple of the year will be ours without people knowing that we are together.”

“This title doesn't even exist.”

“It does! I've seen a lot on the internet.”


Shoyo snorts, “It doesn't matter if it exists or not, we're going to be amazing anyway.” He intertwines their fingers and squeezes Tobio’s hand. “I'm also really looking forward to reading the magazine with your interview in a few months. I want to know all the details of your answers.”

“As if you don't know what I'm going to say,” Tobio also squeezes their hands together. “It's not very different from what we talk about every day.”

“Yeah…” Shoyo says as he brings Tobio’s hand to his mouth, gently kissing his long, warm fingers. “You can tell them more details about other personal things. Like, hmmm… Maybe about the heart in your signature!!”

Tobio furrows his eyebrows. “I still don't know where the heart begins or ends.”

Shoyo chuckles, the sound of his laugh a little low due to tiredness. His eyelids gradually begin to close, Tobio’s scent and the peace he brings lulling him to sleep. Seeking more of this comfort, this time, Shoyo is the one who pulls him until Tobio’s cheek is flat against his chest. Tobio settles into the hug quickly as he wraps his arms around Shoyo again, stroking his back with slow circular movements. Their legs intertwine under the covers and Shoyo nuzzles his cheek against Tobio’s smooth hair, the gesture making the other man sigh as he curls up further, enough for his body to find shelter in Shoyo’s arms.

“Night, Tobi,” Shoyo murmurs as he plants a light kiss on his forehead.

“Night, Hinata,” Tobio nuzzles against him like a purring kitten. “Shoyo.” The sound of his name coming out of his partner’s mouth is what makes Shoyo grin from ear to ear that night, his smile sprouting again hours later along the sunrise.


“So, Hinata-senshu! How does it feel to be back in Japan?”

Shoyo adjusts his posture to begin his answers, wearing a bright smile similar to the sun.

“Well, I'm always happy to be here! So amazing and so WAHHH, you know?” Enaga-san doesn't seem to know but she nods anyway. “The feeling is very comforting 'cause I can meet my family and childhood friends again.”

The interviewer beams, “I can see the sparkle in your eyes conveying all the affection you feel for them.”

Shoyo giggles and rubs the short curls at the back of his neck. “Sim!!! I mean, yes!!! They're all my family after all.”

“What your fans say about your big heart is true,” she states while writing in her notebook. “Next question: Do you have any important lessons from your high school years?”

This question makes Shoyo happy, his smile growing wide enough to crinkle the corners of his eyes. He is in the office of the company responsible for the interview, the sun subtly entering through the window and hitting the armchair where he is sitting. His clothes stand out even more bathed in this aureate light, as the new uniform of his team—Asas São Paulo—is made with a fabric with a more vivid copper tone, perfect to match his tanned skin. Even these new orange compression sleeves seem to have been made with him in mind, with Hinata Shoyo in mind only, so that he could shine more on the court while playing the sport he loves.

He who was Born with the Sunrise - belatinysun (1)

“I learned a lot from my first minutes of high school. I learned that it's important to respect and listen to the club captain so that no one’s wig flies away,” Shoyo gives a small chuckle, but once again, Enaga-san seems confused. She tilts her head a little to the side and Shoyo clears his throat to continue with his answer. “All the little lessons I learned are important to me. But if there is one that is always present in my mind, it's the importance of personal maintenance.” He gives a tender smile when saying these words. Personal maintenance has a more special meaning now that Shoyo knows that a person equally special to him carries this lesson, too. Like a torch passed from generation to generation that had been entrusted to them. “Taking care of myself isn't that difficult anymore and I always feel good when following my healthy routine. Now every time I wake up in the morning with the sunrise and see my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I well... How do I put this feeling into words? I feel so amazed at myself.”

Enaga-san hums, seeming satisfied with his answer. “I believe this joy shines through to those around you and leaves others happy as well.”

“I'm pretty good at making people laugh so I think that's a good thing? Kinda goofy but, yeah,” he giggles.

“It's a beautiful trait of yours, actually,” Enaga-san says honestly. “And taking care of yourself is one of the best proofs of self-love, another reason for people to admire you.”

“To be honest, it's still surreal that sooo many people admire me,” Shoyo admits bashfully. “The children always surround me after the matches and ask me to pick them up so we can take photos together. It's pretty cute. Their parents bring me gifts and thank me for inspiring their kids. I get so emotional, Enaga-san! I have to hold myself back from crying.” He wipes an invisible tear from the corner of his eye. “Please, can you include in my answers that I said a big ‘OBRIGADOOO!!!’ and I'm sending kisses to everyone’s cheeks, just like I do in Brazil.”

“And you still say you don't understand how they admire you so much,” she giggles. “And yeah, I can do that.”

Shoyo can feel his own eyes shining with joy. “Wahhh, muito obrigado mesmo!!”

“You're welcome, Hinata-senshu. So, let's move on to the next question: What's your most memorable game from high school?”

Shoyo takes a deep breath. His train of thoughts travels back to January 2013, during the spring that changed his life. He was in his first year of high school, participating in his first nationals in Tokyo. Their match against Inarizaki was exciting from start to finish with many iconic moments—from the appearance of Saeko with Karasuno Taiko to cheer for all the Karasuno players to the play that made Shoyo delve deeper into his hunger and passion for volleyball.

“I gotta say the match against Inarizaki during the Spring Tournament because it was the first time I received a ball properly,” Shoyo looks at the ceiling with stars in his eyes. His right hand caresses his left wrist in an automatic movement, feeling the area of ​​his body that can receive many balls perfectly to this day. “I still remember how it felt. It was Ojiro-san’s attack from behind, a powerful spike, and the feeling I had at that moment is very fresh in my mind.”

“An achievement for you, I'm sure,” Enaga-san states. “It was clear that that dig wasn't by chance or a stroke of luck, but rather an accumulation of daily practices that allowed you to accomplish that feat. I also remember that moment so I agree: it was indeed perfect!”

“You use such clever words to describe it,” Shoyo compliments in awe. “I can only say it was a wonderful feeling and wahhh and gyaahh . That's my vocabulary.”

The interviewer hums. “I believe that many are already fluent in your language. Since you talked about the spring tournament, my next question is about the events after that and how they influenced your move to Brazil.”

Many things happened after that, Shoyo thinks. Karasuno and Nekoma finally had their long-awaited Battle at the Garbage Dump , Shoyo got to see Kenma having fun on the court and he even met his old idol, the little giant. That meeting made Shoyo realize how mature he already was and that his mindset was different from his first months in high school. At that point, he had already grown and shaped himself to follow his own path, with his own devotion to the sport. Shoyo was not disappointed to see that his greatest inspiration of the time had stopped playing volleyball. There was no disappointment in his heart because it was already filled with pride, with love for the title he himself holds. The title of being the one and only greatest decoy. A name given as a gift by someone who Shoyo wholeheartedly admires and loves.

But it's not just the good things that carved him into the person Shoyo is today.

“During the match against Kamomedai, I ended up getting feverish and almost passed out, so I had to be replaced. It was difficult to see my team lose from the hospital waiting room,” he smiles weakly. “It was very difficult. But during my second year I talked to our coach Ukai and mentioned that I'd like to train on the beach after my graduation. I had this idea in mind since the training camp at Shiratorizawa, the one I broke into in my first year,” Shoyo chuckles, remembering the scoldings that almost made him cry at the time. “It's a bit ironic but the person who arranged contacts so I could train for two years in Brazil was Washijou-Sensei. He was Shiratorizawa’s head coach and didn't like me at first, but he helped me a lot so I'm eternally grateful to him for the opportunity.”

“What did your family think of your sudden decision to go to Brazil? Was it difficult for them to accept?”

“No,” Shoyo quickly states. “I mean, I just told my mother and sister who were the only ones who lived with me, so I just said ‘ I'm going ’. I explained to my mother that I would spend a year studying English and Portuguese and training before going abroad. Takeda-sensei also helped me explain to her about the process of moving to Rio and the two accepted it happily. Natsu just demanded that I bring some colorful carnival clothes as a gift.”

“Your sister seems like the very energetic type,” Enaga-san points out. “Just like you!”

Shoyo giggles. “Our mom says it's a family trait!”

“Talking about your family, the name Hinata Natsu is being talked about a lot abroad, isn't it? Another trait you two have in common.”

Shoyo beams, suddenly being showered by a wave of joy and pride.

“Yes, her name is considered promising and innovative in the Turkish league, which is where she's playing professionally now,” he says proudly, eyes getting damp in the corners. “When we are at home at the same time, we go to our backyard to practice volleyball, like we used to do when younger. I give her advice about what it's like to live in another country, about recipes and how to cook for a living. She needs to be independent in the end. In those moments I realize that I don't give advice as an athlete, but rather as the brother who wants to see her grow to greater heights.”

“That is a very beautiful thing to say,” Enaga-san’s eyes shine like precious stones in the sunlight. “Your teammates should feel honored to have a big brother on the team.”

“I was talking about this with Natsu just yesterday!!” Shoyo almost jumps with excitement. “Many don't believe me when I say this, but I really am considered the big bro figure of the team!! I wake up some of our night owls who have trouble getting up early in the morning, and I help prepare their breakfast. I want to make sure everyone is eating well daily. I did exactly that on the day of my flight.”

The interviewer is wearing a bright expression as she keeps writing in her notebook, the corners of her mouth curled up showing that she does believe in him. Finally someone who does besides my family, Shoyo thinks.

“Many might not believe it but those who do are lucky!” Enaga-san says firmly. “The Japan National Team also recognizes your potential as a player and older brother, and is already keeping an eye on you and your sister. I believe it won't be long before we see the Hinata siblings at the Olympics together.”

“I really hope so!!” The thought of being able to step onto the world stage alongside his sister is another of Shoyo’s goals for the future. He feels lucky to have played alongside Tobio in his first Olympics, both always synchronized as if their movements were as light as air. Having his sister around to live this experience with him turns the key to a new dream that Shoyo hopes will happen one day.

“Next question: what do you do on days off?”

“I try to take things easy and not overwhelm myself so I just stay at home. Oh, and I play videogames with Kenma! I mean, with Kodzuken! We've been playing Stardew Valley together and we're waiting for the new update,” Shoyo laughs.

Enaga-san raises her eyebrows. “Oh, Kodzuken! He's the owner of the company that sponsored you during the two years you lived in Rio, right?”

“Yes!!! He is a professional player, a streamer and also one of my best friends!! I'm very grateful for everything he did for me, the money I got from this sponsorship helped me not worry about expenses in Brazil. And he's always watching my games while livestreaming, it's so sweet of him,” Shoyo beams. “Kenma, if you're reading this interview: I love you, bestie!!!! Next time I will beat you at Mario Kart!!!”

The interviewer laughs softly. “You don't even need to ask, I'm already taking your message.” She gives a thumbs up and Shoyo thanks her. Then, Enaga-san seems to remember something as she twirls a pen between her fingers, collecting her thoughts. “Talking about friends and partners,” she looks deeply into Shoyo’s eyes. “You and Kageyama-senshu, the starting setter of Ifviga Torino, played together on the same team for three years. You two still keep in touch to this day, right?”

So there it is: the question Shoyo was waiting for finally arrives, carrying with it the name of the person he can't (and doesn't want to!) stop talking about. His story with Tobio is known even to those who didn't witness it at the beginning. Rivals, best friends, partners on the court—all of these titles have been given to them over the years and remain quite strong, much to Shoyo’s delight.

After almost two years training in Rio de Janeiro, Shoyo returned to Japan with the intention of joining the V.League, and consequently, defeating the one he swore to defeat and prove his worth as a player. And he did that. Shoyo defeated Tobio in his debut game, he made the whole stadium chant his name and he could see in Tobio’s eyes the satisfaction of being able to be together again, even on different sides of the net. Genuine joy flooded their bodies when they realized they were there again, facing each other, seeing their greatest partner and rival shining while exchanging meaningful glances. And being on different sides of the court was never a problem for them actually.

After all, that's how their story began: with them as rivals and a mere 31-minute middle school match that resulted in Shoyo’s defeat.

Nowadays, Shoyo understands that that event was one of the first steps for him to climb the long slope to the top. Hinata Shoyo understands that without Kageyama Tobio, he wouldn't have come to believe in his hidden potential. He wouldn't have accepted his role as the one and only greatest decoy. Without his partner, he wouldn't have learned to love himself.

And with Tobio, Shoyo knows how much he loves and is loved by his favorite person in the world on a daily basis.

During his life journey, Shoyo realized that loving Tobio is as natural as breathing. Even after years together, waking up every day knowing that he is loved by the person he admires most is like playing volleyball for the first time. It's like drinking in the sight of the colorful Brazilian sunset after a rough day. It may seem like a dream sometimes, but it's real. Their feelings are mutual and their dreams and interests align in the cosmos. And Shoyo intends to maintain the bond between them unbreakable throughout their lives.

“Yes, we do,” Shoyo finally answers. He can feel stars in his eyes and a slight blush on his cheeks, doing the impossible to not look like a fool man in love. Even though it's the truth. “We're pretty close. Kageyama annoys me and is grumpy, but we've been playing together since high school so we know each other really well. He's an amazing player, and even though he has that silly pout on his face all the time, it doesn't mean he's angry. I learned to read him throughout the years and I know he can be gentle here and there,” Shoyo smiles softly, reminding the clingy side of Tobio that's treasured for him, only.

Enaga-san smiles, “You sure have a lot to say about him. You two are considered important pieces for the Japan National Team, that's why I asked about your relationship!” The interviewer sighs, looking thoughtful. “I'm going to ask another question now, and if you don't feel comfortable answering, we can skip it, okay?”

Shoyo’s heart races. “Alright!”

“What Kageyama-senshu is to you?” Enaga-san asks, insecure.

Shoyo understands her nervousness about asking something too personal, so he opens a gentle smile, trying to soothe her and show that he isn't uncomfortable at all. Enaga-san asked with such great kindness that Shoyo feels a solid security coming from her words. At that moment, Shoyo feels safe. He feels encouraged to respond with the same affection showered over her words, so he clears his mind, takes a deep breath, and tries to use the most precise words possible to demonstrate what Tobio is to him.

“We're rivals. Above anything, he is my goal that pushes me further and makes me stronger. I once promised that I would meet him at the top of the world and I did!! I kicked his ass in my debut game and proved to everyone that I deserve to be there, on the court I've always dreamed of. Now we can also play together in the Olympics, enjoying volleyball to the fullest. Being partners is everything I need, and even with the ocean separating us, the sport will always keep us connected. Tobio is a big part of my life and my story with volleyball,” his heart skips a beat at the mention of Tobio and the word life. The two have a similar meaning in Shoyo’s dictionary. “We make each other stronger as we chase our dreams. That's why I appreciate his company above anyone else’s.”

Enaga-san sighs, sparkles of fondness twinkling in her eyes. She looks like a proud mom now, watching Shoyo as if he had just made a declaration of love out of the blue. Well, and he pretty much did that. Whether the interviewer notices or not, she doesn't say, and Shoyo is grateful for the genuine respect towards him.

“Why am I still surprised by your lovely answers? Kageyama-senshu would love to hear that,” she winks at Shoyo, making a blush spread across his cheeks. “Any messages for him, by the way?”

“I won't lose!!!” He declares in a flash, still blushing slightly. “Wait for me, Kageyama Dumbass!”

“We're almost reaching the end, Hinata-senshu!!! Do you have any goals for the upcoming Olympics?”

“The gold medal for sure!!!”

“I'll be covering Japan at the Olympics and I hope to see you there achieving this dream!” Her optimism is so evident that it conveys a deep wave of confidence, Shoyo being more excited than ever to achieve this goal soon. “Any personal dreams for the future?”

“Dreams, huh?” Shoyo touches his chin thoughtfully. He can say that he has many dreams to achieve, mostly related to volleyball, of course. But if he had to choose one right now, it would be: “My dream is to play beach volleyball until I'm 100 years old!!!” He announces cheerfully.

Enaga-san’s eyebrows rise. “Oh, your Brazilian fans will like to hear that!”

“And I would be even happier if they helped me achieve this dream.” The corners of Shoyo’s eyes are crinkled due to how wide his smile is. His jaw starts to hurt a bit but he can't contain his excitement and happiness—after all, being able to play his favorite sport in the country that helped him reshape his wings is part of the reality that makes Hinata Shoyo feel joyful every time he wakes up at dawn.


Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
*rubs hands together* oiii, Brasil!!! oiii, Japão!!! sooo, remember when i mentioned a few months ago that i had an AMAZING surprise and i was holding back on saying it? WELL, THE TIME TO GOSSIP HAS ARRIVED!!! i was invited to give an interview for THE "Volleyball Time" magazine that will be released in February!!! The cover is really beautiful, its a pic from a game between my team and @KageyamaTobio’s :P i hope you can purchase the magazine and read all the details of my interview!! 🧡
🗨️ 524 🔄 10k ❤️ 109k

Kageyama Tobio @KageyamaTobio
Replying to @NinjaShoyo
Why the :P after my name?
🗨️ 100 🔄 2k ❤️ 30k

Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
Replying to @KageyamaTobio
because i thought it would just be me on the cover but we ended up making a pair :P
🗨️ 90 🔄 1k ❤️ 25k

Kageyama Tobio @KageyamaTobio
Replying to @NinjaShoyo
Dumbass, I was also interviewed so of course I would appear
🗨️ 75 🔄 857 ❤️ 13k

Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
Replying to @KageyamaTobio
yeah yeah, i know silly-yama :P honestly, i like how our pics fit together perfectly :P 🧡
🗨️ 55 🔄 350 ❤️ 10k

Kageyama Tobio @KageyamaTobio
Replying to @NinjaShoyo
Me too
🗨️ 30 🔄 180 ❤️ 5k

Tsukishima Kei @SendaiFrogsKei
Replying to @NinjaShoyo and @KageyamaTobio
Get a room, gays.
🗨️ 20 🔄 80 ❤️ 1k


“Happy birthday, Shoyo!!!” His teammates of Asas São Paulo cheer as they throw colorful confetti over Shoyo, bathing him in glitter.

“Guys, I can't believe you did all of this just for my birthday,” Shoyo is all smiles from behind a table full of sweets and a beijinho cake. His teammates had said they were going to bring the birthday party to his apartment, but all the love being showered over Shoyo right now is something that goes beyond his expectations. It's a beautiful Friday morning, the sunny weather is perfect and he is surrounded by people he loves. Shoyo feels so spoiled that he ends up blushing. “I told you a small celebration was fine, but this is so fancy and perfect and wahhh!!!”

“You deserve this and more, Shoyo,” Yachi says, she and Natsu with polaroid cameras capturing every single angle of Shoyo’s bright reaction. He feels so silly now.

“Ah, Hitoka, you're too kind to me,” Shoyo grins as he throws a peace sign towards her.

“She may be nice but I'm not,” Tsukishima smirks. “Try to act normal, you tanned tangerine.” He has his cell phone in hand ready to take the most embarrassing photos of Shoyo, his biggest accomplice (and boyfriend!) leaning over his shoulder as he giggles at his reaction.

“You look cute, Hinata,” Yamaguchi guarantees. “Right, Kageyama?”

Shoyo’s eyes turn towards his boyfriend and he realizes that Tobio has been watching him for who knows how long. There's a frown on his eyebrows and he looks confused, so Shoyo looks down to see if there's something wrong with his clothes. Apparently not—his white tank top and orange khaki shorts seem to match well with his tan and the summery weather outside.

Whatever Tobio is thinking about, Shoyo knows there's nothing to worry about. He understands him well enough to know that Tobio's very observant and likes to focus his mind on what catches his attention. Most of the time it's just volleyball that manages to have that power over him and make his eyes shine like the starry sky. But after five years together, Shoyo is aware that he himself can attract Tobio’s attention, being deeply admired by him in the most mundane situations.

“What's up, Yama?” Shoyo pulls him by the wrist as he intertwines their fingers. “Need to go to the bathroom?”

Tobio squints, “No.” His frown gradually disappears as Shoyo strokes his hand with the pad of his thumb, but Tobio’s thoughtful look remains there.

Shoyo stares at him, trying to understand what awakened those pouty features but decides to leave it alone for now. “Take a photo with me, then.” He gently winds his arm around Tobio’s waist and rests his face against his chest.

“I can take your picture, my sons,” Shoyo’s mother says, clumsily holding her cell phone. “But in exchange I want to take one with you, too.”

“Do it like this, mom,” Natsu holds her mother’s hands to help her position the camera in a perfect angle. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion at first but then opens an awe expression.

As their photos are taken, Tobio bends down to whisper in Shoyo’s ear, “Why are you still so tanned?”

Shoyo can't suppress the chuckle that escapes his lips. “That was what you were thinking while staring at me with that murderous look?”

“No,” Tobio grumbles, his arm curling tight around Shoyo’s neck and almost suffocating him. “Not just that actually.”

His voice sounds so soft that it makes Shoyo’s heart melt. “What else then?”

Tobio bends down with half-closed eyes, pouting as he brushes his lips against the other’s forehead. “Will tell you later,” he murmurs. Shoyo can't contradict him when he's acting so sweet. Clingy-Yama and his unique power of holding a soft spot on Shoyo’s heart.

He sees no choice but to wait.

The afternoon passes slowly with conversations mixed with the warm Brazilian breeze, the smell of popcorn mingling with the air as Shoyo lets himself float over that peace. As the eldest brother who feels responsible for everyone around him, it's reassuring for Shoyo to let himself be looked after by others from time to time, like a sunflower being bathed in the rain and pollinated by bees.

Today's peace is something rare, and honestly, allowing himself to be taken care of is still very difficult for Shoyo. But he knows the importance of stopping, he knows the importance of breathing and resting his tired body next to someone he loves, so he promises himself that he will follow this lesson strictly that day.

The tradition of singing happy birthday still makes Shoyo feel a little embarrassed, each "Parabéns pra você" leaving his body a bit flushed as he scratches the back of his neck, a dark crimson surrounding the tiny freckles sprinkled over his skin. He feels vulnerable with his feelings on display, but he also feels truly seen , and it makes his smile grow wider. He smiles so big until his jaw hurts, the pain doing nothing to stop the symphony of laughter floating from his lips.

Shoyo’s grin becomes brighter as he offers the first slice of cake to Tobio, feeling the urge to spoon-feed his boyfriend just to tease him.

“Stop,” Tobio puts a hand on his chest. “I know what you're planning.”

Shoyo blinks. “What?” Many have said that he and Tobio seem to be able to read each other’s minds, but damn, that's too much! No way Kageyama can do that without Shoyo himself knowing.

Tobio pouts as his skin flushes pink. “You're gonna make that stupid beijinho joke and kiss me.”

As soon as he understands his words, Shoyo smirks, “Well, that wasn't my evil plan but I might do that now.”

“Don't,” Tobio says firmly.

“Why not???” Shoyo whines. “Just a small sweet kiss.” He makes a playful, wet pout and leans in, pretending to kiss him.

“Let me eat first, dumbass.” He turns his back to Shoyo and sits next to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, who are immersed in a subtle whispered conversation on the sofa. Yamaguchi is resting his head on Tsukishima’s shoulder while reading something in his cell phone, the other tasting the cakes with his eyes closed.

His features seem so at peace, so undisturbed just by listening to Yamaguchi murmur small nothings into his shoulder. Shoyo thinks twice about whether he should invade their space, but since Tobio has already made that decision for them, he has no other option than to follow his partner.

Maybe he and Tsukishima are very similar in that regard.

“Hey, guys,” Shoyo chants as he also sits down next to them, leaning over his boyfriend. “Did you know that Kageyama-kun and I have starred in a magazine cover?” He twirls his arms around Tobio’s neck and presses their cheeks together, ignoring that Tobio is still trying to eat in peace.

Yamaguchi giggles as he turns his head to them. “Yeah, and I was rereading you guys’ interviews just now.”

“Kageyama acted like a tamed king while answering the questions,” Tsukishima mocks between spoonfuls. “I'd have paid to see that.”

“Shut up,” Tobio grumbles. He doesn't seem bothered by the fact that Shoyo is still clinging to him, but he doesn't return affection or look him in the eyes. Another sign that he's been thinking about something.

Shoyo knows they aren't used to exchanging caresses in public, since their relationship has always been very private and it remains a secret to most people. But... There are only family and close friends around them now. Unless someone appears in a helicopter to spy on them from the window, there is no reason to hide.

Following this logic, Shoyo nuzzles against him further as he keeps talking to his friends. “What did you think about my interview, Tsukishima? And please, try to be gentle with your words.”

Stingy-shima narrows his eyes, showing that the words that are about to come from his mouth are far from gentle.

“You already know what I think,” he looks at him with a tired glare, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Tadashi and you were on the phone chatting about this interview and unfortunately I had just woken up and was forced to answer, too. It was very sappy, loud and too bright for my eyes to stand!”

“Sorry, Kei,” Yamaguchi whispers as he runs his fingers through Tsukishima’s hair, slowly combing his blonde curls with much care. “I only did that 'cause Hinata wanted to know our opinions in real time.”

“I was excited to see my besties’ reactions!!” Shoyo says cheerfully.

“You only called Kenma your bestie in the interview,” Yamaguchi gives him a fake pout, pretending to be hurt.

Shoyo cackles. “Oh god, shut up!! I said he's one of my besties, but many of my friends are equally special to me.”

“Just kidding! He called you today, right?”

“Yeah, right after breakfast! He sent me a new video game controller as a birthday gift and was inviting me to a Mario Kart tournament on discord. I'd participate if I only needed to play on the Switch, but I can't use discord to save my life!”

“Because you're old,” Tobio mumbles as he licks cake crumbs from the corner of his lips.

“You're the grumpy old man here,” Shoyo pokes the frown between his eyebrows, making Tobio squint adorably. “This pouty face here is proof you're planning something evil!”

Yamaguchi laughs softly. “Actually, I'm sure he wants to show you something super cute!”

“Who would've thought he would be so romantic?” Tsukishima smirks.

Shoyo hangs his head to the side without understanding a thing. His eyes focus on Tobio who is still pouting, but now there's pink dusting his round cheeks.

“I'm not romantic at all,” Tobio states, turning a bit to finally look Shoyo in the eyes. “That's what I wanted to say earlier. I prepared something stupid to give you, that's all. I don't know why they're making all this drama.”

“Because you're also a drama king,” Tsukishima says without ceremony. “Just like Hinata.”

“Ei!! I'm not that dramatic anymore.”

Tsukishima raises his eyebrows as if to say 'see? I'm right' and Yamaguchi hugs him tighter, trying to hide his laughter against his chest.

Shoyo himself has to hold back from being amused by his friend’s reaction. “Tobiooo, they're insulting us! Say something, are you a king or a mouse?”

It's Tobio’s turn to laugh quietly, infected by the chaotic energy installed on that tiny sofa. “I can half-agree with you, this dumbass is still a crybaby to this day,” Now that he's finished his cake, Tobio has his hands free to do whatever he wants with Shoyo, so he squeezes his cheek with one and tugs at his hair with the other, ignoring Shoyo’s protests.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima continue to laugh and tease the drama kings, complaining about how noisy the room is now. They slowly distance themselves from them, saying that chaos had ensued in that small, tight sofa. Shoyo just lets them go because he knows that his friends want to spend time in each other’s company. Yes, he understands how delightful it is of just being able to breathe next to your partner. Even when it's just earthly situations, Shoyo wouldn't imagine another place that would bring him more comfort than being by Tobio’s side.

All the more reason why he feels a little reluctant when his mother asks him to go offer Natsu something to eat.

“Be right back, silly,” Shoyo plants a loud smooch on Tobio’s cheek, making the pink color from earlier return brighter.

He finds Natsu sitting at the kitchen table, looking at something between her hands while Shoyo approaches with great curiosity.

“Here, Nat-chan,” Shoyo hands a generous slice of cake to his sister and stops when he realizes that she's distracted by something on her cell phone. Her tongue is peeking out adorably and there's a slight blush across her cheeks. “Natsu?”

“Hmm?” She hums and looks up from her phone, a goofy smile on her lips.

“What's with that silly face?”

“It's just my normal face.”

“It's not! You look a bit… goofier.”

Natsu puffs her cheeks out in annoyance. She seems ready to fight back, but before that, Yachi appears between them, her hands protecting Shoyo from Natsu’s upcoming rage. “Sorry for interrupting, but can I talk to Shoyo for a bit, Natsu-chan?”

Of course Natsu doesn't mind—she just takes the piece of cake from her brother’s hand and sits down again, still focused on her cell phone with rosy cheeks puffed out.

Shoyo sighs, a bit confused. As soon as they are alone in the hallway, he asks, “What's up with her?”

“I think she's talking to someone important,” Yachi replies shyly.

“Who? It's her day off so her managers aren't supposed to contact her. She should be resting!”

“What do you think about her expression right now?”

“I don't know if it's because of the sun, but she is a little flushed,” Shoyo crosses his arms as he thinks. “Her wobbly smile is characteristic of when she's happy or excited about something. Oh, her tongue peeking out, too!! Honestly, she looks like me during my Karasuno years when I used to act like that, chasing after more and more of Kageyama’s sets.” He giggles.

“Exactly,” Yachi says with a gentle tone.

Shoyo blinks twice. “Hmm?”

“I think she might be… You know…” She rubs her cheek, seeming insecure. “In love.”



The words in love make Shoyo’s mind go blank, his mouth slowly opening and closing in shock. Natsu is… in love? With who? Since when? Why didn't she tell him? Does their mother know about this? Does Shoyo know the person Natsu is in love with? So many questions in a short period of time, there are so many emotions inside his body that he doesn't know how to react. Shoyo remembers holding Natsu in his arms when she was still a baby and now she might be dating ?

So that's how parents feel when their children start to grow?

“Don't worry, Hinata,” Yachi rests a hand on his shoulder. “Just like you said, she's acting just like you years ago. Natsu-chan is already 20 and is very mature and responsible. I think most things she’s learned were by watching yours and Kageyama-kun’s relationship.”

“Do I know who this person is? The one she's in love with?”

Yachi shakes her head, “No, apparently it's an ex teammate from high school. She's playing in the V.League now, but the two still keep in touch, even from different countries.”

“Oh,” Shoyo exclaims. He isn't surprised that Natsu is in love with a woman, but he's sure amazed that her story is very similar to his. They both fell in love with teammates with whom they keep in touch after going abroad and even after years of knowing their partners, the siblings still wear the same silly expression every time they are talking to their loved ones. Shoyo concludes it must be another family trait. “Long-distance relationships, huh? She is truly my lil sister.”

“Yeah, so no need to worry 'cause we all know how both of you are mature enough to do that.”

“I think so,” Shoyo smiles, feeling a bit more proud of Natsu. Just like he does on a daily basis. “Please, Yachi-san! Keep an eye on Nat-chan for me, if someone makes her cry I will take the first flight to Turkey and support her. Only God knows how much I suffered from longing and unconscious pining,” Shoyo grunts as he buries his face in his hands.

Yachi laughs, “Of course! I'm aware of her situation because Natsu often talks to Kanoka asking for advice.” A little blush flashes across her cheeks after mentioning her girlfriend’s name. “We will keep an eye on her, don't worry!”

“You're my hero,” It's not often Shoyo gets the chance to hug someone smaller than him, so he takes the opportunity to pull Yachi into a warm, thigh hug, almost knocking the air out of her lungs. “Thanks for being here, by the way.”

“Anything for you,” Yachi’s voice comes muffled against Shoyo’s arms, doing her best to return the hug.

As the sun begins to set, Shoyo’s teammates say goodbye to everyone, wishing him a happy birthday once again. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi decide to do some shopping in the Liberdade neighborhood, while Natsu, Yachi and Shoyo’s mother dive into a fun conversation in the living room, snacking on what's left of the cake.

As he watches the sun slowly disappear over the horizon, covering the city like a marigold halo, Shoyo’s mind lights up with an idea.

“Hey, Yama,” he whispers, Tobio leaning down to listen to his words better. “Wanna see a place? Just you and me?”

“Where?” Tobio asks suspiciously.

Shoyo beams, “It's a surprise!!”

Tobio doesn't deny, so Shoyo interprets his silence as a big yes.

The two tell the girls they're going out for a walk, Natsu sending a deadly glare in Shoyo’s direction to which he reciprocates with a peace sign as an apology. Shoyo murmurs a soft ‘te amo’ as he fondly ruffles Natsu’s hair, and an adorable laugh comes out of the girl's mouth in response.

After earning his sister’s forgiveness, he and Tobio leave together along Isabel de Castela street towards a special place—one of Shoyo’s favorites in the whole city. He makes a point of putting a cap on Tobio and himself so that they won't be easily recognized. In his defense, Shoyo learned these disguise techniques from Tobio, so if they end up being chased by fans or crazy paparazzis it will all be his boyfriend’s fault.

It doesn't take long until they arrive at a beautiful, large park, the sunset covering its vast vegetation like honey poured over pancakes.

“Esse é o parque pôr do sol,” Shoyo explains in Portuguese. “It means ‘Sunset Park’ and it has one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen.I thought you'd appreciate it just like me. Look at all those yellows and oranges, Yama!!!”

Tobio continues to look at the landscape without uttering any words. The warm wind hits his face and makes him squint adorably, an upset pout sprouting on his mouth when he hears Shoyo’s low giggles.

As he remains silent, Shoyo touches his arm in concern. “Tobio? You don't like it? We can go back home if you want—”

“No,” Tobio quickly denies, staring at Shoyo with a deep gaze. “It's just…” He sighs. “It's your birthday, dumbass. You shouldn't worry about what I want now.”

Shoyo smiles gently, “Ah, Yama. I will always worry about you, no matter what.”

“Idiot,” Tobio blushes and Shoyo feels the urge to pull him close to press kisses across the beautiful pink of his cheeks. “I'm just saying that we should be doing things that you wanna do.”

This time, Shoyo's the one who pouts. “That's what I'm doing, dummy!” It still annoys him when Tobio doesn't understand that his presence is everything he needs in the rare moments when their schedules align. Seriously, Shoyo wants to bite that stupid pouty man now to make him understand that once and for all. “Being by your side makes me go all gwahhh and I'd love to end my birthday with a flourish by seeing this stupidly romantic sunset by your stupid side!”

Tobio stares at him with such intensity that it seems like he wants to bite Shoyo, too. Then, he snorts impatiently, pulling Shoyo with a strong grip on his wrist until they both find a comfortable spot to sit under a tree. There are many families and couples on the grass, but everyone's so focused on the sunset that they don't pay attention to either of them.

One more reason for Shoyo to have chosen this park and spend the end of the afternoon with his silly partner.

They watch in awe as the gold of the sun before them mixes with the green of the forest, softening their features and giving them courage to snuggle closer. Shoyo motions for Tobio to lie down on his lap, which he refuses, his flush sparkling further around his pout. In the end, Shoyo leans against the tree trunk and pulls Tobio closer so he can rest his head on Shoyo’s shoulder. Shoyo places his cheek on the top of Tobio’s head, and starts nuzzling against his cap.

“You smell good, Yama,” Shoyo says as he closes his eyes, inhaling the remnants of Tobio’s shampoo and his woody natural scent.

“I'm a bit sweaty,” Tobio muffles against his shoulder.

“I don't care.”

“Because you're gross.”

“No! I just love you so much.”

Tobio huffs and pinches Shoyo’s waist in retaliation, smirking as he gets an ‘Ouch’ in return. “I have something for you,” he whispers against his skin before planting a light kiss there.

Shoyo almost melts, and that's not the effect of the sun. “What is it?”

There’s a brief silence between them and Shoyo knows that the other man is thinking about how he should hand over whatever he has hidden. Still silent, Tobio reaches into the pocket of his shorts and takes out a thick orange envelope, wrapped in a golden ribbon. He places it between Shoyo’s hands and he can barely hold himself as he squeezes the paper, almost dying of curiosity.

“This is so cute, Tobio!!! Can I open it?”

“Unless you want me to take it back.”

“NEVER!!!!!!” His hands are quick but careful as they undo the knot in the ribbon and tear the base of the paper away. Shoyo can't help but smile goofily as he does so. Stupid Attentive-Yama and his stupid way of making him happy with the simplest gestures.

The smile that spreads across Shoyo’s face is as wide as the sun shimmering over them.

From inside the envelope, Shoyo takes out some sticker sheets and a small yellow notebook decorated with volleyball-shaped stickers on the cover. He giggles fondly, remembering that since he and Tobio started dating, Shoyo also created the habit of keeping a journal to write in, and over time he also started using stickers so that the pages wouldn't remain so boring. Tobio always helps him with organization tips and he knows more than anyone how much Shoyo loves to share this hobby with him.

Everything is funner when they're together after all.

“Tobiooo, I think you also really love me, huh?” Shoyo throws his arms around Tobio’s neck, covering his eyes and mouth as he snuggles further against his body and basks in his familiar scent. “Obrigado por ter feito meu dia maravilhoso. Eu amo você, meu querido!!!!”

“What the heck are you saying???” Tobio growls, but still envelops Shoyo in a cozy embrace that matches the warmth of the sun. He strokes his back and angles Shoyo’s head to press a lasting, silent kiss to his cheek, Tobio’s long dark eyelashes tickling his skin. “Happy birthday, Sho.”

Shoyo giggles quietly, blushing, unable to move away from that person so dear to him. So loved by him. Just like every year, his birthday was very peaceful and domestic in the way he appreciates most. Shoyo was pampered all day and received several sweet gifts, but deep down he is completely convinced that the greatest gift of all is having his dearest ones by his side, whether on the court or in life.

As someone who is used to taking care of others, letting himself be taken care of is a lesson Shoyo values ​​greatly nowadays.

“Your tan lines are a bit faded here,” Tobio whispers against his wrist, proceeding to plant light kisses all over his freckles.

Shoyo hums in delight. “You're a big fan of them, aren't you?”

Instead of answering, Tobio keeps kissing the brown dots sprinkled across his skin. Shoyo smiles lazily, knowing that it's another big yes that he's got from his lover that day.

The night approaches while the two remain there, creating silly competitions and exchanging caresses beneath the moonlight. Shoyo starts sticking some stickers on Tobio’s arm while the other attaches some to his forehead and vice-versa. They try to enjoy the sight, but every now and then they end up getting distracted by subtle touches, by caresses and sweet nonsenses whispered against each other’s skin.

To Shoyo, it's a perfect way to end a perfect day, with only the sound of their laughter mixing with the stardust that shows up in the sky after the sunset.


Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
y'all!!!! thank you so much to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, you guys are amazing, sweet, thoughtful, perfect, MUITO OBRIGADO MESMO, MEU DIA FOI MARAVILHOSO GRAÇAS A VOCÊS!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 here are some photos i took today with some teammates, friends and family (the sticker attached to my forehead on the last pic was a gift from @KageyamaTobio :P
🗨️ 2k 🔄 45k ❤️ 230k

Kageyama Tobio @KageyamaTobio
Replying to @NinjaShoyo
Stop putting this :P everytime you type my name
🗨️ 400 🔄 7k ❤️ 50k

Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
Replying to @KageyamaTobio
:P :P :P Kageyama Tobio :P :P :P Silly-Yama :P :P :P Tobio :P :P :P Yama Yama-kun :P :P :P
🗨️ 305 🔄 3k ❤️ 25k

Tsukishima Kei @SendaiFrogsKei
Replying to @NinjaShoyo and @KageyamaTobio
Can't believe these dummies are Olympians.
🗨️ 272 🔄 1,5k ❤️ 18k

Sho!! ☀️ @NinjaShoyo
Replying to @SendaiFrogsKei
And you'll be playing with us soon :)) 🧡
🗨️ 230 🔄 1k ❤️ 15k


The whistle blows as Shoyo begins his pre-serve ritual. He exhales and shakes the ball between his hands, patting it as if he were removing teeny grains of sand. His breath comes hot, chest rising and falling in adrenaline, beads of sweat falling down his golden skin, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth; all these gestures being signs of adrenaline and focus to finally achieve that dream.

Synchronized with his loud heartbeats, Shoyo launches the ball high into the air and soars just as high, sending it to the other side of the court with a powerful serve.

As it passes over the net, the ball is received beautifully by Gustavo, the Brazil National Team’s libero. Shoyo gingerly watches their setter’s sneaky steps on the other side of the net. Lucas is known for his quick sets but also for his calm observation of the surroundings, and he uses this tactic to make a setter dump, which surprises his own spiker. A few centimeters before hitting Japan’s court side, the ball is sent back to the air with a soft bump by Sakusa Kiyoomi.

It isn't long before Bokuto Koutarou comes flying, the impact of his hand with the ball causing a screeching sound to resonate through the stadium. This time, the Brazilian team has a hard time receiving the ball and it goes in a parabola towards the net, being clumsily set by Lucas at the last second. The opposite hitter Darlan, known for being a vertical jump monster, lives up to his name and takes a monstrous leap to slap the ball in a parallel, with the intention of sinking it into the court and ending this rally once and for all.

In the same way he is impactful on the court, everyone on that court is considered a monster, too, even those who are quiet at first. Tsukishima Kei is one of them. He carries a subtle, calm aura just like the moon, but he's got a lot of skill within him, a byproduct of dedication and years of hard-work. The middle blocker proves this as he appears out of nowhere building a wall in front of that powerful spike, softly blocking the ball until it loses speed and is easily caught by their libero, Morisuke Yaku.

After moments of anguish in which he was unable to touch the ball, Kageyama Tobio prepares himself to give his all in this set. And as always, Hinata Shoyo is by his side, always prepared for any move Tobio has to offer. Always prepared to make the most of his company on the same side of the court. Always ready to trust his partner just like he does on a daily basis. Shoyo is always ready to be there for him, with him, so they can take on the whole world together, doing what they are most passionate about in a perfect orchestra.

The moment Shoyo takes flight again, high enough to pluck stars from the sky, he realizes how breathtaking the view from the top still is. It opens like a thin veil to reveal a golden light especially for him, for only Hinata Shoyo to be pleased by. The view is as perfect as the smile that blossoms on Tobio’s face when he presents Shoyo with a quick ball, which is sunk into the opposing team’s side of the court at full speed.

The referee blows the whistle again, this time bringing the end of the match and Japan’s victory. And the Olympic gold medal that Shoyo always dreamed of.

It feels unreal at first, but he's really living in this moment. Shoyo is there surrounded by screams, applause and his teammates jumping into each other’s arms in genuine joy. The audience starts chanting their names and before Bokuto reaches Shoyo to lift him into the air, Tobio is already there by his side, ready to share this dream alongside him.

“Hey,” he says breathlessly, voice soft as he places a hand on Shoyo’s shoulder. “We made it.”

Only now does Shoyo realize that he's also out of breath, his legs almost giving in from exhaustion. He turns to Tobio and leans on his shoulders so he can stand, smiling weakly. Some laughs escape Shoyo’s lips and he starts to get emotional because holy sh*t, they really made it. They finally won their first gold medal together, and it was against Brazil. It was against Shoyo’s new home and he doesn't know how to feel.

There is a lot of joy trapped inside his body. Many emotions are exposed on his skin, like relief, excitement, happiness, and surprise of having achieved this victory. Of achieving this dream . His feelings are still unleashed but he wants to fire this beam of emotions from his body as soon as possible, and shout out that the world isn't so big anymore compared to the height at which Shoyo sees himself now.

“Yes,” Shoyo says after a while. “We're here now.” He squeezes Tobio’s shoulders, feeling the urge to pull him into a tight hug and never let go.

But they are not alone now, so within seconds, the whole team is crowded around them to share a huge group hug. Shoyo has the last of the air left in him being knocked out as soon as Bokuto wraps him in his embrace, his messy hair becoming even more disheveled when Atsumu and Aran come to ruffle it. They are screaming in his ears and Shoyo finally starts jumping up and down in excitement, pulling them closer and delving into post-victory joyfulness. From the corner of his eyes, he catches a glimpse of Tobio being dragged a little away as he is hugged by Komori and Hoshiumi, comically disappearing in the middle of two people smaller than him.

Soon, Shoyo notices that almost everyone had already gathered at the party. Tsukishima, Kiyoomi and Ushijima are shaking hands on one side, Yaku and Hyakuzawa also appear to compliment Shoyo and his latest spike; Iwaizumi pats Tobio on the back, his eyes filled with pride.

After a lot of shouting and hugs, they all gather in front of the net to shake hands with the Brazilian players. Shoyo spots his Asas São Paulo’s teammates and pulls them into a quick hug, telling how much he is happy to be here with them.

"Come on, we are the happy ones here," Lucas beams. "You were amazing as always, Shoyo. Congratulations!!"

“Don't you dare go back to Japan just because you won,” Darlan threatens. “We'll be waiting for you in Brazil. To win the next Superliga and watch anime, too!” He throws his head back and laughs freely.

Shoyo follows him with his own giggles, “Thank you, Darlan. And don't worry! I will be back for sure.”

“Let's go, Shoyo,” Bokuto calls from behind him. “My number one disciple! I'm so proud of you.” He continues guiding Shoyo by the wrist and he simply follows without questioning anything, realizing the exhaustion established in his body.

“Hinata!” It's Tobio’s voice reaching his ears amidst so much shouting. Shoyo turns slowly until he sees the man, his man , coming towards him with quick steps. “Dumbass, you look exhausted.”

“I'm not,” he replies quickly, even though his shortness of breath and leg tremors prove otherwise. Shoyo still tries to smile through his tiredness, bathing himself once again in the reality of living his dream alongside the person who's seen him aim for such an achievement for years. In addition to the joy of having won, the fact that Tobio trusted him to guide the team to victory makes the emotions inside Shoyo flow deeper, like chocolate melting in the sunlight. “It's just… I don't think I've realized yet that it's real. It's really happening, Yama. We made it, and the best part is that we did it together. I’m all kyahhh inside, I wanna jump and scream and cry but I don't know if I have the energy to do that now.” Shoyo chuckles. “I'm so happy and this is my dream coming true, it's our dream actually! It's very important to both of us, that's why I'm so… so—” A few tears start to run down Shoyo’s cheeks until they fall on his lips, the taste of sweat and salt taking over his mouth.

“Don't cry, Shoyo,” Bokuto says, his eyes also watering in the corners.

“It's okay, Bokuto-san,” Tobio says behind his smirk, glimpses of fondness shining on his eyes. “He's always been a crybaby.” Once again, he rests his hand on Shoyo’s back, subtly caressing his body and soothing his melted heart.

This small touch is enough to comfort Shoyo and make his emotions flow freely. He smiles brighter, he cries more and finally allows himself to pull his lover into a tight, desperate embrace. Yes, Shoyo knows they're both sweaty and yes, he knows there is a huge crowd, no, a whole world watching their backs right now as they share such an intimal touch. But just like always, it's like they are orbiting together on their own planet, in their own space. Shoyo is sharing this moment with the biggest star in his universe, where only the two of them exist.

That's why having an audience watching them is the least of Shoyo’s worries right now, when all he wants most is to align himself in the galaxy of their arms where the two can live this moment for all one's worth.

Suddenly, memories from years ago come to his mind, memories of the day Shoyo showed the whole world that he is capable of standing on the court with his own abilities. That day, he showed how the little things he does every day are what make up his soul and heart. Shoyo showed that he's made up of the little things he loves, and for years he wanted to be loved and accepted with the same intensity.

And on November 17th, 2018, when MSBY Black Jackals beat Schweiden Adlers 3 - 1 in a historic match, Shoyo not only had his first victory in his debut game. He also had the sublime discovery that the person who accepted his promise to reach the top of the world stage by his side had been waiting for him for all those years. Kageyama Tobio was waiting for Hinata Shoyo, the one who is considered the sun by many but who also never bothered to orbit around those he truly loves. For years, Shoyo orbited Tobio from afar, trying to get closer not just to beat him, but to build an universe together where they can keep playing and loving each other unconditionally.

They've been together for over five years, and with each new achievement, Shoyo feels like the 15-year-old boy who saw the view from the top for the first time. He feels that nothing can stop his path, he feels that his love for volleyball increases every day. And above all, he feels like sharing more moments like this with his loved one, for all the years he has left in his life.

“Hey, Yama,” Shoyo mumbles, a bit insecure. Many tiny stars are bubbling up inside him in a big bang of emotions and he wants to scream everything out loud.

“Hmm?” Tobio hums. His expression is calm as he guides Shoyo until they both leave the court together, at the same time. When he realizes that Tobio did that on purpose, that he made sure to leave the court only if they were side by side, Shoyo’s heart skips a beat.

Then, gathering all the courage in his body and collecting all the stardust powdered inside him, Shoyo decides to unveil all the layers of his heart. He stands in front of Tobio until he can look deep into his eyes, the same ones that have always given him trust and that scream daily how much Tobio loves him and will never judge Shoyo for anything.

“I was also remembering how we got together,” Shoyo sniffles. “How we both started moving at the same time, how we plunged into a hug and then had our first kiss and how we were totally in sync, even with our heartbeats! It feels like we're always traveling on the same road.”

“Because we are,” Tobio says under his breath, brushing away some damp curls from Shoyo’s forehead. “We're here together. I'm here with you. I've always been waiting for you, actually,” he admits softly, looking at Shoyo with such tenderness as if he had sculpted all the stars sprinkled in the universe.

“Me too, Tobi,” Shoyo beams, letting his tears fall at will. “You're also my someone better after all.”

After that statement, Tobio’s mouth opens and closes without uttering a sound. He seems more breathless than before, chest rising and falling swiftly and cheeks flushed pink. For Shoyo, he looks as wonderful as ever. For Shoyo, Tobio is the painter of all the beauties nature has to offer. He wants to run the pads of his thumbs across the dimples of his cheekbones, count every dimple on his ethereal face and wipe the drops of sweat from his skin, kissing every fragment of his body as if it were a precious stone.

Shoyo could do all that. He could continue worshiping every detail of his partner for the rest of his life, if Tobio hadn't framed his face with much care and leaned down to kiss him. But that's exactly what he does: Tobio brushes his lips against Shoyo’s with such care and affection, enough to make his breath hitch. It's a lingering, slow kiss, not much different from the ones they usually share, but… it feels unique somehow.

Maybe it's the unexpected silence that has settled around them, maybe it's the fact that thousands of people might have their mouths open right now. Maybe it's the fact that Shoyo can't feel anything other than his heart racing against his chest and the sweet taste of Tobio’s lips.

There are a lot of “maybes” on his mind right now, but when his boyfriend briefly detaches their lips and comes back to plant a smooch on his eyelid, Shoyo realizes that it feels unique to them because every touch they exchange is indeed something new. It's something unique, reserved only for them, just like their quick. But unlike their plays on the court, their love is not rushed at all. They love each other slowly, unrushed, always painting their futures together with much serenity. Always exchanging lazy kisses and gentle caresses, always bickering here and there and teasing each other. That's just how they are. That's how they are because they are in no rush to love each other.

It's like they're falling in love again, again and again, and Shoyo can't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.

Silence is still wrapped around them as Shoyo’s eyelashes flutter open, feeling completely mesmerized. Tobio takes a step back, looking a bit unsure of the decision he made, but Shoyo doesn't let him go far—he pulls Tobio closer by the hem of his jersey and winds his arms around his neck, tiptoeing to taste his lips once again. This time, Tobio does not take measures to distance himself. One of his arms cups Shoyo’s face again while the other easily finds a way around his waist, pulling him closer until their chests are pressed together. The embrace is so strong that Tobio almost lifts him off the ground, Shoyo doing his best to pull him down further to the point of almost merging Tobio’s body with his.

They are still in their enclosured world, but it's impossible not to hear the rain of applause that explodes around them. Shoyo smiles against his partner’s mouth, aware that they have just made a life-changing decision. And they can't be more sure of it. They can't be more sure of the decision to be able to love and be loved without thinking about what others will think.

“I'm so happy, Tobi,” Shoyo says between kisses. “I want this moment to last forever.”

Tobio genuine smiles against his mouth, “Me too.” He angles Shoyo’s head to press kisses on both his eyelids. “Me too, Shoyo.”

Exhaustion and comfort finally fall on Shoyo, and he allows himself to continue being held by Tobio as tears of joy keep running down his sweaty, flushed cheeks. Damn, Shoyo figures he must be a whole mess right now. Disheveled hair, swollen pink lips, kiss-drunk, watery eyes, sweaty body... but still Shoyo doesn't care. He doesn't care because he's wrapped in Tobio’s arms now, who still caresses Shoyo while kissing every inch of his face—each kiss being a silent demonstration of affection, love and pride.

Shoyo is still melting little by little in this hug when a teammate from Asas São Paulo, Marcos, brings him back to this world.

“Sorry to interrupt, Shoyo! But we have a special surprise for you!” Marcos announces before disappearing into the crowd. Shoyo thinks about following him, but he quickly comes back with what seems to be a long scarf, which he carefully wraps around Shoyo’s neck.

“It's the Brazilian flag!” Marcos explains brightly. “We've been planning to gift you since your birthday, but we thought the Olympics would be a perfect opportunity to do so!”

The warm fabric around Shoyo is the only thing capable of making him move away from Tobio, just enough to look at his kouhai. Shoyo clutches the flag between his shaking hands, more tears falling down his rosy skin.

“Obrigado, Marcos,” Shoyo thanks with a choked voice, still smiling wobbly. “Muito obrigado pelo carinho, eu amo você e o time com todo meu coração!!!”

Other members of the Brazilian National Team come up to Shoyo to congratulate him, ruffling his already disheveled hair and telling him to stop crying. Tobio has an arm around his neck, and Shoyo can hear him murmur something like ‘My dumbass’ when he ducks down to kiss the top of his head.

Shoyo lightly elbows Tobio in the stomach for calling him that. And for making him flush deeper after calling Shoyo 'his'.

The tears only stop a little when the gold medal is placed around the necks of all the members of the Japan National Team, the weight of the gold on Shoyo’s chest being the conviction he needed to understand that yes , they really made it. He's still sniffling a bit, but the sound of his happy laughter masks his sobs, the damp, pink skin of his cheeks hidden against Tobio’s shoulder, who still holds him tightly in his arms.

Another certainty that Shoyo has at that moment is that, more than ever, it will be difficult for the two to separate after that night.

Shoyo can't let go of Tobio even when he is interviewed minutes later, his hand with a tight grip around his boyfriend’s waist as he answers some questions in the corridor towards the locker rooms.

“So, Hinata-senshu,” Enaga-san smiles widely, her eyes twinkling in genuine happiness as she sees Shoyo holding onto Tobio throughout the interview. “Months ago I asked if you had any goals for the Olympics and tonight I could see with my own eyes that your goal was achieved. How do you feel about that?”

“Well, I think it's visible that I felt quite emotional, considering the amount of tears that fell from my eyes,” Shoyo giggles. “But of course I also felt very happy and very wahhh, you know?”

For the first time, Enaga-san seems to understand what he's saying. “Mhmm, I get you! Also, having Kageyama-senshu by your side was part of that dream?”

Shoyo rubs the back of his neck. “Kinda. The Olympics are the only way we can play together now that we live in different countries, so yes. I admit his sets are my favorite in the whole world.” This confession makes Tobio blush and pout, Shoyo laughing softly as he raises his hands to frame his pink, warm face. “I'm sure Kageyama-kun also thinks the same about me! Right, Tobi???”

Tobio squeezes Shoyo’s face with one hand, grunting as he tries to make his giggling face move away. Enaga-san and Shoyo laugh freely at his reaction, the cameraman unable not to focus the camera on that iconic pout.

Shoyo makes a mental note that he will get the clip of this interview to tease Tobio whenever he wants. And to rewatch it whenever he misses him.

Enaga-san wipes a tear from the corner of her eye before asking, “To finish here: What's your greatest joy now that you have the gold medal?”

“My biggest joy is being able to live today intensely,” Shoyo answers without missing a beat. “Playing lots and lots of volleyball with my favorite person and the support of people I love the most!!!” As always, Enaga-san seems quite satisfied with the words.

And now, Tobio is also there to witness Shoyo fondly talking about him.

The Paris South Arena still shakes with screams and applause, some remnants of adrenaline buzzing within Shoyo’s body. His team is victorious today, but he still awaits the decision between Japan and Turkey, both women’s teams competing for third place—and consequently, for the shiny bronze medal that Shoyo believes Natsu will win.

Then the next day, on that same court he stole the spotlights, it's Natsu’s turn to shine and pluck stars from the sky with her iconic leaps. Japan is wearing their blue jersey this time, but the cool tone of the fabric doesn't stop Natsu from standing out with her signature jump and bright hair, her ponytail fluttering in the wind and the sheer sparkle in her eyes twinkling with golden fierceness.

It's a look Shoyo knows pretty well. It's a look of hunger, thirst, excitement and desire to reach the top, always winning. Always driving forward. It's the same look Shoyo had yesterday when he was tirelessly pursuing victory. Today he's not playing, but he's happy to be in the stands cheering on his sister. Natsu used to watch him from afar, but now Shoyo feels elated knowing that that flying star on the court grew from the same roots as his.

Today Shoyo can also watch Natsu soaring to the top of the world, feeling proud of her just like she looks up at him.

“You're gonna cry already?” Tobio asks without taking his eyes off of the court. “The match isn't over yet.”

Shoyo sniffles, “Not yet!” He tightens his grip on Tobio’s hand, adjusting his posture and puffing out his chest. “I'll only cry if they win.”

“So you're gonna cry soon,” he states bluntly, stroking Shoyo’s hand with the pad of his thumb.

“Yeah. 'Cause they're gonna win for sure. And you're the best person to be by my side while I shed some tears, so get ready!” Shoyo bumps his side against his boyfriend, both still focused on the match.

He hears a low laugh escaping Tobio’s lips after Japan scores a point, but only turns to look at him when Tobio kindly lifts his chin to press a chaste kiss to his lips, melting Shoyo and softening his features with that single touch.

At that moment, Shoyo realizes many more things at once. He realizes that today he is not the defeated anymore. Today Shoyo is a winner, a victorious being who loves a lot and is loved with great intensity. Today he loves and is loved by Kageyama Tobio, and this reality will remain like this forever. Today is his, only. Today is Hinata Shoyo’s and just like always, he is the one and only, the sun.

He who was Born with the Sunrise - belatinysun (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.