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Stranded on Crowfoot
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By Jo Anne Malpass Crowfoot Mountain Snowmobile Club members received a call for assistance early Friday Jan. 22. “We have two sledders lost on Crowfoot. We have had a crew out all night, but no luck. It’s snowing hard and visibility is poor.” Brad Hutton in Chase heard from Allen Dunk of Chase and Mike Grif-fiths of Mobley Lake at around 2.30 pm. Thursday Jan 21. They were in the Grizzly cabin having lunch. Concerned when the men did not re-turn as planned by 6:30 pm Thursday, Brad called Crowfoot Club members Martin and
Julie Lucas. Martin went to the parking lot and confirmed their trucks were still there. A Club search team and the snowcat went out Thursday night, but poor visibility and blizzard snow conditions made the search impossible. The searchers came out at
around 4:00 am, exhaust-ed. “It’s an emo-tional drain on everyone knowing that you have not found them and they are
out there some-where.
However, safety is priority, we do not want
(Continued on page 3)
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Vernon Search and Rescue helicopter lifts one man to safety while hover-ing over a steep ravine where two snowmobilers were stranded.
Photo credit: Vernon Search & Rescue
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Where is it ?…….
Kicker Office: 250-955-0534 Email: [emailprotected]
KICKER DEADLINES .. . ... Pg 42 Calendar of Events .. .. ..... Pg 40 Church Listings……... ..... Pg 36 Classifieds .............. .. ..... Pg 44 Clubs & Organizations ..... Pg 43 Contact Kicker ………… . Pg 42 Chamber News - North. .... Pg 9 Chamber News - South. .... Pg 31 Dare to Dream ......... .. ..... Pg 22 Fire News ............... .. ..... Pg 14 First Responders ..... .. ..... Pg 17 Health Centre Society . ..... Pg 25 Historical ……. ...... .. ..... Pg 24 Lakeview Centre ...... .. ..... Pg 26 Letters to the Editor .. ..... Pg n/a Lions Club News .... .. ..... Pg 19 RCMP News ........... .. ..... Pg 7 Recipe of the Month .. ..... Pg 42 Sidekick ................... .. ..... Pg 10
Stranded on Crowfoot continued
to end up with any of our searchers lost or injured,” said Julie. Chase RCMP was called Friday morn-ing at 4:30 am and Shuswap Search and Rescue (SAR) activated. 13 SAR, 17 Club members, the RCMP helicopter and Lake-head Helicopter responded to the call, but with heavy fog and icing rotors, it was too dangerous for the helicopters to continue. At about 1:00 pm, SAR was able to make radio contact but could not obtain their exact location in the rugged terrain. Allen later told the Kicker they didn’t have any food left after their lunch on Thursday, except half a chocolate bar they shared Friday. “We lit a fire under a tree, but the heat would rise and then it would rain on us all night. We did have a couple of solar blankets but we were pretty soaked the whole time we were out there.” They had been concerned searchers might think they had been caught in an avalanche and would stop looking so were relieved when radio contact was estab-lished. By 10:00 pm, the men’s GPS location was verified. With poor visibility, they had gotten off track crossing from Grizzly to Crowfoot and ended up down a deep treed ravine at the bottom of Grizzly Mountain. An attempt was made Friday night to deliver supplies but was unsuccessful. “Again, another very difficult gut wrench-ing decision was made to return and leave the lost guys out for a second night,” said Julie. Allen said “it was emotional for us too when they told us they weren’t coming in Friday night.” The pair had tried to move closer to rescue. “When we heard they
weren’t coming, we had to spend a couple of hours getting the fire going again,” in the wet and icy conditions. The fire kept sinking into the deep snow and they burned holes in their snow pants trying to get close enough to keep warm. On Saturday morning at about 9:00 am, Vernon SAR’s helicopter, equipped with a winch, was able to lift the men to safety. The two men were taken to hospi-tal in Salmon Arm, checked and released. “I definitely know what I want in my survival gear, a bigger saw to cut bigger wood, a dry change of clothes and fire starter.” All those other things are nice Allen said, but being dry is most important. “It was something that I will definitely draw strength from for the rest of my life, rather than a tragedy it was a character building, strength building kind of thing.” “I just can’t say enough about the snowmobile club and search and rescue people.” In the cold and dark they could easily get lost or stuck themselves, “a kick-ass group.” Martin and Julie said the incredible support, concern, response and help was amazing. “We could not ask to have a better support team! We have some very tired members and Search and Rescue vol-unteers, but I know we are all relieved that they are rescued, in good health and safely back home.” They did go back to retrieve their sleds, spending a grueling four days shov-eling and building a trail. Allen said it would have been impossible without the help of George Lewis, Trent Hegyi, Steve Moore and Matt (a visitor from Vancouver Island).
(Continued from page 1)
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Tree Removal
...Kick-Back!! By Jo Anne Malpass, Editor
There were two news items the other day that got me thinking about how some of the advances in technology threat-en privacy and have reduced control over our personal data. One was about an internet search en-gine that has launched a new feature which allows users to see devices that are connected to the internet, where they're located and who is using them, making any unsecured devices vulnerable. This includes webcams, nanny cams, security systems and routers.
The other was about advances in bio-metrics that measure things about us like fingerprints, heartbeats, our faces and even the way we walk, to use as a pass-word or to customize products to our needs. Authentication by biometric verifica-tion is becoming increasingly common in corporate and public security systems, consumer electronics and point-of-sale applications. In addition to security, the positive side of this is convenience, as
(Continued on page 4)
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By Jo Anne Malpass Many waterfront owners within the Columbia Shuswap Regional District received two tax assessments in January, one for their homes and property and the other for their residential private moorage leases. 1800 properties in 10 municipalities in the Okanagan area received notifica-tion from the BC Assessment Office say-ing “the impetus behind this was direction from our legal department that all Crown land (ie. foreshore parcel) had to be as-sessed separately from the fee simple land (ie. upland parcel). Dave Cunliffe, President of the North Shuswap Chamber of Commerce, said “this appears to be a poorly thought out and poorly implemented program by BC Assessment. Raising a hundred dollars in property tax for each dock hardly seems worth the administrative effort of generat-ing a separate assessment. It also under-mines the provincial government’s objec-tive to have all docks registered by giving property owners another reason not to cooperate.” Waterfront property owners who had not obtained dock permission or fore-
shore lease remain unaffected for now, although BC Assessment has already commenced a project this year to value those residential private moorage areas that were not included. This is to be com-pleted and included in the 2017 Roll. The Shuswap Waterfront Owners Association (SWOA) encouraged anyone faced with a separate assessment for their dock to make an appeal before the Feb. 1 deadline. On Jan. 15, President Bo Wil-son emailed Katrina LeNoury, Deputy Assessor Okanagan Region BC Assess-ment to get some clarification and re-ceived a response on Jan. 27. One of SWOA’s concerns was parcel tax, a flat tax on each parcel which does not vary according to the value of the property. “Will property owners now have to pay double parcel taxes, one for the property and one for the dock?” An-swer: Parcel taxes are established by the Regional District. IF there is a parcel tax payable then that parcel tax will be shown as a line item on each tax notice. Columbia Shuswap Regional District Area F Director Larry Morgan said that although the CSRD did not receive prior
(Continued on page 6)
New Tax on Foreshore Parcels
there are no passwords to remember. The problem is that much of the col-lection and use of this information is not properly regulated, and could be used against us. The data is sitting out there, so might be used one day to turn you down for a job, credit card or life insurance. For business firms, personal data about customers and potential customers are now also a key asset. The company that makes Oreo cookies is talking about smart shelves that track you as you move through the supermarket. They will look at your body mass index, your approxi-mate age and your gender, and if you look like a good candidate to buy Oreo cookies, you could get a coupon. I’m not sure how we can protect our-selves from having our personal infor-mation collected and stored through bio-metrics. Laws to govern this may be the only solution. The technical capabilities to collect,
store and search large quantities of data concerning telephone conversations, inter-net searches and electronic payment are now in place and are routinely used by government agencies. There are a few basic things we can do to protect our devices, such as having strong passwords and making sure data is encrypted. Despite attempts by law en-forcement to curb it, some companies are working to try to protect our data. You may have noticed Google search starts with https (s for secure) instead of http now, it still knows what we are searching but others don’t. Most emails are encrypt-ed now including Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail. iPads, iPhones and android devices have hardware encryption built-in, but you need to enable it. The simplest way to do that is to set a passcode. As soon as you do, your data will be automatically en-crypted. There is also add-on encryption available for Windows and other software.
(Continued from page 3)
...Kick-Back!! continued
Kickin’ back with Larry Larry Morgan - Director, Electoral Area ‘F’
(North Shuswap & Seymour Arm ) Columbia Shuswap Regional District Tel: 250-955-2567 Cell: 250-517-9578 Email: [emailprotected]
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By Jo Anne Malpass The Kicker sat down with Columbia Shuswap Regional District Area F Direc-tor Larry Morgan to discuss issues of in-terest to residents on the North Shuswap. We plan to meet each month. Items from the most recent CSRD Board Meeting will still be covered in the Director’s Report. Seymour Arm Electrification on Hold
Director Morgan said he would like to see the Ministry responsible for BC Hydro focus more attention on smaller projects to help rural and remote commu-nities, rather than all the emphasis on mega projects. The Columbia Shuswap Regional District received a letter from Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett in early January, stating that “BC Hydro’s Remote Community Electrification (RCE) Pro-gram remains on hold. If the Program is ever reinstated, Seymour Arm would have to compete with other projects for fund-ing.” The CSRD held a referendum in 2013 in Seymour Arm with almost 70% of resi-dents voting in favour of the project. BC Hydro and the CSRD held a series of pub-lic meetings with residents. BC Hydro then laid out a plan for a grid extension from St. Ives along the forest service road to Seymour Arm, at an approximate cost of $8M. This would have been covered under the RCE program; while the resi-dents would have been required to pay an estimated $3.63M for the distribution line within the community through taxes over 20 years. Early in 2014, the RCE program was put on hold by the Ministry. At the CSRD Board Meeting in Janu-ary, Director Morgan proposed, and re-ceived support of the Board, for a resolu-tion to reinstate the Remote Community Extension Program, which will now be presented at the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) Con-vention in April. SILGA is comprised of elected officials from municipalities and regional districts in South Central BC. With approval from SILGA, the CSRD Board will then send the SILGA resolution to the Union of B.C. Munici-palities (UBCM) September convention, asking for support, in requesting the Min-ister responsible for BC Hydro, take im-
mediate steps to reinstate and adequately fund the RCE Program. Numerous remote and rural communities in British Colum-bia continue to remain off-grid without electrical power. Lack of electricity pre-vents investment in projects that would foster sustainable economic development, creating employment opportunities that would assist families resulting in a strong-er community, and precludes these remote and rural communities from adequately improving safe drinking water and sewage disposal systems in accordance with the Province’s legislation. Area F - Withdrawal from the Thomp-son Regional Hospital District (TRHD) CSRD Board members supported a request from Director Morgan to send a letter to the Minister of Health, the Thompson Regional Hospital District, and the Interior Health Authority regarding the feasibility of Area F withdrawing from the TRHD to join the North Okanagan/Columbia Shuswap Regional Hospital District (NOCSRHD). Director Morgan said Area F switched over to the TRHD in 1994, en-couraged by the Health Authorities of the day, to share services with Chase. How-ever since then, services have been steadi-ly reduced in Scotch Creek. In 2012, IHA closed the Scotch Creek clinic, as a desig-nated IHA facility. Last year, Area F sent about $617,000 to the TRHD, based on a mill rate of 0.4694. The mill rate for the North Oka-nagan/Columbia Shuswap Regional Hos-pital District, involving other electoral areas of the CSRD, is 0.2918, a potential tax saving to Area F of approximately $250,000. These Area F tax funds are more than matched by Interior Health to the Hospital District. For every $40 contributed to the Hospital District through property taxes, IHA contributes another $60. The funding provided by Area F, results in a total spend of over $1,500,000 for projects around the TRHD, involving all IHA fa-cilities in the District, but not Area F, said Morgan. Director Morgan, represents Area F, an ‘add-on’ to what is mostly a Thompson Nicola Regional Board District (TNRD)
(Continued on page 6)
North Shuswap First Responder Society
March 9, 2016 @ 2pm
North Shuswap Community Hall in Celista
Board. He is just one of over 35 directors on the Hospital Board. The next TRHD board meeting will be held in March, where Director Morgan, along with the CSRD’s chief administra-tor, will discuss the feasibility of with-drawing from the Thompson Regional Hospital District.
Signage and Debris At the request of Director Morgan, a letter is being sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to ask that they address the issue of signage and debris on MOTI highway right -of-ways, specifically in Electoral Area F. He said
he has received many complaints about unauthorized signage alongside the roads in Area F. At the same time, and also as result of complaints, the CSRD wishes to work collaboratively with MOTI to re-move household debris, including discard-ed large appliances, along MOTI right-of-ways in Anglemont Estates, in particular.
Recognition of Service The CSRD Board took the time to recognize the service of Chuck Flanders, who sat on, and more recently chaired, the Area F Advisory Planning Committee, over a period of about 20 years. Chuck passed away in early January.
(Continued from page 5)
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Kickin’ back with Larry continued
notification, he has been told parcel tax items specific to individual communities will not be charged on the foreshore par-cels. The foreshore is not included in the mapped area for community items such as for water in Saratoga and Anglemont and for street lighting in St. Ives. It will, however, be charged for parcel taxes on items which encompass the whole of area F because the mapped area goes to the middle of Shuswap Lake. Along with provincial and regional services, the foreshore assessments on the North Shuswap will include parcel tax for Liquid Waste Management and Shuswap Watershed Council, about $20. It is ex-pected the tax cost for each foreshore parcel will be in the $100 to $150 range, depending on the assessed value of the dock.
(Continued from page 4)
New Tax on Foreshore Parcels
• •
• •
Free Estimate on Installs
Installations and Repairs
• • •
On Friday January 15th at 4:20 am, a Dodge pick-up truck stolen from Kamloops was used to ram a wall and gain entry to the pharmacy. Video surveillance shows the truck backing into the building a first time and then taking a second harder run at it, causing extensive damage. Two sus-pects wearing gloves and dark clothing jumped out of the vehicle and attempted to re-move the ATM machine (which was empty) from inside the building, without success. After departing the phar-macy, the males were subse-quently involved in a single vehicle rollover collision on Squilax-Anglemont Road, just west of Scotch Creek. The investigation is continuing.
B & E at Magna Bay On January 23rd, Chase RCMP responded to a report of a break and enter in the 6000 block of Squilax-Anglemont Road in Magna Bay. The com-plainant stated that their cot-tage had been broken into sometime in the last two months, and small hand tools had been stolen. The point of entry was a bedroom window, which had been forced open. A check of the neighbourhood revealed that a second cottage had been targeted, but entry was not successful. Police are asking anyone with information about the above crimes to call the Chase
Detachment at 250-679-3221 or Crimestoppers. Rig Jack-knifed in Sorrento
On January 13th, at about 3 am, Chase RCMP responded to a single vehicle collision on Highway One, west of Waver-ly Park Frontage Road in Sor-rento. A tractor-trailer rig was westbound when the driver hit a patch of heavy slush and be-gan to skid, causing the rig to jack-knife and strike a rock face in the eastbound lane. BC Ambulance paramedics were on scene, and confirmed the two occupants of the vehicle were not injured. Black Ice Causes Accident at
Hoffman’s Bluff On January 20th, at 8:30 am, Chase RCMP responded to a two vehicle collision on Highway One near Stoney Flats Road. Two vehicles were westbound just past the con-struction zone at Hoffman’s Bluff, when one vehicle began to pass the other, spun out on black ice and hit the slower vehicle, which forced the slow-er vehicle into the concrete barrier. The passing vehicle also hit the concrete and came to a stop facing eastbound in the westbound lanes. The driv-ers, one a fifty year old male and the other a fifty-five year old female, were the sole occu-pants of the vehicles and nei-ther was injured.
(Continued on page 8)
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Break-in at Peoples Drugmart Causes Major Damage
Photo Credit: Jessica Ullian
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Chase RCMP News continued
Snowmobilers Rescued On January 22nd, at 4:30 am, Chase RCMP were advised of two overdue snowmobilers on Crowfoot Mountain in Celista. Chase Detachment responded immediately by acti-vating Shuswap Search and Rescue. The RCMP helicopter and Lakehead Helicopters also responded to the call, however, low cloud and snow conditions hampered flying at times. The location of the men was finally established at 10:00 pm that evening. They stated they were safe, had managed to start a fire for warmth but were forced to spend a second night on the mountain when the search had to be suspended for the night. The men were successfully lifted to safety the morning of January 23rd by Vernon Search and Rescue’s helicopter. The two men were taken to Shus-wap Lake General Hospital in Salmon Arm, where they were checked and released. Chase Detachment thanks all mem-bers of Search and Rescue, the helicopter pilots, as well as the dozens of volunteer searchers for their efforts in this success-ful rescue. (read more detail on the front page of this issue of the Kicker)
Traffic Safety Checkstops Chase RCMP continues to conduct Checkstops throughout the winter months, as part of its focus on traffic safety and re-
duction of drunk drivers on area roads. On January 16th, at 10:00 pm, a Checkstop was conducted at Stoney Flats Road and Lance Road in Pritchard. Approximately twenty vehicles were checked and no offences were identified. On January 23rd, at 9:30 pm, in conjunction with Central Interior Traffic Services, a Checkstop was conducted at the intersection of Notch Hill Road and Dilworth Road in Sorrento. Approximately twen-ty vehicles were checked. One Criminal Code impaired inves-tigation was initiated, one 90 day Immediate Roadside Prohi-bition was issued, and one unli-censed/prohibited driver had his vehicle impounded. Nu-merous verbal warnings were given for minor Motor Vehicle Act and MVA Regulation of-fences. On January 24th, at 10:00 pm, Chase RCMP conducted a Checkstop at the intersection of Kamloops-Shuswap Road and Pinantan Road in Pritchard. Traffic volume was low, and no offences were identified.
Suspicious Death in Lee Creek
The investigation of the death of a woman who was found dead in Lee Creek on November 28th 2015 is till ongoing. RCMP are unable to disclose any further details at this time.
(Continued from page 7)
2644 Garland Rd. Celista Servicing the North Shuswap
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Dave Cunliffe, President [emailprotected] [emailprotected]
northshuswapbc.com Ph/Fx: 250-955-2113
[emailprotected] Message:
Disclaimer: Al Christopherson is affiliated with Century 21 Lakeside Realty Ltd. and the opinions expressed herein are his own and not those of the company.
Al Christopherson’s
Direct Line (250) 955-2188
e-mail: [emailprotected] website: www.northshuswap.com
(250) 955-0307 Lakeside Realty Ltd
Scotch Creek
Every January I compile statistic to study the North Shuswap Real Estate Market in detail. If we know where we have been and where we are we have a better idea of where we may be going.
This year’s report is 14 pages of bar graphs and comments. If you would like a copy you can
• review & print one from my website www.northshuswap.com/newsletter.htm or
• email me at [emailprotected] or • drop by my office and pick up a report
(There is no charge for my reports.) The short story is total sales volume for 2015 is down 10% over 2014 but the average 2015 sale price is up 4.3% over 2014. The highest buyer interest is in homes under $250,000 and buyer interest in lakeshore and bare lots has softened. Overall I am cautiously optimistic about the future.
The next Chamber dinner meeting is scheduled for Feb-ruary 22nd at a location to be announced later.
Scotch Creek Sewage The regional district board adopted a bylaw at the January 21st regular meeting that will allow the start of the long awaited community sewer system in Scotch Creek. Scotch Creek Developments can now proceed with plans to treat and dispose of sewage from outside sources on the Osprey Development Lands at Express Point and Wharf Road. Any development in Scotch Creek has been frozen since the definition of a com-munity sewer and water sys-tem in Zoning Bylaw 825 was amended in September 2011. The change required that a minimum of 50 properties be connected or the minimum lot size was set at 1.0 hectare (2.47 acres). In my opinion, this com-bined with adverse market conditions has stagnated Scotch Creek. We have all witnessed negative growth, the shuttering of various business-es, and a loss of services and amenities. Fortunately all is not bleak. Located in Scotch Creek we have a core of stal-wart businesses and Chamber members like Supervalu, Scotch Creek Esso, Jeff, Al, Sonja and Cynthia at C21, Remax, Peoples and Captains Village Marina. We also have tourist accommodation at Shuswap Cabins, A Shuswap Holiday, and the R & R Re-sort. We have artisans like Works in Glass and perfor-mances at the Friday Night Live concerts. Service busi-nesses like Highway 446 Re-
pairs, Jimco Towing, Shuswap Lake Security Services, Shus-wap Septic, Destree Landscap-ing and Diamond Cut Property Maintenance. Finally there are manufacturers at North Ameri-can Log Crafters, Advantage Gutters, Triton Docks, and Scotch Creek Woodworking. There are also other Chamber members throughout the North Shuswap but I want-ed to focus on the ones in Scotch Creek. The Boys with Toys Stor-age development was allowed to proceed as their water and sewer needs were minimal and there was no subdivision of land. A proposed boat storage building at Captains Village was not allowed to proceed over concerns about water supply. With a community sewer system a regional dis-trict owned water system will also need to be built and paid for by developers. In my opin-ion we need development to grow Scotch Creek and keep our economy healthy. We can’t control the mar-ket, but now there is light at the end of the tunnel that could allow development to proceed at a number of sites. The Chamber congratu-lates the regional district board for their support. Scotch Creek Developments also de-serve congratulations for the tenacity they have shown over the last decade that they have tried to make community ser-vices in Scotch Creek a reality.
2016 and the Canadian Dollar
It’s now official. Canada has a petro dollar and the value of our currency is plummeting against the US dollar. It’s bizarre that a bucket of Ken-tucky Fried Chicken costs
(Continued on page 11)
Focus on Kicker Advertisers and Supporters By Jo Anne Malpass
JEREMY HANSON 250-299-7745
[emailprotected] kazwellbuilders.ca
Over 20 years in the building industry Call to discuss your residential or
commercial project today
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Donna Smith-Bradley, a sales representative with Cen-tury 21 Lakeside Realty at Scotch Creek, is ready to help you with what may be the most important financial decision of your life. “When you select me to work with you, I will do my very best to exceed your expec-tations.” Donna joined Century 21 in 2012, helping people sell their current home or find their dream home, farm or recreational property in Chase, North Shuswap and South Shuswap. She and her hus-band, Allan, bought property in the area through Century 21 Lakeside Realty and had a pleasurable experience working with them, so when she decided to become a realtor, Lakeside was the obvi-ous choice. “I found that the ethics and integrity of the Real-tors at this office and Century 21 were a great fit for my per-sonal values.” Donna was raised in rural British Columbia and lived in several different communities around the province. She is from a large family that raised cattle and eventually buffalo on a ranch in northern B.C. She and her husband, Allan, chose the Shuswap area because it fit their dream of having horses, living in a region that has a favourable climate, year round recreational activities, and the lifestyle they were looking for. “Our three children and three grandchildren love it here as well.” Donna started her working career in 1994 with the Minis-try of Forests as a geographic information system (GIS) tech-nician, a digital mapping tech-nique that links computer-generated maps with databases.
Then in 1998, she started DKSB Mapping Services, a successful sole proprietorship. “In 2012 I made the decision to get out from behind the com-puter and spend my days pur-suing my passion of helping people find their dream proper-ty.” It was a big change, but she loves getting out and meet-ing people. Donna is a board member of the Chase Chamber of Com-
merce and a member of the Royal Canadi-an Legion. The Chamber is gearing up for a trade show at the arena in May. Her co-workers have been benefiting from her participation in the Historic Chase Chili Contest coming up on February 27, a fund raiser for the Chase Museum. Don-
na has been trying out different recipes and bringing chili to work for them to taste. She enjoys an active life-style and spends a great deal of time outdoors. In the spring, summer and fall she’s horse-back riding, jogging, boating and gardening. In the winter, she and Allan ski and snow-shoe. Walking the dogs is a year round activity along the shores of the South Thompson River where they live. “I have always had a keen interest in Real Estate and have owned many different homes. The many extensive renova-tions that we have completed have given me an insight into the endless possibilities of cre-ating one’s own castle.” Wednesday is Donna’s floor day at the Scotch Creek office but she is in and out the rest of the week, often working from home but available through phone and email. Real
(Continued on page 11)
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Office: 250-955-0307 Direct: 250-318-4344 [emailprotected] www.sonjavw.ca MLS® 10103882
Lot 237 Aspen Road-Anglemont
He re i s a beau ty among the Anglemont lots, huge at 0.43 acres, tons of room to spread out, level so easy to build and a type one septic system needed, munici-pal safe drinking water, under 30% slope so again less expensive to build, trees have been cut to allow a view of the lake.
Toll Free: 1-855-955-5333 Cell: 1-250-572-2888
Email: [emailprotected] www.jefftarry.com
Jeff Tarry Personal Real Estate Corporation Luxury
Great lake-views from your sunny deck. Two lots. Over 1 acre. Well maintained one bedroom park model. Close to Scotch Creek but still have a view of Copper Island. New type I septic system. Large south facing deck. Call to view.
Scotch Creek - 4331 Leopold Rd
MLS® 10107812
February is the month to FALL IN LOVE with your very own Shuswap getaway and FALL IN LOVE with semi-lakeshore living! Whether it’s your summer retreat or full time home this place has endless possibilities! Two floors in this beautiful log home, each a fully self-contained suite of their own, huge shop, beach membership available and this one comes with two buoys!
Donna Smith-Bradley Realtor®
Office: 250-955-0307 ext.206 Direct: 250-819-0551
[emailprotected] www.donnasb.com MLS® 10103836
North Shuswap - Celista Fall in Love
Awaiting your Plans Perfect blend of home & room for a business or keep to house your own private collection. Warehouse with 5000 sq. ft heated & awaiting your plans. Double detached 24x36 garage and fully finished 4 bedroom home. 2500 sq. ft of office space complete with lunch room & washrooms.
North Shuswap – Scotch Creek
$420,000 MLS® 10093904
Cynthia Bentley Personal Real Estate Corporation
Office: 250-955-0307 Direct: 250-955-2256 [emailprotected] www.cynthiabentley.com
MLS® 10094116
Scotch Creek – North Shuswap
4-bedroom, 2-bathrooms + ensuite in this nice rancher with partial basement and direct access to the common beach in desirable Ta’Lana Bay. Boasts a double-garage & a nicely landscaped yard on a corner lot of 0.29 of an acre.
Al Christopherson Personal Real Estate Corporation
Office: 250-955-0307 Direct: 250-955-2188 [emailprotected]
Roomy Rancher!
Recreational Paradise
estate prices have remained stable in the area, she said. North Shuswap had a busy year but Chase was incredibly busy last year. The Kicker appreciates the advertis-ing support from Donna Smith-Bradley and Century 21 Lakeside Realty and wish-es her continued success.
(Continued from page 10)
more than a barrel of oil even though the grease content might be similar. I remember the last time the dollar dipped below $0.70. Travel to the US became very expensive but some interest-ing things happened to our local recrea-tional economy. The Shuswap became way more popular to US visitors and home buyers. We are seeing this effect at Whistler and Sun Peaks this winter. US visitors are way up and both resorts are enjoying banner seasons. I think we will also see vacationers from western Canada spending their money locally. Even though Alberta is suffering economically, the Shuswap is still their playground. I’ve talked to a number of people this winter who bought into the US when their housing market was de-pressed and the Canadian dollar was stronger. There seems to be a trend of people selling and cashing out. With the development at Cotton-woods and Magna Bay, we also have vacation properties coming on the market at lower price points. I’m cautiously optimistic that 2016 will be a good year for the North Shuswap.
(Continued from page 9)
Chamber News continued
This year (2016) February has:
4 Sundays, 4 Mondays, 4 Tuesdays,
4 Wednesdays, 4 Thursdays, 4 Fridays & 4 Saturdays.
This happens once every 823years. This is called money bags.
Serving the Shuswap for 40 years
Dwayn Bentley
250 - 955 - 2415 [emailprotected]
Robert Gallant 250-319-2343 [emailprotected]
By Jo Anne Malpass If you are looking for a mini-break this month, there are a lot of activities close to home. Vernon is holding its Winter Carnival Feb. 5 to 14. It includes a parade, Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, Snow Sculpture Competi-tion, showcase of beers and cider from all over Canada, Mardi Gras events, bird show, antique and collectible sale, kids carnival, skiing, skating and entertainment. For a list of events, check out their website at www.vernonwintercarnival.com For a skiing get-away, Silver Star Mountain Resort near Vernon was named by USA Today as one of the 10 Totally Epic and Totally Secluded Ski Resorts. It offers powder and varied terrain to attract every kind of skier to BC’s third largest ski area. The mid-mountain village offers true ski-in, ski-out access to the slopes. With four distinct mountain faces and 132 runs, the progressive terrain is perfect for learning. For the more adventurous, the backside of the mountain is an uncrowded paradise of over 1,900 acres of steep and
deep, black and double black diamond runs. With the addition of two new alpine zones last winter, Sun Peaks near Kam-loops is now the second largest ski area in Canada with 4,270 acres of terrain. The resort offers diversity across its three mountains; glade areas, bumps, steeps, long cruisers and alpine bowls. On week-ends and holidays, you can even ski with Olympic champion Nancy Greene Raine. Beyond downhill, it has ice skating, horse drawn sleigh rides, snowmobile or snow bike tours, a tube park, a 10 acre Terrain Park, cross country and snowshoe trails and winter Segway tours. For cross country skiing close to home, Skmana X-C Ski & Snowshoe Club grooms 18 km of trails ranging from be-ginner to advanced. An easy 4.5 km trail circles both Skmana Lakes. Intermediate and advanced trails wind through forest and meadows above the lakes on old log-ging roads. Skmana also has many snow-shoe specific trails. Turn right onto Adams Lake Holdings Road for 4.1 km and then
left onto Loakin-Bear Creek Road for 8 km. Larch Hills, 20 km from Salmon Arm, is home to some of BC’s finest XC ski trails. With 150 km of trails, includ-ing 50km of groomed trails, there is no shortage of variety for the cross-country ski enthusiast. For snowmobilers, the Shuswap is home to seven excellent sledding areas. Many of the mountain accesses are groomed, providing a smooth ride to the alpine. There’s great powder, challenging climbs and fun bowls to play in. These include Blue Lake Mountain, Crowfoot Mountain, Eagle Pass, Fly Hills, Owl-head Mountain, Queest Mountain and Spa Hills. Local snowmobile clubs like Crowfoot Mountain Snowmobile Club and Salmon Arm Snowblazers can pro-vide hints and advice for a great trip. Farrell’s Field (Celista Ice Rink) had to close last month because of warm weather but may open again if conditions improve. It is a popular 17,000 square foot outdoor ice rink open from 8 am to 11 pm looked after by volunteers and funded by the Columbia Shuswap Re-gional District. The rink has a heated skate shack, flood lights for night skating and a sound system for music. It is locat-ed on Meadow Creek Road in Celista.
Winter Activities Close to Home
An Inspirational Journey Part XLIII
Celista Coffee House Concert Series
By Jim Leduc Every once in a while a band comes around and im-presses you so much that you don't want their performance to end. Such was the case with Margit Sky Project at last month's Coffee House. The brave souls, who weathered the snowy roads, were treated to an amazing perfor-mance by three tal-ented indi-viduals. A record number of CDs were purchased by the appreciative, yet, small crowd which tells you how incredible this band really is. If you missed them, look for their performances around Kamloops and at Blind Bay, this summer. For more information, or if you want to book a house concert, look them up on Facebook under their band name.
January also saw a record number of volunteers helping us with everything from set up, working the kitchen, and bring-ing homemade delights! A warm thank you to all of you! Once again, we were treated to
wonderful local tal-ent during our open mic seg-ment. We were lucky to have Michel Brideau step in as MC for the night and also
amaze us with his Acadian style violin pieces. Mark your calendars for February, 20th when we fea-ture the Bluegrass duo, Jim Leduc and Chris Stevens, as well as a variety of great music styles from our open mic musi-cians. Doors open at 7:00 for sign up, and the music starts 7:30. For a mere $4.00, you will get 3 hours of entertain-ment...priceless!
February Feature Jim Leduc and Chris Stevens
Saturday February 20 Doors open at 7
By Jan Penner My chat with Heather Ali-son was short this month, for two reasons. One, she was out of town helping her mother-in-law move. This lady never stops! Two, she was actuality holed up in her motel room with the flu, awaiting a ride home. The holidays were mostly good for Heather with visits from her son and family for Christmas, and her daughter and family for New Year's. She was saddened to learn that an uncle passed away Christ-
mas Eve, following closely on the loss of her father. She did receive good news from her doctor in Kelowna at a December appointment. Two tumors that she has have shown no growth and her check-ups have been moved to every 6 months instead of eve-ry 3 months. Despite still hav-ing breathing issues and pain in her chest due to scar tissue, Heather happily declares her-self "healthy". Great news Heather! Here's hoping the next 6 months are the best yet!
Anglemont By Dave King
The delivery of a new fire engine is expected this year. This engine has many new features that will improve the overall response and capabili-ties of our fire department. Last year saw many im-provements to the Anglemont fire hall. The challenge to make our building meet the needs of our firefighters and house all of the apparatus and other firefighting equipment is an ongoing issue. We are hoping to receive a grant from the CSRD to upgrade the in-sulation to lower our heating costs. Anglemont VFD enjoyed a quiet Christmas break with the exception of a mutual aid call to Scotch Creek on Christmas Day. We sent our Tanker Truck along with three experienced fire fighters and maintained additional members staged at our fire hall in the event of a call from our fire region. We continue to practice our basic skills including the proper use of breathing appa-ratus and other tools when performing an internal search of a building. We also are refining our abilities to shuttle water from the lake as well as hydrants utilizing the Tanker, Engine and Rapid Interven-tion Vehicles. Our membership is strong and continues to grow. Our Fire Chief wants to thank these dedicated volunteers, and remind everyone that the most important part of a fire department is the firefighters!
Scotch Creek/Lee Creek By Fire Chief Art Stoll
We have had one fire call as of January 25, 2016. This was for a roll-over incident in the 2900 block of Squilax Anglemont Road. Upon arriv-ing at the scene, no fire was
present. We then moved into traffic control until the vehicle was recovered. Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Fire Department current ros-ter stands at 19 members. A couple of members have left because of other commit-ments. However, we would like to welcome Brodie Hart-ford of Lee Creek as a new fire fighter. The Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Fire Department is opening up our membership to folks who would like to be a member but do not want to fight fires. We have positions open for auxiliary personnel. Those filling these positions may be assigned in staging, hydrant attendant, note taker or any other non-firefighting position. If interested please call (250) 955-2422 or come out to a practice night. The fire department would like to thank and rec-ognize Caravans West and Shuswap Lake Resort for al-lowing us to use their fire hydrants not only for fires in the area but for our practice nights as well. A Fire Safety tip: Check all smoke detectors in your home. If you would like to add spare detectors in your home or camper come by the fire hall or contact us for a free detector. Please feel free to come out and observe our drills and perhaps consider joining one of the fire departments, our training is every Tuesday night from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Celista by Fire Chief Roy Phillips
Celista Fire Department is proud to announce that we have four new recruits. They are Andre Niessen, Daniel
(Continued on page 15)
Fire News
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MLS® 10090665
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Wiebe, Darryl Hicks and Alex Perry. Thanks guys, we now have 24 active members, the highest number in our Depart-ment’s history. The commit-ment to this service is in recognition of the high stand-ards we set, a commitment to our community. These standards are set through our weekly practice sessions, whether checking hydrant performance, equip-ment readiness, alternative water sources and more. Working as a team, each mem-ber is confident to perform their assigned task and knows the capabilities of the other team members. During our weekly prac-tices we drill on communica-tions, equipment operation, hose handling, ladders, pumps, foam systems and much more. Building search is a must and
especially during the winter months you'll find us crawling through various props, from wall breech to an entangle-ment course. Check our Face-book page for photos and vid-eos. In a few weeks we will begin our spring training pro-gram, using our classroom with videos, maps and photos and travelling around the area, primarily to note access areas and obstructions. We also get out and sup-port the community events, such as the Lions Club family skate party a few weeks back. Six of our members were there and hand-outs included smoke and Carbon monoxide alarms and fun things for the kids. Thanks for the invite. Enjoy the last bit of win-ter. Above all be Safe; think Safety. We're ready...are You?
(Continued from page 14)
North Shuswap Friendship Dinner
By Jeanne Talbot I was amazed by the way the community got together again to help make this event more exciting then last year. The school did a fantastic job decorating the Hall. All the set up crews and take down help after the dinner was great. I was pleasantly surprised to see all the people who stayed and helped to clean up. To all the fantastic cooks, you are all a great addition to this event, it would never be a huge success without all of you. All who brought the desserts, they were very tasteful. Gordon Shabbitts and all the ladies did a fantas-tic job in the kitchen, hope to see you all again next year. To Brenda Shabbitts, the enter-tainment was great and we all enjoyed singing along with the music. To my MC for the evening Judy Weller, you were
a super lady. You kept every-one entertained with your vi-brant personality. For all who donated to the food bank, and for those that donated to next years dinner. Thank you, Thank you. Super Valu and Sunny-Side Market deserve gratitude as well. It was a great feeling to see so many smiling faces en-joying the evening. I would like to send a special thanks to my committee Brenda, Judy, Diane, Gordon and Eric for all the help and support you have given me. We also appreciate the donations from the local Lions Club. All of the volun-teers that helped out for the 23rd Annual Friendship Din-ner made this a huge success. Hope to see you all again next year!
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Arts Council for the South Shuswap Working with Community Organizations
Submitted by Karen Brown The Arts Council for the South Shus-wap hosted a Community Planning Meet-ing in mid-January at their new space on the lower level of Carlin Hall. Represent-atives from various non-profit groups and community halls were in attendance to share each others’ initiatives and events for 2015. Arts Council Administrator Karen Brown shares “It was a highly productive evening and very informative. Listening to each of the organization’s volunteers in attendance sharing their projects and hap-penings for the year was pretty inspiring actually. It proves that the time and energy put forth by our volunteers truly drives small communities like ours”. In addition adds Brown “The special events and weekly happenings hosted by the various groups give the residents and tourists of our area something to look forward to week-by-week”. The Arts Council’s mandate is to not only promote arts and cultural events in the area, but also to act as a central hub for information relating to our lifestyle and culture in the South Shuswap. “A person
can be as busy and as connected as they choose to be. Our goal as an Arts Council, in collaboration with our community groups, is to keep the public informed. We are a very vibrant community and we want to introduce or promote happenings to keep our residents pursuing their interests, learning and enjoying the arts and culture of the region”. Many of the projects taken on by the community halls involve coffee houses, artisan shows, movie nights, junk-in-your-trunk sales, and musical concerts. “These are vital to the community halls in order to meet their operational costs” shares Brown. “The meeting’s purpose was to come together, share ideas and to walk away with a sense of supporting each oth-er and cross-promoting each others’ events as it’s vital to do that especially in a small-er community”. More on these community initiatives and events will appear in upcoming issues. To keep apprised of upcoming events in the South Shuswap, visit the Arts Council for the South Shuswap webpage: www.shuswaparts.com
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First Responders “911 … What is your emergency?”
Submitted by Karen Boulter With winter still producing lots of those lovely white flakes, shoveling snow to clear walkways and driveways can be a daily event. It is very hard work, and can put severe stress on your heart as well as stress and strain on your back and shoulders, knees and groin. These stresses are a very com-mon cause of low back strains and vertebral disc damage. The following are a few tips to help you keep healthy when shoveling snow: 1. If you experience pain of any kind, stop and seek assis-tance. Your body is more im-portant than clearing the walk-way. There is always someone willing to help. Ask. 2. Be sure your muscles are warm before you start shovel-ing. Cold, tight muscles are more likely to sprain or strain than warm relaxed muscles. 3. Use a shovel that is the correct size for you. 4. Push the snow, rather than lifting, whenever possible. 5. If you must lift, squat with your legs apart, knees bent, belly pulled in, and back straight. Lift with your legs. Do not bend at the waist. 6. Grip the shovel with at least 35 cm (13 inches) be-tween your hands. This dis-tance increases your leverage
and reduces strain on your body. 7. Remember that snow can be very heavy. Never remove deep snow all at once. Take an inch or two off. Rest and re-peat. Pace yourself by taking frequent breaks to gently stretch your back, arms and legs. 8. Use a smaller shovel scoop. It might require addi-tional trips, but the weight will be more manageable. Take the time. It will be worth it in the end. Finally, for those of us who are able bodied, it is al-ways worth remembering neighbours nearby who might not be able to, or who should-n’t be, removing snow from their driveways or walkways on their own. A few minutes of help can make the world a safer place. Together “We Make a Difference.” Please contact Andrea Carter @ 250 679-7746 to inquire about becoming a First Re-sponder. Contact Catherine McCrea at [emailprotected] to ask about NSFR Society infor-mation. Contact Lane/Janice Pavich @ 250 955-2461 or Kathy Earl @250-434-1357 to borrow home care equipment.
• • • • •
Cheryl: 1.855.851.1644
Pioneer- Lumberjack Hockey
Submitted by Karl Bischoff The Shuswap Pioneers took on the BC Lumberjacks Jan. 2 in a hockey game at Farrell’s Field at Celista. Each team had eight players. Most of the lumberjacks came from the Grouse Mountain Lumberjack show in Vancouver. The final score was 7-2 Shuswap Pioneers. We are hoping to make this an annual Christmas holiday classic. Special thanks to Brian and Karen for prepping the ice.
Top: The Shuswap Pioneers pose for a victory photo. Bottom: Team Captain Glen Hobbs hold-ing trophy.
Photo Credit: Earth and Soul Photography.
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Lions Club News
By Barry Tannock
Our first 2016 meat draw dominated by Caravans and their dreaded Gino – won twice, wife Randy once. We continue every Saturday, 3 PM, at the Scotch Creek Pub. Come and compete, they’re surely beatable. On January 14 the NS Lions hosted a visit by our District Governor Shelly Costello from Wenatchee, Washing-ton. The awesome prime rib dinner with yorkshire pudding pro-vided by Super Valu was enjoyed by local club members and twenty vis-iting Lions from neighbouring clubs. Since it was introduced five months ago our Commu-nity Youth Fund has supported local youth programs by ap-proving six applications total-ling $5120. This includes mu-sic lessons, transportation for kids playing football and hock-ey, basketball gym rental and liability insurance, Farrell's Field Ice Rink as well as for
the upcoming baseball sea-son. Our club members are pretty happy that we are achieving our objective of helping to finance programs involving North Shuswap youth in arts, cultural and ath-letic activities. For more in-formation about this Fund and how to apply please contact our club treasurer Marlene Kergan at 955-0378.
The NS Lions would like to inform this year's North Shus-wap Gr. 12 graduates from SASS that we have increased the two bursaries that we offer to $1000 each. As in
past years, the NS Lions will award two $1000 bursaries to graduating students of Salmon Arm Senior Secondary who attended North Shuswap Ele-mentary School for at least two years and will be pursuing a post secondary education. For more information and how to apply check with your counsel-lor or go to the school's website and follow the links to the Coun-selling Services folder.
Submitted By Ted Danyluk The Annual Lions Skating Party at Farrell's Field was enjoyed by over one hundred and twenty people of which over forty were kids. Thank you to the North Shuswap Lions for serving up free Hot Chocolate and Hot Dogs. Their Donation Tin at the con-cession table raised $162.50 for the skating program at Farrell's Field. In addition to the skating fun, the Celista Volunteer Fire Department had two of their trucks on display. As well, they were handing out courtesy of the CSRD, smoke detectors, fire safety information, kid fire hats as well as fire safety related colouring books and crayons. Thank you also to the First Responders for being in attendance to help make sure everyone stayed safe in case of a slip on the ice.
Farrell’s Field Skate Party
It was a great turnout for the Annual Lions Skating Party. Thankfully the weather cooperated and the ice was ready.
Picture credit: Ted Danyluk, Chuck Fisher and Rachelle Horvath
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Investment Back Into the Community The Board authorized a resolution to be forwarded to the Southern Interior Lo-cal Government Association (SILGA) to lobby the BC Ministry of Finance to initi-ate a Community Economic Development Initiative Fund program for BC that would offer British Columbians a tax credit for investing in locally owned and operated corporations, cooperatives and other com-munity economic development initiatives. Commercial Insurance Premiums May
Lower on the North Shore The Board received a report from the Regional Fire Chief, Kenn Mount, about the Superior Tanker Shuttle Service ac-creditation and testing process that recent-ly occurred on the North Shore. Mount congratulated his team and outlined the associated benefits, including reduced commercial insurance premiums for those in the service areas.
Seymour Arm Electrification The CSRD Chair and Electoral Area F Director met with the Minister of Ener-gy, Mines and the Minister Responsible for Core Review and requested the status of the BC Hydro funding for the Remote Community Electrification Project and requested reinstatement of funds for the Seymour Arm Electrification Project. The Board received a letter from the Minister in response. The response elicited the Board to support a resolution to go for-ward to the SILGA to request that the Minister Responsible for BC Hydro take immediate steps to reinstate and adequate-ly fund the BC Hydro Remote Communi-ty Electrification Program.
Development Effects on Fish Habitat The Board supported the Shuswap Waterfront Owners Association in their grant funding application to research the effects of docks and beach modifications on fish habitat on Shuswap Lake.
Condolences The Board offered their condolences for the passing of Chuck Flanders, a long standing Chair and volunteer on the Elec-toral Area F Advisory Planning Commis-sion.
Signage & Debris in Area F Right-of-Ways
The Chair will write a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastruc-ture to request that they remove the excess signage and debris in the Ministry’s Right-of-Ways, specifically in Electoral Area F.
Area F Hospital District Change (proposed):
The CSRD will look into the feasibil-ity of withdrawing Electoral Area F from the Thompson Regional Hospital District in order to join the North Okanagan/Columbia Shuswap Regional Hospital District.
Grants in Aid $30,000 to Lakeview Community Centre for building upgrades
Development Variance Permit (DVP) • Waive Connection to Community Water & Sewer Area F: DVP641-19 (Abell)
The applicants are in the process of subdividing their property and applied for a DVP to waive the Levels of Service requirements in Schedule 'A' of Subdivi-sion Servicing Bylaw No. 641. This appli-cation is to allow lots smaller than 1.0 hectare within a Secondary Settlement Area to be created without the require-ment to connect those lots to a community sewer system and community water sys-tem. The subject property is located on Squilax-Anglemont Road. The Board ap-proved issuance of the development vari-ance permit subject to registration of a suitably worded Section 219 covenant on the titles of the subject properties requir-ing connection to a community sewer sys-tem when one becomes available and to the Anglemont Waterworks System at such time as capacity allows.
Zoning & Official Community Plan Changes
Scotch Creek Developments The Board adopted Electoral Area 'F' Official Community Plan (OCP) Amend-ment) Bylaw No. 830-15 and adopted Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Zoning Amend-ment Bylaw No. 825-36 for Scotch Creek Developments. The subject property is on Zinck Road in Electoral Area F. The ap-plicant is in the process of establishing a private utility community sewer system in Scotch Creek. The bylaw amendments created a new Commercial Public Utility designation for this use and established some Development Permit guidelines to go along with the designation to offer some visual screening, buffering and building and equipment aesthetic design guidelines. Popular Roost Resort Ltd. The Board gave third reading to Elec-toral Area 'F' Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 830-16
(Continued on page 22)
CSRD’s Board in Brief Highlights
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We look forward to seeing you in the store !
Thank you for your patronage this winter !
By Bev Shea “Happiness does not de-pend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think” – Buddah I had a little problem with my eyes late last year, which fortunately could be corrected by surgery. Part of the recov-ery involved spending seven days face down for at least 18 hours a day. I love the way the universe works. As I spent those 7 days face down I lis-tened to a number of audio-books. In my “library” I dis-covered that I had downloaded a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer many years ago but had never listened to it. The book is called “Excuses Begone” and it was the perfect book for me to listen to. As those of you who have read this column for years know I believe in the power of positive thinking, but just like my immune system every now and then my belief system needs a booster shot. This was the booster shot that I needed. “When you correct your mind the rest of your life will fall into place” – Lao Tzu. Listen-ing to the book helped me feel more positive and excited about my life. We can all fall into a trap of thinking that “this is the way things are – there is nothing I can do about it”. Dr. Dyer reminded me “Don’t underestimate your ability to change yourself; and
don’t overestimate your ability to change others”. It is easy to believe the excuses we make for not changing. Dr. Dyer lists 18 excuses he hears most often for why people don’t change their behavior – excuses like”I was born with it, I inherited it, it is part of my culture, it is too hard, it will take too much time, it will cost too much, etc. He points out that these are memes (mind viruses) that have become habituated think-ing. Once we start thinking with awareness we realize that we can change our thinking, we can get rid of these excus-es. It isn’t enough to become aware of our excuses we will need to replace them. When listening to “Excuses Begone” I became aware of the follow-ing four virtues: 1) have a rev-erence for all life, 2) have a natural sincerity (honesty), 3) have a gentleness in your deal-ing with others (when you have a choice between being kind and being right why not choose being kind) and 4) be of service – there is no better way to begin to feel better about your life then to get your attention off of yourself and onto “how may I serve”. Once the excuses are gone you will find that miracle follows mira-cle and wonders never cease and that’s the way it is.
CSRD’s Board in Brief continued
and Magna Bay Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.800-27 for Popular Roost Resort Ltd. The subject property is located in Magna Bay on Squilax-Anglemont Road. The owners have developed the subject property, a 1.816 ha (4.49 ac) parcel, into an existing shared-
interest seasonal housing ar-rangement, consisting of 19 units, both in a single family dwelling and a duplex configu-ration. Recently one of the du-plexes burned down, the pro-posed bylaw amendments will allow the duplex to be recon-structed on the subject proper-ty.
(Continued from page 21)
Don’t’ Give Up Success is the progressive realization of
a worthy goal or idea. Earl Nightingale
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Call John at 250-955-0816 for all of your computer and home electronics problems and projects John Seymour,
Lakeside Technical Solutions This year The Kicker has agreed to allow me a little more latitude where my edito-rial is concerned. For a few years now I have focussed my articles primarily on computer related topics, but going for-ward I am pleased to be able to include other areas of technol-ogy as well. There are so many new and exciting things hap-pening in the world of tech these days. And since this is the world that our children and grandchildren are growing up in, I believe it’s important that we all be a little more aware of what that future will be like for them. This month I will be dis-cussing a topic that I personal-ly find fascinating and that is the world of 3D printing. Al- though not exactly new tech-nology, it’s actually been around since the 80’s, it wasn’t until just a few years ago that 3D printing really broke out as a viable and important emerg-ing technology. Many feel that 3D printing will eventually revolutionize the manufactur-ing industry as we know it. 3D printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing, refers to the process of using a machine, basically a robot printer, to create a three dimen-sional object by spraying lay-ers on layers of some sort of liquefied material. These ob-jects can be of almost any shape or geometry, and are produced from a digitized 3D model that has been created using a computer. 3D image ‘files’ can be designed from scratch or created by 3D scan-ning an existing object to cre-ate a computer file that can then be printed on a 3D printer. There are already several
things that are being printed rather than manufactured through tradi-tional means. In most cases and up until recently, 3D print-ers have been used mainly to print prototypes only but that is changing quickly as the tech-nology improves and becomes more affordable. There are many industries that can bene-fit from 3D printing and this will become evident as time goes on. One of the most interest-ing areas for 3D printing for me is in the medical field. There is already work being done to perfect the process of printing bones and teeth for use in dental work or recon-structive surgery. There is also a strong possibility that in fu-ture, actual human organs will be printed using living tissue as the printing material. Think about it. Need a new heart? No problem. Give me a minute and I’ll print one up for you. Sounds crazy but may not be that far-fetched in the not so distant future. What about consumer applications? 3D printers can already be purchased for less than $1000 so it might not be long before the average house-hold can simply print them-selves out almost any object you can imagine. Initially we will be limited to certain mate-rials such as plastic but who knows what the future might hold. If you would like to learn more about this exciting and rapidly advancing technology, check out www.3Dprinting.com Let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for topics of future editorials.
(250)955-0816 [emailprotected]
Kickin’ Tech News
3D Printing-The future is here
Full Financing Available (OAC)
Glenn Petznick 250.517.0340
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"It's Jenny's House of Joy" by Norm Foster
By Jan Penner Wow! Have you ever thought that you knew exactly what was what only to find out you were wrong? This item was it for me! With a rather superior attitude I had identi-fied our object as a lid for a wood burning cook stove. Kind of.....but not really. It is actually a burner eye/burner plate/warmer plate, also known as a Wood Stove Triv-et. We had a few cor-rect guesses this month with the winner being Leah-Anne Tourand. Congratulations! In researching this object, I learned that I am very grateful not to be cooking on a wood stove. While the virtues of these very collectible ap-pliances include warmth, ambience, cooked food during a power outage and uniquely awesome flavours in finished products, they were/are also very difficult to control tempera-ture wise and can be a fire risk if not care-fully maintained and used correctly. The lids on a wood burning stove are solid, usually cast iron, disks that fit one or more to a hole. Gener-ally a stove has 4-6 lids, an oven and sometimes a reservoir for heating water to clean or wash with, and possibly an upper warming oven used to heat dishes, proof bread or keep food warm before serving (or for that husband who forgot
when dinner time was). The lids were solid and using a lid lifter could be removed to al-low a pot or pan to be over direct flame, or left on to lower the temperature. Some foods, as we all know, are more prone to burn-ing than others. They require lower temperatures and/or con-stant stirring. Stew is one ex-ample. To allow flavours to
mix and create a sa-voury result, it needs to simmer for a lengthy time. Porridge is tricky because it needs to cook slowly to avoid being crunchy, but it burns easily. This is
where the burner eye could be used. It fit into some burner lids and on others, to cre-ate a dispersed heat that was slightly re-moved from the pan's surface. While not easily seen in our picture, this burner eye actually has some discernible words: TURN......PREVENT CEREALS FROM BURNING. Restored wood burning cook stoves are beautiful accent pieces. Fully func-tional in the hands of a pro - they are fan-tastic tools. I
watched my grandmother and a aunt cook very successfully on them. I also know that while they appreciated the warmth and cheeriness of the fire in winter, they loved the
(Continued on page 25)
Name That Thing
Last Months Item Wood Stove Trivet
North Shuswap Health Centre
YOU DID IT! Yes, you did. The pur-chase price of the clinic has been raised and our communi-ty now officially owns the North Shuswap Health Centre completely. We paid off the mortgage in early January! I've never had a mortgage burning party, but we should have one. The money was raised by the community of the North Shuswap, for the community of the North Shuswap. Local businesses, residents, kids, property owners from Alberta and elsewhere, a grant from the CSRD (thank you Director Morgan) and more. Bill and Ina Long (Peoples Drug Mart) finished the job with a very generous donation. I really didn't know what to expect when we got this started last June, but I certainly didn't expect to have this complete by now. It's simply awesome! Of course, now we move on to, or actually back to, re-cruiting a doctor as our prima-ry goal. The board had a spe-cial brainstorming meeting in January to work on ideas for recruitment. Over the last cou-ple of years we have learned that money makes the world go around, and financial bene-fits will likely win the day when finding a doctor. We're working on ways to get the word out through website, social media etc. This will be a
learning experience for us (any experts out there?). One thing that has worked, actually better than anything else, has been our $1000 reward for the capture of a physician. We've had 10 leads through that, whereas a company that stands to make $15,000 if they find a physi-cian for us has come up with just 3 in the last year. So, we've decided to make a BIG-GER REWARD. It's now $5000 if you can lead us to a suitable physician who works in the North Shuswap for a minimum of 3 years. At that we'll still save money. We need the physician name, con-tact information, where they're located, and why you think they'd work out for us. $5000 will be presented on the day the physician begins work. Now we'll come back to earth... The services we cur-rently have at the clinic need to be used. The Lab is very busy, that's great! Foot care is busy too. The things we need to get busier are Dr. Mike our resident virtual doctor and Deb Lewis, the Nurse Practi-tioner. Deb had only 3 ap-pointments last month. If we want her to stay we need to make her busier. Please use these services! That's it for now. It was a great 2015 and we're looking forward to an excellent 2016!
Jay Simpson
Historical Article continued
convenience of their electric ranges and the cooler tempera-tures they allowed for in summer. Check out our newest item here. Send us your guess by February 19th and you may be the lucky winner of next month's $20 prize. HINT: Height 3ft. Bottom width 6 inches.
(Continued from page 24)
You know you love your wife when…. You do what the voices inside her head tell her to tell you to do.
LAKEV IEW COMMUNI TY CENTRE SOC IE TY Anglemont and Surrounding Area
www.lakeviewcommunitycentresociety.com By Lorrie Schrader
New Porta Potty’s, Mobile Sink Very Large Handicap Units
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• Rise and Shine Breakfast: The first breakfast of 2016 saw a trio of Ann’s; Marianne, Ann and Annemarie who teamed up with Marilyn, Lin-da, Fay, and Louie to cook up breakfast for 68 hungry folks. Thanks to this hard working crew for the delicious break-fast. The February 13 Valen-tine’s Breakfast will be hosted by the Carpet Bowling League with Bev Shea coordinating. Bring your sweetie and try your hand at the Carpet Bowl-ing demonstration. Breakfasts run on the second Saturday of the month from 8:00 to 11:00.
• Activities: Don’t forget on Mondays and Thursdays we have table tennis and carpet bowling. Carpet bowling of-ten needs spares so please call
Blair Scranton at 250-955-0032 for more info. Also an-other reminder that there is a hostess/host on duty every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 – 4 p.m. Not only do they serve up coffee with a smile, they also bake a homemade treat to serve with it. Please come out, bring a friend, and have a coffee/tea, and visit with your neigh-bours. A full list of our regular activities and contact info for our programs is printed in the Kicker and on our website.
• BINGO - Yes! That’s r ight! B-I-N-G-O is coming to the Lakeview Community Centre. We hope to offer it a mini-mum of once a month or per-
(Continued on page 27)
Thinking of renting out your property? Or looking for a place to rent?
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The Tea & Spice Shoppe 261 Alexander Street NE Salmon Arm BC 778-489-4009 www.teaspiceshoppe.com
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by Linda
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haps twice a month based on interest. Our committee is pulling together the necessary equipment, permits and li-censes and then we are away to the races. We hope you will come and join the fun. Watch for posters and signage – they will be everywhere!
• Renos: Ian Rober tson of I RRR Painting put in many hours painting and installing white subway tiles in all the upstairs bathrooms. New bath-room fixtures have been in-stalled and the handicapped bathrooms will be fully outfit-ted. The flooring contractor installed beautiful light grey vinyl plank flooring through-out the upstairs hall. The hall looks fresh, clean and modern. There are more renovations planned so stay tuned. Thanks Ian for your attention to detail and superb workman-ship.
• Country Gardeners’ Club: President, Chris Truman sends greetings to all North Shus-wap Gardeners and says it’s time to start planning your 2016 gardens. Starting on FEBRUAY 17th the club will start meeting regularly again on the 3rd Wednesday or each month. Learn and share ideas for creating a beautiful gar-den. The club offers speak-ers, discussions, gardening crafts, projects, road trips to garden centres, and garden tours. New members are wel-come. FMI call Chris at 250-955-6467.
• AGM and Elections: The January 12, 2016 meeting saw some of the positions on the
Board filled: Shelley Robertson: CPA/
CGA Director and Treasurer Shirley Fricker: Director and
Grant Officer Ian Robertson: Director and
Maintenance Marianne Brama: Director
and Hall Bookings (250-955-8365)
Shari Aichholz: Director and Membership Chairperson
Gloria Goodchild: Director and Secretary
Director and President: (temporarily filled by Past President, Fay Begin)
Director and Vice-President: this position remains open.
We are looking forward to welcoming a new President in the spring and we would like to thank all the outgoing officials for their hard work during their term. Welcome to the new offi-cials, your willingness to vol-unteer your time is appreciated. • Anglebay Entertainers Up-date: Anglebay Enter tain-ers President Ann Chow will be stepping down in the spring. A new President is required. Linda Mead stays on as secretary and Gloria Good-child replaced Margureite Heichert as Treasurer. Chorus Music Director, Joanne Groves will also be stepping down in the spring so we need a new Music Director starting in the fall. If you have 2 hours a week to spare please consid-er being our Music Director. Thanks everyone for all your work.
To read this full article check out our website at www.lakeviewcommunitycentresociety.com
(Continued from page 26)
Naturalist News
By Kelly Christian I want to first say thank you to the Kicker for the many years they have endured waiting on my last minute arti-cles and for allowing me to share my words with all of you. I am making some changes in my business and my life to help downsize some of the de-mands on my time to allow for more ease in 2016. As much as I love writing this arti-cle I have also been finding it hard to fit into my day over the past few months. I know this causes poor Tracy stress; waiting and reminding and waiting some more. With a heartfelt thank you I am saying goodbye to my Kicker writ-ing days for now. I’m not going any-where so any of you ever have questions I am still at the same spot as always just maybe outside enjoying our lake and nature a little more than I have in the past. Before I go I wanted to share some info I received from Revenue Canada’s new email service that may affect some of you in the upcoming months. They have started their annual Office Audit Letter Campaign for the 7th year. This letter writing campaign is de-signed to provide people in certain fields of business information about their taxes and tax returns. The goal of the program is to improve their under-standing of their current or past report-ing requirements and guidance on how to correct any common errors. In January 2016, the CRA will send
approximately 30,000 “intent-to-audit” letters to selected groups of individual taxpayers and business own-ers who claim consecutive business or rental losses or who are employees claiming employment expenses on line 229 of their tax return. The objective of the campaign is to encourage letter re-cipients to review and where applicable correct their tax affairs by accessing their account on-line through My Ac-count, submitting in paper format any required changes using Form T1-ADJ - T1 Adjustment Request, or through the Voluntary Disclosures Program. CRA’s emphasis is on helping indi-viduals and small businesses better un-derstand their tax obligations, which in turn increases future voluntary compliance, protects the government’s tax base, and utilizes resources within the CRA more effectively. If you have questions about the CRA’s Office Audit Letter Campaign or need help making changes to previously filed returns, go to www.cra.gc.ca/lettercampaign. You can also call the individual income tax enquiries line at 1-800-959-8281. If you find you need more in depth help please give us a call at 250-955-6292. www.kellychristianandcompany.com
Kelly Christian and Co. Bookkeeping, Tax &
Business Services
Kick Up Your Finances
A Final Article and Goodbye
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By Claudette Carlsen With the poor weather we had on Jan. 15, we still had a good turnout for the Annual Swan and Eagle Count for the Kamloops/Shuswap Region. On my route, I only saw four eagles but I had reports of ten swans near the Scotch Creek Park. We saw none at the mouth of Adams River across from the Squilax store which is where they usually congregate in larger numbers. It was from Kamloops to Chase on the Thompson River, that Rich Howie and his team counted a total of 293 Trumpeter
Swans and 54 eagles. It was the best count since ten years ago. When you go to Kamloops, these swans are easily seen from both sides of the river as well as the eagles. In my own yard here, I still have lots of House Finches (reddish coloring) and American Goldfinches and a barrage of Starlings eating at the feeders and Suet. We do not have an area for the Christmas bird count here and it would be quite diffi-cult to make one that would not overlap the Kamloops and the Shuswap registered
(Continued on page 29)
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Submitted by Kay Johnston The Thirteenth Annual Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival is announcing that the 2016 Askew’s Foods Word on the Lake Writing Contest is now open. Contestants may submit original unpublished works in the following catego-ries: Fiction, Non Fiction, and Poetry. First place winners will receive a cash prize of $150 plus a 2016 conference package including banquet ticket ($230 value) and will be published in the Askews’ Foods Word on the Lake Anthology which will
be available at the festival. Contest closes at midnight on 11 April 2016. Winners will be contacted prior to the Festival which takes place May 20 - 22 at the Prestige Harbourfront Resort and Okanagan College in Salmon Arm, BC. Winners will be recognized at the Satur-day night banquet. For further details concern-ing the writing contest includ-ing submission guidelines, and information about the Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival go to www.shuswapassociationofwriters.ca.
Word on the Lake Writing Contest
areas, too bad as we have quite a lot of different species that are not common on the North Shuswap. Maybe this would be something to look into. Have you had robins staying over the winter – it seems that there are quite a lot of them who forgot to go south, our gain. Up in the night sky, we missed seeing the line-up of the planets that is happening, because of the overcast sky. I would have liked to see this phenomenon. We are still in need of new members, I am in Chase now so if anyone in Chase would like to join us, please phone me at 679-8148 and maybe we could get togeth-er. I do thank all those who phone with their sightings.
(Continued from page 28)
250-679-2787 [emailprotected]
Box 229, Chase B.C. V0E 1M0
By Jenn Szabo I am so sick of seeing ads for miracle weight loss pills and fad diets. I am even more sick of seeing intelligent people giving these companies their money out of desperation to lose weight. Just the other day I had a chat with a friend who said "I really need to get back on X diet. I've put on 30 pounds since I did it the last time, and it really worked" I stood in silence. Worked? How so? If the diet really worked, why have you put on 30 lbs? You see, if I buy something that I believe works, it works long term. If I bought a toaster that toasted my bread well for 4 months and then quit, I would not believe that my toaster worked well. I want a toaster that works for at least 5 years before I will confidently say it worked well. And that my friends, is long term thinking. This scenario is why so
many people fail at the weight loss game; they take on diets that aren't sustainable over the long term. Have you ever seen a person in their 60's who had muscle tone, visible abs and a figure like a 20 year old? I have too, and I watch them with a deep appreciation for the years of healthy life-style they have put in to achieve such a physique. These people have not been overweight for a long time (if ever) and they certainly didn't just complete a round of the 21 day fix to look the way they do. These people have created a healthy life-style for themselves over the years by exercising and eating right. If you're a foodie like me, it would be torture to not eat cheese or desserts for 3 months, and it might just kill me if I couldn't have an occasional beer or glass of wine. I choose a diet that doesn't feel like a diet at all. I
(Continued on page 32)
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2638 Airstrip Rd, Anglemont This home sits on .44 of an acre ,open concept main floor living with the master bedroom also on the main. Full walk out basement & 40 x 25 garage. Easy access to the marina, golf, quad and snowmo-bile trails. A great place to call home. MLS® 10110214
5244 Meadow Creek Rd, Celista Beautiful home on 1.05 acre level, lakeview lot. Open concept, custom woodwork. Spacious kitchen, built in oven & electric cook top. Large master bdrm w/ custom built ins on lower level. 19'2 x 19'8 workshop, guest accommodations and detached dbl garage.
MLS® 10110234
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South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce Shares Its Objectives for 2016
Submitted by Karen Brown The South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce has just come off of its Annual General Meeting wrapping up 2015. The Chamber will introduce its new Board for 2016-2017 in the March Kicker issue. Building on the hard work of the cur-rent Board of Directors, goals for 2016 include some initiatives addressing tour-ism and customer service in the South Shuswap. Chamber Manager Karen Brown shares “We’ve listened to our membership, especially those in the ac-commodation, dining and recreation sec-tor. A good portion of our region’s busi-ness rely heavily on the tourist industry. In reality, a lot of our area businesses have a solid six weeks in which to make their money. If they don’t have a prosperous summer, it takes months for them to re-cover. We want to provide support as a Chamber to see that those business owners aren’t put into that position”. The sharing of information and rais-ing the awareness within the community as to what the South Shuswap has to offer is always an issue. “We are working hard to address that” says Brown. “We have
distributed 8 tourism racks throughout the region at key businesses where crowds tend to gather. Also, this Spring, you will see the Chamber host a second Tourism Kickoff Event to ready the membership for the upcoming summer season. And as well, the Chamber is looking at also de-veloping ambassador training and online modules to assist business owners and non-profit organizations in seeing their front-line staff trained and knowledgeable about our area’s amenities and events for 2016”. Adds Brown “We work very closely with Shuswap Tourism and with the CSRD Economic Development Dept. to see these initiatives come together”. Aside from the tourism initiatives, the Chamber will also work on Business Ex-pansion & Retention conducting business visits along with the Ec/Dev office. Brown currently sits on the CSRD Eco-nomic Development Advisory Committee where a number of issues are raised and addressed such as developing an Econom-ic Development Strategy for the area. If your business would like to join the South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce, please call Karen Brown at 250.515.0002.
Lawrence Jonker
250-679-8600 [emailprotected]
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Festival of Trees supports local charities
By Elena Markin Christmas time at the Quaaout Lodge Resort was dominated by a great annual tradition which is beautiful and aims at supporting local com-munities. Ten individual businesses and organisations were spon-soring Christmas trees – Skw-lax Wellness Center, Gordon Food Service, Little Shuswap Lake Indian Band, Cleanway Supplies, The Houskeeping department of the Quaaout Lodge, Mascon Cable Systems, Scotch Creek Bottle depot, Miller’s Cabin, Shuswap Tour-ism and the Fish & Game Club of Chase. The trees were decorated by representatives of the spon-sors and proudly displayed in the lobby of the Lodge for eve-ryone to admire. People voted on their favorite tree and two prizes were given. People’s
choice award for best decorated tree was presented to Miller’s Cabin. Agnes John from Chase was selected by a draw and won a prize as well. All proceeds from this wonderful Christmas tradition are going to the Sorrento Food Bank and Chase Hamper Soci-ety. Quaaout Lodge Resort is the pride of the Little Shuswap Lake Indian Band and the sur-rounding communities. It is a place for meetings, weddings and first class golfing. It is also one of the larger employ-ers in the area. Many local youth start their professional career working at the resort. The Lodge and all the sponsors of Christmas trees understand that supporting local organisa-tions and communities will make us the best place on Earth.
Kickstart Your Health & Wellness continued
choose a lifestyle. Will I have a perfect body in the next 6 months? No, and that's ok as I won't be entering any bikini contests this year. Will I enjoy my meals and eat what I want at social functions? Yes sir. Will I be one of those 60 year olds with the body of a 20 something? You bet, and this is how: Adopt the 80/20 rule- every day, eat clean 80% of the time, and indulge 20% of the time. Meaning; 80% of what enters your mouth daily is high quality, whole and nutrient dense. Eating clean means fruits, veggies, protein, leg-umes, whole grains and good fats. Essentially, you're count-ing nutrients and not calories. Remember that what you drink is also included here, so choose
your beverages wisely if you want to eat your way to the 20% indulgence bank. And what about you're daily 20% allowance? Eat Whatever you want. Yes, I did say what-ever you want. Just be mindful of the 20% limit. There is no need to deprive yourself when creating your healthy eating lifestyle. If you are choosing to make healthier choices when it comes to food, do some re-search on clean eating. Find some delicious clean eating recipes, and experiment with new meal options. And there you have it, the easiest and most enjoyable long term "diet" there is.
Jennifer Szabo Transformational Wellness Coach Licensed Zumba Fitness Instructor
Yoga instructor
(Continued from page 31)
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Membership fees are: $20/family, $10/individual Contact information as follows: 5456 Squilax Anglemont Rd.
Celista, BC, V0E 1M6 President: Toby Alford - 250-955-2978
Hall Bookings: Deb; 250-253-5954 or Lynn; 250-679-4017. Email: [emailprotected]
Web: www.northshuswapcommunityhall.ca
By Toby Alford
As I am writing this it has already snowed, rained and snowed again and maybe the sun will come out later. Seems more like March than January but the weather here is not like it used to be. When I see a winter like this, I think of a story I read in the Shuswap Chronicles about a woman who gave birth in a snowbank at Meadow Creek at -50 C and yes, everybody sur-vived. Implausible but true. People used to ski across the lake in the winter to get their mail but I bet the lake hasn’t frozen over for 30 years. I remember it froze a few times when I was a kid. What I really remember though were the stars on a cold winter night. I would look up at the sky and it would be white with stars. It would be great to look up again and see a sky brimming with that clear cold winter light, a sky with stars so thick it was like snow glittering. Ah well... The Historical Society has been putting out the Chronicles for many years and you have probably seen them for sale at SuperValu next to the Post Office. The stories of life on the North Shuswap are really amazing and offer a glimpse of a life that has passed into his-tory. If you are new to the area and want to get an idea of this life that has passed, or an old timer who wants to revel in family memories, this is the place to go. I tried to convince the Historical Society to bun-dle them all up into one big book but they said they first
had to sell the ones already printed. So folks, get out there and buy up those old copies. They make great gifts. The Historical Society meets in the club room the second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm and it’s a great way to meet people with similar interests and learn a little of how the area developed to its present day form. OK here is one little tidbit. Lee Creek, Scotch Creek, Celista, Magna Bay and An-glemont all used to have their own schools, or did they all? The only way to find out is to go down and ask the experts at the Historical Society. Much overdue thanks to Dwayn Bentley for all the lum-ber he has donated over the years to various projects at the hall. The Bentley family set-tled here a long time ago and have been running a saw mill for almost as long. It’s nice to see that he maintain his fami-ly’s longstanding support for various community projects. If you want to know more about the Bentley family or any of the early pioneer families, the Historical Society and Shus-wap Chronicles are the place to start. NSCA meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. We had a couple, new to the area, come to our last meeting and they apologized for not knowing it was a board meet-ing. All meetings are open to the public and if you are a paid up member, you even have a vote. So come on down.
Public Hearing Notice:
Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Zoning Amendment (CSRD) Bylaw No. 825-35
Bylaw Summary: Bylaw No. 825-35 proposes to eliminate certain site specific regulations in Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Zoning Bylaw No. 825 that are no longer applicable, and to revise site specific regulations containing uses that are no longer active. It also proposes housekeeping amendments to amend two incorrect legal descriptions and update two reference maps.
Bylaw No. 825-35 is a first step in a larger process to develop a new zoning bylaw for the entire North Shuswap – a bylaw that will complement the Electoral Area ‘F’ Official Community Plan.
When? February 24th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Where? Scotch Creek/Lee Creek Community Hall/Fire Hall, 3852 Squilax-Anglemont Road, Scotch Creek, BC.
Who should attend?
Anyone who believes that their interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw amendment shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions at the Public Hearing respecting matters contained in the Bylaw.
How can I find out more about this rezoning amendment?
A copy of the proposed Bylaw and relevant background documents may be inspected at the CSRD offices, 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Salmon Arm, BC between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. until February 23rd, 2016 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory holidays).
How do I send a written submission?
Written submissions will be received at the Regional District Offices until 4 p.m. on February 23rd, 2016 or may be submitted until the close of the public hearing. Written submissions are available to the public and the applicant. Mailing address is: 555 Harbourfront Drive NE, Box 978 Salmon Arm, BC Email submissions may be sent to: [emailprotected]
Staff contact: Jan Thingsted, Planner Tel: 250-833-5918
Annual Lions Skate Party First let me say the day could have been a bust, had there not been such a selection of skates available. We had our grandson Endre out for the weekend and once we arrived at the rink we realized he had packed two different skates. Once he was all laced up in a pair of loaners, Brain helped him out on the ice. With a few quick tips and pointers on how to move he was off. (see picture of Bri-an and Endre on pg. 19 of this Kicker) We can’t thank Brian enough for his assistance and help that was provided for our grandson. When we had to leave, Endre stated that “ We better be coming back!” Thank you to the Lions Club, the Fire Department and the people who volunteer their time so we are able to bring our families out to enjoy it.
Rachelle and Paul Horvath
The Kicker would like to thank Dave`s Auto for the donation to the children`s colouring contest. Your generosity for this fun yearly chil-dren`s event is appreciated.
The Kicker
Happy Valentines Day?
A guy walks into a post office one day to see a mid-dle-aged, balding man stand-ing at the counter methodi-cally placing" Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says "I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?'" "But why?" asks the man. "I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies.
Submit your Letters to the Editor by: email: [emailprotected]
Fax: 250-955-0515 or message us on Facebook
250-679-3339 1-877-679-3339
Chase, BC
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Becoming more popular in Resort Area's and homes were there is no Ducting, our Ductless Split System is hands down a great choice for Heating and Air Conditioning. Call Darren for more details.
It is heart warming to realize how fortunate we are to live and work in rural British Columbia where we know our neighbours by name. When tragedy strikes, as it did for us on Christmas day, the community responded. We were offered everything from food to lodging after our home burned to the ground. We were very fortunate that there was no one injured and that we had very good insur-ance in place. A huge thank you to the volunteer fire departments that responded. At the height of the fire there were 22 fire fighters on the scene. In total there were about 28 who responded from Anglemont to Salmon Arm. They valiant-ly tried to save our home. We are sorry for taking you away from your families on Christmas day. Many thanks to Larry and Lois Morgan who took us in for the night and provided Christmas dinner and much needed comforting. Thank you to the community for your warm concern for us and our family’s well being. We will rebuild and in doing so provide much needed employment for our local trades.
Ina and Bill Long Thank you to the North Shuswap community for all their help and support to make the 2015 Christmas Ham-per a success. We were able to help 32 cats, 6 kittens and 24 dogs. The Super Valu for their support and delivering the pet food to the hall, Scotch Creek Bottle depot Scotch Creek Rona's for their support. I would also like to thank Sunnyside Supermarket in Celista, and Rona's in Scotch Creek for selling the Okanagan Humane Calendars which make it possible for spaying and neutering of the cats and dogs in the community as well as the ones I have done this year. My energetic helper who did a great job of bag-ging the cat and dog food. The Salmon Arm Shuswap Vets and the Sorrento Shuswap Vet for all there support and help to make all this possible. It was great working with all of you and I hope we can do it again in 2016. I wish you and your cats and dogs a happy 2016.
Sharon Nicholl Okanagan Humane Society. We would like to thank the North Shuswap Lions club for the gas cards they gave us to help with traveling ex-penses for our boys in Chase Minor Hockey.
North Shuswap Parents It turned out to be more difficult than we expected, but we managed to get that WETT inspection complet-ed. Thank you, Ian Robertson for all your hard work and patience. We really appreciated it.
Todd and Sue Stone
“Making Life Better”
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• Caregiver Tips.
• Videos/audios about life at Parkside.
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Parkside Community offers all the services and amenities offered in larger residences, but in a more
intimate setting and location.
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New Website with:
(butter, olive, coconut oils)
Open yourself to the season of Lent and the love of Jesus
Join us for worship Sundays at 11:00
St. David’s by the Lake on the highway in Celista
Prepare for the glory of Easter at our inspirational services during the 5 Sundays of Lent
• Ash Wednesday service on
February 10 at 11:00 am • Something for young people
each Sunday • Hot pot luck lunch after each
Sunday service
Everyone welcome!
Contact us at [emailprotected]
or 250-955-2502
Check out our website
The Power of Gratitude
Eileen Peters MA, Certified Professional Counsellor Many years ago, when our children were very young, my husband had to be away for 3 months with only a few sporad-ic visits back home. It was hard on all of us. My husband was a very “hands on” daddy, and the children missed him terribly, as did I. In an effort to help us get through the time of separation I pulled out a notebook one day and announced that this was now our “Thankfulness Jour-nal”. Every day we would each contribute something that we were thankful for and I would write it down. I will admit that it took a little while to be able to state what we were thankful for without adding a “but…” at the end, but soon we were able to concentrate on the things for which we were truly grateful without commenting about how we actually hoped things would still improve. That little journal became a turning point for me. And as my children became aware that my spirit was lifting, they also became more cheerful and set-tled. Alex Korb, PhD, posted an article in Psychology Today on Nov 20, 2012. He states that gratitude, particularly if prac-ticed regularly, can keep you healthier and happier. He cites a study done on a group of young adults who were as-signed to keep a daily journal of things they were grateful for. The young adults assigned to keep gratitude journals showed greater increases in determina-tion, attention, enthusiasm and energy compared to other groups. Korb says, “Realizing that other people are worse off than you is not gratitude. Grati-tude requires an appreciation of the positive aspects of your situation. It is not a compari-son. Sometimes noticing what other people don’t have may help you see what you can be
grateful for, but you have to take that next step. You actual-ly have to show appreciation for what you have, for it to have an effect.” The study goes on to say that the benefits of being thank-ful are not only limited to young adults who have not been beaten down by the sad realities of life. People of any age who journaled even once a week showed improvement in mood as well as physical ail-ments. Another study by the Chi-nese in 2012 simply looked at the amount of gratitude people tended to show in their lives. Interestingly, gratitude had a direct effect on depression symptoms (the more gratitude, the less depression) and an indirect effect on anxiety (increased gratitude led to im-proved sleep, which led to low-er anxiety). Either way, with gratitude you’re better off, and you get a good night’s sleep. As we begin a new year it’s easy to focus on the nega-tive things we see happening in our world. Anxiety can affect not only our own mood but the mood of those around us. I have a beautiful, leather-bound notebook that my husband gave me several years ago which is still empty! It seemed so lovely that I just couldn’t decide what to write in it. But beginning today I’m going to start filling it with all the things I am grate-ful for – and there are many! I can doodle in it if I want, I can paste dried flowers in it, notes I have received, and bits and pieces of all sorts of happy things in my life. It will be my “happy book!” If you happen to feel like joining me – let me know. I’d love to have some company! If you would like more information or to find out about counselling services in Scotch Creek please feel free to contact me at 250-793-2202. www.northshorecounselling.net
All Are Welcome
4079 Butters Rd, Scotch Creek Church Office: 250-955-2545 / Pastor Lloyd Peters 250-793-2201
Be sure to check out our webpage for the latest news and events.
• Soup Day - Wed., 11:30 - 1:30 • Prayer Meetings - Wed., 10am • Counselling Services Available
• Valentines Evening … Desserts and games 7pm, Feb. 12
• Men's breakfast... Feb. 20, 8am • Potluck.. Feb. 21 after the service
North Shuswap Scotch Creek
Pastor Peter and Robyn King Office: 250-804-3518
SUNDAY SERVICE 10:30 am Light lunch and fellowship after service
Tuesdays 6:30 pm “Inside Out” addictions recovery Thursdays 11:00 am, fellowship, soup & bun. Thursdays 6:30 pm bible study in Chase, contact: Dale or Doreen at 250-679-1144
- Snow Clearing - Rock walls - Site preparation - Skidsteer & excavator - Irrigation
Scotch Creek
Dental Clinic Located in downtown Scotch Creek
Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00am - 4:30pm
Dr. Russ Kearl Dr. Carmel Hopkins
Salmon Arm McGuire Place
Professional Building Suite 101 - 571 6th St NE Dr. Kearl: 250-832-3633
Dr. Hopkins: 250-832-6087 Dr. Irwin: 250-832-9401
Scotch Creek Unit #3-3874
Squilax-Anglemont Hwy (Peoples Drug Mart Mall)
Chase & District Employment Centre
Looking for Work? Making Career Decisions? Looking for Skilled Employees? Considering Self-Employment ?
Employers Service
Call us for information about Wage Subsidy or becoming a Youth/Person with Disabilities work experience sponsor! We will post your current Employment Opportunities on
our website and collect Resumes on your behalf
Job Seekers Resumes, Interview Skills, Internet Job Search,
Funding may be available for Certificates, Personal Safety Wear and Job Search
View the job listings on our bulletin board!
822 Shuswap Ave., Chase, BC Phone: 250-679-8448 Fax: 250-679-8117
9am – 4:30pm Mon – Fri www.chaseemployment.ca
email: [emailprotected]
School News By Jan Penner We welcome (belatedly) Carlie Pellett as our new Learning Resource Teacher. Mrs. Pellett took over from Mrs. Edinger, who came out of retirement to fill the position while a successful candidate was chosen. We are pleased to have Mrs. Pellett on our staff and look forward to working with her. The highlight for Jan-uary was definitely the Ski/Skate programs. The 3 consecutive Thursdays that intermedi-ates skied and primaries skat-ed were enjoyed by all who participated. A huge thank-you to our PAC for their contribu-tions to transportation and in-curred costs. Both of these activities have lifelong applica-tions and the opportunity to be active in these sports at a young age is immeasurable. Basketball season is under-way and our senior students are showing great enthusiasm. Morning individual practise and lunchtime team practises are well attended. Best of luck to both boys' and girls' teams as the season continues. A big thanks to Mr. Ellis and Mr. Schmidt for their coaching expertise. Student Led Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 10th. The conference gives students a chance to share their work and knowledge with their parents. Parents, please make sure you have contacted the school at
250-955-2214 to book a time for you and your child. StrongStart is once again up and running at North Shus-wap Elementary. This program is for preschool children up to 5 years and their caregivers. It is a great opportunity for par-ents to meet and visit with oth-er parents in the community and for children to interact with
peers. Sessions are held eve-ry Thursday from 9:00 -
12:00. The new StrongStart leader is
Alisa Cook. Please contact the school at 250-
955-2214 for more infor-mation. January 25 - 29 was Liter-acy Week. Many students par-ticipated in the Unplug and Play program, which encour-ages children to focus on non-screen activities for the week. Those who kept track of their activities submitted them to the draw box in the office and we will hear shortly if any were chosen to receive a prize for their participation. Many of our youth today are foregoing outdoor activities, imaginative play and games that do not involve a controller, and Un-plug and Play is one way to draw attention to this. Physical activity and face to face inter-actions are an asset to learning and healthy mental and physi-cal growth. Congratulations to all who made the effort to de-crease their screen time! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's Day? A: I'm stuck on you!
Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune? A: Because it couldn't get a date.
Q: What did the paper clip say to the magnet? A: I find you very attractive.
Q: What did the elephant say to his girlfriend? A: I love you a ton!
8 4
5 6 9
4 1 7 8
7 3 2
2 1 9 5
4 8 1
9 8 5 2
8 7 6
2 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16
17 18 19
20 21 22
23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39
40 41 42 42
43 44
45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56
57 58 59
60 61 62
63 64 65 65
Puzzle 1 - Medium Puzzle 1 - Easy
9 8 4 1 7
2 6 3
7 5 4
4 3
8 3
1 9
6 7 4
1 2 6
7 5 8 6 9
1. Alike 5. Tubular pasta 10. As a result 14. Distinctive flair 15. Steer clear of 16. Pledge 17. After-bath powder 18. Forever 20. Craftsperson 22. Breathing tube for swim-mers 23. Beam 24. Unlawful rate of interest 25. Denying 32. Grownup 33. One after eighth 34. Mist 37. Stringed instrument
38. After ninth 39. Opera star 40. Santa's helper 41. Steam 42. Flax fabric 43. Presenting 45. Scrawny one 49. Biblical boat 50. Supply 53. Smiled contemptuously 57. Strictly obeying the law 59. Part in a play 60. Midmonth date 61. Positive pole 62. Being 63. Legal wrong 64. Pariah 65. Colors
1. Bristle 2. Winglike 3. Kiln-dried grain 4. Gird 5. Melon tree 6. Not odd 7. Neither ___ 8. Bites 9. Biblical garden 10. Package holidays 11. Japanese verse 12. Express audibly 13. Timidly 19. Bully 21. Sodium chloride
25. Broad valley 26. Bucolic 27. Ride the waves 28. Bumbling 29. Of lesser importance 30. Foreword 31. Greatest possible 34. French for Finished or Done 35. Baking appliance 36. Mob 38. Buff 39. Bargained 41. Wakefulness
42. Attraction 44. Terpsichorean 45. Divided 46. Doctrine 47. "Message received and understood" 48. Nautical for stop 51. Found on rotary phones 52. Feudal worker 53. On the left or right 54. Optimistic 55. If not 56. D D D D 58. Not bottom
NORTH SHUSWAP • Elder Abuse Conversation - Feb 11, 2pm at
North Shuswap Christian Fellowship (4079 Butters Rd.) Participate and share stories, information, skills, ideas, needs etc. FMI [emailprotected]
• NS Chamber dinner meeting - February 22nd Location to be announced later. FMI 250-955-2113 or email: [emailprotected]
• "An Evening of Music with James D. Bry-an, Liam McIvor Tyner & Dirty Luke" - "DOUBLE CD Release" - Friday March 4th, at 7:00 PM - at the Lakeview Centre. 10:00PM. Tickets available at the Door. Concession available. FMI Lena 250-804-5377
SOUTH SHUSWAP • Dinner and Coffeehouse - Sat. Feb 13 at
Sunnybrae Seniors Society (3585 Sunnybrae Canoe Pt. Rd.) Chili or Stew avail. 5:30 to 7:30. Come for the food! Stay for the Coffee-house.
CHASE • Chase Fish & Game Annual Banquet - Sat
Feb 6 at Adams Lake Rec/Conference Cen-tre. Happy hour 5:30pm. Banquet 7pm. Dance to Brendan Methot Music. For tickets and info call Vickey 250-955-2374 or Ben 778-220-0507
• Skmana Valentines Gathering - Sunday, February 7 – Ski and Snowshoe! Meet at the
cabin at 3 pm add your Chilli to the pot and then head out for a ski or snowshoe. Meet back at the cabin around 4 after your winter adventure. Exchange your ‘crazy valen-tine’ (if you decide to make one) enjoy the comfort of the cozy cabin. FMI 250-679-3951
• Chase Legion Variety Club Telethon Auc-tion and Mixed Triples Dart Tourney - Feb 13. Tournament starts at 11am Reg. 11:15am Toe Line. Sign your team up at the Legion. Amazing auction items such as paint-ings, prints, hotel stays, golf passes and much more. Proceeds to VARIETY. Every-one welcome (you don`t need to play darts). Donations accepted. FMI: 250-679-8527
• Chase Curling Rink Pancake Breakfast - Sunday February 14th. 9am to 11am. We look forward to the continued support of you and your families!! Come in and enjoy a GREAT breakfast. Drinking coffee and hang-ing out with friends and family is a great way to start the day!! Enjoy all you can eat pan-cakes, sausages and eggs served with real orange juice and coffee/tea. Best deal in town!! All proceeds go directly to help pay bills for our struggling Curling Club!
• Historic Chase Chili contest - Feb. 27. Chili tasting, buns, corn bread, 50/50 draw silent auction. Entertainment by Guy Spooner and Friends. Participants must pre-register. Call 250-679-8847 or email chasemuseumsocie-
[emailprotected] OTHER AREAS
• Shuswap Trail Party & Auction - Feb 5, 7pm at Salmon Arm Recreation Centre. A new decade of Shuswap Trails! Live Music with the Whiskey Danglers, DJ with Patrick Ryley, Dance, Buffet Appies featuring locally grown and prepared foods by Blue Canoe Bakery Cafe, Cash Bar, Silent Auction, and the Best-Of Shuswap Trail Photo Footage. FMI go to www.shuswaptrails.com and click on events for call 250-804-6451.
• The 5th Annual Sicamous Ladies Ride Camp - Feb. 7th. We will stage at the Owl-head parking lot and ride over to Blue Lake for a day of riding and instruction by some fantastic local guides and a great lunch with some awesome newbie and experienced sledders! Contact [emailprotected] or 250-836-0002 to register.
• It’s All About the Birds & Bees - FREE Seminar for all back yard chicken and bee-keeping lovers. February 20th at Purity (471 Okanagan Way Kamloops). Raising a small flock 10am – Noon / Home hive basics 1pm – 3pm. Pre-registration required. For more info and to register call 250-372-2233 or email ([emailprotected]) for more information or to register.
JPW Road Maintenance 24hour hazard Reporting line
Chase Detachment Office 250-679-3221
If you have any tips on local crime call
CRIMESTOPPERS 1-800-222-8477
Anglemont Waterworks
After Hour Emergencies 1-877-996-3344
Chase & District Curling - LTC School program
Submitted by Alice Nagy School LTC Coordinator 2016 is well underway with the second half of School Learn to Curl. This project is subsidized by the Chase and District Curling Club. It was initiated under the direction of our Coaches from the Junior Program with the assistance of club volunteers. Learn to Curl has involved both the Haldane Elementary and the Secondary Schools. Over the course of two months, this project will see over 100 students' partici-pate in Learn to Curl. Feed-back from the schools' teach-ers and student participants has been very favourable and encouraging. It is the hope of our organization that more youth will join league curling at the club level. The Junior Curling league is offered to kids from ages 8 -
20. Fees for Jr curling (Sept-Mar) are $40 and include the use of curling equipment. Students under the Jr program are instructed by Canadian Curling Association Coaches. They are taught the fundamen-tals of curling and the value of team work. They also partici-pate in the inter city bonspiels throughout the season playing teams from Kelowna, Salmon Arm, Armstrong and Kam-loops. Our Jr league is grow-ing... And it's not too late for your son or daughter to join! If your child is interested in curl-ing, please contact me directly at: 250 318-8435 or Diane Overton at 250 318-0321. Instruction days are Mondays from 3:00-4:30 pm. See you on the ice!
Don’t forget to check The Nor h Shuswap Kicker on Facebook for reg lar updates.
(Continued on page 43)
To add a meeting/event call 250-955-0534, Fax 250-955-0515 or email [emailprotected]
March 18 (tentative)
March 21 (tentative)
April (1 or 8)
Contact Us at The ICKER
For Advertising information contact Tracy 250-955-0534
Publisher: Jan Wojciechowski Editor: Jo Anne Malpass
email: [emailprotected]
Advertisements, Co–editor: Tracy Wojciechowski
Advertising/Classifieds Cindy Korchinski
Phone: 250-955-0534 Fax : 250-955-0515 E-Mail: [emailprotected] Write us: 7320 Estate Place, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1M8
Website: www.kicker.ca Subscriptions: $50.00/yr (+gst) Drop boxes: SuperValu or Peoples Drug
Mart in Scotch Creek, Sunnyside Supermarket
in Celista, Ross Creek Store in Magna Bay or 7320 Estate Place in Anglemont.
facebook.com/shuswapkicker twitter.com/ShuswapKicker
Got a favourite recipe you
would like to share?
Email it to [emailprotected]
Or fax it to 250-955-0515
• 1 Cup peanut or almond butter
• 3/4 Cup honey, agave or maple syrup
• 2 eggs • 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon • 1 tsp vanilla • 1 Cup raw quinoa • 2 Cup rolled oats (not
• 1/2 Cup hemp hearts • 3/4 Cup green pumpkin
seeds (pepitas) • 1 Cup dried fruit (like a
mix of cranberries, blueberries and cherries)
• 1/4 Cup chia seeds • 1/4 Cup poppy seeds • 1/4 Cup flax seeds
DID YOU KNOW …Man's best friend may have been domesticated about 15,000 years ago, evolving from wolves around the time that humans were establishing their first settlements, new evidence suggests. Using sophisticated 3D imaging to ana-lyze several fossil skulls, a study in Nature Scientific Reports found dogs emerged much more recently than previously thought. Other studies in recent years had suggested dogs evolved as early as 30,000 years ago.
1. Combine the nut butter, syrup eggs, cinnamon and vanilla. Stir well. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until every-thing is evenly distributed.
2. Cover a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and grease the paper lightly. Pour in mixture and press evenly across the pan. Using the back of a large metal spoon press hard and pack the mix into the pan and smooth the back of the spoon across the surface until it is even, smooth and solid.
3. Bake at 325° for 20-25 minutes until the edges and underside are deep golden brown
4. Allow to cool completely in the pan before cutting. Cut into 30 bars. Refrigerate leftovers for up to a week or freeze, indi-vidually wrapped in plastic, for up to a month.
(Continued from page 41)
Adams River Salmon Society.. Sheila Empey 250-253-2598 Anglemont Estates Waterworks
After Hours emergency 1-877-996-3344 Regular hours 250-832-8194
Anglemont Ladies Golf.. Bev Shea 250-955-0365 Anglemont Men’s Golf Club.. Rob MacDuff at 250-505-2781 Artistic Community.. Lynn Er in 250-955-6234 Arts Council for the South Shuswap.. Karen Brown 250.515.3276 AWE Society.. email: [emailprotected] Baseball Club.. Mike McManamna.. 250-819-0522 or 250-955-
0688 Camp Grafton.. Judy MacPherson 250-374-5115 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Coffee House.. J im Leduc 250-679-2174 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS
NS Community Association.. Toby Alford 250-955-2978 Hall Bookings – Deb 250-253-5954 or Lynn - 250-679-4017
Seymour Arm Comm. Assoc.. Bob Reimer 250-833-7610 Country Kids Play School.. Alanna Stearns 250-679-3005 Country Gardens Garden Club.. Chr is Trueman
250-955-6467 CRIMESTOPPERS.. 1-800-222-8477 Crowfoot Snowmobile Club.. Martin & Julie Lucas
250-955-2246 CSRD - Area F.. Lar ry Morgan 250-955-2567 FIRE DEPARTMENTS
Anglemont - Graham Lucas - 250-833-8997 / 250-955-2173 Celista - Roy Philips - 250-517-0540 S.C./L.C. - Art Stoll - 250-955-2422 / 250-517-0098 Skwlax - Keith Power - 250-679-4472
FIRST RESPONDERS NS First Responders.. Andrea Car ter 250-679-7746 NS First Responders Society.. Cather ine McCrea [emailprotected] SS First Responders.. Debbie Edwards - email: [emailprotected].
Girl Guides .. 1-800-565-8111 Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon..
Cynthia Bentley 250-955-2222 HEALTH SERVICES
NS Health Centre Society.. Pat Rober tson 250-955-2999 and Jay Simpson 250-377-5462 Scotch Creek Clinic - 250-955-0660 Chase Medical Clinic - 250-679-1420 Chase Health Centre - 250-679-1400 SS Health Services Society - Sue McCrae
250-675-3562 Historical Society.. Loretta Greenough 250-955-6431 Imai Ball Park Foundation.. Br ian MacDuff 250-955-0981 JPW Road Maintenance.. Attendant 1-877-546-3799, Main office (Armstrong) 250-546-3765, Celista yard
(answering machine) 250-955-2231 Karate Club.. Dale Cundy 250-682-3094 Lakeview Centre.. Fay Hadden 250-955-2488 Lions Club.. Ted Danyluk 250-955-6384 Meadow Creek Park Assoc.. Don Gr imm 250- 955-0262 Naturalists Club.. Claudette Car lsen 250-679-8148 Needle Bugs Club.. Gerry Kendall 250-955-6279 NS Cemetery.. Doug Pr igmore 250-955-6454 or
Loretta Greenough 250-955-6431 NS Christian Fellowship.. 250-955-2545 NS Craft & Needlework Club.. Gerry 250-955-6279 NS Elementary School.. Rob Ellis 250-955-2214 NS Players.. Judy Weller 250-955-0744 Okanagan Regional Library.. North Shuswap.. Lee Car reiro 250-955-8198 South Shuswap.. Leigh Schaffer .. 250-675-4818 Parents Advisory Committee.. Angela Simpson 250-377-5406 Parks Commission Contact.. CSRD
1-888-248-2773 Police Advisory Committee.. Lynda Sutton 250-319-7797 RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION
Anglemont - Marian Zackery 250-955-0359 Magna Bay - Alan Nunn 250-679-2565 or 604-522-3346 Scotch Creek - Mary Stewart 250-955-2967 Saratoga - Aileen Brand 250-955-6123 St. Ives - Dave King 250-955-0573
School District # 83 North Shuswap Trustee.. Lar issa Lutjen email [emailprotected], 250-803-1587
Seymour Arm Snowmobile Club.. Wilmer Marks 778-785-2032 Shuswap Environmental Action Society.. J im Cooperman
250-679-3693 Shuswap Hospice Society.. 250-832-7099 Shuswap Volunteer Search & Rescue.. Tara Stanley 250-308-9248,
shuswapsar.org Shuswap Needle Arts Guild.. Mar lene 250-675-2507 or Sharon
250-832-4588 Shuswap Rock Club.. Pat or Gail Bowden 250-675-2849 Shuswap Waterfront Owners Association (SWOA)
[emailprotected], web: www.SWOA.ca Skmana Ski club .. George 250-679-3688 / John 250-679-8600 South Shuswap Canada Day Committee.. Reuben Pauls 250-
675-6852 Taoist Tai Chi .. Judy 250-679-5425 Victim Services.. Brandi Nakazawa 250-679-8638 Whittlers Club.. Marian Zackery 250-955-0359
$7 up to 25 words, 20¢ ea. additional word. $1 for box-around. Single column Classified Dis-play Ads are $2.50 per 1/4 inch. Drop ads along with cash or check (made out to the KICKER) at drop boxes, e-mail ad to [emailprotected] or mail to 7320 Estate Place, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1M8. Ads must be received 12 days prior to the paper hitting the stands.
C L A S S I F I E D A D S M U S T B E P A I D I N A D V A N C E .
Making Waves Marine Service, Service, parts, and marine accesso-ries to your location. Full mechani-cal marine repair and service availa-ble to all makes and models of pleasure craft. Certified marine tech-nician with over 20 years experi-ence. Call Alan today at 955-0884. www.makingwaves marine.ca
Ian Bischoff 250-955-2340 250-833-6073
BrushwithGreatnessPaintingKyleLessey 250-679-2164(Cell)250-320-6820/
927 Shuswap Ave. Chase 250-679-8456
Helga Terwoort
For all your hair-care needs call 250-955-6195
5205 Tallington Rd, Celista
Courtney Meier
Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing, Facials
250-955-2149 5205 Tallington Rd, Celista
Dock Doctor We will help keep you afloat. Re-
pairs and maintenance of docks, new wood docks, used docks.
250-955-2500, Cell 250-318-2890 [emailprotected]
250-682-5995 250-372-2599
• Pre-purchase and Pre-sale appraisal reports
• Mortgage Refinancing? • Estate or Division of Family Assets? • Depreciation Reports for Strata
Fully Accredited Appraisers and Depreciation Report Planners
Shuswap Piano Tuning and restoration . Call or text
Ship Shape Shelter Indoor Boat and RV Storage. Call Gary or Michele at 250-835-4224 or email: shipshapeshelter@ hotmail.com for rates -------------------------------------------
Dance Fitness
Low Impact - Great Energy - Body Fun Drop-in’s welcome
10:30am Tuesdays & Fridays
at Celista Hall $8 Drop - in rate
10 Sessions for $65
Nancy Parkinson (250) 679-8233
BdebClean Year round cleaning services.
Excellent references Call 250-679-2164
Enclosed and secure storage for all your toys. Contact Dave for
more information 250-955-6541
B.A., R.M.T.
Phone: 250.675.5054
Come into the store for details and enter for a chance to win a
$25 Gift Certificate.
3993C Squilax-Anglemont Rd 250-253-5756
Neverending Novels... More Than a Bookstore
1st Annual
• Renovations • Foundations • Framing • Finishing
• Siding • Flooring • Roofing • Decks
Debi D’s Cleaning Services
Residential & Commercial New Home Construction Cleaning
Quality Guaranteed Property Checks
Bonded ▪ References Available 250-833-6087 250-679-8384
250-679-7889 622 Shuswap Ave
IPG Certified
K9 ScallyWags Pet Grooming
Located in the Chase Veterinary Clinic
Scooters, walkers, wheelchairs, bathroom safety, stair-lifts,
hospital beds. Free Screening for obstructive sleep apnea, treatment
and follow-up. CPAP masks, parts, and accessories.
Respiratory therapy equipment and home oxygen. Located in
Salmon Arm and Vernon www.lakesidemedical.ca or
2004 AWD Honda Pilot Granite Edition, 325,000 km, excellent condition with new brakes and good winter tires. No dents, accidents or rust. $3499.00. For more info. call Gary at 250-835-4224 or email shipshapeshelter @hotmail.com. ------------------------------------- Solid Oak cabinet for sale. $100 OBO. Will hold a 36’ TV on pull out shelf. Size is H-49.5”, W-64.5”, D23”. 250-955-0534 ------------------------------------------ Outdoor hanging plant baskets with plants from last year still in them. $40 lrg / $25 sm. Call 250
Aura’s “All” Haul Servicing the North Shuswap
Call 250-819-1450
De-clutter, De-stress any unwant-ed garage sale items, good-used furniture and household items. Do-nations greatly appreciated call or text for pick up. Hidden Treasures Thrift Shop in Scotch Creek next to Jimco. 250-299-3299
Paying cash for old coins, collections, Royal
Canadian Mint products.
Call 250-517-8472.
Painter to do exterior of House, Garage, and Boathouse up at Horseshoe Bay. Clean metal fas-cia, wood TandG soffits, wood posts and beams, stucco. Paint post and beams and stucco. Lad-ders and scaffold available. Antic-ipate One Month’s work (May). Also at same time, a Labourer for yard landscaping, deck repairs, other work such as moving paint-ing ladders, etc. Contact Cam @403-970-5394, [emailprotected]
CREW RATES AVAILABLE check us out at
www.anglemontinn.com (250) 955-0701
●King Suite ●Queen Room Both with private bathrooms
B&B Suite Escapes BC
Now Booking for Winter
Scotch Creek BC 250-955-6136 or 780-881-6912
Alfred T. Glassel June 22, 1922 -
December 22, 2015
Alfred T. Glassel peacefully passed away on Dec. 22, 2015 at the ripe old age of 93. Alfred Glassel was born on the family farm near Unity, Saskatchewan on June 22nd, 1922. He spent the first 12 years of his life helping his Father Thore, Mother Edith (Knowles), Sister Ellen (Kay) and Brother Dave, working that farm.
He left home at 12 to make his own way in the world and worked for various Neighbors in the area until he volunteered for the Army in 1938 prior to WWII, joining the 2nd Royal Canadian Field Engineers, 2nd Division where he received his training as a Sapper, and became the Regiment Mechanic. He was part of the Invasion on D-Day and came home after fighting through France, Holland and Germany, and was released in November 1945 as a Lance Corporal. He was awarded the following medals for his service: 1939-1945 Star, France–Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, The Defense Medal and the War Medal. He was honored by the govt. of Canada for his contribution, The Netherlands issued him a Medal of Remembrance for the Liberation of Holland, and the French Govt. made him a Knight of the French National Order of the Legion of Honour, Frances Highest Order.
Upon his discharge from the army November 1945 with his Motor Mechanic training he traveled around working various jobs until he wound up running a garage in Ponoka Alberta, where he met and married Leota Fern Lynn and they moved to Calgary Alberta where he sold Snap-on tools for a time before starting his own tool company, and raised his 4 sons. Al was one of those Dads that always made the time to drive his kids around, whether it was a Hockey game or Scout camping trip, he could be counted on.
Retiring in 1980, Al and Fern moved to the North Shuswap and spent the next 25 years active in the local Community there. In 2005 they retired again and moved into Kamloops.
Al was predeceased by his loving wife of 63 years, Fern, who passed in Sept 2014. He is survived by his 4 sons; Barrie, Edward (Kathy), Garth and Stewart (Karen), 4 Granddaughters, and 4 Great Grand Children.
The Family wishes to thank the Care Workers of High Country Health for their care and support over the last year.
$7 up to 25 words, 25¢ ea. additional word. $1 for box-around. Single column Classified Dis-play Ads are $2.50 per 1/4 inch. Drop ads along with cash or check (made out to the KICKER) at drop boxes, e-mail ad to [emailprotected] or mail to 7320 Estate Place, Anglemont, B.C. V0E 1M8. Ads must be received 12 days prior to the paper hitting the stands.
C L A S S I F I E D A D S M U S T B E P A I D I N A D V A N C E .
Wanted part time drywall bor-der. Must have own transpor ta-tion. Call Ken 250-679-3980
Brand new iPhone 6 with smashed screen and no home but-ton. Doesn’t turn on but is still functional. Comes with USB cord that is ripped but still works. I might be willing to part with the box too if the price is right but I would prefer to keep it. Email: jr
OPEN Fri - Tues 8am - 2pm
Closed Wed & Thurs Christmas, New Years &
Remembrance Day - Closed
Seymour Arm
OPEN Saturday 1pm - 5pm
Closed Statutory Holidays
North Shuswap Library Located at the Centre in Scotch Creek
250-955-8198 Open: Tues Noon - 5,
Wed & Fri 11 - 4, Sat 11 - 4 3867
Squilax- Anglemont Rd.
Sudoku - Easy Sudoku - Medium
8 6 5 9 1 4 2 7 3
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FLANDERS, Charles (Chuck) Franklin October 3, 1935 – January 2, 2016
Chuck was born in Vancouver, the only son of Charles and Myrle Flanders. He lived and worked around the lower main-land until 1991 when he and his wife, Anne, decided to change their lifestyle and moved to the North Shuswap to run a pub and restaurant. As a child he played the violin but later he took up the ban-jo which was a popular instrument at the time. He played the ‘fiddle’ for square dancing, and as a member of “The Canadian Cascaders”, for the CBC “Lets Square Dance”. He was a com-petitor for several years at the ‘teen town square dance’ compe-tition. At the lake, he encouraged local musicians to entertain our visitors each week. This became a very popular evening for the musicians and our guests. Chuck enjoyed public life, working on committees for an-nual events around the Lower Mainland. He supported commit-tees for drug and alcohol abuse, the arts, and hosted, for eight years, a weekly television program, “City Scene”, to promote local activities, interview interesting visitors to Vancouver and many other events including local elections. He designed and built stage sets for the White Rock Theatre and the North Shuswap Players. His workshops were always well attended. He and ‘the voice’ were known to many Shuswap boaters. Every day he gave a weather forecast, the lake conditions and a boating tip. He was a Commodore of the Shuswap Canadian Power Squadron. He organized and supervised classes for the North Shuswap residents to study the safe boating course. For many years he was involved, and later chaired, the Area F Advisory Planning Committee. A celebration of life will be held in the spring.
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$7 up to 25 words; .20 ₵ each add’l word. Display ad $2.50 per 1/4” (pls tx). Drop ads at one of our boxes: Scotch Creek SuperValu, Peoples Drug Mart in Scotch Creek, Sunnyside Supermart in Celista, Ross Creek Country Store in Magna Bay or 7320 Estate Place, Angle-
mont BC, V0E 1M8. Questions call 250-955-0534 March Deadline - February 23 at noon
* must be paid in advance*
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We look forward to satisfying all of your concrete needs!
250-955-0788 Email
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Feb 5/6 - Beef Stroganoff
Feb 12/13 - Chicken Cordon Bleu
Feb 19/20 - Shepherds Pie
Feb 26/27 - Salisbury Steak