Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (2024)

This guide will show you how to get the Nav Computer in the Star Wars Outlaws main mission, The Wreck. Waka needs this final component to fully repair the Trailblazer and let it travel throughout the galaxy once more. The guide also gives you the locations of all treasure chests in the area.

How to get The Wreck Quest

You’ll need to complete the False Flag quest before you can access The Wreck. Waka needs a Nav Computer to fix the hyperdrive on the Trailblazer, but before you can find it you need to upgrade your speeder.

If you haven’t already unlocked “The Mechanic” expert after completing New Tricks, you’ll now be required to do so to proceed. This guide will show you how to unlock the mechanic and how to find the nav computer.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (1)

How to Unlock the Mechanic Expert

As mentioned earlier, you can unlock “The Mechanic” expert after completing the story mission New Tricks. You’ll need to travel to Jaunta’s Hope and go inside Daruda’s Diner.

To complete the second part of the main mission The Wreck, you will need the Speed Boost ability from The Mechanic expert. You will automatically learn this by completing The Mechanic quest. Our walkthrough will help you get through the old station and pick up the

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (2)

The Imperial Comm Station

Once you have your upgraded speeder, return to Waka in Mirogana and talk to him. He’ll tell you that you’ll need to find a Class 11 Power Core at an Imperial station.

You’ll be going to the northwest part of the map in Toshara for this. The power core will be found at the Imperial Comm Station, though this area is heavily fortified.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (3)

The entrance is far too heavily fortified to sneak into directly. There are loads of stormtroopers, snipers, and an AT-ST guarding the entrance.

There are three paths you can take to sneak inside, two to the west and one to the east. The west paths are fast but are more risky, while the path to the right is slower and safer.

In this guide, I will mention the west paths but primarily focus on the east path as it’s the safest one available.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (4)

Imperial Comm Station: West Paths

For the west paths, you’ll want to come in on the west side of the facility. Go through the rock outcrop when the AT-ST turns away when patrolling the area.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (5)

You’ll find two Probe Droids looking around the area. The cone in front of them is their field of view. You can take them out with your Ion blaster and destroy them if you land all three hits from your volley.

This can attract some attention, so if you need to hide you can hide in the ditch until the heat dies off. The Imperials won’t get too concerned with this area after you destroy the Probe Droids.

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West Path Option 1: Advanced Slicing

Once you get past the ditch, keep going forward and look for a small vent on the base’s wall. You’ll be able to unlock this vent if you have unlocked the Slicing Kit. Slice the vent open and you’ll be inside the base.

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You’ll be in a very precarious spot once you’re inside the base. There are two technicians in the area and behind the energy gate are stormtroopers. Hug the right wall and go inside the door, knocking out the technicians if you need to.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (8)

West Path Option 2: Grappling Hook

Once you go past the ditch, make a left and start climbing the rocks. You’ll reach a point where you can find a branch you can grapple onto.

Use the grappling hook to swing from above and onto the walkway in the base below. Watch out for the stormtroopers on the left and go right into the doorway down the stairs.

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Imperial Comm Station: East Path

This path will be far safer than the west paths, but it’ll just be a bit longer to get where you need to go. If you go to the east of the base, you’ll find a cave entrance.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (10)

Go inside the cave entrance and climb some ledges to reach a grapple point. Swing across and jump to a rockface you can climb up where you’ll get a good view of the Imperial Comm Station.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (11)

Use a branch above you to swing onto the walkway in the base. You’ll want to go left and quietly take down any stormtroopers or technicians along the way.

Below you near the energy gate at the entrance is a chest containing upgrade materials. It’s rather difficult to get this one as there are four stormtroopers in the area. It might be something you want to grab on your way out.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (12)

Keep moving on the upper wall until you reach the west side of the base. There are two stationary stormtroopers and one patrolling stormtrooper, take them down.

You can rappel into the building below but it’ll be a bit more risky as you’re a bit more likely to get caught. To play it safe, go down the stairs to the right.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (13)
Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (14)

Infiltrating the Imperial Comm Station

Once inside go through the door at the very end of the wall, and you’ll find two technicians, an officer, and a security camera. Take them all down and disable the camera with the power panel on the wall.

At the very bottom is a large chest that contains upgrade materials. You can also find a vent that leads back to the terminal the officer was at.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (15)

Once the camera is down, go through the door it was monitoring and hide behind cover. There’s a heavy trooper, a technician, and a stormtrooper to your left patrolling in a line.

Have Nix distract the heavy trooper, take out the technician, the heavy trooper, and then the stormtrooper in that order.

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With the Imperials down, you can use the terminal the technician was at to bring down the ray shield. Go up the elevator and take out the Imperials in the room. You’ll find a large chest containing credits and a datapad that tells you the location of the power core.

In the left corner near the window is a terminal you can slice. If you do, you can turn off the defense turrets, the cameras, and learn the code for the Imperial Comm Station’s vault.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (17)

Go down the elevator and use the west door to find the security office. Knock out the technician and have Nix open the door panel. Go inside and pick up the Power Core.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (18)

Backtrack and use the upper walkway to have access to the branch used to get here with the east path. You can leave now or go for the vault right below you.

Take out the Imperials in the area one by one (prioritizing the officer), the area you’ll want to get into is the building that has a stormtrooper and security camera guarding it.

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Lockpick the door and go inside, you’ll find a lot of goodies, syndicate data, a data port that’ll give you credits when sliced, and a large chest.

Inside the chest, you’ll find a Blaster Recirculator and the Outlander Blaster Coating. If you want a few more upgrade materials, you can try getting that chest near the entrance if you haven’t already.

Because this is a frequently used material, we have a guide showing you where to find Blaser Recirculator. This one you found here wil not saticfy you needs for more Blaster upgrades.

If worse comes to worse and you get attacked, you can run out the way you came and rush out on your speeder to safety.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (20)

Reach the Old Shipwreck

Follow your map marker west to find a tunnel pushing out the strong wind. Use your Speed Boost on your speeder to get past the wind and inside the tunnel.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (21)

Travel through the tunnel until you find a door. Place the Power Core on the door panel and shoot the power conduit with your Ion blaster to power the door.

You’ll end up outside and see the wreckage of a High Republic ship. All you need to do now is go inside the wreckage, find the nav computer, and return to the Trailblazer.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (22)

Go towards the ship and climb some rock ledges, When you get to the top of the ledges, look up and hook onto the grapple point then climb up the rope.

Use another nearby grapple point to swing to the grate and go right. When you find a ledge to land on, you can swing on another grapple hook and find a crack to squeeze into the ship.

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Follow the path where you’ll need to jump, climb, and grapple to get deeper into the ship.

Find a way to the Bridge

You’ll get a feel for the ship’s condition when the floor gives way. You’ll find an area you’ll need to grapple and climb along some grates to reach a ledge. This will lead you inside the ship.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (24)

Once inside the ship, go up a ramp and shoot a power conduit with your Ion blaster. This will open a door to let you proceed. Go through the door, jump to the grates, and reach the door at the top.

When you reach the top, shoot the power conduit in the upper corner and the conduit in the broken with your ion blaster. Once the door is open, go inside and make your way to the reactor.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (25)

Look for a grate and climb it. You’ll jump to some metal bars and a suspended platform. The platform’s metal bar you grab onto is striped, keep this in mind as there’ll be more striped bars you’ll need to grab onto later.

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From the platform, jump to a metal bar and move to the left until you reach the suspended platform. Move towards the gap between the platforms and jump across.

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There are three circular platforms you’ll need to jump to. Once you reach the third one, look for the striped bars on the wall nearby. Jump to them and move right to reach the edge leading outside.

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Restore Power to the Reactor

When you make it to the bridge, you’ll find that the power is out. Your only option is to start the reactor in hopes of powering the bridge.

Follow the path forward until you reach the reactor. Rappel down from the grapple point and power up the reactor. A ladder will deploy, climb up, and keep ascending until you find a computer. Use it to activate the reactor.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (29)

When activated, some vents will open up on the reactor. Climb up them and move right, following this path will lead you to a grate you can use to climb to the top.

Be quick when moving across the long vents, they have a shutter that’ll close and open over time. Pull the lever on top of the reactor to restore power to the ship.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (30)

Jump down the ledge that pops out and make your way back to the bridge as seen in the image below.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (31)

The Lift Room

Use the computer to open the bridge, grapple across the gap in the platforms, and follow your marker. You’ll find yourself in a large vertical room with two lifts that lack power.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (32)

There are two power conduits in this room that you’ll need to shoot with the ion blaster to move the lifts. On the first lift, you’ll shoot the conduit once to bring it down, then again to have it go up.

Jump across to the other lift, shoot its conduit, then jump across to the other side of the room when you have enough height.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (33)
Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (34)

Watch out for the heat sinks that pop out. When they retract, run to the grate on the other side of the path, climb up, and then jump onto the heat sinks when they pop out again.

Jump to a grate on the wall then climb up to reach a ledge to your right. Once you’re up the ledge, turn right and you’ll make it to the bridge.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (35)

Getting the Nav Computer

There’s a holoterminal in the center of the bridge with computers on both ends. Use the first one, then the second computer and you’ll be attacked by two Zerek Besh agents.

These agents take a lot of hits to defeat and are immune to your stun shots. Aim for the head or lure them to explosive canisters then shoot those canisters. Once you defeat them, use the first computer again and a cutscene will start.

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Escape the Shipwreck

After the cutscene, you’ll need to escape the ship as it’s falling apart. Follow the path laid out before you and don’t stop for anything until you’re out of the ship.

Once you’re outside, you need to get back to Mirogana and the Trailblazer. You have the option to fast travel when you get out, but it’s more cinematic to get there with your speeder.

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Board the Trailblazer and enter the co*ckpit to end the story quest, The Wreck. With the hyperdrive repaired, you can finally leave Toshara and explore the galaxy.

Our walkthrough series continue with the main quest The Safecracker on Kijimi. Keep up to date withVULKK’s coverage of Star Wars Outlaws! Check in often to see any new articles or guides our team publishes.

Find the Nav Computer: Star Wars Outlaws The Wreck Walkthrough (2024)
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